What factors cause the simultaneous appearance of a rash and cough? The child is covered with a rash, but no fever. Rashes and cough without fever.

Infectious diseases of childhood often proceed differently than in adults. Respiratory pathology is also a cause for concern. Parents noticing a cough and rash in their child will think about the origin of the symptoms and most likely will not wait for new ones to appear. Only by contacting a doctor, you can be sure of a high-quality diagnosis of the condition that has arisen.

Causes and mechanisms

Every symptom has a connection with its source. But there are similar signs in various diseases, so you have to consider the likelihood of several causes. A rash on the body of a child, combined with a cough and fever, may appear with the following diseases:

  • Measles.
  • Rubella.
  • Scarlet fever.

But in addition to childhood infections, allergic reactions to any substances (food, plant pollen, animal dander, medicines) cannot be ruled out. But a cough with a rash without fever can have a completely different origin, being signs of two unrelated conditions. In any case, a thorough differential diagnosis will help to establish the cause.


The clinical picture of the disease consists of individual symptoms that the doctor reveals during the interview and physical examination. First, he finds out from the parents and the child himself what worries him, how the disease began and how it manifested itself. Then the subjective information is supplemented by the results of inspection, palpation (feeling), percussion (percussion) and auscultation (listening). This creates an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pathology, which makes it possible to make a preliminary diagnosis.


Measles is a highly contagious infection caused by a virus. The causative agent is very easily transmitted from the patient by airborne droplets in children's groups and crowded places. After the incubation (latent) period, the temperature gradually rises (up to 39 degrees), intoxication phenomena increase (weakness, malaise, loss of appetite). At the same time, inflammatory changes appear in the upper respiratory tract:

  • Coryza with serous discharge.
  • Sore throat.
  • Dry cough.
  • Hoarseness of voice.

Catarrhal phenomena also cover the conjunctiva - the mucous membrane turns red, the sclera is injected, the eyelids swell, the eyes water. The back wall of the pharynx is hyperemic, granular. On the 2nd day, red spots (enanthema) become visible on the mucous membrane of the soft palate, and on inside cheeks - small whitish dots (symptom of Belsky-Filatov). The face becomes swollen, the lips dry and cracked.

From the 4th day of illness, rashes appear on the body (exanthema). They are characterized by several distinctive features:

  • Represented by bright pink spots and irregularly shaped papules.
  • Located on an unchanged background of the skin.
  • Appear in stages (face, torso, limbs).
  • Disappear with pigmentation.

Catarrhal and intoxication syndrome with the appearance of enanthema reaches its maximum severity, but during the period of pigmentation the child's condition becomes satisfactory. Measles can also occur atypically, with abortive, erased, asymptomatic and mitigated forms. The latter occurs in children who received immunoglobulins during the incubation period. But one cannot exclude the risk of a severe infection, which gives complications in the form of laryngotracheitis, pneumonia, meningoencephalitis, otitis media, keratitis, etc.

A maculopapular rash and cough in a child is a reason to think about measles. The likelihood of such an infection increases significantly when in contact with a sick person.


AT clinical picture rubella will also be a combination of three syndromes: exanthema, catarrhal and intoxication. The disease begins with a prodromal period, which is characterized, like the common cold, by subfebrile body temperature, weakness, fatigue, and signs of damage to the upper respiratory tract:

  • Rhinitis.
  • Perspiration and sore throat.
  • Dry cough.

A characteristic sign of rubella will be an increase and soreness of regional lymph nodes (posterior cervical and occipital). Then, against this background, a small-spotted red rash appears in the child. It occurs simultaneously throughout the body, located mainly on the extensor surfaces of the limbs, buttocks, and back.

Acquired rubella, as a rule, proceeds smoothly, without giving rise to complications. In children early age in the presence of specific immunity the disease does not develop from the mother. But if a woman has had an infection during pregnancy, then the newborn has congenital rubella with damage to various organs (pneumonia, myocarditis, hepatitis) and multiple malformations.

Scarlet fever

One of the varieties of streptococcal infection is scarlet fever. It begins acutely - with a rise in body temperature, intoxication and tonsillitis. The kid complains of sore throat when swallowing, sometimes coughing occurs (phenomena of concomitant pharyngitis). The pharyngeal mucosa is red on examination, the tonsils are enlarged and loosened. The tongue is first lined with a white coating, but then it is cleared of it, acquiring the appearance of "raspberry" (with enlarged papillae).

Against the background of intoxication and catarrhal symptoms a typical scarlatinal exanthema appears: abundant, red, finely punctate, located on a hyperemic background of the skin, mainly along the flexor surfaces of the limbs, on the neck, chest, abdomen and lower back, concentrating in places of natural folds. The appearance of the child is quite characteristic, since the rash on the face thickens in the cheeks, and the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle remains free (Filatov's symptom). During the convalescence skin changes undergo reverse development with the appearance of lamellar peeling, especially pronounced on the palms and feet.

Scarlet fever is not as harmless as it seems. It can be quite difficult and give a number of complications: toxic, septic and allergic. Therefore, it is extremely important to suspect an infection in time and start antibiotic therapy.

Rashes in scarlet fever have a number of characteristic features that, together with other symptoms, suggest an infection.

allergic reactions

In addition to infectious diseases, allergic reactions should not be overlooked. Their prevalence is increasing every year, especially in childhood. Almost any substance in contact with a sensitized organism can give such a reaction. And in clinical terms, the following symptoms may appear:

  • Urticaria and pruritus.
  • Paroxysmal sneezing.
  • Nasal congestion and snot.
  • Lachrymation and redness of the eyes.
  • Cough and hoarseness.
  • Bronchospasm and suffocation.

Each child reacts to an allergen in his own way: from minor manifestations to strong and dangerous ones. At an early age, only signs of diathesis appear in the form of redness and peeling on the cheeks, but later they can develop into atopic dermatitis, rhinitis, bronchial asthma.

Additional diagnostics

What disease became the source of cough and rash on the body can be reliably said only by the results of an additional examination. And although some conditions are even recognized clinically, laboratory procedures will help confirm the diagnosis:

  1. General analysis of blood and urine.
  2. A smear from the nasopharynx (microscopy, bacterial culture, PCR).
  3. Serological tests (determination of antibodies and antigens in serum).

To exclude some complications, a chest x-ray, ECG, and ultrasound of the kidneys are necessary. The child is consulted by an infectious disease specialist and an allergist. And only after all the diagnostic measures will it become clear what he is sick with. Based on the results obtained, treatment is prescribed.


Measles - acute inflammatory disease, characterized by intoxication, rash on the skin and mucous membranes. Measles is caused by a filterable virus. The disease is transmitted from the patient to the healthy by airborne droplets. Infection occurs through the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. Susceptibility to measles is very high. Distinguish between mild, moderate and severe form diseases. Mitigated (weakened) measles is observed in vaccinated children. The entrance gate of infection is the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. The virus then enters the bloodstream.

The incubation period for measles lasts from 7 to 17 days, for those vaccinated it is extended to 21 days. This is followed by a catarrhal period, accompanied by an increase in temperature to 38-39 ° C, a runny nose, cough, conjunctivitis appear. photophobia. On the buccal mucosa, near the small molars, many whitish papules (Belsky-Filatov spots) appear. By the fifth day of this period, the temperature decreases, and the disease passes into a period of rash, which is characterized by a greater severity of inflammation. The child's face is puffy, with swollen eyelids, runny nose, cough, lacrimation intensifies. The temperature again rises to 39-41 ° C, lethargy, drowsiness, refusal to eat increases. A maculopapular rash appears on the skin of the face. On the second day, the rash spreads to the trunk, and on the third - to the limbs. The size of individual elements is from 2 to 5 mm in diameter. With the growth of rashes, the individual elements of the rash merge with each other, forming large spots with uneven outlines. After 3 days, the rash begins to fade in the same order as it began. During the recovery period, which follows 5-7 days after the onset of the rash, pigmentation and fine scaling appear on the skin. By the end of the second week of the disease, appetite improves, inflammation in the nasopharynx decreases. Pigmentation and peeling on the body disappear.

Diagnosis - fever, cough, runny nose, patchy rash on the skin. It should be differentiated with an allergic rash, rubella. scarlet fever. Most patients are treated at home. It is necessary to carry out wet cleaning and ventilate the room. The child must receive enough liquid. Food should be complete, appropriate for the age of the child. Symptomatic therapy includes antitussive and antipyretic drugs. Prevention - carry out active immunization with measles vaccine at the age of 15-18 months.

Just about health

Different diseases have different rashes

A rash that suddenly appears on the body of a child always causes great anxiety and alertness in parents. After all, various rashes on the skin are often the first sign of childhood infectious diseases.
Moreover, at various diseases and the rash has completely different kind, their characteristic features. Let's see what kind of rash happens with various childhood infections.

Rash in scarlet fever

With scarlet fever, the rash feels like sandpaper. Most of the rashes occur in the groin, armpits, on the folds of the arms and legs, later the rash passes to the stomach and chest. The rash is accompanied by high fever, headache and sore throat. At the same time, the tongue also has a characteristic appearance: it becomes dark crimson, and white papillae (“strawberry tongue”) are clearly visible on it. Lymph nodes in the neck swell. The face turns red, only the nose and lips (nasolabial triangle) remain pale.

Rash with chickenpox

With chickenpox (chickenpox), rashes have typical stages of development: spot-tubercle-bubble-crust. A spot with a diameter of 2–4 mm turns into a papule (tubercle) and a vesicle (vesicle) within a few hours. Vesicles are filled with transparent contents, sometimes reach 6 mm in diameter, usually itch and itch. The number of rashes can be single, or it can reach hundreds of elements! The rash covers the whole body, face, neck, legs and arms, but does not affect only the palms and soles; the scalp is especially "spotted". It lasts from 2 to 10 days, the "cleansing" of the skin from crusts usually occurs after 5-10, but traces of chickenpox last much longer.

Rash with measles

With measles, at first (on the second or third day of illness), small whitish spots appear on the mucous membrane of the cheeks near the molars, surrounded by a narrow red border - Belsky-Filatov-Koplik spots, characteristic of measles (according to appearance they resemble semolina). At the same time, the temperature rises, the head hurts, a runny nose and a “barking” cough are observed. On the fourth or fifth day of illness, a rash appears: first on the face, neck, behind the ears, the next day on the trunk, then on the folds of the arms and legs, including the fingers. The rash consists of small papules surrounded by a patch and prone to confluence. The reverse development of the elements of the rash begins on the fourth day of the rash: the temperature returns to normal, the rash darkens, turns brown, pigmented, and flaky (in the same sequence as the rashes). Pigmentation lasts 1-1.5 weeks.

Rubella rash

With rubella, a rash appears as the first sign of the disease. Sometimes accompanied by slight runny nose, subfebrile temperature, soft redness in the throat, as in the usual SARS. The rash with rubella is pale pink, round or oval in shape, 2-5 mm in diameter, in typical cases - finely spotted or roseolous. Usually the elements of the rash do not merge and do not rise above the surface of the skin. More often, rashes begin on the face, neck, but after a few hours they spread throughout the body, thickening on the folds of the arms and legs, back and buttocks. There are few rashes on the face, but none on the palms and soles. The rash lasts for 1-3 days, then turns pale and disappears, leaving no pigmentation and flaking behind.

Rash with meningitis

At meningococcal meningitis already on the first day, 80% of children develop a rash on the skin in the form of pink spots ranging in size from 0.5 to 2 cm - the so-called maculopapular rash. It begins to appear on the abdomen, buttocks, heels, legs and spreads throughout the body in a matter of hours. After 2-3 hours, small hemorrhages appear in the center of the spots. In addition, there are other symptoms characteristic of the disease: severe headache, nausea, vomiting, neck muscle tension, etc. With a mild form of meningitis, the rash remains in the form of small dotted rashes of a dark cherry color for another 3-4 days. In a more severe form of meningitis, the rash is represented by large spots and bruises; this rash resolves within 10 days.

Another rash

The most "non-terrible" rash is the so-called "sweating", which often appears in young children. This rash is located on those parts of the body where sweating is most active (in the folds on the neck and armpits, on the chest and back), it becomes brighter and more noticeable when overheated and quickly disappears when proper measures are taken. Areas of the body with "sweating" should be washed more often, the skin should be lubricated with baby cream, baby oil or baby powder. When bathing, you can add an infusion of chamomile or string flowers to the baby's bath. The usual period of such a rash is small - after a day it, as a rule, completely disappears.
There are also different kinds rashes associated with insect bites, certain skin or viral diseases, such as herpes. Often, some kind of skin rash occurs as an allergic reaction to certain foods, medicines, animal hair, etc. In this case, the mother needs to analyze whether she gave the baby any new foods or medicines, whether the child was in contact with cats or dogs, etc. Sometimes the rash is accompanied by itching, nasal congestion, lacrimation, sneezing. In this case, antihistamines and diet will help the child.

In any case, a child with a rash is better to see a doctor as soon as possible. After all, many diseases accompanied by a rash are contagious and can pose a threat to other children. www.prosto-zdorovie.ru

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An acute infectious disease characterized by fever, catarrhal symptoms from the upper respiratory tract (cough, runny nose, hoarseness), inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, oral cavity and the appearance of a red large-spotted rash on the skin. The causative agent of measles is a virus. The virus contained in small droplets of sputum, mucus and saliva of the patient, when coughing, sneezing and talking, enters the air and then penetrates through Airways into the body of a healthy child (airborne transmission of infection). Droplets of sputum, saliva and mucus containing the virus are easily spread around the room, can penetrate with air current into neighboring rooms and apartments through cracks and ventilation ducts. Almost all people are susceptible to measles, and those who have been ill develop stable lifelong immunity. Infection occurs even with fleeting contact. More than a half of cases of diseases To. it is necessary for children till 5 flyings. Children up to 3 months. K. usually do not get sick, because they are given immunity to the disease from their mother, who had been ill with K. in childhood. Children born to mothers who have not had measles can get measles before the age of 3 months.

There are four periods of the disease. The first period - incubation (hidden) - lasts 6-18 days; during this time, the virus can be in the human body without causing any manifestations of the disease (see. Incubation period. The second period - prodromal (initial, catarrhal), coming after the latent - lasts 3-4 days. It is characterized by fever, catarrhal phenomena (runny nose, cough, hoarseness, redness of the eyes, watery eyes) Gradually, these phenomena intensify, photophobia appears, puffiness of the face, barking cough and laryngeal edema may develop - false croup. A characteristic feature of K. during this period is the appearance of delicate, small white spots surrounded by a red rim on the mucous membrane of the cheeks against the lower molars (the so-called Filatov-Koplik spots; color tables st. 80, 6). They appear 2-3 days before the rash, disappearing on the 1-2nd day of the rash.

Other hallmark To. is the occurrence of red spots on the mucous membrane of the soft and hard palate, the so-called. enanthema (color. tab. st. 80, 7). Quite often, children are irritable, they have a deterioration in sleep, appetite, frequent stools, stools become liquid. Older children may have headache, vomiting, nosebleeds, and abdominal pain. The third period - rashes - begins with a new rise in temperature, deterioration, reddening of the throat. On the 4th-6th day (from the onset of the disease) a characteristic red large-spotted rash appears (printing table st. 80, 5.8). The rash appears first on the face - behind the ears, on the cheeks and on the forehead, and after a few hours spreads all over the face. Becoming more intense, the rash covers the trunk on the 2nd day, and the limbs on the 3rd. The skin with K. is moist (due to increased sweating), there is slight itching. The rash period lasts 3-4 days. The fourth period - pigmentation (recovery) - begins on the day the rash appears on the limbs. On the same day, the rash on the face begins to darken and turn into brown spots. Spreading from top to bottom, pigmentation lasts 7-10 days. The skin becomes dry, especially on the face, palms and soles; pityriasis peeling appears. The temperature gradually decreases, improves general state child.

The course of measles can be either mild or severe. Light form measles is more common in children 4-5 months old - all periods are shortened, the child's condition worsens slightly; in children older than 6 months. the severe form To is more often observed. Severe headache, persistent vomiting, epistaxis ', and in nek-ry cases - delirium, hallucinations are possible (see Mental illnesses). Complications: pneumonia, swelling of the larynx, inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media), intestinal disorders.

When the first signs of the disease appear, it is necessary to immediately call a doctor, to-ry solves the issue of hospitalization or treatment of the child at home. In the treatment of K., general hygiene measures, diet, and care are of primary importance (see Nursing, especially caring for a sick child). The patient should be in a well-ventilated room - it is necessary to ensure a constant supply of fresh air and a moderate temperature (17-18 °). In the warm season, it is useful to take a sick child out into the fresh air or keep it by a constantly open window. Darkening the room is harmful, with photophobia it is enough to put the patient with his back to the light source. It is necessary to take care of the skin (rubbing, washing), oral mucosa (drinking plenty of water, especially after eating, rinsing the mouth after eating) and eyes (wash with cotton wool soaked in boiled water or 2% boric acid solution several times a day ). Frequent and plentiful drinking is necessary.

Prevention. At the first signs of illness, the child must be isolated from other children.

As soon as K.'s diagnosis is made, parents should immediately report it to the children's institution, which the child visits. Many parents, believing that K.'s disease is almost inevitable, often calmly relate to possible infection child. Meanwhile, K. is especially dangerous for children under the age of 2 years, as well as for weakened children of other ages. Therefore, young children and weakened children must be protected in every possible way from the disease K. Exclusively great importance have highly effective measles vaccinations, to-rye begin to carry out to children at the age of 10-12 months (see Vaccinations).

In order to prevent the development of the disease in children who have not been vaccinated for any reason (contraindications, etc.), who have been in contact with patients with K., gamma globulin is used. With the timely administration of gamma globulin, the disease either does not develop, or proceeds very easily (the so-called mitigated K.)

Sources: not yet!

The skin reflects the state of the body. Any changes should be suspicious. If any redness, rashes or peeling appear, you should visit a specialist. The child has an unformed body. Children are most susceptible to the appearance of various ailments. The child develops a fever, cough and rash are symptoms that need to be treated. They may arise from different reasons. In this case, the child may complain of weakness and a significant deterioration in well-being. These symptoms are pathogenic and always indicate the presence of the disease.

Immediate treatment of the child is required if a rash develops against the background of a cough with fever

allergic type bronchitis

A rash on the body of a child, which is accompanied by a large number of extraneous symptoms, provokes anxiety in parents. Symptoms such as rash fever body, coughing and runny nose, can signal serious ailments. Some of them need urgent medical attention. Pathogenic symptoms should never be ignored.

Often listed undesirable symptoms may be present with allergic-type bronchitis in a child. Specialists usually attribute spontaneous spastic exhalations to the main symptom of such an ailment. The course of a disease can vary from person to person. Often it is accompanied by a wet cough. Usually the disease proceeds as follows:

  • There is an interaction with a provoking factor. A small patient begins reflex spasms respiratory system. In the initial stages of the course of the disease, parents often assume that the child has a cold. Such a primary diagnosis is incorrect, and cold medicines are ineffective in this case. Deterioration almost always occurs at night or when a small patient takes a horizontal position.

In addition to other symptoms, allergic bronchitis is accompanied by a runny nose.

  • The kid begins to complain of a runny nose. The child has a rash.
  • Coughing occurs and body temperature rises to 38 degrees.

Cough and rash - the symptoms that appear with allergic-type bronchitis indicate that the disease has developed against the background of other diseases. It is in this situation that a rash, runny nose and cough in a child occur at the same time.

Bronchitis of the allergic type is quite similar to the usual allergy. In order to cope with the disease, it is necessary to eliminate the root cause of its occurrence. Drugs to eliminate individual symptoms will be ineffective. Before contacting a doctor, you can provide first aid to a small patient. Thanks to some procedures, you can alleviate the condition of the baby. It is usually recommended to give preference to steam inhalation.

For an accurate diagnosis and choice of treatment, the child should be shown to the doctor.

Self-selection of drugs is not possible. The disease is quite difficult to detect and choose the most effective medicines. It is better to entrust a small patient to a specialist.



It happens that the child coughs and at the same time there is rhinitis and rashes on the skin. Such pathogenic symptoms may signal the presence of measles. It is an infectious disease with a high level of susceptibility. In the presence of such an ailment, children should be provided with immediate medical care. With measles, there is a significant increase in body temperature. Its performance can reach 40 degrees. Usually, in small patients, inflammation of the oral mucosa appears. There may also be a violation of the function of the organs of vision. As a rule, this manifests itself in the form of conjunctivitis. In addition, the following symptoms are observed:

  • rashes;
  • weakness;
  • vomiting reflex;
  • tearing.

Children with measles may vomit

The causative agent of the disease is extremely unstable. He dies almost instantly human body. This happens when interacting with a variety of extraneous factors. Despite this, the infectious disease is transmitted by airborne droplets. This happens when:

  • coughing;
  • sneezing.

It is possible to become infected only through contact with a sick patient. The child can be contagious starting from the second day of the incubation period. Measles usually affects children between the ages of two and six. They are in the main risk group. In adults, the disease occurs extremely rarely. Measles can be transmitted to a small patient in utero. With rashes and a significant increase in body temperature in a baby, you should immediately call a doctor.

Measles can be passed between children through sneezing

After the transfer of measles, a person develops immunity to such a disease. Re-infection is almost impossible. It can occur when the human body is significantly weakened.

The symptoms of measles are very similar to the flu. A small patient may experience:

  • headache (it may not go away for three days);
  • diarrhea;
  • significant loss of strength;
  • runny nose;
  • eye redness;
  • lack of appetite.

A child with measles may experience prolonged headaches

About 4 days after infection, the child develops a rash. The rash can affect all parts of the body. The spots are large enough that they can merge. For this reason, large, not having a clear shape, defects may occur. Rashes are not accompanied by itchy sensations. However, they always occur along with excessively elevated body temperature. The rash covers the entire body. Then the rashes begin to gradually disappear.


Rubella is a common disease among children. This disease can be accompanied by a large number of negative symptoms, including rashes, runny nose, increased body temperature and cough. With rubella, the rash is localized on the neck. Only a few days after its occurrence, it spreads throughout the body. Most strongly it affects the places of folds. The spots are light pink in color. They are small, but can merge into large, shapeless patches.

Rashes with rubella are usually accompanied by fever. Its performance can increase up to 39 degrees. However, in some cases, it may remain normal. The state of health of a small patient almost does not change. Lymph nodes are enlarged in some areas. This disruption usually persists for at least two weeks.

Rubella may be the cause of cough with fever and rash

The disease usually manifests itself several weeks after contact with the sick person. It is impossible to establish a diagnosis on your own. The rubella rash is very similar to the rashes that appear when:

  • scarlet fever;
  • allergic reaction;
  • prickly heat.

The disease proceeds like a mild cold. As noted earlier, rubella is predominantly a childhood disease. However, recently it also affects people under the age of 30. The risk group includes pregnant women. A girl can transmit the disease to the baby in utero. This can lead to the death of the fetus or the occurrence of congenital pathologies.

Rubella can be passed from mother to child

On the early dates pregnancy, a woman with rubella is recommended to give preference to artificial termination.

Chicken pox

Chicken pox- a disease with which everyone is familiar. Chickenpox usually occurs in children. Some parents intentionally send their child to an infected person so that they become infected at a younger age. This is due to the fact that such a disease can usually occur only once in a lifetime, and is easier to tolerate in preschool and school age.

Chickenpox is handled differently by children. Depending on the individual features violation may be accompanied various symptoms. The main symptom is rashes that are localized on all parts of the body. It may be accompanied by coughing and fever. Runny nose is extremely rare. The rash is accompanied by intense itching. The latent period of the course of the disease can last up to 20 days. Rashes appear as follows:

  • On the early stage the course of the disease, several rashes appear.

The appearance of a rash with fever and cough is characteristic of chickenpox

  • Small red rashes begin to spread throughout the body. In their appearance, they resemble small pimples.
  • After a few hours, the rash begins to resemble blisters. They accumulate liquid. In the future, the blisters begin to burst and a crust forms instead.

Rashes with itching can disturb a small patient for about 5 days. The temperature rises slightly. It can be easily reduced with paracetamol. The child is isolated from people who have not previously encountered chickenpox. It is desirable that the baby does not comb the lesions. Otherwise, scars may occur.

Treatment in all cases is different, so with similar symptoms, you should consult a doctor.

The temperature in children will be discussed in the video:

Sometimes there are situations when a rash appears on the child's body and, at the same time, he begins to cough. With these symptoms, there is no temperature, which alarms adults even more. Cough and rash can appear for various reasons. It is important to pay attention to the symptoms in time so as not to aggravate the condition of the baby.

The reasons

When painful or discomfort it is necessary to establish the reasons for their occurrence. You can get rid of the symptoms only if the key problem is identified and its treatment is prescribed. There are many causes of coughs and rashes.


Measles is an infectious disease caused by the measles virus. Transmitted by airborne droplets. You can get infected by talking from any infected person. The first signs appear 7 days after infection. With pathology:

  • worried about dry cough, rashes on the skin;
  • body temperature rises;
  • red eyes;
  • voice changes.

Rashes first appear on the face, and with the development of pathology spread throughout the body.



A disease of viral origin. Transmitted by airborne droplets. Symptoms occur after 7 days:

  • bouts of dry cough;
  • rashes on the skin;
  • high body temperature;
  • pain in the lymph nodes.

Dry cough and rash in a child may persist long time. The rash does not itch.

Scarlet fever

Scarlet fever occurs as a result of ingestion of beta-hemolytic streptococcus. You can infect another person through airborne droplets. Scarlet fever is transmitted when sharing dishes, cutlery, personal hygiene items. Signs:

  • high body temperature;
  • dry cough and rash;
  • sore throat.

Cough and rash on the chest are considered the most significant symptoms. A person who has been ill with scarlet fever is immune to this disease for life.

Increased temperature in a child


Allergic reactions can appear for various reasons. The first of these is hereditary predisposition. Symptoms may appear due to the use of foods saturated with allergens, direct contact with chemicals. Allergy symptoms include:

  • nasal congestion, runny nose;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • skin rashes, itching, cough.

It is important to exclude from the diet any foods containing allergens, do not use medications.

Thanks to numerous studies, experts have been able to establish that an allergy cannot occur to pollen from flowers, since they are not wind pollinated. They are pollinated by insects. Flower pollen is heavier than tree or grass pollen. Most often, allergies occur on the pollen of weeds, herbaceous plants, trees.

Chicken pox

A disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets. A person can get sick with them once. This is followed by immunity. The first symptoms appear 10 days after infection. These include rash, severe itching, cough.


Dangerous infectious pathology that affects the brain. It can occur in both adults and children. Signs of pathology:

  • violation of the chair;
  • lack of appetite;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • high body temperature - up to 40 degrees;
  • headache, loss of consciousness.

Characteristic signs occur after an increase in body temperature.

Insomnia in a child

Rash and cough without fever

If coughing, rash, itching appear, but there is no temperature, only an experienced doctor can determine which disease has affected the body. Most common cause considered erythema. This pathology often affects children's groups. After the child suffers erythema once, he develops lifelong immunity. Associated signs:

  • runny nose;
  • sore throat;
  • red rash on cheeks;
  • difficulty breathing.

Gradually, the spots change color from red to blue.

Rash and cough with fever

If there is a high temperature, dry cough and rash can cause various pathologies. These include:

  • enteroviral stomatitis;
  • roseola;
  • baby roseola.

If you experience unpleasant, painful symptoms, you should immediately contact your doctor.

Visiting a pediatrician


After contacting a doctor, the specialist will prescribe a series of diagnostic studies. These include:

  • tests for the presence of allergic reactions;
  • bakposev;
  • studies aimed at identifying bacterial diseases;
  • test for the presence of viruses in the body.

When the results of the examination are ready, the doctor prescribes the appropriate complex treatment.

The simultaneous appearance of coughing and rashes on the body may be associated with the development of various diseases. It is important to pay attention in time, consult a doctor. The specialist will conduct diagnostic studies, identify the cause of the onset of painful symptoms.

Your body has many ways to protect you from harm. Coughing is one of these methods of protection. Coughing helps clear throat or lung irritants and allows you to breathe easier.

While coughing is the body's way of clearing your body, it can also indicate that you have an underlying medical condition. The cough may be acute or last for a short time, or it may be chronic, meaning it lasts more than three weeks.

A rash is a skin reaction to an irritant or underlying condition. The rash can vary in appearance. They may be red, scaly, or blistered.

What causes cough and rash?

A cough and rash are usually signs of an underlying condition, such as a bacterial, viral, or fungal infection. The following are some examples of diseases that have both cough and rash as symptoms that usually occur together:

scarlet fever

Scarlet fever is caused by an infection from the group A bacteria Streptococcus, and it often comes from the strep throat. The bacterial infection creates a toxin in the body that causes a rash all over the body and sometimes a bright red tongue.


Initial symptoms usually include:

  • heat
  • cough
  • runny nose
  • red, watery eyes

Three to five days later, a rash will appear on the body that begins on the face and spreads through the body, as if a bucket of paint is poured on the head.


This is a fungal infection that is most common in the southwestern United States. It is also known as "valley fever". “People become infected when they breathe in the spores of the fungus. This can cause both a cough and a rash on the upper body or legs due to infection from the spores.

While you may experience these symptoms at the same time, they may not necessarily be related. For example, you might have a cough due to a cold and use a new laundry detergent that irritates your skin, causing a rash.

Cough and rash in children

When children come down with a cough and rash, it can mean something different than when it happens in adults. If multiple children are in the household, try to quarantine the sick child as much as possible until they are diagnosed. This can help prevent the spread of contagious diseases. Some causes of coughs and rashes in children include the following:

  • Scarlet fever is common in children and your doctor should treat it with antibiotics as soon as possible.
  • Measles can occur in children and the vaccine can prevent it.
  • If they have roseola, young children, who are usually between 6 and 36 months old, may develop upper respiratory virus symptoms such as cough, congestion, and high fever, followed by a rash. This is a self-limiting disease.

Your child's cough and rash is likely to be contagious. It's important to talk to your doctor about your child's symptoms to prevent spreading the contagious disease to others.


When you visit your doctor about a cough and rash, they will first have to diagnose the cause of the symptoms you have.

Your doctor will perform a physical examination. They will listen to your lungs and breathing, take your temperature, and examine the rashes on your body. If necessary, they can perform blood supply to check for certain infections and check blood counts. Your doctor will take a swab from the back of your throat and check it for bacterial infections, such as strep throat.

When to Seek Medical Care

Make an appointment with your doctor if you experience the following:

  • severe cough that produces thick, foul-smelling or green sputum
  • fever in a child younger than 3 months
  • cough that lasts longer than 10 days
  • a cough that makes the child turn pale or limp
  • a rash that appears to spread over the body
  • a rash that becomes painful or doesn't seem to get better

This information is a summary. Always ask for medical care if you are concerned that you may have a medical emergency.

How are coughs and rashes treated?

Doctors usually treat coughs and rashes associated with a bacterial infection with antibiotics. However, an antibiotic will not help if the infection is viral. Depending on the type of viral disease, most physicians prefer to treat with supportive care. In other words, direct treatment for the virus may not be available, but the doctor expects it to resolve on its own and they recommend treating the symptoms.

Because conditions like measles and scarlet fever spread easily, you should wet your hands frequently and refrain from coughing on others as much as possible. If your child is diagnosed with any of these conditions, they may need to stay away from them from time to time.

If your doctor prescribes antibiotics for you, it is important to complete the entire course of treatment. While you may feel better before your medication runs out, bacteria may still be present in your body. Continue treatment until it is completed.

How can I get a cough and rash?

At home care for coughs and rashes include rest and drinking plenty of water. Drink more water than usual, sipping on your drink every few minutes. Taking a shower or using a vaporizer that emits cold vapor can help break up mucus in your lungs, which can help you sparkle. You can add medicated vapors to some vaporizers to soothe a cough.

Over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, such as decongestants and cough syrup, can help relieve your symptoms. Read the instructions carefully if you plan to administer these medicines to a child. Generally, people avoid giving decongestants to children under 6 because side effects more common in children than in adults.

You can soothe itchy rashes by using oatmeal baths and Benadryl OTC, either a cream or oral medication. Sometimes you can apply hydrocortisone cream to reduce inflammation and therefore reduce itching. Avoid scratching the rash, even if it itches. This will help prevent scarring.

How can I prevent cough and rash?

While sometimes infections leading to a cough and rash may be unavoidable, there are a few preventative steps you can take to prevent this. These include the following:

  • Practice frequent hand washing to avoid contracting an infectious disease.
  • Avoid others who are sick to reduce the chance of contracting something contagious.
  • Avoid smoking and avoid secondhand smoke because smoke can make coughing worse.
  • Avoid using high-sounding lotions or body treatments. They can make your rash worse.
  • Wash your skin in warm water to minimize irritation.
  • Stay up to date on your vaccines, including those for whooping cough and measles.

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Most often, parents of children are worried about fever and, as a result, an incomprehensible rash that can appear on the child’s body immediately after the temperature.

A rash on the body, cough, fever in a child can be caused by some diseases, such as: measles, roseola, scarlet fever, chickenpox, rubella, meningitis and others. Below we have described the symptoms of the most likely childhood diseases accompanied by a rash on the body.


A rash on the body of a child may appear with measles.

Measles is an acute infectious viral disease with a high level of susceptibility (contagiousness index approaches 100%), which is characterized by high temperature(up to 40.5 ° C), inflammation of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract, conjunctivitis and a characteristic maculopapular rash skin, general intoxication. The causative agent of measles is an RNA virus of the genus Morbilliviruses, family Paramyxoviruses. The virus is not stable in the external environment, it quickly dies outside the human body from the influence of various chemical and physical factors (irradiation, boiling, treatment with disinfectants).

The route of transmission of the infection is airborne, the virus is released into the external environment in in large numbers sick person with mucus when coughing, sneezing, etc.

The source of infection is a patient with measles in any form, which is contagious to others with last days incubation period (last 2 days) until the 4th day of the rash. From the 5th day of the rash, the patient is considered non-infectious.

Measles affects mainly children aged 2-5 years and much less often adults who have not had this disease in childhood. Newborn babies have colostral immunity, passed down to them from their mothers if they have had measles before. This immunity lasts for the first 3 months of life. There are cases of congenital measles with transplacental infection of the fetus with a virus from a sick mother.

After the disease, stable immunity develops, re-infection with human measles, without concomitant pathology. immune system, it is doubtful, although such cases have been described. Most cases of measles are observed in the winter-spring (December-May) period with an increase in the incidence every 2-4 years.

Currently, in countries that implement total measles vaccination, the disease occurs in the form of isolated cases or mini-epidemics.

The symptoms of measles are flu-like: your child has a headache that does not go away within two to three days, weakness, runny nose, cough, red eyes, drowsiness, loss of appetite, fever. On the third or fourth day, a rash appears - red flat, in some places it can merge into large shapeless spots. The measles rash does not itch, but is accompanied by a high fever. In four to five days, it covers the entire body, then it will gradually go out. The temperature drops and, if there are no complications, then the disease ends.

Measles treatment:

No drugs have been developed for the specific treatment of measles. Symptomatic treatment includes expectorants, mucolytics, anti-inflammatory aerosols to relieve inflammatory processes respiratory tract. Ibuprofen or paracetamol can be used to reduce fever and pain. Children with measles should not take aspirin because some studies have shown that aspirin can lead to Reye's syndrome.

Scarlet fever

Scarlet fever is an infectious disease usually caused by group A hemolytic streptococcus (Streptococcus pyogenes). Manifested by punctate rash, fever, general intoxication.

Symptoms of scarlet fever. With scarlet fever, there are: fever, sore throat, headache, vomiting, bright red pharynx. On the first or second day, a small, dotted red rash appears, which spreads throughout the child's body.

Scarlatina rash- small-dotted, with moderate pressure with a glass spatula, the spots are visible more clearly. When pressed harder, the rash gives way to a golden-yellowish skin tone. It appears on the 1-3rd day of illness and is localized mainly on the cheeks, in the groin, on the sides of the body. The skin of the nasolabial triangle remains pale and rash-free. The rash usually lasts 3-7 days, then fades away, leaving no pigmentation. Characterized by a thickening of the rash on the folds of the limbs - axillary, elbow, popliteal areas.
scarlet tongue- An indicative symptom of scarlet fever. on the 2-4th day of illness, the patient's tongue becomes pronounced grainy, bright red, the so-called "crimson" tongue.

peeling skin- occurs after the disappearance of the rash (14 days from the onset of the disease): in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe palms and feet it is large-lamellar, begins with the fingertips; on the body, neck, auricles peeling pityriasis

Treatment of scarlet fever. Previously, hemolytic streptococcus caused serious complications, flesh to death, it releases toxins and has a capsule that protects it from immune cells organism, antibiotics came to the aid of medicine. As drug treatment antibiotics are prescribed penicillin series in tablets (phenoxymethylpenicillin, retarpen, amoxicillin, Amoxicillin + clavulanic acid) for 7-10 days. It is better to use protected penicillins such as: amoxicillin + clavulanic acid (amoxiclav, augmentin, panklav, ecoclave). In addition, vitamin therapy is prescribed (vitamins of group B, vitamin C). In severe cases, infusion therapy is prescribed (glucose solution or hemodez intravenously) to reduce intoxication.

Chickenpox (chickenpox)

Chickenpox, chickenpox (lat. Varicella) is an acute viral disease with airborne transmission. Usually characterized by fever, papulovesicular rash with a benign course. It is caused by a virus of the Herpesviridae family - varicella-zoster (Varicella Zoster). The pathogen is spread by airborne droplets. Mostly children aged 6 months to 7 years get sick. Adults rarely get chickenpox, as they usually endure it in childhood.

Chickenpox symptoms: fever, headache, accompanied by a rash. At first, the rash appears as small red spots, which quickly turn into itchy blisters. It is transmitted through direct contact with an infected person. Most of all, the child is contagious before the rash appears on the body. Therefore, the patient is difficult to isolate from others. The incubation period is two to three weeks.

Chickenpox treatment:

Bed rest should be observed during the entire febrile period. Detoxification therapy is indicated, in case of skin itching, reception antihistamines. It is necessary to avoid overheating in every possible way: the more the sick person sweats, the more itching will be, regardless of the drugs taken.

Local treatment at the sites of injury involves the treatment of papules on the skin with antiseptic solutions (chlorophyllipt, brilliant green).

There is evidence that the course and symptoms of chickenpox are weakened by the drug acyclovir.


Rubella (Latin rubella) or the third disease is an epidemic viral disease with an incubation period of about 15-24 days. It is usually a benign condition affecting mostly children.

Rubella symptoms. A baby develops a rash of tiny, pinhead-sized, red or pink spots on the skin. Two or three millimeters in diameter. Individual spots can merge into large spots. It doesn't itch and stays for two or three days. As it spreads, the skin begins to peel off. Concomitant symptoms: small discharge from the nose, redness around the eyes, swelling on the neck and in the base of the skull. It is transmitted by airborne droplets.

After an incubation period lasting 2-3 weeks, there is a moderate temperature with headache, pharyngitis, cervical adenopathy, conjunctivitis. The rash appears after 48 hours, the rash is macular (spotted) not itchy, first on the face, then descends to the whole body within a few hours; at first, the rash is morbiliform (reminiscent of measles), then scarlet fever. It prevails on the face, in the lumbar region and buttocks, extensor surfaces of the arms and legs. The rash lasts 2-4, occasionally 5-7 days, then disappears without pigmentation and peeling. It should be noted that mild and asymptomatic forms are quite common.

There is no specific treatment. For symptomatic treatment, the use of paracetamol is allowed.

baby roseola

Roseola infantum is an infectious disease that is common among young children, mostly before the age of 2 years. The causative agents belong to the group of herpes viruses of types 6 and 7, characterized by T-cell lymphotropia. Human herpesvirus 6 (HSV 6) is the causative agent of roseola in children and causes chronic fatigue syndrome in adults.

The route of transmission is airborne. The incubation period is 5-15 days. The time of maximum manifestation is between 6 and 24 months of age. At the age of 4 years, almost all children have antibodies.

Usually the disease begins acutely, with a rise in temperature to febrile numbers (the following types of fevers are distinguished according to the degree of temperature increase: subfebrile - 37.2-38.0 ° C, low febrile - 38.1-39.0 ° C, high febrile - 39 ,1-40.1°C and excessive (hyperpyretic) - over 40.1°C.). There are no other manifestations of the disease. No catarrhal phenomena, cough, runny nose. After 3-4 days of persistent fever, a maculopapular rash appears - first on the face, chest and abdomen, and after a few hours throughout the body. In this stage, the mandibular lymph nodes may increase. After the rash appears, the temperature no longer rises. The rash gradually fades away, leaving no pigmentation or flaking.

Other names: Subitum exanthema, sixth disease, pseudorubella, sudden exanthema, three-day infant fever, roseola infantum, exanthema subitum, pseudorubella

Roseola treatment: specific treatment is not required. During the period of temperature rise, antipyretic drugs (ibuprofen, paracetamol) are used. In children with immunosuppression, it is possible to use foscarnet sodium (foscavir), acyclovir.

About cough, fever and rash

Despite the fact that the causes of a rash in a child can lie in more than a hundred different diseases, only the above and most common infectious diseases have cough and fever as symptoms.

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Select a rubric Adenoids Angina Uncategorized Moist cough Wet cough In children Sinusitis Cough Cough in children Laryngitis ENT Diseases Folk methods treatment of sinusitis Folk remedies from cough Folk remedies for the common cold Runny nose Runny nose in pregnant women Runny nose in adults Runny nose in children Overview of drugs Otitis Cough preparations Procedures for sinusitis Cough procedures Procedures for the common cold Symptoms of sinusitis Cough syrups Dry cough Dry cough in children Temperature Tonsillitis Tracheitis Pharyngitis

  • Runny nose
    • Runny nose in children
    • Folk remedies for the common cold
    • Runny nose in pregnant women
    • Runny nose in adults
    • Runny nose treatments
  • Cough
    • Cough in children
      • Dry cough in children
      • Wet cough in children
    • Dry cough
    • Moist cough
  • Drug Overview
  • Sinusitis
    • Alternative methods of treatment of sinusitis
    • Symptoms of Sinusitis
    • Treatments for sinusitis
  • ENT Diseases
    • Pharyngitis
    • Tracheitis
    • Angina
    • Laryngitis
    • Tonsillitis
Many infectious diseases, usually occurring in childhood, but sometimes occurring in adults, are accompanied by the simultaneous presence of symptoms such as cough and rash.

Only a doctor can determine the exact diagnosis of the disease. The fact is that they have similar symptoms various diseases, and treatment, prevention depends on the correctness of the diagnosis. possible complications, as well as determining from which diseases a person will be protected in the future. After all these diseases, persistent, almost 100% immunity is developed.

A rash on the body of a child is a symptom of infectious diseases of measles, scarlet fever, rubella, chicken pox.

With a cough and rash without fever, you can suspect allergic reaction on various irritants, such as: pollen, animal hair, food, dusty air, medicines.

All infectious diseases have an incubation (latent) period. At this time, the infection spreads in the body, but there are no manifestations of the disease yet. Over time, the first symptoms of the disease begin to appear, often at this time there is no rash and cough yet.

Let's try to understand the symptoms of the above infectious diseases and decide how not to make a mistake with the diagnosis.


One of the highly contagious diseases is measles. Mostly it affects children aged 2-5 years. Whole measles epidemics sometimes occur, especially if the population has not been massively vaccinated. The causative agent of the disease is a virus characterized by weak resistance in the external environment. It tends to die quickly outside the human body. The virus is neutralized by boiling, treatment with disinfectants, irradiation. However, this does not prevent the rapid spread of the disease. Measles is transmitted by airborne droplets quite easily. The virus enters the body through the respiratory mucosa.

The incubation period for measles is eight to fourteen days. At this time, the virus multiplies in the lymph nodes, and the virus is also found in the tonsils and spleen. Obvious symptoms of the disease begin to appear at the moment the multiplied virus enters the blood from the lymph nodes. During the incubation period, immunity decreases sharply and the body's resistance to bacterial infections decreases.

The disease begins acutely. The temperature rises to 38-40 C. A dry unproductive cough begins abruptly, a runny nose appears. The child sneezes frequently. The voice becomes hoarse. There is such a specific condition as photophobia.

In addition to catarrhal phenomena, there is:

  • general malaise;
  • weakness;
  • swelling of the eyelids and redness of the conjunctiva;
  • hyperemia (blood overflow) of the pharynx;
  • the appearance of red spots on the soft and hard palate.

A rash appears the next day of illness. On the cheeks (on the inner mucous side) one can observe small whitish pimples surrounded by a narrow red border. The peak of the rash occurs 4-5 days after the onset of the disease. The first rashes are visible on the face, then on the neck, behind the ears, the next day - on the trunk, on the third day - on the arms and legs at the folds. The rash is small, but individual rashes merge into large spots.

The rash begins to decrease from the fourth day of illness. The temperature drops to normal. The rash begins to darken, its pigmentation appears, peeling occurs. Pigmentation disappears in 7-10 days.

The treatment of measles must be taken with full responsibility. The disease is fraught with complications, such as:

  • laryngitis;
  • stenosis of the larynx;
  • trazeobronchitis;
  • otitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • measles encephalitis;
  • hepatitis and others.

measles treatment

There are no specific drugs for the treatment of measles. Vaccination may prevent illness or markedly alleviate symptoms. After the disease, a strong immunity is developed.

Treatment of catarrhal symptoms is carried out depending on their manifestation. To combat cough, expectorants and mucolytics are used. With inflammation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, anti-inflammatory drugs. To normalize the temperature, fight fever, eliminate pain, including headache, use Ibuprofen or Paracetamol.

With skin itching, daily rinsing of the body and washing with a solution with synthetic tannin are used.

To eliminate conjunctivitis, wash the eyes with a solution baking soda and strong tea, as well as drops with antibiotics. oral cavity rinse with infusion of chamomile and other anti-inflammatory infusions.

During illness, the use of vitamin A is indicated.

Scarlet fever

Scarlet fever also mainly affects children. The causative agent of the disease is group A hemolytic streptococcus.

The latent period of the disease is quite short (2-3 days), but can last up to 12 days. The illness starts quickly. From the first symptoms to the appearance of a rash, a short period of time passes.

The disease is accompanied by both general intoxication of the body and the appearance of a rash and other severe symptoms.

Symptoms of poisoning the body with toxins will be:

  • elevated temperature;
  • general weakness and malaise;
  • headache.

Scarlet fever necessarily accompanies angina - acute inflammation palatine tonsils. Angina with scarlet fever is severe. Sore throat, perspiration, cough accompany inflammation of the tonsils. Zev acquires a bright red color.

Scarlet fever is accompanied by a rash small dots. If you press on the rash, it becomes much clearer. With a stronger pressure, a golden yellow skin tone is visible. The rash appears in the first days of illness. The main places where the rash appears: cheeks, groin, sides of the body, as well as the folds of the limbs, armpits. Indicative of scarlet fever is the presence of a pale triangle without a rash in the region of the nose and lips.

  • The rash begins to disappear after 3-7 days without any trace of pigmentation.
  • At 2-4, the tongue acquires a bright crimson color and becomes pronounced grainy. Also expressed a bright blush on the cheeks.

At the final stage of the disease, active peeling of the skin occurs in the area of ​​​​the palms and feet, then it passes to the trunk, neck, and auricles.

A close relative of scarlet fever is angina, which can also cause a rash.

Scarlet fever treatment

Treatment of scarlet fever requires a systematic and serious approach, since the disease can cause significant complications. In the treatment of scarlet fever, antibiotics (penicillin and its derivatives) are used for a period of 7-10 days. Vitamins of groups B and C are also prescribed. additional treatment individual symptoms. In severe intoxication, glucose and gemodez are prescribed intravenously. In case of illness, strict adherence to bed rest, plentiful drinking is shown.

Re-infection with scarlet fever occurs very rarely (in 2-4% of cases) and is due to the fact that when antibiotics are used, the body may not have time to develop antibodies to scarlet fever toxins.


Cough and rash are symptoms of rubella, another infectious disease. Rubella is a viral disease that has a fairly long incubation period(15-24 days). In children, it is quite easy, but it is very dangerous for pregnant women, especially at the beginning of pregnancy. After suffering rubella, the fetus develops malformations of the heart, eyes, and congenital deafness. Girls who have not had rubella should be vaccinated during adolescence.

The onset of the disease is accompanied by:

  • subfebrile temperature;
  • headache;
  • coughing or coughing;
  • pharyngitis;
  • rhinitis - symptoms of the common cold.

Of the specific symptoms - there is an increase in the posterior cervical and occipital lymph nodes and signs of conjunctivitis. After two days, a patchy rash appears that does not cause itching. The face is the first to suffer, within a few hours the rash covers the entire body. At first, the rash resembles a rash with bark, and then - with scarlet fever. The rash has the size of a pinhead and is characterized by red and pink spots 2-3 mm in size. Individual spots may merge and form larger spots. The predominance of the rash is observed on the face, lower back, buttocks, extensor surfaces of the arms and legs. The rash begins to disappear after 2-4, sometimes 5-7 days. Pigmentation and flaking of the rash do not occur. Very often the disease has erased forms.

There is no treatment for the disease itself. Associated symptoms are treated.

Chicken pox

Another disease caused is chickenpox (chickenpox). Chickenpox can be safely called a childhood disease. The disease is highly contagious, but in children it passes easily, almost never causing complications. However, sometimes chickenpox also occurs in adults who have not been ill in childhood, and brings a lot of inconvenience and discomfort. The disease in adults is difficult, can cause severe complications.

Chickenpox is characterized by symptoms such as:

  • the appearance of weakness and lethargy;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • headache;
  • the appearance of a specific rash in the form of small red spots.

The spots quickly fill with fluid and turn into itchy blisters. Sometimes with chickenpox there is also a cough. The appearance of a cough signals a weakened immune system of the patient. In this case, we are talking about chickenpox pneumonia. In this case, the infection enters deep into the respiratory tract, and affects the trachea and bronchi. Cough can occur in both mild and severe forms. Cough subsides common disease. Chicken pox is sick once. After illness comes immunity.

The course of chickenpox can be mitigated by an antiviral drug such as acyclovir. Chickenpox usually does not cause complications. While there is a rash, the blisters should not be damaged in order to avoid infection in the wounds and the appearance of scars in their place in the future.

To prevent a high level of morbidity in preschool institutions and schools, quarantine measures are being taken. The decrease in the incidence rate is facilitated by the observance of sanitary and hygienic measures, frequent ventilation of the premises, and wet cleaning. Sick children are immediately isolated until the moment when the disease ceases to be contagious. The problem is that at the time of the onset of symptoms of all these diseases, including the appearance of a rash with a cough, a sick child has time to infect his environment.

In conclusion, I would like to note that some of the above diseases, accompanied by cough and rash on the body, can be prevented by vaccination, others cannot. Most of them get sick in childhood, and this is even for the better, since adults endure "childhood illnesses" hard.

Please note that cough is a symptom of many diseases, not just those listed above! 2 ratings, average: 3,00 out of 5)