A conversation about hygiene procedures after childbirth. Basic information about the mode and hygiene of the puerperal in the maternity hospital

Girls, maybe it will come in handy for someone, I copied an article for myself from the maternity hospital website:

Hygiene in the postpartum period

Congratulations! You have become a mother!

postpartum period - no less important and responsible stage in the life of a family than pregnancy.
The postpartum period lasts 6-8 weeks (begins after the birth of the placenta and ends when the organs and systems that have changed during pregnancy return to their original state).
In the process of healing the inner surface of the uterus, postpartum discharge appears - lochia, which is a wound secret. Their character during the postpartum period changes: in the first days, lochia has a bloody character; from the 4th day, their color changes to reddish-brown; by the 10th day they become light, liquid, without admixture of blood, and after 3 weeks there is practically no discharge. May appear discomfort due to uterine contractions. To relieve discomfort, bend forward and gently massage your belly. If discomfort in the uterine area occurs during feeding, try choosing a different position. It is convenient to feed lying on your side. The stomach may ache for another reason. It hurts the abdominal muscles that were actively involved during childbirth, try to relax or do a light massage.
In most non-nursing women, menstruation occurs on the 6-8th week after childbirth, more often it comes without the release of an egg from the ovary. However, ovulation and pregnancy may occur during the first months after childbirth. In lactating women, the time of the onset of the first menstruation after childbirth can be delayed for many months.
Normal postpartum period characterized by good general condition women, normal temperature, sufficient lactation. For the prevention of infectious complications, strict adherence to sanitary and epidemiological requirements and personal hygiene rules is important.

Importance maintains the strictest cleanliness.

  • The puerperal woman should take a shower twice a day (morning and evening), then wash the mammary gland with soap and brush her teeth.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the cleanliness of the hands. Nails should be cut short, hands should be washed more often with soap and be sure before each feeding of the child (if the hands are dirty, you can infect the child, infect the nipples).
  • Among the hygienic measures of particular importance in the postpartum period is the maintenance of cleanliness of the external genital organs and the surrounding ones. skin.
  • You should wash yourself with warm water and soap (liquid with a dispenser, because microbes feel great on lumps) with a fluid stream, wash the genitals from front to back (from the pubis to the anus) after each visit to the toilet at least 4-5 times a day (you need to go to the toilet exactly at such a frequency that the filled bladder does not interfere with the contraction of the uterus).
    Wash your hands thoroughly before washing.
  • Keep the pads clean, change them after 3-4 hours, regardless of fullness. Remove the gaskets from front to back to prevent the ingress of microorganisms from anus into the vagina. If there are seams on the perineum, they should be washed thoroughly enough - you can simply direct a jet of water at it. After washing, you need to dry the perineum and the seam area by blotting the towel from front to back.
  • It is forbidden to take a bath for the first 6 weeks after childbirth. This is due to the fact that the entrance to the vagina is not yet closed enough and, together with water, pathogenic microbes can penetrate into it. It is clear that at this time you can not swim in the pool, river, lake, sea.
  • The use of tight underwear is categorically excluded, as it exerts significant pressure on the perineum, which disrupts blood circulation, preventing healing.
  • If there are stitches on the perineum, a woman cannot sit down for 7-14 days (depending on the degree of damage). At the same time, you can sit on the toilet already on the first day after childbirth. By the way, about the toilet. Many women are afraid severe pain and try to skip bowel movements, as a result, the load on the muscles of the perineum increases and the pain intensifies.

To avoid constipation after childbirth, do not eat foods that have a fixing effect. If the problem of constipation is not new to you, drink a tablespoon of vegetable oil before each meal. The stool will be soft and will not affect the healing process of the stitches.

  • Underwear and bed linen should be cotton. We change underwear daily, bedding - at least once every three to five days.
  • Seams do not require special care after caesarean section. After the stitches and bandage are removed, you can take a shower. Do not scrub the seam area with a washcloth. With pain in the anterior region abdominal wall a postpartum or postoperative bandage, which must be worn for 4 months, will help to cope. Young mothers are often interested in: will the seams come apart if you carry a baby in your arms? For the first 2-3 months after surgery, it is recommended to lift no more than your child's weight.

It happens that redness, irritation, bloody or purulent discharge. This indicates suppuration or divergence of the seams. Then you should immediately consult a doctor in a antenatal clinic.
Sexual life after childbirth can be resumed after 6-8 weeks. By this time, the woman's body is already completely back to normal. Your doctor will advise you on contraceptives.
To fully recover from childbirth, at least two years must pass before the next pregnancy.

Feeding a child should not go by the clock, but on demand, incl. in nighttime. At one feeding, put the baby on one breast so that he suckles for a long time and receives later milk, which contains brain and intelligence development factors, growth factors and immunoglobulins. Later, the milk comes in droplets like colostrum, the child sucks it intermittently. Sometimes the mother at this moment thinks that the child is indulging and tearing him off the breast. You don't need to do this. Let him let her go.
Breast milk is best view baby food!

  • After the child is satisfied, the mother should carefully feel the mammary gland. If the breast is soft and there is no soreness and seals anywhere, then pumping is not necessary. If necessary, you can wash the mammary glands with warm water after feeding, starting from the nipple and ending with the armpit, and dry with a clean towel.

Very useful for the breast after childbirth and air baths, which are best taken after feeding, to give the breast the opportunity to rest, "breathe." The duration of such an air bath may not exceed 15-20 minutes, but the benefits of it are enormous.

  • You should carefully inspect the nipple daily, on the surface of which there should be no cracks, and for prevention, leave a drop of milk on the nipple and let it dry in the open air.

Only breast milk should be used as the main and only product for feeding a newborn. The use of nipples, horns and "pacifiers" is unacceptable, as this leads to a weakening of sucking by newborns and, accordingly, to incomplete emptying mammary gland, decrease in the production of prolactin.
Are you worried about the question - do I have enough milk?
To solve this issue, you need to observe the child, if he urinates more than 6 times a day, then he receives a sufficient amount of milk. The reason for the decrease in the amount of milk may be:
- infrequent feeding break (3 or more hours)
- if you do not feed at night
- short feedings or by the hour
To increase the amount of milk, you need to reorganize the feeding regimen, feed often and for as long as the child wants. Try to feed with one breast so that the baby sucks out milk later, you can strain the empty breast for 10 minutes, thereby increasing the flow of milk. It is necessary to improve the mother's nutrition or use herbal teas to increase lactation.

The nutrition of a nursing mother should be high-calorie (3200 kcal), balanced with the proper amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements. This diet will be dominated by lactic acid, protein foods, fresh fruits and vegetables. Food should be rich in vitamins and minerals. Spicy, fatty, fried, smoked foods, canned food, sausages, alcohol and potential allergens for the child (chocolate, citrus fruits, coffee) should be excluded from the diet.
The food of the puerperal should be 5-6 times a day. It is necessary to distribute products in the daily menu in such a way that those that are rich in protein and are much more difficult to digest in the gastrointestinal tract (meat, fish, cereals) would be used during the first half of the day, and in the second half it is advisable to give preference to milk. - vegetable food.

Conditions requiring special attention

Unfortunately, the first month after childbirth does not always go smoothly. Situations may arise when medical attention is needed. Monitor your well-being, regularly measure your body temperature, as fever is most often the first sign of complications in the postpartum period.

All complications of the postpartum period can be divided into several groups:
1. Complications from the uterus.
Subinvolution of the uterus - a decrease in the rate of uterine contraction, due to a delay in the uterus of postpartum secretions. The disease often occurs 5-7 days after childbirth, due to the closure of the cervical canal with a blood clot or a piece of membranes, as well as an inflection of the uterus due to relaxation of the ligamentous apparatus.
Infection of the contents of the uterus can lead to inflammatory process mucous membrane of the uterus - endometritis. Predisposing factors for the occurrence of endometritis are difficult childbirth, violations of the separation of the placenta during childbirth, infections of the genital tract during pregnancy, impaired immunity, abortion. Symptoms of the disease are: fever, unpleasant odor in lochia, aching pain in the lower abdomen. If these symptoms appear, you should consult an obstetrician-gynecologist at the place of residence. To clarify the diagnosis, an ultrasound examination is performed and, if necessary, surgery, during which the contents are removed from the uterine cavity (washing or curettage of the uterus). After surgery, antibiotics must be prescribed.

2. Complications from the mammary gland.
Laktostasis - stagnation of milk in the mammary gland. At the same time, the chest swells and becomes painful, foci of seals appear, a short-term rise in body temperature is possible. In itself, lactostasis is not a disease, requiring only gentle pumping of the breast, restriction of fluid intake, and frequent feeding of painful breasts. However, when an infection is attached, it turns into lactational mastitis, requiring immediate medical care , antibiotic therapy, and sometimes surgery. The question of the possibility of breastfeeding with mastitis is decided individually, depending on the stage of the disease.
Another complication of the chest is the appearance of cracks in the nipples. The main reason for their appearance is improper attachment of the baby to the breast, when the baby captures only the nipple, and not the entire areola. Such a seizure is very painful for the mother - and this is the main danger signal. Breastfeeding doesn't have to be painful. Good advisory and practical help for lactostasis and cracked nipples is provided by breastfeeding consultants. Treatment of cracks consists in treating the nipple with wound healing drugs.
Hypogalactia - insufficient production of milk. In order to increase the amount of milk, a mother needs to increase the frequency of feedings, not skip night feedings, offer her baby both breasts in one feeding, drink more, eat well and sleep a lot.

3. Complications from the tissues of the cervix, vagina and skin.
Inflamed wounds of these tissues are called postpartum ulcers. When an infection is attached, these wounds swell, become covered with a purulent coating, and their edges are painful. For the purpose of treatment, they are treated with various antiseptics, sometimes they require surgical treatment.

4. Complications from the venous system.
Hemorrhoids (varicose veins of the rectum) also cause pain. When infringed, they increase, become swollen, tense and painful. Thorough hygiene helps to reduce pain (shower after each visit to the toilet), applying ice to the perineum. Certain medications can be used as prescribed by a doctor.
Thrombophlebitis is a disease of the veins characterized by inflammation of the venous wall and thrombosis of the vein. After childbirth, thrombophlebitis of the pelvic veins most often occurs. Usually this disease occurs in the third week after childbirth. In terms of symptoms, it is very similar to endometritis, but requires a different treatment. Surgeons are involved in the treatment of complications from the venous system.
Complications after childbirth require immediate treatment, as they can lead to a generalization of the process - postpartum peritonitis or sepsis. Therefore, if something bothers you in your condition, be sure to consult a doctor.
You must come to the antenatal clinic for the first time 10 days after discharge from the maternity hospital.

We wish you a safe postpartum period, using our advice.

Raevskaya Zh.G. - head. Obstetrics and Physiology Department of ME "GKRD No. 2"

Congratulations! You have become a mother!

postpartum period - no less important and responsible stage in the life of a family than pregnancy.
The postpartum period lasts 6-8 weeks (begins after the birth of the placenta and ends when the organs and systems that have changed during pregnancy return to their original state).
In the process of healing the inner surface of the uterus, postpartum discharge appears - lochia, which is a wound secret. Their character during the postpartum period changes: in the first days, lochia has a bloody character; from the 4th day, their color changes to reddish-brown; by the 10th day they become light, liquid, without admixture of blood, and after 3 weeks there is practically no discharge. There may be discomfort due to uterine contractions. To relieve discomfort, bend forward and gently massage your belly. If discomfort in the uterine area occurs during feeding, try choosing a different position. It is convenient to feed lying on your side. The stomach may ache for another reason. It hurts the abdominal muscles that were actively involved during childbirth, try to relax or do a light massage.
In most non-nursing women, menstruation occurs on the 6-8th week after childbirth, more often it comes without the release of an egg from the ovary. However, ovulation and pregnancy may occur during the first months after childbirth. In lactating women, the time of the onset of the first menstruation after childbirth can be delayed for many months.
The normal postpartum period is characterized by a good general condition of the woman, normal temperature, sufficient lactation. For the prevention of infectious complications, strict adherence to sanitary and epidemiological requirements and personal hygiene rules is important.

Maintaining the strictest cleanliness is essential.

  • The puerperal woman should take a shower twice a day (morning and evening), then wash the mammary gland with soap and brush her teeth.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the cleanliness of the hands. Nails should be cut short, hands should be washed more often with soap and be sure before each feeding of the child (if the hands are dirty, you can infect the child, infect the nipples).
  • Among the hygienic measures of particular importance in the postpartum period is the maintenance of cleanliness of the external genitalia and the surrounding skin.
  • You should wash yourself with warm water and soap (liquid with a dispenser, because microbes feel great on lumps) with a fluid stream, wash the genitals from front to back (from the pubis to the anus) after each visit to the toilet at least 4-5 times a day (you need to go to the toilet exactly at such a frequency that the filled bladder does not interfere with the contraction of the uterus).
    Wash your hands thoroughly before washing.
  • Keep the pads clean, change them after 3-4 hours, regardless of fullness. Remove pads from front to back to prevent microorganisms from entering the vagina from the anus. If there are seams on the perineum, they should be washed thoroughly enough - you can simply direct a jet of water at it. After washing, you need to dry the perineum and the seam area by blotting the towel from front to back.
  • It is forbidden to take a bath for the first 6 weeks after childbirth. This is due to the fact that the entrance to the vagina is not yet closed enough and, together with water, pathogenic microbes can penetrate into it. It is clear that at this time you can not swim in the pool, river, lake, sea.
  • The use of tight underwear is categorically excluded, as it exerts significant pressure on the perineum, which disrupts blood circulation, preventing healing.
  • If there are stitches on the perineum, a woman cannot sit down for 7-14 days (depending on the degree of damage). At the same time, you can sit on the toilet already on the first day after childbirth. By the way, about the toilet. Many women are afraid of severe pain and try to skip bowel movements, as a result, the load on the muscles of the perineum increases and the pain intensifies.

To avoid constipation after childbirth, do not eat foods that have a fixing effect. If the problem of constipation is not new to you, drink a tablespoon of vegetable oil before each meal. The stool will be soft and will not affect the healing process of the stitches.

  • Underwear and bed linen should be cotton. We change underwear daily, bedding - at least once every three to five days.
  • Stitches after caesarean section do not require special care. After the stitches and bandage are removed, you can take a shower. Do not scrub the seam area with a washcloth. With painful sensations in the anterior abdominal wall, a postpartum or postoperative bandage, which must be worn for 4 months, will help to cope. Young mothers are often interested in: will the seams come apart if you carry a baby in your arms? For the first 2-3 months after surgery, it is recommended to lift no more than your child's weight.

It happens that redness, irritation, bloody or purulent discharge occurs at the site of the seam. This indicates suppuration or divergence of the seams. Then you should immediately consult a doctor in a antenatal clinic.
Sexual life after childbirth can be resumed after 6-8 weeks. By this time, the woman's body is already completely back to normal. Your doctor will advise you on contraceptives.
To fully recover from childbirth, at least two years must pass before the next pregnancy.

Feeding a child should not go by the clock, but on demand, incl. in nighttime. At one feeding, put the baby on one breast so that he suckles for a long time and receives later milk, which contains brain and intelligence development factors, growth factors and immunoglobulins. Later, the milk comes in droplets like colostrum, the child sucks it intermittently. Sometimes the mother at this moment thinks that the child is indulging and tearing him off the breast. You don't need to do this. Let him let her go.
Breast milk is the best food for a baby!

  • After the child is satisfied, the mother should carefully feel the mammary gland. If the breast is soft and there is no soreness and seals anywhere, then pumping is not necessary. If necessary, you can wash the mammary glands with warm water after feeding, starting from the nipple and ending with the armpit, and dry with a clean towel.

Very useful for the breast after childbirth and air baths, which are best taken after feeding, to give the breast the opportunity to rest, "breathe." The duration of such an air bath may not exceed 15-20 minutes, but the benefits of it are enormous.

  • You should carefully inspect the nipple daily, on the surface of which there should be no cracks, and for prevention, leave a drop of milk on the nipple and let it dry in the open air.

Only breast milk should be used as the main and only product for feeding a newborn. The use of nipples, horns and "pacifiers" is unacceptable, as this leads to a weakening of sucking in newborns and, accordingly, to incomplete emptying of the mammary gland, a decrease in prolactin production.
Are you worried about the question - do I have enough milk?
To solve this issue, you need to observe the child, if he urinates more than 6 times a day, then he receives a sufficient amount of milk. The reason for the decrease in the amount of milk may be:
- infrequent feeding break (3 or more hours)
- if you do not feed at night
- short feedings or by the hour
To increase the amount of milk, you need to reorganize the feeding regimen, feed often and for as long as the child wants. Try to breastfeed with one breast so that the baby sucks out later milk, you can strain the emptied breast for 10 minutes, thereby increasing the flow of milk. It is necessary to improve the mother's nutrition or use herbal teas to increase lactation.

The nutrition of a nursing mother should be high-calorie (3200 kcal), balanced with the proper amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements. This diet will be dominated by lactic acid, protein foods, fresh fruits and vegetables. Food should be rich in vitamins and minerals. Spicy, fatty, fried, smoked foods, canned food, sausages, alcohol and potential allergens for the child (chocolate, citrus fruits, coffee) should be excluded from the diet.
The food of the puerperal should be 5-6 times a day. It is necessary to distribute products in the daily menu in such a way that those that are rich in protein and are much more difficult to digest in the gastrointestinal tract (meat, fish, cereals) would be used during the first half of the day, and in the second half it is advisable to give preference to milk. - vegetable food.

Conditions requiring special attention

Unfortunately, the first month after childbirth does not always go smoothly. Situations may arise when medical attention is needed. Monitor your well-being, regularly measure your body temperature, as fever is most often the first sign of complications in the postpartum period.

All complications of the postpartum period can be divided into several groups:
1. Complications from the uterus.
Subinvolution of the uterus - a decrease in the rate of uterine contraction, due to a delay in the uterus of postpartum secretions. The disease often occurs 5-7 days after childbirth, due to the closure of the cervical canal with a blood clot or a piece of membranes, as well as an inflection of the uterus due to relaxation of the ligamentous apparatus.
Infection of the contents of the uterus can lead to an inflammatory process of the uterine mucosa - endometritis. Predisposing factors for the occurrence of endometritis are difficult childbirth, violations of the separation of the placenta during childbirth, infections of the genital tract during pregnancy, impaired immunity, abortion. Symptoms of the disease are: fever, unpleasant odor in lochia, aching pain in the lower abdomen. If these symptoms appear, you should consult an obstetrician-gynecologist at the place of residence. To clarify the diagnosis, an ultrasound examination is performed and, if necessary, surgery, during which the contents are removed from the uterine cavity (washing or curettage of the uterus). After surgery, antibiotics must be prescribed.

2. Complications from the mammary gland.
Laktostasis - stagnation of milk in the mammary gland. At the same time, the chest swells and becomes painful, foci of seals appear, a short-term rise in body temperature is possible. In itself, lactostasis is not a disease, requiring only gentle pumping of the breast, restriction of fluid intake, and frequent feeding of painful breasts. However, when an infection is attached, it turns into lactational mastitis, requiring immediate medical attention, antibiotic therapy, and sometimes surgery. The question of the possibility of breastfeeding with mastitis is decided individually, depending on the stage of the disease.
Another complication of the chest is the appearance of cracks in the nipples. The main reason for their appearance is improper attachment of the baby to the breast, when the baby captures only the nipple, and not the entire areola. Such a seizure is very painful for the mother - and this is the main danger signal. Breastfeeding doesn't have to be painful. Good advisory and practical help for lactostasis and cracked nipples is provided by breastfeeding consultants. Treatment of cracks consists in treating the nipple with wound healing drugs.
Hypogalactia - insufficient production of milk. In order to increase the amount of milk, a mother needs to increase the frequency of feedings, not skip night feedings, offer her baby both breasts in one feeding, drink more, eat well and sleep a lot.

3. Complications from the tissues of the cervix, vagina and skin.
Inflamed wounds of these tissues are called postpartum ulcers. When an infection is attached, these wounds swell, become covered with a purulent coating, and their edges are painful. For the purpose of treatment, they are treated with various antiseptics, sometimes they require surgical treatment.

4. Complications from the venous system.
Hemorrhoids (varicose veins of the rectum) also cause pain. When infringed, they increase, become swollen, tense and painful. Thorough hygiene helps to reduce pain (shower after each visit to the toilet), applying ice to the perineum. Certain medications can be used as prescribed by a doctor.
Thrombophlebitis is a disease of the veins characterized by inflammation of the venous wall and thrombosis of the vein. After childbirth, thrombophlebitis of the pelvic veins most often occurs. Usually this disease occurs in the third week after childbirth. In terms of symptoms, it is very similar to endometritis, but requires a different treatment. Surgeons are involved in the treatment of complications from the venous system.
Complications after childbirth require immediate treatment, as they can lead to a generalization of the process - postpartum peritonitis or sepsis. Therefore, if something bothers you in your condition, be sure to consult a doctor.
You must come to the antenatal clinic for the first time 10 days after discharge from the maternity hospital.

We wish you a safe postpartum period, using our advice.

Raevskaya Zh.G. - head. Obstetrics and Physiology Department of ME "GKRD No. 2"

A) in the early postpartum period:

1) immediately after childbirth, it is necessary to inspect the cervix, soft tissues of the birth canal in the mirrors, suture existing tears, incisions.

2) with an uncomplicated course of childbirth and a satisfactory condition of the puerperal woman and the newborn, it is advisable to put the baby to the breast early, in the delivery room, which contributes to uterine contraction, has a beneficial effect on lactation, the formation of a sense of motherhood, the condition of the newborn

3) within 2 hours after childbirth, the puerperal is in the maternity ward, where the general condition of the puerperal, the color of the skin, the nature and frequency of the pulse, blood pressure, the condition of the uterus, the amount and nature of discharge from the genital tract are monitored. To prevent bleeding, timely emptying is necessary. Bladder; cold on the lower abdomen; gentle external reflex massage of the uterus to remove blood clots accumulated in the uterus. Holding drug prevention hypotension of the uterus in the postpartum period is recommended for women with a large fetus, multiple pregnancy, polyhydramnios, multiple births, age-related primiparas by introducing uterotonic agents (methylergometrine, ergotal, ergotamine), intravenous administration 10% glucose solution and calcium chloride.

4) before transferring the puerperal to the postpartum department, the doctor of the maternity ward must determine her general condition, skin color, pulse rate and character, measure arterial pressure on both hands, body temperature, through the anterior abdominal wall to assess the condition of the uterus (consistency, size, soreness), the amount and nature of discharge from the genital tract, in the absence of spontaneous urination - to release urine with a catheter.

5) in the postpartum department, the puerperal is monitored daily by a doctor and a ward midwife.

Soon after childbirth, the mother is allowed to turn on her side. After 2-4 hours you can eat and drink. Getting up early, 4-5 hours after birth, is the prevention of hypotension of the uterus and bladder, constipation, thromboembolic complications. Sutured tears of I-II degree are not a contraindication to early rising, however, postpartum women are not recommended to sit down.

B) inlate postpartum period:

1) it is necessary to monitor the general condition and well-being (sleep, appetite, mood) of the puerperal, compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, skin color, the nature and frequency of the pulse, blood pressure, the condition of the uterus, the amount and nature of discharge from the genital tract, the condition of the mammary glands, bladder and bowel function. On the 2nd day after birth, the pulse, blood pressure, temperature, diuresis and bowel function should return to normal. The pulse must correspond to the temperature: an increase in the pulse up to 90 beats per 1 minute. at normal temperature may be the earliest diagnostic sign development of thromboembolic complications in the postpartum period. The body temperature is measured by the puerperal at least 2 times a day. The puerperal should urinate every 3 hours to improve uterine contractility. With urinary retention, sometimes it is enough to raise the puerperal, less often there is a need for catheterization of the bladder and the use of medications that increase the tone of smooth muscles (prozerin, acyclidine, pituitrin, etc.). The chair should be on the 2-3rd day; in its absence, a cleansing enema is given, if necessary, a saline laxative is given on the 3-4th day. With a rupture of the perineum of the III degree, painkillers and a diet with fiber restriction are prescribed to delay the stool for up to 5 days.

2) for painful postpartum contractions, aspirin, analgin, suppositories with antispasmodics are used.

3) on the 2nd day, and then every day the puerperal should take a shower. The genital organs must be treated 2 times a day, in the first 3 days a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate is used; seam lines are processed alcohol tincture brilliant green or iodine.

4) the woman in childbirth needs to be prescribed physical exercises: on the 1st day they are limited to breathing exercises, and we turn in bed; from the 2nd day, movements are added in the joints (in the supine position), from the 4th day - exercises for the pelvic floor and from the 5th - for the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. The duration of the lessons is 15-20 minutes. Contraindications to the appointment of gymnastics: significant blood loss during childbirth, fever, severe gestosis, perineal tears of the III degree, decompensated forms of diseases of cardio-vascular system, complications of the postpartum period.

5) breast care:

Breast wash only with water;

Breasts should not be washed immediately before feeding, as this removes the natural protective fat layer and changes the odor that the baby can identify with the smell of the mother's breast;

If the nipples are irritated, they should be lubricated with a small amount breast milk after feeding and hold the breast for some time in the open air and in the sun, this will cure irritation;

A bra worn by a woman should be only made of cotton fabric, specially designed for nursing mothers, suitable in size so as not to restrict air access to the nipples and not cause blockage of the ducts;

If engorgement of the mammary glands or inflammation and cracks of the nipples occur, it is necessary to carry out timely and correct treatment.

6) correct attachment of the child to the breast - prevention of nipple cracks. In the first 1-2 days, it is necessary to put the baby to the breast for 3-4-5 minutes, gradually increasing the time, on the 3-4th day, the duration of feeding is on average 15-20 minutes. When applying the child to the chest, it must be kept close to the chest; it is necessary that as much of the areola as possible be in the baby's mouth, he must squeeze the milk sinuses, allowing the milk to exit effectively. Feeding occurs in a sucking/swallowing/breathing cycle. A newborn requires feeding every 1-3 hours for the first 2-7 days, but maybe more often. It is necessary to feed the baby at night, to stimulate the cycle of formation and excretion of milk and maintain its amount at a certain level. From the moment lactation is established, feeding occurs 8-12 times in 24 hours. It is not recommended to set restrictions or feeding regimens.

7) the nutrition of the puerperal should be balanced, since the quantity and quality of breast milk depends on it. The total diet during normal lactation increases by 1/3 compared to the usual one, since lactation requires a significant expenditure of energy. The daily calorie content of a nursing mother should be 3200 kcal. The daily amount of protein is 120 g, and 67 g should be animal proteins; fats - 90 g, of which about 30% are vegetable; carbohydrates - 310-330 g. Fluid intake - up to 2 liters per day. Vitamins A (1.5 mg), E (15 ME), B12 (4 mcg), folic acid (600 mcg), pantothenic acid (20 mg), ascorbic acid (80 mg), a nicotinic acid(21 mg), thiamine (1.9 mg), riboflavin (2.2 mg), pyridoxine (2.2 mg), calciferol (500 IU). The need for minerals: calcium salts - 1 g, phosphorus - 1.5 g, magnesium - 0.45 g, iron - 25 mg. The diet of a nursing mother should include foods such as kefir, cottage cheese, butter, eggs, legumes, buckwheat, liver, spinach, vegetables, fruits and berries. Spicy dishes, canned food and indigestible, alcoholic drinks are not recommended. Diet - 5-6 times a day, I write it is recommended to take 20-30 minutes before breastfeeding.

It should be washed with warm boiled water and soap (children's or boron-thymol). Vaginal douching during the normal course of the postpartum period is unnecessary and can be harmful, as it contributes to the entry of microbes into the upper genital tract and injures the walls of the vagina and cervix.

Bed linen should be changed every 5 days.

In the postpartum period, when a woman begins to lead an active lifestyle, it is advisable to use pads.

It is possible to wash the whole body with hot water 2 weeks after childbirth (that is, 5-6 days after discharge from the maternity hospital). In the future, the woman should wash her entire body every 5 days with warm water and soap and change clothes after that. The first time after childbirth, you should wash yourself at home in the shower or standing in the basin. When visiting the bath, you also need to wash yourself standing up, preferably in the shower, but you can’t bathe.

It is forbidden to take a bath for the first 6 weeks after childbirth.

The room in which the mother and child live must be kept immaculately clean.

Mother and child should spend as much time as possible in the fresh air. The room in which they live should be ventilated frequently, it should not be hung with curtains or curtains. You can’t smoke in it, dry diapers, store dirty linen - all this pollutes and spoils the air and adversely affects health.

With a normal postpartum period sex life can be resolved no earlier than 6 weeks after childbirth, since before this period the genitals are easily vulnerable and an infection can be introduced into them. In addition, early sexual intercourse can cause severe uterine bleeding in the puerperal.

After 6-8 weeks from the date of birth, the postpartum period ends. In postpartum women who are not breastfeeding, menstruation resumes. This means that the egg has matured in the ovary. Some breastfeeding women start menstruating 7-8 weeks after giving birth, and the first period is often heavy. In the future, periods are regular or stop for 2-3 months, and sometimes more.

Approximate complex exercise in the postpartum period

The first complex (on the 2nd - 3rd week)

Exercise 1.

I. p. - the main rack. On the count of “one”, raise your arms through the sides up, connect your palms above your head and slightly bend your torso from behind - inhale. On the count of "two" return to and. p. - exhale. Repeat 3-4 times.

Notes: 1. In the main stance, the heels are in contact, the toes are slightly turned (no more than 45 °), the arms are lowered without tension, the back is straightened (hold the head straight, the chin is somewhat “onward”). 2. When performing the exercise, keep your arms straight; raising your arms, raise your head (look at the hands). The exercise is preceded by walking at a moderate pace.

Exercise 2.

I. p. - main stand, right hand hold onto the back of a chair.

On the count of "one" raise the left leg forward, take left hand back. On the count of two, take your left leg back, raise your left arm up. On the count of "three" return to and. n. Breathing is uniform. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times, then do the same 2-3 times with your right foot and right hand (holding the back of the chair with your left hand).

Exercise 3

I. p. - standing, legs slightly wider than shoulders, arms lowered.

At the expense of "one-two" lean to the left and, bending your arms at the elbows, put your palms on the back of your head - exhale. At the expense of "three-four" straighten up, lowering your arms, return to the I.P. - breath. Repeat the exercise alternately 2-3 times in each direction.

Exercise 4.

I. p. - lying on the stomach, emphasis on the elbows and forearms. At the expense of "one-two" raise the entire body, leaning on socks, palms and forearms - exhale. On the count of "three-four" return to and. p. - inhale. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Exercise 5

I. p. - lying on your back, legs bent, arms along the body. At the expense of "times" raise the pelvis and retract the anus - inhale. On the count of "two" lower the pelvis and relax the muscles of the perineum - exhale. Breathing is even. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Exercise 6.

I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body, palms down. The right leg is bent at the knee at a right angle (lower leg). At the expense of "one", straightening and lowering (on the floor) right leg, bend the left leg at a right angle at the knee, keeping the lower leg in the air. On the count of "two", straightening and lowering (to the floor) the left leg, bend the right leg at a right angle at the knee, keeping the lower leg in weight. Breathing is even. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Exercise 7.

I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. On the count of "one", bending the legs, pull them to the stomach. On the count of two, spread your knees to the sides, supporting them with your hands. On the count of three, bring your knees together. On the count of “four”, return the VIP. Breathing is even. Repeat 3-4 times.

Note. Spreading your knees, counteract this movement with your hands.

Exercise 8.

Walking at a moderate pace, relax the torso and arms, deep breathing. Duration of walking - 30 - 40 s.

During the postpartum period, a woman's body is very vulnerable to various infections, so it is important to be especially careful about intimate hygiene, for this you need to follow certain rules.

Intimate hygiene rules

  • in the first 7-10 days after childbirth, it is necessary to wash yourself after each visit to the toilet, as well as in the morning and evening before going to bed;
  • you need to wash yourself with warm water, cleanly washed hands in the direction from the perineum to the anus;
  • it should be washed in a strictly defined order: first the pubic area and labia majora, then the inner thighs, and lastly the anus. The jet of water should be directed from front to back, without penetrating deep into the vagina, in order to avoid washing out the beneficial microflora of the vagina;
  • you can not use sponges and washcloths;
  • after washing, the skin of the perineum must be blotted with a towel intended purely for intimate hygiene, or for these purposes, use a cotton diaper that must be changed daily; disposable towels can be used in the postpartum period. The direction of soaking movements should be the same as when washing - from front to back;
  • sanitary pads should be replaced at least every 2-3 hours or as they get dirty;
  • if you have had stitches in the perineum, then it is not recommended to sit for 3-4 weeks so that the stitches do not come apart. You will have to feed the baby while standing or lying in bed;
  • for hygiene in the postpartum period, you can use baby soap, soap with an antibacterial effect or special means for intimate hygiene;
  • if it is not possible to wash yourself, you can use wet toilet paper or special wipes for intimate hygiene;
  • regularly carry out such a procedure as airing the perineum, for this it is convenient to use a disposable diaper.

In order to make self-care the first days after childbirth as comfortable as possible, for our bags we have selected everything you need from the best manufacturers. Most of the goods are from Hartmann, one of the leading European suppliers of medical and hygiene products.

The first thing you will need is postpartum pads (urological). Our bags contain gaskets of the MoliMed series (MoliMed) from the German medical company Paul Hartmann. MoliMed pads are significantly more absorbent than regular women's pads, dermatologically tested and suitable even for sensitive skin.

MoliMed pads are antibacterial and maintain a skin-friendly pH of 5.5 for maximum protection against skin irritation. When changing pads every 3 hours for a standard 3 day hospital stay, you will need approximately 24 pads.
On the first day after childbirth, the discharge from the uterine cavity is maximum, so we recommend using MoliMed Premium Midi pads. After a day, when there will be less discharge, you can start using MoliMed Premium mini pads.

For a secure fit of the pads and more comfort when moving, we recommend using mesh shorts to secure the Molipants Comfort pads. Light, soft, breathable, made of a particularly durable material that fits snugly, but does not tighten the stomach. For 3 days of stay in the maternity hospital, you will need at least 3 pcs. They can be washed, but it is better to use new ones every day.

Immediately after giving birth, you will need to shower every time you go to the toilet, and in the morning and evening before bed. To do this, you will need a solid baby soap or a special intimate hygiene product. Most gynecologists recommend using baby solid soap, especially if stitches have been applied. We can also offer you special products for intimate hygiene. It is natural that after washing you will need a towel or diaper. We recommend using disposable wipes: they are a convenient size, it will be much more pleasant for you to use a new wipe after each trip to the shower, and after using it, just throw it away.
In case it is not possible to take a shower, we have prudently put wet toilet paper or MENALIND professional wet wipes from Hartman into our bags. Kleenex wet toilet paper is hypoallergenic and suitable for sensitive skin as it does not contain alcohol. Dissolves in water.

Wet sanitary napkins MENALIND professional refresh and deodorize the skin, have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect due to the content of chamomile extract. The wipes can be used to cleanse the entire body without the use of soap and water. Maintain skin pH, do not contain alcohol. Dermatologically tested and clinically tested. Napkins are very convenient size 20x30 cm.

Disposable diapers MoliNea Normal 60×90
For such a procedure as ventilation of the perineum, it is very convenient to use disposable diapers. They absorb very quickly, because the absorbent layer of these diapers is environmentally friendly, fluff pulp. The top layer is made of soft, pleasant to the touch non-woven material, and the bottom layer is made of a waterproof non-slip film that prevents the diaper from moving on the bed and protects against leakage.

Our ready-made maternity hospital kits are designed to meet the highest requirements and will help you avoid unnecessary worries.