Why does the child's nose hurt inside. It hurts inside the nose and outside: causes

Attentive parents should immediately notice that the child's nose hurts. Nose pain can have various causes that need to be investigated before starting treatment.

The autumn and winter periods are characterized, first of all, by the frequent incidence of colds, the receipt of the virus and hypothermia. At this time, parents may see that the child begins to complain of pain in the nose.

If the parents find that the child's nose hurts, they should help him. How?

    First, rinse all nasal passages with warm water or pharmacy nasal drops. 1-2 drops are enough to clear the nose of mucus and dried crusts.

    If a crust appears, moisten cotton swabs with oil and treat the nose.

    Use the aspirator by closing the first nostril. Repeat also with the second.

    The air in the room should be wetter. To do this, you can use special means for humidifying the air or folk: for example, take the largest towel. wet it cold water, wring out (not dry) and hang on the batteries.

    In case of pain in the sinus area, consult a doctor. With proper intensive treatment, the pain in the nose will go away in a maximum of a week.

    If the body temperature rises with pain, and the pain does not go away, it is quite possible that bacterial sinusitis begins. In this case, it is necessary to take antibiotics, which the pediatrician will prescribe.

    If the child continues to snot a lot, you can try to warm the nose with dry heat. To do this, you need to take a handkerchief, iron it, then fold it in half in several parts and attach it to the bridge of your nose, leave it for a couple of minutes.

    If, after doing all these activities, the pain in the nose does not subside, be sure to consult a doctor who will write a prescription for vasoconstrictor drugs.

Other causes of pain in the nose can be reactions to SARS and allergies to dust, household items, and plants in children. In addition, a runny nose can also be complicated by diseases of the ear and nasopharynx.

Whether it's winter or summer, our body is constantly exposed to stress, as a result of which the immune system loses its ability to fight many infections that await us at every step. Perhaps you will not meet a person who would not face such a problem as a runny nose. And, of course, in the hope that it will go away on its own, going to the doctor with this problem is postponed for a long time, until the pain in the nose becomes so unbearable that there is no other way out but to see a specialist and start treating the disease. Only a qualified ENT doctor can tell why the nose hurts with a runny nose.

Sections of the article

Painful sensations in the nose cause a lot of discomfort, and sometimes simply become unbearable. Unlike the outer surface of the nose, the inner surface consists of a large number of nerve endings. Often, nasal pain with a runny nose is the result of an illness. To understand this, it is worth considering the main diseases that cause pain in the nose.

1. Rhinitis

He is a runny nose - the most common disease respiratory system, resulting from bacterial or infectious inflammation of the nasal mucosa, when the nose hurts with rhinitis.

Rhinitis begins to develop with the appearance of bacteria or viruses in the body, which causes acute infectious rhinitis.

Symptoms of acute rhinitis:

  • rhinorrhea (nasal discharge, runny nose);
  • stuffy nose;
  • purulent formations (with pain in the nose).

Acute rhinitis often appears as a symptom of another viral disease such as SARS. Usually it is preceded by other symptoms of the disease: fever, headache, runny nose hurts inside, muscle pain, weakness.

You can’t start a runny nose, because if you don’t resort to the correct treatment in time, it can become chronic, and thick discharge and swelling of the nasal mucosa will become constant companions of the patient.

Chronic rhinitis, due to the anatomical relationship of the nose with other organs respiratory tract, is capable of provoking other unpleasant ailments, including throat diseases, cough and others. In addition, acute rhinitis (runny nose) can lead to complications in the organs of hearing and vision.

Rhinitis treatment

The choice in favor of one or another method of treating rhinitis (rhinitis) is determined by the cause of the disease. For treatment, experts give the following recommendations:

  • For the treatment of acute rhinitis, it is necessary to completely get rid of the underlying disease. In this case, to relieve the symptoms of a runny nose, vasoconstrictor drugs for the common cold are additionally prescribed, which help relieve swelling of the nose. If the mucous membrane in the nose hurts, at least effective means are washing the sinuses of the nose with therapeutic solutions.
  • Chronic rhinitis includes complex treatment: washing with antiseptic agents, preparations that constrict blood vessels, as well as moisturizing ointments. In the absence of positive dynamics in the treatment of chronic rhinitis, the attending physician may offer a surgical solution to the problem.

Apart from drug treatment with a cold ( acute rhinitis) physiotherapy is prescribed:

  • UV therapy - is the effect of ultraviolet radiation on the nasal mucosa. It is prescribed for the infectious nature of acute and chronic rhinitis (cold).
  • UHF - therapy - the influence of high-frequency magnetic radiation. It is prescribed for acute and chronic rhinitis (runny nose).
  • Laser and magnetic laser method - according to the principle of exposure, it is similar to UV therapy, but differs in a less intense sparing effect on the nasal mucosa.

2. Sinusitis

Sinusitis (rhinosinusitis) progresses as a complication after suffering the flu, acute cold, measles, scarlet fever and other ailments, and is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses.

Causes of sinusitis:

  • Viral infections - as a result of acute respiratory diseases.
  • Bacterial infections - after hypothermia, microorganisms are activated, as a result of which cataginesis (inflammation) develops and a runny nose appears.
  • Allergens - with manifestations of allergies to fungal infections (molds). Allergens often cause sinusitis in people with AIDS, leukemia, diabetes, and other chronic conditions.
  • Anomalies in the structure of the nasal canals (congenital abnormalities).

Sinusitis Symptoms

The main symptoms of sinusitis are malaise inside the nose, in the region of the bridge of the nose and forehead, above the eyes; headache; heat; weakness; runny nose and others. Complaints of patients are reduced to one of the most common - "the nose hurts with a runny nose." As a rule, without proper treatment, symptoms only get worse over time. The manifestation of certain signs directly depends on the stage of development of the disease.:

  • Mild sinusitis is characterized by a slight manifestation of unpleasant symptoms. There is a runny nose, headaches in this case often do not bother, and body temperature, as a rule, if it rises, then slightly.
  • The average severity of sinusitis is characterized by a moderate manifestation of the symptoms of intoxication. Basically, the patient is concerned about minor or pronounced spasms in the nose, local pain in the area of ​​​​the sinuses and headache with a runny nose. Fever is often observed, and in addition, complications such as swelling of the soft tissues in the sinus region and even reactive puffiness of the eyelid and forehead are possible.
  • The severe nature of the disease is characterized by severe intoxication of the body, accompanied by intense headache, significant fever, runny nose, pain in the area of ​​​​the walls of the nasal sinuses, since there is a violation of the integrity of the nasal structures.

Sinusitis Treatment

To prevent the occurrence of sinusitis, which is primarily a complication of colds, it is necessary to treat them in a timely manner. Qualified physician for exact definition diagnosis, in addition to severe symptoms (for example, the bridge of the nose hurts with a runny nose), you can resort to additional diagnostics (X-ray, tomography, ultrasound of the paranasal sinuses), after which the most appropriate way to get rid of the disease can be chosen:

  • Treatment of sinusitis with medicines involves the appointment of local therapeutic therapy for the common cold (inhalers, sprays, drops), which are designed to relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa, as well as antibacterial drugs.
  • Physiotherapy (UHF, UFO and others).
  • Surgery is an extreme measure that must be resorted to in case of accumulation of pus in the sinuses.

3. Sinusitis

Sinusitis is one of the most common forms of sinusitis, and is an inflammation that causes pain in the sinuses. The maxillary sinuses, due to their anatomical position (connected by a passage to the nasal cavity), when any infection enters the nose, they are subject to inflammatory processes and the appearance of a runny nose, which lead to the development of sinusitis.

Reasons for the development of sinusitis:

  • Viral infections (flu, colds).
  • Bacterial infections (Hemophilus influenzae, streptococcus).
  • Chronic tonsillitis.
  • Acute rhinitis (runny nose).
  • Weak immunity.
  • Mechanical blockage of the sinuses, which can occur due to the curvature of the nasal septum, enlarged adenoids, the appearance of polyps, hypertrophy of the nasal concha, and also as a result of a foreign object entering the nose.
  • Dental problem (when an infection from the upper teeth enters the maxillary cavities).

Symptoms of sinusitis:

  • difficulty breathing;
  • purulent discharge;
  • pain inside the nose;
  • elevated body temperature.

Treatment of sinusitis

In many cases, with the right treatment, you can escape from sinusitis quickly enough. To relieve symptoms and treatment may be prescribed:

  • rinsing the nose with saline solutions;
  • corticosteroid preparations (sprays);
  • nasal preparations for vasoconstriction;
  • painkillers.

The chronic nature of sinusitis implies, first of all, the identification and elimination of the primary source of the appearance of the disease, and only then is the appointment of a suitable treatment.

4. Allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis is often chronic. Diagnosis of this disease brings a lot of trouble, since quite a lot of time and effort is often spent to determine the pathogen.

Causes of allergic rhinitis:

  • plant allergens (pollen);
  • animal allergens (saliva and pet hair);
  • professional allergens.

Symptoms of allergic rhinitis

  • frequent sneezing;
  • profuse watery discharge from the nose (runny nose);
  • itching in the nasal cavity;
  • decreased taste and smell;
  • swelling of the posterior wall of the larynx;
  • tearing, redness of the eyes;
  • stuffy ears;
  • during a cold, the nose hurts.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis

After diagnosing and identifying the allergen that provoked the onset of the disease, to alleviate the first manifestations and treat the disease, the following are prescribed:

  • antihistamines;
  • washing the sinuses with saline solutions;
  • vasoconstrictors;
  • corticosteroid hormones;
  • immunotherapy.

5. Perichondritis

Perichondritis is characterized by inflammation of the perichondrium. The development of the disease, as a rule, has a traumatic etymology.

Causes of Perichondritis:

  • Chronic or acute cartilage injury (primary perichondritis).
  • General infectious diseases (secondary perichondritis).

Symptoms of Perichondritis

  • Nasal congestion (runny nose).
  • Pain with coryza in the region of the nose.
  • Temperature rise.
  • Headache.
  • Swelling of the nose and eyes.

Perichondritis treatment

This disease is exclusively surgical intervention, since it is impossible to eliminate pain formations inside the nose by medication.

Thus, if for some reason you began to experience a feeling of pain in the nose with a runny nose, you should not put off solving the problem indefinitely. Therefore, you should immediately contact a qualified ENT specialist who will be able to give you the correct diagnosis, explain the reasons why a runny nose causes pain, and also prescribe effective treatment. Usually, it is not difficult for an otolaryngologist to make a diagnosis based on severe symptoms and a rhinoscopy. Of course, there are situations when it is not immediately possible to make a diagnosis, so additional studies may be needed, such as ultrasound, MRI, computed tomography, and others.

Other causes of pain

In addition to common nose diseases, other ailments can also provoke a feeling of pain during a runny nose, including:

  • Herpes (viral infection) - manifested by the appearance of many small watery blisters on the nasal mucosa.
  • Syphilis is the most dangerous infectious disease, in which the absence of suitable treatment can even lead to death. The cause of pain in the nose with this terrible disease is the destruction of bones and soft tissues, which occurs due to the vital activity of pathogenic bacteria.
  • Sycosis and furunculosis - a distinctive feature of these diseases are purulent formations.
  • Injuries.


Despite the fact that each of us suffers from colds at least once a year, which has become a common occurrence in our lives, it is not worth letting the disease take its course. Any disease is a stress for our body, because the body spends a lot of important resources to overcome the disease.

Of course, now you rarely meet a person who, because of a common cold and runny nose, would immediately run to the doctor.. But do not forget that any virus, if not properly treated, can adversely affect our health, leaving behind unpleasant complications. By contacting a specialist in time, who will prescribe in detail what to do in order to avoid unpredictable consequences, and after being treated for a short period of time, it is possible to prevent the development of many unpleasant diseases and avoid major health problems in the future.

A runny nose is a condition associated with inflammation and swelling of the lining of the sinuses. It is manifested by nasal congestion, thin clear or thicker mucous discharge from the nose and sneezing. The causative agents of the common cold are bacteria and viruses, as well as allergens.

This disease is characterized by paroxysmal sneezing, profuse watery discharge from the nose, bilateral congestion of the nasal passages, itching in the nose, palate, throat and ears. Sometimes itching in the eyes, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyelids and lacrimation joins. The child often grimaces due to itching. He often wrinkles his nose ("bunny nose") or rubs it characteristically ("allergic hello"). Body temperature usually does not rise. Sometimes you can trace the connection between the appearance of a runny nose and the child's contact with the allergen. For example, with an allergy to the pollen of some plants, a runny nose occurs at some time in spring or summer, when these particular plants bloom.


The main thing is to try to isolate the child from the source of allergens. If this fails, and the runny nose becomes chronic, you should consult a doctor who will help identify the allergen and prescribe medications that reduce the immune response.

This is one of the forms of purulent sinusitis (see below), in which the inflammatory process is localized in the maxillary (maxillary) sinus. The illness usually begins 3-5 days after a common cold. The child has a fever, he complains of nasal congestion, headache, pain and tension in the maxillary sinus. There may be complaints of pain or increased sensitivity of any tooth, depending on the site of inflammation.


An attempt should be made to influence the inflammatory process in the nasal cavities, since a decrease in the swelling of the mucous membrane contributes to the outflow of their contents. good effect gives instillation into the nose every 3-4 hours, 1-2 drops of a 2% solution of ephedrine (used only as directed by a doctor) or 0.05% solution of naphthyzinum (abroad produced under the name "Sanorin"). The bubble with drops must first be slightly warmed up. Both drugs should not be used for more than 5-7 days in a row. Traditional medicine offers the following recipes: boil water in a saucepan, pour 1/2 teaspoon of 30% alcohol tincture propolis (bee glue) and breathe in the steam, covering your head with a towel and forming a tent over the pan. If there is no propolis, dry menthol in grains can be added to the pan. You can also breathe steam over jacket-boiled potatoes by draining the water and covering your head with a towel over the pot. The main treatment should be prescribed by an otolaryngologist.

This is the most typical manifestation acute respiratory infections in both adults and children, but in the latter it proceeds more rapidly, often with involvement in the process paranasal sinuses nose and middle ear. The causative agents of the disease can be many viruses (more often rhinovirus and adenovirus) and bacteria (streptococci, staphylococci, etc.). Acute nasopharyngitis can occur at any time of the year, but in the northern regions, the peak incidence occurs in September, late January and late April. Children usually carry 3-6 infections per year. The disease begins suddenly with fever. The child becomes irritable, sneezes, complains of chills, malaise, muscle pain. A clear liquid comes out of the nose. Gradually, nasal discharge becomes thicker. Due to nasal congestion, the child is forced to breathe through the mouth, which causes dryness in the throat. The acute phase of the disease lasts 4-10 days.


There is no specific treatment for this disease. With a high temperature and malaise, the child should be put to bed. It is good to give him mint tea with honey and do the procedures described in the article "ARI of the upper respiratory tract" in the "Cough" section. Several times a day you should give hot milk with honey, butter or soda (1 teaspoon per glass). Adult nasal drops, especially oil-based drops, should not be used in young children, as the latter can easily enter the lower respiratory tract. A runny nose can be treated with remedies that are described below in the article "Colds".

They are benign tumors on the stalk, formed from chronically inflamed nasal mucosa. Polyps disrupt the patency of the nasal passages. Outwardly, they are manifested by constant mucous discharge from the nose, breathing through the mouth, and a nasal tone of voice.


The child should be consulted with an otolaryngologist.

Hypothermia reduces the body's resistance to respiratory infections. Bacteria and viruses, which are always present in the nasopharynx, penetrate the cells of the nasal mucosa and begin to multiply actively in them. This causes an inflammatory reaction, swelling of the blood vessels and mucosal cells, and an increased secretion of mucous secretions.


A runny nose can be relieved by putting a bag of buckwheat, salt or sand heated in a frying pan on the bridge of your nose. The pouch is held as long as heat comes from it. Can be instilled into the nose 4-5 times a day, 3-6 drops in each nostril, honey diluted with raw beetroot juice (2 tablespoons of beetroot for one spoonful of honey) or 2-5 drops 3-5 times a day of fresh leaf juice aloe (agave). The following home remedy gives a good effect. Mix equal proportions of brewed green tea, infusion of medicinal marigolds (calendula; for preparation, one teaspoon of dry raw material is poured with one glass of boiling water, insisted for 2 hours) and Kalanchoe juice (sold in a pharmacy). Buried in the nose as described above. Before instillation, you should ask the child to blow his nose or clean his nose with a cotton flagellum. Before use, the pipette is washed, and the glass part is sterilized in boiling water. It is better for small children to bury their nose with an assistant. The child should be in a reclining position, his hands should be held.

For older children, nasal drops can be administered in a sitting position with their head thrown back or in a supine position without placing a pillow under their head. Taking the medicine in lower third pipette and holding it vertically in right hand, with the thumb of the left hand, raise the tip of the child's nose. Without touching the nose with a pipette, the required number of drops is first injected into one nostril and immediately the child's head is turned towards this half of the nose. After 1-2 minutes, the same amount of medication is injected into the second nostril. It is useful to give the child a hot foot bath with baking soda or mustard at night, then put him to bed in woolen socks. With persistent runny nose and congestion, to facilitate nasal breathing, you can drip 1-2 drops of a 0.05% solution of naphthyzinum into the nose (the foreign drug is called Sanorin). Naphthyzinum is used no more than 5-7 days in a row.

useful to do nasal lavage with the following solution: add 1 teaspoon of calendula or eucalyptus pharmacy tincture, or 2 teaspoons of baking soda to 2 glasses of warm, slightly salted water. Pour the resulting solution into a teapot, on the spout of which put a rubber tip with a hole in the middle. Tilt the child's head at an angle of 45 and start to slowly rinse the nose. The child should be asked to slightly draw in the solution of the nostrils so that it comes out through the mouth. Periodically, you need to ask the child to blow his nose. The procedure can be repeated twice a day.

A runny nose often disappears after 2-3 days and without treatment, but one should be wary of its transition to chronic, as well as the addition of an infectious disease of the respiratory tract and middle ear. To increase the child's resistance to colds, it is useful to carry out hardening procedures. The most accessible for children of all ages is pouring feet or washing them with cool water. This is usually done before bed. The child puts his feet in a basin of lukewarm water (28°C). The first day the procedure lasts 1 minute. Within 10 days, the temperature of the water in the basin is reduced to 18°C ​​for preschoolers or 16°C for schoolchildren. The next 10 days increase the procedure time by 1 minute per day. In the following days, cold water is poured into the basin and the legs are kept in it for 10 minutes.

This is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses (air cavities in the bones of the front of the skull). These cavities are lined with mucus-secreting cells; they open into the middle or upper nasal passages. Sinusitis has the same manifestations as a runny nose. In addition, the child is worried about headache and pain when pressing or tapping in the face above the focus of inflammation.


See the article "Colds". For sinusitis, a consultation with an otolaryngologist is necessary.

Many people are interested in the question: why does the nose hurt inside? And this is not surprising, because this kind of pain brings severe discomfort. Medicine knows a large number of diseases that cause pain inside the nose. Moreover, in addition to diseases, there are many external irritants, the contact of which with the internal mucous membrane of the nose causes pain. Why does the nose hurt, in what situations should you see a doctor? How to get rid of such a problem and can traditional medicine help? All these questions need to be answered.

If such problems with the nasopharynx occur frequently, then it is better to consult a qualified doctor who will explain what to do. This will help eliminate serious complications in a number of individual cases. Especially if the pain in the nose is accompanied by other health problems. For example, such sensations can be a harbinger of serious diseases, such as sinusitis or sinusitis. In such cases, pain is associated with existing inflammatory processes not only in the nose, but also maxillary sinuses Oh.

All the causes leading to pain in the nose can be divided into diseases, mechanical injuries and the reaction of the mucosa to external stimuli. The causes of diseases are viruses and bacterial infections, as well as all sorts of complications after illnesses. Injuries can be of various kinds and have a different character. External irritants include all allergens, for example, construction dust, plants and much more. A person can stay in a room with a high concentration of glass wool in the air. This can cause pain in the nose due to the drying of the mucous membrane and the formation of microscopic scratches.

Pain in the nose can cause:

  • skin diseases in the nose;
  • trauma;
  • sinusitis and sinusitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • rhinitis caused by allergies;
  • rhinitis hypertrophic;
  • damage to the pterygoid node;
  • overgrowth of polyps.

The reasons can be direct (certain processes accompanied by pain in the nose) or indirect. For example, polyps in the nose, according to symptoms, are not characterized by pain. Only in the case of excessive growth of the polyp in some situations, you can feel that the nose hurts. If inflammatory processes occur due to the presence of a polyp, then this can also cause severe discomfort, accompanied by pain. In each individual case, it is important to correctly determine the cause so that measures to eliminate problems in the nasopharynx are effective.

Symptoms of diseases of the nasopharynx are different. The most common skin disease in the nose is furunculosis. It is characterized by the manifestation of symptoms such as headache, localized in the frontal and temporal parts, redness, swelling of the area where the boil is located. At the same time, breathing is difficult. A child's body temperature may rise due to furunculosis. If the pain in the nose occurs due to injuries (bumps, scratches), then usually this can only be accompanied by swelling and a feeling of congestion.

With sinusitis and sinusitis, inflammation of the maxillary sinuses occurs. The nose hurts from these processes is simply unbearable. Patients complain of the spread of pain to the cheeks and teeth. Headaches with exacerbation of sinusitis and sinusitis almost do not stop.

To eliminate symptoms, treat and prevent complications, it is often necessary to go to the hospital. Symptoms of rhinitis may be different in each case. If we consider ordinary rhinitis as a runny nose, then weak pain sensations are noted (only at the very beginning). It is usually accompanied by the presence of copious discharge from the nose and tearing. In the people, such rhinitis is called a runny nose. If the immune system is strong, then it passes quite quickly.

When it comes to allergic or hypertrophic rhinitis, these are already serious causes of the presence of pain in the nose, which are most often chronic. With allergic rhinitis, the patient usually complains that there is pain in the eyes, weakness is felt and the head hurts. Nasal discharge is present during an exacerbation of any type of rhinitis. Also, severe pain and discomfort in the nose can occur due to construction dust. At this point, the nasal mucosa dries out a lot, cracks and even slight bleeding may appear. Hypertrophic rhinitis is always considered chronic, in which irreversible processes occur in the nasal cavity.

Treatment of pain in the nose should always be carried out in a complex manner, based primarily on the cause. As already mentioned, such painful sensations do not occur without a cause and accompanying symptoms. Therefore, it is very important to see a doctor. If the pain is associated with injuries, then a traumatologist can help, but only if there were blows or mechanical injuries. In all other cases, you need to contact an otorhinolaryngologist or therapist (at the place of residence). Especially when it comes to sinusitis or sinusitis, where the risk of complications is too high.

The common cold or rhinitis can be treated at home using methods traditional medicine. It is better not to even treat the runny nose itself, but simply apply folk remedies to strengthen general immunity. Allergic rhinitis must be dealt with antihistamines. At the same time, it is important to identify allergens that lead to an exacerbation of the disease, and to exclude their presence. With any allergy, it is very important to monitor the condition of the nasal mucosa. It must always be hydrated. Overdried mucosa is an ideal environment for viruses and any infection. To do this, you can use ordinary petroleum jelly or any other natural oil-based remedy.

Sinusitis and sinusitis are treated more seriously with antibiotics and other anti-inflammatory drugs.

Treatment with traditional medicine at home can only be carried out for prevention. It is important to eat well and constantly take care of the immune system. Any problem with the nose is dangerous to health, especially if it causes pain and discomfort. Almost all diseases in this area are quite often chronic, and this is due to the lack of timely treatment and care.

In the frontal sinuses can also give frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis (in addition to sinusitis). but an accurate diagnosis can only be made by the ENT and after an X-ray of the sinuses.
PY. SY. for general development. sinuses are not in the nose, but in the bones of the skull.

Go see a doctor.
When you bend over in the sinuses, the pressure rises (feel it?).

similar to sinusitis (sinusitis, frantitis (difference in the location of pus)

Try pouring aloe juice into your nose.

Inflammation, beginning sinusitis.

sinusitis. urgently see a doctor before it's too late.

Be sure to take a picture, very similar to sinusitis. Try to drink Sinupret!

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the lining of the paranasal (paranasal) sinuses (see WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE SINOS). Sinusitis can be acute, subacute, chronic, allergic and hyperplastic.

What are the causes of sinusitis?

Sinusitis is usually caused by a viral or bacterial infection. Acute sinusitis develops mainly as a consequence of the common cold; in about 10% of cases it becomes subacute. Chronic sinusitis results from a bacterial infection that is difficult to treat.

chronic swelling of the nose;

secretion of too thick mucus by the mucous membrane;

allergic inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose (allergic rhinitis);

weakening of the body after chemotherapy, due to malnutrition, diabetes, blood disease, long-term use of steroid drugs or depressed immunity.

Bacterial invasion of the paranasal sinuses is usually determined by the factors listed above or follows viral infection. Swimming in a pool of polluted water can also lead to the development of a bacterial infection.

Allergic sinusitis often occurs as a complication of allergic rhinitis. Hyperplastic sinusitis is a combination of purulent and allergic inflammation of the paranasal sinuses or purulent sinusitis and allergic rhinitis.

What are the symptoms of the disease?

The symptoms of sinusitis are varied and depend on the type of infection.

The main symptom of acute sinusitis is nasal congestion, accompanied by a gradual increase in pressure in the affected paranasal sinus. A runny nose may appear 24-48 hours after the onset of the first symptoms. Later, pus appears in the discharge from the nose. The general state of health worsens, the throat and head hurt, the temperature rises (from 37.2o to 37.5o). The localization of pain depends on which sinuses are inflamed. It can hurt in the cheeks and upper teeth, above the eyes, above the eyebrows and behind the eyes.

When under acute inflammation paranasal sinuses after the elimination of the infection for another 3 weeks, nasal discharge with an admixture of pus is observed. Other symptoms: stuffy nose, general discomfort in the face, fatigue and cough without sputum.

What you need to know about the paranasal sinuses

Until you had sinusitis, you probably never thought about them. Now you can't think of anything else. Check out the information below to understand how the paranasal sinuses work, where they are located and why they bring you so much trouble.

What are the paranasal sinuses for?

The paranasal sinuses are air-filled cavities in the facial bones of the skull that give shape to the face and serve as vocal resonators.

Where are the paranasal sinuses located?

Four pairs of sinuses - frontal, maxillary (maxillary), sphenoid and ethmoid sinuses - are located above and along the nose on both sides of the face.

Why does sinusitis cause severe pain?

Pain occurs when the mucous membrane lining the sinuses becomes inflamed (inflammation is caused by an infection or obstruction). Normally, mucus drains into the nose through tiny openings in the bones. If inflammation sets in, these openings become blocked, resulting in increased infection, headaches, nasal congestion, and other symptoms.
Chronic sinusitis

The symptoms of chronic sinusitis are the same as those of acute sinusitis. However, when chronic sinusitis mucous discharge with an admixture of pus are observed constantly.

The main symptoms of inflammation of this type are sneezing, headache in the frontal part of the head, watery discharge, nasal congestion, burning sensation and itching in the nose.

This type of sinus inflammation causes chronic nasal congestion and headaches.

You may have sinusitis. And he's being treated with tetracycline hydrochloride. It's an antibiotic. But still find time to go to the doctor. Self-medication in this case is dangerous.

Unpleasant sensations appear in the nose and paranasal region, which gradually increase. Pain is less pronounced in the morning, increasing in the evening. Gradually, the pain "loses" a certain place and the patient begins to have a headache. If the process is one-sided, then the pain is noted on one side.
Difficulty in nasal breathing. The patient has a blocked nose. The voice becomes nasal. As a rule, both sides of the nose are blocked. Difficulty in nasal breathing is constant or with little relief. Alternate congestion of the right and left halves of the nose is possible.
Runny nose. In most cases, the patient has a mucous (clear) or purulent (yellow, green) discharge from the nose. This symptom may not be present if the nose is very stuffy, as outflow from the sinus is difficult (this was mentioned above).
Increase in body temperature to 38 and above. As a rule, this symptom is observed in acute sinusitis. In a chronic process, body temperature rarely rises.
Malaise. This is expressed by fatigue, weakness, patients refuse food, their sleep is disturbed.

FRONTITIS is much more severe than inflammation of other paranasal sinuses. With frontal sinusitis, there are: pain in the forehead, especially in the morning, impaired nasal breathing and discharge from the corresponding half of the nose. The pain is often unbearable, acquires a neuralgic character. In severe cases - pain in the eyes, photophobia and decreased sense of smell. In acute influenza frontal sinusitis, body temperature is elevated, swelling and swelling in the forehead and upper eyelid resulting from local circulatory disorders.

SPHENOIDITIS is quite rare. Usually there are complaints of headache. Most often it is localized in the region of the crown, in the depths of the head and occiput, the orbit. With chronic lesions, pain is felt in the crown region, and with large sinuses, it can also spread to the back of the head. maybe rapid decline vision, which is associated with involvement in the process of optic chiasm.

ETMOIDIT usually proceeds simultaneously with the defeat of the maxillary and frontal sinuses. There is a headache, pressing pain in the root of the nose and bridge of the nose. In children, swelling of the internal parts of the upper and lower eyelids, conjunctival hyperemia on the corresponding side is often noted. Characterized by a sharply reduced sense of smell, significantly nasal breathing. Body temperature is usually elevated. With difficult outflow of pus, the inflammatory process can spread to the orbit. In such cases, the eyelids swell, and the eyeball deviates or protrudes outwards.

These are just the main complaints in sinusitis. Diagnosis is aided by x-rays or computed tomography(more informative method) paranasal sinuses. After that, a qualified otolaryngologist should easily establish a diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

Only a doctor can diagnose you. Urgently to the LOR. Health.

sinusitis began. you can make a puncture, but. .
better buy sea rice. he heals it. read about it online

Try SINUFORTE - it helps without punctures, checked by my wife.
but in general to go to a good ENT
he will send a picture to take as a drink to give, and then we'll see.

urgent need to go to the doctor. drink antibiotics and take a picture of the nose

This is sinusitis and must be treated thoroughly!

If you don’t want health problems, then only to the ENT. Hunting to risk health - you can start heating, dripping, drinking different drugs.

Buy at the pharmacy oxolinic ointment, make turundas out of the bandage, smear them with ointment and shove them into the nose as deep as possible (deep-deep), so that the ends of the bandage stick out. Do this every day and walk with them for 30 minutes. So the doctor cured my sinusitis without a puncture.
Go to laura!

This is called vasomotor rhinitis, when the mucosa dries up, cracks and microbes settle on the damaged mucosa, a runny nose can begin, and a very protracted one. Buy Viferon ointment and smear your nose inside cotton swab in the morning every day and at night.

Sea water spray and oil drops. Overdried mucosa is a joy to all microbes, and it doesn’t take long to get sick.

I can’t say what it is, but for all the treatments that relate to the nose, I have the amazing Euphorbium medicine, the herbal base is suitable even for babies. We use the whole family when necessary and saved all the relatives with this.

Spread with butter or vegetable oil.

It also happens to me when the heating is turned on - the house is panel. We even bought a humidifier and put it in the bedroom, but not much use. At night we keep an open window. It seems to me that this is also some kind of problem with the vessels. From time to time I bury pinosol in my nose. I don't know what to do anymore.

My mother is saved by ointment "Calendula". It is sold in any pharmacy, it is inexpensive and it removes dryness well

put some oil drops in your nose, well, you can just some oils, but it's disgusting 🙂
maybe you have allergies, or the air in the room where you are is too dry..

Yes, even grease with butter!

Rhinitis or runny nose - inflammation of the nasal mucosa. A runny nose can be both an independent disease and a symptom of many infectious and allergic diseases. The occurrence of a runny nose contributes to hypothermia.
There are several good folk recipes for dealing with a runny nose:
1) Mix 1 tablespoon of fresh carrot juice and 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil (olive or sunflower), which is pre-boiled in a water bath. Add 1-3 drops of garlic juice to the mixture. Prepare the mixture daily. Bury a few drops in each nostril 3-4 times a day.
2) Boiled or fresh beetroot juice to instill into the nose a few drops 4-5 times a day or rinse the nose 2-3 times a day with a decoction of beets. Honey can be added to the decoction. Help cotton swabs soaked in beetroot juice, which are inserted into the nostrils 3-4 times a day.
3) Mix equal parts Kalanchoe juice and honey. Drinking with an infusion of lemon balm or St. John's wort - this perfectly relieves nasal congestion.
4) Bury aloe juice 3-5 drops in each nostril 4-5 times a day, tilting your head back and massaging the wings of the nose when instilled.
5) Mix 2 parts of honey and 1 part of mint oil (sold in pharmacies). Lubricate the nasal mucosa.
6) Mix the onion, mashed into gruel, in a ratio of 1: 1 with honey. Take onion-honey mixture 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The mixture will be more effective if onion juice is used instead of gruel.
7) Grate the beets on a fine grater and squeeze the juice. Leave overnight in a warm place. Slightly fermented juice should be instilled into the nose 3-4 drops 3 times a day.
8) An excellent remedy for a cold is a hot foot bath with the addition of mustard (1 tablespoon of mustard powder per 7-8 liters of water), as well as baking soda and salt.
9) Pour 6 dry tablespoons of burdock herb (sold in pharmacies) 1l. water, boil for 3 minutes. Insist, wrapped, 4 hours and strain. Apply warm to irrigate the nasal cavity with a severe runny nose.
10) Mix in equal proportions Kalanchoe juice and St. John's wort oil (sold in pharmacies). Lubricate the nasal passages with this mixture several times a day. It is good to combine with inhalations of St. John's wort.
11) Pour the grated onion pulp with a glass of hot vegetable oil. Insist, wrapped, 6-8 hours, strain. Use this oil to treat the nasal mucosa with a severe runny nose.
12) Pour 50gr. pine buds with cold water, close the lid, bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Strain. Drink with a bad cold 5-6 times a day with honey or jam.
13) Pour 10g. crushed black poplar buds 1 cup boiling water. Leave for 15 minutes and strain. Drink 0.3 cup 3 times a day.
14) Pour 1 tablespoon of peppermint herb 0.5 l. steep boiling water, insist, wrapped, 1 hour and strain. Take 0.5 cups of hot infusion, sweetened with honey. Also rinse your nose with this infusion.
15) Take 4 parts of aloe juice, 2 parts of rosehip pulp, 2 parts of honey mixed in equal proportions with pork lard, 1 part eucalyptus oil. Mix everything thoroughly. Insert swabs moistened with the mixture into each nostril alternately for 15 minutes.
16) Mix honey and St. John's wort in equal proportions. Lubricate the nasal mucosa with a cotton swab during the day and before bedtime.
17) Mix 1 tablespoon of St. John's wort oil with the same amount of Vaseline. Introduce with a swab into each nasal passage.
18) Pour 1 teaspoon of garden woodlice herb with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 1 hour and strain. Bury in the nose or draw in the infusion through the nose with a severe runny nose.
19) Pour 10g. blackhead herbs (sold in a pharmacy) 1 glass of vodka. Insist for a day. Bury 2-3 drops in each nostril 3-4 times a day.
20) With a prolonged runny nose, dry leaves of the initial cap (sold in a pharmacy) are crushed into powder and sniffed 2-3 times a day.

Are you sure it's just a runny nose? Maybe it's sinusitis?

There is a folk remedy. Unpleasant, but effective.
Take an onion and start scratching it with your index finger, then with onion juice. Lubricate the nostrils from the inside. Repeat this throughout the day as many times as there are opportunities and willpower.
It always helps me. I don't use nose drops.
But I didn’t have such a severe runny nose either.
Hope it helps.
Get well!

you've been cut off oxygen
forgive everyone.

You healed yourself...
From a cold, the nose should not hurt, what did the doctor say?
Try Rinonorm - it pierces the nose well.


Home » Runny nose » Nose hurts inside a runny nose

The outer part of the nose consists mainly of cartilaginous tissue, in which there are a small number of nerve endings. However, there are quite a lot of them in the sinuses, lined with a layer of epithelium. Therefore, if the nose hurts, most likely, inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes take place. Unpleasant sensations may be accompanied by additional symptoms, which make it easier to diagnose.

Discomfort and pain in the sinuses is observed with such pathologies:

  1. Neuritis or neuralgia of the nasociliary nerve. Attacks of pain occur, as a rule, at night. The sensations are intense, very unpleasant, sometimes unbearable. The pain can be given to the eye sockets, half of the forehead.
  2. Ganglioneuritis or ganglionitis of the pterygopalatine node. Discomfort occurs abruptly and spontaneously. The pain syndrome radiates to the orbits of the eyes, jaws, molars, neck, nape, reaching the shoulder blades.
  3. Mechanical damage. Various injuries and bruises are always accompanied by the signs in question. If the nose turns red and hurts a lot, especially during palpation, bleeding occurs, you need to go to the emergency room.

In rare cases, the described symptoms are observed in the presence of cysts, polyps or malignant neoplasms in the sinuses.

The outer part of the organ is covered with skin, respectively, the provoking factor is the development of any local infection with the addition of an inflammatory process:

  • defeat by the herpes virus;
  • staphylococcus infection;
  • erysipelas due to the multiplication of streptococcal bacteria;
  • abscess formation;
  • purulent boil;
  • streptoderma;
  • acne On the nose;
  • inflammation of the blood vessels.

These diseases are also characterized by severe swelling of tissues and mucous membranes, local fever and reddening of the skin.

The presence of a runny nose, with almost 100% probability, indicates one of the following diseases:

  • spicy;
  • chronic;
  • vasomotor;
  • allergic;
  • catarrhal;
  • hypertrophic.

2. Sinusitis with inflammation of the paranasal sinuses.

3. Acute or chronic sinusitis.

4. Frontitis with purulent inflammation of the frontal sinus.

5. Pansinusitis (inflammation of all sinuses).

The pain syndrome is strongly expressed only when it is impossible to blow your nose. Clearing the airways greatly alleviates the condition.

Pain in the nose, especially when accompanied by a runny nose, does not cause concern to anyone - a cold, what's so terrible about it? However, pain with discharge from the nose can be symptoms of diseases that are much more serious and dangerous. Consider what can happen if the cartilage of the nose hurts, what to do in this case and which specialist to contact.

Depending on where the source of pain is located, the causes are divided into external and internal.

External causes of pain in the nose include a boil located on the nose. The pain is severe, aggravated by touching the nose, can be given to the temple and forehead. In this case, the cause of the pain is visible - the nose swells at the location of the boil, the skin over it is tense, hot to the touch, red.

Nose injury- bruise, violation of the integrity of the mucosa. In this case, the pain is acute, occurs immediately after a blow, fall and other similar situations;

Sinusitis- gives pain sensations of great intensity, caused by the accumulation of contents in the maxillary sinus, upon release of which the pain subsides. The pain radiates to the forehead and teeth, worse at night and in the morning. It may be accompanied by manifestations of a cold - high fever, chills, nasal congestion, runny nose. Signs of a chronic process is pain - tolerable, pressing in combination with headaches and malaise. Increased pain provokes overwork, overheating, exercise stress;

Rhinitis- in this case, the pain is caused by inflammation of the nasal mucosa and is unexpressed. More striking manifestations of the disease are nasal discharge, congestion, headaches, may be heat. In the case of rhinitis of an allergic nature, the pain is also mild, it occurs against the background of burning, itching, and nasal congestion. In addition, inhalation of an allergen (animal hair, dust, pollen from plants or flowers, etc.) leads to profuse nasal discharge, watery eyes and reddening;

Tumors- some tumors of the nose give an unexpressed pain syndrome, and are often accompanied by difficulty breathing, purulent discharge and spontaneous bleeding from the nose. A growing tumor can also cause a nose deformity;

Charlin syndrome(neuralgia of the nasociliary nerve) - you can think about this disease if the nose hurts more often at night, and the pain is paroxysmal. Attacks can last from 10 minutes to several days. Pain during an attack is pressing, bursting, one-sided, can radiate to the eye and forehead;

Inflammation of the pterygopalatine ganglion (ganglionitis)- this disease is manifested by a sharp, spontaneously occurring pain in the nose, eye area, upper jaw. They can spread further - to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe temples, the back of the head, neck and shoulders.

The only reason from the above, in which most of us already know what to do if the cartilage of the nose hurts against the background of discharge from it, is rhinitis. In this case, we have at our service a variety of finished medicines, and traditional medicine recipes. Although an examination by a general practitioner will also not be superfluous. In all other cases, contact medical specialist(surgeon, neuropathologist or allergist) is mandatory.

The nose hurts from the outside - it hurts to touch it, the next day it swells up, there is no runny nose, the skin on the nose and cartilage hurt

It can be anything, hope that you just got blown away and it will pass soon, it could also be an allergy (well, you already know better). Watch your health.

Rub with clean wool. But not much - as if slightly polished.

The cold kicked in. Apply acyclovir.

Judging by the description, a beginning boil (chiryak in a simple way) is quite a dangerous thing. The main thing is not to touch, do not rub, do not press. You can make a compress outside for an hour and a half with Vishnevsky's ointment. And as soon as possible, to the ENT doctor

Nasal cartilage pain is a very common question many people ask. Most often, the cause of such pain is a variety of injuries of the nasal septum, in which the bone-cartilaginous plate is damaged, which divides the nose into two parts. Very often, a traumatologist is treated with fractures of the bones of the nose, septum and bruises, which cause pain in the cartilage of the nose. In addition to pain, nasal breathing becomes difficult, nosebleeds, pain and swelling may occur. A hematoma, an abscess is also formed, the nasal septum is bent, the nose is deformed, inflammation of a different nature begins in the nose.

The nose has in its structure three pairs of cartilages, which are located on the sides of the nome, and one unpaired cartilage, it is located in the nasal septum. At the top, the cartilages can be connected with the help of paired nasal tassels, which form the back of the nose. The deep nasal septum has a perpendicular plate. At the top, the cartilage of the nose is covered with soft tissue and skin.

1. In case of damage to the soft tissues of the nose.

2. If the cartilage of the nose itself is damaged, the entire nasal septum is injured because of it.

3. In case of damage to the bone structure of the nose (if a fracture occurs in the bone of the nose, the cartilage may hurt both with displacement and without displacement).

In addition to pain in the cartilage of the nose, there is also a headache, fainting and severe nausea appear.

These causes of cartilage pain most often appear after a fall, a sports competition, a fight, and a road accident.

1. Swell soft tissues which makes it very difficult to diagnose.

2. Epistaxis, most often it can occur in those people who suffer from hypertension, who have impaired liver function and who have been diagnosed with a blood disease.

3. Hyperemia of the nose, with a fracture of the cartilage of the nose, blood from the damaged area begins to flow into the soft tissues, so a hematoma is formed. If left untreated, it may start to fester. In this case, there is a sharp pain in the nose, a headache and a very high temperature.

4. The cartilage of the nose can be completely destroyed if the hematoma is not removed with the help of the surgical method, deformation in the nasal septum will begin. Why is this happening? Due to the fact that the blood begins to accumulate along the nasal septum, thus, hematomas form in the nasal septum, which close the nasal passages and completely block breathing.

5. Pain in the cartilage is accompanied by a change in the external shape of the nose. There may be a displacement or retraction of the nasal dorsum.

6. Nasal breathing is often difficult.

7. When feeling the nose, a very sharp pain appears.

The patient will be diagnosed with the help of an otolaryngoscopy examination. If the patient has a fracture of the nose bone, an X-ray of the bones of the nose will be taken, if the pain occurs due to a concussion and a nose injury, an X-ray of the skull may be taken. Here the neurologist should already examine.

If the pain is caused by a closed injury to the tissues of the nose, no treatment is needed. You just need to apply cold to the damaged area, if the pain is accompanied by bleeding, nasal tamponade is necessary.

Pain in the cartilage of the nose is considered dangerous, caused by an open fracture. Because the wound becomes infected and rots. Suppuration begins to spread to the cartilage of the nose and bones. It is very difficult to make a diagnosis on your own, which is why it is so important to consult a doctor on time.

If the pain in the cartilage of the nose is caused by damage to the nasal septum or a fracture with displacement, the patient is repositioned - the fragments are put in the right place, for this procedure, local anesthesia.

This problem develops due to trauma or defective development of the facial skeleton. What symptoms accompany pain in cartilage with curvature?

1. Nasal breathing is disturbed.

2. Chronic diseases of the nose appear - sinusitis, rhinitis, frontal sinusitis, etc. an infection always begins to develop in the damaged area, because breathing through the nose is almost impossible, the partition closes access to air, and the inflammatory process begins.

3. The symmetry of the nose changes - it shifts to the left or right. Very often, patients do not take cartilage pain seriously, they think that it will pass with time, and it is because of this that snoring may also appear.

Patients often do not pay attention to the curvature of the septum and do not want to see a specialist. But this is very dangerous, because normal nasal breathing is disturbed, because of this, changes occur in various organs and systems of the body. This is the first reason for the decrease in immunity, the development of cardiovascular diseases, problems with blood and sexual life. Such patients are prone to SARS and colds.

The nasal septum can only be corrected surgical method. Operations are performed under general anesthesia, modern medicine began to use innovative endoscopic equipment, which is less dangerous for the patient.

If you contact an ENT surgeon with pain in the cartilage of the nose, he will soon help you cope with it, because it does not just happen. An ENT surgeon will advise an ideal and affordable method for you, and then write out a rehabilitation course. Most often, only surgical intervention is needed so as not to aggravate the situation and the patient does not have complications in later life.

So, it is very important when pain occurs in the cartilage of the nose, immediately seek the advice of a specialist. Because it causes not only discomfort, but also spoils the appearance, can cause a number of complications and end with disastrous consequences. The nose is a very important organ that provides full breathing, if breathing is not carried out through it, many diseases begin to develop in the body system. Therefore, it is so important to protect this organ from injuries of a different nature, to monitor the changes that appear in it.

Most people are used to the fact that they have a runny nose and nasal congestion when they have a cold, but when a situation arises when nasal breathing is difficult and there is no snot, a serious concern about the state of one's health begins. Nasal congestion without a runny nose brings unpleasant, and even painful sensations, because in this state a person constantly experiences a headache.

All patients are interested in the question of why the nose is blocked without a runny nose, because such a phenomenon is considered abnormal and indicates the development of pathological processes in the body. Experts name a number of causes of nasal congestion without a runny nose, which every person can face. The main factors include the following:

  • too dry air in the room;
  • reaction to the use of certain drugs;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • hypothermia, dressing inappropriately for the weather;
  • effects on the body of colds and flu;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • nicotine addiction;
  • adenoids and polyps in the nose.

If nasal congestion without snot is caused precisely by these reasons, there is no reason for concern, it is enough to eliminate these factors and normalize nasal breathing. However, nasal congestion may indicate the development of some serious diseases. For example, in the case when only one nostril is blocked, and there is no snot, while alternately laying either the right or the left nasal passage, in most cases otolaryngologists diagnose "vasomotor rhinitis". As you know, this disease is quite difficult to treat and can cause some complications when choosing the wrong tactics for performing therapeutic actions. With vasomotor rhinitis, the following symptoms are observed: instead of air circulation in the nasal cavity, tickling is felt, constant sneezing occurs, a clear liquid is released from the nose, which is not characteristic of a common cold.

Some experts consider vasomotor rhinitis, in which the nose is very stuffy, not as a disease of the nasopharynx, but only as a reaction of the body to aggressive factors. environment. With pollinosis of the nose, in most cases it also stuffs up the nose without a runny nose, which is caused by the growth of polyp tissue, which block the nasal passages.

Nasal congestion without a runny nose that worries a person long time, can be very dangerous for his health, and even for life. The most common and dangerous complications Difficulty breathing are considered such painful conditions:

  • total loss sense of smell, which is not always possible to restore;
  • pressure on the head area, pain;
  • sinusitis and others inflammatory diseases paranasal sinuses;
  • otitis.

In any case, in order to eliminate the problem associated with the fact that the nose is blocked, but there is no runny nose, it is necessary to take measures aimed at eliminating the root cause of this condition. In addition, it is important to understand that you cannot take medications. The choice of the drug should be carried out only by a specialist, because it is necessary to take into account the patient's age, the presence of allergic reactions, individual tolerance of the components medicinal product.

If a person complains about severe congestion nose without snot, while it does not develop colds, it is worth contacting a specialist for a treatment appointment. Therapeutic actions are carried out depending on the causes of this problem. If polyps or adenoids were found during examination of the nasal cavity by an otolaryngologist, it may be necessary to remove them. AT a short time After the operation, the patient will be able to carry out normal nasal breathing.

At allergic reaction the body to certain allergens, which manifests itself as nasal congestion without a runny nose, antiallergic drugs are prescribed.

Sometimes even specialists cannot determine the cause of such a process, then they prescribe vasoconstrictors to eliminate puffiness and restore normal breathing.

When a person suffers from stuffy nose and no snot, a treatment method such as cryotherapy is often used. This technique consists in the fact that certain areas of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx are affected by applicators with a temperature of -200 C. Under the influence of such a low temperature, the damaged nerve fibers and further restoration. After such a procedure, the vessels themselves are destroyed, due to which nasal congestion has arisen. Deep freezing has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane - the vessels narrow, and the air passes freely through the nasal passages. Cryotherapy can be carried out many times, while it does not leave scars or atrophic ulcers.

Traditional medicine is also rich in remedies that are effective in combating the problem when there is no runny nose, but the nose is blocked, so you should not completely exclude them. Be sure to drink tea with raspberries, honey and linden, after which you need to go to bed. Also, before going to bed, it is useful to soar your feet in hot water, you can add mustard, however, if you are not allergic to it. With congestion, such folk remedies will help:

  • garlic juice;
  • carrot juice;
  • aloe juice and kalanchoe.

It is important before instillation of juice into the nose, dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:1. If you are not allergic to honey, it can also be used to make nasal drops. Good healing effect aloe and kalanchoe juice exerts on the nasopharynx, they can be used together or separately. In addition to the fact that Kalanchoe has a vasoconstrictive effect on the mucous membrane, after instillation of the juice of this plant into the nasal passages, a person begins to actively sneeze, thoroughly cleaning his nose.

Some people also take mints, which are meant to treat sore throat. They relieve nasal congestion without a runny nose, but only for a short time, so they are not considered. effective tool. Each person should understand that some medications can bring both benefit and harm, so you should categorically refuse self-medication.


The appearance of pain is the first sign that negative processes are taking place in the body. And if such a painful cider is felt inside the nose, then the cause of this unpleasant feeling is usually inflammation that appears due to viruses, trauma or allergies. But in fact, to the question “Why does pain occur inside the nose?” there are many answers. The main reasons here are:

  1. Furunculosis. The appearance of boils on the face is associated not only with an ugly appearance. Under each such abscess there is an inflammatory process. If a furuncle has appeared in the mucosa, then the sensations can hardly be called pleasant or even tolerable, especially when you press on the affected area or on the tip of the nose. Such pains are able to move to the temporal lobes, and then the whole head begins to hurt. Most often, boils appear in a child in adolescence, but this disease can also occur in an adult.
  2. Injury. Often, after a fall or blow, the most convex part of the face - the nose - is damaged. Finding it is easier than ever, because not only unpleasant sensations accompany the lesion, but also redness, inflammation, blood flow.
  3. Sinusitis. Because of this disease inside the nose, pain sensations become excruciating. This happens due to the fact that the sinuses are narrowed, and the discharge cannot go out, which causes seizures. With sinusitis, the nose hurts, and with a deterioration in the condition, it also causes cheek areas with a return to the teeth. If the disease is not treated even after these symptoms, inflammation will begin to pass into the frontal lobes, which already indicates the accumulation of pus there. This is already fraught with bad consequences, even death.
  4. Sinusitis. This disease is viral in nature, which affects the wings of the nose. In this case, the virus can affect both one wing and two at once. The pains are usually bearable, accompanied by general fatigue and weakness.
  5. Rhinitis (runny nose). With this disease, the mucous membrane is irritated. There are no pain manifestations, as such, but the disease is accompanied by discomfort, a feeling of fatigue.
  6. Allergy. If the nose is swollen, and its mucous membrane is irritated and secretes a constantly clear liquid, then it may be a reaction to some kind of product or smell. There is a aching nature of sensations, and constant sneezing also occurs.
  7. Nerve inflammation. If the pain constantly "rolls" inside the nose and goes to the eye sockets, and all this is true for night time, during sleep, then the point is inflammation of the nasociliary nerve.
  8. Ganglionite. viral disease, in which pain appears not only inside the nose, but also far beyond its borders - from the temples to shoulder joints. Accompanied by cutting, sharp sensations.

Of course, it is impossible to self-diagnose the disease in oneself. It is necessary to contact specialists - an otolaryngologist, a neuropathologist or a therapist. It is also advisable to take an x-ray.

If any symptoms appear, of course, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only a specialist is able to diagnose and recommend correct treatment. It is forbidden to self-medicate, because this way you can harm yourself and “start” the disease, for example, if we are talking about sinusitis. But still there are general recommendations suitable for almost everyone:

  • with furunculosis, wipe the affected area with an antiseptic; if the boil "comes out", then the pus can be squeezed out by wiping with an alcohol solution after the procedure; in the future, for prevention, it is important to monitor the cleanliness of the face and not overdo it with sweet, spicy and fatty;
  • in case of injury, a cold object should be applied, for example, a frozen product from the refrigerator is suitable; then it remains to wait for the pain and swelling to subside; if the nose turns blue, and touching it causes a sharp return, you should immediately contact a traumatologist;
  • with sinusitis, it is necessary to use inhalation with essential oils, periodically wash the sinuses with a decoction of celandine or aloe juice, lubricate the mucous membrane from the inside with honey or garlic juice;
  • with sinusitis, treatment is prescribed exclusively by a doctor; the use of antibiotics is combined with antiviral agents; at home it does not hurt to make saline solutions;
  • with rhinitis, it is necessary to bury the nose with the juice of Kalanchoe, calendula, red geranium; do washing with salted water, tincture of eucalyptus or sophora; warm up your feet in a steam bath; carry out inhalations with essential oils.

The well-known visible part of the nose, called the external nose, consists of the root, back, apex and wings. The basis of the external nose is the nasal bones - the frontal process of the jaw, the lateral cartilage and the large pterygoid cartilage of the nose, covered with muscles that are designed to compress the nasal openings and pull down the wings of the nose. Although the external nose is covered with the same skin as the face, due to the abundance sebaceous glands the skin in this place is thick and inactive.

Before entering the nasal cavity, air first enters its vestibule. The nasal septum, formed by the vertical plate of the ethmoid bone, vomer and cartilage, divides the nasal cavity into two parts. Although the nose looks symmetrical on the outside, many people have a deviated septum. This slight deviation is considered to be the norm, although it represents the asymmetry of the skull.

The space between the nasal septum and the turbinates is called the common nasal passage; in the lateral sections of the nasal cavity, respectively, three nasal conchas have three nasal passages. The lower nasal passage is limited from above by the inferior nasal concha, from below - by the bottom of the nasal cavity. In the lower nasal passage, at a distance of 10 mm from the anterior end of the shell, there is an opening of the nasolacrimal canal. The alar of the nose, in addition to the large cartilage, includes connective tissue formations, from which the posterior inferior parts of the nasal openings (nostrils) are formed.

1. For diseases skin external nose, for example, with a boil, the pain in the nose is intense, often spreading to the forehead and temple. There is a sharp soreness of the nose when touched. It grows as the swelling increases, which can reach large sizes. There is not only swelling, but also redness, tissue tension. When examining the entrance to the nose, its narrowing can be seen. This place is most painful when touched. AT early age a furuncle that appears in the nose is often combined with general multiple furunculosis, and occurs mainly in debilitated children suffering from intestinal diseases. The pain in their nose is pronounced along with other signs of inflammation - redness, swelling - and is accompanied by a local increase in temperature, that is, the skin is hot to the touch.

2. Pain occurs when the nose is injured. In these cases, it is caused by a traumatic violation of the integrity of the tissues.

3. In acute inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (sinusitis, etc.), the pain is intense. Narrowing, and sometimes complete closure of the lumen of the nasal cavity causes a delay in secretions and the appearance of pain as a result. The pain sign decreases under the condition of free outflow of contents from the nose and sinuses. With the defeat of the paranasal sinuses, the pain is typical in its localization, time of occurrence. The localization of pain depends on which sinus is involved in the process: if it is frontal, the pain is felt mainly in the forehead, with sinusitis, in the area of ​​the cheeks and teeth. Often the pain is associated with a certain time of day. Its predominant occurrence was noted in the morning hours, at night.
The pain is aggravated by pressure on the walls of the corresponding sinus, on the forehead, cheeks. It can spread to the temple, crown and even the back of the head. If inflammation of the frontal sinus is combined with inflammation of other sinuses, then the pain can be localized at the root of the nose, be of a pressing nature. At the same time, there is pain at the inner corner of the eye.

4. In chronic sinusitis, the pain in the sinus area is not so intense and is often accompanied by a headache, a decrease in mental and physical activity. At the same time, the headache is diffuse in nature, it is unstable - it intensifies during an exacerbation, as well as from various reasons causing a rush of blood to the brain (overheating in the sun, overwork).
To prevent nose pain timely treatment underlying disease. Therefore, prevention should be aimed at eliminating acute and chronic inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract, restoring nasal breathing through conservative, and if necessary, surgical treatment. Hardening and restorative procedures that increase the defenses of the child's body are also important. Children who often have boils are recommended to be examined, since timely treatment of underlying diseases is the prevention of boils and their complications.

5. Sharp and chronic rhinitis(inflammation of the nasal mucosa) is a fairly common and seemingly harmless disease. However, with regard to the latter, this is not entirely true. The nasal cavity is the "entrance gate" of the respiratory tract, through which the inhaled and exhaled air passes. In addition, it is a powerful, richly innervated zone associated with various organs and systems of the body. Therefore, the body reacts even to the most minor violations. physiological functions nose (respiratory, olfactory, protective, etc.).
A runny nose causes considerable anxiety to patients, with it the appetite disappears sharply. Discharge from the nose irritates, causes nervousness, forms negative conditioned reflexes, bad habits pose a risk for a number of other diseases. Violation of normal nasal breathing affects negatively cardiovascular system, respiratory organs, intracranial, spinal and intraocular pressure, on the movement of lymph, cerebral circulation, brain function, etc.
Chronic rhinitis is often the result of untreated acute rhinitis or flu. Improper treatment also leads to the emergence of chronic forms. The causes of the disease are different (dust, gas, adverse climatic conditions, deviated nasal septum, adenoids, etc.).

6. Allergic rhinitis.
The reasons - hypersensitivity organism to the effects of various agents on the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity - plant pollen, animal hair, dust, etc.
Clinical manifestations: often abundant watery discharge from the nose, sneezing, nasal congestion, redness of the eyes, lacrimation, headaches. In the case of a delayed reaction - rare sneezing, more often in the morning, almost constant nasal congestion, which increases in the supine position, the discharge, as a rule, is not watery, but somewhat thicker, mucous.
As a rule, the disease is seasonal. In the same patient, the disease worsens every year, at the same time, usually in spring or early summer. The diagnosis is established by an ENT doctor based on the patient's complaints, the history of the disease, and examination of the nasal cavity. These methods are often enough to make a diagnosis. In some cases, resort to anterior rhinomanometry (assessment respiratory function nose), analysis of scrapings from the nasal mucosa, endoscopic examination of the nasal cavity, allergy tests.

7. Hypertrophic rhinitis - a consequence of chronic catarrhal rhinitis.
Causes: as a result of prolonged exposure to adverse factors (dust, gases, unsuitable climate, etc.), the presence of a deviated nasal septum. Often the cause is a chronic inflammatory process in the paranasal sinuses or adenoids.
Symptoms: severe nasal congestion, feeling of dryness in the nasal cavity, difficult blowing nose, decreased sense of smell. Frequent nosebleeds.
Diagnosis: the diagnosis is made on the basis of anamnesis, anterior rhinoscopy (wide nasal cavity due to atrophy mainly of the inferior turbinates, the accumulation of a thick secret, which dries up in places, forms crusts), anterior active rhinomanometry.

8. Neuralgia of the nasociliary nerve.
It is found in relatively young people (up to 40 years). Characterized by paroxysmal intense burning, pressing, bursting pain in the orbit, eye, nose, radiating to the corresponding half of the forehead. Trigger zones are not identified. Attacks of pain often occur at night, last tens of minutes, occasionally several hours and even days.
Accompanied by vegetative disorders: hyperemia of the eye, lacrimation, rhinorrhea, swelling of the nasal mucosa on the homolateral side. Sometimes corneal trophism disorders develop (keratitis phenomena)

9. Ganglionitis (ganglioneuritis) of the pterygopalatine node is characterized by spontaneous sharp pains in the eye, around the orbit, in the nose, upper jaw, and sometimes in the teeth and gums mandible. Pain can spread to the temple area, auricle, the back of the head, neck, shoulder blades, shoulder, forearm and even the hand. Painful paroxysms are accompanied by pronounced autonomic symptoms, a kind of "vegetative storm" (redness of half of the face, swelling of facial tissues, lacrimation, profuse secretion from one half of the nose). The attack lasts from several minutes to several hours, and sometimes 1-2 days. and more. Often painful paroxysms develop at night.

Very often, at an appointment with an otolaryngologist, patients complain that their nose hurts from a runny nose: what to do and how to get rid of such unpleasant symptoms that cause great discomfort? Only a doctor and a thorough diagnosis will help to find out the cause of a runny nose and pain in the nose and get rid of them effectively and in a short time.

There are not so many reasons why a person begins to experience pain during a runny nose, but you need to know about them, because some of them are extremely dangerous to health. Among those:

  1. Rhinitis. The main causes of pain in the common cold are atrophic and hypertrophic types of pathology. In the second case, the mucous membrane begins to grow rapidly and strongly, which significantly narrows the nasal passages and, as a result, causes pain. When everything happens the other way around, that is, the mucous membrane of the sinuses begins to dry, forming cracks inside the nose and causing severe pain. There is another one - it is allergic rhinitis. In this case, pain begins from a strong swelling of the mucous membrane, which is affected by the allergen. The following can act as an irritant: dust, pet hair, flowers, household chemicals, pollen, medicines.
  2. Children with weakened immune system very often exposed to catarrhal pathologies, accompanied by a runny nose. It is worth noting that a weakened child can get sick not only in the cold season, but also in the summer months. Therefore, it is very important to harden a child from an early age, carefully monitor his health and strengthen immunity.
  3. Infections and inflammatory processes during a cold can also cause pain during a runny nose. Since, even with a protracted pathology, the patient does not go to the doctor, but tries to act independently or is not treated at all and simply often blows his nose, further irritating the nasal mucosa and causing its swelling, which leads to pain during a runny nose. Often, viruses and bacterial infections can cause herpes or a boil in the nose, which also causes severe pain and discomfort.
  4. If, with a runny nose and discomfort in the nose, a person also experiences a constant headache, then in this case these symptoms are a consequence of sinusitis.

Before starting treatment, it is important to remember that the cause of pain from a runny nose can be not only a cold, but also some serious illness. In this regard, in no case should you engage in self-therapy without first consulting a doctor. First of all, it is necessary to undergo an examination and find out why the nose hurts during a runny nose.

In order to eliminate discomfort in the nose and alleviate other symptoms with a runny nose, such vasoconstrictor drugs are usually prescribed: Nazivin, Tizin, Snoop. However, it is worth remembering that all medicines of this type are addictive and should not be abused, especially in the treatment of a cold in a child.

Rinsing the nose with a runny nose for a reason infectious diseases should be carried out using a saline or herbal solution, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently. Also, for the treatment of a runny nose caused by a virus, you can use drugs that include interferon. Pinosol contains essential oils, due to which it has emollient properties and is effective in the treatment of rhinitis in children.

If the nose hurts and the cause of mucous secretions is a bacterial infection, then doctors usually recommend the use of Isofra or Polydex. Nasal lavage in this case should be carried out with a solution of Furacilin or baking soda. For greater efficiency, it is recommended to rinse the nose at least 10-12 times a day.

With sinusitis, it is necessary to irrigate the nose with saline and furatsilin solutions as often as possible. In this case, it is desirable to use not ordinary salt, but sea salt, and alternate liquids with each other. Antibacterial drops such as Polydex and Isofra are very effective for sinusitis. For oral administration are recommended: herbal preparation Sinupret and antibiotics Amoxiclav, Amoxicillin, Flemoxin. If the sinusitis is in a neglected state, then in this case it is necessary to puncture the maxillary sinuses to extract all the contents from them using disinfectants.

If an allergen has become the cause of a runny nose and, as a result, pain with it, you should first determine the type of irritant that could affect the development of the disease and get rid of it. In allergic rhinitis, Vibrocil is usually prescribed. This drug has both vasoconstrictive and anti-allergic properties, it can be used not only for adults, but also for children, starting from 1 year.

Adults with allergic rhinitis, which is in an advanced stage, may be prescribed hormonal drug Nasonex. You need to apply it 1 time in 7 days for 4-5 weeks. Children with allergic rhinitis the use of drugs such as Claritin, Suprastin, Tavegil, Zodak, etc. is recommended. If herpes is the reason that the nose hurts with a runny nose, then no therapy to eliminate the infection is required. It is only necessary to use antiviral drugs. These include: Arbidol, Kagocel, Cyfekon.

Often the cause of pain in the nasal cavity with a runny nose can be furunculosis caused by bacteria. In this case, you should take antibacterial drugs, and lubricate the nasal sinuses with Levomekol, Vishnevsky ointment or with tetracycline.

It is worth remembering that folk remedies can be used only if the cause of the common cold is not any serious illness.

If there is pain in the nose in combination with snot, traditional healers recommend the following recipes:

  1. Menthol oil. This tool 3-4 drops should be injected into the nose several times a day. For greater efficiency, you can lubricate the wings of the nose, forehead and area behind the ears with this substance.
  2. Kalanchoe. The plant can be used in the case when a runny nose is just beginning. In order for the secretion of snot to stop, it is usually enough to inject 1-2 drops of freshly squeezed Kalanchoe juice into the nose several times a day or lubricate the nostrils with it.
  3. Tincture of oil and wild rosemary. Rinse the rosemary leaves thoroughly, finely chop and put 1 tbsp. l. raw materials in 100 ml of olive or sunflower oil. It is necessary to insist the mixture in a dark place for three weeks, not forgetting to shake it every day. After the appointed time, the mixture must be filtered and injected into the nose, 1-2 drops in the morning and evening. You can use this remedy for a runny nose and for its prevention, but it takes no more than one week to use it. Store the drug in the refrigerator.
  4. Beet. Thoroughly washed and peeled root must be crushed on a grater, squeeze the juice from it, dilute with boiled water at room temperature and inject a few drops into each nostril 2-3 times a day.
  5. Onions and sunflower oil. One medium vegetable needs to be peeled, finely chopped and poured with a small amount of sunflower oil. You need to insist the remedy throughout the day, and then strain and squeeze out the mass. The resulting onion oil must be rubbed into the nostrils several times a day.
  6. Honey and beet juice. 1 tsp mix honey with 3-4 tsp. freshly squeezed vegetable juice and instill the resulting mixture into the nose 5-6 times a day.

Traditional medicine can be used to eliminate rhinitis not only along with the usual drug therapy but also separate from it. Be healthy!

Runny nose, otherwise known as rhinitis, is caused by various types infection, which leads to inflammation of the mucous membrane, the occurrence of edema and the appearance of discharge from the nose. At common cold pain in the nose rarely occurs, except that from irritation with frequent wiping, the skin is injured on the outside and then it hurts, respectively, on the outside. This is not dangerous and, with the disappearance of the common cold, passes. It is much worse when it hurts inside the nose, this is a sign of a more serious disease.

Pain signals a problem, and if the pain is in the nose, then you need to take it seriously, because the brain is nearby. The infection can spread to him and lead to serious illness, even a fatal outcome. Therefore, in this case, you should consult a doctor. Pain in the nose usually occurs with atrophic and hypertrophic rhinitis. With atrophic rhinitis, the nasal mucosa begins to dry, cracks appear on it and this causes pain in the nose. With hypertrophic rhinitis, the very tissue of the sinuses changes, growths appear inside the nose and this causes pain.

A runny nose happens not only with rhinitis, but also with sinusitis - an acute inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. Sinusitis can be acute or chronic. According to the location, it is divided into:

  • sinusitis, inflammation is localized in the maxillary region;
  • ethmoiditis, inflammation of the ethmoid bone separating the cavities of the nose and skull;
  • sphenoiditis, inflammation in the sphenoid sinus, located deep in the nasal cavity and bordering on carotid arteries, base of the skull, pituitary gland and optic nerves;
  • frontal sinusitis, inflammation of the frontal sinuses, is the most difficult to treat and the most dangerous, because the brain and eyes are nearby.

All these diseases cause pain inside the nose, aggravated by pressure. Moreover, the localization of pain different types sinusitis is in different places. With sinusitis, pain is felt in the upper jaw and under the eye sockets, and it radiates to the teeth. In the evening there is an increase in pain.

With ethmoiditis, a constant aching pain is felt in the region of the nose. With sphenoiditis, pain is felt in the back of the head and it intensifies in the morning. With frontal pain, pain is felt in the forehead above the eyebrows, it also intensifies in the morning.

Sinusitis cannot be started, because. the following complications may occur: orbital or brain abscesses, meningitis, osteomyelitis, sinus thrombosis.

Under the nose, the skin is thin and delicate, and with a runny nose, it becomes irritated by secretions and from constant wiping of the nose. This is not particularly dangerous, you just need to avoid touching your nose with dirty hands, so as not to infect. The runny nose will pass, the skin will heal and the pain will disappear. But you need to take into account that if the runny nose is allergic, then it is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause, otherwise the runny nose will have to wait a long time for the disappearance.

The wings of the nose hurt with rhinitis from the fact that irritation of the mucous membrane has occurred. In addition to inflammation in the nose, herpes can occur and also cause pain in this place. Everyone is used to the fact that herpes occurs only on the lips, its appearance in the nose is confused with dermatitis and begins to be treated on its own. This should not be done, because the situation may worsen.

To avoid pain in the nose with a runny nose, you need to blow your nose less often, and just get wet with discharge from the nose. It is better to use napkins soaked in a special lotion for this. You also need to blow your nose correctly, try to release your nostrils one by one, slowly and carefully. You need to try to make the discharge as liquid as possible with the help of steam in a sauna or a heated bathroom. You can also compress your nose with a warm, damp washcloth.

The use of a salt spray sold in any pharmacy helps well. If you do not want to go to the pharmacy, then you can cook it yourself. To do this, dissolve half a teaspoon of non-iodized salt in a glass of warm water and rinse the nose with the resulting solution using a small enema.

Warm drinks also soften the discharge from the nose, they should be drunk throughout the day. Tea with mint and cloves cleans the nose well. The same effect has the use of hot spices when eating.

Of the medicines, it is enough to use drops to narrow the vessels without abusing them, otherwise chronic rhinitis may occur. If the pain in the nose is caused by serious diseases, then the doctor may prescribe antibiotics, you cannot use them yourself.

If there is simply irritation on the skin under the nose or on the nose, then you need to moisturize and soothe it. To do this, it is good to use Vaseline or Neosporin. Please note that frequent use of petroleum jelly may cause vapors to enter the lungs. Sometimes this leads to lipoid pneumonia.

If there are medicines at hand, then you can anoint with a regular moisturizer, the effect will also be, only a little less.

In conclusion, I would like to recall the benefits of hardening, because a hardened person has high immunity and a runny nose rarely occurs. Then there will be no pain in the nose.

Few people can be surprised by rhinitis as a disease. After all, a runny nose (and this is the name of rhinitis familiar to us) appears in people with an enviable frequency. For its development there is an abundance of reasons, and the symptoms are diverse. In this article, we’ll talk about what to do if your nose hurts with a runny nose, and this causes a lot of pain.

Pain is a normal reaction of our body to any changes. All processes occurring inside us are aimed at maintaining the state of homeostasis, balance. And if any of its components gets out of control, the body tries with all its might to hint: “It's time to do something!”.

Pain accompany diseases, inflammatory processes, violations of the integrity of organs and tissues. It is possible that during a runny nose they can occur.

When a patient has pain in the nasal cavity, the doctor's number one task is to establish the source of the pain. This may be the paranasal sinuses, the mucous membrane, or any organs that lie outside the nasal cavity, but the pain of which may radiate to the nose.

Pain in the nose with a runny nose is often not the only symptom that torments the patient. If you want to determine the cause yourself, you should carefully evaluate general state body and take into account the following symptoms:

Finding out what symptoms you have, it will be easier to identify the ailment that caused such problems.

Particular attention deserves the transition of the chronic process to the acute phase, which often happens with chronic patients with sinusitis, frontal sinusitis. Pain and some of the symptoms described above are especially acute in case of illness. As a rule, such complications are associated with the activation of frontal sinusitis and sinusitis.

Although many people can diagnose themselves with the help of online advice, it is most reliable to seek the advice of a doctor and get qualified help from a specialist. In order to find out the cause of pain in the nose, you should visit an otolaryngologist who can perform the following diagnostic manipulations:

  • General analysis blood. Having made such an analysis, the doctor will be able to establish whether there is an inflammatory process and how far it is running, at what stage it is;
  • Endoscopy of the nasal cavity. This method the study will allow the doctor to assess the condition of the mucous membrane and detect possible neoplasms, for example, a cyst or polyps, which can also create discomfort and cause pain in the nose;
  • Microbiological research. Using this method, the doctor will be able to find out exactly which microorganisms caused your condition and prescribe the correct treatment. Most often, this analysis is done in order to identify a possible infection. Staphylococcus aureus, as it is a resistant hospital strain;
  • X-ray. A snapshot of the nasal cavity helps to find out if the nasal septum is curved or not. If it is not possible to obtain comprehensive information with the help of an X-ray, the doctor will prescribe you a magnetic resonance imaging;
  • Diagnostic puncture of the maxillary sinus. Despite the fact that the CIS countries still practice punctures as a method of treatment, in advanced clinics you are very unlikely to be subjected to such a severe test. But they can make a puncture (that is, a puncture and taking pathological material) in order to determine the etiology of the disease. Such a manipulation is done once, after which the doctor can examine the pathological material.

Despite the fact that the nose is an area of ​​study for an ENT doctor, if necessary, this specialist can seek help from a neuropathologist, ophthalmologist, or dentist.

When we have established how diseases are diagnosed and what symptoms can accompany them, let's turn directly to the ailments in which the nose hurts from a runny nose.

some kind of “scanty” review ... as if in a hurry somewhere

Pain is always a sign of something wrong in the body. The situation when the nose hurts cannot remain unnoticed. Diseases associated with this organ and causing pain are different. Some of them are so dangerous that they can seriously undermine human health. Therefore, everything that concerns this organ of smell cannot be ignored and you need to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

What can hurt in the nose?

Almost always, pain in the nose is the result of an inflammatory process. Any anatomical part of this organ can be involved in this process. Many pathologies associated with the functioning of the nose are characterized by inflammation of not one, but simultaneously several of its structural formations.

Often, the inflammatory process spreads to neighboring areas and this causes the transition of the disease into a chronic form. All components of the structure of the nose are subject to inflammation. In most cases, inflammation is caused by pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

An autoimmune or allergic nature of the occurrence of an inflammatory reaction is not excluded. The cause of inflammation of the nasal cavity can be aseptic necrosis resulting from insufficient blood supply. In this case, cell necrosis occurs without the participation of pathogenic microbes.

The causes of pain in the nose are often various kinds of injuries. Intense pain occurs as a result of a strong blow or fall, when a bone fracture occurs. Due to various injuries, the anatomical structures of the nose lose their integrity, as a result of which they become inflamed. This process is facilitated by a violation of the passage of air and blood supply inside the organ.

Injury leads to the spread of infection, bleeding, fractures and dislocations, as well as suppuration. Penetration into the nasal cavity of foreign objects and getting a burn of its mucous membrane falls under this category.

Penetration foreign body into the internal cavity of the nose is more often observed in children. Once there, they can damage the nerve endings and mucous membranes. This is what causes pain. In parallel, there may be a burning sensation inside and discomfort. Sometimes there is a slight nosebleed.

Causes of pain

One of characteristic features for all diseases of the nasal cavity is pain, whether there is a cold or not. The reasons are of various origins. In some cases, this is an infection, in others, the appearance of neoplasms, injuries or anomalies in the structure. Some of the reasons are due to the neurological nature of the occurrence.

Damage to the skin or mucous membrane is also the cause of pain. Prolonged pain in the nasal cavity of a pulling nature is regarded as a result of chronic diseases ENT organs. Painful sensations in the nose can occur in any part of it, both outside and inside, as well as with damage to its anatomical components.

Diseases of the external nose include:

  • furunculosis;
  • carbuncle;
  • eczema;
  • vestibular fissures.

Pain in the nose can be the result of damage and inflammation of its various structures.

Furunculosis is the result of simultaneous infection of the hair follicle and sebaceous gland. In this case, their purulent inflammation occurs, due to the activation of streptococcus or staphylococcus aureus. A furuncle can be characterized as a convex formation rising above the surface of the skin or mucous membrane with an abscess in the center. Most often they are formed in the vestibule of the nose or at its tip.

If several sebaceous glands and hair follicles are simultaneously inflamed, which are located close to each other in a limited area, then we are talking about a carbuncle. Staphylococcus is the cause of this purulent formation. It has a dense texture of a red-purple hue. It rises above the surface of the skin. Carbuncle is accompanied by severe throbbing pain, fever may occur.

Eczema on the skin of the nose may be of an allergic nature or associated with a violation of metabolic processes. It is characterized by the formation of edema and redness of the skin, pain. It also happens that eczema may be accompanied by the formation of a boil or carbuncle.

This is due to a violation of the integrity of the skin in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe external nose and the attachment of an infection. Another skin disease of the nose caused by exposure to pathogens is erysipelas. It is characterized by the formation of a dense red and painful infiltrate.

Rhinitis or sinusitis

Prolonged runny nose often causes constant pain in the nose. The severity and nature of the symptom differs depending on the type of this ENT pathology. So, with viral or bacterial rhinitis, painful sensations occur inside the cavity and are accompanied by congestion, swelling, viscous secretion, and fever.

The formation of thick mucus prevents cleansing, and frequent increased blowing leads to injury to the mucous membrane. As a result, cracks form, which is the cause of pain. Hypertrophic rhinitis also causes pain, this is due to the growth of mucosal tissue and constant feeling congestion.

The pain caused by rhinitis with a cold does not differ in intensity, rather, a person suffers from the discomfort caused by illness and constant blowing.

Sinusitis or, in other words, sinusitis, is characterized by inflammation of the paranasal sinuses as a result of the penetration of pathogens into the mucous membrane. This disease is characterized by an intense pain syndrome, while pain radiates to the head, eyes, temples, forehead and neck.

Other reasons

Diseases of the internal nose that cause pain include hematoma of the nasal cavity, abscess, herpes. In the first case, the pathology is an accumulation of blood in the intercellular space. It is often the result of an injury to the nose.

Hematoma is more often formed from the inside, in the area of ​​​​the septum and on the mucous membrane. Directly the accumulation of blood in a limited area does not cause pain.

In most cases, it goes unnoticed, but as a result of the penetration of pathogenic microbes, the site of hematoma formation can suppurate.

Abscess of the nasal cavity is considered as a complication and infection of hematomas and other injuries. It is a cavity filled with pus. In addition to severe pain, an abscess is accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • mucosal edema;
  • temperature rise;
  • headache;
  • feeling of brokenness;
  • release of purulent contents.

Seeing a doctor with a description of the accompanying symptoms of pain will help determine the underlying cause of the pain.

The internal nasal cavity often becomes the site of blisters as a result of exposure to the herpes virus. It is they who cause the appearance of painful sensations, itching and burning inside the olfactory organ. The pathologies associated with the paranasal sinuses and causing pain inside the nose include frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis, and cysts.

Frontitis is characterized by localization of pain in the forehead and root of the nose. With inflammation of the ethmoid sinus or ethmoiditis, pain is felt at the base of the nose and the outer back. The appearance inside the olfactory organ of such a neoplasm as a cyst can also cause pain in its cavity.

Being a cavity formation located in the internal tissue of the organ, the cyst can become infected and suppurate. This is what causes the nose to hurt inside. Cystic formations in the nose by themselves cannot cause pain, but increasing in size, they begin to compress the nerve endings located in the mucous membrane and provoke such a symptom.

When the cyst is infected, pain also occurs inside the organ of smell. Among the diseases of the nose associated with its various departments include:

  • Charlin's syndrome;
  • Slader's syndrome;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • trauma;
  • structural anomalies.

The cause of Charlin's syndrome is inflammation of the nasociliary nerve. It belongs to the branches ophthalmic nerve and through it is connected with the nasal cavity. With this syndrome, the patient develops severe pain in the area eyeballs and nose. The pain symptom intensifies in the evening, serous discharge joins it.

How can you help?

To determine what to do if your nose hurts, you need to contact an otolaryngologist for a qualified diagnosis and treatment. After establishing the cause, the doctor will decide on the therapeutic tactics. If the soreness in the nose is from a runny nose, then treatment should be aimed at eliminating the causes of rhinitis.

If the disease is caused by viruses, then antiviral drugs such as Anaferon or Arbidol are used. With a bacterial nature of origin, antibacterial agents are prescribed, for example, Azithromycin or Augmentin. In the case of allergic rhinitis, antihistamines are used (Zodak, Suprastin, Loratadin).

With a boil, antibacterial drugs from the group of macrolides, fluoroquinolones or cephalosporins are prescribed. They are designed to destroy a malicious infection and prevent its spread. Apply and local preparations antibacterial action.

The solution to the problem is carried out depending on the underlying disease.

Furuncle can be lubricated with Vishnevsky ointment, Tridenorm, Celestoderm, Levomekol. Purulent formation also needs to be treated with antiseptic preparations. But with what to anoint a purulent formation, and with what means to process, you need to decide together with your doctor. If necessary, the infiltrate is opened surgically.

If the source of pain is a crack in the vestibule of the nose, then it is recommended to spread synthomycin or tetracycline ointment on the damaged area, but first the affected area is treated with brilliant green or iodine. Pain in the sinuses caused by sinusitis is eliminated after the implementation of therapeutic measures against the disease itself.

This is done as follows:

  • the nasal cavity is freed from purulent contents through a medical puncture;
  • drainage is installed to exit the exudate;
  • anti-inflammatory therapy is carried out by administering the drug through the established drainage;
  • washing the sinuses with antibacterial and antiseptic solutions.

With such diseases of the nose as an abscess, cyst, trauma, tumor, carbuncle, methods of surgical treatment are used. It is important to know that purulent formations on the surface and inside the organ, as well as in the area of ​​​​the nasolabial triangle, cannot be squeezed out on their own. This can lead to serious complications.

For nose pain, first aid is usually aimed at eliminating this symptom. The cause of the disease remains without any effect. Pain with symptomatic therapy will be repeated. Therefore, self-treatment in the form of taking painkillers is not always an adequate way to solve problems with nasal soreness.