Analyzes in the state laboratory. Where can I take a blood test for free? Choosing a laboratory diagnostics center

Before using natural water from a well or well for food, it is necessary to examine its samples for the content of organic and inorganic contaminants: toxic substances, viruses, bacteria, helminths, and also determine its radioactivity. Based on the results obtained, a suitability conclusion is issued and the optimal cleaning method is selected. For research, various methods of water analysis are used to help identify deviations from the norm and detect dangerous components.

To get an accurate conclusion, you need to correctly select a water sample for analysis. To collect the test liquid, it is necessary to prepare a clean container. You can take a two-liter bottle in which there was drinking non-carbonated water without additives. Before filling, the container should be rinsed with the same water that will be collected for study. Each source has its own sampling requirements.

  1. To test tap water, open the tap for 15 minutes and only then fill the bottle.
  2. To accurately determine the quality of water from a well, leave the tap open for 5-10 minutes before filling the bottle. If the well has not been used for a long time, it is necessary to turn on the pump and pump it for at least 2 hours.
  3. Well water is best taken from a four-meter depth using a clean bucket. Some analyzes require bottom water.

To obtain accurate results, the tap is kept open for 10-15 minutes before dialing.

The bottle should be filled slowly with a thin stream to the edge of the neck (this reduces oxygen saturation) and tightly closed with a lid. It is advisable to immediately take the sample to the laboratory. In extreme cases, you can put the material in the refrigerator, but not more than two days. The accompanying sheet should indicate the address, type of source (well, well, water supply), date and time of collection.

Water in need of urgent diagnosis

Main types of water analysis

Existing methods for analyzing water quality make it possible to determine with maximum accuracy the content of toxic substances in a liquid, of which, according to WHO, there are more than 13,000 today. Most studies are carried out exclusively in the laboratory, but a preliminary assessment of the quality can be done independently.

Organoleptic diagnostics

Without special preparations and equipment in the arsenal, it is realistic to conduct only an organoleptic study, evaluating the sample for appearance, taste and smell.

  1. An elevated iron content is indicated by a brown or yellowish-brown tint, as well as an abundant precipitate in the form of flakes. Sometimes the color changes only when shaken or heated. With slight excesses of the norm, the water may remain clear, but it will taste with a slight metallic taste.
  2. Manganese declares itself with a grayish tint and a dark coating on the dishes.
  3. The whiteness that goes away after settling indicates saturation with gases, for example, methane or chlorine.
  4. The presence of hydrogen sulfide is easily identified by the characteristic smell of rotten eggs.
  5. Chemical odors are a clear sign of contamination of the aquifer by wastewater discharged from an industrial plant.
  6. The fact that the source is contaminated with organic compounds can be judged by the presence of the smell of rotten fish or damp earth.

Independent research should by no means be the only one. Any changes in taste, smell and color are a serious reason to use laboratory water analysis methods for diagnosis.

Methods of chemical research

The chemical study of water is aimed at identifying organic and inorganic inclusions, determining the degree of hardness, turbidity and other important indicators of suitability and quality. In total, more than a hundred different methods have been developed in the world, some of which are practiced only in single laboratories. The list of the most popular methods includes:

  • spectrophotometry;
  • biotesting;
  • conductometry;
  • photometry;
  • capillary electrophoresis;
  • turbidimetry;
  • gas chromatography;
  • gravimetry;
  • gas chromatography;
  • nephelometry.

Study of drinking water in the laboratory

As a rule, laboratories specializing in water quality diagnostics offer an abbreviated and complete chemical analysis. The abbreviated method includes a 25-point diagnostic and determines compliance with acceptable indicators of turbidity, hardness, oxidizability, total mineralization, inclusions of iron and magnesium, and the presence of foreign odors. The abbreviated methodology can be used when moving to a new place and for selecting a filtration system in houses with a central water supply.

Standards for chemical analysis

Advanced methods of chemical analysis of water allow you to determine with high accuracy the percentage of metals, gases, alkalis, oil products, urea, nitrites and ammonia in the sample. Complete diagnostics involves testing on 100 or more items. This method is recommended to be chosen by owners of private wells and wells at the construction stage.

Self Express Analysis

For those who do not have the opportunity to use the services of laboratories, they produce special test kits for independent chemical diagnostics of household sources and water supply. Express analysis kits allow you to generally determine the hardness of water, excess levels of iron, manganese, chlorine and a number of other salts and metals.

On sale you can find inexpensive kits designed for plumbing, wells, springs and wells. These can be packages for the determination of one or more types of pollution. The kits are supplied with instructions that help you conduct an express water analysis at home, understand the results and choose the right household filter.

Set for independent express analysis of tap watertap water

A more accurate assessment is given by professional portable laboratories, including reagents for self-analysis. The cost of these kits is much higher than the services of specialists, and working with them requires special knowledge and experience.

Bacteriological analysis

Sanitary and bacteriological methods of drinking water analysis reveal the presence of pathogenic organisms in the liquid (legionella, salmonella, shigella, coli), fecal contamination, and also determine the allowable amount of non-pathogenic microorganisms. An excess of harmless bacteria leads to an increase in the level of iron and sulfur, and also causes plaque on water pipes and dishes.

For microbiological research, special equipment is used to create favorable conditions for the growth of microorganisms and provide them with a nutrient medium for life. In the diagnosis of crops, powerful microscopes and other professional devices are used, so these technologies cannot be tested at home.

Guidelines for microbiological analysis

Radiological analysis

Radiological examination of drinking water is recommended to be carried out in ecologically unfavorable areas. As a rule, wells and wells are checked for the presence of tritium and radium. These insidious isotopes quickly spread in groundwater, accumulate there and do not betray their presence in any way. Radioactive elements imperceptibly destroy cells human body causing incurable diseases.

To study the radiation background of water, I use dosimeters, radiometers and spectrometers. The analysis consists of two main stages: pre-assessment and extended testing. In case of detection of excess of the norms of the total activity of alpha- and beta-emitting radionuclides at the first stage, the radionuclide composition of water and the level of activity of each element must be determined.

The most accurate results on the quality and suitability of the contents of a well or well can only be obtained in the course of a comprehensive study that combines bacteriological, chemical-physical and radiological methods. To test tap water, you can limit yourself to chemical analysis, since the remaining levels of control are carried out at water treatment plants. To get the most plausible conclusion, we recommend contacting reputable laboratories.

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Surgeon, 15 years of experience

The development of private medicine has allowed people to avoid many of the unpleasant experiences associated with visiting medical institutions. If earlier, in order to pass the necessary analysis, it was necessary to get the coveted coupon from the doctor and come to the treatment room on the appointed day, spending time in long queues, then with the advent of clinical laboratories in Moscow. But in addition to convenience, the patient seeks to gain confidence in the accuracy of the results. To choose the best private institution, we suggest that you read the reviews on our portal. They will help you learn more about the work of Moscow clinical laboratories and, therefore, make your choice.

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Choosing a laboratory in Moscow

More and more more people today they do tests in clinical laboratories in Moscow. This provokes an increase in the number of data from medical institutions. Some of them even have hundreds of branches outside the capital.

Modern clinical laboratories are no longer limited to basic research. Here you can not only donate blood and biomaterials for analysis, but also receive many other services. Specialists conduct cytological, histological, immunological studies, determine the level of certain hormones in the body, conduct allergological tests, etc. Some Moscow clinical laboratories also offer more complex manipulations, such as liver diagnostics without a biopsy. In addition, it is also possible to conduct a study of the dysbiotic state of the mucous membranes.

Innovative technologies allow Moscow laboratories to carry out complex analyses. For example, here you can identify the presence of hereditary diseases even in newly born babies. And of course, research is being done to determine biological motherhood and fatherhood.

Many clinical laboratories in Moscow collect materials even at the patient's home, which can be very convenient when examining elderly people. No less convenient is the system for obtaining results: for this, you just need to go to Personal Area on the institution's website or check your email. Some clinics have gone even further and, in addition to conducting tests, offer to consult with narrow specialists or undergo functional diagnostics. Here you can get a medical book or undergo a preventive examination.

Testing laboratory Lab24 provides services for the study of water quality and performs a comprehensive analysis of water from all types of sources: drinking, ground, bottled, wastewater, swimming pools and reservoirs. Based on the requirements for a certain type of water, our specialists have developed comprehensive water analysis programs depending on the source of the water being studied. It is imperative that the water subsequently analyzed is properly sampled and stored prior to delivery to the laboratory to ensure analysis results that accurately reflect the situation you need to understand. As a rule, it is possible to hand over water for analysis in Moscow on the day of sampling; in the absence of such an opportunity, it is better to store the samples in the refrigerator and deliver them to the laboratory no later than 24 hours after sampling. To ensure the correctness of the analysis results, you can always consult our specialists about the principles of sampling and storage conditions for samples to be delivered to the laboratory. We provide tailor-made water sampling, research and analysis services to meet the unique needs of all our clients. We suggest you to make a comprehensive water analysis in an independent accredited laboratory according to specially developed programs of indicators, selected for each specific case in order to determine the quality of the water you use.

The cost of the study does not include the departure of a specialist and sampling. View the cost of a specialist visit and sampling.

About water pollution

Pollution of water bodies, surface and underground water sources is a threat to existence. Water is also the most important substance widely used in most technological processes, including energy, chemical industries, agro-industrial industry, etc.

At the same time, wastewater from industrial and agricultural industries, domestic sewage are the main cause of intense pollution of the hydrosphere, saturation of rivers, lakes, seas with harmful components, leading to disruption of the natural biological cycle, destruction of the natural habitat of aquatic organisms, exclusion of the possibility of drinking water supply to the population without danger to human life and health,

In this regard, intensive work is being carried out to combat pollution of water sources, protect the hydrosphere, and introduce advanced technologies for cleaning, disinfecting and monitoring water quality.

The implementation of an objective and reliable analysis of water in order to control its quality is a common task for all areas of water use and protection of water resources and, first of all, to ensure the safety and harmlessness of water in domestic and drinking water supply systems.

The relevance and complexity of the tasks of developing and implementing effective, metrically certified water quality control methods are due to the continuous expansion of the range of controlled parameters and the tightening of requirements for the sensitivity and accuracy of the implemented control procedures due to the high toxicity of many controlled components.