Calendar thematic planning 9th grade physical education. Compiled by: physical education teacher

Calendar-thematic planning

in physical culture

Grade 9

Compiled by: teacher physical culture

Kuzmina Olga Mikhailovna

MKOU Kuzinskaya OOSh

Explanatory note.

Number of hours:

Total 102 hours; 3 hours a week.

Accounting for the level of physical fitness -22

The work program is based on:

Federal component of the state educational standard of basic general education in physical culture;

Educational complex program on physical culture. The author is Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences V.I. Lyakh, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences A. A. Zdanevich, 2006, Moscow, Education.

Textbook: "Physical culture" Grades 8-9: textbook for educational institutions / V. I. Lyakh, A. A. Zdanevich; under total Ed. V. I. Lyakh. – 5th ed. - M: Enlightenment, 2009.

The program reflects the main directions of the pedagogical process for the formation of physical culture of the individual: theoretical, practical and physical fitness of students. Physical culture lessons are designed to form in students sustainable motives and needs for caring for their health, the holistic development of physical and mental qualities, the creative use of physical culture in the organization of a healthy lifestyle. In the learning process, students use physical education textbooks edited by V.I. Lyakh. In the process of mastering the educational material, the formation of a holistic view of the unity of the biological, mental and social in a person, the laws and patterns of development and improvement of his mental nature is ensured.

The level of development of physical culture of students,

graduating from basic school

Students graduating from basic school must reach a certain level of development of physical culture. For those who have deviations in the state of health, the level of requirements is set by the physical education teacher together with the doctor, taking into account the degree of the disease.

Requirements for the level of training of students.

As a result of mastering the mandatory minimum content of the subject"Physical culture" students must reach the next level of development of physical culture.


Fundamentals of the history of the development of physical culture in Russia (in the USSR);

Features of the development of the chosen sport, pedagogical, physiological and psychological foundations for teaching motor actions and education physical qualities, modern forms of construction of classes and systems of physical exercises with different functional orientation;

Features and content exercise general developmental and corrective orientation, the basics of their use in solving the problems of physical development and health promotion;



Lesson topic

Planned result


Athletics (12 hours)

Repetition of the low start technique.

Low start up to 30 m. Running at a distance of 70 - 80 m. Relay race. Special running exercises. Safety briefing. Development of speed qualities.

To be able to run from a low start 60 m at maximum speed.

Low start: finishing. Development of speed qualities.

Low start up to 30 m. Running at a distance of 70 - 80 m. Relay race. Special running exercises. Development of speed qualities. Influence of athletics exercises on health promotion and basic body systems.

Repetition of the low start technique: distance running. Development of speed qualities.

Low start up to 30 m. Running at a distance of 70 - 80 m. Relay race. Special running exercises. Development of speed qualities. The name of the exercises being learned and the basics correct technique their implementation.

To be able to run from a low start 60 m at maximum speed. Master the technique of passing and receiving a baton.

Passing the control standard - 60 m run.

Running for the result of 60 m. Special running exercises. Relay run. Development of speed qualities. Competition rules for running, jumping, and throwing.

Be able to run 60 m from a low start with maximum speed.

M: 8.6; 8.9; 9.1

D: 9.1; 9.3; 9.7

Repetition of the long jump technique - run-up and repulsion. Relay run.

Long jump with legs bent from 11 to 13 running steps. ORU. Special running exercises. Development of speed qualities. Warm-up for athletics exercises.

Repetition of the long jump technique: landing. Repetition of the baton passing technique.

Long jump with legs bent from 11 to 13 running steps. Relay run. ORU. Special running exercises. Development of speed qualities. History of national sports

Be able to jump in length from 13 to 15 steps of the run.

Long jump for the result. Repetition of the technique of throwing the ball.

Long jump for the result. Throwing the ball for a distance. ORU. Development of speed - power qualities. Ideas about the pace, speed and volume of athletics exercises aimed at developing endurance, speed, strength, coordination abilities.

Be able to jump long to the maximum result

Safety rules for athletics.

Mastering the technique of running at medium distances.

Run at a steady pace up to 10 minutes. Special running exercises. ORU. Sports games. Development of endurance. Influence of age characteristics of the body on physical development and physical fitness.

Be able to run a distance of 1500 m.

Mastering the technique of running at medium distances.

Run at a steady pace up to 10 minutes. Special running exercises. ORU. Sports games. Development of endurance.

Mastering the technique of running at medium distances.

Run at a steady pace up to 10 minutes. Special running exercises. ORU. Sports games. Development of endurance.

Be able to run a distance of 2000 m.

Passing the control standard: running at medium distances.

Running 2000 m (boys) and 1500 m (girls). ORU. Special running exercises. Development of endurance. History of national sports.

Be able to run a distance of 2000 m (small)

9.20 - 10.00 - 11.00

1500 m (dev.)

9.00 - 9.40 - 10.30

Sports games (3 pm)

TB in volleyball lessons.

Mastering the techniques of playing volleyball.

Player movement. Passing the ball from above with two hands in a jump in pairs. Forward blow during oncoming passes. Bottom straight feed. Educational game. Development of coordination abilities. Volleyball terminology; technique of catching, passing, dribbling or throwing.

To be able to play volleyball according to simplified rules, apply technical techniques in the game.

Mastering the techniques of playing volleyball.

Player movement. Passing the ball from above with two hands in a jump in pairs. Forward blow during oncoming passes. Bottom straight feed. Educational game. Development of coordination abilities. Attack tactics - fast break.

To be able to play volleyball according to simplified rules, apply technical techniques in the game.

Mastering the techniques of playing volleyball.

Player movement. Passing the ball from above with two hands in a jump in pairs. Forward blow during oncoming passes. Bottom straight feed. Educational game. Development of coordination abilities. Attack tactics - placement of players.

To be able to play volleyball according to simplified rules, apply technical techniques in the game.

Stances and player movement. Passing the ball from above with two hands in a jump in threes. Forward blow during oncoming passes. Reception of the ball reflected by the net. Educational game. Attack game through the 3rd zone. Attack tactics - positional attack.

To be able to play volleyball according to simplified rules, apply technical techniques in the game.

Mastering the tactics of playing volleyball: playing in attack through the 3rd zone.

Stances and player movement. Passing the ball from above with two hands in a jump in threes. Forward blow during oncoming passes. Reception of the ball reflected by the net. Educational game. Attack game through the 3rd zone. Defense tactics - (zonal and personal).

To be able to play volleyball according to simplified rules, apply technical techniques in the game.

Mastering the tactics of playing volleyball: playing in attack through the 3rd zone.

Stances and player movement. Passing the ball from above with two hands in a jump in threes. Forward blow during oncoming passes. Reception of the ball reflected by the net. Educational game. Attack game through the 3rd zone. Rules and organization of volleyball.

To be able to play volleyball according to simplified rules, apply technical techniques in the game.

Mastering the tactics of playing volleyball: playing in attack through the 3rd zone.

Stances and player movement. Passing the ball from above with two hands in a jump in threes. Forward blow during oncoming passes. Reception of the ball reflected by the net. Educational game. Attack game through the 3rd zone. Purpose and meaning of the game.

To be able to play volleyball according to simplified rules, apply technical techniques in the game.

Mastering the tactics of playing volleyball: playing in attack through the 3rd zone.

Stances and player movement. Passing the ball from above with two hands in a jump in threes. Forward blow during oncoming passes. Reception of the ball reflected by the net. Educational game. Attack game through the 3rd zone. The playing field, the number of participants, the behavior of players in attack and defense.

To be able to play volleyball according to simplified rules, apply technical techniques in the game.

Mastering the tactics of playing volleyball: playing in attack through the 3rd zone.

Volleyball safety rules.

To be able to play volleyball according to simplified rules, apply technical techniques in the game.

Mastering the tactics of playing volleyball: playing in attack through the 3rd zone.

Player movement. Passing the ball from above with both hands, standing with your back to the goal. Forward blow during oncoming passes. Lower straight serve, receiving the ball reflected by the net. Reception of the ball from below in the group. Educational game. The game of attack through the zone. Development of coordination abilities. The role of the musculoskeletal system and the performance of physical exercises.

To be able to play volleyball according to simplified rules, apply technical techniques in the game.

Mastering the tactics of playing volleyball: playing in attack through the 3rd zone.

Player movement. Passing the ball from above with both hands, standing with your back to the goal. Forward blow during oncoming passes. Lower straight serve, receiving the ball reflected by the net. Reception of the ball from below in the group. Educational game. The game of attack through the zone. Development of coordination abilities

To be able to play volleyball according to simplified rules, apply technical techniques in the game.

Mastering the tactics of playing volleyball: playing in attack through the 3rd zone.

Player movement. Passing the ball from above with both hands, standing with your back to the goal. Forward blow during oncoming passes. Lower straight serve, receiving the ball reflected by the net. Reception of the ball from below in the group. Educational game. The game of attack through the zone. Development of coordination abilities. Self-control during physical education.

To be able to play volleyball according to simplified rules, apply technical techniques in the game.

Mastering the tactics of playing volleyball: playing in attack through the 3rd zone.

Player movement. Passing the ball from above with both hands, standing with your back to the goal. Forward blow during oncoming passes. Lower straight serve, receiving the ball reflected by the net. Reception of the ball from below in the group. Educational game. The game of attack through the zone. Development of coordination abilities

To be able to play volleyball according to simplified rules, apply technical techniques in the game.

Mastering the tactics of playing volleyball: playing in attack through the 3rd zone.

Player movement. Passing the ball from above with both hands, standing with your back to the goal. Forward blow during oncoming passes. Lower straight serve, receiving the ball reflected by the net. Reception of the ball from below in the group. Educational game. The game of attack through the zone. Development of coordination abilities

To be able to play volleyball according to simplified rules, apply technical techniques in the game.

Gymnastics with elements of acrobatics (18 hours)

The transition from walking in place to walking in a column and in a line. Hanging pull-ups. Rise by coup and force (boy). Lifting upside down in a swoop (d.). ORU in place. Exercises on the gymnastic bench. Strength development. TV instruction.

Repetition of drill exercises, hanging exercises.

The transition from walking in place to walking in a column and in a line. Hanging pull-ups. Rise by coup and force (boy). Lifting upside down in a swoop (d.). ORU in place. Exercises on the gymnastic bench. Strength development. The value of gymnastic exercises for the development of coordination abilities.

Be able to perform drill exercises, exercises in the hang.

Repetition of drill exercises, hanging exercises.

The transition from walking in place to walking in a column and in a line. Hanging pull-ups. Rise by coup and force (boy). Lifting upside down in a swoop (d.). ORU in place. Exercises on the gymnastic bench. Strength development. Insurance and assistance during classes.

Be able to perform drill exercises, exercises in the hang.

Repetition of drill exercises, hanging exercises.

The transition from walking in place to walking in a column and in a line. Hanging pull-ups. Rise by coup and force (boy). Lifting upside down in a swoop (d.). ORU in place. Exercises on the gymnastic bench. Strength development. Exercises for self-training.

Be able to perform drill exercises, exercises in the hang.

Passing the control standard - pull-ups in the hang and in the lying position.

The transition from walking in place to walking in a column and in a line. Hanging pull-ups. Rise by coup and force (boy). Lifting upside down in a swoop (d.). ORU in place. Exercises on the gymnastic bench. Strength development. Ensuring safety.

Be able to perform drill exercises, exercises in the hang. Hanging pull-ups (m): 10 - 8 - 6

Hanging pull-ups: 16 - 12 - 8

Rebuilding from a column of one to a column of two, four in motion. The discrepancy between the two at a meeting on the gymnastic bench. ORU with a jump rope. Relays. Development of speed - power abilities. Rope climbing in two jumps. The history of the origin and oblivion of the ancient Olympic Games.

Learning to rebuild from a column of one to a column of two, four in motion. Repetition of exercises in balance.

Rebuilding from a column of one to a column of two, four in motion. The discrepancy between the two at a meeting on the gymnastic bench. ORU with a jump rope. Relays. Development of speed - power abilities. Rope climbing in two jumps. The revival of the modern Olympic Games.

To be able to perform combat exercises, climb a rope in two steps, perform a divergence together when meeting on a gymnastic bench.

Learning to rebuild from a column of one to a column of two, four in motion. Repetition of exercises in balance.

Rebuilding from a column of one to a column of two, four in motion. The discrepancy between the two at a meeting on the gymnastic bench. ORU with a jump rope. Relays. Development of speed - power abilities. Rope climbing in two jumps. Centenary of Olympic starts.

To be able to perform combat exercises, climb a rope in two steps, perform a divergence together when meeting on a gymnastic bench.

Learning to rebuild from a column of one to a column of two, four in motion. Repetition of exercises in balance.

Rebuilding from a column of one to a column of two, four in motion. The discrepancy between the two at a meeting on the gymnastic bench. ORU with a jump rope. Relays. Development of speed - power abilities. Rope climbing in two jumps. Olympic principles, traditions, rules, symbols.

To be able to perform combat exercises, climb a rope in two steps, perform a divergence together when meeting on a gymnastic bench.

Passing the control standard - rope climbing technique in two steps.

Rebuilding from a column of one to a column of two, four in motion. The discrepancy between the two at a meeting on the gymnastic bench. ORU with a jump rope. Relays. Development of speed - power abilities. Rope climbing in two jumps. The Olympic Movement is truly a human movement.

To be able to perform combat exercises, climb a rope in two steps, perform a divergence together when meeting on a gymnastic bench.

Sport as the world needs it.

Training in a headstand and handstand from an emphasis crouching (m.) Learning a combination: balance on one leg - somersault back into a half split (d.)

From the stop, crouching a stand on the head and hands (m.). Balance on one leg. Somersault back to half split (e). ORU on the move. Development of coordination abilities.

To be able to perform a headstand and handstand from an emphasis crouching (m.), balance on one leg. Somersault back to half split (d.)

Training in a headstand and handstand from an emphasis crouching (m.) Learning a combination: balance on one leg - somersault back into a half split (d.)

From the stop, crouching a stand on the head and hands (m.). Balance on one leg. Somersault back to half split (e). ORU on the move. Development of coordination abilities. Personal hygiene during exercise.

To be able to perform a headstand and handstand from an emphasis crouching (m.), balance on one leg. Somersault back to half split (d.)

Training in a headstand and handstand from an emphasis crouching (m.) Learning a combination: balance on one leg - somersault back into a half split (d.)

From the stop, crouching a stand on the head and hands (m.). Balance on one leg. Somersault back to half split (e). ORU on the move. Development of coordination abilities.

To be able to perform a headstand and handstand from an emphasis crouching (m.), balance on one leg. Somersault back to half split (d.)

Passing the control standard: headstand and handstand from an emphasis crouching (m), somersault back in half split (d.)

From the stop, crouching a stand on the head and hands (m.). Balance on one leg. Somersault back to half split (e). ORU on the move. Development of coordination abilities.

To be able to perform a headstand and handstand from an emphasis crouching (m.), balance on one leg. Somersault back to half split (d.)

Teaching a long somersault from three run-up steps (m); learning a combination of previously mastered acrobatic exercises (e).

Long somersault with three run-up steps (m). Combination: balance on one, forward lunge, forward somersault, back somersault into half split (d). ORU on the move. Development of coordination abilities.

To be able to perform a somersault forward with a jump of three takeoff steps (m), a combination of acrobatic elements.

Repeating a long somersault with three run-up steps. Repetition of an acrobatic combination (d.)

Long somersault with three run-up steps (m). Combination: balance on one, forward lunge, forward somersault, back somersault into half split (d). ORU on the move. Development of coordination abilities.

To be able to perform a somersault forward with a jump of three takeoff steps (m), a combination of acrobatic elements.

Sports games (volleyball) 7 hours

Player movement. Passing the ball from above with two hands in a jump. Forward blow during oncoming passes. Lower straight serve, receiving the ball reflected by the net. Educational game. Attack game through the 3rd zone.

To be able to play volleyball according to simplified rules, apply technical techniques in the game.

Mastering the tactics of playing volleyball: forward through the 3rd zone.

Player movement. Passing the ball from above with two hands in a jump. Forward blow during oncoming passes. Lower straight serve, receiving the ball reflected by the net. Educational game. Offensive play through the 3rd zone. Injury prevention and first aid medical care with injuries and bruises.

To be able to play volleyball according to simplified rules, apply technical techniques in the game.

Mastering the tactics of playing volleyball: forward through the 3rd zone.

Player movement. Passing the ball from above with two hands in a jump. Forward blow during oncoming passes. Lower direct serve. Reception of the ball reflected by the net. Educational game. Attack game through the 3rd zone.

To be able to play volleyball according to simplified rules, apply technical techniques in the game.

Technique for passing the ball from above with two hands in a jump in pairs.

Player movement. Passing the ball from above with two hands in a jump in pairs. Forward blow during oncoming passes. Bottom straight feed. Educational game. Development of coordination abilities.

Evaluation of the technique of passing the ball from above with two hands in a jump in pairs.

Technique for performing an attacking strike with oncoming passes

Player movement. Passing the ball from above with two hands in a jump in pairs. Forward blow during oncoming passes. Bottom straight feed. Educational game. Development of coordination abilities.

Evaluation of the technique of performing an attacking blow with oncoming passes.

Technique for performing the lower straight feed

Player movement. Passing the ball from above with two hands in a jump in pairs. Forward blow during oncoming passes. Bottom straight feed. Educational game. Development of coordination abilities.

Evaluation of the technique of performing the lower straight serve.

Practical application in the educational game of the studied technical and tactical actions.

Educational game.

The ability to play volleyball according to simplified rules, apply technical techniques in the game.

Ski training (14 hours)

Learning to alternate four-step move.

Alternate four-step move, the game "Race with the pursuit." Passing a distance up to 3 km. TV instruction. Development of endurance.

Repetition of an alternating four-step move.

Alternate four-step move, the game "Race with the pursuit." Passing a distance up to 3 km. TV instruction. Development of endurance. Rules for self-execution of exercises and homework.

Be able to perform basic ski moves, cover a distance of 2 km for a while.

Repetition of an alternating four-step move.

Alternate four-step move, the game "Race with the pursuit." Passing a distance up to 3 km. TV instruction. Development of endurance. The importance of skiing for performance.

Be able to perform basic ski moves, cover a distance of 2 km for a while.

The transition from alternating moves to simultaneous. Relay races with the transfer of sticks. Passing a distance up to 4 km. Development of endurance. Types of skiing.

Be able to perform basic ski moves, cover a distance of 2 km for a while.

Transition from alternating moves to simultaneous

The transition from alternating moves to simultaneous. Relay races with the transfer of sticks. Passing a distance up to 4 km. Development of endurance. Application of ski ointments.

Be able to perform basic ski moves, cover a distance of 2 km for a while.

Transition from alternating moves to simultaneous

Requirements for clothing and footwear involved in skiing.

Be able to perform basic ski moves, cover a distance of 2 km for a while.

Transition from alternating moves to simultaneous

The transition from alternating moves to simultaneous. Relay races with the transfer of sticks. Passing a distance up to 4 km. Development of endurance. Safety precautions for skiing.

Be able to perform basic ski moves, cover a distance of 2 km for a while.

Overcoming the counterslope.

Be able to perform basic ski moves, cover a distance of 2 km for a while.

Overcoming the counterslope.

Turning and braking "plow". Climbing "ladder, herringbone." Overcoming the counterslope. Walking distance up to 5 km. Development of endurance.

Be able to perform basic ski moves, cover a distance of 2 km for a while.

Overcoming the counterslope.

Turning and braking "plow". Climbing "ladder, herringbone." Overcoming the counterslope. Walking distance up to 5 km. Development of endurance.

Be able to perform basic ski moves, cover a distance of 2 km for a while.

Overcoming the counterslope.

Turning and braking "plow". Climbing "ladder, herringbone." Overcoming the counterslope. Walking distance up to 5 km. Development of endurance.

Be able to perform basic ski moves, cover a distance of 2 km for a while.

Overcoming the counterslope.

Turning and braking "plow". Climbing "ladder, herringbone." Overcoming the counterslope. Walking distance up to 5 km. Development of endurance.

Be able to perform basic ski moves, cover a distance of 2 km for a while.

The transition from alternating moves to simultaneous.

Relay races with the transfer of sticks. Walking distance up to 5 km. Development of endurance.

Be able to perform basic ski moves, cover a distance of 2 km for a while.

Passing the control standard - passing a distance of 2 km.

Passing a distance of 2 km.

Be able to ski 2 km at a time.
M: 16.30

Elements of martial arts (9 hours)

Repetition of racks and movements in racks.

Racks. Standing movement. Hand and body grips. Liberation from grips. Methods of fighting for a favorable position. Strength development. Types of martial arts.

To be able to perform the simplest tricks for falling and protecting, to get rid of various grips, to perform techniques of insurance and self-insurance.

Repetition of grips of arms and torso, release from grips.

Racks. Standing movement. Hand and body grips. Liberation from grips. Methods of fighting for a favorable position. Strength development. Rules of conduct for students during classes.

To be able to perform the simplest tricks for falling and protecting, to get rid of various grips, to perform techniques of insurance and self-insurance.

Racks. Standing movement. Hand and body grips. Liberation from grips. Methods of fighting for a favorable position. Strength development. Fighter hygiene.

To be able to perform the simplest tricks for falling and protecting, to get rid of various grips, to perform techniques of insurance and self-insurance.

Repetition of methods of struggle for an advantageous position.

Racks. Standing movement. Hand and body grips. Liberation from grips. Methods of fighting for a favorable position. Strength development. The influence of martial arts on the human body and the development of its coordination and conditioning abilities. Providing first aid for injuries.

To be able to perform the simplest tricks for falling and protecting, to get rid of various grips, to perform techniques of insurance and self-insurance.

Repetition of racks, movements, captures, releases from captures.

Racks. Standing movement. Hand and body grips. Liberation from grips. Methods of fighting for a favorable position. Strength development.

To be able to perform the simplest tricks for falling and protecting, to get rid of various grips, to perform techniques of insurance and self-insurance.

Racks. Standing movement. Hand and body grips. Liberation from grips. Methods of fighting for a favorable position. Strength development.

To be able to perform the simplest tricks for falling and protecting, to get rid of various grips, to perform techniques of insurance and self-insurance.

Repetition of methods of insurance and self-insurance.

Racks. Standing movement. Hand and body grips. Liberation from grips. Methods of fighting for a favorable position. Strength development.

To be able to perform the simplest tricks for falling and protecting, to get rid of various grips, to perform techniques of insurance and self-insurance.

Control implementation of methods of insurance and self-insurance.

Racks. Standing movement. Hand and body grips. Liberation from grips. Methods of fighting for a favorable position. Strength development.

To be able to perform the simplest tricks for falling and protecting, to get rid of various grips, to perform techniques of insurance and self-insurance.

Sports games (basketball) 2 pm

Two step stop, jump

Throw with two hands from the head in a jump. Positional attack with a change of place. Educational game. TB rules.

Throw with two hands from the head in a jump.

Combination of movements and stops. Throw with two hands from the head in a jump. Positional attack with a change of place. Educational game. Basketball terminology.

Be able to play basketball according to simplified rules, apply technical techniques in the game.

Free throw.

Combination of movements and stops. Throw with two hands from the head in a jump. Positional attack with a change of place. Educational game. Technique of catching, passing, dribbling or throwing.

Be able to play basketball according to simplified rules, apply technical techniques in the game.

Throw with one hand from the shoulder in a jump.

Combination of movements and stops. Throw with two hands from the head in a jump. Positional attack with a change of place. Educational game. Attack tactics - placement of players.

Be able to play basketball according to simplified rules, apply technical techniques in the game.

positional attack.

Combination of movements and stops. Throw with two hands from the head in a jump. Positional attack with a change of place. Educational game. Attack tactics - fast break.

Be able to play basketball according to simplified rules, apply technical techniques in the game.

Basketball. Combination of movements and stops.

Combination of movements and stops. Throw with two hands from the head in a jump. Positional attack with a change of place. Educational game. Defense tactics - (zonal and personal).

Be able to play basketball according to simplified rules, apply technical techniques in the game.

Combination of movements and stops.

Combination of movements and stops. Throw with two hands from the head in a jump. Positional attack with a change of place. Educational game. Rules and organization of basketball.

Be able to play basketball according to simplified rules, apply technical techniques in the game.

Combination of movements and stops.

Combination of movements and stops. Throw with two hands from the head in a jump. Positional attack with a change of place. Educational game. The purpose and meaning of the game.

Be able to play basketball according to simplified rules, apply technical techniques in the game.

A combination of moving and stopping techniques, passing techniques, dribbling and throwing. Throw with two hands from the head in a jump. Free throw. Positional attack with a change of place. Educational game. The playing field, the number of participants, the behavior of players in attack and defense.

Be able to play basketball according to simplified rules, apply technical techniques in the game.

Combination of passes, dribbles and shots

A combination of moving and stopping techniques, passing techniques, dribbling and throwing. Throw with two hands from the head in a jump. Free throw. Positional attack with a change of place. Educational game. Basketball safety rules.

Be able to play basketball according to simplified rules, apply technical techniques in the game.

Combination of passes, dribbles and shots

A combination of moving and stopping techniques, passing techniques, dribbling and throwing. Throw with two hands from the head in a jump. Free throw. Positional attack with a change of place. Educational game. Improving physical abilities

Be able to play basketball according to simplified rules, apply technical techniques in the game.

Personal protection training.

Be able to play basketball according to simplified rules, apply technical techniques in the game.

Personal protection training.

A combination of moving and stopping techniques, passing techniques, dribbling and throwing. Throw one from the shoulder in a jump. Free throw. Positional attack and personal defense. Educational game. Modern Olympics: pages of history.

Be able to play basketball according to simplified rules, apply technical techniques in the game.

Personal protection training.

A combination of moving and stopping techniques, passing techniques, dribbling and throwing. Throw one from the shoulder in a jump. Free throw. Positional attack and personal defense. Educational game.

Be able to play basketball according to simplified rules, apply technical techniques in the game.

Cross training (4 hours)

Cross training (4 hours)

Cross-country training is a cross-country running technique.

Running at an even pace for 15 minutes. Special running exercises. Overcoming vertical and horizontal obstacles. Sports game. Development of endurance. TV instruction.

Running at an even pace for 15 minutes. Special running exercises. Overcoming vertical and horizontal obstacles. Sports game. Development of endurance. Fundamentals of training and self-training in motor actions.

Be able to run at a steady pace for 20 minutes.

Cross country running.

Running at an even pace for 15 minutes. Special running exercises. Overcoming vertical and horizontal obstacles. Sports game. Development of endurance.

Be able to run at a steady pace for 20 minutes.

Passing the control standard - cross-country running 20 min.

Running at an even pace for 20 minutes. ORU. Special running exercises. Development of endurance.

Be able to run at a steady pace for 20 minutes.

Athletics (6 hours)

Low start 30 m. Running at a distance of 70 - 80 m. Relay race. Special running exercises. Development of speed qualities. TV instruction.

Be able to run 60 m at maximum speed.

Improving the technique of sprinting.

Low start 30 m. Running at a distance of 70 - 80 m. Relay race. Special running exercises. Development of speed qualities.

Be able to run 60 m at maximum speed.

Passing the control standard - 60m run.

Running for the result of 60 m. Special running exercises. Relay run.

Be able to run 60 m at maximum speed.

M. 8.6; 8.9; 9.1

D. 9.1; 9.3; 9.7

Repetition of the long jump technique.

Long jump using the “Bending legs” method from 11 to 13 running steps. ORU. Special running exercises. Development of speed - power qualities.

Be able to jump in length with 11 - 13 run steps

Repetition of the technique of throwing the ball.

Throwing the ball for a distance. ORU. Special running exercises. Standing long jump. Development of speed - power qualities.

Be able to throw the ball at range and at the target.

Section name

Lesson topic

Lesson type

Content elements

Requirements for the level of training of students

Type of control


the date of the


(15 hours)

Introduction to the subject

Rules of conduct for T. B. in physics classes. Conversation about motor qualities and their development. UGG complex. Low start technique, starting acceleration up to 30m. Jumping s / m. Run 2.

Know and follow the rules of t/b.

Complex 1

Low start


Low start, starting acceleration. 30m run, s/m jumps Run up to 4.

To be able to run the distance from n / start, to master the technique of jumping s / m.

Complex 1


Run 30m. (y), 70-80m running, finishing, s/m jumps, cross-country training.

Be able to run 30m, from n / start with m / speed.

Complex 1

Long jump with 9-10 running steps


Jumping s / m (y), throwing m / m, shuttle run 3 * 10m

Be able to jump long s / m, throw m / m for a distance

Complex 1

Shuttle run 3*10 m.


Shuttle run 3 * 10 m. (y), throwing m / m., running 60 m.

Know how to run short distances. from n/start

Complex 1


Run 60m. (y), throwing m / m., long jumps s / p.

Complex 1

Throwing a tennis ball for a distance from a place,


Throwing m / m. (y), long jump s/r., cross 500-1000m.

The ability to throw at a distance s/r.


Long jump, 100m run, obstacle course.

Be able to jump in length with 13 - 15 steps of takeoff

Complex 1

Long jump with 13-15 running steps

Long jump s/r. (y), circular relay, stage up to 60m.

Own the technique of transmitting and receiving est, sticks outside the transmission zone

Complex 1

Run for the result of 100 m


Run 100m. (y). Power p-ka. Playing football (m), volleyball (d).

Be able to run 100m s n / s with max speed

Complex 1

obstacle course.


Pull-ups (y), obstacle course.

Ability to meet and overcome obstacles

Complex 2

Running at a steady pace


Run 2000m. (y). Volleyball game.

Complex 1

Jumping over k / sk


Jumping through k / sk, throws stuffing the ball.

Know how to time jump

Complex 1

6 minute run


Run up to 6 min. (y). game at the request of the student.

Ability to play independently

Complex 1

A conversation about safety rules in basketball lessons.

Lesson to improve knowledge and skills

A conversation about safety rules in basketball lessons. Playing football (m), volleyball (d).

Know the rules of the game of w/w, football.

Complex 1


(15 hours)

Passing the ball on the spot

free throw

Lesson to improve knowledge and skills

Repetition of various passes of the ball and learning to shoot after dribbling. Pair combinations. Free throw. Streetball game.

Pair possession

Complex 2

Fixing the technique of throwing around the ring.

Lesson to improve knowledge and skills

Fixing the technique of throwing around the ring. Transmission in pairs in motion. Relay with dribbling, passing, throwing into the ring.

Be able to pass the ball in pairs in motion.

Complex 2

free throw


Free throw. Transfer in pairs, triples in motion. Game in b/b 3*3

Be able to perform strokes, throw

Complex 2

Passing the ball on the move


Passing the ball in motion after dribbling in pairs (y). Turns on the spot after dribbling. Educational basketball game.

Learn to play by simple rules.

Complex 2

Passing the ball in various ways


Passing the ball in various ways with passive resistance from the defender. Throws from a place, in motion from various points. B/B game.

To be able to play, apply those techniques in the game.

Complex 2

educational game

Lesson to improve knowledge and skills

Educational basketball game.

Assess the game situation and the value of the partner

Complex 2

Ball dribbling

The technique of dribbling in various stances on the spot, in motion with a change in direction, speed. Juggling the ball.

Possession of the ball on the move

Complex 2

Fast break attack

A lesson in mastering new knowledge and skills

Fast break attack (3:2), pressing, defense action in own zone. Playing according to the rules of mini-basketball.

Master the technique of the game

Complex 2

Interactions of 2 players in attack

Lesson to improve knowledge and skills

Interactions of 2 players in attack defense through the screen. Basketball game.

Master the technique of the game

Complex 2

A lesson in mastering new knowledge and skills

Juggling the ball. Combinations of mastered elements. Basketball game.

Master the combinations of the game in b / w

Complex 2

Movement technique

A lesson in mastering new knowledge and skills

Technique of movement and possession of the ball. Fast break attack. B/B game.

To be able to perform the functions of the judge.

Complex 2

Simplified game


Game according to simplified rules in b / ball.


Complex 2

free throw

A lesson in mastering new knowledge and skills

Free throw (y). Point throws. Basketball game.

Execute a free throw.

Complex 2

Combinations of mastered elements.

Lesson to improve knowledge and skills

Combinations of basketball based elements. B/B game.


Complex 2

educational game


Game lesson. Results, a game of basketball.

Be able to control the game situation

Complex 2


(18 hours)

Drill exercises

A conversation about the importance of gymnastic exercises for the development of coordination abilities. Insurance and assistance during classes. Exercises for self-training, elements of aerobics.

Know how to help during class

Complex 3

Drill drills

Lesson to improve knowledge and skills

Execution of the "Direct!" command. ORU. Rope climbing. A long somersault from a place, a half-twine flip from a stand on the shoulder blades (d).

To be able to carry out pages, commands, climb a rope.

Complex 3

Acrobatic exercises

Lesson to improve knowledge and skills

ORU. Acrobatic exercises, ex. on a log (d), rope climbing (m).

Complex 3



Acrobatic connections, ex. in the development of balance. Rope climbing without legs

Complex 3

Drill drills


Drill p-ka, acrobatic connections, a combination on a beam.

Be able to perform p/exercises

Complex 3

Improvement of acrobatic connections.

Lesson to improve knowledge and skills

ORU. Jumping rope. Improvement of acrobatic connections. Ex. on a beam (e), climbing a rope without the help of legs (m).

To be able to perform exercises, on a log, rope climbing

Complex 3


Lesson to improve knowledge and skills

Vault. Rope climbing (y). Rope climbing (y), ex. on a log (y).

Be able to perform exercises in balance

Complex 3

ORU on the gymnastic bench,


Outdoor switchgear on the gymnastic bench, ex. on the crossbar (m), on the uneven bars (e), strength training.

To be able to perform exercise .. on the uneven bars, the crossbar.

Complex 3

Ex. on uneven bars


Ex. on uneven bars, crossbar, acrobatic connection (y).

Be able to perform acre/connections (6-8)

Complex 3


Vault, exercise on uneven bars (y), power p-ka.

To be able to perform a complex of exercises, on the uneven bars.

Complex 3

Circuit training

Lesson to improve knowledge and skills

Circuit training, pull-ups, flexibility

Complex 3

Ex. with dumbbells, stuffing with balls,

Lesson to improve knowledge and skills

Ex. with dumbbells, stuffing with balls, b/c jumps, vault.

To be able to perform exercise .. with a load on the shoulders.

Complex 3



Vault (y), obstacle course

Be in control of the situation

Complex 3

Exercises with a gymnastic bench


Exercises with a gymnastic bench. Relay race using gymnastic equipment.

Complex 3


Circuit training, jumping rope for 25.

Know how to perform speed jumps

Complex 3

Building exercises, climbing, applied exercises


Outdoor switchgear with a gymnastic bench, an obstacle course.

Different ways.

Complex 3

Building exercises, climbing, applied exercises


Obstacle course (y).

Complex 3

Building exercises, climbing, applied exercises


Relay race using sports equipment, results of gymnastics classes

Be able to perform exercise, with a gym / equipment

Complex 3

ski training

(18 hours)

T.B. in ski lessons. Help with frostbite. Importance of skiing for human health. Improving the technique of alternating two-step skiing, stepless skiing.

Know t / b, the importance of l / s for health.

Complex 4

Lesson to improve knowledge and skills

Repetition of rises "half-herringbone", "herringbone". Simultaneous one-step move (starting option). Passing a distance of 2 km.

Know how to do lifts.

Complex 4


A lesson in mastering new knowledge and skills

Braking "plow", emphasis. Simultaneous one-step, stepless move. Distance 2 km.

Know how to brake.

Complex 4


Lesson to improve knowledge and skills

Skating, improving the simultaneous one-step move, stepless move. Leaving the track in motion. Relay "Who is faster?".

Be able to leave the ski track in motion.

Complex 4

Passing the distance

Lesson to improve knowledge and skills

Skate run. Braking and turning "plow". Distance 3 km.

Be able to apply learned moves at a distance.

Complex 4

Passing the distance

Lesson to improve knowledge and skills

Skate run. Passing a distance up to 4 km.

Complex 4

Ascents and descents

Lesson to improve knowledge and skills

Climbing uphill with a sliding step. Descents. Plow braking and turning with an emphasis. Shootout racing game

Complex 4

Passing the distance


Distance 2 km (l), 3 km (m) per result. Downhill, uphill.

Be able to cover the distance with max / speed

Complex 4



Skating (U). Passing a distance of 4.5 km.

Be able to go the distance using the learned moves.

Complex 4



Simultaneous one-step move (U). Relays.

Be able to show and explain a one-step move.

Complex 4

Passing the distance

Lesson to improve knowledge and skills

Passing a distance of 4.5 km, transitions from one turn to another.

Own the technique.

Complex 4


Lesson to improve knowledge and skills

Braking and turning with a "plough" (U). game "Biathlon", "Racing with elimination".

Complex 4


Lesson to improve knowledge and skills

Leaving the track in motion, stepping turn in motion (U), passing a distance of 3 km.

Know how to make turns

Complex 4



The transition from alternating moves to simultaneous. Overcoming hillocks and depressions when descending a mountain. Distance 2-3 km.

Know how to overcome obstacles

Complex 4



Turn on the spot swoop. The game "day and night". Relay races with passing through the gate.

Complex 4

Passing the distance


Passing a distance of 4.5 km using the learned moves (U).

Complex 4

Passing the distance


Passing a distance of 3-4.5 km (U). The results of ski training.

Know how to ski.

Complex 4

Elements of martial arts

(9 hours)

Rules of conduct in the classroom. Types of martial arts. First aid for bruises, standing, moving, grabbing hands, torso Game of fighting roosters.

Ability to help with injuries

Complex 5

Fight for an item

A lesson in mastering new knowledge and skills

Release from grips, movement. Fight for an item

Complex 5

Fight for an item

A lesson in mastering new knowledge and skills

Fight for a favorable position on the mat. Repetition of captures, release from captures. Game push out of the carpet.

Complex 5

Lesson to improve knowledge and skills

Conversation "The influence of martial arts on the human body." Strength exercises in pairs. Martial arts in pairs.

Complex 5

Wrestling techniques

A lesson in mastering new knowledge and skills

Exercises to master the techniques of insurance. Ways to fight for an advantageous position. The game "Tugging in pairs."

Know the principles of insurance

Complex 5

A lesson in mastering new knowledge and skills

OFP. Elements of the studied martial arts techniques. Racks, movements, captures, releases. The game "Sentry and scouts".

Possess stances, movements, captures, releases.

Complex 5

Racks, movements, grips, releases


Strength exercises and martial arts in pairs. The game "Push out of the circle", "Cockfight".

Complex 5

Fight for an item


Fight for the subject. The game "Drag and drop in pairs"

Complex 5

Fight for an item

Lesson to improve knowledge and skills

Game lesson. Repetition of elements of martial arts, using the studied games.

Complex 5


(12 hours)

T.B. in volleyball lessons. Rules of the game. Rack, movement. Passes, receptions, bottom serve.

Know the rules of the game

Complex 6

Lesson to improve knowledge and skills

Transfer in pairs, triples in place with movement. Bottom feed. Game 3 * 3 for 0.5 of the hall.

Know how to handle the ball in pairs.

Complex 6


Improving the studied elements of the game of volleyball. Top serve in a pair (y). Volleyball game.

Own the top/serve.

Complex 6


The alternation of receptions of the ball, transfers, attacking blow. Volleyball game.

Know how to perform a kick

Complex 6


Receptions from below in a pair (y). Top serve, receive from below. Volleyball game.

Know how to play by the rules

Complex 6


Top serve, bottom reception, transfer to the zone 3-2, 3-4, attacking blow.

Apply techniques/techniques

Complex 6


Bottom feed (y). Sov-t ball receptions, transfers. Volleyball game.

To be able to play volleyball using the studied elements.

Complex 6


Top serve, receptions, playing in zones 3-2, 3-4. Punching through the net. Volleyball game.

tactical actions

Complex 6


Upper, lower gear, standing with your back to your partner, beating with your fist. Forward blow, block.

Complex 6


Judge gestures. Educational - training game.

Complex 6

A lesson in mastering new knowledge and skills

Judge gestures. Forward blow, block. The game.

Ability to judge by simplified rules.

Complex 6

Lesson to improve knowledge and skills

Game lesson. Results of lessons in volleyball.

Complex 6


(15 hours)

Repeat T.B. in athletics lessons. Theory: "The impact of athletics exercises on health promotion." Low start, starting acceleration. 30m run, s/m jumps

Know safety precautions

Complex 7

Running, jumping


Low start. Run 30m. (y). Acceleration up to 70-80m., jumping s / m.

Complex 7

Jumping, throwing


Jumping s / m (y), throwing m / m, cross 500 (d), 1000 (m).

Be able to run a distance of 1000m.

Complex 7

Walking and running, throwing


Shuttle run 3 * 10 m. Throwing m / m, running 60 m., Power p-ka

Know how to run against the clock.

Complex 7


Throwing m / m (y), cross 1000 (d), 1500 (m).

Be able to run a distance up to 1500m.

Complex 7


Long jump s / r, pull-ups (y), run 100m.

Be able to run at max/speed

Complex 7


Throwing a stuffed ball forward, up for a distance, long jumps s / r, running up to 6 minutes

Know how to run at a steady pace.

Complex 7


Long jump s / r (y), run 2000m.

Know how to run at a steady pace

Complex 7


6 min. (y), the game is at the request of the student.

Story games

Complex 7

Lesson to improve knowledge and skills

Methodology for conducting practical methods of physical culture to ensure general and mental performance: outdoor games, sports competitions, quizzes, mini-games

Complex 7


Relay race, obstacle course.

Know how to overcome obstacles

Complex 7


Relay race, football, volleyball.

Complex 7


Run 100m. (y), Power p-ka.

Complex 7


Obstacle course. Playing football, volleyball.

Complex 7

Lesson to improve knowledge and skills

Games, relay races.

Complex 7

Lesson to improve knowledge and skills

Games, relay races.

Complex 7

Explanatory note.

Calendar-thematic planning is based on the program of V.I. Lyakh, A.A. Zdanevich “Complex program of physical education. Grade 1-11”, M., Enlightenment, 2005

The program is designed for 3 hours per week (102 hours per academic year). The scheduling of hours is based on the approximate distribution of study time. The basic part (motor training) is 84 hours and is represented by the following sections:

Athletics (21 hours)

Gymnastics with elements of acrobatics (18 hours)

Sports games (18 hours)

Ski training (18 hours)

Elements of martial arts (9 hours)

The variable part (18 hours of study time) is represented by the topics "Sports Games" (9 hours) and "Athletics" (9 hours).

Thus, the section "Sports games", which includes basketball (15 hours) and volleyball (12 hours) lessons, is studied for 27 hours (18 hours - the basic part and 9 hours - variable), of which 15 hours are allotted for the beginning academic year and 12 hours - at the end of the year. The section "Athletics" is studied for 30 hours (21 hours - the basic part and 9 hours - variable), of which 15 hours are allotted at the beginning of the academic year and 15 at the end of the year. Such a choice of distribution of educational material in planning is determined by the weather conditions of the area.

The program is aimed at obtaining knowledge that allows orienting students, formulating their motives in cognitive and practical activities. The implementation of the program contributes to the acquisition of vital motor skills and abilities, the development of motor abilities, taking into account the development of the body.

Planning provides a solution to the following interrelated tasks:

Strengthening health, improving posture;

Mastering the school of movements;

Development of coordination and conditioning abilities;

Introduction to independent physical exercises;

Instilling Discipline, Promoting Development mental processes.


5th class


A week

lesson p / n

lesson on the topic

Lesson topic

O fundamentals of physical culture and healthy lifestyle(11 lessons)


natural foundations. Influence of the age characteristics of the body and its motor function on the physical development and physical fitness of schoolchildren.


Performing basic movements and complexes of physical exercises that take into account the age and sex characteristics of schoolchildren and directly affect the improvement of the corresponding physical functions of the body.


Socio-psychological foundations. Fundamentals of learning and self-learning of motor actions, their role in the development of attention, memory and thinking.



Methods of self-control of physical loads: for endurance, speed, strength, coordination orientation. Self-control over the level of physical fitness


Hardening techniques. Air baths (warm, indifferent, cool, cold, very cold). Sunbathing (rules, dosage)

Sports and recreation activities (theoretical part) 14 lessons

Volleyball. Preparing the place of work.


Safety precautions during competitions and classes.


Safety precautions during competitions and classes.

Preparing the place of work. Assistance in refereeing.



Group training: 35 lessons (1 lesson per week for 0.5 hours)

Individual training: 35 lessons (1 lesson per week for 0.25 hours)


A week

lesson p / n

lesson on the topic

Lesson topic

Fundamentals of physical culture and a healthy lifestyle (11 lessons)


The role of physical culture and sports in the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

The role of physical culture and sports in the prevention of bad habits.

The musculoskeletal system and muscular system, their role in the implementation of motor acts.


Meaning nervous system in motion control and regulation of respiratory, circulatory and energy systems.

The role of mental processes in teaching motor actions and movements.

Protective properties of the body and their prevention by means of physical culture.

Performing basic movements and complexes of physical exercises that take into account the age and sex characteristics of schoolchildren and directly affect the improvement of the corresponding physical functions of the body


Planning and control of individual physical activity in the process of independent physical exercises and sports of various kinds.

Socio-psychological foundations. Fundamentals of learning and self-learning of motor actions, their role in the development of attention, memory and thinking

Solving the problems of game and competitive activity with the help of motor actions.

Physical culture and health activities (10 lessons)


Improvement and self-improvement of physical abilities, the impact of these processes on physical development, increasing educational and labor activity and the formation of personally significant properties and qualities.

Hygienic bases for the organization of independent physical exercises, ensuring their general strengthening and health-improving orientation.

Injury prevention and provision of all possible assistance in case of injuries and bruises.

Analysis of the technique of physical exercises, their development and implementation by showing, explaining and describing.

Performing general preparatory and lead-up exercises, motor actions in various game and competitive situations.


Complexes of physical exercises for the development of physical abilities and testing the level of motor fitness.

Keeping notebooks on independent physical exercises, control over the functional state of the body, physical development and physical fitness.

Methods of self-control. Methods for determining well-being, performance, sleep, appetite. Determination of normal mass (weight), body length, circumference chest and other anthropometric indicators.


Methods of self-control of physical loads: for endurance, speed, strength, coordination orientation. Self-control over the level of physical fitness.

Hardening techniques. Air baths (warm, indifferent, cool, cold, very cold). Sunbathing (rules, dosage).

Sports and recreation activities (theoretical part) 14 lessons


Volleyball. Terminology of the chosen game. Rules and organization of basketball competitions.

Volleyball. Safety precautions during competitions and classes. Preparing the place of work.

Organization and conduct of outdoor games and game tasks.

Basketball. Terminology of the chosen game. Rules and organization of basketball competitions.

Gymnastics with elements of acrobatics. The value of gymnastic exercises for conservation correct posture, development of power abilities and flexibility.

Insurance during class. Fundamentals of performing gymnastic exercises.


Athletics exercises. Athletics terminology. Rules and organization of athletics competitions.

Safety precautions during competitions and classes.

Preparing the place of work. Assistance in refereeing.

Cross training. Rules and organization of cross-country competitions.

Cross training. Safety precautions during competitions and classes. Assistance in refereeing.

Elements of technique of national sports.

Exercises of cultural and ethnic orientation: plot-figurative and ritual games.



Group training: 35 lessons (1 lesson per week for 0.5 hours)

Individual training: 35 lessons (1 lesson per week for 0.25 hours)


A week

lesson p / n

lesson on the topic

Lesson topic

O fundamentals of physical culture and healthy lifestyle(12 lessons)


History of physical culture.


The history of the origin of the Olympic movement in Russia. Olympic Movement in Russia (USSR)

Achievements of athletes of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the Olympic Games (EX)


Physical culture in modern society

Organization and conduct of hiking trips. Tourism in RK (EX)

Natural foundations. Influence of the age characteristics of the body and its motor function on the physical development and physical fitness of schoolchildren.

Physical culture and health-improving activity (16 lessons)

Physicalculture (basicconcepts) 5 lessons


Physical development of a person. Physical training and its connection with health promotion, development of physical qualities. Organization and planning of self-study for the development of physical qualities

Technical training. Movement technique and its main indicators.

Sports training. Health and healthy lifestyle life.

Physical culture of a person. 4 lessons



Organization and conduct of independent physical education classes.

5 lessons.


Evaluation of the effectiveness of physical education. 2 lessons


Evaluation of movement technique, ways to identify and eliminate errors in execution technique (technical errors).

(theoretical part). 7 lessons

Exercises of cultural and ethnic orientation: plot-figurative and ritual games. elements of technique of national sports (EX)



Group training: 35 lessons (1 lesson per week for 0.5 hours)

Individual training: 35 lessons (1 lesson per week for 0.25 hours)


A week

lesson p / n

lesson on the topic

Lesson topic

O fundamentals of physical culture and healthy lifestyle(12 lessons)


The role of physical culture and sports in the formation of a healthy lifestyle and the prevention of bad habits.

Improving systems of physical education and sports training.

History of physical culture.

Ancient Olympic Games. Revival of the Olympic Games and the Olympic movement.


A brief description of the sports included in the program of the Olympic Games.

The history of the origin of the Olympic movement in Russia. Olympic Movement in Russia (USSR).

Outstanding achievements of domestic athletes at the Olympic Games.

Achievements of athletes of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the Olympic Games. (THE EX)


Physical culture in modern society.

Organization and conduct of hiking trips. Tourism in RK (EX)

Safety requirements and respect for nature (environmental requirements).

Natural foundations. Influence of the age characteristics of the body and its motor function on the physical development and physical fitness of schoolchildren.



Physicalculture (basicconcepts) 5 lessons

Physical development of a person. Physical training and its connection with health promotion, development of physical qualities. Organization and planning of self-study for the development of physical qualities.

Technical training.

Movement technique and its main indicators.

Comprehensive and harmonious physical development.
Adaptive physical culture.

Sports training.

Health and healthy lifestyle.


Professionally applied physical training.

Physical culture of a person (4 lessons)

Daily routine, its main content and planning rules. Hardening of the body. Safety rules and hygiene requirements.

The influence of physical culture on the formation of positive personality traits.
Conducting self-study for the correction of posture and physique.


Restorative massage. Carrying out bath procedures.

First aid during physical education and sports. Methods of motor (physical culture) activity.

Organization and conduct of independent physical education classes (5 lessons)

Preparation for physical education. Exercises and complexes from modern health-improving systems of physical education, adaptive physical culture

The choice of exercises and the preparation of individual complexes for morning exercises, physical education minutes, physical education breaks (moving changes). Complexes of morning and breathing exercises, gymnastics for the eyes, physical education breaks (physical education minutes), elements of relaxation and auto-training.

Complexes of exercises for the prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal system, regulation of body weight and formation of physique.

O fundamentals of physical culture and healthy lifestyle(12 lessons)


Complexes of exercises for the development of basic physical qualities, functional capabilities of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Methods of hardening the body, the simplest methods of self-massage. Fundamentals of tourist preparation.

Planning of physical culture lessons. Conducting self-study applied physical training. Organization of leisure by means of physical culture.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of physical education (2 lessons)

Self-observation and self-control. Evaluation of the effectiveness of physical culture and health-improving activities.


Evaluation of movement technique, ways to identify and eliminate errors in execution technique (technical errors). Measurement of body reserves and health status using functional tests.

Sports and recreation activities (theoretical part) 7 lessons

Safety precautions during athletics. Fundamentals of biomechanics of track and field exercises. Influence of athletics on the development of motor qualities. Competition rules. Athletics terminology.

Fundamentals of biomechanics of gymnastic exercises. Safety precautions in gymnastics. Mastering the knowledge of gymnastic exercises to maintain the correct posture. Providing first aid during gymnastic exercises.

Biomechanical features of swimming technique.

Safety precautions when exercising in the pool. The name of the exercises and the main types of equipment. Rules of competitions and definition of the winner.

Volleyball safety precautions. Influence of playing exercises on the development of coordination abilities, education of moral and volitional qualities. Terminology of the chosen game. Safety precautions during competitions and classes.

Basketball terminology. Basketball safety. Influence of game exercises on the development of coordination and psychomotor abilities. Education of moral and volitional qualities. Rules of the game.

Safety precautions during cross-country training, long jumps, high jumps, throwing. Technique of high jumps in the way of "stepping over", run-up, repulsion, landing.

Exercises of cultural and ethnic orientation: plot-figurative and ritual games.

Elements of technique of national sports. (THE EX)



Individual training: 35 lessons (1 lesson per week for 0.25 hours)


A week

lesson p / n

lesson on the topic

Lesson topic

Fundamentals of physical culture and a healthy lifestyle (8 lessons)


The role of physical culture and sports in the formation of a healthy lifestyle and the prevention of bad habits.

Improving systems of physical education and sports training.

Ancient Olympic Games. Revival of the Olympic Games and the Olympic movement. The history of the origin of the Olympic movement in Russia. Olympic Movement in Russia (USSR).

Outstanding achievements of domestic athletes at the Olympic Games. Achievements of athletes of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the Olympic Games. (THE EX)


A brief description of the sports included in the program of the Olympic Games.

Physical culture in modern society. Organization and conduct of hiking trips. Tourism in RK (EX)

Safety requirements and respect for nature (environmental requirements).

Natural foundations. Influence of the age characteristics of the body and its motor function on the physical development and physical fitness of schoolchildren.

Physical culture and health activities (19 lessons)


Physical culture (basic concepts) 3 lessons

Physical development of a person.
Physical training and its connection with health promotion, development of physical qualities. Organization and planning of self-study for the development of physical qualities

Technical training. Movement technique and its main indicators. Comprehensive and harmonious physical development.
Adaptive physical culture.

Sports training. Health and healthy lifestyle. Professionally applied physical training.

Physical culture of a person (6 lessons)


Daily routine, its main content and planning rules.

Hardening of the body. Safety rules and hygiene requirements.

The influence of physical culture on the formation of positive personality traits.
Conducting self-study for the correction of posture and physique.

Restorative massage. Carrying out bath procedures.


First aid during physical culture and sports

Methods of motor (physical culture) activity.

Organization and conduct of independent physical education classes

(9 lessons)

Preparation for physical education. Exercises and complexes from modern health-improving systems of physical education, adaptive physical culture

The choice of exercises and the preparation of individual complexes for morning exercises, physical education minutes, physical education breaks (moving changes).


Complexes of morning and breathing exercises, gymnastics for the eyes, physical education breaks (physical education minutes), elements of relaxation and auto-training.

Complexes of exercises for the prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal system, regulation of body weight and formation of physique

Complexes of exercises for the development of basic physical qualities, functional capabilities of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Methods of hardening the body, the simplest methods of self-massage.


Basics of tourist preparation

Planning of physical culture lessons. Conducting self-study applied physical training.

Organization of leisure by means of physical culture

Evaluation of the effectiveness of physical education (1 lesson)

Self-observation and self-control.
Evaluation of the effectiveness of physical culture and health-improving activities. Evaluation of movement technique, ways to identify and eliminate errors in execution technique (technical errors).
Measurement of body reserves and health status using functional tests.

Sports and recreation activities

(theoretical part) 7 lessons


Safety precautions for skiing. Features of the physical training of the skier. First aid for injuries and frostbite. Knowledge of physical culture: the importance of skiing for maintaining health.

Safety precautions during athletics. Fundamentals of biomechanics of track and field exercises. Influence of athletics on the development of motor qualities. Competition Rules Athletics terminology.

Fundamentals of biomechanics of gymnastic exercises. Safety precautions in gymnastics. Mastering the knowledge of gymnastic exercises to maintain the correct posture. Providing first aid during gymnastic exercises.

Biomechanical features of swimming technique. Safety precautions when exercising in the pool. The name of the exercises and the main types of equipment. Rules of competitions and definition of the winner.

Volleyball safety precautions. Influence of playing exercises on the development of coordination abilities, education of moral and volitional qualities. Terminology of the chosen game. Safety precautions during competitions and classes.

Basketball terminology. Basketball safety. Influence of game exercises on the development of coordination and psychomotor abilities. Education of moral and volitional qualities. Rules of the game.

Exercises of cultural and ethnic orientation: plot-figurative and ritual games.

Elements of technique of national sports (EX)