How to make runes yourself. Making runes with your own hands

When dividing a single piece of wood into separate plates, it is necessary to lay down the fact that these plates should be made in excess. For example, if you are cutting a classic futhark of 25 runes, make about thirty plates for this. Making runes is a very responsible process, and it is possible that some runes cannot be cut the first time. For this, you need a reserve.

From the point of view of magic, carving runes is a process of interaction between two elements - wood (ether) and metal (air). If the runes are not cut out, but burned out, then instead of metal we are dealing with the element of fire. Before you begin the process, make sure that your interaction with these elements is harmonious. The harmony of interaction with the element of wood (ether) is checked at the stage of selecting the source material. Harmonization with respect to metal or fire is achieved through meditation on the cutting edge of a blade or a burning candle. In the process of meditation, it is necessary to reach a state in which it is quite difficult for you to separate yourself from the blade or from the flame. At the same time, a certain degree of concentration is necessary, since it is not your task to cause accidental fires. The next necessary component for carving or burning runes is an entry into contact with the higher beings of the runic world. One of the gods of the runic egregor or one of the influential inhabitants of one of the runic worlds can act as such creatures. The classic approach is to get a rune-carving blessing from Odin, Thor, or Freya. From the point of view of ritual magic, it is necessary to dedicate the carved runes to one of these higher beings. The position of the rune cutter should be that we cut runes not for ourselves and not on our own whim, but for the sake of Odin and for his glory. It is necessary to receive feedback from the deity, which can be expressed in a change in our state or in any signs that appear to us through the material world. For example, at the moment of thinking about the runes, a bird may fly past the window, thunder may sound outside the window, a loud sound may be heard, or another event that may attract our attention. Having dedicated your thoughts to Odin, you need to feel whether this sign is a blessing or, on the contrary, warns us against actions that are currently undesirable. Those who have direct experience and skills in working with energy channels can take the state by attuning to the channel formed when contemplating the corresponding runic mandala. Adepts of bioenergetic practices - by turning on the Sun or Mars, they can receive a blessing to create runes from interaction with a channel laid to the Sun or Mars. Remember that the sign of the quality of the rune cutting process is your being in an altered state of consciousness. You can also increase interaction with the god whose blessing will extend to your work by dedicating food or drink to this deity, followed by the use of the dedicate.

If you have a ritual blade, then perhaps this is the best fit as a carving tool. Do not forget to just make sure that the forces manifested in our world through this blade do not contradict the letter and spirit of the runic contract.

The plates on which the runes are carved can be lightly sanded, soaked in oil and varnished. These procedures are useful if you do not plan to feed this rune set with your own blood. Sanding, impregnation and varnishing are subject to the same laws as cutting or burning. Except that in this case we will deal with the elements earth and water. Harmonizing meditation on the element Earth is attunement to complex patterns of natural or artificial origin. A harmonizing attunement to the element of water is meditation on the surface of the water. It is desirable that the oil and varnish be consecrated. Consecration is possible through the dedication of a given substance to a deity. The bioenergetic practice of charging this substance from the channel of the deity, the Sun or Mars will also help. During the period of time until the oil has been absorbed and the lacquer has not dried up, it is the most fertile for bioenergetic charging, since it is at this time that the matter of the processed plate retains a certain amorphousness, on which it is easy to impose an energy charging structure.

If you want to learn how to make runes with your own hands, you need to have at least basic knowledge about them.

Magical science has existed among us since ancient times. Starting as magic, it gradually flowed into the concept of "magic". The people who took possession of it during the time of the Inquisition were, for the most part, burned at the stake. But those who managed to survive passed on their knowledge to others and thus left it for centuries. To date, people with magical powers lives a little, but they all perfectly master their skills.

In general, magical practice is a certain position of the body and consciousness in space and time: it does not require any charmed objects or amulets. However, man is a living being subject to and influenced by mood swings. Especially in order that this does not interfere with the qualitative manifestation of magic, special items were created. Thanks to them, any magician, no matter how bad his mood, can tune in to the right wave and enter the astral plane faster.

Runic magic is one of the varieties of magic. It uses many charmed items, but the most effective and often used are runes. Used in a set consisting of plates and a runic alphabet, they are able to give out much more information than other types of properties.

Where can you buy runes?

You can purchase a rune set for yourself in three ways:

  1. In souvenir shops or specialty stores. Sets are sold as items for divination, but do not have sufficient magical power.
  2. Practicing magicians. They sell runes already consecrated.
  3. Make runes with your own hands from stones, clay or wood. However, for this it is necessary to do everything in strict accordance with the proposed instructions. But in return, you will receive plates that have been spoken only to you.

In any of these cases, you can become a full-fledged owner of the rune set.


Runes are made from different material, and each of them has its own magical meaning. Can be distinguished:

  1. Made from wood. Such runes are the most revered and most versatile. They can be applied daily.
  2. Carved from stone. If you have not yet decided what and how to make runes with your own hands, then you can choose a stone. It is ideal for all kinds of influences.
  3. Made from leather. Ideal for those who want to improve their financial situation.
  4. Clay runes. They are most adapted to divination on earthly matters. The polymer base is especially good. It is believed that it is most likely to include spirits with whom you can later establish close contact.
  5. Black magicians make runes from the bones of animals or dead people, the teeth of a person or animals, from nails.

Technique for making wood sets

When deciding to create runes on their own, a person can choose wood or clay. These two types of material have approximately the same properties:

  1. They are easily conductive.
  2. Through them it is easier to learn about your destiny.
  3. Ease of material handling.

If it is impossible to use polymer clay, it is recommended to use wood. Moreover, taken from a living tree, ash or oak - both of these species are closest to the sacred in the belief of Asatru.

  1. The first thing to consider is that it does not matter how you processed the plates. They can be uneven, different in length or thickness. The main thing is that you like them and do not break when applying runic signs.
  2. Apply the image of a runic symbol to each blank. You should use a pencil or a thin marker for this.
  3. Cut out each rune. It is recommended to use clerical or stationery for this work. After cutting, you should not worry about the mismatch of the original with your set. The main thing is that they are comfortable for you and retain the main contours of the product.

When the blanks are completely ready, proceed to painting. You can use permanent paint. However, she is unable to maintain constant contact with the summoned spirits. To fully communicate with them, you should use your own blood. You can get it in two ways: by incision on the finger or in medical center. In the first option, it is recommended to pre-sterilize a fragment or a cutting object. In the second case, you can ask a health worker you know to take blood from a vein and take it with you.

Features of each stage

  1. Preparation must be done separately. Each rune must go through all the stages separately from the others. It is recommended that you take your time with this procedure - ideally, if the whole process will take you about 2-3 months.
  2. Feel the rune. At the time of preparation of each symbol, it is recommended to feel unity with the material. When cutting through or punching a rune, you should imagine its image. Only in this way will you be able to correctly set the plate to work.
  3. Don't like it - redo it. After coloring, you need to look at the rune again and listen to your emotions and feelings. If the record is negative for you, throw it away and create a new one. Examine them often, hold them in your hands or put them under your pillow. Proximity and unity are the most important conditions for the successful creation of a rune set.

Proper storage

So, you carved your set, also dealt with the question, (runes) with your own hands. Now another, no less important question arises: how to store them correctly?

Here the most important condition is the complete secrecy of the location of the runic set. This is due to such a nuance as the storage of your personal life force. With the correct execution of all stages, the runes should retain part of your strength, which is necessary for successful and fruitful communication with the spirits.

When falling into the wrong hands (even relatives), your power can be used both against you and against another person. With the first option, you can die, with the second, you can become seriously ill. To prevent this situation, you should not let anyone see your set.

All runes should be stored in a special bag. It can be made from different materials. It can be applied to the image of Odin or any other Scandinavian god. This pattern will give extra protection to your records.

How to set the runes to work?

The hardest part about working with runes is getting them to work. It requires a well-developed imagination, accuracy and sequence of actions.

The "charging" of the amulets is performed as follows:

  1. How to make runes with your own hands - you figured it out, now you should imagine the image for which the creation of the plates was started. It is important that there are about three of them.
  2. The image must be realistic. You should not imagine a keyhole as a security - it is better to imagine yourself in a house filled with warmth and tranquility. This will allow you to set up a kind of protection code in the amulet against someone else's intrusion.
  3. Selection of an energy source. It is forbidden to use yourself as a source. So you will only waste all your reserves without saving anything. Ideal - connection to other sources.
  4. Full compliance of the source with the purpose of application. In order for the amulet to work constantly, you should select one main and two additional sources. It is important that they match your goals. For example, when protecting people from negativity, you should connect the amulet to their emotions. And if you want to treat - to the natural environment.

To make the runes work to their full potential, you can program them to hibernate. The set will work when the source is activated and "sleep" - when its activity declines.

Features of creating runes from stone

To learn how to make runes with your own hands, the master class is worth reading carefully.

Along with making a set of clay, you can also use stone. Its processing and preparation is fraught with the following features:

  1. When looking for a suitable material, you should carefully listen to your inner feelings. If you like the stone, you should take it with you. No - it is recommended to return it to where it lay.
  2. In total, you should collect about 26 stones. It is desirable that they all have a size of about 3 centimeters in circumference. However, they must have a flat, oval or round surface.

Manufacturing sequence

Once suitable products have been found and meticulously selected, they should be thoroughly washed with soap and water. At the end of the water procedure, the stones should dry thoroughly in a bright place. This may take as much as one hour, or all three.

Dry pebbles should be varnished with a transparent shade - mother-of-pearl or colorless.

  1. Preliminary work. It includes patterning practice. Before proceeding to the stone, you should try how to make do-it-yourself runes out of paper: hard or easy?
  2. Main stage. It is required to prepare the following materials: blue enamel paint, cocktail tubes, soft cloth. Then you can start drawing runes. The paint is applied with a stick and at the same time the name, meaning and connection are spoken out. If this condition is met correctly, the amulet will be charged with energy.
  3. Execution technique. Each character must be drawn according to the rules. Vertical lines originate from the top, while diagonal lines originate from the left. In total, you should get 24 drawn and one empty rune. The latter belongs to Odin.

Where can I get clay for making plates?

Before you make runes with your own hands in stages, especially from clay, you should correctly find places to search for material. You can find it in the following places:

  1. In the store - ready-made. The simplest and most unreliable option. Clay will not receive the necessary charge, and the runes themselves will be deprived of their individuality and full strength.
  2. In the form of dry mixes. They are sold in hardware stores and diluted at home. However, such clay will also not be effective enough, as it will remain dead.
  3. Outdoors. It should be searched on slopes, in lowlands and other places saturated with moisture. Such clay, obtained by labor, will receive a maximum charge and remain alive even after processing.

Clay preparation rules

After the clay is brought home, it should be shaped into a future plate. Then the workpiece is rubbed with a soft object and laid out on a lighted place or near a heater for drying. The process takes about a week. It is important to cover each plate with a bag with a little air for a couple of days. After hardening, the package is removed.

After drying, all products are fired. This procedure is performed as follows. Sand is laid out on a solid cast-iron surface, plates and a pot are placed on top. Heating should be done slowly: from small temperature up to the highest. The heating process should last 6 hours.

Before you make runes with your own hands from clay, the blanks must be completely dried.

Writing symbols on clay

Before you properly make a fehu rune with your own hands, as well as subsequent runes, you should prepare brushes and paint.

All further procedure is performed in the same way as when working with a stone. As a coloring material, you can use paint, gouache or your own blood. One thing to keep in mind: when applying the last remedy, several layers must be applied - in order to avoid absorption and image loss.

What do you need to know about runes?

When studying runic signs, you should carefully peer into each image of the symbol, and also remember its meaning: it will depend on how well you can master this art. It is advisable to memorize all the names with an understanding of their true meaning.

What is not allowed at work?

After reading how to make runes with your own hands, making will be the easiest thing for you. However, do not forget about the following prohibitions:

  1. Use a single power source for your kit.
  2. Connecting runes to yourself or to other people - only emotions are allowed.
  3. Transfer the set to third parties or use others to achieve your own goals. You can use only those that are made independently, purchased in a souvenir shop or bought from a magician.
  4. Use excessively strong energy sources. They can consume you - without the right to life.
  5. Use an amulet to induce damage. It can come back and eat all your energy.
  6. It is not clear to imagine images.

Following these prohibitions will help you use the runes to one hundred percent.

Self-made magical tools are mystically connected to their creator. Doing something with his own hands, a person puts a piece of his soul into it, turning the inanimate into partially spiritualized.

Transforming the material, working with it, we better understand it, lay the foundations of those relationships that will later allow us to successfully use this magical item.

And the more effort, time and attention we spend on its preparation and production, the stronger and more reliable will be the connection established with it, the more effective will be the work in the future.

If you don't know what runes look like, their images and names are not hard to find. There is a good deal of good literature on rune magic and rune divination, and information can be found on the Internet.

So, the decision is made - you make the runes yourself. Traditionally, they are made of wood, stone, shells, or, much less commonly, obsidian (a volcanic glass found in both tech and esoteric stores).

Runes from wood are associated with the element of Air, from stone - with the element of Earth, from shells - with the element of Water, obsidian - with Fire.

You can choose the material that matches your zodiac sign, or just the one to which your soul lies. Both methods have an equal right to exist, but the second is better for those who have a well-developed intuition, and the first method is more universal, which does not detract from its value.

Once you have decided on the choice of material, select or cut (if wood is chosen) 25 pieces of the same shape and equal in size, stones or shells. It is more convenient to apply a drawing on a tree with a device for burning or cut with a knife, on stones and shells - with varnish, indelible marker or resistant paint. From above, the runes can then be varnished for greater durability of the pattern.

Making runes is a long process, it will take a day to work on each rune. But haste, as you know, is needed only when catching fleas. When working on a tool that will serve you for a lifetime, it is completely useless.

It is best to start work on the first day after the new moon. Thus, it turns out that you will begin to make your runes on the first day of the lunar month, and by the end of it you will already have magnificent divination tools. On the day of the full moon, it is better to take a break from work, and make the empty Wyrd rune at the very last, on the next new moon.

How to make runes?

1184.jpg Take the first of the blanks and place it in its native element for a few seconds. Place the stone on the ground; let the tree lie in the air, for example, on the windowsill of an open window; place shells in running water under a tap or in a stream; hold the obsidian for a couple of seconds over the candle flame.

1184.jpg Now you can apply the image of the rune. Do this with clear, but not abrupt movements, having previously worked out the application of the image of this symbol so that it turns out perfectly every time.

1184.jpg You cannot remake a failed rune. If you still go astray when drawing a picture, then you will have to re-make the entire set of runes. If you, even after a long training, go astray two or three times, then for some reason you should not make runes and generally practice runic magic. Higher powers believe that this is not your path. Listen to them and choose a different fortune-telling system for yourself.

1184.jpg The color with which you apply the image also matters. Red is suitable for "fiery" obsidian runes, it is also acceptable for stone runes. But on shells associated with the energy of water, it is best to apply an image of blue, blue or purple.

On stone runes, a pattern should be applied in brown or black (if light pebbles are used) in color. On a tree, runic signs, as already mentioned, are burned out, cut out with a knife or applied with black or green paint.

1184.jpg Before applying the drawing with the selected color, make a neat, clear pencil sketch. On it already draw with paint or burn it out. After the drawing is done, dry it; and then varnish and leave to dry completely. Remove the finished runes one by one in a bag, where they will be stored in the future.

How to activate runes?

After the last rune is made, they need to be prepared for work, "activated" (the same, by the way, should be done with ordinary purchased runes). There are two ways to do this.

1184.jpg The first one is faster, for those who need to start working with runes as soon as possible. With a growing or full moon In the evening, light one or two candles (optional). You can also light incense to promote relaxation and meditation.

If one candle is used, lay out the runes in front of it in a circle of light. If there are two candles, spread the runes between them in the illuminated space.

Pick up all the runes in turn. Holding each, imagine how the energy flows from you to the rune and back. Thus, you charge the runes with your energy and connect with you. After that, put them in a bag and extinguish the candles. Go to bed immediately with the rune bag under your pillow. You can work with them the next day.

1184.jpg The second method is longer, gradual, but closer in spirit to the nature of the runes, which do not tolerate fuss and haste. Take new runes out of the bag, hold them in your hands, imagine how you exchange heat with them.

Then for 25 days put one rune under the pillow. Waking up, imagine how you exchange energy with the rune; after that, get up and get the rune from under the pillow, put it in a bag.

Do this procedure with all twenty-five runes. On the 26th day, put a bag with all the runes under your pillow and, falling asleep, imagine a close connection with them, as if many threads coming from you to your runes connect you.

Now your runes are ready to go. Good luck with your divination!

edited news Oliana - 5-03-2012, 15:18

People who are interested in divination and predicting the fate of a person know that the tool that is made by one's own hands works best in the hands of a practitioner. He gives more accurate and truthful answers to exciting questions and reveals situations as they are. Therefore, many are interested in the question of how to make runes that can become an excellent tool for divination.

Do-it-yourself runes most accurately answer important questions

It is quite simple to create fortune-telling runes with your own hands, the main thing is to be as concentrated as possible on this activity and take it seriously and responsibly.

What material is suitable for creating runes

Runemaking begins with the choice of material from which a tool will be created that, in skillful hands, will tell the whole truth. Practitioners recommend applying runic signs to a surface that is of natural origin. As a source material can be used:

  • wood;
  • stone;
  • metal;
  • clay;
  • salty dough;
  • fruit bones.

If a person decides to make runes from wood, you should pay attention to which tree species is associated with his sign. This will strengthen the connection between the runes and your master for greater prediction efficiency. The same applies to the decision to create runes from stone with your own hands.

The use of materials that are completely artificial is strictly contraindicated. Mages also do not recommend using paper as the main material for making runes. Such advice is motivated by the fact that, due to chemical treatments, the connection between paper and nature is severely broken, and such runes will not accurately show answers and advice.

Making blanks for runes

After a person has decided on the material for his personal runes, you can start making blanks. They must all be the same size. The most practical are runes, the dimensions of which are 4x3x1 cm.

During the process of creating blanks, a person should be surrounded by silence, and he himself should be focused on the result of his work. Before drawing another runic sign on the workpiece, you need to pronounce the name that the rune has and realize your personal attitude towards it. In order to do this, it is important to clearly know both the name and the meaning that the rune carries.

Many people who are interested in runemaking wonder if it's worth it to cover the runes with paint after all the signs have been inscribed. This step is optional. However, some practitioners claim that signs that are clear and bright will provide more accurate information when used.

If a person nevertheless decided to paint his runes, it is best to choose natural paint. The red color of the pigment will be the best color scheme for the runes. There is also an opinion that the runes written in the blood of the owner are the most powerful.

During the search, focus not only on the breed, but also on the inner feelings. Trust your intuition, and it will lead to that tree, the branch of which will be the ideal material for strong runes.

Before you cut a branch, you should ask the tree for permission and explain why the person decided to cut the branch. Many magicians have established a mental-emotional connection with trees before using their bark or branches for their magical purposes.

While metal is also a suitable material, forging runes is much less common than carving them into wood or creating a rune set from stones.

How to store runes

A hand-made set of runes must not only be properly made, but also preserved. Compliance with a number of simple recommendations will allow the owner not to lose touch with the runes and always receive accurate and truthful answers by referring to his prediction tool. The rules for storing a rune set are as follows:

  1. Finished products are best protected from the eyes of strangers. Therefore, they are usually stored in bags.
  2. Never let anyone use your runes. This will preserve the fragile energy connection between the owner and the set.
  3. Try to contact the runes not only in moments of divination, but also in others. Going about your business, take the runes, sort them out. This will allow you to maintain a strong energy charge of the set, which was incorporated into it during creation.

Summing up

Runes are quite a powerful tool in the hands of a mystic. Making your own runes is quite simple, it is important to choose the right material for the blanks and correctly draw runic signs on the surface of the runes.

In order for the set to be strong, it is best to make it from natural materials that will match the energy of the owner. Therefore, when choosing the basis for a rune set, do not rush and trust your inner feelings.

The most widespread rune sets made of wood. Their production does not require much effort from a person.

Runes made of wood are the most popular

In order for the runes to always tell the truth and help the owner, it is important to store them correctly and constantly maintain communication, nourishing it and restoring the original energy charge.

The creation process should bring pleasure and pleasant emotions, so if a person is dissatisfied with the created rune, it is better to destroy it and make a new one.

Real runes, endowed with magical energy, must be made independently. The most suitable material is wood or clay. You can also use pebbles, bones and salted dough. Working with clay, bone and stone is quite laborious, so wooden ones are more popular. Such runes additionally acquire the power of the tree from which they are made. Let's try to make Scandinavian runes with our own hands.

Rune making

In order for the runes to acquire the power of a tree, they must be made from a living branch, not a dried board. For this purpose, ash or oak is best suited. Previously, before cutting a branch, you must ask the tree for permission, explaining why you need it. From the branch received, with the blessing of the living giant, it is necessary to make blanks for future runes.

If the workpieces are poorly processed, differ in size and appearance- then it will not have any effect on the magical component. The main thing is the meaning itself invested in them.

Using an ordinary pencil, it is necessary to outline the shape of future runes on the blanks and draw images of symbols. To cut off excess material, a small knife, shoe or mounting, is suitable. Also for this purpose, you can use a specially made and charmed knife, which will increase the power of the runes. In divination, the twenty-fifth rune of Odin is often used, so one rune must be cut without a symbol.

The resulting runes may vary slightly in size and groove depth. Each master makes a product according to his inner potential. With practice comes an understanding of the optimal size.

Symbol coloring and energizing

The second stage of manufacturing will include coloring the symbols. Since the runes were invented in the Scandinavian countries, which adhered to pagan rituals at that time, the production of runes has its own specific flavor. Only your own blood can be used as paint.

The collected dye must be applied to the symbol of each rune. At the same time, you need to monitor your feelings, the result obtained should not cause rejection. If you don’t like the rune, it’s better to redo it several times first.

At the third stage, life must be breathed into the rune. A fully finished product must be taken in hand. Take a deep breath, imagining how the lungs are filled with luminous energy, and exhale this energy into the rune. The action must be repeated three times with each character.

When manufacturing, it is necessary to feel each individual rune made. Knowledge of the sacred meaning of the inscribed symbol, the ability to skillfully handle a knife and a brush, will increase the potential power of a magical object. The product must be made easily and the first time. If the rune does not come out, it is better to postpone the lesson for the next day.

Properly made runes absorb part of the life energy of their owner. An outsider who has received other people's runes at his disposal may well try to use their energy for his own purposes or harm the owner in a certain way. It is not certain that he will succeed. But, if the runes fall into the hands of an experienced magician, they may follow Negative consequences. After all, the blood connection of the item with its owner was used in the manufacture. And this connection will have to be severed urgently.

It is necessary to store symbols in a place inaccessible to strangers, in a special bag tied with woolen thread. It is desirable that the magical artifact be with the owner for as long as possible. In order for the runes to remember their master and obey, it is necessary to periodically take them out and sort them out. Also, a bag of runes can be folded under the pillow and taken with you to the world of dreams.