Symptoms and treatment of rhinitis in adults by various methods. how to treat rhinitis at home how to cure acute rhinitis

Rhinitis or runny nose is an inflammation of the nasal cavity. Often, rhinitis is only a symptom of the disease. So, for example, a runny nose can appear both with a viral infection and with a bacterial one, and even be the result of mechanical irritation.

In addition, rhinitis is divided into acute and chronic. Its causes can be both viral, fungal, bacterial infections, as well as a weakening of the immune system, and hypothermia of the body in the cool season.

A very important role in the progress of the disease is played by lifestyle, predisposition to allergies and hereditary diseases. If time does not attach importance to the treatment of rhinitis, then in the future this disease can lead to complications or the transition of the disease to chronic form which will take a long time to heal.

In this article, we will look at the features of rhinitis in adults, its symptoms and topical home treatments.


Causes rhinitis of non-infectious etiology can be:
  • Long-term residence in ecologically unfavorable conditions;
  • Harmful working conditions;
  • Endocrine diseases;
  • Cysts, nasal polyps;
  • Circulatory disorders (generalized or local);
  • Diseases of the kidneys, liver, lungs;
  • Heart defects, myocarditis;
  • Mechanical burn of the nasal mucosa;
  • Allergic reactions of the body (cold allergy, sensitization in response to the penetration of gases, vapors, pollen, animal hair, the general reaction of the body to the administration of drugs or food products);
  • Other diseases of the oropharynx and sinuses (, adenoiditis, etc.).

The occurrence of allergic rhinitis is associated primarily with the individual characteristics of the nasal mucosa in some people. In particular, with excessive sensitivity to various stimuli, the so-called. exogenous allergens. Also, the causes of allergic rhinitis include increased sensitization to viral and bacterial infections.

Symptoms of rhinitis

Depending on the type and stage of rhinitis, symptoms can vary from dry irritation in the nasal cavity to serous and mucopurulent discharge with bloody inclusions. In chronic rhinitis, headache, drowsiness, fatigue, reduced sleep quality, sometimes accompanied by snoring, are often observed.

The main symptoms of acute rhinitis in adults are:

  • loss of the ability to breathe freely through the nose;
  • frequent sneezing;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • feeling of drying of the mucous membrane;
  • the formation of crusts in the nasal passages;
  • pain in the head;
  • nasal congestion;
  • burning sensation, severe itching in the nasal passages;
  • the appearance of transparent discharge from the nose, having a mucous consistency (with purulent rhinitis, the discharge becomes thicker and acquires a greenish tint);
  • complete or partial loss of the ability to recognize odors;
  • drainage of mucous discharge along the posterior pharyngeal wall.

The symptoms of rhinitis should not be ignored, no matter how minor they seem. Rhinitis left untreated can lead to such serious complications like sinusitis or sinusitis.

Chronic rhinitis

The chronic form of rhinitis in adults has the following manifestations.

  1. catarrhal. It is accompanied by congestive hyperemia of the mucosa, uniform swelling of the turbinates and periodic difficulty in nasal breathing, and a disorder of smell.
  2. atrophic. Appears as a result of atrophy of the nasal mucosa, leads to various violations of the processes of air exchange and vascular function.
  3. hypertrophic. It develops as a result of hypertrophy of the soft tissues of the nasal cavity and is accompanied by a violation of nasal breathing.
  4. Vasomotor. Associated with diseases of the autonomic nervous system and, in addition to secretions of mucous secretion, it is also accompanied by alternate congestion of the nasal passages.
  5. medical. It affects those patients who, during the treatment of rhinitis, have become a kind of dependence on drugs (nasal sprays, for example).
  6. Allergic. Accompanied by episodic violation of nasal breathing, sneezing, mucous discharge from the nose; its nature is determined by allergic reactions immediate type. The disease can be seasonal or year-round.

As a result, the symptoms chronic rhinitis may differ significantly depending on the cause that causes the disease. For example, nasal congestion is not always accompanied by copious mucus secretion, as happens with acute rhinitis. An increase in temperature in chronic forms also occurs infrequently. In this case, a deterioration in general well-being can be pronounced. It is characterized by the following features:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • loss of appetite;
  • decrease in working capacity;
  • decreased sensitivity to odors.

Therefore, properly treating a chronic runny nose is no less important than an acute one, and it may also require a visit to a doctor.


Rhinitis is recognized on the basis of the listed symptoms, but in each case it is necessary to differentiate them from specific rhinitis, which are symptoms of an infectious disease - diphtheria, measles, scarlet fever, as well as gonorrhea, syphilis, etc. Each of the infectious diseases has its own clinical picture.

An objective examination of the ENT organs (rhinoscopy - examination of the nasal cavity), clarifies the form of rhinitis. If complications of rhinitis are suspected, an X-ray examination is prescribed. paranasal sinuses nose, lungs, middle ear, consultation of a pulmonologist, allergist, ophthalmologist, infectious disease specialist, instrumental examination ear, pharynx, larynx.

How to treat rhinitis?

Acute uncomplicated rhinitis is treated at home. Therapy is carried out depending on the stage of development inflammatory process. In the treatment of acute rhinitis in adults, both symptomatic agents and special drugs are used to reduce inflammation in the nasal cavity. In case of bacterial infections, the use of antiseptic agents is justified, with the help of which the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity is washed and cleaned.

If rhinitis is an independent disease, and is not a consequence of acute respiratory diseases treatment is recommended to start with the following:

  • washing the nasal cavity with an isotonic solution (1 tsp of food salt dissolved in 200 ml of boiled water cooled to room temperature);
  • with nasal congestion, mustard foot baths (2 tablespoons of mustard powder mixed with 3 liters of hot water) will bring relief.

Also, with rhinitis, a plentiful warm drink is recommended (tea with lemon and raspberries, milk with honey). In cases of high temperature (above 38), antipyretics can be used. Although it must be borne in mind that antipyretics, increasing sweating, can predispose to various complications and worsen the course of the disease, reducing the body's resistance to infectious aggression.

Medical therapy

Most often, time-tested medications are used to treat rhinitis:

  1. Vasoconstrictor- symptomatic agents that reduce swelling of the mucous membrane and reduce nasal congestion. Naphthyzin, Galazolin, Nazol, Xymelin, etc.) help relieve breathing for a while. Preparations of this kind are not recommended to be used for longer than 7-10 days, as this can be an impetus for the development of a vasomotor form of rhinitis.
  2. Moisturizing solutions and emollient ointments– Marimer, Physiomer, Aqua Maris, are used as an adjunct treatment.
  3. (Claritin, Tavegil, Suprastin, Allergodil, etc.) block the production of specific antibodies that cause allergic reactions.
  4. Antibiotics - only for bacterial rhinitis and complications, usually in the form of a nasal spray or drops (Bioparox);
  5. Antiseptic preparations local action(isotonic solution, furatsilin, etc.) are used as a nasal rinse.
  6. Vitamins and immunostimulants.

During the period of exacerbation in chronic rhinitis, the same medicines are used as in acute rhinitis ( vasoconstrictor drops, drops and ointments with drugs that have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effects). Astringents are used: 2-5% solution of protargol (colargol) in the form of nose drops (5 drops in each half of the nose 3 times a day).

Physiotherapy procedures

Physiotherapy treatment, which has shown its high efficiency and the minimum percentage of contraindications in the treatment of this disease, are the following:

  • electrophoresis with mineral applications (muds, salts);
  • UHF therapy;
  • phototherapy;
  • inhalation;
  • breathing exercises.

Such treatment will speed up the healing process and reduce rehabilitation period after rhinitis complicated by concomitant diseases of the upper respiratory tract.


Preventive measures to prevent rhinitis include:

  1. Prevention of colds.
  2. A timely visit to the doctor, at the first signs of the disease, will prevent the appearance possible complications especially in infants.
  3. Nutrition should be complete, high-calorie, and most importantly, the correct regimen should be observed. The diet should consist of the consumption of fruits and vegetables with a high content of vitamin C. It is recommended to drink tea with raspberries, rosehip infusion, milk with honey.
  4. Periodic wet cleaning and ventilation in the room will prevent the ingress and spread of infection.
  5. It is not recommended to abruptly move from a warm room to a cold one, not to be in drafts, not to drink ice water and other soft drinks.
  6. It is recommended to carry out hardening procedures. Pouring cold water(start gradually, from using warm water to cool). Regular exercise.

In general, the prevention of rhinitis - a disease with a fairly wide "family tree" - should be aimed primarily at strengthening the body's resistance.

Rhinitis is a pathological disease of the nasal mucosa. This disease can develop both in an adult and in a child. This disease can be caused by various negative factors, such as colds, SARS, allergies or sinusitis.

The runny nose inherent in these diseases can cause a chronic factor this disease. The following will describe the symptoms and treatment of rhinitis in adults.

Runny nose often flows into rhinitis. This disease of inflammation of the passages of the nasal cavity often proceeds in an exacerbated form. Therefore, it is necessary to protect your body from the unfortunate circumstances that cause this disease. The nose guarantees the heating of the air entering through the breath.

At the same time, the process of purification, moisturizing takes place. Otherwise, under negative conditions, this function does not work, an inflammatory process of the mucosa occurs. With this disease, a violation of blood circulation in the vessels of the nasal cavity is possible. Consequently, fluid stagnation occurs, the vessels of the nose become thinner. As a result, the nasal mucosa undergoes swelling. Thus, a chronic runny nose begins, which should be treated under the close supervision of a specialist.

  • catarrhal rhinitis proceeds through difficulty breathing. With such a disease, you should always be warm. In some cases, it has a unilateral course;
  • allergic rhinitis occurs due to allergies, may be seasonal or year-round;
  • occurs due to a violation of the hormonal background, as a result of which the vessels stop working;
  • Medicated rhinitis occurs due to prolonged use of drugs that constrict blood vessels. This disease is difficult to cure. Constant supervision of the attending physician is necessary;
  • Hypertrophic rhinitis occurs due to thickening of the mucosa. The disease occurs due to hypothermia, unfavorable ecology and the presence of various allergens. This disease is treated with surgery this species diseases, involves a change in the structure of the nose;
  • Atrophic form of rhinitis involves a narrowing of the nasal mucosa, which leads to a violation of its functionality;
  • specific form is a malodorous variant of rhinitis. With this form, intoxication of the body is possible. The heart muscle is damaged and facial nerves. In this case, a sick person should be urgently hospitalized for a timely injection of antidiphtheria serum.

What causes chronic rhinitis

Most often, this disease occurs due to prolonged, acute rhinitis. The causes for each form of rhinitis are different.
The catarrhal type of rhinitis occurs due to the following reasons:

  1. Due to a decrease in immunity;
  2. Due to infectious ENT diseases;
  3. Unfavorable ecology;
  4. Chronic pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, as a source of infections;
  5. Due to frequent adenoids.

The hypertrophic form of the disease is due to the following factors:

  1. Frequent occurrence of adenoids;
  2. Sinusitis and pharyngitis in frequent manifestation; The fact of working at chemical production facilities;
  3. because of bad habits such as alcoholism, smoking;
  4. The presence of hypertension;
  5. Avitaminosis and iodine deficiency.

Important. The atrophic form is caused by the catarrhal degree of the common cold. Also, this form of the disease occurs due to negative ecology, work in hazardous industries, bad habits, frequent operations on the nasal cavity. But the main reason is heredity.

Symptoms and treatment of chronic rhinitis

Chronic rhinitis is an obsessive disease that is difficult to get rid of. Its signs are expansive, unpleasant and intrusive.

Signs of chronic pathology:

  • A symptom of regular nasal congestion, disappearing due to a change in position;
  • Headache of low intensity;
  • High blood pressure;
  • With exacerbation, sneezing and unpleasant flow from the nose become more frequent. In this case, the discharge has a peculiar consistency, either too liquid or very thick;
  • A sign of burning and irritation in the nose associated with itching, which may cause moderate snoring;
  • Increased fatigue and the fact of insomnia;
  • Sensations of pressure on the temples, disorders of smell.

Often, chronic rhinitis flows into hypertrophy. With this fact, the connective tissue increases in the back and front. In the advanced degree of hypertrophy, the passages of the nasal cavity are completely closed. Therefore, in case of respiratory failure, you should contact a highly qualified specialist.

Also, signs of the disease can be a headache, a change in hearing ability, a nasal voice, regular discharge from the nose, in the form of pus with a corresponding smell.
In the atrophic type, the treatment and signs of the disease differ from other types of rhinitis.

Symptoms of the atrophic form:

  1. Viscous mucus appears;
  2. Dry crusts form in the nose, as a result of which breathing is disturbed;
  3. The sense of smell is disturbed, dryness is present, heaviness in the nose is felt;
  4. The presence of bleeding, with minor damage to the mucosa;
  5. When examining a doctor, the following factors are found out. The mucous membrane of the nose shines, while it is pale and thinned;
  6. The presence of an unpleasant odor from the nose.

allergic rhinitis

The allergic type appears in the presence of an irritant. Accompanied by sneezing and discharge of liquid mucus, like water, from the nose. The vasomotor form of the disease is manifested by a violation of the sense of smell

If these diseases are not treated, a bacterial infection, bronchitis, otitis media, sinusitis and pneumonia are possible.

An important point for confirming these diseases is an examination by the attending physician, who must conduct a rhinoscopy. During this operation, the patient may show purulent crusts, narrowed nasal passages and hypertrophy of the nasal cavity of the shells.

Also, to diagnose this disease, the doctor performs a series of manipulations. He takes a sample with a drug that constricts blood vessels. Then he performs CT, MRI, x-rays near the sinuses. The doctor reveals the immunogram by taking a blood test. Be sure to check the microflora for the use of antibiotics, by passing a smear. A smear is also taken to detect eosinophils.

After confirming the disease, the doctor finds out the cause, signs of this disease. Only after all these procedures, the correct treatment is prescribed.

It is necessary to treat this disease under the close supervision of a specialist. But some believe that they are able to cope with this disease on their own at home. Often sick, it is necessary to be hospitalized for further therapy.

Complex treatment of rhinitis

It is necessary to fight the disease comprehensively. Required. Need to use nasopharyngeal therapy. It is required to put your accommodation in order, normalize the diet, improve working conditions, and ventilate the premises. It is necessary to regularly visit sea recreation sites, sanatoriums, where there is a mud bath.

Catarrhal disease is treated as follows:

  1. With the help of thermal procedures, such as UHF, micro currents;
  2. The use of tubes - quartz, magnetic therapy;
  3. With the help of acupuncture;
  4. The use of electrophoresis;
  5. Use of antibacterial drops and sprays;
  6. The use of tetracycline ointment, salicylic, callargolovy, sulfanilamide;
  7. The use of drugs Protargol, Sialor.

Also use drops "Pinasol" and "Evkobol" on the oil content. It is difficult to cure the vasomotor form of rhinitis, since there is no improvement in the underlying disease. It must be treated with ointments and sprays with glucocorticosteroids, such as Nasonex and Avamys. Often this form is treated with a laser, photo destruction is used. In some cases, surgery is necessary. Systemic treatment includes a complex of antihistamines.

The allergic type of the disease can be treated with hyposensitizing and antihistamine drugs. Use irrigation of the nasal cavity. The influence of cold, UV radiation, breathing exercises, magnetic therapy, inhalation, salt water washing are also used. Treatment is not limited to these actions. Massage of the wings of the nasal cavity, enterosorbents, immunocorrective treatment, specific therapy are used.

Hypertrophic disease must be treated with sclerosing drugs. The drug hydrocartisone is injected into the patient's connective tissue. If the treatment does not give positive properties, burning is used using acids, chromic, trichloroacetic. If the site of the disease is not large, then it can be easily cut out with a laser. With an advanced form of hypertrophic disease, part of the shell is removed.

Atrophy is difficult to cure, as it is necessary to remove unpleasant symptoms. Rinse the nose with saline and salt water. In the chronic form, inhalation is used mineral waters. Apply a mixture of iodine and glycerin. Little rose hips, aloe juice, a solution of vitamin E and A are popular in the treatment. Biogenic stimulants are used.

Treatment of the chronic type of rhinitis is long and painful. The patient usually requires surgery. Only after the operation the patient will be able to feel full life. Alternative medicine in the fight against the disease.

signs chronic disease can be cured with folk remedies. Of course, you do not need to wait for a complete recovery, but such therapy can relieve symptoms.

What is used to alleviate the disease?

  • Mint leaves must be boiled. Let stand, then strain. Use the prepared solution as a nasal rinse.
  • Use vegetable oil and eucalyptus leaves. Make a tincture of this and apply to lubricate the nose.
  • They make drops from honey, potatoes and beets.
  • Inhalation with onions and warm water.
  • For lubrication, carrot juice, peach oil are used. This mixture can be used as nasal drops.

In order to avoid the symptoms of the common cold and its further treatment in adults, it is necessary to take preventive measures.

Useful video: How to treat rhinitis

An important point in prevention is the treatment of all ENT diseases, under the supervision of a specialist, to exclude all allergens and irritants, correct all nasal anomalies, abuse of various drops, hardening procedures. The main thing is to maintain immunity, engage in sports exercises. You should take care of yourself and your loved ones.

When it gets cold outside, many people experience nasal breathing problems. From this article you will learn what rhinitis is, what are the symptoms and treatment of this pathology, how to recognize the first signs of the disease and what are the causes of the disease.

What is rhinitis

Rhinitis is an inflammatory disease of the nasal mucosa, which is characterized by obstruction of the nasal ducts and mucus secretion. In the people, this phenomenon is called a runny nose.

The disease is diagnosed in both men and women, adults and children. If the problem is not treated, the pathology becomes chronic.

Most often, rhinitis is not the underlying disease. Runny nose appears as a symptom of another disease. To effectively cure the pathology, it is important to deal with the underlying disease.

Reasons for the development of rhinitis

First of all, it is necessary to determine what provoked nasal congestion. If you get rid of main reason, rhinitis will not aggravate, and unpleasant symptoms will quickly disappear.

The following factors can influence the development of rhinitis:

  • inhalation of polluted air;
  • entry into the nasopharynx of bacteria, viruses or fungi;
  • penetration of mold spores;
  • exposure to strong odors, dust and allergens;
  • penetration of animal hair;
  • the action of aggressive chemicals;
  • long-term use of medications;
  • constant hypothermia;
  • malnutrition with a predominance of products of high or low temperatures;
  • hormonal disorders, including during pregnancy;
  • carbon monoxide poisoning;
  • emotional tension, stressful situations.

The most dangerous rhinitis caused by hypertrophy of the tissues of the nasal cavity. Some forms have a tendency to degenerate into malignant formations.

Often, those who have congenital anomalies in the structure of the nose or the septum has become curved after injuries have complaints of nasal congestion.

You can reduce the likelihood of rhinitis if you do not allow the nasal mucosa to dry out. It is important to monitor the humidity in the room, avoid bad habits, especially smoking. It is important for adults to think about how their lifestyle affects the child's respiratory system.

Rhinitis classification

The classification of the disease has several varieties. All rhinitis is divided into:

  • sharp;
  • chronic.

Acute rhinitis is divided into the following types:

  • allergic, arising from exposure to allergens, can last for several months or a whole year;
  • viral rhinitis, which develops due to exposure to viruses;
  • bacterial, provoked by a bacterial infection;
  • immune rhinitis associated with a decrease in immunity;
  • acute posterior, which is diagnosed in young children and implies inflammatory processes on the back wall.

Chronic rhinitis is of the following types:

  • subatrophic, when changes occur in the deep tissues of the sinuses;
  • catarrhal, which is characterized by congestion and swelling;
  • hormonal, or vasomotor, arising against the background of hormonal changes;
  • hypertrophic, associated with pathological tissue growths;
  • psychogenic, when symptoms appear after a nervous strain.

In order to prevent complications, it is important to detect rhinitis at an early stage.

Symptoms of rhinitis

What first aid should be given to the patient depends on the reasons for the development of the disease. Diagnosis can be made by the following symptoms:

  • complicated breathing through the nose;
  • opening the mouth to inhale air;
  • secretion of mucous fluid from the sinuses;
  • hyperemia of the mucous membrane inside the nose.

These phenomena occur, regardless of the causes that caused rhinitis. However, there are signs that are characteristic only for a certain form of the common cold.

In acute viral rhinitis, the following symptoms appear:

  • tickling in the nose;
  • lacrimation;
  • sneezing
  • increased dryness of the nasal mucosa;
  • decreased olfactory function;
  • voice change "on the nose";
  • copious discharge of mucus from the nose, most often a transparent color.

With a bacterial lesion, the following phenomena are possible:

  • greenish discharge from the nose;
  • elevated body temperature.

Symptoms vasomotor rhinitis are:

  • causeless repeated sneezing, accompanied by nasal congestion;
  • lack of prerequisites for the occurrence of a cold;
  • watery or mucous transparent selection;
  • tearing.

Note! Symptoms of vasomotor rhinitis most often worries patients in the morning.

Symptoms of allergic rhinitis are as follows:

  • burning, pain and tickling in the nose;
  • sneezing
  • copious secretion of mucus.

With allergic rhinitis, weakness in the body, muscle aches and fever never appear.

In the chronic course of the common cold, patients have a decrease in the normal sense of smell, dullness of odor recognition.

With atrophic rhinitis, the following phenomena are possible:

  • fetid odor from the nose;
  • the formation of crusts inside the sinuses;
  • dryness of the mucous membrane.

This form of pathology often develops in old age, especially after undergoing surgical interventions on the nasal septum.

With growths inside the nasal cavity, patients note periodic purulent discharge from the sinuses, and also suffer from complicated breathing.

If the patient begins to fight rhinitis in time, choosing affective methods for this, a complete recovery occurs relatively quickly. If the process becomes chronic, therapy becomes more difficult.

Diagnostic Measures

Diagnosis is made by a doctor. Rhinoscopy is used to clarify the diagnosis. The essence of the procedure is the introduction of a special device into the nasal cavity, through which you can carefully examine the sinuses and mucous membranes. How this happens can be seen in the photo.

Additional tests are rarely performed. If bacterial penetration is suspected, a smear may be sown on the nutrient flora. After such a study, you can choose effective antibacterial agents for the nose that will help you quickly cope with the pathology.

Allergen tests may be done if allergic rhinitis is suspected. This will prevent the development of a runny nose in the future by eliminating contact with this substance.

Rhinitis treatment

In most cases, hospitalization is not required, and treatment is carried out at home. Therapy includes:

  • the use of medicines;
  • surgical intervention;
  • physiotherapy.

To relieve inflammation of the nasal mucosa, it is important to take only those drugs prescribed by the attending physician.

Medical treatment

Regardless of the reason for the development of rhinitis, it is important to properly clean the sinuses from the accumulation of mucus and avoid drying out. This will help saline solutions. They are not just dripping nose, but also washed.

Oil drops help moisturize the nasal mucosa. You can use them several times a day. While they won't make breathing easy right away, they will make it easier to clear the nasal passages of mucus.

You can instantly ease breathing with the help of vasoconstrictor drugs. They quickly eliminate the swelling of the tissues in the sinuses, slow down the processes of blood circulation and allow you to restore nasal breathing.

If the rhinitis is caused by an allergic reaction, it is enough to take an antihistamine tablet to eliminate the problem. It can be "Diazolin", "Loratadin" and other drugs.

Another popular cold remedy for copious nasal mucus is ipratropium bromide-based remedies. Such drugs are suitable for allergic and viral rhinitis.

Antibiotics are used only when a bacterial infection is attached. If this form of pathology is not treated, serious consequences can develop.

In order to make sputum from the sinuses stand out more easily, you can take "ACC". Although this drug is usually prescribed to facilitate the discharge of mucus from the lungs and bronchi, it has a similar effect in the treatment of rhinitis.

To facilitate nasal breathing, you can take a tablet "Fervex Rhinitis". Also, the drug is available in the form of a powder for the preparation of a solution.

In case of viral lesions, general and local therapy antiviral medicines. In all cases, the use of vitamins is effective, as it has a general strengthening effect and supports the immune system, helping it fight infections.

Surgical treatment

The common cold is rarely treated with surgical methods, such an operation is possible only during remission. Depending on the problems that have arisen, the doctor will offer to discuss possible ways problem solving and interventions.


In most cases, physiotherapy can be used to treat rhinitis:

  • electrophoresis;
  • inhalation with a nebulizer;
  • microwave exposure.

After a course of such procedures, the patient feels better, rhinitis passes faster.

The use of traditional medicine

With rhinitis, treatment with folk remedies plays an important role in achieving success. You can use the following popular methods:

  • massage of the sinuses and adjacent areas in the absence of fever;
  • carry out home inhalations with decoctions medicinal herbs, essential oils and sea salt;
  • foot salt baths with hot water.

Any folk prescription should be agreed with your doctor.


The best prevention of rhinitis is as follows:

  • frequent walks in the fresh air;
  • lack of hypothermia;
  • maintaining normal air humidity in the sleeping room;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • proper nutrition;
  • hardening;
  • active lifestyle.

In the presence of an allergy, it is important to reduce exposure to the substance that causes a negative reaction.

If symptoms of rhinitis occur, it is important to consult a specialist as soon as possible. He will identify the true cause of the problem and recommend suitable effective means which will help the patient to quickly cope with a runny nose.

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Everyone knows the common symptoms of a runny nose: headache, nasal discharge, nasal congestion. It is also known to be an inflammation of the nose that often occurs throughout life especially in children. But what are the consequences of a simple, seemingly at first glance, nasal congestion and the difficulty in breathing associated with it.

Rhinitis is an infection that affects the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and causes a violation of its functions. There is both an independent disease and against the background of other infections penetrating the body, for example: diphtheria, influenza, measles, gonorrhea, HIV infection.

Causes of rhinitis

They can be divided into two broad categories:
  1. Violation of local immunity. Here it is necessary to note some physiological features of the structure of the nasal cavity, which are actively involved in protecting against the penetration of dust and other small particles that carry bacteria and viruses with them.
  • The integumentary epithelium of the nasal mucosa is covered with tiny cilia, which are constantly in motion and have a pushing effect of foreign particles from the nasal cavity.
  • Protective proteins, called class A immunoglobulins, are constantly present in the mucous membrane, which actively fight penetrating infection. In the event of a decrease in the activity of local protective forces, microorganisms that were in a dormant state and did not harm until then can immediately become active.
  1. External damaging factors. These factors reduce the effectiveness of the protective mechanisms of the nasal mucosa, as a result of which an inflammatory reaction develops, which leads to a disease of the nasal mucosa. These factors include:
  • Influence of local and general cooling on the human body. As a result, the body's resistance to protection against microbes is reduced.
  • An important role is played by nasal injuries, various foreign objects in the nasal cavity (more often in young children), which irritate the mucous membrane for a long time with their presence. Surgical interventions are also considered as a traumatic factor that increases the risk of an inflammatory reaction.
  • Industrial harmful factors. Being in a room filled with dust, harmful toxic and other chemical waste for a long time, there will be irritation of the mucous membrane with an increased perception of various pathological agents.
  • allergic factor. House dust, fur, pollen, poplar fluff and many other tiny particles that surround us can be the cause of allergic rhinitis.

Symptoms of acute rhinitis

In its development acute rhinitis goes through several successive stages. Each stage has its own characteristics, allowing you to determine at what stage the development of the disease is.

First stage characterized by the fact that microbes have only penetrated into the nasal cavity, and have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane. In this case, the following characteristic symptoms appear:

  • Feeling of dryness in the nose
  • Feeling of tickling, burning in the nasal cavity
Common symptoms include:
  • Headache, which may gradually increase.
  • In some cases, there is a slight increase in body temperature up to 37.5 degrees.
The duration of the first stage lasts for only a few hours, and sometimes one or two days, after which the symptoms change and the disease moves on to the next stage of its development.

Second stage begins from the moment when a lot of mucus, a liquid consistency, begins to flow from the nose. In this stage, the symptoms of the disease increase. It is characteristic that the symptoms of dryness and burning in the nasal cavity disappear. But nasal congestion appears, and breathing becomes difficult. Patients may notice a decrease in sensitivity to odors.

Due to the fact that the nasal cavity through small passages communicates with the superficially located mucous membrane of the eye - the conjunctiva, inflammation can also spread to it. In this case, they speak of combined conjunctivitis (inflammation of the conjunctiva). There is lacrimation.

Third stage is inextricably linked with the reaction of the immune system to harmful microorganisms that have got inside the nose. Usually this stage begins 4-5 days after the onset of the disease. You can’t confuse it with anything, because during this period, mucopurulent contents, of a thick consistency, and often with an unpleasant odor, begin to stand out from the nose. The pus may also be yellowish-green in color.

Purulent contents with a fetid odor appear due to the fact that protective cells (phagocytes, neutrophils) penetrate into the nasal mucosa, which simultaneously cause an inflammatory process, with swelling of the surrounding tissues, and also “devour and digest” bacteria that have invaded the nose. In the case of too much captured pathogenic bacteria, the phagocytes overflow and burst too much, along with this, the processed killed bacteria come out - that is, pus.

After a few days, all the above symptoms gradually subside, and the inflammatory process is nearing completion. Improving: respiratory function nose and the general condition of the patient. The duration of inflammatory phenomena varies depending on the resistance of the body to resist the influence of internal and external harmful factors.

It happens that physically healthy person leading an active lifestyle, conducting physical and hardening procedures, rhinitis occurs in mild form and lasts only 2-3 days. Or, on the contrary, with a decrease in the body's defenses, the disease proceeds much more severely, with severe symptoms of intoxication (headache, muscle pain, a sharp increase in body temperature to high numbers of 38-39 degrees), and lasts not 2-3 days, but much longer, reaching sometimes up to 3-4 weeks, and even the transition to the chronic form of the disease.

These symptoms and stages of the inflammatory process in acute rhinitis are classic and in most cases of rhinitis, of a specific origin, are the same.

Acute rhinitis in children

Rhinitis in childhood especially at the beginning of a child's life, they are much more difficult than in adults. Very often, the inflammatory process can move to adjacent areas, such as the middle ear, pharynx or larynx. This circumstance is facilitated by anatomical and some other features of the structure of the nasal cavity in childhood. These include:
  1. Weakness and underdevelopment of local immunity, manifested in insufficient production of class A immunoglobulins in the mucous membrane.
  2. The narrowness of the nasal passages causes difficult access to drugs, and insufficient emptying of purulent masses.
  3. The presence of adenoid growths. On the back wall of the pharynx at the exit from the nasal cavity there is a lymphoid tissue called adenoids. Adenoids perform protective functions, and prevent the penetration of infection into the body. But in early childhood, they are too large and very sensitive to any irritating factor, so inflammatory processes occur with complications associated with blockage of the lumen of the nasal cavity and difficulty breathing.
  4. The auditory tubes are wide and short in length, connecting the upper part of the pharynx with the middle ear cavity. This circumstance is the cause of infection in the ear and contributes to inflammation in it - otitis media.
In addition, newborns and children of the first years of life do not just have rhinitis, because when an infection enters the nasal cavity, both the nose and the pharynx immediately become inflamed. The disease is called rhinopharyngitis. The disease is accompanied by severe violations of the general state of health. Frequent symptoms it will be the following:
  • High body temperature - 38-39 degrees
  • Refusal baby from breastfeeding. Since there is nasal congestion, children breathe only through the mouth, and when sucking, the mouth participates only in the act of sucking.
  • Children lose their appetite, lose weight, sleep poorly at night.
  • In connection with a violation of the diet, flatulence (bloating), diarrhea, and even vomiting appear.

diphtheria rhinitis

Diphtheria is a disease caused by a diphtheria bacillus. It affects the larynx, pharynx, and vocal cords. Diphtheria mainly affects children who have not been vaccinated against diphtheria bacillus. It is specific that in diphtheria a very close-fitting plaque is formed in these places, as well as on the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. All this makes it difficult to breathe through the nose. The films are very difficult to separate, and when this succeeds, small wounds are formed that do not heal for a long time and from which bloody mucus is released.

With diphtheria, the heart is often affected, so children complain of pain in this area. Along with local specific changes, the symptoms of general intoxication, which develop when diphtheria toxins enter the blood, play a significant role in the patient's condition. The child may be in a very serious condition and needs urgent medical attention.

Rhinitis with scarlet fever

Scarlet fever- an infectious and inflammatory disease of the palatine tonsils, in which the process can spread to the nasopharynx and the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. Caused by bacteria called streptococci. Distinctive features rhinitis with scarlet fever is that there are:
  • Severe intoxication, manifested high temperature body, chills, heavy sweats and headache
  • Enlargement of adjacent lymph nodes, which are mobile and painful when palpated. These include submandibular, anterior and posterior cervical, parotid The lymph nodes.
  • characteristic feature is the appearance on the 3-4th day from the onset of the disease of a small punctate rash on the skin of the body. The rash spreads all over the body except in one place. This place is located in the area of ​​​​the nasolabial triangle, where the skin flakes off and remains the usual color.
  • Bright red tongue, similar to a raspberry (crimson tongue).
Scarlatinal rhinitis is rare due to the widespread use of antibiotics to treat inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract and oropharynx.

Rhinitis with measles

Rhinitis with measles, or as it is also called measles, is quite common in young children who have become infected with the measles virus. Measles rhinitis is partly similar to the inflammation of the nasal mucosa, which occurs during allergic processes in the body. The child begins to sneeze, lacrimation and inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eyes appear. The mucous membrane of the nose and eyes is bright red and edematous.

A distinctive feature of rhinitis with measles is the appearance of a small punctate rash on the inner surface of the cheeks, in the nasal cavity, on the lips. The rash looks like small spots around which a white belt forms.

Among other things, the disease is accompanied by a violation of the general condition of the child, with fever, headache and other symptoms of an active inflammatory process.

Acute coryza with influenza

The flu is viral disease, and therefore, like any virus, it infects cell membranes, destroying them and violating their protective properties. Therefore, there is always the possibility of attaching other pathogenic bacteria.

Damage to cell membranes vascular wall causes the release of blood elements, hence the symptom of nosebleeds, as one of the symptoms suggesting that rhinitis is caused by the influenza virus.

The penetration of the influenza virus is not limited to the nasal mucosa alone. The influenza virus spreads through the blood throughout the body. This explains the multiplicity of various symptoms encountered in influenza rhinitis.

First of all, the following local symptoms should be distinguished:

  • Headache
  • Rhinorrhea - very frequent and copious discharge from the nose, which are mucous in nature. If, after a few days, the mucous discharge is replaced by purulent discharge, then this fact indicates that a secondary bacterial infection has joined against the background of the flu.
  • The defeat of the trigeminal nerve - the penetration of the influenza virus into the fibers of the trigeminal nerve causes its inflammation, which is called trigeminal neuralgia. Patients feel pain in the right or left half of the face, or in both halves. Trigeminal nerve carries with it pain receptors to the chewing muscles, to the temporal and frontal parts of the head.
Common symptoms include:
  • An increase in body temperature to 38 degrees and above.
  • Soreness and aches in the muscles.
  • Increased sweating and chills.
  • Diarrhea and possibly nausea. Appear in severe cases, with severe intoxication of the body, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted.
Influenza is a very serious infection that causes many complications. As for influenza rhinitis, complications can be the spread of the inflammatory process to the sinuses, and to the middle ear. Therefore, neglecting the advice of a doctor on caring for a patient during this period and letting the disease take its course often leads to a weakening of the body's defenses and a chronic process in the nasal cavity.

Diagnosis of acute rhinitis

Diagnosis of acute rhinitis does not present great difficulties, and includes asking the patient about his complaints, how much time has passed since the onset of the first symptoms. If you carefully follow the chain of symptoms of the disease with the order of their appearance, you can easily determine at what stage of development the inflammatory process in the nasal cavity is.

The final diagnosis is made after a special examination by an otolaryngologist (ENT doctor). The doctor examines the nasal cavity using a special device called a light reflector, which reflects light from a light bulb and directs it into the nasal cavity being examined.

With rhinitis early stage development is usually noticeable redness and swelling of the mucous membrane. In the future, purulent discharge appears.

Diagnosis of rhinitis of viral origin fundamentally different from that of inflammation caused by pathogenic bacteria.

  • With rhinitis caused by influenza viruses, measles, whooping cough, adenoviruses and other types of viruses, purulent discharge from the nasal cavity never occurs.
  • With viral rhinitis, profuse mucous discharge is always present. In a word, "snot flows like a river without ceasing." The patient is forced to constantly walk with a handkerchief or sanitary napkins.
Diagnosis of rhinitis caused by a bacterial infection characterized:
  • A significant violation of the general condition of the patient. An increase in body temperature can reach 38-39 degrees, which almost never occurs with viral rhinitis.
  • There is nasal congestion that interferes with nasal breathing.
  • Discharge from the nose after some time from the onset of the disease takes on the appearance of a mucous character, up to purulent contents with an unpleasant odor and a yellow-green color.
This division can be conditional if the patient lives in a dirty, dusty room, does not follow the basic rules of personal hygiene, and most importantly, the people around him are ill with some acute illness. infectious disease transmitted by airborne droplets.
This means that if a person becomes infected, for example, with the influenza virus, then a secondary bacterial infection can join in a few days, with all the ensuing consequences.

Treatment of acute rhinitis

Acute uncomplicated rhinitis is treated at home. Treatment is carried out depending on the stage of development of the inflammatory process.

In the treatment of acute rhinitis, both symptomatic agents and special drugs are used to reduce inflammation in the nasal cavity. In case of bacterial infections, the use of antiseptic agents is justified, with the help of which the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity is washed and cleaned.

Treatment of the first stage of the course of rhinitis based on using:

  • Hot foot baths for 10-15 minutes
  • Applying mustard plasters on the sole area or on the calf muscles
  • Drinking hot tea with raspberries or a slice of lemon
To medicines used in this stage include:
  • Antiseptics, local action. It is recommended to instill a 3-5% solution of protargol into the nose 2 times a day.
  • Antiallergic drugs - dragees of diazolin, tavegil or loratadine in the form of tablets. These funds are taken mainly with an allergic origin of rhinitis. The dose is set depending on the severity of sneezing, lacrimation and nasal discharge.
  • Means that increase local immunity - drops with a solution of interferon, or lysozyme.
  • For headaches, analgesics are used - analgin, solpadein, Tylenol. Children are recommended to take 250 mg. Adults - 500 mg. When a headache occurs.
Treatment of the second and third stages of acute rhinitis slightly different from that in the initial manifestations of the disease. In the stage of the height of the disease, inflammatory processes in the nose intensify, purulent discharge appears due to the increased activity of pathogenic bacteria and the fight against them by the immune system. In this regard, in especially severe cases of the course of the disease, in combination with symptomatic treatment, broad-spectrum antibiotics and various antimicrobials are prescribed. These drugs are taken orally in the form of tablets, capsules, or they are washed in the nasal cavity.
  1. Antibiotics used to treat acute rhinitis include:
  2. Amoxicillin- a broad-spectrum antibiotic, available in tablets of 500 mg. Children over 12 years of age are prescribed 500 mg. 3 times a day, for 5-7 days.
  3. Bioparoxantibacterial drug local action. Produced in the form of an aerosol in vials. Assigned to 1 inhalation inside each nostril every four hours.
To reduce the symptoms of nasal congestion, topical preparations are instilled into the nose, narrowing the blood vessels and thereby relieving spasm and swelling of the mucous membrane. As a result, nasal breathing improves and the patient feels much better. These drugs include:
  • Naphthyzin- vasoconstrictor. For children, a 0.05% solution is used; for adults, a 0.1% solution is instilled a few drops every 4-6 hours.
  • Xylometazoline- also vasoconstrictor medicine. Children are prescribed nose drops in the form of a 0.05% solution 2 times a day. For adults, the frequency of instillation is the same, the only thing that increases the concentration of the drug to 0.1%.
It should be taken into account the fact that the use of nasal drops should not exceed more than 7-10 days. Because there may be various side effects associated with a violation of the olfactory and cleansing function of the nose, when using them. With a burning sensation, local irritation and dryness in the nose, take these drugs it is recommended to stop.

Sinupret is a combination herbal preparation.

It is recommended to use to improve the outflow of mucus or pus from the nasal cavity. It has such properties as increasing local immunity, enhances the secretion of mucus by the villi of the mucous membrane and thereby contributes to a speedy recovery.

Treatment of rhinitis in infants

There are some features in the treatment and care of infants with acute rhinitis.
  • First, nasal congestion interferes with normal breathing and breastfeeding of the baby. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically clean the nasal passages from mucus stuck there. This procedure is carried out using a suction cartridge, immediately before feeding.
  • If the mucus dries up and crusts form in the nasal cavity, they are carefully removed with a cotton swab, pre-moistened in a sterile solution of sunflower oil or petroleum jelly. The crusts gradually soften and are easily removed from the nose.
  • If, after the above procedures, nasal breathing is not restored, then drops of a 0.05% solution of xylometazoline (galazolin) are instilled into the nose.
  • In the period between feedings, instilled into the nose antimicrobial drug 2% solution of protargol, which also has an astringent effect and reduces the secretion of viscous mucus from the nose.

Chronic rhinitis

During the year, very often many people get sick with acute inflammatory diseases of the pharynx and upper respiratory tract: rhinitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis. If these processes are constantly repeated, or the inflammation worsens, before it has time, it will still end, then in this case they speak of chronicity acute infection. According to the World Health Organization, every person on earth gets sick an average of four to six times a year.

The most common causes of chronic rhinitis are:

  • Deviation of the nasal septum. These include congenital anomalies in the development of the nasal septum, turbinates, post-traumatic injuries.
  • Polyps inside the nasal cavity, closing the nasal passages and contributing to congestion.
  • Growth of adenoids on the back of the upper part of the pharynx. Adenoids are lymphatic tissue that prevents infection from entering the body. With frequent inflammatory processes, it grows and contributes to the chronicity of the process in the nasal cavity and sinuses.
  • General chronic processes in the body. These include chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular diseases, and a decrease in the overall resistance of the body.
There are several clinical forms chronic rhinitis:
  1. Chronic catarrhal rhinitis
It is one of the complications of acute rhinitis, since frequent colds, runny nose lead to the constant presence of various pathogenic bacteria in the nose. A characteristic feature is the constant uniform reddening of the mucous membrane, constant secretions of mucopurulent contents. In the position lying on the side of the patient, he feels stuffy nose on the side that is below. Nasal congestion worsens in cold weather.

Treatment is to remove causal factors leading to chronic course disease.

  1. Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis
In some cases chronic inflammation in the nasal cavity promotes the growth of the mucous membrane of cartilage and bone tissue in the nose. This process is slow and imperceptible, but can steadily progress. Anatomical formations in the nasal cavity, increasing in size, close the respiratory openings, and the patient constantly walks with a stuffy nose and he develops a characteristic nasal voice. With the growth of nasal conchas, pockets are formed, where infection and purulent contents are constantly present.

The diagnosis is established on the basis of endoscopic examination of the nasal cavity. Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis often leads to complications in the form of inflammation of the sinuses - sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis).

Used in treatment surgical interventions. Operations are carried out with local anesthesia, and consist in the removal of growths, in which nasal breathing improves.

  1. Atrophic rhinitis
Atrophic rhinitis is a disease that is characterized by a widespread violation of the normal anatomical structure of the nasal cavity, with the death of the villi of the mucous epithelium of the nasal cavity and a violation of their physiological functions.

Atrophic rhinitis is one of the most unfavorable consequences, due to frequent inflammatory diseases nasal cavity, adverse environmental factors. And it is also possible to develop dystrophic processes against the background of general serious illnesses organs and systems of the body.

Patients feel constant dryness in the nose. There are purulent yellow-green discharges, which, when dried, form crusts in the nasal cavity.

In the treatment, both general strengthening therapy is used in the form of taking multivitamin complexes, strengthening the immune system, hardening procedures, and local washing of the nasal cavity with physiological sodium chloride solution, lubricating the mucous membrane with glycerin, along with instillation of 10% alcohol solution of iodine. A solution of iodine improves the functioning of the villi of the mucous membrane.

It is useful to use inhalations with sea salt. To prepare the solution, take 5 grams of sea salt (one teaspoon) per cup of boiling water. Inhalations are carried out 2-3 times a day.

Vasomotor rhinitis

Vasomotor rhinitis occurs when it comes to the presence of any allergic agent in the nasal cavity. Allergens can be: house dust, fur, smells of cats and dogs, plant pollen, poplar fluff and many other substances. To the appearance of vasomotor rhinitis contribute to how internal features organism to produce a large number of biological substances in response to the penetration of allergens, and the harmful effects of environmental factors: road dust, exhaust gases, toxic waste from industrial activities, and many others.

Vasomotor rhinitis is characterized by an increased reaction of the body in response to the penetration of allergens. The main clinical symptoms of vasomotor rhinitis are: frequent sneezing. Abundant mucous discharge from the nose, congestion of the nasal passages. The combination of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes - conjunctivitis is not a rare event with this form of the disease.

There are two main forms of vasomotor rhinitis:

Season uniform- appears when the above symptoms appear in the spring-autumn period of the year. This form is associated with the appearance of pollen from various plants causing an allergic reaction. Long-term inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity against the background of allergies can lead to the transition of the disease to a permanent form.

Year-round or permanent form diseases- observed throughout the year and is due to the constant contact of the patient with house dust, fur or another type of allergen.
Treatment consists, first of all, in the exclusion of contact with the allergen, which caused an increased reaction of the body. In addition, antiallergic drugs are prescribed.

  • Clemastine (tavegil)- 1 mg tablets. Take orally 1 tablet 2 times a day.
  • Cromolyn (cromoglycic acid)- Available in 15 ml bottles. in the form of a spray.
Application - spray a spray into each nostril at the first sign of an allergic rhinitis.

Prevention of rhinitis

Prevention of the appearance of inflammation of the nasal mucosa includes a whole range of measures aimed at eliminating the influence of harmful factors, hypothermia, timely treatment other acute infectious and inflammatory diseases.

Preventive measures include:

  • Prevention of colds.
  • It is not recommended to abruptly move from a warm room to a cold one, not to be in drafts, not to drink ice water and other soft drinks.
  • It is recommended to carry out hardening procedures. Dousing with cold water (start gradually, from using warm water to cool). Regular exercise.
  • Nutrition should be complete, high-calorie, and most importantly, the correct regimen should be observed. The diet should consist of the consumption of fruits and vegetables with a high content of vitamin C (onions, cabbage, citrus fruits, currants). It is recommended to drink tea with raspberries, rosehip infusion, milk with honey.
  • Periodic wet cleaning and ventilation in the room will prevent the ingress and spread of infection.
  • A timely visit to the doctor, at the first signs of the disease, will prevent the occurrence of possible complications, especially in infants.
  • Taking morning or evening sunbathing will strengthen the immune system, help in the formation of vitamin D and give a healthy glow to the skin of the child.
  • Hygiene measures, such as washing hands with soap after using the toilet and before eating, will help prevent infection in the mouth or nose (when picking it with a finger), as is often the case in young children.

Acute rhinitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the nasal cavity from the inside, which leads to disruption of its functions and deterioration of nasal breathing. The disease can be a manifestation of viral and infectious processes or be characterized as an independent pathology - in this case, a specific rhinitis is diagnosed.

The main reason for the development of an acute inflammatory process in the nasal cavity is a violation of general and local immunity, as a result of which viruses and bacteria easily attack, multiply on the mucous membranes and secrete their waste products.

Predisposing factors for rhinitis are:

  • weakened immunity and frequent colds - in this case, the body's ability to withstand the attack of viruses is significantly reduced;
  • the presence in the nasopharynx of chronic foci of infection - often an acute runny nose occurs in parallel with an exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis, sinusitis;
  • prolonged use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops - with uncontrolled use of drugs of this group, the nasal mucosa dries out, the vessels become brittle, and destructive tissue changes occur.

All these factors contribute to the imbalance of beneficial and pathogenic microflora of the nasal cavity, which creates the prerequisites for the development of the inflammatory process.
In addition, injuries and adverse effects on the nasal mucosa of various external factors can contribute to rhinitis:

  • diagnostic interventions in the nasal cavity, as a result of which microscopic cracks are formed on the tissues, which are the entrance gate for infection;
  • nose scratches during hygiene procedures;
  • blows and bruises, curvature of the nasal septum;
  • the formation of polyps in the nasal cavity;
  • inhalation of dust, smoke, gasoline fumes, acetone, paint, etc.

The inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa is characterized by the passage of certain stages, each of which is characterized by its own clinical signs.

Stages of development and associated symptoms

According to the International Statistical Classification, acute rhinitis has the ICD code 10 J00 and is characterized by a sudden progressive onset and damage to both sides of the nasal cavity simultaneously. Main clinical signs diseases are: respiratory failure, edema, profuse nasal discharge, deterioration in general well-being.

The disease has several stages of the course:

  1. stage of irritation (it is also called dry);
  2. stage of serous discharge;
  3. stage of mucopurulent discharge.

Irritation stage or dry stage

Its duration is from several hours to 1 day. It is characterized by the following clinical symptoms:

  • severe dryness and tickling in the nose;
  • itching and sneezing;
  • burning and tickling in the nasopharynx.

Sometimes added general symptoms, such as coughing, chills, headache, malaise, fever up to 37-37.5 degrees.

Stage of serous secretions

The symptoms of acute rhinitis at this stage are characterized by a rapid increase in the signs of the inflammatory process, therefore, abundant serous (mucous, watery, transparent) discharge from the nasal cavity is added to the above symptoms.

The discharge is an effusion from the inflamed vessels of the mucous membrane. At the same time, the function of the glands and goblet cells of the epithelium is enhanced, which leads to an even greater secretion of mucus.

The effusion contains a large amount of salts and ammonia, which irritate the tissues of the nose, which is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • swelling of the nasal cavity;
  • redness of tissues under the nose;
  • severe burning;
  • nasal congestion and impaired breathing.

The duration of rhinitis at the stage of serous discharge is about 2-3 days.

Stage of mucopurulent discharge

It occurs approximately on the 4th day from the onset of the inflammatory process in the nasal cavity and is characterized by a change in the composition of the secretions, they become thick, yellow or greenish - this is the presence of lymphocytes, epithelial cells and neutrophils in the transudate (effusion).

At this stage, the swelling of the tissues of the nasal cavity decreases slightly, nasal breathing improves, and the amount of mucus discharge decreases. Approximately on the 7th-8th day, the symptoms of rhinitis disappear, and recovery occurs, provided that the patient's body and his the immune system work properly and were able to cope with the infection.

In immunocompromised individuals with concomitant chronic diseases nasopharynx, the disease can be complicated by the addition of a secondary bacterial infection, the spread of pathogenic flora to the lower sections respiratory system, the transition of rhinitis to a chronic form of the course.

Acute rhinitis due to influenza

Rhinitis against the background of influenza or adenovirus infection is secondary or specific, since inflammation of the nasal mucosa is not an independent disease, but is caused by the main infectious process.

Clinically, rhinitis manifests itself in the same way - nasal congestion, abundant mucous and mucopurulent discharge, swelling, but there are also general symptoms of the disease:

  • high body temperature (up to 38.5-39.0 degrees);
  • muscle aches;
  • lacrimation and inflammation of the conjunctiva;
  • photophobia;
  • headache;
  • stuffy ears and often the development of otitis media;
  • general weakness and increasing intoxication of the body (abdominal pain, lack of appetite, nausea, diarrhea).

The duration of rhinitis against the background of influenza largely depends on the adequacy of therapy and the timeliness of applying for medical care. In the absence of complications, all signs of disease and inflammation of the nasal cavity disappear after 10-14 days.

Features of the course of acute rhinitis in children

Acute rhinitis in young children is much more severe than in adults, and the younger the patient, the more pronounced the manifestations of the disease. Toddlers infancy(up to 1 year) inflammation of the nasal mucosa is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • refusal of breast milk - the child greedily grabs the mother's breast and almost immediately abandons it due to the inability to breathe through the nose while sucking;
  • restlessness and constant crying;
  • snoring during sleep;
  • , aggravated in the prone position - it is often caused by a runoff of a pathological discharge along the back wall of the child's nasopharynx, which causes tissue irritation and a protective reaction in the form of a cough;
  • an increase in body temperature - can reach high rates.

Often children's rhinitis complicated by adenoiditis, pharyngitis, laryngotracheitis, inflammation of the middle ear. This is due anatomical features structures of the nasopharynx and middle ear - in children, the auditory tube is thick and short, located almost horizontally, as a result of which the infection from the nose easily spreads to these cavities.

In addition, young children still do not know how to blow their nose or do it incorrectly, during which pathological mucus enters the middle ear cavity. Slime presses on eardrum, bacteria actively multiply in it, and otitis media develops. How to effectively clear the nose of snot.

Acute rhinitis during pregnancy

When carrying a child, a woman's immune defenses are significantly weakened, as the body does double work - this makes the expectant mother vulnerable to attack by viruses and bacteria.

Runny nose and colds are frequent companions of pregnancy and the main thing is not to self-medicate in this case so that the infection does not spread to the lower Airways. A pregnant woman should treat a cold and rhinitis of any severity together with a therapist so as not to jeopardize the health of the unborn baby.

Acute runny nose and nasal congestion in women in position can not always be caused viral infection. There is such a thing as vasomotor acute rhinitis - inflammation and swelling of the tissues of the nose, provoked by hormonal changes. In this case, the use of any antiviral drugs is inappropriate and ineffective, so the expectant mother can only wait patiently for childbirth.

If nasal congestion is so pronounced that a woman cannot breathe, sleep, eat, then with the permission of the doctor, before going to bed, you can drip vasoconstrictor drops into the nose, preferably in a children's dosage.

Nasal drops should not be abused, since with prolonged and uncontrolled use of drugs with a vasoconstrictor effect, narrowing of the small vessels of the placenta is possible, as a result of which the fetus will suffer from hypoxia. Read about how to treat nasal congestion during pregnancy.

General principles of treatment

Acute rhinitis can be treated on an outpatient basis, after the patient has been examined by a doctor and the cause of the inflammatory process has been established. Depending on the nature of the origin of inflammation and severity clinical symptoms diseases, the patient is prescribed:

  • solutions for washing the nasal cavity;
  • vasoconstrictor drops to facilitate breathing and relieve swelling;
  • antiviral drugs - if rhinitis is caused by a viral infection;
  • immunostimulants and vitamins;
  • physiotherapy treatment;
  • folk remedies.

Treatment of rhinitis at the stage of irritation

Since this stage of the disease is accompanied by dryness and burning in the nose, an important condition is the maximum hydration of the tissues. To do this, use various saline solutions based on sodium chloride or sea salt:

  • Humer;
  • Aquamaris;
  • Aqualor;
  • But-salt;
  • Chistonos;

To increase local immunity and fight infection, recombinant human interferon is prescribed intranasally (lyophysiate is diluted with boiled water according to the instructions and instilled into the nose every hour).

Treatment at the stage of serous discharge

Vasoconstrictor drops are added to the salt preparations listed above, which help to quickly remove the swelling of the mucous membrane and restore nasal breathing:

  • Otrivin;
  • Farmazolin;
  • Galazolin;
  • Rinazolin;
  • Nazivin.

At normal body temperature, physiotherapeutic procedures can be carried out - a quartz tube in the nasal cavity, inhalations with antiseptic solutions through a nebulizer, mustard plasters as distracting procedures.

Treatment of rhinitis at the stage of mucopurulent discharge

To the above procedures and preparations, antiseptic solutions of antimicrobial and astringent action are added - Protargol, Kollargol, drops based on essential oils(Pinosol).

With the addition of a secondary bacterial infection or the spread of the inflammatory process to maxillary sinuses or lower respiratory tract, antibiotics of general and local action - Isofra, Polydex, Amoxicillin and others will help cure a runny nose. For irrigation of the larynx, Bioparox and Geksoral are used.

Specific names are selected according to the results of a bacteriological study of discharge from the nose. With the ineffectiveness of local antibiotics (in the form of drops and nasal sprays), a tablet form of drugs is used. - More .

Never inject antibiotic solutions or various “complex” drops of your own preparation into the nasal cavity, especially when it comes to treating children - such actions can lead to a severe allergic reaction and anaphylactic shock.

Alternative medicine

Treatment of acute rhinitis in adults and children can be carried out with alternative recipes, but you should not replace the drugs prescribed by your doctor with them, so as not to expose yourself to the risk of complications.

At the stage of dry irritation, a plentiful warm drink helps perfectly - teas with raspberries, lemon, dried fruit compotes, a decoction of wild rose, linden, chamomile. To prevent the spread of the pathological process from the nasal cavity to the pharynx and lower respiratory tract, gargling with soda or soda-saline solution can be carried out.

Infants should be more often applied to the mother's breast, and children older than six months should additionally be offered compote, tea, and water. Some moms use their milk as nose drops - it doesn't make sense as breast milk does not contain any antibacterial or antiviral components, and is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria.

To reduce burning sensation in the nose and tissue irritation against the background of abundant secretions, you can lubricate the skin around the nose with peach oil, or sea buckthorn oil.

The natural antimicrobial properties of garlic and onions are known to many, and with rhinitis, these foods can also help you recover faster. For a runny nose and cold symptoms, finely chop the onion and garlic and arrange them in saucers in all rooms. Vaporized phytoncides will destroy viruses and bacteria in the air, as well as prevent infection of other family members.

There are known cases of instillation of onion juice into the nose with a runny nose, but this method is better not to use, especially in children, since the “drops” cause severe burning and tearing when it comes into contact with the inflamed mucous membrane. Complete guide to folk remedies from a cold, read.

Potapova Natalya Yakovlevna - Acute rhinitis

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