DTP vaccination in a child: what is it, why. side effects

In the vastness of the World Wide Web today, most often you can find a discussion of vaccinations against diphtheria, tetanus or whooping cough, as many parents are afraid that complications after DPT can harm the health of their child. Even though unwanted side effects may occur, doctors recommend vaccinating children against infectious diseases.

DTP vaccination and consequences in children

Children react to many vaccinations in different ways, it all depends on the state of work. immune system. For parents, vaccinating a child is also a test to some extent, since it is not known how the vaccine will work, what consequences or complications it may have for the unprotected body of the newborn.

DTP vaccination is considered one of the most difficult to tolerate procedures, as it can often cause allergies in children and not only that. After the introduction of a medicinal substance, a rare mother will not notice changes in her child's well-being.

Why do children not tolerate vaccines?

The DPT vaccine includes diphtheria and tetanus toxins, the action of which is aimed at protecting the child's body from infection with harmful bacilli. The body reacts most severely to the third component of the drug - to killed pertussis bacilli.

The initial dose of the drug is administered to babies at the age of three months. At this time, the natural immune system received from the mother along with breast milk starts to weaken little by little. Most often, immunization coincides with this period.

An important aggravating factor is the introduction of foreign harmful cells, although non-functioning. Therefore, the combination of immunosuppression and vaccination can lead to unwanted complications in children.

The main complications after the DTP vaccine

There are two types of reactions to vaccination: local and general. Let's get to know them briefly:

  • Local complications appear after the introduction of the vaccine locally on some area of ​​the skin;
  • General complications affect the whole organism. This can be manifested by general malaise, low body heat and other health changes.

The state of the immune system will determine how long the reactions obtained after the introduction of DTP will last. Most often, after the vaccine, children experience body heat up to 37.5-38 C. With good immunity, it usually lasts a day or two, but there are also longer reactions.

It all depends on the concomitant factors present at the time of vaccination. For example, during this period the child contracted a viral infection.

To whom are vaccinations contraindicated?

Contraindications are of short duration. This applies to cases where the physician different reasons recommends deferring the child's vaccination for a certain period. And there are also significant contraindications when immunization is not indicated.

Consider them:

  1. significant contraindications. This category of prohibition includes children suffering from nervous diseases that are in the progression stage. It's an uncontrollable epilepsy, an advanced encephalopathy, febrile convulsions continuing for a long time;
  2. A severe allergic reaction to the main components of the drug or to substances from a previous vaccine;
  3. Relative contraindications. The period when chronic diseases are in an exacerbated stage. Or there are acute infectious diseases;

The main danger of DTP vaccination is to reduce the functioning of the baby's immune system. This is normal for this vaccine. A child can tolerate its introduction tolerably if it is relatively healthy at the time of vaccination.

Adverse reactions of DTP

Each child reacts differently to the drug. Severe complications may arise if the child was not properly examined, were missed important points by his health. There were contraindications, but the vaccination was done.

Local side effects

  1. Minor seals (up to 1 cm) after the introduction of DTP. Such manifestations can be short-term - 1-2 days. To alleviate the condition of the child, it is recommended to apply a compress to this place. If after a couple of days the seal has not come off, it is necessary to show it to the doctor;
  2. Buds of small diameter. They indicate the presence of a serious complication in the body. This may be a local purulent inflammatory process or infiltration. In addition to the lump, the child has body heat, soreness at the injection site.

Most often, this indicates the introduction of infection during vaccination. It is necessary to immediately contact the attending pediatrician to prescribe the necessary treatment for the child to eliminate this problem;

  1. Allergy in the form of rashes at the injection site. The skin may experience redness, slight swelling. Reactions are caused by the body's struggle with toxins and alien low-acting pertussis strains.

Common side effects

General adverse reactions divided into four main types. Let's briefly consider each of them:

  1. Pathological violation of the mechanism of thermal energy, lethargy, capriciousness, observation of the gag reflex, loss of appetite. The critical temperature indicator is 38.5 C. If the baby is very restless, it is necessary to give an antipyretic;
  2. The nervous system first of all reacts to the introduction of a new foreign substance. Many parents complain that after DTP the child cries monotonously, he may experience convulsions, a short-term rise in temperature. A convulsive state may appear on the first day and disappear, or may recur. This is due to a slight swelling of the brain;
  3. Inflammatory process observed in the soft membranes of the brain (encephalitis), but this is quite a rare event. At the initial stage, the child has recurring convulsions, gag reflex, hyperthermia;
  4. Lameness after drug administration. If the vaccine was given without observing the necessary technique of administration, then the child may have pain in the leg, which gives a slight lameness. Or, when vaccinating, the needle got into the nerve endings of the anteroexternal region of the thigh;
  5. Quincke's edema, anaphylactic or collaptoid state of shock. These are the most severe manifestations of complications. Usually they can occur after vaccination after 20-30 minutes;
  6. Accession of concomitant infectious diseases;
  7. Side effects of DTP vaccination.

As a rule, complications that are severe in nature appear immediately after vaccination. It is for this reason that medical personnel usually suggest sitting in the vaccination room for a while after vaccination. This is necessary if you need to provide emergency assistance to the baby.

There are more severe forms complications. Let's consider them.

Autism as a complication of DTP vaccination

No matter how safe the drug is, parents are always worried about whether the baby will have serious consequences after it. There are cases when a child developed autism after being vaccinated with DTP.

But on this occasion, the opinions of doctors and parents differ: some consider the vaccine to be the cause of the disease, others reject this fact. It should also be noted that primary autism is either hereditary or congenital disease. But DTP vaccination can become a provoking factor if the child is initially predisposed to this disease.

Poliomyelitis after DTP

Today, complex vaccination is observed, that is, with a one-time visit to the vaccination room, the child is given the DTP vaccine and droplets against polio are dripped into the mouth.

Parents are concerned about this innovation, as unforeseen complications may arise from such a combination. If the baby has a weakened immune system, for example, after infectious disease, then after immunization he may get poliomyelitis. But this happens extremely rarely.

Symptoms after DTP vaccination

After vaccination with the DTP drug, many children may experience manifestations of a certain nature. Consider what are the most common symptoms of post-vaccination malaise.

Rising body heat

This is the most common symptom and the usual reaction of the child's body to the introduction of a foreign agent. The average thermometer is usually in the range of 37.5-38 C. If the temperature has exceeded this level and stepped over 38.5-39 C, you should seek medical help.

Post-vaccination reactions usually last no more than three days. If the situation does not change after this period, it means that the baby has complications after vaccination. Or there is a possibility that the child was additionally infected and the cause has nothing to do with the vaccine administered.

A temperature exceeding 38.5-39 C can be shown against the background of a weak immune system in a child. The task of immunity is to produce antibodies that protect the body from the effects of serum components. Prolonged body heat after vaccination indicates the development of the disease. You need to call a doctor, give an antipyretic.

Malfunctions in the digestive tract

Some may experience dyspeptic manifestations in the form of a gag reflex, nausea, and indigestion. loose stool may appear either briefly or will last for some time:

  • Diarrhea may appear in a baby after vaccination if he has concomitant diseases of the stomach or intestines. Digestive problems. The unhealthy stomach of children often reacts badly to a new product, especially to a foreign agent.
  • Loose stools may be due to a general reaction to the polio vaccine, as it is what is dripped into the mouth of children, where it enters the digestive tract, irritating it.

After drops, medical staff advises not to give the child a couple of hours to drink or eat. Any drug takes a certain time to be absorbed by the body. If the parents did not follow the recommendations, then the baby may begin diarrhea. It is often short-lived medical therapy does not require. To eliminate the toxic effects, you can give the child "Enterosgel".

Rashes on the body

The body can react to the main components of a medicinal vaccine allergic rash. For some time, it is necessary to conduct observations so that the doctor can describe the symptoms:

  • Rashes can be local, that is, located in one particular place or scattered throughout the body in the form of small red dots;
  • In rare cases, the rash may be a complication after vaccination, and not be allergic. For example, with a weakened immune system, chickenpox may appear after DPT. Here the rash will be radically different. With chickenpox, the rash on the body resembles watery red pimples. In addition, the essential difference between chickenpox and a rash is that it itches. Itching will continue until the bubble is covered with a crust.

If a child has a rash of any nature, it must be shown to the attending pediatrician. Emergency help- give him antihistamine.

An increase in body temperature is also associated with the development of infectious chickenpox. In some cases, body heat can reach 39-40 C. A child can be very difficult to tolerate the disease, since the child's body has to overcome several viruses.

Rash of an allergic nature

This type of rash may appear in the first hours after vaccination with DPT. Allergic in nature can also be Quincke's edema, which causes a danger to respiratory tract. There may not be a rash here, but because of the rapid development of pulmonary edema, it will be difficult for the baby to breathe.

During the initial formulation of the drug, it is recommended to stay near the vaccination room for about half an hour. If the baby has allergic complications, then the medical staff will be able to provide competent assistance in time.

In such a situation, the next DPT vaccination is canceled or replaced with another drug that does not contain pertussis strains. The ADS M vaccine is usually less aggressive and does not cause such serious complications.

Runny nose and cough

The pertussis component that is part of the DTP vaccine, although practically not active, is still considered dangerous virus. After vaccination, the baby may experience side effects in the form of a severe cough and mucus discharge from the nose.

By itself, infectious whooping cough is dangerous because when the disease is complicated, it is difficult for a child to breathe due to frequent coughing. It is especially difficult for very young children. Their lungs are not yet too well developed, it is difficult for them to withstand the load of endless, periodically recurring coughing fits.

After the introduction DTP vaccines a child may have a natural reaction of the body to the whooping cough strain in the form of a cough. It often goes away after a few days and drug therapy does not require.

Treatment of side effects

  1. If body heat appeared and began to rise more than 38.5-39 C. You can give him an antipyretic medicine. If this situation lasts more than two days, this is an occasion to contact the district pediatrician;
  2. Local reactions to the drug in the form of bumps, redness or seals may appear on the introduction of the DPT vaccination in children. An examination by a health worker of the child is required here. After consulting a pediatrician, he is given an anti-inflammatory medication;
  3. With allergies in the form of a rash on the body, an antihistamine can be given;
  4. If, after vaccination, the child is worried about soreness at the injection site, it is recommended to apply a compress to him or lubricate him with an anesthetic ointment;
  5. To avoid the occurrence of complications after vaccination, it is necessary to visit a pediatrician so that he visually examines the child and talks about possible side effects.

The introduction of any vaccine to a baby is, first of all, the excitement of parents for the condition of their child. No one can predict how a newborn will react to an unknown drug. It is difficult to predict the possible consequences of such assistance to an unprotected organism.

Vaccination is one of the most allergenic and hard to tolerate. A rare mother will not complain to the doctor about a change in the mood or well-being of the child after the introduction of this substance. What complications after DTP vaccination can be expected? How can I help my child cope with adverse reactions?

Why do children react hard to DPT?

This vaccine contains diphtheria and tetanus toxoids that protect the body from these infections. But the reaction in most cases is caused by another component - killed whooping cough microbes.

The first DTP vaccine is given to a child at three months old - this is the time when the natural protection that the baby got with mother's milk begins to weaken. Therefore, vaccination in most cases coincides with a decrease in the child's own protective capabilities. In conjunction with this important event is the introduction of foreign cells, even non-living ones, which is why vaccination leads to undesirable consequences in children from DPT vaccination. Their body often responds with various reactions to the introduction of such foreign cells.

Who is entitled to medical advice

In what cases is the DPT vaccination not done? There are absolute contraindications when immunization is not carried out due to developing diseases or severe reactions to the components of the drug. There are temporary contraindications when doctors recommend delaying vaccination for a few days.

Why is DTP vaccination dangerous? - it temporarily lowers the immune system. This is normal and is relatively well tolerated when the child is completely healthy. But if the day before the vaccination, the child’s temperature even slightly rises (above 37 ºC), inform the doctor about this, because such a symptom may indicate the onset of an infection. Ask for a referral for a complete blood test to determine if the drug can be administered to the baby. This is one of effective ways avoid unwanted complications on the DTP vaccine.

What are the complications of DTP vaccination

Reactions and complications to the introduction of DTP are divided into two main groups:

  • local or local, which are observed at the injection site;
  • common, when the whole body reacts with malaise, fever and other changes in well-being.

How long the reaction to DTP vaccination lasts depends on the immune capabilities of the body, as well as on compliance with the regimen and rules for administering the drug. For example, body temperature rises in different ways, as a result of which they distinguish:

  • weak vaccine reaction when the temperature does not exceed 37.5 ºC;
  • average reaction with an increase in body temperature up to 38.5 ºC;
  • strong if the temperature goes beyond 38.5 ºC.

How long does the temperature last after DTP vaccination? Normally, such a reaction of the body quickly passes within one or two days, but there are protracted reactions. They may depend on many concomitant factors - the addition of an acute viral or bacterial infection, the development of an allergic reaction.

What are the complications of the DTP vaccine? Each child reacts differently. The main rule that parents should follow is not to listen to other families about previous complications and reactions to the drug.

Local reactions of the body

What are the local complications of the introduction of DTP?

General reactions of the child's body to DTP

They are varied. The reactions of the body are divided into four large groups:

  • toxic reactions;
  • defeat nervous system;
  • complications due to improper insertion technique;
  • pronounced allergic manifestations.

Let's take a closer look at each of them.

One more group of complications can be distinguished - this is the addition of a concomitant infection after the administration of the drug. Cough after DTP vaccination, sore throat, weakness and reddening of the tonsils for several days develop when the child had contact with an infected person before or after vaccination.

Diarrhea after DTP vaccination, nausea, vomiting and weakness occur when added intestinal infection. The reason for this is the consumption of low-quality food.

Treatment of adverse reactions

To cope with the complications of the introduction of DTP, you need to consult with your doctor in advance about possible consequences vaccinations and first aid to the child in case of their occurrence. In most cases, treatment is symptomatic and consists in the appointment of all familiar drugs.

How to avoid adverse reactions to the introduction of DTP

The introduction of DTP is a burden not only on the children's body, but also on loved ones. Nerves, fuss, running after drugs are not the most pleasant pastime for parents. To avoid this, you need to prepare in advance for the upcoming vaccination.

What are the analogues of DTP

As mentioned above, the most reactogenic component of DPT is whooping cough. Therefore, in order to reduce the likelihood of complications for vaccination, you can use imported similar vaccines made using a cell-free pertussis component:

  • "Infanrix";
  • "Infanrix IPV" with additional protection against polio;
  • "Pentaksim" is a five-component drug that includes, in addition to the above components, protection against Haemophilus influenzae.

Multicomponent vaccines can be purchased on a paid basis at the polyclinic at the place of residence at the request of the parents.

DTP vaccination protects the child from three dangerous diseases, which before the start of an active struggle with them led to the development of severe conditions. Many complications of such protection can be avoided if you take care of their prevention in advance and be more attentive to your baby.

Good day, dear readers. In this article, we will look at what possible side effects and complications after DPT vaccination. You will also learn what preventive measures can be observed and how to behave in case of atypical reactions.

Typical symptoms after a vaccine

With the introduction of this vaccine, in almost all cases, signs may appear that indicate that the body responds normally to the vaccine. Parents should be prepared for such manifestations and not be afraid of them. As a rule, the doctor warns about such reactions and emphasizes that you should not worry, everything will pass in a day or two.

These symptoms include:

  1. Capriciousness.
  2. Inhibited behavior.
  3. Loss of appetite.
  4. Sleep disturbance.
  5. Temperature up to 37.6 degrees.
  6. Redness and/or induration at the injection site.

Reaction to DTP vaccination

The response of the body to the introduction of the vaccine may be different. It is not excluded the appearance of specific reactions. At the same time, some of them will indicate that the body is fighting, which means that active production of antibodies has begun. In addition, some reactions will not be to the vaccination itself, but to mechanical damage. skin when inserting a needle.

You need to know that these reactions are divided into local and general.

As a rule, all side effects appear on the first day. What if the baby has symptoms? viral infection later than two days after the introduction of the vaccine, then this is precisely the virus, and not a reaction to the vaccine.

It is important to know that in cases of serious side effects, you need to seek the help of a doctor. These include:

  1. Hyperthermia from 39 degrees and above.
  2. Prolonged and non-stop crying for more than three hours. The kid sheds tears because of the strong pain.
  3. Edema at the injection site greater than 8 cm.


Manifestations of a local nature, as a rule, are represented by the following conditions:

  1. Redness at the injection site.
  2. Seal, lump formation.
  3. Edema.
  4. Cough, inflammation of the tonsils.
  5. The child cannot walk due to pain at the injection site.

In the event of a seal, doctors do not recommend doing anything. As a rule, it resolves in a maximum of 14 days. This is a physiological process triggered by the occurrence of an inflammatory reaction at the injection site. The induration will decrease as the vaccine is absorbed.

A bump appears if the doctor, during the injection, does not enter the muscle fiber, but into the subcutaneous adipose tissue. There are significantly fewer vessels, which significantly slows down the absorption process. In addition, a bump can occur in cases inflammatory process due to violations of the rules of asepsis. In such a bump, pus will begin to develop. Be sure to open and clean such an education.

Redness is also a response to the introduction of foreign bodies and the penetration of the needle into the skin of the crumbs. As a rule, it passes very quickly, without additional help.

When manifested severe pain, and this may be due to individual characteristics each child, it is necessary to give painkillers, but only as directed by a doctor. If it does not go away for a long time, contact a specialist for help.

The appearance of a cough on the first day after the introduction of the vaccine occurs if deviations in the working capacity of the organs have already been diagnosed. respiratory system. This is a reaction to the introduction of the pertussis component. Usually, special treatment does not require. It often happens due to contact with a carrier of the virus for the first time after vaccination.


Such reactions include:

  1. Hyperthermia.
  2. Capriciousness.
  3. Lethargy.
  4. Anxiety.
  5. Indigestion, vomiting. As a rule, in cases of accession of an intestinal infection.
  6. Loss of appetite.
  7. Sleep disturbance.

Parents should understand that a slight increase in temperature will necessarily be present after vaccination, but this is a natural response of the body to the introduction of the vaccine, and not some kind of deviation from the norm. That is why doctors recommend taking antipyretics on the day of vaccination and especially at bedtime. Of course, if hyperthermia rises above 39, then this is a reason to sound the alarm and call an ambulance.

My son did not have any negative reactions at all after the first vaccination. After the second, the baby developed moodiness and a deterioration in appetite, although I did not attribute this to the vaccination itself. And after the third injection of DTP, local reactions already appeared, in particular, redness and induration. But it cleared up by itself and the redness went away. So this vaccine did not bring us any serious changes in the body.

DPT vaccination, consequences in children

Such manifestations are extremely rare. For every 100,000 children who have been vaccinated with DTP, two have complications. They can be represented by the following deviations:

  1. Anaphylactic shock.
  2. Hives.
  3. Angioedema.
  4. Encephalitis.
  5. Shock state.
  6. Meningitis.
  7. Quincke's edema.
  8. encephalopathy.
  9. Convulsions (in the absence of hyperthermia).

It is worth noting that complications, as a rule, occur against the background of deviations in the work of the central nervous system or if the child is allergic. It is important to tell the doctor the diagnoses of the peanut in time. In addition, all recommendations for preparing for vaccination must be followed.

Precautionary measures

To exclude possible side effects after the introduction of the vaccine, it is necessary to follow all the rules for preparing for this vaccination:

  1. If the toddler has already begun to introduce complementary foods, do not add new foods a week before and after vaccination. The same applies to women who are breastfeeding.
  2. Bring only a completely healthy baby to the appointment.
  3. Do not forget to visit the pediatrician, and if you wish, you can pass clinical tests blood and urine to avoid the possibility of onset colds or other deviations.
  4. If you know about the presence of any chronic pathologies or serious deviations in the development of your little one, be sure to notify the specialist before starting vaccination. This also applies to negative reactions with the previous introduction of DTP.
  5. Make sure aseptic precautions are followed to reduce the risk of infection. It is also necessary that your little one was bought before vaccination.
  6. In a couple of days, start giving an antihistamine, especially if the child has previously had an allergic reaction.
  7. Be sure to give an antipyretic after vaccination and at night. It is also recommended to give something against allergies. If the next day the temperature still rises, it is also recommended to bring it down. Antihistamines are given up to three days after vaccination.
  8. Before vaccination, the child should not be overfed. It is better if, on the contrary, he is slightly hungry. In the first three days after vaccination, it is also not recommended to strongly overfeed the baby, it is better to focus on drinking plenty of water and frequent walks in the fresh air.

What to do when negative reactions appear

But what should parents do if there is some kind of negative reaction?

  1. In cases of an increase in temperature, and this is likely to happen, give the baby an antipyretic, preferably in candles, so the absorption process will be accelerated. As a rule, on the third day the temperature does not rise any more. The exception is hyperthermia under 39 and above. In this case, you must urgently call ambulance.
  2. If redness, swelling, compaction and bumps appear, you should not take any special measures. As a rule, everything goes away in the coming days, some symptoms can last up to 14 days, no more. But in cases of severe edema, more than 8 cm, urgently see a doctor. In cases of painful bumps - too. Its cause could be an infectious process and, as a result, the accumulation of pus under the skin. In such cases, the baby, at least, will be prescribed antibiotics, as a maximum, they will open the bump to pump out the pus.
  3. If a cough appears no later than a day after vaccination, this is the body's reaction to the pertussis component and does not require any treatment. But if it lasts a week, see a specialist. And if the appearance of a cough came a few days after the vaccination, then it has nothing to do with DTP. Perhaps, after vaccination, the baby's immunity weakened for a short period and the child managed to become infected.

Of course, the occurrence of any reactions after the introduction of the vaccine is likely to be observed. But do not immediately panic strongly or rush to refuse the introduction of the vaccine. Remember that serious complications occur in very rare cases, and side effects are incomparable to how infection with whooping cough, tetanus or diphtheria can affect the body of a toddler. So, carefully consider whether it is necessary to refuse to carry out the DTP vaccination or whether it is still worth it to make a little one. I wish health to you and your children!

Vaccinations for children

At present, in order to prevent such serious illnesses like whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends the use of the DTP vaccine.

What is the DPT vaccine?

Preventive vaccination DTP (adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus) was first used abroad in the late 40s of the last century. Foreign analogue of the DPT vaccine - Infanrix. Both combined vaccines are classified as whole-celled, i.e. containing killed (inactivated) cells of whooping cough (4 IU *), tetanus (40 IU or 60 IU) and diphtheria (30 IU) pathogens. Such a dosage of tetanus and diphtheria toxoids is due to the need to achieve the desired intensity of the reaction of the child's immune system, which is still imperfect and is only being formed.

*) IU - international unit

What is the DTP vaccine for?

Whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus are very dangerous, and in young children they are severe. Whooping cough is insidious with severe complications: pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs) and encephalopathy (brain damage). A convulsive cough can generally lead to respiratory arrest. After the vaccine is administered, the immune system produces antibodies from which memory cells are formed. If in the future the body again encounters the causative agent of the disease (whooping cough), the immune system, as it were, "remembers" that it is already familiar with the virus, and begins to actively include protective reactions.

The peculiarity of tetanus and diphtheria is that the development of the disease, the course and complications are not associated with microbes, but with its toxins. In other words, in order to avoid a severe form of the disease, it is necessary to create immunity in the body against the toxin, and not against the virus as a whole. Thus, the vaccine is designed to form the body's antitoxic immunity.

When and how often to do the DTP vaccine?

There is a vaccination schedule, which in Russia is determined by the national. The DPT vaccine - Infanrix according to the standard scheme consists of 4 vaccinations: the first is given at the age of 2-3 months, the next two at an interval of 1-2 months and the fourth is carried out 12 months after the third vaccination (DPT revaccination).

If the child was vaccinated later than 3 months, then the pertussis vaccine is administered 3 times with an interval of 1.5 months, and the fourth time - 1 year from the date of the last vaccine administration. Subsequent revaccinations in Russia are provided only against tetanus and diphtheria. They are carried out at 7, 14 and then every 10 years throughout life.

The use of the domestic DTP vaccine has some peculiarities. According to current instruction This vaccine can only be given to children up to 4 years of age. When the child reaches 4 years of age, the unfinished course of DPT vaccination is completed with the use of the ADS vaccine (up to 6 years) or ADS-M (after 6 years). This restriction does not apply to foreign DPTs (Infanrix).

The reaction of the child's body after vaccination and possible complications

Any vaccination puts a great burden on the body, a complex restructuring of the immune system takes place. No one in the world has yet managed to create indifferent for the body medications not to mention vaccines.

If we consider the reaction of the child's body to vaccination as a whole, then the presence of mild side effects can be considered a normal phenomenon, indirectly indicating the correct formation of immunity. But also in the case total absence reactions should not be taken as a wake-up call - this may be the result of efforts to minimize adverse reactions.

The DTP vaccine for the child's body is quite heavy. The reaction of DTP can manifest itself in the first three days in the form of pain at the injection site, irritability, and an increase in temperature from low to moderate (rectal 37.8-40 ° C). These are the most common manifestations. A local DTP reaction is redness and swelling at the injection site. Sometimes the swelling reaches 8 cm in diameter (but no more!). This is noticeable immediately after vaccination and can persist for 2-3 days. The general reaction of DPT is expressed by malaise: the child may lose his appetite, drowsiness may appear, and much less often, slight vomiting and diarrhea may open.

There is a weak reaction to vaccination (temperature up to 37.5 ° C and minor violations general condition), medium (temperature not higher than 38.5 ° C) and strong DPT reaction (temperature above 38.6 ° C and pronounced violations of the general condition).

The development of common adverse vaccine reactions does not depend on which portion of the vaccine is administered to the child. But with the frequency of administration of DTP vaccine in some children, an increase in manifestations is possible. allergic reactions(mostly local). This is due to heredity, the predisposition of the child to allergies.

Of course, there are no absolutely safe vaccines. Rarely, some complications are possible after DTP vaccination. This must be remembered, as, indeed, remember that the consequences of diseases such as whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus are hundreds of times more dangerous.

Possible complications are local and general. A local complication is expressed by increased compaction and a significant increase in swelling at the injection site with a diameter of more than 8 cm. This can persist for 1-2 days.

Common complications after DPT vaccination are expressed in a piercing cry of a baby, reaching a squeal, which can appear within a few hours after vaccination and last about 3 hours or more. Also, the DPT reaction is accompanied by restless behavior of the child and fever. These symptoms should go away on their own in a few hours.

Sometimes there is a convulsive syndrome. A high temperature after DPT (above 38.0 ° C) can provoke febrile convulsions in the first three days after vaccination. Less common are afebrile seizures (at normal temperature and subfebrile up to 38.0 ° C), which may indicate a previous organic lesion child's nervous system.

Also, complications can be expressed by an allergic reaction: Quincke's edema, urticaria and anaphylactic shock - the rarest and most serious complication, which manifests itself immediately or 20-30 minutes after the introduction of the vaccine.


General contraindications include exacerbation of a chronic disease, elevated temperature, allergy to vaccine components and severe immunodeficiency. DTP vaccination is temporarily or absolutely contraindicated if the baby has had convulsions that are not associated with fever, or there is a progressive pathology of the nervous system. Then children are vaccinated with a vaccine that does not contain a pertussis component.

Questions for the article

It became, well, it's okay, I know this happens, but a week has passed ...

There were convulsions, the temperature stopped sleeping, she became frightened of everything, ...

High temperature 37.4 and swollen injection sites. Second...

DPT. The first DTP was done at 7 months, and at 8 months the child ...

Significant temperature. Within a month there was...

Mononucleosis was observed and treated by an immunologist ....

Complication The diagnosis is bilateral chronic sensorineural...

Regular vaccine. There were almost no complications. (A little lethargic...

On Saturday, a red seal appeared from the injection site and became ...

Vaccinated and the child complains of pain. baby 3 years and 10 months old.

October they called us and said that the cat had died. Turned into trauma...

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Shariki uzhe mesyas proshol.podskazhite pozhalyista kak ybrat eti shariki samostoyatelno doma.ya i ednuyu sedku delala...

And when I woke up at 15 00, I was crying on my foot, I couldn’t step on ...

Appeared by the eco method, now you need to put 4 but in ...

37.6, then and to this day it keeps constantly 37.2. what...

New bites and even some inflamed ones. what is this? such...

son was intracranial pressure, the diagnosis is perinatal ...

The day the temperature rose to 39.6, on the third day she called the doctor, she ...

I got up 40, complained a little about pain in the leg, seals in ...

Treatment of dysbacteriosis, and today the doctor allowed to make vaccines ...

Months, after which two weeks later the baby was in intensive care where ...

Another imovax, she had a temperature for 2 days, the temperature was not...

Move my leg and don't let me touch it, I don't know what to do and...

I ate sweets and the child showed an allergy, as I feed ...

Do I need to re-do DTP? There is an opinion that after 45 days + 5 ...

Confirmed, the birth was emergency, caesarean, three single ...

After 5 days, a huge abscess (10 cm in diameter) was opened. Passed...

They had pyelonephritis. Tell me, please, we are already eight ...

First DTP. Before the second vaccination, we had a fever (...

After being vaccinated, the DTP was taken to the intensive care unit, the child had ...

Convulsions, can such a vaccination provoke epiactivity, ...

Attack. We were not vaccinated against whooping cough. Whether or not we can ...

The temperature and vomiting opened, a day later the child began ...

Genferon Light. She said that we are often sick and we need to take ...

37.2, a runny nose and cough appeared, the injection site hurts. Is this normal? and ...

On a cold one, after 5 days they were sent to DTP and polio. On the...

Limp. an hour later the child cannot sit. an hour later he ...

Traumatic, there were slight convulsions .... a little served ...

Rarely, a cough appears. Although the doctor says that the child's throat ...

A piercing cry is the death of cells in the brain. Antibodies from...

Times with an interval of 6 months - at 18 months and at 24 months After that...

DTP vaccination (the doctor said that it is better to do it at 3 months, those now, ...

We did it, because he was operated on in the 1st month of life, the diagnosis was pyloric stenosis!...

Coughed - diagnosed bronchial asthma. There was a honeymoon until...

Reaction, and generally adverse reactions always happen? ...

What is the risk of getting whooping cough, and is it possible to get vaccinated against ...

The situation with vaccination in the country is quite complicated, and various myths about the dangers of vaccination add fuel to the fire. In this article we will tell you about such a vaccine as DTP and possible reactions baby on her introduction.

What is DTP vaccination

The DTP vaccine (adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine) was first used in the 40s of the last century. This is a vaccine that allows you to avoid contracting three serious diseases at once - diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough. As you know, these diseases are very difficult in children, so it is important to prevent their occurrence in childhood. If earlier quite a lot of children died from these diseases, today, thanks to vaccination, the situation has changed dramatically. In this regard, the World Health Organization recommends that all children be vaccinated with the DTP vaccine.

Currently, there are DTP vaccines with different compositions. Some contain neutralized pathogens in small quantities. The action of other DTP vaccines is based on the effect of immunological memory. In the second case, the components of the vaccine carry certain information about the pathogens, which is why the immune system responds properly. At the same time, such components are not capable of causing an infectious process.

Is it possible to have a reaction to the DTP vaccine?

DTP vaccination is usually given to children aged 2-4 months. The baby is given three vaccinations with a maximum interval of 45 days. Then a year later, re-vaccination is carried out. If there are the slightest signs of the disease, then the vaccination is postponed, since this is fraught with the development of serious consequences.

Previously, such a vaccine was given in the buttock, however, according to modern recommendations, the vaccine is given in the thigh, because due to the large layer of fat in the buttocks, sepsis may develop.

After DTP vaccination, mothers often notice that the baby began to act up, cry, and the injection site turned red and even a bump formed. However, you should not worry about such reactions, since it is quite normal and indicates that the vaccine has begun to work.

The doctor tells the parents in detail about how the baby will tolerate the vaccine. As a rule, reactions at the injection site last from 1 to 3 days, after which they disappear. If the baby has a painful condition after a week, for example, the body temperature rises, then there is no connection with the DTP vaccine, since all the components of the vaccine have long since fulfilled their functions and cannot have an adverse reaction.

Normal reactions after DTP vaccination

Vaccination is the introduction of foreign material into the body, to which the immune system must respond appropriately. Therefore, some reactions after the vaccine are quite normal and should not disturb parents. Let's look at the normal reactions of the baby's body to the DPT vaccination:

  • Redness of the injection site. This is a typical reaction to an injection, when the skin around the insertion of the needle becomes reddened and thickened. This reaction occurs due to a violation of the integrity of the skin, muscle and fat layer. There is a slight deformation of the tissues at the puncture site. In addition to this, at the injection site, an active collision of lymphocytes with foreign elements occurs, which leads to visible changes on the skin in the form of redness and thickening. It is noteworthy that the induration and redness can be quite large and reach 8 centimeters in diameter. However, after a week everything is back to normal. It is noteworthy that if the vaccine is nevertheless given in the buttock, then the local reaction can be more pronounced up to the appearance of suppuration.
  • Painful injection site. This is also a completely normal reaction, since when the needle is inserted, the nerve endings that send pain signals to the baby's brain are squeezed.
  • . The pertussis component of the DTP vaccine contributes to an increase in the baby's body temperature. It should be noted that the increase can be quite serious, up to 40 degrees. This is a normal reaction of the body to the vaccine. The fever persists for up to 3 days. If the temperature bothers the child for more than three days, then you need to see a doctor.
  • lethargy. After vaccination, the behavior of the child may change somewhat. He becomes lethargic, drowsy and moody.
  • Runny nose. This is another normal reaction of the body to the introduction of the DTP vaccine. In addition to a runny nose, a cough may also occur. In this case, the doctor may prescribe special medications for the child so that the baby does not get sick at this time.

Abnormal reactions to DTP vaccination

If the baby is healthy and there are no contraindications, then the DTP vaccination should not cause any serious side effects. However, the doctor may not take into account some circumstances for various reasons. In this case, the development of some pathological reactions is possible, among which:

  • Seizures. This is an atypical reaction to the introduction of the DTP vaccine. This symptom is possible with high temperature body of the baby, as well as when the baby has a serious violation of the nervous system. Depending on the specific case, convulsions can be single, frequent, short-term or long-term. Whatever the cramps, you should immediately consult a doctor!
  • A sharp deterioration in the condition of the baby. If, after the introduction of the DPT vaccination, you notice a sharp and impressive deterioration in the condition of the child, then you should consult a doctor. Perhaps, when prescribing the vaccine, the doctor did not notice any disease, because of which the baby's immunity could not properly respond to the vaccine.
  • Allergy. The child may be allergic to any of the components of the vaccine. In such cases, reactions such as rash, diarrhea and vomiting are possible. Most often, allergic symptoms disappear quickly, but sometimes the reaction is so strong that there is a threat of development. anaphylactic shock. Usually, after vaccination, the baby should be in the medical institution, and in case of allergic reactions, doctors take the necessary measures.

What to do if you have a reaction to a vaccine

If after DTP vaccination you notice certain reactions, then it is recommended to adopt the following recommendations:

  • If the body temperature has risen. If, after vaccination, the baby's temperature rises to 38.5 degrees or more, then in this case he needs to be given. In this case, the baby can not be wrapped up. If the temperature does not decrease, then the baby should be undressed and rubbed with cool water, which will reduce the temperature of the skin and the body as a whole. If the temperature still does not decrease, then in this case you need to call an ambulance. In addition, keep in mind that if the body temperature has risen after vaccination, then bathing the baby is undesirable. If the temperature has not risen, then you can bathe the baby, just do not need to rub the injection site with a washcloth and treat it with soap.
  • Redness and swelling. If redness and swelling appear at the injection site, then nothing needs to be done! If you start smearing a swollen and reddened place with various ointments and creams, you will only make it worse! Thus, you clog the puncture site with ointment, and this contributes to the growth of bacteria. Therefore, try not to touch the injection site so as not to harm the baby.
  • pathological reactions. If the pathological reactions mentioned above appear, it is recommended to immediately call a doctor.

After vaccination, new foods should also not be introduced into the diet. Walking with a child is not recommended for at least one day after vaccination. Also, you should not invite guests after vaccination, because that way the baby can catch the infection.

The doctor informs the parents in detail about all reactions (normal and pathological). You will definitely be told how to act in certain situations, and where to turn for help and recommendations.

Currently, there are practically no contraindications to the introduction of the DTP vaccine. Children who have had acute respiratory infections can be vaccinated immediately after recovering from the illness. In the case of mild forms of acute respiratory diseases, vaccination is allowed subject to residual effects. respiratory diseases(for example, a slight runny nose or a slight reddening of the pharynx). If the child has neurological diseases, then it can be vaccinated with the exclusion of the progression of the pathological process in the nervous system.

A temporary or absolute contraindication to DTP vaccination is possible with seizures against the background of low temperature and progressive neurological pathologies. In such cases, the child is usually vaccinated without the pertussis component, which most often causes some reactions (for example, high fever).

A temporary contraindication to DTP vaccination may be an exacerbation allergic disease. At the same time, stable symptoms of the disease are not grounds for refusing the vaccine.

As for children suffering from such severe chronic diseases like, polycystic, neurological conditions, chronic diseases kidneys and liver, then such babies need to be vaccinated in the first place, since the diseases that DTP protects against lead to serious consequences in children with chronic diseases.