Meaning of the word goggle. The meaning of the word goggle General discussion of the main conditions of the eye and its inflammation Anatomy of the eye


eyes, goggle, puff, stare, expose, set; - fingers, spread, spread. -sya, resist, stubborn, resist, nay. It's enough for you to stare, let's go!

To reach somewhere or for something, to stare. The turkey stares, jumps. - puppy, action. by vb.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


staring, staring, noticing, that (colloquial fam.). Wide open puff (eyes; advantage from surprise). It stands like a scarecrow and walleye goggles at the water. Chekhov. Konoval listened to me, his eyes widening in fear. Maksim Gorky.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.


Schu, -shish; nesov:. goggle at someone (simple. disapproving) - look with wide eyes (in surprise, fright). T. eyes on a stranger.

owls. goggle, -shchu, -shish; - puppy.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


nesov. transition unfold open wide; puff (eyes).

Examples of the use of the word goggle in the literature.

Chell didn't seem to hear anything: the old breith continued goggle eyes on Vicari, muttering something under his breath.

When Alak left the ship, there were already people standing around the flitter, staring eyes, several peasants and townspeople.

As for Ben-Zuf, he goggled eyes on the scientist, as if he were a magician from a booth in Montmartre.

Now he was standing at the window, and even from a distance it was clear that he goggles whites of the eyes and, as it were, eager to jump out the window.

In addition to these strange personalities, foreigners also visited Vincent, under whom Tolik strained with all his might, trying not to goggle admiring eyes on their brand new jeans and snow-white sneakers.

In a nearby aquarium goggled the eyes are huge - about ten inches - a fiery golden veil tail, a gift from the Japanese attache, delivered from Tokyo by a complex air and sea route - through Singapore and Ankara.

Lomov goggled eyes, Galin carefully took the crystals, examined them from all sides, returned them to their place.

Farmer Creek and his wife, the milkers Tess, Marian, Ratty Priddle, Izz Huet, and the visiting married workers, and Mr. Claire, Jonathan, Cale, old Deborah, and all the rest, stood helplessly contemplating the churn, and the boy who drove the horse in the yard, goggled eyes, showing that he evaluates the situation.

Zvenigora and Kvochka are silent, but Pan Spychalsky, staring from the strain of his eyes, he manages to play a joke on the caricature workers.

Blinking senselessly and staring drunken eyes, Jaime Crean stared first at Tuf, and then looked bewilderedly at the remnants of the broken bottle in his bloodied fist.

I don’t do hack work, ”Martyn repeated sternly, staring Nagaev has clear blue eyes.

A worm looked at us through the front fairing, but did not try to squeeze it out, but only goggled eyes and blinked.

Stepping out of the shadows into the bright neon light, they goggled cellular selenium eyes, as if glued together from pieces of the moon, taken from the sky on a full moon.

Konovalov listened to me, frightened staring eyes, and smacked his lips sympathetically.

Verka goggled eyes and ojkal - probably, Sur explained something to him while I was gone.

  • - container / shu, -shish, ...

    Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

  • - eyes, goggle, puff, stare, expose, set; - fingers, spread, spread. -sya, resist, stubborn, resist, nay. It's enough for you to stare, let's go! | To reach somewhere or for something, to stare ...

    Dictionary Dalia

  • - GAVE, -shu, -shish; incongruity: to goggle at someone to look with wide eyes. T. eyes on a stranger. | sovereign goggle, -shchu, -shish; - puppy...

    Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

  • - GAVE, goggle, goggle, inaccurate, what. To open wide, puff. “It stands like a scarecrow and eyesores goggle at the water.” Chekhov. “Konoval listened to me, his eyes widening in fear.” Maksim Gorky...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

  • - goggle the noses. transition unfold Open wide...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

  • - tar "...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - goggle you. Until now, it has not received a convincing etymology. Comparisons with rush "to bother", Pol. troska "care", troszczyć się "take care" or from Polish...

    Vasmer's etymological dictionary

  • - From gray eye, from a brown eye, from blue eye, from the black eye...
  • - See LOVE -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Narodn. Unapproved About a two-faced person. DP, 662; Jig. 1969, 207...
  • - Gorky. Unapproved About a two-faced person. BalSok, 25...

    Big dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - Narodn. Unapproved About a two-faced person. Jig. 1969, 307...

    Big dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - Arch., Volg., Sib. There is a need for increased supervision of smth., vigilance, attention to smth. AOC 9, 82-83; Glukhov 1988, 22; SPS, 54; FSS, 42...

    Big dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - for whom, for what. Prost. Unapproved To stare at someone or something; look at someone. point blank. FSRYA, 373; BMS 1998, 114; Mokienko 1990, 74; SPP 2001, 25...

    Big dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - Ch. carry...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - See watch...

    Synonym dictionary

"goggle" in books

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CHAPTER VIII Eyes of Flesh, Eyes of Flame "How," it will be asked, "when the sun rises, do you not see a round disk of fire, something like a Guinea?" Oh no, no, I see Countless hosts of Heavenly angels crying, "Holy, holy are the Lord God Almighty." William Blake What

Face to face, eye to eye

From the book Who took the Reichstag. Heroes by default... author Yamskoy Nikolai Petrovich

Face to face, eye to eye Shatilov, of course, was puzzled by such a turn of affairs. But he was not going to deviate from his version. Being the first to the podium, he boldly outlined the main thing in his speech: the assault on the German parliament building on the afternoon of 04/30/45 was successful, and at 14:25

From the book Burns of the Heart author Paderin Ivan Grigorievich

EYES, EYES... (Continuation of the first chapter) The operation lasted more than an hour. Sparing… In fact, the operating table reminded me of a home couch with a soft headrest - lie down, drive away fatigue from yourself, just don't fall asleep. And surgical instruments did not seem to touch

EYES, EYES… (Continuation of the first chapter)

From the book Burns of the Heart author Paderin Ivan Grigorievich

EYES, EYES... (Continuation of the first chapter) Even now I shudder, remembering the syringe needle in front of my eyes. After a series of injections, the duality of objects disappeared. Instead of ten fingers on one hand, I began to see five again. Another concern was the reduction in the field of view. Reason -

EYES, EYES… (Continuation of the first chapter)

From the book Burns of the Heart author Paderin Ivan Grigorievich

EYES, EYES... (Continuation of the first chapter) ... A year has passed. And suddenly a telegram from the trap shooting club in Balashikha - right next to it, near Moscow: "Sergeev ... Telegraph the agreement to leave the Azov floodplains." It was my hunter friends who reminded me of themselves. I replied: “Not

EYES, EYES… (Continuation of the first chapter)

From the book Burns of the Heart author Paderin Ivan Grigorievich

EYES, EYES... (Continuation of the first chapter) - Is it possible to believe that an artificial lens is more transparent than a natural one? - Yes... Constructing a person, nature did not have such perfect materials as our science has today. After all, transparency

EYES, EYES... (End of the first chapter)

From the book Burns of the Heart author Paderin Ivan Grigorievich

EYES, EYES... (End of the first chapter) The sky above the city looked like a torn shirt with bloody smudges, and the city itself, sprawled along the Volga for tens of kilometers, spewing red cosmos of flame. The explosion of high-explosive bombs brought here by the Junkers armada and

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Make eye contact “Look into your eyes when you are being spoken to!” This requirement of parents is not devoid of common sense. A “well-bred” child always looks at his interlocutor. The pupil, that little circle in the middle of the eye, lets light through to the retina.

Eyes open or eyes closed?

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Eyes open or eyes closed? I am often asked if I should meditate with eyes closed. Ninety times out of a hundred, meditators with their eyes closed fall asleep while meditating. They meditate for five minutes and then spend fifteen minutes in the dream world. AT

Chapter 3 Blue eyes, brown eyes

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Chapter 3 Blue eyes, Brown eyes Early in the morning in bitter cold, I wait for Dustin, an American friend who, being a stranger in his homeland, has been enjoying his self-imposed European exile for ten years. Better in German, he agreed

General discussion of the main conditions of the eye and its inflammation Anatomy of the eye

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General Discourse on the Basic Conditions of the Eye and Its Inflammation Anatomy of the Eye We say that the visual force and matter of the optic pneuma enters the eye along the path of both hollow nerves, which you have already become acquainted with in anatomy. As the nerves and sheaths that are with them

Exercise 2

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Exercise 2. Practicing eye-to-eye gaze It is advisable to do this exercise in the morning, when the brain is still not loaded with anything. Sit in a chair half a meter from the mirror. Draw a spot the size of a penny or some other mark on the bridge of your nose with paint or lip balm.

The eyes are empty and the eyes are magical

From the book Who are you to him? author Vigdorova Frida Abramovna

Empty eyes and magical eyes Coming out to the station square in Serpukhov, I looked around for a bus to Tarusa. There she is, queue. A lot of people gathered, apparently, the bus had not been for a long time. I took a ticket at the box office and settled down last. People were not standing in a chain, not one at a time, as

"Eyes to eyes - I remember the face"

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“Eyes to eyes - I remember the face” “Eyes to the eyes - I remember the face” LITERAL ASSOCIATIONS OF THE MOSCOW REGION SELYATINO village Selyatino is an urban-type settlement in the Naro-Fominsk district. But it so happened historically that in its small population there are many educated people, and

5. Hypocrite! first take the log out of your eye, and then you will see how to take the speck out of your brother's eye.

From the book Explanatory Bible. Volume 9 author Lopukhin Alexander

5. Hypocrite! first take the log out of your eye, and then you will see how to take the speck out of your brother's eye. (Luke 6:42). First of all, the word "hypocrite" draws attention to itself. It gives some interpreters reason to suppose that the Savior here returns to His former speech.

Goggle to whom, to what. Prost. Express. To stare hard at someone or something. - Why are you staring at me, cursed witch? - shouted at her husband, catching her mysterious look(Saltykov-Shchedrin. Poshekhonskaya antiquity).

Phraseological dictionary of Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008 .

See what "Goggle" is in other dictionaries:

    goggle- See watch... Synonym dictionary

    Stare (puff, goggle) eyes- for whom, for what. Prost. Unapproved Stare at someone, intensely, at what, look at someone. point blank. FSRYA, 373; BMS 1998, 114; Mokienko 1990, 74; SPP 2001, 25 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    GAVE- GAVE, shu, schish; inconsistency: goggle at someone (what) (simple neod.) look with wide eyes (in surprise, fright). T. eyes on a stranger. | sovereign goggle, shu, schish; puppy. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    GAVE- eyes, goggle, puff, stare, expose, set; fingers, spread, spread. to resist, to resist, to resist, to oppose. It's enough for you to stare, let's go! | To reach somewhere or for something, to stare. The turkey stares, jumps. puppy, ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    goggle- goggle (eyes). Until now, it has not received a convincing etymology. Comparisons with rushing to bother, Polish. troska care, troszczyc się take care (Torbjornsson 2, 86) or from Pol. wytrzeszczyc oszu goggle, Czech. vytreštiti oči … Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Max Fasmer

    GAVE- GAVE, goggle, goggle, inconsistency, that (colloquial fam.). Wide open, puffy (eyes; predominately from surprise). “It stands like a scarecrow and eyesores goggle at the water.” Chekhov. “Konoval listened to me, his eyes widening in fear.” Maksim Gorky. Dictionary… … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    goggle- Ch. nesov. bulge bulge bulge roll out bulge bulge wide open eyes) Dictionary of Russian synonyms. Context 5.0 Informatics. 2012 ... Synonym dictionary

    goggle- shu, shu; nsv. what. Razg. Open wide (eyes). T. eyes from surprise, from fear. The child wants to sleep, but his eyes goggle. T. eyes on whom, what l. (disapproving; carefully, intently look at someone, l.) ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    goggle- shu, shu; nsv. what razg. Widely open (eyes) Tara / shield eyes from surprise, from fear. The child wants to sleep, but his eyes goggle. Tara / shield eyes on someone, l. (disapproving; carefully, intently look at someone, l.) ... Dictionary of many expressions

    goggle- carry. transition unfold Open wide (eyes). Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova


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Goggle Neglect Stare at someone with wide eyes (in amazement, fear, anger, etc.). I could not drown him out with my own words, and, wide-eyed, I was forced to listen to his lies.(Krylov. Mail of spirits). Ivan Petrovich amazed Pyotr Andreevich to such an extent that his eyes went wide and he was speechless for a moment.(Turgenev. Noble Nest).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008 .

See what "Goggle" is in other dictionaries:

    goggle- stare (Arab squirrels, walleye), look, be surprised, make round eyes, spread your arms, make big eyes, come in amazement, throw up your hands, marvel, be amazed, be amazed, be surprised, look, raise your eyebrows, wonder, not ... Synonym dictionary

    eyes popped out- breathtaking, not believing your eyes, gasping, not believing your ears, amazed, surprised, not believing your eyes, not believing your ears, the spirit was busy, dumbfounded, gaping, gasping with surprise, dumbfounded, goggle-eyed, stupefied Dictionary of Russians ... Synonym dictionary

    Obsolete Unapproved Same as Goggle. Why are you staring your Arab squirrels? Or does it all seem strange to you; don't you know that long sadness is not in human nature, especially female (Pushkin. Arap of Peter the Great) ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

    goggle Arab squirrels, goggle walleye, eyes- Cm … Synonym dictionary

    STARE- GARING, I will stare, I will stare, my brother. (to stare) that (colloquial fam.). Open wide, bulge (eyes; predominately from surprise). Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    stare- shu, shu; St. what (to whom what). Razg. Open wide from surprise, fear, surprise, etc. (eyes). What goggled eyes? V. eyes on a stranger. ◁ Stare, ayu, aesh; nsv ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    stare- shu, shu; St. see also stare what (at whom what) colloquial. Open wide from surprise, fear, surprise, etc. (eyes) What goggled eyes? You/goggle at a stranger... Dictionary of many expressions