What to do in the first year of uni. Advice for a freshman at a technical university

Hello! I decided to make a small review of the first course at the medical university. Mainly, it is addressed to those who have just entered the honey and do not quite know what will happen next. I hope my article will help you adapt.

About anatomy

The first thing that shocks you, of course, is the anatomy. A huge number of new terms, incomprehensible mechanics of the item itself, huge, at first glance, tasks ... how to deal with it?

Don't run anatomy. After each pair, stay in the anatomy and examine each bone that you pass. Prepare carefully for each seminar. By the way, the Latin language, for all its complexity at first glance, is great for memorizing anatomical terms in it.

Be sure to use video tutorials. Many universities are not well-equipped in terms of drugs, but you and I have a huge advantage over previous generations of doctors. Russian YouTube is full of excellent video tutorials on anatomy.

The best quality lessons are usually found on the channels of a great professor Vladimir Alexandrovich Izranov. But you can also see other lessons made by students are also very good.

Draw the organs that you study in anatomy, sign their elements in Latin. It's a pretty good memory trick. It is especially great for studying blood vessels and nerves, but bones are also well remembered.

However, I didn't always draw everything. I remember that before the test on the urinary system, I watched Vladimir Izranov's video about the kidney twice in a row (it is quite long, about 40 minutes), then told a friend on the phone and the next day I got 5 on this topic.

But, nevertheless, drawing and signing elements is always useful.

About organic chemistry

Also a very important subject. At different universities, it is taken differently (somewhere as a test, somewhere as an exam), but they ask at seminars, as a rule, everywhere is quite tough.

organic chemistry in medical universities is the chemistry of names and typical reactions. At the very beginning, you will need to be able to make the names of substances according to formulas, as well as formulas for substances. Learn the nomenclature:

  • C(Methane) ;
  • C-C(Ethan) ;
  • C-C-C(Propane) ;
  • C-C-C-C(Bhutan);
  • C-C-C-C-C(Pentane) - and a few more;

And functional groups:

  • -NH2(Amino group, suffix "amine");
  • -COOH(Carboxylic acid, suffix "oic acid");
  • -C-OH(Alcohol, suffix "ol");
  • C=O(Keton, suffix "he") - and a few more.

These, of course, are not all nomenclature units and not all functional groups, but I think you understand the principle. If you have learned this material, then it will not be difficult for you, for example, to guess C-C-OH (ethanol).

Make a plate, the left side of which will contain the formula of a typical representative of the class you need (for example, propanal is a representative of aldehydes), and the right side will contain 3-4 typical reactions with it (for example, a silver mirror). The very process of writing formulas in this table is great for remembering the typical properties of the compound classes you need.

It is especially important (for a further course of biochemistry) to remember the properties of acids, amino compounds and ketones.

School textbooks in chemistry for grade 10 (where inorganics were studied) can really help you.

About Latin

Grammar in Latin is not the easiest. Even the pronunciation of different letter combinations has a rather voluminous list of rules. Try to learn them, but, most importantly, lean on vocabulary.

As I already wrote, it is possible, without knowing all the rules, to get good grades solely because vocabulary. But in this case, you must really know a lot from both anatomical and clinical terminology.

My observation is that many teachers Latin very fond of students who know a large number of words. Situations are especially beneficial for you when you need to translate a word, the whole stream is silent, and you answer. Let there be several such situations at the very beginning of the semester - you will immediately win the sympathy of the teacher. That is why I created a small selection of Latin vocabulary lessons:, and.

Try to learn words in small groups, create associations for each word. For example, when I was in history classes, I sometimes wrote 5-6 Latin words from memory in the margins and signed the translations. This should be done at home, in between other activities. It doesn't take much time, but it's very memorable.

About biology

I will not duplicate what I have already written in an article about. There, in fact, I wrote all the recommendations for working with this subject. I repeat only what is on YouTube channel from the wonderful girl Alexandra (alas, I don’t know her last name), where almost every topic of the biology course is meticulously laid out on the shelves. I will not tire of repeating that lesson on mitosis- a work of teaching art.

About useless non-medical items

Pedagogy, psychology, philosophy, Russian language, mathematics - we are talking about them.

I have always been a supporter of the correct distribution of time - that is, in classes in psychology and pedagogy, I always hid notes on HBO, diagrams in anatomy, or something like that, and I did, for the most part, just that. Such tactics are useful, on the one hand - you are doing a really useful thing, and not one that is useful to you only when solving crossword puzzles.

However, they can pose a serious danger to students, especially those who study on a budget. If you frankly neglect a non-medical subject, then it can turn into big problems for you. Try not to make trouble for yourself out of nothing - the most reasonable thing is to just honestly sit out at full speed, answer a couple of times, get a machine gun and calmly study further.

But nonetheless:

The beauty of the first year is that, as one of my respected colleagues said, “in the first year you get smarter by leaps and bounds.” This is true - a gigantic amount of new knowledge falls on you in a year on the most various subjects Just be sure to soak them up. Of course, the main things are anatomy, histology, a few chemistries and so on. But even on non-medical subjects you can (probably) learn something useful. Don't neglect this opportunity!

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So the first step is admission to a technical university- passed. However, it is too early to relax. Practice shows that the majority of students "fall" in the first or second semesters. Why is this happening? This is primarily due to the fact that the newly minted student, assuming that university studies no different from study at school unable to adapt to new conditions. A freshman skips lectures, tests, with the expectation that before the exams he will catch up with the rest, passing everything in last days. It is worth noting that this option works in some cases, but it is better to study steadily throughout the semester (this will be your preparation for the session) than relying on "maybe".

Now, here are a few basic tips that can help you prepare for your first study session.
1) Try to attend all lectures. If you sit in the front row in class, the teacher will surely remember you. Presence at the first desk in the last two weeks of the semester, in the absence of all previous lectures, is unlikely to improve the situation.

2) Hand over laboratory, control work(the earlier the better). This is even more important than attending lectures, otherwise they will not be allowed to take the exam. In addition, if the practice is conducted by the same teacher who takes the exam, he will already know how well you know his subject. Protection of laboratory, settlement and graphic works usually takes place according to 2 schemes:
a) Starve out the teacher(try to defend yourself several times a day, catch the teacher in all possible places of his stay, up to the toilet);
b) Thoroughly master the material and press with authority(acquired knowledge)
Often a combination of these methods is needed. That is, do not press with authority in the toilet, but prepare for defense, taking into account the fact that you may not pass the first time.

3) Read lectures if you want to get a higher rating. It is difficult, tedious, but it helped many.

4) Ask a teacher if you are unable to attend the next class. He may let you write a test with another group if he thinks it's a good reason.

5) Don't forget that the most difficult subjects on which the majority of students are eliminated at the first session - physics, higher mathematics, descriptive geometry. These disciplines need more attention. Even if the learning material is not as easy for you as it is for your classmates, do not despair. The teacher may be touched by your perseverance in studying his subject, and not by the knowledge you have received since school (after all, he has no merit in this).

Communicate constantly. One thing you'll learn at university, if you haven't already, is that friends don't necessarily make themselves. Interact with people, talk, ask questions. Do it within reason, of course. If you are interested in people, they will show interest in you. The best time to start this is during Freshman Week when everyone is in the same boat and actively looking for people to be friends with.

Chat with your roommates. This doesn't mean you have to be best friends with them, but keep in mind that you're together almost 24/7 and share a kitchen/common wall. Bad relationships with flatmates bring your whole apartment down, so do your best, even if you don't like them very much, to include yourself and them in activities such as walking, shopping, gym, etc. There will be times when you get mad at one of your roommates for drinking your milk, or at another for not washing your bowl after use, but being on good terms can be helpful.

Do not allow yourself to spend all the money while walking. You are a university student, of course you want to go out! But keep in mind that finances are one factor, and bars aren't going anywhere. As cheap as college campus drinks may seem, if you add up all those purchases, you run the risk of falling into debt, or perhaps not being able to afford essential purchases such as groceries and paying bills. Drinking can be a well-known student pastime, but be aware of other recreational options available to you, such as the gym, societies and club meetings.

Hide food and utensils away. This may seem a bit extreme, but in my experience, it's for the best. Just remember that most of the time your flatmates won't take food maliciously, only when they just ran out of milk and they decided to drink some of yours, or someone came home very hungover and ate your mom's delicious lasagna, taking from refrigerator. Many universities expected this problem, and cabinets come with lock holes on the doors. By blocking your food and dishes, you save food, money, time, energy and dishwashing.

Develop a smart coping strategy. Most people who have considered going to university fall into three categories: 1) they can't wait to get away from their parents, 2) they're afraid to leave the comfort of their own home, and 3) they're nervous and anxious. These are all perfectly normal and acceptable feelings. Chances are you'll be homesick from time to time, especially if something negative is going on, like the stress of working too hard, having a fight with a friend, or being worried about money. Remember that your parents will be thinking about you and will be more than happy to talk to you if you need help or advice. Some may find that regular calls/house visits are therapeutic in helping to cope with separation, while others may find that limited contact stops them from thinking about home. Formulate a smart strategy that works for you and helps you stay productive and happy. First of all, make sure you're busy.

Don't leave all your work to the last minute. This may seem very tempting as you will have long deadlines, sometimes a couple of months, as well as extended holidays (also sometimes a month), but the deadline will soon start to quickly approach. A very useful strategy, although a little boring, is to get the job done as soon as you get it, or as soon as possible thereafter. That way, the notes are still fresh in your head, and you'll have more time to play after you've finished and won't worry about that essay you were supposed to start a week ago.

Do not turn on the nocturnal lifestyle. It's also very tempting because you won't have a parent whining that you have to go to bed at a reasonable time. Either way, you have to set up your own sleep, but getting to the point where you go to bed at 6am and wake up at 4pm is just too ridiculous. University is fun but hard; give your body everything else it needs and the rest will follow.

Don't be afraid to raise a question or ask for help. A university is very different from a school and a college. The learning styles are different, the work is harder and you are expected to develop your own way of learning. In fact, you will learn much more on your own than under the guidance of a teacher. Teachers understand that it takes time and patience to adjust to this state of affairs, so if you don't understand something, ask them. It won't make you look stupid as if you weren't listening, in fact, you'll be smarter because you will know exactly what is expected of you and how to do it, unlike a classmate who decides to fall asleep during a lecture rather than follow it.

. You will have to get used to the new building, countless subjects and teachers, a large teaching load and learn. Here are a few life hacks on how to survive in the first year of high school.

Do not be late

Set several alarms, note how much time you spend on training camps. Thoroughly study the schedule of transport from home to the place of study. In emergency situations (lateness, changes in the schedule) you will quickly get to the university. Better yet, try to be on time.

Explore the university building

Find out where all the important objects are located: libraries, a reading room, an Internet cafe, a printout point, offices of the dean's office, the administration of the university, the trade union, and the department. So you will spend much less precious time on a break when you need to look into one of these places. Over time, each student becomes a bit of a logistician.

Have lunch time

A hungry student is an absent-minded student. It is important to eat well while studying. Look into the university cafeteria or buffet. Do not be lazy to prepare a small snack. Just do not eat dry food and various unhealthy foods, otherwise by the end of the 4th year, in addition to the diploma, you will also get gastritis.

Lead organizer

Mark the schedule, homework, contacts of teachers and classmates in the diary. - one of the things that saves from overwork and forgotten cases. And also take advantage of our tips so as not to be left without a penny in your pocket.


The student's weapon is language. Do not be afraid to ask teachers and undergraduates about academic affairs or organizational issues. If you are interested in science or public life If you want to learn about creative circles, ask at the department or the dean's office.

Don't bother studying

Be prepared that teachers and senior students inadvertently scare with tests and a session. To take it to heart is to waste precious nerves. Just study hard during the semester and the first exams will be easy for you. Even if you are a payer, it is better to start with good marks so as not to miss the chance.

take notes

Don't rely entirely on textbooks. , after all, usually at exams they ask exactly according to the abstract. So the teachers will be more loyal to you.

Make connections with students from other courses

If necessary, senior students can be asked for advice on their studies, borrow notes or learn about various aspects of the life of the faculty, .

Be active and curious then !

If the material was useful to you, do not forget to put "I like" in our social networks

What can I advise as a student who graduated from the 4th year.

1) Notebook. If possible, get one common notebook in A4 format, it should be enough for a semester, it is desirable that the notebook be divided into several parts by the manufacturer. After 4 years of study, I can say that this is one of the most convenient forms of taking notes, if you do not take into account a laptop, tablet, etc. Everything is always at hand, some disciplines have a lot of related things and during the lecture you can supplement the abstract on another subject, it is easier to store after graduation, when you enter the 5th year you will be glad that you have about 8 large general notes, instead of a couple of dozen notebooks.

2) Handles. I advise "kilometre", depending on the specialty, it can be enough for a semester as exactly, or even more. You can take a couple more colored ones, but at lectures there will rarely be an opportunity to seize the moment and write with a colored pen.

3) Drawing. Take pencils if necessary different types but rarely thought about it. Most likely you will need two rulers, one for 30-50 centimeters, the second with an angle of 90 degrees and a length of about 15, this will be enough, you can also use a protractor. Choose rulers made of durable, hard materials. Metal is the best. After all, lectures are sometimes very boring and rulers take the first blow in the fight against boredom.

4) Printer. No not like this. PRINTER(!!!). This is the most important thing in the university, you will rule the ball, you will become a legend, you will be presented with gifts and build altars in your honor. A banal example, coursework is about 50 pages + drawings. A run of one sheet of A4 in our university 1.25 UAH. And you have to print a lot, a lot! During the semester, I typed about a couple of hundred pages at best. At worst, it reached 500+ pages, the price tag is appropriate.

5) Proceeding from paragraph 4. Paper. In addition to printing, it is also a universal currency when you close a test or increase your score by a couple of points. It is convenient to sketch out sketches, examples, diagrams, tables, data from laboratory work, and more. Oh yeah, don't forget the files.

6) Small things. This item is at your discretion, to increase the comfort of learning. Here we bring proofreaders, erasers, sharpeners, small stickers, glue, a stapler and more.

I almost forgot. FLASH DRIVE. The thing is even more important than the printer, take the labs home, take the labs to the university from home, bring drafts of term papers / diplomas / abstracts, take manuals, electronic versions of notes and much more useful things you can do with it. I advise Kingston for 16 gigabytes and from the very beginning create the University folder, and inside a few more folders with the names of the disciplines, and in turn break them into abstracts / lectures / manuals / draft / literature. A clear hierarchy and structuring will not allow a very important method to be lost among various garbage.