Write a story about how to take care of your health. How to protect and improve health? Health is formed in childhood and adolescence

The appearance of wrinkles around the mouth and lips is due to age-related changes in which the skin becomes less elastic. To cope with the problem and stop the withering processes, it is recommended to use several approaches to rejuvenation at once. Currently, there are many ways that give good results not only in the salon, but also at home.

Wrinkles around the mouth and lips appear when, over the years, the skin loses its former elasticity. In this case, there is a significant decrease in the amount of hyaluronic acid in the cells, elastin and collagen cease to be produced. The skin becomes more prone to stretching. That is why emotional people who are accustomed to active facial expressions face a problem before others.

The main types of wrinkles around the mouth and lips, depending on the cause:

  1. Mimic - occur with the active manifestation of emotions, the corners of the mouth are involved in the first place.
  2. Age-related - appear with aging of the body. In men, this process is less pronounced.

Depending on the localization, the following types of wrinkles are distinguished:

  1. In the corners of the mouth - they are races that go down to the chin.
  2. Above upper lip- these are, as a rule, small multiple vertical grooves.
  3. Nasolabial - start from the nose and smoothly move to the lips. These types of wrinkles appear before all others, since this area is especially prone to stretching during a smile.

Additional classification depends on the neglect of the aging process. In this case, wrinkles are distinguished:

  • small ones - barely perceptible to the eye and appear during a smile or sadness;
  • medium - visible to the naked eye, but affect small areas;
  • deep - pronounced and are quite massive grooves.

As the body ages, the skin loses a large number of moisture, the muscles become less elastic and strong. This leads to sagging of the epidermis and the appearance of wrinkles.

How to remove wrinkles around the mouth and lips

To get rid of wrinkles around the mouth and lips, you should approach the solution of the problem in a complex manner. To eliminate minor changes, you can use home remedies such as creams and gymnastics. To get rid of medium wrinkles, in addition to home remedies, you can turn to the services of the salon. At the same time, fillers, for example, based on hyaluronic acid, give a good result.

To eliminate deep wrinkles, it is better to use drastic measures, such as a circular facelift. Which method will be optimal depends on the degree of age-related changes and health status. After all surgical intervention not always shown.

home treatments

At home, nourishing masks, massage, gymnastics and creams will best help. However, you need to understand that in the presence of deep wrinkles it is impossible to achieve quick results. Masks must be done at least 2 times a week. At the same time, in order for the nutritional compositions to penetrate deeper, it is good to preheat the skin with a massage.

Facial exercises (face building) also give good results if performed daily. You need to finish the procedure with a contrast washing and applying a nourishing cream.

Exercises to eliminate wrinkles around the mouth and lips

There is an effective one specifically for combating mimic and age wrinkles around the mouth and lips. Basic exercises:

  1. Place your palms on both sides of your cheeks. Fingers should rest on the corners of the mouth. Then you need to tighten your lips, slightly stretching them. Hold for a few seconds and relax your mouth. Repeat 10 times.
  2. Put index and middle fingers at the corners of the mouth. Try to lift the upper lip up, overcoming resistance. Only 20 times.
  3. The starting position is the same. Only this time, the lips need to be pulled forward with a tube, and with your fingers, lightly press on the corners of the mouth, interfering with this process. Just 15-20 times.

Very useful exercise different types wrinkles, which consists in stretching the lips forward with a tube and from this position try to close and open the mouth. In this case, you can feel how the muscles work. This exercise can be added to the complex or performed separately.

Applying anti-wrinkle creams around the mouth and lips

The use of creams in combination with other procedures gives a good result. To combat different types of wrinkles, the appropriate compositions are used:

  1. Nourishing creams with herbal extracts. Such compositions are suitable for the presence of shallow wrinkles. They, as a rule, have an environmentally friendly composition, a minimum of fragrances and preservatives. These creams deeply moisturize the skin, stimulate the metabolic processes in cells.
  2. Moisturizing compositions with a lifting effect. Contribute to skin nutrition, have a tightening effect and are used in the presence of medium-deep wrinkles. The composition often includes stimulants of collagen and elastin, however, with a superficial effect on the skin, they do not give a pronounced result.
  3. Creams with hyaluronic acid. Apply in the presence of deep wrinkles. Of course, such compositions cannot eliminate age-related changes, but prevent further loss of moisture by cells.

After 30 years, every woman should use age-appropriate creams, since it is during this period that the first small wrinkles appear in the area around the mouth and lips. It is advisable to use formulations with a filter that will prevent the penetration of harmful UV radiation into the skin.

Creams should be used only after preliminary cleansing of the skin 2 times a day with massage movements.

How to get rid of wrinkles around the mouth - video

Massage and masks for the area around the mouth

Massage gives excellent results when carried out with moisturizing creams or cosmetic oils. It is better to do this before going to bed, once a week for 3 months is enough. Then you should take a break for 10 days. It is necessary to make movements during massage along special lines. In this case, it is recommended to use stroking, pinching and patting.

Masks with a lifting effect will give an excellent result if applied 2 times a week. In this case, it is not necessary to use purchased products, you can prepare the compositions yourself. The most effective recipes:

  1. Toning mask. It will take 1 tsp. orange juice and the same amount of cosmetic jojoba oil. Next, you should mix both ingredients and apply to the problem area with patting movements. Leave on for 10 minutes, then rinse with water. Repeat every week.
  2. Lifting composition. You will need essential oil of lemon and lavender, 1 drop each. Such components must be diluted in 1 tbsp. l. thick sour cream. Then apply on face and leave for 15 minutes. Then wash off with cool water. Repeat 2 times a week.
  3. Moisturizing mask. It will take 1 tsp. olive oil and 0.5 tsp. wheat germ. Both ingredients must be mixed and applied to the problem area. Leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse with water. Repeat every week.

The result from the use of masks will be better if you first cleanse the skin with a scrub. So the nutrients will better penetrate into the problem area.

Ingredients for masks - gallery

Orange juice saturates the skin with vitamin C Jojoba oil nourishes the epidermis Lemon essential oil helps to keep the skin in good shape Lavender essential oil accelerates regeneration in the affected area Sour cream has a moisturizing effect Wheat germ oil prevents the aging process Olive oil helps to saturate the skin with moisture

The use of fillers

Injection methods are often used to smooth wrinkles around the mouth and lips. Several injections are made in the area of ​​​​the nasolabial fold and in the corners of the mouth, then the composition is carefully distributed with fingers so that it does not concentrate in one area. For this purpose, fillers are used, which are of different types:

  1. Based on hyaluronic acid. Such drugs resolve, as a rule, within 6 months. This group of fillers often includes vitamins that improve skin condition and smooth wrinkles. Due to the saturation of the cells with moisture and beneficial substances stimulates the production of its own hyaluronic acid.
  2. Collagen based. These fillers also dissolve within 6 months. They stimulate the production of their own collagen and fill the space under the skin, smoothing wrinkles.
  3. Slow absorbing fillers. They are produced on the basis of calcium hydroxyapatite and polycaprolactone. Such drugs dissolve within 2 years. During this time, a pronounced lifting effect is provided.
  4. Silicone-based preparations. They do not react with tissues and are not absorbed. Such injections give a result that will last for a long time. Compared with absorbable analogues, it is the least beneficial for the body.

Hyaluronic acid fillers are considered the most effective and safe to date. However, if the substance is not properly distributed, small bumps under the skin may appear.

Surgical lift

Surgical skin tightening is the most effective method getting rid of deep wrinkles around the mouth and lips. However, this method also has its drawbacks. After the operation, rehabilitation is necessary. With the wrong tightening, a distortion can occur, and the face will look unnatural.

During the operation, the doctor must accurately calculate the tension force, so that later there are no unfortunate consequences that require additional intervention. At the very beginning, a small incision is made in the area behind the ears. Then the doctor tightens the skin so that the wrinkles are smoothed out. The excess epidermis is excised and sutures are applied, which are removed after a few days.

The operation is performed only general anesthesia and in the absence of contraindications, such as heart and vascular diseases, CNS lesions and oncological pathologies.

During the rehabilitation period, the patient needs to walk in a special bandage that will fix the seams. The result can be seen immediately after the operation.

The tightening of the area around the mouth and lips is carried out gradually with the regular implementation of all recommendations. If you have patience, you can notice how after a few months the wrinkles will become less pronounced. You should constantly moisturize the skin with nutritious compounds and do not forget about salon procedures.

Complete collection and description: how to get rid of wrinkles in the corners of the lips? for readers of our site.

Looking at her reflection, every woman sadly notices traces of time on her face - the first wrinkles in the mouth area. With age, the skin becomes drier, less firm and elastic. The time of appearance of wrinkles largely depends on the type of skin, especially early they appear in owners of dry skin. If it is impossible to completely remove wrinkles around the mouth, then slowing down their appearance is quite possible.

Experts advise starting prevention from the age of 25, but it is never too late to take care of yourself, listen to the advice of cosmetologists, change your regimen, lifestyle, and get rid of bad habits.

The skin around the mouth is thin and devoid of fat, and with age, the production of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for firmness and elasticity, decreases. Constant stretching of the circular muscle of the lips when talking, eating, expressing emotions.

Openness to influence environment. Cold air, as well as excess ultraviolet radiation, are especially harmful to exposed skin. Some professional types activities associated with the activation of the work of the circular muscle - vocal training, playing wind musical instruments. Features of the structure of the bones of the skull, bite, condition of the teeth.

Rapid weight loss, leading to an even greater decrease in the fat layer of the skin around the mouth. Smoking, during which there is a tension of the perioral muscles and the rapid destruction of collagen, elastin. Insufficient amount of water in the body.

What wrinkles around the mouth can tell

They can tell a lot about a person, both about his character and pathologies. internal organs. About what else:

  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract are indicated by folds located in the region of the nasolabial triangle;
  • problems with the spleen are indicated by wrinkles located above the upper lip;
  • when the wrinkles near the nasolabial triangle are asymmetrical, you need to increased attention give to the lower limbs;
  • when they appear under the lower lip, it means that the body is exposed to an allergen irritant;
  • small wrinkles located vertically from the nose to the lips testify to gynecological pathologies and problems of the genitourinary system;
  • the poor functioning of the pancreas is indicated by wrinkles drooping down from the corners of the lips;
  • small ones in the corners of the lips signal kidney disease, metabolic disorders in the body.

Important: to get rid of wrinkles around the mouth, you need to be very careful about your health, change your attitude to life.

There is an opinion that the folds located around the lips indicate the character:

  • if they go down from the nose, reaching the lips, then a person is often disappointed;
  • folds similar to the sun's rays indicate shyness;
  • folds at the corners of the mouth indicate a lazy and weak-willed person;
  • wrinkles starting near the upper lip, descending below the corners of the mouth, indicate mental suffering.

Types of wrinkles

It is customary to distinguish three types: purse-string - vertical folds of various depths above the upper and under the lower lip; nasolabial, running from the nose to the corners of the lips; puppet wrinkles, located on the chin from the corners of the lips and giving the face a mournful expression.

More about types:

  1. Puppets are signs of age. They are located vertically from the corners of the lips to the chin. Facial skin sags muscle tone weakened. The face takes on a somewhat mournful expression.
  2. Nasolabial - are formed in people who like to smile often. Arranged vertically from nose to mouth.
  3. Purse-string is another name for smoker's wrinkles. The same applies to age. They are a network of wrinkles located vertically above the lips. They are formed due to a lack of collagen in the body and a weakening of muscle tone.

Today, there are many different methods and tools to help get rid of mimic wrinkles around the mouth and any other types, including age ones.

Various means

There are many ways to get rid of the problem. Smoothing the skin helps the regularity of applying the right cream, which includes antioxidants that slow down the aging process of the skin, vitamin A, which has a rejuvenating effect, vitamin E, which moisturizes and nourishes the skin, peptides that stimulate the production of collagen by the skin.

Masks that you can make yourself at home help. Effective oil compresses. A few simple tips:

  1. It is recommended to use lip gloss and lipstick with UV protection, as well as a moisturizing effect.
  2. As often as possible, exfoliate the skin around oral cavity. This will help get rid of dead cells. For the procedure, you can use mild cleansers and terry gloves.
  3. It is necessary not to provoke the appearance of wrinkles. Do not bite, do not twist, do not purse your lips.
  4. Do not use aggressive cleansers. Use moisturizers.

You can remove mimic wrinkles and age lines with the help of modern aesthetic medicine, in the arsenal of which there are many various methods, ranging from injections of hyaluronic acid, which replenishes the missing volume in the folds of the skin, Botox injections, which relieve muscle tension and smooth the skin.

A rejuvenating effect on the skin and smoothing wrinkles is exerted by plasmolifting, when regeneration processes are started with the help of one's own blood, lipofilling, in which wrinkles are eliminated using the patient's own fat. There are various types of skin resurfacing, thread lifting, chemical peels and surgical facelift. All these methods of eliminating wrinkles around the mouth are reliable and in demand.

Choosing the right care products for yourself, adjusting your lifestyle and nutrition, you can slow down the aging of the body, preserve the beauty and freshness of the skin for a long time, pushing back the appearance of wrinkles or even get rid of them altogether.

Salon procedures

Salon procedures will help get rid of mimic wrinkles around the mouth or deep age folds. Cosmetology can offer reliable products for every taste and wallet size. These are hardware methods. They give a slightly worse effect than those Botox injections, but its duration is slightly longer. Also in beauty salons offer the following methods: laser resurfacing, lifting, iontophoresis, peeling, electrophoresis.

Surgery is not exactly a salon procedure, but rather an extreme that women use when fighting wrinkles. These are the procedures:

  • face plastic;
  • chemical peeling;
  • thread tightening of muscles.

Forget about the individual reaction of the body and various contraindications also not needed. Before contacting a beauty salon, it is recommended to be examined by a dermatologist and a surgeon. In more detail about the options and methods that the current cosmetology offers to combat wrinkles around the lips:

Botox injections

Its introduction into the subcutaneous layer contributes to partial muscle atrophy around the nasolabial folds. From this, facial expressions become less mobile, and the skin is smoothed. It is better to use this method after 45 years, when a woman has not only mimic wrinkles around her mouth, but also deep ones.

Paraffin therapy

Restores the water-electrolyte balance of the skin. Paraffin improves metabolic functions, warming up the epidermis, saturating it with useful trace elements, removing toxins. This method removes small wrinkles, making the face fit and smooth.

Chemical, laser peeling

It involves deep resurfacing of the skin using chemicals or laser radiation. The method is aimed at removing the upper layers of the epidermis around the nasolabial folds. Peeling reduces the number of wrinkles, removes roughness, unevenness.


A vitamin cocktail is injected into the surface layer of the epidermis. It contains collagen, B vitamins, various beneficial trace elements. After about 3-5 procedures, a stable result of reducing the number of wrinkles around the lips is achieved.


Subcutaneous injections of microscopic doses of hyaluronic acid. The procedure helps to stimulate the production of this substance by the body. Biorevitalization removes mimic wrinkles around the mouth immediately after the first procedure, but the effect lasts from two to nine months.


A cardinal option for getting rid of wrinkles. The method involves the introduction of special gels into the deep layer of the skin. The skin "melts", wrinkles disappear, the woman visually begins to look 10-15 years younger.

home remedies for wrinkles

When there is no time or money to visit the salon, it is worth trying to get rid of wrinkles around the mouth yourself. There are many options, most importantly, regularity, systematicity and the result will not keep you waiting.

Every day you need to use creams, which should contain vitamins A, E, B, peptides, antioxidants. Apply essential oils daily before bed. Many tools are always at hand. For example:

  • fish oil - drunk in the form of capsules;
  • tomatoes - applied in slices to wrinkles;
  • honey - applied for 15 minutes on wrinkles;
  • avocado - used like a tomato.

Unfortunately, wrinkles around the mouth can appear very early. Nobody is safe from them. Initially, these are mimic wrinkles, if they are not dealt with, they will turn into deep ones. In order to prevent the appearance of wrinkles, it is recommended:

  • observe proper diet nutrition;
  • walk more often on the street;
  • lead healthy lifestyle life;
  • drink enough water;
  • abandon diets with a sharp weight loss;
  • daily massage around the oral cavity;
  • sleep 8 hours a day;
  • moisturize the skin with nourishing creams and make masks.

Folk medicine recipes

These tips will help you stay young and beautiful. Let's move on to traditional medicine recipes:

  1. Carrots - finely rubbed, add 1 tsp of cream and honey. Mix everything and apply to wrinkles for 15 minutes.
  2. The fabric is impregnated with a decoction of oak bark. A fifteen-minute compress is made on the area around the mouth. Then the face is rubbed with ice.
  3. The yolk is mixed with half a teaspoon of vegetable or olive oil. H/l of honey is added. It is superimposed on wrinkles for 20 minutes.
  4. St / l finely grated onion + h / l of honey and milk. Apply to wrinkles for 10 minutes.
  5. In equal proportions, mix cottage cheese, honey, sour cream, apply on wrinkles for 10 minutes. Course - 3 times a week.
  6. A compress of vegetable and olive oils - a napkin is wetted and applied to wrinkles for 20 minutes.
  7. For 10 minutes, gruel from fresh cucumber with chicken yolk is applied to wrinkles.
  8. The mouth area is smeared with egg white. Wash your face after the skin begins to tighten.

After such procedures, it is necessary to lubricate the face with a moisturizer.


A good tool for the prevention and smoothing of wrinkles is gymnastics, which must be done in front of a mirror 10-15 minutes a day.

  1. Take a deep breath, hold the air behind closed lips, puffing out your cheeks for a few seconds. Exhale sharply by parting your lips.
  2. Puff out your cheeks and release air slowly from the corners of your mouth.
  3. Hold the lips pulled inward in this position for a few seconds, then relax and repeat again.
  4. Move lower jaw back and forth and left and right.
  5. Slowly move the corners of the closed lips up and down with the attached index fingers.
  6. Pronounce vowel sounds, following the correct active articulation of the lips.
  7. Move the air taken into the mouth from one cheek to the other.

Special gymnastics is a good option for strengthening the muscles around the mouth, smoothing wrinkles, and rejuvenating the skin. It will help tighten the chin, reduce the cheeks. Strengthening muscles with the help of gymnastics will take about 2-4 months. In order for the result to be stable, you need to repeat the gymnastics twice a day with an interval of 2-3 days.


  1. Pull out the lips, as if pronouncing the sound "u". You need to press your fingers tightly to them. Try to overcome the pressure of the hand with the muscles of the lips. Remove the hand, exhale the air without changing the position of the lips. Do 15 repetitions.
  2. Pull the upper lip forward, the lower jaw remains motionless. Tighten the top. The exercise is performed 10 times with breaks.
  3. Without opening the teeth, the corners of the mouth are stretched. The lower lip drops, revealing the gums and teeth. The muscles of the chin tighten, which helps to smooth wrinkles above the lips, as well as get rid of the second chin.


To relax, improve blood circulation, speed up metabolism, produce your own collagen and elastin, in order to remove mimic wrinkles, professional massage is used, but if you get acquainted with the rules, you can do it yourself.

Massage with hands or a soft toothbrush has a positive effect. Apply the cream to the washed skin around the mouth, smooth out wrinkles with gentle rotational movements.

Before the massage, you need to clean the skin around the mouth. Then a fat cream is applied, after which you can proceed to the procedure. The process lies in the fact that the fingers smooth wrinkles with light movements. This is done from the corners of the lips towards the wrinkles or from the mouth towards the nose.

Usually, purse-string wrinkles appear first. They require a lot of attention. Massage helps to fight them. It is performed with washed hands on cleansed skin. To control the process, you can do exercises by spoiling the mirrors.

  1. The hands are warmed up, the skin is rubbed from the middle of the mouth towards the ears with the palms. The movements should be smooth, the degree of pressure should be medium.
  2. The face is covered with palms, the little fingers are on purse-string folds. The palm covers the cheeks. She simultaneously lifts the latter and presses on the wrinkles around the mouth.
  3. Lips retract inward. Then you need to hold a tablespoon with them and try to smile. In this position, you need to linger for a few minutes. The longer you can hold the spoon, the more effective the exercise will be.
  4. From nasolabial folds are made circular motions from top to bottom with index fingers. The pressure is intense.
  5. Then you should smile broadly, pinching your cheeks and cheekbones with your fingers on both sides of your mouth. Freeze for a minute.

Homemade masks for wrinkles around the mouth

To save time and money, you can use homemade masks. When a woman uses them, they help to moisturize and nourish the skin around the mouth. The simplest recipes will bear fruit: the skin will freshen up, tighten, wrinkles will begin to disappear.

Fish oil mask:

  • in a bowl, mix each tsp of olive or vegetable oil, fish oil, starch;
  • the mixture is applied to wrinkles for 15 minutes;
  • the face is rinsed with warm water, after which the skin around the mouth is moistened with a soft cream.

Avocado Honey Mask:

  • avocado pulp is mashed;
  • mixed in h / l puree and honey;
  • the mixture is applied to the area around the mouth for 10 minutes.

Chicken protein mask:

  • the protein is separated from the yolk;
  • the protein is whipped with a whisk until smooth, applied to the area around the lips;
  • after 15 minutes, it is washed off with warm water, after which a moisturizer is applied.

Nutrition and healthy lifestyle

Proper nutrition plays an important role. You should include more vegetables and fruits in your diet, do not forget to start the day with light breakfast, give up fast food, drink enough quality water.

The diet should be balanced, mono diets should be avoided, adhere to the principles of separate, fractional nutrition. Nutritionists advise eating foods that contain vitamins A, B, C, as well as potassium and magnesium.

Muscles are strengthened by protein, both vegetable and animal. It is recommended to include rabbit meat, poultry, fish, beef, eggs, mushrooms in the diet. Fish fat with Omega acids keeps the skin in good condition.

A healthy lifestyle can slow down the processes of withering of the skin around the mouth. Giving up smoking, strong alcoholic drinks, alternating work with rest, playing sports will have a beneficial effect on the work of the whole organism and on how the skin looks, pushing back the appearance of wrinkles for a long time. With an orderly lifestyle, mood improves and resistance to stressful situations increases, which adversely affect the appearance.

Taking care of yourself is a laborious, endless job. However, the result is worth the effort! Any means is effective when the skin is cared for and protected. Wrinkles will definitely appear with age, but this problem can be delayed!

Wrinkles around the lips, whenever they appear, are an insidious thing. First, they always add years to us. Secondly, they irreversibly change the facial expression, giving it a squeamish and displeased expression.

In the lip area, cosmetologists and surgeons distinguish:

    purse-string wrinkles - small vertical wrinkles around the lips,

    puppet wrinkles, which go almost vertically down from the corners of the lips to the chin,

    deep nasolabial folds from nose to lips.

Today we will talk only about the causes of purse-string wrinkles.

Where do purse-string wrinkles around the mouth come from?

The first purse-string wrinkles near the lips can appear quite early, and, alas, every year they become only deeper and more noticeable.

There are several reasons for their appearance. Some of them can be eliminated and thereby prevent early wrinkles.

Expert comment:

Third reason, along which appear mimic wrinkles around the mouth is a facial expression. Active articulation, for example, in singers, wind players or teachers, is very often the cause of the formation of vertical and horizontal wrinkles above the upper lip.

If you have a habit of puckering or pursing your lips, add that to the list of causes of wrinkles. Even frequent laughter may well cause wrinkles around the lips. What to do? Naturally, no one calls for abandoning facial expressions - but it is worth paying attention to it.

Fourth reason, very close to the first - the activity of the circular muscle of the mouth. Do you often drink drinks through a straw and can't imagine life without chewing gum? Wrinkles on the lips are practically guaranteed to you. To reduce the risk, do facial exercises, massage your lips - and again, make sure that the tension of the lips does not become habitual, constant for you.

Fifth reason. Smoking. One of the most common causes the appearance of wrinkles around the lips. Why? Not only because of the very tension of the near-mouth muscles, which was mentioned above.

Nicotine destroys elastin and collagen fibers, that is, it turns the already not too moisturized skin around the lips into thin and dry “cigarette paper”, on which creases instantly appear. not without reason the second name of purse-string wrinkles is smoker's wrinkles.

Sixth reason not related to the tension of the perioral muscles. These are disproportions of the facial skeleton, micrognathia, malocclusion, missing teeth or enamel abrasion.

At the same time, even if you have naturally beautiful teeth, they wear out with age, the bones of the skull become thinner - this is a natural process.

Therefore, before starting treatment with a cosmetologist, it makes sense to visit an aesthetic dentist - today there are methods for raising the bite.

Seventh reason- the weather. Temperature changes, excessive dryness and ultraviolet radiation harm the lips. The latter penetrates deep into the skin and has great destructive power, starting the aging process.

Eighth reason- imbalance in nutrition. drastic weight loss, malnutrition, insufficient fluid intake accelerates skin aging and the appearance of wrinkles on the upper lip .

Now we know the enemy by sight. It remains to understand whether it is possible to get rid of purse-string wrinkles.

How to remove wrinkles above the lip at home

Let's be realistic: complete elimination of wrinkles around the lips is impossible, because we chew, talk and use facial expressions every day. However, there are ways to make wrinkles at the corners of the lips less noticeable.

Let's start with a few basic things, then look at free methods of correction and complete the story of ultra effective means from the arsenal of cosmetologists and plastic surgeons.

    Quit smoking. Absolutely, forever. For this, not only lips will thank you, but also eyes, and ovaries and every cell in your body.

    Stop believing advertising tales about the benefits of chewing gum. It is only for the benefit of chewing gum manufacturers, but not for you. Of course, there are times when you need to quickly clean your teeth after eating - but for this it is enough to chew gum for five minutes. Anything more is harmful for both teeth and youthful lips.

    Learn to control your face.

    Do you look eternally dissatisfied, your lips are tense, your face has a displeased grimace? Get rid of the habit of curling your lips or pursing them - this does not decorate anyone, but why do you need something that looks ugly now and in the long term will form wrinkles of grief on the face near the lips?

    A slight half-smile is what should be his "background expression".

    Be careful with the sun! Undoubtedly, the sun, air and water are our best friends. But only when using protective products with SPF filters of at least 30, or even 50. Otherwise, your best friend is quite capable of making you outright disgusting - for example, drying out already dry skin.

    Do not forget about protective cosmetics. Creams and masks that you use should contain vitamins A, E, C, retinoids, coenzymes, antioxidants, peptides, fixed oils, collagen, keratin, hyaluronic acid, glycerin, glycol and other skin-friendly ingredients.

    It would be good to start using them not from the age of 45 in order to treat already formed wrinkles near the mouth, but at least from 25, that is, at the moment when the processes of age-related changes are just beginning.

    If you love Facebook building, be careful. One side, gymnastics for the face- a wonderful thing, a simulator that allows the muscles of the face to remain taut, relieves bryley, second chin and other unpleasant things. But an excessive load on the perioral area is fraught with the formation of wrinkles: do you remember that there is almost no fat and sebaceous glands there?

Well, now a few folk recipes, which are designed to help you hate wrinkles without leaving home. So, in order for the skin around the lips to remain smooth longer, our grandmothers advised:

    Make "lip" masks from products containing a large amount of moisture and fat: cucumber, yogurt or sour cream.

    Do not forget to include in the diet foods containing vitamin B2: nuts, dairy products, grain bread, leafy green vegetables.

    When applying a cream or mask, massage along the lines around the lips and from the lips to the chin - this will make the treatment more effective.

Expert comment

How to effectively remove purse-string wrinkles above the upper lip

There are many ways to smooth out purse-string wrinkles and make wrinkles in the corners of the lips invisible.

    Hyaluronic acid filler injections (Volbella, Equio) fill every wrinkle and thereby smooth them out. The indisputable advantage of gels is that they allow you to solve all the problems of the mouth area - in particular, restore volume to the lips and smooth out the labial chin folds under the lower lip.

    For the natural correction of purse-string wrinkles, the doctor must master a special microtechnique for administering the drug. Otherwise, an excess of filler distorts the smile and makes facial expressions robotic.

    Biorevitalization Ial-System unstabilized hyaluronic acid provides hydration and effective correction of fine wrinkles around the mouth.

    Introduction collagen based product after 2-3 weeks it tightens the skin, reduces flabbiness, smoothes wrinkles and folds.

    Mesotherapy with vitamins, microelements, collagen, elastin, etc. The effect appears slowly, but is more stable and delays further aging of the skin.

    Botox- one or two injections will relieve muscle spasm, thereby smoothing purse-string wrinkles and lift the corners of the mouth. If a Botox in its classic form is contraindicated for you, a more gentle procedure is performed mesobotox or the introduction of a peptide Argireline.

    Mesothreads set along the contour of the lips. After resorption, the thread leaves a framework of collagen fibers, which strengthens the skin and smoothes wrinkles.

    Plasmafiller– Swiss plasma therapy Regen Lab– naturally starts the processes of skin rejuvenation and restoration, smoothes wrinkles.

    Chemical peel improves the condition of the skin around the mouth, enhances cellular metabolism and blood flow - small wrinkles are smoothed out, large ones become less noticeable.

  1. Laser peeling with a fractional laser Asklepion starts the renewal of the upper layer of the skin. As a result, purse-string wrinkles disappear, the skin is rejuvenated.

Feedback from Natalia, 46 years old:

In more complex cases, to solve the problem and eliminate wrinkles require the use of surgical methods:

    Lipofilling – filling skin folds own refined fat. This technique perfectly rejuvenates the skin, gives volume to the lips and smoothes purse-string wrinkles.

    Thread lift Velok, Happy lift, spring fred. Skin and soft tissue lifting with biodegradable threads solves the problem of nasolabial folds and wrinkle marionette.

    SMAS lifting in the complex rejuvenation program, in addition, it allows you to get rid of the deepest wrinkles in the mouth area - nasolabial and labiochin.

To solve the problem of wrinkles in the lip area, sign up for a consultation with a beautician by phone:

in Moscow +7 495 723-48-38, +7 495 989-21-16,

in Kazan +7 843 236-66-66.

Our specialists:

Anna Smirnova

Elena Vlasova

Elmira Baltacheeva

Andrey Iskornev

Maxim Vasiliev

Book an appointment online and get a 30% discount on a consultation!

The problem of how to get rid of wrinkles in the corners of the mouth at home begins to bother, regardless of age. The folds and creases that appear in this zone may be of a mimic origin or indicate a disease, cosmetic procedures in salons are the least effective for problems in the area around the mouth, especially if they were caused by any ailments.

Why wrinkles appear at the corners of the mouth

Wrinkles formed in the corners of the lips may indicate:

  1. About malfunctions in the functions and condition of the spleen, as a rule, these are deep grooves going up.
  2. About gynecological ailments and diseases of the genitourinary system - usually small, parallel and short, vertical wrinkles.
  3. About the disease in the digestive organs will tell deep, blooming to the bottom, furrows.
  4. About difficulties with the kidneys and metabolic disorders - these are short, shallow rays extending in all directions from the corners of the lips.
  5. About ailments in the legs - asymmetrical, arbitrary wrinkles.
  6. About malfunctions in the pancreas - sharply going down, straight single and deep creases.
  7. About the tendency to allergies - a scattering of cracks smoothly leaving under the lower lip.

Therefore, before you start correcting the condition of the skin around the mouth, it is advisable to medical examination, for detection or - not detection of internal diseases.

It is precisely because the wrinkles that form around the corners of the lips often have their roots in various ailments that they are difficult to correct salon manipulations. To get rid of such creases, which are the result of pathologies, you need to treat the disease, and not visit a massage therapist or buy creams.

Also, a common reason that a cobweb envelops the mouth is facial expressions. The emotions experienced by a person very quickly find their reflection in this part of the face:

  • Grooves in the form of a half sun with rays indicate that their owner laughs very often, is full of cheerfulness and optimism.
  • Sharp, arbitrary length, semicircular wrinkles directed towards the cheeks are a sign of a shy, very modest person who is forced to constantly overcome these qualities.
  • The grooves, descending immediately down, unmistakably indicate suffering, pain, both mental and physical.
  • A crooked fold, formed by a single, wide and deep crease, indicates the frustration and laziness inherent in its owner.

To successfully combat wrinkles of mimic origin, one should take into account the very origins of the appearance of emotions leading to them.

Since when correcting and smoothing such grooves, it will be necessary to change the usual facial expressions, then in some cases it makes sense to change the way of life so as not to experience the emotion-cause, especially for suffering wrinkles, wrinkles that give an expression of constant dissatisfaction to the face and others that grow out of negative relationship to life.

In addition, there are also the usual age-related wrinkles and grooves, which are the easiest to remove.

Reasons for the development of wrinkles

Some people have to start the fight against spoiling the appearance of creases furrowing the skin almost from their youth, while others are fresh as flowers and at an elegant age.

This is due to the fact that for the rooting and growth of the skin crease, there are a number of favorable factors:

  1. Hereditary predisposition to wilting and aging of the skin.
  2. Dry air, dusty.
  3. Smoking.
  4. Frequent visits to the solarium.
  5. Improper facial care or its absence.
  6. Uncomfortable pillow, incorrect position of the head during sleep.
  7. Inevitable age-related changes after 40-45 years, hormonal changes in the body.
  8. Metabolic disorders and poor nutrition.
  9. Unfavorable climate - windy, frosty.
  10. Sharp changes in weight, both up and down.
  11. Dental problems, missing teeth.
  12. Lack of moisture in the body in general and in skin cells in particular.
  13. The activity and activity of the hair follicles in the corners of the lips and above the mouth.

All these factors contribute to wrinkling, accelerate the development of grooves that spoil the appearance, and increase their number.

At home, especially when it comes to the area around the mouth, in addition to nourishing masks and other means, gymnastics for the face helps well.


As a rule, gymnastic exercises for the face are aimed at developing new facial habits. However, gymnastics from wrinkles rooted in the corners of the lips, first of all, prevents stagnation in the cells and between them, practically “wakes up” elastic fibers from sleep, preventing the deepening of creases. This lesson in this case is necessary, in combination with caring anti-aging products.

by the most effective exercises are:

  • Lower the lower lip as low as possible, with a noticeable tension, hold it for at least 2-4 minutes.
  • Smile broadly, with your mouth open, but the upper part of the face, especially the eye zone, completely motionless, fix the smile and hold out for 3 to 4 minutes.
  • Fold your lips into a bow or duck, stretch forward as much as possible and hold for 5 to 7 minutes.
  • Simulate air kisses with the obligatory blowing them off the fingers, alternating the sides of the message, repeat at least 30-40 times.
  • Pulling out the lips, hide one under the other, in turn, slowly, for 10-15 minutes.
  • Squeeze your lips tightly and wrap them inward with a noticeable tension, hold for 6-8 minutes, relax.
  • Pull the upper lip jerkily, without moving the lower jaw at all, you need to do this for 10-12 minutes.

All exercises need to be repeated constantly and many times, then their effectiveness will be noticeable after about a month of daily classes.

Before you get rid of wrinkles, that is, start doing it with the help of exercises, you need to cleanse your skin well. The fact is that gymnastics activates all processes in the epidermis and during exercise sweat appears both above the upper lip and above the lower one. This indicates that the training process is going well.

Sometimes the sweat is greasy. This indicates that the skin cells get rid of all that is superfluous. Of course, after class, it is also necessary to cleanse the skin and lubricate it with a nourishing home remedy aimed at smoothing wrinkled furrows.

home cosmetics

In addition to recipes that help smooth out both overhanging folds and small cobwebs, there is a folk trick that is very effective when used daily.

This is normal ice. It is enough just to run an ice cube from the corners of the lips to the chin twice a day to smooth out even the most deeply ingrained furrows. The effectiveness of this method can be confirmed by any physician. A sharp cooling instantly activates the nerve endings and starts all the processes in the cells, which leads to a significant increase in their tone and, accordingly, the straightening of the crease.

Very good in the fight against wrinkles in the corners of the lips are recipes based on mixtures of herbs and essential oils. The recipe is simple - to infusion useful plants in a 1:1 ratio with water, 10 drops are added essential oil.

The most effective herbs are:

  1. Calendula.
  2. Celandine.
  3. Chamomile.
  4. Dog-rose fruit.

The essential oils most suitable for combating oral wrinkles are:

  • cocoa;
  • from apricot pit;
  • from grape seeds;
  • linen;
  • from rose hips;
  • peach.

You can combine herbs and oils completely arbitrarily, in the most pleasant version for yourself. And apply - both directly smearing wrinkles, and treating the entire problem area.

The most irreconcilable and successful natural fighter against wrinkles running down from the corners of the mouth is the common cucumber. Moreover, you can simply apply circles to problem areas, or prepare a special mask for the corners of your mouth.

You will need:

  1. Cucumber pulp, without seeds and peel, mashed - half a teaspoon.
  2. Cottage cheese - a quarter of a teaspoon.
  3. A couple of drops of apricot essential oil.

All ingredients are mixed into a homogeneous mass and at the same time warm up. The mask is applied to the entire area around the mouth warm and washed off after 30-35 minutes. You can use it twice a day.

It is very effective and the easiest to use the agave. The leaf must be torn apart and smeared with its jelly-like part. clean skin with wrinkled areas.

In addition to home remedies, modern pharmaceuticals and cosmetology offers a wide range of all kinds of anti-aging cosmetics, however, for the zone of the corners of the lips, it, unfortunately, is not very effective.

As for salon procedures, Botox may not help, especially if wrinkles are caused by dormant diseases. In this case, they simply "crawl" beyond the limits of the administered drug.

Video: gymnastics for the face - wrinkles around the lips.

Conditions for a successful fight

In the question of how to remove wrinkles from the mouth area, lifestyle and habits are of no small importance.

In addition to gymnastics and the regular use of home remedies, a number of conditions must be met:

  • reduce or completely eliminate negative emotions;
  • try not to smoke, not to be in dusty rooms;
  • choose the “right” pillow for rest and sleep;
  • do not abuse diets;
  • drink plain water, in addition to other drinks;
  • Take good care of your skin in general.

Getting rid of wrinkles in the corners of the mouth is very difficult, but quite real. First of all, it is necessary to exclude all the causes of their occurrence related to health. Secondly, be patient and deal with this problem daily. With this approach, wrinkles will definitely be smoothed out.

So, today's article is devoted to how to effectively remove wrinkles around the mouth. And first, nevertheless, we will find out the reasons why they (wrinkles) can occur.

  1. Mimic wrinkles around the mouth: causes;
  2. How clinics and beauty salons can help;
  3. How to remove wrinkles around the mouth at home: tips;
  4. Wrinkles around the mouth and global brands;
  5. How are nutrition, healthy lifestyle and wrinkles around the lips related;
  6. Some more lip beauty tips;

Mimic wrinkles around the mouth: causes

Unfortunately, mimic wrinkles come before age-related wrinkles. They are formed just in those areas that are most susceptible to facial expressions: the corners of the mouth, the area above the lip. Here the structure of the skull and the location of the muscles on the face play an important role.

Here are 10 factors that can do a disservice:

  1. The area around the lips is always in motion. And the circular muscle of the mouth is fused with a rather thin skin, which is why it stretches. In addition, there is very little subcutaneous fat. This is the main reason for the appearance of wrinkles in this area.
  2. Time. Decrease in collagen production with age also affects the condition of the skin.
  3. Head position during sleep. If it is wrong, then the skin wrinkles. In youth, you can see how quickly everything is restored. But then it stays forever.
  4. Fast weight loss.
  5. Smoking. No matter how trite, but this habit gives a 100% guarantee that wrinkles on the face will appear very early. This also includes an unhealthy lifestyle in general.
  6. Sun, cold, wind. Natural factors can also affect the elasticity and smoothness of the skin.
  7. If you take care of your face incorrectly or do not pay attention to it at all, then you can quickly achieve an undesired effect - mimic wrinkles.
  8. Absence of teeth. Leads to a change in the face.
  9. Genes. They play an important role.
  10. chronic diseases.

Wrinkles are very different:

  • Mimic. Crying, laughter, any emotion or grimace is subsequently converted into such wrinkles.
  • Age. Collagen deficiency is to blame here.
  • Deep. Folds and furrows around the mouth. Here they are the most difficult to eradicate, most likely even almost impossible. But it can be significantly reduced.
  • Surface. They occupy the upper layers of the skin. Even an amateur in this matter can easily cope with them (if, of course, he wants to).
  • Purse-string. Thin mesh around the lips. Usually, it likes to occur somewhere after 40 years, and is again associated with a lack of collagen. Salon procedures help a lot here.
  • Puppets. These wrinkles go from the corners of the lips to the chin, creating the expression of the unsmiling princess.
  • transverse. Settles on the chin.
  • Wrinkles at the corners of the lips.

How clinics and beauty salons can help

How to remove wrinkles around the mouth? This will help modern cosmetology. You just need to force yourself to walk to the nearest good reliable salon. Here they can offer means and methods for every taste and budget. For example:

  1. Injections. There are several types of them:
  • Plastic fillers along the contour using hyaluronic acid. You can say goodbye to your folds at the mouth after such a procedure for several years.
  • Botox injections. The effect lasts from six months to eight months.
  • Mesotherapy. Rejuvenation, hydration, regeneration.
  • Biorevitalization or "natural revitalization". Eliminates purse-string wrinkles for a whole year.
  • Vector lifting, plasmolifting, bioreinforcement- all these are procedures that restore youth.
  • Lipolifting. Wrinkles are filled with purified fat, which belongs to the patient himself.
  1. Hardware methods. Perhaps their effectiveness is lower than that of beauty injections, but the duration of the result is much longer. The salon can offer the following techniques: laser resurfacing, radiofrequency lifting, electrophoresis, iontophoresis, myostimulation and hardware peeling.
  1. Surgery. This, of course, is far from a salon procedure. This is an extreme, which, nevertheless, quite often women use in the fight against wrinkles. How can surgery help? These are operations such as:
  • thread lifting of the facial muscles;
  • chemical peeling;
  • face plastic.

How to remove wrinkles around the mouth at home: tips

If for some reason there is no time for a salon (or money), then you can restore your beauty at home. There are many ways. The main thing is systematic and regularity and the desired effect will certainly be achieved.

It is necessary to use a specially selected anti-wrinkle cream daily. It must contain vitamins (the presence of A and E is important), antioxidants and peptides. Plus, every night before going to bed, rub in essential oil: apricot, sandalwood or menthol.

Some products are always at hand, just few people know that they can be used in the home beauty industry:

  • tomato (you just need to attach a slice);
  • avocado (same as tomato);
  • honey (apply on wrinkles for a quarter of an hour);
  • fish oil (drink in the form of capsules).

You can turn to traditional medicine.

Recipes from the people

  • Yolk + ½ tsp. vegetable oil + honey 1 tsp. + 20 minutes of time = wrinkle-free skin.
  • Finely grate the carrots, add the pulp of the “alligator pear”, cream and honey, 1 small spoon each. You only need to keep it for 15 minutes.
  • Very finely chopped onion 1 tbsp. l. mix with honey and milk, which take 1 tsp. Apply to the problem area (can be on the entire face, except for the eyes) for 10 minutes.
  • Soak the cloth with an infusion of oak bark and apply a 15-minute compress to the area around the mouth. You can then wipe your face with ice.
  • For 5 or 10 minutes, apply the following composition on the face: cucumber gruel mixed with yolk.
  • A mixture of honey, cottage cheese and sour cream in equal proportions for 10 minutes on the face 3 times a week works wonders!
  • Lips and the area around them can be lubricated with protein from 1 egg. Rinse off after the treated area has tightened.
  • A compress of vegetable oils smoothes the fine mesh. You just need to moisten a napkin in oil and apply for 20 minutes.

Important! After each such procedure, mask or compress, it is necessary to lubricate the face with cream.

By the way, anti-wrinkle cream can be prepared at home. So:

Homemade wrinkle cream

Composed of:

  • gelatin, it needs 2 teaspoons;
  • lanolin, alum, gasoline tincture, camphor - a quarter of a teaspoon;
  • neroli oil - only 5 drops;
  • glycerin - 1 small spoon;
  • water, purified from impurities - 2 tablespoons.

Preparation: It is necessary to melt alum in water, then drip oil, add gelatin. After it swells, add glycerin to the mixture. Boil the mass until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Don't forget to stir constantly. Next, add the remaining ingredients and mix. ready mix Cool down and then beat until creamy. Keep refrigerated. Do not forget to use only the cream, preferably every day.

And you can also do facial exercises at home (only regularly!)

10 wrinkle exercises

  1. Lips in a tube and relax 20 times.
  2. Inflate your cheeks and “inflate” back - 20 times.
  3. Round the lips along the "O" and in and. n. So 20 times.
  4. Clench teeth, jaw forward, hold, then - initial position. From 3 repetitions.
  5. With your mouth closed, inflate your cheeks in turn - 10 times.
  6. Inhale deeply through the nose, exhale through the mouth, relaxing the lips. Repeatedly.
  7. Inhale-exhale through the corners of the lips. 5 or 10 repetitions.
  8. Sing vowels, 10 times the whole "set".
  9. Smile - relax, 20 times.
  10. Blow up balloons.

Perhaps doing these exercises in a couple of days will seem like a chore, and there are a thousand reasons to postpone them. At this moment, it is necessary to remember why all this is being done, that youth and beauty are at stake.

The area around the lips can be massaged: from the lips towards the ears, from the mouth to the nose, only very carefully. No need to overdo it and stretch your face. You can use a soft-bristled toothbrush for this.

And if you do it all in a complex - exercises, then a mask, an ice cube and massage with anti-wrinkle cream, then the result will not make him wait long.

Wrinkles around the mouth and global brands

You can remove unloved wrinkles around the mouth with creams from well-known world manufacturers.

EsteeLauder has given birth to the amazing Perfectionist CP+R mimic wrinkle corrector. It is contained in a tube with a very convenient applicator that can be used to apply this product. What's in the composition? It's no secret: an innovative development: a serum that can rejuvenate and peptides that correct wrinkles. The price bites a little: +/- 3 thousand rubles.

Cream from Vanessa called Liqiuskin works great on smoothing the epidermis, and also relaxes the facial muscles very well. It's worth it from 2 thousand to 3800 rubles.

But TriumphTechnologiesGroup offers everything for 2500 rubles enjoy a unique anti-aging cosmetic product, cream with black caviar extract - CaviarMoisturizingcream.

In general, global manufacturers cannot sleep peacefully until all wrinkles on women's faces are smoothed out, and something new is constantly appearing, although the old has not lost its properties. It is better to buy such things in specialized salons, shops or, possibly, pharmacies. They always come with an instruction in which you can clearly see the composition, properties, and indications with possible limitations.

How nutrition, healthy lifestyle and wrinkles around the lips are connected

In order for the skin to remain young, beautiful, elastic and elastic for as long as possible, it proper care are also needed useful vitamins and the elements that food can provide. What if the food doesn't supply it? That's right, the skin, and the whole body suffers from this.

  • Make sure that your diet is complete, with the correct ratio of BJU.
  • What else does beautiful skin love? She needs "normal" fats. They are found in eggs, good butter (just don't overdo it!), fish, nuts, olive oil, cod liver, and avocados.
  • Protein food prevents the premature appearance of an "ugly mesh" around the mouth. Everyone knows that the right protein food contributes to the restoration of obsolete body cells, i.e. young. Just what you need after 30 years!
  • Cell regeneration is very important, so regular drinking is no less useful. clean water. Only at least eight glasses a day! Ideally two liters.

If you want to normalize your diet, our articles will help you with this:

  • How to learn not to overeat and 13 reasons for overeating
  • Simple rules for healthy and proper nutrition
  • Food addictions or what the body lacks

Smoking, alcohol, excessive facial expressions, sleepless nights - these are all relatives of an unhealthy lifestyle, and enemies of beautiful skin. You need to take this into account when making a wish to have a face without wrinkles.

Once again about the benefits of sleep: its deficiency produces a stress hormone, and it has a bad effect on health in general, and not just on the skin. It’s good when it’s 8 o’clock, and even go to bed until 23.00. Your body will only thank you.

More lip beauty tips

We cannot keep our face completely still for days, so wrinkles will still be there. But we can do everything to make them almost invisible by influencing them with a whole range of measures. And following these tips:

  1. Once again about smoking. We need to break this habit forever. Yes Yes! Take your will and yourself into a fist and quit all the same. There are a thousand ways in the world to calm or entertain yourself. And then, when it becomes easier to breathe, and every cell will rejoice at getting rid of this addiction, wrinkles will smooth out quietly, and the skin color will become healthier.
  2. If you believe the advertisement, then "Orbit" or "Dirol" have only useful properties. Yes, they are. They bring money to manufacturers because we buy them. And we chew, and do not think that we harm the youth of the skin around the lips. We must take note: no more than 5 minutes after eating, if it is very necessary. And that's it. Not more!!!
  3. You have to learn to control your expression. Let it be a light half-smile. Only not a dull and sour grimace, full of noble discontent. At any moment you need to remember about your skin! And if you accustom yourself to always half smile, you will notice how, over time, your psychological condition will improve, the mood will be elated and sadness will go away.
  4. Warmth and sun is good. But only with filters from 30 or 50. Ultraviolet rays have a vile ability to age the skin, we must not forget about it. When in the sun (not necessarily on the beach, even in the city) don't forget to use a lip balm with 20 SPF protection.
  5. Fans of such gymnastics as Facebook building, of course, are honored and praised. The main thing is not to overdo it, because, as already mentioned here, there is no fat in the area around the lips and the skin is very thin, and active gymnastics, on the contrary, can stretch it instead of a tightening effect.
  6. You should not start using face cream after 45 years, when all the wrinkles you need have already formed, and now you need to painfully get rid of them. And at least after 25, barely noticing any changes. It will pay off, 100%!

Taking care of yourself is work! Daily and endless. But the result is worth the effort!

Relentless time leaves its mark on everything, so every woman tries to maintain the beauty and youthfulness of the skin and resist the appearance of wrinkles in different places, including around the lips. This type of wrinkling occurs early and is often unrelated to age. However, with a strong desire and regular care with the help of different methods positive results can be achieved.

At what age do they appear

Wrinkles around the mouth and lips occur due to changes in the structure of the dermis, which loses elasticity and tone. And if earlier wrinkles were smoothed out after some time, then after 30 years they become more noticeable. The number of wrinkles on the face increases rapidly after menopause.

The very first to appear barely noticeable folds in the corners of the mouth, they can be both longitudinal and transverse. Inattention and conniving attitude to this problem soon makes it a real headache: every woman wants to get rid of wrinkles as quickly as possible.

The type of wrinkles around the lips are as follows:

  • mimic (arise due to the manifestation of any emotions and grimaces);
  • purse-string (usually appear in women over 40 and are associated with insufficient collagen production);
  • superficial (formed in the upper layers of the dermis, easy to eliminate using preventive methods);
  • puppet wrinkles (located from the corners of the lips towards the chin, create a grimace of the unsmiling princess);
  • transverse (appear in the chin area);
  • deep (they are an indicator of age, it is practically impossible to eliminate them, you can only reduce them).

Reasons for the appearance

Most often, wrinkles around the lips appear ahead of time and are not associated with skin aging. Their appearance is influenced by a number of factors, the main of which are directly related to lifestyle.

Here are the most common reasons:

  • constant activity of the muscles of the mouth area (there is little subcutaneous fat in this place and the skin is very thin, so it stretches, provoking the appearance of wrinkles);
  • time (skin aging is associated with a lack of collagen);
  • position of the head during a night's rest (with an incorrect posture, folds often form, which do not disappear by themselves with age);
  • smoking (this bad habit guarantees the early appearance of wrinkles around the lips);
  • rapid weight loss (sudden weight loss leads to a general decrease in skin tone);
  • natural factors (surplus or lack of sun and moisture, wind adversely affect appearance and skin health)
  • genetic predisposition;
  • the presence of chronic diseases (any health problems in one way or another negatively affect the skin);
  • lack of teeth (leads to a change in the face);
  • the use of dangerous cosmetics of uncertain quality and products with a high content of alcohol;
  • features of the profession (for example, teachers, actors and singers more often than others suffer from unwanted folds in the lip area).

How to clean quickly and permanently

A similar question is asked by every woman who is faced with the problem of suddenly appearing folds around the lips. Physiological failures of the body, constant tension, stressful situations and other factors make a big problem out of a small trouble. To quickly eliminate it, a woman needs to make a firm decision in a short time.

The most radical methods in the fight against wrinkles around the lips are salon procedures and surgical intervention. These are modern techniques carried out under the supervision of a specialist. They cost a lot of money, so not every woman can resort to their help. In addition, procedures of this type are not absolutely safe for health, they cause various complications in the form of allergies, the appearance of purulent foci and scars after their use.

There are several types of such procedures:

  • Botox injections: immediately after the introduction of the substance, atrophic processes in the muscles begin, which leads to smoothing of wrinkles and a decrease in mobility; it is better to apply for such a procedure after 45 years in the presence of deep wrinkles around the lips; one of the unpleasant consequences of injections is the mask effect (restriction of mimic activity on the face);
  • mesotherapy: a mixture of type B vitamins, collagen and microelements is injected into the upper layers of the skin, which leads to the normalization of all cellular processes and after 4-5 sessions wrinkles become almost invisible;
  • biorevitalization: liquid hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin with the help of several thin needles, this leads to the activation of the production of collagen and elastin, the elasticity and tone of the skin increase, fine wrinkles disappear, and deep ones decrease several times; the disadvantage of this method is its short duration - repeated biorevitalization is needed after 5-8 months;
  • paraffin therapy: this salon procedure helps to restore the water balance in the skin, activate all metabolic processes, saturate the dermis with useful elements and remove toxins; in addition, after paraffin therapy, the oval of the face is tightened, and wrinkles around the lips disappear, the skin looks fresh and healthy, the course usually includes 10-15 procedures;
  • peeling with laser radiation: this is skin resurfacing using a laser, which removes the top layer of the epithelium in the problem area; after such exposure, the skin becomes smoother and toned;
  • surgical plastic: the most cardinal way to combat wrinkles around the lips, a special gel is injected deep under the skin, which fills the wrinkle cavity; as a result, the smoothness and elasticity of the skin is ensured, and visually it looks 7-10 years younger.

It is important to know that any procedures in a beauty salon cannot be done if:

  • the age of the patient does not exceed 26-28 years;
  • have problems with blood clotting;
  • a woman is carrying a child or breastfeeding him;
  • there are purulent wounds and inflammation;
  • there are skin diseases;
  • the dermis has a high degree of sensitivity;
  • there are pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • there is a general weakening immune system and dangerous diseases (tuberculosis, HIV, etc.).

Do not forget about the possibility of allergies and individual intolerance to any components.

If you have a bit of free time, you can try to get rid of wrinkles around the mouth using folk methods. The effect will not appear immediately, you need to wait at least 20-30 days, doing the procedures regularly, but this is not only a big money saver, but also absolute safety and benefit for the whole body and for the skin of the face.

Here is a list of the most famous recipes:

  • Mix 1 yolk with 0.5 teaspoon of olive oil and 1 small spoon of honey, keep the mask on the skin for 30-40 minutes, do at least 3 times a week;
  • mix finely grated carrots with pear pulp and add 1 teaspoon of cream and liquid honey, keep on face for 15-20 minutes;
  • put 1 small spoonful of milk and honey in chopped onions, apply to problem areas for 10-12 minutes;
  • mix gruel from fresh cucumber with 1 yolk, hold for 15-20 minutes;
  • put in equal parts (1 teaspoon each) cottage cheese, honey and sour cream of medium fat content, apply the mixture to problem areas 3 times a week for 10-15 minutes.

There are other homemade methods that take longer to cook, but their effectiveness is undeniable. These are, for example, the 2 most popular homemade cream recipes for getting rid of wrinkles around the lips.

  1. Take 120 g of light wax (available at a pharmacy), melt it over hot water and add 250 ml of almond oil, 120 ml of rose water and mix everything well. Add 15 drops of rose essential oil to the cooled mixture, mix and put the finished product in a small container with a lid. This moisturizer is used on problem areas. The product should be used 2 times a day for 1.5 - 2 months.
  2. In a small container, mix 500 ml of olive oil, 200 g of purified beeswax and 7-8 tablespoons of fresh calendula flowers, put on a slow fire and bring to a boil. Then you need to leave overnight in a cool place, and in the morning strain and drain into a suitable container. You can apply both on problem areas and on the entire skin of the face 2 times a day for a month.

This type of folds is an indicator of age: withering skin loses its elasticity and problem areas appear. Usually, purse-string wrinkles become apparent from the age of 40-45, when the amount of its own collagen and elastin in the skin decreases. As a result, the lips sink a little, forming such folds. With the premature appearance of such wrinkles main reason is a constant load on the muscles of the mouth ( frequent appointments food, conversation, laughter and other emotions).

The circular muscles are not attached to the bone tissue, so with each movement they stretch in different directions, in addition, there is almost no body fat which makes it particularly sensitive and prone to dryness. All this leads to the formation of purse-string wrinkles.

The main methods for eliminating folds of this type are:

  • procedures in a beauty salon (injections, mesotherapy, lipolifting and resurfacing with a laser device);
  • struggle with the use of folk recipes;
  • course of massage of the problem area;
  • a set of specially selected exercises.

By the best means folk treatment from purse-string wrinkles are:

  • regular washing with cool clean water or cooled green tea;
  • wiping the problem area with ice cubes based on chamomile decoction;
  • cosmetic masks with high-fat sour cream and honey.

Usually, in the presence of purse-string wrinkles, the cosmetologist prescribes special exercises that help to increase the elasticity of the skin in problem areas (they must be performed after lubricating the skin with a nourishing cream):

  • bend your lips with a tube, do 8-10 repetitions;
  • fold lips with a bow to increase muscle tone, perform at least 15 times;
  • pull forward alternately the upper and lower lip, do 10-12 times;
  • hide the lower lip under the upper and vice versa, repeat 18-20 times;

The complex described above must be performed daily for 30-40 days to obtain a positive result. Exercises are easily combined with folk methods, as well as with the use of cosmetics designed to eliminate wrinkles around the lips.

Such folds appear quite early and are not always an indicator of age. However, they spoil the appearance and age the face. The zone of their formation - above the upper lip and in the corners of the mouth - where facial expressions appear.

The main factors provoking the appearance of facial wrinkles are:

  • high motor activity of the muscles of the mouth;
  • smoking cigarettes;
  • natural factors (wind, frost, etc.);
  • diet and chronic diseases.

As soon as you notice such folds in the lip area, you need to start full-fledged skin care. This is not only the use of nourishing cream, but also folk methods, physical exercises, as well as procedures carried out in beauty salons. Many women immediately turn there, although with timely care, home methods can also be dispensed with.

However, many want everything at once: to remove quickly and for a long time. This is possible using procedures such as:

  1. contour plastic with the use of hyaluronic acid (the effect lasts from 1 to 2-3 years);
  2. botulinum toxin injections (getting rid of mimic wrinkles for a period of 5 to 8 months);
  3. mesotherapy (you need to go through at least 5 procedures, the effect is provided for a period of 8 months to 1.5 years);
  4. plasmolifting (procedure with effect duration up to 1.5 years);
  5. lipolifting (guarantees getting rid of mimic wrinkles for a period of 1 year).

There are more radical methods, which are less effective, but their positive effect lasts longer. These are resurfacing using a laser, iontophoresis, hardware peeling and myostimulation. Some women, in pursuit of youth and beauty, decide on surgical intervention: they do a thread muscle lift, facial plastic surgery and chemical peeling.

You need to know that the guarantee of a positive result is not only the procedure itself, but also an experienced specialist from a reliable clinic. However, even with these measures, no one is immune from side effects and complications.

For skin care during the period of struggle with mimic folds, it is necessary to use a well-chosen cream, which contains vitamins A and E, peptides and antioxidants. It is worth using cosmetic oils (menthol or apricot).

To maintain the beauty and elasticity of the skin during the period of getting rid of wrinkles around the lips, you can successfully use home remedies, they are no less effective, but much safer:

  • slices of fresh tomato or avocado (apply for 15-20 minutes to problem areas);
  • liquid honey (lubricate areas with wrinkles for 15 minutes);
  • fish oil (taken in capsule form for at least 30 days).

Physical exercises, specially selected to get rid of mimic folds, also have a high degree of effectiveness.

If you perform them regularly for at least 30-45 days, then positive result will not keep you waiting (repeat each type at least 20 times):

  • alternately stretch your lips into a tube and relax them;
  • inflate and deflate the cheeks with an open and closed mouth;
  • stretch your lips, as if pronouncing the sound "o";
  • clench your teeth and push your jaw forward for 3-5 seconds;
  • inhale through the nose, and exhale through the mouth, relaxing the lips;
  • stretch out all the vowel sounds, as if singing a melody.

Prevention of wrinkles around the mouth

Everyone knows the benefits of prevention in preventing any health problems. The same applies to the issue of beauty and youthfulness of the skin.

The appearance of wrinkles around the lips can be pushed back to a later time if you follow simple rules:

  • use high quality cosmetics tone cream, lipstick, powder);
  • regularly moisturize the skin in problem areas with a nourishing cream;
  • do not leave makeup on overnight;
  • as needed (in dry and windy weather, as well as in cold weather), use a lip balm based on natural ingredients;
  • do not forget to clean the skin of the face 1-2 times a week with a homemade scrub or bought in a store;
  • sunbathe in moderation, using protective products for the skin;
  • from time to time, use simple folk methods to combat wrinkles around the lips (compress, homemade lotion or rubdown with ice from a decoction of herbs);
  • get rid of bad habits;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • regularly take care of the skin of the face.

Wrinkles around the lips, whenever they appear, are an insidious thing. First, they always add years to us. Secondly, they irreversibly change the facial expression, giving it a squeamish and displeased expression.

In the lip area, cosmetologists and surgeons distinguish:

    purse-string wrinkles - small vertical wrinkles around the lips,

    puppet wrinkles, which go almost vertically down from the corners of the lips to the chin,

    deep nasolabial folds from nose to lips.

Today we will talk only about the causes of purse-string wrinkles.

Where do purse-string wrinkles around the mouth come from?

The first purse-string wrinkles near the lips can appear quite early, and, alas, every year they become only deeper and more noticeable.

There are several reasons for their appearance. Some of them can be eliminated and thereby prevent early wrinkles.

Expert comment:

Third reason, along which appear mimic wrinkles around the mouth is a facial expression. Active articulation, for example, in singers, wind players or teachers, is very often the cause of the formation of vertical and horizontal wrinkles above the upper lip.

If you have a habit of puckering or pursing your lips, add that to the list of causes of wrinkles. Even frequent laughter may well cause wrinkles around the lips. What to do? Naturally, no one calls for abandoning facial expressions - but it is worth paying attention to it.

Fourth reason, very close to the first - the activity of the circular muscle of the mouth. Do you often drink drinks through a straw and can't imagine life without chewing gum? Wrinkles on the lips are practically guaranteed to you. To reduce the risk, do facial exercises, massage your lips - and again, make sure that the tension of the lips does not become habitual, constant for you.

Fifth reason. Smoking. One of the most common causes of wrinkles around the lips. Why? Not only because of the very tension of the near-mouth muscles, which was mentioned above.

Nicotine destroys elastin and collagen fibers, that is, it turns the already not too moisturized skin around the lips into thin and dry “cigarette paper”, on which creases instantly appear. not without reason the second name of purse-string wrinkles is smoker's wrinkles.

Sixth reason not related to the tension of the perioral muscles. These are disproportions of the facial skeleton, micrognathia, malocclusion, missing teeth or abrasion of the enamel.

At the same time, even if you have naturally beautiful teeth, they wear out with age, the bones of the skull become thinner - this is a natural process.

Therefore, before starting treatment with a cosmetologist, it makes sense to visit an aesthetic dentist - today there are methods for raising the bite.

Seventh reason- the weather. Temperature changes, excessive dryness and ultraviolet radiation harm the lips. The latter penetrates deep into the skin and has great destructive power, starting the aging process.

Eighth reason- imbalance in nutrition. Rapid weight loss, poor nutrition, insufficient fluid intake accelerates skin aging and the appearance of wrinkles on the upper lip .

Now we know the enemy by sight. It remains to understand whether it is possible to get rid of purse-string wrinkles.

How to remove wrinkles above the lip at home

Let's be realistic: complete elimination of wrinkles around the lips is impossible, because we chew, talk and use facial expressions every day. However, there are ways to make wrinkles at the corners of the lips less noticeable.

Let's start with a few fundamental things, then we will look at free correction methods and finish the story with ultra-effective tools from the arsenal of cosmetologists and plastic surgeons.

Well, now a few folk recipes that are designed to help you hate wrinkles without leaving home. So, in order for the skin around the lips to remain smooth longer, our grandmothers advised:

    Make "lip" masks from products containing a large amount of moisture and fat: cucumber, yogurt or sour cream.

    Do not forget to include in the diet foods containing vitamin B2: nuts, dairy products, grain bread, leafy green vegetables.

    When applying a cream or mask, massage along the lines around the lips and from the lips to the chin - this will make the treatment more effective.