Detailed instructions for the use of Viferon gel for children. Viferon for children from viruses and colds Interferon gel instructions for use

Photo of the drug

The description is up to date 14.10.2014

  • Latin name: Viferon
  • ATX code: L03AB01
  • Active substance: Human recombinant α - 2b interferon (Interferonum alpha-2b, IFN-α2b).
  • Manufacturer: OOO Feron, Russia


in one gram ointments Viferon for local and external use contains 40000 IU Interferonum alpha-2b as active component, as well as 0.002 grams (alfa-Tocopherol acetate) and a number of other auxiliary ingredients.

In one rectal suppositories contains 150,000 IU Interferonum alpha-2b alpha-tocopherol acetate (alfa-Tocopherol acetate), 0.015 g

In one rectal suppositories Viferon-2 contains 500,000 IU Interferonum alpha-2b as an active ingredient, 0.055 g alpha-tocopherol acetate ascorbic acid (Acidum ascorbinicum) and a number of other auxiliary ingredients.

In one rectal suppositories Viferon-3 contains 1,000,000 IU of Interferonum alpha-2b as an active ingredient, 0.055 g of alpha-tocopherol acetate (alfa-Tocopherol acetate), 0.022 g ascorbic acid (Acidum ascorbinicum) and a number of other auxiliary ingredients.

Part candles Viferon-4 includes 3,000,000 IU Interferonum alpha-2b as an active ingredient, 0.055 g alpha-tocopherol acetate (alfa-Tocopherol acetate), 0.022 g ascorbic acid (Acidum ascorbinicum) and a number of other auxiliary ingredients.

in one gram gel Viferon for local and external use contains 36000 IU Interferonum alpha-2b as an active ingredient, as well as 0.055 grams of alpha-tocopherol acetate (alfa-Tocopherol acetate) and a number of other auxiliary ingredients.

Release form

The drug has three dosage forms:

  • candles Viferon 150 thousand, 500 thousand, 1 million and 3 million IU;
  • ointment;
  • gel.

Viferon gel is an opaque homogeneous substance of grayish- white color.

The ointment is a viscous homogeneous mass with a characteristic lanolin odor. The color of the ointment can vary from yellowish white to yellow.

Suppositories Viferon have the shape of a bullet, their consistency is uniform, and the color is white with a yellowish tinge. Heterogeneity at the cut points is allowed. There may also be a recess in the form of a funnel.

pharmachologic effect

The drug has a pronounced antiviral , antiproliferative and immunomodulatory action.

Thanks to this combination of components, it is also possible to exclude the likelihood of the patient developing adverse reactions that occur when interferon preparations are administered parenterally, and normalize the functioning of the endogenous (internal) interferon system.

The use of Viferon for treatment and prevention viral infections allows to significantly reduce the doses prescribed to the patient hormonal drugs and (in some cases, it is possible to avoid prescribing these drugs altogether).

In addition, the use of the drug can reduce the severity of toxic effects. antibacterial or hormone therapy .

It is also very important that neutralizing antibodies to IFN-α2b, which is part of the drug, are not formed in the patient even with prolonged use of Viferon.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Interferon alpha belongs to the group water soluble proteins . Its mechanism of action includes:

  • direct antiviral action (it is effective against viruses , causing, hepatitis etc.);
  • antibacterial (bacteriostatic) action against mixed infections;
  • restoration of function endogenous (internal) system interferon;
  • stimulating factors that improve antibody production ;
  • increasing the body's resistance to various infections.

Antibacterial activity of the substance due to its ability to increase cytotoxic activity of lymphocytes and encourage phagocytic activity of macrophages .

Antiproliferative action IFN-α2b has both cell culture and human xenografts and in laboratory animals.

IFN-α2b suppresses replication virus genome . By binding to specific receptors on cell membranes , alpha interferon initiates a certain sequence of complex reactions inside the cell, including the induction of some.

Developing against the background of the use of Viferon membrane stabilizing , regenerating and anti-inflammatory effects due to the activity of the substances that make up the drug, which have a powerful antioxidant action, - alpha-tocopherol acetate and .

After parenteral administration of the drug, the concentration of interferon alpha in the patient reaches maximum values ​​within 3-12 hours.

When IFN-α2b is administered vaginally or rectally, the substance is absorbed through mucous membrane penetrates into adjacent tissues and lymphatic system thus providing a systemic effect. And thanks to its ability to partially fix on mucosal cells IFN-α2b acts locally.

The use of rectal suppositories Viferon increases the circulation time of interferon in circulatory system (with the introduction of IFN-α2b preparations into the muscle or into the vein, this pharmacokinetic indicator is significantly less).

The level of serum interferon decreases approximately twelve hours after taking Viferon, which suggests the need for its re-introduction.

Interferon alfa is excreted from the body mainly through renal catabolism . Metabolism in the liver and excretion in the bile - less significant ways excretion. Interferon alfa is partly eliminated through kidneys in unchanged form.

The substance does not accumulate (does not accumulate) in various tissues of the body.

Indications for the use of Viferon: from what suppositories, ointment and gel

Indications for the use of gel and ointment

The gel is indicated for the treatment and prevention in children ORZ (including in FIC) and recurrent false croup (stenosing laryngotracheobronchitis ).

Ointment recommended for treatment skin and mucous membrane lesions provoked by various viruses (particularly for the treatment of lesions caused by human activity and virions belonging to the family herpesviruses ).

In combination with other therapeutic measures, the drug in the form of an ointment is allowed to be used for the treatment respiratory diseases in children older than one year of age.

Indications for the use of suppositories, for which this dosage form is prescribed

Viferon in the form of suppositories is prescribed as one of the components complex therapy:

  • for treatment in children diseases of an infectious and inflammatory nature (the drug is approved for use, including in newborns and in premature infants whose gestational age is more than 34 weeks).
  • viral hepatitis, and D in adults and children (as a rule, the drug is used in combination with plasmacytophoresis ).
  • When occurring in a chronic form hepatitis of viral etiology , complicated .
  • Pregnant women who have been diagnosed urogenital infections , as well as in the presence of pregnant women herpetic infection mucous membranes and skin .
  • At , ORZ and in adults (including but not limited to SARS complicated by bacterial infection ).

Before using Viferon, a consultation with your doctor is required.


Viferon is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to interferon alpha or any of the excipients included in the preparation.

Side effects

Against the background of treatment with Viferon in the form of rectal suppositories, gel or ointment in some patients with hypersensitivity to its components, side effects, expressed in the form of various kinds .

Side effects are reversible, do not require the appointment of specific treatment and disappear on their own within 72 hours after discontinuation of the drug.

Application instruction of Viferon

Ointment Viferon: instructions for use

In this dosage form, the drug is used as a local and external agent.

A small amount of ointment is distributed in a thin layer on the affected areas of the skin and mucous membranes three to four times a day, and then gently rubbed. The course of treatment lasts, as a rule, no more than a week.

Gel Viferon: instructions for use

The gel is intended for local application. It can also be used in combination with other drugs.

The gel is used for prophylaxis in children acute respiratory diseases and recurrent croup syndrome (stenosing laryngitis ). Applying the product to a tampon, they are treated three times a day for three months tonsils child.

Courses should be repeated twice a year.

The use of a gel for infants for preventive purposes can reduce the likelihood of a child developing SARS which is especially important during periods of epidemics. To do this, a small amount of gel is applied to a pre-dried nasal mucosa .

AT medicinal purposes tonsils treated up to five times a day until the acute phase of the disease ends. Further treatment involves applying the drug three times a day for three weeks.

The gel is also used to treat adult patients. chronic infection caused by herpes virus . Therapy with different localization of the pathological process is recommended to start as early as possible.

Optimally - while the disease proceeds in a latent form (in a form hidden for clinical recognition) and makes itself felt by the episodic appearance of precursors.

The lesion must be treated four to seven times a day. Duration of treatment - from three to five days. If necessary, a second course may be prescribed.

Candles Viferon: instructions for use

Suppositories are used rectally in combination with other drugs prescribed for a specific disease in the form of tablets, powders or injections.

For adult patients with chronic, as a rule, prescribe , dose active substance which is 3,000,000 IU. Treatment involves the introduction of suppositories one twice a day for ten days.

In the future, it is enough to enter them three times a week. The course of treatment varies depending on the nature of the course and the severity of the disease and ranges from six months to a year.

When the body is damaged urogenital infections , and in pregnant women also in primary and recurrent herpes infection , Viferon-2 suppositories with an active substance content of 500,000 IU are recommended for treatment.

Suppositories are administered one at a time twice a day. The duration of the course varies from five to ten days. If necessary, it is repeated.

For the treatment of infection caused by herpesvirus , shown , in which the dose of the active substance is 1,000,000 IU. Candles are administered one at a time twice a day, maintaining twelve-hour intervals between injections.

The duration of the course is 10 days. In case of relapse, the duration of therapy is determined by the attending physician (it is considered optimal to start treatment at the very beginning of the manifestation of its first signs).

For the treatment of acute respiratory infections and influenza for adults, suppositories are prescribed at a dosage of 500 thousand IU. They are placed one at a time twice a day, maintaining equal intervals of time between injections.

Instructions for using candles for children

For the treatment of newborns and premature infants whose gestational age is more than 34 weeks in combination with a specific therapy prescribed for a specific infectious disease, it is recommended to use Viferon suppositories 150,000 IU.

The course involves the introduction of one suppository for five days twice a day at regular intervals.

Premature infants whose gestational age is less than 34 weeks are prescribed to put one suppository of Viferon 150,000 IU three times a day for five days.

Children, including newborns and premature infants, flu , SARS , the patient is given one or two courses of therapy; for the treatment of infections caused by herpes virus usually requires two courses; at cytomegalovirus infection , infections caused by mycoplasmas and fungi of the genus Candida , as well as at sepsis two or three courses are required.

Between courses maintain five-day intervals.

  • infants up to 6 months - from 300 to 500 thousand IU per day;
  • infants from 6 to 12 months to 1 year - 500 thousand IU per day.

Children older than one year of age are prescribed 300 thousand IU per 1 sq. m of body surface area per day, and children over seven years of age - 500 IU.

The calculation of the optimal pediatric therapeutic dose is based on data on the severity and nature of the course of the disease in the child.

The daily dose must be divided into two doses, maintaining equal time intervals between them. During the first ten days, treatment involves the daily administration of suppositories, then candles are placed three times a week. The duration of the course is from six months to one year.

Children who are diagnosed chronic form hepatitis A with a pronounced degree of activity and the presence of suppositories, one should be administered twice a day for two weeks before the procedure plasmacytophoresis or hemosorption .

Children younger than seven years of age are shown a dosage of 150 thousand IU, children over seven years old - a dosage of 500 thousand IU.

How to put a baby candle?

Before the introduction of the suppository baby they put him on his side on an oilcloth, while pressing his legs to his stomach. It is best to put candles after a bowel movement.

To facilitate the introduction of Viferon baby candles, you can cut it in half and / or drop a little baby cream or vaseline oil on it.

Then it is necessary to push the child's buttocks apart with your fingers, put a candle and hold the buttocks for a while, while fixing the child.


Cases of overdose have not been recorded.


Interactions in dosage forms for local and external use have not been identified.

Viferon in the form of rectal suppositories is well combined with all drugs that are used to treat diseases described in the "Indications for use" section.

The drug is compatible with antibacterial and hormonal drugs , drugs for chemotherapy , as well as with immunosuppressants .

Terms of sale

Viferon in the form of suppositories, gel and ointment is dispensed in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

Storage conditions

The optimal temperature regime for storing the drug is from 2 to 8 degrees Celsius. It is recommended to store the drug in all its dosage forms in a dry, dark place and out of reach of children.

Best before date

For rectal suppositories - 24 months.

For gel and ointment - 12 months.

special instructions

Many are interested in whether there are injections, drops or Viferon tablets. The answer to this question is negative.

This is explained by the fact that protein molecules , falling into digestive tract , are exposed to various secretory fluids and , and since active substance Viferon IFN-α2b is protein , then these enzymes will have the same effect on him.

Thus, taking interferon alfa in the form of tablets will not give the expected therapeutic effect and would simply be inappropriate.

As for injections, Viferon is not administered intravenously, since in this dosage form interferon can provoke serious adverse reactions from various organs and organ systems.

In developing the drug Viferon, the specialists of the Feron company set the main task of creating safe means for treatment viral infections in all groups of patients, including newborns (including premature babies) and pregnant women.

Therefore, looking for Viferon in pharmacies in tablets or injections is a waste of time.

Often, patients have questions “What is the difference between Viferon and Viferon-2?” or “What are the differences between Viferon and Viferon-3?”.

Candles Viferon are available in four versions, which, respectively, are called Viferon-1, 2, 3 and 4. They differ from each other in the dose of IFN-α2b that is part of them.

Viferon-1 is used to treat children under seven years of age and in pregnant women, Viferon-2 - for children older than seven years of age and treatment of viral infections in pregnant women, Viferon-3 is used to treat adult patients, as well as viral hepatitis in children, Viferon-4 is prescribed only for adults.

On the network, you can often find statements that Viferon, like other interferon drugs, causes crayfish . However, they have no confirmation. It is known that injectable forms of interferon provoke the development a large number side reactions. In contrast, Viferon is available in the form of suppositories, ointments and gels, so the interferon included in its composition is absorbed from the mucous membranes and skin in very small quantities.

Viferon's analogs

Coincidence in the ATX code of the 4th level:

When a doctor prescribes a particular drug (and especially if the drug is expensive, like, in particular, Viferon), most patients begin to look for ways to replace this drug and find cheaper analogues.

Analogues of candles Viferon are drugs Vitaferon , . Prices for analogues in Ukrainian pharmacies start from 46 UAH.

The questions “Which is better - or Viferon?”, “Which is better - or Viferon?” are also not uncommon. or " or Viferon - which is better?

Trying to figure out what is the difference between these drugs, we can conclude that they all have a similar pharmachologic effect. honors from Anaferon is that the latter is homeopathic remedy and comes in the form of sublingual tablets.

Kipferon , is available in the form of suppositories for rectal and intravaginal use. As for, it is available in the form of drops and spray for intranasal use.

The decision on which of the listed drugs should be prescribed in a particular case is made by the doctor.

Viferon for children

Instructions for children on Viferon candles allow the use of all dosage forms of the drug in pediatrics. At the same time, Viferon ointment, gel and suppositories for children are allowed to be prescribed from birth.

For treatment and prevention of viral infections children are prescribed suppositories Viferon-1 and Viferon-2, the dosage of the active substance in which, respectively, is 150,000 and 500,000 IU.

Candles for children 150,000 and 500,000 IU can be administered in combination with antibacterial drugs (for example, when, especially when the disease is severe and accompanied by pronounced symptoms organism and secondary pyoderma ).

The use of Viferon in etiotropic therapy in combination with drops, children's suppositories for fever, tablets or injections, it can reduce the viral load on the child's body, stop viremia , as well as reduce the risk of developing various complications and adverse reactions.

Studies have shown that intranasal prophylactic use of the ointment for newborns and young children can prepare the child for preschool. All children belonged to the group of frequently ill, however, after admission to Kindergarten, 41% of them did not get sick in the first three and a half months.

Reviews of Viferon suppositories for children indicate that over time, against the background of viferon rehabilitation, all children from the control group showed a decrease in morbidity.

How often can candles be given to children?

According to the standard treatment regimen for acute respiratory viral diseases Viferon is prescribed as part of complex therapy. The course of its application is from five to ten days.

As a rule, the patient requires one or two courses every six months or a year. However, on the recommendation of a doctor, more frequent repetition is allowed.

When using the drug, addiction to stimulation of endogenous interferon does not develop.

Viferon during pregnancy

Ointment and gel Viferon are characterized by low systemic adsorption, therefore both of these dosage forms are approved for use in pregnant women (at any stage of pregnancy) and lactating women.

Apply candles Viferon for pregnant women permitted from 14 weeks. But candles can be used without any restrictions.

Appointed at pregnancy candles Viferon-2 with a dosage of 500 thousand IU. They are recommended to be administered one twice a day at regular intervals daily for ten days. Over the next ten days, it is enough to inject twice a week, one suppository twice a day.

Four weeks later, a prophylactic course is necessary.

For prophylaxis with suppositories, Viferon is prescribed at a dosage of 150 thousand IU. They are administered one at a time twice a day for five days. For preventive purposes, courses are repeated every four weeks until the birth of a child.

In general, women are advised to treat gynecological infections even during the planning period of the child, before the onset of pregnancy. For this purpose, it is usually used vaginal suppositories Genferon .

VIFERON Gel is a convenient immunomodulatory and antiviral agent, which is produced in the form of a homogeneous, opaque and gel-like mass of white color with a grayish tint. When applied to the skin, mucous membranes and palatine tonsils, the gel forms the thinnest protective layer, which helps prevent the penetration of viruses, and also strengthens local immunity.

Indications for use of the drug VIFERON Gel

VIFERON Gel is used for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in adults and children and in the complex therapy of influenza, frequent and prolonged acute respiratory viral infections, including those complicated by a bacterial infection. In addition, the drug is used for the prevention and treatment of recurrent stenosing laryngotracheobronchitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx and trachea, which leads to a narrowing of the lumen respiratory tract and disruption of their functioning.

Also, the drug is used. In gynecology, the drug is used for - inflammatory process in the vaginal segment of the cervix.

Brief instructions for use of the drug Viferon Gel

(influenza, adenovirus, rhinovirus, parainfluenza, etc.)
In order to protect yourself from SARS and influenza, it is necessary to apply a strip of gel about 0.5 cm long on the nasal mucosa 2 times a day as a preventive measure. The duration of the course is 2-4 weeks. For the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, including those complicated by a bacterial infection, the application of VIFERON gel must be repeated 3-5 times a day for 5 days.
Herpes To combat herpes, the gel is applied with a spatula or cotton swab 3-5 times a day on a previously dried affected surface. The duration of treatment is 5-6 days.
Herpetic cervicitis With herpetic cervicitis, a small amount of gel is applied with a cotton swab to the surface of the cervix, previously cleared of mucus, 2 times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is 7 days, if necessary, it can be extended.
Laryngotracheobronchitis As a preventive measure for recurrent stenosing laryngotracheobronchitis, VIFERON Gel is applied to the palatine tonsils 2 times a day for 3-4 weeks. This course can be repeated twice a year. In the complex therapy of this disease, the drug is applied 5 times a day in the acute period for a week and 3 times a day for the next 3 weeks. When applying the gel to the palatine tonsils, it is better not to touch them with a cotton swab, but to allow the gel to independently flow down the surface of the tonsils.

Can VIFERON Gel be used during pregnancy and lactation?

Pregnancy and lactation are not a contraindication for the use of the drug due to the very low absorption of the components. The drug is approved for use at all stages of pregnancy.

VIFERON can be used at any stage of pregnancy, including the 1st trimester. Pregnancy and lactation are not a contraindication for the use of the drug due to the very low absorption of the components.
From the second trimester to pregnant women, in addition to prescribing the Gel, you can additionally prescribe VIFERON Suppositories.
In the 3rd trimester, the drug is also approved for use without any restrictions.
During lactation (when breastfeeding) Viferon Gel is not recommended to be applied to the area of ​​the nipples and areola.

Viferon Gel: instructions for use for children

Can VIFERON Gel be used to treat infants and newborns? At what age can the drug be given to children?

This antiviral drug can be used for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, as well as for the treatment of herpes and other diseases, starting from the first days of a child's life, as well as for the treatment of older children.

For the treatment of ARVI in children (influenza, adenovirus, rhinovirus, parainfluenza, etc.) A strip of gel no longer than 0.5 cm is applied to the previously dried surface of the nasal mucosa and / or to the surface of the palatine tonsils 3-5 times a day. The duration of the course is 5 days.
For the treatment of recurrent stenosing laryngotracheobronchitis in children A strip of gel no longer than 0.5 cm is applied to the surface of the palatine tonsils in the acute period of the disease 5 times a day. The duration of the course is 5-7 days. After an acute period, a strip of gel no longer than 0.5 cm is applied to the surface of the palatine tonsils 3 times a day. The duration of the course is 3 weeks.
For the treatment of acute and chronic recurrent herpes infection in children A strip of gel no longer than 0.5 cm is applied with a spatula or cotton swab / cotton swab on a previously dried affected surface 3-5 times a day. The duration of the course is 5-6 days.

The use of VIFERON Gel in various diseases

VIFERON Gel from the common cold

VIFERON Gel for chickenpox

VIFERON Gel for herpetic stomatitis

VIFERON for condylomas


VIFERON Gel for the prevention of viral diseases

Contraindications to the use of the drug Viferon Gel

It is necessary to refrain from using the drug in case of hypersensitivity to.

Side effect

VIFERON Gel goes well with other drugs, including antibiotics, chemotherapy drugs and glucocorticosteroids. In very rare cases, allergic reactions may develop ( skin rashes, itching). .

Storage conditions

Storage at temperatures from 2 to 8 °C. Keep out of the reach of children. .

The difference between VIFERON Gel and VIFERON Ointment: which is better

similarity gel and ointment is that they are external agents and are intended to affect the skin and mucous membranes.
Differences: the gel has a soft and viscous consistency of a water-based product that does not contain fats and oils, so it quickly shows its properties on the mucous membranes. And it is created on a fatty (hydrophobic) basis with the content of vaseline and lanolin, therefore it is easily absorbed into the skin.
Question "What's better?" there is no clear answer. Both gel and ointment have their own advantages.

Estimated cost of VIFERON Gel in pharmacies

According to, the price of VIFERON Gel in pharmacies ranges from 145 to 194 rubles. (excluding positions with a small OSG).
The cost of the drug is given as of January 2018.

Interferon alfa-2

Viferon ®

in aluminum tubes of 12 g; in a cardboard box 1 tube.

in aluminum tubes of 10 ml; in a pack of cardboard 1 tube.

in blisters PVC / PVC, 10 pcs.; in a pack of cardboard 1 pack.

aluminum tube, 6 g, cardboard pack 1,

VIFERON ® preparations (ointment, gel and suppositories) are compatible and go well with all medicines used in the treatment of viral and other diseases (antibiotics, chemotherapy, corticosteroids).


viral (including herpetic) lesions of the skin and mucous membranes of various localization;

treatment of influenza and SARS in children aged 1 year.


in the complex therapy of acute respiratory viral infections, incl. influenza, frequent and prolonged acute respiratory viral infections, incl. complicated by a bacterial infection;

prevention of SARS, including influenza;

in the complex therapy of recurrent stenosing laryngotracheobronchitis;

prevention of recurrent stenosing laryngotracheobronchitis;

in the complex therapy of acute and exacerbations of chronic recurrent herpes infection of the skin and mucous membranes, incl. urogenital form of herpetic infection;

in the complex therapy of herpetic cervicitis.


In complex therapy:

SARS, including influenza, incl. complicated by a bacterial infection, pneumonia (bacterial, viral, chlamydial) in children and adults;

infectious- inflammatory diseases newborns, incl. premature: meningitis (bacterial, viral), sepsis, intrauterine infection (chlamydia, herpes, CMV infection, enterovirus infection, candidiasis, incl. visceral, mycoplasmosis);

chronic viral hepatitis B, C, D in children and adults, incl. in combination with the use of plasmapheresis and hemosorption in chronic viral hepatitis of severe activity, complicated by cirrhosis of the liver;

infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract (chlamydia, CMV infection, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, gardnerellosis, papillomavirus infection, bacterial vaginosis, recurrent vaginal candidiasis, mycoplasmosis) in adults;

primary or recurrent herpetic infection of the skin and mucous membranes, localized form, mild and moderate course, incl. urogenital form in adults.

Ointment: individual intolerance to the components of the drug.


Suppositories: hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug.

Ointment, externally and locally. With a herpetic infection, the ointment is applied in a thin layer to the lesions 3-4 times a day and gently rubbed. The duration of treatment is 5–7 days. It is recommended to start treatment immediately when the first signs of skin and mucous membrane lesions (itching, burning, redness) appear. In the treatment of recurrent herpes, it is desirable to start treatment in the prodromal period or at the very beginning of the appearance of signs of relapse.

For the treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections, the ointment is applied in a thin layer on the mucous membrane of the nasal passages 3-4 times a day for the entire period of the disease.

For children from 1 to 2 years old 3 times a day, from 2 to 12 years old 4 times a day, apply a thin layer, distributing evenly into both nasal passages throughout the entire period of the disease.

Gel, topically and topically.

In the complex therapy of acute respiratory viral infections, including influenza, long-term and frequent acute respiratory viral infections, incl. complicated by bacterial infection: a strip of gel no longer than 0.5 cm is applied to the previously dried surface of the nasal mucosa and / or to the surface of the palatine tonsils 3-5 times a day with a spatula or cotton swab / cotton swab (see. Note). The course of treatment is 5 days, if necessary, the course can be extended.

Prevention of SARS, including influenza: during the period of rising incidence, a strip of gel no longer than 0.5 cm is applied to the previously dried surface of the nasal mucosa and / or to the surface of the palatine tonsils 2 times a day for 2-4 weeks.

In the complex therapy of recurrent stenosing laryngotracheobronchitis: a strip of gel no longer than 0.5 cm is applied to the surface of the palatine tonsils with a spatula or cotton swab / cotton swab in the acute period of the disease 5 times a day for 5–7 days, then 3 times a day for the next 3 weeks.

Prevention of recurrent stenosing laryngotracheobronchitis: a strip of gel no longer than 0.5 cm is applied to the surface of the palatine tonsils with a spatula or cotton swab / cotton swab 2 times a day for 3-4 weeks, courses are repeated 2 times a year.

In the complex therapy of acute and chronic recurrent herpes infection (when the first signs of the disease appear or during the period of precursors): a strip of gel no longer than 0.5 cm is applied with a spatula or a cotton swab / cotton swab to a previously dried affected surface 3-5 times a day for 5-6 days, if necessary, the duration of the course is increased until the clinical manifestations disappear.

In the complex therapy of herpetic cervicitis: 1 ml of the gel is applied with a cotton swab on the surface of the cervix, previously cleared of mucus, 2 times a day for 7 days, if necessary, the duration of the course can be increased up to 14 days.

Note. The gel is applied to the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity after cleansing the nasal passages, to the surface of the palatine tonsils - 30 minutes after eating. When applying the gel to the palatine tonsils, do not touch the tonsils with a cotton swab, but only with a gel, while the gel independently flows down the surface of the tonsil. When applying the gel to the cervix, you should first remove the mucus and discharge from the vaginal and cervix with a cotton or gauze swab.

When the gel is applied to the affected areas of the skin and mucous membranes, a thin film is formed after 30-40 minutes, on which the drug is again applied. If desired, the film can be peeled off or washed off with water before re-applying the drug.

Suppositories, rectally.

1 suppository contains human recombinant interferon alfa-2b as an active substance in the indicated dosages (150,000 IU, 500,000 IU, 1,000,000 IU, 3,000,000 IU).

Acute respiratory viral infections, including influenza, incl. complicated by a bacterial infection, pneumonia (bacterial, viral, chlamydial) in children and adults as part of complex therapy. The recommended dose for adults, including pregnant women and children over 7 years old VIFERON ® 500,000 IU 1 suppository 2 times a day every 12 hours daily for 5 days. According to clinical indications, therapy can be continued.

Children under 7 years old, incl. newborns and premature babies with a gestational age of more than 34 weeks are recommended to use the drug VIFERON ® 150,000 IU, 1 suppository 2 times a day every 12 hours daily for 5 days. According to clinical indications, therapy can be continued. The break between courses is 5 days.

Premature newborns with a gestational age of less than 34 weeks are recommended to use VIFERON ® 150,000 IU, 1 suppository 3 times a day every 8 hours daily for 5 days. According to clinical indications, therapy can be continued. The break between courses is 5 days.

Infectious and inflammatory diseases of newborns, incl. premature: meningitis (bacterial, viral), sepsis, intrauterine infection (chlamydia, herpes, CMV infection, enterovirus infection, candidiasis, including visceral, mycoplasmosis) as part of complex therapy. The recommended dose for newborns, incl. premature babies with a gestational age of more than 34 weeks VIFERON ® 150,000 IU daily, 1 suppository 2 times a day after 12 hours. The course of treatment is 5 days.

Premature newborns with a gestational age of less than 34 weeks are recommended to use the drug VIFERON ® 150,000 IU daily, 1 suppository 3 times a day after 8 hours. The course of treatment is 5 days.

The recommended number of courses for various infectious and inflammatory diseases: sepsis - 2-3 courses, meningitis - 1-2 courses, herpes infection - 2 courses, enterovirus infection - 1-2 courses, CMV infection - 2-3 courses, mycoplasmosis, candidiasis , including visceral - 2-3 courses. The break between courses is 5 days. According to clinical indications, therapy can be continued.

Chronic viral hepatitis B, C, D in children and adults as part of complex therapy, incl. in combination with the use of plasmapheresis and hemosorption in chronic viral hepatitis of severe activity, complicated by cirrhosis of the liver. The recommended dose for adults is VIFERON ® 3,000,000 IU, 1 suppository 2 times a day every 12 hours daily for 10 days, then 3 times a week every other day for 6–12 months. The duration of treatment is determined by clinical efficacy and laboratory parameters.

The drug is used 2 times a day after 12 hours for the first 10 days daily, then 3 times a week every other day for 6-12 months. The duration of treatment is determined by clinical efficacy and laboratory parameters.

The calculation of the daily dose of the drug for each patient is made by multiplying the recommended dose for a given age by the body surface area calculated from the nomogram to calculate the body surface area by height and weight according to Harford, Terry and Rourke. The calculation of a single dose is carried out by dividing the calculated daily dose by 2 injections, the resulting value is rounded up to the suppository dosage up.

With chronic viral hepatitis severe activity and cirrhosis of the liver before plasmapheresis and / or hemosorption, it is recommended to use VIFERON ® 150,000 IU in children under 7 years of age, VIFERON ® 500,000 IU in children over 7 years of age, 1 suppository 2 times a day every 12 hours daily for 14 days .

Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract (chlamydia, CMV infection, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, gardnerellosis, papillomavirus infection, bacterial vaginosis, recurrent vaginal candidiasis, mycoplasmosis) in adults, including pregnant women as part of complex therapy. The recommended dose for adults is VIFERON ® 500,000 IU, 1 suppository 2 times a day every 12 hours daily for 5-10 days. According to clinical indications, therapy can be continued.

Primary or recurrent herpetic infection of the skin and mucous membranes, localized form, mild and moderate course, incl. urogenital form in adults, including pregnant women. The recommended dose for adults is VIFERON ® 1,000,000 IU, 1 suppository 2 times a day every 12 hours every day for 10 days or more in case of recurrent infection. According to clinical indications, therapy can be continued. It is recommended to start treatment immediately when the first signs of skin and mucous membrane lesions (itching, burning, redness) appear. In the treatment of recurrent herpes, it is desirable to begin treatment in the prodromal period or at the very beginning of the manifestation of signs of relapse.

Pregnant women from the II trimester of pregnancy (starting from the 14th week of gestation) are recommended VIFERON® 500,000 IU 1 suppository 2 times a day every 12 hours every day for 10 days, then 1 suppository 2 times a day every 4 hours every 4th day within 10 days. Then every 4 weeks until delivery VIFERON ® 150,000 IU 1 suppository 2 times a day after 12 hours daily for 5 days. If necessary, it is indicated before delivery (from 38 weeks of gestation) VIFERON ® 500,000 IU 1 suppository 2 times a day after 12 hours daily for 10 days.

Ointment: in most cases VIFERON ® is well tolerated. When applied to the nasal mucosa, side effects are mild and transient, disappearing on their own after discontinuation of the drug.

Gel: in exceptionally rare cases, some highly sensitive individuals may experience a local allergic reaction. In such cases, the use of the drug is stopped.

Suppositories: in rare cases - allergic reactions(skin rash, itching). These phenomena are reversible and disappear 72 hours after discontinuation of the drug.

In a dry, dark place, at a temperature of 2–8 °C

The drug is used externally and topically.

In the complex therapy of acute respiratory viral infections, including influenza, long-term and frequent acute respiratory viral infections, including those complicated by a bacterial infection: a strip of gel no longer than 0.5 cm is applied to the previously dried surface of the nasal mucosa and / or to the surface of the palatine tonsils 3-5 times a day with a spatula or cotton swab/cotton swab (see note). The course of treatment is 5 days, if necessary, the course can be extended.

Prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, including influenza: during the period of rising incidence, a strip of gel no longer than 0.5 cm is applied to the previously dried surface of the nasal mucosa and / or to the surface of the palatine tonsils 2 times a day for 2-4 weeks.

In the complex therapy of recurrent stenosing laryngotracheobronchitis: a strip of gel no longer than 0.5 cm is applied to the surface of the palatine tonsils with a spatula or cotton swab / cotton swab in the acute period of the disease 5 times a day, for 5-7 days, then 3 times a day. day for the next 3 weeks.

Prevention of recurrent stenosing laryngotracheobronchitis: a strip of gel no longer than 0.5 cm is applied to the surface of the palatine tonsils with a spatula or cotton swab / cotton swab 2 times a day for 3-4 weeks, courses are repeated 2 times a year.

In the complex therapy of acute and chronic recurrent herpetic infection (when the first signs of the disease appear or during the period of precursors): a strip of gel no longer than 0.5 cm is applied
using a spatula or a cotton swab / cotton swab on a previously dried affected surface 3-5 times a day for 5-6 days, if necessary, the duration of the course is increased until the clinical manifestations disappear.

In the complex therapy of herpetic cervicitis: 1 ml of the gel is applied with a cotton swab to the surface of the cervix previously cleared of mucus 2 times a day for 7 days, if necessary, the duration of the course can be increased to 14 days.

Note. The gel is applied to the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity after cleansing the nasal passages, to the surface of the palatine tonsils - 30 minutes after eating. When applying the gel to the palatine tonsils, do not touch the tonsils with a cotton swab, but only with a gel, while the gel independently flows down the surface of the tonsil. When applying the gel to the cervix, you should first remove the mucus and discharge from the vaginal and cervix with a cotton or gauze swab.

When applying the gel to the affected areas of the skin and mucous membranes, a thin film is formed after 30-40 minutes, on which the drug is again applied. If desired, the film can be peeled off or washed off with water before re-applying the drug. The opened tube is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 months. A drug with a broken package integrity and a changed color is not suitable for use.