Chlorhexidine chemical formula. Chlorhexidine instructions for use

For 1 liter of solution:

Active ingredient: chlorhexidine preparation solution dosage forms 20% 25 ml (26.6 g) (equivalent to 5 g chlorhexidine bigluconate).

Excipients: ethanol 95% - 718.5 ml (583 g); purified water up to 1000 ml (281 g)

Release form:

Solution for external use, alcohol, 100 ml in a polymer bottle with a spray device.

Pharmachologic effect:


It has antimicrobial activity against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria (Treponema spp., Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Trichomonas spp., Chlamidia spp.), pathogens of nosocomial infections and tuberculosis, infections of viral etiology ( viral hepatitis, HIV infection, herpes, rotavirus gastroenteritis, enteroviral infections, influenza and other respiratory viral infections), yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida, dermatophytes.

Indication for use:

  • hygienic treatment of the hands of medical personnel, the hands of a surgeon;
  • treatment of the skin of the surgical and injection fields, elbow folds of donors;
  • disinfection of small surfaces of products medical purpose(including dental instruments) for infections of bacterial (including nosocomial infections, tuberculosis), fungal (dermatophytes, candidiasis) and viral etiology in medical institutions;
  • hygienic treatment of the hands of medical personnel of institutions of various profiles and purposes;
  • hygienic treatment of the hands of workers in the food industry and public catering, utilities.

Dosage and administration:

  • During the hygienic treatment of the hands of medical personnel, 5 ml of the product is applied to the hands and rubbed into the skin for 2 minutes.
  • When treating the surgeon's hands, before using the product, the hands are thoroughly washed with warm running water and toilet soap for 2 minutes, dried with a sterile gauze napkin. Then, the agent is applied to dry hands in portions of 5 ml (at least 2 times) and rubbed into the skin of the hands, keeping them moist for 3 minutes.
  • When processing the surgical field or the elbow folds of donors, the skin is successively wiped twice with separate sterile gauze swabs, abundantly moistened with the agent. The exposure time after the end of processing - 2 minutes. On the eve of the operation, the patient takes a shower (bath), changes linen.
  • When processing the surgical field, the skin is wiped (in one direction) with a sterile swab moistened with the agent. The exposure time after the end of processing - 1 min.
  • For disinfection of small surfaces (tables, equipment, chair armrests, etc.), the surfaces are wiped with a rag moistened with the agent. The consumption rate for this treatment is 100 ml/m2.
  • Before disinfection, visible contaminants are removed from medical devices: from the outer surface - using cloth wipes moistened with water; the internal channels are washed with water using a brush or syringe in compliance with anti-epidemic measures (rubber gloves, apron). Napkins, wash water and wash containers are disinfected by boiling or one of the disinfectants according to the regimens recommended for viral parenteral hepatitis (for tuberculosis - according to the regimens recommended for this infection), in accordance with the current instructional and methodological documents. After removing the contamination, the products are completely immersed in the solution of the agent, filling the cavities and channels with it. Detachable products are loaded unassembled. Solution containers should be tightly closed with lids to prevent evaporation of alcohol and a decrease in its concentration.
  • For disinfection of products previously washed from contamination, the drug can be used repeatedly for 3 days (provided that the used product is stored in a tightly closed container to avoid changes in the alcohol concentration). At the first sign of change appearance means (appearance of flakes, turbidity, etc.) it should be replaced.


  • hypersensitivity;
  • dermatitis;
  • allergic reactions.
  • With caution: pregnancy, lactation, children's age.

Special instructions:

Do not apply to wounds or mucous membranes. In case of contact with the mucous membranes of the eye, they should be quickly and thoroughly rinsed with water and instilled with a 30% solution of sodium sulfacyl (albucid), if necessary, consult a doctor.

In case of accidental ingestion, gastric lavage should be done immediately with plenty of water, then an adsorbent should be given. If necessary, symptomatic therapy is carried out.

Storage conditions:

In a cool place, out of the reach of children, protected from light, in a well-closed container, away from fire.


The product is highly flammable. Avoid contact with open flames and switched on heating devices.

The search for a pill for all diseases has not yet yielded results. But the World Health Organization has created a list of vital necessary drugs. They also got chlorhexidine. This is a powerful antiseptic agent for combating microorganisms on the surface of the skin and some mucous membranes.

What is chlorhexidine used for?

What is chlorhexidine used for: amazing - nearby!

Everyone is already accustomed to resorting to drugs about which little is known. Often such medical preparations and are underestimated.

  • What chlorhexidine is used for, doctors will better answer.
  • This antibacterial agent is available in the form of solutions, suppositories, gels.
  • Without it, it is impossible to imagine the passage of an operation, the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, and disinfection.
  • Any skin damage can be disinfected with this remedy - an abrasion, a wound (if it is not an open head injury or eye disease), a scratch, a bite.

To do this, you can use a solution of chlorhexidine or gel.

  1. For mucosal surface treatment oral cavity.
  2. Stomatitis and gingivitis caused by pathogenic microorganisms will pass much faster.
  3. Treatment of damaged areas of the skin after such cosmetic procedures, like ear piercing, navel (healing of the umbilical wound of newborns), as well as tattooing.
Chlorhexidine will help to cope with the prevention of possible sexual infections (not viruses!), such as syphilis, gonorrhea

For disinfection of common items, washing hands in nature, before surgery. Disinfection - in the operating room, the patient's ward.

Important! Interesting feature means - this is his "indifference" to soap procedures. Soap does not completely wash off the substance, so it continues to protect the “user” from dangerous microorganisms for some time. The only undesirable combination is the use of this antiseptic with iodine. Their "enmity" can end for a person with the occurrence of dermatitis, burns.

The instruction will tell you how to use chlorhexidine

  • Despite the wide range of its (almost limitless) influence, the antiseptic has contraindications, has not been sufficiently studied in the use of pregnant women and children.
  • But the manufacturers claim that it is not contraindicated for any period of an interesting position.
  • The decision is up to the doctor.

How to use chlorhexidine, it is better to check with the specialist who appointed him.

Chlorhexidine is an antiseptic drug.

Release form and composition

Dosage forms of Chlorhexidine:

  • : light yellow or colorless, slightly opalescent, odorless or with a slight odor (in vials of light-protective glass or polyethylene of 0.025; 0.05; 0.07; 0.1; 0.2; 0.5 or 1 l);
  • : transparent, colorless, slightly opalescent, with a characteristic alcohol odor (in vials of 0.025; 0.05; 0.1; 0.5 or 1 l, in a carton pack 1 bottle);
  • vaginal suppositories: white with a yellowish tint or white, torpedo-shaped with a possible marbling of the surface (in packs of cellular contour, 5 pcs., in a carton pack 2 packs);
  • : transparent, slightly opalescent, colorless, with an alcoholic smell (in vials or bottles with a spray device of 0.07 or 0.1 l).

1 vial with solution for topical and external use contains:

  • active substance: chlorhexidine bigluconate solution 20% - 0.0025; 0.01; 0.025; 0.05; 0.25 l (corresponds to the content of chlorhexidine bigluconate - 0.5; 2.5, 10 or 50 g);
  • auxiliary component: purified water - up to 1 liter.

Composition of 1 liter of alcohol solution for external use:

  • active substance: chlorhexidine bigluconate solution 20% - 0.025 l (corresponds to the content of chlorhexidine bigluconate - 5 g);
  • auxiliary components: ethyl alcohol 95% (ethanol) - 0.7185 l; purified water - up to 1 liter.

Composition of 1 vaginal suppository:

  • active substance: chlorhexidine bigluconate solution 20% - 0.08 g (corresponds to the content of chlorhexidine bigluconate - 0.016 g);
  • auxiliary components: macrogol-400 - 0.121 g; macrogol-1500 - 2.299 g.

1 bottle of alcohol spray for external use contains:

  • active substance: chlorhexidine solution for the preparation of dosage forms 20% - 0.025 l (corresponds to the content of chlorhexidine bigluconate - 5 g);
  • auxiliary components: ethyl alcohol 95% (ethanol) - 0.7185 l (583 g); purified water - up to 1 liter (281 g).

Indications for use

Solution for local and external use

Solution 0.05 and 0.2%:

  • sexually transmitted infections: genital herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia (for prevention, no later than 2 hours after intercourse);
  • abrasions, cracks in the skin (for disinfection);
  • fungal and bacterial diseases of the mucous membranes and skin of the genitourinary organs, infected burns, purulent wounds;
  • use in dentistry: alveolitis, periodontitis, aphthae, stomatitis, gingivitis (for rinsing and irrigation).

Solution 0.5%:

  • wounds and burns, infected abrasions, cracks in the skin and open mucous membranes (for treatment);
  • for sterilization of medical instruments (at a temperature of 70 °C);
  • for disinfection of equipment and working surfaces of devices, including thermometers, for which heat treatment is undesirable.

Solution 1%:

  • for disinfection of working surfaces of medical equipment, thermometers, devices for which heat treatment is undesirable;
  • for processing the hands of the surgeon and the operating field before the operation;
  • for skin disinfection;
  • for the treatment of burn and postoperative wounds.

A 5% solution is used to prepare an alcohol, glycerin or aqueous solution with a concentration of 0.01–1%.

Solution for external use alcohol

  • hygienic treatment of the hands of surgeons and medical personnel;
  • treatment of the skin of the elbow folds of donors, the skin of the injection and surgical fields;
  • disinfection in medical institutions of surfaces of medical devices, small in area, including dental instruments, the heat treatment of which is undesirable;
  • hygienic processing of hands in medical institutions, medical personnel of institutions of various profiles and purposes.

Suppositories vaginal

  • sexually transmitted infections: genital herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia and others (for prevention);
  • in gynecology and obstetrics with infectious and inflammatory complications: before intrauterine examinations, abortion, childbirth, surgical treatment gynecological diseases, before and after diathermocoagulation of the cervix, installation of an intrauterine device (for prevention);
  • bacterial vaginosis, colpitis (including non-specific, mixed and trichomonas).

Spray for external use alcohol

  • hygienic treatment of the elbows of donors, the hands of surgeons and medical personnel, the skin of the operating and injection fields;
  • disinfection of surfaces of medical devices, small in area (including dental instruments);
  • with infections of bacterial (including tuberculosis and nosocomial infections), fungal (candidiasis, dermatophytes) and viral origin in medical institutions;
  • hygienic processing of the hands of medical personnel of institutions for various purposes and profiles;
  • hygienic processing of hands of employees of public catering enterprises, the food industry, utilities.


Solution for local and external use

  • dermatitis;

Conditions in which the solution is prescribed with caution:

  • childhood;
  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding.

Solution for external use alcohol

  • dermatitis;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the antiseptic.

Conditions in which an alcohol solution is prescribed with caution:

  • childhood;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

Suppositories vaginal

  • childhood;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the antiseptic.

Conditions in which suppositories are prescribed with caution:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

Spray for external use alcohol

  • allergic reactions;
  • dermatitis;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the antiseptic.

Spray is used with caution in children.

Method of application and dosage

Solution for local and external use

A solution of 0.05 and 0.2% is applied by means of a swab or irrigation in an amount of 5-10 ml to the affected surface of the mucous membranes or skin of the genitourinary organs, oral cavity for 1-3 minutes. Multiplicity of application - 2-3 times a day.

For the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, 2-3 / 1-2 ml of the solution is injected through the nozzle into the urethra of men / women, and 5-10 ml of the drug into the vagina for women for 2-3 minutes. Do not urinate for 2 hours after the procedure. The skin of the genitals, pubis and inner thighs should be treated.

A solution of 0.5% for rinsing, irrigation and application, 5-10 ml by irrigation or swabs is applied for 1-3 minutes on the affected surface of the mucous membranes or skin with exposure. Multiplicity of application - 2-3 times a day.

Before processing work surfaces and medical instruments, wet (soak) a clean sponge in the solution (also for a 1% solution).

A 1% solution in an amount of 20-30 ml is used to treat the surgeon's hands (previously washed with soap and dried). A clean swab is used to treat the skin of postoperative wounds.

A 5% solution is a concentrate and is used for dilution in accordance with the required concentration of the resulting solution.

In case of accidental contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes, rinse them quickly and thoroughly with water.

Solution and spray for external use, alcohol

The solution and alcohol spray are applied externally.


  • hygienic treatment of the hands of medical personnel: 5 ml of solution / spray is applied to the hands and rubbed for 2 minutes;
  • treatment of the hands of surgeons: on hands previously washed with warm water and soap (for 2 minutes) and dried with a sterile gauze cloth, apply 5 ml of the product and rub at least 2 times (it is impossible to wipe your hands with a towel after treatment);
  • treatment of the elbow bends of donors or the surgical field: sterile gauze swabs, abundantly moistened in a solution/spray, are sequentially wiped over the skin 2 times, left for 2 minutes. Further, before the operation, the patient takes a bath/shower and changes underwear;
  • treatment of the surgical field: wipe the skin in one direction with a sterile swab moistened with a solution / spray, leave for 1 minute (2 minutes for a spray);
  • disinfection of tables, equipment, armrests of chairs and other surfaces (small in area): they are treated with a rag soaked in a solution / spray. The consumption of the product is determined based on the calculation of 100 ml of solution / spray per 1 sq.m. area.

When disinfecting the surfaces of medical devices with cloths soaked in water, visible contamination is removed before processing. Before processing, the internal channels are washed with water in rubber gloves and an apron using a syringe or ruff.

Containers, napkins and wash water used for washing should be disinfected by boiling or disinfectants according to the regimens used for tuberculosis / viral parenteral hepatitis in accordance with the current instructive methodological documents. After removing the contamination, the products are completely immersed in an alcohol solution, filling channels and cavities with it. If the product is detachable, it is disassembled before immersion.

To avoid evaporation and a decrease in the concentration of alcohol, the container with the solution is tightly closed with lids.

Disinfection products previously washed from contamination can be treated with a solution repeatedly for 3 days (if the antiseptic used is stored in a tightly closed container that does not allow changes in the alcohol concentration). The appearance of flakes and turbidity of the solution / spray are the reasons for their replacement.

Suppositories vaginal

Suppositories are administered intravaginally in the supine position.

Daily dose - 1 pc. 2 times a day. Duration of treatment - 7-10 days with a possible increase (if necessary) up to 20 days.

For sexually transmitted infections (for prevention), appoint 1 pc. no more than 2 hours after intercourse.

Side effects

Solution for local and external use

  • photosensitivity, allergic reactions, dermatitis, itching and dry skin;
  • violation of taste, deposition of tartar, staining of tooth enamel (in the treatment of pathologies of the oral cavity);
  • stickiness of the skin of the hands (for 3-5 minutes).

Solution for external use alcohol

  • photosensitivity;
  • stickiness of the skin of the hands (for 3-5 minutes);
  • dermatitis, itching, dry skin, allergic reactions (skin rash).

Suppositories vaginal

  • allergic reactions;
  • skin itching.

Spray for external use alcohol

  • dermatitis;
  • dryness and itching of the skin;
  • allergic reactions (skin rash).

special instructions

In cases of perforation eardrum, damage spinal cord, open craniocerebral injury, it is important to prevent the solution from entering the cavity inner ear, on the surface of the meninges and the brain.

It should be borne in mind that if hypochlorite bleaching agents come into contact with fabrics that have previously been in contact with agents containing chlorhexidine, brown spots may appear.

With an increase in temperature, the bactericidal effect of the drug increases, and at temperatures > 100 ° C, it partially decomposes. The drug is not used in combination with iodine.

In the presence of pus in the blood, the activity of Chlorhexidine remains (somewhat reduced).

Alcohol solution and spray are not used on wounds and mucous membranes. In case of accidental contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes, the eyes are quickly and thoroughly washed under running water, and then instilled with albucid (30% sodium sulfacyl solution); if ingested - do gastric lavage with plenty of water, then take an adsorbent (tablets activated carbon 10–20 pieces), if necessary, carry out symptomatic treatment.

The solution is prescribed with caution to children, during pregnancy and lactation, since the ethanol included in its composition is partially absorbed through the skin and can lead to depression of the central nervous system.

The alcohol solution and spray are flammable. It is important not to allow them to come into contact with switched on heaters or open flames.

The spray has a prolonged effect (up to 4 hours).

drug interaction

  • pharmaceutically incompatible with other anionic compounds (carboxymethylcellulose, gum arabic, colloids), alkalis, soaps, for intravaginal use - with detergents containing an anionic group (sodium carboxymethylcellulose, sodium lauryl sulfate, saponins);
  • compatible with medicines, which include a cationic group (cetrimonium bromide, benzalkonium chloride);
  • Rating:

    Chlorhexidine (water solution) is often prescribed as a gargle. This tool is also used in other areas of medicine, including urology and gynecology.

    What is Chlorhexidine Bigluconate?

    The drug Chlorhexidine bigluconate belongs to the group of disinfectants for external use, is a popular and inexpensive antiseptic. It is often referred to as "Chlorhexidine". The price for a bottle of 0.05% solution in a volume of 100 ml is from 15 rubles. The composition includes a substance - chlorhexidine bigluconate 0.5 mg, water up to 100 ml. In appearance, the solution is an absolutely transparent liquid, which has almost no smell.

    Much less often on sale you can find a 20% solution of the drug, it is used only in medical institutions.

    In addition to vials with a liquid form of the drug, chlorhexidine bigluconate is included in a large number of other forms - suppositories, lozenges, ointments, vaginal capsules, gels, sprays.

    The active ingredient has a strong antiseptic effect, it works bactericidal. As a biguanide derivative, chlorhexidine destroys cell membranes after contact with bacterial cells. After violation of the integrity of the membranes, microbial cells die. In medical practice, chlorhexidine bigluconate is used against the following types of bacteria:

    Among other things, chlorhexidine copes with ureaplasma, adversely affects the development of proteus, pseudomonads. The herpes virus is also not resistant to the action of an antiseptic, and it does not affect all other viruses. Also, the drug is useless to use against fungi - they are practically not sensitive to it.

    Medication indications

    The drug is widely used in surgery, nursing, hospitals and clinics. It is used to disinfect hands before examining patients, before performing interventions, they also treat instruments and areas for surgery. Also in surgery, it is used to prevent infection of wounds, they are treated with more concentrated solutions. Even purulent wounds are treated with chlorhexidine, because it does not lose its properties in the presence of pus and blood. They are treated for burns, including those infected and for the prevention of infection.

    In dentistry Chlorhexidine bigluconate is also frequently prescribed to patients. They rinse their mouth according to the following indications:

    A very popular medicine in gynecology. After sex, it is used to prevent infection with gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia. The drug will reduce the risk of infection with genital herpes and syphilis.

    The risk of HIV infection against the background of the use of Chlorhexidine is not reduced!

    In gynecology, the genitals of a woman are treated before operations, diagnostic procedures, installing the spiral. In urology, in men and women, the drug is used for urethritis, in men - for balanitis, balanoposthitis, utetroprostatitis. Chlorhexidine bigluconate also treats skin diseases associated with bacterial infection. In ENT practice, they treat the throat and ears.

    Instructions for use

    Most often, the drug is used to rinse the mouth, throat. It should be used externally, not taken internally. Due to the absence of odor or pronounced taste, rinsing will not cause discomfort. With angina, chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis, the method of therapy is as follows:

    • purchase Chlorhexidine 0.05%, or dilute a 20% solution to the appropriate concentration;
    • take about 2 tablespoons of the solution into your mouth;
    • gargle with head tilted back for about 30 seconds;
    spit out the solution; repeat therapy 5 times / day or as directed by a doctor;

    With stomatitis and diseases of the teeth, rinse the mouth without tilting the head; course - 5 days or until recovery.

    Immediately after rinsing, you can not eat, drink water for at least 30 minutes. It is especially effective to carry out therapy at night, because the drug acts for at least 18 hours, destroying the infection. Do not use Chlorhexidine in conjunction with other antiseptics - overdrying of the pharyngeal mucosa is possible.

    On the skin, on wounds, the medicine is also applied undiluted.

    On the affected skin, the drug is applied with a cotton swab. For the treatment of panaritium, it is advisable to make a gauze bandage, and then moisten it with plenty of solution for several hours. For burns, it is better to use the spray form; in gynecology and urology, special nozzles are used. So, with urethritis, 2 ml is injected into the urethra twice a day for a week. For the prevention of STIs, no later than 2 hours after sex, 3 ml is administered to men (urethral), 2 ml to women urethral, ​​10 ml vaginally. They also treat the external genitalia.

    Contraindications and side effects

    The medicine has no prohibitions on use by age, it is allowed during pregnancy, lactation, as it acts only locally. But in children under 5 years of age, Chlorhexidine bigluconate is used with caution - allergic reactions are possible. It will be necessary to refuse therapy in any cases of intolerance. Also use with caution:

    Do not use a remedy for nasal therapy - the risk of resistant strains of infection is high, there is also a risk of nosebleeds. Due to the drying effect, it is not advisable to use the remedy for sinusitis, diseases of the organs of vision. Side effects with a course of less than 7 days are rare, sometimes there is dryness, tightness on the mucous membranes. In the treatment of dental diseases, darkening of the enamel is rarely recorded, which disappears without the use of bleaching.

    This article should satisfy you and answer all your questions about the use of Chlorhexidine. Chlorhexidine - what is it? Use of this drug? Composition, form of release, instructions for use, etc. We will try to answer these and other questions.

    What is chlorhexidine?

    In order to understand what this drug is, it is necessary to understand what components it consists of.


    Composition of a 0.05% solution of Chlorhexidine Bigluconate:

    • 0.5 mg chlorhexidine bigluconate;
    • additional substances.

    20% solution of Chlorhexidine Bigluconate:

    • 0.2 g chlorhexidine bigluconate;
    • additional substances.

    Composition of suppositories, gel, ointment, Chlorhexidine spray:

    • active substance - chlorhexidine;
    • additional substances;
    • ice cream.

    Release form

    The name is Chlorhexidine (Chlorhexidine). Available as a solution for outdoor use 0.05% and 20%. And also in the form of candles, gels, sprays and ointments.

    A solution of 0.05% Chlorhexidine is provided in a polymer bottle with a nozzle or glass bottles of 100 ml. Packaging for the drug is used cardboard type. In such a carton there is 1 bottle.

    A solution of 20% Chlorhexidine is available in polymer bottles with a cap, containing 100 or 500 ml.

    Vaginal suppositories are available in 8, 16 mg.

    pharmachologic effect

    Chlorhexidine is a powerful antiseptic. The desired effect on bacterial spores can be achieved only when elevated temperature. It is at this moment that the active substance of this drug acts on the shell of bacteria, thereby destroying it.

    Viruses and fungal spores are more resistant to the drug, with the exception of herpes.

    In addition, the active substance - chlorhexidine, perfectly disinfects and cleanses the skin of the hands. Therefore, it can even be used for washing hands, as well as for processing the hands of a surgeon and surgical elements.

    Its activity, although reduced, is also noted in the presence of purulent wounds, blood, and so on.

    Indications for use

    To medicinal product goes detailed instructions where the indications for use are described step by step. antiseptic used to treat diseases, provoking microorganisms, and for prevention.

    The concentration of the solution is correctly distributed in the treatment of certain diseases.

    Solutions for local and external use are used in postoperative period. As well as for processing dentures in dentistry or for the treatment of periodontitis and stomatitis. The drug is used in prescribed quantities by the dentist himself.

    Uses and Applications of Chlorhexidine

    Solutions 0.05%, 0.1%, 0.2% are used:

    Solutions 0.05%, 0.2% are used:

    • when treating abscesses, burns with infection, diseases of the fungus and bacteria skin and mucous membranes in dentistry;
    • for prevention infectious diseases in obstetrics, gynecology, urology and surgery;
    • for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and skin disinfection.

    A solution of 0.2% is applied:

    • For the treatment of removable dentures.
    • For treatment and rehabilitation of the genital parts of the body in gynecology during diagnosis or treatment.

    A solution of 0.5% is applied:

    • For disinfection of wounds and burns.
    • For the treatment of abrasions and cracks in the skin, as well as open mucous membranes.
    • For sterilization of instruments in medicine at a temperature of 70 degrees.

    A 1% solution is used:

    • For disinfection of thermometers, surfaces and medical surfaces that cannot be heat treated.
    • For processing the hands of the surgeon and his surgical field. And, of course, skin treatment, both during the operation and after it.

    A 5% solution is applied:

    • in the preparation of alcohol, water or glycerin concentrates from 0.01% to 1%.


    Do not use chlorhexidine bigluconate people with hypersensitivity to the constituent components of the drug itself. If there are skin diseases, for example, dermatitis. Children under 18 years of age should be taken with great care and caution.

    How to use chlorhexidine?

    Chlorhexidine bigluconate is used for the prevention and treatment of a number of diseases, as well as in the form of an antiseptic. for skin disinfection, medical items, etc. Chlorhexidine is used both externally and locally.

    A 0.05% solution is used in an amount of 2-3 ml for men and 1-2 ml for women. It must be used no later than 2 hours after unprotected intercourse. And also do not urinate for another 2 hours after taking.

    If there is a problem with urination, the introduction of a 0.05% solution into the urinary canal, 2-3 ml 1 or 2 times a day, is usually prescribed. Chlorhexidine, in this case, is used every other day. The course of treatment is carried out in 10 days.

    In dentistry and ENT practice, 0.05 or 0.1% solutions of Chlorhexidine are used for irrigation or rinsing 2-3 times a day.

    special instructions

    Released without a doctor's prescription. Possible side effects. Manifested in the form of: redness, itching, stickiness, rashes on the skin, dryness, and so on. With prolonged use as an antiseptic for oral disinfection may have problems with taste buds, discoloration of the teeth and the deposition of tartar. Shelf life - 3 years. It is not recommended to use the prepared solution more than a week old. Cannot be used after the expiration date. Do not allow chlorhexidine to get into the eyes, contact with the meninges and the auditory nerve.

    Before starting self-treatment, we still recommend that you consult with a gynecologist. It may even be that you have misdiagnosed yourself. In some cases, thrush can be similar to sexually transmitted diseases.

    Chlorhexidine solution is very effective method in the fight against thrush. Douching and treatment with this drug will give the desired result. Chlorhexidine used to treat fungal and infectious diseases as well as inflammation. With the help of such a concentrate, the genital tract is processed. It is better to use together with the accompanying main means for treatment. Douching with chlorhexidine destroys germs and stops the growth of fungi. The presence of bigluconate contributes to the long-term preservation of its medicinal and antiseptic properties for a long period.

    Few people have intolerance to the drug, so its use is possible both during pregnancy and lactation. Beyond douching vaginal suppositories are actively used containing chlorhexidine.

    Before carrying out the douching procedure for thrush, remember that the hands and genitals must be clean.

    A solution of chlorhexidine is introduced carefully in a supine state. It is necessary to lie down, relax, gently insert the nipple of the bottle into the genitals and inject the liquid. The amount of solution is prescribed by the gynecologist. When you enter, you need slowly press the body of the bottle, and after douching, lie down for another 15-20 minutes so that the procedure is not performed in vain. If you stand up after douching, then the solution, without having time to act, will flow out. How many times to inject the solution should also be indicated by the doctor. Usually it is 1-2 times a day. The maximum course is 10 times.

    To get the desired result, you need to follow the instructions without deviating.

    Remember! It is necessary to refrain from sexual contact. It is advisable to carry out the washing procedure, while using soap is not recommended. Soap dries out the skin and increases itching. It is better to add soda or furacillin to the water. After washing, you can use baby powder. The food should also be special. Some foods are recommended to be eliminated from the diet. For example, shivering, which means bread, rolls, etc., spicy and sweet. Physical exercise also not recommended. With additional sweating, getting them on the inflamed mucosa will cause great discomfort.

    The price of such a medicine is negligible. For a very reasonable price, you can get the desired result. Chlorhexidine bigluconate has a strong powerful antiseptic effect. It can be useful for all kinds of wounds, fungi, infections, and even after surgeries.

    The use of chlorhexidine