Clear discharge after caesarean. Discharge two months after cesarean

As with natural childbirth, after caesarean section(COP) the female body must cleanse itself. Most young women in labor think that a successful recovery period is only about healing the stitches, this is not so. During a cesarean section, the surgeon removes only the fetus and placenta, the endometrium must come out on its own, naturally. Therefore, after the operation, it is worth waiting for abundant discharge - this is a natural process for the body of women. Let's see how long they last and how it should be normal.

How many days does the discharge last

Lochia is a discharge that comes from the vagina after childbirth. Immediately after the operation, the lochia is quite abundantly allocated. blood clots rich color, and may be most abundant if the woman is breastfeeding her baby. The fact is that during the sucking of milk by a child, a lot of oxytocin is released in the body, which contributes to an intensive contraction of the uterus. This can cause pain in the lower abdomen and lead to increased blood secretions. Abundant discharge continues for half an hour after feeding the baby, after which they return to their usual volume.

After operative delivery, the duration of discharge can be from 4 to 6 weeks. This period is enough for the body to fully return to normal. The only exception in this case may be complications during surgery:

  • damage to adjacent organs;
  • retention of parts of the placenta.

All this leads to the development uterine bleeding. In these situations, the discharge can last much longer.

When there are no complications, the first seven days of the postpartum period are abundant bloody issues with clots. Gradually, the rejection passes, and the discharge becomes smearing, thick consistency. This condition can last for several weeks, especially if the baby is not breastfed. As a rule, a mother who feeds her baby with her milk recovers faster after a caesarean section. After a certain period of time, the lochia becomes sanious, less abundant and gradually brightens. After 6-8 weeks, healthy woman are observed.

Characteristics of normal lochia:

  • plentiful in the first days;
  • a gradual decrease in the volume of discharge in the postpartum period;
  • no unpleasant odor;
  • without impurities of pus;
  • without discomfort(itching, burning, severe pain);
  • go against the background of normal body temperature.

More details can be found in the table below:

It's important to know: after a caesarean section, all women must be transferred to intensive care, where they are observed during the day. Not only pressure or temperature is checked, but also the nature and abundance of bleeding from the vagina. Such observation allows timely detection of possible complications after surgery (including uterine hypotension, infection, etc.).

Unlike normal labor, after surgical extraction of the fetus, the uterus needs additional artificial stimulation for a full contraction. Usually, special medications are prescribed for this.

Deviations from the norm

Allocations in women sometimes go less or more than the standard period. The reasons for the pronounced intensity of lochia after childbirth or cesarean section are completely dependent on the contractile activity of the uterus. If the woman in labor is healthy and deviations from the norm are observed, then you should be alert and find out the cause of the failure.

  • Abrupt ending or small amount of discharge

If the lochia went intensively, but stopped abruptly, then you should immediately make an appointment with a specialist. This situation may mean that the uterus is filled with blood clots, which prevents it from fully contracting. Untimely access to a gynecologist and refusal of therapy can lead to endometritis.

  • Longer than usual or large volume of discharge

Abundant discharge, the duration of which exceeds 6-8 weeks after childbirth, deserves the close attention of specialists. In this case, it is best to call ambulance. Abundant discharge, exceeding the norm, may indicate the development of hypotonic bleeding. The cause of abundant and prolonged discharge can also be the retention of parts of the placenta.

It's important to know: Frequent sanitary pad changes (more than once an hour) means bleeding. Required urgent help doctor.

Alarm symptoms:

  • very weak or very intense and prolonged discharge (out of time);
  • sudden cessation of discharge;
  • a sharp increase in secretions;
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor (rotten fish, etc.);
  • impurities of pus in the discharge;
  • the appearance of watery transparent discharge;
  • detection of blood impurities in urine and feces;
  • the occurrence of itching, burning and other discomfort (a sign of thrush, bacterial vaginosis or other infections);
  • increase in body temperature.

If any of these symptoms appear, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

Bad smell along with discharge

A certain number of women after childbirth after a short time may observe an unpleasant odor from lochia. If the discharge comes with an unpleasant odor, this indicates the development of endometritis - inflammation of the uterus. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Purulent discharge that has an unpleasant odor, as well as yellow or Green colour, can talk not only about inflammation of the uterus as a result of infection. After giving birth, after 1-3 weeks, a woman's body can reject foreign objects that remain in the female reproductive organ due to the negligence of doctors. Leftover tampons, bandages, or metal objects can cause inflammation and cause bleeding.

yellow discharge

Yellow discharge after childbirth appears on different reasons:

  • pale yellow discharge with a sanious element - the norm two or three weeks after childbirth;
  • bright red discharge may indicate a delay in parts of the fetal egg;
  • abundant yellow-green lochia indicates inflammation of the uterus.

If the discharge is green, then you need to contact a gynecologist. This phenomenon indicates an inflammatory process in the cavity of the female organ.

If the discharge becomes profuse bloody again, you should also see a doctor. This condition occurs when parts of the placenta are retained. Do not delay the inspection for a long time, any violation should be observed by an experienced specialist.

If lochia does not end for a long time and persists for 8 weeks after childbirth, it is worth doing an ultrasound. This symptom also indicates the development of complications.

Hygiene after caesarean section

For a quick and proper recovery of the body, you need to follow some tips:

  • do not allow loads and sudden movements;
  • constant hand hygiene is necessary;
  • the seam should be processed after each visit to the shower, wiped only with disposable towels;
  • wear loose underwear;
  • use only special means for intimate hygiene (no soap);
  • change sanitary napkins more often;
  • You can not use tampons until the lochia stops.

Long-lasting secretions can gradually turn into menstrual bleeding. Menstruation after caesarean section begins after 2 months (in the event that the woman does not breastfeed the baby). The doctor will be able to distinguish menstruation from prolonged lochia after examining the patient.

Let's summarize how much lochia goes in the norm. Intense lochia immediately after childbirth or a caesarean section that is red-brown in color with clots is the norm. Gradually fading and moderate lochia for 7-21 days is also the norm. If there are deviations in timing, intensity, color or smell, you should contact a gynecologist.

Recently, caesarean section has become quite a familiar procedure, which is very often used in practice. Many girls even take this step consciously, guided by the fact that there are fewer dangers for the child, and it doesn’t matter if the baby was born naturally or surgically, the most important thing is that he is safe and sound. But during the preparation period, mommy, of course, asks a number of questions: “What will be the discharge after a cesarean section, menstruation and rehabilitation after surgery?” There have been answers to them for a long time, you will find all of them in this article.

What will be the discharge after caesarean section

As after natural childbirth, after this operation, a woman has postpartum lochia. During the first week after surgical intervention, the discharge has a characteristic bloody color, and it can be copious. In some women in labor, they may even be bright red. In the next two weeks, they also have a bloody character, but their color changes to red-brown, and the volume becomes smaller. Every day the number of lochia decreases, and the color becomes lighter and lighter, and after about one month they completely stop. Knowing what kind of discharge awaits the woman in labor after the operation, it is also important to understand that after a maximum of six weeks they should stop.

Yellow mucous discharge

Some mothers, having discovered mucous lochia of this color after childbirth, panic, but there is nothing to worry about. This is one of their variations, and such cases occur quite often. You should not immediately consult a doctor, first you need to pay attention to the smell of discharge. If a woman felt that he was rotten or very sharp, then this indicates that, most likely, inflammatory process and an urgent need to visit a specialist. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that in last days discharge becomes yellow, and here it is also very important to monitor their smell.

Now it’s clear what the discharge will be after a cesarean section for 5-6 weeks from the date of the operation. You need to be prepared for this and stock up on gaskets in advance. Do not panic ahead of time, you just need to be careful.

Rehabilitation after caesarean section

As after natural childbirth, the body needs some time to recover after surgery, and this is quite normal. Since a caesarean section is an operation, it should be understood that after it a certain period will also follow, which will bring inconvenience. In the first week after it, a woman will have to eat in a certain way, excluding all fried, fatty, spicy foods, as well as giving up those that can cause bloating.

At first, there will be pain in the suture area, but this is normal, because during this period it heals and tightens. While in the hospital, Mom can tell the medical staff about this, and the nurses will administer pain medication. Also, after discharge, it is recommended to wear a bandage so that the uterus contracts faster and everything grows together well.

Physical activity

Initially, when moving, there may be discomfort and even pain, but this is also not a pathology. Even before they are allowed to get out of bed, the woman will receive advice: to gradually move and stretch her arms and legs. When they are given complete freedom of movement, this should not be neglected, because natural activity will help develop all the muscles, including those on the stomach, which is important after the procedure.

Abundant periods after caesarean section

Very often, lochia can suddenly stop ahead of time, and after a couple of days, a woman begins to have abundant discharge. Some mothers may think that their menstrual cycle is getting better, but this opinion is erroneous. In fact, postpartum discharge may disappear, but after a short period of time it starts again. The main condition is that they should not last more than 6 weeks.

Now you know what the discharge after a cesarean section is, and you will feel much more confident and comfortable.

Caesarean section, as a method of delivery, sometimes becomes the only possible one. But after him recovery female body has its own nuances. Its important criteria are discharge after caesarean section, how long it lasts, how it looks. This should be known to the woman who underwent the intervention.

Read in this article

Types of discharge after surgery

Many are sure that the release of the uterus from the remnants of unnecessary tissues after is the same as during normal childbirth. But this is not entirely true. During the operation, the organ was dissected, then sutured. There is a scar on the uterus that needs to heal. That is, the damaged surface is larger, which means that the course of tissue regeneration will take longer. Yes, and the nature of the discharge is somewhat different:

  • At the initial stage (5 - 7 days), a lot of mucus is noticed in the lochia. After natural delivery, this is not the case. The color of the discharge is intense red due to the significant amount of blood and is richer than in the absence of surgical intervention.
  • Clots are definitely present. They are evidence that the uterus is freed from the remaining placental particles in it. But after 7 - 9 days after the intervention, they become smaller, and the discharge has a more uniform consistency.
  • After 6 - 7 weeks, their shade changes to brown, as the inner lining of the uterus has mostly recovered. The organ contracts less intensively, the contents have time to curl up before leaving its cavity.

How else does it happen in different dates from the completion of the operation:

  • Abundant discharge (250-300 ml of fluid per day) cannot, if everything goes well, appear longer than 3-4 days. But this time a young mother is usually still in the hospital.
  • More modest in volume, with less presence of blood and not so bright red, they become from 4 to 10 days.
  • From the 11th day, their shade brightens. The volume is shrinking.
  • On the 21st day after caesarean, the discharge becomes more noticeable. And they have less blood.

How long to wait for the end of the discharge after the intervention

Lochia after caesarean section has a longer duration than those who gave birth without the help of a surgeon. This is due to difficulties, the likelihood of which is also higher.

Normally, they do not go longer than 7 - 9 weeks. During this period, the uterus has time to cleanse itself of the consequences of the existence of the fetus in it, to restore the mucous membrane.

The first 7 days this happens especially intensively, which is reflected in the number of lochia. A woman will have to use a new one every 2 hours.

There is no reason to rejoice if the process ended earlier. This does not indicate an imminent recovery, but rather the emergence of non-trivial problems. However, individual physiological features some mothers make it possible to complete the withdrawal of secretions earlier and in full health. But this is rare, and the absence of danger must be confirmed by a specialist.

When it's time to panic

How much discharge goes after a cesarean section is an important criterion in assessing the gynecological well-being of a young mother. It is important to keep under control not only the deadlines, but also appearance contents of the uterus. Differences in secretions at each stage of recovery are different.

Symptom The reasons
At a period of 4 - 6 days after birth, bright yellow inclusions were found in the discharge This happens with acute endometritis. When this is noticed after 2 weeks, the pathology is sluggish, but already developed.
The volume of discharge obviously decreased in the first week after delivery This may be a sign of premature narrowing of the cervical canal, which prevents their exit. The same happens with the weakening of uterine contractions. Pathology, in addition to a sharp decrease in the volume of fluid with blood, is manifested by an increase in abdominal pain. The temperature may rise, severe weakness may occur. The same is suspected if the cleansing of the organ is stopped too quickly (up to 7 weeks after the operation).
The volume of allocations does not decrease with time Bleeding after a caesarean section opens if the fetal membranes remain in the uterus, the organ is weakly contracting, or there are problems with blood clotting. Another circumstance that can cause intense secretions, when their character should already change, is. This is possible if the operation was performed with insufficient quality, the woman started too early or hurried to resume her intimate life.
Allocations stopped abruptly ahead of time, but then resumed again This sign indicates the existence of an obstacle to their removal. How long does the discharge after a cesarean section go, can “decide” a polyp that has grown after childbirth, stenosis of the cervical canal. Simultaneously with their disappearance, discomfort occurs, then abdominal pain, temperature. The resumption of the cleansing process is complemented by a putrid odor, a change in the color of the mucus.
Discharge disturbing for more than 9 weeks As in all previous cases, an examination is necessary, since causing a problem there are many reasons. This is a hormonal disorder, the pathology that has arisen, uterine atony and the divergence of the internal seam.

Unacceptable appearance severe pain in a stomach. Discomfort is present for a long time, but it should decrease, not increase. The same applies to the color and smell of the contents of the uterus. Greens, water at an early recovery stage will require the intervention of a doctor.

Both after natural childbirth and after caesarean section, the mucous membranes of the uterus need time to recover. If the woman who has given birth does not have any complications, then the reproductive system returns to normal 6 to 9 weeks after the operation. Especially carefully, a young mother should monitor the discharge after cesarean from the vagina. Gynecologists call the discharge, consisting of blood clots, mucus and dead epithelial cells, lochia. Usually women who have given birth to a child do not pay special attention on the blood flowing from the genital tract, they consider it something like menstruation. But in reality, by how long the discharge after a cesarean section lasts, how it looks and smells, you can find out about the state of the body.

What is the difference between discharge after caesarean section and after childbirth

Some people think that the discharge after a caesarean section is no different from the lochia that appears during natural childbirth, but this is not so.

Let us consider in detail how the discharge after cesarean section differs from the discharge after natural childbirth:

  1. After a caesarean section, the genitals are at great risk, since there is a possibility of infection or inflammation. To avoid this, with lochia after surgery, be sure to adhere to all hygiene procedures washing the perineum several times a day.
  2. Immediately after caesarean section (for 5-7 days) there is bloody discharge with a high content of mucus, after natural childbirth this is not noticed.
  3. When performing a cesarean section, the natural color of the discharge is bright red or deep scarlet, these colors are much brighter than during natural childbirth.
  4. After a cesarean section, the process of healing and normalization of uterine contraction lasts quite a long time, and the duration of lochia lasts several weeks more, approximately 1-2 weeks.

What lochia after caesarean section are considered safe?

Discharge after caesarean section is incorrectly considered a pathology. Dead particles of the endometrium, swollen with blood, pieces of placental tissue come out of the vagina. The body simply gets rid of the waste material. The first two or three days of lochia after caesarean section have a thick scarlet color, are abundant. How much blood will flow after the operation is difficult to say. It all depends on how long the caesarean section lasts, whether the woman in labor has complications during the surgical intervention. Gradually, the blood darkens, turns from red to brown, after a few weeks, the ichor comes out of the genital tract. After about six weeks, the discharge after a caesarean section thins, brightens, and then disappears.

Do not worry if the discharge after a caesarean section looks like lumps. Women who have undergone surgery lead a sedentary lifestyle, so the blood in the uterus thickens. Some mothers have breastfeeding the volume of secretions increases, and pain occurs in the lower abdomen. This is a natural phenomenon, indicating a quick recovery. It's just that the uterus, trying to get rid of dead tissues as soon as possible, is actively contracting, pushing out blood and mucus. And the hormone oxytocin contributes to the intensive reduction of the mucous walls of the uterus. Its concentration in the blood increases precisely at the moment the baby sucks the breast.

How long is the discharge after a cesarean section normal?

Most of all, women who have given birth are interested in how much discharge goes after a cesarean section, how to understand that the restoration of the uterus has been too long. The sooner the reproductive system returns to normal, the sooner the menstrual cycle will be in order. If everything is fine with the health of the young mother, then the discharge lasts 6 to 9 weeks, that is, about two months. There is no need to worry if bleeding after a caesarean section ends as early as the fifth week or continues into the tenth week. The body of each woman is individual, so short-term and prolonged discharge does not necessarily indicate pathologies.

If neither mucus nor blood clots acquire a strange color and bad smell, do not change their consistency, then there is no need to worry, although it is still worth going to a gynecologist for a consultation.

How much is the discharge after caesarean section in pathologies?

Unfortunately, childbirth is often accompanied by complications. Every woman who has given birth should know how much blood flows after a cesarean, how vaginal discharge looks and smells in order to identify pathologies in a timely manner and begin treatment. Be sure to contact a gynecologist if nothing flows out of the vagina already in the fourth week after the operation, and also if the uterus recovers for too long, more than ten weeks. Quickly stopped discharge means that dead particles of the endometrium and blood clots simply cannot come out for various reasons. They get stuck in the uterus, rot, provoke inflammation.

If the discharge after cesarean section, on the contrary, lasts suspiciously long, then endometritis may develop or infection in abdominal cavity or pelvic tissues. It is especially dangerous when blood flows profusely from the vagina for more than eight weeks, without changing color and consistency at all. This is a sure sign that the uterus is weakly contracting. In order not to suffer from blood loss, a woman should immediately go to the doctor. It is also an unfavorable symptom if the discharge stops and then suddenly starts again. So, the uterus is restored incorrectly. Must pass medical examination to find the reason for the deviation. In the first days after the operation, a young mother should monitor the abundance of lochia. Very scanty discharge is a sign of blood clots or clogging of the uterine appendages.

Change in color and smell of lochia after cesarean

The occurrence of complications after surgery depends on how long the cesarean section lasts, whether the woman in labor has chronic diseases. A change in the color and smell of vaginal discharge can tell about pathological formations in the body. Lochia after caesarean section have an unpleasant, but not strong smell, reminiscent of the stench of a rotting body. But if, two or three days after the caesarean section, the smell intensifies, so much so that it begins to cause disgust, then in the reproductive organs, most likely, develops infectious disease. Usually, after surgery, a woman is prescribed antibiotics, analgesics, and injections of the hormone oxytocin to improve the contractile function of the uterus.

Normal discharge after a caesarean section is first red and then brown. Any other shade of lochia should cause anxiety in a young mother, because this is a sign of pathology.

If a woman develops white, yellow or greenish discharge from the vagina, she should immediately consult a doctor and undergo a medical examination. Pus of a saturated yellow or greenish color with a disgusting odor is a symptom of endometritis, that is, an infectious inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterine wall. With this disease, body temperature often rises, pain in the abdomen and genitals occurs. When the yellow discharge becomes abundant and acquires a mucous consistency, the endometritis flows into chronic form. In no case can the disease be treated independently at home. Most likely, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics or even send you for surgery.

Green discharge after caesarean section is pus. It signals an infection of the uterus and the beginning of an inflammatory reaction. A woman needs to undergo a medical examination to determine the causative agent of the disease.

An unfavorable and dangerous sign is the outflow of a clear, like water, liquid from the genital tract, which has neither color nor smell. Probably, this is a fluid leaving the body that fills the blood or lymphatic vessels, which indicates circulatory disorders in reproductive system. If the liquid discharge has the smell of rotten fish, then there is no doubt that dysbacteriosis develops in the vagina.

White curdled discharge after caesarean section with a sour smell, accompanied by itching and redness of the external genital organs, is a symptom of the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. A woman should definitely contact a gynecologist. The doctor will take a vaginal swab for analysis to determine the causative agent of the disease and prescribe the optimal therapy.

Discharge after caesarean section, which are black and odorless, is also considered the norm. These discharges after caesarean section are caused by changes in the hormonal background. A deviation will be considered if black discharge begins to go after a long period after the operation.

Watch the color of the highlights postoperative period and during the recovery period after caesarean, it will help you avoid possible complications. In the event of complications that may be indicated by changes in the discharge, after undergoing a course of treatment, it is possible to normalize the course of the postoperative period and bring the state of the body back to normal at the very initial stage.

The amount and volume of discharge after caesarean section

During the recovery process, the amount of discharge should be monitored, since their volume will indicate how quickly the body recovers after childbirth. Abundant discharge in the first days after labor is considered the norm, which means that the tubes and uterine ducts function well, there is no clogging, blood clots, and if the discharge is minimal, then you should seek help, as this can cause problems with the work of the reproductive organs.

It is important to be able to determine the rate of the amount of discharge, since the incessant heavy discharge after labor is also dangerous. Several cases should be considered that may indicate deviations:

  • The volume of secretions has changed dramatically and has become excessively abundant, or the amount of secretions does not decrease for a long time. In the early days, heavy discharge after a caesarean is the norm, however, if you change the pad every hour, with heavy bleeding, urgent help is needed.
  • The volume of allocations became scarce or stopped altogether. This indicates a violation of the outflow of lochia from the uterine cavity, which may be caused by the bending of the uterus or endometritis.

Hygiene after caesarean section

In order not to face complications after the operation, it is necessary to take the cleanliness of the body seriously. A woman who has undergone a cesarean should wash herself until the discharge stops at least twice a day. To care for the genitals, it is advisable to use special gels for intimate places and soap without aromatic components. During the first days recovery period New mothers should change their pads every three hours. Gaskets should not be taken daily, but those used during menstruation have a high absorbency. Even a woman who has given birth needs to change her underwear regularly.

To rehabilitation period proceeded without complications, experts advise in the first week after the operation to often lie on the stomach or put some cold object on it. Such measures contribute to the improvement of the contractile function of the uterus, the alignment of the genital tract, the intensive discharge of mucus and blood clots. It is good if the woman who gave birth is breastfeeding the child. So, it is thrown into the blood a large number of oxytocin, which causes contraction of the lining of the uterus.

After any childbirth, natural or operative, the internal mucous membrane of the uterus must be restored. Usually the entire regeneration period takes 6 to 8 weeks. At this time, they come out of the genital tract - they are called lochia. They consist of blood cells (erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets), its liquid part - plasma, which seeps from the wound surface of the uterus, dead epithelium and mucus. Their color, composition, and volume changes throughout the postpartum period.

Normal discharge after surgical delivery

Immediately after the operation, the woman is in the intensive care unit under constant monitoring and medical supervision. Doctors monitor indicators of cardio-vascular system and condition of the uterus. If it is not reduced enough, it may begin early hypotonic bleeding. For its prevention, special substances are administered that cause contraction of the muscles of the uterus (oxytocin, methylergometrine).

  • In the first 5 - 7 days, red lochia with clots, resemble ordinary menstruation, but more plentiful, have a rotten smell. During this period, they can stand out up to 500 ml. A diaper or panty liner is completely filled in 1 to 2 hours. Every day, the doctor of the postpartum department examines the discharge and checks with the woman their number. Allocations increase when walking, palpation of the abdomen, breastfeeding - in these cases, the uterus contracts better and expels the contents outward;
  • Then lochia gradually darken and become red-brown in color. Their number is gradually decreasing;
  • By the end 4 - 5 weeks lochia lean dark spotting;
  • By 6 - 8 weeks the process of restoration of the uterine mucosa is completely completed. Allocations become light mucous and are no different from those before pregnancy.

The intensity and nature of the discharge in the first week after childbirth depends entirely on how well the uterus contracts. After this process slows down somewhat, as part of the muscle fibers has been damaged. To stimulate uterine contractions and prevention of late hypotonic bleeding the first three days they continue to inject oxytocin and advise the young mother to observe the following recommendations:

  • Go to the toilet on time because it's overcrowded bladder prevents good uterine contractions.
  • Breastfeed your baby on demand, not by the clock. Frequent attachment to the breast stimulates the production of a woman's own internal oxytocin. At the same time, during feeding, many mothers feel uterine contractions and increased secretions.

Features of personal hygiene in the postpartum period

The uterine secretions may contain various microorganisms, so during this period, you must especially carefully follow the rules of personal hygiene:

  • Change pad every three hours. It is better to use pads with a soft surface without fragrances.
  • It is categorically impossible to use tampons, as suckers linger in the uterus and microbes multiply faster there.
  • After each visit to the toilet, you need to wash with warm water from front to back. You can not douche and take a bath, so as not to bring the infection there. It will be possible to soak in the bath only after 8 weeks, when the uterine mucosa is fully restored.

Causes for concern

If there are any changes in the volume or nature of the discharge, it is imperative to contact medical care in the following cases:

  • The smell of discharge has changed, it has become sharp, purulent. This most often indicates the occurrence of endometritis - inflammation of the inner surface of the uterus. Body temperature rises, abdominal pain intensifies, general well-being worsens. endometritis develops more often than after natural childbirth.
  • The volume of bloody increased sharply or their number does not decrease for a long time- this indicates the development of late hypotonic bleeding. After cesarean, they occur more often, because due to the presence of a suture on the uterus, it cannot fully contract well. For heavy bleeding (more than one pad per hour), urgently call an ambulance.
  • Discharges abruptly stopped- the outflow of lochia from the uterine cavity was disturbed. This may be caused by a backward tilt of the uterus. If their stagnation is not prevented, then endometritis may develop.
  • Curdled discharge and itching in the vagina indicate the presence of candidal colpitis (). The risk of its development is associated with taking antibiotics after surgical delivery.

Period after caesarean section

The restoration of menstrual function after childbirth, regardless of the method of delivery, occurs individually for each woman. In the body of a young mother, the hormone prolactin is produced, which stimulates the production of breast milk and blocks the maturation of follicles in the ovaries, that is, it inhibits the possible onset of the next pregnancy.

Information If the child is breastfed, then the first 5-6 months of menstruation from his mother are completely absent. Further, as complementary foods are introduced and the intensity of breastfeeding decreases, periods may appear at any time. In the beginning, they may not be regular, you should not be afraid of this. Sometimes menstruation appears only after the baby is completely weaned from the breast.

If for some reason the mother does not have milk or breastfeeding is impossible, then already 2-3 months after the birth.

Additionally You can start having sex no earlier than 8 weeks after giving birth. Before this, it is advisable to visit your obstetrician-gynecologist, make sure that everything has healed well and discuss the method of contraception. You can plan a new pregnancy after a caesarean section no earlier than after 2 to 3 years.