Fipi job bank: why is it the best assistant in preparing for the exam? History: New time.

It's just a "holiday" for both applicants and tutors of the Unified State Examination in biology

Since 2016, the official website of the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI) has been publishing Open bank of USE assignments. It is grouped into 7 blocks of the task codifier all control exams in biology for all past years passing the exam in our country, and there are already 5185 of them.

189 questions of the year were added, 301 questions of the year and year.

Although the very form of test tasks in 2017, but really nothing has changed :

it is virtually impossible to come up with completely new tasks (school discipline biology is not rubber) and almost all questions of the new control tasks are reworked old tasks.

Now you do not need to "rummage" on the Internet in search of all kinds of "substitute" tests, because you can meet.

The FIPI open bank of tasks is the most powerful base for testing your knowledge. True, the answers to the test tasks are not given, but this will certainly push you to study the relevant topics in biology manuals. And to test my knowledge, I can advise on all questions of the OBZ (5185 answers).

Answering on your own the OBZ questions published on the FIPI website or reading them on my blog in the Category ““, you then check your answers with my answers.

If you decide to buyquestions with answersin .pdf format on any of 7 blocks OBZ FIPI or buy all sections at once, write me a letter [email protected] about the desire to make a purchase.

After my reply to your mail, you will know that I already haveYour address Email , for which I am on the same day (sometimes immediately) after your paymentI will send purchased materials.

1. Biology as a science. Methods of scientific knowledge. Total 76 tasks - 50 rubles.
2. cell like biological system. Total 755 tasks - 400 rubles.
3. The body as a biological system. Total 991 task - 500 rubles.
4. System and diversity of the organic world. Total 717 tasks - 350 rubles.
5 . The human body and its health. Total 711 tasks - 400 rubles.
6. The evolution of living nature. Total 728 tasks - 400 rubles.
7 . Ecosystems and their inherent patterns. Total 530 tasks - 350 rubles.
8 . Answers to questions KIM USE, added to the FIPI OBZ for all Blocks after the exams held in 2017.
Total 189 assignments - 250 rubles.
9 . Answers to questions KIM USE, added to the FIPI OBZ to all Blocks after exams that have passed in 2018.Total 301 assignments - 350 rubles.
10 . Answers to questions KIM USE, added to the FIPI OBZ for all Blocks after the exams held in 2019. Total 170 tasks - 250 rubles.

All 5185 questions with answers all 7 blocks at once An open bank of FIPI tasks (including tasks of 2017, 2018 and 2019) can be bought not for 3300 rubles, and with a 25% discount, that is, for 2400 rubles.

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Hi all! Andrey Puchkov is in touch with you.

When you read the title of this post, you probably thought “Come on... It can't be!”. But no, maybe!) For several months I worked on the answers to the open bank of FIPI tasks. FIPI is a federal institute for pedagogical measurements, which is working on compiling assignments for the real USE. The institute's website ( has a bank of tasks that is recommended for self-study.

And here every teacher, teacher, and even more so a tutor has his own authoritative opinion. Some believe that these tasks are very simple and in fact they are not on the real exam. Others believe that these tasks can be partially used in the real exam. Well, I’ll also tell my opinion: FIPI assignments, in my opinion, in various variations are found in real exams. Let in a slightly modified format, but they meet. It’s easy to prove this: every year my guys from the training courses are perplexed, because at the real exam they met a lot of tasks that we sorted out at the training courses.

Why did I decide to make answers to these tasks in history and social studies? The fact is that many, when preparing for the exam, still solve tasks from the Bank of tasks. And without answers, keys, the guys are forced to google - look for answers on the Internet. It's exhausting, confusing, and it's also tempting to go into social networks...and stay there. Ah this history with social studies! But then they come back anyway... and googling again.

To make life easier for everyone, I decided to work on the keys. On my own behalf, I will say that there are a lot of tasks in both history and social science (about part 10), which definitely did not exist last year. And so the Job Bank is alive and even updated a bit.

Who needs answers to the Job Bank?

  • Children who are preparing for the exam in history and social studies. It is much more convenient and comfortable to have a file with answers than to be stupid and google on the Internet.
  • Teachers who give lessons to solve tasks from this bank. It's simple - I gave the task, it's easy to check - based on the answers.
  • Tutors - it's the same here.

What should I do with the answers categorically do not recommend? I do not recommend memorizing tasks and answers. Because, firstly, you can go crazy, and, secondly, this is a pointless exercise, because the answers to the tasks will most likely be shuffled on the real exam. But to know and understand, or to test yourself, is the very thing!

By the way, these answer files include all tasks and the second part - with a detailed answer! That is, for society - these are plans (task 28), social science tasks (task 27) and others. In history, these are tasks with argumentation, all text tasks, etc.!

Examples of tasks and answers to them

Social Science: Social Relations

In country Z, where all citizens over 63 years of age are guaranteed the payment of a state pension, in the context of the economic crisis, a legislative initiative was put forward to abolish state pensions for citizens over 63 years of age who continue to work. This legislative initiative caused a public discussion.

Give two suggestions each about the arguments of supporters and opponents of this legislative initiative.


Proponents' Arguments

  1. Saving the state budget, which will close the "gaps" in it
  2. There are many countries in which there are no pensions at all, so this measure is quite acceptable.
  3. After all, citizens work, so being dependent on the state can be offensive for them in general

Arguments of opponents

  1. People have listed in order all their lives their money to the state for pensions in old age, and now they cannot count on them.
  2. Citizens work because they do not have enough pensions for a decent old age, but this money plays a significant role in their budget - it is unfair to deprive them of it.

Social Science: Economics

You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "The impact of international trade on the national economy." Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.


1. The place of international trade in the sphere of economic relations of different states
2. International organizations involved in world trade:
3.Main visible trade relations
4.Basic principles of international trade
Legality: obedience to international laws and legal acts.
Openness and equality
5.Consequences of international trade for the national economy:
Globalization - erasing economic borders
Strengthening the scientific and technological revolution
Development of competition in the field of high technologies
The Emergence and Strengthening of the Power of Transnational Corporations
6. International division of labor as the basic principle of international trade.

Illustrate with three examples the impact of competition on the development of production.


  • Apple announced in January 2019 that it would lower prices for iPhones and other products, taking into account the peculiarities of the national market. This is done because there is very strong competition in the field of phones and other gadgets: there are also a dozen other companies from China and South Korea. This will also affect production: the company will probably save on components.
  • In 2010, Apple introduced the first tablet computer, the Ipad, and two years later, the tablet computer market was replenished by Samsung, Sony, etc. Today, a tablet computer is available to everyone: you can choose a model both in terms of price and functionality.
  • In 2016, SHARP presented its frameless smartphone, a year later, all companies on the market presented their frameless smartphones: even Apple made its iPhone frameless in 2017

History: New time

One of the points of view on the activities of Catherine II is that she had a clear plan for reforming Russia, which she strictly followed.

What other point of view on the acts of Catherine do you know? Which point of view do you find more convincing? Give at least three facts, provisions that can serve as arguments confirming your chosen point of view.


The second point of view says that the empress was inconsistent in her reforms, and her real deeds often diverged from her plans.

I prefer the second point of view.

Three facts, arguments:

  • Catherine quickly abandoned her plans to reform Russia, published in her Nakaz, after she saw a lack of support in the Legislative Commission, which she dissolved.
  • After the Pugachev uprising, Catherine got scared and carried out a provincial reform and other measures to strengthen local power.
  • Despite the fact that the empress was full of hopes for freedom for the Russian peasants, her reign became the "golden age of the Russian nobility."

If you choose the first point of view:


  1. Catherine gave the Letter of Complaint to the nobility, in which she actually limited her absolute power in the interests of this estate (without trial, may the noble honor, estate, etc.)
  2. Catherine gave the Charter to the cities, in which she tried to expand the support of the regime at the expense of the third, urban estate, in order to have a social basis for progressive reforms, in particular, she introduced self-government into the cities, etc.
  3. Catherine wrote the "Instruction" of the Legislative Commission, in which she expressed her views on the progressive structure of Russia and convened the Legislative Commission for its implementation.

At the beginning of January 1905, the “Assembly of Russian factory workers of the city of St. Petersburg”, headed by the priest Gapon, decided to submit a petition to the tsar, which would set out the demands of the workers. The desire of the workers to submit a petition was known to the authorities, including the tsar.

Give at least three reasons why workers are dissatisfied with their position.

Indicate how the petition ended.

Name one major consequence of the events surrounding the petition.


Causes of workers' discontent

  1. The working day was not standardized for workers, many worked for 16 hours at the discretion of the plant administration.
  2. The work of women was not limited, and the work of children was not prohibited.
  3. There was no social insurance against accident or sickness: the worker was simply fired, left to die on the street.

Petition ends with shooting of peaceful demonstration

Consequence: the execution of a peaceful demonstration, which wanted to petition the tsar, led to the First Russian Revolution of 1905-1907.

Review the historical situation and answer the questions.

In 1914, Austria-Hungary, backed by Germany, started a war with Serbia. The Russian Emperor Nicholas II was faced with a difficult choice: to support Serbia and cause a war with both Austria-Hungary and its ally Germany, or refuse to support the Serbs. Many close associates urged the king not to join the war. However, Nicholas II decided to support Serbia, and Germany, and then Austria-Hungary, declared war on Russia.

Give at least three reasons why Nicholas II made such a decision. Indicate at least two main consequences of the outbreak of war for Russia.


The reasons:

  1. For Russia became the basis foreign policy support for the Christian peoples of Europe, who were seen as younger brothers. Lack of support would mean a betrayal of the interests of the Slavic and Orthodox world.
  2. Russia could not allow the strengthening of Austria-Hungary in the Balkans, which had long considered these territories as its own.
  3. Russia was a member of the Entente - an alliance of states together with France and England, which opposed the Triple Alliance, a concession to Austria-Hungary would mean the defeat of the Entente in foreign policy.


  1. The war exacerbated all the issues facing the country during domestic politics: peasant, worker, and also added new problems: economic, grain, railway crises.
  2. First World War led Russia to the February Revolution and the overthrow of the autocracy, the establishment of a republican form of government, and then (in October) a Soviet republic. The autocracy never managed to solve the most important problems of the country.

And so on for all tasks of the second part of the exam, not to mention the first!

How to get answers

We posted:

  • All sections in the discipline of history! (Antiquity and the Middle Ages, Modern times, Modern times) answers to 4270 tasks!
  • 3 sections on the discipline of social science (Man and Society, Social Relations and Law) answers to 2052 tasks!

Immediately after payment, you will receive on your e-mail a link to a folder on Yandex disk, in which all files with answers are already located:

So, you can easily purchase the entire package of answers in history or social studies at a significant discount.

History: all sections (answers to 4270 tasks)

5900 rubles

2900 rubles

Social science: 5 sections (answers to 2641 tasks)

Answers to possible questions:

Question: what about essays on history and society?

Answer: along with the last file, detailed plans for essays on both history and society on all topics in the FIPI Task Bank will be attached. Writing ready-made essays is pointless, because they will be the same. And on the real exam, such ready-made texts will not help. But writing essays according to a previously known plan is much easier.

Question: What to do if you do not receive a letter with materials?

Answer: check the SPAM folder in your mailbox. If it's not there, write to us.

And we will immediately duplicate the letter with the ordered materials to your e-mail!

Question: If I don't like the materials and want a refund. Can I do it?

Answer: No problem! You can request a return within 14 days of purchase. Money. Refunds are made in accordance with

Question: how to pay?

Answer: The easiest way is:

An updated version of the bank of tasks for self-preparation for the exam has appeared on the official website of the FIPI. This is a really big event, and now we will tell you why.

What is special about this task bank

The FIPI task bank has one very significant difference from any other site where you will be offered to prepare for the exam online - ALL TASKS WERE MADE BY THE USE AUTHOR. You must understand that only on this site you will be able to solve test questions invented by the creators of real exam tasks, which means that they will be as close as possible to what they will check in the summer at the USE.

How does the new FIPI task bank differ from the old one?

Indeed, on the FIPI website, the task bank is far from an innovation. It has existed for many years and is updated annually, replenished with new test questions (by the way, the old version of the task bank is also on the site). A new version The task bank is unique to FIPI in that it is much more user-friendly. The new format involves entering the correct answer online and receiving an instant result. Agree - convenient! Now you can independently prepare for the exam directly on the FIPI website and see visual results at the same time.

And now we invite you to familiarize yourself with the new bank of USE assignments from FIPI in subjects (tasks for basic mathematics and the Cathay language is not yet in the new bank).

To know USE results, get acquainted with the open bank of tasks, download demos, codifiers and specifications of KIM - on the official websites of information support for the unified state exam in grade 11.

On these resources, you can get acquainted with the procedure for conducting exams, the schedule, the features of the Unified State Examination in various subjects; find answers to frequently asked questions.

Official websites of the Unified State Examination 2020

To understand how to do the examination work, you should first of all familiarize yourself with the demo versions of the control measuring materials (CMM) of the USE in the subjects of this year. Demonstration options will help to get an idea of ​​the structure of future KIM, the number of tasks, their form and level of complexity. Besides, in demo version the criteria for evaluating the performance of tasks with a detailed answer are given, which give an idea of ​​the requirements for the completeness and correctness of the record of the answer. This information is useful to develop a strategy for preparing for the exam.

When familiarizing yourself with the demo versions of the KIM USE 2020, it should be borne in mind that the tasks included in them do not reflect all the content issues that will be tested at the USE. A complete list of questions and topics that can be controlled at the USE is given in the codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of training of graduates of educational organizations. It can be used when drawing up a plan for reviewing material before an exam.

Every year, FIPI prepares a certificate of changes in KIM for each academic subject, it is also posted along with demo versions. The subject teacher, even if he is not one of the organizing teachers at the Unified State Examination or a member of the experts of the subject commission, should familiarize himself with guidelines, prepared on the basis of an analysis of the results of last year's USE, and recommendations for subject commissions for checking the completion of tasks with a detailed answer in order to know the process from the inside and be able to explain to their students all the features of the upcoming exams.

Also on the FIPI website there is an invaluable thing - the Open Bank of USE tasks. The bank placed a large number of tasks used in the preparation of variants of the KIM USE in all academic subjects. It can be used for self-preparation for the exam. This will greatly help graduates to navigate the examination material, to practice in performing standard tasks. The teacher also needs to use the materials of the Open Bank of USE tasks from time to time and include them as an element of the lesson when repeating the material.

The right choice of material for preparation is a very important thing. It is no secret that many unscrupulous authors and publishers are making money on the subject of the exam, publishing manuals for preparing for exams and training materials that are far from what the real exam tasks are.

Parents and teachers should clearly understand and explain to their children that only FIPI specialists develop tasks for the KIM USE. Therefore, it is necessary to use only official sources when preparing.

Another important warning for graduates and their parents is not to trust all sorts of fraudulent offers to buy supposedly real USE assignments and answers on the eve of the exam. Unprecedented security measures are taken to protect exam materials from leaks. Those who bought allegedly real CMMs before the exam lost money at best, and at worst, time that could have been usefully spent preparing for the exam. As a result, low scores for work.