There is a runny nose. How to quickly cure a runny nose in adults

Rhinitis (runny nose)- the main symptom of colds and various viral infections.

In addition, a runny nose is a protective reaction of the body to irritation by various microbes, viruses and mucosal allergens. Protection of the mucosa is manifested in the form of increased secretion of mucus, and edema, which remove pathogens at the initial stage of penetration into the body.

Rhinitis is included in a group of diseases called -. This group, in addition to rhinitis, also includes:,. For an illustrative example, consider the picture below:

Types and causes of rhinitis (runny nose)

  • Vasomotor rhinitis. This type of runny nose is caused by a violation of nasal breathing due to the narrowing of the nasal cavity, which is a consequence of swelling of the tissues of the nasal concha, due to a violation of the tone of the vessels of the nasal mucosa. Vasomotor rhinitis is divided into:

allergic rhinitis. Causes: the body's reaction to - house dust, poplar fluff, animal hair, fluff, feathers, plant pollen.

Neurovegetative rhinitis. Reasons: violations of the nervous mechanisms responsible for the normal physiology of the nose.

  • Infectious rhinitis. This type of rhinitis is the most common. Its main causes are viruses and bacteria. In addition, any type of infectious rhinitis is a companion of such diseases as, etc. It is dangerous because the virus, penetrating into the nasopharynx, disrupts the body's defense mechanisms and opens up free entry for the virus. Infectious rhinitis is divided into:

Acute rhinitis;
- Viral rhinitis;
- Bacterial rhinitis.

  • Chronic rhinitis. Subdivided into:

atrophic rhinitis. Causes: A complex chronic type of rhinitis, the causes of which are hereditary predisposition, viral infections and long-term diseases of the nasal cavity. This type of rhinitis is called "Fetid rhinitis of the lake."

hypertrophic rhinitis. Causes: Occurs upon contact with dust and gas contamination. Because of these factors, the bone frame of the turbinates and mucous membrane grows.

  • Medical rhinitis. The cause of drug-induced rhinitis, as a rule, is dependence and abuse of various drops and sprays.
  • Traumatic rhinitis. Caused by damage to the nasal septum.

The main causes of a runny nose

To summarize, we can distinguish the following main causes of a runny nose (rhinitis):

  • Symptoms of neurovegetative rhinitis:

- labored breathing;
- liquid watery discharge;
- frequent bouts of copious liquid discharge after sleep.

Treatment of this type of rhinitis should include treatment nervous system, sedatives and water treatments.

- frequent sneezing;
- lacrimation;
- general malaise;
- Abundant serous-mucous discharge, acquiring a mucopurulent character.

  • Symptoms of a viral cold

- dryness and burning in the nose;
- swelling of nasal conchas;
- difficulty breathing through the nose;
- sneezing;
- (over time).

If you have these symptoms, it is best to see a doctor.

  • Symptoms of a bacterial cold:

- increase in body temperature;
— ;
- swelling of nasal conchas;
- cloudy, thick yellow or green discharge;
- redness over upper lip and near the nose.

Prolonged bacterial runny nose can lead to inflammation of all the sinuses (sinusitis), and other more serious diseases.

  • Symptoms of atrophic rhinitis:

- atrophy of the mucous membranes and bone walls of the nasal cavity;
- allocation of a purulent secret with a sharp unpleasant odor;
- dried crusts;
- Loss of smell.

Having this species runny nose, it is better to consult a doctor immediately.

  • Symptoms of hypertrophic rhinitis:

- Constant difficulty in nasal breathing.

It is treated by removing hypertrophied areas of the bone and mucous membrane.

  • Symptoms of drug rhinitis:

- mucosal vessels stop working independently.

This is a type of runny nose that is difficult to treat, since the nutrition of the mucosa is disturbed, and it dies.

  • Symptoms of traumatic rhinitis:

- often, one half of the nose suffers from rhinitis, and the other from dryness of the mucous membrane;
- no snot comes out. They thicken and flow down the wall of the larynx into the throat.

In this case, it is necessary to lower the temperature and increase the humidity in the room where the person is most often located. This can be done, for example, with a humidifier.

As we already know, rhinitis (runny nose) is a symptom, therefore, for its treatment, it is necessary to identify the disease that provoked the runny nose.
It is also worth noting that some types of rhinitis do not require treatment as such, but simply the prevention of its irritants. For example: sometimes, to stop a runny nose, it is enough to carry out wet cleaning in the living room and remove the source of the pathogen (animal, some flowering houseplants, old carpet or even change the pillow).

Mainly used to treat rhinitis vasoconstrictor drops and sprays, as well as antiviral drugs that are effective against many types of SARS viruses.

Vasoconstrictor drugs against the common cold

Various drops and sprays against the common cold, falling on the nasal mucosa, cause constriction of blood vessels. In the nasal cavity, swelling decreases, which blocked the air. The rate of formation of new mucus decreases, and it becomes thicker.

If you choose between drops and spray, then it is better to give preference to the spray, as it has exact dosage medicines, which is why it is more economical, prevents overdose and side effects from it.

Products containing xylometazoline:"Galazolin", "Dlyanos", "Rinonorm", "Xymelin", "Farmazolin".

The duration of action of drugs with xylometazoline is about 4 hours.

Products containing oxylometazoline:"Nazivin", "Fervex", "Nazol", "Knoxprey", "Fazin".

The duration of action of drugs with oxylometazoline is 10-12 hours.

Preparations containing oxymetazoline are strictly contraindicated in: pregnancy, impaired renal function and children under 1 year of age.

Products containing naphazoline:"Sanorin", "Naftizin".

The duration of action of drugs with naphazoline is 4-6 hours.

All vasoconstrictor drops and sprays against the common cold are not recommended for use for more than 7 days in a row. With a weekly use of such funds side effects is not observed, but with regular long-term use, the vessels become dependent on the drug.

Tablets against the common cold

"Sinupret". Used for treatment colds in the bronchi, lungs and nasopharynx. They have mucolytic, expectorant and anti-inflammatory effects. Contains extracts of gentian, shevel, verbena, elderberry, primrose flowers with a calyx. Contraindicated in children under 3 years of age.

"Koldakt". Complex preparation based on chlorpheniramine maleate and phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride. It is used to eliminate the symptoms of many colds, accompanied by allergies, swelling of the respiratory blunts and nasopharynx, runny nose. Contraindicated in children under 12 years of age, pregnant women, suffering from and. With the permission of the doctor, take with bronchial asthma, diabetes and the elderly.

Rhinopront. Vasoconstrictor and antihistamine, facilitates the course of a runny nose of any kind up to 12 hours, reduces the permeability of capillary walls and exudative manifestations.
Contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women suffering from glaucoma, arterial hypertension and those suffering from prostate enlargement.

For correct diagnosis and proper treatment you need to see a doctor.


Essential oils. In 0.5 liters of boiling water, drop 2-3 drops of oil: eucalyptus, juniper, fir or pine. Or a mixture of oils, 1 drop each: + cinnamon, pine + eucalyptus or pine +.

Inhalations with essential oils should not be performed on children under 3 years of age, if available bronchial asthma, allergies and individual intolerance to oils.

Kalanchoe. In 0.5 liters of boiling water, add 2 tbsp. spoons of freshly squeezed juice and proceed.

Onion or garlic juice. Add a few drops of freshly squeezed onion or garlic juice to hot water and begin the procedure.

Decoction of herbs. In 1-2 liters of boiling water, add the selected herb: 2 tbsp. spoons of eucalyptus or chamomile leaves, 3 tbsp. spoons of pine buds or 2 tbsp. spoons of chamomile and eucalyptus leaves. Boil for 5 minutes and breathe.

The drug "Rotokan". Contains chamomile extract, and. In half a liter of hot water we drip 2 tbsp. spoons of the drug and proceed.

Chief Freelance Specialist in Primary Health Care for the Adult Population, Chief Physician, Consultative and Diagnostic Polyclinic No. 121 of the Moscow City Health Department, Ph.D.

Runny nose, or rhinitis, is the most common disease of the upper respiratory tract. Why it is impossible to wait until it passes by itself, how to properly treat it and in what cases it is necessary to consult a doctor - says the chief freelance specialist in primary health care A.A. Tyazhelnikov.

Is a runny nose an independent disease or just a symptom?

The development of rhinitis, that is, inflammation of the nasal mucosa, is most often associated with contact of the nasal mucosa with viruses, bacteria and allergens. The presence of a runny nose signals us about the presence of diseases such as SARS, allergies, or it can be a side effect of taking certain medications.

Hypothermia is not the cause of a runny nose, but a factor predisposing to the development of rhinitis. Violation of the temperature regime contributes to the violation of the body's defense mechanisms and activates the painful microflora in the nasopharynx.

If a runny nose can be caused by various reasons, then how to understand that it is a common cold or something more serious?

The question is what kind of runny nose to call normal. Separate spicy and chronic rhinitis, and chronic, depending on the cause, can be of different types:

Infectious: it is caused by an infection in the respiratory tract, usually a virus or bacteria.

  • With a viral rhinitis, a burning sensation and dryness in the nose, frequent sneezing, swelling of the nasal mucosa and abundant clear discharge are characteristic.
  • With a bacterial infection, nasal discharge is often thick, dark yellow or greenish, with a sharp unpleasant odor, and headache and fever are often added to the symptoms.

Vasomotor: occurs due to a violation of the innervation of blood vessels in the nasal cavity. As a rule, this is a strong reaction to various external stimuli, whether it is cold, strong smell, stress or hormonal changes in the body - your nose responds to everything with congestion.

Allergic: the reaction of the body to a particular allergen, most often - dust, pollen, animal hair.

Atrophic: a form of the common cold, in which atrophy of the mucous membrane and bone structures of the nasal cavity occurs.


Hypertrophic: constant difficulty in breathing associated with excessive growth of the mucous membrane or bone frame of the turbinates.

Traumatic: its cause is, for example, a fracture of the bones of the nose.

Medical: occurs due to the abuse of vasoconstrictor drops. Drug dependence occurs, chronic edema occurs.

Thus, there is, perhaps, no “usual” runny nose in nature at all. To identify the cause of rhinitis, determine the level of complexity of the problem and prescribe adequate treatment, an experienced doctor is needed.

Does a runny nose, if left untreated, go away on its own?

If you have a strong immune system, there is a chance that after 7-10 days a runny nose will really go away on its own. However, it is better not to rely on chance and still start treatment right away, otherwise you risk getting a serious complication.

Most frequent complications untreated runny nose:
Chronic rhinitis(transition of the disease to chronic stage),
Otitis(inflammation of the middle ear)
sinusitis(inflammation of the mucous paranasal sinuses - maxillary, frontal and sphenoidal),
Laryngitis and pharyngitis(inflammation of the larynx and lymphoid tissue of the pharynx),
Dacryocystitis(inflammation of the tear ducts of the eyes),
Tracheitis and bronchitis(diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract).

What should you never do when you are trying to cure a runny nose on your own?

  • Too often instill vasoconstrictor drops into the nose. When taking these drugs, you must strictly follow the instructions and in no case independently increase the dose and frequency of administration. Rhinitis will not pass faster if you instill more often in the nose, but the effect of the drug will decrease.
  • Too long taking the same drug. If you use the drops for 7 days and it does not give you relief, stop taking them and contact your doctor.
  • Start taking local antibiotics on your own. Only a doctor can decide that the nature of your disease is bacterial and you need to be treated with antibacterial drops.
  • To be treated with folk remedies (onion juice, garlic). These foods contain a lot of vitamin C, so you can safely eat them. But for the nasopharyngeal mucosa, they may be too active.
  • Nasal heating. In no case do not apply hot eggs to your nose, do not breathe over hot potatoes. All that it can give you is a burn of the mucous membranes. Thermal procedures for a runny nose can really help if these are foot baths and a warm compress on the backs of the hands - but these procedures are best agreed with your doctor.

How to blow your nose?

With rhinitis, it is extremely important to observe the hygiene of the nasal cavity, to clear it of mucus in a timely manner. As practice shows, not only children, but also many adult patients do not know how to blow their nose correctly: while cleaning the nasal cavity, they drive mucus into paranasal sinuses nose and middle ear - and often this causes complications of rhinitis.

  1. Blow your nose without effort, with your mouth half open.
  2. Release the left and right sides of the nasal cavity separately, alternately pressing the wing of the nose against the septum.
  3. If you use nasal rinses, then use them strictly according to the instructions. Flush your nose by leaning forward to avoid getting mucus into the sinuses and middle ear structures.

Under what conditions should you see a doctor?

  • Runny nose lasts longer than 10 days;
  • You use a vasoconstrictor for 4-5 days, but do not feel any improvement;
  • A runny nose is accompanied by other symptoms: pain in the ear, in the throat, high temperature, severe headache;
  • Discharge from the nose has an unusual color and a sharp, unpleasant odor;
  • You have a runny nose more often than three or four times in a season.

Where to go if the runny nose does not go away?

Start with a doctor's consultation general practice(GP) at the clinic to which you are assigned. If the prescribed treatment is ineffective, you will be consulted by an otorhinolaryngologist. In difficult diagnostic cases, you will be sent for examination at the NIKIO them. L.I. Sverzhevsky DZM.

Runny nose or rhinitis inflammatory process nasal mucosa. With the help of villi, the nose cleans and warms the air that enters the Airways. There are many reasons for the appearance of this unpleasant symptom. However, if you do not take timely treatment, then the disease will develop into chronic form.

Common causes of runny nose

The most common and well-known rhinitis is infectious. It is caused by viral microbes that enter the body with air. If a person's immune system is well developed, then the disease itself will pass in a few days. However, more often an unpleasant symptom needs additional medical treatment. Initially, it is necessary to determine the cause of a runny nose, and then carry out high-quality therapy. Doctors identify a lot of root causes of rhinitis:

  • various infections (viruses, bacteria);
  • congenital disorders of the structure of the nose;
  • allergies (dust, animal hair, plant pollen, feathers);
  • medications;
  • adenoids, if they begin to increase in size;
  • foreign bodies in the nose, as a rule, are the cause of a runny nose in children;
  • polyps are benign formations on the nasal mucosa;
  • violation of vascular tone in the nasal cavity;
  • atrophic rhinitis, characterized by an unpleasant odor from the nose and the release of green mucus.

Often, a prolonged runny nose can provoke other diseases. For example, problems with thyroid gland. Due to its improper operation, insufficient hormones are produced, which provokes swelling of the connective tissues. An additional symptom, how rhinitis can provoke psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, cystic fibrosis, Kartagener's syndrome.

Symptoms of a runny nose may vary depending on the stage of the disease. If a person’s immunity is good, then he will quickly destroy the causative agent of an unpleasant symptom. However, if the body is weakened, then the disease will develop. Doctors distinguish several stages of rhinitis:

  • Stage 1 - its duration is up to 48 hours. At this time, a person feels dryness in the mucous membranes, an unpleasant burning sensation and itching. For two days, breathing becomes difficult, and the patient ceases to smell and taste. At the same time, body temperature remains normal;
  • Stage 2 - the infection spreads rapidly, a lot of mucus is released from the nose, normal breathing becomes difficult. As a rule, the patient's ears are blocked, the temperature rises and sneezing appears. The disease is accompanied by headache and loss of appetite;
  • Stage 3 - occurs 5 days after infection. The mucous membrane of the nose is already very damaged by viruses, so blood clots and pus are released along with the mucus.

The familiar runny nose causes a lot of inconvenience and reduces the quality of life. So that the disease does not develop into a chronic form, it is important to consult a doctor at its first manifestations or start self-treatment.

Runny nose with blood

A runny nose with blood is not a cause for excessive panic. As a rule, an unpleasant symptom is not a sign of serious disorders in the body. The mucous membrane of the nose is covered with many capillaries. Sometimes some of the small vessels can be damaged, so the blood is released from them. An unpleasant symptom appears both in patients and in healthy people, it all depends on the strength of the blood vessels. There are several main reasons for the discharge of mucus with blood from the nose:

  • dryness in the nose, which leads to injury to blood vessels;
  • fragility of capillaries caused by a lack of vitamin C;
  • mechanical injuries of the nasal passages;
  • infections cause thinning of the mucous walls;
  • spasms of blood vessels in the brain;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • inflammation of the maxillary sinuses.

If a person finds blood along with snot, no need to worry too much! Initially, it is necessary to exclude all possible factors that could cause this unpleasant symptom. It is necessary to increase the humidity in the room and try not to injure the nose. It is important to stop using vasoconstrictor drops. If this is not possible, then their use must be reduced significantly.

Important! It is worth remembering that frequent blowing your nose damages the capillaries and provokes the release of blood.

Runny nose in chest

Runny nose in newborn babies most often appears in autumn and winter. At this time, a lot of infections develop that affect the fragile body. The disease brings discomfort to the baby, as well as worries to parents, who sometimes do not know how to help their child.

As soon as the child begins to sit or crawl, he can put any foreign objects in his nose. They irritate the inner shell, which provokes the release of mucus. In addition, the baby may develop an allergy to various objects. As a rule, these include dust, feathers, animal hair, plant pollen, as well as citrus and red products. Any violation of normal breathing through the nose in children leads to a variety of disorders. The process of face formation and chest, as well as the development of the respiratory and of cardio-vascular system. Parents need to take timely measures to eliminate rhinitis.

Important! For the treatment of a runny nose in a child, it is better to use homeopathic drops. They are not addictive, do not dry the mucosa and have no serious contraindications.

Runny nose during pregnancy is common. At this time, the woman's immunity is weakened, so she is susceptible to various viruses and infections. Sometimes an unpleasant symptom appears due to the production of hormones (estrogen and progesterone), which provoke swelling of the mucous membranes. Another reason is allergies and dry air.

For the treatment of rhinitis, different terms pregnancy, it is recommended to use folk remedies. Old "grandmother's" methods will effectively restore breathing and will not harm the unborn baby.

At home, rhinitis therapy can and should be carried out with improvised means. In addition, such treatment is indicated for everyone, regardless of age:

  • washing with a solution of salt or soda. To prepare the medicine, you need to dissolve 1 teaspoon of the product in 250 ml of warm water. The liquid is drawn in alternately, each nostril. Such therapy will moisturize the mucous membrane and expand the passage for air;
  • warming up. It is necessary to warm the legs, for this it is recommended to make warm baths and add mustard. To warm the nose well, you can use a boiled egg or well-heated salt. It is poured into a tissue bag and applied to the nose;
  • inhalation with a cold. The procedure can be done no more than 4 times a day. It uses onion and garlic, essential oils(eucalyptus, thuja) and healing herbs(mint, linden, calendula);
  • cotton swabs based on honey, aloe, kalanchoe, propolis and mummy.
  • acupressure with a cold;
  • Before going to bed, it is important to ventilate the room.

Frequently asked Questions

During any illness, a person feels discomfort, so he wants to recover faster and return to his usual way of life. He often wonders what to do and when recovery will come.

  1. Is it possible to warm the nose with a cold? Typically, treatment folk ways built on warming up the nose. Such a procedure is actually beneficial, as it increases the flow of blood, in which there are immunity cells. However, you should not do the procedure if the body temperature is elevated.
  2. I lost my sense of smell with a runny nose, what to do? Lack of smell is normal with a runny nose. A person will feel all smells as soon as normal breathing is restored. This requires treatment.
  3. How many days does a runny nose last? With proper treatment, the duration of rhinitis is no more than 5 days. However, each person's body is different, and this period may increase or decrease.
  4. How to quickly cure a runny nose? Therapy must be carried out comprehensively. That is, to combine drug treatment with traditional methods.

If left untreated, rhinitis can lead to serious consequences. Chronic runny nose can develop into sinusitis or inflammation. In the early stages, the disease can be treated at home. For therapy, doctors recommend using:

  • drops (Naphthyzin, Nazol, Rinonorm, Ferveks);
  • spray (Rint, Nicorette, Polydex, Isofra);
  • antiviral tablets (Amizon, Tamiflu, Viferon, Arbidol, Anaferon).

Before using any medication it is important to read the instructions.

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Runny nose - inflammation of the nasal mucosa, in which mucous masses are released, and a burning sensation or dryness appears. For its treatment, drops, sprays, ointments and creams are used, as well as means traditional medicine. With proper treatment, it disappears within a week.

Runny nose and its types

A runny nose or rhinitis is perfectly treatable if its type is determined in a timely manner. Lack of proper treatment can lead to sinusitis, otitis or sinusitis, that is, give complications to the organs of smell and hearing.

He can be:

  • a separate disease;
  • Symptom of the majority infectious diseases(SARS, influenza, tonsillitis and others);
  • The result of trauma to the nasal mucosa.

The development of a runny nose is greatly facilitated by hypothermia of a person, dustiness and gas contamination of the air.

Rhinitis is divided into 2 groups, infectious and non-infectious.



Appears in infectious viral diseases. Has 3 phases.

Phase initial symptoms- itching, burning in the nose, fever, headache.

Catarrhal phase - 2-3 hours after the first phase. There is mucus secretion and difficulty in breathing.

The recovery phase is on the 5th-7th day of illness. The sinuses are cleared, breathing is restored.


Occurs when the mucosa is irritated purulent secretions from the sinuses, congenital deformity of the septum, circulatory disorders of the mucosa.


Growth of the mucosa and submucosa. Mucopurulent discharge appears and breathing becomes very difficult.


With thinning of the mucous membrane. Dryness, crusts appear, the perception of odors decreases.



It is a reaction to an allergen. It can be seasonal (in response to flowering, poplar fluff), and year-round, if dust, pet hair, and certain products act as an allergen. Difficulty breathing through the nose, watery mucus and sneezing appear.


Appears with the expansion of the blood vessels of the mucosa. It occurs due to hormonal imbalance, emotional experiences, exposure to smoke, gas, food with spices.


Appears with the constant use of vasoconstrictors. The mucous membrane contracts under their action, but then swells with even greater force.


The causes are mechanical injury, chemical exposure, frostbite or burns.

  • Learn to blow your nose correctly by closing one nostril and opening your mouth;
  • Avoid contact with irritants (dust, cold air, strong odors, cigarette smoke);
  • When choosing drops or sprays, give preference to herbal preparations, such as Pinosol (pine, eucalyptus and mint oil) or Pinovit with a similar composition;
  • Rinse the sinuses with salt water, but not more than 3 times a day, so as not to weaken the protective functions of the mucosa;
  • Constantly ventilate the room and humidify the air.

Traditional treatment for the common cold

Treat a runny nose with drops, sprays, ointments and creams. Any drug has contraindications, side effects and the ability of the body to get used to it.

According to the effect, drops and sprays are:

  • Moisturizers - Aqua Maris, Aqualor with sea water.
  • Vasoconstrictor (reduce swelling and reduce the amount of mucus) - Naphthyzin, Sanorin, Nazivin, Xymelin, Dlyanos, Otrivin.
  • Antibacterial - Bioparox, Isofra.
  • Antiviral - Grippferon.
  • Phytopreparations - Pinosol and Pinovit with pine, mint and eucalyptus oils.
  • Combined (with vasoconstrictor, decongestant properties) - Hycomycin-teva.
  • Antihistamines - Vibrocil, Allergodil to relieve allergic rhinitis.

Ointments are:

  • Antiviral - oxolinic ointment 0,25%.
  • Antiseptic - Vishnevsky ointment, tetracycline ointment.
  • Combined - Levomikol, Evamenol with menthol and eucalyptus oil.
  • Homeopathic - Doctor Mom, Asterisk, Tuya ointment.

Also, in the treatment of rhinitis, inhalations are made over steam or using an inhaler or nebulizer with nozzles.

To do this, use essential oils (eucalyptus, sage, fir, pine) and boiled water or saline.

Treatment with folk remedies

In spite of a large number of modern antiviral and antibacterial drugs, people do not stop using the advice of traditional medicine.

Here are the most effective ones:

Aloe Juice

Use neat or diluted with water at a ratio of 3:1. Do not be afraid of burning in the nose, it passes after a short time.


Make incisions on the washed Kalanchoe leaf, squeeze the juice and lubricate the sinuses with it.


Use neat (a small amount in each nostril) or dilute with water to make drops. For greater effect, make infusions with onions, beetroot juice, horseradish or aloe juice.


Take a small rag bag, calcine the salt in a clean, dry frying pan, put it in a bag and apply it to the bridge of your nose. Instead of salt, boiled eggs are suitable. In order not to burn the skin, lay a towel or napkin between your nose and hot eggs.


Take 1 tablespoon of squeezed onion juice and 5 drops olive oil, insist, instill in each nostril.

Take an onion, cut it, add half a glass of water and a spoonful of honey. Insist, strain and use as drops.

beetroot juice

Take 3 tablespoons of beetroot juice and one tablespoon of honey, insist and drip 2-3 times a day.


Set fire to one head of garlic, and alternately bring the smoldering head to each nostril.

Treatment of the common cold in children

Runny nose in children is one of the most common diseases and does not always go away quickly. At the first symptoms, it is necessary to immediately begin its treatment in order to enable the child to breathe freely through the nose and sleep peacefully at night.

First, teach your child to blow their nose well, but gently. Then during the day, wash the nasal passages. For 1 cup of warm water, take half a teaspoon of salt and soda. Rinse with a teapot or from a saucer, drawing water in turn from each nostril, holding a little and blowing it back.

If the child is too small or the procedure is not good for him, then you can use drops based on sea water - Aqua Maris or Marimer.

The last step is the instillation of drops with a vasoconstrictor effect. For children, plant-based drops are suitable - Pinosol or Delufen, or chemicals Nizivin, Naphthyzin, Otrivin.

A very useful tool for children's runny nose there will be inhalations. They are made both over steam and with the help of an inhaler or nebulizer, using special nozzles.

Another useful advice- give the child as much to drink as possible, since when breathing through the mouth, he loses a large amount of moisture and the mucous membranes dry out. And do not forget about airing and ensuring the humidity of the room.

During pregnancy

A runny nose in women during pregnancy is very undesirable, like any other disease, especially if it is accompanied by fever.

When it appears, it is advised:

  • Plentiful drink;
  • Rinsing the nose with saline;
  • Gargling with water and soda;
  • inhalation or breathing over steam;
  • Ventilation and humidification of the room.

Pregnant women should not take antibiotics, alcohol preparations, essential oils, vasoconstrictors without a doctor's recommendation.


A runny nose or nasal congestion causes a lot of discomfort for both adults and children. Treatment of rhinitis with early stage will allow him to get rid of it faster. Rinse your sinuses, ventilate and humidify the room, and most importantly - choose the right drops, spray, ointment or folk recipes based on the type of cold. This will make the treatment effective and shorter.

A runny nose is a phenomenon familiar to everyone, and almost everyone believes that he has enough knowledge and experience to be cured. However, most people make mistakes when trying to get rid of rhinitis and share many misconceptions about it.

Consider the most common of the myths about this disease.


Runny nose - a slight malaise, not dangerous for the body

Rhinitis, as a rule, is not an independent disease: more often it is only a symptom characteristic of many pathologies. It can be allergic, bacterial, viral in nature. In any case, a person suffers from nasal congestion, shortness of breath and a feeling of fatigue, sleep is disturbed, and appetite decreases. All this is unpleasant, but not too dangerous.

Real problems begin if the patient treats the treatment of the common cold without due seriousness. In the absence of treatment, complications such as sinusitis and sinusitis often develop. At further dissemination the inflammatory process can affect not only the respiratory tract, but also the hearing organs and even the meninges, which is really life-threatening.

Runny nose due to hypothermia

A common misconception is that if you get your feet wet, you'll catch a cold. In fact, the development of rhinitis is not directly related to hypothermia. The common cold, a symptom of which is a runny nose, is viral in nature, and susceptibility to pathogenic microorganisms depends on immune system. Therefore, a small draft is enough for one to “snuffle”, while the other remains healthy even in a severe frost.

Infection occurs by airborne droplets, so a person with a weakened immune system during seasonal colds should avoid crowded places (shopping centers, crowded public transport, etc.).

With a cold, you need to take immunomodulators

If a runny nose has broken out, taking drugs that activate the body's defenses is not only useless, but also dangerous - because the increased secretion of mucus from the nose is in itself a consequence of the immune system's reaction to pathogenic microflora. By artificially boosting this process, you can aggravate the problem and get a serious immune disorder instead of a cold. Fortunately, most immunomodulators are drugs with unproven (that is, not detectable in any way) effect.

Green discharge from the nose is a sign of a bacterial infection

This is not always true. Thick green mucus discharged from the nose with rhinitis is a sign successful work immune system. As the disease develops, the color and consistency of the secretions change: at the beginning of the disease, they are transparent and liquid, then they become white-yellow or greenish and thicken. This is due to an increase in the number of white blood cells that fight pathogens.

To make a runny nose go faster, you need to blow your nose often.

With a coryza, the nose seems to be filled with secretions, and the patient strives to bring them out to facilitate breathing. But unpleasant feeling is not associated with an excess of fluid (mucus), but with a strong swelling of the mucous membrane. Attempts to blow your nose sharply and strongly are unsafe: in this case, part of the mucus is pushed deep into the sinuses and even into the auditory canals, infecting them and thereby provoking the development of sinusitis, sinusitis and otitis media. It is necessary to clear the nose of secretions very carefully, avoiding sharp pushing movements, each nostril separately.

All cold drops are safe

Especially enduring myths are associated with drugs for the common cold. Most people, having felt nasal congestion, immediately begin to use vasoconstrictor drops. They do give temporary relief, but with frequent use they are addictive.

Drops should be injected into the nose, slightly tilting the head back and turning it towards the nostril into which the drug enters. It is not necessary to bury the medicine while lying on your back - otherwise the solution does not linger in the nasal cavity, but immediately flows down the throat.

Vasoconstrictor drugs should not be used for longer than three days. Safer are plant-based products containing oils (for example, Pinosol), as well as solutions for washing the nose based on sea water (for example, Aqua Maris).

Runny nose can be cured by warming the nose

Folk medicine recommends two types of heat exposure to help cure rhinitis: dry warming (for example, using a linen bag with heated salt or sand attached to the bridge of the nose) and hot steam inhalations.

Dry warming is useful only at the very beginning of the disease, while the discharge from the nose has a watery consistency. A hot dry compress helps to reduce swelling of the mucous membranes and thereby facilitate breathing. If the runny nose has moved to the next stage, it is impossible to apply heating, otherwise the vital activity of pathogens is even more activated.

Inhalations with a runny nose are dangerous by creating a warm and humid environment in which bacteria feel especially comfortable. In addition, inhalation of hot steam is fraught with increased mucosal edema and even burns.

Attention! Any thermal procedures are contraindicated in case of elevated temperature in a patient and a serious deterioration in the general condition.

It is useful to instill garlic or onion juice into the nose.

Quite a cruel and ineffective procedure. With a runny nose, the nasal mucosa is already irritated, and the caustic juice injures it even more.

It is much more reasonable to gradually introduce these vegetables into the patient's diet, and also place them cut in his room so that the released phytoncides disinfect the air.