Does a problem with the lungs affect the runny nose. Severe runny nose and nasal congestion: how to treat? Cough after antibiotics

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

Runny nose is an inflammatory process covering the nasal mucosa. This disease most often accompanies other ailments. This is usually a sign of another disease. Rhinitis- this is common occurrence with acute respiratory viral diseases, such as parainfluenza, flu , measles , adenovirus... With such combinations, doctors call a runny nose rhinitis, which in Greek means " nasal inflammation".
Patients prefer to call this disease a runny nose. The first and second names, although they are very similar and even synonymous with each other, are nevertheless somewhat different. Yes, the name rhinitis” implies the mechanism for the appearance of the symptom, then the name “ runny nose"speaks of signs of inflammation, for example, the expiration of mucus. In this material, there will be no particular distinction between these two terms.

In a large number of cases, rhinitis - allergic manifestation and develops when a provoking agent enters the tissue. So, there are two types of rhinitis: allergic and infectious. You can read about why and how these two types of disease occur in this article. It must be said that a minimum of information about how rhinitis develops will help people who do not have medical education, not only competently approach the treatment of this disease, but also prevent its occurrence.

What are the causes of rhinitis?

For any reason, causing the appearance rhinitis is a must inflammatory process on the nasal mucosa. Allergic and infectious types of diseases differ from each other not by the mechanism of occurrence, but only by the cause that caused them. There are some specific factors in the structure of the respiratory system that contribute to the development of this inflammatory process. Following are some of them:

1. The nose is the most important place through which atmospheric air enters the body. For human health, it is necessary that breathing is carried out through the nose. Eastern sages had a saying that inhaling air through the mouth is the same as eating food through the nose.

2. The nasal mucosa is constantly “tested for strength” by a variety of aggressive factors, such as pathogenic microflora, icy air, aggressive substances, dust, pollen and other allergens. Thus, it is here that all these agents are rendered harmless. Dust particles settle here, the air acquires the necessary temperature and humidity for entry into the bronchi and lungs. Due to the abundance of small capillaries in the nasal mucosa, a runny nose develops. This mechanism will be discussed in more detail below.

So, the nasal mucosa is constantly under the influence of quite aggressive factors. Therefore, a runny nose is a fairly common occurrence.

Infectious runny nose

Infectious rhinitis ranks first among the signs of infectious diseases that affect the upper respiratory organs. In addition to rhinitis, with such diseases, there are necessarily a number of symptoms characteristic of infectious diseases. Often, along with rhinitis, migraine-like pain is observed, body temperature increases, and lethargy develops. Runny nose in this case is caused by the action of pathogens on the nasal mucosa. As it was said, this organ is the “first front line” in protecting the body from a variety of damaging factors. In this regard, a huge number of microorganisms constantly enter here. The vast majority of these microorganisms cannot cause disease, but there are some that can be the cause of the development of the disease. In the case of an infectious rhinitis, an increase in the number of harmful microbes on the nasal mucosa causes a violation of its condition and the death of the upper cells. This phenomenon is the explanation for the symptoms of rhinitis: itching in the nose, the appearance of mucus from the nose, "clogging" of the nose, a violation of the timbre of the voice, and much more.

It must be said that the appearance of mucus from the nose is the response of the blood vessels of the mucosa to the inflammatory process. The appearance of mucus is an attempt by the body to evacuate harmful agents from the nose. It must be said that by appearance and the amount of mucus can be judged by which microorganisms the process was provoked. In the case when the mucus is transparent and liquid, most often this is a viral origin of the disease, but if the mucus is yellow, then the cause of the disease is bacteria.
Speaking about the infectious form of the disease, it must be said that this is often the first sign colds. In this connection, at the first symptoms of rhinitis, treatment should be started immediately. Then the process can be stopped in time.

allergic rhinitis

The main signs of an allergic form of the disease are the same outflow of mucus and "clogging" of the nose. The process of development of this disease is completely different from that of the infectious form. Push to start allergic rhinitis is the interaction of the nasal cavity and any allergen. Together with microorganisms, a huge number of these substances enter the nose: this is the hair of cats and dogs, and pollen, and household dust, and much more. If the human body is prone to allergies, then such contacts provoke a violent reaction. In the place where there was contact, the inflammatory process begins. The appearance of an abundance of mucus in this case indicates the "desire" of the body to quickly wash out all allergens from the nasal cavity. Often, this form of rhinitis is accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, lacrimation, and respiratory failure. It is these factors that indicate the allergic origin of the disease. Suspicion of this form of rhinitis is a reason to visit an allergist's consultation.

A related disease is neurovegetative rhinitis. Both varieties belong to the vasomotor group. In this disease, the symptoms appear due to the instability of the nervous regulation of the state of the blood arteries.

A runny nose can be a consequence of taking various medications, alcohol, physical activity, and more. It is important to identify the root cause in order to successfully deal with the symptom.

Runny nose after vaccination

Quite often, babies develop a runny nose after vaccination. The reason for this is a weakened immune system. If the child was not unwell before the vaccination, a runny nose may still appear. The body throws all its strength into the fight against artificially introduced diseases, therefore, after standard vaccinations, children develop a temperature, a runny nose, and less often a cough. It is very important that the child be carefully monitored before vaccination and that he does not have contact with sick children, since a virus that has not been activated during the time can manifest itself at the most inopportune moment. And then after vaccination, a runny nose will appear literally the next day.

Cough after cold

Oddly enough, but a cough after a runny nose appears due to frequent washings of the nasopharynx. Often, in the case of children, parents actively use various saline solutions, and they not only remove interfering mucus, but also contribute to its smooth descent down the nasopharynx. As a result, cough after a runny nose becomes a logical continuation of the disease. In such cases, dry steam inhalations are recommended, which can relieve an unpleasant symptom.

Plugged up ears after a cold

Ears, throat and nose are closely connected. Therefore, it is logical that when the disease of one organ passes, the disease passes to another. If the ears are stuffed up after a runny nose, then the reason for this may be an unresolved disease of the nasal passages. The congestion in the ears will go away if you thoroughly rinse the nasal passage. For this, a saline solution prepared independently at the rate of 10 grams of sea salt per 100 milligrams of water is suitable, or you can buy it ready-made at a pharmacy. After a thorough washing, you should drip the nose with vasoconstrictor drops and repeat the same operation with the ears. Just don't get carried away with this process. It is also not recommended to use boric alcohol to warm the ears. If your ears are stuffed up after a cold, then it will increase pain and real benefit won't bring. It is best to visit the ENT, as he will thoroughly understand the problem and prescribe the correct, and most importantly, effective treatment.

Runny nose after ADKS

For children, a fairly common phenomenon, like a runny nose after ADKS. In this case, you should not panic, as this is a natural weakening of the body and its adaptation to viruses. In this case, washing the nasal cavity with saline solutions will be effective. If these procedures do not help, you should contact a specialist.

Runny nose after swimming

Not rare was the phenomenon of a runny nose after the pool. And it can disturb both adults and children. For some, this manifestation of the body indicates an allergy to chlorinated pool water, while for others, deep diving serves as the root cause. In the first case, antihistamines help fight, and in the second, nose clips or reduced physical activity to avoid aggravating the situation and harming health.

Runny nose after sleep

Rarely occurring runny nose after sleep almost always becomes chronic. For some, a feather mite may be the root cause, but allergic rhinitis is often the underlying cause. If in the first case, it is enough to replace the pen with synthetics, then in the second, it is necessary to visit the ENT and appoint complex treatment. In some cases, intranasal blockades help, and in others, it is effective. photodynamic therapy. In addition, it is necessary to identify the main allergens and begin a systematic fight against them. Perhaps the source of the allergy lies in dysbacteriosis, curing which you can get rid of the problem. In any case, self-medication is not worth it, since it is most effective to be under the supervision of a doctor.

Complications after a cold

If you do not treat a runny nose correctly and in time, then complications almost always arise, which are not so easy to deal with. Basically, complications after a cold appear in the form of sinusitis, sinusitis and polyps. Their treatment should take place in the complex. Sometimes surgical interventions are necessary. Therefore, it is best to prevent rhinitis or treat it properly in order to avoid negative consequences.

Ear hurts after a runny nose

Due to improper treatment of the common cold, complications with the ear can occur. If it is not possible to contact a specialist, then you can try to treat yourself, but only if the pain is not great. When the ear hurts after a runny nose, the pain is strong and constant, a visit to the ENT is necessary. Otitis media may develop. In this case, it is necessary to instill Sofadex ear drops. From folk wisdom, you should listen to the advice and put geraniums in your ear. Natural almond or walnut oil, squeezed a couple of drops directly into the ear, helps well. It is important not to warm up the sore spot with either boric alcohol, or a heating pad, or a blue lamp. Complications can get worse.

Lost sense of smell after a runny nose

If after a runny nose the sense of smell is gone, then the cause may be developing pathology. It can manifest itself both immediately after sinusitis, and after an acute respiratory viral infection. Sometimes the sense of smell disappears due to a deviated nasal septum. It is not worth treating this problem on your own. A visit to a qualified ENT will help deal with the problem. Sometimes, it is also necessary to communicate with a neuropathologist, since the problem may lie in a traumatic brain injury that was previously suffered and aggravated against the background of rhinitis.

Runny nose after alcohol

An excess of alcohol in the blood has not only detrimental effects on the liver and kidneys, but also, as it turned out, on the nasopharynx. A runny nose after alcohol occurs if you consume more than one dose of alcohol every week for a long time. This contributes to the development of allergic rhinitis and problems in the nasopharyngeal mucosa. Eliminating alcohol completely or reducing its amount to 2-3 servings per week will help.

Runny nose after antibiotics

Runny nose may appear different reasons. And even having cured rhinitis at first glance, the symptoms can return, and with a vengeance. Sometimes a runny nose in the field of antibiotics occurs against the background of improperly selected medications that aggravate the condition. Incorrectly diagnosing sinusitis, which should be treated with completely different drugs, although there was adenitis on the face, it can cause a runny nose after antibiotics. The course of antibiotics will have to be repeated. Additionally, add a nasal rinse. Treatment will not do without physiotherapy and immunomodulators. Without the supervision of an ENT, treatment is not worth it.

Runny nose after eating

If a runny nose occurs every time after eating, then the cause may lie in allergic rhinitis. In some cases, the cause may be an allergic reaction to some product, but if a runny nose is observed constantly, then at least an x-ray of the paranasal sinuses is necessary. Sinusitis may also be the cause. You need to consult an ENT specialist and an allergist, since the treatment process should be carried out in a complex manner.

Nose hurts after a runny nose

Often, after a runny nose, the nose hurts due to overstrain of the sinuses in the process of blowing your nose. In this case, it is recommended to carry out blowing without overvoltage. Pain in the nose is also characteristic of chronic rhinitis. In this case, it is best to visit an ENT to prescribe soft nasal drops to ease the process of blowing your nose and other associated symptoms.

A runny nose at first glance seems harmless. But, the constant desire to clear the nose of excess fluid that interferes with the proper respiratory process is very annoying. If the symptoms are not properly treated, they will develop into more serious consequences, which will adversely affect the overall health of the person. Any treatment should be supervised by a specialist. Therefore, a trip to an ENT specialist, an allergist, and sometimes a neurologist is simply necessary.

Runny nose after eating

But this form of rhinitis is characterized only by nasal discharge, there are no other complaints characteristic of allergic rhinitis. Rhinorrhea is aggravated by spicy and hot food, often soup.

Do you also have an allergy to pollinosis in the form of rhinitis? If so, it may make sense to clarify allergens and undergo SIT.

For the control of Gustatory rhinitis, ipratropium bromide nasal spray (0.03 percent) is recommended, 2 doses in each nostril 3 times a day, may be before meals, for prophylaxis. I don’t have a very good idea of ​​whether it makes sense to use this drug for a long time, which dries the mucous membranes.

Maybe colleagues will add useful information for you.

I am very interested in how to reduce the symptoms of gustatory rhinitis. I would be very grateful for information about the advisability of long-term use of drops or some other means.

I am very interested in how to reduce the symptoms of gustatory rhinitis.

All that I found on this issue, having looked at several guides on rhinitis, I already wrote - avoid hot and spicy foods, as well as the use of an anticholinergic.

Runny nose after eating

For the last few years (I won’t say exactly how long, but I have long paid attention to my condition), the following situation has happened to me every morning. After washing up and having breakfast, I'm going to work. At this time, as a rule, it is after eating that the copious separation of mucus from the nose begins. Every 2-5 min. you have to clear your nose, blow your nose. A lot of valuable time in the morning is spent on the usual blowing your nose. There is no time to put myself in order, snot constantly flows, I blow my nose. In time, it lasts 10 minutes, up to 15. Then everything stops. I can freely do my own thing. Sometimes this happens both during the day and in the evening. Basically - only after a hearty lunch or tasty food. How can I get rid of such a "leakage"?

runny nose after eating: 7 comments

I had a similar situation, but only for hot soup or tea. Perhaps this is due to a sharp temperature drop. And you most likely have allergies. Do you have a runny nose after every meal? Or after a certain one? Just swelling of the mucosa and discharge from the nose are signs allergic reaction organism. Try to watch your diet (after what specific food you have nasal discharge and exclude it) and drink antihistamines.

You know, I actually got the feeling that I'm allergic to all food))) Ie. food consumption does not threaten me))) But seriously, I also suspected that some kind of allergic reaction was taking place. But she is very strange. Indeed, mucus is abundantly secreted after coffee. But. Sometimes I drink coffee not only in the morning. Then there is no such effect. It also sometimes occurs when I just eat, not necessarily in the morning, but satisfying. I think you are right about allergies. But she is very strange.

I was interested in this problem, because I often suffer from a similar phenomenon during meals, especially when the food or drink is hot. As I found out, this is due to improper digestion. When harmful substances, such as raw starch, are in the body, it is excreted through mucus. And it can cause many diseases, from a simple cold, headache to bronchitis and sinusitis.

And I have in general after everything: any water and any drink. Tortured. I don't sit down to eat without a handkerchief.

And I have in general after everything: any food and any drink. Tortured. I don't sit down to eat without a handkerchief.

If, after the separation of the mucus in the nose and in the head, it becomes good, then this is a cleansing.

Guys, it's just "seeds"! I have discharge in the form of mucus from the nose around the clock. No pathology of the nose. No GI tract. Allergy tests for food and inhalation are normal. Torments of hell! Passed and "Crimea and Rome". Everyone throws up their hands. Professors and associate professors with candidates say that this is a manifestation of vasomotor rhinitis. But there is no commitment. The first symptom in vaso.

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Why is there a runny nose after every meal?

Original Contributions) Gustatory rhinitis

There is a huge variety various forms rhinitis, there are constant disputes about the most correct and complete classification. We want to talk about taste rhinitis, which is rarely mentioned in the classifications and practice of an ENT doctor. Gustatory rhinitis is characterized by a watery, unilateral or bilateral coryza that occurs after ingestion of solid or liquid food, most often hot or spicy. It usually begins within minutes of ingesting the appropriate food, and is not associated with itching, sneezing, nasal congestion, or facial pain. This is considered a non-immunological reaction. Immunohistological and pharmacological studies suggest that this disease is most likely caused by irritation of the sensory endings of the trigeminal nerve located in the upper respiratory tract. Recent evidence suggests that nerve irritation may be associated with a parasympathetic reflex and with activation of atropine-responsive cholinergic muscarinic receptors. Exist different types gustatory rhinitis, including age-related, post-traumatic, postoperative and associated with neuropathy cranial nerves. Refusing to eat such foods that trigger this process is the first step in treatment, but this is rarely sufficient. Intranasal administration of anticholinergic drugs such as atropine is quite effective. Surgical intervention by resection of the posterior nasal nerve or surgery of the nerve of the pterygoid canal (n. Vidii) is not recommended due to the short-term effect and frequent unpleasant side effects.

Leaked from the nose. What causes a runny nose

A runny nose can be caused by a variety of factors. Accordingly, the methods of its treatment will be different.

Together with a cold

Acute rhinitis overtakes a person suddenly, for company with a cold or flu. It is caused by pathogenic viruses and bacteria: by secreting mucus, the body tries to cope with invaders.

Acute rhinitis is treated along with a cold, against which it arose, bed rest, drinking plenty of water, honey, lemons and vitamins. However, keep in mind that:

Warm milk, which is traditionally considered a panacea for colds, not only does not help with a runny nose, but, on the contrary, increases the flow. Other "mucus-forming" foods include sweets, wheat bread, smoked meats, white rice, pasta, muesli, and bananas.

Garlic, onion, horseradish, mustard, ginger, cranberries, carrot juice, lemon help to turn off the tap.

One of the most useful products for a cold is honey, which works as a bacteria killer no worse than antibiotics.

Cabbage also helps to cope with a runny nose - due to the sulforaphane contained in it, which has antibacterial activity. Most of this substance in broccoli and cauliflower.

Healthy drinks

In a cup of hot water, put 1 tbsp. a spoonful of grated fresh ginger and honey, add a little black pepper, a couple of spoons lemon juice, fresh mint. Stir and drink until cold.

Mash frozen cranberries or lingonberries in a mug, pour hot water, add a spoonful of honey and mix.

Brew dry rose hips with hot water (not boiling water!) in a thermos and let it brew for 3 hours.

Brew echinacea, chamomile, thyme, linden, mint, raspberry leaves or St. John's wort in a thermos - these herbs give a good antibacterial effect.

Beware newlyweds!

A common cause of chronic rhinitis is an untreated cold, “unfinished” bacteria that excite the body. There is only one recipe - to heal.

A constant leak from the nose can be provoked by air that is overdried by central heating - the body is trying to moisten dry mucous membranes. A humidifier will help out.

Another possible cause of chronic rhinitis is dust, dirt and gas contamination of the urban atmosphere. Escape to the ecological wilderness is not always possible, but buying an air purifier is easy.

The chronic includes vasomotor rhinitis. The cause of a constant runny nose can be cold, and tobacco, and too strong odors, and tobacco smoke, and alcohol, too hot or spicy food (the so-called food rhinitis), and hormones, and stress. There is even "honeymoon" rhinitis!

Pranks of immunity

If your nose runs during or after eating, you most likely have allergic rhinitis. That is, the cause of a runny nose was a reaction to a specific product. Modern Western medicine associates up to 80% of cases of chronic rhinitis with food allergies.

Typical allergens are nuts, citrus fruits, sugar, milk, strawberries, chocolate, eggs, fish, soy. A person can react to almost anything - it depends on the characteristics of the work immune system. To identify the allergen, allergists conduct skin tests and other tests.

In addition to true allergies, there is also a false one, otherwise it is called food intolerance. It can be caused by problems with the gastrointestinal tract or insufficient production of digestive enzymes.

Typical examples are milk intolerance and celiac disease. In the first case, there is not enough lactase enzyme to break down milk sugar - lactose. In the second, the body cannot cope with gluten, a protein that is abundant in cereals, especially wheat, oats, and rye.

Food intolerances can be triggered by preservatives, flavors, and food colorings.

Foods containing histamine (a substance that plays an important role in the development of allergic reactions) and other substances with similar properties are often to blame: wine, beer, hard cheeses, smoked sausage, sausages, liver, canned tuna, herring and herring caviar, ketchup, sauerkraut , eggplant, bananas.

Also dangerous are products that increase the amount of free histamine, which is usually in the body in a bound, inactive state: chicken eggs, fish, chocolate, strawberries, spinach, tomatoes, cocoa, ham, peanuts.

Examining the gastrointestinal tract and keeping a food diary, which should record everything that was eaten, and with what consequences, will help to figure out what exactly you had an allergic reaction to.

Stuffy nose after eating

Traditional treatment


Preventive measures

Nasal congestion - feature otolaryngological diseases, as well as colds.

But what to do with unusual manifestations of nasal congestion, for example, after eating.

What can such a condition indicate and what signs can it be accompanied by? How to get rid of such a phenomenon?

The answers to these questions are discussed in detail in this article.

The main causes, signs of pathology

The phenomenon of nasal congestion after eating certain foods can develop as a result of allergic reactions to food.

If this condition may or may not occur on the same food, vasomotor rhinitis, a disease in which the autonomic innervation blood vessels that are in the nasal mucosa.

Another reason for this pathology is infectious diseases gastrointestinal tract, that is small intestine or bile ducts.

Among the factors that contribute to the development of nasal congestion, the following are distinguished:

Tobacco smoking Adenoiditis The presence of polyps The use of certain medications Excessive amounts of histamine in the body Drinking alcoholic beverages Diseases respiratory tract Living in an environmentally unfriendly environment Deformation of the nasal septum

Often, nasal congestion after eating food is accompanied by symptoms such as severe sneezing, watery eyes, discharge from the nasal cavities of a transparent color and a thin consistency. In addition, there may be difficulty breathing, shortness of breath.

In some cases, disorders in the work of the digestive organs are possible. If the cause is an allergic reaction, then there are rashes on skin of a different nature.

Traditional treatment

It is important to determine the cause of nasal congestion

First of all, it is important to determine the disease, as a result of which swelling of the nasal mucosa develops after eating.

To do this, you need to visit an otolaryngologist. If necessary, the specialist can refer you to an allergist or a general practitioner.

After that, appropriate treatment is prescribed, which is aimed at eliminating the underlying disease.

Most often, in such cases, the following groups of drugs are prescribed:

Antihistamines. These medicines help relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa. With congestion of the respiratory tract, such drugs greatly facilitate breathing. Usually used Lorano, Suprastin, Diazolin. Preparations for local application. These include various nasal drops, as well as aerosols, which have an anti-allergic effect and help relieve swelling of the nose. homeopathic medicinal drugs. Pinosol is considered the most popular drug from this group. This remedy has a minimum list of contraindications, since it contains natural ingredients in its composition.

To relieve such a symptom as nasal congestion, it is necessary to wipe the nostrils from the inside and outside with a towel, which should first be moistened with warm water.

The procedure for washing the nasal cavities with physiological or saline solution with the addition of soda. Inhalation procedures are effective.

In addition, it is recommended to warm up lower limbs in foot baths, rub them alcohol infusions. A special massage that is done on the bridge of the nose and wings of the nose helps with nasal congestion. In this case, it is good to use the Asterisk balm.

Such methods will reduce nasal congestion and prevent its occurrence. In some cases, such as adenoiditis and polyps, surgery may be required.


Proper treatment is the key to a successful recovery.

As an auxiliary method, alternative therapies are used.

Washing the nose is another way to prevent and get rid of nasal congestion.

With congestion, you can bury your nose with aloe juice, Kalanchoe, as well as beet or carrot juice diluted with water.

Any method of alternative medicine must be approved by a specialist.

Preventive measures

To prevent the development of nasal congestion after eating, it is necessary to adhere to the following preventive measures:

Follow the rules of hygiene Avoid contact with allergens Quit smoking and alcoholic beverages Provide clean and fresh indoor air with optimal temperature and humidity Exercise physical exercises Get regular medical check-ups Follow the doctor's instructions Eat a healthy and balanced diet

Hardening of the body - also important point in the prevention of various diseases in which nasal congestion is observed.

On the video - more about therapeutic massage:

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With nasal congestion without a runny nose (the name “dry stuffiness” is quite common), a person experiences the same sensations as with an inflammatory process in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mucous membrane and its swelling. This state it can be more dangerous than a banal runny nose, accompanied by an abundance of liquid discharge, since it can be a sign of severe ENT diseases.

Main reasons

Let's get acquainted with the common causes that provoke nasal congestion, not accompanied by a runny nose.

Chronic rhinitis (allergic form)

The problem can manifest itself all year round if there is constant contact with the allergen, which is fluff, household or library dust, animal hair or food. A person suffers from complete nasal congestion, which vasoconstrictor drops cannot get rid of.

Infectious rhinitis

It develops mainly as a complication of acute rhinitis of a viral nature. That is why it is very important to properly treat the acute form of the disease.

Seasonal allergic rhinitis

Is your nose bad for breathing? Perhaps the reason is allergic rhinitis. The disease usually manifests itself at the same time of the year - most often it is summer period flowering of allergenic plants.

Runny nose

Blocks the nose in this case even before the manifestation of the main symptoms of the disease. Weakness, headache, profuse mucous discharge will appear in a few days.


Polyps are neoplasms that form in the area of ​​the mucous membrane and often affect the nasopharynx. In this case, not only shortness of breath can develop, but also very meager mucous secretions.


If the nose is blocked, inflammation and enlargement of the adenoids may be the cause. This condition occurs when an infection enters the area of ​​​​the adenoids. Basically, this problem is not characterized by the presence of a runny nose, only nasal congestion occurs, as well as incomplete blocking of the air flow.

Severe allergic reactions

Insect bite, application of any medicinal product or eating a product that is an allergen can trigger the development of an allergy. In such cases, there is lacrimation, redness of the eyes, nasal congestion and swelling of the mucous membrane. If the reaction is strong, then the heart rhythm is disturbed and asphyxia (suffocation) occurs, which requires immediate medical attention.

Drying of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx

If a person inhales dust, tobacco smoke, fumes chemical substances or exhaust gases, is in a room with dry air, this can cause the nose to stuff up, and a runny nose does not occur. This condition sometimes develops from uncontrolled consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Long-term use of nasal sprays and drops

Sometimes when using nasal sprays and drops for a long time, addiction develops, which is manifested by nasal congestion. Basically, such a reaction of the body is not dangerous and disappears 7-14 days after the drug is discontinued.

Vasomotor rhinitis

The disease manifests itself due to a violation of nervous functions in the body or metabolic processes in the nasopharynx. The disease provokes the development of strong reactions, including the impossibility of passing air through the nasal passages.

Additional reasons

If it is difficult to breathe through the nose, but there is no runny nose, then additional reasons should be excluded due to which such a condition may develop.

Sinusitis or sinusitis

Diseases arise due to severe hypothermia of the body or as a consequence of a long-term runny nose. With sinusitis and sinusitis, the sinuses are clogged purulent secretions which prevent the free flow of air. In addition, there is a headache, weakness, as well as pain in the nose and nasopharynx, the temperature rises.

Unbalanced diet

If “bad” food enters the body or a person’s nutrition is poorly balanced, then over time this will affect overall well-being. If you consume sugar in large quantities, then the hormonal balance can be disturbed. As a result - swelling of the mucous membrane and nasal congestion.

foreign body

If a foreign body enters the nasal passages, nasal congestion may develop. Parents should take into account that small objects that babies can put in their spout during play are of great danger. And if the objects are sharp, then not only does the air flow get blocked, but bleeding can also develop due to damage to the mucosa.

Deviated septum

Given pathological condition- one of the causes of nasal congestion, not accompanied by a runny nose. A person will only breathe through one nostril if the septum is severely curved and S-shaped. In this case, the problem is solved with the help of surgery.

Nose injury

As a result of a traumatic injury to the nose, a hematoma occurs, which causes difficulty in breathing through the nose. To given symptom bleeding and pain may join. If the internal hematoma is not pumped out in time, it will rupture over time, which will cause the development of a large number of complications.

Oncological pathologies

With the development of an oncological process in the brain and in the area of ​​​​the nasal canals, a person complains not only of nasal congestion, but also of weakness, nausea, and dizziness. This condition is the most dangerous. Timely access to the doctor, correct diagnosis and treatment is the key to recovery.

Why is the nose clogged in children?

Nasal congestion in newborn babies develops quite often due to insufficient adaptation of the mucous membrane to breathing outside the womb. The baby sleeps with its mouth open, and snot in the form of clots accumulates in the nose. This situation is normal and resolves by itself after a month or two. However, it should be remembered that the baby should not have a fever and allergies. Otherwise, an urgent consultation with a doctor is necessary.

In children older than 2 years, nasal congestion without a runny nose can be caused by the accumulation of dried mucus, drying of the mucous membrane due to dry air in the room, and an inflammatory process in the mucosal area.


To eliminate nasal congestion, you need to contact a specialist who will establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment. It is necessary to visit a doctor even if the person has established the cause on his own. It may happen that self-diagnosis is incorrect or there are several causes of the disease.


Therapy of nasal congestion without a runny nose is carried out in different ways. It all depends on the reasons that provoked the development of edema. Let's get acquainted with some therapeutic methods.

Symptomatic therapy

On the a short time to remove swelling of the mucosa will help such drugs:

means in the form of drops or spray with a vasoconstrictive effect (for example, Vibrocil, Nazivin, Otrivin are used for no more than 5 days, but they cannot be used for glaucoma and hypertension); antihistamines - Cetrin, Erius (give results in allergies); means to eliminate the dryness of the mucous membrane, which are based on sea water or saline (Salin, Aqua Maris).

Other methods of treatment are prescribed by the doctor after examination and diagnosis. Consider the means of therapy for some reasons.

For infectious and allergic rhinitis

Treatment is aimed at eliminating the dryness of the mucous membrane and relieving inflammation.

The following procedures will help moisturize the mucous membrane:

instillation or rinsing of the nasal passages with physiological or sea water solution; drinking large amounts of liquid; humidification in the room air.

After normalization of mucus secretion, the cause is established and the runny nose is treated with the use of antibacterial, antiviral, antihistamine or corticosteroid drugs. If the cause is sinusitis, then antibiotics are mandatory. With infectious rhinitis, immunostimulating drugs and natural remedies are additionally prescribed to speed up the healing process.

With vasomotor rhinitis

This type of hormonal disease is difficult to treat. In the treatment, hormonal medications are used, which normalize the functions of the endocrine glands. But even a full course of treatment does not always help get rid of nasal congestion.

With structural deformations

With a curvature of the nasal septum, congestion can be eliminated only with the help of an operation that is performed under anesthesia. If congestion is caused by polyps, adenoids, or other growths benign they are also removed surgically.

With a foreign body

If the object is deep in the nasal passage, then the resulting mucus flows down the throat without entering the nose. An ENT doctor will help get rid of the problem by removing a foreign object with a special tool.

Folk remedies

Alternative medicine also has a large arsenal of tools that will help relieve swelling and nasal congestion.

Inhalations. The steam of boiled "in their uniforms" potatoes helps well. It should be inhaled for 5 to 10 minutes several times a day. However, it should be remembered that inhalations have many contraindications, so a doctor's consultation is necessary. Hot tea with raspberries, linden or honey relieves both inflammation and swelling well. Drink tea regularly. Bridge of the nose massage. Reduces swelling of the mucosa by improving blood circulation. Nasal heating. For this, small bags are used that are filled with hot salt. They are applied to the nose for a few minutes.

You should also not forget about airing the room before going to bed and wet cleaning the room.


If you do not take measures to eliminate puffiness, complications may develop:

loss of smell; pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis; eustachitis, otitis, due to which hearing loss occurs; bronchial asthma; constant headaches, which are aggravated by pressure; chronic fatigue, apathy, neurosis, depression; child's developmental delay.

There are many reasons that cause nasal congestion without a runny nose. To solve the problem, you need to pinpoint its source. Only a doctor can do this.

Sometimes you realize the value of something only when it becomes unavailable. As long as nothing prevents us from breathing, we do not even notice this vital process!

The nose does not breathe - and this is what our body coped with “on the machine”, already requires effort and causes discomfort: we begin to breathe heavily through our mouths, our lips dry out, our head starts to hurt, it is difficult to focus on something else besides breathing ... More often all this is a sign of an impending or already onset cold, SARS. stuffy nose, headache, fever, cough - all these cold "charms" will pass with the right approach in a few days.

Another thing is chronic nasal congestion. Even if you are already accustomed to breathing only through your mouth, the problem needs to be addressed. After all, constant nasal congestion without a runny nose can signal serious violations in the body. And vice versa: the "clothespins on the nose" syndrome can be the result of the most banal everyday phenomena, by eliminating which, you can easily regain your easy, full-fledged breathing!

Let's see why the nose is blocked for no apparent reason and when you can deal with it on your own, and when you should seek help from specialists.

Permanent nasal congestion: causes

“Nasal congestion for no reason” - we guiltily justify ourselves to loved ones for our nasal voice and irritability. Of course, there are reasons, and we will try to help you identify them.

Nasal congestion: causes and treatment

The cold starts. If you are worried about nasal congestion without a runny nose, you feel weak all over your body - get ready to drink raspberry teas and sweat under the covers.

Allergy. One of the manifestations of an allergic reaction of the body is swelling of the mucous membranes, including the nasal mucosa. As a result, the nose is constantly blocked, but there is no runny nose. You have to determine the allergen (wool, pollen, food, medicine), eliminate the irritant and take an antihistamine course.

Hormonal disbalance. The most harmless hormonal surge in this regard is during pregnancy, because after childbirth, swelling of the nasal mucosa goes away on its own.

Hyperestrogenism and thyroid problems can also cause nasal congestion for no reason. How long have you seen your gynecologist? What about an endocrinologist?

Dry air. If your nose is constantly stuffed up during the heating season, it's time to get a humidifier for the air. You can get by with a regular spray bottle for flowers. Breathing will become easier for everyone in the household!

Bad ecology. The air in industrial areas is so polluted that our spouts simply cannot do their job! If you are in an environmentally unfriendly region, wear a protective bandage, do a nose wash, close the windows at home tightly and arrange a green filter from indoor flowers.

Deviation of the nasal septum. May be congenital or after trauma. In this case, chronic nasal congestion can form several years after a fall or blow. Examine your nose in a mirror, the curvature is usually visible to the naked eye. If your child has a persistent stuffy nose, be sure to check nasal septum, because the baby could hit unnoticed by you or hide the injury.

Polyps in the nose. If your nose is constantly clogged, most likely your polyps are several years old, it's time to say goodbye! An otolaryngologist will confirm the diagnosis and help solve the problem.

Alcohol, smoking. Another argument against bad habits! As a result of frequent alcohol consumption, our body suffers from dehydration, the mucous tissues of the nose are especially sensitive to this. Nasal congestion without a runny nose is familiar to many smokers.

Medicines. accept new drug? Read the instructions carefully, your nose may be suffering from the side effects of the medicine.

Nasal congestion without snot as a symptom of the disease

Above, we have already analyzed the most common causes nasal congestion. To more accurately diagnose the disease that your body is signaling, determining the type of congestion will help.

Persistent nasal congestion

There is no hint of a runny nose, and the nose does not breathe! Neither drops, nor moistening of the air, nor folk remedies. Causes of chronic nasal congestion: nasal polyps, deviated septum, hormone problems, environmental situation.

Be sure to see a doctor!

Nocturnal nasal congestion

If you regularly get stuffy nose at night, pay attention to the microclimate in your bedroom and the position of the body during sleep.

To humidify the air in the room (especially important during the heating season), place vessels with water in the bedroom, hang wet sheets, spray the curtains with a spray bottle before going to bed. Newborn babies are especially sensitive to dry air.

If nasal congestion during sleep is accompanied by snoring, try changing your position and pick up an orthopedic pillow.

Also cause nocturnal congestion nose may be allergic to linen mites or a feather pillow.

If you have trouble breathing through your nose at night and have a dry cough, this could be a sign of acute sinusitis. Show yourself to a specialist!

"Morning" nasal congestion

Common complaint. Among possible causes: too dry air, allergies and the most unpleasant - the onset of sinusitis. A stuffy nose in the morning can also indicate the presence of vasomotor rhinitis.

If humidifiers and changing pillows and mattress do not help, be sure to visit an otolaryngologist.

Constantly stuffy nose ... What to do? The first thing that comes to mind is blowing your nose more often. Yes, our body wants to quickly get rid of the “cork” that prevents us from breathing normally. But, when we begin to blow our nose often and intensely, the already inflamed vessels of the nasal mucosa swell, making breathing even more difficult.

Permanent nasal congestion without a runny nose: why is it dangerous

The inability to breathe normally through the nose is an unpleasant symptom. But if we brush aside the alarming signals of our body, we face even more serious problems.

Ignoring chronic nasal congestion (and therefore the diseases that cause it) can lead to total loss smell, neurosis, constant headaches, vegetative-vascular dystonia, chronic depression, provoke inflammation of the sinuses.

If you constantly stuff your nose without a runny nose, and you are all waiting for it to “go away by itself”, then do not be surprised if soon the doctor still has to appear, but not with the problem of a clogged nose, but with pharyngitis, otitis or sinusitis.

Chronic nasal congestion: treatment

How to get rid of nasal congestion? The solution to the problem of persistent nasal congestion depends on the diagnosis, the formulation of which, of course, should be entrusted to a specialist.

If a deviated septum or polyps prevent normal breathing through the nose, surgical intervention is indicated.

Hormonal disorders are eliminated with the help of topical corticosteroids (a very strong drug, the doctor must weigh the pros and cons of such treatment).

Often the treatment of nasal congestion begins with an antihistamine course. This will help alleviate the condition while you find and eliminate the allergen that provokes swelling of the paranasal sinuses.

Decongestants also provide relief from congested noses. But only for 2-3 days, while you plan a trip to the doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Application vasoconstrictor drops for more than seven days it causes relaxation of the walls of blood vessels, and we again get the edema that we tried to get rid of with drops!

If nasal congestion has not gone away for several days, and for one reason or another you cannot see a doctor, try to ease your breathing with Asterisk, Doctor Mom, Fleming's ointment.

With the onset of a cold, lollipops such as Strepsils, Travisil, etc. will come in handy.

Good effect give inhalation with mineral water or saline. Other bases for inhalation - only as directed by a doctor.

The nose does not breathe: folk remedies for nasal congestion

For nasal congestion folk methods treatments will help ease breathing, and sometimes completely solve the problem.

Warming up with boiled eggs is also a grandmother's remedy for nasal congestion. Through a natural tissue, hot chicken eggs are applied to the nose in the area maxillary sinuses minutes.

Attention! If inflammation is suspected, purulent process, to warm up a nose in any case it is impossible!

Nasal Massage: Using the pads of your fingers, rub the wings of your nose and the bridge of your nose until you feel warmth. Then lightly tap with your fingertips. The massage session should last about 10 minutes.

Fresh Kalanchoe juice. We bury a couple of drops of freshly squeezed juice of indoor Kalanchoe in each nostril. This remedy provokes sneezing and is great if the nose is clogged with mucus. Don't forget to make sure yours is growing medicinal species kalanchoe.

Potato inhalation. Boil potatoes, drain the water, cover with a towel and breathe hot steam. The main thing is not to overdo it and not get burned.

Sea salt water is an excellent remedy for nasal congestion at home. We prepare a healing solution: add a drop of iodine and a pinch of sea salt to a glass of water. Drip often.

Rinsing the nose with jala neti. You will need a special neti teapot or a regular teapot with a thin spout. Rinse the nose with congestion with warm water with salt and soda (half a tablespoon of salt, a pinch of soda, a glass of water).

Tilt your head over the tub or sink (ear should be almost parallel to the floor), mouth relaxed, do not hold your breath. Gently pour the liquid into the upper nostril. If the position of both the teapot and your head is correct, you breathe calmly through your mouth, then water begins to drip from the lower nostril, and then freely flows out. We wash one nostril for about 20 seconds, then you need to gently blow your nose, without excessive effort. Do the same with the second nostril.

Washing the nose with jala neti helps not only to clear the sinuses in sinusitis and sinusitis, but is also very useful for eye and ear diseases.

Attention! If you use fresh or too salty water to wash your nose, pain is possible!

Before flushing, check the temperature of the solution for inside wrist.

What else helps with nasal congestion?

Hot and spicy. Drink tea, broth, cook something spicy to your taste. Of course, everything should be in moderation: do not overdo it with temperature and pepper!

Wet wipes and steam. To get rid of nasal congestion that does not require surgical treatment keep your nose moist, both inside and out. To do this, wipe your nose with a towel soaked in warm water, the more often the better.

Steam inhalation also helps with congestion; for this procedure, it is convenient to use special evaporator devices.

The headboard is higher. Put something under the pillow, or better - under the legs of the bed at the head. This will make it easier for your nose to breathe.

Taboo on white sugar. You've already gone to every otolaryngologist in the area, trying to figure out why your nose is constantly stuffy, and the reason may lie ... in your love for sweets!

Scientists say: the abuse of refined sugar is fraught with hormonal disorders and creates in our body favorable conditions for bacterial growth.

We wish you to always breathe easily, with full breasts and a clean nose!

Complications of the common cold are often very serious. Rhinitis is one of the most common diseases of the ENT organs. It can occur under the influence of various factors, for example, due to the penetration of infectious pathogens or allergens into the body.

By itself, a runny nose with timely therapy does not pose a serious danger to human health. However, with illiterate treatment or its complete absence, complications of rhinitis can develop, which can significantly worsen the quality of life. Quite often, it is extremely difficult to get rid of serious complications after a cold.

Reasons for the development of complications

Most often, the unpleasant consequences of rhinitis are directly due to shortness of breath. In this case, the amount of oxygen supplied to the brain cells decreases. As a result, a person experiences increased fatigue, nervousness and snoring during sleep. The largest number unpleasant consequences are provoked by a chronic form of rhinitis. During this illness, a person is constantly tormented by nasal congestion, which significantly impairs cerebral circulation.

Self-treatment of the common cold in adults and children often ends in serious consequences. Therefore, it is very important to select the appropriate drugs, given the cause of rhinitis. To find out the factor that provoked the development of pathology, you can use diagnostic methods carried out during the examination by a specialist.

Allergic rhinitis should be treated with antihistamines. medicines, while infectious rhinitis is eliminated only with the help of antibacterial and vasoconstrictor drugs.

The unpleasant consequences of a runny nose can also be triggered by non-compliance with the rules for taking medications and the course of treatment. In many cases, people do not stop using vasoconstrictors even after nasal congestion and discharge are cleared. In this case, addiction to drugs of this type occurs, which reduces the ability to breathe freely without their use.

However, it is also not worth ending treatment ahead of time, because microbes or allergens will continue to function in the human body, as a result of which pathologies of other ENT organs may develop.

Most Common Complications

After rhinitis, complications can be completely different. They appear after acute form diseases, as well as chronic stage.

Most often, with improper treatment of the common cold, sinusitis develops. This disease is an inflammatory process that develops in the paranasal sinuses. Sinusitis can appear as a result of untreated acute rhinitis, after infectious and viral diseases and also due to dental diseases. The main signs of sinusitis are pain in the forehead and nose, purulent discharge, nasal congestion. Sometimes there is an increased body temperature.

Another common complication of rhinitis is otitis media, which is popularly called the common cold of the ear. This pathology is characterized by the development of an inflammatory process on average and inner ear. The disease can be triggered by contact with the area eardrum pathogenic microorganisms. The main symptoms of otitis media are pronounced pain in the ear, fever, general malaise. Sometimes there may be bleeding from the ear.

In addition, the complications of rhinitis include the following pathological processes:

  • deterioration of the sense of smell;
  • irritation and feeling of dryness of the nasal mucosa;
  • bleeding from the nasal passages (especially in childhood);
  • swelling in the Eustachian tubes;
  • development of sinusitis and frontal sinusitis;
  • weakening brain activity, memory impairment, decreased attention;
  • development of bronchitis, tonsillitis and pneumonia;
  • the appearance of ethmoiditis;
  • stroke or heart attack (with severe circulatory disorders against the background of nasal congestion).

Prevention of complications

The main way to prevent various complications is timely treatment runny nose. In no case should you ignore the disease and hope that it will pass on its own. At the first symptoms of nasal congestion, treatment should begin.

Doctors recommend using nasal drops with a vasoconstrictive effect when implementing rhinitis therapy. This will help make breathing easier and improve airway ventilation. In order to eliminate inflammation and relieve swelling of the mucous membrane, antiviral and anti-cold drugs should be used in the form of tablets and powders. Nasal lavages and inhalations will be useful, which will help thin the mucus and facilitate its removal from the sinuses.

Salt water can be used for washing, but this must be done in accordance with certain rules. To make such a remedy, you need to take 1/5 tsp of salt and dissolve it in a glass of boiled water. The temperature of the solution during washing should not exceed 37°C.

It is better to refuse to perform physiotherapeutic procedures at home, such as light therapy and magnetotherapy, since these methods of treatment can provoke serious consequences. In addition, they are contraindicated in many diseases (for example, with arterial hypertension and neoplasms of various nature). It is recommended to do compresses only after examination by the attending physician.

In order to prevent the development of complications after a cold, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • prevent hypothermia of the body (always dress according to the weather and wear a hat in the cold season);
  • strengthen immunity;
  • take vitamin complexes in spring and autumn;
  • lead an active lifestyle, temper;
  • carry out timely treatment of all diseases of the ENT organs and the oral cavity;
  • regularly ventilate the room;
  • humidify the air in the room (using a small container of water or store-bought humidifiers).

It should be remembered that a timely appeal to a specialist will help to avoid consequences after improper treatment. Therefore, it is recommended not to self-medicate and listen to the advice of your doctor.

The first symptom of a cold or infection is a runny nose. A stuffy nose robs one of appetite, smell and sleep. The secretions that flow continuously cause headaches, while the skin on the nose peels off and even cracks.

Severe runny nose with a cold

When the body fights an infection, an excess of mucus flows out of the nose, which contains dead bacteria. Sneezing, coughing and runny nose are symptoms of a cold.

severe runny nose with a cold - this is good, because thanks to it, everything superfluous comes out of the body. Initially, itching, burning and dryness appear, which are accompanied by sneezing, headache and redness of the eyes. After a few hours, liquid mucus begins to flow from the nose, the voice changes and the nose is blocked. With influenza, streaks of blood are observed in the mucus, which appear there due to damage to the blood vessels. A week later, the amount of sputum decreases, breathing normalizes and the disease goes away.

In order for the cold to pass quickly, you need to start taking antiviral drugs on the first day. You also need something to help the immune system. Doctors most often prescribe Anaferon, Echinacea tincture, Amiksin, and so on. It is necessary to take drugs that strengthen the immune system even after the signs of a cold disappear, since the virus can return and become more active.

Phytoncides, which are in garlic and onions, do well with viruses. You can grate these vegetables and arrange them around the house in plates. Some people put chopped garlic in a jar and close the lid, then open it and breathe several times a day.

Viral rhinitis should be washed with sea salt. The solution allows you to clean the mucous membrane of microbes. You can buy a spray at a pharmacy, or you can dilute it by adding a teaspoon of sea salt to 500 milliliters of warm boiled water yourself. Rinse the nose with a syringe or a special device called "Dolphin".

When you have a cold, you need to breathe moist, cool and clean air. That is why the room should be regularly ventilated and include a humidifier.

Rhinitis or runny nose is one of the most common diseases of the ENT organs. Rhinitis develops for a variety of reasons, it may be the influence of infection, allergens, occupational hazards.

A runny nose in itself does not pose a particular danger to the human body, of course, if it is treated correctly and on time. But if the treatment of rhinitis is absent or not carried out completely, then a wide variety of complications may develop, some of which are difficult to tolerate by a person.

Causes of complications in rhinitis and consequences for the body

Rhinitis is characterized by inflammation of the mucous layer of the nasal passages, which leads to swelling and the production of large amounts of mucus. Puffiness, in turn, causes difficulty in the normal process of breathing. The most common cause of inflammation is infectious microorganisms- viruses, bacteria, rarely fungi.

In the inflamed mucous layer, these microorganisms develop, multiply, and if this process is not interrupted, they can spread beyond the nasal cavity, affecting nearby structures.

This process is facilitated by the lack of the necessary treatment, which allows you to completely cope with the pathogens.

Complications with rhinitis are also caused by difficulty breathing. Nasal congestion impairs the supply of oxygen to the brain, negatively affects night rest. The result of this is increased fatigue, irritability, night snoring. Chronic rhinitis causes the most negative consequences for the body, in which nasal congestion becomes almost constant.

Self-treatment of rhinitis often results in the development of serious complications. It is necessary to select drugs to eliminate the common cold based on the cause of the development of the disease. Determine exactly what caused chronic runny nose possible in some cases only after a complete diagnosis.

Allergic type of rhinitis is treated antihistamines, the infectious cause of the elimination of the common cold is often eliminated only by the use of drugs with antibacterial components. Non-compliance with the general course of treatment also affects the development of complications. After all, it often happens that after the discharge and congestion pass, further use of drops and systemic drugs stops. And this is the main mistake in treatment - the subsidence of the symptoms of the disease does not indicate a complete cure. Microbes or allergens continue to function in the body and become the main cause of disruption in the functioning of other organs of the respiratory system.

The most common complications of rhinitis

Infection with the mucous membrane of the nasal passages with a long-lasting runny nose without treatment or with a chronic form of the disease, first of all, spreads to the respiratory tract and therefore complications affect this particular part of the body. After a runny nose or against its background, the patient may develop:

  • Laryngitis.
  • Pharyngitis.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Otitis.
  • Bronchitis and bronchopneumonia.

The development of pharyngitis, laryngitis, inflammation of the bronchi and lungs with rhinitis is also facilitated by the spread of infection and the fact that a person is constantly forced to breathe through his mouth due to congestion.

This is especially dangerous in the cold season, since breathing through the mouth is not physiological and leads to hypothermia of the throat.

It contributes to the development of respiratory diseases with a cold and reduced immunity, since there is not sufficient protection of organs from various pathogenic microorganisms.

Sinusitis, that is, inflammation of the sinuses, occurs due to the penetration of microorganisms into these structures. Most often, the maxillary and frontal sinuses are affected.

These complications are dangerous by the possible penetration of the infection further, that is, into the brain. Otitis after rhinitis often develops in young children, this is facilitated by certain anatomical features Eustachian tube. In babies, nasopharyngitis is also often determined, in which inflammation from the mucous membranes of the nose passes to the throat.

Rare complications after rhinitis

Against the background of rhinitis, damage to others that are not related to respiratory system, structures. Among these changes are:

  • Dacryocystitis- inflammation of the lacrimal ducts. The nasolacrimal canal opens into the nasal cavity and if an infection penetrates into it, then inflammation develops. This leads to blockage of the canal, due to which purulent exudate accumulates in the lacrimal sac. Dacryocystitis is manifested by the appearance of suppuration from the eye, swelling and redness under the eye. In advanced cases, probing is required to restore the patency of the canal.
  • polyps- benign growths in the nasal cavity. The main reason for the appearance of rounded formations is a chronic runny nose, which negatively affects the mucous layer and is accompanied by a change in the structure of cells. Polyposis makes it difficult to breathe through the nose and this affects the unhindered penetration of allergens, bacteria, viruses through the mouth into the lower respiratory tract.
  • Hyposmia- Decreased sense of smell in chronic rhinitis can be temporary or permanent. Loss of odor sensations is associated with swelling of the mucous layer, with inflammatory changes. Hyposmia can also be the result of the uncontrolled use of vasoconstrictor drops. To fix the problem, it will be necessary to find out exactly what led to problems with smell in chronic rhinitis.
  • Chronic runny nose in children up to three years can be the main reason malocclusion or problems with the pronunciation of certain sounds.
  • Runny nose in a pregnant woman with its prolonged course, it can lead to fetal hypoxia. Insufficient oxygen supply to the fetus can affect certain disorders in its development.

The complications that have arisen after rhinitis first of all require the elimination of the cause of their occurrence. That is, it is first necessary to treat a chronic runny nose, and then after that, or against the background of the prescribed therapy, treat complications.

How to determine the development of complications after rhinitis

Acute rhinitis proceeds in several stages, which successively replace one another. Initially, the discharge from the nose is abundant, light, a person has severe nasal congestion. As the disease progresses, the discharge becomes thicker, greenish, and difficult to expel from the nose.

On the background acute inflammation, a person may be disturbed by headache, lethargy, bad dream. Acute rhinitis usually lasts from 7 to 10 days and ends with recovery. A complete cure is judged by the absence of secretions, the restoration of normal breathing, and the improvement of general well-being. The development of complications caused by rhinitis can be judged by the following signs:

  • The appearance of severe nasal congestion after normalization of breathing.
  • An increase in body temperature.
  • The appearance of uncomfortable sensations, such as headache, frontal and occipital pain, loss of appetite, pain in the ear and when swallowing.
  • The occurrence of dry or wet cough.

These signs may indicate sinusitis, sore throat, bronchitis. They cannot be left unattended, since only timely treatment will allow you to quickly eliminate all pathological changes. To select an effective course of therapy, in addition to examining an ENT doctor, you will also need to consult other specialists.

Chronic rhinitis requires the use of not only medicines, but also physiotherapy. In some cases, restoration of normal breathing is possible only after surgery.

Rhinitis, despite the apparent ease of this disease, can lead to serious complications significantly worsening human life. Untreated rhinitis can cause night snoring, this disease in some cases becomes a provocateur of the appearance of disorders in cardiovascular system. It is quite possible to prevent such consequences - it is always necessary to select the treatment of the common cold together with the doctor after a complete diagnosis.