DTP vaccination - preparation, execution procedure, side effects, reviews. All about the DTP vaccine How DTP is given to children

All people, both adults and children, should be vaccinated in a timely manner. Vaccinating babies is the most important medical procedure. Many parents are interested in: “What is DTP? And what kind of DTP vaccine is given to children? This vaccine is aimed at fighting whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus, which causes the DTP vaccination to be appropriately decoded. These diseases are included in the top of the most dangerous diseases. Often, complications contribute to the onset of developmental disorders, as a result of disability.

DPT decoding and vaccines used

DTP is the most common form of vaccination worldwide. Deciphering DTP: Adsorbed Pertussis Diphtheria Tetanus Vaccine. In the international nomenclature it has the designation DTP. Having learned the meaning of the abbreviation, some parents still ask: “DPT drugs for what?”. The answer is simple: the vaccine has a combined effect on diseases of the same name.

The domestic vaccine is represented by the drug Infanrix.

From what vaccinations with the DPT component can still be? There are drugs that also act additionally on other diseases, for example:

  1. + Poliomyelitis: Tetracoccus.
  2. + Poliomyelitis and Haemophilus influenzae: Pentaxim.
  3. + Hepatitis B: Tritanrix.

This vaccination is the basis for immunoprophylaxis. But with all the positive, sometimes the component that is responsible for whooping cough causes a significant negative impact. Therefore, often only tetanus and diphtheria are vaccinated together. Such a DTP vaccination has a decoding similar to the DPT vaccination, excluding the pertussis component.

In Russia, such vaccines are presented:

  1. Domestic ADS or foreign D.T. Wax: for children under 6 years old.
  2. ADS-m and foreign D.T. Adult: for children aged 6 and over.

Vaccines for certain types of diseases:

  1. AS: for tetanus.
  2. AD: anti-diphtheria.

Place to get vaccinated

DTP vaccination is administered intramuscularly. Using this technique, the optimal rate of distribution of the components of the drug for the formation of immunity is achieved.

A child is most often given DPT in the thigh area, where muscle tissue is well developed. An adult change the location on the shoulder. This is possible only if the muscles there are sufficiently developed.

The introduction under the skin is unacceptable, the inoculation will be considered useless. The introduction into the gluteal region is excluded. This is due to the presence of a large fatty layer, as well as the risk of getting into blood loans or the sciatic nerve.


Consideration should be given to the factors under which this vaccination is impossible.

General contraindications:

  • all diseases in the acute period;
  • signs of immunodeficiency;
  • allergic reactions to the components in the composition of the drug.

In this case, the vaccine is transferred until a complete cure, or not at all.

Temporary clearance is granted to:

  • children with leukemia;
  • pregnant women;
  • children in the period of exacerbation of diathesis.

For convulsions and neuralgia associated with elevated temperature it is possible to introduce ADS instead of DTP.

Without fail, those who have false contraindications must receive admission:

  • allergies in relatives;
  • early birth;
  • convulsive conditions in relatives;
  • perinatal encephalopathy;
  • observation of severe exacerbations in relatives with the introduction of DTP.

People with such signs, having received permission from the attending physician, may well be vaccinated.

Should children do DTP?

Nowadays, many parents adhere to a sharply negative position in relation to vaccination. Of course, one can understand their point of view. Having read articles on Wikipedia, Google and other resources, they, not understanding the correct meaning of the terms, believe that in this way even more harm is done than the benefits of vaccination.

I would like to dispel this myth. It has been scientifically proven that when setting up DTP, it is possible to avoid serious complications from disease and even death. That is why the DPT vaccine is given to many babies all over the world.

The human body, even a very small one, is able to cope with the components of drugs that are currently well developed in composition. Thanks to many years of experience, a formula has been developed that allows, with the least risk to health, to carry out the procedure for preventing diseases.

The number of DTP vaccinations and the affixing scheme

In small childhood The DTP vaccine is administered in four stages:

  1. At 3 months.
  2. At 4-5 months, after 30-45 days.
  3. At 6 months.
  4. At 1.5 years old.

During this period, DTP is vaccinated for the best addition of immunity and the acquisition of antibodies to the diseases of the same name. At a subsequent age, vaccines are given at the age of 6-7, and later, in the teenage period of 14 years. This is only aimed at maintaining the number of indicators already acquired. This procedure is called DPT revaccination.

Setting interval

The interval between vaccines is strictly established medical institutions. So the first 3 stages are carried out at intervals of 30-45 days. Further medications administered at least 4 weeks later.

It is possible to postpone vaccination: due to illness, or for other reasons of refusal. If possible, access to vaccination should be immediately affixed.

If vaccination is delayed, revaccination should not be started. The chain of steps continues. That is, in the presence of the first vaccination, the next two should be with an interval of 30-45 days between them, the next one goes in a year. Next comes the schedule.

How many times they put DTP for adults

The last stage of childhood ends at age 14. Subsequently, adults should undergo revaccination every subsequent 10 years. Consequently, at an older age, DTP vaccination for adults is given at 24, 34, 44 years, etc.

In most cases, adults are prescribed ADS, since this type excludes the whooping cough component, which is of little danger to older people.

If you do not undergo revaccination, then the number of antibodies that can fight the disease decreases, and there is a risk of infection. But the disease at the same time will pass in the most easy form.

First DTP

The initial DTP should be at the age of the child at 3 months. Maternal antibodies persist only 60 days after the birth of the baby. For the restoration of antibodies, physicians have appointed just such a period for the first formulation of the medicine.

If the first DPT was postponed for medical reasons, then it is allowed to do it until the age of 4 years. Sometimes this seems impossible, then vaccination should take place after 4 years and only anti-ADS drugs.

To avoid complications after DTP vaccination, the baby is brought to the procedure healthy. When observing an increase thymus DPT is not recommended, as there is a high risk of severe baby reactions.

DTP vaccination is carried out with any of the existing drugs for these purposes. Infanrix is ​​most easily tolerated, and under the influence of the rest, post-vaccination reactions can be observed. They are not complications, and the baby's body is able to cope with them.

Second DPT

Under conditions favorable for vaccination, the second stage is carried out after 30-45 days after the DPT vaccination of the first stage, therefore, at 4.5 years.

It is recommended to vaccinate the little one with the same medicine as the original DPT. But in the absence of such a medicine, do not despair, because, according to the WHO, all types of DTP vaccinations and vaccines can be replaced with each other.

Many parents are sometimes frightened by the reaction to re-vaccination. Yes, it can be stronger than with the first DPT. This phenomenon occurs due to the fact that during the primary vaccination a certain amount of antibodies was introduced, which, having collided with microbial components, for the second time begin their rebuff and the body's defense reaction. The effect of a negative reaction to the second stage of vaccination is considered the most pronounced and severe of all subsequent ones.

With the introduction of the first vaccine, a significant negative reaction is possible, therefore, a different drug is selected for the second procedure. Usually, ADS is used instead of DTP, since active ingredient responsible for whooping cough and causes such reactions.

Third DTP

Vaccination number three occurs 30-45 days after the second stage DTP vaccination. If, when transferring the vaccination, later DPT was given, then it is still considered the third.

Even at the third stage of vaccination, a strong reaction from the body is possible, which should not frighten caring parents. In the absence of the same drug as in the previous stages, the planned procedure should not be postponed. Another drug of no less good quality is chosen.

Preparation before vaccination

DTP vaccination is recognized as the most reactogenic procedure. To facilitate and eliminate adverse reactions, you should carefully prepare for the event.

General rules:

  1. The person must be in good health.
  2. The procedure is carried out on an empty stomach. Make sure that the child wants to eat before the procedure.
  3. If the procedure is performed on a baby, you need him to poop before DPT.
  4. The child is dressed in such a way that he does not have a fever.

The drug should be administered when taking painkillers, antipyretic and antiallergic drugs. This is especially true when it comes to vaccinating children.

When observing severe pain, the child is prescribed analgesics. To minimize adverse reactions, all these types of drugs should be kept close so that at the first symptoms there would be an opportunity to take drugs.

Scheme of drug preparation for DPT:

  1. For a couple of days, with allergic reactions, antihistamines are taken.
  2. On the day of the procedure, after it, antipyretic suppositories for children are introduced or tablets are prescribed for adults. Watch the temperature level. Take anti-allergic tablets.
  3. Second day: antihistamines are taken, antipyretic at high temperature.
  4. On the third day, there is usually an improvement and any medications are stopped.

The best option is the selection of medicines for the baby with a pediatrician before the DPT procedure.

Actions immediately after

To be sure of good condition, the child should spend the first half hour near medical institution. You can either stay in the hospital itself or take a walk next to it. This is done in recognition of what can be very severe allergy requiring specialized medical intervention and further monitoring within the hospital.

If there are no allergic reactions, then you can go home. With a lot of activity, the baby should take a walk in nature, avoiding crowds of children.

Upon arrival at the house, the child should be given an antipyretic, without relying on the temperature at the moment. All day you need to maintain strict temperature control. In order to take measures to normalize it with an increase.

Before going to bed, antipyretic candles are used. Abundant feeding is excluded. Only ordinary products are allowed, not causing allergies. Liquid should be given in large volumes, mainly water. Monitor the temperature in the room. The temperature should be within 22°C. If there is a favorable state of health of the baby, then pay attention to walks, but exclude communication with others.

Adverse reactions to DTP

As with many vaccination procedures, both local and general side effects often appear after DTP vaccination.

Local symptoms:

  • pink spot, swelling, pain in the place of setting;
  • violation of the movements of the vaccinated leg due to pain.

General symptoms:

  • elevated temperature;
  • nervousness, whims, anxiety of the baby;
  • long sleep;
  • loss of appetite;
  • vomiting and diarrhea.

When appearing from vaccination DPT side effects phenomena on the first day is not worth worrying about. The reason for visiting the clinic should be considered the appearance of symptoms on the third day or more.

Complications Requiring Medical Care

DPT preparations, when the procedure is done, can cause serious consequences. These effects include:

  1. Severe allergic forms (Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock and etc.).
  2. Convulsive phenomena at a temperature norm.
  3. encephalopathy.

When these symptoms appear, it is urgent to call an ambulance or take the baby to the hospital.

When prescribing DPT vaccination to a child, his parents should not panic. Answer the question: “AKDS what is it?” The pediatrician will help you to the full extent. He will professionally explain how DTP stands for. He will also consider the baby for admission to this procedure and prescribe drugs after vaccination.


Vaccinations have existed since the time of Catherine. Thanks to them, thousands of victims were saved. Undoubtedly, there is always a risk of side effects after vaccination, but the task of every parent is to protect their child from serious diseases. Only a competent approach to vaccinations and awareness will help to avoid terrible consequences. Next, consider what is DTP vaccination. Komarovsky, a well-known children's doctor, will help prepare the child for vaccination and possible side effects with his advice.

Let's decipher DTP

What do these letters mean?

A - adsorbed vaccine.

K - whooping cough.

D - diphtheria.

C - tetanus.

The vaccine consists of weakened bacteria - the causative agents of the above diseases, sorbed on the basis of aluminum hydroxide and merthiolate. There are also cell-free vaccines, more purified. They contain particles of microorganisms that stimulate the body to produce the necessary antibodies.

Note that Dr. Komarovsky says: “The DPT vaccination is the most difficult and can be difficult for a child to tolerate. The pertussis element contained in it complicates its portability.

One vaccine will protect against diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus. These diseases can lead to a sad outcome, and how dangerous they are, we will consider further.

Dangerous diseases

The DTP vaccine will protect against whooping cough, diphtheria, and tetanus. Why are these diseases dangerous?

Whooping cough is a disease caused acute infection. There is a very strong cough, which can provoke respiratory arrest, convulsions. A complication is the development of pneumonia. The disease is highly contagious and dangerous, especially for children under 2 years of age.

Diphtheria is an infectious disease. Easily spread by airborne droplets. Severe intoxication occurs, and a dense plaque forms on the tonsils. Swelling of the larynx may occur, there is a great threat of disruption of the heart, kidneys and nervous system.

Tetanus is an acute and infectious disease. The nervous system is damaged. Reduces muscles on the face, limbs, back. There are difficulties in swallowing, it is difficult to open the jaws. Dangerous violation of the respiratory system. In most cases, death. The infection is transmitted through lesions on the skin and mucous membranes.

When and to whom do DTP

From the very birth of a child, a vaccination schedule is set. If you comply with all the terms of vaccination, the effectiveness will be high, the child in this case is reliably protected. DPT vaccination, Komarovsky draws attention to this, should also be done in a timely manner. Since the child is protected by the mother's antibodies only in the first 6 weeks from birth.

Vaccination can be domestic or imported.

However, all DTP vaccines, regardless of the manufacturer, are administered in three stages. Since immunity weakens after the first vaccination, it is necessary to re-vaccinate. There is a rule for DTP vaccination:

  1. The vaccine should be administered in three stages.
  2. In this case, the interval between vaccinations should be at least 30-45 days.

If missing, the graph looks like this:

  • 1 vaccination - at 3 months.
  • 2 vaccinations - at 4-5 months.
  • 3 vaccinations - at 6 months.

In the future, the interval should be at least 30 days. According to the plan, DTP vaccination is carried out in:

  • 18 months.
  • 6-7 years old.
  • 14 years.

Adults can be vaccinated once every 10 years. In this case, it must be observed that it should not be less than one and a half months.

Very often, one vaccine contains antibodies against several diseases. This does not burden the child's body at all, since they are easily tolerated. So, for example, if DPT and polio are vaccinated, Komarovsky notes that they can be done simultaneously, since the latter has practically no side effects.

The polio vaccine is oral, live. After it, it is recommended not to contact unvaccinated children for two weeks.

How long does the protection last

After the DPT vaccination is done (Komarovsky explains it this way), the immune system begins to produce antibodies to measles, diphtheria and tetanus. So, it was found that after vaccination in a month, the level of antibodies in the body will be 0.1 IU / ml. How long the protection will last depends largely on the characteristics of the vaccine. As a rule, immune protection is calculated for 5 years. Therefore, the interval of scheduled vaccinations is 5-6 years. At an older age, it is enough to do DPT once every 10 years.

If the DPT vaccination is done, then the likelihood of getting diphtheria, tetanus or measles is very low. It is believed that a person in this case is protected from these viruses.

In order not to harm the body, it must be remembered that there are a number of contraindications.

Who should not do DTP

DPT is one of the vaccines that is difficult to tolerate in childhood. And if before that there were no reactions to vaccinations, then it can cause side effects. In order not to cause unwanted consequences of DTP vaccination, Komarovsky advises paying attention to the reasons why vaccination should be canceled.

The reasons may be temporary, these include:

  • Colds.
  • infectious diseases.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.

In such cases, it is necessary to cure the child, and only two weeks after complete recovery, DTP can be done.

DTP vaccination should not be done if there are the following diseases:

  • Deviations in the work of the nervous system that progress.
  • Previous vaccinations were very difficult to tolerate.
  • The child had a history of seizures.
  • Previous vaccinations caused
  • Immunodeficiency.
  • Special sensitivity to the components of the vaccine or their intolerance.

If your child has any disease, or you are afraid that the DTP vaccination will cause unwanted consequences, you should consult a doctor. You may be given a vaccine that does not contain whooping cough toxoids, because they can cause adverse reactions.

Vaccination may also be delayed if the child:

  • Diathesis.
  • Little weight.
  • encephalopathy.

Under these conditions, vaccination is possible, but preparation for DPT vaccination, Komarovsky emphasizes this, should consist in stabilizing the state of health. It is best to use a cell-free vaccine with a high degree of purification for such children.

Possible conditions after vaccination

What are the possible consequences after the DPT vaccination? Reviews Komarovsky gives various. And all side effects can be divided into mild, moderate and heavy.

As a rule, the reaction to the vaccine appears after 3 doses. Perhaps because it is from this moment that the immune defense begins to form. The child should be observed, especially in the first hours after vaccination and for the next three days. If the baby gets sick on the fourth day after vaccination, then it cannot be the cause of the disease.

The occurrence of adverse reactions after vaccination is a very common occurrence. Every third person may have them. Mild reactions that resolve within 2-3 days:

Moderate and severe side effects

More serious side effects cannot be ruled out. They are much less common:

  • Body temperature can rise to 39-40 degrees.
  • Febrile seizures may occur.
  • The injection site will redden significantly, exceed 8 centimeters, and edema will appear more than 5 centimeters.
  • There will be diarrhea and vomiting.

If such reactions to the vaccine occur, it is urgent to show the child to the doctor.

In very rare cases, manifestations of more severe adverse reactions are possible:

DTP is a vaccination (Komarovsky notes this especially), which causes such side effects in one case per million.

Such a reaction may appear in the first 30 minutes after the injection. Therefore, the doctor recommends not to leave immediately after vaccination, but to stay near the medical facility during this time. Then you should show the child again to the doctor. All this is done in order to be able to provide needed help baby.

What to do after vaccination

In order for the child to tolerate the vaccine more easily, it is necessary not only to prepare for it, but also to behave correctly after it. Namely, follow some rules:

  • The child should not bathe in the bath and do not wet the injection site.
  • Dr. Komarovsky recommends walking, but do not walk in public places.
  • Spend these 3 days at home without visitors, especially if the baby has a temperature or is naughty.
  • The air in the room should be moist and fresh.
  • You should not introduce a new product into the diet a week before vaccination and after. If the baby is breastfeeding Mom shouldn't try new foods.
  • Parents of children with allergies should be especially careful. Check with your doctor which ones to give. antihistamines before and after vaccination.

How to behave in the event of adverse reactions

The manifestation of mild adverse reactions is still possible. Since the DTP vaccine is considered the most difficult for the body, especially if the child had previously had negative reactions to vaccinations. What to do in case of side effects after DTP vaccination:

  • Temperature. Komarovsky recommends constantly monitoring it. You should not wait until 38, you need to give an antipyretic as soon as it starts to rise.
  • If there is swelling or redness at the injection site, it is necessary to show the child to the doctor. Perhaps this drug did not get into the muscle, but into the subcutaneous fat, because of this, swelling and induration may appear. In any case, a doctor's consultation is necessary to alleviate the child's condition and exclude possible complications. If it is just a slight redness, it will go away within 7 days and nothing needs to be done.

In order to avoid side effects, you should take seriously the preparation of the child for vaccination. More on this later.

How to prepare your child for DTP vaccination

Komarovsky gives some simple and necessary advice:

Should I do DTP?

Currently, you can observe Remember: the disease threatens with much greater problems than the consequences that arise after the DTP vaccination. Reviews Komarovsky, according to him, heard different things about vaccination, but there are always more pros than cons. After all, having been ill with diphtheria or tetanus, there is no immunity to these diseases. Medicine does not stand still, and vaccines are becoming more purified and safer. It's worth thinking about it. No need to risk the health and life of the child. A high-quality vaccine, an attentive doctor can reduce the risks of developing side effects. Health to you and your children.

Expectant mothers, fathers and young parents are, of course, interested in knowing what vaccinations exist and how you can take care of your baby's health and protect him from diseases. Preparing for DTP vaccination is an important process. But not everyone knows how to prepare for this procedure, when it is needed, which implies what consequences are possible, are there any contraindications.

As soon as the baby is born, on the first day of life, he is already vaccinated. The schedule is developed by the Ministry of Health. Parents can refuse to vaccinate an infant, undergo the procedure later.

Some vaccinations, if they were not done in childhood, a person has to pass on their own in adulthood - when applying for a job and not only. DTP vaccinations are given to both adults and children. In the first days, months, years, if the immune response is not developed, the risk of infection is higher.

Many illnesses are more difficult to bear. There is nothing surprising in this. The body is not strong. To adapt to conditions environment take at least 12 months. It is necessary to get acquainted with the local climate, the seasons. Therefore, it is recommended to vaccinate as early as possible.

The human body is not perfect. Because of this, epidemics occurred so often in past centuries. The whole civilization was on the verge of destruction.

Artificial formation of an immune response in children and adults helps to avoid many troubles. A quality vaccine has already been invented for most infections. Vaccinations against the most common and dangerous diseases, with the help of an effective, proven vaccine, it is proposed to make newborns to improve the quality of life, increase its duration.

After discharge from the hospital, upon reaching the age of three months, they are vaccinated with DTP. DTP vaccination is the introduction into the body of an adsorbed vaccine against whooping cough, diphtheria, and also tetanus.

These diseases should be taken seriously. They are complex clinical picture, high mortality, severe consequences. The body's response to vaccination is often difficult.

There is a risk:

  • side effects;
  • allergic reactions.

The list of contraindications is long. It is necessary to prepare the baby for this procedure. As a result, he will form a stable immunity.

Features of the vaccine

The vaccine produced in the Russian Federation contains dead cells of pathogenic microorganisms. It is given to children free of charge during the standard vaccination.

There are foreign-made DTP vaccines that contain parts of cells, specific elements that are most significant for the formation immune response. They can be purchased if desired. In both cases, there is no risk of infection, each component is safe. Efficiency is confirmed, proven.

Usually applied:

  1. a drug made in Russia, which is called DTP;
  2. Belgian Infanrix;
  3. Pentaxim - it is produced by a French company.

There are also drugs that are used to vaccinate children against diseases other than diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough. For example, an agent such as Tritanrix-HB or Bubo-Kok can be used. This is a vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough and hepatitis B. Bubo-M is a vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus and hepatitis B, but not whooping cough.

If the DPT vaccination was previously given, its decoding was needed by parents when analyzing the vaccination card, now things are different. The development of immunity from diseases implies the choice of the optimal vaccine, taking into account the characteristics of the situation.

If the baby has no health problems, the parents do not object to the procedures, the standard vaccination schedule is applied.

Sometimes there is a need to pay attention to some individual characteristics organism, situation. They are not important at first glance, but cause concern. In this case, it is necessary to make changes to the standard scheme. How to do this, the doctor will tell you. The calendar of procedures will become a guide for action. You can also make your own suggestions, discuss the most promising options with your doctor.

Various DTP vaccinations, their interpretation, the meaning of vaccines, which is known before the administration of the drug, helps parents control the process.

The vaccination map is compiled taking into account their opinions and observations. It is the parents who will be the first to notice that the baby has signs of contraindications. It is sometimes better to pay for a vaccine and achieve a good result, more acceptable, than to refuse the procedure altogether.

A specific drug can be obtained free of charge when the classic is not suitable. But sometimes it is better to refuse vaccination altogether. Vaccination with DPT, ADSM and not only is dangerous.

What should I pay attention to before and after DTP vaccination? What consequences should be expected, beware?

When not to perform the procedure

What is the real danger of a vaccine in which there are no living microorganisms?

Nothing at first glance. After vaccination with DTP, there should be no negative reactions. But under certain circumstances, nevertheless, there is a risk, a threat to health.

Complications from the vaccine itself, although harmless, can occur if diseases of the nervous system are diagnosed. They are a contraindication to the use of the vaccine.

Reaction to foreign body, information about a potential threat will be negative, not as desirable. For the presence of diphtheria toxins, tetanus, pertussis, too. Complications can be expressed in the form of deterioration of health, weakening of the nervous system.

With congenital or acquired immunodeficiency, complications are also likely, the introduction of the vaccine is prohibited.

If you have already been vaccinated and hyperthermia has been observed, you can not do it again. It is impossible to vaccinate DTP with some chronic diseases, at the stage of exacerbation. In these cases, vaccination with ADS toxoid should be chosen.

Circumstances may cause a temporary ban on vaccination. In particular, any acute infection- a serious hindrance. The reaction to the vaccine is unpredictable and life-threatening complications are possible. If someone in the immediate environment is sick with an infectious disease, do not get vaccinated. The likelihood that complications will appear is higher in this case.

The reason for postponing the time of vaccination is stress. They can be considered moving, the death of relatives, the baby's teeth cutting, the temperature observed at the same time, and not only. Even if there are no above threats, sometimes the DTP vaccine has side effects.

Negative symptoms after vaccination

It happens that redness appears at the injection site, and then a purulent abscess. It is important to monitor the condition of the skin at first, to use, possibly, an antibacterial ointment. You should start worrying when the area of ​​​​inflammation exceeds 8 mm, tissue thickening is noticeable. The body temperature rises.

It is customary to divide mild, moderately pronounced and pronounced hyperthermia.

An increase in temperature to 37.5 is a mild hyperthermia. At a temperature of 38.5 we are talking about the average degree of hyperthermia. Severe hyperthermia is called an increase in temperature above 38.5. You should inform the doctor, give antipyretic drugs as soon as possible.

Hyperthermia after DTP vaccination can last 2-3 days.

To the more serious possible complications includes Quincke's edema, allergic syndromes. In some cases, anaphylactic shock develops when this vaccine is given, blood circulation is disturbed due to a sharp decrease in pressure, febrile convulsions appear.

There may be deviations in the work of the nervous system, meningitis and other pathologies develop. But these reactions are extremely rare. Weakness, capriciousness, loss of appetite - what is most often to be expected from a baby who has received this complex vaccination.

How many times do you need to inject

How many times is the vaccine injection given?

Not once. DTP schedule is vaccination at the age of three months, then at the age of 4 months. The minimum period between procedures is thirty days. The maximum allowable interval between the first procedures is forty-five days. It is not advisable to violate the terms of vaccination. But if a longer pause is needed, the drug is not administered additionally.

If negative reactions are observed, a note is made in the outpatient card or vaccination card about this. The vaccine is changed according to the situation. At the age of 6 months, 3 vaccinations are given. You will also need to undergo the procedure at 18 months. This completes the first stage.

A stable immune defense has been developed, which lasts until the age of 8.5 years approximately. At the age of six, the first revaccination procedure is carried out, at seven the second, and at fourteen the third. The ADS-M vaccine is already in use.

Revaccination is required due to a decrease in antibody levels.

Their production is naturally suppressed. A newborn from the first day of life to 2 months has immunity to these infections. Antibodies obtained from the mother's body. The body of a newborn produces them on its own.

But after 2 months, their level is significantly reduced. The observed concentration is not enough to effectively counter infection. Therefore, already at the age of three months, the first procedure is recommended.

10 years after repeated revaccination, the level of antibodies in the blood decreases again. At twenty-four, you will have to repeat the vaccination. Adults are recommended to do it every 10 years throughout their lives. It is advisable to carry out revaccination of the DTP in a timely manner, to comply with the deadlines.

In the event that the baby's parents refuse to be immunized, the DTP vaccination is not carried out at 3 months, the risk of infection gradually decreases. An adult who has reached the age of majority has little chance of contracting diphtheria or whooping cough, but a lot of tetanus.

In this regard, another vaccine is usually prescribed, exclusively tetanus. DTP vaccination for adults may be recommended by an immunologist as a universal option. Sometimes it is this vaccine that is most suitable, it is necessary to make a complex vaccination.

How vaccination is carried out

Does it matter where the vaccine is given?

The drug is injected initially into the gluteal muscle. Later, it is possible to introduce into the muscle of the arm, under the shoulder blade. The skin in the injection area in an infant is affected by a greater number of negative factors. The relevance of an injection into the muscle chosen by specialists raises doubts.

And yet, for a harmonious distribution, minimizing the negative impact on the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system, it is advisable to inject it into the thigh muscle. A negative reaction to the drug can be neutralized using conventional disinfectants.

Attentive attitude to the condition of the baby, well-being after the procedure is a guarantee of safety and health.

Before vaccination, you must be examined by a doctor. Usually they visit a pediatrician or a therapist, a surgeon or an orthopedist, a neuropathologist. A blood test is also required. Before the procedure itself, it is advisable to avoid visiting crowded places for several days.

The likelihood of getting sick with any disease, skipping vaccinations, will be minimized.

It is undesirable to add new foods to the diet. This is an additional burden for immune system. The risk of developing allergic reactions increases, which is undesirable. The diet should be familiar, slightly less high-calorie.

The vaccine itself is given to the child on an empty stomach - at least an hour must pass after eating. If the child has refrained from defecation during the day, you should use a laxative.

After vaccination, the child should not be bathed for a day. In the next 2-3 days, avoid getting water on the injection site. If water still gets in, it is recommended that this area be gently wiped with a towel or paper towel. It is undesirable to rub this place.

One of the most famous vaccines is DPT - a vaccine against tetanus, whooping cough and diphtheria. It is the most common, as it is made to babies all over the world from a very young age, protecting them from the most dangerous infectious diseases. But it is with this vaccine that the greatest doubts and scandals are associated, it is most often accused of causing serious complications. Having heard numerous scary stories, parents are afraid to administer this vaccine to their child.

It is worth figuring out what it is - DTP vaccination: exact decoding, indications, possible side effects and consequences, the likelihood of their occurrence.

The DTP vaccine includes three components at once, creating immunity from three diseases. The abbreviation is deciphered according to their names as adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus. These three components are also part of the vaccine, which also includes components for polio and Haemophilus influenzae. The importance of such a vaccine is due to the severity of the diseases from which it is designed to protect.

Tetanus is an acute infectious disease, characterized by severe damage to the human nervous system with a high probability of death. Infection occurs through contact of damaged skin or mucous membranes of a person with the pathogen - tetanus bacillus. It can live in the intestines of the carrier, whether it be a sick person, animal, bird or rodent. Its danger is that the stick can stay and multiply for a long time in the soil, where it enters with the feces of a sick carrier. Therefore, it is so dangerous for babies, who can easily get hurt while walking on the street, and infect the resulting wound.

Whooping cough is also an acute infectious disease transmitted by airborne droplets through contact with a sick person. Its characteristic feature is a severe paroxysmal cough that lasts a very long time and causes hypoxia with convulsive syndrome. Whooping cough is especially dangerous for infants and can be fatal due to respiratory arrest resulting from a spasmodic cough. Adults can also get sick with it, but most often it is observed in babies from one to five to six years old.

Diphtheria is an infectious disease that can also be transmitted by airborne droplets, causing severe inflammation and swelling of the nasopharynx and oral cavity. The pathogenic bacterium (diphtheria bacillus) secretes the strongest toxin that affects the heart, nervous system and kidneys of a person, an infectious-toxic shock occurs. The possibility of death is also high.

As you can see, the danger of these diseases justifies the need for vaccination with DTP. Due to the insufficient level of immunization of the population, primarily children, the risk of encountering the causative agent of one of these diseases increases, and the consequences can be much more serious in young children. Therefore, you should definitely follow the National, which indicates the optimal age for DPT vaccination.

At what age do

Lifetime immunity from these three diseases DTP does not. Therefore, vaccination must be carried out throughout a person's life at certain intervals. It is important to start vaccinating at early age according to the schedule (if there are no contraindications):

  • At 2-3 months;
  • 4-5 months;
  • 6 months.

These three vaccinations are mandatory components of the first course of immunization. If, due to temporary contraindications, vaccination began later than the recommended time, then you need to start at any suitable time and observe a break of 45 days between the next injections of the vaccine. Next comes the revaccination of the child at 18 months.

After that, revaccination continues throughout life, but without the pertussis component (- from tetanus and diphtheria): at 6 years old, then at 14. After that, adults should be revaccinated every 10 years. Most often, after the last school vaccination at the age of 14, most adults forget or do not know about the need for revaccination, but this is important, since diphtheria and tetanus can occur at any age and can be deadly.

Possible side effects after DTP vaccination

In some cases, some adverse reactions may occur after vaccination.. Despite the fact that these are rather unpleasant symptoms, this can be considered as a variant of the norm: this is how the body reacts to the introduction of foreign bodies and develops the necessary protection (for which the vaccine is done). It is worth noting that the reaction is due to one component of the drug, namely pertussis. Unpleasant symptoms may include:

  • Compaction, redness at the injection site, pain in the same place. For some children (who are already walking) it is painful to stand on the leg that was injected.
  • Lethargy, drowsiness, tearfulness, irritability - a general malaise.
  • An increase in temperature (permissible up to 39 degrees).

Some pediatricians note that in infants, side effects after DPT vaccination are less pronounced than in older children. The younger the child, the easier they are likely to tolerate the vaccination: another benefit of sticking to the generally accepted schedule.

Often, doctors recommend giving antihistamines after an injection to reduce the risk of possible negative manifestations. When the temperature rises, it should be knocked down with antipyretics. At the same time, this should be done at the first sign of an increase: the rule “do not bring the temperature down to 38 degrees” does not apply here.

Adverse reactions usually occur in the very first knocks after the injection and can persist for two to three days, gradually fading away. In this case, it is imperative to carefully monitor the condition of the crumbs and immediately seek medical help if:

  • the size of the edema at the injection site exceeded 8-10 centimeters in diameter;
  • the temperature rose above 39 degrees;
  • the baby cries and screams for too long.

Any negative reactions that are not described in the list of possible ones are a definite reason to show the child to the doctor.

It should be noted that sometimes there is a situation when the temperature, lethargy, runny nose, etc. first appear a few (3-4) days after vaccination. These are not the consequences, but the symptoms. viral infection, which can often be picked up in the same clinic where you came for vaccination.

Serious adverse reactions and statistics on them

All organisms are different, and in rare cases individual serious reactions can occur that cannot be predicted. The frequency of such cases is low: 1-2 per 100 thousand vaccinated. What can be serious consequences in children after DTP vaccination:

  • heavy allergic reaction up to anaphylactic shock;
  • neurological disorders;
  • convulsions.

These cases are extremely rare, as confirmed by the relevant official statistics:

  1. Mild side effects such as fever and swelling at the injection site occur in 1 in 4 children, and vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy in 1 in 10.
  2. Side effects of moderate severity have the following statistics: long strong crying - 1 case per thousand, convulsions - 1 out of 14.5 thousand, and a temperature above 39.5 - 1 out of 15 thousand vaccinated.
  3. From severe violations severe allergies occur 1 time in a million cases.

As for neurological problems, they appear especially rarely and usually are not even associated with DTP.

The now infamous anti-vaccine movement speculates about the connection between autism and DTP, but official medicine refutes this. The reasons for the development of autism in children have not been precisely elucidated, but since the first signs usually appear at the age at which they do it to all children (more than once), this provides food for such reasoning.

What to do if there are complications

When vaccinated with any vaccine, including DPT, careful monitoring of the child's condition on the day of vaccination and several days after is necessary. When side effects appear, adequate measures should be taken immediately to help alleviate their course.

So, when the temperature rises, you should immediately give the child antipyretic drug(paracetamol or ibuprofen), you can do this immediately after the vaccination and give a prophylactic dose at night. At the first symptoms of an allergy, antihistamine (anti-allergic) drugs will help, you can often apply them topically to the injection area (there are similar remedies in the form of an ointment).

A couple of days should be limited physical exercise, drinking plenty of water and eating light meals will be an advantage. Monitor the parameters of air and humidity in the nursery: the air should be cool (18-20 degrees Celsius) and humid (60-70%). Such simple measures will help your baby to endure unpleasant consequences as easily as possible.

As mentioned above, for any other reactions, with more severe complications, you must urgently go to the hospital.

Why is it better to get vaccinated than to get sick?

One of the erroneous arguments of parents who refuse to do DPT to their child is as follows: let him get sick and get natural immunity from the disease rather than a vaccine with complications. This is fundamentally wrong, if only for the reason that transferred tetanus and diphtheria do not create immunity in a person. Whooping cough provides immune protection for the same duration as the vaccine. But the worst complications from real diseases are much more likely than serious adverse reactions from DTP vaccination.

Another misconception is that the possibility of contracting one of these infections is extremely low, so it is not worth exposing the body to an extra vaccination load. But low level The spread of such diseases is directly related to vaccination, and the smaller the percentage of the vaccinated population, the higher the risk of an entire epidemic of diphtheria, more frequent cases of tetanus and whooping cough. General immunization creates herd immunity that protects the most vulnerable groups of people - those for whom vaccination is really contraindicated.

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A very useful transfer by Dr. Komarovsky, dedicated to the DTP vaccination. It details all the nuances associated with this vaccine.

Today, vaccination gives us an invaluable opportunity to protect ourselves and our children from dangerous infections. Not taking advantage of such a blessing in medicine means exposing yourself and your children to the risk of becoming seriously ill with unpredictable consequences. How do you feel about DPT vaccination? Tell us about it in the comments. Have you vaccinated your child? How did he bear it?

The question of the need for vaccination of children today is particularly relevant. Many parents simply refuse to put their kids at risk. On the other hand, those pathologies from which vaccines are designed to protect are no less dangerous. The greatest worries of moms and dads causes possible reaction for DTP vaccination, which is included in the list of mandatory. Although combination vaccine is designed to strengthen the protective function of the body, it is classified as reactogenic, capable of causing serious allergic manifestations.

DPT: interpreting the name

The abbreviation stands for adsorbed (purified) pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus combined vaccine, aimed at protecting the body from three serious illnesses. For its manufacture, toxoids of diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough are used. In the last component, only some cell fragments (DPT vaccine) can be used, which is much safer, unlike whole cell preparations.

Acellular vaccines are prescribed if the child's reaction to the DPT vaccination (previous) was severe, as well as in case of weakened immunity in the baby. There is a variety of the drug, in which the pertussis component is completely absent.

All known pathologies in medicine have their own personal code. International classification diseases allows you to record information about the state of health of the population and contains all the names of diseases in alphabetical order. The last revision was carried out in 2010, so it is customary to use the abbreviation ICD-10. The reaction to DTP vaccination is also included in this list (T88.0).

How does the DPT vaccine work?

Vaccinations can prevent the development of serious and sometimes even fatal diseases. The vaccine against diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus, entering the body, begins to release weakened components. This stimulates the defense system to produce immune cells(antibodies and T-lymphocytes) and fight foreign microorganisms. Atoxins are not dangerous for the body, they only stimulate it to resist diseases.

What reaction to the DPT vaccination is considered the norm?

In medical practice, it is customary to divide reactions into weak, moderate and strong. The immune response of the system to the introduction of the drug components can be quite pronounced. This is a normal reaction of the body, indicating that the vaccine has begun to act. The standard manifestations are fever, excitability, capriciousness in children. infancy, drowsiness, vomiting (rare).

Symptoms are characterized by sudden onset and disappearance. Normally, they occur in the first 24 hours after the injection. If a similar reaction of the body to the DPT vaccination is observed for more than 48 hours, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician.

Types of DPT vaccine

The considered vaccine of domestic production is quite well tolerated by children. In clinics, it is provided free of charge. If parents wish, you can purchase imported analogues. Some of these drugs contain additional components to fight other diseases. The negative reaction to DTP vaccination of foreign production is reduced to a minimum. These vaccines include:

  • "Pentaxim" (manufactured in France) - a popular analogue of domestic vaccination, contains 5 components of dangerous childhood pathologies at once: tetanus, whooping cough, diphtheria, poliomyelitis, hemophilic infection.
  • "Infanrix" (manufactured in England) - is a cell-free vaccine with minimal side effects. It is produced in several forms and may additionally contain components of poliomyelitis (“Infanrix IVP”) or hepatitis B, as well as hemophilic infection (“Infanrix Hexa”).
  • "Tetrakok" (manufactured in France) - the vaccine contains components of KDS and polio. Introduced to children with immune disorders.
  • "Tritanrix HB-HIB" (manufactured in Belgium) - the vaccination dose contains diphtheria and tetanus toxin, inactivated pertussis fragments, hepatitis B surface antigen, capsular polysaccharide of hemophilic infection.

A reaction to DPT vaccination can occur regardless of the manufacturer. Of course, foreign vaccine companies are trying to reduce the risk of complications and offer only the latest developments in the field of drugs for routine vaccination.

Local reaction

The injection site may be slightly swollen, reddened, painful. The swelling goes down within 3 days after vaccination. In severe cases, suppuration may begin. This is more often caused by non-compliance with the technique for performing this kind of injection. Also, the reasons for the development include a tendency to allergies.

According to statistics, every fifth baby has a local reaction to the DPT vaccination. At 3 months, when the primary vaccination is to be done according to the schedule, the manifestation of such signs practically does not occur. Symptoms increase with each subsequent administration of the drug.

Possible Complications

Cases of complications after DTP vaccination have indeed been recorded. Experts, trying to persuade parents to vaccinate, insist that the benefits far outweigh the risks.

Allergic manifestations increase depending on the predisposition of the child's body. This means that the danger still exists, and therefore it is not surprising that mothers and fathers refuse to administer such drugs to children.

A child's reaction to DPT and polio vaccination may manifest itself in the following form:

  • Anaphylactic shock is a sudden drop in blood pressure heart rate. In children, it often manifests itself in the form of fainting and loss of consciousness. Occurs 30-60 minutes after injection. Requires immediate resuscitation.
  • Afebrile seizures - occur without an increase in temperature against the background of irritation of areas of the brain. This serious lesion of the nervous system needs long-term drug treatment. The cause of the occurrence is the components of whooping cough in the vaccine.
  • Encephalopathy is a severe pathological brain lesion that often becomes lifelong. It develops within 1 month under the influence of a vaccine containing pertussis cells.
  • Quincke's edema - such a reaction to DTP vaccination and polio is characterized by swelling of the neck, face, larynx, nose. It is important to provide the baby with urgent medical care.

Parents' opinion

Now you will not surprise anyone with the refusal of DTP vaccination. Parents do not agree to expose their babies to the threat of severe neurological abnormalities that most often accompany children after vaccination for the rest of their lives. Unfortunately, doctors do not prescribe a preliminary examination by various specialists who give their opinion on the permission or prohibition of vaccinations. Some mothers and fathers simply do not have information that such a study is mandatory.

In children's clinics, before vaccination, the child is simply examined by a pediatrician. What is the reaction to DTP vaccination? Most often, you can hear that normally the temperature may rise slightly, a seal appears at the injection site. Doctors prefer to remain silent about more serious consequences. Moms and dads, in turn, trusting professionals, sign the permission and thereby shift all responsibility onto themselves.

Nevertheless, most parents are sure that vaccination against tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough and polio must be done without fail. Some completely trust the drug of domestic production, while others (their minority) purchase imported analogues, in which the risk of developing severe complications is much lower.

What to look for after DTP vaccination?

A slight increase in temperature, lethargy and lack of appetite in the first days after vaccination is a normal child's reaction to DTP vaccination and polio. The task of parents is to control the further development of the situation.

The following symptoms should be alert:

  • prolonged fever;
  • body temperature exceeds 39 ° C and cannot be reduced with antipyretic drugs;
  • the appearance of seizures;
  • crying of a child with an uncharacteristic shrill cry;
  • pallor (sometimes blue) of the skin;
  • the child stopped responding to the appeal.

Such signs should not go unnoticed, and parents should seek medical help. If there is only a moderate local reaction to the DPT vaccination, then there is no reason to worry. These symptoms quickly pass and do not cause serious consequences.

How does the body react to each stage of vaccination?

It should be borne in mind that the reaction to the 2nd DPT vaccination, which is scheduled for 4.5 months, may differ from the first injection. Despite such small age, children tolerate the introduction of atoxin pertussis, tetanus and diphtheria well. The World Health Organization recommends that you do not violate the established vaccination dates in order to avoid complications.

The next injection is given at six months, if the baby normally had the first and second vaccinations. Otherwise, it is necessary to replace the drug with one that does not contain a pertussis reactogenic fragment. It is considered the most dangerous component that can provoke irreversible changes in the brain (severe complications). The reaction to the 3rd DTP vaccination often frightens parents and sometimes fears are justified. At this time, an enhanced formation of a protective mechanism is taking place, and therefore the consequences can be quite serious.

After the third vaccination, the child's temperature rises, which is sometimes difficult to bring down. Diarrhea, vomiting, mood swings may occur. The injection site looks swollen, reddened. For better transfer of a painful vaccine, it is done exclusively in the thigh. So the components enter the vessels faster and do not cause a violent local reaction. Only in rare cases, the pain syndrome develops to such an extent that for several days the child hardly steps on the leg. The baby must be carefully monitored after each vaccination and, if necessary, seek medical advice.

How to alleviate the condition of the child after DTP vaccination?

If a child has a fever in response to the DTP vaccine, first of all, it is necessary to give an antipyretic. For greater efficiency, simultaneous administration with 1/4 No-shpy tablet is recommended.

Compresses with magnesia (or simple rubbing) will help reduce pain at the injection site. It is also allowed to make an iodine grid, which contributes to the speedy reduction of swelling and puffiness. Eliminate the manifestations of allergies will help antihistamines.

DPT revaccination

The last vaccination against tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough is given at the age of 18 months. It is called revaccination, which completes the DPT vaccination complex and consolidates the effect. There are special requirements for its implementation: the child must be absolutely healthy. Therefore, it is mandatory to undergo an examination by highly specialized specialists (neuropathologist, cardiologist, ENT) and pass laboratory tests. This is the only way to be sure that the vaccine will not harm the baby.

A negative reaction to the DTP vaccination, which was administered before revaccination, is an indication for discontinuation of the injection or replacement of the drug. If the child has had an illness (including a simple ARVI), revaccination is postponed for 12 months. The period must be counted from the day of the third vaccination.

Consequences of revaccination

The reaction to DTP vaccination and polio in each case may be different. Revaccination is no exception, which some children tolerate well, while others suffer from high temperature, severe pain in the injection area, lack of appetite. With normal tolerability of previous vaccine injections, there should be no serious complications.

How long does a reaction to a DTP vaccine last? Normally, the symptoms should disappear three days after the injection. If the child feels well, does not act up, does not complain about pain in the leg, then the body tolerated the drug well.

Do I need to prepare for vaccination?

Proper preparation of the child for routine vaccination is the key to good tolerance and the absence of complications. DTP vaccination should be taken with special responsibility, since it is it that most often causes various kinds of complications. In order to avoid disturbances in the work of the nervous system and kidneys, you must first pass medical examination to get information about your baby's health.

District pediatricians often neglect this prerequisite, on which the child's admission to vaccination depends. As a result of such negligence, a child may have a severe reaction to the DPT vaccination. Parents should understand that one examination of the child immediately before the injection is not enough. It is necessary to require from the pediatrician a referral for laboratory tests. You also need to go through other specialists, in particular, a neurologist.

Before vaccination, doctors advise preparing the child's body for a "meeting" with the components of the vaccine. To do this, they begin to give antiallergic (antihistamine) drugs in a few days. They will help smooth out the manifestation of some of the system's reactions to the introduction of foreign viruses (even if weakened). In turn, the doctor should be aware of the baby's tendency to allergies.

It is not recommended to introduce new types of products into the child's menu that can provoke an organism reaction in the form of dermatitis. On the day of vaccination, many experts advise giving an antipyretic even before a possible rise in temperature. All medications are canceled 3-5 days after DTP vaccination.

When should vaccination be delayed?

There are temporary indications that allow you to postpone the introduction of the vaccine for a certain period. It should be noted that a few decades ago this list was more impressive. Modern scientific developments allowed to shorten it. Currently, a withdrawal from the DTP vaccine is given for the following indications:

  • Recent infections and viral diseases in history. It is allowed to vaccinate a child only a month after full recovery.
  • Exacerbation of chronic ailments - a delay of at least 3 months from DTP vaccination.
  • Intestinal dysbacteriosis - causes a decrease in immunity, which can complicate the child's reaction to the injected atoxin. Babies with this diagnosis are not recommended to be vaccinated with DTP.
  • Premature birth - underdeveloped various systems of a fragile organism should not suffer from a vaccine. Children born ahead of time, you need to gain weight before the first DPT shot.
  • Severe reaction to DPT and polio or other vaccines. Subsequent administration of the drug is allowed only after complete examination. The most commonly used drug without pertussis cells (ADS).

The district doctor, sending the child for a routine vaccination, must make sure that there are no diseases and contraindications. Without fail, the temperature is measured, breathing is heard. If there is the slightest suspicion of the poor health of the baby, injections are contraindicated.

You should refrain from vaccination if the child has to go on a long journey. This increases the chance of catching a virus that will negatively affect a weakened immune system.

In what cases is it forbidden to vaccinate DTP?

Complete contraindications include:

  • a history of pathologies of the nervous system;
  • a fixed reaction in the form of convulsions with an increase in body temperature;
  • an allergic reaction to a previous injection;
  • infantile spasms;
  • brain disorders, pathologies;
  • an epidemic of any other disease;
  • the presence in the family history of patients with neurological abnormalities, mental disorders;
  • birth trauma of the skull.

During the initial administration of the vaccine, it is necessary to especially monitor children whose close relatives are prone to allergies.