Stars of the nineties - where are they now? Vlad Stashevsky - from love to sewage.

I'll try to answer the question first:
Where did the bandits come from in the nineties?

There were no bandits in the USSR. They, of course, appeared at some difficult moments in history, but next to the word bandit there were always the words "the highest measure of punishment - execution." Particularly dangerous gangs were simply eliminated, various minor people associated with the gang ended up in prison. The bandits, if they were in prison, then only until the trial, and then the execution. This is where the story of the gang and bandits ended.

When cooperatives were allowed, there were no bandits for quite a long time. Then free trade was allowed. Quiet again. And then, suddenly, messages poured in as if from a cornucopia: someone was killed there, robbed there, a store was taken out there. Everyone suddenly learned that there are foreign words: "racket", "racketeer". The maxim was voiced in the media that since there are now rich people, there must be bandits. They remembered the Russian proverb: "That's what the pike is for, so that the crucian does not doze off."

It seems to me that the criminals waited for some time, looked closely at how the state would behave. Nobody wanted to be a bandit, which means a potential dead man. But the understanding quickly came - do what you want, nothing will happen for it. It is difficult to frighten those who have gone through prison universities from their youth. From that moment began an explosive growth of crimes against business. Almost every day on TV they showed blown up cars, entrepreneurs killed on the threshold of their house.

The police simply could not cope with such a flow of crimes. If in Soviet times the police of the entire region threw all their available forces into solving one murder, now one operative had dozens of serious crimes in development. The position of the police at that time is quite accurately shown in the first episodes of the series "Streets of Broken Lights", in the first episodes of the series "Cop Wars". Then the authors of these series, based on the success of the first series, began to shoot outright fantasy, which has little to do with real life.

Where did the bandits of the nineties go?

And it’s not where they have gone, they’re just not visible now, they don’t catch the eye, but they are there. As Vladimir Vysotsky sang: “He will answer:“ Do not believe the rumor - there are no more of them there than in Moscow!

By the beginning of the 2000s, all the former property of the USSR was divided, everything settled down and calmed down. Former gangster authorities have become successful businessmen. Part of the criminal business was legalized by the state, it became just a business. Those who were called bandits in the nineties are now the same as all entrepreneurs. Former racketeers opened private security companies*. The gangsters, who lent money, and then imprudently put the entrepreneur who took the money from them on the counter, headed microfinance credit organizations, where they still issue loans at 1000% per annum. The gangsters, who beat out debts from debtors, headed collection agencies (that's why they have such methods - bandit ones). Well, the police are successfully fighting the outcasts who do not fit into the market.

* In the nineties, private security companies in Russia began to be divided (not officially of course) into two types: police and bandit ones. Police private security companies were opened by former employees of special services. Gangsters were opened, of course, not by the bandits themselves, but by people directly connected with them, who are often called "werewolves in uniform", well, "werewolves without shoulder straps."

See the continuation of this topic here.


November 19, 2015 19:32

By Fabiosa

The life of these stars today has changed a lot, and once they had incredible popularity and the love of millions. This is how they live now.

1. Andrey Gubin

The favorite of the girls of the 90s, the eternal romantic and the "tramp boy" practically disappeared from the screens. He never managed to find his soul mate in the crowd of fans. About 10 years ago he was diagnosed with the disease nervous system, because of which the artist experiences frequent pain in the face. He recorded his last song in 2009. Since then, he disappeared and lives just for himself. The artist is still not married, although he is already 41 years old.

2. Irina Saltykova

Today, the sex symbol of the 90s is 49 years old. She opened a private atelier, she is engaged in the development of clothes and shoes. She did not completely leave the stage, sometimes appearing at corporate parties.

3. Marina Khlebnikova

Marina has long disappeared from the big stage, although earlier her songs were popular. During this time, she experienced a family drama and a serious illness. Now the singer does not participate in major concerts and tours. The love of singing does not allow her to completely forget this occupation. She still performs at corporate parties and starred in various television shows.

4. Lika Star

In the mid-90s, almost everyone knew this beauty. However, today few people know why she disappeared from the stage. In the early 2000s, the girl married an Italian businessman and moved to live in Sardinia. She has a son Artem from her first marriage, in 2004 her daughter Allegrina was born, and in 2011 her son Mark. The girl feels complete happiness and harmony, leaving Russia and leaving the big stage.

5. Gaza Strip

After the death of the founder of the legendary rock band Yuri Klinsky in 2000, the group broke up. Several similar projects appeared with the participation of her former musicians. In the summer of 2015, for the first time in many years, the release of a collection of the best songs of the group and previously unreleased works of the soloist was announced.

6. Decl

Today, the teen idol of the early 2000s is already 32 years old. His appearance was the impetus for the development of a new stage in the country's hip-hop culture. However, the star went out as quickly as it lit up. Although he continues to write songs today, releases albums and even tours, he has not had his former success for a long time.

7. Shao? Bao!

A group with an incomprehensible name and a strange song “Kupyla Mama Konyka” gained incredible popularity in the blink of an eye. However, the musicians were never able to give at least a few more hits, and therefore their success faded very quickly. Today they continue to write songs, record albums themselves, give concerts in small towns and even went on tour in Germany.

8. Nancy

The creators of the popular hit "Smoke of Menthol Cigarettes" Ukrainian-Russian group "Nancy" still exists. Even a new member was added - the son of one of the soloists Sergey Bondarenko. The group is already 20 years old, having once hit a wave of popularity, they fully used their former glory, but even today they do not sit idly by. Musicians shoot videos, perform and record new songs, but they can only dream of their former popularity.

9. Dune

The popularly beloved group is rarely seen on the central channels, but this does not in the least prevent them from leading an active creative life. Dune is already 25 years old, and today they tour a lot, have already released 20 discs, sing at corporate parties and are not going to fall into a creative crisis.

10. Vlad Stashevsky

Having received the love of fans in the 90s with several songs and videos, today Vlad rarely appears on stage. He occasionally performs at various concerts. He is 41 and earns most of his money from his own liquid chemical waste disposal company. He has been married twice and has two sons.

Time is merciless. With its course, everything changes: something develops and becomes better, but something fades. This is especially true for people. When you're young, it seems like there's so much ahead of you that you can't even see the edge. And after a couple of decades, you begin to realize that time moves with frightening speed and, perhaps, most of your life is already behind you.

Time changes people. And it is all the more surprising to watch how our idols, whom we remember as young, beautiful, talented and energetic, after years appear before our eyes already haggard people.

And today we will talk about the idols of the beginning of the 21st century, about people who not only flashed on television, but seemed to us part of television itself. Let's find out what happened to them and why they disappeared from television screens.

Vitas (39 years old)

Latvian Vitaly Vladasovich Grachev gained wild popularity not only in the CIS, but also abroad. For example, in Shanghai, the singer's work was so highly appreciated that they even erected a monument to the artist. All thanks to the original manner of performing songs. Falsetto Vitas, many fans considered a real miracle.

Over time, Vitas decided to deviate a little from his usual style, which had a bad effect on his popularity. After a couple of household scandals at home, the singer focused on working abroad and, it seems, found a grateful audience.

Natalya Shturm (52 ​​years old)

At the age of 25, Natasha decided to participate in the music competition "Show Queen-91", where she made a splash. After that, the aspiring singer could choose any career path. At first she sang in the Mitzvah ensemble, then she began solo performances, and very successful ones. A photo shoot for Playboy magazine made her popular abroad.

But after disagreements arose and a break with producer Alexander Novikov, Natalia's affairs began to decline. She quickly lost her fans, and then completely ended her musical career. However, in 2006 she tried herself as a writer and published as many as 5 novels in a couple of years.

Andrey Gubin (44 years old)

A charming guy with a pleasant voice and simple songs just couldn't help but find his audience. The main hit "Girls as Stars" at one time sounded from every tape recorder. The popularity and demand of the artist went through the roof. However, health problems forced Andrei to take a break from creative activity.

Only in 2012, when Andrei Gubin appeared on the TV screen in the show “Let them talk” and told his story, did everyone find out the truth. A disorder of the nervous system and years of fighting for his own health turned an attractive and pleasant guy into an aggressive man who constantly stated that he was being followed and had been trying to kill him for several years.

Dana Borisova (42 years old)

TV viewers of the 90s probably remember the host of the show "Army Store" Dana Borisova. The spectacular blonde instantly conquered the hearts of men and received letters from all over the country with love confessions. By the way, the first domestic presenter who decided to pose for Playboy magazine, which caused a real scandal in Russia.

The following years on television were not so successful. Only in 2017, when the star had long disappeared from TV screens, it became known about her drug addiction. Moreover, the mother of Dana Borisova announced the problem to the whole country on the air of the show “Let them talk”.

Thanks to the intervention of colleagues in the shop, Dana Borisova was sent for compulsory treatment to Sabay, a rehabilitation center in Thailand. After some time, the relatives of the star noted an improvement in her condition. To date, Dana Borisova has overcome addiction and leads an active life in social networks.

To be famous person not as easy as it seems from the outside. When huge popularity, demand and adoration suddenly fall on you, you begin to believe that this is forever. But if the ranks of the fans begin to thin and more and more criticism is heard against you, it's hard not to break under pressure.

Let's wish our today's heroes to find themselves and continue to enjoy life, and maybe even reanimate their careers. Pay attention to those that have changed beyond recognition over the years. What to do, because people have no power over time.

Share the article with your friends, let them also remember their idols.

A young 19-year-old handsome man with the appearance of a model was one of the first projects of producer Yuri Aizenshpis. Since 1993, he was on all screens, and the albums were sold out in millions of copies. After Stashevsky broke up with a famous producer, his work ceased to interest him. Today he owns a liquid waste disposal company. chemical substances and almost never goes on stage, he is not interested. “Of course, these are completely different incomes than I had when I was an artist - then I received a penny.”

Evgeny Belousov

By the mid-90s, the popularity of Zhenya Belousov began to gradually fade away. There were no more new hits, he was rarely invited to concerts. The singer tried to go into business, but only lost money. Having been hospitalized in 1997 with an attack of pancreatitis, he never left. In the hospital, Evgeny Belousov first suffered a stroke, then a craniotomy, and died a month later at the age of 32.

Murat Nasyrov

The author of the mega-popular hit "The Boy Wants to Tambov" died at the age of 37. The day before the tragedy, Nasyrov said that he was planning a wedding with his common-law wife. And the next day, wearing a concert costume, he jumped out of the window in front of his children. The official cause of death is suicide in a state of severe depression.


Kirill Tolmatsky (34 years old) - the son of the famous producer Alexander Tolmatsky - began his career as a teenager, and was the first and loudest hip-hop star of the 1900-2000s. He is one of the most promoted musicians at the turn of 1990-2000. But closer to Today, Decl, if it performs, then rarely. On the records that the musician has been recording since the mid-2000s, there are no really big hits. Cyril continues to actively engage in music, but rarely performs. He is married to Yulia Kisileva, a former model from Nizhny Novgorod, and has a 12-year-old son. He actively sued Basta for offensive posts about Decl on social networks.

"DJ Groove" (Evgeny Rudin)

You probably remember the electronic track with the voices of Mikhail and Raisa Gorbacheva "There is happiness, it cannot be without it." Today Evgeny is 46 years old, in 2006 he created a school for young DJs and producers in Moscow. With his wife Alexandra, he does a lot of charity work, participates in social projects.


The soloist of the Ivanushki International group, Igor Sorin, died in 1998 at the age of 28 after falling out of a window on the sixth floor where his studio was located. Shortly before the tragic events, he left the group and decided to pursue a solo career. According to the official version, the artist committed suicide due to depression amid a creative crisis. However, there are opinions that Sorin was first killed and then thrown out of the window.


Linda's first album was created when the singer was only 17 years old! For a long time she worked with producer, composer and arranger Maxim Fadeev. In the period from 1994 to 1998, the artist received the prestigious title "Singer of the Year" 9 times. As a result, the relationship between the producer and the singer broke up. Linda has been living in Moscow since 2012 and leads a very active life. For the past few years, Linda has been working with her group of musicians and regularly gives solo concerts both in Russia and abroad.

"Lika Star"

After Lika gave birth to her first child in 1995, she almost did not perform. First, she organized a production studio, and then, having married the Italian businessman Angelo Sechi for the second time, she moved to live in Sardinia. Now she is raising her daughter Allegrina and son Mark and organizes gastro tours to Sardinia.

Yes, being famous is sometimes very convenient, many doors open to you just because you are a star. And you quickly get used to it. But the worst thing in this situation is that you cease to belong to yourself, not immediately, day after day your popularity makes you dependent on it. And there are many, many "buts"! That's it at the moment when I realized that I depend on these "buts", I jumped off this "Titanic"!

Andrey Gubin

Andrey Gubin, a sweet-voiced and handsome favorite of girls, left the stage and ended his musical career in 2004 due to illness. The artist is struggling with a disease of the nervous system, lives on royalties and leads a secluded life, focusing on his health.

Natalia Vetlitskaya

One of the most memorable beauties of the 90s lives in a small town in Spain, where she raises her 13-year-old daughter Ulyana. Natalya Vetlitskaya lives in a two-story house in the city of Denia, which is considered an expensive resort. Here she is engaged in a new favorite thing: the restoration and decoration of houses.

About some performers who in the nineties were the kings of Russian school discos, nothing has been heard for many years.

Other stars are still "afloat" - they participate in TV shows, record new songs, or even experience a second wave of all-Russian fame.

We invite you to find out how the life of the pop stars of the 90s.

Natalia Vetlitskaya

Natalya Vetlitskaya was one of the most beautiful women on the post-Soviet stage. And also one of the most daring - it was for her that Fyodor Bondarchuk shot a video for the song “Look into your eyes”, where in one of the frames the make-up artist powders the star’s ass. Since 2013, Natalya Vetlitskaya left her career and settled with her daughter in Spain. However, the star does not let herself be forgotten and periodically shares her opinions on her Facebook page.

Natalya Vetlitskaya - "Look into the eyes"

Andrey Gubin

The main object of sighing of all girls in the 90s, Andrei Gubin ruined the lives of those of them who were given the name "Lisa" at birth for decades: as soon as you introduce yourself, the interlocutor immediately begins to sing his hit. Gubin wrote many wonderful songs, but at some point he disappeared from television and radio broadcasts. In the middle of the 2000s, it turned out that the singer was seriously ill.

Andrey Gubin - "Lisa"

Lyubov Uspenskaya

Since the late 70s, Lyubov Uspenskaya sang in a restaurant in Brighton, and in the 90s she returned to Russia and began performing with the songs "Cabriolet", "I'm Lost" and others. The editorial office of find out.rf recalls that at the beginning of the 2000s, almost nothing was heard about her - until Uspenskaya began working on the Channel One show. After returning to show business, her name regularly appears on the pages of the tabloids: Uspenskaya, who is already over 60, is being blamed for numerous plastic surgery and "beauty shots".

Lyubov Uspenskaya - "Cabriolet"


After the super-successful hit “The Wind Blowed from the Sea,” Natalie disappeared from the radar for several years. The singer was engaged in raising children and at home (she has three sons). However, in the noughties she returned to the stage: she recorded a dubious track with Nikolai Baskov, and then repeated her initial success with an impossibly catchy song “Oh my God, what a man!”

Natalie - "The wind blew from the sea"

Irina Nelson

Irina Nelson started at the dawn of the 90s under the pseudonym "Diana", but did not have much success. In the 2000s, she became a member of the Reflex group and, among other things, recorded the hit “Go Crazy”. Irina Nelson was remembered in 2017, when she unexpectedly received a medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree, with the wording "for services to the development of culture."

Video for the song "Go Crazy" by Reflex

Yuriy Shatunov

After leaving the group "Tender May", Yuri Shatunov left Russia, but did not give up music: he was educated as a sound engineer. After returning to his homeland, he recorded several albums, including the new hit "Grey Night". In 2015 he received an award for his contribution to Russian show business. Lives with his family in Germany.

"White Roses" - the immortal hit of the group "Tender May"


Kirill Tolmatsky, the producer's son, who became famous in the late 90s under the pseudonym Decl, has changed a lot since then. Now he has changed his pseudonym to LeTruk, instead of hip-hop fashionable in the past, he records music in the dancehall genre, works with Western and Asian musicians, and at his leisure sues the rapper Basta and swears at him on Twitter.

"Blood is my blood" - one of the main hits of Decl

A sad addition: on the night of February 3, 2019, Decl died from sudden cardiac arrest.

Arkady Ukupnik

Arkady Ukupnik became a legend of the 90s and a model of kitsch. Who does not remember his immortal hits about the passport and about "Sim-Sim, surrender" (the latter, by the way, painfully resembles the song of the Army Of Lovers group and deserves a place in our rating of Russian plagiarisms)? The editors of the site notes that in the 2000s, Arkady tried himself as an actor - he played in "Chicago" productions by Philip Kirkorov, and also organized jazz festivals.

Arkady Ukupnik's song "about the passport"

Sasha Zvereva

A cheerful girl who in the 90s sang in the Demo group about “The Sun in Hands” gave birth to three children and has been living in Los Angeles since 2014. Since 2011, Sasha Zvereva has been pursuing a solo career as a singer and DJ and has managed to record three albums. True, there were no big hits on them.

Clip of the group Demo "The sun in the hands"

Bogdan Titomir

Bogdan Titomir was a real sex symbol of the 90s. At first he performed as part of the Kar-men group, and later took up a solo career. His biggest hit is "Do Like Me". In addition, a cover of Sofia Rotaru's song "Chervona Ruta" was popular as part of the project "Old songs about the main thing" by Konstantin Ernst. In the 2010s, Titomir continues to record songs and appear at parties, but so far no big hits have been heard from him.

"Chervona Ruta" - Bogdan Titomir

Tatyana Bulanova

Tanya Bulanova in the 90s was known as the "singer who cries." Among her then hits, most of them were about the hard female lot. At some point, the producers decided to change her image and recorded the cheerful song “My Clear Light” with a deliberately kitsch video: kokoshniks, spindles, and other attributes of a “Russian woman”. In the 2000s, Bulanova returned to the stage in the Channel One show and it turned out that her timbre was the same as that of Patricia Kaas.

Tatyana Bulanova on the show "Just Like"

Alena Apina

Evgeny Osin, the author of the hits “The girl in the machine is crying” and “I don’t believe”, so beloved by courtyard romantics of the 90s, at the beginning of his career performed under the auspices of the Moscow Rock Laboratory, for some time he sang in the famous Bravo group, while he Valery Syutkin was not replaced, later he created the Avalon rock group and only in 1991 began his solo career. Deciding to play on the nostalgia of listeners for the 70s, he recorded several songs with a guitar with simple lyrics: love, girls and betrayals. Among the admirers of Yevgeny Osin's work was President Boris Yeltsin - at one of the singer's concerts, he went up on stage and enthusiastically began to rock to the song "Yalta".

However, as the new decade dawned, his career began to decline. He got married, and after the birth of his daughter, he began to drink. New creativity did not appear, there were no concerts. Osin was interrupted by performances at corporate parties, but in the end cash flow dried up. The wife left with her daughter, and the singer slipped into the black abyss of alcoholism. Now he is struggling with addiction to alcohol - with varying degrees of success.

Evgeny Osin - Crying girl in the machine

The nineties will now forever remain a time of nostalgia for those who are now in their thirties. Songs that annoyed school years, now evoke the fondest memories of youth. Unfortunately, some artists are no longer alive, and they will not record new hits. The editorial office of find out.rf offers to remember the stars who passed away too early.
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