Grey-brown eyes at 3 months. When does eye color change in newborns? Diseases that affect eye color

Many parents are interested in when and why eye color changes in newborns. Even if in the first days and months after birth, the baby's iris pleased with a bright blue or dark purple hue, over time it begins to acquire a more traditional brown, green or gray color. No less questions are raised by the process of formation this indicator at the genetic level.

Specialists even compiled a table, thanks to which it is possible to establish the probability of what the baby's eye color will be, given the data of his parents. Despite the success of scientists in this field, you need to understand that in fact, no geneticist will say with 100% certainty what color the eyes of a newborn will be.

What eye color are babies born with and why?

Most children are born with blue, blue or purple eyes of all sorts of shades. This development of events is typical for 90% of cases. It is extremely rare to observe a dark eye color in a child, even if it is present in both of his parents. So amazing phenomenon explained quite simply. The special pigment melanin is responsible for the formation of color. But it can be produced only under the influence of light, which is not in the mother's womb.

When a baby is born and begins to open its eyes, the process of producing melanocytes starts. The number of these cells is due to the genetic predisposition of children. It is against this background that the color of the eyes of babies changes, acquiring one or another color of a certain degree of severity.

Tip: Only nature decides what eye color to endow a child with. Do not believe in various folk methods, counting the days of ovulation and signs that claim that there is a way to activate the desired gene. It will also not be possible to preserve a clear blue or purple color with the help of special manipulations - there is no need to torture the baby in dubious ways.

It happens that the color of a child's eyes eventually takes on an unusual look - the irises of the organs of vision differ in shade or are completely different. This phenomenon is usually considered very interesting feature. It is not treated, provided that, apart from the difference in eye color, no pathological changes in the tissue are observed. But such children are subject to regular examination by an ophthalmologist for the absence of specific disorders.

The influence of heredity on the shade of the baby's eyes

Regardless of what the color of the eyes of a newborn is initially, it will definitely change over time. Despite the fact that brown is the dominant shade, and green is the least common, no possibility can be ruled out. Leading shades can also be very different. In some cases, three colors are present in the baby's eyes at once.

The color inheritance probability table looks like this:

parent eye colorProbability of brown eyesProbability of green eyesProbability of gray (blue) eyes
Brown + brown75% Almost 19%About 6%
Brown + green50% 37,5% 12,5%
Brown + gray50% - 50%
Green+greenLess than 1%75% 25%
Green + gray0% 50% 50%
Gray + gray0% 1% 99%

It is noteworthy that even during the period when the eyes of children are blue, their shade can vary greatly depending on the influence of a number of factors:

  • If the color of the eyes changes to a steely tint and looks like a thundercloud, this may indicate that the baby is tormented by hunger.
  • When children's eyes are cloudy, most likely they want to sleep.
  • The tint of the eyes will be greenish down to the color of wet grass when the baby cries.
  • In cases where children are calm, happy and do not need anything, their eyes become a clear blue color.

In addition, the color of the eyes in newborns often changes under the influence of such external factors like intensity of light or sun, temperature and humidity levels.

When and how do babies change eye color?

It is impossible to say unequivocally when parents need to prepare for a change in eye color in their child, everything is very individual here. A swarthy peanut in brown-eyed parents can please with a constant shade already at the age of 2 months. However, he will not necessarily be brown. But still, most often, this process in infants begins at about 6-8 months and drags on for 3-5 years. Often there is a later change in color. In addition, many cases have been recorded when in adults the color of the eyes changes depending on the lighting and mood.

For the peace of mind of parents, pediatricians cite the following facts:

  1. The process of changing the shade of the iris can occur both quickly and slowly, there is no need to panic, even if the twins have it at different times.
  2. In some children, the eye color changes several times until it settles. Moreover, the shades can be very different, light and dark.
  3. The most informative are the eyes of those babies who are initially born with a light blue iris. They are able to change their color several times a day.

With all this, it must be remembered that the likelihood of a change in eye tone and its saturation in newborns or older children may also be due to pathological factors. In cases where the iris is colored unevenly, takes on a bizarre appearance, or the condition is accompanied by changes in the behavior of the baby, at this point it is necessary to pay attention to the local pediatrician.

Parents who are waiting for their baby to change eye color may be interested in the following information:

  • The initial and final shades even depend on the country and region in which the baby was born. The less sun, the lighter the final color will be.
  • Green eyes are found in only 2% of people on the entire planet. Given the fact that this gene is rather weak, and this number is gradually but steadily decreasing.
  • Among the Russian population, people with gray and blue eyes are most often found, with brown eyes accounting for no more than 30%. Among Belarusians and Ukrainians, brown-eyed people are already found in 50% of cases. Hispanics and Hispanics with brown eyes account for up to 80% of the population.
  • With physiological (or pathological) jaundice, the sclera of the eyes acquire a yellowish tint, due to which it is impossible to accurately determine the original color of the child's eyes. Only after the condition returns to normal, it will become clear what kind of irises the baby has.

It happens that in the body of a newborn there is no melanin pigment. In this case, his eyes acquire a specific red tint. This condition is called albinism. It does not go away with time and is not treatable.

When a child is born, relatives and relatives ask one question: who does the new family member look like. Special attention attracts the mirror of the soul - the eyes. In most fair-skinned newborns, they are blue, and in yellow-skinned or black infants, they may be brown. Later, the child's eyes will change color.

It is laid in the womb as early as the 10th week of pregnancy. The pigmentation of the iris depends on the amount of melanin. The less it contains, the brighter the eyes of a person. Melanin in the human body serves as protection against ultraviolet rays. It begins to accumulate only after birth.

Most newborns are born with almost the same eye color - blue with a cloudy shell. This is due to the lack of melanin. After a few days, the eyes become clearer. By the month of life, the cloudy color will change. Sometimes this process is delayed.

When forming the iris of the child, dark colors dominate. If one of the parents has light eyes, and the second has brown, then in 90% of cases the child will inherit Brown eyes. That is why dark-eyed people predominate on the globe. Brown is the most common color, followed by blue (light blue).

Least of all green-eyed people on the planet. The green gene is considered the weakest and is easily reborn. A green-eyed baby can only be born if both parents have the same eye color.

Another feature of a newborn baby is the change in the color of the iris during the day. This is especially noticeable in light-eyed babies. During hunger, crying and after sleep, the iris has a dark blue color. And before going to bed and during wakefulness, it is much lighter. This change is typical for children under the age of 6 months.

When does a newborn's eye color change?

Since the accumulation of melanin occurs gradually, the color of the child's eyes also does not change immediately. Up to 6 months of life, the color of the iris does not change radically. in the life of the child, its main color begins to appear. And by the year you can already guess what the color of the eyes will be. The final accumulation of melanin will occur by the 2nd year of life. Sometimes it continues to change up to 3-5 years.

A child born with blue eyes can become brown-eyed by the age of one. In general, if a child has initially light eyes, then they can change several times before their final color. If initially the eyes are brown or black, then most likely they will remain so, only the brightness of the color can change. Moreover, they can only become darker, the iris never becomes lighter.

Sometimes, due to a malfunction in the production of melanin, the eyes may have different colour. One is lighter, the other is darker. Or one green and the other brown. This phenomenon is called heterochromia. The iris of one eye may also be unevenly colored. There is no serious problem in this, it all depends on the individual production of melanin.

Most likely, over time, the color of the irises will even out. In isolated cases, a different eye color remains for life. Among the people, such people are called happy, and there is also an opinion that they are unable to jinx it. If melanin is completely absent in the iris, then the eyes have. This phenomenon is typical for albinos.

How to determine the color of a child's eyes

Most parents even during pregnancy represent the appearance of their baby. Often they are tormented by the question of whether it is possible to determine in advance the color of the eyes that the child will have. Happy owners of newborns are no less interested in this issue and are looking forward to the final formation of the iris.

In fact, it is impossible to determine with accuracy what the color will be, since various factors and even the genes of grandparents can affect it. But there is data that can be used to determine a greater likelihood of obtaining a certain eye color based on the color of the eyes of the parents.

If both parents have green eyes, then the child:

  • 1% chance of brown eyes
  • 25% chance of blue
  • 74% green

If one parent has green eyes and the other has blue eyes, then:

  • 50% chance of blue eyes
  • 50% chance of green

If one of the parents has green eyes, and the second has brown, then:

  • 50% chance of brown eyes
  • 37% chance of green eyes
  • 13% chance of blue eyes

If both parents have blue eyes, then:

  • 99% chance of blue eyes
  • 1% green

If the eyes are blue, and the second has brown, then:

  • 50% chance of blue eyes
  • 50% chance of brown eyes

If both parents have brown eyes, then:

  • 75% chance of brown eyes
  • 18% chance of green eyes
  • 6% blue

Now there are special programs for determining the color of a child's eyes. They work online. To get the result, you need to enter the color of the eyes of the child's parents, grandparents. Programs may differ slightly from each other, but they all work on the same principle - calculating the probability in ways similar to the above.

It is also worth noting that the iris consists of two layers. The color of the anterior appears after birth, and the color of the posterior is laid in utero. Therefore, at birth, blue and gray colors can be given by closely spaced vessels. And if they are located at a normal distance, then the color of the eyes of the newborn will be darker, blue.

Eye color and character of the child

Eye color is often compared with a person's character. What can the iris of a little man tell about?

  1. Green eyes. Children with this eye color are very demanding, stubborn and persistent. And not only to others, but also to ourselves. With age, these qualities form a person who clearly knows what and why he needs. Sometimes green-eyed people are self-critical.
  2. Blue eyes. Children with this eye color are most often prone to sentimentality and pragmatism. But they have an unbridled imagination and love to dream. They do not like to be capricious and often have a calm disposition.
  3. Blue eyes. Blue-eyed children are very. They can be easily offended and brought to tears. They take disappointment to heart and endure for a long time.
  4. Brown eyes. Such children have a very cheerful disposition, high activity and frequent mood swings. They are characterized by diligence and diligence. Sometimes they can be quick-tempered, sometimes shy.
  5. Grey eyes. Gray-eyed children are calm and balanced. They think about their every action and slowly carry out orders.

Most parents dream that the color of the child's eyes remains the same blue-blue as at birth. But in most cases, it changes and becomes similar to the color of the parents or grandparents.

What will tell about the newborn eye color, see the video:

  • Features of the development of a newborn child by weeks, stages ...

Almost all mothers are surprised that their long-awaited baby was born with one eye color, and after a while he darkened, brightened or even changed shade. Is this the norm? Doctors say yes!

There are several features of eye formation in newborns:

  1. After the birth of the baby, the process of melanin production begins. Initially, it is at the minimum level. By six months, it reaches the desired value;
  2. In almost 90 percent of cases, the eyes become lighter to the shade laid down at the genetic level.. In dark-eyed children, in a rare case, any changes occur;
  3. Many babies experience jaundice in the first month of life.. Eye color may acquire a shade characteristic of this disease. Positive result will be if the yellowness disappears in two weeks. In the absence of such a symptom, you should immediately contact a specialist;
  4. Initially, all children good vision they do not have nearsightedness or farsightedness. But, they have scattered focus. They can focus on any one subject no earlier than one month after birth;
  5. Childbirth is a big stress for the baby. Against this background, in the region eyeball they may have red streaks. Do not be afraid of such a phenomenon, the symptom will pass on its own in two to three days.

Every third child has a narrow tear duct. This will be indicated by a small accumulation of pus on the cilia.

What determines eye color?

Often, pregnant women imagine how they carry their future son or daughter in their arms, gently hug and kiss their beloved heirs. Many wondered what the crumbs will have eye color.

This feature depends on three factors:

In any medical practice there is a place for exceptions. For example, a newborn baby may inherit this genetic feature not from their parents, but from their grandparents. This phenomenon is extremely rare, but still, experts do not deny such a feature.

Why do we need melanin?

All living organisms on the planet actively produce melanin. This term refers to a pigment that can develop under the action of ultraviolet rays.

When a baby is in the womb, its content is negligible. When a baby is born, this value begins to actively progress. In total, several appointments of the pigment can be distinguished.

Protection of tissues from radiation damage

It is used in medicine to treat cancer, restore liver function and to eliminate fatigue syndrome.

Protection against premature value

Melanin is a unique substance. It can be independently synthesized in the human body in the form of a pigment, and it is also obtained artificially for various medical purposes. It is produced by each person in various quantities, regardless of race, age and gender.

Features of eye color and vision in newborns

At about 9 months, the baby is actively developing in the womb. The conditions in this area are as comfortable as possible for its full development: there is no noise and light exposure.

Birth is an important period of adaptation. In the first stages of life, the baby has cloudy eyes. The baby reacts to bright light, but at the same time does not hold his gaze on individual objects. Such a postpartum symptom occurs in all newborn babies and disappears only by the first month of life.

Later, the organs of vision progress in the following sequence:

  1. The kid focuses his vision on objects and follows their movement;
  2. The synchronization process starts. The brain stores incoming information. The child begins to recognize objects that he saw earlier;
  3. The child learns to compare objects with sound, movement and smell.

It is impossible to determine the period for which the color of the eyes is completely established. For each child, this process occurs individually. The level of melanin can increase at different rates.

What eye color will the child have?

What eye color will appear in the child? Even highly qualified scientists cannot give an exact answer to such a question.

Methods that allow more likely to calculate this feature:

  • People with brown eyes have higher levels of melanin. They are dominant. If one parent has dark eyes and the other has light eyes, then there is a high probability that the child will be dark-eyed;
  • Almost all children inherit genetics from their parents.. In isolated cases from previous generations;
  • Scientists have identified a pattern that is difficult to attach to official information at this stage. The warmer the climate in the region where the crumbs live, the darker his eyes will be. This is due to the fact that a high content of melanin is required to protect the connective tissues, and eye color also depends on this pigment.

There were cases of the birth of children, unlike parents, grandparents. Certain similarities could be found with relatives located two or three stages higher in the family tree.

Scientists claim that there is no way to accurately determine the expected eye color of an unborn baby. There is some probability to calculate the estimated shade.

Table of inheritance of eye color in newborns

When does eye color change?

The process of changing eye color is divided into several main stages:

  1. In the first days of life, there is a syndrome of postpartum cloudy eyes.. The pupils are covered with a protective film. After 2-3 weeks, this symptom disappears. The parent already sees distinct pupils;
  2. The next three months of life is the formation of eye color in the baby. During this time, a certain iris appears;
  3. Further, melanin will continue to accumulate under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.. Because of this, from 8 to 12 months of life, eye color can change dramatically;
  4. By one year, the baby acquires the final shade, which will persist throughout his later life. You should carefully look into the eyes of the baby. Perhaps they will contain small specks. They are a sign that the color will continue to change.

All these figures are provisional. There are children in whom all of the above processes occur at a slow or accelerated pace.


Unfortunately, heterochromia is not uncommon. AT medical institution several thousand people a year deal with this problem. Many children have different eye colors.

There are two stages of development:

  • Primary. Focused in the eyeball different level melanin. This is congenital pathology. Perhaps there is a place for a hereditary factor. If someone in the family suffered from heterochromia, then the risk of acquiring her baby is high;
  • Acquired. The child developed fully. After seriously ill, injury or application of drops, the color of one eye changes. This is due to a violation of the production of this pigment.

The most common defect is complex heterochromia. With it, the color of the eye completely changes. In rare cases, a partial symptom is recognized - the staining changes in separate sectors. One eye can also have several shades at the same time in the form of small circles.

If such a symptom is found, it is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist. It is quite difficult to eliminate such a violation, but there is a great chance to do it when timely treatment. It is worth noting that this disease means only a visual defect. It does not affect the functioning of the eyes.

Video: Why do people have different colored eyes?

An American scientist studied the psychology of people with a certain eye color for several years.

He created his own statistics, on the basis of which several interesting facts are distinguished:

  • Almost all blue-eyed people connect their lives with the study of exact science.. They have an excellent analytical mind. Brown-eyed people are weak-minded. Many of them associate life with creative activity;
  • If you show an object to a person with dark eyes, he will begin to actively study its color.. Light-eyed society will first of all pay attention to its form;
  • People with blue eyes are hard to convince. They have everything personal opinion. Most dark-eyed individuals adhere to generally accepted standards;
  • Taste is different in choosing clothes. Brown-eyed people have a wardrobe full of bright things. Blue-eyed people prefer cold shades;
  • Individuals with bright eyes carefully plan their every step.. They don't trust anyone. Societies with dark eyes welcome frivolous behavior. It is easy for them to let a person into their personal space.

Several centuries ago, people with different eye colors were burned at the stake. It was believed that they are carriers of negative energy. Now, on the contrary, they are considered unique individuals who can be proud that nature has awarded them such a feature.

Let's summarize

It is worth making a few brief conclusions about the structural features of the eyes:

The eyes are the mirror of the human soul. According to them, people determine a lot: whether his words are sincere, whether he likes his interlocutor, whether his mood is good or bad. Does their color matter? Psychologists say yes. This feature directly affects the life of its owners. For the people themselves, this factor does not matter.

With the birth of a child, many are wondering who the baby looks like. Everyone peers at the baby's facial features, trying to catch a resemblance to someone in him. Most new parents do not know when a newborn changes and what it is connected with. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the child does not look quite the way that many imagined before. Some time must pass for the baby to get used to the environment and begin to look familiar.

The device of the organs of vision

A newborn baby may have a head irregular shape, elongated body and convex tummy. It happens that in babies and fluid is released from it. Similar processes are quite normal for both girls and boys. But after a few days after birth, everything returns to normal. Even the nose can be a little upturned at first, and after a while it acquires its own permanent form. But most people are interested in the question of when the color of the eyes of a newborn changes. Why is this happening? The structure and structure of the organs of vision of a newborn, as in adults. This is a kind of camera, which includes They serve as conductors of information to those parts of the human brain that perceive and analyze what he sees. The eye itself is divided into "lens" (this is the cornea and lens) and "photographic film" (this is the retina). Although babies have the same organs of vision as adults, they still do not see very well at first.

As the child grows, so does his process of perception. In a one-year-old baby, it reaches half the norm of an adult. In the first week of life, the child should only react to light. On the second - fix your gaze on some object for several seconds. In the second month, such a reaction should be more persistent. At six months, the baby is already able to distinguish between simple shapes, and at the age of one, he can recognize certain patterns.

When does a newborn's eye color change?

Eye color in newborns changes at different times. This process is directly related to the production of melanin. This is the pigment of the organs of vision. If you look closely at the color of the eyes of newborns, it can be noted that most of them are blue. And only by two or three years they acquire their final color. This is the time when melanin appears. It is for this reason that light eyes can turn into green, gray and even brown. The darker the color turns out, the more this pigment has accumulated. This process is directly related to heredity.

Studies prove that there are much more brown-eyed people on Earth than light-eyed people. This is due to the genetic dominance of traits. Therefore, if one of the parents is brown-eyed, then when the color of the eyes of a newborn changes, he is most often brown.

Features of light-eyed people

People who have light eyes are prone to frequent color changes. This may depend on the brightness of the lighting, clothing and their surroundings. Even a stressful situation or illness can affect their color. Now we know when the color of the eyes of a newborn changes. For some, this moment is very important, but for someone it does not play any role. In fact, the main thing is that the baby grows up healthy!

The color of a person's eyes is laid down in the womb at the tenth - eleventh weeks of pregnancy. But at birth, the color of the iris often differs from that which will accompany the child in the future. Information about the color of hair, skin and eyes is genetically embedded, but it is impossible to determine with high accuracy what the eyes of a newly born child will be.

What color are the eyes of newborns

The visible color of the cornea is primarily determined by the content of melanin in it. It is a coloring pigment skin and people's hair dark color. That is why Caucasian children are often born with blue, grey, green or blue eyes. These shades are obtained with a small amount of pigment. Over time, the color may change or remain the same as at birth.

Eyes can change shade only in the direction of darkening. A brown or black iris from birth is more likely to retain its original color in the future.

The iris plays a big role for the visual apparatus, but its color does not affect vision.

The eyes of newborns can be of the following shades:

  • Blue. The most common among children of Europeans. This color occurs when melanin is practically absent. They tend to change several times during the first year of life, and sometimes later. In albinos, most often the blue tint persists throughout life.
  • Blue. A more saturated color compared to blue is less common. Determined by the property of reflecting blue light rays. Most often, such eyes are found in residents of the northern regions.
  • Brown. From a scientific point of view, brown-eyedness is a dominant trait. Therefore, this color is more common among many peoples of the world.
  • Black. In a newborn child, they are quite rare. This color of the iris is characteristic of Negroids and Mongoloids. At the same time, the structure of the shell of the eye is almost no different from the owners of brown shades.
  • Green. Saturated color- a rarity. Green shades are due to the presence of an additional pigment - lipofuscin. Most often, the eyes are not pure green, but olive, marsh, brown green color. The eyes of a child may darken over time, acquiring a more brown tint. But the presence of lipofuscin from birth most likely indicates that it will not disappear with age.
  • Grey. This is the closest shade to blue. This coloring is obtained if a small amount of melanin and other pigment substances are present.
  • Dark grey. Compared to grays, they suggest a greater amount of melanin. In adults, they are quite common, and in infants they are rare. The eyes may change color towards brown or remain unchanged.
  • Yellow. They are very rare. Usually this shade is called amber. More often you can see a yellow-brown color. A similar color is obtained by combining melanin with lipofuscin (green pigment).
  • Red. The color speaks total absence melanin in the human body. Found in albinos. The red hue is given by the capillaries that appear through the transparent shell of the eye.

Enough a rare event- heterochromia. This concept is used in cases where the eyes have a different color or one cornea is colored in patches of different colors.

Photo gallery: what is the color of the eyes in young children

Blue eyes are most common in European newborns.
Blue eyes appear deeper and more thoughtful
Brown eyes form early, often becoming permanent by one year of age.
Black eye color is found mainly in dark-skinned peoples.
Saturated green eyes are rare.
Gray may remain in infancy or change to brown later.
Heterochromia in newborns is rare, with age the eyes can become the same

How to determine the color of the eyes of a newborn

It is impossible to know exactly how the shade of the cornea will change, and whether it will change at all. The color is formed taking into account genetic characteristics, while the baby has a high probability of getting colors, like one of the parents or another relative from previous generations.

The chance of becoming the owner of eyes of a certain color depends to a large extent on hereditary predisposition.

Table: how to determine the color of the eyes of a child

The table is very conditional, since the following factors also affect the color of the iris:

  1. Pure color is rare, more often shades are mixed with each other. Gray, blue, olive, amber - all this is a mixture of primary colors among themselves.
  2. Influence is exerted not only by parental genes, but also by the genes of other relatives. And although this dependence is small, there is a small possibility of getting eye color from a great-grandmother or great-grandfather.
  3. The probability in the table is calculated according to the laws of genetics and is indicated on the basis of ideal parameters without taking into account climatic conditions and other factors.

Video: the percentage of probability of the color of the eyes of the unborn baby, depending on the color of the eyes of the parents

When does eye color appear in newborns?

The formation of a certain eye color can be divided into the following stages:

  1. In the first weeks of life, the iris of the child is cloudy, and it can be difficult to understand what color it is.
  2. By three months, the baby is just beginning to distinguish objects, the color becomes more saturated.
  3. After six months, melanin begins to be intensively produced. The iris gradually darkens or does not change if there is already enough pigment.
  4. The final formation of eye color occurs by two to four years. But it is not uncommon for the last changes to occur as early as 10-12 years old.

Eye color is not always inherited from parents.

During the first years of life, the color of the iris may change several times. It is impossible to say exactly when the last change will take place. This factor depends on the individual characteristics of each person.

Among other things, the eyes of babies can change depending on the mood and environment. Some misconceptions about coloration may arise if these changes are misinterpreted.

Table: how the color of the eyes of a child changes depending on emotions

Most often, eye diseases do not affect the color of the iris. Heterochromia can cause some concern, but this pathology is more often individual feature rather than a sign of illness.

People with heterochromia (complete or partial) need to be examined by an ophthalmologist more often than others in order to constantly monitor the condition of the iris.

Much attention should be paid to the color of the proteins of the eyeballs, which a priori should be white. If the color is different, this may indicate some changes and disorders associated not only with the eyes, but also with internal organs person.

Baby has red eyes

Red squirrels in a baby can indicate the following disorders:

  • Mechanical damage. If foreign objects enter the eye, including hair and eyelashes, temporary redness may occur. In this case, it is worth watching the child: if the redness does not go away within a few hours, you should consult a doctor.
  • Allergy. If the redness of the proteins is accompanied by sneezing, difficulty breathing and coughing, these may be signs of an allergic reaction.
  • Eye diseases. Glaucoma, conjunctivitis or uveitis one of the symptoms are redness of the whites. With glaucoma, there may be partial redness or red spots on the sclera. If the condition does not go away after two or three days, while the child constantly rubs his eyes, cries and is naughty, it is imperative to consult an ophthalmologist.
  • Influence environment. Temporary reddening of the sclera can be caused by exposure to wind or severe frost. Newborns react to atmospheric changes much more strongly than adults. Therefore, such manifestations can occur even when parents feel quite comfortable in these conditions.

Redness of the eyes can be caused by crying or rubbing when hit by an eyelash

A newborn has yellow whites of the eyes

The sclera can acquire a yellow tint in such cases:

  • Jaundice. This phenomenon is common among children in the first days of life. The condition has nothing to do with hepatitis and does not require treatment. Proteins come back to normal in a week. If yellowing occurred at a later period, while the baby is naughty, sucks badly at the breast or bottle, vomits, the skin also changes color, this may be a more serious condition that requires examination and medical intervention.
  • Prolonged exposure to the sun. Ultraviolet affects the shell of the eyeball and causes it to thicken. This may cause the color to change towards yellow tints.

Yellow whites of the eyes may be a sign of liver disease

Newborns have blue eyes

If the whites of the baby's eyes at birth have a bluish tint, the following factors may be the cause:

  • Thin sclera. A blue tint in the first weeks of life is a fairly common phenomenon. Through the not yet fully formed shell, pigment substances, including melanin, can shine through. This gives a bluish color to the eye.
  • congenital anomalies. A doctor's consultation is necessary if the color of the proteins is too intense and additional symptoms are present. Among them, hearing loss, bone fragility, the vulnerability of the vessels of the eye. If a blue squirrels persist up to 5-6 months, this should also serve as a reason for contacting an ophthalmologist.

Blue whites of the eyes in babies are not always a deviation

Eye pathologies among newborns are relatively rare. But if there is a suspicion of any violation, it is necessary to show the baby to the doctor.

It is impossible to predetermine the color of the child's eyes, but you can find out the predisposition to a particular color. The formation of the final color also occurs individually in each case and takes a different period of time. The main thing is that the baby is healthy. It is important to undergo annual examinations with specialists, including an ophthalmologist, so as not to miss health problems if they occur.