Rehabilitation after antiviral therapy of hepatitis C. After hepatitis

Hepatitis C is one of the most common types of hepatitis. Since the signs of the disease often do not appear and the disease is detected in the process of other diagnostic examinations It is important for patients to know what hepatitis C is, how it is transmitted, and how to treat the disease.

They will help you get complete information about questions and answers on this topic.

What is Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is detected in all countries of the world. The disease occurs predominantly in young and middle-aged people.

Is hepatitis C contagious?

Since many patients are unaware of their disease, and even more so do not know where they became infected, it is important for patients and their loved ones to know whether hepatitis C is transmitted from person to person.

Hepatitis C is contagious, but since the virus of this type of hepatitis is transmitted mainly through the blood, knowing how hepatitis C is transmitted can help protect yourself from infection.

How is hepatitis C transmitted?

The hepatitis C virus spreads parenterally (bypassing the gastrointestinal tract, the infection immediately enters the bloodstream). In 97% of cases, the virus is transmitted from an infected person to a healthy person with blood and blood components, and only in 3% of cases, infection occurs through vaginal discharge and semen.

The source of infection is a patient with a disease in an acute or chronic form, as well as virus carriers - self-healed patients with an acute form of the disease or patients with a chronic form in remission.

How do you get hepatitis C

How hepatitis C is transmitted from person to person with blood:

  • In the process of transfusion of blood and its components (erythrocyte mass, platelet mass, leukocyte mass, plasma). In the past, this route of infection was the main one for this type of hepatitis, but the current mandatory examination of donors has significantly reduced the possibility of infection during blood transfusion.
  • When applying tattoos and during the piercing procedure (one of the most common routes of infection), since poorly sterilized or not sterilized instruments are often used for these procedures.
  • When visiting a nail or beauty salon, a hairdresser, an office, during acupuncture as a result of contact with the blood of a poorly sterilized instrument.
  • When sharing with an infected person razors and other personal hygiene products that may have microscopic blood particles on them.
  • When rendering medical care. Because at present for injection, etc. in developed countries, disposable sterile instruments are used, thus predominantly medical personnel are infected in the presence of skin lesions in the process of treating wounds and working with blood products.
  • During hemodialysis (treatment kidney failure using an artificial kidney). Infection is possible when the skin is damaged and the blood of a patient with hepatitis C gets into these places during the puncture of an arteriovenous fistula or as a result of contact with blood-contaminated clothing and consumables.

The most common route of infection is through the use of shared syringes, which is seen in injecting drug users. According to statistics, the infection is transmitted in this way in 40% of cases of the total number of patients.

How can you get hepatitis C without contact with the patient's blood

In rare cases, hepatitis C is transmitted during childbirth from an ill mother to her child (accounts for 5% of all cases of hepatitis C in pregnant women). Infection is more likely if the pregnant woman has an acute form of the disease in the last months of pregnancy.

Hepatitis C is transmitted sexually through unprotected intercourse. The risk of transmission of the virus is on average 3-5%. The probability of infection in permanent couples in the northern hemisphere is minimal (Europe - 0 - 0.5%, America - 2 - 4.8%). In the southern hemisphere, the risk of infection rises to 20.7% in South America and 27% in Southeast Asia. The risk group includes people with a large number of sexual partners. The likelihood of transmitting the virus through oral sex is unknown.

How is chronic hepatitis C transmitted?

Hepatitis C can be acute or chronic. The disease always starts with acute form, which occurs after infection and the incubation period, but in most cases is asymptomatic. In 15 - 45% of cases, patients spontaneously recover (get rid of the hepatitis C virus in the body). If recovery does not occur, the disease progresses to chronic form.

Can hepatitis C be transmitted through saliva?

Because people often confuse the different types of hepatitis, it is commonly believed that hepatitis C is transmitted through saliva. However, this belief is incorrect - the hepatitis C virus is not transmitted with saliva, since it is contained in the blood and rarely enters the saliva in extremely small quantities (theoretically, this situation can occur with a high level of the virus in the blood and in the presence of microtraumas in oral cavity).

Can you get hepatitis C through kissing?

Hepatitis C is not transmitted through a kiss - according to statistics, the risk of transmitting the virus is close to zero (the exception is injuries of the oral cavity in both partners, but in this case the risk is minimal).

Is hepatitis C transmitted by household

Hepatitis C cannot be contracted through food, direct contact or airborne droplets. The virus is not spread by talking, coughing or sneezing, shaking hands and hugging, insect bites, water or food (sharing common utensils and towels is also not dangerous if normal hygiene rules are followed).

How is hepatitis C transmitted in the home? Cases of infection from family members are associated with the ingress of the blood of a sick person into the blood of a healthy family member when sharing manicure tools, razors, toothbrushes, or when providing first aid for cuts.

Can hepatitis C be passed from father to child?

According to medical research, the hepatitis C virus is not transmitted from father to child at the time of conception.

Can hepatitis C be passed from mother to child?

If the mother has hepatitis C, the probability of transmitting the virus to the child does not exceed 5% of all cases. The hepatitis C virus cannot overcome the placental barrier, so transmission of the infection occurs during childbirth at the time of passage of the birth canal.

In most cases, hepatitis C is transmitted to the child when the mother has an acute form of the disease.

The virus is not transmitted with breast milk, but in the presence of cracks and other damage to the breast, breastfeeding is recommended to be canceled in order to avoid contact of the child with the blood of a sick mother.

Can hepatitis B turn into hepatitis C

No, hepatitis B does not turn into hepatitis C, as it different types viruses. However, there is a possibility of infection of a patient with one type of hepatitis with a virus of another type of hepatitis (a co-infection develops, which is detected in 3% of the population in Europe)

How much blood does it take to get hepatitis C

For infection, 1/100 - 1/10000 ml of the patient's blood is enough (visually it is less than 1 drop).

How long does it take for hepatitis C to show up after being infected?

For hepatitis C incubation period differs in individual character and ranges from 2 weeks to 6 months or more (average is 49-50 days).

The virus that enters the blood stream is transferred to hepatocytes (liver cells), where it begins to multiply. In each affected cell, about 50 viruses are formed per day, which release toxins (antigens) into the blood. As a result, the walls of the liver cells are gradually destroyed, but the symptoms of the disease in most cases do not appear. The immune response to the virus manifests itself a month or more after infection - antibodies to the virus are detected after 4-6 weeks (class M) and 11-12 weeks (class G).

The total level of antibodies (total) can be determined 4 to 5 weeks after infection.

Symptoms of the disease may not appear at all until the stage of cirrhosis, which develops in patients many years later.

Who is a carrier of hepatitis C

In some cases, the doctor, when diagnosing the disease, notes: “carriage of hepatitis C”. Who is a carrier of hepatitis C, what does it mean and what is the peculiarity of this condition?

Doctors make such a diagnosis if the patient has the hepatitis C virus in the body, which does not destroy liver cells and does not cause clinical symptoms diseases. This pattern is observed in spontaneously cured patients with an acute form or in remission of the chronic form.

The carrier itself does not suffer from the hepatitis C virus, but can become a source of infection for other people. The latent progression of the disease is possible.

How long does the hepatitis C virus live in a carrier's body?

The causative agent of hepatitis C can exist in the body of a virus carrier all his life.

Can hepatitis C go away on its own without treatment?

Yes, it can, but only the acute form of the disease that occurs during the initial infection. Spontaneous cure (without treatment) is observed in approximately 15-45% of cases, and patients often learn about their disease by the presence of antibodies in the blood.

The chronic form of the disease does not go away on its own, therefore, with this form, the patient always needs treatment.

Why is hepatitis C dangerous?

The acute form of hepatitis C is dangerous with a high risk of the disease becoming chronic.

The chronic course of the disease is dangerous with the likelihood of developing cirrhosis and liver cancer, which can lead to the death of the patient. With the active course of hepatitis (transaminase activity is constantly increased) within 20 years, cirrhosis develops in 20% of patients. Cirrhosis in 5% of cases provokes the development of primary liver cancer.

Liver cancer is more likely to develop with co-infection (simultaneous presence of hepatitis B and hepatitis C) and with long-term use alcohol.

In addition, the chronic form may be accompanied by extrahepatic diseases that develop as a result of autoimmune processes. Such manifestations of hepatitis C include glomerulonephritis, mixed cryoglobulinemia, tardive cutaneous porphyria, etc.

What is the difference between hepatitis B and hepatitis C

A common feature in these types of viral hepatitis is the route of distribution (both are transmitted parenterally) and the organ of the lesion (both viruses infect the liver). This is where the similarities end - hepatitis B refers to hepadnaviruses, which are characterized by a complex structure and high resistance to physical and chemical influences. In the frozen state, the hepatitis B virus persists for about 20 years, when boiled, it dies after 30 minutes, and disinfectants do not work on it.

Hepatitis C, which belongs to flaviviruses, is characterized by a simpler structure and less resistance in the external environment.

Hepatitis B is more common and has a more severe course of the disease. At the same time, the acute form becomes chronic in only 10% of patients (cirrhosis and primary liver cancer are observed in only 1% of patients with hepatitis B).

Hepatitis C is characterized by a milder course, but the chronic form develops in 30-70% of patients. Cirrhosis develops in 10-30% of patients with hepatitis C.

How long does the hepatitis C virus live in the environment

The virus survives exclusively in blood particles. In drops of dried blood at a temperature of 4 to 22 degrees and moderate lighting, the virus persists for 96 hours. Freezing infected blood does not kill the virus.

At what temperature does the hepatitis C virus die?

The hepatitis C virus is relatively stable - it is insensitive to ultraviolet radiation, alkaline agents and ethanol reduce the activity of the virus only in a concentrated state. It dies when heated to 100 degrees for 5 minutes, and when heated to 60 degrees, it dies after 30 minutes.

Which doctor treats hepatitis C

Treatment of hepatitis C is a field of activity. Since this is a section, the hepatologist is a subspecialty.

Is Hepatitis C Reinfection Possible?

Yes, since immunity to the hepatitis C virus is not developed, reinfection is possible. The strain of the virus may be the same or different.

How long does the disease last

Recovery (absence of the virus in the blood) in acute hepatitis C occurs within a year, and the chronic form of the disease can last for decades.

Does the liver hurt with hepatitis C

In the acute form and at the initial stages of the chronic form of the disease, pain in the liver of patients almost never bothers. In chronic hepatitis C, pain in the liver is provoked by a violation of the diet (eating fatty, spicy and salty foods).

Why Hepatitis C is Called the 'Gentle Killer'

Hepatitis C got its name because of the difficulty of its detection as a result of the asymptomatic course of the disease. Even if you have symptoms of acute hepatitis C clinical picture so nonspecific that the disease is often mistaken for other diseases.

Can hepatitis C be cured?

Yes, hepatitis C can be cured. With the right treatment plan and use modern drugs hepatitis C is treated completely in 50-80% of cases.

Whether it is possible to cure hepatitis C forever in a particular case depends on the genotype of the virus, on the characteristics of the patient's body, his willingness to follow the doctor's instructions and on the skills of the doctor himself.

Is it possible to cure hepatitis C 1 genotype

Yes, although this genotype is the most persistent of all existing genotypes, even hepatitis C with genotype 1b can be cured with the right triple therapy.

What are the symptoms of hepatitis C

The first symptoms of hepatitis C in women and men resemble SARS - patients complain of weakness, constant fatigue, joint pain, lack of appetite and nausea due to intoxication of the body. In some cases, jaundice may occur (accompanied by lightening of feces and darkening of urine), enlargement of the liver and spleen, itching and fever. In 85% of patients, only weakness is noted.

In the chronic course of the disease, bloating and pain right under the ribs. Half of the patients have fatty degeneration of the liver, and 27% develop cirrhosis.

How long do people with hepatitis C live

How many years can you live with hepatitis C with a healthy lifestyle? The hepatitis C virus itself does not lead to death, it provokes the development of a pathology in which the life of the patient is reduced. There is no specific period of development of pathological processes before death, since many factors affect the life expectancy of patients with hepatitis C. These factors include:

  • the age of the patient and the state of his immunity;
  • timely treatment of concomitant diseases;
  • healthy lifestyle life;
  • gender (fibrosis, in which normal liver cells are replaced by coarse scar tissue, develops faster in men than in women).

In 30% of patients, the progression of the disease takes about 50 years. Even with the development of cirrhosis in less than 20 years (also observed in 30% of patients), a healthy lifestyle, diet and supportive care can slow the progression of the disease.

How many people live with HIV and hepatitis C

If it is possible to determine on average how long people live with hepatitis C, then in the presence of co-infection (two infections at the same time), the prognosis is rather complicated. However, the combination of hepatitis C with HIV infection is relatively common, so some people have the idea that hepatitis C is AIDS.

In many patients with HIV infection, the hepatitis C virus remains undetected for a long time.
Poor adherence of such patients to treatment, poor liver effects of HIV drugs, and other factors lead to more severe and faster liver damage than with ordinary hepatitis C, which reduces life expectancy.

How long do people with hepatitis C live without treatment?

Since many patients learn about the disease already in the presence of a chronic form, and treatment may be inadequate, many patients are concerned about how long they can live with hepatitis C without treatment.

According to official statistics, cirrhosis of the liver in the presence of hepatitis C and untreated develops after 25-30 years. Many factors influence life expectancy with cirrhosis, including the timing of the visit to the doctor.

What is the most dangerous hepatitis C genotype?

There are 11 genotypes of the hepatitis C virus, which are distributed in different regions of the planet with unequal frequency. In clinical practice, genotypes 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 3a are important.

The genotype of the virus affects the severity of the disease, the treatment regimen and the outcome of therapy. The most dangerous is genotype 1. If a patient has hepatitis C genotype 1, this means that the course of treatment will be long (48 weeks) and only half of the cases are completely successful.

If a patient has hepatitis C genotype 3a, this means that the course of treatment will last 24 weeks and in 80% of cases will end in complete recovery.

How to live with hepatitis C

The disease imposes certain restrictions on patients, which should be observed in order not to infect others, protect health and not completely abandon communication and activity of any kind.

Do they take in the army with hepatitis C

Patients with hepatitis C are not recruited into the military during peacetime in any developed country. Do not take in the army with hepatitis C and in Ukraine. An exception that allows conscripting hepatitis C patients into military service is martial law.

Is it possible to play sports with hepatitis C

Physical activity in hepatitis C is determined for each patient individually. Restrictions are required only during the period of active treatment or during an exacerbation of the disease. Heavy physical activity is contraindicated.

Is it possible to clean the liver with hepatitis C

Yes, but liver cleanses cannot cure hepatitis C. They only help to keep the body working.

Do people get disabled with hepatitis C?

Yes, you can apply for disability if you have hepatitis C.

Are all patients eligible for hepatitis C disability?

No, disability can only be issued to patients with chronic hepatitis C, which turns into cirrhosis of the liver and is accompanied by a violation of its function. To apply for a disability, the patient must take with him all the available examination results.

Is it possible to work with hepatitis C

Yes, you can, if the disease is not accompanied by severe disability.

Where not to work with hepatitis C

A person with hepatitis C in most cases cannot work where it is necessary to issue a health book (cook, nurse, etc.). Although the infection does not spread through the household, employers in most cases want to play it safe.

A healthcare worker with hepatitis C cannot work at a blood transfusion station or come into contact with biological material. The military structures of patients with hepatitis C also practically do not take.

Patients themselves should avoid work that is accompanied by contact with harmful substances, with an irregular work schedule and heavy loads.

Where can I work with hepatitis C

Since the hepatitis C virus is not dangerous during household contacts, the patient can work at any job that is not associated with heavy workloads and contact with biological material. It is possible to work in a school with hepatitis C, as a sales assistant, etc., there are no legal and medical restrictions for such patients.

If the blood of a patient with hepatitis C gets into the eye (this is a possibility during medical manipulations), the risk for infection is minimized, since this virus is not able to penetrate intact mucous membranes.

Is it possible to pierce the nasolabial fold with a gel for hepatitis C

Mesotherapy, biorevitalization and lip augmentation in hepatitis C is contraindicated.

How to treat hepatitis C

The basis of treatment is combined antiviral therapy. Until 2011, hepatitis C was treated with interferons and ribavirin, the course taking into account the genotype of the virus was prescribed for 12-72 weeks.

Recently, drugs have appeared that make it possible to more effectively fight hepatitis C. First of all, it is sofosbuvir, which has a high resistance threshold and is therefore used in all treatment regimens. Additional drugs and the course of treatment for hepatitis C are selected by the doctor depending on the genotype of the virus, the stage of the disease and individual contraindications. So, with uncomplicated cirrhosis of hepatitis with genotype 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, the use of sofosbuvir and velpatasvir for 12 weeks is indicated, and with genotypes 3 and 12, the use of sofosbuvir and gryazoprevir or elbasvir is indicated.

Hepatitis C can also be cured with other treatment regimens.

What tests should be taken for hepatitis C

To diagnose hepatitis C, an antibody test is prescribed - anti-HCV or total antibodies to the hepatitis C virus (the cost of the test, which is carried out in most medical institutions, is about 450 rubles). If as a result of the analysis antibodies to hepatitis C are detected, this means that in the past or present there was a fact of infection with hepatitis C.

Can a Hepatitis C Test Be Wrong?

Yes, an antibody test can give both false negative and false positive results.

Since the result can be false-positive (there are antibodies to hepatitis C, but there is no virus), as well as the patient's self-healing (antibodies in the blood will remain long time), PCR is performed - an analysis by which the virus itself (its RNA) is detected and its amount is determined.

If the hepatitis C test is positive and the PCR is negative, it means that there is no hepatitis C.

Qualitative PCR analysis allows you to determine whether there is a virus or not, and quantitative - to determine the viral load.

Hepatitis C virus RNA, quantitative study, norm

Normally, virus RNA is not detected in the material.

With a low viral load, 600 IU / ml is detected - 3x104 IU / ml, with an average - 3x104 IU / ml - 8x105 IU / ml, with a high one - over 8x105 IU / ml.

What are the indicators of ALT and AST in hepatitis C

To determine the degree of necrosis of the liver tissue, the activity in the blood serum of ALT and AST is examined. ALT activity increases in the acute form in all patients, reaches a maximum on the 2-3rd week and, with a favorable course of the disease, normalizes after 30-40 days. Typically, ALT activity levels range from 500 to 3000 IU/L. A longer period of elevated ALT activity indicates the transition of an acute form of hepatitis into a chronic one.

In cirrhosis, AST activity is higher than ALT.

How much does hepatitis C treatment cost?

The cost of hepatitis C treatment in Russia and other countries depends on the treatment regimen and drugs used for treatment. The cost of treating hepatitis C using imported drugs per month is approximately 45-50 thousand rubles, and for treatment with domestic drugs - about 20 thousand rubles (the cheapest option is the use of simple interferon and ribavirin).

Free treatment of hepatitis C is possible in case of a real threat to life (cirrhosis, high degree of fibrosis) due to the participation of the patient in free programs.

In Ukraine, the cost of treating hepatitis C is more than UAH 15,000, but sofosbuvir is included in the List medicines financed in whole or in part by the state budget.

The cost of treating hepatitis C in Israel is about $1,070–$2,400 (a monthly dose of drugs costs from $1,200).

Not everyone knows what the treatment of hepatitis B involves and how dangerous this pathology is if symptoms are ignored. The disease occurs in acute and chronic forms. Hepatitis is manifested by intoxication, liver enlargement, pain in the hypochondrium, jaundice, dyspepsia and other symptoms. In the absence of proper treatment, there is a risk of developing cirrhosis and other dangerous complications.

Treatment Methods

How to treat hepatitis? Therapy for this pathology is predominantly conservative. The goals of treatment are:

  • elimination of symptoms of the disease;
  • increasing the resistance of hepatocytes;
  • improvement of bile discharge;
  • prevention of complications;
  • increased immunity;
  • suppression of the causative agent of infection;
  • body detoxification.

This will require the following research:

  • general and biochemical analyzes blood;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • CT or MRI;
  • liver tests;
  • serological analysis;
  • polymerase chain reaction.

You need to know not only how hepatitis B manifests itself, but also how to treat it. Therapy must be comprehensive. It includes following a strict diet, taking hepatoprotectors, using symptomatic medications, using antivirals, emergency vaccinations, and detoxification. In severe cases, blood purification by plasmapheresis is required.

Nutrition of patients with hepatitis

Patients are treated by a hepatologist, gastroenterologist or general practitioner. If there are signs of viral hepatitis B, then a diet is prescribed. With this pathology, table No. 5 according to Pevzner is shown. Nutrition is aimed at maximum sparing of the liver.

Patients should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • eat 5-6 times a day little by little;
  • drink 1.5–2 liters of fluid per day;
  • do not eat at night;
  • give up alcohol and prohibited foods;
  • eat food in boiled, stewed or baked form;
  • do not consume more than 10 g of salt per day.

Proteins in the daily diet should be about 90 g, at least 30% of them are of animal origin. The rate of carbohydrate intake is 300-350 g. Patients are advised to eat vegetables, fruits and berries. It contains complex carbohydrates. Simple ones contribute to obesity and disruption of the liver. Fat should be consumed 70-75 g.

If there are symptoms of hepatitis B, then alcohol should be completely abandoned. Patients should be excluded from the menu:

If you have hepatitis B, you can eat lean meat (skinless chicken, turkey, rabbit), fish, dairy products, cereals and vegetable soups. It is useful to drink compotes, green tea, herbal infusions, rosehip broth, fresh juice and jelly. You need to eat every 3-3.5 hours. Any snacks are prohibited. Rough food must be wiped.

Meals should be between 20 and 60 ºC. Foods that increase the production of digestive juice and promote gas formation are excluded from the menu. These include sweet and sour fruits and berries, fresh cabbage, radish, grapes and legumes. Vegetables are recommended to boil before eating.

The use of antiviral drugs

It is necessary to know not only what viral hepatitis B is, but also what medications are prescribed for it. In the chronic form of the disease, antiviral drugs are used. The most commonly prescribed alpha-interferons and nucleoside transcriptase inhibitors. If hepatitis B virus is found in adults, then medications such as Viread, Lamivudine-Teva, Zeffix, Epivir, Sebivo, and Baraclude may be prescribed.

The mechanism of action of these drugs is to inhibit reverse transcriptase. This enzyme is responsible for the replication of the hepatitis B virus in human cells. Sebivo and Baraclude are prescribed only for adults. The most widely used Lamivudine-Teva and its analogues. The dosage is determined by the attending physician, depending on the degree of disease activity.

In order for the causative agent of the infection to be suppressed, it is necessary to increase immunity. For this purpose, drugs such as Roferon-A, Intron-A, Altevir, Laifferon and Viferon are prescribed. These are immunomodulators with antiviral action.

Roferon-A is often prescribed. It is available in the form of a solution for subcutaneous injection. The drug stimulates the immune system, which leads to the suppression of the virus. Roferon-A is contraindicated in case of intolerance to the components of the drug, damage to the central nervous system, convulsions, severe damage to the liver and kidneys, pregnancy and myeloid leukemia. Best therapeutic effect achieved through the appointment of Ribavirin with alpha-interferon.


Regardless of the cause of viral hepatitis B, hepatoprotectors are prescribed. In the chronic form of the disease, drugs such as Gepabene, Heptral, Essentiale Forte N and Heptor are used. Hepatoprotectors have the following effect on the liver:

These drugs are used for hepatitis and cirrhosis. For the treatment of acute and chronic viral liver damage, Liv-52 and are prescribed. Widely used remedy plant origin Karsil. It stabilizes cell membranes and has an antioxidant effect. The main component of the medicine is milk thistle.

Heptral is a powerful hepatoprotector. It has antidepressant activity. The medicine improves the flow of bile, contributing to normal digestion. Heptral increases the content of glutamine in the liver. Hepatoprotective action is possessed by some biologically active additives(Gepagard, Gepafor) and homeopathic remedies (Galsten).

Other aspects of therapy

Viral hepatitis B often causes bile stasis. With cholestasis, drugs based on ursodeoxycholic acid are prescribed. These include Urdoxa, Ursosan and Ursofalk. These medicines make it easier for the bile to pass out. In the acute phase of hepatitis, with severe pain in the right hypochondrium, antispasmodics (Drotaverine or No-Shpa) are prescribed. Acute viral hepatitis B may require hospitalization. In severe cases, detoxification therapy is performed.

Saline solution or glucose is used. Crystalloid solutions and corticosteroids are often used. According to the indications, potassium and lactulose preparations are used. In the event of a secondary bacterial infection, systemic antibiotics are prescribed. Restorative therapy is being carried out. Riboxin, vitamins and mineral supplements are prescribed. In severe hepatitis B, plasmapheresis and hyperbaric oxygen therapy may be required.

The modern method of treating patients is the use of stem cells. For acute hepatitis good effect gives extracorporeal detoxification. Laser and cryoinstallations are used. Complex treatment viral hepatitis B involves the use of various herbs. Folk remedies are an addition to the main therapy.

For hepatitis, corn silk, sauerkraut, beet juice and artichoke are most effective. If severe hepatic encephalopathy develops, intensive care may be required.

Patients are prescribed drugs of amino acids and lactulose. Cleansing enemas are often performed. With the development of ascites against the background of hepatitis, hepatoprotectors, protein preparations, systemic corticosteroids and diuretics (Lasix) are used. In advanced cases of chronic hepatitis B and liver failure, surgery is required. An organ transplant is underway. In the terminal stage of liver failure, conservative therapy is ineffective. The liver loses its functions. Without surgery, the prognosis is poor.

Prevention methods

You need to know not only how hepatitis B manifests itself, but also methods for preventing the disease. It is easier to prevent than to treat. To reduce the risk of developing the disease, you must:

Vaccination against hepatitis B is mandatory. It starts from childhood. It is especially necessary for people from risk groups ( medical workers, children, people with chronic liver pathology). The drug is administered intramuscularly.

Thus, viral hepatitis B is dangerous disease. For a long time it can be asymptomatic. Treatment should be carried out only after examination and medical consultation.

Viral hepatitis B and C is a very dangerous and widespread disease. After suffering from hepatitis, the prospect of becoming a chronic patient is exceptionally high. Hepatitis B becomes chronic in 20% of patients, hepatitis C - in more than 80% of patients. And often the disease is complicated by cirrhosis and liver cancer. But such a development of events is in your power to prevent.

If you have had viral hepatitis, then your goal is to prevent anything that can harm the liver. You need to develop for yourself a certain tactic of behavior and adhere to the following recommendations to help the liver recover.

1. After the treatment of hepatitis, especially in the first months, try to lie more - this position is the most physiological and "favorite" for the liver.

2. Do not overwork - after leaving the hospital, do not do physical work for the first 2-3 months, avoid torso bending, do not exercise.

3. Do not lift weights over 1-2 kg.

4. On hot summer days, do not go out into the sun, prefer coolness and shade.

5.During recovery period protect yourself from any infections to relieve the liver of additional work - after all, it will have to neutralize the toxins that the infectious agents secrete.

6. Medicines should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor. Since most drugs are excreted from the body through the liver, this is a considerable burden on it. From the excessive use of drugs, even a disease called drug-induced hepatitis occurs.

7. During the year after discharge from the hospital, do not take alcohol, including beer.

8. Be sure to take medicinal herbs to cleanse the body and relieve intoxication. Viral hepatitis not only reduces the activity of liver cells, it also affects: the pancreas, gallbladder, intestines, nervous and immune system, brain. Pharmacies sell various anti-inflammatory, choleretic, diuretic, soothing herbs and herbal preparations. For example, compose such a collection of herbs: birch leaf, mint, coltsfoot in equal parts, brew as indicated on the packages for these herbs and drink as a tea, preferably with honey, for a week. Then you can change the herbs.

9. In order not to overload the liver, eat 5-6 times a day at certain hours in small portions. Now you will have to compose your menu with this approach: not only what is tasty, but what is good for your diseased liver.

After hepatitis - products useful for the liver:

Lean meat and fish steamed, boiled;

Dishes from cereals and pasta;

Butter and vegetable oil;

Green vegetables. It is necessary to limit the consumption of red and yellow vegetables: carrots, tomatoes, red and yellow peppers, pumpkin, etc. The fact is that vitamin A is synthesized in the liver from carotene contained in yellow and red vegetables and this process is an additional burden on the diseased liver . You can get your vitamin A norm by taking pharmacy vitamins.

Fruits and berries (not sour): dried apricots, raisins, figs, dates, prunes and bananas.

Especially useful for the liver:

Cottage cheese 200-300 g per day different types;

Natural honey- it can be consumed up to 100 g per day, but all other sweets should be excluded from the diet. Honey promotes the restoration of liver cells.

After hepatitis - products harmful to the liver:

- Fried, fatty, smoked, salted, pickled dishes;

- Canned food;

- Cold drinks and meals - they can lead to spasm of the bile ducts.

- Hot pastries from rich dough;

- Spices, garlic, onion, horseradish, mustard;

— Chocolate;

- Drinks: coffee, undiluted juices, sparkling water.

These recommendations must be followed throughout the year. Although such a regimen is harsh, it is saving for those who have had hepatitis - it restores the functions of the liver, which was weakened during the fight against the virus. But what if sometimes you want something spicy or salty? Follow the principle: a little bit and not every day. For example, once a week or two, you can eat a piece of herring.

After hepatitis - herbs to restore the liver:

The liver recovery system after hepatitis should include medicinal herbs. But the treatment is long, until normal health is restored.

1 fee: St. John's wort, chicory, calendula mix in equal parts. Preparation of a decoction: 2 table. spoons of a mixture of herbs pour 2 stack. cold water and leave overnight. In the morning, this infusion should be boiled over low heat for 5 minutes and strained. Take a decoction throughout the day in small portions. The course of treatment is long - 2 months. After such treatment, the condition stabilizes, bile does not stagnate, pain disappears. But to consolidate the result, it is recommended to drink 2 collection of herbs.

2 collection: horsetail, yarrow, wild rose (fruits) mix in equal parts. Preparation of infusion: brew 1 table with a glass of boiling water. a spoonful of a mixture of herbs, close and leave for 2-3 hours. Take the infusion 30 minutes before meals, 0.5 cup 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks, a month break and repeat again.

Such treatment not only restores the liver, but also heals the entire body.

After hepatitis: To protect your loved ones from hepatitis infection, follow two simple rules:

· Your personal toilet items: toothbrush, razor, manicure set should not be used by someone from the household.

· Use a condom during sexual contact.

But the most reliable protection against hepatitis B is vaccination. Currently, there are highly purified vaccines that are easily tolerated by both adults and children. Manage your health like a civilized person.

  • Recovery and rehabilitation in a sanatorium after hepatitis C
  • What to do if a relapse of chronic hepatitis C has developed?
  • Hepatitis C and other infections (HIV infection, tuberculosis, hepatitis B)
  • Hepatitis A, B, C: symptoms, diagnosis, prevention (vaccination), ways of infection transmission, incubation period, treatment (drugs, nutrition, etc.), consequences. Properties of the hepatitis C virus. Hepatitis C during pregnancy, is it possible to get pregnant? - video
  • Answers to frequently asked questions
    • Is it possible to work with hepatitis C? Rights of people with hepatitis C
    • What should I do if I get pricked by a needle from a patient with hepatitis C?

  • The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

    Modern effective treatment of hepatitis C

    1. Consult a doctor, self-treatment will not lead to recovery and is dangerous to life and health!
    2. The best treatment hepatitis A C - follow the recommendations of a hepatologist or infectious disease specialist.
    3. Complete abstinence from alcohol and drugs is a prerequisite for achieving full recovery.
    4. Compliance with the diet (table number 5), you need to drink plenty of water.
    5. Cancellation of drugs that have a toxic effect on liver unless, of course, it will endanger the life of the patient.
    6. In severe cases of hepatitis, bed rest is indicated, and in mild cases, semi-bed rest.
    7. Moderate physical activity in chronic hepatitis C, but heavy physical exertion is contraindicated.
    8. The right mindset for recovery.

    Diet for hepatitis C, table number 5

    Nutrition for hepatitis should be frequent and small portions, balanced in vitamins, proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

    You need to drink plenty of fluids, and you need to drink between meals, and not with it. The main liquid should be purified table water, not tea, coffee, or sugary soda. From drinks it is necessary to exclude alcohol and limit coffee.

    Products that need to be excluded from the menu of a patient with hepatitis C:

    • all fatty foods;
    • baking, fresh pastries;
    • fried foods;
    • smoking;
    • pickles;
    • marinades;
    • spices, especially spicy;
    • various chemical additives, concentrates, flavor enhancers, colors and so on;
    • fatty meats and fish;
    • rich meat and vegetable broths;
    • mushrooms;
    • beans and other legumes;
    • ice cream, cream and other fatty dairy products;
    • sorrel, garlic, spinach, raw onion;
    • limit the amount of raw vegetables, especially cabbage, it is better to boil or stew them;
    • sour fruits and berries.

    Expected results of hepatitis C treatment

    1. Cessation or reduction of inflammation of the liver.
    2. Prevention of the development of cirrhosis and liver cancer.
    3. Complete elimination of the hepatitis C virus from the body or a decrease in viral load.

    Monitoring the effectiveness of treatment is carried out using the following studies:

    • the presence of viral RNA;
    • ALT, AST;
    • Ultrasound of the liver, elastography, liver fibrosis factors.

    When is hepatitis C therapy indicated?

    It is believed that hepatitis C does not always require urgent and urgent specific treatment. When identifying acute hepatitis With a mild course, the doctor often does not rush to prescribe special therapy, but monitors the patient for an average of 3 months. The fact is that up to 25% of cases spontaneous self-healing of hepatitis C can occur without antiviral therapy. The waiting period is necessary precisely in order for the patient's body to form its own antibodiesthat would cope with the virus. After 3 months, PCR is carried out for HCV RNA, if a negative result is obtained, then the person is considered cured, if positive, then therapy is prescribed.

    But many modern experts still believe that specific therapy for hepatitis C with antiviral drugs should be started urgently, immediately after detection. Allegedly, there is no point in waiting; this increases the risk of developing chronic hepatitis.

    Acute hepatitis with a severe and malignant course and chronic hepatitis require urgent specific treatment.

    Treatment regimens for hepatitis C with antiviral drugs (specific therapy), treatment by genotypes

    Antiviral therapy is prescribed individually, depending on the severity of the course, the genotype of the virus, the presence of concomitant pathology and other factors that aggravate the course of the disease.

    Table. Antivirals for the treatment of hepatitis C, including treatment for hepatitis C genotypes.
    Hepatitis C variant Treatment regimen Trade names of drugs How long does the course of treatment take?
    Acute hepatitis C, regardless of severity and HCV genotype Monotherapy with short-acting interferonsShort acting interferons:
    • Alpha interferon;
    • Reaferon.
    Pegylated interferons:
    • Pegasis;
    • Pegintron;
    • Peg-IFN.
    Ribavirin preparations:
    • Ribavirin;
    • Vero-Ribavirin;
    • Ribapeg;
    • Virazole;
    • Trivorin;
    • Devirs.
    Protease inhibitors:
    • Boceprevir;
    • Telaprevir;
    • Simeprevir (Olysio).
    Polymerase inhibitors:
    • Sofosbuvir;
    • Sovaldi;
    • Asunaprevir;
    • Daclatasvir;
    • Victrelix.
    Combined drugs: protease inhibitor + polymerase inhibitor:
    • Harvoni;
    • Twinwear;
    • Viekira pak.
    24 weeks
    Monotherapy with pegylated interferons
    Chronic hepatitis C pegylated interferon
    12-24 weeks .
    At the 4th and 12th week, the dynamics are assessed; if there is no effect on the 12th week, it is necessary to transfer to another scheme.
    Chronic hepatitis C, in the absence of effect from interferon and ribavirin therapypegylated interferon
    12-24 weeks
    Hepatitis C genotype 1 pegylated interferon
    Protease or polymerase inhibitor
    48 weeks.
    If there is no effect from the treatment at the 12th and 24th week, the therapy is stopped.
    Hepatitis C genotypes 2 and 3 pegylated interferon
    24 weeks in the presence of fibrosis or cirrhosis of the liver.
    12-16 weeks in the absence of fibrosis, as well as risk factors for its development.
    Hepatitis C genotypes 4, 5, 6 pegylated interferon
    (high doses, calculated according to body weight)
    48 weeks

    In the presence of viruses of several genotypes in the body, the course of treatment is lengthened.

    Contraindications to antiviral therapy for hepatitis C:

    • children's age up to 3 years;
    • pregnancy at any time;
    • severe concomitant diseases (severe diabetes mellitus, heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and others);
    • drug intolerance;
    • condition after organ transplantation.

    New in the treatment of hepatitis C

    AT last years It has been proven that the treatment of hepatitis C with standard regimens, interferons and ribavirin, is ineffective. In the world, research is constantly being conducted to create new antiviral drugs for the treatment of HCV. The latest discoveries are new direct-acting drugs, that is, acting directly on the virus itself.

    Direct-acting drugs of the new generation include protease and polymerase inhibitors of the hepatitis C virus:

    • Boceprevir;
    • Telaprevir;
    • Simeprevir (Olysio);
    • Sofosbuvir;
    • Sovaldi;
    • Asunaprevir;
    • Daclatasvir;
    • Harvoni;
    • Viekira pak.
    Advantages of new generation drugs (drugs of direct action):
    1. This group of drugs, unlike interferons, act directly on the virus itself, and do not stimulate immunity. Therefore, protease and polymerase inhibitors are the most effective in the treatment of hepatitis C at the moment, their effectiveness is over 95%.
    2. Promote liver regeneration and prevent the development of cirrhosis and liver cancer.
    3. They give high efficiency even with the development of cirrhosis of the liver.
    4. They act on viruses that are resistant to interferons and ribavirin.

    5. Effective against genotype 1 hepatitis C.
    6. Applied in the form dosage forms for oral administration.
    7. Relatively easy to carry side effects in the form of vomiting and nausea are observed only for 5-14 days, then the side effects gradually disappear.

    The main disadvantage of direct-acting drugs is the very high cost.

    In addition, one more recently developed new drug, effective against hepatitis C - Daklinza, an inhibitor of the NS5A virus protein.

    Treatment regimens, including Daklinza, showed high efficiency (over 98%) in hepatitis C genotypes 1-4.

    Also developed the latest schemes of a specific effective treatment hepatitis C, complicated by fibrosis and cirrhosis of the liver, and not giving positive results on standard treatment regimens:

    • Daklinza + Sovaldi;
    • Daklinza + Ribavirin + Interferon;
    • Protease inhibitor + polymerase inhibitor;
    • Protease Inhibitor + Polymerase Inhibitor + Ribavirin + Interferon.
    Such schemes reduce the treatment time from 48 to 12-24 weeks.

    Side effects of hepatitis C antivirals

    Antiviral therapy for hepatitis C quite often gives side effects, in 10% of cases of taking drugs. The development of undesirable effects leads to irregular intake of drugs, and as a result, the addiction of the virus to the drug (development of resistance), a decrease in effectiveness and a deterioration in the prognosis for recovery.

    Common side effects from taking Ribavirin:

    • anemia - a decrease in the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood;
    • migraine-type headaches;
    • diarrhea;
    Common side effects from taking interferons:
    • flu-like condition (increase in body temperature to high numbers, chills, runny nose, body aches);
    • severe weakness;
    • frequent infections, including candidiasis;
    • bleeding;
    • disruption of the thyroid gland;
    • dry skin and hair loss.
    Common side effects from taking protease and polymerase inhibitors:
    • vomit;
    • severe nausea;
    • anemia.
    Many side effects disappear with time, even with continued use of the drug or after its withdrawal.

    What is the cost of hepatitis C treatment?

    Drug group Approximate price of a 12-week course of the drug, as of 2015-1016 in Russia*
    Short acting interferons (Reaferon)450-1000 c.u. e.
    pegylated interferons500-2000 c.u. e.
    Sofosbuvir, Sovaldi84 000 c.u. e.
    Generic about 1000 USD e.
    HarvoniOver 100 000 c.u. e.
    Simeprevir25 000 c.u. e.,
    Generic up to 1500 c.u. e.
    Ducklinza45 000 c.u. e.
    Asunaprevir550-600 c.u. e.
    Boceprevir12 000 c.u. e.
    Telaprevir (Insivo)18 000 c.u. e.

    *The cost of the drug is indicated in US dollars due to the instability of the exchange rate.

    Of course, original branded drugs are considered to be of higher quality, but they are also the most expensive. At the moment, there are high-quality generics (analogues) of antiviral drugs for hepatitis C, which are ten times cheaper than brands. Such generics are mostly produced in Russia, India, Egypt.

    Nonspecific therapy of acute and chronic hepatitis C

    1. Treatment aimed at reducing intoxication:
    • Ensure that there is a daily stool, in its absence, a cleansing enema and / or drugs that stimulate intestinal motility (Metoclopramide) are prescribed;
    • Enterosorbents (Enterosgel, Atoxil, etc.);
    • Antibacterial drugs (Neomycin) and lactulose (Duphalac, Portolac) to inhibit the pathogenic intestinal flora;
    • Drip injection of solutions Neohemodez, Reosorbilact, Glucose 5% and others.
    2. Recovery of the liver:
    • Essential phospholipids: Essentiale, Lipoid C, LIV-52, Essliver and others;
    • Hepatoprotectors of choleretic action: Ursosan, Hofitol, Karsil, Silimar and others;
    • Amino acids: Heptral, Glutamic acid, Ornithine, Lipoic acid;
    • Vitamins in the form of injections: C, B 1, B 6, B 12, nicotinic acid, cocarboxylase.

    How long is hepatitis C treated?

    Depending on the course of the disease and the chosen treatment regimen, hepatitis C is treated for 12 to 48 weeks. In the absence of treatment and changes in drugs, the course of therapy can stretch up to 10-12 months.

    Other treatments

    1. Liver transplantation (transplantation) is recommended for the malignant form of acute hepatitis C, as well as for the development of cirrhosis of the liver against the background of hepatitis.
    2. Extracorporeal hemocorrection - plasmapheresis. At the same time, the patient's blood is passed through a special apparatus, as a result of which it is partially cleared of the virus and its toxins, and the viral load is reduced. This method can only be used in combination with other methods of treatment.

    Alternative treatment of hepatitis C at home, herbal treatment

    Hepatitis C is not curable folk methods treatment. Some herbs may be used in recovery from hepatitis C. Some herbal remedies still can complement the main treatment of hepatitis C.

    The main conditions for good health:

    • give up alcohol forever;
    • eat healthy food, it is still necessary to observe table number 5 as much as possible, this will help prevent the development of fibrosis and cirrhosis of the liver;
    • quitting smoking will reduce the risk of developing liver cancer;
    • the fight against extra pounds will reduce the extra load on the liver;
    • moderate physical activity will help improve blood circulation, strengthen immunity and improve mood;
    • a positive attitude, lack of stress and positive emotions will speed up recovery and recovery.
    In addition, you need to take care of the health of others. After all, the patient is a source of infection for others.

    What to do in order not to infect others and loved ones with hepatitis C?

    • Get treated, because with a decrease in viral load, the risk of infecting others is much lower.
    • You can protect your sexual partner by using condoms.
    • Use only individual items that come into contact with blood (blades, razors, toothbrushes, towels, syringes, and so on).
    • Have an individual set for manicure, even when going to the master in the salon.
    • Prevent people from coming into contact with their own blood, close open wounds.
    • Notify healthcare workers of your diagnosis.

    Hepatitis C and other infections (HIV infection, tuberculosis, hepatitis B)

    Hepatitis C is serious disease, and if it is combined with other serious and dangerous diseases, then, accordingly, such a "time bomb" is obtained.

    Hepatitis C and hepatitis B. The prognosis is poor, with both types of hepatitis occurring chronically. The rate of development of cirrhosis of the liver is much higher, the risk of developing other complications increases. Symptoms of jaundice and intoxication are pronounced. A malignant course of hepatitis can also develop with the rapid development of acute liver failure.

    Antiviral treatment of such liver damage should be only with the use of direct-acting drugs, interferons will not help here.

    Hepatitis C and HIV- this is a very common combination, which is associated with common transmission routes. These two diseases (co-infection) exacerbate each other's course, as they involve the same immune factors in the process. In HIV-positive people, hepatitis C in most cases has chronic course and rapidly progresses to cirrhosis of the liver. Hepatitis C is often the cause of death for an HIV-positive person.

    Also, hepatitis C affects the course of HIV infection and can cause a transition to the stage of AIDS.

    In HIV/Hepatitis C co-infection, early antiretroviral therapy is indicated ( lifelong treatment HIV drugs). Unfortunately, HIV therapy has no effect on the hepatitis C virus, so additional antiviral therapy for hepatitis C is required. The priority is the use of protease and polymerase inhibitors. Although interferons and ribavirin are prescribed (and free therapy is indicated for such patients), the effectiveness of such treatment is not very high.

    The main problem in the treatment of such patients is the numerous side effects from taking two therapies, and these are daily pills that are taken by the hour. Adverse reactions contribute to the fact that patients interrupt treatment on their own, and this threatens to develop resistance of viruses, both HIV and hepatitis C, to antiviral drugs. This problem is especially relevant at the beginning of therapy, over time (on average after a month), side effects decrease, the patient takes medication and feels good.

    Even against the background of HIV infection, the patient has a chance to live a full life, and antiretroviral therapy significantly prolongs life and improves its quality.

    Hepatitis C and tuberculosis. Tuberculosis and hepatitis C do not particularly affect the course of each other. But the main problem is the treatment of tuberculosis against the background of hepatitis. The fact is that most anti-tuberculosis drugs have a toxic effect on liver cells. Anti-tuberculosis therapy is prescribed for a long time, the therapy regimen includes from 2 to 6 drugs. This can lead to the development of acute liver failure, accelerate the development of cirrhosis of the liver.

    In the treatment of these two infections, priority is given to hepatitis C (if it is in the active phase), since if the liver fails, it will simply be impossible to treat tuberculosis. Tuberculosis drugs are prescribed after normalization or decrease in liver function tests. In this case, a scheme is selected from drugs that have minimal toxicity to the liver.

    Hepatitis C in pregnant women

    In pregnant women, hepatitis C is detected quite often, namely, in 5% of the examined women, which is due to the fact that such a contingent is subject to mandatory examination for antibodies to hepatitis B and C (random detection). Naturally, this diagnosis scares a woman, because it can be dangerous for a baby. Moreover, it is impossible to treat hepatitis during pregnancy, antiviral drugs are contraindicated.

    Why is chronic hepatitis C dangerous during pregnancy?

    By itself, hepatitis C does not affect the ability to get pregnant, endure and give birth. This pregnancy usually proceeds well. In addition, the hormonal background of pregnancy often contributes to the recovery of acute or subsidence of chronic hepatitis (reduction of viral load). But after childbirth, the progression of the disease often occurs, so the mother is shown the appointment of specific treatment in the postpartum period.

    There is a danger of infecting the child, and this occurs precisely during childbirth, and not the pregnancy itself.

    Hepatitis C is not an indication for caesarean section, operative delivery can be used in severe hepatitis and the development of liver failure in the puerperal, since childbirth is stress, both hormonal and emotional, and physical.

    Is it possible to give birth to a healthy child with hepatitis C?

    Children from mothers infected with hepatitis C are born healthy in most cases. The risk of infection is only up to 5%, regardless of the method of delivery. Infection of a child becomes possible only when the mother's blood enters the child's blood, and this happens extremely rarely, during difficult births.

    The risk of transmission of hepatitis C from mother to child is influenced by viral load, in the absence of HCV RNA, infection of the child is impossible. But if the mother has HIV infection, the risk of infecting the child with hepatitis increases significantly.

    After birth, the child is examined for hepatitis C:

    • Antibodies to hepatitis C at the age of 12-18 months (up to 1.5 years, maternal antibodies can be detected in the baby's blood);
    • PCR hepatitis C RNA at the age of 2 and 6 months.
    Is breastfeeding possible with hepatitis C?

    Breastfeeding can become a way of infecting a child with hepatitis C. Not all babies suckle gently, cracks often form on the nipples, and if there are microtraumas in the baby’s mouth (for example, during teething or stomatitis), there are favorable conditions to transmit the virus. By the way, breast milk itself does not contain the hepatitis C virus or contains it in very small quantities.

    Hepatitis C is not a reason to refuse breastfeeding, since the risk of infection in this way is very small. It is worth abandoning natural feeding only with a high viral load and severe hepatitis. Also, do not breastfeed if the mother is taking antiviral drugs to treat hepatitis.

    Hepatitis C in children, features of the course and treatment

    Features of the course of hepatitis C in children:
    • The main route of hepatitis C infection in children is mother-to-child transmission.
    • In 25% of cases in children under 1 year of age, hepatitis C is acute and asymptomatic, by the age of 1 year the virus is eliminated (recovery) without treatment.
    • Chronic hepatitis C in children is usually asymptomatic for years. But in a third of children, erased symptoms are noted, reminiscent of biliary dyskinesia (nausea, pain and bloating in the abdomen, etc.), and such children quickly get tired, eat little.
    • The main feature of the course of hepatitis C in childhood- the rapid formation of fibrosis against the background of a lower activity of the virus. So, according to some data, liver fibrosis develops in 80% of children with chronic hepatitis within 5 years. This is due to the imperfection of children's immunity.
    • In general, the prognosis of the disease is worse than in adults, especially with genotype 1 infection.
    Diagnosing a child with hepatitis C is half the battle, especially if the mother is infected with HCV. It is more difficult with treatment, since antiviral drugs for the treatment of hepatitis are contraindicated under the age of 3 years. But according to vital indications, they are still appointed at an earlier age.

    Usually, interferon and ribavirin preparations are used in the treatment of children. The possibility of using inhibitors of proteases and polymerases is still being studied. The response to treatment in children with antiviral drugs is better than in adults.

    Prevention of hepatitis C. How to avoid infection?

    The main principle of the prevention of hepatitis C is not to contact with someone else's blood!

    It is also important to insist on disposable instruments when carrying out "bloody" procedures (injections, dental treatment, piercings, tattoos, etc.). When going to a beauty salon, it is better to purchase your personal set of manicure tools. If the use of reusable instruments cannot be avoided, then it is necessary to ask how they are sterilized, and whether it is carried out at all. Ideally, if this process will be controlled by you personally.

    Hepatitis A, B, C: symptoms, diagnosis, prevention (vaccination), ways of infection transmission, incubation period, treatment (drugs, nutrition, etc.), consequences. Properties of the hepatitis C virus. Hepatitis C during pregnancy, is it possible to get pregnant? - video

    Answers to frequently asked questions

    Is it possible to work with hepatitis C? Rights of people with hepatitis C

    Hepatitis C with symptoms and a violation of general well-being is the cause of temporary disability, that is, working patients are given sick leave. With the development of complications, disability may be recognized.

    But hepatitis C cannot cause dismissal or non-employment. The patient generally has the right not to tell his employer about his diagnosis. Such patients can work in hospitals, schools, kindergartens and catering places.

    But patients with hepatitis C are not recommended to work with severe physical activity and in hazardous industries associated with contact with chemicals, as this can lead to more rapid progression of the disease and the formation of cirrhosis of the liver.

    Is there a hepatitis C vaccination?

    At the moment, there is no vaccination against hepatitis C in the world, which is associated with the constant mutation of the virus. But the development of a vaccine is constantly being worked on. The creation of an effective vaccine will be possible when all mutations of this virus are determined.

    What vitamins are needed for hepatitis C?

    With hepatitis, nutrition should contain all vitamins, trace elements and other nutrients. Many vitamins help the liver recover and prevent the development of fibrosis in it.

    Vitamins and others useful material necessary for hepatitis C:

    • B vitamins - berries, fruits, especially dried fruits, vegetables and herbs, red meats (pork, beef), liver, cereals, dark bread.
    • Vitamin C - raw vegetables and fruits, juices, fruit drinks.
    • Vitamin A - fruits and vegetables of bright red hues, liver, fish meat, egg yolk, butter, nuts.
    • Vitamin PP - many vegetables, especially potatoes, tomatoes, wheat germ, meat, liver, eggs.
    • Iron - buckwheat, fresh fruits, especially apples and bananas, nuts, beets, legumes.
    • Potassium - dried fruits.
    • Unsaturated fatty acids (Omega 3) - nuts, vegetable oil, butter, fish.
    • Amino acids (ornithine, glutamic acid, arginine) - nuts, beans, cereals, all animal products, fish.

    Are there surgeries for hepatitis C?

    Hepatitis C cannot become a contraindication to surgical intervention for any reason, especially for emergency surgical interventions(appendicitis, peritonitis, stop bleeding, etc.). In the presence of liver failure, elective surgery will have to be postponed.

    Also, chronic hepatitis C may be an indication for donor liver transplantation.

    The patient must necessarily inform the surgeons about his diagnosis, this is necessary not only for the doctor for additional preventive measures, but also for the correct management of the patient.

    What should I do if I get pricked by a needle from a patient with hepatitis C?

    The risk of hepatitis C infection from a needle stick is quite low, from 0.5% to 10%, depending on the viral load of the patient whose blood came into contact.

    In any case, the injection or cut site should be treated immediately after the accident, these measures will reduce the risk of infection.

    But specific prevention of hepatitis C after bloody contact does not currently exist. It has been proven that neither interferons nor immunoglobulins prevent infection with hepatitis C. The only thing that the injected person can count on is timely diagnosis and early prescription of antiviral therapy, no matter how sad it may be.

    Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

    patient Olesya.

    Woman 31, weight 60, height 164 cm, hepatitis C, genotype 3

    July 29, 2013

    Question Should Hepatitis C be Treated? I didn't stand. From the moment I learned about the diagnosis and possible recovery, I decided that I would be treated.

    Preparation for treatment:

    Change paid analyzes: genotyping (hepatitis C virus, RNA), viral load (hepatitis C virus, RNA).
    Ultrasound: thyroid gland, bodies abdominal cavity.

    Elastometry of the liver

    Gynecological examination

    Feeling great.


    What medications are used to treat hepatitis C?

    Start of treatment. Assigned according to the results of the survey - interferon a2b 3 times a week (Mon, Wed, Fri) and ribavirin 400 mg in the morning and 400 mg in the evening daily. The duration of treatment is 24 weeks.

    There was a big fear before starting treatment, fear of injections (I am afraid of injections), fear of side effects of drugs. Actually everything went well. Almost immediately after the injection, there was a slight weakness and not very pleasant sensations in the stomach. The mood was not very good, there was irritability and tearfulness. But I think it was all more from fear than from drugs. A few hours later, a flu-like sensation arose - as if you were just getting sick, a slight ache in the body, fever. That is, everything is quite experienced, the usual rhythm of life has not changed (in the evening I took the child from the kindergarten and worked on it). So everything is fine, the main thing is to start and all fears will go away!)


    Feeling great. Mood is good.


    The first week of treatment is over. Weight 59 kg.

    Side effects that I felt during the first week of treatment: general weakness, drowsiness, malaise, cough, loss of appetite, rash on the face and on the days of injections, a flu-like condition (ache, fever). All in all side effects There are very few drugs, everything is quite tolerable.

    I just try not to allow depression, I think that every day of treatment brings me closer to a full recovery) In order to “quietly not whine into a rag”, I constantly indulge myself in the form of women's pleasant little things, hair styling, makeup, pleasant walks and other joys .

    P.s. The fact that 1 kg of excess weight has gone is good news! Very nice side effect!


    The second week of treatment is over.

    At the beginning of the week, I had a general blood test and biochemistry. Didn't know the results.

    Side effects of drugs have become less pronounced, but there is a strong weakness. Constantly want to sleep. General decrease in performance. The mood is average.


    The past week was marked by very low performance, drowsiness and irritation. Irritated by the most ordinary things that I had not paid any attention to before. I try to eliminate such situations from my life. Every day I set myself up for the good!


    The fourth week of treatment was characterized by stabilization of mood. Minimal side effects. Only a slight weakness and drowsiness .. To avoid a bad mood, I use aromatherapy (I chose tangerine essential oil, I light the aroma lamp). I also gave myself a Thai massage session and watched a very interesting film “Peaceful Warrior”. And all the irritability as if removed)


    4 weeks of treatment have passed and yesterday I had a blood test for hepatitis C virus, RNA and other general tests. Looking forward to the results.

    29.09.2013 weight 59.2kg

    RNA after 4 weeks of treatment NEGATIVE!!! Very pleased! Feeling stable. Slight weakness, decreased performance, slight irritability. Everything is tolerable. No extremes.


    Cough was added to the few manifestations of side effects. Feels like an experienced smoker's cough (I haven't smoked for 3 years). Not very nice. So far I haven't done anything about it.


    On average, my condition can be assessed as follows: normal. In order to prevent side effects, I monitor my sleep (I go to bed early, get enough sleep), went through several sessions of relaxing massage and signed up for a pool. So, thanks to these actions, there is practically no irritability. True, working capacity is still below average .. often fatigue .. From the negative this week, hair began to fall out. I have already heard about such a side effect, but I hoped that it would bypass me) It turned out not) The hair really climbs out a lot, but outwardly so far without significant changes. Decided to take a course linseed oil or simply add to food (in order to strengthen), as this oil contains a lot of omega.


    It's the eighth week of treatment. In general, the condition is stable. Feeling nervous and irritable. Constant feeling of lack of energy. I get tired very quickly. I noticed that my vision worsened, I see blurry near. But maybe it's from working at the computer. I decided to set aside time for a day long walk, at least once a week, in the afternoon. I save myself by swimming once a week) After visiting the pool, I feel very good and cheerful!


    It's been 8 weeks of treatment. One third of the total treatment time. There are only 16 weeks left) I passed the tests according to the schedule. General health is normal. The more I devote to a healthy lifestyle (sleep, proper nutrition, motor activity, positive attitude), the easier I endure the treatment. General side effects are certainly present, but the degree of their severity depends on the management in life as a whole.

    October 27, 2013

    The 9th week of treatment has come to an end. General health is good. The mood is excellent) Affects a positive attitude, swimming pool, walks in the fresh air, massage. The only thing that manifested itself from side effects was a violation of the menstrual cycle (failure for 10 days).


    There is 11 weeks of treatment. Weight 58 kg. That is -2 kg from the start of treatment. General state satisfactory. Still reduced performance, rapid fatigue. I noticed that my hair became dry and falling out. Nails became very dry, strongly exfoliate. You need to drink more pure water.

    November 25, 2013

    Started 14 weeks of treatment. Test results after 12 weeks of treatment are normal. Most importantly, the blood test for RNA is negative! Feeling normal. The past week has been marked by an upsurge of irritability. Relaxing back massage helped relieve irritability.


    The 15th week of treatment began. Mood is good! Feeling normal. Adapted to low performance and rapid fatigue. The only thing that is frustrating is the hair coming out a lot. Already about 25%, but evenly, so it is not very striking. What else manifested itself - the skin became more sensitive, dry.


    Weight 56.8 (-3.2 kg from the start of treatment)

    There is a 17th week of treatment. The general condition is stable. Still quick fatigue and low performance. In the last week of treatment, bursts of irritability and despondency were noted for 3 days. As well as weakness, dizziness and nausea. Help to overcome and avoid this condition - swimming pool, massage, walks in the fresh air. From the negative - strongly climb out the hair.


    19 weeks of treatment. Often nauseous, dizzy, severe weakness, high irritability, feeling of tightness, stiffness. Decreased appetite, perverted taste and smell. Itching of the scalp. The hair is falling very hard. Lost about 40% in volume. But evenly.


    weight 55kg -5 kg ​​from the start of treatment

    21 weeks of treatment. Dizzy, severe weakness, high irritability. Hair climb very strongly, dry skin. The skin of the face has lost a certain tone.


    weight 54 kg - 6 kg from the start of treatment

    Finished 22 weeks of treatment. This week there was a severe headache (like a migraine), weakness, very high irritability, severe fatigue. Hair came out by 60% (objective assessment of hair volume). Failure of the menstrual cycle (delay more than 10 days).


    There is a 23rd week of treatment. Feeling somewhat stabilized. As usual, quick fatigue, weakness, etc. In general, irritability subsided, it became better. Irritability is marked by "attacks", this is not a regular occurrence.


    Weight 54.5 kg. -5.5 kg from the start of treatment.

    The treatment is over!

    As a result of antiviral therapy, it became:

    - hair fell out a lot, but evenly

    - changed the structure of the hair

    - the skin on the face is dry, sensitive, with irritation on the cheeks, the face looks tired and older than its real age

    - nail plates are dry, brittle

    – weight decreased by 5.5 kg


    One feels fatigue, weakness, reduced concentration of attention, drowsiness, irritability, dizziness.

    Mood is good!

    And most importantly, the treatment is over, hepatitis C RNA minus!

    The following describes the real-time recovery process:

    02/10/2014 testing (examination after treatment)

    Complete blood count, biochemistry, OAM, hepatitis C RNA, ultrasound of the digestive organs, ultrasound of the thyroid gland, thyroid hormones.

    18.02.2014 weight 54.8kg

    One week after the end of antiviral therapy:

    The dizziness has ceased, the condition of the skin on the face has improved, the hair falls out in a smaller volume.

    - Fatigue, interrupted sleep, irritability present.

    In general, the mood is good.


    Two and a half weeks after the end of antiviral therapy:

    The skin is restored, the hair almost does not fall out.

    Every day I feel a little more cheerful and energetic.

    - The concentration of attention is reduced, there is irritability. In general, the mood is good!


    Three weeks after the end of antiviral therapy:

    The skin on the face becomes elastic, looks almost like before the treatment.

    Hair falls out in the usual volume (as before treatment, a little).

    The structure of the hair becomes softer.

    You can see a lot of new hair (apparently those that began to fall out at the beginning / middle of the treatment).

    Recovering menstrual cycle(as before treatment).

    Every day I feel a little more cheerful and energetic.

    - Intermittent bouts of irritability.

    - Sometimes sleep is disturbed (insomnia).

    In general, the mood is good!


    One month after the end of antiviral therapy.

    Weight 55.4 kg(+1kg)

    The skin on the face and body, as before the treatment, has recovered.

    Hair does not fall out, has acquired elasticity and shine (as before treatment).

    Every day I feel a little more cheerful and energetic!)

    - Irritability happens, but less often.

    - Light sleep, occasional insomnia.

    In general, the mood is excellent!


    One month and 10 days after the end of antiviral therapy.

    Weight 55.5 kg

    I received the results of a general blood test taken one month after the end of treatment. Almost everything is normal, only slightly reduced erythrocytes and increased hemoglobin in erythrocytes.

    There is a slight weakness from time to time. There is irritability (but less often), light sleep.

    Everything else is fine.

    "Woke up" brutal appetite)

    Every day I feel much better!


    2 months and 9 days after the end of antiviral therapy.

    Weight 56.2 kg

    In general, the condition is good. Sleep normalized. Appetite is good. Irritability and nervousness are less common. The mood is excellent!

    I take a complex of organic vitamins.

    May 14, 2014

    3 months after the end of HTP

    Weight 56.1 kg

    She drank a complex of organic vitamins, underwent a course of hydromassage and dry carbonic baths (10 sessions in a city hospital).
    Hair is shiny, skin is elastic. Physically I feel good. The mood is excellent. Irritability is less common, but present. I take afobazole (course).

    May 10, 2014

    4 months after the end of HTP

    Weight 56.5 kg

    After I drank afobazole in a course, I became less nervous. I feel good. The mood is different, but most often good or normal)) There is a lot of energy. Everything is getting better and better every day. At the moment I take organic food supplements for the purpose of general cleansing of the body.


    Survey. 24 weeks after the end of the HTP.

    Weight 57.1 kg


    Has handed over a blood on biochemistry, the general or common analysis of a blood, hepatitis C RNA. RNA - NEGATIVE! (Worried waiting for the result). Blood biochemistry is normal. AT general analysis blood hematocrit and the average erythrocyte index are somewhat lowered, and the average hemoglobin index in erythrocyte cells is increased. In general, I feel good and every day is getting better and better (even better than before the treatment). I get nervous a lot less often.. I'm waiting for the results of a blood test for hormones, I also have an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and thyroid gland and liver elastometry.


    8 months after the end of treatment.

    Weight 59 kg

    The general condition is good. There is a lot of energy, the mood is increasingly excellent! I get less and less nervous (it turns out nervous system really subject to full recovery!) I continue to lead an active healthy lifestyle (normal sleep, good nutrition, moderate physical activity). I'm going to the pool again (I recommend it to everyone!) Hair grows very well!


    Weight 61 kg

    Recently donated hepatitis C RNA. 48 weeks after the end of treatment. The result is negative! Feeling great!

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