Birth year of the fiery monkey. Year of the Monkey according to the Chinese horoscope: emotional and expressive Monkey people

Let's try to characterize the year of the Monkey, so to speak, in a general way.

Since the Monkey is a lively, energetic, creative and cheerful animal, its life as a whole is breathtaking fun and variety. It is especially good for those who do not sit still, both in work and in rest, strive for movement and diversity. People born in the year of the Monkey always find a creative approach to the ideas of new projects, love entertainment and. Dizzying changes, amazing new acquaintances and sudden turns - this is what the Monkey prefers. As well as many new friends and funny surprises.

It is not difficult to characterize people born in the year of the Monkey: look at the Monkeys and “translate” to the human level.

Monkeys are very smart - Monkey people too. Monkeys are cute. Usually they behave very well in the company, it seems that they just chirp and “poison stories”, and they carefully observe everyone, analyze, draw conclusions. They are conflicting and even aggressive, but this is usually retaliatory aggression.

Monkeys do not really like to work and can take someone else's if it lies very badly, they are proud and at times unreasonably arrogant. They rarely make friends and often find it difficult to start a family. With their logical mindset, Monkeys are regrettably superficial and frivolous, expecting concessions and indifference from others (Monkey jokes are often very painful), but they are very creative, inquisitive and love to learn. They are also willing to compromise if they see that it did not work out to crush the partner. This is a characteristic of people born in the year of the Monkey. And if we talk specifically about the characteristics of women born in the year of the Monkey, then there are nuances.

Characteristics of the Monkey Woman

Monkey women often make scandals from scratch. They need to throw out negative energy. After a quarrel, they come to a wonderful mood. They are sweet, feminine, defenseless. But at heart they are quite prudent. It is difficult for them to save a family because of outbursts of character, and they consider it unnecessary to be faithful if they love their husband in their hearts.

Characteristics of the Monkey man

In men born in the year of the Monkey, the characteristic has much in common with the female. They also do not strive for bodily fidelity in marriage, believing that their wife is quite satisfied with their love in the soul. Monkey men are smart and ambitious, they often succeed in business. If anything interferes with them, then excessive gambling. By the way, among them there are often players who can lose a fortune in an evening.

In general, the characteristics of people born in the year of the Monkey draws a contradictory, but rather cute. The Japanese believe that the Monkey herself can get rid of the bad traits of her character, and then this person is not just smart, but wise, independent in judgment, diplomatic and creative - a born politician.

The life of a Monkey is a game, fun and exciting. Therefore, the Monkey never loses optimism, and she does not take trouble seriously. A powerful dodgy mind helps her find a way out of any situation.

Monkey children are real angels: sweet, inquisitive, obedient. But teenage Monkeys are a real nightmare.

They have not yet learned to negotiate, but their love of freedom, arrogance and jokes will infuriate anyone, even the most calm person.

However, this should not be taken too seriously. Looking at the opinions of different astrologers, you can find many discrepancies in them. And this can only mean one thing: not everything is so simple ...

The eastern horoscope is arranged in such a way that all signs are repeated every 12 years. For example, 1980 is the year of the monkey, respectively, 1992, 2004, 2016 will pass under this sign. The monkey is the personification of cunning. At the same time, she is distinguished by inconstancy and eccentricity.

The Year of the Monkey gives the world sociable people with a good sense of humor. They easily make friends and are almost always the soul of the company. They are cunning and cunning, they know how to create that memory about themselves that is profitable for them at the moment. People born in the year of the Monkey are very selfish. To achieve their goals, they are capable of much. If necessary, they will be kind, friendly, helpful and courteous. In reality, they consider themselves above all those around them, even despise them to some extent.

Many intellectuals are born in the year of the Monkey. These people read a lot, love to study and learn everything new. They usually know about everything that happens in the world, have an excellent memory and a lively mind. Because of this, they almost always have higher education.

The monkey is very creative. She easily solves the most difficult problems that may seem insurmountable to another. She always has many plans. But if she did not take up their implementation immediately, then the possibility is great that she will not take it at all. The monkey has common sense and will not go on the rampage in vain. But at the same time, she deftly misleads others and is able to deceive and ridicule even a very dexterous and powerful Dragon. Being cunning and diplomatic, she does not succumb to the Tiger's magnetism and, as usual, laughs even at him.

In the year of the Monkey, independent people are born, loving themselves and their peculiarity. It is difficult for them to inspire something, and even more so to impose. They always look out for their interests. For this they are able to lie without any hesitation. The monkey is capable of dishonest deeds. She is always confident in her impunity, which often brings her down.

The monkey will succeed in all matters that require dexterity and cunning. She is subject to such areas as industry, commerce, politics. She can take on any business, as long as it is curious to her. However, those born under this sign should avoid long verbal outpourings: they can tire people and spoil the reputation of the Monkey itself.

In love, the Monkey is often unhappy. She quickly gets carried away, but just as quickly cools down. In general, her innate sense of humor always saves her - she can laugh at her failures and mistakes. This helps to overcome many difficulties and live on.

In the year of the Monkey, people are born who can charm almost everyone. They can make an excellent pair for a strong Dragon. Such an alliance will be strong if the Dragon is indulgent to the tricks of the Monkey. These people have a special relationship with the Rat. A monkey can love her, even if this feeling is not mutual. With the Tiger, she should be more careful. Despite all the cunning of the Monkey, the Tiger will easily eat it.

Regardless of who the Monkey connects his life with, he will have his own home and many children. Her life can be divided into three parts. The first will be happy, the second - vague and stormy, the third will bring peace and tranquility.

Chinese horoscope: the cycle of the Year of the Monkey for 150 years
1908 1920 1932 1944 1956 1968 1980
February 2 February 20th February 6 The 25th of January 12th of February January 30 February 16
1992 2004 2016 2028 2040 2052 2064
February 4 January 22 February 8
* Dates indicate the first day of the New Year.

Chinese horoscope - Monkey

The earliest ancient astrological symbol of the Monkey was associated in Chinese culture with lightning speed. This symbol is similar to the artist's bold attempt to evoke a bright flash of lightning in the memory of the beholder with one light stroke of the brush. Having a great resemblance to a mobile and cheerful, quick-witted and vigilant monkey, he personifies continuous movement.

People born in the year of the Monkey are often endowed with a special inner spirit filled with the lightning-fast energy of their primate prototypes. They have a remarkable ability to think and make decisions with incredible speed. In Monkeys, by nature, the spiritual gift is to grasp everything on the fly and learn quickly and, like all primates, imitate and repeat everything that attracts them. Their phenomenal energy intelligence allows them to constantly generate new ideas, invent new ways of doing things, add links to already organized systems and create innovative products. amazing agility and given by nature the ability to adapt to any circumstances helps them to confidently stay afloat in various life situations.

The impetuous energy of the Monkey sometimes seems cold and insensitive to others, their colleagues, relatives and friends are often annoyed about this. The nature of the internal energy of the Monkey is such that it is rather difficult to piss them off, they are unable to experience discontent for a long time, they are not vindictive. They may return again and again to their abuser if he makes attempts to mend the relationship again. They easily converge and get to know people and can always help in difficult times. Monkeys are mostly independent beings, at the same time they love noisy companies and often become the center of attention.

It usually happens that Monkeys find themselves born into a family where they are overly cared for. In the Monkey family, a complex hierarchy develops, which they unquestioningly adhere to. They always treat the head of the family with special respect.

People born in the year of the Monkey have tremendous narcissism and self-confidence, at times mistakenly believe that they are more perfect than they really are. They love very much when they are flattered, at this moment they have spiritual relaxation, and they begin to lose control over the situation, after which they easily fall into the set networks.

Monkeys are distinguished by purposefulness, wholly focused on self-improvement and their own development, both physical and spiritual. At heart, Monkeys want to become heroes and attract as much attention as possible to themselves. Their grandiose ambition leads them to study hard throughout their lives, to excel in sports, to strive to win in everything they have to deal with. Monkeys are zealous debaters, they are always used to proving their case, they know how to correctly build a speech in order to convince the public.

Many people born under the sign of the Monkey are skilled swindlers, schemers and charlatans. They achieve most of their goals through deception. They remember their conscience only when, in their opinion, they are treated with prejudice and unfairly. Morality and morality fade into the background: the most important thing is to realize your plans.

Monkeys rarely strive to take leadership positions in work, because they are very afraid of responsibility. The lack of essential business qualities prevents them from achieving the desired success in their work. However, due to their irresistible artistry and excellent ability to work with various kinds of information, they make excellent artists, writers, journalists and secretaries.

If suddenly the Monkeys make any mistake, then they always carefully check what exactly could have gone wrong, look at the root of the problem, do everything possible to correct themselves, and continue to do their job. They always learn from their mistakes and very rarely give up when faced with a problem. Probably their weakness lies in the fact that such people do not know the boundaries where to slow down or stop.

Character traits

You are endowed with a natural mind. This gives you the opportunity to observe events and then act according to the situation. Even during a conversation, you follow what is happening around you, especially if it directly concerns you, then put aside in memory what was said and done, and store it for further analysis.

You are a pleasant conversationalist and a good listener, so people often share good and bad news with you. You know how to keep a secret and are honest in business.

You like diversity in life, like companies; most people born in the year of the Monkey are actively involved in public life. One of your strengths is the ability to adapt to different situations, and when you are asked for advice, you always think it over carefully.

Although you are a reliable person and are unlikely to intentionally offend someone, you do not like to be offended. You are quite treacherous and are waiting for an opportunity to get even. In your determination to achieve what you want, you may appear vain or unscrupulous, be careful that this does not damage your relationship with friends. Sometimes it is wiser not to rush towards your goal, but to allow events to unfold slowly.

Many people born in the Year of the Monkey have excellent memories. There is something in your openness and desire to help people that allows them to forgive you for unsightly character traits. You may be friendly and sociable, which makes you a welcome guest at a party, but there is also another side of your character that guides you when you see who is in danger.


Your versatility and quick response is a godsend for a wide range of professions. Those born in the year of the Monkey are smart. If they set a goal for themselves, they rarely reach it. There are certain skills you can learn quickly that you should focus on; you need to know your capabilities and not take on risky business. Most people who were born in the year of the Monkey adequately assess the degree of risk and are acutely aware of financial situations. You do not shy away from new problems and ponder them until you find a solution. Even when the situation seems unfavorable, you find possible solutions. Your organizational skills are combined with analytical and creative approach.

You can pursue a career in media, finance, management, police or public relations. The professions of a designer, craftsman, surveyor or planner are suitable for you.


You are attracted and excited by romantic relationships, and you can live a life full of love. Partners like your openness, sense of humor and your interest in the world around you. You know how to make it easy for people to be with you, and you can infect even the most timid with your enthusiasm. The difficulty is that you have to make commitments, but if you finally do it, you rarely refuse them.

At the beginning of a relationship, you can sometimes be unpredictable or childishly frivolous: if your partner makes a minor mistake, you may perceive it as an insult, your mood may suddenly change for no apparent reason. An attentive partner will easily eliminate your nervousness and insecurity. And when a stable relationship is born between you, you turn out to be a caring and reliable partner. Your charm, your energy and cheerfulness give you the opportunity to keep these relationships strong. And even when the relationship ends, you can help former partners.

Side of the world

West - Southwest. The monkey is associated with the west-southwest direction, which in turn is associated with the late afternoon hours when the sun sets. This direction is also traditionally associated with early autumn, when yin begins to gain strength.


White. The monkey is associated with the color white, which is traditionally associated with autumn and maturity. White color also associated with cleanliness and freshness. Although white clothes are worn in China during mourning, it can also mean good luck, and white birds are a sign of good luck.

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  • From 02/02/1908 to 01/21/1909 - Year of the Earth (Yellow) Monkey;
  • From 02/20/1920 to 02/07/1921 - Year of the Metal (White) Monkey;
  • From 02/06/1932 to 01/25/1933 - Year of the Water (Black) Monkey;
  • From 01/25/1944 to 02/12/1945 - Year of the Wood (Blue) Monkey;
  • From 02/12/1956 to 01/30/1957 - the Year of the Red (Fire) Monkey;
  • From 01/30/1968 to 02/16/1969 - Year of the Earth (Yellow) Monkey;
  • From 02/16/1980 to 02/04/1981 - Year of the Metal (White) Monkey;
  • From 02/04/1992 to 01/22/1993 - Year of the Water (Black) Monkey;
  • From 01/22/2004 to 02/08/2005 - Year of the Wood (Blue) Monkey;
  • From 02/08/2016 to 01/27/2017 - Year of the Red (Fire) Monkey;
  • From 01/26/2028 to 02/12/2029 - the Year of the Earth (Yellow) Monkey.

The corresponding zodiac sign is Sagittarius.

Strengths of character

People born in the year of the Monkey are naturally endowed with dexterity and the ability to quickly navigate in any environment. When unexpected difficulties arise, the Monkey instantly switches to solving them, choosing the fastest and safest path for this. This person does not like to act rudely, and if circumstances have driven him into a corner, he will find a way out with the help of cunning or actions that no one expected from him, and thanks to his innate sense of humor, he will laugh at failure and move on.

The monkey is one of the most sociable signs of the eastern horoscope. From the outside it may seem that she gets along with everyone, but from each acquaintance she derives some benefit for herself. Nevertheless, the fact remains, and the Monkey's ability to find an approach to other people inspires respect and a desire to communicate. In her society, even the most notorious people feel relaxed, and if they manage to win over the Monkey, they can find in her person a reliable patron or noble protector.

Weaknesses of character

The representative of the sign of the Monkey is quick-tempered, and to get him out of himself is almost a matter of a second. The actions of the Monkey are reinforced by a sense of self-righteousness, even if it is completely wrong, or even worse, not in the know at all. She is used to judging superficially, without delving into details, and therefore tends to draw premature conclusions and start debriefing “on the spot”. Conflict is an integral part of the characteristics of the Monkey.

The second weakness of the Monkey is that she often falls under the influence of others, while considering herself the mistress of the situation. People with impure intentions prefer to deal with those who do not know how to control their emotions, and since the impulsiveness of the Monkey definitely attracts attention, she often becomes a victim of scammers and lets those who wish her harm behind the mask of a well-wisher get too close to her. From all this we can conclude that the Monkey does not understand people at all.

In love

A person born under the sign of the Monkey is amorous, therefore he chooses his life partner not with his head, but with his heart. At the same time, he is guided only by his own desires, and if, taking into account the rules of decency, you cannot even look in the direction of your beloved, this is not an argument for him. The Monkey woman will not stop at the temptation to have fun with her friend's husband, and the man born this year will not be stopped by the fact that the beloved is, for example, his brother's wife. The monkey will always find a way to justify himself by the fact that he met the love of his life, but this does not make it easier for those around him.

In defense of the loving Monkey, it is worth adding that she does not seek adventure or sexual relaxation, but sincerely accepts every sympathy based on passion for the highest and brightest feeling. However, relationships are rarely long-lasting - the love of the Monkey burns brightly, but not for long. To create a strong union, this person needs a condescending and loving partner, able to close his eyes to a lot for the sake of family happiness.


A person born in the year of the Monkey is active and resourceful, and therefore any business he undertakes will be successful. The monkey rarely acts according to the generally accepted scheme - he knows how to find more shortcuts completion of what has been started, and this fact does not always please those who are associated with her work. The fact is that the Monkey, for the sake of success, is able to circumvent the law and does not stop at deception, which certainly brings benefits, but is fraught with major troubles. The Monkey herself will certainly find a way to get out of the water dry, which cannot be said about the management of the company or the employees who worked with her on the same project.

The representative of this sign is an ideological person who does not like monotony and boredom. The monkey needs a job that involves communication and constant movement, because she does not like to sit still. Like a fish in water, this person will feel comfortable in the field of activity where his gift of persuasion will be in action. The ideal occupation for the Monkey is trading, advertising, or grouping people into groups, since organizational skills are present in its characteristics.

Monkey Man

A man born in the year of the Monkey, from the very beginning of his acquaintance, causes a desire to get to know him better. He knows how to win over an interlocutor, and makes such an impression as if he understands absolutely everyone, and even those who speak a language unfamiliar to him. Thanks to his sociability, he comfortably settles in life, acquires reliable patrons and true friends, finds a profitable job, and enjoys all the available benefits to the fullest. The Monkey man loves to enjoy life and does not miss his own.

In relationships with women, he is unstable. He needs new emotions all the time, so if his life partner lives in the same rhythm as her beloved, this couple has a chance for happiness. A calm but lasting love union will not suit him.

Monkey Man Perceives love relationship not as everyday work, where you need to be able to find compromises and build family happiness brick by brick, but as a gift that should fall on him from heaven, without implying any emotional investment. In other words, he is waiting for a meeting with the "soul mate", which is specially created for him and fully corresponds to his idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ideal woman.

For the most common flaws, well, or those character traits that, in his opinion, do not have the right to exist, he “rejects” women one after another. As a rule, he is married several times, but rarely finds the woman with whom he could be pleased.

Monkey Woman

A woman born in the year of the Monkey according to the eastern horoscope is easy and pleasant to talk to. She has a large number of buddies, but these relationships are mostly superficial. She knows how to keep up a conversation on any topic, is not prone to harsh judgments and caustic criticism, thanks to which there are a lot of people who want to get close to her.

Few people pay attention to this, but every person from the environment of the Monkey woman is at least somehow useful to her. She doesn’t need communication for the sake of communication, and she doesn’t have special spiritual closeness with anyone - she doesn’t know how to subtly feel even those who are around all the time, and she doesn’t understand human psychology. However, superficial knowledge is enough for her to get close to the one she needs.

The Monkey woman is charming and takes care of her appearance, thanks to which she knows how to interest men in herself. She rarely marries at a young age, and if she does, the marriage usually ends in divorce. A representative of this sign can be in search of her happiness throughout her life, entering into short marriages from time to time.

In fact, a Monkey woman can be happy in a long-term relationship, but for this she needs an appropriate partner. If her husband loves her so much that he is ready to condescendingly relate to her emotional swings and flirting tendencies, the marriage union has a chance for peaceful relations and stability.

For people born in the year of the Monkey, life seems like an exciting game. They are smart, agile, nimble and play only by their own rules. Some take the representatives of this sign of the eastern zodiac quite lightly, although they have a quirky and sharp disposition.

A person born in the year of the Monkey can be described as a sociable, positive, dexterous and witty nature. Such people are easily capable of challenging Fate. For them, life is presented as an interesting and fascinating game, the rules of which are well known to the Monkey. A person born this year not only knows how to play, but often wins.

Year of the Monkey (what years): 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028.

Character features

The monkey in society is the soul of the company. Not a single holiday or party is complete without it. She knows how to amuse others with funny anecdotes and interesting stories from life that he encounters on a regular basis. People are always drawn to Monkeys, which is why they have a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. The strength of this sign of the Chinese Zodiac is, of course, humor. The monkey is not averse to playing a trick not only on others, but also on himself. Not in all cases it is "white and fluffy." Sometimes her merciless sarcasm makes people be especially careful in communication.

The monkey always builds a large number of life plans, but not everyone can trust them. Despite the seeming simplicity, she knows exactly what she wants from life. The monkey is always in the center of any event and takes the side of an attentive observer. A sharp mind allows her to quickly grasp and remember all the necessary information, which in the future can be very useful. The monkey is able to remember every detail, even the most insignificant.

Doing business is given to such people with difficulty, because they lack patience and perseverance. Although, the ability to communicate and attract others to him allows the Monkey to achieve great heights in a career. Most often, representatives of this year occupy positions in the field of journalism, politics, show business and commerce. Monkeys do not know how and do not want to save and accumulate finances, but at the same time they always have money.

Astrological Compatibility

A very interesting issue is the compatibility of the Monkey with other representatives of the signs of the eastern zodiac.

Rat. Monkeys usually have friendly and warm relations with these representatives. They understand each other perfectly. Such an alliance may well prove successful and durable.

Bull. The Bull for the Monkey may seem like a very boring conversationalist. However, she can be attracted by the industriousness, decency and prudence of the Ox. In relations between representatives of these signs, complete mutual understanding can be achieved.

Tiger. The relationship of the Monkey with the Tiger is very complex and controversial. Sometimes there are misunderstandings that can lead to serious conflicts.

Rabbit. Union Monkey-Rabbit (Cat) is only capable of friendship. at work and business relations they are absolutely incompatible as partners and allies.

The Dragon. A pretty good and strong union can form if the Monkey takes everything into his own hands.

Snake. In order to find a common language between the representatives of these signs, it is necessary to make a sufficient amount of effort. The Monkey will have to give up frivolity, and the Snake must not only be patient, but also forget about her inherent pride.

Horse. The friendship between the Horse and the Monkey will never succeed. Such people simply will not be able to find a common language.

Goat. A successful union can only be if the Monkey allows the Goat to take advantage of all its benefits. But the Goat does not always agree to such sacrifices.

A monkey. Tandem Monkey-Monkey can always find common topics for conversation. Such an alliance will be very successful and durable.

Rooster. This is a constant struggle and the search for compromises. It will be difficult for such people to get along.

Dog. In these relationships, you should always make concessions to each other. Only in this case the union can be successful and durable.

Pig. These are very different people. They are unlikely to be able to create a good and strong union. If he succeeds, then the Monkey will want to receive only his own benefits and benefits from the Pig.

Career and business relationships

The monkey always tries to provide for itself a stable and high level of income. Its main goal is to improve the financial situation. She excels at her work to the fullest. In this she is helped by diligence, prudence, the ability to benefit and natural quick wit.

However, those born in the year of the Monkey are always prone to change, including in work. It is difficult for them to sit in the same place and perform routine and urgent duties. The monkey will always find the job that she likes. Often, such people find themselves in freelancing, short-term projects or in contract execution. They are simply not interested in long and tedious work.

If the Monkey truly takes an interest in the activities that he performs, the leadership will receive a knowledgeable, intelligent and quick-witted employee.

Money horoscope: income, expenses, earnings

Monkeys love to take risks, including financially. Therefore, they can sometimes lose everything they have. Monkeys can earn a lot of money, but the inability to save and accumulate finances does not delay earnings for a long period of time. Such a person likes to pamper himself and spend very much large sums. The monkey needs a partner who will be able to restrain him from ill-considered and senseless expenses.

Monkey men in love relationships

The main goal of a man born this year, in the initial stages of a relationship, is to conquer a woman. After achieving this goal, Monkey men become stingy with emotions and feelings.

However, men born in the year of the Monkey are very passionate and always enjoy attention among the fair sex. The attention of this man can be attracted by a woman who knows exactly what she wants, is self-confident and knows how to enjoy life to the fullest.

Quiet, calm representatives of the eastern horoscope have practically no chance to win his heart. The Monkey man is able to truly sincerely love his other half. Then he will be able to give her all the emotions and feelings to the fullest. A loving Monkey man is a faithful and devoted ally in life.

Monkey Woman in a Love Relationship

Monkey women are for the most part insanely romantic natures. They need affection and tenderness, constant flirting, long phone conversations and passionate SMS correspondence. Every Monkey woman is very confident in herself and considers herself the most beautiful and irresistible. Such women are very attracted to males.