Class hour “Rules for safe behavior during the summer holidays. "active rest is the key to good health and good academic performance" outline of the lesson on the topic Class hour safety rules summer period

All-Russian lesson on the basics of life safety
Topic: "Safe rest in summer period»
General provisions
The relevance of the All-Russian lesson on the basics of security
All-Russian lesson on the basics of life safety (hereinafter
lesson) is carried out in order to develop common approaches to the formation
state policy in the field of life safety,
attracting public attention to the problem of culture formation
life safety of the younger generation,
effective assimilation of theoretical knowledge of the subject "Fundamentals of
life safety”, development of practical skills of actions in
various emergencies, popularization of the All-Russian Children's
youth movement "School of Safety" (hereinafter referred to as the Movement), as well as
enhancing the prestige of the firefighter and rescue professions.
Lesson content: a mass event among students of the 12th year in
GBPOU SPC No. 5 Gornozavodsk village, Nevelsky district, Sakhalin region with
bringing information to the younger generation and teachers about
the need to develop in students the skills of recognition and evaluation
dangerous and harmful factors of the human environment, finding ways
protection from them, safe behavior in extreme and emergency
situations at home, on the street and in nature, developing skills to protect one's life
and health, to provide self-help and mutual assistance.
Goals and objectives of the lesson:
to form in students an idea of ​​the correct, safe
behavior during the summer holidays, introduce the rules of conduct in
places of public recreation, about precautions on the water, when visiting
forests, create conditions for the formation of such personal qualities as:
caution, self-control, responsibility, respect for oneself and others.

Dates, place, duration and format of the lesson
Date: April 28, 2017.
Venue: GBPOU SPC No. 5, Gornozavodsk village, Nevelsky district,
Sakhalin region
Format: workshop workshop using ICT
Duration: 45 minutes
During the classes
1. Rules of behavior for adolescents in the natural environment

emergency situations.
1. Rules for safe behavior in nature
Speech by the teacher - organizer of GBPOU SPC No. 5 - Zheldak
At any time of the year it is difficult to sit at home. "Call of the Ancestors" beckons us to the forest, to
river, on a long hike with an overnight stay, or just take a walk, “hunt” for
mushrooms, berries and nuts, breathe in the forest air. Self stay on
nature, communication with it is a healing factor, but at the same time
pose a certain risk.
There is an unwritten rule: when entering some unfamiliar place,
remember the direction of your movement - after all, you will have to return to
reverse direction. Therefore, before delving into an unfamiliar forest,
pay attention to the sun, remember which side it is located on.
If the sun is on the right, then when leaving the forest you need it to be on the left, with
considering the elapsed time.
But if, despite all the precautions, you still get lost,
stop moving, shout loudly and listen (identify
the direction to the road is possible by the sound of passing cars);

find or build a shelter from the weather (lean large branches against
tree trunk, lay spruce or pine branches on the ground);
establish a daily rate of water consumption, leaving inviolable
calculate food supplies and find ways to get it (there are many
plants edible raw: berries, inner bark and buds
young birches and coniferous trees);
try to restore the orientation on the ground by: the sun (in
noon it is in the south), a lonely tree standing (moss grows on the north side,
the crown is denser and more lush on the south side), the anthill (its southern slope
the field is always flatter than the northern one), berries (they begin to ripen from the southern
It is necessary to find several signs and compare them to choose the right one.
moving through the forest, remember your path, marking objects along the way,
which can serve as landmarks (fallen trees, clearings, pits,
steep slopes);
if you went to a linear landmark (river, road, power lines)
one must move along them;
in the forest you can get scratched, cut yourself, get bruised and abrasions.
Therefore, it is necessary to be able to use medicinal plants: if
nettle in crushed form put on the wound, the bleeding will stop and
the wound will heal, plantain leaves in the form of a freshly crushed mass
disinfects the wound, has an analgesic and healing effect,
reed core and fireweed fluff (ivancha) can be used instead of cotton wool.
Only knowledge and skill will reduce the likelihood of falling into
life-threatening situation and increase internal readiness to resist
the difficulties encountered.
Life is diverse in its manifestations, so warn everyone
dangerous situations is impossible, many things have to be decided depending on

circumstances, but can significantly reduce the risk of its existence
Wherever you are, so as not to be a potential victim,
communicate with your whole appearance that you are calm, confident and
know where you're going.
Stand to your full height, look purposefully and do not delay a long
look at those around you.
Be confident but not aggressive.
Usually criminals choose people who are quiet, timid and
unsure of themselves.
Training "Working out the state of confidence and uncertainty."
Speech by the psychologist of GBPOU SPC No. 5 - Rasteryaev K.S.
Technique "Best Memories". Remember the moments when you
experienced a feeling of maximum self-confidence. Maybe it was
best score in a sports competition, concert performance, or
you just managed to do something better than others. Remember the moment when you
felt like a hero. Experience it emotionally once again.
Note the key symptoms of your confidence.
Technique "Crown of Confidence". Imagine yourself in the middle of the stadium,
where all the audience stood up to applaud you loudly. You are wide
smile at this flurry of applause, and on your head you flaunt
magnificent crown.
Demonstration of the video clip "Safety on water bodies".
2. Rules of behavior for teenagers on the water

Dangerous situations on the water
Speech by the paramedic GBPOU SPTs No. 5 - Nerukhova I.V.
1. What to do if there are cramps in the legs?
You need to immediately stop working with this leg. If there is
the opportunity to stand on the bottom and rub the reduced muscle, or for a second
plunge headlong into the water and, straightening your leg, pull strongly with your hand
foot behind thumb. You can also swim, working only with your hands,
while relaxing the reduced leg.
Before you decide on long swims, learn how to relax in the water,
restore strength.
2. Sunstroke. Burns.
Now let's talk about what can happen to you if you are too
have been in the sun for a long time. Being in nature, a person has great
opportunities for strengthening health by hardening the body. Main
hardening factors are the sun, air and water. Only problem is people
not always used correctly beneficial effect nature. When you receive
solar, air and water procedures must comply with certain
rules, otherwise these procedures will cause more trouble than joy.
Air baths are a good means of hardening the body.
Sunbathing areas should be sufficiently open for
sun and natural air movement, but at the same time protected from the wind.

Signs of overheating: weakness, dizziness, before the eyes
flies flitted. You should sit or lie down in the shade, moisten your head
or face cold water. You also need to fan yourself with newspaper,
towel, drink mineral or lightly salted water.
signs sunstroke: the face turns red and then turns pale, appears
headache, dizziness, weakness, tinnitus, pulse barely
palpable, breathing is barely noticeable. In severe cases, it may
nausea, vomiting, nosebleeds, convulsions and fainting. injured
you need to take it into the shade, put it so that the head is higher than the body,
splash your face with cold water, put a cold compress on your head,
drink cold water or cold strong tea.
What is sunburn?
Sunburn is a real burn. However, he is different
the rest by the fact that at first the sun's rays damage the skin, and only then
characteristic redness appears. The reason is ultraviolet rays.
By the way, to get a tan, not too many of them are required.
The main thing is that everything happens gradually.
What to do if you get burned?
In all these cases, you must contact a medical institution.
It is necessary to start sunbathing gradually, if you have no contraindications.
The duration of the first sunbath should not exceed 10 - 15
minutes. Best time- morning hours, when the air is clean and less heated.
Sunbathing is taken in a lying position, in which
ensures uniform exposure. You need to lie down with your feet to the sun, and
head should be protected from direct sunlight (but not tied
towel or scarf).
You can't sleep while sunbathing, you need to change position
body. Every hour take a break for 10 - 15 minutes. And rest in the shade.

3. Actions in the event of the occurrence or threat of occurrence of natural
An emergency situation is a situation that has developed as a result of
accidents, catastrophes, natural disasters and threatens human health and
the natural environment.
The population is notified by the signal "Attention to all" (siren and intermittent
beeps) a text is transmitted over the city broadcasting network, which indicates the place and
the time of the accident, the order of action of the population.
At the signal "Attention to all" it is necessary:
turn on the radio, TV to listen to emergency messages;
inform neighbors and relatives and act according to
if evacuation is necessary, collect essential items
(documents, valuables, food, clothes);
help the elderly and the sick get together.
On the territory of our region are possible: winds with a speed of 100 km/h and
more, sharp drops in air temperature and associated snowfalls,
snowstorms, snowstorms and hail, floods, earthquakes, fires.
The most probable emergencies are fires, earthquakes and floods.
Demonstration of the presentation drawing up an algorithm of actions

Fixing the material
Exercise. Collect the emergency case with the items of the first
On sheets of A4 images:

Answer: A, B, C, D, E, F, I, K, P
Your knowledge, skills and abilities are the key to confidence and efficiency
actions in dangerous situations!
Distribute to students the memo "Actions in case of emergency" (Appendix 1)

Attachment 1
This is when the area quickly covers a layer of water. The usual reason is torrential
Familiarize yourself with alarms and evacuation measures.
If there is a risk of flooding, turn off the electricity, all heating
appliances and gas.
Move furniture, electrical equipment, and personal items to higher floors.
Put toxic substances such as pesticides and insecticides in
a safe place so as not to cause pollution.
If you are at home:
Keep calm.
Warn neighbors and help children, the elderly, the disabled.
Listen to the radio for updates on the progress of the disaster.
Leave the house as soon as you receive an evacuation order from the rescue
For evacuation, use the route assigned by the rescue services.
Do not try to "cut the path" you can get into a dangerous place and end up in
Keep your pets safe, provide them with water and food.
Take with you only what is absolutely necessary (first aid kit,
documents, medicines).
If you are in a car:
Avoid driving on flooded roads, you may be carried away by the current.
If you find yourself in a flood zone and your car breaks down, get out and
call for help.
Get a first aid kit, help the wounded.

Be careful when you return to the house. Check if it's reliable
structures (walls, floors).
If you find a puddle of stagnant water in and around your house, fill it up immediately 2
liters of bleach.
Do not drain all the water at once (this can damage the foundation) every day
divert only about a third of the total volume of water.
Do not live in a house where standing water remains.
Beware of electric shock if the water layer on the floor is thicker than 5 cm, wear
rubber boots.
Make sure that the electrical cables do not come into contact with water. In flooded
places, turn off the power supply at the distribution boards immediately if you
haven't done it yet.
If the electrical panel floor is wet, cover it with a dry board and stand on it.
Use a dry stick to turn off the electricity.
If you suspect that the drinking water in the well or tap is contaminated,
use pre-stocked bottled water or boil it for 5
minutes. You can also add 2 drops of bleach to 1 liter of contaminated water and
after that, stand for water for 30 minutes.
Wash or disinfect soiled crockery and cutlery using
for this, boiling water or bleach (a teaspoon of bleach on the sink,
filled with water).
Do not raise the temperature in the house above 4°C before
all stagnant water has been removed.
Clear the house of all debris and water-soaked items.
Remove remaining silt and dirt, discard soiled bedding
accessories, clothing, furniture and other items.
Wipe all surfaces in the house with bleach. At the same time, ensure
good ventilation to clean the air from toxic fumes.

This is a sharp destruction of rocks deep below the surface of the earth,
creating underground or ground cracks. As a result, the earth passes
vibration transmitted to buildings.
Find out where the switches for electricity, water and
gas and how they are managed.
Attach bookshelves and shelving to walls securely.
Place heavy objects as close to the floor surface as possible.
If you are indoors:
Don't run outside. It's safer inside.
Take cover in a doorway, under a table, bench, or bed, and hold onto
them so as to follow their movements.
If there is no sturdy furniture in the house, press against the inner wall and cover
head and neck.
Stay away from stoves, windows and balconies.
Do not use the elevator.
If you are outside:
Run away to open space
Move as far as possible from buildings, structures, high walls,
wires, electrical cables and any other objects that can collapse.
If an earthquake hits you near a tall building or on a narrow street,
take cover on the porch or in the doorway of the entrance to protect yourself from falling
If you are in a car:
Stop the car and stay in it.
Avoid bridges, overpasses and other structures that can collapse.
If you are injured:
Don't panic, stay calm.

Attract the attention of others by any means (whistling in
whistle, knock on walls, etc.)
If you are not injured:
Try to extinguish any fires that have arisen.
Turn off any sources of heat and electromagnetic radiation.
If the building is damaged, turn off the electricity, water and gas supply systems.
Do not use matches or lighters as there is a risk of gas leakage.
Listen to the radio and follow the instructions of the rescue services.
Provide first aid to the wounded (for this you must have a first aid kit).
Use the phone only to report casualties
overload the telephone lines necessary for the operation of rescue and
medical services.
Do not enter a damaged home, even if you believe it is safe.
In case of aftershocks, stay where you are and take action
Ration your supply of food and drinking water.
It is characterized by strong winds and heavy rains. It is called sharp
atmospheric changes over land and sea.
Keep a briefcase with essentials (food,
clothes, medicines, a flashlight, a battery-operated transistor receiver,
personal papers).
Determine where to hide in the basement, cellar (if there are none, then under
strong table or sofa in the middle of the room on the first floor, away from external
walls and windows).
Cut down dead tree branches and dead trees in the garden regularly,
so they don't fall on the house.
Securely fasten all buildings to the ground, especially makeshift houses.
Designate a meeting place for the entire family in case a hurricane hits members
families in different places (at school, at work, etc.) or if the house is destroyed.

If you are at home:
Avoid leaving the house.
Listen to the radio or watch TV.
Close doors and windows.
Reinforce window panes with strips of adhesive tape reinforced with a cross
cross or star.
Bring into the house all objects and furniture that can be blown away or
Gather the cattle in the strongest barn and leave a supply of food and water there.
If the authorities issue an evacuation order, leave the house with
suitcase with essentials.
If you are away from home:
If there is no shelter nearby, lie down on the ground in a ditch (or gorge) and shield
Do not use boats if there is a threat of a hurricane. If you found out about
approaching a hurricane, while in a boat, immediately get ashore.
If you are in a car:
Get out of it and walk away from it, as the wind can overturn it and
even lift into the air.
Keep calm.
Do not leave the house under any circumstances.
Gather everyone in a shelter or, if there is none, in a pre-selected room.
Listen to the radio for information.
Do not call anywhere, so as not to overload the telephone lines.
Follow the instructions of the authorities and rescue services.
During a thunderstorm, protect yourself by turning off your radio, TV, and
electricity. Stay away from metal objects. Don't stand on
hills, do not try to hide under a tree. If you are in a car, stay in
Keep calm, don't panic.

Listen to the radio and follow the instructions given on it.
Render first aid to the injured and overwhelmed. If necessary
call for help.
Stay away from damaged electrical wires.
Do not use the phone unless absolutely necessary (lines must be
free to be used by emergency services).
Do not drink water without boiling it for at least 10 minutes or
disinfecting it with bleach or bleach tablets (1 drop per 1 liter of water or, if
the water is cloudy, add 3 drops and leave the water for 30 minutes).
In the event of a long power outage, check the contents
refrigerators and discard spoiled food.
The fire spreads and causes more or less significant damage in
depending on the type of burning materials.
Keep both matches and lighters out of the reach of children.
Do not store flammable substances and objects (alcohol, gas cylinders,
paper, cloth, etc.) near a heat source.
Avoid heat build-up (for example, do not cover TVs,
heaters, etc.).
Do not use candles or blow them out before leaving the room.
Be careful with ash - it may contain smoldering smut during
several days. If you need it, keep it in a fireproof container.
Never smoke in bed.
Use fireproof trays for cigarette butts. Before you throw away your cigarette butts


Don't leave the kitchen with boiling oil on the stove. Before leaving home, check
Are all the burners on the stove turned off?
Remember the phone numbers of rescue services (fire, civil defense, etc.).
Act calmly and judiciously, do not panic.
Notify the fire department, give them your address clearly.

Turn off gas and electricity.
Use available extinguishing media. Never try
extinguish burning oil products with water. If electrical equipment is on fire, turn off
it from the power source.
Leave the building.
Try to save endangered people and animals (if
clothes on fire, throw a blanket over him and roll him on the ground).
If the stairwells and corridors are smoky, stay in the apartment,
Close doors and windows to prevent drafts. Spray the door frequently with water and
caulk the cracks in the door with wet rags. Stay at the window so it's outside
it is clear that you are in the house (but do not open the windows).
If you are in a smoky area, stay close to the floor there is a strip
clean air.
Avoid the risk of being caught in a fire trap.
Follow the instructions of the rescue services.
Look around the house.
Help the neighbors. Use the first aid kit to help people
got into trouble.

Topic: Active rest is the key to good health and good academic performance

Purpose: To give children an idea of ​​​​active recreation, how to necessary condition life, ensuring the strengthening and preservation of health.

knowledge of how an active lifestyle is useful and a passive one is harmful. Repeat the rules of behavior on the river and during the hike, consolidate knowledge about edible mushrooms, remember the winter activities of children. Enrich vocabulary.

Cultivate the habit of a healthy lifestyle.

To develop attention, logical thinking, self-confidence, cognitive activity and the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practice.

Material: “Healthy lifestyle” poster, “Day” chart, “Rest” poster, a picture depicting children’s summer holidays, cards (beach umbrella, Panama hat, bedspread, swimsuit, towel, ball, lifebuoy, felt boots, kettle, screwdriver), ciphergrams , crossword "Mushrooms", poster "Backpack", cards (bowler, food, ax, matches, compass, warm clothes, a tent, dishes, a ball, water, a TV set, an armchair), carved dolls with a set of clothes, a painting "Children's Winter Fun", health measures.

Previous work: Hiking on the Trotsa River, picking mushrooms and berries, an excursion to water bodies and the forest, a trip to the skating rink in the city of Chkalovsk, looking at the painting “Winter Fun for Children”, a conversation about “healthy lifestyle”.


P.- Our conversation today will be about active recreation, but you will learn what it is a little later. And now answer me, please, this question: Why does a healthy person live better than a sick person?

D.- Nothing hurts, no need to be treated, nothing bothers him, he feels good ...

P. - That's right, human health is an invaluable gift of nature. It is easy to destroy health, but it is impossible to buy it. Health is important. Sick people sorry. After all, if a person is often sick, then he cannot study well. Education is the first duty of every student. But if the child does not feel well, then he is nervous, cannot remember anything, absent-mindedness and irritability appear. Adults get angry at such a student who does not do homework, does not count well, and cannot learn a poem. This causes problems at school and at home.

And today I can teach you what you need to do to feel good, study well and not upset adults. Want to?

D: Yes.

P. - Then look at the board.


1 Proper nutrition

2 healthy sleep

3 modes of study and rest.

Today we will talk about the third component. Tell me please. How many hours in a day?

D.- 24 hours.

P. - That's right, Of these, in order to be healthy, it is necessary

9-10 a.m. For night sleep

5-6 hours Lessons at school

2 hours Homework preparation

2 hours Mugs and sections

2 hours Household chores

2-4h Personal time

Do you think it's a lot or a little?

D. - Few.

P.- And therefore I urge you to spend this precious time with the benefit of your body. There are 2 types of recreation:



Passive rest is rest without movement.

Active rest is rest + movement for pleasure.

Active rest is much more useful for people who do a lot of mental activity than passive rest.

Can you classify yourself as one of those people? And why?

D.- We study at school, learn lessons, prepare for various events.

P. - Correct. Therefore, you need to rest actively in order to restore your body. After all, movement is life. More oxygen enters the lungs, rests nervous system, the person becomes vigorous and cheerful.

Now take a look at the board. I started to draw up a scheme about active and passive rest, help me finish it, please. Here are cards that show the favorite activities of children your age. I will ask them to distribute by type of recreation. (Children distribute).

Well, let's see what we got. It turns out that playing on the computer, talking on the phone, lying on the couch, watching TV, although a pleasant, but less useful rest, for our body than a hike, a walk in the forest for mushrooms, swimming in the river, participating in outdoor games, riding on skating and skiing.

But in order not to harm your health during such a holiday, you need to know and follow certain rules.

It's been a hot summer recently. You can run to the river, breathe fresh air there, sunbathe and swim. But what should you take with you to the beach to improve your health, and not harm yourself?

DI. What do you need on the beach?

(There is a picture on the board with the image of the river bank and children. Pupils are offered cards with the image of objects: beach umbrella, cream, water, panama, bedspread, swimsuit, underpants, towel, lifebuoy, ball, felt boots, kettle, screwdriver to choose and attach on the picture those items that are needed on the river.)

Well done. But look, are all the guys behaving correctly on the river?

D. - No. You can’t swim far, dive in an unfamiliar place, lie in the sun for a long time ...

P. - Correct. And I also know the most favorite pastime of children of all time is outdoor games. Let's remember the most famous ones that we played in the summer.

DI. "Decipher the game."

(children are given encryption and keys to them, work in pairs).

P. - Well done. And in order not to harm yourself and others, what rules should be followed during outdoor games?

D. - do not push, ...

P. - To warm up a little, let's play one of these games. And so that no one is offended by the game, we will choose a counting rhyme.

P.I. "Aram shim - shim."

P. - And when you swim and play enough, it's time to take a walk for mushrooms. Do you like picking mushrooms?

D. - Yes.

P. - Do you know the rules of behavior in the forest?

D. - you can’t kindle fires, offend birds and animals, go far from adults ......

P. - Well done, you know the rules, but we will find out if you are good mushroom pickers if we can solve the crossword puzzle. After all, it contains a mushroom that cannot be eaten.

Crossword "Edible mushrooms".

(children are offered a crossword puzzle in the form of a mushroom)

  1. In the forest under the birch, baby, 4. There are no mushrooms friendlier than these,

Adults and children know.

They grow on stumps in the forest,

Like freckles on your nose.

5. I grow up in a red cap

Under a slender aspen,

You will recognize me from a mile away, my name is ...

6. And under the old pine

Only a hat, yes a leg. Where the stump bent - the old man,

Surrounded by his family

First found...

  1. Along forest paths

Lots of white legs.

Collect, do not hesitate, 7. Sisters, redheads grow in the forest ... ..

It - ……

  1. small, remote

Passed through the earth

Found the red cap.

P. - Well done! You are good mushroom pickers, but what kind of hikers? Hiking is both pleasure and healing of the body. But in order to go hiking, you must first pack a backpack.

DI. "Pick up your backpack"

(a backpack is on the board, children choose the right things and attach it to it)

P. - Since the backpack is ready, we put it on our back and

Let's go on a hike

How many discoveries are waiting for us.

We walk one after the other

Forest and green meadow.

Colorful wings flicker

Butterflies fly in the field.

One two three four,

They flew, they circled.

Silence stands around;

The mowers went out to the meadow.

Sweep back and forth

Do one and do two.

We see them jumping along the edge

Two funny frogs.

Jump - jump, jump - jump,

Jump from heel to toe.

We went down to the fast river,

Bent over and washed.

One two three four.

That's how nicely refreshed

And now they swam together.

You need to do this by hand:

Together - once, this is breaststroke.

One, the other is a crawl.

Swinging on a wave, we float on our backs.

All as one we swim like a dolphin.

Went to the steep shore

And we went home.

We went on a hike

Are you by any chance tired?

D. - No.

P. - Well, then let's continue our conversation. But we are not always warm. There is also winter. When it snows. Let's look at the picture (board) and guess which of the guys is doing what.

DI. "Guess the job."

P. - Look how ruddy and happy all the children are. But in order not to get sick in winter, you need to dress properly for a walk. And I suggest that the girls dress Masha for the skating rink, and the boys Sashenka for a ski trip.

DI. "Dress the Doll"

(children dress dolls)

P. - So we remembered the most famous varieties of outdoor activities. If you spend more time outdoors and follow the rules of conduct, then your body temperature will not rise above 36 and 6 degrees C. And I would like to give you such a unique device "HEALTH METER". With the help of it, we can get information about our well-being. Want to try?

D.- yes.

P. - Then put a dash in front of the number 36. I will ask questions, and if you agree with what I say, then raise the rubber band one notch up and say these words: “This is me, This is me, these are all my friends ", and if not, then lower it down.

Who in good weather

Run to swim in the water?

Will swim. sunbathe,

Breathe fresh air?

Who skis in winter

And is there no fear of frost?

Who will not be a broken hour, wallowing on the couch,

Watch your TV, without moving. like a bear.

Who is ready to run into the yard,

To play hockey, football?

Who are friends with the computer,

But he knows that you can’t sit behind him for a long time?

Who is active

And he gets fives?

P. - Well, what is your temperature? (children call) You see, you all feel at 36 and 6 and are ready to perform homework. Our conversation has come to an end. Tell me, please, what did you learn new for yourself today and what conclusions did you draw?


P.- Today I am very pleased with you. I would like to especially commend…….

Classroom hour"Active and passive rest of the student"

Target: introduce students to various types rest, reveal the importance of rest for health Conversation: There are two types of recreation - active and passive.

Active is called rest, which takes place in motion, in some activities. These are walks, sports activities, outdoor games ...

Passive rest is called rest without movement: sitting or lying down. This is how people rest after hard physical labor or those who find it difficult to move - the sick, the elderly. But, unfortunately, there are many children and adolescents who, due to their nature, and sometimes just laziness, prefer to sit or lie down on the sofa with a book instead of playing ball or riding a bicycle. Free time spent in motion, especially in the fresh air, although it leads to momentary fatigue, later returns vigor and freshness to a person, restores strength better than passive rest in an armchair. The importance of outdoor activities and recuperation during active work was discovered by the famous Russian physiologist Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov. Already in old age he was engaged in the study of movements, and experiments were carried out on himself. Studying the records of movements, the scientist drew attention to the fact that forces were restored faster if the other worked during the rest of one hand. Right hand rested better during the work of the left than during the complete rest of both hands. This was the first time the effect of outdoor activities was discovered. During mental work, active rest is especially useful, when the load falls mainly on the muscles, while the brain rests. Therefore, during the holidays you need to walk more, play ball, ride a bike, swim. Alternating different activities helps to relax better: walking with reading, watching TV with outdoor games, riding a bike with a game of chess...

People who spend a lot of time outdoors get sick less and live longer. They are more enduring than those who spend most of their time in the confined spaces of apartments, offices, and schools. All kinds of harmful substances and gases accumulate in a closed room, microbes grow, causing various diseases, through walls and windows do not penetrate ultraviolet rays. While in the air of open spaces, especially outside the city, there is much less dust, various harmful bacteria and gases. After spending some time indoors, people often do not notice how stuffy and stale air they breathe. Breathing in such a room is superficial, shallow, and on the street among the greenery you want to breathe in more clean air. The best thing during the holidays is to go somewhere out of town: to a health or sports camp. If this is not possible, then you can make excursions, tourist trips with family or friends. The body receives the most complete rest during sleep. As for schoolchildren, many of them lack sleep not at all because they do not have enough time for sleep, but because they use it incorrectly. Sometimes they sit up late at the TV, read for a long time in the evenings, or even just talking and playing with their comrades, they lose their idea of ​​time, and then sit up late to prepare their lessons. Middle school students should get 10 hours of sleep. Schoolchildren in grades 5–6 must go to bed no later than 21:30. Some schoolchildren think that during the holidays they need to sleep longer than on school days, because. long sleep is good for health, and sleep until 10-11 am. Their families do not wake them up, thinking that if the child is sleeping, then he has a need for this. After such an excessively long sleep, the child gets up sluggish, it seems to him that he did not get enough sleep. But this feeling is false. After a long sleep, a person is excessively inhibited and his nervous system takes time to switch to a state of wakefulness. Patients are treated with long sleep - those whose nervous system is overly excited. Healthy children, on the other hand, do not need to sleep longer than they should be for their age, and then spend half the day on completely shaking off sleep. If you go to bed on time and sleep peacefully before 7-7.30 in the morning, the rest will be sufficient. Those who get up early, the day is longer, they have more time to do. In order for the sleep to be strong and calm, in the evening there should be no noisy games that excite entertainment. Quiet games, quiet walks are recommended. A calm, even mood before bedtime helps you fall asleep faster. At night, be sure to ventilate the room, and in the warm season, it is advisable to leave a window or window open. Fresh cool air makes sleep deeper, and the deeper the sleep, the more complete the rest.

Test questionnaire for schoolchildren's self-assessment of risk factors for poor health

The test questionnaire is filled in by each student independently. Form is given

test questionnaires for young men (boys).

Question 6 is excluded from the test questionnaire for girls (girls).

Questions 1-10 are supposed to be answered "yes" or "no"; questions No. 11-15 provide for the choice of one of the proposed answers.


    I often sit hunched over or lie with a twisted

    I carry a briefcase, a bag (often heavy), not a knapsack.

    I have a habit of slouching.

    I feel like I'm not moving enough (not enough).

    I do not do recreational gymnastics (physical exercises, participation in sports sections, swimming).

    I do weightlifting (weight lifting).

7. I eat irregularly, "somehow."

    Often I read in poor lighting while lying down.

    I don't care about my health.

10. Sometimes I smoke.

11. Does the school help you take care of your health?

c) find it difficult to answer.

12. Did schooling help you build your home
healthy lifestyle?

c) find it difficult to answer.

13. What are the most typical conditions for you on

a) indifference

b) interest;

c) fatigue, fatigue;

d) concentration;

e) excitement, anxiety;

e) something else.

14. How do you think teachers affect your health?

a) take care of my health;

b) cause harm to health by the methods of their teaching;

c) set a good example;

d) setting a bad example;

e) teach how to protect health;

f) They don't care about my health.

15. How do you think the environment at school affects your health?

a) has no significant effect;

b) influence badly;

c) influences well;

d) find it difficult to answer.
Results processing

For questions 1-10, one point is awarded for each positive answer. For questions 11-12, a point is awarded for the answer "b". For question 13, points are awarded for answers "a", "c", "e". For question 14, points are awarded for answers “b”, “d”, “e”. For question 15, points are awarded for answers "b", "d". The scores are then added up.

Interpretation of results

A score of no more than 6 points is considered successful.

"Risk zone" - more than 12 points

Parent meeting "Etiquette lessons for parents"


People lived an unreasonable life, and approached the abyss. Further - death! - How can we be, who will save us? people got worried. Let's go to the sage. - With the rising of the Morning Star, the Traveler of Eternity will come. He will save you! the sage said to them. People stood all night by the road and waited for the rising of the Morning Star; it was necessary to meet the Traveler of Eternity. - Not him... And this one is not him... And that one is not him... - people said, seeing the early hurrying. One was not dressed in white clothes - that means it was not him. The second did not have a long snow-white beard - not him either. The third did not hold a staff in his hands and did not look tired - that means that he was not he either. But then the Morning Star rose. People stared at the road - where is the Wayfarer? But people didn’t see the Traveler of Eternity on the road. They came to the sage with a complaint: - Where is the promised Traveler of Eternity? (- Did you, dear parents, guess who he was?) - Did you hear the cry of the child? - asked the wise man - But this is the cry of a newborn! - people answered. - He is the Traveler of Eternity! He is your savior! So people saw the child - their hope. Conversation with parents- Child– this is the Traveler of Eternity! It is on him that the salvation of the human race depends. And why? - After all, it is he who will live in the future. - The soul of a child is a full bowl (on the board a bowl cut out of a sheet of drawing paper)

family etiquette

When you start talking about family etiquette, you often come across a frank misunderstanding, they say, what kind of ceremonies can there be between your own?! Then a reasonable question arises: why do we try to appear well-mannered, polite and cultured with often completely strangers to us, whom we will most likely never meet again in life, and we don’t stand on ceremony with relatives and friends, although they are dearer to us there is not anyone?

In the end, courtesy and cultural, friendly treatment in the family is the key to stable and lasting family relationships that require mutual respect, everyone's right to personal space, tolerance for other people's habits and views. And what, if not this, allows you to keep warm feelings without slipping into skandaps and showdowns?

In addition, observing the well-known rules of family etiquette is not at all such a difficult matter that requires unimaginable efforts. On the contrary, it is a habit to behave equally well-mannered at work, in public places, and at home. And yet, do not forget that our children learn everything from us, and if they receive visual lessons of lack of culture from childhood, it will be difficult to expect that someday they will finally understand that a culture of behavior is not only a manifestation of respect for others but also to himself.

Once upon a time, the husband was considered the head of the house, and the wife was the soul of the family hearth. At the same time, the rules of family etiquette were unshakable and strictly observed. And now many families have wonderful traditions, a respectful attitude towards each other is preserved, and this applies to everyone - older family members and children too.

What is the essence of family etiquette? He, like etiquette, in general, calls, first of all, to respect the habits and tastes of both your half and the people around you. It is not customary in the family to stick out one's "I", to demand special attention and show disrespect towards their loved ones. Even if you do not have a cloudless relationship with your mother-in-law (or mother-in-law), your attitude towards them should be correct.

It is not necessary in the presence of children to discuss and, moreover, to condemn, their friends and acquaintances. It is clear that a husband and wife can have serious problems, but such conversations should be held privately, in private. Children are not yet able to understand all the complexities of human relationships, and it will not be clear to them why parents say unpleasant things about those people with whom they communicate. Moreover, small children can easily voice what they heard, just in front of those they are talking about.

Etiquette in general, and family etiquette in particular, requires the secrecy of correspondence. This applies not only to spouses - parents also should not read children's letters without their consent. If the letter is received from relatives or from mutual acquaintances, then it is necessary to inform all family members about this.

You can not allow yourself to rummage through the pockets, purse, briefcase of your loved ones. The same applies to personal records - diaries, notebooks, etc. It is unacceptable to justify such interference in the personal affairs of any family member, whether an adult or a child, and it is impossible to justify it with the best intentions, for example, to control or save from a rash step.

It is especially important to respect the personality of the child. If he sees or learns that you are rummaging through his computer, diary, knapsack, this will almost certainly arouse his indignation and ruin your relationship. Moreover, in such cases, it is very difficult to regain the trust and respect of children. They will become secretive, they may begin to lie, and now you will definitely not be able to save him or help him if necessary.

It is customary to knock on the closed door of the room, if someone is there, before entering. A closed door suggests that a person has retired to be alone, or to do something that is not customary to do in public, for example, change clothes, etc. You need to knock and want to go into the children's room.

Many families share family meals. And, of course, at the table, it is also worth remembering about etiquette. By the way, the more beautiful and neater the table is set, the easier it is to follow the rules of etiquette. Therefore, if you want your lunch, breakfast or dinner to be pleasant, take care to set the table as it should be. And you need to do this always, and not just for guests. And family members should not forget to say "thank you" after the meal. By the way, if you need to get up from the table before others, then the etiquette is to ask permission.

The epigraph of the meeting will be the words of V.A. Sukhomlinsky“Loving your children, teach them to love you, don’t teach them - you will cry in old age - this, in my opinion, is one of the wisest truths of motherhood and fatherhood.”
- Dear parents, when I was preparing for today's meeting, I remembered the parable of the Traveler of Eternity. I want to tell you.
People lived an unreasonable life, and approached the abyss. Further - death! - How can we be, who will save us? people got worried. Let's go to the sage. - With the rising of the Morning Star, the Traveler of Eternity will come. He will save you! the sage said to them. People stood all night by the road and waited for the rising of the Morning Star; it was necessary to meet the Traveler of Eternity. - Not him... And this one is not him... And that one is not him... - people said, seeing the early hurrying. One was not dressed in white clothes - that means it was not him. The second did not have a long snow-white beard - not him either. The third did not hold a staff in his hands and did not look tired - that means that he was not he either. But then the Morning Star rose. People stared at the road - where is the Wayfarer? But people didn’t see the Traveler of Eternity on the road. They came to the sage with a complaint: - Where is the promised Traveler of Eternity? (- Did you, dear parents, guess who he was?) - Did you hear the cry of the child? - asked the wise man - But this is the cry of a newborn! - people answered. - He is the Traveler of Eternity! He is your savior! So people saw the child - their hope. Conversation with parents - The child - this is the Traveler of Eternity! It is on him that the salvation of the human race depends. And why? - After all, it is he who will live in the future. - The soul of a child is a full cup (on the board there is a cup cut out of a piece of drawing paper).

Health-saving lesson structure.

1. Valeological space

- Sanitary condition of the office: illumination, timely switching on of artificial lighting, air temperature, air freshness, cleanliness of the floor and furniture.- The condition of the furniture: correct placement, functionality, matching the furniture to the growth of students.- Object-spatial environment: cabinet design (number of stands, amount of information, changeability of information, visual and illustrative materials in cabinets).- Landscaping of the office.- Other design techniques (wallpaper, paintings, etc.)- Quality and aesthetic design visual aids, didactic material.- Color range: match the color range of furniture, wall, floor, curtain color.- Availability and placement of TCO.

2. Teacher and student as the main objects of valeological observation.

Valeological "portrait" of the teacher:

- Appearance teachers.- The psychological attitude of the teacher to the lesson.- The psycho-emotional state of the teacher.- Correct and professional construction and construction of speech, lack of sarcasm, ridicule, reproaches, intonation.- Gesticulation. - Orientation of the gaze.- Confidence in their actions, the ability to manage the class.- Tact, kindness.- Starting the lesson with a psychological attitude (attracting attention and providing the necessary motivation).- Neat and razbogood writing on the board, the rationality of using the blackboard.

Valeological "portrait" of the student:

- The appearance of the student (neat appearance of clothes and shoes, haircut, clean hands).- Compliance with the rule of wearing second shoes.- The psycho-emotional state of the student.- The place of the student in accordance with the psycho-physiological characteristics.- Student activity in the classroom.- Control and correction of students' activities.- Supervision of the teacher for the well-being of students:- Evaluation of the student's actions is separated from the teacher's personal attitude towards him.- The teacher avoids direct instructions and correction of students' actions.- Pupils are encouraged to self-assessment and self-correction, as well as to evaluate and correct each other's activities. Creating a productive atmosphere in the classroom:- The use of interesting, unusual aspects of the topic, paradoxes, humor in examples related to practical life and everyday life, with the daily routine of students.- Problematic and creative tasks in the lesson.- Using the life experience of students in the lesson.- Encouragement of specific students for specific work.- The teacher supports and approves the students.- Application of active teaching methods (discussions, role-playing games, dialogue).- The use of special methods of organizing the work of active (passive) students.- Timely, adequate and balanced response to violations of discipline in the classroom.- The use of elements of additional impact: musical arrangement, color therapy, aqua therapy, wood therapy, aromatherapy, etc.- Valeological components of the lesson, elements of the lesson on the formation of a positive attitude to life, understanding one's own "I", the formation of knowledge and skills of interaction with the conditions environment, hygiene skills, management skills healthy lifestyle life (valeological education).- Correspondence of the applied methodological techniques and valeological technologies to the individual age-related psychophysiological characteristics of the student.

Ways to prevent fatigue in the classroom:

- Setting a lesson in the schedule, taking into account valeological requirements.- The optimal duration of the lesson.- The physiology of the lesson: working out, taking into account the scale of the distribution of students' attention during the lesson (using data from physiology and hygiene) for optimal performance.- Training of analyzers at the lesson.- Physical education minutes, valeological warm-ups at the lesson.- Accounting for sanitary and hygienic requirements for the use of TSS and computer technology.- Optimal compliance of the volume of educational material with the cognitive abilities of students.
Test for parents "Me and my child"
The role of parents in raising a child is irreplaceable. They are the main "designers", "constructors" of the child's personality. The test will complement your idea of ​​yourself as a parent, help you draw certain conclusions about the problems of raising children. Questions Answers
Can you Can and always do Can, but not always do I can’t
1. At any time, leave all your affairs and take care of the child? ABC
2. To consult with the child, regardless of his age?
3. Confess to the mistake made against him? ABC
4. Apologize to the child if you are wrong? ABC
5. Maintain composure, even if the child's act pissed you off?
6. Put yourself in the shoes of a child?
7. Believe for at least a minute that you are a good fairy (prince handsome)?
:eight. Tell your child an instructive incident from childhood that makes you look bad?
9. Always refrain from using words and expressions that can hurt the child?
10. Promise a child to grant his wish for good behavior?
11. Give a child one day when he can do what he wants and behave as he wants, and not interfere in anything?
12. Do not react if your child hit, roughly pushed, or just undeservedly offended another child?
13. Resist children's requests and tears, if you are sure that this is a whim, a fleeting whim?

Key to the test Answer "A" is worth 3 points, answer "B" - 2 points, answer "C" - 1 point. If you scored from 30 to 39 points, then the child is the greatest value in your life. You strive not only to understand, but also to know him, treat him with respect, adhere to progressive principles of education and a constant line of behavior. In other words, you are doing the right thing and can hope for good results. Sum from 16 to 30 points: taking care of your child is of paramount importance to you. You have the abilities of an educator, but in practice you do not always apply them consistently and purposefully. Sometimes you are too strict, at other times you are too soft; moreover, you are prone to compromises that weaken the educational effect. You should seriously think about your approach to raising a child. A score of less than 16 indicates that you have serious problems with raising a child. You lack either the knowledge or the desire to achieve this, or perhaps both. We advise you to turn to the help of specialists - teachers and psychologists, to get acquainted with publications on issues.

The theme of the class hour: "Safety of summer holidays"


Formation of skills of safe behavior of schoolchildren during the summer holidays.


- to update the need to comply with the rules of safe behavior on the streets and roads, in the forest and on the water;
– to promote the formation of knowledge and skills to protect life and health in dangerous situations.

Equipment: plates - names of groups; Proverbs and sayings; test; exhibition of drawings; blank cards for reflection; presentation.

Event progress:

  1. Class organization.

So, friends, pay attention -

After all, the bell rang.

Sit back -

Let's start the lesson soon!

  1. Knowledge update.

It's time for the summer holidays, when you guys spend most of your time outside with your peers. How to make summer holidays, this happiest time in the life of every student, truly safe?

  1. Formulation of the problem.

This is our class hour today, which I suggest you spend in the form of an oral journal.

  1. Discovery of new knowledge.

Group work.

Students are divided into groups of 4-5 people. Each group gets their own "page" of the oral journal:

Fire safety;

Watch out, mites!

Water safety;

Traffic Laws;

Electrical safety;

Personal safety.

Operating procedure:

Discuss what is known about the topic.

Prepare pages in any of the proposed forms:
- interview;
- dialogue with the victim;
- a series of drawings;


Compilation of a memo;


Use the drawings you have drawn for class.

5. Physical minutes.

Let's play the game "Traffic light" and have a rest. If I show a red circle, you stand silently. If the circle is yellow, clap your hands. And if it's green, we march in place.

  1. Group performances.
  1. Consolidation.

Work with proverbs.

Each group has a proverb, the words of which are all separate. Task: to make a proverb out of words and explain its meaning.

Water puts out the fire, and the mind - will prevent.

Fire is born from a spark.

Look at both, but do not break your forehead.

Cautious walks quietly, but overtakes others.

If you do not recognize the ford, do not poke your head into the water.

Beware of troubles while they are not!

Execution of test tasks.

Can you swim alone?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes, if there are no friends around

Is it allowed to dive and jump into the water in unfamiliar places, swim behind the buoys, swim out into the ship's passage and approach ships, arrange games in the water, swim far away on air mattresses?

A. Yes

B. Yes, if parents are nearby

B. Yes, if you can swim well

G. It is impossible in any case. This is dangerous.

Which lane should a cyclist use on a public road?

A. On the right, as far to the right as possible

B. For any.

B. On the left.

What sign should a cyclist give before stopping (braking)?

A. Raise your left hand up.

B. Raise your right hand up.

B. Raise up your right or left hand.

Is a cyclist allowed to make a left turn or U-turn on a multi-lane road?

A. No

B. Yes

B. Yes, if there are no cars

What should be the depth of the reservoir for people who cannot swim?

A. Not more than 3 meters

B. Not more than 2 meters

B. Not more than 1 meter

Before entering the water, you must

A. Lie in the sun

B. Have a hearty meal

C. Cool down by resting in the shade

Is it possible to swim in places with a fast current?

A. You can, if there are adults nearby

B. No.

B. Can

It is desirable that the water temperature for bathers be at least

A.15 degrees

B. 16 degrees

B.14 degrees

D.18 degrees

Where in the city is it allowed to roller skate, play ball and other outdoor games?

A. On designated areas

B. Where there are no cars

B. On sidewalks

Smoking is a major problem. Does smoking contribute to the occurrence of cancer (oncological) diseases)?

A. No

B. Very rarely

B. Yes, this is caused by carcinogenic resins found in tobacco,

According to statistics, out of 10 teenagers who drink alcohol do not become alcoholics in the future.

A. 5 people

B. 8 people

B. 2 persons

Thunderstorms are common in summer. What is the biggest hazard in a thunderstorm?

A. Wind

B. Lightning

In the rain

At what age is a cyclist allowed to ride on public roads?

A. From the age of 12

B. From the age of 13

B. From the age of 14, but it is better to abstain until the age of majority

How to behave if there is a crowd of aggressively behaving people at the entrance of your house?

A. Pass by without paying attention

B. Approach the crowd and find out what's wrong

B. Call your parents

Do you agree that during a thunderstorm it is impossible to sit with a railway track, in the reservoir itself and next to it, near trees, lean against rocks, use an umbrella with a metal tip, use a mobile phone?

A. Yes, I agree. Absolutely impossible. This is dangerous. Lightning strike can be fatal

B. It's not dangerous

Q. A thunderstorm can only scare.

Where should I expect public transport?

A. On the sidewalk

B. At a bus stop or sidewalk

B. On the road

Can I get into a car with strangers?

B. You can, but not for long

B. Yes, if there is only one person in the car

After returning from a walk, you opened the door of your apartment and found a lot of smoke. What are your next steps?

BUT. I will enter the apartment and look for the source of smoke
B. I will close the door tightly, go down the stairs to the street, call the firemen, call my parents
AT. Open all windows to ventilate the apartment

In the event of a fire, you need to leave the apartment located on the 10th floor. Your actions:

BUT. Covering up respiratory organs hand, go out the stairs through the entrance
B. I'll go down the outer fire escapes
AT. I'll quickly go down the elevator




Checking independent work. Discussing mistakes made and correcting them.

View presentation.

  1. Reflection.

Answer the questionHow do I follow the rules safety precautions?», drawing a smiley.

Counting opinions.

  1. Lesson results.

- It turns out that we do not all behave perfectly, we do not always follow the elementary safety rules.

I think that our event today helped you appreciate the importance of following these rules, because sometimes our health and even life depend on it. Remember: your life and health is in your hands!


  1. Ambartsumyan V. Personal security // OBZH, 2008, No. 1.

Life safety / Ed. E.A. Arustamov. – M.: Unity, 2006.

  1. Volkov V. How to avoid trouble. – M.: Vita-press, 2007.
  2. Lavlinskova E.Yu. We study the rules of the road. – M.: Uchitel, 2008.

Guys, do you know what the word "hello" means?

I say hello to you, which means that I wish you all good health.

In greeting people, there is a wish for each other's health, probably because health is the most important value for a person. Today we have a class hour dedicated to human health.

For you to be beautiful

To not be whiny,

So that in the hands of any business

Argued amicably, burned,

To sing songs louder

Live to be more interesting

You need to be strong and healthy.

These truths are not new.

Guys, a healthy person. What is he?

Every person should take care of their health. After all, no one will take care of you better than yourself.

Choose words to describe healthy person.

handsome, ruddy, round-shouldered, slender, strong, fat, dexterous, strong, pale, clumsy

How can these qualities be achieved?

Of course! All right! How can you do everything in 1 day?

Right! Today we will make the correct daily routine. To do this, I will first tell you about the basic rules for compiling a daily regimen.

The correct daily regimen is the correct organization and the most appropriate distribution of the time of sleep, nutrition, work, rest, personal hygiene, etc. Most people in everyday life

life develops a more or less constant daily routine. Approximately at the same hours they work, rest, eat. The daily routine is the basis of normal human life, as scientists say.

This takes into account another very important circumstance. All living nature has a sense of time, which is associated with biological rhythms. What are biological rhythms?

Biological rhythms are a state of the body that repeats after a while, for example, the heart beats rhythmically, after rest the body requires rest. Our working capacity is connected with biological rhythms. Some people work better and harder in the morning. What are they called?

And those who work better in the evening and at night?

And those who can work equally day and night?

it is known that during the day there are changes in working capacity with two “peaks” of its increase - from 8 to 13 and from 16 to 19 hours.

That is why it is necessary to organize your daily routine in such a way that the main load is during these hours.

What do you think is the best thing to do during these hours?

That's right, from 8 to 13 hours it is best to study at school, and from 16 to 19 hours - to do homework.

But let's look at your daily routine in parts, from the morning rise to the evening sleep. The day should be distributed as follows: 7-8 hours of work, 9-10 hours of sleep, 6-7 hours of rest, but always active.

Let's make a daily routine for you according to our scheme.

On the board is a drawing of a clock face and the inscriptions: sleep, wake up, school, breakfast, exercise, walk, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, homework, free time ...).

That's what good fellows we are! And now let's all get up and show together how our morning goes!

We can on the crib - (stood up, hands on the belt)

Smooth out the sheet smoothly. - (hand movements left - right)

And at the crumpled pillow

Push the ears in with a fist. - (fist movements)

We are early this morning

Washed from the tap, - (showing movements when washing)

And now it's all right

We do exercises together. - (walk in place)

Stand still, hands down, - (legs together, arms along the body)

Get low, don't be lazy! - (forward bends)

Who is boldly friends with charging, - (squats)

He will drive away laziness in the morning. - (jumping in place)

Will be strong and skillful (we walk in place)

And fun all day long. (clap hands)

Well done! Now we already know about the daily routine. But I have 4 guys I know. Let's read about them and tell us what their problem is!

Situation 1

Serezha loves to read books and play on the computer. Coming home from school, having lunch, he goes to a friend. They exchange books or tapes, go out for a bit, and then go home to do their homework. After that, Serezha does his favorite thing: reading books or playing on the computer until late, sometimes until 12 am. It is not easy for him to get up in the morning, but after doing morning exercises, he feels better. At school, already in the second lesson, he feels tired.

Why? What advice would you give Serezha?

Situation 2

Sveta is a cheerful, sociable girl. After school, she likes to chat with her friends, take a walk down the street, never rushes home. Returning late, she remembers that she must fulfill her mother's orders. Performing them, he is often distracted by calls from friends, talks with them for a long time. He sits down to do his homework at different times, sometimes at 5 pm, sometimes at 7 pm. Sveta began to notice that school performance has become worse, a bad mood appears more often, she gets tired.

Why? What advice would you give Light?

Situation 3

Denis prefers to sleep longer, does not have time to have breakfast before school. In the school cafeteria, he hastily eats a bun, washing it down with tea. Plays with the guys. After school, without going home, he walks on the street for a long time. When he returns, he again hastily eats sandwiches, because he does not want to spend time warming up food, as cartoons will soon begin on TV. Then you have to sit down to do your homework. By evening, he feels that his head hurts.

Why? What advice would you give Denis?

Situation 4

Lily does not like to walk on the street, she prefers to relax in her room, doing what she loves. He never opens the window in the room, he is afraid of getting sick. By evening she feels tired and often has a headache.

Why? What advice would you give Leela?

Did the guys Seryozha, Sveta, Denis and Lily observe the daily routine?

How did the guys feel?

Has the performance of the children changed?

Do I need to follow the daily routine?

Guys, what do you think, why did we talk about the daily routine today at the classroom hour?

I think that all of you were convinced of the need to observe the daily routine, learned how to allocate time for work and rest, learned how to behave in relation to your health.

I wish you guys always be healthy,

But it is impossible to achieve results without difficulty.

Try not to be lazy - every day before meals,

Before you sit down at the table, wash your hands with water.

And exercise every day in the morning.

And, of course, temper yourself - it will help you so much!

Breathe fresh air whenever possible.

Go for walks in the forest, it will give you strength, friends!

Follow all the advice, and it will be easy for you to live.