swine flu symptoms. Swine flu

By the end of 2009, the so-called "swine flu" had loudly declared itself in the world and in Russia. The media was full of frightening reports of an impending pandemic. Is the swine flu really worse than the regular flu? What vaccines and drugs will help treat A/H1N1?

What is swine flu

Swine flu is an infectious respiratory disease of pigs caused by influenza A viruses or (less commonly) influenza C viruses. In pigs, influenza viruses cause numerous health problems, but mortality due to infection is low. swine influenza virus type A/H1N1 was first identified in pigs in 1930.

Swine flu is transmitted in the same way as regular flu. Most often by airborne droplets when the patient sneezes or coughs. The virus may also remain on surfaces that the patient has touched. If you have touched such a surface, you must immediately wash your hands and in no case touch your mouth, conjunctiva of the eyes or nose!

By the way, get swine flu not possible with pork.

History of swine flu

This type of flu can be found in history if we look back to 1918-1919 when this extremely virulent strain of the influenza virus caused the pandemic known as the "Spanish flu".

swine flu pandemic...

Since March 2009, new infections have been confirmed across the United States. These facts led the World Health Organization on June 11, 2009 to declare a pandemic of this virus.

Pandemic is a term that can refer to all diseases and is not exclusively assigned to the flu. A pandemic is an epidemic that covers an entire continent, several continents, or the whole world.

flu pandemic occurs when a new virus appears in the world, which is significantly different from the influenza viruses that have been circulating so far, and, at the same time, has the ability to infect people, freely moving from person to person. Such a virus spreads rapidly, so most people do not have immunity against this virus or it will be underexpressed.

swine flu virus device

As a rule, the genome of the influenza virus is represented by a single-stranded RNA with 8 segments, and is characterized, in comparison with other types, by significant genetic variability with a predominance of mutations and genetic recombination. Individual types tend to have the ability to infect only one host.

Virus flu type A can be further classified into subtypes depending on the type of proteins that make up the protein shell (hemagglutinin HA or H) and neuraminidase (NA or N). Proteins are essential for successful virus replication. There are 16 subtypes of HA (H1-H16) and 9 subtypes (N1-N9), representing 144 possible combinations of segments and forming the existence of a huge variety of type A viruses.

The most common strains found in pigs are H1N1, H1N2, H3N2, H3N1 and H2N3. However, if several of them infect a pig at the same time, a new strain may arise.

swine flu symptoms

The symptoms are similar to the traditional flu and they are:

  • pain in muscles, bones and joints;
  • headache;
  • sore throat, dry cough;
  • feeling of exhaustion and general weakness;
  • ear pain;

Also possible:

  • Qatar;
  • nausea;
  • diarrhea or vomiting.

Sometimes even:

  • stiffness;
  • loss and confusion of consciousness.

Treatment and prevention of swine flu

The best prevention is vaccination. However, given the fact that the so-called swine flu is no more dangerous than regular seasonal flu, it makes more sense to vaccinate against seasonal flu, and besides, these vaccines are more effective.

When thinking about vaccination, you should be aware of and remember the general contraindications to vaccination:

  • immune disorders, but not HIV infection;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • acute illness(at a temperature exceeding 38-38.5 ° C);
  • period of exacerbation of a chronic disease;
  • allergy to vaccine components (especially egg protein);
  • pregnancy (mostly in the first trimester).

According to official recommendations, the time in case swine flu, the use of one of two drugs is indicated: oseltamivir or zanamivir. These drugs are used both in case of confirmed infection and during post-exposure prophylaxis.

However, given that a significant proportion of influenza virus infections are mild, these drugs are mainly used only in debilitated, burdened with many diseases or elderly patients. These drugs belong to the group neuraminidase inhibitors.

Complications of swine flu

Complications of this form of flu are similar to the "classic" flu, however, it is generally less dangerous than regular seasonal flu and causes fewer complications. The weakened, emaciated, with a deficiency of immunity are especially susceptible to the appearance of complications.

Complications include:

  • from the respiratory system: sinusitis of the nasal cavities, inflammation of the larynx, bronchitis, exacerbation of chronic diseases of the respiratory system, such as bronchial asthma or COPD. Enough frequent complication of this flu is a primary inflammation of the lungs.
  • from the side of cardio-vascular system : myocarditis, pericarditis, sudden cardiac death, decompensation chronic insufficiency blood circulation;
  • from the central nervous system : confusion, increased dementia in the elderly, convulsions (especially in children), inflammation of the brain or meningitis;
  • from other authorities: acute inflammation middle ear, myositis, acute renal failure, conjunctivitis, exacerbation or decompensation of various chronic diseases (for example, diabetes mellitus);
  • Reye's syndrome (if salicylic acid);
  • Guillain-Barré syndrome.

The flu and its complications can even lead to death. People who are especially prone to dangerous complications of the flu are:

  • children under the age of five;
  • people over 65;
  • people suffering from lung disease, asthma, diabetes, heart disease;
  • women during pregnancy.

How to prevent swine flu infection

As already mentioned, good prevention is flu shots, however, one should not forget about general recommendations, which may sometimes be sufficient to protect against infection.

Annual vaccination...

Simple steps can prevent both swine flu and other infections:

  • frequent and thorough hand washing with soap and running water;
  • avoiding close quarters or being in crowded places;
  • adherence to the principles healthy eating because the weakening of the body, malnutrition contributes to the spread of infection;
  • use of disposable sanitary napkins;
  • avoiding close contact with sick people;
  • frequent ventilation of the premises;
  • rest and regular physical activity, which strengthen the immune system.

In conclusion, it is worth adding that the influenza virus has been accompanying people for centuries, sometimes we lost this unequal battle with nature. However, in case healthy people not always necessary to use flu medicines.

Swine flu is no more dangerous than regular seasonal flu, and its course depends on the state of the patient's body. Unfortunately, the flu virus has the ability to mutate, so you never know where and when a really scary type of flu virus will appear.

The swine flu situation is now under control!

When a person is sick with a common cold, it is not scary. It usually goes away within 3-5 days. But viral diseases types of influenza pose a serious threat to both health and life. Very often they cause various complications, and sometimes they can lead to Swine, which we will describe in this article, is a life-threatening disease. There is no universal cure for it. The reader will be able to learn about what swine flu is. Symptoms in humans, treatment and prevention are also described in our article.

Description of the disease

(swine flu) is infection affecting the respiratory tract. Usually a person becomes infected with it by airborne droplets. A child can get swine flu after interacting with a sick person. Average duration the incubation period is 3-4 days. How does swine flu manifest itself? Symptoms: severe fever, chills, weakness, and cough.

To date, it is customary in medicine to isolate several forms of this virus, but the most common are their 3 subtypes, conditionally called A, B and C. The most dangerous subtype for humans is A.

Who can get infected

Both humans and animals can get sick. For example, it is the pigs, after which it is named, that are most susceptible to this flu. Half a century ago, this virus was transmitted extremely rarely from animals to humans, but, mutating, H1N1 gradually became unsafe for humans. Such changes first occurred in 2009.

Medical history

As mentioned above, not only people are infected with this flu, but also pigs, as well as birds. AT last years quite often there are large epidemics in large livestock companies. For this reason, every year English farmers lose at least 60 million pounds.

At the end of the last century, the swine flu virus began interacting with avian and human flu, which is why it mutated into a completely new subtype - H1N1.

The first cases of infection

For the first time, signs of swine flu in humans were registered on the North American continent. Then in February 2009, a Mexican baby who was six months old contracted the virus. Further, a chain of infections stretched across the continent. By the way, the vast majority of the sick worked on farms. Today, this subtype is freely transmitted from one person to another. Immunity to this strain in human body no, and this greatly increases the risk of the virus spreading around the world.

Severity of the disease

As of May 2009, 500 people have been infected with swine flu, 13 of whom have died. Until today, cases of infection have been registered only in 13 states around the world. The most dangerous countries are considered to be North America, where the first epidemic of swine flu swept through. Statistics show that about 5% of those infected die from this disease. However, we take into account that in the United States, medicine is well developed. If signs of swine flu begin to appear in Africa, the disease will bring much more negative consequences. On this continent, the majority of people live in unhygienic conditions, and their income does not allow access to quality medical services.

How do children get swine flu?

Symptoms are almost no different from the picture of the usual flu, which children get sick seasonally. The first signs begin to appear in a child just a few days after contact with an infected person.

The main symptoms of swine flu in children:

  • elevated temperature;
  • chills, severe weakness;
  • redness of the throat;
  • aches.

Often there are cases of damage to the gastrointestinal tract. They lead to vomiting and diarrhea. Naturally, diarrhea entails serious loss of moisture in the body. Therefore, you should give your baby plenty of water. Doctors recommend non-carbonated mineral water, juice and tea.

Symptoms of swine flu in children sometimes show up as difficulty breathing. With age, the course of the disease is more easily tolerated. That is why children under 5 years of age are the hardest, as they the immune system not yet fully developed. If you notice similar symptoms in your child, you should immediately contact your doctor.

How does swine flu affect adults?

Symptoms in adults are similar to those of seasonal flu. A few days after infection, muscle pain, severe fatigue and chills, high fever, cough, sore throat, diarrhea and vomiting appear. Another feature of swine flu is the risk of exacerbation of chronic diseases.

First steps when symptoms appear

If the sick person lives on the street where the facts of infection have already been registered or, at least, he has: sore throat, cough, runny nose, combined with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and fever, then he needs to urgently contact a therapist. If the doctor does not find anything dangerous, then good. However, if this is still swine flu, then delay can cost a lot. In it is important to reduce the number of contacts with people so as not to become a direct source of the disease.

Signs of swine flu in adults, in which you should immediately consult a doctor:

  • bluish skin;
  • frequent breathing, its violations;
  • unwillingness to drink liquid;
  • alternating improvement and deterioration of well-being;
  • cough;
  • temperature rise;
  • rash;
  • fever.

This also applies to children. What other signs of swine flu can be:

  • dyspnea;
  • dizziness;
  • vomit;
  • pain in the abdomen and chest area.

Swine flu treatment

The treatment of this disease is extremely difficult, since even today no vaccine has been developed that reduces the risks of infection. Standard medicines also do not guarantee a 100% effect. First of all, this can be explained by the constant mutations of the virus. So how do you beat swine flu than treat it? We offer you to get acquainted with the detailed list of funds that are used.

What interventions are applied after a person is diagnosed with swine flu? Treatment usually includes the following items:

"Arbidol" - a Russian drug, passed a large number of testing and research. As a result, its strong antioxidant, antiviral effect has been proven. At the same time, Arbidol suppresses both human viruses and its animal varieties.

You cannot self-medicate. All these medical devices should only be administered by qualified medical worker. It is equally important that the infected person has his own dishes and personal hygiene products. To prevent the spread of the virus, it is necessary to carry out regular ventilation and wet cleaning in the room. This will help to avoid infection of people living with the patient, and will also prevent you from getting sick again.


How can you protect yourself from getting swine flu? Firstly, you need to adhere to the daily routine, sleep for 6-8 hours, try to eat right, if possible, avoid overload and stress that weaken the body's immunity. Secondly, the prevention of swine flu includes the use of vitamins and immune boosters. As well as obligatory observance of personal hygiene. We must not forget about the proper processing of food. So, pork must be thoroughly fried (the use of meat with blood is unacceptable).

Over the past decade, the swine flu virus has been actively studied in order to develop the most effective vaccine against H1N1. However, there are currently no significant changes in this direction. This is why swine flu prevention is so important.

How to protect children from swine flu

The child's body is practically not familiar with such an infection. This seriously increases the child's risk of contracting swine flu. In order to prevent the disease, parents should take some preventive measures.

  1. Wash your hands often, always with soap, especially before eating.
  2. Do not let the child go to school or preschool until the respiratory infection has fully recovered.
  3. If possible, avoid public places where there is a possibility of infection with the virus.
  4. Vaccinate your baby, as vaccination is considered the most effective way prevention.

What to do if the child shows the first symptoms

The baby can take a non-hot bath with the addition of mustard powder, after which the legs are rubbed with warming ointments and warm woolen socks are put on. Scientists have proven that the H1N1 virus completely ceases to manifest itself and actively multiply at a temperature of more than 50 degrees. Often doctors prescribe crumbs inhalation at a temperature of about 70 degrees with the addition of mint, lemon and others. essential oils that have a beneficial effect on respiratory system. For example, to prepare eucalyptus inhalation, add 50 drops of tincture to boiled water. Procedures are carried out throughout the week. It is forbidden for crumbs under 3 years old to breathe steam due to the possible development of bronchospasms.

In Russia, this disease is not common. However, prevention should still not be neglected. If you notice similar symptoms in yourself or your child, contact your doctor immediately. Perhaps this is a simple seasonal flu, which will pass without a trace within a week. But there may be a more serious disease. In this case, the sooner the virus is detected and started proper treatment, the faster the person will become healthy and will not receive any complications. It is not worth delaying to see a doctor.

Swine flu is the name of one strain of the influenza virus that caused a pandemic in 2009. The name "swine flu" was given to the H1N1 subtype because it is most genetically similar to the swine flu virus. It should be noted that as a result of research, the spread of this virus in pigs could not be established, scientists found that the virus of this strain is transmitted exclusively from person to person. It is believed that the mutation could have occurred as a result of infection of pigs with the human influenza virus.

The spread of the virus occurs by airborne droplets, a sick person is contagious to others. The symptoms of swine flu are similar to those of other types of flu, but it is much more severe and the rate of complications is much higher. According to statistics, in 7% of cases a fatal outcome is recorded, which is a critical indicator for a disease such as influenza.

swine flu symptoms

The causative agent of swine flu is the H1N1 virus.

A viral infection is different in that the symptoms of the disease often appear suddenly and increase rapidly. The symptoms of swine flu are very similar to those caused by other strains of this virus, so recognize it by clinical picture extremely difficult.

The incubation period of the disease can last from 2 to 4 days, at which time patients may be bothered by a mild cough, sore throat, and slight malaise. In most cases incubation period missing.

Patients have a sharp increase in body temperature (up to 40 C), chills, weakness, headaches, muscle and joint pains, pain in eyeballs. A little later, a runny nose, cough, sometimes join.

Swine flu treatment

Therapy for swine and the so-called seasonal flu is practically the same. With timely treatment, this form of the disease is cured within a week without the development of complications. In almost all cases of the disease that ended in death, treatment was started late or there was an application folk remedies instead of adequate therapy. In such cases, patients may develop severe pneumonia with hemorrhagic syndrome, which is difficult to treat.

Patients are advised to stay in bed. It is strongly not recommended to carry the disease on the legs. It should also be remembered that the patient is contagious to others, so it must be isolated. Treatment of patients with a severe form of the disease is carried out in a hospital.

Antiviral therapy

Of the antiviral drugs that act directly on the virus and prevent its further reproduction, Tamiflu (Oseltamivir) and Relenza (Zanamivir) have proven effectiveness. The earlier treatment with antiviral drugs is started, the higher its effectiveness, and the risk of complications becomes much lower. It is necessary to start taking the drug no later than 40 hours after the onset of the first symptoms of the disease, after this time the effectiveness antiviral therapy is significantly reduced. It should be noted that the drug Tamiflu is allowed to be used in children older than 1 year.

Symptomatic treatment

Symptomatic therapy is aimed at reducing the intoxication of the body and the intensity of the headache.

The use of antipyretic and analgesic drugs is recommended only in case of poor tolerance to high temperature and with the development of seizures in children. This is due to the fact that the influenza virus dies when high temperature. You can take drugs such as Nurofen, Panadol, Paracetamol, and taking medicines containing acetylsalicylic acid is not recommended.

To facilitate the discharge of sputum with a dry cough, it is recommended to take expectorants (Ambrobene, Lazolvan, Gerbion, Mukaltin).

With a runny nose, accompanied by nasal congestion, breathing will help vasoconstrictor drugs(Tizin, Nazivin, Sanorin, Snoop).

It is necessary to urgently consult a doctor if there is no effect of the prescribed therapy within 3 days, the appearance of chest pain, cough with sputum containing blood, severe shortness of breath, a pronounced decrease in blood pressure, fainting.

Prevention of swine flu

If human contact cannot be avoided during a swine flu epidemic, to protect respiratory tract masks should be used against the virus.

The preventive measures necessary to protect the body from swine flu do not differ from those for any viral disease:

  1. Avoid contact with people with acute respiratory diseases. After visiting crowded places, it is recommended to rinse the nose with warm water or saline.
  2. Usage individual means for respiratory protection (masks) during seasonal epidemics.
  3. Immunity strengthening with the help of vitamin therapy, natural immunomodulators (schizandra, eleutherococcus, ginseng, echinacea purpurea), hardening and other wellness procedures.
  4. Prophylactic use of antiviral drugs during the epidemic of seasonal influenza.

Which doctor to contact

If you experience flu symptoms, you should contact your pediatrician or therapist. Treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis. Only patients with a severe course are hospitalized, as well as from risk groups, for example, pregnant women and the elderly. Swine flu is treated by an infectious disease doctor, with the development of pneumonia, examination and treatment by a pulmonologist is necessary.

"Swine flu" is an acute highly contagious infectious disease caused by a pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus, transmitted from pigs and humans to humans, having a high susceptibility among the population with the development of a pandemic and characterized by fever, respiratory syndrome and severe course with the possibility of death.

The swine flu virus itself was discovered in 1930 by Richard Shope (USA). For 50-60 years, this virus was found and circulated only among pigs in North America and Mexico. Then swine flu was recorded sporadically in humans, mainly in pig farm workers and veterinarians.

We all remember the last high-profile swine flu epidemic in 2009 (the so-called California/2009), which was emotionally and persistently informed the population by the media. The epidemic has been spreading since March 2009. The first cases of infection with an unknown strain of the virus were reported in Mexico City, and then in Canada and the United States. Many countries were involved in the epidemic process - the USA, Canada, Mexico, Chile, Great Britain, France, Germany, Australia, Russia, China, Japan and many others. As of the end of October, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), 537,248 cases of swine flu have been laboratory confirmed. The greatest susceptibility was noted among the group of people from 5 to 24 years old, in second place were children under 5 years old. During the epidemic, the virus was assigned hazard class 6 (that is, the registration of a swine flu pandemic, which is easily transmitted from person to person, and the disease captures many countries and continents). According to official WHO information, the deaths following the pandemic (California / 2009) amounted to 17.4 thousand people. The pandemic came to Russia in the autumn of 2009, but peaked at the end of October - beginning of November. In total, more than 2,500 patients with a confirmed diagnosis were registered. There were deaths.

The causative agent of swine flu

There are several subtypes of influenza virus in pigs (H1N1, H1N2, H3N2, H3N1), however, only the H1N1 subtype has acquired highly pathogenic properties and the ability to be transmitted from person to person. The influenza A (H1N1) virus is the result of crossing the human influenza A (H1N1) virus and the swine influenza virus, as a result, the virus mutated and became highly pathogenic, and it is called the California / 2009 pandemic virus. Like the common human influenza virus, the pandemic virus has hemagglutinin in its envelope (which helps the virus to attach to the cell) and neuraminidase (which helps the virus to enter the cell).

swine flu virus

Reasons for the spread of swine flu

The source of infection is pigs (sick or carriers of the virus) and a sick person. A sick person becomes contagious a day before the onset of symptoms of the disease and even during the week of illness. Accordingly, potential patients at the end of the incubation period are of great epidemic importance. Up to 15% of patients on the background of treatment continue to isolate the virus for 10-14 days.

Infection mechanisms:
- aerogenic (airborne droplets) - the patient's discharge during sneezing, coughing is dangerous - in a diameter of 1.5-2 meters;
- contact-household - the patient's discharge on the hands of others is dangerous, as well as on household items (tables, surfaces, towels, cups) - the virus retains its properties for 2 or more hours (you can bring the virus from hands to mucous membranes) oral cavity and eye).

Susceptibility to infection is universal. There are risk groups for development severe forms swine flu:
- children under 5 years old;
- adults over 65;
- pregnant women;
- persons with concomitant chronic diseases (chronic lung diseases, oncology, blood diseases, diseases of the liver, urinary system, heart, diabetes, as well as infectious immunodeficiencies, such as HIV).

The clinical symptoms of swine flu are similar to those of regular seasonal flu, with a few differences. The incubation period (from the moment of infection to the appearance of the first complaints) with swine flu lasts from a day to 4 days on average, sometimes extended to a week. Patients are concerned about the symptoms of intoxication (high temperature up to 38-39 °, severe weakness, muscle pain, nausea, vomiting central genesis, that is, against the background of high temperature, body aches, lethargy).

Another group of complaints is related to the development respiratory syndrome(dry cough, pronounced sore throat, feeling of lack of air), as well as the likelihood of the rapid development of one of the complications - the development of pneumonia on early dates(2-3rd day of illness).

The difference from seasonal flu is the presence of dyspeptic syndrome in 30-45% of patients - patients develop constant nausea, repeated vomiting, and impaired stool.

Manifestations of severe forms of swine flu

In the first days of the disease, intense headaches, pain in the eyeballs, photophobia, which increases with eye movement. Possible development serous meningitis, encephalitis. Muscle pain is one of the pronounced symptoms of the disease.

One of dangerous complications with swine flu is the development of pneumonia. Inflammation of the lungs may result from exposure to the influenza virus (primary; may be associated with the addition of a secondary bacterial flora (secondary); may be due to the action of both the virus and the accompanying layering of the bacterial flora (mixed).

Primary pneumonia develops on the second or third day from the onset of the disease and is characterized by the development of symptoms of acute respiratory failure: the patient breathes frequently (about 40 breaths per minute at a rate of 16), auxiliary muscles actively participate in the act of breathing (diaphragm, abdominal muscles), pronounced dry or unproductive cough (mucous and clear discharge), severe shortness of breath, blue skin(cyanosis). When listening to the lungs: moist rales in the lower parts of the lungs, mainly at the height of inspiration, dullness of percussion sound when the lungs are tapped.

Often, primary pneumonia leads to the formation of respiratory distress syndrome (development of pulmonary edema) with a possible fatal outcome.

secondary pneumonia occurs 6-10 days after the onset of the disease. Most often, pneumococcal contamination occurs (in 45% of patients), less often Staphylococcus aureus(no more than 18%), as well as Haemophilus influenzae. A feature of this pneumonia will be an increase in cough: it becomes painful, almost constant, against the background of an increase in cough, the patient has a second wave of fever and intoxication, the patient practically does not take food. Growing pain in chest when coughing and even breathing. The discharge of the lungs (sputum) is no longer transparent, but has a purulent hue. X-rays show foci of inflammation in the lungs. The course of secondary pneumonia is long, patients cannot recover for a month and a half. Often, staphylococcal pneumonia leads to the formation of a lung abscess.

Pneumonia with swine flu

Mixed pneumonia have clinical symptoms and one, and the second pneumonia, proceed for a long time (progradient), difficult to treat.

Other complications of swine flu include:

pericarditis, infectious-allergic myocarditis, hemorrhagic syndrome.

What worrisome symptoms in terms of "swine flu" should you see a doctor for?

For kids:
- Rapid breathing, difficulty breathing;
- Bluish tint of the skin of the limbs and torso;
- Refusal to eat and drink;
- Repeated vomiting (vomiting "fountain", as well as frequent regurgitation in infants - the equivalent of vomiting at this age);
- Lethargy and drowsiness of the child;
- On the contrary, excitement, resistance even when taking the child in his arms;
- The appearance of a second wave of symptoms with increased cough and shortness of breath.

For adults:
- Shortness of breath and its strengthening during the day;
- Pain in the chest when breathing and coughing;
- Severe dizziness, appearing suddenly;
- Periodically confused consciousness (forgetfulness, loss of individual events from memory);
- Repeated and profuse vomiting;
- The second wave with fever, cough, shortness of breath.

Immunity after swine flu is type-specific and short-lived (1 year).

Diagnosis of swine flu

Preliminary diagnostics difficult due to the similarity of the symptoms of the disease with the usual seasonal flu. The following features will help the doctor:

Contact with a patient with influenza, as well as arrival from an endemic zone for swine flu (countries of North America);
- patient complaints about gastrointestinal disorders against the background of temperature and respiratory syndrome;
- unexpressed or no sore throat against the background of a strong cough, mostly dry;
- development of pneumonia on days 2-3 with characteristic symptoms(described above).

Today, it is not difficult to distinguish influenza from other acute respiratory viral infections, because modern rapid tests allow you to independently determine the influenza virus in a matter of minutes at the first suspicion of infection. They are sold in pharmacies, they determine influenza type A, B, and also determines the H1N1 subtype - swine flu.

Final diagnosis possible after laboratory confirmation of the disease:
- PCR diagnostics of nasopharyngeal mucus samples to detect influenza A (H1N1) California/2009 virus RNA;
- Virological method of sowing nasopharyngeal mucus, sputum on certain media.

Swine flu treatment

The main goal of treatment is to reduce the number of patients with severe and complicated swine flu.

1. Organizational and regime measures- at the time of making a preliminary diagnosis, hospitalization is carried out according to clinical indications (severe forms, as well as moderate forms in children, persons old age and those with chronic comorbidities). With laboratory confirmation of the diagnosis of swine flu, mandatory hospitalization with the appointment of specific therapy is carried out. For the entire febrile period and 5-7 days of normal temperature, bed rest is prescribed to prevent complications.

What to do if you suspect swine flu:

If symptoms of swine flu are detected, stay at home, do not go out to crowded places.
- At home, protect your loved ones from the spread of infection - put on a mask and change it every 4 hours.
- Call a doctor at home. If you come from endemic countries (Mexico, USA), then tell your doctor about it.

To enhance the body's resistance, a physiologically complete diet is shown with a sufficient amount of protein and a high content of vitamins A, C, group B. To reduce fever, a sufficient amount of liquid is indicated (preferably fruit drinks from blackcurrant, rosehip, chokeberry, lemon). All products are prescribed in a warm form, spicy, fatty, fried, salty, pickled dishes are avoided.

2. Medical therapy includes:

Antivirals- oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza), which significantly affect the release of new viral particles from cells, which leads to the cessation of virus reproduction. Reception of Tamiflu and Relenza is recommended in the following cases:

1) If the patient has one of the listed symptoms (fever, nasal congestion, cough, shortness of breath);
2) Laboratory-isolated influenza virus A/2009 (H1N1);
3) Age group under 5 years old;
4) Elderly people - over 65 years old;
5) pregnant women;
6) people with severe comorbidities and immunodeficiency;

Usually the course of treatment is 5 days, sometimes more depending on the severity.

Mild and moderate forms of swine flu allow the appointment of the following antiviral drugs - arbidol, interferon alpha 2b (grippferon, viferon), interferon alpha 2a (reaferon lipid) and gamma interferon (ingaron), ingavirin, kagocel, cycloferon.

When pneumonia of a bacterial nature occurs, antibacterial drugs(III-IV generation cephalosporins, carbapenems, IV generation fluoroquinolones, vancomycin).

Pathogenetic therapy includes infusion detoxification therapy, glucocorticosteroids, sympathomimetics to reduce the manifestations of intoxication, facilitate breathing (performed in a hospital). At home with mild form swine flu is shown to drink plenty of water (fruit drinks, tea, honey water).

Symptomatic remedies: antipyretic (paracetamol, ibuprofen), vasoconstrictor for the nose (nazol, tizin, nazivin, otrivin and others), to relieve cough (tussin, stoptussin, ambroxol, acc and others), antihistamines (claritin, zodak).

Particular attention is paid to children and pregnant women. Children - taking aspirin-containing drugs is prohibited due to the risk of developing Reye's syndrome (encephalopathy with cerebral edema and the development of liver failure), therefore, paracetamol, nurofen are preferred from the antipyretic group. Of the antiviral agents, Tamiflu, Relenza, Viferon 1, influenzaferon, reaferon lipind, kagocel from 3 years old, anaferon are indicated.

Pregnant women - drink plenty of water in the absence of edema;
- in mild forms - from antiviral agents - viferon in suppositories, influenzaferon, arbidol, if it is impossible to take pills (vomiting) - the introduction of panavir intramuscularly; in severe forms of Tamiflu, Relenza, Viferon;
- to reduce the severity of fever - paracetamol, ascorutin;
- with the development of bacterial pneumonia - III-IV generation cephalosporins, macrolides, carbapenems;
- during the epidemic, mandatory hospitalization is indicated for all pregnant women with severe intoxication.

Prevention of swine flu

Activities for the healthy (as recommended by WHO):
Wash your hands often with soap and alcohol-based solutions.
Avoid close contact with sick people.
Avoid hugs, kisses and handshakes.
If you are sick, stay at home and limit contact with other people.
If you develop flu symptoms, seek immediate medical attention medical care. If you are ill, stay home for 7 days after experiencing symptoms to avoid infecting others.

For non-specific drug prevention the following drugs are used: kagocel, arbidol, anaferon, influenzaferon, viferon for pregnant women, tamiflu.

For specific prevention To date, a vaccine has been developed against the highly pathogenic swine influenza (H1N1) virus. This vaccine protects against influenza B, and strains A/H1N1 (swine) and H3N2 influenza A (Grippol plus), that is, both swine flu and seasonal flu. It is impossible to get sick after vaccination, since it does not contain the whole virus, but contains only the surface antigens of viruses, which by themselves cannot cause disease. The vaccine is administered annually.

Infectious disease specialist Bykova N.I.

Swine flu... The mere mention of this disease horrifies many people.

It is believed that the declared disease is very insidious and dangerous, it strikes at weak people.

Is it really?

If you care about your own health, then you should know what swine flu has.

It is much easier to prevent pathology than to eliminate it.

Therefore, you should be aware of preventive measures.

Swine flu is especially dangerous for people with weak immune systems.

The AH1N1 swine flu formula was developed at the beginning of the last century.

More than 80 years have passed since then.

During this time, scientists have identified the existence of several subtypes of the disease: H3N1, H3N2, H2N3.

All of them are acute viral infections that occur with severe symptoms.

Swine flu in Russia became very famous in 2009.

The pandemic began in May 2009.

Many sources even indicate the number - 22. Now it is no longer possible to verify the accuracy of this information.

By August of the same year, 55 cases were officially registered.

But these are only those who turned to specialists for help.

After another 10 days, there were already three times as many infected.

The authorities proposed to postpone the start of the school year in order to minimize the risk further dissemination illness. By the end of September, one death was officially confirmed, caused by swine flu.

At that time, more than three hundred thousand infections were registered worldwide. More than 500 people have died from this disease in Russia.

How does infection occur?

The swine flu virus can infect humans, animals and birds.

They start abruptly.

A person can still feel good in the morning, and by the evening already feel all the “charms” of the disease.

Symptoms viral infection is divided into several stages. The peak of infection falls on 3-5 days.

It all starts with a headache and a fever

First watch

The first signs of swine flu are manifested by the following symptoms:

  • headache;
  • heat;
  • chills.

As practice shows, the H1N1 virus differs from the common cold in that the head hurts near the forehead and temples..

If the patient has hypertension, then this greatly aggravates the state of health.

The headache is so severe that the person has difficulty lifting the eyelids.

The temperature in the first hours rarely rises.

The sick person can name the exact time when he felt unwell. The thermometer mark can reach 39-41 degrees . In some patients, reducing it is quite difficult.

The height of the disease

What are the later symptoms of swine flu?

  • On the second (rarely third) day, the symptoms increase.
  • The patient has tactile irritation.
  • Discomfort delivers even light clothing.
  • At a high temperature it continues to freeze: the patient wants to warm up.
  • Redness of the mucous membrane of the larynx is accompanied by pain when swallowing.
  • The patient has no appetite, there is severe weakness and drowsiness.
  • Unpleasant sensations are delivered by bright light, watery eyes (conjunctivitis occurs less often).

With the H1N1 virus, a cough is often present. It can be caused by a number of causes: throat irritation, posterior rhinitis, or inflammation of the lower respiratory tract.

Cough is one of the most common symptoms swine flu

A runny nose with a declared disease is often absent, but this symptom cannot be completely excluded.

Some people have severe congestion nose, sense of smell disappears and taste is distorted.

With swine flu, the patient always has abdominal pain, diarrhea, and nausea.. Vomiting may occur. Like the seasonal flu, .

What is the danger?

In people with strong immunity, the disease proceeds in a mild form.

After a few days of the acute course of the infection, a period of recovery begins.

Doctors single out people who are at risk. They are especially susceptible to complications.

  1. Small children (especially infants and newborns).
  2. Elderly people.
  3. Pregnant women and mothers who are breastfeeding.
  4. Persons with immunodeficiency.
  5. Having chronic diseases(diabetes, hypertension, vascular abnormalities, cancer).

If you are one of these people, then at the first manifestation of the disease, immediately seek medical help!

Pathology is dangerous because it can cause complications. As practice shows, there is a possibility of death.

The most common complications include:

  • myocarditis and vascular pathologies;
  • viral pneumonia, acute bronchitis;
  • nephritis and its accompanying diseases;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • change in the structure of the blood;
  • the appearance of thrombi.

Complications from swine flu can affect the cardiovascular system

You need to be wary if there is no improvement in a few days.

Call 911 if chills are accompanied by cold sweats, shortness of breath, or strong pain in the chest area.

In children, the disease can cause dehydration, the formation of acetone in the urine.

At the same time, the child is very lethargic, he does not want to play and sleeps all the time.

Consult a doctor!

How to treat swine flu in one case or another, the doctor decides.

Specialists usually prescribe complex treatment, which includes symptomatic therapy, the use of antiviral drugs and regimen.

If someone from the household is ill, then it is advisable to prescribe prophylactic agents to everyone else.

The H1N1 virus is very contagious, it is almost impossible to protect yourself from it by constant contact with the carrier of the infection.

Swine flu can have outpatient and inpatient treatment. The second option is necessary in case of severe disease or after the occurrence of complications.

Ambulatory treatment

Depending on what symptoms the "swine flu" has, the patient is prescribed appropriate medications.

Remember that before taking any medicinal product you need to read its instructions.

Do not rely on the reviews of experienced friends or blindly follow the advice of a doctor.

Be sure to make sure that you have no contraindications to the use of drugs.

  • A high temperature with swine flu should only decrease if the thermometer level has exceeded 38.5 degrees. Many viruses, including H1N1, begin to die at 38 degrees. Your body is now trying to cope with the disease on its own. Children with birth trauma or neurological diseases antipyretics are needed when the thermometer value has exceeded 37.5. These babies are at high risk for seizures.
  • Sore throat relieved by drugs with an anesthetic effect . They can be produced in the form of lozenges or sprays. Antiseptics will also be useful, which destroy the viral infection and prevent the growth of bacteria. For children under 3-4 years old, many of these drugs are contraindicated.
  • Vomiting and diarrhea in swine flu are caused by intoxication. To cleanse the body of harmful substances, you will need sorbents. The preparations are available in the form of tablets, powders, suspensions or gels. Choose what you like best. Please note: all enterosorbents are taken separately from other medicines.
  • At severe diarrhea you can use fixing drugs, for example, "Loperamide" or "Imodium" . Motilium or Cerucal will help stop vomiting and eliminate nausea.
  • And finally, antivirals. They are an integral part of swine flu therapy. Medicines that are preferred are Relenza and Tamiflu. They are sold by prescription, so it is impossible to purchase them without prior medical advice. More simple preparations, such as Kagocel, Rimantadine, Anaferon, Groprinosin, may be ineffective in the fight against the H1N virus

Relenza is one of the most effective antivirals for swine flu.


How does swine flu start in severe cases??

In patients at risk, or people with reduced immunity, the disease can immediately turn into a dangerous form.

If you constantly vomit, there is no possibility of plentiful drinking, there is a strong cough with difficult sputum separation, and body temperature is not reduced by conventional drugs - there is a need for hospitalization.

Do not go to the clinic and stand in line to the doctor. , thus you protect yourself and the people you can infect.

How to be treated in a hospital?

Swine flu within the walls of a medical institution is similar to home therapy.

The patient is provided with symptomatic and supportive treatment, and is given potent antiviral drugs. added to manipulation. When dehydrated, a saline solution with glucose is introduced.

Such therapy helps to lower the temperature, reduce intoxication, and prevent heart and kidney complications.

At the patient. If studies show the presence of a bacterial infection, which is not uncommon in the complication of swine flu, then antibiotics are prescribed.

Sputum is preliminarily examined for the sensitivity of microorganisms.

A complication such as viral pneumonia is very dangerous. The patient may experience acute respiratory failure in which case artificial ventilation is required. Being in the hospital allows doctors to respond urgently. When this condition develops at home, it is often fatal.

home activities

For an uncomplicated viral infection, home treatment can be done.

There is no specific antiviral food and drink.

Dairy products normalize the intestinal microflora

At the same time, you can help your body deal with infection by building up resistance.

  • Dairy products made from natural ingredients, normalize intestinal microflora. They should not be used with severe diarrhea.
  • Vitamin C can not only increase immunity, it also has a thinning effect on sputum. If you do not have allergies, then eat oranges, grapefruits, limes and any greens.
  • Drink fruit drinks from cranberries, raspberries, lingonberries. Drinking plenty of water is known to promote healing. The mentioned drinks also have an antiseptic effect, wash off the pathogenic flora.
  • For the duration of the illness, it is worth giving up heavy food. Eat easily digestible proteins: turkey, eggs, fish. Do not lean on chocolate and sweets.

Remember important rule : home activities do not exempt you from drug therapy which was prescribed by a doctor.

At the slightest suspicion of a complication of the disease, immediately see a general practitioner or infectious disease specialist.