Herpes on the upper lip of a child. Cold on the lips of a child

Complete collection and description: how to treat a cold on the lip of a child? for readers of our site.

Often, parents wonder why the baby has a cold on the lip. This phenomenon is quite common, especially in children under two years of age. Herpes infection is activated at the moment when the immune system person is weakened. It is not surprising that this problem is so common in children. Is this disease dangerous and how to treat it?

A cold on the lip of a child can be caused by a variety of reasons. But all these factors lead to the inevitable weakening immune function.
These include:

  • frequent colds;
  • Availability chronic diseases or congenital pathologies;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • malnutrition, where present a large number of sweet and semi-finished products;
  • long-term use of drugs.

Primary infection in children occurs between the ages of six months and five years. At this time, the immune system is still completely imperfect and is just beginning its journey of contact with various microbes.

Herpes infection is transmitted using household and airborne methods, during handshakes and kisses. As soon as the virus enters the body, it firmly takes root in the DNA, after which it is no longer possible to cure the disease.

Children who are older than five years of age and have normal immune function are not at risk from a herpes infection.
The exception is newborn babies whose mothers had herpes for the first time during pregnancy. These children have a congenital disease. After birth, a herpes infection begins to manifest itself on the first day or a month later.

The disease in infants is much more severe than in older children. Such a process can lead to the development of various pathological processes in the body.

Symptoms of a cold on the lip of a child

A cold on the lip in children proceeds in the same way as in adults. Therefore, in medicine, the course this disease subdivided into stages.
  1. first days after infection. First, the child experiences an unpleasant feeling in the lip area. Itching, burning and tingling also occurs, as a result of which the child tries to scratch the affected area.

    After a few hours, redness and swelling appear on the skin. At the first infection, a child often has an increase in temperature up to 38 degrees. He may also complain of drowsiness, general malaise and a feeling of chills.

    A one-year-old baby often has increased moodiness, tearfulness, bad dream and lack of appetite. At the initial stage, it is simply impossible to diagnose an ailment at this age.

  2. After one or two days, small pimples appear on the affected part of the lip, which are filled with liquid inside. At this time, such a phenomenon is often encountered when children pick education, as a result of which they spread the infection throughout the body.
  3. Two days later, instead of pimples, ulcers form on the lip, which become covered with crusts. For children, this process causes great discomfort. They are trying to take it off. When torn off, a bleeding wound is formed.

    Older children need to be explained why to do this, because this can lead to adverse consequences.

  4. After another three to five days, the sore overgrows and does not make a trace on the skin. On average, the duration of the illness is four to nine days. It all depends on how much earlier the mother will show the child to the doctor and begin treatment.

Treatment of a cold on the lip in children

Many parents are wondering how to treat a cold on the lips of a child? First of all, it must be said that it is impossible to self-medicate in such situations. Many drugs may be contraindicated for the baby and cause harm.

If the child complained about the first manifestations of herpes in the form of itching and tingling, then at this stage one ointment can be dispensed with. For such purposes, Acislovir or Zovirax is perfect. These two drugs are analogues of each other and contain acyclovir.

Lubricate the affected area with cotton swab with washed hands. You need to perform the procedure up to four times a day.

If a rash has already appeared on the child’s lip, then without drug therapy not enough. The treatment process includes:

  1. Taking antiherpes drugs in the form of Farmaks or Acyclovir. The drugs are available in the form of tablets. The dosage is indicated only by the doctor based on the weight and age of the baby. The duration of admission is five days.
  2. The use of antiviral agents. Often, doctors prescribe Cycloferon, Ergoferon, Anaferon or Kagocel. Medicines are also available in tablets. Their action is aimed at stimulating antibodies.
    Newborn babies and infants are prescribed Viferon candles. They need to be put twice a day, one at a time. The duration of the treatment course is five days.
  3. Carrying out strengthening therapy with the help of vitamin-mineral complexes.
  4. Treatment internal organs who have suffered from a herpes infection.

Touching the rash is strictly prohibited, so parents should regularly monitor the baby. When sores and crusts appear, the child experiences unpleasant painful sensations, which leads to refusal to eat. To somehow help, the affected area can be lubricated with creams, which include lidocaine.

It is strictly forbidden to use hormonal ointments. Such a process can lead not only to an increase in the number of rashes, but also to suppuration of the blisters.
It is also worth taking care of proper nutrition child. If the baby has not yet introduced complementary foods, then this matter should be pushed a little. Let the baby continue to eat milk or formula.

If the child is already eating from the common table, then a number of products should be excluded, which include sugar, sweets, flour, bakery. The diet should be rich in vegetable and fruit dishes, sour-milk and dairy products, meat and fish delicacies.

Prevention of herpes in children

Preventive measures should be aimed at strengthening the immune system of the child. Children over two years of age should be taught how to properly wash their hands and face. These manipulations should be carried out every time after the street and before eating.

The child should have his own towel, toothbrush, washcloth. The towel should be changed as often as possible, washing it at a temperature of sixty degrees.
Also, strengthening the immune function consists in carrying out hardening procedures and charging. In order for the baby to be physically healthy, you need to give it to the pool or to another sport.

Do not forget about regular walks. Their daily duration should be at least thirty minutes in winter and two hours in summer.
Constantly need to ventilate the room and use humidifiers.

If discomfort occurs, the baby should be shown to the doctor.

The child suddenly had a cold on his lips. What's this? How dangerous is it? What should parents do, how and what to treat? Let's figure it out.

A rash on the lips or, in other words, a cold, which is accompanied by itching, indicates a malfunction in the body's immune system. Localization of bubbles on the border of the skin and lips - characteristic symptom herpes simplex virus (herpes type 1).

In the world, up to 80% of the inhabitants are carriers herpetic infection. But, in some people, it often manifests itself with specific symptoms, while in others, viruses never make themselves felt.

Strong immunity is a reliable barrier to herpes

Strong immunity is a reliable barrier to herpes

Herpes in babies under 3-4 years of age is rare, since the baby's body is protected by the mother's immunity, which prevents the penetration of viruses into the body.

If parents from birth support the child's immunity by hardening, long walks and active games, a balanced diet, vitamins, then the likelihood of contracting and getting sick with herpes is small. In such children, antiherpetic immunity is formed, which prevents the symptoms of herpes from developing, even if the viruses have entered the body.

The infectious dose that activates the viruses in the cells and the frequency of blisters on the lips also depends on the state of the immune system. Therefore, it is so important for parents to take care of the immunity of the child from an early age.

Reasons for the activation of the virus

Reasons for the activation of the virus

Infection occurs by household, airborne droplets, with handshakes and kisses. The virus enters the body and settles in the cells for life, remaining in a passive state until activated. For children older than four years of age with normal immunity, herpes simplex does not pose any threat, even if the child is infected with it.

Exceptions are newborns whose mothers first had herpes during pregnancy or with active genital herpes, childbirth took place naturally. Such babies are infected from birth (congenital herpes). In this case, the virus manifests itself after 2 days or a month after birth. Herpes in infants is much more difficult than in the same four-year-olds, provoking the development of serious pathological changes in the internal organs. Children with congenital herpes are examined and treated in a hospital.

In physically weakened children, the virus often becomes active when the immune system switches to another infectious disease with elevated temperature. Provoke herpes emotional stress, trauma, beriberi, direct ultraviolet rays, immunodeficiency states.

For treatment, antiherpetic drugs are used, which remove the active type of herpes. For preventive purposes, drugs are not used.

If antibodies are found in a child older than 4 years, but the herpes virus does not manifest itself clinically, then no treatment is needed, since antibodies protect the body from infection.

Symptoms and treatment

Symptoms and treatment

Symptoms of herpes simplex appear suddenly. First, a small bubble forms on the lips, in this place the lip swells and itches. The bubble in 1-2 days grows to many bubbles filled with liquid. Medications are effective at the initial stage of symptoms. For children, the antiviral drug Acyclovir and its analogues Zovirax, Gerpevir, Virolex are used according to the instructions. These drugs are recommended to be stored in a home medicine cabinet. Before treating a cold on the lips of a child, make sure that you catch the moment the bubble appears at the very beginning, and never the rash has already acquired a multiple character.

Acyclovir inhibits the spread of the herpes simplex virus. The medicine is best taken in tablets. They concentrate more active substance, and ointment (cream, gel) are good as additional remedy. Please note that after 3 days from the onset of the rash, antiviral drugs no longer work.

Symptoms of the active virus persist for 3-5 days, then the sores heal, and a crust appears on the sore, which after a while will fall off by itself. During a cold on the lips, try to ensure that the child does not touch his mouth with his hands, does not comb the sores, does not pick off the crusts.

If the child is not bothered by rashes and they are not frequent, then you can cope with the infection yourself. But if you notice that the child is naughty, constantly combing the place where the vesicles erupted, or herpes began to appear more often with a tendency to reduce the periods between the manifestations of symptoms, then you must definitely show the child to the infectious disease specialist.

Apparently, the immune system can not cope with the infection, and herpes threatens to develop into more serious illness with various pathologies. In this case, it is necessary to be examined and treated under the supervision of a doctor.

The specificity of herpes simplex is that it does not stimulate the production of interferon in the blood, an antiviral protein that fights infection. Hence the instability of immunity, and frequent relapses of the disease. To increase the production of interferon, doctors prescribe "Neovir" and "Cycloferon" in tablets.

Treatment of herpetic viral infection is complex and lengthy. Includes the following measures:

  • antiviral therapy.
  • Immunomodulating therapy. It is prescribed when the child often shows symptoms and the periods between rashes decrease. It suppresses the activity of viruses, stimulates the production of interferon and strengthens the immune system (Immunal, Arpetol, Groprinosin, Neovir, Cycloferon).
  • Vitamins and restorative procedures - strengthen the immune system.
  • Treatment of organs that have been affected by the herpes virus.

Medicines are prescribed according to schemes that take into account the state of the child's immunity, and the drugs themselves are mostly expensive.

In this article, we will tell you about how to get rid of cold sores and what medicines and therapeutic measures for this unpleasant sore on the lips are the most effective.
When a person is infected with the herpes virus HSV-1, a cold occurs on the lips. From birth, the baby receives antibodies that fight this disease through the mother's milk. After three years, they lose their protective properties and it only takes a loving uncle or aunt to kiss the child, as he is infected with this type of herpes. But the cold itself on the lips does not begin to appear immediately - as a rule, the sore begins to bother a preschool child with a weakened immune system or after a viral illness.

In most cases such a cold only affects the lips, but for the first time, the nasal mucosa and nasolabial triangle also often suffer from the virus. Less commonly, herpetic stomatitis and tonsillitis occur.

Later, when time passes after recovery, a cold may appear on the lips second time. The following reasons contribute to this: excessive fatigue and stressful situations, various injuries, hypothermia of the body and, as a result, viral, colds and infectious diseases that have arisen. So, how can you quickly get rid of a cold on the lips?

Prevention of herpes is to strengthen the immune system of the child's body. The child should be tempered, have enough time to rest and sleep. In winter we often face epidemics various kinds flu, minimize the presence of the child in public places.

Despite advances in science and medicine, there are as yet no drugs removing the herpes virus from the body permanently. But some drugs quickly suppress the reproduction of viral bacteria.

Most often, for the treatment of recurrence of HSV-1, which occurs on the lips and nasal mucosa in the form of a cold, the use of various ointments and creams is recommended. And only in non-standard, neglected situations do you have to take pills. Ointment rather than other means will help to destroy herpes, if its signs are already clearly visible on the face.

The sooner the fight against the disease begins, the faster you get rid of it. Before the redness becomes visible, the area affected by the virus becomes hypersensitive, itches, tingles. Start treating a cold on the lips already with these symptoms, non-aesthetic painful blisters will not have time to appear on the lips.

From folk remedies from herpes, moxibustion with propolis tincture can be called popular and effective. 20 minutes after the procedure, lubricate the sore spot with a cream with chamomile and calendula. Lotions with mint decoction also help. It is necessary to pour a tablespoon of dried mint into a glass of boiled water (or take 2 tablespoons of fresh), close the lid and steam for 15 minutes in a water bath and strain. Every 60 minutes, apply a cotton swab moistened with warm medicine to your lips.

We have learned that it is completely get rid of the herpes virus that causes colds on the lips,almost impossible. But thanks to the systematic strengthening of immunity in children (hardening, physical exercises, adding a complex of vitamins and microelements to the diet), unpleasant manifestations in the form of itchy ulcers on the lips can be reduced to nothing. Below you will find the most effective modern ways and folk remedies, with which you can get rid of colds on the lips very quickly.

In this article, we told you what precautions will help protect your child from the penetration of the herpes virus into the child's body, which often provokes the appearance of colds on the lips. You also learned what medicines and folk methods will help you quickly get rid of a cold on the lips in both children and adults.

Next article:
The best remedies for colds in children

Herpes is one of the most widespread viruses in the world. In a child, herpetic eruptions most often appear on the lip or in the nose. Despite the fact that herpes remains forever in the body, with proper treatment, you can stop its manifestations and keep the virus dormant.

Zoster virus is a disease that occurs in people who have had chicken pox. The virus settles in gray matter, spinal regions and soft membranes of the brain. Zoster affects the human nervous system, as well as skin. The virus has other names: herpes zoster and varicella. Among the classification of herpes infections, zoster refers to herpes type 3.

Infection occurs in childhood, after which the zoster is in the body in a latent phase.

Manifestations of the virus usually occur in the autumn-winter period due to hypothermia. Also, herpes can accompany the course of respiratory diseases, viral infections and other diseases that occur as a result of a decrease in immunity.

Herpes zoster is characterized inflammatory process in the nerves spinal cord and rashes on the body in the area of ​​the affected nerve. The virus is transmitted by airborne droplets and settles in the respiratory organs, where it multiplies. Then, through the blood, it enters the sensitive ganglions of the facial, intervertebral or trigeminal nerve.

The incubation period of the disease lasts 14-21 days. A person is considered contagious from the moment of rash until the phase of complete healing of the crusts.

Causes of infection in children, ways of transmitting herpes

Herpes is usually contracted by a child in the family or when visiting kindergarten. Inadequate maternal hygiene when caring for a child and contact with infected babies in a close team can affect the likelihood of the disease.

In childhood, the most common types of the virus are 1 and 3. They are characterized by rashes on the lip and nose, fever and general malaise.

Herpes is transmitted to children in the following ways:

Provoking factors

There are several factors that can trigger infection with the herpes virus:

  1. Transferred chickenpox.
  2. Stress.
  3. Hypothermia.
  4. Change of climate zone.
  5. ARVI and acute respiratory infections.
  6. Overwork.
  7. Infectious diseases.
  8. Weakened immunity.


Herpes on the lip of a child begins with manifestations of itching and tingling in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future rash. After a few hours, one or more bubbles appear on this site, which, with increasing itching, begin to increase in size and fill with a cloudy liquid.

At this stage, an increase in the number of rashes is possible. It is important not to scratch the affected area so as not to spread the infection further.

At the moment when the bubbles are filled with liquid, there is discomfort and aches in the body, the temperature rises and a headache may occur. At this time, it is recommended to observe bed rest, as the body expends a lot of energy to fight the virus.

When the rashes stop increasing in size, they burst, and the contents of the bubbles irrigate the skin close to the site of the skin lesion. This stage is dangerous, as it can provoke the appearance of new foci of herpes. The final stage is the drying of the cold on the lips and the falling off of the crust.

How dangerous is the virus?

The main danger of the herpes virus is that once it enters the body, it remains there forever. Therefore, during an exacerbation of infection, a person is extremely vulnerable. The very course of herpes is difficult for the body's defenses, and if infection with another disease occurs against its background, immunity is weakened to an even greater extent.

This delays the healing process, and can cause a number of complications. Especially dangerous is neonatal herpes that occurs during the neonatal period of a child. It can lead to malfunctions nervous system, hearing loss and brain damage.

Complicated herpes in severe forms in the first weeks of a baby's life can provoke a fatal outcome.

Since herpes is a recurrent infection, it can appear up to 4-6 times a year. Recurrences of rashes more than 7 times a year indicate the development of diseases of the immune system or the appearance of tumors.


Modern medicine makes it possible to determine the presence of herpes not only by outward signs, but also with laboratory research. Even if the child has no signs of illness, the virus can remain in the body in a latent phase for a long time.

In order to start treatment on time, it is worth taking tests for herpes, it is especially recommended to do this to a risk group:

  • people who have had chickenpox;
  • people in whose family there are cases of herpes;
  • people with weakened immune systems.

To find out about the presence of herpes in the body, you need to be examined by a therapist, donate blood and virological analysis. During it, a weak virus is added to the blood and not only its presence is determined, but also the existence of antibodies that help fight the infection.

Treatment of herpes on the lips in children

Herpes on the lip of a child should be treated with medication when it starts lung stage tingling. It is an undeniable harbinger of herpes, and with the help of drugs, you can shorten the recovery time and avoid complications.

If the bubbles have already appeared, it is necessary to lubricate them with ointments and creams, which contain acyclovir. These drugs help contain the spread of infection, speed up healing, and sometimes prevent the liquid-filling phase of the rash.

Despite the popularity and effectiveness folk methods treatment of fever on the lips, it is worth entrusting this matter to a specialist: a therapist or a dermatologist. A visit to the doctor is mandatory if the rash bothers you more than 3 times a year. It means that local therapy does not help to cope with the virus to the extent necessary, and the doctor will be able to choose the proper treatment depending on the type of virus.

You need to be especially careful when treating herpes in preschool children.

Some drugs are not intended for use under the age of 12, so you should consult a pediatrician in advance, who will prescribe children's analogues of herpes ointments and indicate their dosage. In addition, it is important to have antihistamines and antipyretics in your home medicine cabinet, since fever is one of the companions of a herpes infection.

Topical preparations for children aged 1-3 years, 4-5 years, 6 years and older

Herpes on the lip of a child may appear from the first days of life. Infants born naturally and who are bottle-fed are more susceptible to the virus. Newborns who feed on mother's milk receive antibodies that help fight herpes.

In the treatment of the disease, complex therapy, including ointments for external use, as well as means to increase immunity based on interferon or medicinal herbs.

Children from 3 months to 3 years prescribed ointment Gerpevir. It contains acyclovir, a substance that helps to eliminate herpetic eruptions. Directly Acyclovir ointment can be taken by children who have already reached 3 years of age.

From 4-5 years old Besides these drugs for treatment, topical preparations Alpizarin, Infagel and rhyodoxol ointment are used. Help after 6 years oxolinic ointment, Viru-Merz and Virocept gels. Ointments Valtrex, Gaciclovir and Zovirax are shown to children who have reached the age of 12 years.

To eliminate itching in areas affected by the virus, children of any age can use the drug Calamine. Antihistamines, such as Claritin and Zodak no less effectively cope with itching, and also eliminate other symptoms of the disease.

Immunal, Cycloferon, and interferon preparations - Viferon or Reaferon suppositories are used as immunostimulating agents. When the temperature rises above 38.5 ° C, it is necessary to give the child an antipyretic agent (Panadol, Nurofen), depending on body weight.

Oral medicines for children: table by age

Herpes on the lip of a child can be cured qualitatively and effectively using drugs in a dosage intended for age. Treatment with several drugs aimed at different areas of exposure to the virus will help to cope with the disease faster and reduce the risk of complications.

A drug Child's age Dose The number of doses of the drug per day

Antiviral (anti-herpes)

AcyclovirFrom 2 years200 mg4
ZoviraxUp to 2 years100-200 mg4
From 2 years200-400 mg3-5
VirolexUp to 3 years100 mg4
From 3 years200 mg5


Inoprinosine1-3 years1 ml per 1 kg of body weight1
From 3 years old1 t per 10 kg of weight1
Immunal1-6 years old1 ml3
After 6 years1.5 ml3
Cycloferon4-6 years old1 t.1
After 6 years3 t.1


Zodak1 year5 k.2
2-6 years8 k.2
After 6 years5 k.4
ClaritinLess than 30 kg1 ml1
Over 30 kg10 ml1

Folk recipes for herpes on the lips

With mild symptoms of herpes and rare rashes, folk remedies can be used to treat the virus. They are quite effective against the external manifestations of the disease, but do not affect general treatment virus.

by the most simple recipe to relieve the symptoms of developing herpes, it is considered to lubricate the site of the rash with toothpaste.

Mint in its composition dries the affected area and reduces the sensation of itching. However, after the paste dries, it must be washed off and applied fresh. A compress of crushed leaves of aloe and Kalanchoe relieves pain from the site of the rash and promotes rapid healing. Using this method, you can get rid of a cold on the lips in a month.

A compress of calendula tincture dries up a herpetic rash and prevents it from growing in size.. The remedy should be applied 2-3 times a day for 20-30 minutes. Within 3 days, the rash will begin to pass.

An effective way to get rid of herpes are lotions from tea tree, fir and pine oils. It is necessary to apply a cotton pad soaked in any of the oils to the affected areas 3 times a day. After 2-3 days, the rash will dry out and enter the healing phase.

Precautionary measures

The main rule that will help a healthy child not get herpes is to follow the rules of personal hygiene. It is important from an early age to teach kids to wash their hands more often, not to touch their faces with dirty hands and not to use other people's combs and other hygiene items.

Teenage girls often have a habit of kissing each other when they meet and sharing makeup. It is necessary to convey to them the danger of these actions, which are fraught with rashes not only in the lips, but also on the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose.

In addition, to avoid infection, you should avoid:

  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • hypothermia;
  • excessive exposure to the sun.

Possible Complications

With improper treatment, the herpes virus through the skin can penetrate into the lymphatic and circulatory system and then spread throughout the body. So the virus settles on the internal organs and mimics their chronic diseases.

Infection with herpes during pregnancy can lead to disturbances in the formation of the nervous system of the fetus, cause premature birth, and provoke external defects in the child.

Herpes on the face after healing can leave scars or move to other areas of the skin. Herpes type 3 often leads to insomnia, weakness, nervous irritation. In addition, zoster provokes pain in places of rash even after the crusts have dried. Dangerous are diseases of bacterial or viral origin that appeared against the background of herpes.

These include:


For the prevention of herpetic eruptions, hygiene rules must be carefully observed. The child must use his own towel, set of dishes, bed linen. In addition, it is desirable to limit contact with infected people.

High immunity helps to keep the virus in a dormant form, that is, ordinary respiratory diseases will proceed without herpetic eruptions.

Immunity can be boosted in several ways:

  1. The use of vitamin and mineral complexes.
  2. A balanced, varied diet that includes a basic set of trace elements.
  3. An annual vacation at sea or in the forest.

Herpes in a relapsing form requires constant monitoring. In this regard, it is necessary to monitor the course of its development, and 2 times a year to take a blood test. According to its results, the doctor will prescribe maintenance drugs that will prevent the occurrence of complications.

With this type of herpes virus, children need to exercise physical education, spend more time outdoors, visit sanatoriums.

AT last years the herpes vaccine is gaining popularity. It is performed on the recommendation of a therapist once a year and helps to protect yourself from aggressive types of herpes infection.

Timely treatment of herpes with the use of medicines in the correct dosages will help to effectively cope with rashes on the child's lip. It is important to take precautions and prevent the disease in order to reduce the duration of its course and reduce the frequency of relapses.

Article formatting: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about herpes on the lips of a child

Herpes - the school of Dr. Komarovsky:

Herpes on the lips of a child is a simple form of a virus. It can be in the body and not declare itself for a long time. In case of contact with the blood, it begins to spread rapidly with simultaneous appearance various symptoms and signs. In such a situation, it is necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis and begin timely and appropriate treatment.

Causes and ways of infection

Almost every person encounters a herpes infection in life. In addition, it has been proven that it is in the body and only when certain events occur does it make itself felt. This fact depends on the state of immunity of a particular person. It occurs more often in children when their protective barrier is not quite strong and completely unformed.

The variety of types of herpes virus determines the various forms of the course of the disease, accompanied by different signs. One of the most common is herpes simplex, which affects the skin around the mouth and lips. The main reason for the development and emergence this disease in children is their age-related susceptibility to infections.

You can get infected in several ways:

  • airborne. Directly when communicating with a person who is a carrier of the infection. The risk of infection here is higher when the virus begins to activate in the body, although this may not manifest itself in the carrier itself;
  • contact-household. Through direct contact with an infected person, through touching, kissing, personal hygiene items, etc.;
  • intrauterine. When with maternal blood, the virus easily enters the blood of the fetus. From birth, the baby is infected and the disease can begin to manifest itself from the first year of life.

Basically, the penetration of the infection occurs through the surfaces of the mucous membranes - lips, mouth, nose, respiratory tract.

Some people are genetically immune from birth. This is due to the presence of a sufficient amount of antibodies to the main types of herpes in the blood.

With numerous contacts with the patient, these people will be resistant to the development and manifestation of the disease, no matter how old they are.

Main features

For treatment to be most effective, it must be started on time. For herpes simplex, this is the period when the first signs appear.

In children, treatment is difficult and delayed because parents begin to treat a few days after the start of activation and spread of the virus. The child cannot explain certain symptoms and sensations. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor all the changes that occur in your children.

The following symptoms indicate the development of a cold on the lips of a child:

  • frequent scratching of the skin of the mouth area;
  • complaints of itching, tingling and pain;
  • redness;
  • the appearance of small bubbles, both single and numerous;
  • increase in body temperature.

All this indicates the active phase of the virus. Treatment should begin at this time. After the bubbles with the liquid break through and dry up, forming a “sore” of a certain size, a passive stage begins, which will take a longer time to fight.

Age features

Herpes on the lips of a child manifests itself and behaves differently, depending on his age:

  • Infants, for example, endure the course of the disease more difficult. For them it is dangerous. possible consequences, including liver damage, meningitis and others. Most often, their infection occurs even in the womb, due to the presence of infection in her blood. Eruptions from the lips can spread to the eyes and nasal mucosa.
  • A one-year-old baby is actively combing and disturbing the bubbles that have appeared on the lips. In this regard, foci are formed on the cheeks, chin, nose. The ointment, which is applied to the affected area, is erased or licked off, this is the main difficulty in treatment.

  • Children of two to three years old will already be able to tell about the unpleasant sensations and pain that have appeared. At this age, the mucous membranes of the throat are often affected, leading to swelling of the tonsils and pain when swallowing. Also, a distinctive feature is the size of the resulting crusts, from several they can merge into one large one, located mainly in the mouth area.
  • From the age of four, the child has a stronger immune system. When a cold appears on the lips, it copes with this ailment much faster. The speed of recovery is explained by the fact that at this age, children can quickly and accurately convey unpleasant moments to their parents.

Timely treatment with antiviral drugs, where tablets and ointment are active and directed, contribute to the rapid suppression of herpes, developing future resistance to the disease.

Fundamentals and methods of proper treatment

An effective treatment of a herpes infection can only be when a set of specific and consistent actions is performed. Dr. Komarovsky also adheres to this basic rule. He advises parents to start treating their children for this disease as early as possible, from the appearance of the first signs. But do not resort to self-medication, pushing various medicines into the child and applying any particular ointment.

The first thing to do is to seek help from a doctor.

Only by visually examining and analyzing all the main symptoms, he will begin to treat the disease, according to the diagnosis.

It has several directions:

  • stop the development of the virus;
  • stimulate the immune system and strengthen immunity in general;
  • provide the necessary precautions.

Infection suppression

A lot of different drugs help to overcome herpes:

  • tablets;
  • ointment;
  • cream;
  • rinses and lotions;
  • injections.

Depending on how old your child is, the appropriate dosage and duration of use of a particular remedy is prescribed.

Also, when choosing it, the determining moment is when you start to treat: from the first signs, or bubbles or crusts have already formed.

Dr. Komarovsky notes that the use of medicines inside (pills, injections) is more directed and effective action in the fight against the virus than ointment and cream. This is mainly when rashes have not yet appeared and there is nothing to smear yet.

In the presence of herpes on the skin, local therapy is also actively connected, where ointment and lotions are used. Before applying a moistened swab or smearing the affected area, it must be cleaned - washed with disinfectant soap.

In case of spread and transition of rashes to the oral mucosa, rinsing is necessary. Up to three years, it is usually difficult to spend with a child, so children of this age are treated oral cavity in the form of rubs.

You need to be especially careful and attentive when using drugs local action in children up to one year old. This is due to a possible allergic reaction.

If children experience the periodic appearance of herpes on the lips at two or three years or older, you can treat the virus at home, smear the rash with certain medicines.

You must immediately apply for medical care, no matter how old your child is, if the development of a herpes infection is accompanied by complicated symptoms:

  • a sharp increase in body temperature;
  • weakness and fatigue;
  • vomit;
  • body aches and headaches;
  • loss of consciousness, etc.

All this may indicate the presence of an additional infection, the simultaneous exacerbation of chronic diseases, as well as the course of herpes in a more severe form.

As for the drugs themselves against this virus, the acyclovir group is actively and effectively used here. They are available as tablets, injections, ointment.

Antiviral herpes suppressant drugs include:

  • acyclovir;
  • penciclovir;
  • valaciclovir;
  • famciclovir.

It is necessary to treat rashes using the following ointment:

  • acyclovir;
  • oxolinic;
  • alizarin;
  • tebrofen.

In terms of antiseptics for compresses and rinses, solutions are used:

  • furatsilina;
  • alcohol;
  • herbal healing infusions.

Strong immunity prevents the manifestation and development of the herpes virus. In adults and children, this infection is present in the blood “in a dormant form”, its awakening depends on the state of the immune system. A certain failure in its work can serve as an impetus for the activation of the virus.

Therefore, in order to prevent re-infection, as well as to exclude the recurrence of the disease, it is recommended to use drugs whose action is aimed at stimulating and strengthening the immune system.

A lot of important things here are:

  • healthy sleep of the child;
  • the presence of a daily routine;
  • absence of mental disorders;
  • sufficient exposure to fresh air;
  • hardening.

Precautionary measures

In the presence of herpes on the lips of a child, certain measures should be followed and observed. They will help to avoid infection of loved ones, serve as some kind of preventive action, and minimize the risk of relapse.

It is necessary to take:

  • disinfection of contact items at home (door handles, cutlery, personal hygiene items, etc.);
  • minimize the touch of the child with the hands on the rash, as this contributes not only to the spread of infection, but also to the ingress of an additional one, which can aggravate the situation;
  • wash hands thoroughly and often;
  • avoid close contact with other persons (both healthy and sick).

Like any other disease, herpes various shapes Prevention is easier than cure, especially for children.

Dr. Komarovsky explains that the prevention of herpes comes down mainly to the general strengthening of immunity.

Since it manifests itself against the background of the course of a viral disease. For example, a common cold in children, as a result of a weakening of the natural protective barrier.

Strengthen the health of children from an early age, using reasonable methods and methods, then herpes will have to be treated very rarely.

Herpes on the lip in a child of 2 years is caused by a type 1 virus. Outwardly, it manifests itself as bubbles filled with liquid with viral particles. In children from one to 3 years, the disease is more severe than in adults. And this is not surprising, since the child's immunity is already unstable, children are restless: they often comb their lips, as a result, herpes can appear on the mucous membranes of the mouth. Parents need to carefully monitor the baby during the period of illness.


Herpes on the lips in a child of 2 years is manifested by symptoms:
  • the appearance of bubbles;
  • apathy;
  • lethargy;
  • temperature rise;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • pain in the lips.

The situation with small ones is aggravated by the fact that the bubbles itch a lot, by analogy with chickenpox, which is caused by a different type of virus. The kid begins to comb his lip, risking infection in the wounds. Mothers need to be extremely attentive to the child during this period, to occupy him, to play. This is done in order to distract the baby from the unpleasant itching that accompanies the disease. Treatment of children gives good results. The rash disappears quickly, but it must be understood that herpes is not completely cured. When there is a drop in immunity, the rash may appear again. For example, when a child becomes infected with SARS. As you get older, herpes may be less likely to bother you, as the immune system becomes stronger.

Subsequent manifestations of the disease

When herpes appears on the lip of a child of 2 years old, or rather its primary manifestations are vesicles, they gradually burst. This period is difficult for kids. They are usually capricious, eat poorly, cry, feeling restless not only during the day, but also at night. Parents should not worry too much: this is a normal manifestation of the disease. Children cannot fully express their negative emotions on a par with adults. Crying and demanding constant attention to themselves, they get sick. Distinctive feature The disease that occurs in children is that the rashes occupy a large area on the lips. And this is doubly difficult for a small creature. In children with weakened immunity, lack of vitamins, herpes will spread further, involving other diseases of the oral mucosa, for example, stomatitis, gingivitis, in the pathological process. The danger is the defeat of herpes tonsils, especially if there is a small tonsillitis in chronic form. In this case, swelling is possible: then there are problems with the respiratory system.

After a certain time, a purulent mass forms in the bubbles. Throughout the illness, children are restless, cry a lot, their sleep is disturbed. After the pus fills the bubble completely, the liquid breaks out. A sore remains in place of the burst bubble. It needs to be processed. From this moment a crust appears, the child's condition improves. After healing of the sore, there are no scars on the skin.

Ways of infection

  • infection of the baby during childbirth;
  • household way, as a result of the use of common household items;
  • close contact with the carrier of the infection, when a person is contagious and kisses the baby;
  • sneezing and coughing of the infection carrier in the acute period;
  • infection in the womb.

Often, specialists are faced with infection of the fetus during pregnancy. The child is at risk of being infected by the mother. Even if the mother had not previously suffered from herpes, but encountered it for the first time during pregnancy, the baby is born already with herpes. The herpes virus is hidden. It can stay in the body for a long time, not manifest itself in any way, and then, with a decrease in immunity, become more active. During pregnancy, the mother gives all her strength to future offspring. Her immunity is weak: then herpes manifests itself.


Complications can occur after infection, leading to serious ailments of the internal organs. Herpes on the lips in a child of 2 years, treatment should be mandatory. A frivolous attitude to infection can lead to complications.


  • meningitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • angina;
  • gingivitis;
  • liver damage.

Complicated forms of herpes affect the central nervous system. This phenomenon may result in encephalitis or epilepsy. The main thing is to make a correct diagnosis for herpes, since incorrect or outdated treatment can cause the diseases listed above.


How to treat herpes on the lip in a child of 2 years? The doctor prescribes antiviral treatment. Often prescribed drug in this situation is Acyclovir. It is usually given intravenously. The dose of the medicine depends on the weight of the baby. But in severe cases of the disease, the dose increases.

Rashes are treated with ointments:

  1. Zovirax. This is an antiviral drug. Active substance- acyclovir. Treatment with the drug has an immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Acyclovir. The active substance - Acyclovir is built into the DNA synthesized by the virus, blocks the reproduction of herpes. The specificity and high selectivity of the effects of Zovirax on the human body is due to its accumulation in cells. Zovirax prevents the formation of a rash, reduces the likelihood of complications, including visceral ones, accelerates the formation of crusts on sores, eliminates pain in the acute stage of herpes zoster.

How to treat herpes on the lips in a child of 2 years? Treatment with ointments is carried out several times a day. If, in addition to the lips, the eyes are affected, it is necessary to use special solutions prescribed by the doctor for them. Usually, in addition, the doctor prescribes immunoglobulins: they increase immunity. In addition, Viferon uses as interferons. For the age of 2-4 years, this is the safest drug. For children, it is used as candles and tablets. A decoction of licorice, chamomile, St. John's wort is often used.


1. Chamomile. You can make tea from it. Chamomile is purchased at a pharmacy, or collected independently, dried. A tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers should be brewed with glasses of boiling water. Tea is infused for 10 to 15 minutes.

For external treatment of sores, a decoction is used in a more concentrated form. 3 tablespoons are brewed with one glass of boiled water, boiled for 15 minutes, left for an hour. Close the container tightly with a lid. In the broth, we moisten the napkin, we carefully process the sores. Chamomile has an anti-inflammatory effect, accelerates the healing process of wounds. Chamomile in the form of a decoction can also be mixed with propolis tincture. One spoonful of the mixed decoction should be drunk three times a day. To achieve a more effective result, you can moisten the rash.

2. Licorice. By analogy with chamomile, tea can be made from licorice root. A glass of boiling water requires a couple of teaspoons of raw materials. The decoction is insisted for three hours. It should be said that this tea is not for frequent use. For children, it is better to limit yourself to one cup a day.

3. Aloe. This plant has an anti-inflammatory effect, accelerates tissue regeneration, anesthetizes. The advantage of aloe is that you do not need to make a decoction. It is enough to take an aloe leaf, cut it, attach it to the affected area. The procedure can be repeated twice. The procedure is done until the ailment passes.
Medicinal herbs and plants should be used if the child does not have an individual reaction to them.

Treatment of symptoms

If the little heat, then it is necessary to use means that reduce it:

  1. Nurofen: two forms - suppositories and syrup. The active substance is ibuprofen. It has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties.
  2. Paracetamol. Syrup and candles "Tsefekon". It has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties.
  3. Nimulid. It has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties.

If the rash is very itchy, then antihistamines are used. Taking antiallergic drugs eliminates itching, alleviating the condition of a sick person:

  1. Zyrtec.
  2. Zorex.
  3. Claritin (from 3 years).

The child's condition will be relieved, and the absence of itching will not allow him to peel off the crusts. At infectious diseases children should be given as much water as possible.

Thanks to drinking, the virus and its accompanying toxins will be more quickly removed from the body, the child's condition should improve. Drink:

  • raspberry;
  • weak tea;
  • milk.

During illness, you must follow a certain diet. Although the child eats little when sick. However, his diet should not contain complex carbohydrates, fats, and foods that can cause an allergic reaction.


It is impossible to completely protect yourself from infection, since the virus is transmitted by contact and household means. At home, you must observe personal hygiene, do not use other people's things. For a small child - to protect him from contact with strangers, adults. In addition, it is necessary to increase the immunity of the child, he must eat healthy and balanced food.

The body of children is more than an adult, subject to various viral diseases. This is due to the fact that their immune system is not strong enough to resist infections. One of the most common among them is herpes on the lip of a child, known in society as the "labial cold".

Algiren - syrup for the treatment of herpes in a child on the lips

Often the rash is accompanied by elevated body temperature. At the same time, in the places where it appeared, itching, burning and mild tingling are disturbing.

Then, small bubbles with a transparent shell filled with liquid form in these areas. In some cases, they seem to coalesce into one and, after a few days, burst.

Other symptoms

With an exacerbation of the disease in a child, there may be an increase The lymph nodes and have a fever. Often this happens in the background. discomfort in the muscles, acute headache and rash on other parts of the face. In this case, there is a risk of eczema on the skin.

Causes of herpes in a child

Important! The "sources" of the herpes simplex virus (types 1 and 2) affecting the lips are approximately 90% of people on Earth. Therefore, it is important to protect the still poorly protected children's body from this infectious disease.

It is believed that the weaker the child's immune system, the more susceptible to herpes. However, the disease caused by it can also occur in those who are absolutely not prone to acute respiratory diseases(SARS, influenza, bronchitis, tonsillitis). In this case, the treatment of herpes on the lips in children will be faster.

Herpes simplex is at risk even for those babies who have never experienced stress and never froze. Doctors find an explanation for this in the genetic predisposition of a person. According to doctors, a peculiar combination of genes can increase the susceptibility to herpes infection. Therefore, one can never say what exactly caused herpes on the lips of a child.

In children under the age of one, the "activation" of the virus can be caused by the following diseases:

  1. Problems with hearing and vision.
  2. Violation of the cardiovascular system.
  3. The defeat of the internal organs of the baby.
  4. Various neurological changes.

Herpes on the lips of a child: treatment

Regardless of the form in which the disease occurs, and its clinical manifestations The treatment consists of 3 stages.

  1. Virus suppression.
  2. Immunotherapy (strengthening the child's immunity).
  3. Taking precautions.

Anti-herpes drugs include:

  • Kagocel(appointed to children over 6 years old);
  • Famciclovir(pills, the course of admission is prescribed by the doctor individually);
  • Valaciclovir or Valtrex;
  • Vectavir(application is indicated for children over 16 years old. The cream inhibits the replication of viral DNA);
  • Foscarnet sodium in powder form - inhibits the activity of the virus. Children are prescribed only in extreme cases;
  • Bonafton- has antiviral activity. It is applied externally and internally, depending on the focus of the herpes lesion;
  • Riodoxol ointment- applied to the skin 2-3 times a day with obvious symptoms;
  • Hyporamine- phytopreparation based on sea buckthorn. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease. With a mild course, the tablets are taken 3-4 days. Assign them to children older than 3 years.

Virus suppression

Antiherpes drug "Kagocel"

Since the treatment of herpes on the lips of a child begins with the suppression of this virus, doctors prescribe antiviral drugs to the patient.

In their group, a series of cyclovirs is considered effective, prescribed for injection, oral administration (inside) and external use (lubrication of affected areas).

They inhibit the activity of herpes simplex viruses (types 1 and 2), even being used to treat herpes infections in newborns.

Important! If we are talking about ointments, then the minimum course of treatment is 5-7 days.


In the photo - herpes on the lips at different stages

If herpes is already running in a child on the lip, than to treat it yourself, it is better to consult a doctor. He, in addition to antiviral drugs, will prescribe immunotherapy.

Immune-supporting drugs help restore the body's defenses, the decrease of which occurs against the background of a decrease in the number of B- and T-lymphocytes in the blood.

And they do a good job of it:

  • Syrup "Algirem" (for children from 1 year old);
  • Tromantadin - prevents further development of infection;
  • Tiloron;
  • Neovir (the drug is administered both orally and parenterally);
  • Likopid. Children under 16 years of age are prescribed 1 mg of the drug 1 to 2 times a day for 7-10 days;
  • Alpizarin tablets - widely used for adults;
  • Cycloferon - causes clinical improvement in herpes infection.


  1. All objects in the house that can become a “source” of infection should be disinfected to prevent repeated outbreaks of the disease.
  2. You can not touch your fingers to the mucous membrane of the lips and the bubbles on them. Otherwise, herpes on the lips in children, the treatment of which, although short, but difficult, will become a real problem. So you can bring an even more dangerous infection.
  3. At the time of the external manifestation of the virus, it is better to give up coffee and other tonic drinks that do not contribute to strengthening the immune system.
  4. To avoid manifestations of herpes in the nose, it is necessary that the child always wash his hands well before eating and after the street.

Folk ways to deal with herpes on the lips of a child

To achieve quick results, in consultation with your doctor, you can use home remedies for its prevention.


Bring 0.2 liters of water to a boil over a fire. Add to it 1 tbsp. l. baking soda, stir, and remove the dishes from the stove. Next, after soaking a cotton swab in its contents, apply it to the affected areas of the child's face. The procedure must be carried out until the pain disappears - tingling and burning. After the place where the bubbles were, they will be covered with a hard crust, which will fall off on its own after a while.

To eliminate itching on the lips, which is the main symptom of herpes at the initial stage, ice cubes wrapped in a thin, clean cloth should be applied to these places as often as possible.

home ointment

In the photo - propolis

Before treating herpes on the lips in children pharmaceutical preparations, it is better to try completely safe home remedies. To prepare this, mix 1 tbsp. l. ash, honey and finely grated garlic.

The cream lubricates the areas of the lips that hurt. Already after 5-6 days, if you use it every day 3-4 times, only small sores will remain from herpes in a person.

As you can see, the main reason why herpes on the lip of a child “wakes up” is the lack of an immune response to the attack of this virus.

Frequently asked Questions

Christina, 45 years old:

Tell me, please, does the child often get herpes? How to approach treatment?

Expert answer:

Hello Christina! Treatment of "herpes disease" will be effective only with a combination of immunotherapy, folk remedies and pharmacy ointments. And, of course, it should take place exclusively under the supervision of a doctor.

Irina, 35 years old:

Prompt, please, the child only had the first symptoms of herpes. How can the development of the disease be prevented?

Expert answer:

Hello Irina! In the first stage, effective medications. Even the presence strong degree development of the disease, the treatment of which is started at this stage, will not develop further.

On the video: Herpes - Dr. Komarovsky's School