The lexical meaning of the word is explained in which dictionary. Lexical meaning of the word

Vocabulary is a very important part of language science. She learns words and their meanings. It's no secret: the richer the language stock of a person, the more beautiful and figurative his speech. Most new words can be learned by reading. It often happens that a new word is found in a book or magazine, in which case a dictionary of lexical meanings will help, it is also called explanatory. The most common are those issued by V.I. Dahl and S.I. Ozhegov. It is they who trust modern science about language.

Vocabulary wealth of the Russian language

The language, including Russian, is a developing phenomenon. New cultures, inventions of science and technology appear, one civilization replaces another. Of course, all this is reflected in the language. Some words appear, some disappear. It is the vocabulary that reacts vividly to these changes. All this is the richness of the language. K. Paustovsky gave a very colorful explanation of the totality of words, saying that for each surrounding phenomenon or object there is a corresponding “good” word, or even more than one.

Scientists have proven that for one person to understand another, it is enough to have 4-5 thousand words in stock, but this is not enough for beautiful, figurative speech. The Russian language is one of the most beautiful, so it is simply necessary to use its wealth. Moreover, knowledge of individual words with their interpretations is not enough (for this, you can simply learn a dictionary of lexical meanings). It is much more important to know words related in meaning, their figurative meaning, to understand and use antonyms, to use homonymous units.

Lexical meaning of the word

The word is the most important unit of any language. It is from them that combinations and subsequently sentences are made, with which people communicate with each other. How to distinguish one word from another? With the help of phonetics. Lexical meaning will also help with this. This is what separates the words. They can denote, for example, objects, people or living beings ( table, teacher, wolf); natural phenomena (wind, frost), actions ( run, watch), features ( beautiful, pink).

Over the centuries, words can change their lexical meaning. Take for example the word garden. Until the 20th century, this word also meant a garden. In modern times, the lexical meaning has changed: garden now it is a fenced area where vegetables are grown.

There are words whose lexical meaning is a certain image that is easy to imagine and depict: wood, cupboard, flower. For others, it is very abstract: love, grammar, music. The lexical meaning of the Russian language is summarized in explanatory dictionaries. There are several ways of interpretation: words that are identical in meaning. For example, path - road. Some dictionaries offer a detailed explanation: path- a specific place in space through which they move.

Why you need to know the lexical meaning

It is very important to know the lexical meaning - this will save you from some spelling mistakes. For example:

  • try on Wedding Dresses is a tedious but enjoyable process.
  • She was always good at reconciling enemies.

In the first example, the word “try on” is used in the meaning of “try on”, so the root should be written e. In the second sentence, it is about the world, so the letter is required and fundamentally.

Lexical meaning differs not only words, but also morphemes. Yes, attachment at- is used when it comes to the incompleteness of the action, close proximity, approximation or attachment; pre- in cases where the highest degree of something is meant ( funny - very funny, but: move (attachment), sit down (incompleteness), seaside (close to the sea).

There are also roots that have different lexical meanings. These are like - poppy-/-mok-; -equals-/-exactly-. If the word means immersion in liquid, you should write - poppy- (dip cookies in milk), another thing is the meaning of “pass, absorb liquid”, in this case writing is required - mok- (wet feet). Root - equals- should be written when talking about equality ( the equation); -exactly- used in the sense of something smooth, even ( trim bangs).

Single and multiple words

The richness of the words of the Russian language consists of those units that have several or only one lexical meaning. These are single and multiple words. The first has only one interpretation: birch, scalpel, Moscow, pizza. As can be seen from the examples, the group of unambiguous words includes proper names, recently emerged or foreign words, also narrowly focused. These are all kinds of terms, the names of professions, the names of animals.

There are many more polysemantic words in the language, that is, those that have several meanings. As a rule, interpretations unfold around a certain feature or meaning. The explanatory dictionary will tell you that the word is polysemantic. The meanings of such tokens are listed below the numbers. Let's take the word "earth" as an example. It has several interpretations:

  1. One of the planets in the solar system.
  2. Land - opposition to the concepts of "water" and "sky".
  3. The soil is a fertile layer that allows you to grow all kinds of crops.
  4. Territory owned by someone.
  5. For some countries it is a federal unit.

Direct and figurative meaning of the word

All polysemantic words can contain a direct or figurative interpretation. If the task “Explain the lexical meaning of words” is encountered, you need to look into the explanatory dictionary. There, next to the value, it will be indicated whether it is direct or figurative. The first is the main one; the second was formed on the basis of the main one according to the principle of similarity.

For example, consider the word "hat". First, its main meaning is a headdress with small fields. Based on the similarity, a figurative interpretation was formed: the upper part of an object, expanded and flat - mushroom cap or nail.

It is the figurative meanings that give speech a special figurativeness; on their basis, such tropes as a metaphor are created (hidden comparison: sheaf of hair), metonymy (adjacency of signs: silver plate) and synecdoche (the part is used instead of the whole: the peasant was actually a slave).

Sometimes there are cases when only a figurative meaning appears in the language, and to complete a task, such as “Determine the lexical meaning of words”, you will need not only an explanatory, but also an etymological dictionary. For example, this was the case with the adjective "red". Its direct meaning "beautiful" is preserved only in ancient toponyms ("Red Square") or folklore (proverbs).


The meanings of words can be compared, contrasted. The program studies such relationships for grades 5-6. The lexical meaning of homonyms, synonyms and antonyms is very interesting. Consider all these types of words.

Homonyms are those words that are identical in pronunciation or spelling, but their meaning is completely different. Yes, the words carnations(flowers) and carnations(pointed rods for fastening materials) are spelled the same and pronounced differently. Another example: braid- type of hairstyle, and braid- agricultural implement. Homonyms can also be grammatical. So, in the phrases "flood the oven" and "bake pies." Word bake is a noun in the first case and a verb in the second. Do not confuse the concepts of homonymy and ambiguity. The first does not imply any similarity between concepts, while the second is based on the principle of similarity of some feature.


Synonyms are words with the same lexical meaning. For example, the words "friend, buddy, comrade, shirt-guy" have the meaning of a close, trusted person. However, synonyms still differ in shades of meaning. Friend, for example, denotes a particularly close person.

Synonyms also have different stylistic coloring. So, shirt-guy used in colloquial speech. As a rule, synonyms are words of one part of speech, however, they can be stable combinations. Knowing the phenomenon of synonymy helps to avoid spelling errors. So, to find out the correct spelling of the particle not with nouns or adjectives, you must follow the algorithm: "determine the lexical meaning and try to find a synonym without not: enemy - enemy".


Antonyms are words that differ diametrically in lexical meaning: friend - enemy; go - run; deep - shallow; up down. As you can see, the phenomenon of antonymy is characteristic of any parts of speech: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs. The use of such words gives speech a special expressiveness, helps to convey especially important thoughts to the listener or reader, therefore very often words that are opposite in meaning are found in folk sayings - proverbs. For example, "Softly spreads, but hard to sleep." In this case, "soft - hard" are antonyms.

As you can see, the Russian language is very diverse, so the topic of word interpretation has been studied for several years. In addition, it is included in the main school exams, where it occurs, for example, the task “Explain the lexical meaning of words” or “Choose a synonym / antonym / homonym for the word”, and so on.

21. Lexical meaning of the word and concept. National-linguistic specificity of lexical meaning, its interpretative character.

The word ... with representations of real. really, cat. become the basis of the concepts called with pom. words. In the word, a person draws up his ideas and concepts. The concept is a logical cat., and sl. and its meaning is lingv.Understand. and sl. och. closely connected. Semaseology studies? about how in display lang. activity. The concept-reflection in the mind represented. about the world. In consciousness. reflection not only real. yavl., but also abstract representation. and processes. Epistemology-theory of knowledge pr-ki. Behind the concept fixed. cl., the concepts themselves are formalized with the help of lang. performs a nominative function, cat. allows you to vyd pr-t from the row. Interjection, conjunctions, suggestions, particles, places, im.own. not called concepts, but reflect the will of the person. The concept is the most essential element of knowledge. sl., but zn. sl. incl. evaluative-express., gram., ... signs. Lexical meaning =1.correspond to specific. (abstract) space. 2.rel. with other meanings other words 3. Lexical boundaries combination. 4. lexico-gram. 5.emotion-express. Known word-historical concept. It reflects. lang. and extralinguistic features. Tolkov. sl. reflection and modern significant. (No. 1) and those cat. have undergone changes.

You can select. 2 main zn. sl. content definitions (Maltsev, Serebryannikov), Reduce the sign. sl. only to the connection or relation of sound to an object or to the numerical image of this object. 2. contain. definitions. signs, absolutizing nominative. function th lexic. unit-c, i.e. connection of objects. then. are indicated. to: *link sl. and the representation reflected in it. LZ-content of words, displaying in consciousness. and fixed. in it is an idea of ​​an object, property, process, yavl-and. This is a product of the mental activity of the chela, connected. with deduction, comparison, classification, generalization (GAK) * Most of the content. definitions LZ indicates a connection sl. thinks with. image of the object reflected in the next, i.e. concept (works by Smirnitsky). V. Vinogradov. Significant word is its subject-material content, decorated. according to the laws of grammar of a given language. and acting e-ohm semantic. sovar's systems dan. Let us now consider how it correlates. LZ sl. and concept. The concept-category is logical, LZ-category. linguistic., trace-but absent. their identities Linguistic. understood, excellent from logical., is based on the sensory perception of the subject. and correlation. first of all with health. meaning. Yu.S. Stepanov. Zn. sl. strive for the concept, as to its limit, but at the same time achieves the goal only when scientific. understood. already beyond the limits of science. Scientific concept (logical) in its purest form represented. into term. def. Sciences. Terms are designated. sl-mi concepts defined. areas of knowledge or activities. Ownership terms: synonym, antonym, gradation, genus species. relative, homonym. In LZ-ii understood. refracted through the prism of additional components. F.E. ideological, sensual, moral, cult. -historical They create the depth and dialectic of LZ. When approaching LZ from the point of view. not formal, but dialectical. logic LZ sl. appears as an infinitely complex and redundant str-ra, not reducible only to the differential. recognition-m. The concept combines constructive-logical and sensory-empirical aspects of knowledge, connection. with the fact that the concept is a convoluted judgment in cognitive. paradigm pon-e m. interpret. as dynamic. frame.It is incl. into itself a topic (already known), the active use of the term, understood, in a formal way. logic entailed replacing it with a term, the concept reflects the totality of knowledge about an object from the world of action, if it has a name and links in the language. with a certain cultural-historical representations. The concept is a bundle of semantic. signs associated. with a certain stage of development of the subject really. all knowledge about the subject. Vinogradov believes that LZ sl. depends on accessories. sl. to one or another part of speech, but depends on the contexts of its use, on specific lexic. connections of this word. with other words. Depends on its connections with semantic series. close or correlates in terms of meaning words. (This emots-derivats. connection), also depends on emotions. coloring sl. by stylistic accessories. lexicol. the LZ tract as a complex hierarchically organized structure. Two macrocomponents of LZ: 1. denotative (rational-logical stages of cognition) 2. connotative (associated with a situational factor and reflects subjective relations). Nikitin in his concept. highlight: 1. intentional meaning (associated with the cognitive, transforming side of human activity. F.E. The tiger is a (causation) predator), 2. implicative value (reflects the probable structure of F.E. summer can be (probabilistic) cool). LZ sl. contains: the seme of intensity, i.e. the aspect of strengthening the concept expressed by the word on the basis of qualitative or quantitative shades. F.E. sl-mi, but also a challenge. sl-mi (rank of denotation (anxiety-anxiety) and the status of conotoat (lair - about your apartment)), * to this appraisal, * to this imagery.

22. Structural character of LZ, its probabilistic characteristics. National cult. LZ component. 1. The structure of LZ is formed by: Lexico-semantic. options. formally represented by one lexeme (having the same sound (graphic) shells) and internally related shells. 2. Str-ra is based on various relationships of LSV (lexico-semantic variants), a-functional, b-component, c-associative. Associate. connections appear in the language as semantic. motivation LSV or elementary. meanings (semems), and the connectedness (sem. motivation) of semes is manifested in their ability to detect a continuous sequence or, the generality of “intrinsic. forms "at the same time, it is important to become. the concept of "internal forms "Requirement" Thought and language "is a motivated sign. Int. display form. as it appears to the chela of his own. thought. Novikov: int. form is a way of representing extralinguistic content in a language. That. internal form is how this or that fact of reality is reflected in this unit. That. the concept of family. motivation, as a generality and continuity ext. forms of seven yavl. ??? in the analysis of str-ry LZ. Str-ra LZ is subject to description in 2 aspects: 1. lang. competence. 2. updated in meaning in the act of speech.

23. R. Vocabulary in the aspect of linguistic and regional studies. have long begun to penetrate into the language and other nations. Ever since relations with the Turkic tribes began. Northern Nar-mi (Iceland, Noveg-I, Finl-I), in the 7.8 centuries. Basically words: items of trade, names. officials, separate real. life. F.E. In Norway: in the 20th century. -1st Department of Slavic. yaz-in at the university in Oslo. 2. Western European nar-mi, from about the 16th century. F.E. official ruling persons: voivode, tsar, name of banknotes - kopeck, ruble, realities of life and life - ferry, samovar. After 1914 (revol.) - Bolshevik, Leninism. French (partisan, boyar), Bolgarsk. (as early as 12 vu wake up, horse, substance), Slovak, Hungarian (communism, socialism). Borrowings.1. names. general political, historical and cultural life (lord, power. Cossack, council), 2. name meals, realities of everyday life, banknotes (pancakes, samovar, gold coins), 3. name revealed. nature, abstract concepts, actions (air, charm, wait). Lingvostranovedch. dictionaries of ways studied. culture and history of the country through the description of the ethno-cultural component of lexical meanings. and phraseological units. Dictionaries: Denisova “public education in the USSR” (vocabulary related to preschool education, school education, pioneer organizations), Chernyavskaya “artist. culture of the USSR", vocabulary by sections: theatrical, pop, circus and choreographic. lawsuit, Dictionary? Felitsina? and Mokienko "r. phraseological units”, A.G. Balanka “Kind word” (sustainable formulas, greetings, appeals, requests).

24. Types of lexical. connotations, their national language specificity and text functions. in the structure of the dictionary. language composition. the main fund of vocabulary is opposed by a layer of words, the use of which is limited. Restrictions are related to: 1. social. by nature, differences in communication conditions give rise to special sociolinguistic variants of letters. styles. 2. the complexity of the semantics of words. In the content of the words. in addition to the objective-conceptual meaning, there are connotative components that have a subjective meaning. character So the words are fulfilled. in lang. expressive function. The connotative component is part of the system lexical meaning of the words, complementing. its main conceptual content meanings, which reflect the socio-psychological. estimates and associations corresponding. revealed. Types of connotations: 1 . expressiveness - character-Xia sign, enhanced expressiveness. Connotative words: 1-burr (about the forehead), 2-weave (instead of go) differentiator. depending on the measure / intensity / speed. Components of expressiveness (Lukyanova) a-emots. assessment, b-intensity, c- imagery. 3. Hierarchy of values ​​in struct. sl. a - total value - unchanged. basis of LSVs. Tot. value - theoretical. built., defined. boundaries and the basis of the semantic structure.F.E. total value earth - zemnots, earthen. b - main value - not defined. context, nah-Xia in the position of naim. due to the environment and naim. depending on the context.F.E. walk - move, stepping over with your feet. in particular meanings - determined by the context, F.E. go with an ace (go - make a move in the game). The position of LSVs is unequal: a - main meaning, b - partial meaning, c - shading meaning ("planet" (about the earth) - instead of the place of life and activity of people), 4 . Probabilistic character lexic. value a- fuzzy delimitation of many objects of the outside world. (pond-lake), b- constant. change indeed, a trace of change. understood. Understood. moving in the direction of deeper values. The concept - 1. constructive-logical aspect (the core of the language) 2. emonation. aspect. c- the presence of periphery, difficult to describe.

25.Semnoe variation of LZ (systemic and textual aspect). 2 types of semantic variations (modifications) meaning. words: 1. systemic or lexico-semantic. variation - generic and 2. speech or seme variation - species. Seme variation is when unambiguous words are subject to speech modifications at the level of verbal use F.E. marine binoculars (in speech) / in the theater own binoculars, in context (in different context. actualization of different semes) - on the street there is wet (containing moisture) snow and wet (moisture-covered) asphalt. That. if var. unambiguous sl. in comparison with the multi-valued one, it is simpler. implemented only in the form of a seminal speech variation. Polysemantic - manifestation of variant relations in the vocabulary of m. in polysemy and synonymy. The essence of the function semantic variation ratio. words are onomathemes (invariant) with its representatives (variants). That. there is a common lexeme + LSV (they form an intra-word semantic paradigm, implemented in different contexts). 4. text aspect F.E. “Lead” 1-by the hand, 2- the student leads with a pointer, 3-stairs leads to the attic, 4-inexperience leads to trouble. In 4 phrases, the same lexeme is presented in the same word form. The basis for various meanings. gives us context. No context diff. value ch. "news" m.b. not expressed. The form of representation of these values. not only a lexeme, "to lead", but also a definition. el = you context (here prdl.-case form noun.). 2-student-noun. aspect. a number of systemic factors. a-sem. varier. - consequences. s-at random. sign.F. de Saussure: Lexeme and seme are related conditionally, not organically? Arbitrarily. links between formal and contain sides sl. prem. possible change. sl. in one plan with unchanged. another? (F.E. change in sound, shell, but the meaning remains: lead, lead, lead). b- conditioned. syntagmatic connections of words. Semant. interaction in concret. phrases in the context of the meaning of words change under influence. contextual partners, cat. can cause the "extinction" of some semes that are incompatible with their own. content, determine the activation potential. family So, meaning, “the front part of h / l” developed in the word head in terms of lexical. context "head of the train" (cf. 6 the main meaning of the word "upper body of the chela and the front of the body of the animal"). 4- semantic. var. sl.opred-Xia paradigmatic connections, in particular belonging to the semantic. group. (n., denoting fruits (plum, pear) m. denoting the corresponding trees (there was a pear under the window)). One of the important prerequisites for semantic variable words yavl.combinatorial. character lexic. value, indefinitely the composition of the component. mobile and changeable: it is possible to accentuate and strengthen some, and vice versa, the attenuation and disappearance of other actualizations. potential seven and appeared. new, which in general created. basis of semantics. var. words.

26. Analysis of the article by V.V. Vinogradov “The main types of LZsl.”, its reasons are relevant. d / modern lexicology. The task was set. The main task of lexicology: clarifying the essence of meaning, qualitative analysis. change in p-re val. c.clarified value types sl.-1-n of the ways to solve it. The meaning of the word is determined according to the concept being expressed, depends on the group. category sl., from contexts. used, specifically lexical connections and semantic relations with synonyms. Lexic. znach.- the term is not quite defined. - substantive. contained., issued according to s-us gram. of this self and is the general seme.system of the dictionary of this self. It is divided into binary oppositions. The division of LZ types into: The main one is connected with the implementation of the general systemic nature of the ya-ka. This is a syntax type. due to the value. It is defined as such a type of LZ, in the cat. syntax. characteristics of the word connection. connections of the propositional level included in the description of LZ (predicative and semi-predicative functions of the next, next predicate or appeal). To the main include 2 types of values. taking into account the lexicon. ur-nya: 1-free-nominative: 1.1. direct direct directed. on the subject of the world = har-r nomination (stone house), 1.2. scoop system-structural. char-k (supporting member of synonymic series, (paradigms)), 1.3. freedom of lexical. compatibility, lack of word-by-word limitation (syntagmat), 1.4. words are capable. to be a basic member of the word-image. rows and nests (derivats.prizn.) - commonly used. stylistic neutral words, followed by the freedom of their textual application in different styles and genres of speech.2. Phraseological conditioned 2.1.mediated in the multi-valued str. sl. friend. significant. (fear takes), 2.2., 2.3. tendency to word-by-word limitation. Key words in the phrase. 2.4,2.5. many have limitations. the sphere is used. (obsolete, arch.), the words are free-nominated. value create the core of the lexicon. systems that ensure the life of krnceptam. Variable mobility is associated with the FSS (new). not all lexical meanings 1. derivative-nominative/ figurative, 2. expressive-synonymous- meaning, which is perceived and exists only based on the neutral member of the synonymic series, characterizing the function 3. constructive conditioned: not dispersed outside the structure.Controversial moments: 1.Free-nominal meaning is limited in terms of only subject-logical connections, but any meaning.systemically –conditionally (brown/brown/chestnut)-free, but limited system, and SNP is indifferent to the limited lexical system 2.? , motivated, possessed by a direct nomination, trace-but in-between-nyhar-r of these words. 3. Availability of FOS demonstr. presence of transition zones between vocabulary and phraseology, next to D. be an intermediate type, lexically connected. value (focused on the subject and carry information about it).

27. Possibilities of systems of words in the language of semantic. signs and its com-tion consequences. Sl. in language different. not only in form, but also in content. We can find a reflection of these differences in such paradigms as the sem-th field, the lexical-sem-th group, the synonym. line, antonym. pair. The seventh field is hierarchical. p-frame lexic. units combined by a common invar-m value. and reflection in the language of the general understood sphere. Sem. field is a combined. various parts of speech. Lexico-sem. group - words of the same part of speech, united. homogeneous or close to the value and is characterized by a single subject orientation. (birch, aspen, palm, spruce). Synonyms - words referring to one part of speech, meaning cat-x have identities. e-you, distinguishing. e-you persistently neutralize-Xia in the definition. positions (i.e., the words are opposed to such semantic features, which in certain contexts become irrelevant). Sinon. different from others by shades of meaning, emoticon-express. coloring, belonging to opred. style of speech, use, the ability to join with other words. Antonyms - sl., cat. opposed in the most general and essential way. d / their meaning semantic. sign, and nah-Xia at the extreme points of the corresponding lexical-semantic. paradigms. Criteria for selection: Possibility used. words in one statement when contrasted, the same scope of lexical. combination.

28. "Active" lexicology and explanation. dictionaries. El-you etsncycloped. inf-tion in the explanatory dictionary. Among the tasks of modern lexicologist. max. interest is studied. "Act." lexicologist. This is Shcherba's term, but he talked about "act." grammar (gram. speaker), in contrast to the "passive" gram. (gram. percept.). "Act." reflects direction. from sysl to wed-you express it. "Aet." lexicologist.response leading d / modern. scienceprince. anthropocentrism, when scientific objects, including language, are studied primarily in terms of their role for people, for their life and activities, for their functions for human development. personality and its perfection. The principle of anthropocentrism lies in the fact that people become the starting point in the analysis of lexical. phenomena, he is involved in that analysis, defined perspective. and the endpoint of the analysis. Anthropocentrism receives a wide variety of linguistic manifestations. One of the most important in the framework of anthropocentrism yavl. the principle of frequency of language phenomena, i.e. fact of social preferred used. That and the personal word. The problem of d..sis (indication) is a problem: the scheme of "here" and "now". The personal sphere of the speaker includes: the dialect itself. and everything that is close to him physically, morally, intellectually, i.e. it's some. people, the fruits of the labor of the chela, the inalienable attributes of the chela, constantly surrounding. objects, nature, children, animals. This personal sphere is speaking. mobile and largely dependent on the situation. The word acts as an intermediary between the brow and the universe, the brow and other brows, between the "bottom" (nature, things) and the "top" (psycho-mental sphere) in their appeal to the chela. Sl. leads both to the material-substantial and the ideal-spiritual, giving representation. about the integrity of the world. Through the word, the over-language and the sub-language support other languages, store the whole, the boundaries of which these words are, and thereby separate the known, mastered by the chela from the maximum entropy, chaos as the basis of nature. Lexicography, like other sciences, holding. the anthropocentric principle. First of all, it reflects the fact that any dictionary is intended. d / use. any native speaker. Talking in his speech. In practice, he may be faced with the need to explain a particular word for himself, and a dictionary can help him in this. Tolkov. dictionary contains information. about sl. and and its meaning. In a word. sovar are given gram.har-ka sl., potentially. word change. Encyclopedia. dictionary contains information. about the concept, so the article ents. The dictionary is always more detailed and contains additional information, often scientific. character Inform. senses. sl. correlates primarily with the everyday, naive picture of the world. Enc. correlates vocabulary. with a scientific picture of the world. D / full interpretation is significant. some sl. in the dictionary entry, the interpretation of words is included in the encyclopedia. info (i.e. about the concept) F.E. names of flowers - an indication that the plant, species (bulbous, shrubby, herbaceous, etc.), family (lily tulip, semi-precious - dandelion, iris - gladiolus), place of growth (garden, decorative, field) , external flower shape. Chamomile is a herbaceous plant of the Compositae family with flowers, in a cat. the petals are usually white, and the middle is yellow. Cornflower is a light blue field weed flower growing in rye or other cereals. Gladiolus ornamental, herbaceous plant of the iris family with a tall stem and large, bright flowers. Astra is a garden ornamental plant of the Compositae family with large flowers of various colors, usually odorless. next, but the connection of naive linguistic and scientific pictures of the world. The main means of fixing vocabulary is a dictionary. noun diff. types of linguistic dictionaries. Main types of dictionaries: 1. bilingual (multilingual) translation dictionaries, main. cat target. help understand the meaning of an obscure word in another language. 2. orthographic (they serve as reference books that tell how, according to the existing rules, one or another word should be written) and orthoepic (contains information about the pronunciation of words). From a linguistic point of view, the composition of these slavars is important. 3. historical dictionaries (containing examples of how and when to use each of the words, the meaning of the word is not given) 4. etymological. dictionaries (defining the origin of words, their close and distant genetic connections, especially the semantic development of a number of words. 5. dictionaries of foreign words (the main purpose is to give a brief explanation of the meaning of words of foreign origin. 6. Phraseological dictionaries (collected combinations, the so-called phraseological units) 7. dictionaries of synonyms (containing rows of words that are close in meaning, with alphabetical “reference” words of each of these rows 8. dictionary of homonyms (O.S Akhmanova) 9. dictionaries of difficulties in word usage (collected the most common cases of mixing similar-sounding words, incorrect combination of words, etc. 10. frequency dictionaries (words are arranged according to how often they occur in certain (surveyed) texts) 11. reverse dictionaries (alpha-t acts from final letters 12. explanatory dictionaries (have highest value for learning vocabulary).

32. Phraseology as a manifestation of the linguistic and cultural community of native speakers. Cultural-national. the originality of phraseological units is the object of study of comparative

idiotic directions, cat. proceeds mainly from tracking in terms of expression of phraseological units that are close in meaning, differences in the composition of word components, especially culturally marked ones. In r/ya, the concept “far” is phraseologically embodied in such images as signs on horns (on the middle of nowhere), where Makar did not drive calves, far away. "Far" - space undeveloped by the brow + in Russian. mentality, this concept is associated with the "foreign" space, where the evil spirit lives. Cultural linguistics is focused on the human, or rather on the cultural factor in the language and on the linguistic factor in the forehead. This means that the LHK property is actually anthropological. paradigms of the science of the forehead, the center of gravity of which is the phenomenon of K. Culture - a kind of historical. the memory of the people. And language, thanks to its cultural function, preserves it, providing a generational diplog not only from the past to the present, but also from the present to the future. Postulate of cultural-conceptual correlation. Language system. meaning correlates in interpreted mode with the cultural competence of native speakers. Osbuyu role in broadcast K-nat. self-consciousness of the people plays phraseological. language composition. Idiom to beat the buckets. Baklushi - non-equivalent, nationally marked vocabulary, in meaning. words imprinted subject K. Play the fool, spit on the ceiling, count the crows. Phrase-zm acquired. the role of cult stereotypes. The designation of idleness through images of active labor, but it is not fruitful. actions become the stereotypical antipode of the specified K. installation. The presence of a “-” connotation. "Imposition" by the language of K-national Self-Consciousness. French combinations: Maiden memory, female logic. A woman has long hair, and her mind is short: the ordinary philosophy of the river people enshrined in a proverb. It is precisely those figurative expressions that are associated with K-nat that are fixed and phraseologised in the language. standards, stereotypes, and which, when used in speech, reproduce character. mentality. Models reflecting modern. mentality of one or another linguocultural. community is not yet a noun. The repertoire of culturally significant landmarks is sometimes even contradictory. Husband in the house that the head/cross on the church. The husband is the head and the wife is the neck. Most units of phraseological. Holy Island has K-nat. originality. When studying it is necessary to take into account ??? semantic shifts from the original K-th significance of its “cultures? Eating?” highlighted in the source text. Characteristic d / myth trichotomy. model of the structure of the cosmos of the predst-th concept of white light, to be in the seventh heaven, to fall into hell, the earthly world, the underworld and the underworld.

38. Active and passive vocabulary is modern. r / i, changes in the circle of chronodogically marked vocabulary, their motives. grade. Act. dictionary - words that a cat knows and easily uses, extracting them from RAM. Passive vocabulary - words that a person knows, but rarely uses or does not use, with difficulty extracting them from long-term memory. At present, echoes of the language "explosion" of the late 20th century are still audible. , in the result of which a change of lexic has passed and is taking place. connotations and rearrangement of layers of active and passive vocabulary. From the "Sovietisms" removed the positive ideological. connotations, words became neutral, and later negative. Many "Sovietisms" have gone into a passive vocabulary. F.E. KPSS, Komsomol member, five-year plan. And, on the contrary, there is an actualization of words, i.e. transfer from liability to asset pre-revolutionary. nominations. F/E/ action, province, parish, philanthropist. Terms of astrology, parapsychology, everyday concepts: F.E. psychic, zodiac, people medicine, biorhythm. The fact that these processes really take place is proved by a huge number of actualizers. concepts pouring from the media, the environment,. the fixation of these words in recent times, or their de-ideologization (deprivation of marks: before the revolution, in bourgeois countries, etc.). These changes are natural, because. lexical / vocabulary the composition of the language in naib. degree is turned to reality and reflects all the processes occurring in it.

40. Possibilities of typing intratextual connections of words and their functional purpose. We can talk about the construction, integrity, coherence of the text, relying on the lexical-systemic connections of words: 1. antonym-like 2. synonym-like connections. When examining a text, it is necessary to make 1. a vertical (syntagmatic relative) slice, 2. a horizontal (paradigmatic relative) slice, 3. a deep (associated with extralinguistic information) slice.

42. Normative assessment and functional purpose of non-common vocabulary of modern Russian literary language. Words of limited use characterize only a specific speaking group, which appears as a territorially or socially defined group of people. Terminology is the most representative part of special vocabulary, in which the specificity of the vocabulary of people belonging to the same trade group is most clearly manifested. In the sphere of each profession there is always a stock of vocabulary, St. with concepts essential to the profession. The role of this vocabulary has grown incredibly (in the dictionaries of neologisms, mostly terms). Terminologist. vocabulary ??? commonly used 1) its meaningful connection with objects special. areas; 2) has an increased frequency within the given area, and in common reduced turn on. Terminology is a scientific discipline. The language of science is a special functional variety of the literary language, narrower in functions, but wider in terms of means. Three layers: 1) non-terminologist. 2) general scientific 3) terms. The term is precise, unambiguous, there are no synonyms, a member of the system. Polysemy through the development of terminological meanings in ordinary words. Professionalisms- belong to oral speech, stylistically marked, secondary names of phenomena, specific to a particular industry, usually - synonyms, official terminology. For example, in physics: synchrophasotron = saucepan, iron, keyboard = computer. Their existence is due to: 1) the natural desire to reduce frequently occurring expressions; 2) tendencies to replace the most frequently used special words with more expressive, figurative synonyms. jargon- words specific to oral speech soc. groups of people united by way of life, social. status, age. This is a secret language, to keep professional secrets or intentions from outlaws. Now it is an indicator of belonging to the team. The main factor existence - the need for their own, more expressive, emotional names, emphasizing age. and psychological. unity of youth, relating. humorous and critical of adult life. Language game. Dialectisms- specific. for local people dialects of words and expressions. Oral form of existence. These are special variants of Russian. nat. language, limited. territorial, service oral communication of residents region. Public vocabulary with specific features: 1) specific. for the locality, realities that have no synonyms in the SRLYA (yaga-sheepskin coat from the skin of a wolf); 2) neutral. words for which there are synonyms (basque); 3) connotation. words that have synonyms in the dialects themselves ( barat-beat).

/ YADO. GSEM / Lectures / Add. material / Lecture 4. Lexical norms

Lecture 4. Lexical norms

    Vocabulary. Types of lexical items

    The concept of lexical norm and typical lexical errors

    Violation of accuracy, clarity, consistency, brevity of speech as a result of lexical errors

1. Vocabulary. Types of lexical items

    Vocabulary- the vocabulary of the language, which covers individual words and stable combinations of words. All words can be divided into several groups depending on their lexical features.

Depending on the number of lexical meanings, single-valued and polysemantic words are distinguished. single word can have only one lexical meaning ( book, table, monologue, alert). polysemantic word has two or more values endure, green). In the explanatory dictionary, all meanings of a polysemantic word are given in one dictionary entry, each meaning is numbered, and before interpreting the word there may be a note, for example, trans.(figurative meaning). The direct meaning is the basic meaning of the word. A figurative meaning is a secondary meaning that arose on the basis of a direct one.

Lexical units, depending on the semantic relationships between words, are divided into synonyms, homonyms, antonyms, paronyms. Synonyms- these are words of the same part of speech, different in sound, the same or close in meaning. Synonyms can differ from each other in shades of meaning, stylistic coloring, or both. Antonyms- Words that are opposite in meaning. Antonyms denote contrasting concepts that are correlated with each other. Antonyms can express opposite concepts of time (a long time ago - recently), place (up - down), space (north - south), etc. Homonyms- words that are identical in spelling and sound, related to one part of speech, but not related in meaning, for example: In dictionaries, homonyms, unlike polysemantic words, are given in different dictionary entries, since homonyms, unlike polysemantic words, are not have a common value component. Paronyms words are called that are similar in sound, but different in meaning, having, as a rule, the same root and belonging to the same part of speech, for example: spectacular - effective, addressee - addresser, tactical - tactful.

Lexical units are subdivided in terms of the scope of use. Common called vocabulary, understandable to all native speakers of the Russian language. Uncommon words are used only by one or another social group. These words are jargon(emotionally expressive words that are used by a particular social group and have a correspondence in the literary language), dialectisms(words that are used only by residents of a certain territory), argotisms ( words used in the speech of people of a certain social environment in order to hide the content of the speech from representatives of other social groups), professionalism, terms.

Lexical units may be characteristic of only one style of speech, or they may be neutral i.e. to be used in any style.

Depending on the origin, the words are native Russian and borrowed. Native Russian Borrowings(foreign vocabulary) - words that came into the Russian language from other languages ​​​​and are used according to the laws of the Russian language.

Depending on the frequency of use, passive and active vocabulary is distinguished. Vocabulary of everyday use is active (table, house, work, contract, tax, etc.). Passive vocabulary is rarely used. Passive vocabulary includes obsolete words that have gone out of active use. They are divided into two groups: historicisms and archaisms. Historicisms - words denoting objects, phenomena that are not in modern life: corvee, quitrent, veche, arshin. Archaisms- words whose lexical meaning has changed. Archaisms have synonyms in the modern Russian language, because the objects and phenomena denoted by these words have not been lost. For example, forehead (forehead), fingers (fingers), shame (spectacle), shuytsa ( left hand), right hand (right hand). In addition to obsolete words, passive vocabulary includes neologisms(new vocabulary units). Neologisms can be individually-author's and general language. Individual author's neologisms belong to book speech, are created consciously, are not widely used, and are not recorded in dictionaries. Such neologisms are created in order to give expressiveness to speech. General language neologisms arise when there is a need to name the desired subject.

2. The concept of lexical norm and typical lexical errors

Lexical norms- word usage rules:

    the use of words in accordance with their meaning, stylistic coloring, evaluative properties;

    correct combination of words (semantic and lexical).

Typical lexical errors are associated with a violation of the norms of word usage.

    Using a word without regard to its lexical meaning

    ignorance of the lexical meaning of the word

    the influence of paronomasia, i.e. sound similarity of words with different roots: mirage - turn, injection - infection

    desire for euphemism -: This phenomenon is not given enough attention. Uncomfortable in the workshop: it is in disrepair.

b) Violation of lexical compatibility

Lexical compatibility is the ability of words to connect with each other. Some words have free compatibility, i.e. easily combined with other words: hard work, hard task, difficult character; others are limited to one or two uses: pitch darkness, pouring rain, tribute. The limited lexical compatibility of certain words is explained by their use in special meanings. Polysemantic words are selectively combined with other words: in each case, it is necessary to take into account the specific meaning of the word. For example, you can say deep night, but you can't deep evening; you can say the Velvet season, but you can't velvet autumn.

In many cases, the ban on word compatibility is imposed by linguistic tradition: play a role(norm - play the role), have features (perform functions). Intentional incompatibility is a vivid means of expression often used by humorous writers to give a comical tone to speech. For example: It is difficult to forgive other people's shortcomings, even more difficult to forgive other people's virtues..

Causes of violation of lexical compatibility:

    association with a phrase that is close in meaning, for example , In deep childhood, his favorite pastime was the game of war;

    the emotional-expressive coloring of words is not taken into account: the combination of words of different expressive coloring (negative and positive expression): All notorious specialists were invited to an international conference. There is a comic expression;

    bad choice of synonym: This event took place a few days ago(right - happened);

    mix of paronyms: At the first meeting, Dina did not perceiveUmov seriously.

    pleonasm ( speech error, which occurs in a phrase in which one of the words is superfluous, because its meaning duplicates the meaning of another word);

    tautology (unjustified repetition of cognate words in a sentence);

c) Violation of semantic compatibility

Logical compatibility is determined by the connection of objects and phenomena of reality.

Causes of violation of semantic compatibility

    Mixing paronyms. Some paronyms differ in meaning (shades of meanings), some only in lexical compatibility. When mixing paronyms that have different semantic shades, semantic errors arise. For example, This is the critical moment of the game.(full of criticism - critical, turning point - critical).

    False associations arising under the influence of paronomasia (sound similarity of words with different roots). For example, Motorcycle shows are always a real celebration of stuntmen and spectators, here you can see such mirages (right - turns).

    The use of a polysemantic word without taking into account semantic compatibility ( low health in meaning poor health, low knowledge etc.).

    Convergence of words by adjacency (metonymic replacement of the desired word): prices are expensive.

    Careless use of antonyms. Because of their weakness the decision was postponed for a week.

3. Violation of accuracy, clarity, consistency, brevity of speech as a result of lexical errors

Lexical errors can lead to a violation of the brevity of speech. Verbosity is the use of words and phrases that carry optional, unnecessary information. For example: Still not doing well enough to meet commitments(instead of Commitments are still not being fulfilled well enough; Passion for computer games is one of the most important signs of the times, a modern phenomenon.(instead of Passion for computer games is one of the most important signs of the times(or modern phenomenon)).

Typical lexical errors that violate the brevity of speech are pleonasm and tautology.

Pleonasm is the use of words that are close in meaning and therefore superfluous. For example: The expression on her face is very expressive. (facial expressions- that's the facial expression ; Loud applause and ovations erupted (applause and ovation- synonyms).

Tautology is the repetition of the same or the same root words in one sentence. For example: heavy rain, ask a question. The tautology can be hidden, it is found in sentences in which a Russian and a foreign word with the same meaning is used. Their similarity is found when translating a foreign word into Russian. For example: memorial monument (memorial- serving to perpetuate the memory of someone) , souvenir (souvenir- a keepsake).

Intentional repetition of words and forms is a means of semantic and emotionally expressive expressiveness: bitter grief, vanity of vanities, live and live. In a number of cases, tautological expressions have become fixed in speech due to changes in the meaning of a particular word and the absence of the necessary equivalent in the language. Yes, the expression patriot of his country became permissible because the word patriot in addition to the meaning “loving the homeland”, it acquired an additional meaning - “loving something, devoted to something”: patriot of his land, patriot of his school. entrenched in speech and expression used book and reality.

Thus, knowledge of lexical norms is one of the conditions for good speech, since lexical norms contribute to the accurate expression of thoughts without verbosity, idle talk, provide clarity and consistency of the statement.

Lexical errors can be avoided by using dictionaries.

Explanatory dictionaries fix the lexical meaning of the word. In dictionaries foreign words the source language is indicated, the meaning of the word and examples of its use are given.

In phraseological dictionaries the meanings of phraseological units are presented, i.e. set expressions, whose value is not derived from their constituent components.

You can also use dictionaries of synonyms, homonyms, dictionaries of lexical compatibility. In the dictionaries of synonyms, synonymous series are given, it is indicated general meaning each row, the difference of synonyms from each other is noted, examples of the use of synonyms are given, sometimes the origin of the word.

These dictionaries reflect the richness of the Russian language and are the most important means of raising the level of human speech culture: enriching speech, forming the accuracy and clarity of speech.


Reference books

    Vvedenskaya L.A., Pavlova L.G., Kashaeva E.Yu. Russian language and culture of speech: Tutorial for universities. 14th ed. - Rostov n / D: Phoenix, 2005. - 544 p.

    Ippolitova N.A., Knyazeva O.Yu., Savova M.R. Russian language and culture of speech: a course of lectures / Ed. ON THE. Ippolitova. - M .: TK Velby, Publishing House Prospekt, 2007. - 344 p.

    Culture of Russian speech: Textbook for universities / Ed. ed., prof. OK. Graudina and Doctor of Philological Sciences, prof. E.N. Shiryaev. – M.: Norma, 2006. – 560 p.

    Russian language and culture of speech: Textbook for universities / A.I. Dunev, M.Ya. Dymarsky, A.Yu. Kozhevnikov and others; Ed. V.D. Chernyak. - M .: Higher school; S.-Pb.: Publishing house of the Russian State Pedagogical University im. A.I. Herzen, 2002.

    Belchikov Yu.A., Panyusheva M.S. Dictionary of paronyms of the Russian language. M., 1994.

    Krysin A.P. Dictionary foreign words. M., 1998.

    Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language. M., 1984.

    Dictionary of new words of the Russian language. Ed. N.Z. Kotelova. St. Petersburg, 1995.

    Dictionary of homonyms of the Russian language. M., 1974.

    Dictionary of compatibility of words of the Russian language. M., 1983.

    Modern dictionary of foreign words. M., 2000.

    Thematic dictionary of the Russian language. Ed. V.V. Morkovkin. M., 2000.

    Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language of the late XX century. / Ch. ed. Sklyarevskaya G.N. - St. Petersburg, 2000.

    Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language: In 2 volumes / Compiled by A.I. Fedorov. – M.: Citadel, 1997.

Lexical meaning of the word - what is it?

Tatyana Neg

The lexical meaning of a word is what the word stands for. For example, an oak forest is a forest where only oak trees grow. "A forest where only oaks grow" is the lexical meaning of the word "oak forest". About what the word means, i.e. its lexical meaning can be found in the explanatory dictionary. Ozhegov's dictionary is best suited for this. But you can use any other explanatory dictionary.


Words in Russian have a lexical meaning and a grammatical meaning. If you explain in simple terms, then the lexical meaning is the meaning of a particular word.

If you need a more scientific explanation, then my teacher at the university gave the following:

In addition to lexical meanings, words also have grammatical meanings. To make it clear how they differ, let's look at an example.

There is a suggestion: Maple grows in the forest.

In terms of lexical meaning, maple is a deciduous tree.

From the point of view of grammatical meaning, this is a masculine noun, which in this context is used in the singular.

In the language, words serve to designate specific objects, phenomena, signs, actions, quantities. What this word means from the above realities of reality is its lexical meaning. For example, the word bridge, consisting of a set of certain sounds, namely these, and not others, is called an object that connects the two banks of the river. This correlation of the word with reality can be called the lexical meaning of the word.

The lexical meaning of a word is its meaning.

The way we understand it, how dictionaries interpret it to us, the society and culture of the language in the context of reality.

That is, it is the relationship between the sounds and letters of the word and its understanding. Everything is simple.

The lexical meaning of a word can be found if you open a special dictionary - explanatory. There are many words in the Russian language, and all of them are recorded in such dictionaries. Each student of the 3rd grade must use the words correctly, understanding what they mean - then the person's speech will be accurate and beautiful.

Definition of the concept and ways of explaining the meaning of the word

The lexical meaning of a word is what it means. At the same time, the meaning can be abstract and specific, which is easiest to consider using the example of the word “forest”. So, in the general case, it means a certain collection of trees located in a certain area, where animals also live. But at the same time, the word can be concretized, denoting a particular forest.

How to determine its value? For this, different methods are used. The first and easiest is to look into the explanatory dictionary. There you can also find the context - quotes where it is used. This makes deciphering the meaning even more understandable.

The most common explanatory dictionary of the Russian language was compiled by S.I. Ozhegov - it contains about 80 thousand words. Schoolchildren also use a dictionary designed specifically for them - it's called - school. And, of course, one cannot fail to mention the dictionary compiled by Vladimir Ivanovich Dal, although it already contains quite a few words that are outdated today.

There are other ways of lexical meaning of the word. So, you can independently understand what it means if you pick up single-root designs. For example, if you already know the meaning of the word “forest”, then “forester” and “forest” are intuitive.

The selection of synonyms and antonyms also helps again, what this or that word means.

How does the meaning of a word in Russian affect its compatibility?

Meaning has a direct impact on word compatibility. As a rule, in Russian words are not used in isolation, they are spoken and written together, in constructions. And the definition has the most direct impact on how this happens.

Lexical compatibility is understood as the ability of a word to combine with some others. Everyone has a certain range of such combinations. So, you can say "metal stick", but you can't say "metal lake". The error made in this case is called lexical error.

To help schoolchildren and not only, special compatibility dictionaries have been created. But it is impossible to learn to speak and write correctly only with their help - you need to read a lot, then the constructions used in the Russian language will themselves be fixed in memory.

What have we learned?

The lexical meaning of a word is its definition, which helps to understand what this word means. There are several ways to find this meaning: you can look it up in an explanatory dictionary, pick up synonyms and antonyms, pick up words with the same root, the meaning of which is already known. Lexical compatibility directly depends on the meaning of the word, so it is important for a literate person to know it.

Vocabulary is a very important part of language science. She learns words and their meanings. It's no secret: the richer the language stock of a person, the more beautiful and figurative his speech. Most new words can be learned by reading. It often happens that a new word is found in a book or magazine, in which case a dictionary of lexical meanings will help, it is also called explanatory. The most common are those issued by V.I. Dahl and S.I. Ozhegov. It is they who are trusted by the modern science of language.

Vocabulary wealth of the Russian language

The language, including Russian, is a developing phenomenon. New cultures, inventions of science and technology appear, one civilization replaces another. Of course, all this is reflected in the language. Some words appear, some disappear. It is the vocabulary that reacts vividly to these changes. All this is the richness of the language. K. Paustovsky gave a very colorful explanation of the totality of words, saying that for each surrounding phenomenon or object there is a corresponding “good” word, or even more than one.

Scientists have proven that for one person to understand another, it is enough to have 4-5 thousand words in stock, but this is not enough for beautiful, figurative speech. The Russian language is one of the most beautiful, so it is simply necessary to use its wealth. Moreover, knowledge of individual words with their interpretations is not enough (for this, you can simply learn a dictionary of lexical meanings). It is much more important to know words related in meaning, their figurative meaning, to understand and use antonyms, to use homonymous units.

Lexical meaning of the word

The word is the most important unit of any language. It is from them that combinations and subsequently sentences are made, with which people communicate with each other. How to distinguish one word from another? With the help of phonetics. Lexical meaning will also help with this. This is what separates the words. They can denote, for example, objects, people or living beings ( table, teacher, wolf); natural phenomena ( wind, frost), actions ( run, watch), features ( beautiful, pink).

Over the centuries, words can change their lexical meaning. Take for example the word garden. Until the 20th century, this word also meant a garden. In modern times, the lexical meaning has changed: garden now it is a fenced area where vegetables are grown.

There are words whose lexical meaning is a certain image that is easy to imagine and depict: wood, cupboard, flower. For others, it is very abstract: love, grammar, music. The lexical meaning of the Russian language is summarized in explanatory dictionaries. There are several ways of interpretation: words that are identical in meaning. For example, path - road. Some dictionaries offer a detailed explanation: path- a certain place in space, through which they move.

Why you need to know the lexical meaning

It is very important to know the lexical meaning - this will save you from some spelling mistakes. For example:

  • Trying on wedding dresses is a tedious but enjoyable process.
  • She was always good at reconciling enemies.

In the first example, the word “try on” is used in the meaning of “try on”, so the root should be written e. In the second sentence, it is about the world, so the letter is required and fundamentally.

Lexical meaning differs not only words, but also morphemes. Yes, attachment at- is used when it comes to the incompleteness of the action, close proximity, approximation or attachment; pre- in cases where the highest degree of something is meant ( funny - very funny, but: move (attachment), sit down (incompleteness), seaside (close to the sea).

There are also roots that have different lexical meanings. These are like - poppy-/-mok-; -equals-/-exactly-. If the word means immersion in liquid, you should write - poppy- (dip cookies in milk), another thing is the meaning of “pass, absorb liquid”, in this case writing is required - mok- (wet feet). Root - equals- should be written when talking about equality ( the equation); -exactly- used in the sense of something smooth, even ( trim bangs).

Single and multiple words

The richness of the words of the Russian language consists of those units that have several or only one lexical meaning. This The former have only one interpretation: birch, scalpel, Moscow, pizza. As can be seen from the examples, the group of unambiguous words includes proper names, recently emerged or foreign words, also narrowly focused. These are all kinds of terms, the names of professions, the names of animals.

There are many more polysemantic words in the language, that is, those that have several meanings. As a rule, interpretations unfold around a certain feature or meaning. The explanatory dictionary will tell you that the word is polysemantic. The meanings of such tokens are listed below the numbers. Let's take the word "earth" as an example. It has several interpretations:

  1. One of the planets in the solar system.
  2. Land - opposition to the concepts of "water" and "sky".
  3. The soil is a fertile layer that allows you to grow all kinds of crops.
  4. Territory owned by someone.
  5. For some countries - a federal unit.

Direct and figurative meaning of the word

All can contain a direct or figurative interpretation. If the task “Explain the lexical meaning of words” is encountered, you need to look into the explanatory dictionary. There, next to the value, it will be indicated whether it is direct or figurative. The first is the main one; the second was formed on the basis of the main one according to the principle of similarity.

For example, consider the word "hat". First, its main meaning is a headdress with small fields. Based on the similarity, a figurative interpretation was formed: the upper part of an object, expanded and flat - mushroom cap or nail.

It is the figurative meanings that give speech a special figurativeness; on their basis, such tropes as a metaphor are created (hidden comparison: sheaf of hair), metonymy (adjacency of signs: silver plate) and synecdoche (the part is used instead of the whole: the peasant was actually a slave).

Sometimes there are cases when only a figurative meaning appears in the language, and to complete a task, such as “Determine the lexical meaning of words”, you will need not only sensible, but also. For example, this was the case with the adjective “red”. Its direct meaning "beautiful" is preserved only in ancient toponyms ("Red Square") or folklore (proverbs).


The meanings of words can be compared, contrasted. The program studies such relationships for grades 5-6. The lexical meaning of homonyms, synonyms and antonyms is very interesting. Consider all these types of words.

Homonyms are those words that are identical in pronunciation or spelling, but their meaning is completely different. Yes, the words carnations(flowers) and carnations(pointed rods for fastening materials) are spelled the same and pronounced differently. Another example: braid- type of hairstyle, and braid- agricultural implement. Homonyms can also be grammatical. So, in the phrases "flood the oven" and "bake pies." Word bake is a noun in the first case and a verb in the second. Concepts should not be confused The first does not imply any similarity between concepts, while the second is based on the principle of similarity of some feature.


Synonyms are words with identical lexical meaning. For example, the words comrade, shirt-guy "have the meaning of a close, trusted person. However, synonyms still differ in shades of meaning. Friend, for example, denotes a particularly close person.

Synonyms also have different stylistic coloring. So, shirt-guy used in colloquial speech. As a rule, synonyms are words of one part of speech, however, they can be stable combinations. Knowing the phenomenon of synonymy helps to avoid spelling errors. So, to find out the correct spelling of the particle not with nouns or adjectives, you must follow the algorithm: "determine the lexical meaning and try to find a synonym without not: enemy - enemy".


Antonyms are words that differ diametrically in lexical meaning: friend - enemy; go - run; deep - shallow; up down. As you can see, the phenomenon of antonymy is characteristic of any parts of speech: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs. The use of such words gives speech a special expressiveness, helps to convey especially important thoughts to the listener or reader, therefore very often words that are opposite in meaning are found in folk sayings - proverbs. For example, In this case, "soft - hard" - antonyms.

As you can see, the Russian language is very diverse, so the topic of word interpretation has been studied for several years. In addition, it is included in the main school exams, where it occurs, for example, the task “Explain the lexical meaning of words” or “Choose a synonym / antonym / homonym for the word”, and so on.

What is the lexical meaning of a word?

Where can you clarify the lexical meaning of a word?

Every word means something. The meaning of some words is well known and understandable. For example, the word "textbook" stands for special book, in which the facts of any science intended for learning are stated. Word "underground" denotes an underground high-speed railway in major cities. The meaning of the word, its meaning is called lexical meaning . To understand a word means to know its lexical meaning.

But there are words in the language with which we are not familiar, their lexical meaning is unknown to us. And what to do with it? Where to look for the meaning of obscure words?

The meaning of the word can be clarified in special dictionaries - sensible. What are these dictionaries? Probably, you have heard how a good specialist, a knowledgeable, understanding person is said to be - explanatory. A clear explanation is said to be a reasonable explanation. Well, and the dictionary too - knowing, understanding, understandable? Yes - and not so. Of course, explanatory dictionaries know a lot about words. But the very word "explanatory" in the phrase "explanatory dictionary" has a different meaning. It is connected with the words "interpret", "interpretation" in the meaning of "explain", "explanation". So, an explanatory dictionary is a dictionary that explains what a particular word means, a dictionary that gives the lexical meaning of words.

The explanatory dictionary consists of dictionary entries. The dictionary entry looks like this:

What did we learn about the word from the dictionary entry of the explanatory dictionary? First, we found out that the word "azure" means a light blue color, similar to the color of azure. Secondly, they learned how the word is pronounced, because explanatory dictionaries put word stress. Thirdly, we saw what forms this word has in the feminine and neuter gender. Pay attention to the word in brackets "poet.", which ends the dictionary entry. Such - almost always enclosed in brackets - words are called dictionary notes . In our case, the mark means that the word is not from the usual spoken language, it is used in the poetic language. There are explanatory dictionaries and other litters. They indicate the features of the use of the word. For example, litter unfold says that the word is used mainly in colloquial speech, litter book.- on the contrary, it indicates that the word is not used in colloquial speech, we can only meet it in serious books. We have yet to get acquainted with other vocabulary labels. Paying attention to them is important, because they will help us deal with some rules for using words.

In the dictionary entry of the explanatory dictionary, examples of the use of the word, its combination with other words are necessarily given. In our article, these are the phrases " Azure surface. Azure sea. Azure waves. Azure night.

The dictionary entry with which we met (the word "azure") is taken from Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Ushakov. D. N. Ushakov is a well-known Russian linguist who led a group of scientists who worked on the dictionary for more than ten years - starting in 1928.

Another famous explanatory dictionary of the Russian language was created S. I. Ozhegov. The dictionary began to appear in 1949, since then it has been reprinted more than 20 times, the author made additions and changes to it, this work was continued by his students.

The most modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, edited by T. F. Efremova includes 160 thousand dictionary entries - and this is not all the words that exist in the Russian language.

Explanatory dictionaries are published on paper and posted on the Internet. They should be actively used when studying the Russian language.

How is a word defined in a dictionary? There are three main ways in which explanatory dictionaries explain the meaning of a word.

The first way - selection of words that are close in meaning . This is how the interpretation of the word "azure" in Ushakov's dictionary was given: azure is a light blue color.

Let us turn to the dictionary entry from the Ozhegov dictionary, which explains the meaning of the word "noodles".

The dictionary entry contains those characteristics that can explain the meaning of the word: what it is made of (wheat flour), what it looks like (narrow thin strips). This is one of the most common ways of interpreting words.

The third way is to clarify the meanings of the parts of the word. This interpretation is used for compound words which consist of two parts. Let's see how Ozhegov's dictionary interprets the meaning of the word "steelworker".

Do you like to solve crossword puzzles? Interesting job, right?

In crossword puzzles, the lexical meaning of the word is often given, by which it needs to be recognized. A crossword puzzle is like an explanatory dictionary in reverse. Crossword authors offer us definitions, such as:

"The hard part of the shoe sole, stuffed under the heel";

"The solemn passage of troops (ships, aircraft), as well as athletes."

According to these definitions, we must learn the word and enter it into the cells of the crossword puzzle.

By the way, what words are "hidden" behind these definitions? And what way of interpreting these words is used?

The word is one of the significant units of the language system.

Until now, there is no single definition of a word that satisfies all researchers, since words are very diverse even within the same language. This property of words is especially evident when comparing units of different language systems.

There are many definitions of words, taking into account its different aspects and their totality. Let us accept as a working definition of the word given by N.M. Shansky. “A word is a linguistic unit that has (if it is not unstressed) in its original form one main stress and has meaning, lexical and grammatical relatedness and impenetrability” (Shansky, 72, p. 32)

The given definition, taking into account the formal and functional features of the word, in general view represents the place of the word in the language system.

For lexicology, first of all, the definition of a word is of interest from the point of view of the lexical subsystem of the language, i.e. defining it lexical meaning .

The lexical meaning of a word is determined by a number of extralinguistic and intralinguistic factors. The first are dominant and reflect:

1) connection of LP with the phenomena of reality ( denotations);

2) the connection of LP with the concept as a form of thinking that reflects these phenomena of reality ( significatum).

Second, intralinguistic, these are the connections that exist between words in the language system itself and which also participate in the formation of lexical meanings. The well-known lexicologist E.V. Kuznetsova successfully illustrates these provisions by the practice of compiling crossword puzzles different types. So the task in the crossword puzzle can be represented as an image of the subject. The fact that one can go from the image of a ball, for example, to its name, convincingly testifies to the action of the denotative factor linking the word with the objects of reality. Most often, the meaning of a word is given in the form of a definition, which indicates the features of the concept that forms the basis of its meaning. So, the search word glass can be given by a list of the following features: 1) vessel, 2) glass, 3) cylindrical, 4) without a handle, 5) used for drinking. From such tasks it is easiest to come to words, especially if the list of features in them is quite complete, and this is direct evidence of how important the conceptual ( significative component). Finally, the task can be calculated not so much on the meaning of the word, but on its relationship with other words in the system. For example, a given word can be a synonym for the search word: bad weather with the desired bad weather. The fulfillment of such a task is guaranteed by the knowledge of the synonymic relations of words, which are a purely linguistic (intralinguistic) phenomenon.

Apart from denotative, significative and linguistic (structural) components in the content of the word also distinguish connotative part. Connotations (from the Latin connotare - to designate) contain a variety of additional meanings that reflect feelings, assessments, desires, aesthetic empathy, national-cultural associations and other impressions of the subject. For example, "poet" contains a disparaging assessment, "esculapius" - ironic.

Meaning of the word

Scheme 1

It is the lexical meaning that allows the word to perform the main functions: nominative (the ability of most words to name objects, signs, actions, etc. of the surrounding reality) and semasiological (ability to convey concepts).

Not all words have a nominative function. It is fully characteristic of significant words: noun (they call the object), adjectives (they call the sign), verbs (they call the action), adverbs (they call the sign of the action). Functional words (prepositions, conjunctions, particles), interjections do not designate objects. Numerals do not designate objects (except for “objectified”). In pronouns, the ability to designate objects is determined by a specific situation.

Not all words are capable of expressing concepts. They cannot express the concepts of interjection, since they act only as signals of emotional states, volitional needs. The verbs derived from them ( groan) and nouns ( ouch) already convey concepts. The concepts expressed by pronouns are very generalized. Numerals convey quantitative concepts. Specific concepts: grammatical or relationship concepts: spatial, temporal, etc. convey official words. Nouns do not express concepts in the usual sense of the word - proper names.

All words still matter. Only in some words it is directly related to the concept, while in others the meaning is formed by different evaluative elements, expressive characteristic, grammatical features, etc.

Lexical meaning of the word- this is its "subject-material content, designed according to the laws of the grammar of a given language and being an element of the general semantic system of the dictionary of this language" (Vinogradov, VYa, 1953, No. 5, p. 10)

The lexical meaning is individual, it is peculiar to a particular word and, together with the sound shell of the word, delimits it from other words. Lexical meaning is opposed to grammatical.

grammatical meaning the words- this is its characteristic as a certain class (part of speech), inflectional paradigm (declension, conjugation), word-formation type, etc. The lexical meaning is contained in the basis of the word, the grammatical meaning is in affixes.

Ways of interpreting the lexical meaning of a word

Considering the systemic connections between words, it is possible to establish several ways of interpreting the lexical meaning of a word.

1. Words derivatives , having a word-formation structure, are interpreted through the generating stem, taking into account the meaning of the word-forming affix: gardener"Garden Keeper" » ; turn blue"become blue"; sing"start to sing."

Abstract verbal nouns with suffixes -ne]-, -ti]-, -k-, are interpreted as "action on the verb indicated in the generating stem": drawing"action on the verb paint"; running "action on the verb run."

Nouns formed from adjectives with suffixes -awn,-from-, -out-, -ev-, -in-, have the meaning "an abstract sign according to the adjective indicated in the generating basis » : brightness"abstract sign by adjective bright"; the beauty " abstract sign by adjective beautiful".

Substantive relative adjectives with suffixes - n-, -ov-, -sk-, -j-(and variants of these suffixes) are interpreted according to the pattern "relating to what is indicated by the generating stem": indoor"pertaining to the room"; garden " pertaining to the garden.

2. Lexical meanings of words with a non-derivative basis are interpreted differently.

The meaning of a word that has synonyms is interpreted through synonyms: loose

"loose, crumbly, porous"; by chance"unexpectedly, accidentally."

Words that do not have synonyms (primarily subject-specific vocabulary) are interpreted through a generic word indicating the specific features of the subject. This way of interpretation is called descriptive or encyclopedic. If words of this type are included in an encyclopedic dictionary, then their explanations are given in the same way. Wed:

Tiger- carnivorous mammal feline, very large, with striped skin (see: Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language / Ed. D. N. Ushakova. M „ 1940. T. 4).

Tiger- a mammal of the family. feline. Length body up to 3 m, tail 1.1 m (see: Soviet encyclopedic Dictionary. M., 1980).

Tiger(Paptega tigris), a mammal of the family. feline. One of the largest contemporary predators: dl. body up to 3 m, tail - 1.1 m (see: Big Soviet Encyclopedia. 3rd ed. T. 25).

In some cases (if the word is derivative and has synonyms), two methods of interpreting the lexical meaning of the word can be used:

Charming- 1. Able to charm. 2. Delightful, bewitching, charming.

Explanatory dictionaries Designed for native speakers, it contributes to the normalization of speech and explains lexical units.

The first explanatory dictionary of the Russian language was the "Dictionary of the Russian Academy" (1789-1794). It included over 43,000 words and was focused mainly on the transmission of high-style words, including those of Old Church Slavonic origin. The four-volume "Dictionary of the Church Slavonic and Russian Language" (1847) contains about 115,000 words. The compilers supplemented his vocabulary with many words recorded in the monuments, as well as foreign, vernacular, dialectal words.

The four-volume "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language" by V.I. Dalia came out in 1863-1866. (second edition with some corrections by the author -1880 -1882). It includes about 200,000 words, of which about 80,000 were collected by the author himself. Subsequent editions of this dictionary (1903, 1912) were finalized by I.A. Baudouin de Courtenay, who included 20,000 new words in the dictionary. The second edition of the dictionary was repeatedly reprinted in Soviet times. This dictionary is a rich collection of folk speech. In addition to literary words, dialect vocabulary, words associated with trades, crafts, folk medicine, even the words of the secret language of the ofenes.

At the end of the XIX century. the academic Dictionary of the Russian Language began to be published in separate editions, conceived as a normative dictionary-legislator of literary norms, characterizing both the selection of words itself and the system of markings of the vocabulary of the literary language since the time of Lomonosov. Issues of the first volume (HELL) came out in 1891-1895. edited by Ya.K. Grotto. After his death, A.A. became the head of the publication. Chess, which radically changed the nature of the dictionary. In the second volume (E - 3), published in 1897 - 1907, there are no stylistic marks and indications of a normative nature, the volume of the vocabulary has been significantly expanded due to obsolete and dialect words. The dictionary is not finished: brought only to the letter O.

All explanatory dictionaries published in Soviet times are normative. The four-volume "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" edited by D.N. Ushakov came out in 1935-1940. (republished in 1947 - 1948). It includes 85289 words most commonly used in fiction and functional styles, mainly of the Soviet era.

One-volume "Dictionary of the Russian language" S.I. Ozhegov in the first edition (1949) included 50,100 words, in the fourth - 53,000, and in the twelfth - about

57,000 words. It did not include rare terms, obsolete, rudely colloquial, narrow dialect words, but included (especially in the ninth edition of 1972, prepared under the guidance of N.Yu. Shvedova) many new words.

In 1950 -1965. published a 17-volume Dictionary of the Modern Russian Literary Language (or BAS - Big Academic Dictionary), reflecting the vocabulary from Pushkin to the present day. It contains 120,480 words, including many obsolete, special, colloquial, dialectal, found in literature. The four-volume "Dictionary of the Russian Language" of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (or MAS - Small Academic Dictionary) in the first edition (1957 -1961) contained 82,159 words, in the second (1981 - 1984) and third (1985 - 1988) - about 90,000 words.

The main differences between explanatory dictionaries are the volume of the dictionary, the arrangement of words, the interpretation of meanings, the nature of the illustrative material, the system of labels, and the presentation of grammatical material.

The arrangement of words in the dictionary can be nested: in one dictionary entry a nest of related, cognate words is given (“Dictionary of the Russian Academy”, “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” by Dahl, first three volumes of BAS) or alphabetic. The alphabetic semi-nested method is used in Ozhegov's Dictionary of the Russian Language: in one dictionary entry, some derivatives of it, starting with the same letter, are placed along with the headword.

Components of the lexical meaning of a word. The semantic structure of the word. Lexical value types.

Components of the lexical meaning of a word The lexical meaning of a word can consist of different semantic components - sem. Sema– the minimum segment of the value. The totality of all these meanings is called sememe.

Central and main in the structure of the sememe is archiseme(conceptual core) - a common seme, characteristic of all units of a certain class. For example, in the words sea, ocean, lake, pond, river, stream, archiseme will be “reservoir”. In addition to the archiseme, the sememe includes differential semes, they distinguish the meanings of words within the same paradigm (class). So, in the names of reservoirs there are distinctive semes "naturalness - artificiality", "closedness - openness", etc. The emotive meaning (evaluative component), if it is present in the meaning of the word, can constitute the conceptual core (hag, rhyming motif), and can be one from the differential features (palace - "the dwelling of a royal person and his family", a shack - "the dwelling of the poor"). With the help of this, the similarity and difference of lexical units are described, their identification and opposition are carried out.

The semantic structure of the word. The meaning of a word is a certain structure, a system of relations of lexico-semantic variants (LSV). If there are 2 meanings in a word, then they speak of two LSVs, and so on. LSWs are interconnected with each other, semantically motivated due to the connection of their internal forms. The internal form can be defined as a way of representing extralinguistic content in the language (See the districts of V. Humboldt, A.A. Potebnya). In a series of word meanings that successively follow from each other, each preceding one acts as an internal form of the subsequent one. “The internal form of the word is most clearly found in the main meaning, which creates the prospect of a holistic perception of the lexical unit, the relationship of internal forms of meanings as part of a single whole” (Modern Russian Language, 1989, p. 184). The commonality of internal forms of meanings or the presence of a common internal form in them is clearly seen, for example, in the word wardrobe. See Dictionary of the Russian Language, ed. Evgenieva:

Wardrobe, -a, m. 1. Wardrobe. At the door was a wardrobe with her costumes ... 2. A room in a public building designed to store outerwear; dressing room. (Sister) whispered to the nanny who was on duty at the wardrobe ....3. All wearable clothing of one person. One uniform and two trousers .... - that's his whole wardrobe.

The meanings of the word are combined into a single semantic whole due to the idea of ​​a room for clothes and the sequence of internal forms of meanings “containing (room for clothes) - content (clothing itself)”

At the meanings of the word Earth"soil, soil, the substance that makes up the crust of our planet" (to plow the earth) and « cultivated soil used for agricultural purposes" (arable land) general semantic part "soil".

Types of lexical meanings of a word. The implementation of one or another meaning occurs in a certain context (verbal environment, compatibility). Based on the features of word compatibility, classifications of types of lexical meanings are developed. The classification of types of lexical meanings developed by V.V. Vinogradov is currently considered generally accepted. (see Vinogradov, 1977, pp. 162-169). Let's present this classification in the form of a table.