The correct technique for performing a somersault forward and backward. Back and forth roll technique

Performing a dexterous flip jump - back or forward somersault - is not an easy task. This acrobatic trick requires good physical condition and a lot of hard training. The child quickly learns new skills and you can look with admiration at child athletes who easily perform somersaults, somersaults and wheels, demonstrate.

Of course, any girl or boy attending the gymnastics section will easily do a back or front somersault. Another thing is an adult who is very much tormented by the question of how to learn how to do an acrobatic somersault. Well, as they say: "There would be a desire"!

To hone the skill of performing somersaults, it is not at all necessary to seek help from a professional trainer. If a person is physically developed and there are no contraindications for health reasons, nothing prevents him from mastering the skill of doing somersaults on his own with the help of our tips and training videos.

Before proceeding directly to learning somersaults, it is important to pre-prepare the whole body. After all, an unsportsmanlike and inactive person is unlikely to be able to perform a trick of this kind.

The lower part of the body should be especially strong - so it’s worth starting to master the technique and lunges right now. Then add a daily jogging, standing long jump, and running run to your schedule. By giving the body physical activity on a regular basis, it will have no choice but to respond positively to new human habits. You will see: literally after a week of classes, endurance will improve and strength indicators will increase.

  • We recommend reading: and

Jump features

Somersaults are an exercise that needs to be brought to automatism if you plan to learn how to do somersaults at home. After all, the exercises are very similar, only one is done on the floor, and the other in the air.

You will also have to remember school long jumps: jump from socks, springing with heels, and land softly. Whether you're training the back flip or you're wondering how to do just the front, a soft landing is very important.

How to do a front flip

With this type of somersault, it is necessary to begin your acquaintance with "air flights" - it is the main one. First of all, we work out the technique of somersaults:

  1. Squat down, legs together, back straight;
  2. We press our head to the chest, we bring our hands forward;
  3. We push off with effort from the floor and do a somersault.

It is best to learn to do somersaults from a run, so thanks to inertia, the push will be stronger. It is important to jump up after acceleration as high as possible.

The jump can be done on two legs at once or on one - as it is more convenient, the main thing is that not the entire foot and not the heels are involved - the push is done from the toes and landing as well. When you make a jump, there should be a tucking similar to a somersault - the knees are pressed to the chest and grabbed by the legs.

If you have already mastered this technique, you yourself can tell and show how to learn how to do a front somersault, it is time to train more complex variations of the exercise.

How to do a back somersault

In order to quickly master the back flip, you need to hone somersaults in the opposite direction to automatism:

  1. Squat down and press your chin to your chest;
  2. Push off and do a somersault back, clasping your knees with your hands;
  3. At the end, catch your balance in time.

Back somersaults must be performed from a hill, so teenagers who love extreme sports can definitely answer the question of how to learn to do somersaults back in the air. In this plan best time year for training will be a snowy winter: when it will be possible to jump into the snow without much danger.

A backflip is a 360-degree flip of the body in the air, so the person must know how to quickly fold and land softly after the jump.

In order to technically perform a back somersault, you need “experience” of training and a clear knowledge of the instructions. When jumping, you need to swing your arms, bend your legs at the knees and jump up as much as possible. The turn can be done with the help of the hips and with maximum muscle tension. The legs bend during the jump, and when landing on the ground, they straighten. But it is impossible to finish the exercise completely with straight legs - a slight bend should remain in the knees. And unlike the front somersault, the landing is made on the whole foot.

How to do a side somersault

If you want to learn how to learn how to do the famous Arabian side somersault, you need to carefully master the technique of somersaults in the air. They are best performed by pushing off the wall and landing on a soft surface. The push is carried out with one foot, while the second is a swing, which allows you to make a jump in the air.

The flywheel back somersault - cork - has the same execution technique as the Arabic one.

Place of training

Ideally, training should take place in a spacious gym with gymnastic mats and under the guidance of an instructor. But if this is not possible, lay more mattresses and blankets at home and exercise.

It is important not to forget that good physical form- as a foundation, without which you can’t even try to perform tricks. To make the exercise easier, start doing somersaults from the wall, then front and back. Having brought the technique to automatism, then it will be possible to deftly demonstrate on the street good training, beautiful somersaults in the air and cork of any complexity!


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Gymnastics tutorials

roll forward

Execution technique. Crouching from the stop, straightening your legs, transfer the weight of the body to your hands, tilt your head forward (frames 1–2); bending your arms, push off with your feet and roll over your head - group (frames 3–4); perform a roll at point-blank crouching - stand up (frames 5–6).

When mastering a somersault forward, the student must know the following rules:

1. When leaning on your hands, you must fully unbend your legs at the knees.
2. Giving your shoulders forward, tilt your head to your chest.
3. Pushing off with your feet, group up, grabbing the middle of your shins with your hands.

Student should be able to:

1. Perform tight grouping.
2. Roll in a tuck.

Roll back

Execution technique. Crouching from the stop - feet shoulder-width apart, shoulders slightly forward, group (frame 1); tilt your head forward, pushing off with your hands, quickly roll onto your shoulder blades and, leaning your hands behind your shoulders, roll over your head (frames 2–3); unbending your arms, go to point-blank crouching (frames 4–5).

When mastering a somersault back, the student must know the following rules:

1. In emphasis, crouching, you need to move your shoulders forward.
2. When rolling back, keep a tight group until your neck touches the mat and supports your hands behind your shoulders.
3. Start extending the arms until the legs touch the mat.

Student should be able to:

Quickly roll back in a tuck and rest your hands behind your shoulders.

In the last lesson, you got acquainted with the percussive element and learned how it can be used in combinations. It's time to learn how to spin flips and continue to progress in creating your personal tricker style.

Somersault is an advanced acrobatic element, which is a flip in the air over the head with a landing on the feet. This element is quite simple technically, but it will require good physical preparation and coordination from you. By the beginning of acquaintance with a somersault, an athlete needs to confidently pull himself up, do push-ups, jump high and work out elements from

Don't neglect your workout. The main load when mastering somersaults goes to the ankles, knees, hip joint, back and neck, so warm up your muscles and joints well.

If you are ready on all counts, then go for it!

1. Somersault forward

A front flip is a rotational movement of 360 degrees or more forward over the head landing on the feet. Mastering the front somersault with a run.

1.1. Lead up exercises

The front somersault, unlike the back one, is physically and technically more difficult to perform, but it is not so scary to perform it, because the movement is forward, and it is more natural for a person. To learn this movement, you need to be able to do , and , since these elements also have forward rotation through the head.

Leading exercises, which are actually the components of this element, will help in mastering the forward somersault.

For training, it is most convenient to use a high stack of mats.

  • walset

You are already familiar with the element, it helped in the study, and. In the case of a somersault, it is a "jump" from a run on two legs.

Push off with one foot from the floor and jump up, help yourself with your hands.

Land on two feet on the mats with your feet in front of your center of gravity and your arms pointing up.

Train until your walset is short, long and intense.

  • Somersault jump

Move a few meters away from the stack of mats and run.

Place your hands on the stack of mats, group up and somersault onto it.

  • Somersault jump without hands

Move a few meters away from the stack of mats and run.

In front of an obstacle, push off with one foot from the floor and jump up, lift your arms as high as possible: this will raise your center of gravity and increase the jump.

Press your chin towards you, group and jump onto a stack of mats.

Land on your upper back and do a roll.

Gradually reduce the stack of mats, while leaving the height of the jump and rotation turned out. This will allow you to land on your back after a somersault, then on the pelvis, then on your haunches.

Common Mistakes

1. Premature placement of hands on the mat when practicing a somersault.

Such a mistake will not allow you to gain a good height.

Hands must be raised as much as possible before the jump, thereby raising the center of gravity.

2. Offset of the center of gravity during a somersault.

Such an error will not allow the gained speed to be converted into a “jump”, and you will fly far ahead, the element will not work.

It is necessary to jump out after the walset from the "boat" position, i.e. the ankles are in front, the press is tense, the arms are raised up and tilted slightly forward. This technique will allow you to properly distribute the weight and perform a high, beautiful element.

3. Weak tuck in somersault.

Such a mistake will not allow you to twist the somersault to a somersault.

Knees should be well pressed to the shoulders immediately after departure.

1.2. Performing a somersault forward

When all the components of a somersault forward are confidently obtained, you have done work on the mistakes, then you can combine all the skills. Continue practicing on a stack of mats. When you feel control of movements, gradually reduce it.

Run up and do a long and powerful walset.

Raise your center of gravity as high as possible and fly up.

Perform a somersault in the air, while tightly grouped, pressing your knees to your shoulders.

Open up and land on two legs, keeping your knees slightly bent for cushioning.

1.3. Alternative learning

Just because you don't have a big stack of mats doesn't mean you can't do a front flip. For training, you can use another place that is not afraid to fall - sand, sawdust, snow or other soft options.

Practice the exercise "somersault jump". The task is to make it as high as possible, and the length of the span should be equal to the height, then the landing will be soft. This will help you understand the mechanics of the movement.

When everything starts to work out and you overcome fear, add a tuck to a somersault and perform somersaults.

2. Back somersault

A back somersault is actually a back somersault during a jump.

2.1. Lead up exercises

Mastering this element causes difficulties due to the fear of jumping back, although there is nothing difficult, it is even easier than a somersault forward. First, the upward jump assumes a comfortable position for starting the rotation. Secondly, doing a back somersault with a 270-degree twist, you already see the floor and can place your legs or arms if you feel that you are not twisting the somersault. The development methodology is similar.

  • Somersault jump

Stand with your back to a stack of mats, make a powerful swing with your arms up, this way you will raise the center of gravity.

Push off with both feet and jump onto the mats.

Land on your upper back, tuck in, tuck your chin into your body, and roll back.

Gradually reduce the stack of mats, while leaving the height of the jump and rotation turned out. This will allow you to land on your knees after a somersault, then on your haunches.

Common Mistake

1. Hands reach for the legs, and the flight is carried out by a “bomb”.

Such an error will not allow the rotation to be performed.

The movement must start from the knees: they are the ones that give impetus to twisting.

  • Back somersault from a low height

Try pushing into a back somersault from a small hill: this will allow you to stay in the air longer and learn to put your feet on the floor after the rotation.

  • back flip insurance

The spotter will help with the study of the back somersault.

You need to insure with the support and push of the athlete under the lower back and under the thigh.

The spotter should stand as close to the athlete as possible, because it will be difficult to hold the weight with outstretched arms.

The spotter must stand firmly on his feet and in no case kneel down, because the athlete during training can fly back or forward and injure both.

2.2. Performing a back flip

When all the components of a back flip are confidently obtained, you are not afraid to jump without an insurer, then you can combine all the skills. Continue practicing on a stack of mats. When you feel control of movements, gradually reduce it.

Make a powerful swing with your arms up, so you raise the center of gravity, push off the floor.

Group up and throw your knees over your shoulders.

When you see the floor, open up and land on two legs, keeping your knees slightly bent for cushioning.

2.3. Alternative learning

Just because you don't have a big stack of mats and a spotter doesn't mean you can't do a backflip. You can work out without leaving your home by spreading something soft on the floor. Doing this exercise will not be scary, because you will see the floor and will be able to prevent a painful fall in case of a mistake.

Sit down a little, put your palm on the floor behind your back.

Leaning on your arm, try to throw your knees over your shoulders.

Then make it harder. Place your hand on the floor while squatting and also throw your knees over your shoulders.

Add a jump, swing your arm back, put it on the floor and throw your knees over your shoulders.

Gradually make it harder. Put your elbow on the floor when throwing your legs.

  • Work out a "jump" with a two-foot run onto a stack of mats. It . It should be the fastest part of the run when learning the front flip.
  • Practice doing a somersault on a stack of mats. Before jumping, raise your arms as high as possible and push well with your legs.
  • In a somersault, press your legs tightly to your shoulders, and your chin to your body.
  • Try to perform a somersault without hands.
  • Gradually reduce the stack of mats, while leaving the height of the jump and rotation turned out.
  • Try pushing off into somersaults from a small hill: this will allow you to stay in the air longer and learn to put your feet on the floor after the rotation.
  • Ask a friend to insure you when practicing the back somersault. You need to insure with the support and push of the athlete under the lower back and under the thigh.
  • A somersault forward is: a run, a long and powerful walset, a flight up, a somersault in the air, a landing on two legs.
  • Back somersault is: flying up after a jump, somersault in the air back, landing on two legs.
  • And in the next lesson, Max will teach you how to do a flash gainer, or a back flip. This is really advanced level. See you!

    Music used in video: Mononome–"Fools Rush In".

    Somersaults are one of the foundations of gymnastics and acrobatics. Usually these elements are learned at school in physical education classes. If you have forgotten how to do a back somersault correctly, we will help you remember the technique for performing this basic element.

    Preparing to perform a somersault

    A somersault is an exercise during which the torso is flipped over the head on a horizontal surface. For the correct execution of this element, you need to learn several aspects that will help you do it correctly and safely.

    When answering the question of how to learn to do a somersault back, you need to focus on grouping the body. Grouping means bringing your knees as close to your chest as possible, rounding your spine and bending your head forward. To prepare for this position, you need to do several warm-up exercises for the neck and back - stretch the cervical vertebrae and make several tilts back and forth.

    How to learn to do a somersault over the head?

    There are several types of body grouping - sitting, lying on your back and in a semi-crouching position. Before you learn how to do somersaults, you must first work out ways of grouping. The ease of performing the exercise depends on two factors - the grouping of the body and the speed of the push in the process of execution.

    You need to perform the exercise on the mat. Starting position - emphasis crouching on the edge of the mat. The exercise itself can be divided into several stages:

    1. Grouping the body - round the back, press the chin tightly to the chest, clasp the shins of the legs with your hands.
    2. Push and roll - it is necessary to intensively, but not abruptly push off the floor with your feet and roll onto your back. If you can’t push off with your feet, then you can help yourself with your hands, resting them on the floor.
    3. Coup - in the process of rolling on the back, the legs need to be opened, extended and thrown over the head. You can help the body with your hands, for which you need to rest your palms on the floor.

    At first, it is difficult for beginners to get out of a somersault correctly, because here the technique of straightening the legs and restoring support is needed. But after a few workouts, this problem disappears.

    General information about training

    master this species jumping without prior training is dangerous. This is especially dangerous for athletes who are just starting to do crossfit, and their flexibility is not yet too developed. But if since childhood you have been thinking about how to learn how to do back flips, and dreamed of doing this trick to the envy of your friends, then you should try.

    • Preliminary leg training is a must. Start every day with a jump rope in your hands. Gradually increase the frequency and height of jumps - this develops agility.
    • Useful for the development of agility will be long jumps from a place and a run-up, as well as high jumps with arms outstretched up.
    • Constantly do somersaults back, because this is the main exercise that will help you learn how to properly group. You will then need to complete it in the air. You can tumble both on sports mats and on any suitable surface.
    • You also need to learn how to properly land on the ground with your feet and correctly group in the air. To do this, first try to jump from a hill, grouping in the air. Don't forget to put mats on the landing area.
    • You can also learn how to perform back flips on trampolines. At the initial stage of training, choose a trampoline with special safety straps. So you can learn to group in the air without fear of injury.

    Even at home, you need to learn how to do back flips only with a partner, and even better with an experienced trainer, since this is a very traumatic and risky trick. Of course, you can try to do it yourself, but we immediately warn you - it is quite difficult, first of all, because of the presence of fear to make a jump back.

    How to do a back flip?

    The back flip exercise is considered technically difficult. If you still decide to master this trick yourself, then first carefully study the text below, which describes the technique for performing the exercise. This technique is suitable both for learning how to do a back flip at home, and for learning on a trampoline.

    Before you do a back flip, be sure to warm up the ligaments and muscles, perform stretching exercises. After that, follow the following movement algorithm:

    1. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart and bend them slightly. Focus your eyes on one point. Keep your head straight.
    2. Push off the ground and at the same time swing your arms.
    3. Jump up high. Immediately group up and bend your legs under you, wrapping your arms around them.
    4. Do a somersault in the air.
    5. As you land on the ground, begin to straighten up.
    6. Land on the whole foot, while the knees should not be straight.

    Be prepared for the fact that at first you will not succeed. It is very important to overcome your fear. In order to protect yourself, practice on trampolines, sand, special mats that soften the fall, or jump into the water. Practice with an experienced mentor. Thus, it will help to correct technical shortcomings, as well as tell in more detail about the specifics of the exercise.

    We also advise you to watch how to do a back flip on the training video. But do not forget, no matter how much you watch the video, it is still better to conduct training with an experienced mentor who can evaluate your jumping technique from the outside. Under no circumstances can you do this on your own!

    What is a back somersault?

    "Salto" in translation from Italian means "jump". At its core, a back flip is a 360-° rotation of the body over the head from a place and without the help of hands. There is also a front and side somersault, in essence, they differ little in technique, although the back is a little more dangerous, and in order to perform this element, you must have at least a little experience and think about safety.

    Preparing to perform somersaults

    It is not enough to know how to learn how to do a back flip, it is also important to properly prepare for the exercise. And for this, first of all, you need a good stretch. You can do it in any way you are used to. The main thing is that the body is well warmed up and flexible enough. Special attention focus on the following muscles:

    • Wrists.
    • Ankles.
    • Small of the back.


    I offer you some of the simplest exercises that will help you prepare and protect you from injury. So let's get started.

    Legs. Sit on a flat surface, stretch your straight legs in front of you and lean forward. Grasping your feet, pull them towards you and stay in this position for 2-3 minutes.

    Hands and wrists. Make a few swings with your hands, then try to lock them behind your back in the lock, throwing one hand from above, bringing the other from below. Then stretch your hand forward and pull your fingers towards you, so that your wrists are warm and tense.

    Neck and back. The best way stretch the neck - make 5-6 rotational movements of the head in one direction and the other.

    Somersault training step by step

    When your muscles are warm enough, you can begin to perform the element. You can do it from a flat surface, from an elevation like a parapet, etc. Here you need to once again remind about safety, because somersaults are a very difficult exercise, and you may need the help and support of an outsider. It is best to invite a friend with whom you will study together.

    Step 1. Take your hands back, as if swinging, and sit down. Imagine that you are trying to sit on a chair. Feel how deep you need to squat in order for the jump to be strong enough. You can jump several times from this position up to find a more accurate position.

    Step 2 Performing a swing, you need to try to jump as sharply and high as possible in order to set a good rotation speed. Note that the swing should be done a little earlier than the jump itself, so that there is enough time for the hands to pick up speed.

    Step 3 Simultaneously with the end of the swing, your jump should gain the most strength. At this stage, you should straighten up completely, leaning back slightly to set the trajectory of rotation. It is important that the push with the legs and the swing of the arms end at the same time. Immediately after this, you need to group.

    Step 4 At this point, the feet should be off the ground and the arms should move behind the back and up as sharply as possible. So it's easier to twist somersaults. You can not tilt your head back and fall on your back. You risk injury if you get too low a back flip, training will have to be postponed.

    Step 5 Pull your legs up to group. The abs and hips play an important role here, because you need to quickly complete the movement and pull your knees to your shoulders. It is important not to drop your arms down, as this will slow down the rotation and may prevent you from performing the somersault correctly. It is better to grab them by the shins to improve speed.

    Step 6 One of the most important and difficult steps is the flip over the head. It is at this stage that the risk of injury most often arises. The main thing is that the jump is high enough, and the rotation speed is sufficient for landing. Belay is needed here, so invite a friend or experienced person to learn together how to learn how to do back flips and belay each other.

    Step 7 The landing is the point at which the back flip is easier than the front flip because you can see where you're landing. The main thing is to lower your legs in time and shift the center of gravity. Open the tuck a little early so you don't twist the somersault and fall. In this case, the landing should be soft, lower yourself on your toes, and then on the entire foot and sit down slightly.

    The only possible difficulty in any somersault is fear. If you find the strength in yourself and overcome it, then there will be no barriers for you. It is also not difficult to insure someone, the main thing is not to interfere and be on the alert. In time, grab the trainee under the back and hips during the jump, if he does not have enough rotation speed, and “twist” to avoid falling. And remember: it's all about the height of the jump.

    That's all the wisdom on how to learn how to do back flips. Not difficult at all, right? The main thing is the development of technology. The more you practice, the better you will get!

    This methodical development includes recommendations for studying and teaching the technique of somersaults forward, backward.


    teach the technique of somersaults forward, backward.

    develop the coordination abilities of students

    develop the flexibility of students.


    to form about students diligence, the desire to achieve the goal, interest in classes exercise.

    The place for gymnastics classes is a sports hall with a soft surface. Gymnastic mats can be used as equipment.



    State budgetary professional educational institution of the Moscow region

    "Noginsk College"

    Methodical development

    by discipline: Physical culture

    Topic: Gymnastics. Technique for learning somersaults forward, backward.

    Performed by a physical education teacher

    Morozova Elena Sergeevna

    Noginsk 2018

    Introduction ................................................ ................................................. ..........3

    Main part................................................ ................................................. four

    Conclusion................................................. ................................................. ....fourteen

    Bibliography................................................ ..........................................fifteen


    This methodological development includes recommendations for studying and teaching the technique of somersaults forward and backward.


    teach the technique of somersaults forward, backward.

    Wellness and development:

    develop the coordination abilities of students

    develop the flexibility of students.


    to form diligence about students, the desire to achieve the goal, interest in physical exercises.

    The place for gymnastics classes is a sports hall with a soft surface. Gymnastic mats can be used as equipment.

    Main part.

    Introductory part of the lesson.

    Usually a gymnastics lesson starts withgeneral construction. At the beginning of the lesson, it is better to line up along the long side of the hall, at a distance of 1-2 m from the wall, with your back to the windows, in a line in height. From this organizational moment, every gymnastics lesson should begin. After reporting the tasks of the lesson, you should begin to study drill exercises, as well as tasks in walking and running.

    Most effective meansactivation of body functions - accelerated walking, running at a uniform pace, rhythmic jumps, dance exercises and games.

    It is especially important to pay attention to the need for running control. The leader of the column should be a student who knows how to maintain a given pace. Noteworthy is the selection of methods for managing students when performing exercises: teachers use counting, clapping, self-counting of students (aloud or to themselves), to the music. For the same purpose, you can use various limiters at the corners of the hall, arrows, gates, etc. With any method of control, the teacher should be able to make comments, correct mistakes, and encourage. When conducting these exercises, the condition of the students is of no small importance. So, for example, if the students came to the lesson in a somewhat excited state (after a test or a very emotional lesson), you should not start classes with learning new elements of formation and normal walking. In this case, it is better to use games and game tasks that will distract students from the experiences that preceded the lesson and activate their attention.

    These may be tasks the following type:

    1. "Quietly!" Students follow the teacher's command only if the word "class" is previously said before it. For example, "Go ahead!". If there is no call before the command, then the command should not be executed. The one who made a mistake should take a step forward. Give no more than 6-8 commands, then summarize the results.
    2. "Be careful". On the command "One!" all students take emphasis crouching, at the command “Two!” - about. s, on command "Three!" - make a clap from behind, on the command "Four!" - Raise your hands forward. Alternate commands.
    3. I. p. - building in one line, 1-2 - side step left forward, 3-4 - right turn, 5-6 - side step right to the side, 7-8 - left turn.
    4. I. p. - building in one line, calculation for the first, second. First numbers: 1-3 - three steps forward 4 - put your foot down. Second numbers: 1 - crouching emphasis, 2 - standing emphasis, 3 - crouching emphasis, 4 - stand up, 5-8 - the first - what the second did, the second - what the first did. Repeat 2 times.

    The same goal is pursued tasks, performed while driving around:

    1) I.p. - o.s. 8 steps forward, 8 jumps in place of the legs apart with claps above the head. Repeat 2-4 times.

    1. 8 running steps moving forward, 8 running steps in place, at the signal "Hop!" - stop, on cotton - continue running.
    2. Two measures of the mazurka moving forward, two measures in place, jumps (legs apart, crosswise, apart, together). Repeat 2-4 times.

    If the students came to the lesson calm and focused, you can immediately learn new elements of formation and rebuilding.

    The preparatory part of the lesson usually ends with a set of general developmental exercises. To perform general developmental exercises in an open formation, shorter stature should be in front. When demonstrating exercises, the teacher uses a mirror display. The complex of general developmental exercises may include certain lead-up exercises for mastering or consolidating the exercises of the main part of the lesson. These may be various forms groupings, balance, landing skills, etc. Instead of general developmental exercises, the preparatory part of the lesson can include relatively simple floor exercises performed on 32 or 64 counts. The main task of such exercises is the development of coordination abilities and motor memory of students, their mastery of the school of movements. For this purpose, floor exercises for young gymnasts from the old classification programs in artistic gymnastics or floor exercises compiled by the teacher himself can be used, for example:

    I. p. - about. With. one - left arm to the side 2 - right hand to the side; 3 - arms up crossed (palms forward); 4 - about. With; 5 - tilt forward with arms bent to the sides; 6 - about. With; 7 - squat, arms forward; 8 - about. c, arms to the sides; 9 - swing left forward, clap hands under the foot; 10 - about. With; eleven - swing right forward, clap hands under the foot; 12 - about. With; 13 - jump legs apart, arms forward; 14 - jump about. With; fifteen - jump legs apart, arches outward, arms up, clap above the head; 16 - jump in and. n. Perform the exercise 2 times.

    An important factor for the preparatory part of the gymnastics lesson is to maintain interest andexactingnessto them. One of the methods of increasing interest in classes is the use of a variety of (non-standard) exercises, ways of conducting them, methods of organizing students in the lesson. The effectiveness of classes is significantly increased if the exercises are performed with musical accompaniment. An important role in keeping students interested in the lessons is played by checking and evaluating the exercises performed. So, in the preparatory part of the lesson, you can evaluate the ability to perform elements of the formation, floor and general developmental exercises, knowledge of individual commands and terminology. Checking and evaluating progress in combat exercises are carried out only in cases where the student can act individually, for example, when performing turns on the spot, the commands “Equal!”, “Attention!”, “At ease!”, submitting a report, etc. General developmental and floor exercises can be evaluated as a whole for the complex, when it is studied and mastered. For verification, you can call 3-5 students who perform these exercises for evaluation. After completion, each student is given a score.

    In the course of the lesson, the teacher must constantly monitor the actions of students, make the necessary adjustments to them, achieving the maximum approximation of the quality of the exercises to the level possible under given conditions and level of preparedness. The manifestation of the teacher's high demands on students increases his authority, and through it the authority of the subject. Toexactingnessbrought the desired results to the students, it should beconstant, doable, tactful,sparing self-esteem of students. It is necessary to be able to establish such relationships with students that would enable the teacher to mobilize the attention of children at any time. Then it is possible and necessary from time to time to give students short-term (within the limits of permissible) freedom of behavior in the classroom. Particular exactingness must be shown when teaching elementary school students the elements of the system, the basic positions of the arms and legs when performing general developmental exercises, the ability to land clearly, posture, that is, those elements that make up the school of movements, the school of gymnastics.

    The main part of the lesson.

    Forward roll technique

    somersaults - rotational movements of the body with successive touching of the support (back and legs) and turning over the head. They run forward and backward. Somersaults forward can also be carried out with the flight after a push with the legs.

    These exercises are necessary for training the vestibular apparatus, developing dexterity, orientation in space, with the aim of self-insurance during falls.

    Somersault forward from an emphasis crouching in a group.The exercise is performed from the stop crouching. Leaning with your hands in front of your feet half a step, slightly unbending your legs, start a push. Transfer the weight of the body to the hands, at the same time bend them, tilt the head forward and, fully unbending the legs, finish the push with the feet. Turning over, roll forward over your head in a tight grouping position, touching the floor first with the back of your head, then with your neck, shoulder blades, back and pelvis. Rolling on your back, immediately after touching the floor with your feet, release your legs and, sending your hands forward, stand up (Fig. 1).

    The main elements of technology:

    1) a push with the feet in a given direction and with sufficient force, providing translational and rotational movement;

    2) grouping, which helps the student quickly turn over and move to the final position.

    Proper grouping helps to quickly master the roll technique. When studying the grouping from various starting positions, students get a preliminary idea of ​​​​the various positions of the body during somersaults. This will allow you to go directly to the lead-up exercises.

    Preparatory and leading exercises for a somersault forward:

    1) in emphasis, crouching, bending the arms and tilting the head until the back of the head touches the floor;

    2) rolls forward and backward in a group lying on your back;

    3) from a sitting position in a group, roll back and back forward, pushing off with your hands at the head.

    Having mastered the leading exercises, they proceed to the study of a somersault forward from the stop, crouching with the support of the hands in front of the legs at a distance of half a step (such a starting position contributes to the correct execution of the push with the legs).

    When learning to roll forward, there may be major and minor errors.

    Main mistakes:

    1) slow rollover and delay in the final phase of the somersault. The reason is a weak push with the legs or its absence;

    2) kicking up with the feet, not forward, resulting in a back kick on the floor. This occurs when the arms are close to the legs during support, the head is tilted forward prematurely, or the weight of the body is not transferred to the arms during leg extension;

    3) head support on the floor. This happens when the head is not tilted forward or when the arms are too close to the legs when supporting;

    4) incorrect grouping: a) too late - the grab for the legs was made at the end of the roll; b) incomplete - the legs are not sufficiently bent and the knees are not pulled up to the chest; c) there is no grip on the legs with hands;

    5) incorrect completion of a somersault (premature getting up before coming into a squat), as a result - loss of balance back;

    6) support with hands from behind at the end of a somersault (when standing up).

    Minor errors:

    1) incorrect position of the hands during support (fingers turned outward or inward);

    2) the hands are not located shoulder-width apart (too narrow or wide) or not on the same line (one hand in front of the other);

    3) incorrect grip of the shins during grouping (by the ankle joints or by the knees).


    When studying the forward somersault, you need to repeat the tuck and rolls in the tuck while lying on your back with the transition to a squat and a squat in the tuck.

    When performing a somersault forward, you need to push with your feet, which helps to move forward to full rotation and makes it possible to stand on your feet.

    Often, when studying a somersault forward, students put their hands close, as if crouching down. In this position, the head is in front of the hands, and when performing a somersault, the weight of the body falls on the head.

    When lowering onto the shoulder blades, the back of the head should touch the floor at the line of the hands. This position of the hands is very important when performing a somersault quickly, otherwise the possibility of hitting the head on the floor is not excluded.

    In order to avoid injury, at the time of the overhead flip, you must be able to control your body in emphasis on your hands and transfer it (the center of mass of the body) through the fulcrum (hands). Based on this, a certain sequence of stages of learning a somersault forward is proposed.

    ATTENTION! After a general warm-up, before learning the somersault forward, it is necessary to perform several special exercises for the muscles of the neck and back: head tilts (forward, to the side); head turns; head rotation; starting position - hands behind the head, pressing on the back of the head, tilt the head forward as much as possible; starting position - the same, half-squat with the forehead touching the knees.

    At the initial stagelearning is necessary to give students an idea of ​​the forward somersault. They should become familiar with gymnastic terminology (grouping, crouching, standing bent over, rolls, etc.).

    At this stage great importance has a method of showing and explaining. The demonstration of the exercise must be error-free. The teacher draws the attention of students to the components of the exercise in such a way that during its implementation they know what to pay attention to. The student should know that:

    1. when performing a push with your legs, you must completely straighten them;
    2. giving your shoulders forward, you should tilt your head to your chest;
    3. turning over the head, it is necessary to group, grabbing the middle of the shins with your hands.

    Usually, the exercise is divided into several components, for each of which preparatory (allowing to develop the necessary muscle groups) and leading (the most accessible, allowing you to get acquainted with the structure of the exercise being studied) exercises are selected. Each of the parts is worked out, and then the individual parts are combined into a single whole.

    At the stage of in-depth training, it is advisable to divide the exercise into two parts: 1) flip over the head; 2) rolling in a grouping at point-blank range, crouching from a supine position. The study should begin with the easier second part (rolling in a tuck at close range, crouching from a supine position), simultaneously practicing individual elements of a somersault forward.

    Training sequence:

    1. Rolls in the group lying on the back.

    2. Rolls from a tuck position sitting on the edge of the mat. In the grouping position, sitting on the edge of the gymnastic mat (Fig. 2), the legs are maximally bent (the feet are somewhat apart), the hands grab the legs by the shins below the knees and pull them to the shoulders, the elbows are pressed to the body, left hand covers only the left leg, right hand- right, knees slightly apart, head tilted forward as much as possible and located between the knees. This is necessary to give the torso a more "rounded" position and avoid hitting your face against your knees during the somersault.

    pic 2

    When rolling back, you should slightly take your shoulders back (loosen the grouping), and at the moment the shoulder blades touch the floor, squeeze the grouping tightly again. To roll forward, you need to slightly straighten your legs at the knee and hip joints and stretch your heels forward and up. As soon as the body began to roll onto its back, sharply press the legs to the body, trying to touch the floor with the heels.

    3. Rolls in grouping from the stop position crouching: squat knees together, support with hands shoulder-width apart at knee level, shoulders above the hands, head straight, look in front of you.

    Rolls in grouping from the stop position, crouching can be performed on:

    a) semi (light version, in which a different level of support allows students to more easily complete the final part of the roll). Starting position - emphasis crouching on the floor, the heels slightly touch the edge of the mat, rolling onto the back; roll at point-blank range crouching on the floor;

    b) gymnastic mat.

    During the rolls, it is important to draw students' attention to the need to constantly control the speed of the roll onto the shoulder blades and prevent accidental rollover over the head.

    After the students have mastered the execution of the final part of the somersault, they can proceed to the study of the first, most traumatic part - the coup over the head.

    4. Head flip training. The teacher needs to explain to the students that:

    a) somersault is performed with obligatory support on hands; the head can touch the support with the back of the head, but not lean on it;

    b) in order to roll over the head, you need to move the body (center of mass of the body) through the fulcrum.

    Based on this, students must learn to hold their body on bent arms and move it through the fulcrum.

    The first thing that students need to feel is the movement of the back due to the extension of the legs. To do this, the following lead-in exercise is performed: start the movement by extending the legs from the stop, crouching at the stop while standing bent over, transfer the body weight to the hands, look at the fingertips, round the back (Fig. 3).

    pic 3

    The second exercise will help to feel the position of the emphasis on bent arms: from the emphasis while standing bent over - flexion and extension of the arms (Fig. 4).

    pic 4

    The third exercise will allow you to coordinate the movement of the arms and legs: crouching from the stop (hands about 1 m from the legs) - standing emphasis, bending over with bent arms (Fig. 5).


    The exercise is performed in four counts: count 1 - straighten your legs, raise your back - count 2 - bend your arms - count 3 - straighten your arms - count 4 - return to the starting position.

    The same exercise, but performed in two counts: once - unbending your legs, raise your back and at the same time bend your arms; two - return to the starting position.

    It is necessary to try to perform this exercise as smoothly as possible.

    5. Roll forward in general. When performing this exercise, insurance is required. The belayer is on the side of the practitioner, with one hand supports him under the shoulder, helping to control the emphasis on bent arms, with the other hand - under the knees, helping to turn the body over the fulcrum (the arrows indicate the places of support) (Fig. 6).

    pic 6

    Learning new gymnastic exercises is always associated with an increased risk of various injuries, so the teacher must not only strictly observe safety rules, but also select such preparatory and lead-up exercises that would minimize the risk of injury and at the same time allow you to successfully master the exercise being studied.

    The implementation of this technique for performing a somersault forward makes it easier for students to master the long forward somersault and the jump somersault in the future.

    Back roll technique

    Somersault back in a grouping from an emphasis crouching(Fig. 7). Crouching from the stop, pushing off the floor with your hands, sitting on the floor closer to the heels, group up, pull your knees up to your shoulders, tilt your head forward and start rolling back. Rolling on your back, shoulder blades and neck, quickly put your hands at head level with your palms on the floor (fingers to your shoulders) and, leaning on them, roll over your head, come to point-blank crouching. During a somersault, do not unbend your legs.


    The main elements of technology:

    1) an active roll back in a tuck, obtained due to a push with the hands and a loss of balance back, providing a rotational movement of the body back;

    2) support with hands, contributing to the correct completion of the somersault (squatting in the stop position).

    When teaching this element, it is important to correctly and efficiently explain the technique of the exercise being performed. It is necessary that the students consistently learn the following positions: the hands are placed on the mat at the moment the back of the head touches it, the legs are extended until the toes touch the mat, the extension of the arms should facilitate turning over the head, the head is tilted to the chest.

    Preparatory and leading exercises for a somersault back:

    1) in a stand on the shoulder blades, lowering straight legs to touch the floor;

    2) straightening the arms from the stop, crouching on the hands and head;

    3) forward and backward rolls:

    • from the stop, crouching, roll back with the support of the hands at the level of the head (fingers to the shoulders); during the reverse movement, group up and roll forward to return to point-blank crouching;
    • crouching from the stop, roll back with the support of the hands behind the head, with straight legs touch the mat behind the head;
    • using a gymnastic bridge covered with a gymnastic mat, crouching from an emphasis, perform a somersault back in a crouching point-blank grouping.

    During training, the following main errors :

    1) difficulty in turning over the head - occurs with improper support with the hands and with the extension of the legs in the hip and knee joints while turning over the head;

    2) painful sensations of the neck muscles, which happens in the absence of active support on the hands during turning over the head.

    In the future, somersaults back need to be studied from various starting positions:

    1) from a squat, perform a somersault back to a kneeling stand and crouching point-blank. First you need to lean forward;

    2) from the main stance, quickly take the emphasis crouching and perform a somersault back;

    3) somersault back from a step back;

    4) from a standing position facing the mat, with a jump, perform a circle turn into a squat and somersault back.

    The final part of the lesson

    Each lesson should end in an organized way. Therefore, having removed the shells, the students line up on one of the boundaries of the hall in one line.

    For the final part of the lesson, it is advisable to select exercises that remove the effects physical activity, bring the body to a calm state and at the same time develop the ability to navigate in space and time. For this purpose, a number of distracting exercises can be recommended.

    For example, 4 steps - drill, 4 steps - normal; at the signal of the teacher “one”, everyone goes with their hands raised to the sides; at the signal "two" - walking, hands on the belt; at the signal "three" - in the usual step; at the signal "four" - the main rack.


    Formation of physical culture of the personality of the future professional;

    Development physical qualities and abilities, improving the functional capabilities of the body, strengthening individual health;

    Formation of sustainable motives and needs in a careful attitude to one's own health, in physical culture and health and sports and recreation activities;

    Mastering the technologies of modern health-improving systems of physical education, enriching the individual experience of knowledge with specially applied physical exercises and basic sports.


    1. Gaverdovsky, Yu.K. Technique of gymnastic exercises: Popul. textbook allowance. - M.: Tera - Sport, 2002. - 512 p.

    2. Gymnastics: Proc. for university students / Ed. M.L. Zhuravin, N.K. Menshikov. - M.: Academy, 2001. - 448 p.

    3. Zheleznyak, Yu.D. Fundamentals of scientific and methodological activities in physical education and sports / Yu.D. Zhedeznyak, P.K. Petrov - M.: Academy, 2001. - 264 p.

    4. Petrov P.K. PZO Methods of teaching gymnastics at school: Proc. for stud. higher textbook establishments. - M.: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, 2000. - 448 p.