Violent games. How dangerous are they for the human psyche? Hitman series

The court found that on February 23, 2018, the teen was playing one of the violent games and posted on a Snapchat group chat a video of him playing the game, accompanied by the message: "You should all shut up about these school shootings or I'll arrange one more".

One of the vigilant classmates saw this message and told the adults, who told the police. On February 26, the boy was taken into custody. The trial did not last long. On February 27, the guy was found guilty of two counts of disorderly conduct and a class 4 felony.

Judge Anderson especially praised a classmate who reported the violation to "trusted adults." According to the judge, this is an instructive and commendable example of never being silent if you have witnessed a crime: the "see something, say something" rule that children are taught from an early age.

In addition to violent games, he was banned from using social networks during the execution of the sentence and ordered to hand over his mobile phone to his parents until at least March 12, 2018, when the next hearing will take place.

Police searched the teen's home but found no weapons.

The public defender tried to convince the judge that the published message was just a joke, that his client was just tired of the endless discussion of the topic of school violence, and his client did not intend to actually shoot at the school or threaten his classmates. " all should shut up about these school shootings..."
However, the judge rejected the arguments of the public defender and announced the same verdict. He warned the teenager's parents to follow the rules.
"We take any threat to the safety of our students, teachers and school staff very seriously," District Attorney Robert Berlin said. teachers did not fear for their safety at school. The atmosphere of fear in the classroom prevents teachers from teaching and students from learning. The case against this student shows parents that they need to control their children's use of social media."

It is likely that the authorities believe that the judicial execution of a 16-year-old schoolboy who was fed up with chat violence discussions will reduce the atmosphere of fear, calm children and parents, and the guy himself will never allow himself to joke like that again. The justice system doesn't take jokes.
* Used literature in the description of the event. Geektimes site, post by user Alizar.

special project

Games that are killing our children

Reports of very dangerous, if not deadly games that Russian teenagers have become addicted to, have become so frequent that such expressions as “the wave has covered” and “craze” are already quite appropriate.

"Groups of death", "Run or die", "Disappear for 24 hours": not only Moscow, but also Kuzbass schoolchildren began to receive such messages on social networks that any parent's hair would stand on end. What kind of new dangers threaten our children, and most importantly - how to deal with them, we will understand in this article.

To begin with, it is worth mentioning the message that began to be actively distributed in social networks in early February 2017. It begins with the words "Sent from the Department of Education" and contains a warning to parents. It describes extremely dangerous games that directly threaten the lives of children. Then, on February 7, children's ombudsman Anna Kuznetsova called on the police to investigate the Run or Die game. And on February 8, it became a 20-year-old guy in Berezovsky. Immediately there were suggestions that the young man was in the "group of death" in the social network.

At the moment, everyone's attention is focused on three teenage "hobbies": "Run or die", "Disappear for 24 hours" and "death groups" on social networks. In this article, we will try to understand in detail what each of these phenomena is and how parents can protect their children.

"Run or Die"

What it is?

This is a call to grossly violate the rules of the road, endanger your own life and create a dangerous traffic situation. This “game” has no philosophy other than “show how cool you are”. This is from the same opera as jumping into the snow from garages, car "hooks" and "bungee". Did you remember anything about your childhood, dear parents? But jokes aside: those games were just as evil as the hashtag #begiilidie. About how dangerous it is to cross the road in front of the car, I think it is not necessary to tell anyone. Why do teenagers take such risks? Why aren't new generations getting smarter? The answers to these questions lie in the field of child psychology.

“As the child grows older, the psyche of the child must go through the stage of individuation, which will mark the transformation into a boy or a girl. This stage is reflected in the rite of transformation of a boy into a man among primitive tribes, where, passing through a series of risky tests, the boy becomes a man. Such risky steps are taken by adolescents, showing that they have overcome fear and made this transition, respectively, in the group of adolescents there are those who could do it, and those who could not. During this period of the formation of the psyche, it is extremely important to take a certain place in the group, and the fear of being rejected by the group is much stronger than the fear of death and injury, ”explains psychoanalyst Alexander Sedov.

What are the authorities doing?

As for the mass character of the Run or Die game, it most likely exists only on the pages of the media. After each frightening headline in RuNet follows: “In the traffic safety propaganda department of the Traffic Police Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, we were assured that so far no accidents related to such disputes have been recorded in the region.” We are talking about any region of Russia. That is, accidents involving children, unfortunately, happen, but all cases are individual.

However, the authorities have already begun to fight. As we already mentioned, Ombudsman Anna Kuznetsova turned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the traffic police with a request to sort it out. In the future, visits of representatives of departments to schools and the holding of special preventive classes will probably follow.
In Kuzbass, such measures are being taken without the participation of Kuznetsova.

"Inspectors for juvenile affairs, together with the traffic police, conduct raids to curb traffic violations by children and adolescents. The police also carry out explanatory work in schools. The main thing is to teach children safe behavior on the streets and on the road," the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kemerovo Region said. .

Nothing new: from the cradle to inspire the child exactly how to cross the road. And more effective ways does not exist. That is, behave like all normal parents. And from about the same age, begin to explain the difference between coolness and stupidity. However, since the hype around this hashtag has already inflated, it will not be superfluous to talk again.

And for drivers, there is only one piece of advice, also as old as the history of the automotive industry: if you see children or teenagers on the side of the road, slow down. Is always. With or without a hashtag, you never know what will come to their mind.

"Disappear for 24 hours"

What it is?

This is a call to hide so that no one can find you during the day. Mobile phone and any other means of communication to take with you is prohibited. It is easy to imagine what danger the child will expose himself to and what will happen to the nerves of the parents.

The existence of such fun was reported to the world by the media of the city of Rostov-on-Don, where two boys disappeared with a difference of 3 days. Moreover, according to their data, one of the boys definitely played "Disappear for 24 hours", the second - "most likely." The boys were found alive and well, the police did not talk about any game, but, with the filing of the federal media, there was a "game that is being distributed among schoolchildren on the Internet." True, there is no reliable information about other players outside the Rostov region yet. It is not certain that such a phenomenon as "Disappear for 24 hours" even exists. And certainly not talking about a mass hobby.

What are the authorities doing?

So far, none of the authorities has officially recognized the existence of such a phenomenon, especially on a national scale. No such disappearances were observed on the territory of Kuzbass. Missing people are being sought, but their disappearances are not linked to any game or hashtag.

How can parents deal with this evil?

Children did not start running away from home yesterday. The reasons are always the same: either a bad relationship with parents, or "towards adventure." In the latter case, reading "Tom Sawyer" may suffice. There is no other means of combating this, except for parental attention, does not exist. If you are raising a child, devote a lot of time to him, then with a high degree of probability you will understand that he is up to something. And if you miss the moment of escape, then contact the police in time. And most importantly - when the child is returned home (or returns on his own), do not give vent to anger, any competent teacher will advise you. Your task is not to punish the fugitive, but to prevent similar "games" in the future. Conduct a debriefing, figure out what led to the escape, in general, negotiate with the child, conclude an agreement with him that will suit everyone. And do not be too lazy to explain how dangerous it is. Believe it or not, a teenager may simply not understand this, despite the fact that he is already so big with you.

“Children, for a number of reasons, are not able to objectively weigh the risks, the mental attitude “nothing bad will happen to me” is still too strong. Adolescents often attribute the right to manage their own lives to the attributes of adulthood, without having sufficient adult experience, taking the phrase of adults too literally, “I myself am the master of my own destiny,” Alexander Sedov shares his knowledge.

"Groups of Death"

What it is?

But this is already very serious and really scary. According to the most optimistic estimates, the number of victims of this "game" in Russia is at least 15 teenagers. All of them committed suicide, and all were in the so-called "death groups" on social networks. The starting point of the “game” is considered to be November 23, 2015 - on this day, a girl known on the Web under the nickname Rina committed suicide. The circumstances of this tragedy were analyzed in detail by Novaya Gazeta. The article had the widest response. It was after her that they began to no longer talk about “death groups”, but shouted all over the country. However, the Sledkom of Russia states that these groups began to appear on the network much earlier - since 2013.

If you do not play with words, then the participants in such "groups" are people who systematically prepare their own death under the guidance of the group administrator. They are gradually sent tasks, the last of which is suicide. The administrators of such groups most often go out to teenagers themselves, start a conversation, invite them to the “game”. Such communities in social networks are always closed, which adds to their attractiveness in the eyes of teenagers - “I was invited, so I am the chosen one!”.
In Kuzbass, there are no officially confirmed cases of suicides associated with "death groups". But this does not mean that our children do not know about them. They are well aware of scary hashtags like #f57, #morekitov or #nyapoka (we will talk about them in more detail later). But the worst thing is that here, in Kuzbass, children receive offers to “start the game” from polite strangers. The Kemerovo schoolgirl, who received the message, forwarded it to the editor of the Sibdepo.

No direct appeals, only hints of the freedom that the “little whale” will gain. It even seems to be the other way around - dissuades. But when we in the editorial office got acquainted with this message, we felt bad. And most importantly - what awaits the "player" next. Here is what a Kemerovo high school student who received this message told the Sibdepo correspondent.

“For example, #f57, #f58, #morekitov, #quiethouse. You should post on the wall with the suicide verse and these hashtags. Then the curator writes to you, you tell why you decided to commit suicide, write them your address, phone number. The first task is to make the inscription "whale" on the hand (there are others). Every day you will have to enter their chat at 4:20 (such a time, because there is something to do with drugs). At this time, you are listening to audio with screams, squeals, etc. And every day you write on the wall how many days are left, there are 50 of them in total, every day is a new task, the last one is suicide. If you refuse, they start to intimidate you that they will come to your house (you yourself told them the address) and kill the whole family, call on the phone and this will drive the child to suicide, ”the girl said about the rules of the“ game ”.

Here are excerpts from the correspondence of our heroine with one such "game".

You can applaud the girl and the parents who raised her. She quickly realized that this was no longer funny and ended the conversation. But after all, in her place could be someone who would like to participate "for the sake of interest." And then what, we already know: going online at 04.20, tasks, whales, butterflies, “if you refuse, we will kill your family” and so on. What if the child is depressed? Having quarreled with parents, breaking up with a girl / boyfriend ... But you never know what kind of trouble may seem to a teenager as a catastrophe of the century. Namely, such children are the main goal of the "curators" from the "death groups".

Philip "Fox" Budeikin - creator of the closed community "f57" in the social network "VKontakte"

Who needs all this and why?

Several very specific people are known to the investigators of the TFR and the FSB, and one is known to all of Russia. His name is Philip Budeikin, known online as Philip Lis. He has now been arrested, declared sane and awaiting trial. He himself claims that he was “carried away” and “did not want to”, and his goal was only popularity on the Web. This, by the way, is quite possible - in December 2015, Lis participated in a large-scale Internet flash mob, when dozens of schoolchildren pretended to commit suicide.

Some of the administrators of the "groups of death" are known to the general public only by their nicknames, such as the Sea of ​​Whales and Myron Seth. The latter, by the way, after Novaya Gazeta raised a fuss, said that journalists were idiots, and he was pursuing a noble mission.

This screenshot was published by journalists of the portal. According to the publication, after the investigation " Novaya Gazeta”, Myron Seth decided to “deploy the machine gun”, and the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bWhales simply realized what was threatening him and moved away from managing his groups. The fame-hungry Fox pretended to be the Sea of ​​Whales, gathered his followers into his f57 group, and promoted suicide until he was arrested.

But these are only a few. And no one knows how many such groups appeared only on VKontakte. The Investigative Committee declares 8 communities, the same speaks of hundreds of such groups.

Who are these "curators"? What drives them?

Fox version

People who want popularity and play too much.

Internet users version

Professionals working for the powerful enemies of Russia, with the help of "groups of death" depriving our country of the future. They are subtle psychologists, they know how and where to strike psychological blows and deprive the victim of will.

Psychoanalyst version

These people realize their unconscious needs that they cannot fulfill in any other way:
- unconscious sadistic inclinations, the desire to control people, to feel like a ruler over the lives of others.
- the realization of one's own aggressive impulse, the ability to live an extreme form of aggression - in fact, the murder of another person.
- realization of the need for one's own greatness - gaining the status of an idol, master of destinies, satisfaction from creating one's own cult.

Psychoanalyst Alexander Sedov also complained that the topic of suicide is sometimes overly romanticized in music, literature and cinema. And these "curators" just use it. As a result, it seems to the “little whale” that he will lie all so beautiful and pale. And the “curator” prefers to remain silent about the prolapsed tongue and relaxed sphincters. It turns out that every time, "hanging out" in social networks, our children have a chance to meet with such a "Fox" one on one.

frame from the movie "Romeo and Juliet"

What are the authorities doing?

The work of the investigating authorities is in full view. As reported by RIA Novosti, in November last year, employees of the Investigative Committee searched the homes of administrators and members of "death groups" with pseudonyms "Philip More", "Miron Stekh", "Keeper of Truth" and others. This happened in 10 regions of Russia, including Kuzbass. We have already mentioned the detention of Philip Lis.

The leadership of social networks regularly “bans” newly emerging communities. Even Instagram, which you won’t sign for much, announced a campaign launched against the propaganda of suicide.

But this is work that is being done at the federal level. But what about the regions? In particular, here, in Kuzbass? The department of education of the Kemerovo region said that they didn’t do any mailing in social networks, they don’t personally fight with any communities, but on an ongoing basis they are systematically working to prevent suicide.

“In Kuzbass, on an ongoing basis, cool watch and conversations with students and their parents on the subject of cybersecurity, including safe behavior in social networks,” Sibdepo was told in the press service of the department.

The regional police, in turn, are taking steps specifically against "death groups" on social networks. According to the press service of the department, employees of the regional Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs purposefully monitor social networks, looking for not only "curators", but also children who show interest in suicidal communities.

"If minors who are prone to committing suicide, as well as being members of the above groups or games, are identified, specialists from all bodies and institutions of the prevention system are involved in the work with children and families. Police officers promptly inform psychologists about cases where their intervention is necessary, and as much as possible short terms involve such specialists in the work of psychological support for minors," the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Kemerovo region reported.

And if we talk about the struggle on a planetary scale, a sensible idea was expressed by journalist Maxim Kononenko in his article “Why are we still not ready for the “sea of ​​whales”?” . The author proposes to abandon anonymity on the Internet altogether. However, he immediately refutes his thesis, recalling how many countries there are on our planet. And that for such a decision, all of them must adopt appropriate laws and monitor their implementation. Unreal? Right. So let's think about what we can do ourselves, in our own families.

What this blog is about:

After the announcement of the game Hatred, the Internet was swept by a wave of panic of moralists from all over the world: "Just imagine that a child who played this game wants to kill someone in real life, experience the pleasure that he experienced in the game, killing innocent people" , - this is exactly the speech of the average moralophage-moralofagushka. And since most of them lack critical thinking, the absence of which allows them to judge what they do not understand - I want to dot the i's, explaining how and why violent games (including such realistic ones) do not harm the human psyche, but even help in a difficult life path.

I am not a psychologist by training, but a mathematician. But it just so happened that I am a mathematician who loves to get lost in books on psychology, analyzing the material that is presented in them, primarily from the point of view of a coherent mathematical system, and considering a person’s personality as a complex response mechanism. This approach makes you critically reflect on any material, excluding those ideas that often contradict themselves, or in the presentation of which it is clearly visible that the cause is adjusted to the effect (an example of such an adjustment is very well illustrated by accusations of computer games in cruelty in reality).

Why do we play computer games

The first and most obvious reason is that games bring us relaxation, relaxation and pleasure. Any gamer will confirm this to you.
Even competitive games-disciplines, like LoL "a or Dota" s. But since this topic is just controversial (in the absence of any sign of violence like blood (I'll explain why later)), let's focus on single-player games and MMOs for now, without touching competitive discipline games.
Now let's say it in words:
Does anyone see the desire to kill here, no? And I don't see.
Now let's look at it from the perspective of a psychologist:
In psychology, there is such a term - "escapism".
In order not to copy the wiki, I will explain on my fingers: this is a desire to somehow escape from the surrounding reality into the world of illusions. Books, music, TV, series, films, even football in the yard or your own thoughts - this is all a kind of escapism ... and of course - computer games.
The essence is very simple: reality loves to bend over, to dominate our anus bodies and souls. And of course, each of us wants to run away, at least for a second to forget about the existing problems that need to be solved, about the things that need to be done, but we don’t want to do it, and about life in which we need to somehow survive and in a good way and happily live.

Why violent computer games are good and not evil.

But games, over other types of escapism, have a huge plus - they allow you to splash out aggression not on relatives and close people, but on faceless dummy in some game. And the harder it goes, the better.
But ! a small caveat - it will be more suitable for men than girls. Due to male hormones, in particular testosterone, aggression is purposefully accumulated in men, while in the minds of girls the craving for sensual and emotional experiences prevails (and they quench them in sims).
Thus, having come home after school, the abstract evil 8-grader Vasya, who was rotten by his classmates all school day, breaks down not at the girl (because he doesn’t have her), and not at the poor parents, but, silently buried in the monitor, cuts off heads to passers-by and urinates on their bodies in the game postal 2.
Terrible on the face, kind inside (c)

Why this is not entirely true in relation to online competitive disciplines.

Largely because the game ceases to be a game, it is already a competition with a certain focus on winning, and in cases where this fails, the vicious circle of unrealized irritation closes on itself: a person plays a game to relax and relieve tension, but because of the defeats that come one after another - his irritation only grows.
But this NOT WINE games. This is the fault of the competitive and accessible element of this game. The same element that exists in studies, work, in all life, while a person subconsciously continues to compare himself with others, only in the case of MOBA games - this element is pronounced.

Why a person will never go to kill people on the streets ONLY because of the game.

I do not deny that the game can be catalyst desire to kill, but only if the person who has everything very very very bad in life, turns to the game as a last resort, a refuge from the real world and ... fails in the game. And this last failure, in a series of his failures, turns out to be decisive, he grabs a weapon and ... then you know.
Further: in our psyche there are a lot of subconscious barriers. To kill someone without being prepared in this way requires a very strong shift in the perception of the surrounding world. The game is simply not able to provide such a shift. It does not have such mechanisms of influence on our perception, because I-he distinctions that separate us from the character have been and will remain.

as an epilogue.

By blaming games for the troubles of their children, parents try to hide the fact that they have no idea how to raise their child so that neither games nor anything else can damage the perception of the world around them. And if we are to look for a problem, then look for it in the environment, in education, and not in what allows you to relax and unwind. You might as well blame the couch for the fact that its rigidity is the reason for the murder of another pack of schoolchildren ... and you know ... the couch is much more likely to be to blame for this!
I was with you, with Love.


We welcome all "maniacs", "psychopaths" and other users of the shinobi-master-games portal.

This time we decided to explore the theme of violence in video games and created our own list.

Let's face it, violence in games is no longer a secret, and all those claims that violent video games make players more "unbalanced" have been debunked by scientists. Of course, there are players who take the game world too close to their hearts, but this, it seems to us, is already a matter of the psyche.

Sometimes, violent games are simply necessary to relax, because you can always unleash your anger on some zombie, you see, this is much better than taking it out on someone else.

In this article, we have revealed our personal opinion and created a list TOP 13 most violent video games. As always, we emphasize that your opinion may differ from ours, and you can post all your comments and suggestions in the comments.

I would also like to note that we tried not to include games in this list where you can brutally crack down on some kind of evil monsters or zombies because they are not so sorry (at least for us).

And so, we present to your attention TOP 13 most violent video games.


Shank 2 - #13

Opens our top game called (2012).

At the moment, there is also the first part of the game, which was released in 2010, but since we select only the most violent ones, and the second part is exactly that, we will talk about it.

A game in which you play as a character named Shenk.

Shenk used to work for the mafia where he killed people who interfered with the mafia syndicate.
Schenk quits this job, but his past doesn't let him get involved in the murders so easily.
He always gets into trouble, which, like a magnet, are attracted to him.
Schenck's loved ones are in danger, they are kidnapped, and all that remains for him is to do what he does best.

If the first part of the game was not so cruel, then the second part raised the bar.

To get to his target, Schenk uses different types weapons ranging from conventional sharpening to firearms.
Using a machete, he simply shreds his rivals, and when using a chainsaw, enemies become simply pitiful. Whatever Schenck does with his enemies, he cuts off their limbs, rips open their belly, sets them on fire with a Molotov cocktail, takes out the heads with a shotgun so that the eyes of the enemies literally fly out of their sockets.
Most of all, the developers succeeded in the scenes where Shank finishes off the Bosses with various very cruel tricks.

A large number of weapons and techniques that can be combined, increasing the number of combos will not make a real connoisseur of games of this genre bored.

Bloody and brutal 2D Action is a great game that deserves a higher place, but because of its cartoonishness, so to speak, we decided to put it in the thirteenth position.

13th place.

Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number - #12

In twelfth place we have a game called (2015).

Just like Shank 2, this game has two parts, and as you already understood, we will talk about the second.

Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number- 2D Action with a view from the top.

If in the game Shank 2 it seemed to you that there is not enough blood and cruelty, then in the game Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number there is enough of this goodness, the blood is gushing like a river here. Despite the two-dimensional graphics in retro style, the developers managed to convey the atmosphere of violence and cruelty.

From the very beginning of the game, you have no weapons other than your fists. You burst into the building and after a couple of hits you get a long-awaited firearm. Having received a weapon, you begin to kill everyone who gets in your way. Each shot at the enemy brings a sea of ​​​​blood, the intestines of the enemies turn out, their heads explode, and the bones crumble. All that remains after you is a pile of corpses and a hard day for the cleaner - (ka). Human remains are scattered all over the place, bleeding.

Despite the cubic graphics, the game is so violent that it was banned in Australia. The reason for the ban was an episode during which, main character breaks into a building, kills several enemies, after which he finds a woman and injures her, she falls to the bloody floor, where the character rapes the victim.
This episode outraged Australian critics so much that they gave the game an RC (Refused Classification) rating - a rejection. The game was banned from sale in Australia, considering it too violent. This episode could be seen in the demo version of the game, but after the scandal in the press, the developers had to remove this moment.

Although, apparently, this scandal has become a good advertisement for the project.

The game scored a good mark and was liked by most of the players.

It is also worth noting that there is no censorship in the game.

Rivers of blood and no chance of error - Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number, 12th place.

Chiller - №11

In eleventh position we have a game (1986).

This is an arcade game released in 1986 for gaming.

The game can be played by one or two players (in turn).
The player stood in front of the slot machine with a light gun and shoots at the indicated targets.

Reminds only here the weapon is fixed in front of the monitor on a special stand.

The game takes place in a gothic medieval castle, where you act as a tormentor, your task is to score as many points as possible in a certain amount of time.
Points are given for bullying defenseless victims, the more pain and death, the more points.

The victim is completely defenseless and rarely can move, in most cases your target is tied to some kind of instrument of torture. Also in the game there are, and second-rate targets over which you can also scoff.
The player must figure out how he can quickly kill his victim. Can be found fast way, activating some kind of torture device or slowly skinning the poor fellow until she dies.

Despite the year 1986 and pixel graphics, the game turned out to be all cruel, although the developers said that you are not torturing people, but monsters that look like people who were brought back to life by an evil force.
The game is accompanied by gloomy music and the screams of the victims that you mock.
Oddly enough, the game has a plot, you must protect the city from a dark force that is gathering an army of the living dead. To do this, you must find and destroy all 8 talismans hidden in different levels.

Although it remains unclear, if these are not people, but the dead possessed by an evil spirit, then how can one kill the already dead, and why are they tied to instruments of torture?

Most likely, with the help of the storyline, the developers wanted to somehow justify the senseless cruelty, giving the player some kind of excuse (I'm a hero, I torture them to save my world).

Due to its increased brutality, the game did not sell well in the US, with players discouraged the use of torture devices and increased cruelty towards defenseless victims.

In 1990, the game was released for 8-bit consoles.

It's hard to believe that such a cruel game could have been created in 1986, we just can't help but place it in our top.

A retro game from the distant past - 11th place.

The Punisher - #10

On the 10th place is the game (2005).

So we finally got to the first brutal 3D game.

A game from the MARVEL universe in which you play as a character named Frank Castle.

Frank Castle served in the Marine Corps and after the service went to the FBI agents where he worked undercover.
He was a good family man, but the mafiosi brutally killed his family, destroying the meaning of Frank's life.
Frank found a new meaning for himself - revenge, he called himself a punisher () devoting himself to the war with the underworld. Frank became cruel and merciless, he swore to the end of his days to fight the villains and at all costs to protect civilians.

The game is full of cruel tricks, you just burst into some territory and start to "punish" everyone who gets in your way. The game has quite a variety of cruel tricks and captures, but sometimes you need to get some information from the criminal and then the interrogation mode comes to your aid.

You catch the bandit you need and begin to interrogate him with very cruel and painful methods. To obtain information, you can put a gun to the victim, beat him on the floor, use strangulation, or simply beat him with his fists, but sometimes the protagonist can use various improvised means for interrogation. Circular saws, aquariums with electric eels, washbasins, electric chairs, various machines, etc. are used.

In order for the enemy to split, you need to keep him at bay for a certain period of time, but the player does not always manage to successfully interrogate, the wrong key is pressed and the victim will die prematurely, without giving you the necessary information.

If we decided to display the entire list of brutal interrogations, then the list would come out, very impressive.

The game also allows you to dismember enemies into pieces, which only adds to the brutality of the atmosphere of the game.
Wherever the Punisher goes, all that remains after him is a sea of ​​blood and a pile of corpses.

Beautiful Action with elements of violence and cruelty took to taste, a large number gamers who still sometimes play this game.

Punisher and his interrogation regime - 10th place.

Postal III - №9

The ninth position was taken by the game Postal III (2011).

From the very beginning, I would like to note that in the game you can choose the path of a savior hero or become a cruel and heartless killer, as you already understood, we are interested in the second option, and we will talk about it.

We will not talk about the failure of the project, and that the previous parts of the game were better, we are discussing cruelty here, and in Postal III it's enough.
If in the previous games placed in this list, the player was limited in his actions and opportunities, then in Postal III the player has almost complete freedom of action. Although from the very beginning the game could only be played strictly according to the plot, but the developers released a patch that freed the players from the storyline, making it possible to freely roam the city and brutally kill the inhabitants of the city.

The game is full of cruelty and violence not only to the inhabitants of the town of Catharsis but also to the animals that live there. But in order.

In Game Postal III you can: urinate on passers-by, pour gasoline on the inhabitants and set them on fire, chop everyone with a machete, shovel, etc. Also in the game there are firearms (automatic guns, machine guns, shotguns...) with which you can shoot off limbs or completely resolve the victim, which is worth a vacuum cleaner that collects various muck from the ground, and then throws it at passersby, making them "feel feel bad."

It is worth noting that thanks to the Source engine (from Valve), the damage system is not poorly implemented in the game. If you played Left 4 Dead (2), then it is practically the same here.

But most of all, Dude experiences cruelty towards our smaller brothers.
You can: throw yourself at cats, use a cat by planting it with the fifth point on the muzzle of a machine gun, use a badger as a chainsaw, in general, apparently, the developers do not like animals.

The game is full of violence and lewd acts, and if the player decides to turn the city into a carnage, then in Postal III he will succeed. Shots from firearms turn people into a bloody mess, and the abnormal use of animals only adds to the cruelty of the game.

Postal III, disastrous but cruel - 9th place.

F.E.A.R. - №8

Game in eighth place F.E.A.R. (2005).

There is a whole series of games F.E.A.R. but since we consider the first part to be the best, bloody and cruel, we will talk about it.

In Game F.E.A.R. our attention was attracted not as not the main character, but rather the opposite, Alma Wade, one of the main antagonists in the game, possessing paranormal and telepathic abilities, who does not spare anyone except the main character.

Biography of Alma Wade:

Alma was an ordinary girl until, at the age of 3, she became a victim of an experiment in the Paragon project, which was led by her father.

For 2 years, the poor girl suffered from cruel experiments and when she was 5 years old, she decided to fail the tests in order to be released. But when this method failed, Alma set fire to the laboratory and, with the help of psychokinetic abilities, drove some scientists into madness. To stop this, the scientists put Alma into a coma for 19 years.

During the entire time she was in a coma, the girl underwent fertilization, she was injected with specially selected DNA, which also contained the DNA of her own father.

She gave birth to two sons at 15 and 16 years old.

In a coma, Alma establishes a telepathic connection with her second son Pakstan Vettel.

All the time she was in a coma, she was in a special sarcophagus, where she had not seen the living world for many years. Alma wants to be free.
She orders her ten-year-old son Fettel to release her, he kills several scientists, and when her father finds out that she was involved, he decides to turn off Alma's life support system. 6 days later, Alma dies, she was 26 years old.

You can also watch a short cinematic of Alma's dedication. (Russian subtitles)

Her physical body died, but not the soul, Alma was able to exist without a body. The only thing she wanted was revenge on everyone for her lost childhood and cruel behavior towards her. She began to take revenge, killing everyone who gets in her way.

Alma - a little girl with long dark hair dressed in a red dress at first glance looks quite harmless, but this is only at first glance. She is heartless and cruel, human life means nothing to her.

Alma can turn anyone into a bloody substance, or worse, bring her victim to complete insanity. With the help of paranormal power, Alma can turn bones just by looking at the poor fellow, throw the victim against the walls until she bleeds out or remove the skin alive, leaving one skeleton. Alma can also create otherworldly worlds and control human consciousness. Its possibilities are almost limitless.

Alma is full of cruelty and hatred, she does not know what the words of love and compassion mean because she herself has never experienced these feelings.

She is already coming to you, Alma - 8th place.

The Darkness 2 - #7

Game in seventh place The Darkness II (2012).

In Game The Darkness II you play as a character named Jackie Estacado - a professional killer, a member of a mafia syndicate and the owner of an ancient and cruel force of chaos called The Darkness.

Darkness gives the main character supernatural powers, incredible vitality, endurance and regeneration.

All that Darkness requires is the soul of the bearer and the hearts of people for evolution.

The only thing that can stop the dark force is light. Darkness can only exist in dark places. Light does not kill Darkness, but simply deactivates it, turning it into dust. As soon as the main character enters the dark place again, the Darkness will return to its owner.

Anyone who takes it into his head to oppose the Darkness, without having a source of light with him, will face a cruel and painful death.

Received this superpower Jackie as a legacy. Even during the First World War, his great-grandfather Anthony Estacado entered into an agreement with an ancient force, which indicated that the entire Estacado family would be forever damned.
Darkness is transmitted only to the male members of the seven from father to son and manifests itself when the owner is 21 years old.
The bearer of power cannot simply get rid of it, even if he commits suicide, Darkness will resurrect the owner, only a special artifact can extract it.

Throughout the game, Jackie learns to control the Darkness without letting it absorb her soul.

In Game The Darkness II Darkness looks like bloodthirsty toothed snakes doing the will of the owner. The wearer gains protection from bullets, the ability to summon a deadly black hole, the ability to lift heavy objects and throw them with great force, etc.

Also, along with deadly snakes, the main character gets an evil minion as an assistant, who will help you overcome obstacles.

In Game The Darkness II you will find a lot of torn, perforated and decapitated enemies that will simply choke with blood before your eyes. Darkness will mercilessly deal with anyone who gets in your way.

Darkness around us The Darkness II, 7th place.

Lucius II: The Prophecy - #6

In the mysterious sixth place we have a game Lucius II: The Prophecy (2015).

The game Lucius II: The Prophecy- this is a continuation of the first part where you play as a character named Lucius.

Lucius - a very harmless at first glance, the boy is actually the son of Lucifer himself.

Before the events in the game Lucius II: The Prophecy Lucius lived in a mansion with a very wealthy family, he played, had fun, and no one suspected that this kid would become a cruel killer. When Lucius was 6 years old, he received superpowers, which included telekinesis, pyrokinesis, and the ability to subordinate other people to his will. The poor family had no idea that they had raised a real heir to the devil.

He survived after brutally murdering his entire family and burning down the estate, a perfect murder because no one would suspect a little six year old boy. After the events of the first part, Lucius ends up in a psychiatric hospital, where he continues to brutally crack down on his victims. His goal is to get to the child, with the help of which he can rule the whole world.

Lucius II: The Prophecy something like the game Hitman, but everything is accompanied by superpowers and more brutal murders. And if you look closely, then the game Lucius This is an exact copy of the movie The Omen.

Playing as a little satan, you must covertly kill as many people as possible without catching the eye of random bystanders.

Daddy took power from Lucius, so you must gradually restore your power as you progress through the story.

To kill as many living creatures as possible, you will have to combine your superpowers with various dangerous items.

You can kill people by making them do things they would never do if they were in an adequate state. At your disposal are more than 100 test subjects and a huge variety of items and places that you can use at your discretion.

Although the second part did not stand out too much in the plot, and the gameplay was not very successful, but still in Lucius II: The Prophecy you can roam, a huge hospital and a small world of discoveries allow you to carry out many brutal murders.

Lucius II: The Prophecy- mystical 6th place.

Saw 2: Flesh and Blood - #5

On the 5th place of violent video games, we have a project called Saw 2: Flesh and Blood (2010).

Saw 2: Flesh and Blood is a game based on the cult horror movie Saw.

Game events Saw 2 is a sequel to Saw: The Video Game (2009), where you will find even more deadly traps and a well-worn one.

Plot Saw 2: Flesh and Blood covers the events of the second and third parts of the film where you play as the son of detective Tapp Michael, who, investigating the death of his father, falls into the clutches of Jigsaw.

In Game Saw 2: Flesh and Blood it wasn't the plot or the protagonist that caught our attention, but Jigsaw's cruel traps that became even more ingenious and terrible.

Playing as the main character, you must save yourself and other people who have fallen into deadly traps.

Almost every designer trap is equipped with a timer that will work after a certain time after activation, your task is to find a way to deactivate the deadly mechanism. If you do not have time to find a way in time to get rid of the dangerous device, the trap goes off and the victim dies a very cruel death.

It's hard for us to describe how complex and at the same time deadly Jigsaw's traps are, but one thing is for sure, they are incredibly cruel and painful. The designer skillfully manipulates people, checking what they will do to save their own or someone else's life.

You will meet with the mind of a real psychopath engineer who will stop at nothing to teach you to appreciate life (or kill).

Deadly mechanisms, violence, blood and cruelty flavored with adrenaline, that's what awaits you in the game Saw 2: Flesh and Blood.

Make a choice or die Saw 2: Flesh and Blood, 5th place.

Manhunt 2 - #4

Here we have almost reached the top three, but before that we would like to show you the game that took 4th place, (2007).

Like some previous nominees of our top, the game is a continuation of the first part, which was released in 2003 ( Manhunt).

A little background:

You play as a character named Daniel Lamb, a former scientist who worked on a project called the Pickman Project. He put all the tests on himself, as a result of which he had a split personality. Now two people live in it, one is the same scientist Daniel Lamb, and the second is the evil and cruel Leo Kasper, whom he sees as a non-existent friend.

The game takes place in a psychiatric hospital, where you ended up after the disaster. After staying there for 6 years, you get a chance to escape. During the storm, the power goes out, causing the doors to open in the hospital. All patients of the mental hospital, seizing the moment, are released from their chambers and arrange a riot. You are freed, and under the strict guidance of your dark half, you begin to brutally kill everyone who will interfere with you.

You sneak up on your target and use a variety of weapons and techniques to brutally deal with your victims.

Very strongly reminiscent of the game Splinter Cell and Hitman because here, like them, there is a lot of stealth, it is much more effective to kill the victim by sneaking up behind her than to go into the open.

When playing, you are enveloped in an atmosphere of chaos and cruelty that does not leave the player for a minute, and a peculiar interesting and unusual plot only adds to the game pluses.

A very bloody and heartless execution system (like in The Punisher) makes this game even more bloodthirsty and cruel.

It's hard for us to describe how brutal this game is, but we'll just say it's a must see. Violence, blood and brutality, that's how we would describe it.

4th place.

God of War III - #3

So we finally got to the top three most violent video games according to the website site.

In the third bronze position, we have a game God of War III (2010).

Before talking about this project, I would like to note that this is the first game on our list that directed its cruelty not towards people, but towards the gods.
Even from the very beginning, we mentioned that we tried not to include games in this list, the cruelty of which is directed towards monsters, zombies and other monsters, since the player doesn’t feel so sorry for them, because you see, it’s one thing to kill evil creatures, and another of their own kind. But the key word here is "tried", we just could not get past the series of games God of War where gore and violence just infiltrate the game.

So oh God of War III.

As you know, God of War III is the third part of the game series God of War.

In Game God of War III you play as the mighty and vengeful Kratos, who served the gods for a long time until they betrayed him. God Ares clouded the mind Kratos, who is in a fit of anger killed his own family. Kratos vowed to take revenge on all Olympus for the lost happiness, revenge became the goal of his life, he lost everything human, filling himself with anger and cruelty.

In the third part, Kratos' goal is to kill Zeus, but for this he will have to climb Mount Olympus and crush the remaining gods.

His standard weapon is the Blades of Chaos, two short, wide blades with sharp, serrated blades and chains on the handles for long-range attacks.

For the main character, no matter how strong the enemy is, be it an ordinary monster or a giant god, Kratos will brutally deal with each opponent.

In Game God of War III Most of all, we were attracted by the beautiful and at the same time incredibly brutal combat system. You can't just describe how cool and brutal everything looks, you have to see it for yourself. A huge number of unique strikes and deadly finishing moves are simply amazing in their cruelty.

In general, watch the video and you will understand everything yourself, it is difficult for us to convey this.

God of War III- honorable 3rd place.

Hatred - #2

Just a little bit left, and before introducing you to the leader of our top, we would like to show you one more game, which, in our opinion, deserves the 2nd place among violent video games, (2015).

This is an arcane shooter where you play as an unknown cruel and heartless maniac in a leather jacket with long black hair. The main "hero" hates the world around him, his heart is filled with anger and disgust for people, all he wants is to brutally kill as many civilians and law enforcement officers as possible.

From the very beginning of the game, after a short introductory video, armed with a machine gun, a knife and grenades, you leave your shelter and start killing absolutely everyone who gets in your way.

Now we will explain why the choice fell on the game.

The fact is that in the rest of the games in our top, the player kills either the bad guys or the good guys for some reason, and in the game the killings take place absolutely without justification and cruelly. People just live a peaceful life, when all of a sudden a psychopath bursts into them and starts shooting absolutely everyone who falls under hot hand. He does not regret either men or women, even belittling the victim for mercy will not stop him.

Hatred - Trailer #1 (Russian voice acting)

Hatred - Trailer #2 (Russian voice acting)

From the very beginning of the game, cruelty reigns absolutely everywhere, wherever our "hero" goes, all that remains after him is the bloodied bodies of his victims.

Not only is the game so cruel in itself, but the developers have also added a special execution mode, where the main "hero" kills his victim with incredible cruelty.

The game is so full of unjustified violence and cruelty that when the game appeared on the Steam Greenlight in 2014, Valve employees removed it due to arrogant cruelty to people (True, the game was returned two days later). This project became the second game in history to receive the maximum age rating (ESRB) only for violent scenes.

One can only guess in how many countries in the world the game will be banned.

No mercy, 2nd place.

P.S. To be honest, for a long time we doubted which place to give, first or second. The game is just incredibly brutal.

Mortal Kombat X - #1

Well, finally we got to the golden place where we have the game (2015) at number one.

From the very beginning of the series Mortal Kombat the game was distinguished by increased cruelty not only in battles but also in a special finishing move called Fatality.

Even the very first Mortal Kombat(1992) for arcade machines shocked players with the now-famous system of bloody finishing moves. Many years have passed, the battles and the finishing system have become more and more cruel and bloody, and now in 2015 a new one comes out, which simply shocked the players with the cruelest Fatality.

Fatality is the action that the player uses at the end of the final round against his already defeated opponent.

This one looks like this: The victim is knocked out, the winner approaches her and after the commentator’s phrase “Finish Him !!” or "Finish Her!!" performs an incredibly brutal finishing move.

Each fighter has their own unique Fatality. In order to perform a brutal finishing move, you need to quickly press the necessary buttons at a certain time at an appropriate distance. In general, this does not sound easy, and it will be quite difficult for an inexperienced player to perform such a technique.

Mortal Kombat X Official Trailer

The legendary fighting game with a large list of characters and beautiful realistic graphics further emphasizes the incredibly spectacular and brutal Fatality.

Sometimes, looking at the finishing techniques of fighters, you begin to wonder how it was possible to come up with such cruel finishing moves?

One way or another, we believe that brutal and cruel deserves the first place in our top of the most violent video games.



So our next top has come to an end. Now you know what games you can or cannot play.

We have placed a poll at the end of the article, so you can vote for which game you think is the most violent. Better yet, vote and leave your comments, perhaps you know some other cruel games that did not make it to our top. In general, write feedback, suggestions, comments, and so on, we would be interested to know your opinion.

This material is for informational purposes only. Don't try this in real life!

On this we have everything, all the best, until we meet again. Your website.

When looking for a game for your child, it is important to remember that the child's psyche is not formed. A child perceives information much more difficult than a teenager or an adult. So, let's begin…

1. Wii Sports Club

As in all physical activity With young children, there is always the possibility that your child may harm themselves or others, they just lack coordination. Of course, sport is good, but for children it is dangerous. Their body has not yet formed and cannot control movement. Children can hurt themselves and others.

2 Rainbow Six Siege

Rainbow Six Siege is one of the most dynamic and challenging shooters. The main essence is played by surveillance cameras and bullet penetration through several walls and surfaces. This game can cause your kids to be extremely aggressive.

3. Slender game series

Horror movie games are the most popular and have the most special effects. Children perceive the heroes of the games as supernatural beings who prefer to persecute and kidnap children. All these horror games destroy the already unformed psyche of the child.

4. Assassin's Creed series

In terms of the content of this game, it is not the most graphically out of place compared to its contemporaries. The game is based on historical events, but it also contains the motives of murder and aggression. If a child plays under the supervision of an adult, then it may not harm the psychological health of your child.

5. Hitman series

Killing simulator series game. Perhaps this game is the most dangerous for your child - the main task is to beat or kill people. You can create your own image of your character up to accessories.