Means the name of Luba from Greek. Love is the meaning of the name

Names: origin and forms

Love- (from Old Slavonic) love.

Derivatives: Lyuba, Lyubava, Lyubanya, Lyubakha, Lyubasha, Lyubusya, Lusya, Busya, Lyubush.

Directory of Russian names

Love(from Old Russian). Lyubasha.

Expressive look: the top of the triad Faith - Hope - Love. A little frivolous, vulnerable, she herself needs affection. Compliant, compliant, without reproach. She loves to work, everything is arguable in her hands. Good, but not always lucky in life. Internally stable, pious.

The secret of the name

Love, Lyubava- love (Old Church Slavonic).
Love is the pinnacle of the triad Faith-Hope-Love.
The name has always been popular and loved, although now it is less common than before, more often in the countryside than in cities.
name zodiac: Scales.
Planet: Saturn.
Name color: dark blue.
Talisman Stone: lapis lazuli.
auspicious plant: linden, lovage.
name patron: praying mantis.
Happy day: Friday.
happy season: autumn.
Diminutive forms: Lyuba, Lyubasha, Lyubanya, Lyubavka.
Main features: strong will, sociability.


Love Roman, maiden, martyr, September 30 (17). She, at the age of 9, and her sisters Vera, 12 years old and Nadezhda, 10 years old, were beheaded one after another after suffering for the faith of Christ in front of their mother. On the third day in 137, their mother, the martyr Sophia, died at the grave of her daughters.


See the name Vera.


Lyubochka is a very sweet, smiling girl. She is kind, accommodating, sure that she is loved, she loves to shine in front of the guests. She likes order and comfort in the house, so she often helps her mother to keep clean. She may show artistic and musical abilities, so it’s not a bad idea to let them develop already in childhood. If some interests were instilled in her in childhood, then usually she retains them for the rest of her life. Lyubochka studies averagely, cannot concentrate "while doing her homework. Her memory is good, she can answer everything she heard in class. Bad marks that appear in her diary from time to time do not bother the girl at all, she is sure that these objects are in life Already at school, Lyuba wants to be noticed, she is emphatically neatly dressed, before her peers she tries makeup, an adult hairstyle.

Lyuba is turned to herself, she has no desire to share her intimate secrets with anyone. She has her own company, but there are practically no close friends.

Lyuba's mind is not broad, and her abilities can open up if she finds the only thing that she likes, but if this does not happen, then she will be a very mediocre worker, whom the bosses do not pay attention to either positively or negatively.

Love has a rather strong will, she does not give in to other people's influence, she can react violently, impulsively to events, but she is reliable in extreme situations. She is easily rebuilt, can control herself.

Often outwardly, Love is relaxed, sociable and cheerful, inside it lives another person, immersed in his own plans, sensitive and passionate.

Love can be a wonderful actress or singer. She is not afraid of hard painstaking work and can have the specialty of a cosmetologist, archivist, pharmacist, accountant, cook, teacher, doctor, librarian. Love is quite selfish, its own interests are the most important thing for it. She will not forget and will not forgive the one who offended her ambitious plans. Love needs a society in which it will shine. Gently, subtly and imperceptibly, it compels others to serve it. She is very sexy, she has many fans, but she lacks warmth in intimate relationships. Love maintains restraint because it does not trust the partner.

Love's family life is not always strewn with roses. She dreams of being loved, but often cheats on herself, choosing for the sake of external well-being a man who is far from her ideal. The first marriages of Lyubov often break up, but the charming woman does not remain alone for long. Gradually, she becomes more flexible, tolerant. He treats children calmly and strictly, their father is closer to them. A successful marriage of Love can be with Alexei, Alexander, Victor, Yuri, Gennady, Grigory, Gleb.


Lyubov Petrovna Orlova (1902-1975) - famous film actress, idol of the Russian public in the 1930s-1950s.

Lyubov Orlova was born in Zvenigorod near Moscow in a family of intellectuals. The father of the future Soviet movie star - Pyotr Fedorovich Orlov - was a descendant of the Tver branch of the Rurikovich. He served in the military department. Mother - Evgenia Nikolaevna Sukhotina - came from an old noble family. Leo Tolstoy was related to the Sukhotins, whose book ("Prisoner of the Caucasus") with a dedicatory inscription was kept as a relic in the Orlovs' house.

Parents wanted their daughter to become a professional pianist, and at the age of seven they sent her to a music school. According to one of the family legends, once F.I. Chaliapin, who was shown the operetta "Mushroom Trouble", staged by an amateur children's theater. In this performance, little Lyubochka Orlova played the role of Radish. After the end of the performance, Chaliapin suddenly raised Lyuba in his arms and uttered a prophetic phrase: "This girl will be a famous actress!" It took L. Orlova exactly twenty-five years for these words of the great singer to come true.

After graduating from the Moscow Theater College in 1926, she was accepted as a chorus girl at the Musical Studio at the Moscow Art Theater named after V. Nemirovich-Danchenko.

As an artist of the choir and corps de ballet, Orlova was mainly engaged in episodic roles. However, even in these roles, her musical and dramatic talent was evident to many. In 1932, the role of Pericola in the operetta of the same name by Jacques Offenbach led Orlova out of the choir and made her a soloist. The success of the actress was stunning.

In 1933, director Boris Yurtsev invited her to play the role of Mrs. Alley Getwood in the silent film "Alena's Love" (this film has not survived to this day). This was followed by the role of Grushenka in the sound film "Petersburg Night". Both films were released on the screens of the country in 1934, but they did not bring her the success that L. Orlova had on the stage. And only at the end of December 1934, when the film "Jolly Fellows" was released, Orlova came to real cinema glory.

This film was shot by 31-year-old Grigory Alexandrov. He came to the cinema in 1924 together with Sergei Eisenstein, with whom they filmed the legendary Battleship Potemkin (1925).

The film was shot according to the script by Erdman and Mas, the music was written by Dunaevsky, the lyrics by Lebedev-Kumach. It was the first Soviet musical film comedy, it was an extraordinary success with the audience. Her idea arose after L. Utyosov staged a cheerful play "Music Store" with his jazz and played the role of Kostya Potekhin there. So that main character was, and the heroine - Anyuta - Alexandrov could not find in any way.

On one of the spring days of 1933, the artist Pyotr Williams advised Alexandrov to go to the musical theater at the Moscow Art Theater, where 30-year-old Lyubov Orlova shone in the play "Pericola". The director followed this advice, came to the performance and was immediately captivated not only by the talent of the actress, but also by her appearance. After that, Aleksandrov had no doubts that he would play the role of Anyuta in his new film. On the same day they met.

Field shooting of "Merry Fellows" took place in the summer in Gagra. It was there that the romance between Orlova and Aleksandrov took its final shape, and the entire film crew watched its development with bated breath.

And the shooting was full of a wide variety of curiosities, misunderstandings and even misfortunes. During the famous "animal raid" on the estate, Orlova had to jump on the back of a bull and ride it for several meters. Initially, Utyosov was supposed to act as a "tamer", but he flatly refused this trick. And then Orlova jumped on the back of the bull. The bull took this extremely aggressively and threw off the rider. The actress badly hurt her back and spent about a month in the hospital. And in the future, she also took her work in the cinema seriously and even sacrificially. So, in the film "The Circus" in 1936, she danced and sat down on the muzzle of a cannon red-hot with spotlights for several takes in a row. The remains of the tights were then removed along with the burnt skin, in order to be natural in a weaving factory, she worked in the workshop for 2 months.

Lyubov Orlova was a very talented, versatile actress. She was beautiful with a special, intelligent beauty that was not spoiled by the simple outfits of her heroines. She had a wonderful operatic voice, she danced while standing on pointe shoes. G. Alexandrov managed to use all this remarkably in films that came out one after another, and each of which became a masterpiece: Volga-Volga (1938), Bright Path (1940), Spring (1947).

"Spring" was released not only on the screens of the USSR, but also abroad. In the same year, the film was shown at the festival in Venice, where Orlova received a special prize for her performance as the best female role (I. Bergman then shared this award with her). The film was a success both in Marianske Lazne in August 1947 and in Locarno in July 1948.

Since the late 1940s, Orlova's subtle artistry, her spiritual culture, and dramatic temperament have manifested themselves in roles created on the stage of the Mossovet Theater. She played in the play "Somov and Others" by M. Gorky, "Nora" by G. Ibsen, "Lizzy McKay" by J.-P. Sartre, "Strange Mrs. Savage" by D. Patrick.

Lyubov Orlova literally captivated the audience in the performance staged for her by G. Alexandrov, "Dear Liar" in the role of the English actress Patrick Campbell. Her words on the role: "I will always be thirty-nine years old, and not one day more" were accompanied by a thunder of applause, the audience understood that this was the motto of Lyubov Orlova herself. The first in the country, the actress began to do plastic surgery, every day she fought with her age. For forty minutes every day she stood at the ballet barre, observing cruel diets. She did not tolerate all kinds of reference books and encyclopedias, where the date of her birth was indicated. In the year of her seventieth birthday, at her own request, not a single newspaper mentioned the anniversary. So she remained in the minds of many people as a young, beautiful, genuine movie star.

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.

According to Mendelev

Beautiful, good and feminine name. It shows the influence lexical meaning words love and psycho-emotional indicators of the sounding name Love.

In life, the owner of this name is distinguished by beauty and kindness. With both men and women, he always maintains the best relations and almost never conflicts, but in relationships there is always a slight chill and some detachment. It seems that she is never completely open, and frank even in front of the closest person.

Love has a strong, but not sufficiently mobile type of nervous system. Her excitability and susceptibility are reduced, in any case, everything that happens in her soul is not outwardly manifested in any way. Pleasant and unpleasant events, as it were, flow around her without touching her, and some trifle, insignificant for others, can have a strong influence on her. True, this rarely happens.

Nothing definite can be said about her intellect: for different women named Love, it can be completely different, although for the majority the type of thinking is male, analytical, and the logic is straightforward. Oddly enough, she sometimes achieves great professional success in technology and production, that is, in traditionally male areas.

Love in youth is better than Love, more feminine and beautiful. During this period of her life, she is more frank and sociable. The distance between her and other people comes later.

Success in men is clear, ubiquitous and undeniable. Despite the high sexuality, in intimate relationships, he still retains noticeable restraint. He brings up children in strictness, they grow up mentally and physically healthy, seasoned and balanced people, but internally they are closer to their father than to their mother.

Love Name Colors:

Bluish, lilac, white.

According to D. and N. Zima

The meaning and origin of the name: The name Love appeared in Rus' along with Orthodoxy as a tracing paper ( literal translation) Greek name Agapa, "Love"

The energy of the name and character: No matter how attractive and charming the meaning is invested in this name, it is easy to see that it sounds quite firm and passionate. It has an impulse, strength, so that this love can not only warm, but scorch and torment a person and, first of all, Lyuba herself. What to do, reality is usually far from philistine ideas. Approximately the same thing happened with the word angel - Christmas cards paint rosy-cheeked harmless babies, while all holy books speak of angels as warriors, whose power is impossible to look at without unbearable torment. So is the Sun, it is good to contemplate it only from afar, and even through the haze of clouds, otherwise it simply burns a person's eyes. Well, besides, the philistine meaning of the word love is erased due to frequent use, and the solid and passionate melody of the name itself comes to the fore.

In a word, the name is capable of endowing Lyuba with a very difficult and far from mild character. However, the firmness of the name makes her patient and restrained, she is friendly in communication, benevolent, but this feeling is very far from touching serenity. One has only to hurt her pride, as an explosion can occur and there will be no trace of goodwill. Lyuba usually has a very strong will, most often from childhood she knows the value of the word "must" and devotes a lot of time and effort to her studies. Often she can stay apart in the team. The sufficient isolation of the name plays a significant role here, but even if Lyuba is outwardly sociable and cheerful, another person will still live inside her, immersed in her own thoughts and considering her own plans.

Best of all, these qualities of Luba are manifested in her career. She can be very stubborn, and failure does not unsettle her. She is not afraid of painstaking daily work, which makes her a good, albeit rather stubborn worker. It is especially favorable if Lyuba manages to combine work with her spiritual interest in her career. The fact is that due to the combination of emotionality and restraint, most of Lyubin's feelings acquire the character of deep passion, and therefore if any interests were instilled in her in childhood, then usually she retains them for life.

The same applies to love relationships Love, in which she is likely to try to remain faithful to one single person. It’s just that Lyubina’s will and firmness may not be entirely favorable in the family, she is usually a good housewife, but it is very possible that, trying to control her husband, she will provoke many family scandals.

Secrets of communication: When communicating with Anyone, one should not forget that she is able to remember both good and bad for a very long time. Be sure that if you happened to be among her enemies, then this is most likely forever, although outwardly she can be rather reserved with you.

The trace of a name in history:

Lyubov Orlova

Undoubtedly, in her time there were actresses no less beautiful and even very talented, but it was Lyubov Orlova (1902–1975) who became a kind of symbol of the 30s–40s of the 20th century, creating on the screen a vivid image of a girl of her generation. Perfectly educated (she graduated not only from the Moscow Conservatory, but also from the choreographic department of the theater college), the actress, according to the directors who worked with her, immediately began to feel the role and took an active part in the detailed study of the image of each of her heroines. By the way, this is one of the reasons why many directors simply refused to work with Orlova - they could not tolerate the willfulness of the actress, who did not agree to do everything exactly according to their orders.

Orlova's film debut was the role of the fatal Grushenka in the film adaptation of Dostoevsky's "The Brothers Karamazov", followed by comedy films: "The Circus", where Orlova played Marion Dixon, "Spring", "Volga-Volga" and others. She sang and danced superbly, which, combined with her natural bright appearance and talent, simply could not help but make her the idol of millions.

The concepts of "life" and "ordinary" for Orlova simply did not exist; being a creative person, she managed to bring into everyday life the same elements of surprise, play and fantasy that she successfully used on stage. So, the actress personally designed some items of her life, loved things "with a twist" (not necessarily expensive) and came up with styles of extraordinary dresses.

Orlova's husband, director G. Alexandrov, treated his famous, but at times capricious, like a girl, wife gently and reverently - just like she did to him. She starred in almost all of his films, and it was about her that the director made his last two films - Starling and Lyre and Lyubov Orlova. The people around in a good way envied the star couple, not getting tired, however, to wonder: how, having lived together for so many years, they managed to maintain a relationship in which they never said “you” to each other in their entire lives - only respectful “you”.

There are names that speak for themselves. For example, the name Love is identical to the name of the most beautiful feeling on this earth.

Women who are lucky enough to have this name are kind, friendly, honest and have a strong character. What does the name Love mean, what fate awaits such a woman, we will try to find out from our article today.

It is important, when studying any words, to always find out their origin, their history. So, if we dive into the depths of centuries, we will find out that according to one version, this name is of Greek origin, or rather, it is borrowed from Ancient Greece. Another variant of this name is Agapia, which means "love" in Greek.

According to another version, the name Love has Slavic roots and used to sound like Lyubava. This name is in the Orthodox calendar, so you can safely give it to a child at baptism.

Subtleties of character

Exploring the meaning of the name Love, you need Special attention pay attention to what character this woman has. If you decide to give your daughter this name at baptism, then you will have a girl who has a calm and complaisant character.

These are not just words, because Lyuba will indeed grow up as a calm child, she will like to do truly feminine things: help her mother clean the house, cook, set the table. Parents will not have problems with Lyubasha's behavior.

This girl always takes care of herself, she is neat and diligent. At school, she studies well, but she does not reach the level of an "excellent student" a little, although she has an excellent memory and perseverance.

Getting older, as a teenager, Lyuba becomes somewhat selfish, she needs to protect her own rights and interests. At the same time, she can keep experiences in herself for a long time and not share them with others.

It is important that Love has some kind of hobby, it will allow her to reveal her talents. Moreover, the circle will contribute to the development of her communication skills: she speaks well, but her peers can be shy, sometimes you literally have to “pull out” words from her with pincers.

Matured Love has a powerful character, it will be distinguished by a strong will and the ability to survive any vicissitudes of fate.. She becomes more relaxed and free both in behavior and in speech. But don't let this fool you, inside she is still the same girl immersed in her experiences.

She is not in the center of everyone's attention, and she is comfortable not standing out once again, so she feels more protected. It must also be said that Lyuba rarely lets anyone close to her - having a secretive nature, she spends almost her whole life without close friends.

When studying the name Love, it is important not only to understand what kind of character this woman has, but also what personal characteristics distinguish her from women who received other names at baptism. So, Lyuba is not inclined to violate moral and moral norms, but not because she has high moral values, but simply because it is customary.

This lady's health is excellent! But she should still avoid stress, as they can lead to psychosomatic illnesses.

Lyuba knows how to love, no matter how strange it may sound. She is amorous, flirtatious, not averse to flirting, and when men pay attention to her, she simply melts. Lyuba does not know the measures in this feeling and sometimes begins not only to love, but to suffer, torturing herself with emotional experiences.

It is not easy for Lyuba to be the mistress of the house, because with age, her love for household chores disappears. She believes that looking after children and cleaning is not to her liking, which can lead to quarrels in the family. Therefore, in the house, it is the husband who acts as the favorite of the children, and he performs many women's duties.

Love has an analytical mindset, but is not always ready to spend time analyzing information, while she has an excellent memory, which often helps her in business. Love has an interest in intuition, in magical knowledge and the occult, but its sixth sense is not very well developed. Therefore, Lyuba can often make not quite right decisions.

Professions suitable for her are those where she can show her perseverance, accuracy, love for technology and the exact sciences. She knows how to work and does it well, sometimes she manages to get a promotion and become a leader.

relationship secrets

Exploring the meaning of the name Love, one cannot miss the question of compatibility. After all, from one word "compatibility" breathes something stable and confident.

Lesha and Lyubov are a faithful and reliable couple. Love knows what the price of a word is, so she skillfully supports her man, while Alexei, in return, becomes her wonderful friend and loving husband.

Borya and Lyuba are a couple with poor compatibility. They will lack passion and fire, they can be swallowed up by everyday life and the dullness of everyday life.

Gena and Lyuba are a promising couple. Few people believe in this union at the initial stages, but in fact these people are simply made for each other. Their family will be built on mutual understanding and mutual support.

If at baptism you received the name Love, then you should know Additional information about your name:

  • Name day, according to the church calendar, Love celebrates on September 17th.
  • Variants of the name - Lyubushka, Lyubonka, Lyubava, Lyubochka.
  • A stone that can become a talisman is lapis lazuli.
  • Tree-amulet - linden.
  • The patron animal is the praying mantis.

Names hide many secrets, in appearance these ordinary words bring meaning to our lives. But behind each name is a person who has a certain character, with his own characteristics, views and life beliefs. Author: Daria Potykan

Meaning of the name

Charming, cheerful and flirtatious, Love is not afraid to break the rules. She lives solely at the behest of her heart, while never denying herself the pleasure of being in the center of everyone's attention. This good-natured, sympathetic and friendly woman knows how to win over anyone. However, the lightness of her character has reverse side: so, Love prefers to avoid responsibility, and this can negatively affect the development of her career. In addition, it is quite difficult for her to make serious decisions on her own, and fate may not reward her with competent advisers who care about her future and present.

Characteristics of the name Love

Winter Love - this is a cheerful coquette, easily perceiving all life's difficulties. This hardworking and responsible woman goes headlong into work, while she always has time to discuss the latest news and gossip. Winter Lyuba has a lot of fans, but for a long time she does not dare to have a serious relationship, because she is not ready to part with her freedom and plunge into the world of everyday life. In addition, she is waiting for that prince who can turn family life into a real fairy tale. It is not surprising that this temperamental person creates a family closer to thirty years.

Spring Love feels more comfortable in the company of men, and not for the reason that they surround her with attention and care, but because this woman has a strong character and great ambitions, does not like gossip and aimless pastime, which is characteristic of many of the fair sex. At the same time, spring Love can be indecisive when it comes to personal relationships with a man. She is amorous, and she is ready to give everything to her chosen one. The main thing is that he should show generosity and attention towards her.

Summer Love eccentric, artistic and sociable. She appreciates friendship, although she has few real soul mates due to her straightforwardness and rigidity in character. But with its enemies, Love is cruel and merciless. She is cunning and vengeful, and her ability to weave intrigues can only be envied. In general, summer Love is well versed in people, so it is almost impossible to deceive her. In men, she appreciates stability, reliability and ambition. Weak men hiding behind strong women she can't stand it.

Autumn Love - a purposeful nature, for which it is very important to be always and in everything the first and best. She zealously perceives the successes of others, therefore she can make ironic jokes about those who have surpassed her in some way. An excellent sense of humor often saves her from despondency, but at the same time, autumn Love often feels lonely, because she has practically no friends who are ready to support her in moments of joy or grief. With men, this woman is also often unlucky, because in relationships she takes the position of an unquestioning leader.

Stone - talisman

Lapis lazuli, opal and emerald are the stones-talismans of Love.

Lapis lazuli

Lapis lazuli is a symbol of friendship, truth, honesty, sincerity and wisdom. This stone brings good luck to the brave and courageous, promises success to enterprising people who are not afraid of change.

The inhabitants of Egypt considered lapis lazuli a symbol of power and attributed sacred properties to it. In general, ancient people believed that this stone gives peace, suppresses negative emotions, helps to oust disturbing thoughts and memories from memory.

In India, lapis lazuli has long been used to cleanse the aura from negative influences, because this heavenly stone strengthens not only physical body as well as mind and consciousness.


AT Ancient Rome Opal was considered a stone of impermanence and was compared with the charm of a frivolous girl.

In Europe, this gem symbolizes trust, purity of thoughts, tender love and responsiveness. This stone gives hope, calms, protects from melancholy, sadness and depression.

But one should take into account the fact that he keeps sincere people from base passions, while a weak-willed nature can be pushed to forbidden pleasures.

Opal is credited with the ability to activate diplomatic skills and eloquence. In addition, this stone symbolizes fertility and sanity.

In the East, opal is a symbol of fidelity, hope, happiness and honesty.

There was a time when opal was identified with evil, black magic, strife, suspicion, false hopes, forbidden pleasures and madness.

Jasper opal is a stone of priests and people with a difficult fate, because it brings modesty and humility to life.

Fire Opal is able to protect against natural disasters.


Green emerald is a stone of calmness, peace, wisdom, insight, creation, rebirth, hope, harmony and abundance.

An emerald ring is a symbol of the beginning of a prosperous family life, in which all obstacles and hardships will be overcome.

In India, the emerald is identified with mature love and the strength of family ties.

Green stone soothes nervous system, helps to focus and clarify thoughts.

It is interesting that the emerald is considered a heavenly stone, because it contains beryllium. For this reason, the stone is compared with a guardian angel that protects against wrong steps and decisions, grants constancy and stability, and harmonizes the body and spirit.

The emerald will bring good luck and prosperity to its owner, save from the evil eye, despondency and melancholy. This stone sharpens the mind, gives inspiration, improves memory.





The animal is a symbol

The praying mantis is considered a totem animal for Love.

Praying mantis has been attributed magical powers since ancient times: it was believed that a person could get sick just from one glance of a praying mantis, so it was impossible to kill or touch him, because in this way you could bring trouble on yourself.

But in the East, the praying mantis symbolizes courage and cruelty, aggressiveness and ruthlessness, as well as the dark side of the human soul.



Linden and lovage are plants-symbols of Love.


Many peoples revere the linden as a sacred tree, symbolizing the feminine. It is not surprising that this particular tree was planted near temples and houses. In addition, breaking the branches of a linden tree or defiling a tree was considered a sin.

The ancient Greeks considered this tree a symbol of conjugal love, while the Slavs - femininity, softness and beauty.

A cross made of linden drove away bad thoughts and obsessions, and with a stick from this tree it was possible to drive away a devil or a witch.

You can always ask a linden for help, you just need to know a few simple secrets. First, it is best to address your requests to the linden before the tree blooms. Secondly, there is a time for every request. So, at dawn it is better to ask for a successful marriage, the birth of a child and the solution of an important matter. During the day, the lime tree will respect the requests of those whose affairs are in the development stage, who need support in business or lack mutual understanding in the family. In the evening, you should ask for the completion of the work you have begun. And don't forget to thank the tree for helping.


This plant symbolizes love and harmony. At the same time, it was lovage that our ancestors used both to prepare a love potion and to protect against witchcraft.

Lovage brings happiness to the house, so it is recommended to plant it in the yard and keep it in the house. A decoction of this plant is able to calm love experiences and intoxicating passion.


Lead is a metal named Love. This base metal personifies the dark sides of the human soul, carnal desires. In ancient times, it was believed that lead plates, if worn on the chest, would protect from witchcraft, curses, love spells and damage.

Our ancestors used lead as a magical shield that repelled negative energy. To do this, they placed lead products at the entrance to the house.

auspicious day


Origin of the name Love

Name translation

From the Greek name Love is translated as "love".

Name history

The name Love comes from the ancient Greek female name Agape meaning "love". This name came to the Russian name book along with Christianity, with such names as Faith and Hope.

Forms (analogues) of the name

The following forms of the name Love are most popular: Lyuba, Lyubka, Lyubushka, Lyubonka, Lyubochka, Lyubanya, Lyubasha, Busya, Lyubava, Lyubusya, Lyubusha.

The secret of the name Love

name patrons

The maiden and martyr Lyubov of Rome patronizes the owners of the name Lyubov.

Angel Day (name day)

The legend of the name Love

Love of Rome is one of three biblical sisters (Faith, Hope, Love) who gave their lives for the holy faith in Jesus Christ. Moreover, the pagans beheaded them in front of their believing mother, the martyr Sophia. Lyubov was only 9 years old, Nadezhda was 10, and Vera was 12.

Despite such a young age, the girls, who were severely tortured before their death, were adamant, and therefore did not renounce the Christian faith. Three days have passed since the death of the sisters, when their mother died on the grave of her beloved daughters.

Famous people

Famous actresses named Love:

  • Lyubov Orlova;
  • Lyubov Polishchuk;
  • Lyubov Sokolova;
  • Lyubov Dobzhanskaya;
  • Love Gakkebush.

Famous singers named Love:

  • Lyubov Uspenskaya;
  • Lyubasha;
  • Lyubov Belozerskaya.

Famous athletes named Love:

  • Lyubov Kozyreva - Soviet skier;
  • Lyubov Yegorova is a Soviet skier.

Famous poetesses and literary critics named Love:

  • Lyubov Axelrod;
  • Lyubov Gurevich;
  • Lyubov Voronkova;
  • Love Capital;
  • Love Pustilnik;
  • Love Wasserman.

Lyubov Popova - Soviet avant-garde artist.

The meaning of the name Love

For a child

Love is a benevolent, cheerful and educated child. She has many friends who love her for her cheerful and easy disposition, kindness and responsiveness. In addition, the girl does not enter into disputes and is always ready to give in in order to avoid conflict and not offend a friend or girlfriend. At the same time, little Lyuba will fight for justice to the end, because even at such a young age she clearly separates the concepts of "good" and "evil", "honesty" and "lie".

I must say that Lyuba is a noble coquette who loves to be in the spotlight. Nice dress, cute hairstyle, small jewelry - she watches all this very carefully. FROM early childhood she is characterized by mannerisms, which touches relatives and friends. At the same time, it is extremely important that they do not encourage such behavior of the girl if they do not want to spoil her and raise a narcissistic egoist who expects gifts from fate.

But it’s difficult to call Lyuba’s mother’s assistant, because she has absolutely no time for this: there are only 24 hours in a day, and she needs to take a walk, put herself in order, and do her homework. And then laziness-mother overcomes. By the way, studying is not very easy for her, while she perceives both fives and twos equally easily and naturally. She goes to school without much pleasure and dreams of finishing it as soon as possible. And in general, Lyuba believes that her fate will least of all depend on school performance. The lessons make her bored, so it is very important to properly motivate this girl. But at all school events, she shines, demonstrating her acting skills.

For girl

Behind the sweet appearance, shyness and smile of young Lyuba, a strong-willed character is hidden. This girl will not let herself be offended, although, as in childhood, she will try to get away from the conflict. The main thing is not to lie to her, not to be hypocritical and not to touch those forbidden to her, which include personal and family relationships.

Love is an extravagant nature. She wants and will stand out in everything: style, demeanor, taste preferences. At the same time, she tries to surround herself with absolutely ordinary people without outstanding abilities, in order to look as advantageous as possible against their background. With age, this approach to choosing an environment for young Lyuba changes, she understands that productive communication, which can later develop into friendship, is possible only if the interlocutors are interesting to each other.

Lyuba is a romantic, active, cheerful and inquisitive person who has time everywhere and everywhere, but she is especially attracted to social life with its intrigues and gossip. Love is not averse to attending another fun party, because boredom is something she cannot stand. She accepts the courtship of guys, but she saves her heart for a real long-term relationship. She does not accept fleeting relationships based on passion and impulse. Love for this girl is something secret and mysterious, so Lyuba hides her personal happiness from prying eyes.

For woman

Adult Love has an iron will, which no circumstances can break. This is an honest and devoted woman who will not leave relatives, friends, or a stranger in difficult times. Sociability and cheerfulness of Lyuba are truly contagious. It is not surprising that those around her are drawn to her, especially since this woman is not used to complaining about her fate and shifting her problems, troubles and negative emotions onto the shoulders of others. And sometimes it just needs to be done to avoid nervous breakdowns. Therefore, Lyuba's relatives should be more attentive to her and remember that sadness can be hidden behind her flirtatiousness, charm and energy.

If we talk about the negative character traits of Lyuba, then among them egoism deserves special attention, manifested in the fact that her opinion for Lyubov will always be a priority, and no arguments will force her to change her point of view. In addition, one cannot fail to say that Love often strives to create mutually beneficial relationships (disinterestedness cannot be called a quality inherent in the owner of this name).

Excessive talkativeness and love of gossip can also be attributed to the negative qualities of Love. It should be noted that she will definitely use the collected information if you cross her path, and without any remorse.

In relationships with men, Love often shows not only femininity and charm, but also excessive frivolity and looseness, which is why boyfriends can consider her easy prey, but this is absolutely not the case. On the contrary, a man will have to try hard to win the location of this woman.

Description of the name Love


Love cannot be called a highly moral woman, despite the fact that she strives to be honest and fair. To achieve her goals, she often goes to tricks, and sometimes meanness. In addition, she skillfully manipulates people.


Lyuba's health is quite strong, except for a predisposition to nervous disorders, which is primarily due to the fact that she keeps all the experiences in herself, as she is afraid to seem weak and defenseless.


Lyuba does not lack fans who throw everything at her feet. But she is in no hurry to reciprocate them, although she gladly accepts courtship and signs of attention. This woman is waiting for a reliable, strong, but at the same time extraordinary man (to match herself), with whom she will not only be calm, but also interesting to live every day. But if Love does fall in love with someone, then it will be once and for all, and this woman gives herself to love selflessly, forgetting that you need to love not only your chosen one, but yourself too.

If Love, when choosing a partner, is guided by reason, and not by feelings, then her chosen one will have a hard time, because she will demand worship of her person and recognition of her exclusivity. But if the first love experience of Lyubov is negative, then this charming, romantic and imposing woman will close her heart for this bright feeling for a long time.

One thing is certain: Love will never be alone.


Despite the fact that Love completely surrenders to her feelings and is ready for a lot for the sake of her family, her first marriage is not always successful and durable. But she does not despair, does not withdraw into herself and does not stop looking for her prince, whom she often finds among military people, because they are distinguished by reliability and seriousness, it is with them, according to Lyuba, that you can create a strong and stable family. And if her first marriage is due to impulse and passion, then she takes the re-creation of a family more seriously, responsibly and practically.

It is very important for Lyubov that her husband is the rear and the shoulder that you can lean on in any situation.

Family relationships

Love can be a good housewife, but only on condition that her chosen one appreciates her work, encourages it and helps with those everyday problems that are inevitable in family life. In general, Lyuba cannot be called an excellent hostess, but her laziness is to blame. She would rather gossip with her friends on the phone than wash the floors in the house once again. This woman believes that she was created for love, not for work.

Lyuba is very jealous, and she will never show this to her husband, but will torment herself with suspicions. Therefore, the chosen one of Lyuba should be attentive to her and not forget that a woman loves compliments, surprises and romance. Cheating is the only thing this woman will never forgive.

I must say that Lyubov is a good and caring mother who tries to build friendly and trusting relationships with her children. She not only respects their opinion, but also considers it. Although sometimes she is too strict, because of which children can come for advice not to her, but to their father.


Love is a skillful actress who knows the psychology of men very well, and therefore skillfully manipulates her sexuality. She will be what her chosen one wants to see, but at the same time she cannot be called a truly passionate and temperamental lover.

She will be able to open up in tandem with a strong and even domineering man, next to whom she will feel like a little princess, who is loved and protected. It is also important that this woman will never enter into a sexual relationship if she does not experience feelings of love or love for her partner.

Mind (intelligence)

Love has a masculine type of thinking and an analytical mindset, but the trouble is that she shows her mental abilities much less often than acting.


Love can realize its potential to the maximum if it chooses a creative profession. An actress, journalist, artist, designer, fashion designer, stylist - these are the areas in which Love will not only achieve great success, but will also feel as comfortable as possible. But it will not be easy for Lyuba to work as a researcher, engineer or banker. In general, monotonous work associated with the lack of live communication is not very suitable for Lyuba, because it makes her sad and completely discourages her desire to work. Although, if necessary, she will perform it with high quality and without complaining about fate.

Love does not gravitate to leadership positions, but, on the contrary, tries to avoid responsibility and making serious decisions. But the performer from it will turn out to be conscientious and disciplined. In addition, as a colleague, she will always support and help.


Love cannot be called a successful business woman, despite the responsibility, sociability and diligence. And the fault of her self-doubt, because of which she tries to avoid making decisions. But as a business partner responsible for organizational issues, she will be excellent.


The main passion and hobby of Lyubov is herself: this woman devotes a lot of time to make-up, shopping for clothes and beauty salons. Lyuba likes to embroider, draw and grow flowers. And, of course, one can not say about travel, which she perceives as a real adventure.

Character type


Cheerful, active and sociable Love does not tolerate despondency and does not tolerate loneliness, therefore it surrounds itself with many necessary and unnecessary acquaintances, but, as you know, an old friend is better than two new ones. In pursuit of recognition and admiration, narcissistic Lyuba can lose true friends and make many enemies.

Lyuba has rather big ambitions, but laziness and self-doubt often prevent her from achieving her goals.

In dealing with Love, one should not forget that she never forgets either good or evil, so she will give warmth and care to friends, and bring a lot of trouble to her enemies, and at the most unexpected moment. This woman will never forgive betrayal and betrayal to anyone.


Love always listens to its intuition, which rarely fails it. Moreover, she believes in psychics and mysticism, so she sees mysterious signs in everything.

Love horoscope

Love - Aries

This energetic woman with an active lifestyle infects everyone around her with her optimism. This is the rare case when the owner of the name Love is confident in her abilities, so she can handle any obstacles and difficulties. Love-Aries is honest, fair and noble, but if life forces her, she shows such qualities as cruelty and straightforwardness, and the latter can border on tactlessness. A partner in life for Lyuba-Aries often turns out to be a weak-willed man, ready to rely on the opinion of his ambitious wife in everything.

Love - Taurus

Sociable, charming and endearing, Love-Taurus simply bathes in the attention of men, while women envy her, and therefore dislike her. At the same time, this woman does not use men for her own selfish purposes. She adheres to conservative views on life, therefore, in relations with men, she prefers to be led rather than leading. Love-Taurus is very hardworking, because it is work that gives her that independence and independence that nourishes her and energizes her. She will be jealous of her chosen one and check for a long time before entrusting her heart to him.

Love - Gemini

This extravagant, cheerful, open and charming person is simply impossible not to love, because she has a wonderful sense of humor and that charm that captivates at first sight. Love-Gemini perfectly adapts to any circumstances, so often she manages to cope with the most hopeless situations with ease. Lyuba-Gemini is cunning and resourceful, she can start romances with several fans at once, but at the same time get out of the water dry. She chooses a companion for a long time, with whom she will connect her life, but, having chosen, she will become his faithful wife and devoted friend.

Love is Cancer

Diligence, responsibility and diligence distinguish Love, born under the sign of Cancer. On others, she may give the impression of a tough, cold and even insensitive woman, but in fact she is a very kind and vulnerable person who is afraid of betrayal and deceit. Love-Cancer is a wonderful wife and an excellent hostess, for whom the family will always be a priority. But with her whims, she can destroy the most ideal marriage, since not all men have the patience to withstand the pressure of Lyuba.

Love - Leo

This purposeful and ambitious woman always clearly knows what she wants from life. She is powerful, arrogant and vain. Love-Leo will not allow anyone to dictate conditions to her, while she herself gives advice with pleasure, while being very offended if they are not followed. Her main passion is a job where she is ready to disappear to the detriment of her family and rest. Inaction depresses Love-Leo, so she is always busy with something. Despite her rigidity and independence, this woman will be a loving and devoted wife who will not forgive her husband for deceit and betrayal.

Love - Virgo

For this woman, it is very important not only to bring everything planned to the end, but also to do it correctly and ideally. If Love-Virgo is passionate about her work, if it brings her real pleasure, then she can achieve great success in her chosen field. It is interesting that others consider this woman to be mercantile and secretive, not suspecting that behind her coldness lies a soft nature, capable of deep feelings, true love and sincere affection. For a man who chooses Love-Virgo, she will become an ideal wife.

Love - Libra

This is a balanced and reasonable woman who is distinguished by indecision. Love-Libra carefully thinks everything over and double-checks before committing this or that act. This attitude makes life less interesting and unpredictable, but at the same time minimizes the number of mistakes.

For this woman, it is extremely important to live in harmony with herself and the world around her, so she is constantly in search of herself. Love-Libra is looking for a reliable, open and sincere man who will not restrict her freedom, but will support her in all endeavors.

Love - Scorpio

The emotional, temperamental and imposing Love-Scorpio is considered by others to be a femme fatale. Despite her sociability and the ability to join any company, many treat her with envy, so Lyuba's personal and social life becomes the object of gossip. In general, the life path of Love-Scorpio is not easy, it is filled with passions and a struggle for power. The personal life of this woman also does not always work out well, and her rigidity and causticity towards her husband are to blame.

Love - Sagittarius

Love-Sagittarius is a fighter for truth and justice, and she always fights her fight tough and uncompromisingly. People who dodge, lie and hypocrite in order to achieve their goal, arouse anger in her, which she does not hesitate to pour out on them. It is not surprising that this straightforward woman has many enemies and almost no real friends. When choosing a partner, Love-Sagittarius is guided primarily by reason. Her man must be perfect, because this is how she considers herself.

Love - Capricorn

Cautious, scrupulous and judicious Love-Capricorn always acts according to a pre-compiled and thought-out plan. She only takes on cases that she is 100% sure will succeed. This is a hardworking and responsible woman who does not rely on fate or the help of loved ones, but prefers to achieve everything on her own. In relations with men, Lyube-Capricorn, first of all, respect and mutual understanding are important, while love and passion are in second place. She expects peace, trust and comfort from marriage with a strong and reliable man.

Love - Aquarius

This is a vulnerable and vulnerable woman who is used to relying on her seventh sense and the opinions of others when making any decisions. If Love-Aquarius manages to overcome self-doubt, she will be able to achieve a lot in life. An active, cheerful, loving and strong-willed man who will wrap her in tenderness and care can help her in this. In response, she will become for him not only a beloved woman and a devoted wife, but also a faithful companion, ready to follow her chosen one to the ends of the earth.

Love - Pisces

Perfectionist Love-Pisces wants to be the best in everything. She brings any business to perfection, while she is guided by the desire to obtain approval and recognition from others, whose opinion is extremely important to her. At the same time, this is a very kind, sympathetic and compassionate nature, ready to help all those in need, and absolutely disinterestedly. She will be able to get along only with the same gentle altruist, ready to support all her charitable undertakings. Love-Pisces is ready to give everything she has to her chosen one.

Love compatibility with male names

Love and Dmitry

In these bright and passionate relationships, it is not easy for Dmitry to pacify the obstinate character of Lyuba, who craves independence. At the same time, a man cannot resist Luba's charm, tenderness and care. If both are patient, then they may well have a strong union.

Love and Alexander

This pair is formed slowly but surely. Lyuba and Alexander look at each other for a long time, especially if they have already been burned and have the experience of an unsuccessful marriage behind them. In general, this calm union has every chance to become stable and happy.

Love and Eugene

Suspicious, vulnerable and touchy Love sees in Eugene exactly the man who can withstand her difficult character. His poise, self-confidence and prudence complement the rather unpredictable character of Lyuba, who does not always know what she wants from life.

Love and Sergei

Love and Denis

Cheerful, energetic and interesting Denis at first sight will captivate Love, who does not know how to take life lightly and without pretensions. In Luba, Denis is attracted by prudence and charm. But over time, a man begins to suffocate in this relationship, where jealous Love controls his every step. The couple breaks up.

Love and Artem

This union can become strong and happy only if it is built on true love. Otherwise, the freedom-loving Lyubov and Artem will find a lot of pretexts to regain their independence and the opportunity to live at their own discretion, not obeying anyone or anything.

Love and Anton

Anton's love of love, temperament and love of freedom absolutely do not suit the demanding Lyuba, who wants to create a strong and prosperous family in which love and understanding will reign. Tired of saving his marriage alone, Love leaves Anton.

Love and Michael

Nothing threatens this strong union, the construction of which Love and Michael approach as responsibly as possible.

Common interests, the desire for self-development and the thirst to know this world in all colors also bring this harmonious couple together.

Love and Nicholas

Unbelievable, but true: passionate, temperamental and quick-tempered Nikolai is ready to change for the sake of his no less emotional, but more restrained partner, who fills his life with colors, makes it brighter, more comfortable and more interesting. These relationships are strong and fruitful.

Love and Igor

Persistent, self-confident and uncompromising, Igor is not ready to part with his independence, and even more so to make concessions to Lyuba, who, due to her gentle nature, cannot always insist on her point of view. If Lyuba has enough patience, then the union may well take place, if not, then the relationship of this couple is doomed.

Love and Vitaly

Patriarchy reigns in this family: the husband here is the breadwinner, and the wife is the guardian of family peace and prosperity. At the same time, if necessary, Vitaly will always help Lyuba with the housework, and will do homework with the children, because he appreciates the work of his soulmate, her tenderness and care.

Love and Vadim

The people around consider the pair of Lyuba and Vadim ideal, although in fact the relationship between them is quite difficult, because Vadim looks at life easily and naturally, while Love is used to approaching everything thoroughly.

Love and Ruslan

This is a tandem of opposites, which does not prevent Lyubov and Ruslan from building a wonderful family in which everyone lives with the problems, joys and accomplishments of their loved one, and this cannot but bring them together. Their marriage is strong and prosperous to the envy of others.

It is to this issue that we will devote today's article. It should be noted that Slavic girls began to be called this name for a very long time. And there is an assumption that it came to us from Ancient Greece, where the representatives of the weaker sex were called Agapia, that is, love. But this is only one of the versions. Indeed, today there are many other assumptions about where this name came from. It should also be noted that different girls who are named in this way have completely different character traits.

Love is a Russian name?

According to one version, this name is borrowed from the Old Slavonic language, where it came from Ancient Greece. What does the name Love mean? In this case, such a name symbolizes a great and bright feeling that absolutely every person wants to comprehend. Moreover, upon hearing this name, people involuntarily begin to smile at little Lyubochka.

Girl's childhood

Having found out what Love means, it should be noted that such a name makes little girls benevolent and loved by everyone. She does not have to make great efforts to attract the attention of the people around her at the right time and win them over. Outwardly, such girls are charming, playful and already in childhood a little flirtatious. In relations with her mother and father, Lyubochka is kind and compassionate. However, these qualities are only superficial.

A girl named Love is accommodating and in conflict situations can give in, but only up to a certain limit. At school, such a child does not study very well, as he cannot concentrate on a specific task. Bad grades do not spoil the girl's mood, as she feels that her future position in society does not depend on them.

While still a schoolgirl, Lyuba tries to visit beauty salons, do her own makeup, hairstyles and choose beautiful outfits. As for household chores, housekeeping only causes boredom for her.

Choice of profession

A girl named Love tries to choose a profession that will not be associated with high responsibility, as well as the need to make very important and serious decisions. The work of such representatives of the fair sex should be unhurried, requiring painstaking and scrupulousness. The ideal option for Lyubov would be the position of a pharmacist, librarian, manicurist, etc. However, it should be noted that girls born in the spring or summer months are often sociable and artistic. In this case, they are advised to turn their attention to work in insurance and advertising companies.

Personal life

The female name Love speaks for itself. After all, such a representative of the fair sex from a very young age is surrounded by fans. A lot of men offer her a hand and a heart - and this greatly complicates the choice of a life partner. Often, in order to make it right, Lyuba turns to fortune-tellers and horoscopes. Increased interest in such women persists until adulthood. Moreover, very often they try to treat their loved ones with non-traditional methods. Such activities feed Lyuba's thoughts that she is an extraordinary person. But this fact can negatively affect the relationship with her husband.

Despite the fact that such women are charming, playful and sexy, they also have such a strong will, a strong sharp mind and ambition. They really enjoy winning discussions or excelling at work. Hence the conflict of their character, which quite often interferes with their personal lives. In addition, for such a woman, general worship does not matter at all. The main thing for her is the recognition of a single person who will be her chosen one.

As a rule, the first marriages of such girls are fragile. However, Lyubochka, kind and charming by nature, does not remain alone for long. Moreover, the transferred stresses make them complaisant and faithful.

In adulthood, such women are quite economic and will do everything so that their man will happily return home. At the same time, Love can be extremely jealous, although it carefully hides it.

Husband's Choice

About what the name Love means, you learned a little higher. In this section, I would like to tell you exactly how a girl with such a sensual name wins men's hearts.

Lyuba is so charming and sweet that she knows how to win over a person quite quickly. During communication with the opposite sex, she is light and does not think at all about what she will say in the next minute. After all, Lyubochki, especially the "spring ones", are artistic and have an enviable sense of humor.

It should be noted that such girls prefer to communicate only with highly intelligent young people. After all, with them they learn to be just as smart and successful.

Most often, Lyuba marry a military man or a man who serves in the security forces. After the wedding and the appearance of children, the well-being of the family becomes the main value of such women. But often Love puts aside household chores for the sake of work, which brings her a lot of income. After all, having material wealth, she feels protected and independent of anyone.

First of all, Lyuba devotes a lot of time to herself, and only then to her children and husband. This quality of her character, as well as her excessive love to “chat” with her friends, very often lead to conflict situations in the family.

The most successful marriage for such women is with Yuri, Viktor, Gennady, Konstantin or Gleb. As for complex and confusing relationships, they can arise with Stanislav, Boris, Ruslan, Igor or Ignat.


What does the name Love mean? Although we gave the answer above, it is worth noting once again that the women who were given this name fully justify it - they love themselves, and they are also loved. They really are very sensitive, loved by everyone and literally adored by the people around them. But not everything is so simple. After all, if the presented characteristic of the name Love positions such girls as romantic, tender and affectionate, then outwardly they look exactly the opposite. After all, even at a young age, Lyubochka strives to dress beautifully and make up. Most often, such women choose not an easy and romantic style, but the image of a fatal lady, even say, a vamp. To do this, they acquire only fashionable and figure-hugging clothes in bright colors. As for makeup, it is very important for Love. She will never appear in society without makeup.

Features of Luba

The kindness and charm of such women are combined with self-focus, regularity, melancholy and subordination to natural rhythms. In addition, Love is capable of self-sacrifice. Her unobtrusive pursuit of justice and truth very often makes her cruel.

Suitable patronymics and derived names

The following middle names are ideally suited to such a name: Sergeevna, Anatolyevna, Valerievna, Igorevna, Naumovna, Aleksandrovna, Alekseevna, Petrovna, Pavlovna, Andreevna, and so on. It should be especially noted that Love has the most a large number of derived names. These include such as Lyubava, Lyubakha, Lyubanya, Lyubasha, Lusya, Lyubusya, Busya, Lyubusha and so on. It is these derivatives that parents use at home in relation to their little girls. Concerning public life, then very often Love is simply called Any or Lyubochka.

name day

According to the Christian calendar, Lyuba's name day is celebrated on September 30th. After all, it was on this day that the holy martyr Lyubov, together with her sisters Nadezhda and Vera, were beheaded before the eyes of their own mother after long and painful tortures for the faith of Christ.

Other information

Most often, this name is given to girls born under the sign of Libra. After all, it is “autumn” Love that grows as a purposeful person with a great sense of humor. Thanks to such qualities, Luba quickly climbs the career ladder and takes leadership positions. In addition, women born in September or October can become good lawyers or economists. But with all its intelligence, “autumn” Love can be envious and is not averse to gossip or discuss appearance new employee.

The planet of Luba is Saturn, the stone-talisman or amulet is lapis lazuli. Success in business and personal life brings her a dark blue color. A favorable tree for Love is a linden, and a cherished plant is a lovage. As for the patron of this name, he is a praying mantis.