"Fenibut" for children: reviews of parents and doctors. "Phenibut" for a child: when it is needed, and whether to be afraid of the word "nootropic" Is phenibut dangerous for children

Tablets trademark Phenibut is prescribed for children with mild and severe pathologies of the nervous system, as well as for the prevention of possible nervous breakdowns in tense life situations. The drug is represented by a moderately nootropic tranquilizing effect, stimulates brain activity and helps to overcome such phenomena as unreasonable fears or phobias, insomnia, depression.

Prescribing the drug

"Fenibut" for children, according to reviews, is prescribed as the main remedy for any mental and emotional disorders of the child or when observing an inadequate reaction of a small patient to stimuli. The drug will be indispensable for the student during the period of preparation for exams or on the eve of important events in life, when the child is required to remain calm and clear of thought. For children 3 years old, "Fenibut", according to parents, is well suited at the stage of adaptation to kindergarten or, if necessary, to stay in an unfamiliar environment for a long time - for example, while traveling.

The main list of indications for the use of the drug, according to reviews and instructions for the use of Phenibut for children, includes:

  • anxiety, feeling of fear;
  • stuttering and logoneuroses;
  • insomnia, disturbing sleep;
  • uncontrollable mood swings;
  • mental retardation;
  • convulsive events.

Judging by the reviews of parents, Phenibut for children is often prescribed by the pediatrician himself, bypassing the consultation of a neurologist. A children's doctor has the right to recommend a drug and prescribe a treatment regimen if the parents' complaints are based on frequent crying or whims of the child without any serious complications or consequences.

The composition of the medicine

The drug is available in the form of tablets of 0.25 g, white or slightly yellowish in color, without a glazed coating and without noticeable inclusions. There is a line on one of the flat sides of each tablet. The drug does not have a pronounced odor, has a neutral taste and is easy to swallow.

The composition of the drug includes:

  • gamma-amino-beta-phenylbutyric acid hydrochloride (basic active substance Phenybutum);
  • food starch;
  • calcium stearic;
  • lactose.

Aminophenylbutyric acid has another name - "anvifen". According to the structural composition, anvifen is related to gamma-aminobutyric acid, but differs in the presence of chemical formula substances of the phenyl group. Used regularly as part of any drug, anvifen has an effect on ionotropic receptors, stimulating a person's motivational thinking, increasing vitality, learning abilities and improving all types of memory.

For reference, the whole range of positive properties of the substance was tested under the most difficult conditions - to suppress emotional stress in astronauts who returned from a flight. It was after successful studies of this level that aminophenylbutyric acid became widespread in therapeutic practice.

In addition to tablets, powders of the same name are also produced, but it is difficult to find them on sale, and there is no particular need for this, because a traditional tablet is easily crushed to the desired grain size. It is only necessary to take into account that the content of aminophenylbutyric acid in the powder is somewhat higher than in tablets, and this form of release, according to the Phenibut instructions for children and reviews, is not prescribed for children under eight years of age.

Product effectiveness

The effect of the drug immediately affects the work chemical elements, affecting the transportation of an electrical impulse from the point of its formation - nerve cell through the space of the synapse or to the muscle tissue from neuronal formations. Through this transmission, the nervous system is constantly and evenly stimulated, providing the patient with quick thinking functions, good reaction, sharpened attention and the ability to focus on specific objects and actions.

Returning to parental reviews of Phenibut for children, we can say that they note the following improvements that occurred in connection with taking the drug:

  • the child is less distracted, able to pay attention to one subject or activity longer;
  • the quality of sleep improves;
  • the possibilities and speed of memorizing texts, visual images, voiced information are increased;
  • the feeling of fear is dulled and it is replaced by curiosity, curiosity;
  • less likely to experience motion sickness in transport;
  • cases of enuresis or involuntary defecation almost disappear.

The reviews left by parents after the use of Phenibut by children of school age are interesting. According to some respondents, they fully attribute successfully written control tests or passing difficult entrance exams to the effectiveness of the domestic means.


Despite the fact that Phenibut is not officially approved for use by children under 3 years of age, there are medical amendments about some cases when the drug was intended for children 2 years of age. Reviews about Phenibut in these situations turned out to be positive, with the exception of rare complaints, which will be considered later. Relative contraindications include recurrent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

"Fenibut" is not prescribed if a small patient has:

  • allergy to the components of the drug;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • serious diseases of the liver and kidneys.

The effect of the drug on nervous system baby when transferring the active substance to him along with mother's milk, it has not yet been studied, as well as the effect of the drug on the neural tube of the fetus during pregnancy. For this reason, Phenibut is not prescribed for pregnant and lactating women.

Side effects

Based a large number optimistic reviews, Phenibut is well tolerated by children, although there are exceptions when, instead of the expected effect, an exacerbation of the disease occurs or symptoms develop that are similar to the manifestation of toxic poisoning. Such signs, after which the drug should be stopped immediately, are called:

  • severe headaches;
  • vomit;
  • weakness or increased excitability;
  • disorientation.

On the part of the nervous system, side effects are expressed in the form of long sleep and general lethargy, the child's complaints of dizziness, decreased motor functions, apathy. In the event of an allergy, a rash, scratching on the body, pink or red spots that disappear after taking antihistamines may appear.

It is not the drug itself that can cause an adverse reaction, but its inept use - a systematic excess of dosages or a single dose of a large amount of a drug designed to be crushed by time of day.

Instructions for use for children

Below are the standard treatment regimens for Phenibut for specific diagnoses, however, they are almost always amenable to adjustment for individual prescriptions, taking into account the child's susceptibility to the active substance, the degree of complexity of the pathology and the goals set. It should be understood that the volume of the drug prescribed for prophylactic purposes will be significantly lower than in the treatment of an existing disease.

Instructions for the use of "Phenibut" for children, according to experts, with a focus on age categories, is as follows:

  • children under 2 years old - the dosage is prescribed on an individual basis, but not more than 1/5 tablet at a time;
  • from 2 to 8 years - 0.5 tablets 3 times / day;
  • from 8 to 14 years - 1 tablet 3 times / day;
  • after 14 years - from 1 tablet 3 times / day.

Dosage of the drug according to the nature of the disease:

  • frequent dizziness, Meniere's disease, dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus of infectious origin - 0.75 g three times a day, with a dose reduction during the course to 0.25 g per day;
  • VSD, disorientation and dizziness associated with vascular disorders or injuries - 0.25 g three times a day;
  • withdrawal syndrome - 0.25 - 0.5 g three times a day with a gradual dose reduction.

The drug is taken regardless of meals. Tablets can be chewed or swallowed whole with water or weak unsweetened tea. As a rule, the course of treatment does not exceed 21 days, but if necessary, therapeutic tactics allow the use of the drug for up to 90 days with periodic monitoring of the state of the liver. If it is necessary to conduct repeated courses, a break of 3 weeks is observed between doses.

Additional information about the drug

The duration of the use of the drug over a 3-month period reduces the effectiveness of the drug, as the child's body adapts to active substance and ceases to produce a reaction adequate to the effectiveness of the drug. It is impossible to abruptly stop giving the remedy, if there are no medical indications for this - the instructions for Phenibut for children and the reviews of parents who have gone through an abrupt withdrawal of the drug indicate a deterioration in the condition of the child who suddenly stopped receiving the usual remedy. Against the background of such an incorrect completion of the course, the behavior of a small patient often becomes uncontrollable: nervousness, tearfulness, and excitability increase.

According to reviews, "Fenibut" for children taking psychotropic drugs is prescribed with caution and gradual introduction into the main treatment regimen. Also, a situation in which the drug is taken together with drugs that have the properties of a toxicological effect on the child's body will require enhanced monitoring of the child's condition.

You can not combine Phenibut with sleeping pills (Dormikind, Edas 306), neuroleptics (Aminazin, Reserpine, Chlorprothixen), tranquilizers (Phenazepam, Elenium, Sibazon), anticonvulsants ("Phenobarbital", "Geksenal", "Droperidol").

Recently, the drug has become difficult to purchase without a prescription from a doctor, but such an opportunity is still available when buying in some pharmacies or through Internet portals. According to reviews, the price of Phenibut for children varies from 70 to 400 rubles, depending on the number of tablets in the package.

Is Phenibut addictive?

Returning to the possibilities adverse reactions the body of a child during the course of treatment of a nervous condition, we will give an example of typical complaints addressed in the form of reviews about Phenibut for children. Describing the process of therapy and the child's perception of the controversial drug, parents admit that during the period of treatment the condition of the kids improves markedly - sleep time increases, perseverance increases, shifts appear in the improvement of colloquial speech. However, after three weeks, when the prescribed course comes to an end, and the child does not receive the usual portion of the drug, some children suddenly begin to tantrum, periods of sleep and wakefulness are mixed, appetite worsens.

The well-known pediatrician Dr. Komarovsky was offered to comment on the situation. The review of "Fenibut" for children of a similar plan, thus, has become an illustrative example of how the drug should not be canceled in any case.

That's how lit this question media doctor. The fact is that in the body of any person a natural stimulus is continuously synthesized that stimulates the nervous system - phenylethylamine. The sedative effect of Phenibut suppresses the activity of this natural substance, and outwardly this manifests itself in the form of an improvement in the behavior, attention and sleep of the child. But during the period of drug withdrawal, when the “awakened” phenylethylamine again gets an effect on the nervous system, the child’s body, already accustomed to its low concentration, can react very violently. In this regard, the abolition of the remedy should occur very gradually, and best of all - with a smooth replacement of Phenibut with herbal remedies or herbal infusions with a calming effect. The lower the dosage of aminophenylbutyric acid becomes, the more often mild substitutes should be given.


According to neurologists, there are still no complete analogues of the drug for children "Fenibut", neither in Russia nor from foreign manufacturers. The following list uses the names and characteristics of drugs that have similar pharmacological properties:

  • "Noofen". Aminophenylbutyric acid acts as the main active ingredient, which makes it possible to attribute Noofen to drugs of general sedative, tranquilizing and stimulating brain activity. The remedy is prescribed for sleep disorders, an increased state of unreasonable anxiety, to suppress irritability and aggression. The drug does not impair the quality of the child's learning, his reaction and memory.
  • "Diazepam". The drug with the same active ingredient has an anticonvulsant, relaxation and sedative effect. It is prescribed for convulsive muscle tension, phobias, anxiety, excessive emotional dependence on external factors. The drug is not dispensed without a doctor's prescription.
  • "Anvifen" current composition the drug is represented by aminophenylbutyric acid, magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide, enclosed in the form of a powder mixture in soluble capsules. Anvifen is prescribed to stimulate the brain and with reduced access of oxygen and nutrients to the nerve endings of the GM. For children, the drug is used in case of delayed speech or mental development, with increased psycho-emotional reactions.
  • "Tofisopam". It has the main active element of the same name (Tofisopam), due to the action of which the manifestations of psychopathy are reduced, depressive disorders feelings of anxiety and increased excitability.

If the doctor prescribes one of the above remedies, it is impossible to replace it with Phenibut, guided only by the highly positive characteristics of the drug.

Phenibut is classified as a nootropic drug that stimulates brain functionality, improves general state psyche. The drug has a mild anxiolytic effect, it eliminates fear and anxiety, asthenia, and restores sleep. Parents are concerned about the age at which the medicine is allowed to be used, what effect it has on the child.




Release form

The drug is produced by several Russian, Latvian and Belarusian pharmaceutical companies only in the form of tablets. They are small in diameter, round, having a white or yellowish color. On the front side there is a risk that allows you to divide the tablet in half. The medicine is sold in blisters containing 10 tablets. Medication packages have several such plates.


The active ingredient in phenibut, which provides therapeutic effect, is called aminophenylbutyric acid. This substance is contained in tablets in the form of hydrochloride, and the dosage of acid is 250 mg each (half contains only 125 mg). Additional components vary from manufacturer. They are represented by milk sugar, calcium stearate, potato starch, microcrystalline cellulose, and other components.

Operating principle

The therapeutic mechanism of action of the drug is based on the following properties:

  • relaxation of the vascular walls;
  • elimination of nervous excitement in a child;
  • acceleration of therapy for stuttering, speech disorders, general development;
  • increased mental functionality;
  • anticonvulsant effect;
  • beneficial effects on brain function;
  • normalization of attention and development of memory;
  • improvement of cerebral blood supply;
  • no negative impact of stress on the child's body;
  • calming effect;
  • elimination of insomnia, restoration of natural night sleep.


Regarding the drug phenibut, instructions for use for children note a wide range of uses:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • stuttering
  • chronic fatigue;
  • anxiety and obsessive states;
  • neuroses;
  • feeling of fear;
  • psychopathy;
  • nervous tics;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • convulsions;
  • tendency to motion sickness in transport;
  • disorders of urination, sleep;
  • dizziness.

The pediatrician recommends phenibut to the child when an anxious situation develops around him, there are prerequisites for stress. The drug facilitates the expectation of the planned operation, it softens the adaptation period at the time of the parents' divorce, before entering school or kindergarten.

At what age is it allowed to take?

The Phenibut medicine has instructions for children that such a drug is not recommended for the treatment of babies under the age of three. Some manufacturers note contraindications in the annotation until the child reaches 8 years of age, since that is when the dosage is already allowed in the amount of a whole tablet.

In practice, pediatric neuropathologists prescribe this medication to younger children, although this rarely happens before the age of two. Doctors try to prevent the harmful effects of the drug on the still immature infant nervous system.


Contraindications to the use of this medication include:

  • ulcerative pathology of the digestive tract;
  • kidney or liver dysfunction;
  • children under 2 years of age;
  • individual intolerance to any ingredient of the drug.

During drug therapy, such undesirable side effects sometimes appear, which increase with an overdose:

  • headache;
  • drowsiness or insomnia;
  • nausea or vomiting;
  • irritability;
  • appearance allergic rash along with itching of the epidermis.

Side effects

When there are contraindications, the use of the drug provokes the development side effects:

  • headache in the very first days of taking the medication;
  • drowsiness;
  • nausea accompanied by vomiting attacks;
  • increased nervousness;
  • anxiety;
  • emotional arousal;
  • the appearance of a skin rash, accompanied by severe itching.

As soon as the described signs appear, immediately stop taking the medicine and immediately visit a pediatrician.


Regarding the drug Phenibut, the dosage for children provides for such recommendations.

Important! The doses shown are for guidance only! Only a pediatrician has the right to prescribe a drug treatment regimen.

The instruction prohibits the use of tablets for children more than such values, at the appropriate age of the child:

  • 2-8 years - three times a day, 50-100 mg;
  • 9-14 years - three times a day, 250 mg;
  • after 15 years - three times a day, 250-500 mg.

The doctor prescribes the exact dosage. Although it will differ from the scheme described above, the daily intake cannot exceed the following indicators:

  • up to 8 years - 150 mg;
  • up to 14 years - 300 mg;
  • from 15 years old - 750 mg.

Cases are described effective use medicines for infants in a small dose.


Due to the excess dosage, negative consequences are possible:

  • fatty hepatosis;
  • nausea;
  • lethargy;
  • vomiting attacks.

There is a high probability of kidney dysfunction, hypotension, increased presence of eosinophils in the blood. To stop the signs of an overdose, the pediatrician prescribes a gastric lavage, and then the intake of enterosorbents. Symptomatic treatment is performed to restore the activity of important organs.

Interaction with other drugs

Phenibut is able to enhance the effect of sleeping pills, epilepsy drugs, antipsychotics and narcotic analgesics. When the drug is used with such drugs, it is necessary to reduce their dosage. It is required to simultaneously control the child's condition when the child, in addition to Phenibut, is prescribed medications that can adversely affect the liver and circulatory system.

special instructions

The drug is allowed to be used without being tied to meals. The tablet is placed in the mouth, then it must be chewed with water. It is recommended to grind it into powder, add it to any drink, and then give it to the baby to drink.

When a child does not want to drink the medicine on his own, it is recommended to add it to foods or drinks. It is undesirable to just mix the drug with too large portions, since children often do not eat everything from the plate. The therapy lasts a month and a half. If further treatment is necessary, a three-week break should be taken.

The medicine helps to fight motion sickness in a child in transport, as it blocks vomiting receptors. An hour before the trip, it is recommended to drink a tablet of the drug, although you can take it while driving.

Long-term use of the drug provokes the risk of reducing its effectiveness due to addiction. It is impossible to stop taking it abruptly. Doses should be reduced gradually so as not to cause sudden irritability.

In list special instructions the following recommendations should be listed:

  • it is forbidden to take phenibut simultaneously with tranquilizers;
  • it is allowed to combine the medicine with psychotropic drugs, but only a qualified pediatrician must draw up a treatment course;
  • concentration active components medicines in the form of powder exceeds similar values ​​​​when taking tablets;
  • it is strictly forbidden to take the medication and hypnotics, neuroleptics or anticonvulsants at the same time;
  • if necessary, perform long-term therapy, it is recommended to carry out regular examination liver conditions;
  • it is necessary to use the medicine with caution if it is necessary to combine it simultaneously with medicines that have a toxic effect.

Terms of sale

To purchase phenibut in a pharmacy, you must first visit a polyclinic with your child, since this medicine is sold only by prescription. The cost of the drug depends on the number of blisters in the package, as well as the manufacturer. 20 domestically produced tablets cost 100-120 rubles, but the Latvian medicine will cost more - about 400 rubles.

Storage conditions

Store the tablets at home in a dry place so that the medicine is not affected. fever. The place of detention should be hidden from access by small children. Suitable tablets remain 3 years after release, the date of which is indicated on the blister and on the package.

In pediatrics, Phenibut is prescribed for children different ages. The reasons for the appointment are neurological and psychiatric. There is always a lot of controversy around this drug. Some note a positive effect in it, others consider it unacceptable to prescribe the drug to children, especially in early age. How it actually works medicine, does it help with neurological and mental disorders in children, judging by the reviews of parents and doctors? This article is about reviews for this drug.

According to neurologists, the appointment of Phenibut to children increases their physical and mental performance, improves memory, helps to concentrate, and improves sensory motor skills. Some of the experts consider the age of two years to be the lower limit for prescribing the drug, others believe that the drug can be prescribed even to children. infancy. For example, Dr. Komarovsky fully approves the appointment of Phenibut for children and the parents' comments that this drug is only a tranquilizer, he considers not entirely justified.

Some pediatric neurologists in their reviews of Phenibut for a child do not recommend using it under the age of one year. They explain this by the fact that it can have an unforeseen effect on the infant.

Reviews for Phenibut for babies are directly opposite. Some note its positive effect, others point to the deterioration of the child's condition.

"Phenibut - good drug it just needs to be given correctly. Our neurologist said that it does not give any side effects if the dosage is correctly calculated and it is correctly canceled. So, after 21 days of treatment, my baby became calm, cheerful, sleeps well and plays for a long time.

For three days we canceled the medicine, taking it at a lower dosage. After that, signs of withdrawal were noticeable - the child was naughty. But two days later everything was back to normal. I advise the drug, but with a good doctor.


The negative aspects associated with the drug arise when it is canceled. After undergoing a course of treatment, the abolition of Phenibut, as reviews show, for children under one year old ends with the return of all the same problems. This happens, according to experts, due to the wrong process of drug withdrawal.

“If you have been prescribed this drug, then take imported Phenibut, very good Latvian, Russian production don't take it, it doesn't help. The doctor also prescribed us at 1.5 years only a very small dose, it helped us!


“Phenibut was prescribed to us by a neurologist in complex treatment for the consequences of a birth injury. After the first doses of the medicine, I immediately noticed an improvement in the child's condition.

He became calmer, fell asleep better and woke up in a good mood. But after the course of treatment, I did not reduce the dosage as the doctor advised me. And everything went down the drain. It's like they haven't been treated. They came again for an appointment, and I was told that the drug had to be taken in reduced doses during the week. So draw a conclusion to whom Phenibut is prescribed. He has a withdrawal syndrome, follow the recommendations of the attending physician.


Phenibut treatment for ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is associated with a malfunction of the child's central nervous system. He cannot concentrate his attention and hold it for a certain time. These problems occur in children in the preschool and primary school period, which leads to problems in their learning and memory development. Help for such babies is provided by pediatric neurologists, prescribing the appropriate complex treatment. In its composition, there is always Phenibut for children, reviews of parents to which are directly opposite.

More than half of the reviews on the drug are positive.

“My baby was prescribed a lot of medicines Cavinton, Sermion, Pantogam. And Phenibut too. He really helped us. But maybe it works individually: it helps someone, but not someone. We must remain optimistic and calm and not compare our results with the results of others ... "


« We took Phenibut with a diagnosis of hyperactivity. After the first week of taking, we saw good results. The child became less irritable, could do something for 10-15 minutes, which was simply unrealistic before.

Try to follow the dosage and recommendations of the instructions exactly while taking the medicine. It is especially important to complete the course correctly. It is necessary to reduce the dose and take another week at a reduced dose. This is what our doctor advised us to do.”


But there are also negative reviews. Parents indicate an exacerbation of neurological and mental disorders with the start of the drug.

“My child was prescribed Phenibut. After the first day of taking from an active five-year-old child, not sitting still for a minute, he turned into a constantly whiny and naughty on every occasion. Moreover, he became stubborn and not amenable to any persuasion. My family was on the verge of collapse due to constant arguments about the need for treatment for my son.

The husband insisted that the treatment should be stopped. But the doctor told me that you can’t stop taking Phenibut, you have to endure a few days and everything will be fine. We couldn't resist. The treatment was stopped. And, oh happiness! Our son is back to normal. So think about the consequences when you are being treated with Phenibut.


The earlier treatment with Phenibut for children is started, the more reviews on the positive effect of the drug, the faster the recovery of the central nervous system.

Children from 3 to 6 years of age are prescribed half a tablet 2 or 3 times a day. The maximum single dose is 1 tablet. The course of treatment is 1 month. With positive dynamics, the drug is gradually canceled and the child's behavior is monitored.

If necessary, the course of treatment is carried out several times a year. The earlier treatment with Phenibut for children is started, the more reviews on the positive effect of the drug, the faster the recovery of the central nervous system.

The use of the drug during the adaptation period

Children under the age of seven have to experience at least two adaptations: in kindergarten and at school. This is a rather difficult adaptation for almost all children to a new environment, the success of which depends on the psychophysiological characteristics of their body.

“We had to go to kindergarten. Why did you have to? Because my girl was at home with her grandmother until she was 3 years old. But the child needs to be prepared for school, so we decided that although it would be difficult for a child in kindergarten, we must try. The fact is that my girl is very mobile, not attentive, sometimes she has tantrums. I was advised to first go to a pediatric neurologist so that getting used to strangers would be painless.

And so we began to take Phenibut, prescribed by a doctor, first at home, when we had not yet gone to kindergarten. Then they accepted, getting used to the kindergarten. I was just all on my nerves, I was afraid that something bad would happen to the child. But, they got used to the kindergarten quite quickly and without the cost of tantrums and tears. I think the medicine helped. Although there were breakdowns at home after the garden, they could not be compared with what it was before.


Result combined application Phenibut with other drugs gives good results. This can be seen from the reviews of parents and doctors.

« My son had a very hard time adjusting to school. I don't know what happened to him. I counted the time when I would come for him. If he lingered a little, he began to cry. At home he flatly refused to go to class. I have already talked to the teacher and the school psychologist.

There seemed to be no reason for such behavior. I had to go to see a neurologist. He said that the nervous system is weak and cannot cope with the adaptation. He prescribed complex treatment, including Phenibut. They began to take it, but the improvement did not come immediately. Maybe he calmed down, began to get used to the new conditions, and the medicine helped. Now everything seems to be in order. Sometimes I get nervous when I pick up with a delay. So adapting to school is also a problem.”


Phenibut in adolescence

neurological and mental disorders in adolescence triggered by a hormonal surge in the body. This is manifested in frequent mood swings, depression, aggressiveness towards others. When parents turn to a neurologist or psychiatrist, children are prescribed complex treatment, of which Phenibut is an integral part. At this age, adolescents are prescribed the maximum allowable dose - one tablet twice a day.

Parents note that children who fully complied with the recommendations of doctors received the desired effect from treatment and nervous disorders weren't repeated again.

“My eldest son is constantly in a bad mood. He quarrels not only with us parents, but also with classmates and teachers. I'm just afraid that this behavior will end in a breakdown. We already had it. Then Phenibut helped. Probably need to start taking this drug again. ”


“My seventh grade daughter had to go to a neurologist. She lost sleep, had headaches, began to study worse, constant fatigue. At school, relations with girls escalated.

The doctor advised me to take Phenibut for the time being, warning that it should be taken strictly according to the scheme, without interruptions, for a course of 3 weeks. After 5-6 days, the daughter noted that she began to feel better, began to get enough sleep, does not see nightmares. More calm and balanced, she stopped responding to the attacks of her classmates. So everything seems to be going well at school.”


There are reviews that note that Phenibut does not have any effect on the child.

“The daughter was prescribed Phenibut. She has teenage problems: she cries a lot over trifles, her first unrequited love appeared. But the drug did not help, although they took it for a whole week. I had to go to a psychotherapist who prescribed his treatment.


Perhaps there was not enough time for the manifestation of the effect of the drug, because without waiting for quick results, the reception was simply stopped, which is not recommended.


Summing up the analysis of the therapeutic effect of Phenibut in the reviews of doctors and parents, we can draw a definite conclusion. The unique range of therapeutic properties of the drug, combining the activating effect of a nootropic and the inhibitory effect of a tranquilizer, determines its use in children in certain states of anxiety, fears and emotional stress.

A big plus of the drug is its positive effect on the intellectual abilities of children. But, as can be seen from the reviews, the positive effect of the drug is individual. In addition, it is not suitable for everyone, showing in some cases a negative result or not having any effect. In any case, this medicine should not be taken without the appointment of a specialist.

Phenibut is a psychostimulant and antidepressant, which is unique in that it simultaneously activates the brain, and at the same time increases its resistance to stimuli, that is, it calms. Such a wonderful combination of properties makes the drug indispensable for people living under stress and forced to deal with large flows of information (sporadically or constantly). In addition, of course, the anxiolytic and nootropic Phenibut is used to correct many other conditions: sleep disorders, low mood, anxiety, as well as nervous breakdowns.

The drug was developed quite a long time ago and during its use by patients, non-toxicity and safety was proven in practice. this medicine- of course, provided that you take it as prescribed by a doctor and without violating the dosage. Moreover, this development itself was intended for use in the cosmonaut corps in order to increase endurance and resistance (resistance) to information and mental stress, as well as increase the productivity of the brain. This is used by students during the sessions - the drug allows you to pass exams at the peak of mental performance and without unnecessary worries.

As an anxiolytic, the drug reduces anxiety, suppresses the state of obsessive anxiety and unreasonable (neurotic) fear. And like all nootropics, phenibut stimulates brain activity and mental processes, improves memory and learning, improves all cognitive processes in general. These effects are achieved due to the fact that the drug:

  • optimizes the transmission of nerve impulses through GABA receptor molecules and increases blood flow in the brain tissues, improving the circulatory capacity of the blood;
  • stimulates adrenaline receptors, which increases efficiency;
  • increases the resistance of neurons to negative factors: hypoxia, intoxication, damage.

A huge plus is that the drug has no pronounced negative side effects, it is well and quickly excreted, does not accumulate in the tissues, which is why patients often arbitrarily exceed the dosage, confident in the safety of any dose.

However, is this true? Is phenibut really the universal cure for anxiety, depression and mental overload, or is it the addictive drug that is sometimes claimed? Let's figure it out.

When and to whom does phenibut help?

There are a lot of indications for prescribing the drug, and it is used both for adults and for children. The grounds for this are:

  • asthenic syndrome (fatigue, weakness, decreased tone);
  • anxiety as a background condition and causeless fears;
  • neurotic states and obsessive anxiety (so-called obsessive-compulsive disorder);
  • psychopathy, increased constant irritability;
  • children's stuttering over the age of 10, as well as tics (nervous involuntary muscle twitches) and enuresis;
  • headaches, migraine;
  • deterioration in the productivity of the brain, decreased attention, memory, performance, ability to concentrate;
  • sleep disorders, nightmares;
  • violations of the vestibular apparatus and associated dizziness, motion sickness in transport; including Meniere's disease;
  • VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia);
  • abstinence (a condition when you stop taking alcohol, in the treatment of addiction);
  • "white tremens" (alcoholic delirium).

In addition, phenibut is prescribed as a constituent component in complex therapy at:

  • epilepsy,
  • parkinson's disease,
  • before operations, if necessary, to obtain a calming effect,
  • correction of the consequences of craniocerebral injuries, vertebral injuries, strokes,
  • correction of the consequences of experienced psychotraumatic situations (catastrophes, attacks, cataclysms, etc.).

Who is phenibut harmful to?

Despite the safety and wide range of applications, there are contraindications:

  • individual hypersensitivity(intolerance);
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • children's age up to 2 years for most cases, as well as age up to 10 years in the treatment of stuttering (when used for young children, speech may worsen);
  • the presence of ulcers and erosions of the digestive tract;
  • liver diseases (because the drug is broken down by the liver, and taking it too long leads to an increase in the load on this organ and the occurrence of disorders).

How to drink the drug and how long can you take phenibut without a break?

The course of treatment with phenibut is usually limited to 4-6 weeks with a second course after about six months (from 5 to 7 months). For the period of training in professional sports, the drug is usually taken for 14 days.

However, one way or another, the question of the duration of taking the drug is decided only by the attending physician, based on the type and severity of the course of the disease. Everything is individual here: some patients need a course of 14 days, while others need a month to get the effect. On average, 21 days is considered the optimal duration, unless otherwise instructed by the doctor. Well, for a one-time relief of symptoms, you can simply take a pill at bedtime - once.

How quickly does phenibut start working? Usually during the interval from half an hour to an hour, and then the concentration of the active substance in the blood lasts up to 5-8 hours, so usually with a constant course, the frequency of its intake is three times a day.

Is phenibut addictive?

If we talk about such a powerful chemical addiction, as in the case of narcotic drugs, then no. But if the drug is taken for more than 6 weeks in a row, without a break, then its active substance is "embedded" in the patient's metabolism, becoming its integral part. As a result, the so-called "withdrawal syndrome" can be observed: a condition in which discontinuation causes a "rollback" back to indicators and results even worse than before the start of treatment.

Also, dependence can be caused by the very state of the body after taking the drug, that is, psychological dependence occurs. In addition, addiction can cause joint reception phenibut with alcohol or drugs, but we will talk about this later.

That is why this drug is never suddenly canceled: the amount of phenibut should decrease gradually, that is, competent treatment provides for a certain scheme in which, by the end of the course, the dose is gradually reduced over 1-2 weeks.

Why is phenibut dangerous?

If we violate, especially grossly and systematically, the dosage and regimen of taking the drug, we can get a paradoxical “mirror” effect: what it should eliminate, phenibut suddenly provokes:

  • bouts of anxiety, fear,
  • apathy, indifference to everything, lethargy and weakness,
  • migraine,
  • drowsiness (especially dangerous if you are driving),
  • dizziness,
  • irritability,
  • nausea and vomiting,
  • allergies (edema, including Quincke's edema, as well as a rash, "urticaria"),
  • decrease in intellectual activity,
  • oppression of consciousness
  • sudden drop in blood pressure (hypotension) and palpitations (tachycardia),
  • changes in the liver: insufficiency, fatty degeneration,
  • impaired renal function up to the development of renal failure.

Yes, a fatal outcome as a result of taking phenibut has not been recorded, but the consequences of taking and improper treatment are also very unpleasant, as we see. Phenibut, an overdose of which is so dangerous, can give purely individual reactions: perhaps 1-2 negative symptoms will appear, or maybe a whole “bouquet”. It will be especially difficult for those who already have problems with the liver and kidneys.

Drugs, Alcohol and Coffee: Phenibut Compatibility

Like many other drugs (and almost all psychostimulants), phenibut is strictly forbidden to use with coffee, as well as with alcohol or while in a state of narcotic dope. The reaction can be very different: from a sharp aggravation of intoxication to its weakening, from the withdrawal of a hangover syndrome to severe withdrawal.

However, the danger of taking phenibut with alcohol is different: this combination gives a feeling of euphoria and high from clarity of consciousness, as well as the absence of a natural “punishment” - a hangover syndrome, make the drug very dangerous in the sense of the temptation to repeat it again and again.

It is worth noting, healing effect with alcoholism, the drug still gives excellent. You just need to know exactly when it can be used when intoxicated:

  • in no case in the process of drinking alcohol - it enhances the sedative effect many times over;
  • not in the "acute" stage - phenibut will not give the expected effect, only side effects;
  • it is forbidden to take the drug in conjunction with narcotic drugs or other anxiolytics in order to avoid a state of inhibition up to stupor, drowsiness and apathy;
  • reception is possible not earlier than by the evening of the first day of a hangover, when the drug will eliminate anxiety, depression, and will adjust the reduced brain activity to normal.

First aid for phenibut poisoning

The rules for help are as follows:

  • Rinse the stomach by drinking large amounts of salted water, or by pressing on the root of the tongue with a finger to induce vomiting.
  • Take (polyphepan, etc.) to bind and remove toxins.
  • Take a saline laxative to cleanse the bowels.
  • Symptomatic therapy is indicated for impaired functioning of the kidneys and liver.

Is there a need for hospital treatment?

  • Under condition moderate and severe, be sure to consult a doctor.
  • People at risk (small children, pregnant and lactating mothers, the elderly) in case of an overdose and resulting from intoxication of any severity, a doctor's examination is mandatory.
  • If the condition of the victim is out of control (loss of consciousness, uncontrolled overexcitation, or, conversely, loss of contact, complete "withdrawal").
  • If an acute allergic reaction, especially edema.

Treatment in the hospital is symptomatic and does not provide for the introduction of an antidote (it does not exist), but it will help cleanse the body of the toxin, that is, remove excess phenibut, an overdose of which caused intoxication.

Preventive measures

To prevent intoxication, you must:

  • Keep the drug out of the reach of children.
  • Take Phenibut only according to the scheme indicated by the doctor or in the instructions.
  • Do not prescribe the drug yourself, do not choose the dose and treatment regimen without consulting a doctor.
  • Do not stop the drug abruptly, so as not to get a "withdrawal syndrome".
  • Do not combine the use of drugs with:
    • alcohol
    • drugs
    • taking other anxiolytics.

Take the drug carefully, only according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor - and phenibut will show all its best properties, help you increase mental productivity, overall performance, overcome neurotic and anxiety states, get out of depression.

Take good care of your health!

The disease of a child is not such a rarity today. But for parents, this phenomenon is always associated with feelings, especially if the doctor prescribes a “serious” drug. Before you start taking such a medicine, you always want to hear reviews. "Fenibut" for the child is prescribed by the attending physician, who is fully aware of the state of health of the baby.
Therefore, trusting the doctor's appointments is a completely reasonable decision. Although the reviews of those who used the medicine are also important.

From the history of the drug

The Phenibut drug was invented and studied in the Soviet Union by teams of scientists who worked at the Leningrad Pedagogical Department of Organic Chemistry and the Institute of Experimental Medicine of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences.

As a result of experimental work, the drug was recommended as a tool included in the cosmonaut's first aid kit. What did he give them? Taking this medicine allowed the astronauts to work at the proper level. This drug in space flight conditions was much more effective than conventional tranquilizers.

What is the medicine "Phenibut"?

The medicine "Fenibut" cannot be attributed with full confidence to drugs that have a tranquilizing effect. It is able to cause a nootropic and calming effect. It is not a drug.

The drug stimulates the mechanism of metabolic processes in the cerebral cortex, and reduces stress. Improves mental and physical performance, memory, normalizes sleep. Increases motivation for activities without excitement. The drug "Fenibut" is often prescribed for children. Instructions for the use of the drug indicates an improvement in the functional state of the brain, which is extremely important during the period of the child's education at school.

The drug is available in tablets. When buying a medicine, it is recommended to pay attention to what form it has. Very often the tablet has to be divided into several parts. Some manufacturers have made sure that it is convenient to do this.

Reasons for prescribing the drug

Of all the drugs in this group, the drug in question is the most harmless, although Phenibut tablets are not recommended for children under one year of age.

And in some instructions, the restriction of taking the drug to 3 years is indicated. However, the tool is well known to parents whose children often visit a neurologist, regardless of their age. The drug "Fenibut" indications for use is different. The reasons for prescribing this medication can be various kinds of injuries, infectious diseases, irritability, stuttering, enuresis, and other health problems.

The agent under consideration can be prescribed as a prophylaxis of anxiety conditions that may occur in a patient before surgical operation or some other painful procedure.

The effectiveness of the drug

The effectiveness of this medication can be judged, given the feedback from patients.

Tablets "Fenibut" - a drug that does not have an unambiguous assessment of those who used it.

Some of the parents after the course of taking this medication note an improvement in the behavior of children, the emergence of new learning skills, which was very difficult to achieve before using the pills.

There are reviews that the medicine helped the child cope with stuttering. Side effects and addiction were not observed, although the course of treatment was very long.

The good efficacy of the drug is noted by teachers working with children who study in mental development, deviations in the formation of the emotional-volitional sphere. The positive effect of the drug "Fenibut" is noted already a month after the start of the course of treatment.

Were resolved with the drug in question at an early age. Since then, the disease does not remind of itself. No side effects were observed either during the period of taking the drug or at the time of its withdrawal.

Other parents had to give up this medicine because it caused excessive excitability, the child could not fall asleep.

There are cases when, after taking the drug, the child slept for a very long time. This greatly alarmed the parents, they were forced to call an emergency medical care. The drug was discontinued.

There are reviews where this medication is referred to as a neutral remedy. It did not cause any addiction, or negative, or positive impact.

As you can see, the drug has a variety of reviews. "Fenibut" for a child and people of other ages very often the patients themselves recommend purchasing. In their opinion, it is more effective.

The reaction of the body to the drug

In addition to a positive effect on the body, the drug sometimes has side effects, therefore, negative reviews can also be heard from people who took it. Phenibut for a child can cause increased arousal, dizziness, and drowsiness. At the first doses of the drug, nausea, an allergic reaction in the form of a skin rash, itching are possible. Medicine should be given to children with caution.

Very often the question is whether the drug is addictive? Doctors give a negative answer to this question. Parents have conflicting opinions. "Fenibut" for a child can be dangerous only when the instructions for its use are not followed or there is an individual intolerance to the components of the drug. This opinion is supported by the majority of physicians.

Dosage of the drug

If there are no contraindications to taking the drug, then Phenibut tablets can be prescribed to patients of any age. The dosage for children is significantly different from the norm for taking medication at a time for adults.

Babies under 8 years of age are prescribed 50-100 mg of the drug three times a day. With a three-time intake of 250 mg per day, children 8-12 years old can also be prescribed the drug Phenibut. Instructions for use for children of any age determines the treatment course from 1 to 2 months.

A single dose for a child under 8 years of age should not exceed 0.15 g, and for 8-14-year-old patients - 0.3 g. individual features patient or his disease.

Medicine overdose

In case of overdose, pronounced drowsiness, vomiting, decreased blood pressure, impaired renal function. Having found these symptoms, you should stop taking the drug. Gastric lavage, intake activated carbon- first aid in case of an overdose of the medication in question.

At long-term use medications, monitoring of liver activity and a blood test is necessary.

Methods of taking the medicine

Take Phenibut tablets inside. Wash down clean water. The order of eating does not matter.

Particular care must be taken when discontinuing the drug. All patients note that abrupt discontinuation of the drug leads to a deterioration in well-being. The medicine "Fenibut" must be canceled, gradually reducing its dose. This recommendation is especially true for children. If the instructions for discontinuing the drug are not followed, small patients often experience tantrums, tearfulness, and an excited state for several days.

This is explained by the fact that a substance is released in the human body that has an exciting effect on the central nervous system. The drug "Fenibut" inhibits this effect. After the abolition of this medication, the unrestrained "phenylethylamine" makes itself felt in full. Therefore, the gradual abandonment of Phenibut is a well-founded recommendation.

Sometimes a technique is effective in which, at the time of refusal of this medication, sedative herbal preparations are prescribed. The scheme of their administration is as follows: the dose of Phenibut tablets is gradually reduced, and the rate of a single dose of a sedative drug is gradually increased.

Modern results of drug research

For more than thirty years of experience in the use of the drug "Fenibut" in medical practice, scientists have managed to discover and prove some interesting effect of the drug on the patient's body.

For example, if the tool takes healthy man at a dose of 0.8 g per day for 10 days, it has a stimulating effect on memory. What happens? Working memory improves.

The use of the drug in question does not cause violations of coordination of movements, the accuracy of the actions performed, the attention of a person also does not suffer. These indicators distinguish the drug from other tranquilizers.

Low toxicity is another positive characteristic that Phenibut has. Instructions, reviews of patients, doctors, research scientists indicate positive influence drug on the activity of the cardiovascular system.

It has been proven that after taking this medicine, after 15 minutes, its presence is found in all tissues and organs. Complete excretion from the body occurs within a day due to the work of the kidneys.

Instead of a conclusion

In the process of experimental work and on the basis of the results of clinical data, the effectiveness of Phenibut has been fully proven. In addition, this medicine has clear advantages over other nootropics.

This allows the use of the agent in question for the treatment of children and the elderly. Although its intake in patients of these age categories should be under strict control.

The cases of prescribing the drug to adults are much wider - crisis conditions, alcohol dependence, stress, depression, etc. The dosage and duration of the use of the Phenibut medication has an individual character, which only a doctor can determine.