Man and woman business relationship. Men and women in business

There is the concept of "business style" - which means a value, cognitive, emotional and behavioral way of solving problems, including a way of expressing thoughts, a characteristic demeanor with business partners, typical for this person methods of organizing or performing any work. Business style is determined by the dominant motivation when making a decision, such as: human good, benefit, specific result, personal success, innovation or tradition. Depending on this motivation, we have a partner who cares only about himself or about his organization or about the common cause. The basic distinguishing features of a person's business style are the ratio of planning and situationalism in solving issues, as well as a person's orientation towards independence, dependence, cooperation or leadership. An important distinguishing feature of the business style is the orientation of the individual to the formal performance of duties or to human relations. The psychological components of the business style can be called the degree of punctuality, accuracy, pedantry, the attitude of the individual to the official hierarchy and business etiquette, the predominance of traditions or innovations in personal work. So, the elements of a person's business style are: motivation of activity, a way of making decisions, the nature of relationships with a partner, a manner of organizing work.

When choosing a business partner, we also choose a business strategy for working with him. These can be: an egoistic strategy - focusing on one's own interests and personal success; altruistic strategy - orientation to universal values ​​and common interests; cooperative strategy - focus on partnerships and the search for mutually beneficial solutions. In works on business psychology, a partner is distinguished - the Shark and a partner - the Dolphin. Shark partner comes from a selfish business strategy: “There is always one winner. I don't need to change myself. My decision is correct." Partner-Dolphin proceeds from a cooperative business strategy: “Let everyone win. Be ready to admit a mistake. What if…"

When developing your own business style, as well as in the process of understanding your partner, you should distinguish between supportive and non-supportive styles of behavior. A supportive style of behavior is communication in which a person feels his importance and value for a partner. A non-supportive style of behavior is communication in which the significance and value of a partner is consciously or unknowingly reduced. A supportive business style suggests that you constantly show your partner a positive reaction to his presence, interest in his problems, attention to what he says. Unsupportive business style is expressed in the lack of interest in the partner, the desire to reduce the time of communication, the unwillingness or inability to delve into the issues that concern the interlocutor. Non-supportive behavioral style can be used specifically to lower the partner's self-esteem; but it may simply be due to inexperience or lack of positive communication skills. In this case, you need to learn to actively show respect and attention to another person.

When analyzing possible business styles, it is worth paying attention to gender and age, as factors that largely determine the nature and forms of business communication.

Men and women have a different business style, that is: different motivations for business behavior, different ways of solving problems, different methods of organizing work. Men tend to be authoritarian, women tend to be democratic. If the organization has adopted a democratic style of communication, then women as leaders are valued as highly as men, and if it is authoritarian, then the assessment of women leaders is lower. Men are strong, active, assertive, the same women are aggressive and obsessive. The male style of communication indicates a desire for social dominance and independence, while the female style indicates mutual dependence, partnership or cooperation. The difference between male and female business style is expressed as follows:

1. For men, the so-called technocratic style is characteristic, for women - emotional-egoistic. Men are easier to perceive innovations, and women are prone to traditions. Men are quicker to grasp the problem as a whole, women are more attentive to details.

2. Despite the fact that politics and business are still dominated by men, sociologists and psychologists single out male and female management as a difference in orientations towards power and the exchange of services among men, and towards the interests of people and their desire to work - among women.

3. For men, rationality and simplicity are the main criteria for the correctness of a decision, for women - positive human consequences.

4. Men constantly strive to nullify the emotional intensity of activity, women cannot work without a personal relationship to the subject of activity and their partners.

5. Male result more important than the process, the opposite is true for a woman. When solving any problem, men prefer to reduce intermediate links, women are characterized by working out details, slowing down the final decision.

6. Women rely on themselves, and men on the team, although in reality women are more inclined to consult and communicate, and men are more inclined to authoritarian ways of making decisions.

7. Women are more often shy in front of superiors, submit to someone else's authority and tend to believe that the interests of others are more important than their own. Women's self-esteem tends to be low; and for men it is overestimated compared to the real results of their activities.

8. Women are unable to separate their personal and professional lives emotionally. Both a happy and unhappy woman work worse, while a happy or unhappy man at work is able to disconnect from his personal problems, and in private life forget about work. 90% of men consider work to be the most important thing in life.

Relations between men and women in the process of business communication:

The general pattern of communication between the sexes is that both men and women evaluate a new person in a company, group, team from the position of sexual attractiveness. That is, to avoid the influence of the sex factor on business relationship practically impossible. Gender differences often make partners a "problem" for each other, sometimes create unconscious communication barriers. According to men, a woman more often demonstrates inadequate behavior. Men reproach women for their inability to deal with their own mistakes, passivity and incorrect prioritization.

A woman is a “problem” for a man in business relations because the female business style is determined by the focus on human relations and the elaboration of details - this annoys the man. Men hate it when women get upset, nervous and crying. First, they believe that a woman's nervous reaction is the result of a wrong decision, and this lowers their self-esteem. Secondly, they are angry at the woman for putting them in a situation of psychological discomfort. Thirdly, men themselves hardly move from one emotional state to another, so female nervousness turns out to be a prelude to greater nervousness for them, and they respond to it with aggression. A man is disoriented by a woman's demeanor. For example, the female way of interrupting women is a way of expressing heightened interest. For a man, this behavior of a woman is an annoying factor, meaning militant incompetence and bad manners. In addition, the woman acts as a sexual irritant.

If a man wants to influence a woman, then it is better to leave a mannered sugary tone and replace it with a voice of persuasion. But at the same time, one should not forget about the “hypnotic” effect of male compliments on a woman. Women generally do not attach importance to their words and absolutize any words of a man. It has long been said that a man with a woman needs to be bold in deeds and incredibly careful in words. The pliability of a man flatters a woman, but not for long. If a woman is given primacy, then she begins to be weary of this role. A woman always demands and expects certain views and principles from a man, a passive man with unstable views is alien to her understanding.

A man is “incomprehensible” to a woman by his formalism. She gets nervous if "he" doesn't pay attention to her and gets nervous if he does. A woman suffers more from the bad manners of others. In addition, she is constantly annoyed by male chauvinism. A business woman also has to resist stereotypical views of a woman: women are too sensitive, women are too nervous, women are unpredictable.

In the male world, it is customary to demonstrate one's competence and it is customary to consider a woman the weaker sex. Therefore, a business woman has to choose between a masculine behavioral style that can lead to professional success, and a feminine behavioral style that will increase the self-esteem of the men around her, but will not allow her to make a career. For example, addressing a woman by her first name, last name, diminutive emphasizes her special position in the team, and the woman has to choose: accept this and doom herself to possible neglect or deny it, and thereby risk falling into a ridiculous position. Adult men in the workplace also value rules over human relationships, as in childhood during collective games. On the other hand, when men quarrel, they are not very worried, they quickly forget about the quarrel and its cause. Women are not like that. After a quarrel, they sort things out for a long time and do not soon resume close relationships.

If a woman wants to influence a man, then you should know that the psyche of a man is exhausted by faith in his own significance. And it is this faith that needs to be constantly strengthened. Men should be constantly praised, and for real and concrete successes.

When analyzing the psychological implications of business relations between a man and a woman, standard situations should be taken into account: “boss - subordinate”, “business partners”, “colleagues”. Prejudice against female bosses is well known. Each person, taking on leadership, is faced with the resistance of others. A woman faces additional resistance because men recognize only one woman who has the right to lead him - his mother. If a woman at work can receive orders from her boss; then a man from his boss agrees to listen only to advice. Men expect performance from a woman, not the ability to lead. A woman, therefore, can or should constantly demonstrate her competence and strength, connecting the incompatible: charm and assertiveness, femininity and willingness to take risks. A tandem of bosses of a man and a woman is considered psychologically optimal, in which the man acts as an instrumental leader (a formal leader or a person capable of distributing functions and making decisions), and a woman is an emotional leader (a center of emotional tension and relaxation, a person who provides positive interpersonal relationships in a group) . Any group works effectively if there are men and women in it. Men do not allow women to gossip and act up, and women do not allow the organization to be turned into a barracks. When the boss is a man, a woman fears both discrimination and harassment on his part. It turns out that the consciously cultivated Don Juan complex is very productive as a behavioral style of communication in heterogeneous groups. It tones up women, keeps men in shape, but does not translate business relationships into a personal plane.

In a working situation, a man and a woman are always theoretically compatible, since female irrationality and deceit are compensated by female constructiveness and sociability, and male determination and straightforwardness are weakened by the desire for success and the need for power. In practice, in the interaction of a man and a woman as business partners, it should be possible to use the gender factor as an additional way to put pressure on a partner. For example, men can use a behavioral strategy of veiled hostility against women: talking in a raised voice, profanity, threats and intimidation undoubtedly affect a woman more than a man, and demoralize her.

In a “colleague” situation, business relations between a man and a woman can develop along several negative or positive trajectories. Firstly, conflicts between colleagues are possible if the boss pursues a policy of gender equality, which practically means a refusal to take into account the problems of a working woman (husband, children, household). Secondly, discrimination against women in terms of promotion is possible. On the positive side, it is possible to bring personal relationships into business communication: friendship or friendship, as well as an office romance due to “work in a team”. In principle, such an impact of the gender factor on business relations is positive, since it tones, calms and promotes adequate self-awareness and self-esteem for both men and women.

Thus, a man and a woman in a business relationship cannot but demonstrate the features and differences in cognitive, emotional and volitional reactions and behavioral styles. Men strive for independence, and women care about interdependence, so having men and women in any group is a positive factor. The effectiveness of the activities of men and women depends on how much they themselves and the surrounding conditions contribute not to “equality of the sexes”, but to “equality in difference”. A business woman has to take into account the significance of rules, regulations, instructions for men and use her knowledge for detours. And a man needs to take into account women's resentment and emotional memory. Modern communication technologies make it possible for different people not to change, but adapting to each other, making their lives comfortable.

3. The specifics of business communication in a group and in a team.

Society is a system of interactions between individuals and groups, of diverse content, complexity and functions. In large groups (race, nation, state community, socio-economic stratum), a person is socially and psychologically identified by gender, age, socio-economic status, professional, ethnic and political affiliation. In small groups (family, team, company), the real process of life activity is carried out, social, communicative and psychological properties, skills and abilities are formed and practiced. That is, groups are objectively existing communities that ensure the process of socialization of the individual. There are groups, organizations and teams. Groups are formal and informal. A formal group is created as an element of a wider community with predetermined goals. For example, a group working on a research project or a student group. At the same time, it should be noted that a group of researchers is united around the purpose of the activity, and the student group is organized from the outside in the interests of the educational process. An informal group is an association of people for the sake of a subject that interests only them, such as a friendly company or a group of Czech beer lovers.

An organization is a formal group with clearly defined social objectives and a fixed role structure. For example, university, firm, enterprise. If we work in a small organization, it merges with the group. If we find ourselves in a large organization with a complex structure and an extensive system of relations, then the organization exists for us as a symbolic human association, while in reality a specific department, subdivision, sector can be considered as a small group. A small group is an association of people from 2 to 35 people who have a common goal, are in direct personal contact, as a result of which group norms of behavior and emotional relationships arise.

Group psychology is a system of socio-psychological phenomena that arise in the process of its functioning. These include: the moral and psychological climate, the distribution of roles, the system of information transmission, methods of communication, types of conflicts, norms, rituals and traditions. In addition, three areas can be distinguished in the psychology of the group: 1. Psychology of professional activity: subordinate relations between the leader and subordinates, division of labor and coordination of efforts in solving common problems, the relationship “man - machine”. For example, in a student group, this is the attitude to learning, relationships with teachers, the distribution of student roles - who notes the lectures, who is the first to answer the exams. At the department - the relationship between teachers and the head, the division of educational, methodological and organizational responsibilities, attitude towards students. 2. Value sphere: the relationship between personal and corporate values. For example, for us Russians, unfortunately, it is typical to criticize our country in public; in America, the norm is differentiation between personal views and the necessary loyalty in statements. 3. Sphere of interpersonal relations: sympathy, friendship, love, enmity, linking members of the group. Satisfaction or dissatisfaction of the members of the group with their activities and position, together with the system of ethical norms, finds its expression in the moral and psychological climate of the group. At the same time, formally a person can be a member of a group, but not feel psychological unity with it. Citizens of a particular country can be cosmopolitans in consciousness and conviction, the employees of the company do not always contribute to its positive image. And members of a sports team, alas, often leave and fight under false flags for the sake of big money.

The psychology of the group consists of several psychological complexes.

1. Consciousness of the presence of a unifying factor: joint activity of any kind.

2. Feeling "we" or corporatism.

3. Attributes, rituals; providing consciousness and a sense of "we".

4. Group norms - patterns of behavior created, supported and approved by the group.

The main psychological sign of the group is the feeling of "we". The sense of “we” may be formed by one or all of the listed characteristics, and may be shared by all or most of the members of the group. The “we” phenomenon is more often studied in extreme conditions - during wars, disasters, in the taiga, in prison, on a desert island. In fact, it is an integral part of business communication in any group - “we are a company”, “we are an organization”, “we are a team”. But psychological significance the phenomenon of "we" generally goes beyond the purpose or mode of communication. “We” is the principle of relation to the world and to people, meaning interdependence, interaction, openness and support. The feeling of “we” arises gradually, the reasons can be both positive and negative factors. For example, a group that has received funds for research is naturally proud and feels united as a powerful intellectual team, while a group of miners starving at the face is united by a common plight and a sense of hopelessness.

The sense of “we” must be constantly cultivated through paraphernalia, rituals and traditions. For a student group, the primary attributes that form a group community will be the number of the group, audience, class schedule. The consciousness “We are students” is supported by the rituals of initiation, graduation.

The psychological structure that forms and supports the group is also group norms.

Types of group norms:

1. Norms of behavior - rituals, traditions, habits of group members.

2. Norms of work in accordance with the goals. For example, a normalized or irregular working day, the nature of the distribution of duties, regularity or assault.

3. Norms of communication of business and personal relations. For example, in groups, subgroups of 2 or 3 people are often distinguished, connected not only by work, but also by friendship, love or family relationships.

4. Norms of expressing feelings - a formally impersonal or emphasized emotional attitude towards work and partners.

The levels of binding group norms depend on their nature and on the position of the individual in the group. There are norms that in this group

· Mandatory for everyone - for example, in the scientific community it is customary to refer to colleagues, and plagiarism is condemned.

· Common - for example, addressing to "you" or, conversely, by name.

Desirable - for example, it is customary to celebrate birthdays in a group.

There are so-called psychological phenomena of group influence, that is, the rules for changing personal reactions under the influence of a group. These include:

Social facilitation is the strengthening of dominant responses in the presence of others. For example, if a group is discussing a research project, the principles of distributing money, or organizing a party, then an aggressive person will fight for justice or demand a larger share, a shy person will agree with the opinion of the majority, and an independent person will emphatically withdraw from the discussion so as not to be responsible for the decision made by the rest. . Psychological factors are at work here: infection, suggestion and imitation, competition, fear of external assessments and irritation from the presence of others.

Social laziness - the tendency of people to make less effort in the case of combining actions, the presence of social "hares". For example, some people do not go to meetings, rallies, elections, hoping that there will be enough people there and no one will notice their absence.

Deindividualization - together we do what we would not do alone. This phenomenon is most clearly seen in the behavior of fan groups.

The group combines individuals, that is, individuals with the ability to rational and consistent behavior. Hence, the nature of the interaction of people in a group, the types and forms of attitudes towards group norms, the fundamental ability to live in a group acquires special significance. If a person is a member of a group, then for him there is a significance of group sanctions.

Obedience to norms depends on the nature of the group \ in homogeneous groups such as an army, sect or company of teenage boys, obedience to norms is higher, and in heterogeneous groups it is lower \, on the status of an individual in a group \ persons who are disrespected weakly obey group norms - they don’t care, people are average level - strongly and it is on them that group traditions hold on, and high-level persons are free to follow the norms.

In connection with the development of the group and the business communication in the group, the issue of conformity should be especially considered. Conformism is the free or forced recognition of group norms. In what cases does a person want, can, is forced or should be a conformist?

1. The more difficult the task or the more incompetent the person, the higher the degree of conformity. That is, if a person needs to solve a problem that he has never solved, then he will rather act according to a template or “how it is customary to act in such cases” than show independence. Or, if a person needs to speak on an issue in which he does not understand, then he will try to speak last and join the majority.

2. Conformity is higher if the decision or statement is made publicly.

3. A person shows the greatest conformism if there are 2-3 people in the group who are attractive to him and have a high status.

Regarding the conformity of men and women: experimental data and everyday ideas contradict each other. On the one hand, it is believed that women are more conformist than men, because women prefer to maintain good relationships, and men compete and win. On the other hand, men to a greater extent prefer not to stand out in clothes, manners, habits, while for a woman - separation from the group is a natural need. And, finally, the data of laboratory experiments do not show any difference in the propensity to conformity between men and women. The explanation is simple: the experiment proposes tasks that are unified in relation to gender, so the differences in the ways of solving them between men and women are not fixed.

It should be noted that, in principle, conformism is a normal and desirable style of behavior in a group. If you have a sense of “we”, contribute to a positive image of the group, organization, team, do not oppose yourself to others, reasonably follow group norms, then the group provides you with psychological comfort, support, and often satisfies the need for self-respect, warmth and love.

Along with conformism, there is also an opposite position - non-recognition of group norms. It also exists in several forms:

1. Opposition to the established traditions of work and communication. At the root of any change is a minority, including a one-man minority. The minority are people who propose to change the “rules of the game”. A minority that stands firm in its positions is more influential than the majority. The minority tends to create self-doubt in the majority. A stubborn minority destroys the illusion of unanimity. Those who consistently pursue their goal and are endowed with the charisma of self-confidence change the course of history.

2. Nonconformism - open disregard for group norms. Such consciousness and behavior are typical for teenagers and shocking personalities. They can be expressed in public criticism of the group's activities, in disregard for traditions and rituals, in a demonstrative rejection of corporate ethics and the obligation to maintain a positive image of the group, in the deliberate use of profanity.

3. "White Crow" - a demonstration of their line of conduct without offending group norms. For example, a person does not take part in group feasts, but does not reproach others for this.

All of these forms of rejection of group norms lead to group sanctions. Variants of group sanctions - information, stimulation, isolation.

An example of informational pressure is the “Thumbelina” situation. The Maybug thought Thumbelina was very beautiful until the other Maybugs told him that she was ugly. With this information, the Maybug community forced one of them to give up his affection in favor of the majority. Stimulation of conformism is expressed in the fact that the group provides a person with protection from troubles outside the group, in return, the individual tends to exaggerate the value of the group, adhere to group norms and corporate ethics. The Group especially appreciates and supports those who, having a high intellectual and strong-willed potential, consciously contribute to the development of the group, increase its authority and influence. Sometimes group pressure forces one to resort to feigned conformity as psychological protection, - motive: to achieve recognition in the group or not to have trouble. Nonconformism, as consciousness and behavior leads to isolation.

Collective opinion is a psychological phenomenon that really testifies to the existence in the group of a sense of “we” and a conformist-minded majority. It is clearly seen when making a group decision. The group usually takes the average of individual decisions, with group decisions being riskier than individual decisions. For example, the group as a whole easily decides not to go to a lecture, while one student does not take the liberty of disrupting the class. In the solution phase, an individual solution is more productive, and in the development or proof phase, group solutions win.

Group decisions reinforce initial opinions, that is, a person who is convinced that money should be divided equally will be strengthened in his decision as a result of group polemics, just like the one who proposed introducing a labor participation rate. The weakness of group decisions is that they are dominated by the search for consensus, that is, personal opinions coexist with a group decision, weakening its strength and compulsion. At the same time, a group decision gives rise to the illusion of strength and cohesion of the group, the invulnerability and ethics of the group are postulated, and the stereotypical view of the enemy prevails.

So, we have considered the main psychological phenomena that arise when people are combined into a group. Now let's move on to the analysis of the psychological components that accompany the functioning of the group.

The group goes through certain stages of development: the stage of acquaintance, the stage of aggression, the stage of stable performance, the stage of disintegration. Group dynamics is the process by which interaction between individuals reduces the tension of each of them in a given situation and leads to mutual satisfaction and desire to be in a group. Or vice versa, an increase in tension, a conflict and a decrease or cessation of interaction, a loss of the sense of “we”, the disintegration of the group.

Stage 1 "Introduction".

Recognition by group members of the presence of common interests, demonstration of readiness to work in a group. True goals differ, but people united in a group for a common goal or for each to achieve his own.

I am in a group. In the group, my personal image is formed, communication skills are worked out, values, norms and rules of behavior are assimilated. WHAT will this group give me? What do people look for and value in a group or organization, what is their motivation for joining THIS group?

The man loves independence. In THIS group, the higher you rise, the freer you become, or THIS group contributes to: professional growth, increased responsibility, development of creative abilities, satisfaction of the need for competition, maintaining or improving the level, image, lifestyle. The reward and punishment system, the informing system, the advanced training system, the attractiveness of work, the emotional satisfaction of mutual communication - all these are components of the business life of an individual that cannot be identified outside a specific group.

How do I behave? In order for my existence in the group to be psychologically comfortable, I need to have the disposition and respect of the majority of the group members. I can: option 1 - gradually win the favor of each member of the group, relying on my charm; option 2 - immediately demonstrate their superiority in mind, beauty. Professional skills, physical strength, in what I am stronger than others; option 3 - do not stand out, be a conforming member of the group; option 4 - to stand out, defiantly behave “not like everyone else”, attracting attention to oneself with their originality; option 5 - follow the style of behavior "White Crow". That is, to avoid participation in the activities of the group, while maintaining a minimum of loyalty. To remain a member. At the stage of acquaintance in a group, a person presents himself to the group as an individual, checks the compliance of his motivation for entering this group with the real state of affairs and chooses a style of behavior in the group that is adequate to his character and worldview.

Stage 2 - aggression.

This stage has a somewhat symbolic name. It emphasizes that association in a group does not level, but reveals human individuality. After the ritual of acquaintance and understanding general rules functioning of the group in the social system begins the distribution of socio-psychological roles within the group. Group members have and present role expectations for themselves and others. Someone claims to be the leader, another to the “post” of criticism, the third to the pedestal of the “first beauty”. There are “tournament battles” - in case the niche cannot stand two, or if the applicants experience mutual hostility. For example, two applicants for the role of leader can: lead together, lead their part, refuse one or both, fight. Of course, the “battles” in the group are not like the fights of male deer or baboons. Disputes and discussions arise in the group, at best, the desired “place” is occupied as a result of an unspoken victory, expressed in the form of public approval - everyone consults with M., therefore, he was recognized as the smartest; or everyone confesses to K., therefore, she is the emotional center of the group. Sometimes formal elections are possible: the headman, the manager, the President of the company. In the worst case, intrigues are woven, gossip blooms, groups of adherents form, appeals to superiors arise. In any case, as a result, the group forms its own structure and its own rules of activity.

Stage 3 - sustainable performance.

Psychologically, the performance of a group depends on the harmony of its internal socio-psychological structure. Cohesion of the group is the process of transition of the structure given from the outside into a psychological community of the “we” type. For each member of the group, community with it is determined by: satisfaction with one's position in the group, emotional attractiveness of group members, similarity of interests, preferred method of interaction within the group - competition or cooperation. For example, a teacher - associate professor, to whom the department provides the right to read the author's course of lectures, a respected person who has colleagues - friends - he feels comfortable, and his consciousness and behavior is determined by the concept of "our department". Naturally, in the presence of such consciousness and behavior in the majority of the members of a formal group, it tends to turn into a team with a very high degree of efficiency.

General structure The group includes: status-role relations, professional characteristics and sex-age structure. The actual psychological climate in the group is determined by the correspondence of status-role relations to the claims, expectations and ideas of the members of the group. Usually the group has: a leader - a formal leader, that is, necessary according to the rules for the existence of this group, often appointed from the outside - a headman, a boss, a director, and an informal one - an emotional center or the main critic of a formal leader - an opposition leader, while each leader has his supporters .

Leader and manager are different concepts. A leader is a socially fixed form of leadership. That is, the leader is a place, a position and a function. There must be a head in the department, a headman in the group, and a head in the department. A person applying for the position of a leader must first of all have a system of socially significant signs, for example, an academic degree or the necessary track record, and then the psychological traits of a leader. The leader is appointed or chosen purposefully, his existence is relatively stable, the hallmarks of the leader is the possession of sanctions against subordinates, somehow; promotion, material and moral rewards, distribution of work. Thus, the leader is engaged in the regulation of official, socially fixed relations in the group. However, there are different leadership styles based on different psychological foundations. AUTHORITARY style - style commands and orders, providing for the implementation without question or objection. A leader who demonstrates an authoritarian style believes that his opinion is always true, does not tolerate obstinate subordinates and critically thinking colleagues. On the other hand, such a leader is very subjective and easily influenced by others. You just need to talk to him alone, use rational arguments, bring specific proposals that allow for an immediate decision. PATRIARCHAL style - a style of beliefs and incentives, suggesting that the leader's praises and censures have the power of parental suggestion. Such a leader seeks to know everything and control everything. The biggest irritation in him is the independence of subordinates or the concealment of any, the most insignificant information. It is better to communicate with him as with the only person who can help or protect you. LIBERAL style - style of consultations and rewards. A liberal leader appreciates competent experts who are able to directly stipulate the conditions for the provision of their services. DEMOCRATIC style - the style of delegating authority and making joint decisions. A democrat leader is especially effective during periods of normal functioning of the organization, when each participant in the business and public life knows his rights and obligations, abilities and opportunities to influence the adoption of collective decisions. SITUATIONAL style - depending on the personality of the leader, the degree of support from his superiors, the influence of his colleagues-bosses, the strength of subordinates, expressed in the level of qualifications, independent actions, the desire for responsibility, and the strength of the situation itself. In principle, the so-called condoning style is also possible - when the leader is outside the process of the group's activities, does not blame or praise, does not give instructions, leaves things to go on by themselves. This style has a short life, as the leader gradually loses control over his organization, the effectiveness of the activity drops sharply, which leads to a change in leadership.

But no matter what style the leader uses, he is an official, determined by the structural organization of activity. A leader is a purely psychological characteristic. A leader is a member of a group who is recognized as having the right to make decisions in situations that are significant for the group. A leader AROUNDS in a situation that requires a person who performs certain functions in a group and takes responsibility for resolving issues. The leader is determined in the group through the ratio of the measure of personal claims to power and responsibility and the measure of the group's readiness to accept them and delegate authority. There are several approaches to explaining the phenomenon of leadership. 1. Leader - a person with special character traits, charisma (grace). The leader is active and enterprising, self-confident, able to rise above particulars, ready to lead people and receives satisfaction from the responsibility entrusted to him. 2. Leader - personification of group values. The group chooses a leader corresponding to its interests and goals of existence. Therefore, in a group of teenagers, the leader is the strongest, in a party - the most active, in a commercial structure - the most enterprising, and so on. 3. The leader is born by the situation. A leader in one situation may or may not be a leader in another. In a particular situation, the leader acquires authority, which allows him to become a leader in general. 4. There are leadership roles, and individuals can be leaders of a certain type. For example, in a student group there may be an organizing leader, an intellectual leader, and an emotional attraction leader.

Leadership is based on authority, fear, love, and influence. Power in general is the ability to give orders when the other is ready to obey. Power - as well as leadership, is a socio-psychological concept. Forms of power are officially fixed by society, but the phenomenon of power is elusive otherwise than through influence on human psyche. For example. Authority is achieved through past successes, competence and legal support of power, fear is due to the presence of a reward and punishment system and the unpredictability of the leader's actions. Influence implies the possession of connections and resources, and love implies charisma. There are 6 archetypes of leadership roles: 1. Leader-organizer, 2. Leader-administrator, 3. Leader-strategist, 4. Leader-entrepreneur, 5. Leader-statesman, 6. - leader - revolutionary. But on a larger scale, leadership roles are associated with the three main functions of a leader: communication, information, and the function of making meaningful decisions.

In addition to the leader, an “expert” is psychologically distinguished in the group - a member of the group with the greatest intellectual potential, who has the right to evaluate group decisions and group actions; independent - a “white crow”, “outcast” - a rejected member of the group. The status of an individual in a group is also determined by their attractiveness to others. From the point of view of interpersonal attractiveness, the following stand out in the group: stars - those_ whom everyone loves and whose location they seek; status members - those who are respected and who have their own friends in the group; isolated - those who intentionally distance themselves from the group; neglected - those who are not very loved, appreciated and respected; and outcasts. The general pattern is that the status follows the personality, that is, a person of a certain type, a leader or an outcast, in a new group gradually finds himself in the old status. This means that before changing the group, it is necessary to understand the reason why my status in the group is the way it is. Otherwise, the situation, for example, neglect will repeat.

For the content of the psychological climate in the group, communicative structures are important - that is, ways of disseminating significant information and the position of group members in the information flow. Access to information is an indicator of position in a group. A group can have a centralized and non-centralized communication network. Obviously, groups with a decentralized information structure (any member of the group can have meaningful information) are more democratic and closer personal relationships are possible in them, which enhance the productivity of the group. Groups with a centralized flow of information (the head of the group has significant information) are strong in performance discipline and the ability to mobilize forces in the required direction.

At the stage of sustainable performance, the group may turn into a team, or teams may emerge within the group. TEAM - a group with a clearly defined composition of people, differentiation of roles between them and results of work that can be identified and measured. In real business communication, we meet with a group operating within the organization, as a kind of labor collective, which may or may not be a team. A team is a group united around solving specific problems, with the maximum merging of business and personal relationships. "Team" in this context is more psychological than organizational concept. The team differs from the labor collective in that: 1. Team members are aware of the existence of a common goal, and everyone perceives this goal as their own; 2. Team members identify themselves with their specific function, the implementation of which is necessary to achieve the goal; 3. The team leader must be a leader (see above for the difference between these concepts); 4. The team is not durable; her goals must either change, or the team as a psychological phenomenon disappears after achieving the task. In real working life, not everyone manages to work in a team, but everyone is in one way or another in an organization and enter into business relationships.

Stage 4. Decay.

The group must end its existence after the complete completion of the task. The scientific team breaks up after the completion of the study, the student group - after graduation. At the same time, some formal structure may be preserved. That is, a new student group 328 appears, but with other students. In theatrical groups, higher education, at enterprises, the disappearance of the group occurs imperceptibly, just with the departure of some part of the group, the structure, atmosphere, attributes and rituals of the group change while maintaining its formal name and fixed functions.

Thus, throughout life we ​​consistently and simultaneously find ourselves in different groups and on different stages their development. We leave school, institute, create a family, change place of work and place of residence. Bright farewell as a stage of the end of the existence of the group, marks the process of personality transformation, its transition to a new social and role structure.

  • V2: Topic 1.5 Bones of the hand, their connections. Structural features of the human hand. Pelvic bone. Taz as a whole. X-ray anatomy and development of the skeleton of the upper limb and pelvis
  • V2: Topic 1.5 Bones of the hand, their connections. Structural features of the human hand. Pelvic bone. Taz as a whole. X-ray anatomy and development of the skeleton of the upper limb and pelvis.
  • V2: Topic 1.6 Bones of the free lower limb, their connections. Structural features of the human foot. X-ray anatomy and development of the skeleton of the lower limb.

  • Dispute resolution. Business communication is the establishment of contacts between different members of the team, necessary for the realization of needs. It includes information important to the firm, development of a relationship strategy, understanding and perception of partners. Quarrels, conflicts, gossip in any work team, because no matter how limited we are, a man will remain a man, a woman - a woman. Since women are a little more emotional than men, it is they who often complicate the process of business communication. Therefore, it is important for men in the team to be tolerant in the process of verbal communication. The calmer the man in the team, the more successfully the problem that has arisen between him and the woman will be solved. If the dispute flares up in earnest, then the man, like a real gentleman, should leave the last word to the lady. After all, in the end, business will show who was right.

    Greetings. The usual gesture between men - a handshake at a meeting is not applicable to a woman. When meeting a female business partner, one should only greet with a nod of the head and say “hello” or “greet you”. “Hello”, “hello” is not worth saying, unless the relationship between you is closer and there are no other partners nearby. If there is a crowd of colleagues around, then you should greet officially. If a woman enters a room where there are men, then it is she who should be the first to greet everyone. In all other cases, the man is always the first to say hello.

    "you" or "you"? It’s not very pleasant when you are “poked”. It is possible to determine who to address to “you” and to whom exclusively to “you” by age and subordination considerations. The “you” is addressed to everyone who is older in age, as well as in relation to the leader. Managers themselves determine how they will address their subordinates. However, a self-respecting leader will not allow rudeness and rudeness. However, "you" should be used when referring to a woman, especially if she is introduced to a man for the first time. And the team itself decides to address by name and patronymic or only by name.

    Good manners. Despite equality, men need to show chivalrous feelings: give up their seat in a crowded conference room, carry a chair if a woman takes it, let them go ahead into the elevator, open the door. In a word, a man should remain a man.

    Personal relationships. Love is waiting for us everywhere: on the street, at a party, and even in the strictest you can’t run away from it. If feelings flared up between a man and a woman, then it is important that this does not affect your office relationship. Although it is very difficult to maintain conspiracy.

    1. Specificity feelings of jealousy men and women

      Abstract >> Psychology

      Specificity feelings of jealousy men and women Introduction People... what between partners have some Problems and cause ... the behavior of his wife during her communication with lover. In other words... she listens to him" business conversations" on the phone, monitors ...

    2. Business communication (25)

      Test >> Culture and art

      ... business communication. We can give the following definition business communication is a complex process of developing contacts between ... communication comprehension of what is happening, pause; Discussion of interest Problems; Solution Problems ... business woman ... specifics business communication ...

    3. Psychology and ethics business communication (1)

      Abstract >> Ethics

      Animus (images women and men) 4. 4 See: Jung KG Problems our souls ... interrupt subordinates, and men - women. When interrupting, you need... between people of the same status. Between parties of one kind or another. business communication has its own specifics ...

    4. The study of the features of the emotional sphere in men and women

      Coursework >> Psychology

      Accounting for her specifics in the educational process... business trust men. At women reflecting emotions on their face men... differences between a man and woman, which... communication 3.07 3.8 Analysis of the obtained indicators of the severity of emotionality in men and women ...

    5. Ethics and etiquette business communication (3)

      Test work >> Ethics

      And performance results. Specificity business communication due to the fact that... Problems or the achievement of a specific goal. Business communication ... the male woman, a woman man. Woman may not extend his hand, but confine himself to a slight bow. Often business ...

    The relationship between a man and a woman in a working environment is a special area that is very difficult for the formation of any principles for establishing these relationships.

    In other sections, it was repeatedly pointed out that the main thing in business subordination and coordination is a position, belonging to a higher or any other official level, nevertheless, belonging to a particular gender plays a fairly significant role in building business relationships, in promoting up the career ladder (alas!), in official behavior and specific actions.

    Not setting itself the task of identifying and analyzing psychological features gender, we will show how these features are manifested in everyday official activities and what ethical mistakes a man and a woman should avoid in the process of business communication.

    Psychologists and physiologists say that women have a finer taste than men, they see differences in materials, colors, shapes, appearance structures. Therefore, you should not argue with a female employee on these issues, it is better to trust her judgment.

    An important psychological trait of a woman is that she more often and on a large scale experiences fear, fear, apprehension - before her manager and in general before the leadership, as well as before situations and circumstances that seem dangerous to her. At the same time, the level of perception of a female employee naturally decreases, the perceived information itself can be distorted, deformed, and the level of productivity of her work decreases. Therefore, from the point of view of morality, it is advisable to strive to prevent such situations; for this, business conversations, remarks, remarks, and appeals in relation to a female employee should be made softer, calmer, more restrained. It can be assumed that a lower “threshold of fear” than that of men is inherent in the “beautiful half” genetically, comes from the depths of centuries, from those times when the presence of physical strength was the most important, intelligence was not taken into account, and since the female physical strength is less than the physical strength of a man, a woman spent most of her life in fear, anxiety.

    The development of mankind has not led to the disappearance of these fears, although in modern world a woman can make up for her lack of physical strength, like a man's, with the help of various achievements technical progress(for example, a female crane operator "lifts" a load of the same weight as a male crane operator), and this should be taken into account in interpersonal business relationships.

    According to psychologists, in women, the emotional principle takes precedence over the rational, therefore, an emotional outburst is quite possible in the event of a situation in the team that seems to be a conflict for a female employee. Therefore, a male employee needs to “think a hundred times” before making any remark to a female colleague regarding her official behavior or performance of official duties, and if he still decides to do this, the softest, most ethical “shell” should be used for such comments. Otherwise, there is a risk of a verbal skirmish, psychological discomfort for both parties and, in general, a conflict in the team.

    A man is genetically focused on success; success is both a subject of discussion and a favorite topic of conversation, including in a business company. A woman, on the contrary, does not consider her own successes a worthy topic of conversation, she prefers to discuss the successes of others, because she wants to learn from them, which is also genetically determined: women adapt more easily to working conditions, to changing circumstances, to leadership methods, etc. And if, as already stated earlier, a man is genetically oriented towards success, then a woman is oriented towards survival, and adaptability contributes most of all to this.

    Conclusion: for a man and a woman to build conflict-free service relations, it makes sense to take into account the genetic orientation of both sexes - success and adaptability.

    Since, as mentioned above, a woman is more emotional than a man, she is more often a “conflict carrier” - during business meetings, official contacts with colleagues or with buyers, clients, journalists, suppliers and other representatives of the external, in relation to the organization, environment. Women are also much more likely than their male co-workers to express maximalist judgments, which can also lead to a conflict rich in immoral collisions.

    However, the same genetic properties of female nature make it possible to better “get used” to the situation, to the experiences of other people, to show sympathy, etc. Therefore, there will be fewer ethical violations in the organization if it is a woman who heads such a unit as the public relations department or the ethics committee.

    A woman is more attentive to trifles, details, therefore, the analysis of the text of an agreement, a contract is more effective for her than for a man, but to form a global direction for the development of an organization, to choose a strategy, i.e. the main line of behavior of the organization, it may be less successful, since generalizations, conclusions are not its sphere, and in order not to create grounds for violating ethical norms and standards, one should take into account the phenomenon claimed by psychologists that a woman is more attentive to small details - for example , to words, individual expressions in a business conversation or in the text of an agreement, than to the general direction of the agreement or the final results of the conversation.

    Despite the fact that the level of adaptability among men is lower, they respond more quickly to changes in the situation, new methods of work and ways of influencing the team. Therefore, you should not rush a woman so that she quickly expresses her opinion or shows her attitude to something, as this will only provoke a contradiction, conflict or other unethical situation.

    Another reason for the manifestation of differences in business relations: men have better developed spatial imagination than women. That is why there are no representatives of the fair sex among the great artists and talented designers.

    This should be taken into account and not create situations that would provoke ethical violations.

    There is still some feature of the representatives of the stronger sex, which may be a reason for ethical violations. (As already mentioned, we do not set ourselves the task of investigating the nature of certain characteristics of the sexes, we only try to prevent possible violations ethical standards in business relations between them.)

    The fact is that one of the features of a man's character is the desire for fame, popularity, which can be present in a distorted form - i.e. in the form of vanity. Quite often, vanity leads to the fact that a man wants to “overspend”, which, in turn, unfortunately, results in a desire to have more money and get it by any means: moral or immoral - it doesn’t matter.

    The author is far from wanting to suggest that all the men in the organization are potential employees who believe that in relation to money “the end justifies the means” - such a statement would be absurd. However, it makes sense to remember that some employees in the organization may be prone to some unseemly, immoral acts in relation to money, and such employees are more among the “strong” sex than among the “weak but beautiful”.

    So, in order to prevent the possible occurrence of situations fraught with ethical violations, one should take into account the psychological characteristics characteristic of the sexes. There are such peculiarities, and they must not be allowed to serve as grounds for violating morality - neither to a large extent, nor to a small one.

    Both men and women in a complex system of business relations are striving for the same goals - performance efficiency, following the principles of morality, etc., and in order to create an ethical atmosphere conducive to the achievement of these goals, it is reasonable to take into account the psychological characteristics of representatives of different sexes.

    • the woman is the first to extend her hand for a handshake;
    • a woman is represented by a man, and not vice versa;
    • in a company car, a woman takes a more honorable place and gets into the car first;
    • in the office, a woman has the right to accept the help of a man (taking into account his greater physical strength) if necessary, move or move furniture or any heavy equipment;
    • the man gives way to the woman.

    Thus, belonging to one or another gender imposes additional obligations on the employees of the organization to comply with the norms of business etiquette.

    Review questions

    1. Do you think gender discrimination exists in today's business relationships?
    2. How are the specific psychological traits inherent in gender manifested in a work environment?
    3. What additional obligations does belonging to one or another gender impose on employees of the organization?
    4. How is the system of norms and standards of official behavior for men and women built in the modern business world?
    5. What are the features of the style of thinking of men and women?
    6. What role does belonging to the “strong” or “beautiful” sex play in the emergence of conflicts in the team?
    7. How does the equalization of the position of female and male representatives in a working environment affect the development of culture in society?

    Federal Agency for Education

    State educational institution

    Supreme vocational education

    "Omsk State Technical University"

    Problems and specifics of business communication between men and women

    Student: Dietz T.E.

    Group PE 317

    Checked by: Anashkina N.A.


    The process of communication between men and women……………………………………...4

    Management features: man and woman………………………….6

    Leadership Style………………………………………………………….9

    Motives of labor activity…………………………………………..12

    CONCLUSION ……………………………………………………….14



    The question of whether a woman and a man are different or not, or maybe different, but unequal and unequal, has worried hearts and minds throughout the history of mankind. Time passed, and ideas about the role of men and the role of women in society changed. The 20th century is a century of revolutions, revolutions in relations between women and men. This makes the problem of relations of opposite sexes relevant. In addition, the theme of the relationship between a woman and a man is important for social work activities to harmonize human relations.

    In the 20th century, significant changes took place in the relationship between a woman and a man. The main agent and subject of these changes are women, and not men, their social status, activities and psyche, which are now changing faster and more radically than the psyche of men. The point here is not only in the broader adaptability of women, but in the logic of social class relations. Any social changes are carried out primarily by those who are interested in them, in our case - women. Step by step, they master new occupations and activities for themselves, which leads to their psychological self-changes and changes in their collective consciousness, and their ideas about how their relationship with men will develop also change.

    The process of communication between men and women

    It is clear that communication between men, as well as between women, is not such a complicated process as communication between a man and a woman. Although it seems that in the business world it does not matter with whom to communicate. It wasn't there!

    Women are always cunning, love to cling to words, and constantly feel superior to men. Businessmen, in turn, are stubborn with women because they believe that business is a process that only they can do. It turns out that between them obviously there is some kind of misunderstanding. But! You should never forget about the attraction that usually appears when communicating at a business level. After all, business, in turn, is like a game. There are rules, and there are ways to break those rules. Resourcefulness and the ability to use the situation or anything else lures victory. And girls love to play with feelings! They will attack men with beauty and charm, which can give them an absolute win. In addition, they can flirt, which is even stronger. Therefore, it is quite difficult for a man and a woman to cope in business spaces.

    It's not easy for men either. Especially if the business lady is subordinate to him. Although everything is clear here. The only thing I would like to say here is that in this case I recommend that a woman communicate quite specifically and at work, although making small digressions, asking him about hobbies, and something like that. He will then see in you a responsible person, devoted to his work, and also a friend, because the interest from the side, moving away from work, will easily win him over. At the same time, everything will be done to ensure that your boss sees you as an excellent employee, whom he will stuff with bonuses and various incentives in the future, if everything was done correctly at the beginning, and is also being done so far.

    When the boss is a man, be vigilant, because if you are a pretty and charming girl, then he can lay eyes on you. At the same time, he may want something that you do not need at all. Therefore, if you notice something like this from the side of the boss, then you need to take action, namely, indicate your marital status, and if there is none, then come up with something. In no case should you flirt with your boss, as this will lead to anything, but not to something good! Refuse him, and he will kick you out for any reason, and it will be very insulting! Only in films are whole novels between the boss and the employee (well, in most percentages).

    If you are a man and work for a woman, then you need to flirt a little (but only very gently, without showing anything). She will communicate with you in every way as if you had just met her. Feel free to ask anything, that is, create in her a great interest in you, thanks to which you will become one step higher than the rest of the employees. The fact is that there are, of course, girls who are engaged in business, and they, like men, first of all pay attention to how this or that person works. But they are very different from any man in that they cannot resist compliments, or obvious attention. Draw your own conclusions!

    Management features: woman and man.

    Both women and men have equal psychological opportunities to manage any enterprise. Many women leaders have their own personal opinion. It can be noted that women and men evaluate their activities in the role of a leader differently. Men see it as a series of transactions with subordinates: the application of punishment for inadequate performance of a task, the issuance of rewards for a job well done, etc. Men are much more likely than women to use the power that the position they occupy gives them, or formal authority.

    An interesting difference between women's and men's management styles is that mostly women leaders are committed to combined strategies. Compared to men, women are more likely to demonstrate mixed strategies, such as coordinator-boss, coordinator-leader, and host-leader. Men, as a rule, are supporters of a certain management model and do not mix it with other types of technologies. Women, on the other hand, have greater plasticity in the creation of management and use what they think is most effective without becoming adherents of one of the styles. They effectively implement not only "survival strategies", but also, for example, development strategies, build cautious relationships with their partners and avoid too "risky" strategies.

    Women leaders believe that the basis of their leadership style is, first of all, the transformation of the interests of their subordinates into the common goals of the entire work team. They attribute their power to a greater extent to such personal characteristics as increased intuition, the ability to establish personal contacts, high working capacity, rather than to their official position. Psychologically, a woman is inclined to engage in everyday proof of her "right to lead." Maybe that is why women, to some greater extent than male leaders, stimulate the participation of their employees in a common cause, and are more willing to share information, power, and encourage self-assertion of employees. This, according to female managers, makes employees feel like that very part of the organization, participate in the discussion of the problems existing in the company and, as a result, get involved in the work to achieve common goals.

    The way of organizing work, in the "female" version, in most cases, looks like a distribution of functions on an executable issue, which can be transferred if necessary. Sometimes the leader himself can help with the completion of a task. In this case, women manifest themselves as bureaucrats than men. The latter strive for partnership, such a decision-making procedure by women is accompanied by a process of discussing the proposed solutions with subordinates. Women, in turn, are more bureaucratic than men when making decisions. It is also noteworthy that men in the case of decision-making are focused on partnership than women,

    Women tend to refuse the privileges that are given to them by their official position. Emphasize the importance of their subordinates, sometimes downplaying their role.

    A comparative analysis of female and male management allows us to say that women rarely lose to men as managers, and sometimes they act more successfully, provide sustainable conditions for the existence of their enterprise. Compared with women, men appreciate those qualities that provide the greatest efficiency of professional activity and contribute to the organization of interactions in a team, and women leaders appreciate moral and moral qualities and qualities that determine the interactive function of communication.

    Leadership style .

    Men are much more likely to use the command-administrative style of management. Women leaders are characterized by democracy, readiness for cooperation and collective decision-making.

    To implement decisions, the distribution of execution functions and the provision of assistance when necessary are used. Organization of control over the progress of execution decisions taken phased form prevails. In the form of regular checks, avoidance of an undesirable situation. Responsibility for the work is established in accordance with the distribution of duties, it is very typical to assign responsibility for the work site to a specific employee.

    The masculine style is either more effective in structured situations or with simple tasks, or in an environment with a high degree of uncertainty, while the feminine style is most effective in routine conditions. Gender determines the severity of the main components, types of individual leadership style. Provides women leaders with greater socio-psychological efficiency. The low degree of pedagogical and communicative qualities of the individual leads to the formation of directiveness and connivance in the style of women's leadership. Otherwise, the ability to act in a conflict situation and threats of risk, readiness for change, the ability to innovate, be able to effectively use the abilities of other people, resist pressure and pressure, and also defend one's position - these are the managerial qualities of women and men leaders.

    We can say that the characteristics of gender are not at all decisive for a successful leader. According to the general opinion of the leaders themselves, the success of a manager is determined only by a set of qualities, among which the first place is occupied by the ability to plan one's work, the desire for continuous self-improvement, and the ability to coordinate and control the activities of one's subordinates.

    The view on women's leadership style is that women mainly choose relationship-oriented leadership, and men - task-oriented leadership, as they are characterized by purposefulness. Since the relationship between the corresponding qualities is not mutually exclusive, attributing one or another orientation to only one gender is unlawful, and therefore, female leaders are task-oriented, and male leaders are focused on relationships within the group, which may be due to personal characteristics or situational demand.

    The masculine style is more effective either in structured situations and simple tasks or in situations with a high degree of uncertainty, while the feminine style is most effective in routine conditions. The level of leadership also matters: at the highest levels, men are preferable, at middle ones, women. The measurement situation itself largely determines the result: the leadership style is strongly conditioned by gender-role stereotypes in laboratory experiments and has little connection with them in field studies.

    The effectiveness of the leader is determined by the awareness of the strengths and weaknesses of the inner "I", effective use virtues and the ability to minimize the negative impact that turns out to be disadvantages, which applies to both women and men. Successful leadership models are inherent only to those leaders who have a psychological repertoire of business behavior for both women and men at the same time.

    The function of a leader is to unite people into a close-knit team, plan and coordinate actions, and monitor the execution of orders. To do this, being a professional is not enough, you need to become a leader. Subordinates must necessarily recognize the authority of the boss, because he is able to see further, be more insightful than anyone, he knows how to take the initiative into his own hands, he is not afraid of risk (after all, making decisions means taking risks). This does not resemble a woman - a mysterious, patronized. Yet, women leaders are a reality. They can be classified into the following types.

    "Masculine". In women of this type, the emotional sphere is not sufficiently developed, and they compensate for this by rigidity, authoritarianism with subordinates.

    "Feminine". This category of women leaders is the opposite of the first. Charm is the main working "tool" of such a boss, emotions. Her appeals to subordinates are “girls”, “boys”, “let's live together”. Such a boss is liberal, and confusion reigns in such a team.

    "Situational" - this type is closely adjacent to the previous one," the slogan "Everything for victory!". The boss is an enthusiast: she burns at work, comes before everyone else, leaves last. The table is littered with papers, where the unimportant are mixed with the important.

    None of the above types "pulls" for effective. But, nevertheless, a woman is not inferior to her colleague of the opposite sex, and surpasses him.

    Motives of labor activity.

    The life of men is focused on solving problems of career and work. For women, such labor motivation is not traced and is determined by social security. For a woman, a career is self-realization. Men understand promising and prestigious positions as a career.

    Women, unlike men, instill in employees a sense of indispensability, using all possible ways, for example: encourage employees to express their views and suggestions on any issue that concerns a common cause; discuss the organization's goals and strategy; like to organize a joint vacation of employees, of course, at the expense of the company. They don't leave without special attention significant dates for their subordinates.

    Attention to the sphere of interpersonal relations. In management, a woman pays great attention, first of all, to relations between members of her team, she is concerned about the sphere of relations in the team. A woman subtly reacts to the psychological climate that has developed in the team, shows sensitivity.

    Women make efforts to create an atmosphere in the organization, and men try to increase authority and improve the management of subordinates. Men aim to reshape the realm of rules and regulations; women leaders - for the restructuring of the sphere of relations.

    By exercising the function of control over personnel in this way, a woman does not seek particularly harsh sanctions, but wants to ensure the necessary conditions. It retains the ability to implement tough measures against those who do not cope with the tasks.

    Emotionality. A woman is emotional and this feature characterizes the female management style. So in various situations, the female reaction differs from the reaction of the man: it is brighter emotionally and richer. She "close to her heart" perceives everything related to work, and for a long period remains in thought and worries. A woman can "lose" the situation, survive such events. And when making decisions, she relies on her feelings, intuition, the famous female logic, which is not unsuccessful, since a woman is sensitive to most aspects of the problem that have emotional significance for her.

    Due to the increased emotional level, a woman is more touchy, reacts to criticism, rudeness and insult, this does not allow her to always be objective and behave constructively. Excessive emotionality is a serious drawback of the female management model, since it is she who acts as a source of uncertainty and injustice, the cause of conflicts.

    Result orientation. The activity of a woman is aimed at consistent, gradual transformations. Such a strategy is highly justified in situations of uncertainty. It bears fruit in the current economic conditions. These circumstances determine the woman's propensity for tactical rather than strategic planning, which often turns out to be more advantageous in the current situation.

    Excessive softness interferes with a woman's work. Also lack of punctuality, emotionality, and gullibility.

    The considered features of the behavior of a woman - a leader, allow us to refute the idea of ​​limited management capabilities. A number of situations testify that a woman is also capable of tough managerial technologies, but in “soft plastic”.

    Men and women have equal psychological opportunities for successful enterprise management, and gender characteristics do not act as constraints for effective management.


    Business qualities and the ability to achieve results, as well as the possession of management methods and the level of intelligence are inherent in any manager. The most significant quality is the unity of word and deed. It is such a business leader who is faithful to his obligations, and this is where professionalism is manifested. A woman is more obligatory than a man; she cannot fail to complete the task by a certain date, she will bring it to the end, and will not quit when any difficulties arise. A woman is more quickly forgiven for her overdue word. The efficiency of the leader is manifested in the ability to briefly and clearly state the essence of the problem, long and lengthy speeches can be regarded as a waste of time. Verbosity is the enemy of efficiency. The word of a business woman is emotional, she is not characterized by dry, concise speech. In difficult times, any woman needs to speak out; it is unusual for her to keep her feelings in depth. Succumbing to the mood, a woman can give vent to words and feelings. But, despite all the differences in leadership style, the unity of word and deed is important feature professionalism of the leader, whether he is a man or a woman. It is better not to speak, but to do, than not to do, but to speak. After all, a business woman, in comparison with a man, has a peculiar advantage when finishing what has been started - she knows how to stop in time. A man is steadily striving for a goal. Every stop hurts his vanity. Constantly leaning on the case, he quickly fizzles out. A woman, on the other hand, has a slightly different tactic: if things do not go well, she stops, gradually accumulating strength and seeking more effective means for "offensive".


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    5.Psychology [Electronic resource] -