Class hour on the theme "days of military glory". Open class hour "days of military glory of Russia" Development of a class hour day of military glory

Class hour dedicated to the Day of military glory of Russia

Objectives: to expand children's understanding of the Patriotic War of 1812; to form a positive moral assessment of the feat in the name of the Motherland, a positive attitude towards the heroic past of Russia; encourage children to study the military history of Russia, to participate in patriotic actions and events.

Preparatory work with children: distribute roles among children: Napoleon, M. Kutuzov, reporters (2 students). To provide all participants with texts, it is enough to make 1 photocopy of the relevant pages of the script.


Exhibit photographs and paintings depicting the Russian field, portraits of Napoleon, M. Kutuzov, paintings by V. Vereshchagin (“On the high road. Retreat. Flight”, “Attack”, “Do not block, let me come!”, etc.);

class plan

I. Opening speech "Russian field".

II. Interactive conversation on the topic "Giants on the Borodino field".

III. Information block "Napoleon and M. Kutuzov - profiles of commanders."

IV. Report from the battlefield:

1. Bagration flushes.

2. Raevsky's battery.

3. Whose victory?

V. Work in groups on the topic "The mystery of the Russian soul."

VI. Game "Prediction for Napoleon".

VII. Closing remarks “Memorial of two Patriotic Wars”.

VIII. Summing up (reflection).

Class hour progress

I. Introductory speech "Russian field"

Classroom teacher. The Russian field... The usual peaceful landscape: hills, copses, white churches, streams and lakes overgrown with reeds, a yellow field, a quiet chime of grasshoppers and birds.

But once upon a time, many Russian fields were the scene of major military battles...

A fierce confrontation of huge masses of armed people, screams and groans, the thunder of hundreds of guns, fire, smoke, pitted, mangled earth, a bloodied pile of dead bodies...

Every inch of this peaceful land is literally watered with the blood of its defenders. And it happens that the field becomes the national pride of the people, a symbol of its greatness.

We will visit one of these fields today.

II. Interactive conversation on the topic "Giants on the Borodino field"

Classroom teacher. On this field, two centuries ago, a battle unfolded, which was called the "battle of the giants." And the day of this battle - September 8 - became the Day of Russia's military glory. What do you think the battle will be about?

(Children make their guesses.)

Indeed, today we will talk about the Battle of Borodino. What giants participated in it? (Russia and France, M. Kutuzov and Napoleon.)

The word "giant" means "giant". What could be seen in the greatness of these two countries by the beginning of the Patriotic War of 1812? Sample responses from children:

France was the most advanced country in Europe, a revolution took place there that freed people.

France was on the rise.

Free people served in Napoleon's army, and not serfs, as in the armies of other countries.

In Napoleon's army, every soldier dreamed of becoming a general.

Napoleon was not afraid to promote talented people, to make them military leaders.

In many countries, Napoleon's soldiers were looked upon as saviors from local feudal lords.

Classroom teacher. And what can be said about Russia?

Sample responses from children:

Russia was a backward country.

Only by its territory could it be called great.

Her army consisted of serfs and slaves.

In the Russian army, a soldier was supposed to serve for 25 years, but he remained a serf.

The people in Russia had no rights and freedoms, almost all the peasants were serfs.

Classroom teacher. Giants were also called two commanders who stood at the head of both armies. Napoleon and M. Kutuzov. Let's try to find out if this statement is true?

III. Information block "Napoleon and Kutuzov - profiles of generals"

Classroom teacher. Imagine that both Napoleon and M. Kutuzov have to answer the questions of the questionnaire.

Today we will be responsible for Napoleon (first name, last name).

(The student goes to the blackboard, becomes in the pose of Napoleon.)

Well, for M. Kutuzov will answer (first name, last name).

(The student playing the role of M. Kutuzov goes to the blackboard and sits on a chair.)

So, questionnaire. First question: age.

Napoleon. 43 years.

Kutuzov. 67 years old.

Classroom teacher. Second question: origin.

Napoleon. Born in the family of a small Corsican nobleman.

Kutuzov. I belong to the old Russian noble family of the Golenishchev-Kutuzovs.

Classroom teacher. Third: education and career.

Napoleon. He studied at the Paris Military Academy. Then self-education - I spent all my free time reading books. He began his service in the French army with the rank of junior officer, at the age of 24 he became a general, and at 35 - the emperor of France.

Kutuzov. He graduated from the Noble Artillery School, was a student and colleague of Suvorov. He took part in the assault on Ishmael, in many battles. Twice he was seriously wounded. He served in the army from captain to field marshal. During World War II he was in disgrace. But at the request of the army and the people, 2 weeks before the Battle of Borodino, he was appointed commander-in-chief of the Russian army.

Classroom teacher. Question four: attitude towards soldiers.

Napoleon. For me, soldiers - both my own and others - are pawns on a chessboard. I must admit, I never regretted the dead. Yes, my wars literally devastated France and Europe. As a result of these wars, 1 million 200 thousand French people and 1.5 million people in other European countries died. I brought a 600,000-strong army into Russia, and brought out of Russia only 10,000 hungry, sick, frostbitten people. Nevertheless, I never regretted the dead.

Kutuzov. Frankly, I took care of the soldiers, preferred to retreat. I even gave the battle of Borodino because the Russian army was waiting for it. Remember, "we retreated silently for a long time, it was annoying, we were waiting for the battle." And I gave up Moscow because I wanted to keep the army, the soldiers. So, it turns out, and saved - and the army, and Russia.

Classroom teacher. Attitude to power and glory.

Napoleon. “Three more years and I am the master of the whole world.” I aspired to world domination. I reveled in my fame.

Kutuzov. I did not aspire to power and to ranks. And I didn't need fame. The main thing for me was to free Russia from invasion. And I did my duty to the end.

Classroom teacher. So, Napoleon and M. Kutuzov - two giants - collided on the Borodino field. Napoleon was at the zenith of his glory - all of Europe was already at his feet. He, the son of a petty nobleman, made dizzying career- ascended to the very pinnacle of power, became the emperor of France. He had the best army in Europe. In addition to the French, Italians, Germans, Poles, Swiss, Belgians, Dutch, Croats fought in it. He dreamed of dominating the world. To do this, he moved his army to the borders of Russia.

He was confident in his genius and invincibility and believed that there was no commander equal to him in Russia. In fact, he met almost no resistance. The Russians retreated without giving a pitched battle. And now Napoleon's army stands in front of Moscow itself. Here Field Marshal M. Kutuzov was appointed commander-in-chief of the Russian army. All the people demanded this appointment. Napoleon was already looking forward to victory, imagining how this wild, backward country would enthusiastically welcome him. But instead, a battle took place, during which the Russians fought not for life, but for death. And this battle literally broke the morale of Napoleon and his army.

IV. Reporting from the battlefield

Classroom teacher. Borodino field, 124 km from Moscow. Here, in August 1812, two armies lined up. The forces were approximately equal (reads): Russians - 112 thousand soldiers and 640 guns; the French - 130 thousand soldiers and 587 guns. Let's mentally fast forward to that day, August 26, 1812, when the first volleys of the historic battle thundered over the Borodino field. A report from the battlefield will be conducted by (names, surnames).

Bagration flushes

reporter 1. Early morning with the first volleys of guns, a bloody battle began. The main blow of the French was directed at the left flank of the Russians. They were commanded by the favorite student of A. Suvorov, the favorite of the soldiers, General P. Bagration. His soldiers defended special fortifications, which they called Bagration's flashes.

Napoleon sent his best regiments to storm these flushes eight times. But each time the attacks were repulsed. The last attack lasted for an hour! The Russians fought hand to hand. In the thick of our troops was General P. Bagration. In this battle, he was mortally wounded. Bagration's flushes were very expensive for the Napoleonic troops: historians called them "the grave of the French infantry."

Raevsky battery

Reporter 2. Simultaneously with the left flank, the French attacked the central position of the Russian troops. It was Kurgan height. She was in the center of the Borodino field. At this height, a fortification was built - the Raevsky battery. This fortification was the key to the entire Russian defense.

Raevsky's battery resembled a real fortress. It was surrounded by an earth embankment one and a half meters high, in front of the embankment there was a ditch more than two meters deep. Also, a chain of wolf pits was dug in front of the battery to slow down the movement of the attacking enemy. All approaches to Raevsky's battery were shot through with crossfire. The defense of the fortification was led by General N. Raevsky.

Three brutal attacks had to be repulsed by the defenders of the battery. During the third attack, Napoleon threw all his forces into the battery: infantry, cavalry, artillery. But the Russians fought with desperate courage and complete contempt for death, to the last drop of blood. The French still managed to capture the battery, but they got only broken cannons and destroyed fortifications.

Whose victory?

Reporter 1. The French did not recognize their emperor. War was his element. But here, on the Borodino field, he was gloomy, indecisive, gloomy. Before his eyes, his best regiments and commanders were dying, but there was still no victory.

Reporter 2. During the night the battle died down, and in the morning the dead and wounded were counted. The losses were huge. Napoleon's army lost 50 thousand people. The losses of the Russian army reached 44 thousand people.

Reporter 1. "Battle of the Giants" Napoleon called this battle. He said that in the battle near Moscow the French "showed themselves worthy of victory, and the Russians deserved the right to be invincible."

Reporter 2. On the Borodino field, Napoleon lost half of his troops, the morale of the French was broken, and the Russians believed in their victory.

V. Work in groups on the topic "The mystery of the Russian soul"

Classroom teacher. Guys, you must have heard the expression "mysterious Russian soul". Napoleon conquered half of Europe, destroyed the old feudal states. Everywhere the people greeted him as a savior who brought freedom and progress. Everywhere his army was replenished with representatives of the conquered peoples who were ready to die for the emperor of France.

That he would also be met in wild, backward Russia, Napoleon did not doubt. He certainly would have given the peasants liberation from serfdom! And suddenly such a furious, desperate resistance, such amazing and inexplicable courage for him. Half of the Russian army perished on the Borodino field. Soldiers, officers, generals, old young fought to the last drop of blood. But they had relatives, mothers, wives, children, loved ones. It is impossible to explain the actions of the Russian people during the Patriotic War of 1812 from the point of view of common sense and profit. Let's try to explain this riddle of the Russian soul. In order to have more time, we will divide into groups. Tasks for groups are written on the board.

The first group will answer the question: "Why did these mysterious Russian soldiers and officers fight and die on the Borodino field instead of joining Napoleon's army and making a good career there?"

The second group will find the answer to the question: “Why did the mysterious Russian peasants, instead of welcoming their liberator Napoleon, take axes and pitchforks and attack the uninvited guests in order to expel them from Russia?”

The third group will answer the question: “Why didn’t the mysterious honorary citizens of Moscow come to bow to Napoleon and offer him the keys to the capital, as was the case in all the countries he conquered?”

The fourth group will give an answer to the question: “Why did these mysterious residents of Moscow leave the city, abandon their houses, households, and valuables? After all, they could, like the inhabitants of all the capitals conquered by Napoleon, make good money on the army of the conquerors - provide them with apartments, food, wine, entertainment?

Sample responses from children...

First group:

They remembered the testament of Alexander Nevsky: “Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword. On that stood and will stand the Russian land.

They did not want to be commanded by the French - it was humiliating.

They had their own national pride and dignity.

They wanted to prove that the Russian soldier is invincible.

Soldiers and officers performed their military duty - after all, they swore allegiance to the king.

Second group:

The French plundered their houses, robbed them, behaved like invaders. And the peasants decided to take revenge on them when the French fled from Moscow along the same road.

The French brought a foreign culture to Russia, the peasants did not want to accept it.

For the peasants, the French were primarily invaders. And with the invaders in Russia they always acted the same way - they drove them away.

They were patriots, loved their land, defended it like their grandfathers and great-grandfathers.

Third group:

Nobody wanted to submit to Napoleon, to humiliate himself before him. Everyone knew that he would be expelled anyway.

To give the keys to Napoleon means to betray your king, your country.

Honorary citizens of Moscow were patriots - they loved their Motherland.

Fourth group:

They were patriots. Love for the Motherland was more important for them than monetary gain.

Muscovites were sure that Napoleon would be driven out and they would return to their homes.

If someone stayed for money, everyone would despise him.

Staying in Moscow was tantamount to betrayal.

If they had stayed, Napoleon's soldiers would have been able to spend the winter in Moscow, and without the inhabitants, the soldiers quickly became wild, and Napoleon realized that they needed to get out of Russia as soon as possible.

Classroom teacher. Now Russia is going through hard times. There are people who look at Europe with envy and say that if we surrendered to the Nazis in 1941, we would also live like Germany. What do you think the participants in the Battle of Borodino would have answered them?

Sample responses from children:

These people just don't like their country. They cannot be called patriots.

Those who surrendered would be slaves to the Nazis, the rest would be destroyed in concentration camps.

No need to envy other countries, you need to put things in order at home.

Russia never gave up, take an example from your ancestors.

You can give up, but then your children and grandchildren will have to die for freedom.

VI. Game "Prediction for Napoleon"

Classroom teacher. In our report, we left Napoleon on the Borodino field in confusion and reflection. What brought him this battle - victory or defeat? And what awaits his army in this mysterious northern country? Then, on August 8, 1812, Napoleon knew nothing. If we were there, we would have predicted all subsequent events so well - after all, it was not in vain that we studied history.

I suggest you play the game "Prediction for Napoleon". Three teams (in rows) will try to make a prediction for Napoleon. It is necessary to predict in chronological order the events that will happen to him after the Battle of Borodino. The team that predicted more events will win. All predictions will be counted on the board (first name, last name).

(The student goes to the blackboard, draws a simple table.)

Classroom teacher. And Napoleon himself will evaluate the correctness of the forecasts. He will decide which team has the best history buffs.

(The student playing the role of Napoleon goes to the blackboard.)

So let's listen to your predictions.

(The teacher gives a word to each row in turn. If the team does not have an option, the word is passed to the next team.)

Sample responses from children:

The Russian army will retreat and surrender Moscow.

Residents will leave the capital.

Napoleon will stand on Poklonnaya Hill and wait for a delegation with the keys to Moscow.

He won't wait for the keys.

His army will enter Moscow and begin to rob rich houses.

Moscow is on fire

The French army will turn into a rabble.

He will offer M. Kutuzov a truce, but will not receive an answer.

He will be afraid to spend the winter in Moscow and will lead his army to his homeland.

He will not be able to turn onto the Kaluga road, where there is food and fresh horses.

He will have to lead the army along the Smolensk road, where villages and villages have been devastated by his own soldiers.

Throughout the journey, his army will be pursued by partisans.

On the way, the French will leave everything that they looted in Moscow.

His valiant soldiers will surrender by the thousands to ordinary Russian peasants.

Only 10 thousand hungry, frozen people will cross the Russian border - this is all that remains of the 600 thousand army.

All the peoples he conquered will rise up against him.

He will be exiled, briefly regain power, and end his days ingloriously on an island in the Atlantic Ocean.

Classroom teacher. All events are listed. What team brought together the best connoisseurs of history?

(Napoleon calls the team.)

Thanks to the teams for the accurate forecast. It seems to me that if Napoleon had got acquainted with your forecast in 1812, he would never have gone to Russia.

VII. Closing remarks "Memorial of two Patriotic Wars"

Classroom teacher. Today we talked about the Battle of Borodino. The Borodino field is not just a point on a geographical map, it is a sacred corner in the heart of every Russian patriot. In September 1941, when the Nazis rushed to Moscow, the defenders of the capital also fought to the death here. They repeated the feat of their ancestors, delaying the advance of the enemy. The Borodino field, soaked in the blood of its defenders, has become a memorial of two Patriotic Wars, an example of the heroic connection of generations. In honor of the great battle on the Borodino field, military-historical holidays have long been held, and today, on the first Sunday of September, a military-historical festival is held here annually.

Tens of thousands of participants come to the festival from all over the country. They act out episodes of the Battle of Borodino, hold interesting competitions and contests.

The purpose of this festival is to perpetuate the memory of the heroes of Borodin and revive those spiritual values ​​that made possible the victory of the Russian people in the Patriotic War of 1812.

VIII. Summing up (reflections)

Classroom teacher. What feelings and thoughts did you have during class? Do we need to know about the events of bygone days?

Sample responses from children:

I felt proud of my ancestors, who taught the French a lesson.

It was a pity for our soldiers and officers who died on the Borodino field. They didn't want to die.

Disturbance. Napoleon wanted to become the ruler of the world, and how many human lives he laid down for this goal.

Respect for the memory of the defenders of Russia. Huge gratitude.

We need to talk about the events of the past, we need to study the history of battles in order to understand at what cost we got every piece of land in Russia.

You need to know the history of wars in order to understand the price of a peaceful life.

April 18, 1242 - Victory Day of the Russian soldiers of Prince Alexander Nevsky over the German knights on Lake Peipus (Battle on the Ice). The reason is the invasion of German knights into North-Western Russia in order to enrich and seize new lands. Participants - German knights (Livonian order). Russian army led by Alexander Nevsky. Historical significance - the victory of the Russian troops. Peace was concluded on the terms dictated by the Russian side. The movement of Western invaders to Russia was stopped. The battle on the ice was an example of military tactics and strategy.

DAYS OF MILITARY GLORY OF RUSSIA September 21, 1380 - The day of the victory of the Russian regiments led by Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy over the Mongol-Tatar troops in the Battle of Kulikovo The reason is the offensive of the Mongol-Tatar troops on Moscow with the aim of completely subordinating it to the power of the Tatar Khan. Participants - the Mongol-Tatar army led by Mamai, the Russian army led by Dmitry Donskoy. Historical significance - the Battle of Kulikovo is the first major victory against the Tatar conquerors. Moscow became the center of the liberation struggle against the Mongol-Tatar yoke. This accelerated the process of unification of Russian lands around Moscow.

DAYS OF MILITARY GLORY OF RUSSIA November 4, 1612 is the Day of the liberation of Moscow by the forces of the people's militia under the leadership of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky from the Polish invaders. The reason is the threat of loss of Russia's national independence under the influence of Polish interventionists who invaded the Russian state. The participants are the Polish interventionists, the Russian people's militia (nobles, townspeople, peasants) led by Prince Dmitry Pozharsky, merchant Kuzma Minin.

DAYS OF MILITARY GLORY OF RUSSIA July 10, 1709 - Victory Day of the Russian army under the command of Peter I over the Swedes in the Battle of Poltava (1709). The reason - on the part of Russia - is the struggle for access to the Baltic Sea. On the part of Sweden - the isolation of Russia from the sea routes. The capture of Poltava in order to replenish supplies and open the way for an attack on Russian lands. Participants - Swedish regiments led by King Charles XII, Russian regiments led by Tsar Peter I. Historical significance - the military power of Sweden was undermined. The outcome of the northern war is predetermined. The international prestige of Russia has increased.

DAYS OF MILITARY GLORY OF RUSSIA August 9, 1714 - The day of the first naval victory in Russian history of the Russian fleet under the command of Peter I over the Swedes at Cape Gangut. The reason is the dominance of the Swedish fleet in the Baltic Sea. The participants are the Swedish fleet of Vice-Admiral Vatrang and the Russian fleet under the command of Admiral Apraksin and Tsar Peter I. Historical significance is the first victory of the young Russian fleet over the strong Swedish fleet. The victory raised the spirit of the Russian troops. The Gangut battle is a symbol of Russian naval glory.

DAYS OF MILITARY GLORY OF RUSSIA September 9, 1790 - Victory Day of the Russian squadron under the command of F.F. Ushakov over the Turkish squadron at Cape Tendra. December 24, 1790 - Day of the capture of the Turkish fortress Izmail by Russian troops under the command of A.V. Suvorov. The reason - the blockade of the Danube by Turkish troops prevented the Russians from continuing their offensive. The unwillingness of the Turkish Sultan to come to terms with the assertion of Russia on the northern coast of the Black Sea. The participants are the Turkish squadron, the Russian squadron led by Rear Admiral F. Ushakov, Russian troops under the command of A.V. Suvorov.

DAYS OF MILITARY GLORY OF RUSSIA Historical significance - The victories at Cape Tendra forced the Turks to lift the blockade of the Danube and created favorable conditions for the offensive of the Russian army and navy. The first century of the existence of the fleet ended with a brilliant success. The capture of the Izmail fortress influenced the course of the war and the conclusion in 1791 of the Iasi Peace between Russia and Turkey, which confirmed the annexation of Crimea to Russia and established the Russian-Turkish border along the Dniester River. The entire northern Black Sea region was assigned to Russia. Russia has firmly strengthened its positions on the northern coast of the Black Sea.

DAYS OF MILITARY GLORY OF RUSSIA September 8, 1812 - Day of the Borodino battle of the Russian army under the command of M.I. Kutuzov with the French army The reason is the offensive of the French troops on Moscow. The participants are the French army led by Napoleon. The Russian army led by Field Marshal M.I. Kutuzov.

DAYS OF MILITARY GLORY OF RUSSIA Historical significance - the Battle of Borodino predetermined and prepared the defeat of the French army. At the cost of huge losses, the French pressed the Russian troops, but did not receive decisive success. The Battle of Borodino is a symbol of steadfastness and heroism in the defense of the Motherland.

DAYS OF MILITARY GLORY OF RUSSIA February 23, 1918 - Day of the victory of the Red Army over the Kaiser troops of Germany - Day of Defenders of the Fatherland. The reason is Germany's unwillingness to conclude an agreement with Russia on peaceful terms "without annexations and indemnities." The participants are the Kaiser troops of Germany. Workers' and Peasants' Army. Historical significance - the victory of the Red Army near Narva and Pskov over the German invaders. The birthday of the Red Army is the day of the Defender of the Fatherland.

DAYS OF MILITARY GLORY OF RUSSIA Historical significance - the Battle of Moscow - the enemy's attempts to break through to Moscow were thwarted. The enemy was pushed back 150-400 kilometers. The Battle of Stalingrad - there was a radical turning point in the war and determined the further course of the entire Second World War.

Classroom hour

"Day of military glory of Russia"

2. respect for the history of their country

3. development of communication skills

Equipment: PC with Internet access, projector, presentation

Participants: 10th grade students

Preparation: presentation about the days of military glory (student of grade 10), presentation for class hour

Class time course:

  1. Leading: The victories of Russian weapons over the enemies of the Fatherland have always been widely celebrated by the Russian public. In the pre-October period, the Russian Orthodox Church established the so-called "victory days", in which prayers and other festive events were performed. These were special days when society, honoring the army and navy, paid tribute to the military feat, glory and valor of its defenders, and serving people, rising above everyday life, in a special way represented the meaning of military service, deeply felt their involvement in the glorious deeds of our ancestors.

  2. Leading: Reviving one of the best Russian military traditions, in 1995 it was adopted law "On the days of military glory (victory days) of Russia", the list of which includes part of the "victorian days" and the most outstanding events in the military history of both the pre-October and the Soviet period.
(presentation and performance of students, 2 people take turns commenting on the slides of their presentation)

In accordance with the Federal Law, the following days of Russian military glory are established:

January 27

Day of lifting the blockade of the city of Leningrad (1944)

February 2

Day of the defeat of the Nazi troops by the Soviet troops in the Battle of Stalingrad (1943)

February 23

Day of the victory of the Red Army over the Kaiser troops of Germany (1918) - Day of Defenders of the Fatherland

April 18th

The day of the victory of Russian soldiers of Prince Alexander Nevsky over the German knights on Lake Peipsi (Battle on the Ice, 1242)

9th May

Victory Day of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 (1945)

22nd of June

Day of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War (1941)

July 10

Victory day of the Russian army under the command of Peter I over the Swedes in the Battle of Poltava (1709)

August 9

The day of the first naval victory in Russian history of the Russian fleet under the command of Peter I over the Swedes at Cape Gangut (1714)

August 23

Day of the defeat of the Nazi troops by the Soviet troops in the Battle of Kursk (1943)

8 September

Day of the Borodino battle of the Russian army under the command of M.I. Kutuzov with the French army (1812)

11 September

Victory Day of the Russian squadron under the command of F.F. Ushakov over the Turkish squadron at Cape Tendra (1790)

September 21

Victory day of the Russian regiments led by Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy over the Mongol-Tatar troops in the Battle of Kulikovo (1380)

November 7

Day of the liberation of Moscow by the forces of the people's militia under the leadership of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky from the Polish invaders (1612)

December 1

Victory Day of the Russian squadron under the command of P.S. Nakhimov over the Turkish squadron at Cape Sinop (1853)

5th of December

The day of the beginning of the counter-offensive of the Soviet troops against the Nazi troops in the battle of Moscow (1941)

December 24

The day of the capture of the Turkish fortress Izmail by Russian troops under the command of A.V. Suvorov (1790)

Days of military glory

Heroic battle for Leningrad

Battle of Stalingrad

The victory at Stalingrad marked a radical turning point in the Great Patriotic War and had a decisive influence on the further course of the entire Second World War

Defenders of the Fatherland Day

February 23, 1918 G. - day and began to be considered the birthday of the Red Army, and later - the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland.

Battle on the Ice

I admire you, my city!
You are beautiful in any bad weather.
I have never seen beauty,
Than your blue vaults of heaven.
I know every brick here
On fountains with a crystal jet.
Every square
Every resident and house
This city has become my destiny.

Take care of our city

Theme: Days of military glory of Russia

Purpose: 1. To acquaint students with the memorable Days of Military Glory of Russia.

1. Education of students in the spirit of patriotism and citizenship;

2. Introducing students to the historical memory of their homeland.

3. Development of creative abilities of students.

The course of the classroom.

Teacher: ( slide number 1) “The history of Russia is rich in famous events. In all ages, heroism, the courage of Russian soldiers, the power and glory of Russian weapons have been an integral part of the greatness of the Russian state,” says the law “On the days of military glory and memorable dates in Russia.” And in commemoration of the glorious victories of the Russian troops, which played a decisive role in the history of our state, the law establishes the DAYS OF MILITARY GLORY OF RUSSIA, of which there are fifteen. Our story today is about them. We will talk about the heroes who defended our Motherland in difficult times, and their exploits, which will forever live in the soul of every Russian, causing pride in their ancestors and admiration for the strength and greatness of the Russian people.

(slide number 2)

A.S. Pushkin owns wonderful words: “It is not only possible, but also necessary, to be proud of the glory of your ancestors. To disrespect it is shameful cowardice.”

1 leader. (slide number 3)

Day of lifting the blockade of Leningrad (1944)

The capture of Leningrad, the northern gates of our country, and its complete destruction was planned by the Germans literally in the first days of the war. Already in July 1941, fierce battles were fought on the nearest approaches to the city, the suburbs of Leningrad - Kolpino and Pulkovo heights - were occupied.

1 dude. From memories. O. Shestinsky about the blockade.

I remember my life with fire and sadness

From the ringing of the December earth,

When the cemetery was blown up with dynamite,

So that the dead lie in the ground.

What happened,

Didn't float away

From my tenacious memory, -

I remember my life

from the blockade rear,

From the frosty creak of the sleigh.

My old wooden sleigh

Far siege winter

You creaked sadly

in the early morning

In the middle of the city darkness.

They carried water

in tin pans

From the ice hole from the rivers of ice,

And dead friends in linen sheets

They dragged them from the morgue.

Fellow citizens perished in the siege.

I can still forget

How the bright souls of peers went out,

Their youth in defiance?

I'm also a blocker.

I'm from there too

Where is the cold, where is the hunger, where is the groan...

And life for me is an eternal miracle

And I'm in love with this miracle.

1 leader. The blockade ring was broken in January 1943 on a narrow section of the southern shore of Lake Ladoga. The supply of Leningrad and the troops defending it was carried out through Ladoga along the Road of Life. Therefore, children, the sick and the wounded were taken out of the city. A year later, on January 27, 1944, the blockade was lifted completely. On this day, in honor of the complete elimination of the blockade and the defeat of German troops near Leningrad, fireworks thundered in the city.

2 dude.

After a volley, a salvo rumbles.

Rockets in hot air

Flowers are blooming with variegation.

And the Leningraders are crying quietly.

Don't calm down yet

There is no need to comfort people.

Their joy is too great -

Fireworks are thundering over Leningrad!

Their joy is great, but the pain

She spoke and broke through:

To the fireworks with you

Paul - Leningrad did not rise ...

People cry and sing

And they don't hide the weeping faces.

Fireworks in the city today!

Today Leningraders are crying...

1 leader.

More than 930 thousand Soviet soldiers who defended this city were awarded the medal "For the Defense of Leningrad".

2 leader. (slide number 4)

Day of the defeat of the Nazi troops by the Soviet troops in the Battle of Stalingrad (1943)

The forward detachments of Colonel-General Paulus in July-August repeatedly made attempts to force the Don and capture Stalingrad, but the Soviet troops successfully repelled all enemy attacks. Gradually, the defensive struggle of our troops was replaced by a decisive counteroffensive, which ended on November 30 with the encirclement of 22 German divisions numbering 330,000 people. In January 1943, the Soviet troops went on the offensive and on February 2 the battle ended with the complete defeat of the German units. The defeat of the Nazi troops near Stalingrad marked the beginning of a radical turning point in the course of the entire Second World War.

(slide number 5)

The image of the motherland is immortalized in the monument of the sculptor E.V. Vuchetich in the city of Volgograd (1967)

3 leading. (slide number 6)

Defender of the Fatherland Day - Victory Day of the Red Army over the Kaiser troops of Germany (1918)

In the February days of 1918, when the First World War was going on, the troops of Kaiser Germany rushed to Petrograd, creating a real threat to the capital of the Russian state. The old tsarist army could not stop the enemy, by that time it had practically ceased to exist. In this situation, mass mobilization was launched in the country in order to create a new army.

On February 23, 1918, the Day of Defense of the Socialist Fatherland was held in St. Petersburg. The newly created regiments of the Red Army were sent to the front - they managed to stop the German troops in the region of Narva and Pskov. So February 23 was the birthday of the new army.

3 dude.

We stand at our post

Platoon and porto,

Immortal like fire.

Calm as granite.

We are the army of the country

We are the army of the people.

Our great deed

History keeps.

R. Rozhdestvensky. We are the army of the people.

3 leading. Since 1923, the day of February 23, by order of the Revolutionary Military Council, began to be celebrated in our country as the Day of the Red Army. Since 1946, it has become known as the Day Soviet army and the Navy. Since 1995, according to the law Russian Federation"On the days of military glory and memorable dates of Russia" this day is celebrated as the Day of Defender of the Fatherland.

The main task of the Russian army, which today is called the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, was and remains to reliably protect the Fatherland from external threats.

4 dude.

When a soldier takes an oath

Kissing the battle banner

So this means that not a step

He won't back down from her.

He will be careful and holy

Protect native borders

So that in the hope of a soldier

Spikes of peaceful rye bloomed,

To look like a quiet month

Into your river mirrors

To blush at peers

Again, the war did not take.

Two mothers of a soldier love:

Motherland and just a mother,

That's why he'll be right

Protect your Fatherland.

4 leading. (slide number 7)

Victory day of Russian soldiers of Prince Alexander Nevsky over

German knights on Lake Peipus (Battle on the Ice, 1242)

In the XIII century, not only Mongolotatars attacked Russia. German and Swedish crusader knights were constantly striving to conquer Russia from the north.

On the ice of Lake Peipsi, located at the mouth of the Neva, the army of the Livonian Order and the Russian army, the basis of which were Novgorodians and Pskovians, converged. Since they were wearing heavy metal armor, the thin April ice could not bear their weight: the riders, along with the horses, fell through the ice.

(slide number 8)

And it was headed by Alexander Yaroslavich, Prince of Novgorod.

The victory of Russian warriors over the army of German feudal lords was of great military and political significance. The Livonian Order was forced to send its ambassadors to the Novgorodians in order to conclude a peace, according to which the crusaders renounced their claims to Russian lands.

(slide number 9)

Prince Alexander Yaroslavich of Novgorod received the name Alexander Nevsky after the Battle of the Ice.

Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky entered the memory of the people as the Great Warrior and Defender of the Russian land. He was numbered among the saints. In 1724, by order of Peter I, the relics of the holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky were transferred to St. Petersburg to the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, where they are kept to this day.

(slide number 10)

Victory Day of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War (1945)

On the night of May 8-9, in the suburbs of Berlin, an act of unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany was signed. On behalf of the Soviet Supreme High Command, this historic document was signed by the Chief of the General Staff, Deputy Supreme Commander G.K. Zhukov. On behalf of the German High Command, the act was signed by the Chief of Staff of the Supreme High Command armed forces Germany W. Keitel. The Great Patriotic War is over!

Remember these days.

Listen a little

And you - with your soul - will hear at the same hour:

She came and stood at the threshold

She is ready to knock on the door ....

Remember everything! And in everyday worries

On everything, mark the purest reflection.

Victory is on your doorstep.

Now she will come to you.


(O. Bergolts)

Since then, May 9 has been celebrated as a national holiday - Victory Day and as a day of remembrance for the dead.

(slide number 11)

Victory day of the Russian army under the command of Peter I over the Swedes

in the battle of Poltava (1709)

In 1700-1721, Russia waged the Northern War against Sweden for access to the shores of the Baltic Sea. Sweden was one of the most powerful European powers, and the army of the Swedish king Charles 12 was considered invincible until July 10, 1709. On this day, the legendary Battle of Poltava took place between the Russian troops led by Peter 1 and the Swedes, which lasted about nine hours and brought victory to Russia.

And the battle broke out, the Poltava battle!

In the fire under the red-hot hail,

Reflected by a living wall,

Above the fallen system fresh system

The bayonets close.

Swede, Russian - stabs, cuts, cuts.

Drum beat, clicks, rattle,

The thunder of cannons, the clatter, the neighing, the groan,

And death, and hell from all sides.

(slide number 12)

The greatness of Peter I was immortalized in applied art - mosaics, by Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov, the great Russian scientist and artist.

(slide number 13)

The day of the first victory in Russian history of the Russian fleet under the command of Peter I over the Swedes at Cape Gangut (1714)

The Gangut battle is the first outstanding victory of the Russian naval forces in the Northern War between Russia and Sweden. Before that, of course, there were brilliant Russian victories in the war with the Swedes - this is the Battle of Poltava, they were achieved thanks to the regular land army. But the Swedish fleet continued to dominate the Baltic Sea. Peter I is sure that without victories at sea, Russia will never be able to win the final victory in the Northern War.

... The Swedish squadron of 16 first-class battleships met at Cape Gangut with the galley fleet of Russia under the command of Peter I and Admiral Fyodor Matveyevich Apraksin. A three-hour battle, ending in hand-to-hand combat, led to a complete victory over the Swedes: ten enemy ships were captured. The Russians did not lose a single ship.

In this battle, the naval art of Peter I was clearly manifested, who appeared before the Europeans as a brilliant tactician of a sea battle. This victory in the Baltic at Cape Gangut, which Peter himself compared with the victory at Poltava, opened the way for Russia to the expanses of the Baltic Sea.

(slide number 14)

Day of the defeat of the Nazi troops by the Soviet troops

In the Battle of Kursk (1943)

Trying to take revenge after the defeat at Moscow and Stalingrad, the Germans in the summer of 1943 developed a plan for a new offensive operation called the Citadel.

The decisive battle in the Battle of Kursk took place on July 12 at the Prokhorovka field, which is considered the third field of Russian glory after Kulikov and Borodino.

In Turgenev hunting grounds

Funnels, piles of dead metal.

There are twelve attacks a day here

The desperate company fought back.

And how they bombed us! Do not say-

This was not seen in Stalingrad.

All night the lanterns swayed in the sky,

Bloody light illuminating the distance,

With the dawn, the "tigers" came at us again

And flared with smoky pillars,

And we crouched, tired of shooting,

To a hot flask with dusty lips.

And yet they held the line,

In the July battle justified the hopes.

E. Dolmatovsky. Kursk Bulge

During the Battle of Kursk, the cities of Orel and Belgorod were liberated, and on August 5, in Moscow, in honor of the troops of the Bryansk and Steppe fronts that liberated these cities, the first salute in the history of the Great Patriotic War sounded. Since then, Orel and Belgorod have been called the cities of the First Salute, and now the titles of cities of military glory have been added to this.

In the usual harsh twilight

Midnight volley of celebration

Applauding the new victory,

Mother Moscow listened.

And the sound of holiday guns

In the hearts of excited people

Was the thunder of your batteries.

And every house and alley

And with every stone the whole of Moscow

Recognized in these hums -

Orel and Belgorod - words.

A. Tvardovsky

The victory of the Soviet troops on the Kursk Bulge had a huge impact on the further course of the entire Second World War, created favorable conditions for the general offensive of the Soviet troops.

(slide number 15)

The day of the battle of the Russian army under the command of M.I. Kutuzov with

French army near Borodino (1812)

The war with the French army under the command of Napoleon Bonaparte went down in history as the Patriotic War of 1812. It was truly nationwide, it caused a huge patriotic upsurge of Russian people of all classes and conditions. The battle of Borodino, the main event of the Patriotic War of 1812, took place not far from the city of Mozhaisk, 124 km. from Moscow, near the village of Borodino.

(slide number 16)

In August 1812, after the Russian troops left Smolensk, the outstanding commander Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov, a worthy student of A.V. Suvorov. The Russian army no longer had the strength to drive the French back to the border. It took time to make up for losses, to save the army. and M.I. Kutuzov at a military council in the village of Fili makes a difficult decision to leave Moscow.

For five weeks the French army remained in the Mother See. Napoleon's hopes that the Muscovites would bring him the keys to the city did not come true. Strong fires began in the capital, and in the end Bonaparte was forced to leave. And the Russian army, having gathered strength, drove the enemy along the same road along which he was advancing, all the way to Paris.

Napoleon waited in vain

Intoxicated with last happiness,

Moscow kneeling

With the keys of the old Kremlin:

No, my Moscow did not go

To him with a guilty head.

Not a holiday, not an accepting gift,

She was preparing a fire

An impatient hero. (A. Pushkin. Eugene Onegin)

The battle of Borodino, the main event of the Patriotic War of 1812, marked the beginning of the close and final collapse of all Napoleon's plans to capture Russia.

This event M.Yu. Lermontov dedicated his poetic work "Borodino".

And the leader said in front of the regiments:

"Guys, isn't Moscow after us,

Let's die near Moscow

How our brothers died."

And we promised to die

And kept the oath of allegiance

We are in the Battle of Borodino ...

(M. Lermontov)

This year, 2012, Russia is celebrating the 200th anniversary of Russia's victory in the Patriotic War of 1812.

(slide number 17)

Victory Day of the Russian squadron under the command of F.F. Ushakov over the Turkish squadron at Cape Tendra (1790)

The annexation of Crimea to Russia and the strengthening of the Russian fleet on the Black Sea after some time again led to an aggravation of Russian-Turkish relations. In 1787, Turkey gave Russia an ultimatum to return the Crimea. Having not received a positive response, the Turks announced to the Russians new war. The defense of the Crimean coast was carried out by the Black Sea Fleet under the command of Fedor Fedorovich Ushakov.

(slide number 18)

Near the island of Tendra, Ushakov discovered a Turkish squadron. Enemies, taken by surprise, hastily withdrew from anchors, intending to leave for the Danube. The Russian squadron did not allow the Turks to carry out their maneuver and immediately entered the battle. In the battle, the Russian squadron won and had no losses. As a result of the victory of the Russian squadron, the Black Sea became free for the operation of the Russian fleet.

Honor of St. Andrew's flag

Overshadows the cross

And Russian courage

They know south and west.

And we are ready to remind

How we fought yesterday

And the science of Ushakov,

And Peter's order!

V. Volgar. Russian flag.

(slide number 19)

Victory Day of the Russian regiments led by Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy over the Mongol-Tatar troops in the Battle of Kulikovo (1380)

In the summer of 1380, terrible news came to Moscow: the powerful Tatar commander Mamai threatened Russia with a new invasion, setting himself the goal of breaking the growing power of Russia, increasing its dependence on the Horde.

Moscow Prince Dmitry appealed to all Russian princes with an appeal to join forces to fight the Mongol-Tatars. In 30 days, a large army (up to 100-150 thousand people) gathered, consisting mainly of Muscovites and soldiers of the Russian lands, who recognized the power of the Moscow prince ..

On the morning of September 21, the Russian regiments crossed from the left to the right bank of the Don at the confluence of the Nepryadva River and occupied the area called Kulikovo Field.

The Battle of Kulikovo was of great historical importance in the struggle of the Russian and other peoples against the Mongol-Tatar yoke. Although it did not lead to its liquidation, however, a strong blow was dealt to the dominance of the Golden Horde on the Kulikovo field, which accelerated its subsequent collapse.

An important consequence of the battle was the effort of Moscow's role in the formation of the Russian state. After the victory at the Kulikovo field, the leader of the Russian army, Prince Dmitry of Moscow, received the name Dmitry Donskoy.

Isn't that why today

Still keeps my land

And this bitter spirit of wormwood,

And the mournful rustle of feather grass.

N Starshinov. There, beyond Nepryadva, beyond the Don.

(slide number 20)

Day of National Unity - Day of the liberation of Moscow from the Poles by the people's militia led by K. Minin and D.M. Pozharsky (1612)

The beginning of the XVII century - Time of Troubles for the Russian state. During this period, it was weakened by anarchy, numerous impostors claimed the Russian throne.

In such internal political conditions, Russia was rapidly losing its independence from external enemies. The north-west and west of the country were occupied by the Poles, in ancient Novgorod the Swedes ruled. The Polish garrison was even in Moscow, and the real power in the Russian capital was wielded by Polish military leaders and their accomplices from the Russian boyars.

The indignation of the common people with this situation eventually reached a critical limit, and in the fall of 1611 in Nizhny Novgorod, the zemstvo head Kuzma Minin began to assemble the people's militia (army) to fight the enemies of the Fatherland.

Do we now slumber in peace,

Russian faithful sons?!

Let's go, let's close in military formation,

Let's go - and in the horrors of war

Friends, Fatherland, people

Finding glory and freedom

Or we all fall in our native fields!

What is better: life - where are the bonds of captivity,

Or death - where are the Russian banners?

To be heroes or slaves?

F. Glinka. war song,

written during the approach of the enemy to the Smolensk province

(slide number 21)

One of the best military leaders of that time, known for his courage and honesty, the Suzdal prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky, was called to command the militia. Militias from all over the country began to gather in Nizhny Novgorod. On the initiative of K. Minin, it was decided to give a fifth of the entire property of each family, monastery, church for the militia. And in other Russian cities they did the same.

In July 1612, the militia of Minin and Pozharsky, replenished with new people's forces along the way, marched on Moscow. A bloody battle took place on the streets of the capital on August 24. The Polish garrison settled in the Kremlin and held it for 2 months. But in the end, on November 4, the Poles capitulated, and the Russian militia entered the Kremlin. And soon both Moscow and the whole Russian land were cleared of foreign invaders

Although hostile fate

And we were separated

But still we are one people,

Sons of the same mother.

And the cry for unity

And what divides us will collapse?

We wait and believe providence

He knows the day and hour.

F. Tyutchev. Slavs.

So the Russian people, united in a patriotic impulse, saved their Fatherland from the enemy.

The flow of enemies was formidable and great,

The native land was gloomy and deserted,

But the butcher saved him from the Lower,

Praise be to you, generous Minin!

Prince Pozharsky is with you.

Slash in a whirlwind He saved the Muscovite state.

From Minin, having accepted the people's sword,

He gave Russia salvation. Glory! Glory!

B. Sadovsky

(slide number 22)

Victory Day of the Russian squadron under the command of P.S. Nakhimov

over the Turkish squadron at Cape Sinop (1853)

In October 1853 another war broke out between Russia and Turkey. It lasted until 1856 and was named Crimean. The main military operations were conducted on the Crimean peninsula. The most important event of the beginning of the war was the battle between the Russian and Turkish fleets in the Turkish bay of Sinop. The commander of the Russian squadron, Admiral Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov, having discovered the Turkish squadron, blocked it and attacked with the arrival of reinforcements. Every captain of the Russian

squadron received a clear plan of action for his ship. During the four-hour battle, the Russian squadron, consisting of 8 ships, completely defeated the Turkish fleet, which numbered 16 sailing ships.

The brilliant victory of the Russian fleet in the battle of Sinop had a great influence on the further course of the Crimean War. The destruction of the Turkish squadron disrupted the landing of enemy troops on the coast of the Caucasus and deprived Turkey of the opportunity to conduct military operations in the Black Sea.

Heroes, wanderers of the seas, albatrosses,

Table guests of thunderous feasts,

Eagle tribe, sailors, sailors,

You are the song of the poet, you are the glory of the ages!

V. Kirillov. Sailors

(slide number 24)

The day of the beginning of the counteroffensive of the Soviet troops against

German - fascist troops in the battle of Moscow (1941)

In early September 1941, the German command began preparations for an operation to capture Moscow, codenamed Typhoon.

As a result of the counter-offensive and the general offensive of the Soviet troops, the Germans were driven back 100-250 km from Moscow, and in fact the enemies approached the Capital at a distance of 23 km. In the Battle of Moscow for the first time in the entire Second world war Soviet Union inflicted a major defeat on Nazi Germany and dispelled the myth of its invincibility. The losses were colossal: in the battle of Moscow, the Red Army lost more than 2 million people.

(slide number 25)

The Battle of Moscow has forever gone down in the history of our country as a symbol of the resilience and unparalleled mass heroism of the Soviet people, the Red Army and the people's militia.

Have this bronze medal

Blue of darkened lanterns

And reflected in the formidable distance

Fire of heavy batteries.

She testifies to the world

About our prowess in battle

Soldiers, children, commanders -

In the blood, near death on the edge.

Forgetting in the smoke, in the trench clay,

That a dream comes true -

We're a merciless road to Berlin

We opened the battle for Moscow!

P. Shubin. For Moscow.

(slide number 26)

The day of the capture of the Turkish fortress Izmail by Russian troops under the command of A.V. Suvorov (1790)

Host: The Russian-Turkish war of 1787-1791 was started by Turkey with the aim of returning the Crimea and other territories that had gone to Russia in the eastern and western Black Sea coast.

The Turkish fortified city of Izmail was previously considered impregnable - it was very well protected. The stone walls were surrounded by a shaft 6 m high and 6 km long with seven bastions. In front of the rampart there was a ditch filled with water, 6 to 10 m deep. The fortress was defended by a well-armed 35,000-strong Turkish garrison. After seven months of unsuccessful attempts to storm the fortress, it was decided to put A.V. Suvorov.

(slide number 27)

One of the main victories in the Crimean War - the capture of Izmail - was associated with the name of Generalissimo Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov.

And glory is thunder, like the sound of the seas,

Like the roar of air disputes,

From valley to valley, from hill to hill,

From wild to wild

From generation to generation it will ride, rush,

It will sound and proclaim to eternity,

who was Suvorov ...

G.Derzhavin. On the capture of Warsaw.

Under his command, the Russian troops achieved the desired result. Troop A.V. Suvorov, who stormed the fortress, numbered 31 thousand people.

As a result of the Russian-Turkish wars in the 18th century, the Russian state received the entire northern coast of the Black Sea with Crimea.

(slide number 28)

Closes the pages of the days of military glory with a poem by D. Kedrin:

Russia! We are all in your debt.

You are three times a mother to everyone.

So can we to your enemy

Give you a servant? ...

For life and death we will follow you

In your own and others' blood!

For a formidable battle, for the last battle,

Russia, bless!

Classroom hour

"Days of military glory of Russia"

Olkhovatka, 2015

Courage Lesson

"Days of military glory of Russia"

Target: to acquaint students with the memorable dates of the military glory of Russia.


  1. Introducing students to the historical memory of their homeland.
  2. Development of creative abilities of students.
  3. Raising youth in the spirit of patriotism and citizenship

“The history of Russia is rich in famous events. In all ages, heroism, the courage of Russian soldiers, the power and glory of Russian weapons have been an integral part of the greatness of the Russian state,” says the law “On the Days of Military Glory and Commemorative Dates of Russia.” And in commemoration of the glorious victories of the Russian troops, who played decisive role in history of our state, the law establishes the DAYS OF MILITARY GLORY OF RUSSIA, which fifteen. Our story today is about them. We will talk about the heroes who defended our Motherland in difficult times, and their exploits, which will forever live in the soul of every Russian, causing pride in their ancestors and admiration for the strength and greatness of the Russian people.

A.S. Pushkin owns wonderful words: “It is not only possible, but also necessary, to be proud of the glory of your ancestors. To disrespect it is shameful cowardice.”

Day of lifting the blockade of Leningrad (1944)

The capture of Leningrad, the northern gates of our country, and its complete destruction was planned by the Germans literally in the first days of the war. Already in July 1941, fierce battles were going on on the nearest approaches to the city, the suburbs of Leningrad - Kolpino and Pulkovo Heights were occupied.

The blockade ring was broken in January 1943 on a narrow section of the southern shore of Lake Ladoga. The supply of Leningrad and the troops defending it was carried out through Ladoga along the Road of Life. Therefore, children, the sick and the wounded were taken out of the city. A year later, on January 27, 1944, the blockade was lifted completely. On this day, in honor of the complete elimination of the blockade and the defeat of German troops near Leningrad, fireworks thundered in the city.

After a volley, a salvo rumbles.
Rockets in hot air
Flowers are blooming with variegation.
And the Leningraders are crying quietly.
Y. Voronov. January 27, 1944.

More than 930 thousand Soviet soldiers who defended this city were awarded the medal "For the Defense of Leningrad".

Day of the defeat of the Nazi troops by the Soviet troops in the Battle of Stalingrad (1943)

The forward detachments of Colonel-General Paulus in July-August repeatedly made attempts to force the Don and capture Stalingrad, but the Soviet troops successfully repelled all enemy attacks. Gradually, the defensive struggle of our troops was replaced by a decisive counteroffensive, which ended on November 30 with the encirclement of 22 German divisions numbering 330,000 people. In January 1943, the Soviet troops went on the offensive and on February 2 the battle ended with the complete defeat of the German units. The defeat of the Nazi troops near Stalingrad marked the beginning of a radical turning point in the course of the entire Second World War.

The image of the motherland is immortalized in the monument of the sculptor E.V. Vuchetich in the city of Volgograd (1967)

Defender of the Fatherland Day - Victory Day of the Red Army over the Kaiser troops of Germany (1918)

In the February days of 1918, when the First World War was going on, the troops of Kaiser Germany rushed to Petrograd, creating a real threat to the capital of the Russian state. The old tsarist army could not stop the enemy, by that time it had practically ceased to exist. In this situation, mass mobilization was launched in the country in order to create a new army.

On February 23, 1918, the Day of Defense of the Socialist Fatherland was held in St. Petersburg. The newly created regiments of the Red Army were sent to the front - they managed to stop the German troops in the region of Narva and Pskov. So February 23 was the birthday of the new army.

We stand at our post
Platoon and porto,
Immortal like fire.
Calm as granite.
We are the army of the country
We are the army of the people.
Our great deed
History keeps.

R. Rozhdestvensky. We are the army of the people.

Since 1923, the day of February 23, by order of the Revolutionary Military Council, began to be celebrated in our country as Day of the Red Army. Since 1946 it has become known as Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. Since 1995, according to the law of the Russian Federation “On the days of military glory and memorable dates in Russia”, this day has been celebrated as Defender of the Fatherland Day.

The main task of the Russian army, which today bears the name of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, was and remains to reliably protect the Fatherland from external threats.

Day of the victory of Russian soldiers of Prince Alexander Nevsky over the German knights on Lake Peipsi (Battle on the Ice, 1242)

In the XIII century, not only Mongolotatars attacked Russia. German and Swedish crusader knights were constantly striving to conquer Russia from the north.

On the ice of Lake Peipsi, located at the mouth of the Neva, the army of the Livonian Order and the Russian army, the basis of which was the Novgor about children and Pskovians. Since they were wearing heavy metal armor, the thin April ice could not bear their weight: the riders, along with the horses, fell through the ice.

And it was headed by Alexander Yaroslavich, Prince of Novgorod and Novgorod about childish republic.

And, retreating before the prince,
Throwing spears and shields,
The Germans fell from their horses to the ground,
Lifting iron fingers.

K. Simonov. Battle on the Ice

The victory of Russian warriors over the army of German feudal lords was of great military and political significance. The Livonian Order was forced to send its ambassadors to the Novgorodians in order to conclude a peace, according to which the crusaders renounced their claims to Russian lands.

Prince Alexander Yaroslavich of Novgorod received the name Alexander Nevsky after the Battle of the Ice.

Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky entered the memory of the people as the Great Warrior and Defender of the Russian land. He was numbered among the saints. In 1724, by order of Peter I, the relics of the holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky were transferred to St. Petersburg to the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, where they are kept to this day.

On the night of May 8-9, in the suburbs of Berlin, an act of unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany was signed. On behalf of the Soviet Supreme High Command, this historic document was signed by the Chief of the General Staff, Deputy Supreme Commander G.K. Zhukov. On behalf of the German High Command, the act was signed by the Chief of Staff of the Supreme High Command of the Armed Forces of Germany, W. Keitel. The Great Patriotic War is over!

Remember these days.
Listen a little
And you - with your soul - will hear at the same hour:
She came and stood at the threshold
She is ready to knock on the door ....
Remember everything! And in everyday worries
On everything, mark the purest reflection.
Victory is on your doorstep.
now she will come to you.

(O. Bergolts)

Since then, May 9 has been celebrated as a national holiday - Victory Day and as a day of remembrance for the dead.

Victory day of the Russian army under the command of Peter I over the Swedes in the Battle of Poltava (1709)

In 1700-1721, Russia waged the Northern War against Sweden for access to the shores of the Baltic Sea. Sweden was one of the most powerful European powers, and the army of the Swedish king Charles 12 was considered invincible until July 10, 1709. On this day, the legendary Battle of Poltava took place between the Russian troops led by Peter 1 and the Swedes, which lasted about nine hours and brought victory to Russia.

The greatness of Peter 1 was immortalized in applied art - mosaics, by Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov, the great Russian scientist and artist.

The day of the first victory in Russian history of the Russian fleet under the command of Peter I over the Swedes at Cape Gangut (1714)

The Gangut battle is the first outstanding victory of the Russian naval forces in the Northern War between Russia and Sweden. Before that, of course, there were brilliant Russian victories in the war with the Swedes - this is the Battle of Poltava, they were achieved thanks to the regular land army. But the Swedish fleet continued to dominate the Baltic Sea. Peter I is sure that without victories at sea, Russia will never be able to win the final victory in the Northern War.

... The Swedish squadron of 16 first-class battleships met at Cape Gangut with the galley fleet of Russia under the command of Peter I and Admiral Fyodor Matveyevich Apraksin. A three-hour battle, ending in hand-to-hand combat, led to a complete victory over the Swedes: ten enemy ships were captured. The Russians did not lose a single ship.

In this battle, the naval art of Peter I was clearly manifested, who appeared before the Europeans as a brilliant tactician of a sea battle. This victory in the Baltic at Cape Gangut, which Peter himself compared with the victory at Poltava, opened the way for Russia to the expanses of the Baltic Sea.

Day of the defeat of the Nazi troops by the Soviet troops in the Battle of Kursk (1943)

Trying to take revenge after the defeat at Moscow and Stalingrad, the Germans in the summer of 1943 developed a plan for a new offensive operation called the Citadel.

The decisive battle in the Battle of Kursk took place on July 12 at Prokhorovsky field, which is considered the third field of Russian glory after Kulikov and Borodino.

During the Battle of Kursk, the cities of Orel and Belgorod were liberated, and on August 5 in Moscow, in honor of the troops of the Bryansk and Steppe fronts that liberated these cities, the the first salute in the history of the Great Patriotic War. Since then, Orel and Belgorod have been called the cities of the First Salute, and now the titles of cities of military glory have been added to this.

The victory of the Soviet troops on the Kursk Bulge had a huge impact on the further course of the entire Second World War, created favorable conditions for the general offensive of the Soviet troops.

The day of the battle of the Russian army under the command of M.I. Kutuzov with the French army near Borodino (1812)

The war with the French army under the command of Napoleon Bonaparte went down in history as the Patriotic War of 1812. It was truly nationwide, it caused a huge patriotic upsurge of Russian people of all classes and conditions. Battle of Borodino - the main event of the Patriotic War of 1812 happened near the city of Mozhaisk, 124 km. from Moscow, near the village of Borodino.

In August 1812, after the Russian troops left Smolensk, the outstanding commander Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov, a worthy student of A.V. Suvorov. The Russian army no longer had the strength to drive the French back to the border. H at There was time to make up for losses, to save the army. and M.I. Kutuzov at a military council in the village of Fili makes a difficult decision to leave Moscow.

For five weeks the French army remained in the Mother See. Napoleon's hopes that the Muscovites would bring him the keys to the city did not come true. Strong fires began in the capital, and in the end Bonaparte was forced to leave. And the Russian army, having gathered strength, drove the enemy along the same road along which he was advancing, all the way to Paris.

The Battle of Borodino - the main event of the Patriotic War of 1812 - marked the beginning of the close and final collapse of all Napoleon's plans to capture Russia.

Victory Day of the Russian squadron under the command of F.F. Ushakov over the Turkish squadron at Cape Tendra (1790)

The annexation of Crimea to Russia and the strengthening of the Russian fleet on the Black Sea after some time again led to an aggravation of Russian-Turkish relations. In 1787, Turkey gave Russia an ultimatum to return the Crimea. Having received no positive response, the Turks declared a new war on the Russians. The defense of the Crimean coast was carried out by the Black Sea Fleet under the command of Fedor Fedorovich Ushakov.

Near the island of Tendra, Ushakov discovered a Turkish squadron. Enemies, taken by surprise, hastily withdrew from anchors, intending to leave for the Danube. The Russian squadron did not allow the Turks to carry out their maneuver and immediately entered the battle. In the battle, the Russian squadron won and had no losses. As a result of the victory of the Russian squadron, the Black Sea became free for the operation of the Russian fleet.

Victory Day of the Russian regiments led by Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy over the Mongol-Tatar troops in the Battle of Kulikovo (1380)

In the summer of 1380, terrible news came to Moscow: the powerful Tatar commander Mamai threatened Russia with a new invasion, setting himself the goal of breaking the growing power of Russia, increasing its dependence on the Horde.

Moscow Prince Dmitry appealed to all Russian princes with an appeal to join forces to fight the Mongol-Tatars. In 30 days, a large army (up to 100-150 thousand people) gathered, consisting mainly of Muscovites and soldiers of the Russian lands, who recognized the power of the Moscow prince ..

On the morning of September 21, the Russian regiments crossed from the left to the right bank of the Don at the confluence of the Nepryadva River and occupied the area called Kulikovo field.

The Battle of Kulikovo was of great historical importance in the struggle of the Russian and other peoples against the Mongol-Tatar yoke. Although it did not lead to its liquidation, however, a strong blow was dealt to the dominance of the Golden Horde on the Kulikovo field, which accelerated its subsequent collapse.

An important consequence of the battle was the effort of Moscow's role in the formation of the Russian state. After the victory at the Kulikovo field, the leader of the Russian army, Prince Dmitry of Moscow, received the name Dmitry Donskoy.

Day of National Unity - Day of the liberation of Moscow from the Poles by the people's militia led by K. Minin and D.M. Pozharsky (1612)

The beginning of the 17th century is the Time of Troubles for the Russian state. During this period, it was weakened by anarchy, numerous impostors claimed the Russian throne.

In such internal political conditions, Russia was rapidly losing its independence from external enemies. The north-west and west of the country were occupied by the Poles, in ancient Novgorod the Swedes ruled. The Polish garrison was even in Moscow, and the real power in the Russian capital was wielded by Polish military leaders and their accomplices from the Russian boyars.

The indignation of the common people with this situation eventually reached a critical limit, and in the fall of 1611 in Nizhny Novgorod, the zemstvo head Kuzma Minin began to assemble the people's militia (army) to fight the enemies of the Fatherland.

One of the best military leaders of that time, known for his courage and honesty, the Suzdal prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky, was called to command the militia. Militias from all over the country began to gather in Nizhny Novgorod. On the initiative of K. Minin, it was decided to give a fifth of the entire property of each family, monastery, church for the militia. And in other Russian cities they did the same.

In July 1612, the militia of Minin and Pozharsky, replenished with new people's forces along the way, marched on Moscow. A bloody battle took place on the streets of the capital on August 24. The Polish garrison settled in the Kremlin and held it for 2 months. But in the end, on November 4, the Poles capitulated, and the Russian militia entered the Kremlin. And soon both Moscow and the whole Russian land were cleared of foreign invaders.

So the Russian people, united in a patriotic impulse, saved their Fatherland from the enemy.

The monument to K. Minin and D. Pozharsky was erected on Red Square in Moscow as a symbol of the unity of the Russian people.

Victory day of the Russian squadron under the command of P.S. Nakhimov over the Turkish squadron at Cape Sinop (1853)

In October 1853 another war broke out between Russia and Turkey. It lasted until 1856 and was named Crimean. The main military operations were conducted on the Crimean peninsula. The most important event of the beginning of the war was the battle between the Russian and Turkish fleets in the Turkish bay of Sinop. The commander of the Russian squadron, Admiral Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov, having discovered the Turkish squadron, blocked it and attacked with the arrival of reinforcements. Each captain of the Russian squadron received a clear action plan for his ship. During the four-hour battle, the Russian squadron, consisting of 8 ships, completely defeated the Turkish fleet, which numbered 16 sailing ships.

The brilliant victory of the Russian fleet in the battle of Sinop had a great influence on the further course of the Crimean War. The destruction of the Turkish squadron disrupted the landing of enemy troops on the coast of the Caucasus and deprived Turkey of the opportunity to conduct military operations in the Black Sea.

Heroes, wanderers of the seas, albatrosses,
Table guests of thunderous feasts,
Eagle tribe, sailors, sailors,
You are the song of the poet, you are the glory of the ages!

V. Kirillov. Sailors

The day of the beginning of the counter-offensive of the Soviet troops against the German - fascist troops in the battle of Moscow (1941)

In early September 1941, the German command began preparing an operation to capture Moscow, codenamed "Typhoon".

As a result of the counter-offensive and the general offensive of the Soviet troops, the Germans were driven back 100-250 km from Moscow, and in fact the enemies approached the Capital at a distance of 23 km. In the Battle of Moscow, for the first time in the entire Second World War, the Soviet Union inflicted a major defeat on Nazi Germany and dispelled the myth of its invincibility. The losses were colossal: in the battle of Moscow, the Red Army lost more than 2 million people.

Moscow battle forever entered the history of our country as a symbol of steadfastness and unparalleled mass heroism of the Soviet people, the Red Army and the people's militia.

Have this bronze medal
Blue of darkened lanterns
And reflected in the formidable distance
Fire of heavy batteries.

She testifies to the world
About our prowess in battle
Soldiers, children, commanders -
In the blood, near death on the edge.

Forgetting in the smoke, in the trench clay,
That a dream comes true -
We're a merciless road to Berlin
We opened the battle for Moscow!

P. Shubin. For Moscow.

The day of the capture of the Turkish fortress Izmail by Russian troops under the command of A.V. Suvorov (1790)

Leading: The Russian-Turkish war of 1787-1791 was started by Turkey with the aim of returning the Crimea and other territories that had gone to Russia on the eastern and western Black Sea coasts.

The Turkish fortified city of Izmail was previously considered impregnable - it was very well protected. The stone walls were surrounded by a shaft 6 m high and 6 km long with seven bastions. In front of the rampart there is a ditch filled with water, 6 to 10 m deep. The fortress was defended by a well-armed 35,000-strong Turkish garrison. After seven months of unsuccessful attempts to storm the fortress, it was decided to put A.V. Suvorov.

One of the main victories in the Crimean War - capture of Ishmael- was associated with the name of Generalissimo Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov.

Under his command, the Russian troops achieved the desired result. Troop A.V. Suvorov, who stormed the fortress, numbered 31 thousand people.

As a result of the Russian-Turkish wars in the 18th century, the Russian state received the entire northern coast of the Black Sea with Crimea.

The pages of the days of military glory of Russia are closed by a poem by D. Kedrin:

Russia! We are all in your debt.
You are everyone's mother three times.
So can we to your enemy
Give you a servant? ...

For life and death we will follow you
In your own and others' blood!
For a formidable battle, for the last battle,
Russia, bless!