Mikhalkov as a bear pipe the main characters. How did the bear find the phone?

Mikhalkov Sergey Vladimirovich

How the bear found the phone

Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov

How the bear found the phone



The forester lost his pipe, tobacco pouch and homemade lighter in the forest. And the Bear found them. Since this all started! The Bear began to smoke a pipe. And so he got used to this pipe, that when the foresters had all the tobacco in the pouch, the Bear decided to collect dry leaves in the forest and fill the pipe with it instead of tobacco.

Previously, it used to be that the Bear would wake up with the sun, tumble in the grass, warm up, run to the river: swim and catch fish, and then into the raspberry forest - for raspberries or climb through hollows - to look for honey, and now a little light will pierce his eyes, fill his pipe with a dry leaf, he puts it in his mouth, strikes it with a lighter and lies under a bush: smoke rings. So the whole day with a pipe in his teeth and falls through.

And everything would be fine, but Misha began to get sick.

I was walking along the edge, I met Lisa. I saw the Fox Bear, and gasped.

Misha! My friend! Is that you?

We haven't seen each other all summer.

How did you lose weight, poor guy?

It's like I haven't eaten in a year!

What's wrong with you? You are sick?

I don't know what's wrong with me!

Something makes me sick:

I eat almost nothing

No appetite at all!

I began to go to bed earlier,

Don't sleep! Can't sleep at all!

Cough choking in the morning

Nausea in the evenings:

Pricks in the heart, shivers in the paws.

Why don't you go to the Woodpecker?

You need to contact the Woodpecker!

He is such a bird:

He'll tell you right away what's what.

Don't be lazy, go to him!

I'll wait a week

It gets worse, so I'll go!

One week passed, then another. Bear got worse. He was walking along a ravine, he met the Wolf. The Wolf saw the Bear, and sat down on its hind legs.

Listen, Misha-Mikhail!

What did you do? How did you live?

The sides fell through

The skin is getting bigger!

Yes. I'm sick.

I don't know myself...

Something makes me sick:

Wool climbs, ache in the bones.

I eat almost nothing

Appetite completely gone!

Started going to bed earlier

Don't sleep! Can't sleep at all!

Suffocating cough in the morning

Nausea in the evenings:

you'll be lost

If you don't go to the Woodpecker!

We must contact the Woodpecker!

He is such a bird:

Understand, give advice.

Yes, so yes! And no, it's not!

Tomorrow I will go to him!

Will you find him?

Spotted Bear Woodpecker in the forest. He prepared a hollow for himself on an old pine tree for the winter. The Bear came up to the pine tree, lifted his head up.

Woodpecker, Woodpecker! Old friend!

You go down to the lower bough!

Ba! Hello Toptygin!

Apparently not!

Something makes me sick:

Wool climbs, ache in the bones,

I don't eat anything

Appetite completely gone!

Started going to bed earlier

Don't sleep! Can't sleep at all!

Terrible cough in the morning

Nausea in the evenings:

My heart is pounding, my paws are trembling...

Yes, you smoke if you don't drink?

Yes, I smoke. How do you know?

You stink of smoke!

Come on, sit under this bough! ..

Give me your back!.. Knock-knock-knock!..

Yes, sir! Tapping is not easy

Bears of such growth!

Do not breathe and do not sniff:

You are sick, even though you are a Bear!

Well... everything seems to be clear to me...

Not deadly? Not dangerous?

Soot accumulated in the lungs

Smoking is the problem!

Do you, Toptygin, want to stomp?

Quit smoking forever!

Quit? Handset? Lighter?

And with a dry leaf pouch?

I can not! I won't quit! It's a pity!..

Follow my advice!

And not in your lair

You will soon stretch your legs!

The Bear Woodpecker thanked for the advice and trudged home. He dragged himself along, sat down on a stump, took out a pipe, stuffed it with a dry leaf, wanted to smoke, but remembered what Woodpecker said goodbye to him, and threw the pipe into the ravine further away.

Mikhalkov Sergey Vladimirovich

How the bear found the phone

Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov

How the bear found the phone



The forester lost his pipe, tobacco pouch and homemade lighter in the forest. And the Bear found them. Since this all started! The Bear began to smoke a pipe. And so he got used to this pipe, that when the foresters had all the tobacco in the pouch, the Bear decided to collect dry leaves in the forest and fill the pipe with it instead of tobacco.

Previously, it used to be that the Bear would wake up with the sun, tumble in the grass, warm up, run to the river: swim and catch fish, and then into the raspberry forest - for raspberries or climb through hollows - to look for honey, and now a little light will pierce his eyes, fill his pipe with a dry leaf, he puts it in his mouth, strikes it with a lighter and lies under a bush: smoke rings. So the whole day with a pipe in his teeth and falls through.

And everything would be fine, but Misha began to get sick.

I was walking along the edge, I met Lisa. I saw the Fox Bear, and gasped.

Misha! My friend! Is that you?

We haven't seen each other all summer.

How did you lose weight, poor guy?

It's like I haven't eaten in a year!

What's wrong with you? You are sick?

I don't know what's wrong with me!

Something makes me sick:

I eat almost nothing

No appetite at all!

I began to go to bed earlier,

Don't sleep! Can't sleep at all!

Cough choking in the morning

Nausea in the evenings:

Pricks in the heart, shivers in the paws.

Why don't you go to the Woodpecker?

You need to contact the Woodpecker!

He is such a bird:

He'll tell you right away what's what.

Don't be lazy, go to him!

I'll wait a week

It gets worse, so I'll go!

One week passed, then another. Bear got worse. He was walking along a ravine, he met the Wolf. The Wolf saw the Bear, and sat down on its hind legs.

Listen, Misha-Mikhail!

What did you do? How did you live?

The sides fell through

The skin is getting bigger!

Yes. I'm sick.

I don't know myself...

Something makes me sick:

Wool climbs, ache in the bones.

I eat almost nothing

Appetite completely gone!

Started going to bed earlier

Don't sleep! Can't sleep at all!

Suffocating cough in the morning

Nausea in the evenings:

you'll be lost

If you don't go to the Woodpecker!

We must contact the Woodpecker!

He is such a bird:

Understand, give advice.

Yes, so yes! And no, it's not!

Tomorrow I will go to him!

Will you find him?

Spotted Bear Woodpecker in the forest. He prepared a hollow for himself on an old pine tree for the winter. The Bear came up to the pine tree, lifted his head up.

Woodpecker, Woodpecker! Old friend!

You go down to the lower bough!

Ba! Hello Toptygin!

Are you healthy?

Apparently not!

Something makes me sick:

Wool climbs, ache in the bones,

I don't eat anything

Appetite completely gone!

Started going to bed earlier

Don't sleep! Can't sleep at all!

Terrible cough in the morning

Nausea in the evenings:

My heart is pounding, my paws are trembling...

Yes, you smoke if you don't drink?

Yes, I smoke. How do you know?

You stink of smoke!

Come on, sit under this bough! ..

Give me your back!.. Knock-knock-knock!..

Yes, sir! Tapping is not easy

Bears of such growth!

Do not breathe and do not sniff:

You are sick, even though you are a Bear!

Well... everything seems to be clear to me...

Not deadly? Not dangerous?

Soot accumulated in the lungs

Smoking is the problem!

Do you, Toptygin, want to stomp?

Quit smoking forever!

Quit? Handset? Lighter?

And with a dry leaf pouch?

I can not! I won't quit! It's a pity!..

Follow my advice!

And not in your lair

You will soon stretch your legs!

The Bear Woodpecker thanked for the advice and trudged home. He dragged himself along, sat down on a stump, took out a pipe, stuffed it with a dry leaf, wanted to smoke, but remembered what Woodpecker said goodbye to him, and threw the pipe into the ravine further away.

No smoking day. Two do not smoke. On the third day I could not bear it, climbed into the ravine to look for a pipe. I searched, I searched - I found it by force. I found it, wiped it on the skin, stuffed it with a dry leaf, put it in my mouth, struck it with a lighter - lit it. As soon as he began to let out a ring of smoke, he suddenly hears: beyond the ravine, the Woodpecker taps a pine tree: "Knock-knock-knock! Knock-knock-knock!" Then the Bear again remembered that the Woodpecker said goodbye to him, took the pipe out of its mouth and threw it into the ravine further than before.

Didn't smoke for a day. Two did not smoke. Three did not smoke. On the fourth day I could not stand it, climbed into the ravine for a pipe, looked for it, looked for it, looked for it - I found it by force. He crawled out of the ravine, covered in thorns and burrs, sat on a stump, wiped his pipe on the skin, stuffed it with a dry leaf - lit it! He sits, blows smoke, and he listens: is there a Woodpecker nearby?

All summer and all autumn, until the very winter, Bear quit smoking his pipe, but he never quit.

Winter came. Once a forester went to the forest for firewood and took the dog with him. The forester rides along the road, and Zalivay runs through the forest: he makes out the hare's tracks.

Suddenly the forester hears, Fill in the voice gives: "Tyav-tyav! Tyav-tyav!" Not otherwise, found someone! The forester stopped his horse, got out of the sleigh, got on his skis and went straight to Zalivaikin lai. He made his way through the thicket, got out into the clearing, he sees: there is a large spruce, felled by a storm, uprooted from the ground with rhizomes, and at the very rhizome there is a snowy mound - a bear's lair. And blue smoke curls from the den ... And Pour on it barks, pours: "Yap-yap! Yup-yap!"

The forester is surprised: smoke is pouring out of the bear's lair! The forester raised the Bear in the den, and the Bear was so weak from smoking that he didn’t even need to be knitted - take it with your bare hands! The poor fellow is standing against the forester, swaying on his four paws. The eyes are watery from the smoke, the wool is in tatters, and there is a pipe in the teeth!

The forester recognized his pipe, took it out of the Bear's mouth, looked into the lair - he also found a pouch with a lighter. I didn’t wait, I didn’t guess!

The forester hid the find in the pocket of his sheepskin coat, loaded the Bear onto a sled and drove home. The forester saw that her husband had come from the forest and ran out onto the porch.

Forester (with curiosity)

What did you bring from the forest, Fedya?

Look! Bring the Bear!

Forester (looks)



And besides, a smoker!

Forester (frightened)

What are we to do with him now?

Forester (calmly)

How to do what? Let's sell!

Tomorrow morning on the cart

I'll take him to the city, to the circus!

And the forester took the Bear to the city.

There is a Bear in our circus.

Come see.

Bold and dexterous Bear brown;

And the boys say

That an artist with a shaggy skin

The best acrobat ever!

If someone passes by

With a cigarette in my mouth

Or with a pipe - the smell of smoke

The bear smells a mile away

And, trampling on hind legs,

Suddenly starts crying

Because this smell

Our Bear can't stand it!

Current page: 1 (total book has 1 pages)

Mikhalkov Sergey Vladimirovich
How the bear found the phone

Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov

How the bear found the phone



The forester lost his pipe, tobacco pouch and homemade lighter in the forest. And the Bear found them. Since this all started! The Bear began to smoke a pipe. And so he got used to this pipe, that when the foresters had all the tobacco in the pouch, the Bear decided to collect dry leaves in the forest and fill the pipe with it instead of tobacco.

Before, it used to happen that the Bear would wake up with the sun, tumble in the grass, warm up, run to the river: swim and catch fish, and then climb into the raspberry forest - for raspberries or climb through hollows - to look for honey, and now a little light will pierce his eyes, fill his pipe with a dry leaf, he puts it in his mouth, strikes it with a lighter and lies under a bush: smoke rings. So the whole day with a pipe in his teeth and falls through.

And everything would be fine, but Misha began to get sick.

I was walking along the edge, I met Lisa. I saw the Fox Bear, and gasped.

Misha! My friend! Is that you?

We haven't seen each other all summer.

How did you lose weight, poor guy?

It's like I haven't eaten in a year!

What's wrong with you? You are sick?

I don't know what's wrong with me!

Something makes me sick:

Wool climbs, ache in the bones,

I eat almost nothing

No appetite at all!

I began to go to bed earlier,

Don't sleep! Can't sleep at all!

Cough choking in the morning

Nausea in the evenings:

Pricks in the heart, shivers in the paws.

end of introduction



The forester lost his pipe, tobacco pouch and homemade lighter in the forest. And the Bear found them. Since this all started! The Bear began to smoke a pipe. And so he got used to this pipe, that when the foresters had all the tobacco in the pouch, the Bear decided to collect dry leaves in the forest and fill the pipe with it instead of tobacco.

Previously, it used to happen that the Bear would wake up with the sun, tumble in the grass, warm up, run to the river: swim and catch fish, and then into the raspberry forest - for raspberries or climb through hollows - to look for honey, and now a little light will pierce his eyes, fill his pipe with a dry leaf, he puts it in his mouth, strikes it with a lighter and lies under a bush: smoke rings. So the whole day with a pipe in his teeth and falls through.

And everything would be fine, but Misha began to get sick.

I was walking along the edge, I met Lisa. I saw the Fox Bear, and gasped.

Misha! My friend! Is that you?

We haven't seen each other all summer.

How did you lose weight, poor guy?

It's like I haven't eaten in a year!

What's wrong with you? You are sick?

I don't know what's wrong with me!

Something makes me sick:

I eat almost nothing

No appetite at all!

I began to go to bed earlier,

Don't sleep! Can't sleep at all!

Cough choking in the morning

Nausea in the evenings:

Pricks in the heart, shivers in the paws.

Why don't you go to the Woodpecker?

You need to contact the Woodpecker!

He is such a bird:

He'll tell you right away what's what.

Don't be lazy, go to him!

I'll wait a week

It gets worse, so I'll go!

One week passed, then another. Bear got worse. He was walking along a ravine, he met the Wolf. The Wolf saw the Bear, and sat down on its hind legs.

Listen, Misha-Mikhail!

What did you do? How did you live?

The sides fell through

The skin is getting bigger!

Yes. I'm sick.

I don't know myself...

Something makes me sick:

Wool climbs, ache in the bones.

I eat almost nothing

Appetite completely gone!

Started going to bed earlier

Don't sleep! Can't sleep at all!

Suffocating cough in the morning

Nausea in the evenings:

Heart pounding, trembling in the paws ...

you'll be lost

If you don't go to the Woodpecker!

We must contact the Woodpecker!

He is such a bird:

Understand, give advice.

Yes, so yes! And no, it's not!

Tomorrow I will go to him!

Will you find him?

Spotted Bear Woodpecker in the forest. He prepared a hollow for himself on an old pine tree for the winter. The Bear came up to the pine tree, lifted his head up.

Woodpecker, Woodpecker! Old friend!

You go down to the lower bough!

Ba! Hello Toptygin!

Are you healthy?

Apparently not!

Something makes me sick:

Wool climbs, ache in the bones,

I don't eat anything

Appetite completely gone!

Started going to bed earlier

Don't sleep! Can't sleep at all!

Terrible cough in the morning

Nausea in the evenings:

Heart pounding, trembling in the paws ...

Yes, you smoke if you don't drink?

Yes, I smoke. How do you know?

You stink of smoke!

Come on, sit under this bough! ..

Give me your back!.. Knock-knock-knock!..

Yes, sir! Tapping is not easy

Bears of such growth!

Do not breathe and do not sniff:

You are sick, even though you are a Bear!

Well... everything seems to be clear to me...

Not deadly? Not dangerous?

Soot accumulated in the lungs

Smoking is the problem!

Do you, Toptygin, want to stomp?

Quit smoking forever!

Quit? Handset? Lighter?

And with a dry leaf pouch?

I can not! I won't quit! It's a pity!..

Follow my advice!

And not in your lair

You will soon stretch your legs!

The Bear Woodpecker thanked for the advice and trudged home. He dragged himself along, sat down on a stump, took out a pipe, stuffed it with a dry leaf, wanted to smoke, but remembered what Woodpecker said goodbye to him, and threw the pipe into the ravine further away.

No smoking day. Two do not smoke. On the third day I could not bear it, climbed into the ravine to look for a pipe. I searched, I searched - I found it by force. I found it, wiped it on the skin, stuffed it with a dry leaf, put it in my mouth, struck it with a lighter, and lit it. As soon as he began to let out a ring of smoke, he suddenly hears: behind the ravine, the Woodpecker taps a pine tree: “Knock-knock-knock! Knock-Knock!" Then the Bear again remembered that the Woodpecker said goodbye to him, took the pipe out of its mouth and threw it into the ravine further than before.

Didn't smoke for a day. Two did not smoke. Three did not smoke. On the fourth day I could not stand it, climbed into the ravine for a pipe, looked for it, looked for it, looked for it - I found it by force. He crawled out of the ravine, covered in thorns and burrs, sat on a stump, wiped his pipe on the skin, stuffed it with a dry leaf - lit it! He sits, blows smoke, and he listens: is there a Woodpecker nearby?

All summer and all autumn, until the very winter, Bear quit smoking his pipe, but he never quit.

Winter came. Once a forester went to the forest for firewood and took the dog with him. The forester rides along the road, and Zalivay runs through the forest: he makes out the hare's tracks.

Suddenly the forester hears, Fill in the voice gives: “Tyav-tyav! Whoop! Not otherwise, found someone! The forester stopped his horse, got out of the sleigh, got on his skis and went straight to Zalivaikin lai. He made his way through the thicket, got out into the clearing, he sees: there is a large spruce tree, felled by a storm, uprooted from the ground with rhizomes, and at the very rhizome there is a snowy mound - a bear's lair. And blue smoke curls from the den... Whoop!

The forester is surprised: smoke is pouring out of the bear's lair! The forester raised the Bear in the den, and the Bear was so weak from smoking that he didn’t even need to be knitted - take it with your bare hands! The poor fellow is standing against the forester, swaying on his four paws. The eyes are watery from the smoke, the wool is in tatters, and there is a pipe in the teeth!

The forester recognized his pipe, took it out of the Bear's mouth, looked into the lair - he also found a pouch with a lighter. I didn’t wait, I didn’t guess!

The forester hid the find in the pocket of his sheepskin coat, loaded the Bear onto a sled and drove home. The forester saw that her husband had come from the forest and ran out onto the porch.

Forester (with curiosity)

What did you bring from the forest, Fedya?

Look! Bring the Bear!

Forester (looks)



And besides, a smoker!

Forester (frightened)

What are we to do with him now?

Forester (calmly)

How to do what? Let's sell!

Tomorrow morning on the cart

I'll take him to the city, to the circus!

And the forester took the Bear to the city.

There is a Bear in our circus.

Come see.

Bold and dexterous Bear brown;

And the boys say

That an artist with a shaggy skin

The best acrobat ever!

If someone passes by

With a cigarette in my mouth

Or with a pipe - the smell of smoke

The bear smells a mile away

And, trampling on hind legs,

Suddenly starts crying

Because this smell

Our Bear can't stand it!

Mikhalkov S., fairy tale "How the bear found the pipe"

Genre: literary play-tale about animals

The main characters of the fairy tale "How the bear found the pipe" and their characteristics

  1. Bear. Weak-willed, weak-willed, became a victim of addiction.
  2. Wolf and Fox. Bear's friends worried about his health. Responsive and caring.
  3. Woodpecker. Forest Doctor. He treated the Bear with percussion.
  4. Forester. Cruel, indifferent. Sent the Bear to the circus.
Plan for retelling the tale "How the bear found the pipe"
  1. The forester loses his phone
  2. Bear smokes
  3. Fox doesn't recognize Bear
  4. Diseases of the Bear
  5. Encounter with the Wolf
  6. Woodpecker's verdict.
  7. Attempts to quit smoking
  8. Weak Bear
  9. The forester catches the Bear
  10. Bear in the circus.
The shortest content of the tale "How the bear found the pipe" for the reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. Once the Forester lost his pipe and tobacco, and the Bear found it and began to smoke.
  2. The Bear lost weight, began to get sick, the Fox and the Wolf advised him to consult Dr. Woodpecker.
  3. The woodpecker tapped the Bear and said that he urgently needed to quit smoking,
  4. The Bear threw out his pipe, but could not stand it, lit up again, and could not quit.
  5. In winter, the Forester found the Bear in the den, took his pipe and took it home.
  6. The Forester passed the Bear to the circus and he became an acrobat there.
The main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fairy tale "How the bear found the pipe"
Smoking is injurious to health.

What does the fairy tale "How the bear found the pipe" teach?
A fairy tale teaches to lead healthy lifestyle life, talks about the dangers of some bad habits, teaches you to show willpower and patience in order to get rid of bad habits. Teaches to help comrades in their struggle with bad habits.

Review of the fairy tale "How the bear found the pipe"
The tale is very useful, because in it the author clearly and easily talks about what bad habits can lead a person to. The bear almost died from smoking because he did not have the willpower to give up the bad habit. I liked how his friends worried about the Bear and how they tried to help him. And I didn’t like how the Forester handed over the Bear to the circus, this is not help, but slavery.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "How the bear found the pipe"
Health is the most precious thing.
There is a habit, there is a habit.
Who smokes tobacco is his own enemy.
Do not ask for health, but look at the face.
Meet the morning with exercises, see off the evening with a walk.

Read summary, a brief retelling of the tale "How the bear found the pipe"
Once in the forest a forester lost a pouch of tobacco and a pipe. And the Bear found a pouch and began to smoke. Yeah so addicted to this bad habit that when he ran out of tobacco, he began to crumble dry leaves and stuff them into a pipe.
Everything would be fine, but after that the Bear began to get sick.
He once met Lisa, but she does not recognize him. The Bear has lost weight, his hair is falling, his bones are aching, and he has no appetite at all. The fox advised the Bear to turn to the forest doctor - Woodpecker.
Two weeks passed. The bear only gets worse. He meets the Wolf and he is also surprised how terribly the Bear has changed - the skin seems to just hang on it. The bear complains about his condition, and the Wolf also advises him to turn to the Woodpecker. And the Bear promises to go to the Woodpecker tomorrow.
The Bear found the Woodpecker and let him complain about his illnesses. And the Woodpecker directly asks the Bear whether he smokes or drinks? The bear wonders how the Woodpecker found out about tobacco, and he says that the whole skin smelled of smoke.
The woodpecker begins to examine and tap the Bear. Then he tells Bear to stop smoking immediately, because soot has accumulated in his lungs. The bear is horrified, but the Woodpecker warns him that otherwise he will stretch his legs.
The Bear came home, threw the pipe into the ravine. He doesn’t smoke for a day, the second, then he couldn’t stand it, climbed into a ravine, found a pipe forcibly, stuffed it with dry leaves and just lit it, when he heard that somewhere in the forest a woodpecker rattled.
The Bear felt ashamed and threw the phone down again. He held out for three days, climbed into the ravine, found the pipe again. So until the very winter Bear quit smoking, but he never quit.
Once the Forester was driving for firewood, and his dog suddenly started barking. The Forester looks - a bear's lair, and gray smoke curls from it. The Forester lifted the Bear, but he cannot stand from the smoke, he staggers. The Forester took away the pipe, the pouch and the lighter from the Bear, threw him on the sled, and took him home.
The Lesnik's wife saw the Bear, was frightened, and asked what Fedya would do with him. And the Forester said that he would take him to the circus, and he did so.
And now there is an Acrobat Bear in the circus, but since then the Bear cannot stand the smell of tobacco at all. After all, because of him, he lost his freedom.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "How the bear found the pipe"