If the child has red under the eyes. What do red circles under the eyes in children indicate? Red-blue circles under the eyes

The child's body in its own way can signal certain disorders in it, and redness under the eyes of a child is not such a rare symptom. The site under the eyes.ru will tell you about the possible causes of this feature, as well as what needs to be done, if your child has red circles around the eyes.

Causes of redness and swelling of the skin around the eyes

You and I understand that if a child has - from the smallest to adolescence If these symptoms appear, then something is definitely wrong. The thinnest and most delicate skin is located just in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lower and upper eyelid, therefore, it is she who, often, is the first to react to the presence of any pathologies. Possible reasons redness:

  1. Infection. This reason is the most common. A certain infectious agent (viral, bacterial, fungal or invasive) causes inflammation in the body, tissues are affected by the waste products of this infection. Most often among the listed alien organisms, just helminthic infections provoke redness under the eyes.
  2. Chronic tonsillitis (tonsillitis). It is also a variety infectious disease caused by bacteria or viruses. If your child suffers from chronic purulent tonsillitis, it is likely that the child will have red under the eyes with an exacerbation of the inflammatory process.
  3. Diseases oral cavity , including caries - can also provoke a change in the color of the skin around the eyes.
  4. Adenoids. The nasal passages of the child may be blocked by these formations, which are formed due to the action of the infection. In addition to redness under the eyes, in this case, swelling of the tissues of the face, difficulty breathing and sniffing or snoring during sleep may also be present.
  5. allergic reaction to food, household chemicals, plant pollen, animal hair, dust, etc. This is also a fairly common and common cause of reddening of the skin of the eyelids in children (as in adults).
  6. Vegetative-vascular dystonia can cause not only reddening of the skin around the eyes, but also blue lips. In addition, in this case, the child is often lethargic, gets tired quickly, he may feel dizzy and have a headache.

In addition to the reasons described, the redness of the eyelids can simply be an individual feature of the child's body. It can go away on its own or it can accompany a person all his life. But if you first noticed this symptom in your child, the site recommends that you consult a pediatrician without fail.

Redness under the eye in a child on one side

The skin may not blush symmetrically - under both eyes, but only on one side. What does it say? There may be different options here:

  1. Hemangioma is a bright red spot on the skin, sometimes with a bluish coating and jagged edges. A child can be born with this pathology, but it can also appear during the first year of life. In this case, the formation is removed surgically, most often now they use a "laser knife" or cold removal - cryotherapy.
  2. Papilloma. This is a formation slightly protruding above the level of the skin. As in the previous case, this defect is eliminated promptly.
  3. And banal reasons- the child turned red under the eye due to the fact that a mote got into it, and he “rubbed” it. Or just hit, and immediately the skin changed its color.

How to treat redness under the eyes in children?

It is clear that it is necessary to eliminate the redness of the skin of the eyelids, having previously known the cause of the pathology. To do this, as already mentioned, you need to contact a pediatrician or family doctor, take tests and go through necessary examination. When the cause is established, you can take the therapeutic measures prescribed by your doctor. In no case do not use any drops, ointments or creams before consulting a doctor! By doing this, you can only harm the health of your child.

If you called a doctor or are going to see him only tomorrow, you can take steps to help alleviate the child's condition (especially if the skin itches and itches):

  • Rinse the eyes and the skin around them with a decoction of chamomile;
  • Make lotions from tea;
  • Teach your child not to touch or scratch their eyes.

If the child is very ill, the temperature, tearing or separation of pus from the eyes has also been added to the redness, it is urgent to call an ambulance.

Natalia Degtyareva - for the Podglazami.ru project

Redness in the eye area of ​​​​a baby always makes parents wary. The appearance of dots, rashes, pimples, spots can be due to various reasons. To determine them, you need to show the child to a specialist. What can these signs indicate?

Provoking factors

To understand what factors could provoke redness, pay attention to their nature and accompanying symptoms.

Dots around the eyes

Red dots on the eyelids, around the eyes or under them, resembling freckles, may appear in children after vomiting or a strong tantrum. Usually they pass on their own, without requiring treatment and without provoking unpleasant symptoms.

Redness can also be due to individual characteristics. subcutaneous tissue. The baby may not have any problems with sleep, appetite. Then there is no reason to worry.

But to determine the exact cause, consult a specialist.

Pimples on the eyelids

Red spots under the eyes of a child in the form of pimples are considered normal in the first few months of a baby's life, if they do not occur due to illness or hormonal imbalance.

The reason here is that mother's hormones are thrown into the blood of the child and provoke rashes. Usually pimples are visible immediately, sometimes they are even felt under skin to the touch. The causes of acne may be different.

Pimples under the eyes that do not provoke inflammation, may be due to underdevelopment of the excretory glands in infants. They go away on their own after 2-3 months.

There may also be redness after exposure to fresh air as a reaction to environment. This is a moment of adaptation, and such a reaction is normal.

Pimples can appear under the eyes, on the face, body, if the nursing mother does not eat well, and certain foods cause an allergic reaction in the baby. Then the rash will provoke severe itching. The reaction is also possible on household, chemical products, feathers in pillows.

A red pimple on the lower eyelid may indicate a chalazion. This disease resembles barley, but over time it opens itself and completely disappears, but becomes hard and contributes to the formation of a dense capsule. Possible watery eyes, swelling in the upper part of the face.

Redness in the form of pimples on the eyelids, under the eyes may result from the following conditions:

  • weakened immunity;
  • diabetes;
  • oily skin;
  • frequent, difficult colds.

This phenomenon may also be indicative of improper hygiene procedures.


Redness in the form of a rash under and around the eyes - common cause allergic reaction. Children are very prone to them, since their body is not strong, and the skin is very sensitive, easily irritated under the influence of allergens.

Allergies can be provoked by food, medicines, cosmetics, household products, plants, pet hair.

Pimples can also be triggered by improper skin care, poor hygiene, and mechanical damage.


Such a symptom should not be ignored if the child has red spots that can occur under or above the eyes, on the eyelids.

If redness is associated with physiological characteristics, when the child's conjunctiva is not yet stable relative to external factors, then such symptoms may appear even after ordinary crying, colds and cough.

For school-age children, dry eye syndrome is not uncommon, which is provoked by loads on visual organs. The skin may turn red due to fine dust getting into the eyes or the child's habit of constantly rubbing and scratching them.

Causes of spots on the eyelid:

Convex red spots in a child under the eye along with swelling can have different reasons concerning both the visual system and many others. For example, with kidney disease, the skin turns red and swells. Dark red spots under the eyes are a frequent consequence of fatigue, overwork.

Also, redness under the eyes can be a common individual feature of the body. Sometimes it passes, sometimes it accompanies a person for life. However, if you notice any of these symptoms, show the child to a specialist.

What should parents do

There can be many reasons for redness in the eye area, and it is unlikely that parents will be able to establish them on their own.

To begin with, it should be a pediatrician, and after that he can refer you to another doctor, depending on the nature of the problem: an ophthalmologist, an allergist, a dermatologist.

Further steps will depend on what caused the problem. In case of allergies, it will be necessary to identify the allergen and exclude contact with it, antiallergic drugs are indicated.

If the redness is provoked by pathogenic microorganisms, then the doctor will prescribe drugs to combat them.

If the cause is stress, mechanical stress or individual characteristics skin, then therapy may not be required in principle.

What Not to Do

You should not try to treat the child yourself before it becomes clear what kind of pathology the child has and what is its cause. Do not use any medication without a doctor's prescription.

If the rash is allergic, no need to wash the baby with soap and use alcohol-based products to lubricate the problem area. For stye and other problems of the organs of vision, do not apply bandages and do not use dry heat.

It is important that the child does not touch the rashes and face with his hands - explain to him that this is not necessary.

Noticing symptoms such as pimples, rashes, red spots and dots in the child's eyes, do not panic. But be sure to consult with a specialist to prevent unpleasant consequences and take competent measures.

In contact with

The skin around the eyes of a child is rich in blood vessels, in addition, in this place the epidermis layer is very thin and delicate. Therefore, the appearance of red circles under the eyes of a child indicates the beginning of a serious pathological process.

Often, such a symptom appears against the background of an increase in temperature, accompanied by itching, diffuse swelling. And as a result, such symptoms increase the irritability of the child, and cause problems with night sleep.

Red circles under the eyes of a child - what is it?

Redness under the eye on one side

Sometimes redness of the eye can be observed only on one side.

This may occur as a result of:

Red circles on both sides

This symptom sometimes occurs due to the peculiarity of the location of the vascular network in the subcutaneous fatty tissue. The capillary network of blood vessels is located very close to the surface of the epidermis.

In most cases, this is an anatomical feature of the child's body, and a hereditary factor can play a role in the development of such a condition.

Also, red pigmentation around the eyes develops when the correct, daily regimen of work and rest is not observed. This is more typical for school-age children.

In this case, the appearance of this symptom is due to:

  • Insufficient consumption of fortified foods.
  • Eating low quality food.
  • Short night sleep.
  • Lack of rest during the day.

But in most cases, the appearance of this symptom indicates the beginning of development clinical picture the following diseases:

Red circles under the eyes and related symptoms

If redness around the eyes occurs against the background of the development of some pathological process, this symptom is not the only one.

Most often it joins:

Particular vigilance should be shown if the appearance of a red tint in the eye area is accompanied by:

  1. Impaired respiratory function.
  2. progressive weakness.
  3. The sharpness of the outlines of the face.
  4. Sunken eyes.

The clinical picture, with the appearance of such symptoms, indicates the presence of a threatening cardiac pathology. The child is shown urgent hospitalization in a hospital.

If redness of the eyes develops against the background of prolonged dyspeptic disorders (diarrhea, nausea, profuse vomiting), this is also the cause of emergency hospitalization. The appearance of such symptoms indicates dehydration as a result of hydrocyanic intoxication. This alarm signal poses a threat to the life of young patients.


It is very important to consider what shade accompanies the symptom of redness around the eye:

  • If the shade is pinkish blue, such a manifestation develops with urological pathology.
  • When the shade resembles a lilac inflorescence, this may indicate the onset of anemia.
  • A purple hue directly indicates liver pathology, or a cardiological problem.


To get rid of this symptom, you must remember that this is a sign of the disease.

Folk medicine recipes

To get rid of redness around the eyes, you can apply:

Prevention of red circles under the eyes

Prevention of the appearance of redness around the eye should be comprehensive.

The following rules must be observed:


Red circles under the eyes, this is exactly the condition in which you should not hesitate to visit the optometrist. Only a doctor can correctly establish the cause of the pathology, which is accompanied by the appearance of this clinical symptom.

Do not abuse the recipes of traditional medicine, they are the same as medication medicines, can in case misuse harm the patient.

Red spots under the eyes of a child is one of the most common situations faced by parents. These spots may indicate the improper functioning of the child's body. Normally, the lower eyelids and the skin underneath should be translucent and soft to the touch. Therefore, if a child has problems with the circulatory and lymphatic system, then this can immediately manifest itself in the appearance of red spots. The causes of redness under the eyes of a child can be factors of both infectious and non-infectious nature. Next, we will look at these causes, as well as how to deal with stains and how to prevent their occurrence.

The reasons

The reasons that may occur are infectious and non-infectious.

Redness can be not only under the eyes, but also on the cheeks.

Infectious diseases

The infectious cause of the appearance of red spots under the eyes of a child requires treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will determine the negatively influencing factor and select the necessary treatment. Parents should remember that self-treatment of childhood diseases is dangerous. You can harm the body of the baby so that later you have to treat side effects, problems with digestion of the heart and blood vessels.

Non-infectious causes

  • The main reason for the appearance of red spots under the eyes of a non-infectious nature is an allergy. With the development allergic reactions the child complains of burning and itching sensations, exfoliation of the skin may be observed. Usually, children who are under the age of five have food allergies. Causes may include dairy, seafood, eggs, and nuts. For children older than five years, the causes of allergic reactions are pollen, wool, dust. If a child suffers from an allergy, then it is imperative to find out what gives rise to its occurrence, so it is necessary to consult an allergist. The doctor must conduct tests to identify the allergen, and then select proper treatment. Parents need to know that if they are allergic to something, then it can be inherited and their children.

How to treat conjunctivitis during pregnancy read.

  • The appearance of red spots may indicate the development of adenoids in the baby's nasopharynx, which are derivatives of lymphatic tissue. These formations, as they grow, close the passages of the nose and prevent the child from breathing normally. Adenoids can develop as a result of allergies, frequent colds, and an unfavorable environmental situation in the place of residence. This pathology can be inherited from his parents to the baby if they also encountered this problem or have a predisposition. If swelling of the face and red eyes appear in children, it becomes difficult to breathe, and the child snores in his sleep, then we can talk about the presence of adenoids in his nasopharynx. Adenoids are subject to mandatory removal, because they can develop such dangerous complication like hypoxia. As a result of hypoxia, the child's brain does not receive the right amount of oxygen supply.

What to do if a child has red eyes read.

  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia is one of the reasons for the appearance of red spots. This pathology develops as a result of improper functioning of blood vessels, resulting in internal organs and tissues do not receive enough oxygen. With dystonia, the child may complain of dizziness, headaches. Parents observe that the baby quickly gets tired and feels weak. Therefore, it is necessary to visit a neurologist who will recommend a daily routine suitable for the child.
  • It also happens that they appear only because the child is simply tired. Parents need to help the baby plan the daily routine correctly, including rest and walks in the fresh air, as well as proper balanced nutrition. The child's diet should include fresh vegetables and fruits, lean meat and dairy products. You can supplement your diet with vitamins recommended by your doctor.
  • may occur due to structural features of the subcutaneous tissue. If parents have such a feature, then it can be transmitted to the child.

Proper nutrition

Treatment Methods

How to quickly cure glaucoma of the eye, look for.

Treatment should be prescribed by a doctor to avoid adverse effects. Self-medication can give complications. But traditional medicine can help in some cases when the redness is caused by non-infectious causes, and when the doctor has allowed to resort to folk medicine as an addition to the main treatment.

  1. Welding compresses. To do this, you need to take two tablespoons of black tea and pour them with one glass of boiling water. Infuse tea for fifteen minutes, and then strain, leaving only tea leaves. Put it on a bandage and put it on your eyes. It is recommended to keep this lotion for at least twenty minutes.
  2. Creative mask. Cottage cheese is mixed with sour cream in a ratio of two to one. A little mixture is applied to a cotton pad. Apply all this to reddened places for fifteen minutes.
  3. Potato lotions. Grate potatoes and put on cheesecloth. Hold the compress for twenty minutes, then rinse off the residue with water and lubricate with a moisturizer.
  4. Chamomile decoction can be used to wash the eyes and the skin around them.

Find out which vitamin drops for eyes are better at.


To prevent the appearance of red spots under the eyes of a child, you should adhere to expert advice:

  • Compliance with the daily routine. The child should sleep for at least eight hours, and also walk for at least thirty minutes in the fresh air.
  • Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.
  • If the baby spends a lot of time in front of the TV or plays at the computer, it is necessary to interrupt him for twenty minutes and during this time do eye exercises with him.
  • Proper nutrition, including fresh fruits and vegetables. Mandatory products such as milk, cereals, beans, fish.
  • Early identification of causes the occurrence of allergies.
  • Regular visits to the dentist, therapist and ENT.
  • Also, do not forget about such a threat to your child's vision as farsightedness and myopia in children, which are described in more detail.

Every mother knows that redness under the eyes of a child indicates some kind of problem in his body. Even minor disturbances in the lymphatic or circulatory system reflect on the thin and delicate skin under the eyes. Therefore, parents need to know the main causes of redness under the eyes of a child so that they can cope with the problem or seek help from a doctor.

Causes of redness of a non-infectious nature

Swelling and discoloration of the skin under the child's eyes may appear on one or both sides. If the redness is symmetrical, then the cause of its occurrence may be:

Particular attention should be paid to infants. If red circles around the eyes appear in them, then it is necessary see a doctor. It is possible that such a symptom may indicate some kind of disease.

Infectious causes of redness around the eyes

In the presence in the body of a child inflammation of an infectious nature redness may appear under the eyes:

Asymmetric redness

Redness around only one eye may occur for the following reasons:

  1. Impact, hit by an insect or foreign object. In these cases, the child rubs the eye, resulting in redness under it.
  2. Papilloma. A small formation is added to the redness, which is removed surgically.
  3. Hemangioma. Appearing in the first few weeks of life in a newborn benign tumor accompanied by a red spot with uneven edges or with a bluish coating. Removed with cryotherapy or laser knife.


The doctor will help to identify the cause of the appearance of circles around the child's eyes and a number of studies. First of all, you need to contact a pediatrician who will determine why the baby has redness under the eyes and will refer you to the right specialist.

You need to visit an ophthalmologist if the cause is conjunctivitis. The doctor will make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment based on complaints and additional examinations.

At allergic causes skin redness laboratory tests and diagnostic tests are prescribed by an allergist. Within half an hour, you can find out about the presence of allergies with the help of special tests:

  • needle test;
  • intradermal test;
  • scarification test.

If a kidney disease is suspected, the necessary tests are prescribed by a pediatrician or urologist. In this case, the child should take a urine and blood test for general and biochemical research. Sometimes additionally prescribed ultrasound, histological analysis tissue, biopsy.

In addition to the above diagnostic methods, it is recommended to take blood from a child for hemoglobin, check intraocular and arterial pressure.

First aid for redness under the eyes

If there is no way to take the child to the doctor, then you can use folk remedies.

In no case should you give the baby pills and instill drops in the eyes without a doctor's prescription. Otherwise, the problem can only be exacerbated.

In the presence of redness discomfort and itching, it is recommended to wash the affected area with a decoction of chamomile. It will soothe inflammation and is completely safe for children.

Can be applied to eyelids green tea lotions. You can persuade a child to lie down with them with the help of a good fairy tale.

Lotions from raw potatoes, fresh cucumbers or apples will help eliminate inflammation and redness. A cotton swab is soaked in the juice of a fruit or vegetable and applied to the eyelids for 10 minutes.

Redness and swelling are well eliminated by a decoction of dill. For its preparation, you can use fresh twigs or dry seeds. There are several recipes:

Fresh parsley is the most common remedy for red circles under the eyes. You can forget about the problem of redness if you apply fresh parsley leaves every day, wrapped in a gauze bandage or bag.

In any case, if the redness of the child under the eyes does not go away within two to three days, it is necessary to pay a visit to the pediatrician. The doctor must examine the baby, listen to complaints and prescribe tests, on the basis of which appropriate treatment should be carried out. A timely noticed disease and a visit to a doctor will prevent serious health problems for the baby.