Write a story about how to take care of your health. Why is it important to keep healthy? Health is formed in childhood and adolescence

Music therapy is one of many methods for improving the health of people of all ages. And in young children, it not only strengthens, but also develops imagination and creativity. Turning on the music and relaxing at home in a cozy armchair, we restore all the energy spent during the day, completely immersing ourselves in our favorite melody. Probably, everyone has noticed that when listening to a lullaby, a child quickly calms down and falls asleep, and good, calm music also affects an adult.

Strengthening vision also contributes well to the health of both the child and the adult. To exercise the eyes, you need to close and open your eyes during the day, while you need to press your eyelids with your finger, this will relieve you of tension and fatigue even in the middle of the working day. Everyone wants to know how to keep healthy, but not everyone knows that hardening is also important for improving human health. But tempering must begin with early age, and do it right:

You need to start hardening procedures in the warm season, even if a child or an adult is a little sick, you should not stop the procedure. But, in no case should you start hardening in the cold season. Gradually harden the body, start with not very cold water, every day lowering its temperature, reach very cold, do not rush. If symptoms such as blanching or "goose bumps" are noticeable, stop the procedure so as not to get sick.

Carry out hardening only with a positive mood, this is also very important. Do not allow hypothermia of the body. If you are prone to diseases, be doubly careful. Air hardening is also possible. Just walk more often in the fresh air, use air dreams and air baths. Do not overdo it, start using the air bath from 1 - 2 minutes with a temperature of 22 - 24 degrees. Over time, bring the time up to 10 minutes. In children, to improve health, the use of drugs such as Aflubin and Antigrippin is welcome. But before choosing the right medicine, be sure to consult your doctor, pediatrician.

Recently, people have completely forgotten about such disease prevention as acupressure, but it is effective. Massage should be carried out with the index finger of the hand, you just need to do circular motions until you feel severe pain. There are only 10 such points on the body.
Point 1 - this point will improve the blood supply to the bronchi, lungs and esophagus, as well as reduce coughing. It is located on chest, at the level of the second and third ribs.

Point 2 - responsible for immune system, is at the projection level thymus in the region of the jugular fossa.

Point 3 - prevents diseases of the mucous membrane of the throat. It is located on the neck in front of both sides.

Point 4 - improves blood supply to the neck and head. It is located in the area from the first to the fifth cervical vertebra.

Point 5 - this point normalizes the work of the vessels of the heart and lungs. It is located by the first thoracic vertebra and the seventh cervical.

Point 6 - located on the side of the wings of the nose. Facilitates breathing.

Point 7 - located in the places of the inner eyebrows. This point also improves the blood supply to both the brain and the nose.

Point 8 - is located in the place of the tragus of the ear. Affects the vestibular apparatus, as well as hearing.

Point 9 - located in the middle of the foot, from the side thumb legs. Massage should be carried out immediately on both legs when a person is sitting. This point will completely eliminate itching on the feet, as well as the front surface of the entire body.

Point 10 - The last point is called the "Point of Life", it normalizes many organs and functions of the whole organism. It is located on the back of the hand between the thumb and forefinger.

What health and why folk wisdom teaches us keep him young?

Health is such a state of the body when all its organs work correctly and in harmony with each other, when there are no painful changes in the body. Strengthening and maintaining health is impossible without a conscious attitude of a person towards him.

The upbringing of a strong young generation with a harmonious development of spiritual and physical strength should begin from an early age.

The well-known hygienist Petenkofer wrote:

We all act like a wasteful heir to rich parents, not knowing the real cost of health. We spend it without calculation, without worrying about the future. Only then will we know the price of this wealth, when we have a desire to preserve it, when we turn from healthy into sick people.

Health is formed in childhood and adolescence

Health a person is largely determined by his condition in children's and adolescence . During these years, the human body goes through a long way of development - the structure and functions of its organs and systems are being formed. At school age, those basic physical and spiritual qualities that make up the health and character of a person are laid down and developed.

The body of a schoolchild, which is in the process of growth and development, is distinguished by plasticity, variability and has high compensatory capabilities. Therefore, it is very important that it is during this period that physical and moral development be harmonious and complete. What is necessary in order to grow up strong, hardened and maintain health from a young age?

To do this, first of all, it is necessary to be able to properly organize your life, to know how the body works, how its organs and systems work, and how living conditions affect it. Getting to know the complex processes that take place in the body will help you learn at least a little more about yourself and understand the importance of observing basic hygiene rules for maintaining health. In addition to this knowledge, it is necessary to educate the will and character, to be persistent in achieving the goal set for oneself.

Why is it important to take care of your health from a young age?

Generally speaking, human health depends on external factors and harmony of the body with this environment. Imbalance leads to various diseases. Everyone understands that human life is a programmed process, only changes in environment. the greatest impact of external factors occurs on the most vulnerable substance, namely, on a young organism. It is for this reason that the ancient proverb "take care of your health from an early age" has a completely natural basis.

To "make friends" with this very external environment, with early childhood you need to take sun and air baths more often, swim and do physical exercises. Compliance is another important factor. Violation of the regime from childhood is sure to negatively affect health in adulthood. Hardening and physical education will allow in childhood to avoid runny noses and colds. Weakened children's body in the future will make itself felt more serious diseases respiratory tract and weak immunity. Malnutrition in infancy will surely respond with diseases of the stomach and intestines in a couple of decades.

Overeating and disturbed psycho-emotional state of the baby is the cause of hypertension and cardiovascular disease further. This means that these serious diseases have roots that go back to childhood. Diseases of the joints and bones in the elderly as a result of a sedentary lifestyle in childhood and adolescence.

Taking good care of your health can help you avoid serious illnesses in consequence. Sometimes you have to hear about sudden death completely healthy person. It is a delusion to consider a person absolutely healthy just because he was not tied to a hospital bed. If a person walked on his feet, this does not mean that he was healthy. He simply did not pay attention to the "signals" of his body.
The phrase that all diseases are from nerves is not unfounded. A healthy nervous system from childhood will be a great helper in old age. And in order to preserve the nervous system, you must categorically give up smoking and alcohol abuse, which cause irreparable damage to the body. The dressing room bench should be replaced with a walk in the park.

Alcohol harms not only the nervous system, but also all human organs, this is scientifically confirmed. The craving for alcohol, which appeared in youth, will pursue in old age. And alcohol for an elderly person is a direct road to serious diseases.

Many justify smoking addiction by the ability of tobacco to calm the nerves when negotiating tables are coming up, and excite energy for night driving. This is a big misconception. Heavy smoker with my own hands deliberately shortens its lifespan. The effect of nicotine on the human body is akin to the action of a poison, gradually delivered in small doses. Much has been said about how nicotine affects the organs. But the most important thing is that the so-called passive smokers, who most often become children, suffer the most.

Excessive unordered sex life also affects the quality of life. Even in ancient times, Eastern sages spoke. That the old man has two enemies - a good cook and a young woman. Caucasian centenarians avoided sexual excesses all their lives. And the notion that married people live longer has become a dogma.

All diseases acquired from an incorrect attitude towards one's body will certainly lead to one thing - a significant reduction in life. Therefore, in order to live to a ripe old age, you need to protect your health from a young age. And the office of the head sometimes needs to be changed to a hike in the forest or a morning jog.

Municipal state-owned special (correctional) educational institution for students, pupils with handicapped health

"Special (correctional) general education school - boarding school of the VIII type No. 4"


Conversation "How to take care of your health"

(sports and recreation direction of the SFGOS)


Krivoshchekova N.A.

Osinniki 2015

Conversation "How to take care of your health."

Target: Revealingand reinforcing the idea of ​​children that the normal functioning of various organs determines the health of a person who needs to be taken care of.


1. Develop the ability to evaluate your knowledge and the actions of other people.

2. Encourage them to express their opinion.

3. Raise the desire to take care of your body, its health.

Equipment: 4 pictures depicting children (on 1 - the girl runs through the puddles, on 2 - the boy did not button up his coat, on 3 - the boy sucks an icicle, on 4 - the girl eats unwashed carrots), an image of a camomile (yellow center and white petals with questions), gymnastic stick, a portrait of Dr. Aibolit, medals with the inscription "Take care of your health!", chips (Appendix 2).

Lesson progress:

Educator: - Guys, today a letter came to our school in our class, but what a big, registered one. And who sent it is not known, there is no return address and surname. But there is a riddle on the envelope - if you guess it, you will find out who sent the letter.

“For animals and every bird, he opened a hospital in the forest.

He will heal everyone, the good doctor will heal ... "

Did Dr. Aibolit himself send the letter? (Takes out a picture of Dr. Aibolit from the envelope). What happened? Someone must have gotten sick. Exactly. Dr. Aibolit sent drawings and asks to tell why the guys fell ill.

(Children look at the pictures and answer: The girl ran through the puddles, got her feet wet and got sick. The boy did not button his coat and caught a cold. The boy sucked an icicle and his throat hurt. The girl ate dirty carrots and her stomach ached).

Trouble happened to the guys - they fell ill, because they did not know that their health should be protected. Probably, no one explained to them why it is impossible to suck an icicle or eat unwashed vegetables. Do you guys know how to take care of your health, what you need to do in order not to get sick, to be healthy?

Now we will check what you know. Dr. Aibolit sent you a very interesting game - it is called "Chamomile", just like our school. Chamomile is not easy - there is a question on every petal. You will tear off one petal at a time, I will read the questions, and you will answer them. If you want to add something, please raise your hand and answer. For each correct answer, take one chip. At the end of the game, we will count the chips and find out which of you knows best how to take care of your health. All clear? Then we start the game.

(Children tear off the petals and answer questions.)

1. What to do to make your posture beautiful?

Stand straight, walk, sit.

Exercise, exercise.

Do not carry heavy things in one hand.

2. How to keep your heart healthy?

You need to train him, play sports and work.

You can't overwork.

After work, be sure to rest.

Do not drink vodka and do not smoke.

3. How to take care of the respiratory system?

Breathe clean air, walk more.

Go in for sports, do breathing exercises.

To be tempered so as not to get sick with the flu and sore throats.

Ventilate the room, wipe the dust and do wet cleaning.

Do not smoke.

4. What to do to keep your teeth healthy?

Eat fresh vegetables and fruits.

Brush your teeth 2 times a day with toothpaste.

Do not damage your teeth with hard objects.

Rinse your mouth after eating.

5. How to keep your stomach healthy?

Eat on time, according to the regimen.

Do not talk while eating, chew food well.

Eat fresh, cleanly washed foods.

You can not eat hot food, maybe a burn.

It is harmful to eat dry food.

Wash your hands before eating to keep germs out.

6. How to save our hearing, i.e. ears?

Wash your ears every day.

Do not pick with sharp objects.

Do not catch cold ears (protect from infections).

Keep away from noise.

7. How to save our sight (eyes)?

Do not play with sharp objects so as not to damage your eyes.

Do not look at bright light, it may burn.

Do not watch TV close, long and in the dark.

Do not exercise in a poorly lit room.

Do not lean low over a book or notebook.

If your eyes are tired, do exercises for the eyes.

Eat fresh vegetables, because. they have vitamin A, good for vision.

8. How to take care of your skin so that it is healthy?

Take a bath once a week and put on clean clothes.

Before going to bed, wash your face, wash your feet.

Cut nails.

Do not wear tight clothing and shoes.

Wash hands after using the toilet and before eating.

9. What to do to keep your nerves strong?

Observe the daily routine (go to bed on time).

Do not overwork (after working - rest).

Do physical education.

Walk more outdoors.

Harmful tobacco and alcohol.

It is harmful to fight, quarrel, argue.

The petals of the chamomile are over, which means our game is over.

Summing up and awarding medals.

How to take care of your health grade 5 report

  • The most important factors aimed at maintaining and strengthening one's health is the formation of a healthy lifestyle (HLS). From what will be incorporated in a person from early childhood, his worldview, culture and lifestyle will largely depend. A healthy lifestyle is based on scientifically based sanitary and hygienic standards (principles healthy lifestyle life): 1) rational nutrition; 2) physical activity; 3) hardening; 4) lack of bad habits. It is important from childhood to eat right, rationally, taking into account individual features metabolism in the body and the intensity of physical activity. Firstly, it is desirable to eat at the same time of day: this allows you to develop conditioned reflexes for a while, which, in turn, ensures the optimal readiness of the body to eat. It is clear that the time of day for each meal can vary within a fairly wide range depending on the student’s daily routine, however, it is important that the interval between breakfast and lunch, and lunch and dinner is no more than 5-6 hours, and between dinner and departure to sleep - at least 1.5-2 hours. Secondly, four meals a day are recommended for schoolchildren. For the first meal (1st breakfast), it is desirable to allocate 20-25% of the daily calorie content. The second meal (2nd breakfast) should include 15-20%. It is advisable to take 35-40% of the daily calorie intake for the third meal (lunch), and 20-25% for the fourth (dinner). In the absence of a second breakfast, it is advisable to replace it with an afternoon snack of approximately the same calorie content. Thirdly, it is advisable to pay attention to the components of the diet in each meal. Protein food increases excitability nervous system Therefore, it is better to use it in the first half of the day, during the period of the most active activity. Excitation of the nervous system before bedtime is undesirable, as this can interfere with the rapid onset of deep sleep. In addition, protein foods take longer to digest, require more energy, and since all processes slow down during sleep (including the separation of digestive juices), this can lead to poorer digestion of food. It must also be remembered that a plentiful meal in the evening (as is often the case due to various reasons) leads to the conversion of underoxidized carbohydrates into fats, which can cause obesity. Dinner should be small, light, preferably from vegetable and dairy dishes. We must not forget about the water regime. The daily requirement of school-age children for water is approximately 50 ml/kg of body weight. Therefore, in conditions of normal air temperature and moderate physical exertion, the student should drink at least 1 liter per day. pure water(not juice and tea). Minimum daily allowance physical activity muscle work equivalent to 10 km of quiet walking is considered. Kinds exercise very diverse: walking, running, swimming, skating, cycling, gymnastics, volleyball, tennis, etc. Weekly classes are considered optimal (except for daily morning exercises) physical education at least 2-3 times for 45-60 minutes. Tempering procedures are very diverse, for example: rubbing, dousing, showering, winter swimming. Moreover, water procedures can be general and local. A steam bath and a sauna have a healing effect. Air hardening, in addition to air baths, also provides for local cooling of individual parts of the body with air currents. A simple and effective form of hardening is walking and running barefoot. Effective and hardening of the sun's rays. Do not forget about the principles of hardening: gradualness, consistency, regularity.