Laboratory methods for diagnosing growth hormone deficiency in children. Growth Hormone (GH) - Determination of Growth Hormone Levels Normal and Abnormal Values

Growth Hormone Testing (GH Testing)


Growth hormone (GH) testing is done to measure the level of human growth hormone in the blood. GH is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland in the head. A doctor may order one of the following tests if there are symptoms that indicate an abnormal amount of GH:

  • Tests for the suppression of GH secretion - the amount of growth hormone is measured when there is a suspicion that the pituitary gland does not produce GH;
  • The stimulation test is a measure of the pituitary gland's ability to secrete GH.

There are many factors that can interfere with GH testing. Stress, physical activity, intake certain medicines and blood glucose levels can all cause changes in GH levels. For this reason, GH tests are often performed in conjunction with measurements of other hormones, such as IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor-1).

Reasons for measuring growth hormone levels

Growth hormone suppression tests are performed:

  • For children who show signs of gigantism;
  • For adults, if there are signs of acromegaly (abnormally large bone growth);
  • If a pituitary tumor is suspected, it is also performed in conjunction with another test to determine IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor 1), which does not change over time;
  • To monitor the effectiveness of GH replacement drugs (usually performed in conjunction with IGF-1 testing).

Stimulation tests for GH are carried out:

  • For children who are very small for their age;
  • When analyzes thyroid gland excludes problems with it, but growth is slower than expected;
  • To check for abnormalities in the function of the pituitary gland;
  • For children who have received radiation therapy;
  • For children whose bones develop abnormally;
  • For adults with symptoms of muscle weakness, lack of energy, thin skin, weak bones, and other symptoms that indicate a lack of growth hormone.

How is growth hormone measured?

Preparation for the procedure

To prepare for the procedure, most patients need:

  • Reduce physical activity for 10-12 hours before the test;
  • If there is a doctor's instruction, you need to stop taking medication before the test;
  • Ninety minutes before the test, you need to rest and relax, and avoid physical activity.

Description of the procedure for measuring the level of growth hormone

Blood sampling

The needle insertion site will be cleaned. A rubber tourniquet will be placed around the upper arm, after which a needle is inserted into the vein. The blood will be collected into a syringe. After the syringe is filled, the needle will be removed from the skin. The puncture site is pressed.

Growth hormone suppression tests

Blood will be drawn between 6 am and 8 am. You will be asked to drink a solution of water and glucose (sugar). Glucose should lower the level of GH in the blood. Two more blood samples are taken within one to two hours after consumption of the solution. The level of GH will be measured in each blood sample. The level of IGF-1 can also be measured, since it does not change as much as the level of GH.

Stimulation tests

Insulin tolerance test

Blood samples will be taken at different intervals (five samples). The first sample for blood glucose, cortisol and growth hormone will be taken between 6 and 8 am. Then insulin is injected through a drip. Insulin should lower blood glucose levels, which should raise GH levels. Blood samples will be collected at 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes to re-test glucose, cortisol and growth hormone levels.

If the blood sugar level has not dropped to a certain level, a second dose of insulin is administered after 45 minutes. Blood samples will be taken at 75 and 150 minutes. If blood sugar drops too low, a glucose drip is used to restore it.

Growth hormone - releasing hormone, arginine, growth hormone - releasing peptide

Blood samples will be taken five times at various intervals. The first sample is taken from 6 to 8 am. After 30 minutes, arginine or GH-releasing peptide will be injected through a dropper. After that, GH-releasing hormone is injected intravenously, which should stimulate the pituitary gland to produce GH. The next four blood samples are taken every 30 minutes after the infusions.

After the test

You can do daily activities.

How long does it take to measure growth hormone levels?

The procedure often takes at least three hours.

Will it hurt?

There may be slight discomfort when the needle is inserted into the skin and the drugs are infused. Your doctor will monitor your insulin tolerance, as too much insulin can cause your blood sugar levels to drop.

Growth Hormone Measurement Results

The doctor will give you the test results. You may need further testing or treatment.

Communication with the doctor after measuring the level of growth hormone

After returning home, you should consult a doctor if the following symptoms appear:

  • symptoms of infection, including fever and chills;
  • Severe redness, pain, or discharge from the needle insertion site and drug infusion.

Dear moms and dads! As a pediatrician for over thirty years, I encounter stunted children every day. Over the past 10 years, we have had a very good medicine A growth hormone. Contact the All-Russian School of Growth at the Children's Clinic of the Endocrinology Research Center Russian Academy Medical Sciences for any consultation, having previously made an appointment by phone +7 495 500-00-90 or through the website to make an appointment. Our doctors and I will try to help you. You can write me a letter with questions to the address: Moscow, st. Dmitry Ulyanov, house 11. Professor Valentina Alexandrovna Peterkova

Video. How growth hormone helped a child become taller

Previously, if the child did not grow up, then he became a dwarf or a midget. To survive, they created their own circuses and theaters. Nowadays, if you start treating a child from childhood, he will grow up healthy and tall. The treatment is very simple. A child who does not have his own growth hormone is simply injected with this hormone as a medicine.

A photo. A - When Vanya came to the Institute of Pediatric Endocrinology, he was a little over 80 cm and lagged far behind his peers. B - In 22 months, Vanya grew by 22 cm. It was then that Academician Dedov said that in adulthood Vanya is guaranteed a height of at least 170 cm. C - Vanya is only 12 years old, but already his height is 145 cm. Over 6 years of treatment, he has grown at 60-65 cm.

How to determine if a child has normal growth

A full-term baby at birth has a height of 48-54 cm. During the first year of life, he adds 25 cm and in a year, his height becomes 75 cm. During the second year, growth increases by 8-12 cm. Subsequently, the child usually grows at 5-6 cm per year, but NOT less than 4 cm per year.

How parents can understand that their child is stunted

The child per year should have a height of 75 cm, BUT babies born prematurely or with low birth weight don't get it. Then you have to wait up to 5 years. If the child adds less than normal and is significantly behind his peers, then you should definitely consult a doctor. At this age, it is already possible to make a diagnosis of whether the child has enough growth hormone or not.

Does the height of the child depend on the height of the parents

To determine what your child's height will be as an adult, you need to add the heights of the parents and divide in half. Then add 6.5 for a boy to this figure or subtract 6.5 for a girl. For example: Mom's height is 164 cm, father's height is 176 cm, in total we get 340 cm, we divide in half, we get 170 cm. For the daughter, the average final height will be about (170-6.5) = 163.5 cm, for the son 5) = 176.5 cm. The final height of the child may be 3-5 cm more or less than the calculated one.

Does the growth of the child depend on nutrition

Due to diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver or pancreas, food is poorly absorbed, and the child does not grow well.

How sleep affects growth

Growth hormone is released into the blood at night when the baby is fast asleep. Important!!! To grow up, you need to go to bed before 10 pm!

Why is the child not growing?

Growth Hormone is produced in the pituitary gland of the brain. This substance causes the acceleration of human growth. If little growth hormone is produced, then the child is born with normal weight and height, and then begins to grow poorly and by the age of 2 does not reach 85-88 cm, but has only 78-80 cm. Every year the child is more and more behind in growth. If he is not treated with Growth Hormone, then in adulthood he will have a dwarfish growth - men are less than 140 cm, and women are less than 130 cm. Important!!! All children who have growth hormone deficiency need to be treated with Growth Hormone.

How to determine if a child has enough Growth Hormone

To do this, make a special test. The child is given a drink or an intravenous drug that stimulates the production of growth hormone. Usually it is clonidine or insulin solution. Before taking the pills and every half hour for two hours, blood is taken from a vein for growth hormone. Based on the results of the test, the doctor will determine whether the child is producing enough Growth Hormone. If the secretion of Growth Hormone is reduced, the doctor will prescribe Growth Hormone.

At what age can you grow up, and when will you not grow up

Until the growth zones close, a person can grow. The most fertile age is 6-15 years. After puberty, it is almost impossible to influence growth. Growth zones are examined on the X-ray of the hand - the so-called "bone age". At healthy people passport and bone age coincide. With a lag in growth, bone age lags behind or, conversely, ahead of passport age.

Who Should Prescribe Growth Hormone

If there are problems with growth, then you should consult an endocrinologist, and do not use this drug on your own.

What is Genetically Engineered Growth Hormone

Previously, Growth Hormone from the pituitary gland of deceased people was used for treatment. Now they use genetically engineered Growth Hormone, which is synthesized in a test tube. Growth Hormones in Russia — Humatrope, Genotropin, Saizen, Norditropin, Biosoma. All drugs are safe and have the same growth effect.

Can I inject Growth Hormone every other day

It is possible, but growth will increase less than if injections are given daily. My advice: if you want to grow up - do injections daily!

How long to take injections of growth hormone

Injections should be given for several years in a row until growth is sufficient or until the growth zones in the bones are closed. In the adult state, it will be necessary to continue to be treated, only the dose will be 7-10 times less.

Why should a person who has reached a height of 170 cm continue to take injections

Growth hormone is needed not only for growth, it is also needed for the heart to work properly, for there to be strength in the muscles, so that excess fat is not deposited, so that the bones are strong.

What dose of Growth Hormone is usually used to improve growth

The dose is determined only by the doctor. But most often the dose for each day is 0.1 units per 1 kg of the child's weight. You can calculate the dose by week. Then it will be 0.5-0.7 U / kg per week. If a child weighs 15 kg, then the daily dose is 1.5 units, if 22 kg - 2 units, and if 28 kg - 2.5 units.

Are There Growth Hormone Complications?

They happen, but not often. Usually, immediately after the first injections, swelling of the eyes appears, sometimes slight stiffness when bending the fingers, sometimes swelling in the legs (very rarely in children). But this should not be scared. Growth Hormone has earned, which has increased metabolic processes. The swelling usually subsides in 2-3 weeks.

Do I need to interrupt injections for SARS

You can not do injections for 2-3 days, but as soon as the temperature drops, you need to start treatment again. You can continue to give injections, despite high temperature if it does not cause much concern to the child.

How much does a child gain in height when treated with Growth Hormone

Usually in the first year of treatment - 10-12 cm (from 7-20 cm), in the second year of treatment - 8-10 cm, in subsequent years the child grows in the same way as his peers, 5-7 cm per year. We have children who have become 187 cm, 184 cm, 168 cm, i.e. no one was a dwarf.

What tests should be taken during the treatment with Growth Hormone

  • once a month it is necessary to check blood sugar;
  • once a year, take an x-ray of the hand to determine bone age;
  • once every three months to examine thyroid hormones.

If the child is NOT deficient in Growth Hormone, but is not growing well

Growth Hormone is used for a number of conditions associated with growth retardation. For example, in chronic kidney failure, Russell-Silver syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, Down syndrome, Shershenevsky-Turner syndrome and others.

Mom and dad are short. Can a child be large if treated with Growth Hormone?

This condition is called constitutional short stature. These children produce a sufficient amount of Growth Hormone. There is no need for additional administration of Growth Hormone. But all over the world they try to treat such children. Sometimes it is possible to increase the final height by 8-10 cm. This is not as much as with a deficiency of Growth Hormone. Yes, there may be more complications. However, after weighing the pros and cons with your doctor, you can try this treatment.

What is constitutional retardation of growth and sexual development

Some boys lag behind their peers. Most of their peers make a big growth spurt at the age of 13-15 years, and these boys make such a breakthrough at 15-18 years old and catch up with their peers by 18-20 years old. Usually either dad, or brother, or uncle grew up like that. You don't have to be afraid of this. In these cases, Growth Hormone is usually not prescribed.

Now d growth hormone is treated non-union fractures of bones, congenital diseases bones, severe dystrophy, various genetic syndromes, accompanied by short stature.

An analysis for growth hormone is prescribed when diagnosing many pathologies, as well as to confirm the signs of the initial diagnoses. Growth hormone - somatotropic hormone - is one of the main participants in the process of not only overall growth, but also the full development of the entire human body.

Its normal, natural concentration in the body becomes especially important during the period from birth to puberty, because it is at this time that the hormone contributes to the proper formation of the bone skeleton and all internal organs, and also completely controls growth.

Most fast growth any person in his entire life passes in the womb. Over the entire period of gestation and development, the fetus from a small cell grows up to 45-55 cm, and then these figures gradually decrease. For example, during the entire first year of life, the baby grows by only 25 cm. Another period sharp increase growth occurs during puberty. At the same time, boys and girls do not “grow” the same way - due to the action of hormones, especially somatotropic hormone, at the age of 11 to 13 years, girls grow by 8-9 cm. Boys - by 10-12 cm, but much later - at 13- 15 years.

In all subsequent years, human growth slows down significantly. Scientists have long established a connection between human growth and the period of puberty - after growing up, the amount of growth hormone in a teenager's body changes and growth slows down. By the way, a sharp slowdown in growth is quite clearly observed in those whose puberty occurs earlier than usual.

Attentive parents, at regular examinations by a pediatrician, need to pay attention not only to general state health of the baby, but also carefully monitor the child's weight gain and height. These indicators may indicate a lack or, conversely, an excess of somatotropin (STG).

It is important enough to monitor the correct amount of this hormone, since it contributes not only to the growth of the child, but also to the proper formation and development of all its internal organs and tissues. Somatotropic hormone also performs quite important functions in the human body, especially in a small child:

  • increases the formation of proteins and slows down their breakdown in the body, providing an anabolic effect;
  • accelerates the breakdown of fats, regulating and increasing the ratio between muscle mass and adipose tissue;
  • increases blood glucose levels by controlling carbohydrate metabolism;
  • helps bone tissue much better "absorb" calcium.

An increased amount of GH in young children during the growth period leads to gigantism, and in adults to acromegaly. A lowered level of the hormone in babies causes dwarfism, but in adults visible symptoms low STH are absent. It is obvious that at significant shortcoming Growth hormone for a small organism is threatened by rather large and unpleasant consequences, so somatotropin is an important substance for the development of children. In adults, this hormone also continues to be produced in the body, but its level decreases significantly with age.

General characteristics

Somatotropin is a peptide hormone. Peptides are substances whose molecular formula consists of several amino acids connected in a chain by certain (peptide) bonds. Growth hormone is produced in the anterior pituitary gland, a small gland about the size of a grape. Its production occurs in waves, a large concentration occurs at night, so the statement: small children grow faster when they sleep is really true. In addition to sleep time, the release of gomon increases significantly during moments of physical exertion. Food rich in proteins also leads to a sharp increase in GH levels.

The limits for determining the norm of growth hormone are 0.05-400 ng / ml - these indicators are considered a relative norm.

Indications for determining the level of somatotropin

An insufficient level of growth hormone quickly leads to the fact that the baby begins to lag behind in development from peers. In addition, the lack of STH affects the rate of fat breakdown, leading to overweight and obesity. In young children, the lack of somatotropin leads to underdevelopment of muscles and quite serious pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Its increased level leads to the fact that the bones begin to elongate unnecessarily. The growth of the child does not stop even after puberty. In addition to gigantism, the proportions of the body change in a teenager and facial features become coarser. May be disturbed by frequent headaches and general weakness, but puberty delayed. In adults, GH is not very active, but still continues to be produced by the body and is responsible for maintaining the strength of the bone skeleton and muscle mass, and also regulates lipid metabolism.

With a significant increase in growth hormone, a pathology such as acromegaly develops - in children, growth hormone stimulates the natural lengthening of bones, and in adults, “thanks to” growth hormone, the bone skeleton becomes unnaturally thick. In addition to this symptom, acromegaly causes thickening of the skin, increases not only the size of the feet and hands, but also all internal organs, and also provokes the growth of neoplasms. There are painful sensations in the joints, sweating and fatigue increase.

All these pathologies lead to the emergence and development of more serious complications, provoking vascular and heart diseases, destroying joints and disrupting metabolic processes throughout the body.

It is necessary to identify the pathology of the pituitary gland and disturbances in the level of growth hormone in infancy, since only at this time can the correct production of somatotropin be fully restored without certain negative manifestations regarding the health of the child. Therefore, parents should pay attention to the growth of the baby - if the child seems much smaller than their peers - it's time to sound the alarm. The baby may also change parts of the body - the head becomes round, and the neck is quite short, the feet, hands, and facial features become smaller.

In addition, the bones become brittle - in children, the risk of permanent fractures increases. The muscular corset in such children is also quite weak - the child cannot even withstand certain physical exertion, and the skin becomes thin, almost transparent. Sweating becomes another sign of a violation of the level of growth hormone - with a lack of growth hormone, there is no sweat, and with an excess of it, the baby sweats quite a lot.

During puberty, some signs may also appear that indicate a violation of the level of growth hormone. In boys, for example, the lack of the required rate of somatotropin causes pallor. skin, increase mammary glands and the appearance of fatty deposits in places more characteristic of women. The timbre of the voice also becomes unnaturally high.

A disproportionate physique, underdeveloped muscles and significantly short stature also indicate disorders in the pituitary gland. In girls, the signs of a violation of the normal amount of growth hormone are almost the same, only the mammary glands grow much more slowly. Both boys and girls with such disorders experience a delay in sexual development - there is no hair in the armpits and on the pubis, and in girls, menstruation also does not occur for a long time.

In adults, signs of an imbalance of growth hormone can also be observed - there is a violation of hair growth, sweating increases, the level of glucose in the blood drops sharply, especially after drinking alcohol. The development of osteoporosis and muscle weakness can be combined with signs of dwarfism or, conversely, symptoms of accelerated growth.

With the appearance of all these pathologies, it is necessary to consult a specialist doctor and take a blood test for growth hormone. Disturbances in the natural production of the hormone can be congenital, or they can become acquired: for example, after a traumatic brain injury, some infectious diseases, radiation, or as a result of surgery, during which the pituitary gland was accidentally damaged. In some cases, GH disorders can occur as a result of tumor neoplasms that affect the pituitary gland.

How to pass the analysis for STG?

An analysis for growth hormone is never prescribed for a general examination of children or adults. This study is quite specific, it is carried out only if there is clinical signs and symptoms inherent in disorders of the level of growth hormone. As a rule, for complete examination and identifying the functions of the pituitary gland, not only the analysis of somatotropin is prescribed - tests are also carried out for the amount of other hormones. It should also be noted that blood tests for GH are rarely used. Previously, the doctor determines the pathology of the patient's condition, using data from other studies, and only then is a test for the production of somatotropin already prescribed.

For analysis, venous blood is used, which is taken exclusively in the morning. In order to sufficiently increase the information content of the study, several rules should be observed: first, the patient should not eat 12 hours before the scheduled blood donation. Also, one day before the test, it is necessary to exclude the use of fatty, spicy, salty foods and sweets, do not take any medicines, do not smoke or drink alcohol and avoid physical and emotional overexertion.

An analysis for growth hormone shows the level of this substance only in human blood. Usually, along with a study on growth hormone, an examination for an insulin-like factor is also carried out - this is necessary in order to find out the average indicators of the amount of somatotropin. Diagnosis of latent abnormalities can be carried out using tests for stimulation or suppression of growth hormone, which is also required to assess the functions of the pituitary gland itself. The results obtained should be interpreted with caution, since the level of daily release of growth hormone by the pituitary gland is constantly changing. For a complete study and accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to measure the level of growth hormone several times and, as a result, take the average result. In some cases, an error in diagnosis is possible - incorrect conclusions can be drawn by taking natural, daily fluctuations in the level of somatotropin as abnormal.

All processes in our body are regulated by a whole complex, produced by several organs. All of them are of great importance for the formation, development and functioning of the body. One such important substance is growth hormone. It sets the external physical parameters human body, shapes its growth and proportions.

This hormone is one of many that govern how our body works. The hormonal system is vital to a person's well-being, so a malfunction in one of the hormone-producing organs leads to the fact that the whole system goes out of tune.

The cause of disturbances in the production of GH can be hereditary pathology, problems with intrauterine development, malnutrition by the mother, her abuse of alcohol, narcotic and psychotropic drugs and smoking during gestation, taking certain medications, the negative impact of poor environmental conditions, poor-quality water, radiation exposure and many other factors. Most often, they all act in a complex manner, leading to the development of pathologies.

Somatotropic growth hormone is produced in the anterior pituitary gland. Its main function is to influence the structure and development of the body. This substance affects the growth of the body, so we grow. The born child is very small, but by the end of puberty, under the influence of hormones produced in his body, he reaches the growth inherent in him by nature. This indicator depends on many factors: heredity, health, nutrition and other reasons, so we all have different dimensions.

But growth hormone is the main force that causes the body to grow in general, so any significant deviations in its production lead to serious health and appearance disorders.

If in the human body during puberty there is a sharp decrease in the production of growth hormone, then this condition leads to the development of dwarfism, or pituitary dwarfism. Increased production of growth hormone during puberty leads to gigantism, that is, excessively high growth. If the process of growth and active production of growth hormone continues into adulthood, there is an excessive growth of the bones of the whole body, which leads to the development of a special disease called.

The need for an analysis

An analysis for growth hormone is prescribed if a child of a certain age has slow or accelerated growth, deformation of the bone skeleton with elongation of the limbs, and in an adult with closing growth zones on the bones, their shape changes, coarsening of facial features, sexual underdevelopment.

In the general examination, the analysis is not performed, since it is only necessary in case of clinical abnormalities or suspected dysfunction. Doing an analysis “just in case” does not make sense, since the hormone is secreted cyclically, in waves, so the result will never be the same, therefore, accurate.

To obtain accurate indicators, a sampling technique is used during its suppression and stimulation.

In this case, physicians have the opportunity to accurately evaluate the data and obtain information that deserves complete trust. For further treatment, this is especially important, since the future dosage of hormones depends on this information. It must be accurate in order to avoid further "skew" in the hormonal background of the body.

Diagnosis and norm of STG

Growth hormone analysis is performed in the study of function, if its excess or deficiency is suspected, after obtaining data on other hormones in the human body.

Before taking the sample, it is necessary to properly prepare for the procedure. To do this, it is recommended to do the following:

  1. Donate blood on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning. Before the test, the fasting period should be at least 12 hours.
  2. The day before the procedure, all fatty foods must be excluded from the diet.
  3. Within 24 hours before the analysis, refuse from serious physical exertion, including sports, especially with weights. You also need to protect your body from stress and emotional overload.
  4. The day before the analysis, you can not smoke, so that this does not affect the accuracy of the indicators.
Growth hormone levels, in mIU / l
Person's ageMale genderFemale
From birth3,0-70,2 6,2- 62,4
up to 3 years1,1-6,2 1,3- 9,1
4-6 years old0,23-6,5 0,26-5,7
7-8 years old0,4-8,3 0,4-14,0
9-10 years old0,23-5,1 0,2-8,1
11 years0,2-12,2 0,3-17,9
12 years0,3-23,1 0,36-29,1
13 years old0,26-20,5 0,55-46,3
14 years0,23-18,5 0,36-25,7
15 years0,26-20,3 0,62-26
16 years0,2-29,6 0,68-30,4
17 years0,57-31,7 0,8-28,1
18-19 years old2,5-12,2 0,62-11,2
> 19 years old0,16-13,0 0,16-13,0

A biochemical blood test is a comprehensive study that helps doctors determine pathologies in the patient's body. One of the rarest tests that clinic visitors have to take is an analysis for growth hormone, or an analysis for somatotropic hormone (STH). This substance is produced by the pituitary gland at regular intervals. Most of it is produced by the pituitary gland at night.

With the help of growth hormone analysis, doctors can diagnose diseases in both children and adults. AT childhood this study blood determines the causes of slow growth, delayed puberty, etc. For an adult organism, a deficiency of a substance leads to fatigue, headaches, problems with bone and muscle tissue.


When checking growth hormone in a blood test, it is important to understand all the functions that the substance performs. Somatotropin is a protein that is created using 191 amino acids. Such a rich composition is especially necessary for the body from birth. Only after the age of 20, growth hormone production begins to decrease by 15% every 10 years.

The action of the hormone

The basic amount of the substance is concentrated in childhood, and doctors fix the peak of production in adolescence. Throughout a person's life, this hormone performs a number of functions:

  1. Acceleration of the metabolism of muscle tissue.
  2. Increased growth of muscle mass and bones.
  3. Regulation of collagen synthesis in skin and bone tissue.
  4. An increase in the cells of the liver, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, genital organs.
  5. Affects the amount of glucose in the blood by reducing the amount of insulin.
  6. Accelerates the breakdown of fatty compounds.
  7. Increases immunity.
  8. Helps speed up brain activity.
  9. Reduces the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood.
  10. Increases sexual desire.

Hemotest for somatotropin helps prevent multiple destructive processes in the body. It retains youth and strength. These features are especially actively used in bodybuilding. In this sport, a voluminous and relief type of physique is important, and the substance contributes to this.

How does an overabundance and deficiency of somatotropin affect?

STG analysis - frequent view studies of children who are characterized by slow growth. The reason for this condition may be benign tumor pituitary. The neoplasm actively increases the growth of somatotropin. An excess of a substance leads to:

  • Rapid growth of tubular bones.
  • Roughening of facial features.
  • The appearance of rapid fatigue and weakness.
  • Delayed puberty.

If the process is not corrected in time, then gigantism may develop. In addition, many doctors associate an excess of somatotropin with the development of acromegaly.

Signs of acromegaly

This disease is characterized by a rapid thickening of the bones and skin, the appearance of pain in the joints, an increase in the size of the feet, auricles, most internal organs.

Important! Blood test GH is often prescribed in combination with IGF (insulin-like growth factor), as these substances are interconnected. Such analyzes help to determine the quality of the prescribed therapy against acromegaly.

In an adult, this substance is already less active, but still affects bone density, metabolism fatty acids, increase in muscle mass. With a deficiency, muscle tissue is replaced by bone, and bone density decreases.

Growth hormone: blood test for children

Testing the level of growth hormone in children can be prescribed in the following cases:

  1. If during gestation the mother had health problems due to hormonal imbalance.
  2. If the child has congenital genetic anomalies.
  3. If the baby has received a birth injury, has a severe head injury.
  4. With the development of tumor processes in children and after treatment with radiation therapy.
  5. If there is a suspicion of a delay in the development of the child, pathology of the adrenal glands, thyroid gland, etc.

When the child's body is experiencing hormonal disbalance, then the negative impact of this process affects many organs and systems.

Taking blood from a vein

In some cases, an analysis can show a deficiency or an excess of somatotropin only in a hospital where a comprehensive examination is carried out.

Important! GH deficiency can be determined by testing blood glucose levels. If it is lowered after birth, then this is one of the first signs of a lack of somatotropin.

Parents may suspect growth hormone deficiency if the child does not grow more than 5 cm per year. Sometimes such features go completely unnoticed in children under 3 and 5 years old.


How do children take a blood test for growth hormone? Blood for research is taken only from a vein. When the analysis is carried out for children, it is important to calm the child in time before the procedure. Hyperactivity, emotional arousal, a sense of fear - all this can distort the results. Therefore, it is important for parents to bring the child on the day of the procedure 10-15 minutes earlier than the scheduled time, so that the child has time to calm down.

If a blood test is taken from children from 5 years old, then they should explain everything and reassure them. The parent can hold the baby in his arms so that he is calmer.

When it comes to general rules training for both adults and children, it is important to remember the following recommendations:

  • Blood sampling is carried out on an empty stomach.
  • No food should be consumed 10 hours before the procedure.
  • For 2 weeks, stop taking hormonal drugs, but before that, coordinate all the nuances with your doctor.
  • For 2-3 days, give up fatty and fried foods.
  • Cancel 2 days before the procedure physical exercise and workouts.
  • Adults are contraindicated to consume alcoholic beverages 2 days before blood sampling.
  • For 3 hours it is unacceptable to smoke cigarettes.
  • Minimize the stress factor.
  • The procedure is undesirable after fluorography and x-rays.

Research can only be done in a specialized laboratory that is licensed to provide such services.

If the analysis is carried out with stimulation, then after a standard blood sampling, a solution of insulin or arginine is injected into the vein. After that, at certain time intervals, blood is taken again.


When conducting an analysis to check growth hormone in children, it is important to know that their allowable values ​​differ from adult norms.

Somatotropin molecule

This parameter is influenced by the age and gender of the child. Permissible norms:

  • Boys under 3 years old - 1.3-9.1 mU / l.
  • Girls under 3 years old - 1.1-6.2 mU / l.
  • Boys under 10 years old - 0.2-17.9 mU / l.
  • Girls under 10 years old - 0.2-12.3 mU / l.
  • Adolescents under 15 years old - 0.6-26.0 mU / l.
  • Girls under 15 years old - 0.3-20.3 mU / l.
  • For adults - 0.2-13 mU / l.

The attending physician should deal with the interpretation of the received data. It can be a general practitioner, endocrinologist, geneticist, pediatrician.

How to independently determine the pathology in a child?

An analysis for growth hormone is a highly informative indicator, but it is important for parents to understand why it should be done. In order to diagnose the pathology of somatotropin production in time, it is necessary to monitor:

  • The growth of a child.
  • His fatigue and activity.
  • Mental development.
  • Appetite.
  • His reaction to stressful situations, etc.

If a child is diagnosed with a hormone deficiency or excess, then it is important to undergo preventive examinations at a pediatric endocrinologist at least once every 6 months.


What you need to know about normal TSH in the body and its role?