How to make a New Year's newspaper with your own hands. School newspaper for the new year

New Year's fuss has already captured the population of our country from small to large. Everyone is in a hurry to prepare for the long-awaited holiday. One of the main concerns at this time is the design of the premises: schools, classes, groups in the kindergarten. A favorite creative and interesting option is a festive themed wall newspaper. Children themselves can also participate in its creation, of course, already those who attend school, but in kindergarten this activity is in the competence of parents. We will consider in the article how to create a New Year's wall newspaper 2018 with our own hands, what is needed for this, how to arrange it correctly and what content to fill.

Basic rules for creating a wall newspaper

In order to manage to create a New Year's wall newspaper 2018 with your own hands to a school or kindergarten with an interesting design, it is important to take into account the basic rules and principles.

They are quite simple, but for the best result it is important to know them:

  1. It is best to combine text (information, jokes, congratulations) with a beautiful bright decorative design (drawings, photographs, collages, applications, and so on).
  2. The newspaper should not repeat the created versions of previous years. Usually children at school remember what happened last year and always recognize plagiarism. In kindergarten, of course, you can repeat yourself, but it is much more interesting to invent and create your own original masterpieces.
  3. The newspaper should include congratulations and information, for example, about past events, any achievements, and so on.
  4. Any interesting competition, quiz placed on its canvas will single out a newspaper from many similar creations.
  5. The original general design idea or interesting details will make the newspaper unique and bright.
  6. When creating a wall newspaper, it is important to think over the general concept, style, and all the details that should correspond to the general idea.
  7. In the entire composition of the newspaper there should be a main large element, around which additional components are placed. It can be an inscription or a drawing that immediately catches the eye, attracts attention.

A newspaper designed according to all these simple rules will be interesting and memorable, it will create a festive cheerful mood.

Wall newspaper ideas for the New Year

Required materials and styles

New Year's newspaper must be bright, interesting. But it can be of different styles and directions. It could be:

  1. New Year's wall newspaper for 2018 Dogs, made with your own hands to the shape of a dog's muzzle with painted elements and collars in the form of New Year's balls.
  2. Photo collage with captions.
  3. A drawn layout with glued paper balloons with wishes.
  4. Humorous newspaper with jokes, drawn elements.
  5. Printed layout, colored and signed by hand.

On the New Year's newspaper to school or kindergarten, there may be such drawn or printed characters as:

  1. Ded Moroz and Snegurochka.
  2. Snowmen.
  3. Dogs.
  4. Herringbone.
  5. Deer.
  6. Hares, bear, fox.

Images of New Year's parties can be drawn or pasted, winter scenery with snow branches and bullfinches.

To work on a newspaper, it may come in handy:

  1. Paper, whatman paper with or without a printed template.
  2. Simple pencils and an eraser.
  3. Ruler.
  4. Scissors.
  5. Clippings from old magazines.
  6. Photo.
  7. Glue. It is better to use Luch PVA, it does not leave yellow marks.
  8. Paints. Gouache will do.
  9. Pencils.
  10. Markers or markers.
  11. Tinsel, ribbons may come in handy.

The main thing is to decide on the style and content of the newspaper. The following are templates for the New Year's wall newspaper 2018 with your own hands and ideas for execution.

Examples and Templates

For any wall newspaper, there will be two main points that need to be highlighted:

  1. Name.
  2. The main artistic element that will stand out: a drawing or a pasted image.

The remaining elements need to be placed around and made smaller. Schematically, you can represent the newspaper as shown in the table - diagram below.

Name of the wall newspaper

The main congratulations

Main text. You can sum up the year.

Main drawing or photo


This includes jokes, ads.


Here you can place Interesting Facts about the New Year or about what was interesting in the year

Photo collage

New Year's quiz or balls with wishes

Of course, you can change the position of all the components of the newspaper, but it is better to follow the principle so that the newspaper turns out to be colorful, informative and interesting.

Now a few tips on how to apply all the elements of the newspaper, textual and artistic, to the main canvas:

  1. The title, congratulations and any text on the newspaper can be written in a Word file on a computer or done in Photoshop. For the name and main congratulations, you can use beautiful fonts, make a frame, fill it with a beautiful color or add an ornament, a picture. After you need to print the page on a color printer, cut and paste in the right place. Another option would be handwriting the text with bright stenciled colors or beautiful handwriting. This option is good for the title, it is better to print small texts.
  2. Pictures can be printed, cut out of magazines, drawn. They should correspond to the main idea and style of the newspaper. If the newspaper is printed with one of the templates below, then all that remains is to decorate and add text.
  3. Collages of photos can be made in Photoshop by simply combining and beautifully arranging the desired photos or take ready-made photos and stick them in the selected places. In the program on the computer, you can supplement the collage with any New Year's elements: balls, Christmas trees, serpentine.
  4. Decor. In order to make the newspaper festive, bright and New Year's, you can use any decor elements. This can be applique, quilling (elements from twisted strips of paper), gluing beads, sequins, tinsel, small boutonnieres.
  5. Interactive Any newspaper will be remembered, and will become a favorite among the guys, if it induces the UK to participate in the quiz, makes it “interact”, not just look at the newspaper. These can be contests, quizzes, wishes that need to be supplemented. Let's say you can attach cut-out small postcards in the form of New Year's balls to the newspaper, which open, and inside there are tasks or wishes that need to be supplemented.

Interesting wall newspaper options

Wall newspaper ideas for school

The children themselves prepare the New Year's wall newspaper 2018 for school with their own hands, sometimes with the help of their parents. It should be not only bright and colorful, but also informative, interesting, so that the guys stop near it, linger, study it and laugh, rejoice.

Here are a few options with descriptions and wall newspaper templates.

New Year's wall newspaper to school

Option number 1 - wall newspaper in class

For this option, you need to prepare:

  • whatman;
  • scissors, PVA glue;
  • paints;
  • photos of all students in the class and the teacher;
  • printed pictures of cute dogs, Christmas trees, templates and drawings.

We make a newspaper like this:

  1. We stick or draw the name of the newspaper at the top of the drawing paper.
  2. We place a Christmas tree in the center or draw it.
  3. On the Christmas tree, imitating balls, we glue photos of all students. The photo of the teacher can be placed on the top or in the middle of the Christmas tree.
  4. We supplement the newspaper on the sides of the Christmas tree with congratulations and wishes, written or pasted.
  5. We glue the dogs and any prepared decor.
  6. At the bottom of the newspaper we draw a garland, each lantern of which contains a written, but not completed wish. Anyone who comes up will be able to continue the wish.

Option number 2 - a school-wide newspaper

Let's prepare the material that will be needed in the work:

  • whatman;
  • paints;
  • clippings, photos;
  • tinsel.

We make a newspaper like this:

  1. We apply a drawing template prepared in advance on whatman paper.
  2. Let's decorate it.
  3. Glue on top or write the name of the newspaper.
  4. We add on both sides a congratulation printed on a separate sheet and the results of the school year.
  5. Glue tinsel around the perimeter of the newspaper.

Templates for newspapers are given in the article, you can use any to your taste.

Wall newspaper ideas for kindergarten

Do-it-yourself New Year's wall newspaper 2018 in Kindergarten It can be quite simple, but at the same time bright and colorful. Here is an example of a newspaper in the form of a snowman.

In order to make this newspaper, we will need:

  • two paper;
  • paints;
  • colored paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • photos, clippings from magazines, pictures;
  • tinsel.

We make a newspaper like this:

  1. We cut out three circles of different diameters from whatman paper and glue them together.
  2. We cut out a hat from colored paper - an inverted bucket, mittens and felt boots, glue it.
  3. We draw a face: eyes, a smile, a carrot.
  4. We put inscriptions, collages on the body of a snowman.

Do-it-yourself New Year's wall newspaper 2018 in the kindergarten is ready. It is sure to please all children.

In addition, you can make an elongated long wall newspaper in the form of a spruce branch or tinsel with glued balls with photographs of children and caregivers. For such a newspaper you need:

  • two paper;
  • paints;
  • photos of all children of the group and educators;
  • satin thin ribbons;
  • glue, scissors.

We make a newspaper like this:

  1. We cut out a spruce branch or tinsel from whatman paper.
  2. We decorate it in green or any other color.
  3. We cut out round balls according to the number of children and educators.
  4. We glue photos of children and educators in the center of each ball.
  5. We glue the balls to the cut out tinsel or spruce branch.
  6. Glue a small ribbon bow on top of each ball.

These are only two possible options for wall newspapers for the New Year. Use them or the templates that are given in the article.

Master class on creating a New Year's wall newspaper with step by step photo

Shilkina Tatyana Anatolyevna, educator, State Budgetary Institution KO "Meshchovsky Social and Rehabilitation Center for Minors", Meshchovsk, Kaluga Region
Description: this master class will be useful to class teachers, teachers additional education, educators, parents. Work is performed with children from 6 to 9 years old.
Purpose: interior decoration for the holiday.
Target: production of a festive wall newspaper.
- learn how to make an application from various materials;
- develop an eye, a sense of composition;
- cultivate aesthetic taste, accuracy in work.
Materials and tools needed for work: paper sheet, scissors, simple pencil, green paper napkins, PVA glue, stapler, knitting needle, brushes, gouache, water jar, sparkles, old wallpaper, ribbons, cotton wool, colored paper for children's creativity, tinsel.

The New Year holiday is coming. A lot of decorations are always prepared for this holiday. Children are happy to take part in the process of creating all kinds of toys, garlands, posters. On the posters, the plots can be different - Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, bullfinches, bunnies, etc. Today we will decorate the New Year's wall newspaper using not only paints, but also other materials.


We need to make a Christmas tree that will take center stage on our poster. We take green paper napkins, cut each into 4 parts.

Now we wind part of the napkin onto a knitting needle. We won't roll all the way.

We remove the workpiece from the knitting needle and make a loop, fixing it with a stapler

When there are enough blanks, take the old wallpaper and cut out a triangle from them (the silhouette of the Christmas tree). Glue the blanks on the Christmas tree.

When the Christmas tree is ready, stick it on whatman paper, in the center. We decorate the Christmas tree with braid bows and cotton wool. We draw a monkey peeking out from behind the Christmas tree. We make the inscription “Happy New Year!” in the upper part of the drawing paper, and 2016 in the lower part.

Cut out of colored paper blue color snowflakes and stick them at the top of the wall newspaper.
Our newspaper needs to be decorated with sparkles. With PVA glue, draw curls and sprinkle sparkles on them. Sprinkle glitter on the Christmas tree, snowflakes and inscriptions. (To save money, sequins can be made from old tinsel, cut into small pieces with scissors. This does not take much time)

Wall newspaper is ready!

Thank you for your attention! Do you need to make a New Year's wall newspaper? And you don't know where to start? Then stay with us and find out everything. Our ideas and templates will help you prepare your school wall paper for the year of the rooster.

Yes, yes, you already did. homework? Which task? Didn't they tell you in kindergarten and at school to make a wall newspaper on New Year 2017 DIY? New templates for the wall newspaper will help you complete the task and get five for it. Our authors have collected the most useful and interesting information so that you can easily do everything quickly and efficiently. And so, let's look.

To start making a wall newspaper, you need to think about the rules for yourself that will help you do everything efficiently and quickly. For example, you must clearly know what will be on your version of the wall newspaper. We have a plan that might work for you. Let's see.

1. The first is a beautiful inscription at the top in the middle. The inscription is a kind of table of contents, like a book. Here you can think about what to write. For example, like this: HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017! Or on a larger scale: HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017! Decide for yourself, we did this:

2. Next, we need to think about what inscriptions will be made on the wall newspaper. These are poems, congratulations, riddles or toasts. You can choose everything, but then the question is where to put it all? We offer to dwell on congratulations and poems. Congratulations can be written directly under the numbers 2017, and poems can be placed on the sides. Approximately like this:

At the same time, we highlighted the place where congratulations are written. Move on.

As you can see, we have decorated the top of the wall newspaper. Branches of a Christmas tree with toys were drawn in the upper corners. And near the inscription there are twigs with cones. Now let's decorate the bottom.

4. Our wall newspaper is almost ready, but it lacks the main characters of the new year: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Christmas trees and the symbol of the year - the rooster. Let's fix the situation.

The new year is approaching, which means that it is time to think about how to decorate a kindergarten, school and your home for the New Year holidays. Already decided how? There are many options, but it is best to do something with your own hands. The wall newspaper for the new year 2017 - the year of the rooster - is a great option for this idea. It is not difficult to do it, and if difficulties arise, then the templates will help to fix everything. In order not to waste time in vain, let's move on to a small lesson.

And so, let's start inventing a wall newspaper. To do this, we need a white sheet of paper, pencils or paints, depending on how you are going to color the wall newspaper.
At the first stage, we make a beautiful inscription: Happy New Year! Further below we sign the numbers: 2017.

We invent or find New Year greetings on the Internet and write them under the congratulatory inscription. And on the sides we write New Year's verses in beautiful handwriting.

It's time to decorate the wall newspaper. Let's decorate the top first. To do this, draw branches of a Christmas tree with cones, toys and tinsel. We did so, but you can do it your way, as you like.

Now we decorate the bottom of the wall newspaper. We decided to put New Year's characters there, because without them a holiday is not a holiday. So we draw down the Christmas tree, the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus. And to make it more fun, we add drawings of a snowman and a symbol of the year - a rooster.

Now our wall newspaper is ready! You can hang it on the wall and enjoy the holiday.
The following video will help you draw
poster for new year 2017:

Now that's all. Happy New Year!