Bubo Kok instructions for use. Domestic combined vaccine Bubokok: composition, instructions for use and reviews

IMPORTANT: Simultaneous vaccination, not accompanied by potentiation of reactogenicity and suppression of the immune response to any of the antigens, allows not only to reduce the stress load on the vaccinated, but also to more successfully implement vaccinations within the time frame determined by the vaccination calendar, reduce the workload of medical workers and, accordingly, reduce the cost of immunization programs.

What are the benefits of combination vaccines?

Reduce the number of immunizations and doctor visits
- Increase the likelihood of complete immunization of the child
- Reduce the need for a cold chain, transportation and waste disposal
- Simplify management, training and record keeping

Safety with simultaneous administration of vaccines

The safety of vaccination with separate preparations is exactly the same as with their simultaneous administration. Adverse reactions to vaccinations do not tend to increase or mutually potentiate with the parallel administration of several antigens.

Efficacy with simultaneous administration of several vaccines

A significant number of studies confirm the fact that there is no mutual influence on the effectiveness of vaccines when they are administered simultaneously.


Bubo ® -Kok - adsorbed liquid vaccine against pertussis, diphtheria, tetanus and hepatitis B, suspension for intramuscular injection

The vaccine is intended for immunoprophylaxis of hepatitis B, whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria in children. It is a combination of recombinant yeast hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and a mixture of formalin-killed phase 1 pertussis microbes and purified diphtheria and tetanus toxoid (DTP) ballast proteins adsorbed on an aluminum hydroxide gel. Included in the National Immunization Schedule.
Reg. beats Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation R N 003327/01 dated 03.03.09
ampoules of 0.5 ml, N10

Shelf life - 2.5 years.

The drug contains in one dose (0.5 ml): 15 flocculating units (Lf) of diphtheria, 5 binding units (EC) of tetanus toxoid, 10 billion pertussis bacteria, 5 μg of HBsAg, 0.4 mg of aluminum hydroxide (Al 3+), 50 mcg of merthiolate (preservative).
Homogeneous suspension of a yellowish-white color, separating on standing into a colorless transparent liquid and a friable yellowish-white precipitate, completely breaking up on shaking. Instructions for use of the drug...


With the increase in the number of vaccinations carried out as part of the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI), the use of combined preparations allows not only to reduce the stress load on the vaccinated, but also to more successfully implement vaccinations within the time frame determined by the vaccination calendar, reduce the workload of medical workers and, accordingly, reduce the cost of immunization programs .
A new domestic combined vaccine Bubo-Kok (manufactured by CJSC NPK "KOMBIOTECH") for the prevention of whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus and viral hepatitis In terms of the content of diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis components in the vaccination dose, it is similar to the currently used pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine (DTP). It should be emphasized that the content of merthiolate and aluminum hydroxide gel in the Bubo-Kok vaccine is the same as in the DTP vaccine and in a number of hepatitis vaccines, which allows to halve the dose of preservative and sorbent compared with the separate use of two vaccines.
The introduction of the drug three times according to the DPT vaccination scheme in accordance with the approved scheme causes the formation specific immunity against whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus and hepatitis B.
Preclinical studies have proven the safety and high immunological efficacy of the drug.
The immunogenicity of the Bubo-Kok vaccine in relation to all components is not inferior to that of the DTP vaccine and the hepatitis B vaccine when they are administered simultaneously.

The Bubo-Kok vaccine, designed to protect the child's body from hepatitis B, tetanus, whooping cough and diphtheria, is a combination drug similar in its action to hepatitis B and DTP vaccines. Row clinical research Bubo-Kok proved its safety and high efficiency. Therefore, the Bubo-Kok vaccine is included in

The vaccine is a yellow-white homogeneous suspension, which, when settling, separates into a transparent component and a precipitate, which is distributed after shaking.

Bubo-Kok contains:

  • recombinant yeast surface antigen of hepatitis B virus;
  • formalin-inactivated pertussis bacteria;
  • diphtheria and tetanus toxoids, purified from ballast (protein compounds).

Also in the preparation are aluminum hydroxide and preservative merthiolate.

Mechanism of action and benefits

The action of the Bubo-Kok vaccine is aimed at the formation of the immune defense of the child. After inoculation, the components of the drug enter the bloodstream, simulating infection. The body in response produces antibodies, interferons and phagocytes. A noticeable increase can be observed already two weeks after the injection procedure.

As a result, the child's leukocytes "get acquainted" with infectious agents, and in the event of a real infection with diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus or hepatitis B, the immune system will be able to defeat the disease.

The use of combined drugs has several advantages:

  • vaccination is carried out according to the terms provided by the vaccination calendar;
  • the load on nurses, pediatricians and other specialists of the medical institution is reduced;
  • reduced financial costs for immunization.
  • Combined preparation Bubo-Kok by content active components similar to and , but at the same time, merthiolate (preservative) and aluminum hydroxide gel (sorbent) enter the child's body in a smaller amount than with the introduction of two vaccines.

    Vaccination Schedule

    Bubo-Kok can be vaccinated with children from 3 months to 4 years of age.

    The vaccine is given according to the national immunization calendar at the time when it is planned to administer drugs for hepatitis B, tetanus, whooping cough and diphtheria at the same time.

    A child who has not received a hepatitis B vaccine before 3 months is vaccinated three times according to the scheme 3-4.5-6 months. The intervals cannot be reduced. If it is not possible to carry out the procedure on time, then you need to deliver it later, but as close to the schedule as possible.

    There is a monovaccine Bubo-Kok against hepatitis B. It is used when the child is vaccinated with DDT, but has not received a vaccine against hepatitis B. Up to three procedures can be performed using this drug.

    In cases where DPT revaccination is scheduled at the same time as vaccination against hepatitis B, Bubo-Kok can be used, even if previous procedures were carried out by standard methods.

    If the child is already 4 years old, and DTP or Bubo-Kok has not been vaccinated with vaccines, then it can be done with the following drugs:

    • LDS toxoid from 4 to 6 years (not including birthday);
    • ADS-M toxoid from 6 years old;
    • Bubo-M, when DPT revaccination and hepatitis B vaccination are scheduled at the same time.

    You can administer the Bubo-Kok vaccine together with other drugs provided for by the National Immunization Schedule, or a month after vaccination from others infectious diseases. It is allowed to use the drug with allergy medications.

    Method and site of administration

    The vaccine is placed inside the gluteal or femoral muscle. A single volume for administration is 0.5 ml. Before the procedure, the ampoule must be shaken to obtain a homogeneous suspension.

    After opening, the ampoule is strictly prohibited to store. Also, you can not use the drug if the integrity of the container has been violated, in the absence of markings, color changes, flakes falling out, expiration date, violation of storage rules.

    Vaccination should be displayed in documents - special forms of accounting, which indicate the batch number, expiration date, the name of the company that manufactured the drug, the date of vaccination and the reaction of the body to the procedure.


    Absolute contraindications for vaccination with Bubo-Kok include:

    • some disorders in the nervous system;
    • afebrile convulsive manifestations;
    • yeast allergy;
    • pronounced Negative consequences and complications after vaccines: DTP, Bubo-Kok, against hepatitis B.

    If convulsions occur only with elevated temperature, then the introduction of Bubo-Kok is possible. In this case, after the procedure, paracetamol is prescribed for 24-48 hours.

    A child who has had an acute illness is vaccinated a month after the cure. If there was a mild respiratory infection(rhinitis, slight reddening of the throat), then the vaccine can be given a couple of weeks after recovery.

    In chronic diseases, vaccination is possible a month after remission is established. With stable allergic symptoms, vaccination is carried out in combination with targeted therapy.

    Body reactions

    The normal reactions of the body to the introduction of the Bubo-Kok vaccine are:

    • short-term, gradually decreasing increase in total body temperature up to 38.5 ° C;
    • malaise and weakness within 1-2 days after the procedure;
    • muscle pain;
    • soreness, redness and swelling at the injection site.

    Complications are rare. These include:

    • convulsions, often febrile;
    • piercing cry;
    • motor excitation;
    • allergy manifestations.

    Due to the risk of allergic reactions, after vaccination, a half-hour presence of the child in the clinic is required. In this case, at the first sign of a complication, immediate medical assistance will be provided.

    Termination of subsequent inoculation with Bubo-Kok is recommended in case of severe general reactions of the body (temperature over 40 ° C, swelling and redness of the injection site with a diameter of more than 8 cm), as well as in the event of complications.

    What to do before and after vaccination

    Preparing a child for immunization is very important, because vaccination with Bubo-Kok is a serious burden for a growing organism. Prior to the scheduled vaccination, you need to go to an appointment with children's specialists, especially a neuropathologist, since babies with neurological diseases complications are often observed after the introduction of the vaccine.

    The delivery of tests (blood, urine) will confirm the absence of concomitant diseases that may adversely affect the child's condition in the post-vaccination period. If the child is prone to allergies, then a few days before vaccination, you need to start taking antihistamines at a prophylactic dose.

    On the day of vaccination, the child needs to visit a pediatrician, he will conduct an examination to confirm the absence of concomitant diseases, for example, beginning acute respiratory infections.

    After vaccination, it is necessary to provide the child with plenty of fluids and not insist on eating - a decrease in appetite is a fairly common occurrence.

    It is important to monitor the temperature, general physical condition. If the temperature rises above 38 ° C, you need to undress the child, wipe it with a damp towel, if these measures do not help, give antipyretic drug such as Nurofen.

    At the first sign of complications (suffocation, convulsions, loss of consciousness), you should immediately call an ambulance. The doctor must be informed about the previous vaccination procedure, provide a vaccination certificate.

    In the event that the child feels well and there is no increase in temperature, you can follow the usual regimen, including swimming (but not rubbing the injection site) and walking.

    Useful video about vaccination of children

    Bubo Kok is such a vaccine against diseases that were fatal even a century ago, thanks to the vaccine, they are quickly treated. Such successes have been achieved through grafting. Although the parent camp is divided in half. Some people think that it is necessary to vaccinate Bubo Kok, others are against it, thinking that there is no need to injure the child and his immunity once again.

    What does the vaccine help with?

    This is a development that includes a complex of several dangerous diseases:

    • Tetanus;
    • Also Hepatitis B.

    The vaccine is domestic development and included in the national calendar mandatory vaccinations that the child receives.

    Clinical trials have shown good efficacy and safety of the inoculated drug. But there is no way to fully predict how a child's immune system will react to a given vaccine.

    Mothers ask advice from those who have already been vaccinated. Of course, it is necessary to protect and train the immune system in order to quickly overcome it when faced with a real disease.

    What is the composition of the Bubo Kok vaccine?

    The main problem with vaccination is the number of required Bubo Kok vaccinations. Therefore, the science of immunology is constantly looking for options to reduce the number of injections, combining several vaccinations into one if possible.

    The latest development of domestic production Bubo Kok. But everyone is interested in a number of questions:

    1. What is the Bubo Kok vaccination?
    2. How effective is it compared to other vaccines?
    3. Whether there is a side effects after vaccination, and what are they?

    The vaccine contains several components:

    • Hepatitis B antigen, yeast virus, recombinant and surface;
    • Inactive pertussis bacteria due to their formalin treatment;
    • Tetanus and diphtheria, purified from protein components, toxoids;
    • Also in the composition of aluminum hydroxide;
    • And a preservative.

    The purpose of the vaccine is to protect in the future from the most dangerous diseases that harm the main internal organs and human systems. Hepatitis is considered especially dangerous, causing serious damage to the liver.

    Bubo Kok vaccine is available in ampoules, with a homogeneous mass, sometimes there is a small sediment light color. Usually the Hepatitis B vaccine is given separately from the rest, but thanks to developments, now the number of vaccines will become smaller. This is the goal pursued by the doctor, recommending putting bubo cook.

    The manufacturer of the Bubo Kok vaccine is the Russian company Combiotech. You should not doubt the professionalism of the developers, because the company has released more than one drug to protect the immune system.

    The vaccine is on the market recently, so the attitude towards it is different. Of course, you should carefully study the manufacturer's recommendations set out in the instructions before using it. Any vaccination is necessary for a healthy child.

    How does the vaccine affect the child?

    The main action of vaccination is to mimic infection with a virus so that the immune system begins to produce antibodies to fight the disease. The reaction may be different. The first is an increase in temperature.

    Many children calmly tolerate the vaccine, without the manifestation of adverse reactions. Making a choice in favor combination drug you get the benefits:

    1. Less stress from the use of injections, this is important for the little one.
    2. Vaccination is carried out at certain times, so those who missed the hepatitis vaccination can put bubo kok as an alternative.
    3. Bubo cook optimal solution replacing two separate hepatitis B and DPT vaccines.
    4. The vaccine is delivered free of charge, so time and money are saved for vaccination.

    It is important when using bubo coca to observe the timing of vaccination. For a child, this age is from 3 months to 4 years. If a child has not received a hepatitis B vaccine by three one month old, then a vaccination schedule of three injections is applied to it:

    • First at 3 months;
    • The second at 4.5 months;
    • Third at 6 months.

    The reaction of the Bubo Kok vaccination is different and depends on the health of the child. Of course, you should not violate the vaccination schedule, but if this happens, then it is advisable to deliver the Bubo Kok vaccine as close to the deadline as possible.

    Contraindications preventing vaccination

    There are a number of contraindications, in the presence of which the use of the bubo coc vaccine is prohibited:

    • Disorders in the nervous system;
    • The presence of seizures and other severe pathologies;
    • Allergic reaction to yeast;
    • If strong consequences were observed after DTP and hepatitis B vaccinations;
    • Do not vaccinate if the child has recently been ill serious illness, vaccination in this case is done a month after complete recovery.

    In some cases, the presence of seizures as a side effect is not a contraindication if they occur only with an increase in temperature. The doctor after vaccination should prescribe paracetamol to relieve fever if it starts in a child.

    When a child suffers chronic diseases or allergies, then vaccination is possible under the strict recommendation and supervision of a doctor.

    How will the body react to the vaccine?

    The standard reaction after inoculation with bubo coc are:

    1. A slight temperature within 39 degrees, which is easily knocked down by taking antipyretic drugs based on paracetamol;
    2. General weakness and lethargy of the child for a couple of days after vaccination;
    3. Pain in the muscles;
    4. There may be swelling or redness at the injection site;

    Complications are also possible, but not often:

    1. Convulsions, but more often with an increase in body temperature;
    2. The piercing cries of a child from behind severe pain in the injection area;
    3. overexcitation;
    4. Allergic reaction to possible components of the drug.

    Due to the possible manifestation of allergies, the child must be in the clinic for 30 minutes under the supervision of a doctor. In case of negative manifestations of the vaccine, the child will immediately receive assistance.

    If there is a negative reaction to the Bubo Kok vaccine after the first injection, then it is worth talking with the pediatrician about changing the drug. A long period of manifestation of side effects, more than a day, is a signal to call a doctor. Further vaccination of the child takes place according to a different scheme with other drugs. Much depends on the fact after which the vaccination appeared an adverse reaction in the child.

    Is it worth putting a bubokok a new vaccine and are there any analogues

    When a child reacted negatively after vaccination with Bubokok, it is worth replacing the drug with a similar one. Only with a similar composition of the drug for immunoprophylaxis is not. Therefore, doctors prescribe several separate vaccinations to strengthen immunity:

    • Separate DTP vaccination, does not contain protection against hepatitis B, therefore a separate vaccine is required;
    • Infanrix is ​​a foreign analogue of DPT, it also does not contain protection against hepatitis B;
    • Infanrix Hexa, the drug additionally gives protection against Haemophilus influenzae and poliomyelitis;
    • Tetraxim contains protection against poliomyelitis.

    Look at the integrity of the ampoule used for vaccination, it should not be damaged. The drug responds to environment, so it is a one-time use.

    It is better to check the expiration dates and the integrity of the package and ampoule yourself before you vaccinate your child. This will help to avoid possible consequences and complications. It happens that side effects are the result of the introduction of an expired drug, or the integrity of the ampoule was violated during its storage, in which case the vaccine can be dangerous.

    Instructions for administering the vaccine

    Instructions for the Bubo Kok vaccine are attached to each package. Of course, strengthen immune system the child is necessary, but there is a risk of developing consequences and it is impossible to say exactly how the vaccine will affect the child.

    Many are alarmed adverse reactions already after the first vaccination and no longer want to continue the procedure. But you should not immediately react so categorically, it is important to follow a number of recommendations that will help you avoid or easily tolerate adverse reactions:

    • A good option before vaccination is to visit a doctor and pass general analyzes. This reveals a disease that has just begun to act on the child and avoid complications;
    • Before administering the vaccine, ask to see the product and examine the integrity of its packaging. Also, closely monitor the actions of a medical worker;
    • Start giving your child new fruits or vegetables for a few days before going to the doctor, this will help to find out if the child has allergies. If you have been vaccinated, it is better to wait 5-6 days with the introduction of new products into the child's diet in order to exclude a false allergy that can be attributed to the drug;
    • Before immunoprophylaxis, try not to visit crowded places so as not to introduce another infection that will weaken the child's immunity;
    • Vaccination is necessary only from the days of a healthy child;
    • It is impossible to bathe or wet the injection site (as well as after a tetanus shot) for several days;
    • The Bubo Kok vaccine itself is placed in the child's thigh. Only 0.5 ml can be injected at a time. drug. Before administration, the drug is shaken to form a homogeneous mass.

    The used ampoule is destroyed. Do not use the drug if the terms or methods of operation have been violated. Discoloration is a clear sign of poor vaccine quality. The ongoing vaccination of the child is reflected in the documents that you have the right to see in order to verify the quality of the procedure.

    susp. d / i / m injections 0.5 ml / 1 dose: amp. 10 pieces. Reg. No.: P N003327/01

    Clinico-pharmacological group:

    Vaccine to prevent diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough and hepatitis B

    Release form, composition and packaging

    0.5 ml - ampoules (10) - blister packs (1) - cardboard packs.

    Description of the active ingredients of the drug Bubo cook»

    pharmachologic effect

    The introduction of the drug in accordance with the approved scheme causes the formation of specific immunity against whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus and hepatitis B.


    - prevention of whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus and hepatitis B in children.

    Dosing regimen

    The vaccine is administered in accordance with the national calendar of prophylactic vaccinations at a time that provides for the simultaneous vaccination against hepatitis B, whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus.

    Children not vaccinated against hepatitis B up to 3 months of age receive the vaccine three times according to the scheme of 3 months, 4.5 months and 6 months.

    Shortening intervals is not allowed. If it is necessary to increase the intervals, the next vaccination should be carried out as soon as possible, determined by the state of health of the children. In the presence of one or two vaccinations with the DKDS vaccine in children who are not vaccinated against hepatitis B, the number of vaccinations missing up to 3 can be carried out with the Bubo-Kok vaccine. At the same time, the number of vaccinations against hepatitis B missing up to 3 is carried out with a single vaccine against hepatitis B.

    Revaccination against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus is carried out with a DTP vaccine once at the age of 18 months (in case of violation of the terms of vaccination - 12-13 months after the completed vaccination course). If the revaccination against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus coincides with the vaccination against hepatitis B, it can be carried out with the Bubo-Kok vaccine.

    Note: if a child, upon reaching 4 years of age, has not received revaccination with DTP vaccine or Bubo-Kok vaccine, then it is carried out with LDS toxoid for ages 4 years - 5 years 11 months. 29 days or for ages 6 years and older with ADS-M toxoid vaccine. If the revaccination against diphtheria and tetanus coincides with the vaccination against hepatitis B, it can be carried out with the Bubo-M vaccine.

    The drug is administered intramuscularly into the upper outer quadrant of the buttock or into the anterolateral thigh at a dose of 0.5 ml (single dose). Before inoculation, the ampoule must be thoroughly shaken until a homogeneous suspension is obtained.

    The opening of the ampoules and the vaccination procedure is carried out with strict observance of the rules of asepsis and antisepsis. The drug in the opened ampoule is not subject to storage.

    Not suitable for use the drug in ampoules with broken integrity, lack of labeling, when changing physical properties(discoloration, the presence of non-developing flakes), with expired suitability, improper storage.

    The introduction of the drug is recorded in the established accounting forms indicating the batch number, expiration date, manufacturer, date of administration, the nature of the reaction to the administration of the drug.

    Side effect

    Some of those vaccinated in the first two days may develop short-term general (fever, malaise) and local (soreness, hyperemia, swelling) reactions. In rare cases, complications may develop: convulsions (usually associated with fever), episodes of a piercing cry, allergic reactions (angioedema, urticaria, polymorphic rash).

    Given the possibility of developing allergic reactions immediate type in especially sensitive children, the vaccinated must be provided with medical supervision for 30 minutes. Vaccination sites should be provided with anti-shock therapy.

    Note: with the development of a strong general reaction in a child (an increase in temperature in the first two days above 40 ° C, at the injection site - edema and hyperemia over 8 cm in diameter) or a post-vaccination complication, further vaccinations with the Bubo-Kok vaccine are stopped. If the child has been vaccinated twice, the course of vaccination against diphtheria and tetanus is considered completed, and vaccination against hepatitis B is completed with a monovaccine once a month after the second vaccination with Bubo-Kok. If the child has received one vaccination, vaccination can be continued with Bubo-M, which is administered once no earlier than 3 months later. In this case, vaccination against hepatitis B is completed with a monovaccine once a month later. In both cases, the first revaccination is carried out with ADS-M toxoid 9-12 months after the last vaccination with Bubo-Kok or Bubo-M. If the complication developed after the third vaccination with Bubo-Kok, the first revaccination is carried out with ADS-M toxoid after 12-18 months. Subsequent revaccinations are carried out at the decreed ages with ADS-M toxoid.

    With an increase in temperature above 38.5 ° C, more than 1% of the vaccinated or the occurrence of pronounced local reactions (soft tissue edema with a diameter of more than 5 cm, infiltration with a diameter of more than 2 cm) in more than 4% of the vaccinated, as well as the development of post-vaccination complications, vaccinations with the drug of this series stop. The issue of its further use is decided by the FGUN GISK them. L.L. Tarasevich Rospotrebnadzor.


    Progressive diseases nervous system, a history of afebrile seizures, allergic reactions to yeast, severe reactions and post-vaccination complications to the introduction of a previous dose of DTP vaccine, hepatitis B vaccine, Bubo-Kok vaccine.

    Availability febrile seizures with the introduction of the previous dose of the vaccine is not a contraindication to the introduction of Bubo-Kok, after its introduction, it is advisable to prescribe paracetamol (10-15 mg / kg 3-4 times a day) for 1-2 days.

    Children who have undergone acute diseases, vaccinated no earlier than four weeks after recovery, with mild forms respiratory diseases(rhinitis, mild hyperemia of the pharynx, etc.) vaccination is allowed 2 weeks after recovery.

    Stable manifestations allergic disease(localized skin manifestations, latent bronchospasm, etc.) are not contraindications to vaccination, which can be carried out against the background of appropriate therapy.

    In order to identify contraindications, the doctor (paramedic at the FAP) on the day of vaccination conducts a survey of parents and an examination of the child with mandatory thermometry. Children temporarily exempted from vaccination should be taken under observation and account and vaccinated in a timely manner.

    Application for violations of liver function

    sick chronic diseases vaccinated no earlier than four weeks after achieving a stable remission.

    Application for violations of kidney function

    Patients with chronic diseases are vaccinated no earlier than four weeks after reaching a stable remission.

    Application for children

    Vaccinations against Bubo-Kok are given to children up to the age of 4 years.

    drug interaction

    Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

    For treatment-and-prophylactic and sanitary-prophylactic institutions.

    Terms and conditions of storage

    The drug is stored and transported in accordance with SP at a temperature of 2 to 8°C. Freezing is not allowed. Keep out of the reach of children. Shelf life - 18 months

    drug interaction

    Vaccinations with the Bubo-Kok vaccine can be carried out simultaneously with other vaccines of the National Immunization Schedule or after 1 month. after vaccinations against other infections. The Bubo-Kok vaccine can be administered with antiallergic drugs. Interaction with others medicines not installed.

    Modern technologies and knowledge of professionals enable the pharmacological industry to develop daily. New drugs can save the lives of many people and prevent the development of unpleasant diseases and consequences after them.

    One of the most popular immunological agents is the Bubo-kok vaccine. Its action is aimed at developing immunity to several infectious diseases that flow in acute form and are capable of provoking disruption of functioning in almost all vital systems of the body.

    In this article, we will try to understand why Bubo-coc vaccination is necessary, how to use the drug correctly, and what contraindications it has, as well as how high the likelihood of side effects is and what they can be.

    Bubo-kok is a combination vaccine. It is a clear liquid in ampoules (sometimes with a light precipitate). Using this remedy it is possible to prevent the occurrence of four dangerous diseases that have an acute, infectious nature at once. These include:

    • Whooping cough;
    • Diphtheria;
    • Tetanus;
    • Hepatitis B.

    The vaccine also protects against hepatitis D by 90%. The closest analogue of the drug, the Bubo-m vaccination, has a similar effect.

    The tool was developed in order to reduce the number of visits to medical institutions and the production of many vaccinations.

    Description of instructions for use

    The description of the instructions is as follows: it is necessary to vaccinate Bubo-kok if, for some reason, it was not possible to give an injection from hepatitis B or other infectious diseases on time, the prevention of which is directed by the drug. The instruction that is included in the contents of the package states that the use of the vaccine is possible in children from three months to four years. The introduction of Bubo-kok must be provided medical specialist, strictly following the scheme established in the instructions.

    Vaccination schedule

    It is necessary to vaccinate three times, starting from the following established scheme:

    1. The first vaccination is given at the age of three months;
    2. The second introduction of an immunological agent falls on 4-5 months;
    3. The third injection is made at the age of six months.

    Independent reduction in the number of vaccinations is strictly prohibited.

    Method and site of administration

    Bubokok is administered intramuscularly. medical worker injects 0.5 milliliters of the immunological drug into the anterolateral part of the thigh or upper buttocks.

    In no case should the contents of the ampoule be used if it has been opened for a long time. The drug has the ability to interact with environmental factors.

    Analogues of Bubo-kok

    In the event that the child's body reacted unfavorably to Bubo-cok, the pharmacological industry may offer the use of vaccines that have a similar effect:

    • Bubo-m;
    • DPT (from a domestic manufacturer) - not used for the prevention of hepatitis B;
    • Tetraxim - also protects against polio, but does not prevent the development of hepatitis;
    • Infanrix-Geksa - additionally prevents the occurrence of poliomyelitis and Haemophilus influenzae;
    • Infanrix is ​​a foreign remedy that is a complete analogue of DTP.

    The most effective and appropriate remedy in your situation should be selected exclusively by a qualified doctor based on individual characteristics child's body.

    Body reactions

    After administration of the immunological agent, unnatural side effects may occur. The following body reactions are considered safe:

    • A slight increase in body temperature (up to 38 degrees), which quickly returns to normal;
    • Increased weakness and drowsiness of the baby (observed within 24-48 hours after vaccination);
    • The formation of swelling of soft tissues and slight redness in the area of ​​​​administration of the agent;
    • short-term pain in muscle tissues.

    The danger is represented by manifestations of the following nature:

    • Frequent, febrile seizures;
    • Constant crying and crying of the child;
    • Various disorders in the functioning of the nervous and motor system(the child limps after vaccination, there is increased anxiety or impaired motor skills);
    • Allergic reaction (can be manifested by a rash, impaired breathing, etc.).

    If you experience the above side effects, you should immediately visit the nearest medical institution, consult with your doctor and do not resort to repeated administration of Bubo-kok.


    Before vaccination with Bubo-kok, contraindications must be carefully studied. It is forbidden to vaccinate in the following cases:

    • With the progression of respiratory diseases that have an acute form;
    • In case of an incorrect (allergic) reaction of the body to the previous administration of an immunological preparation;
    • With pathological disorders in the work of the nervous system;
    • With exacerbations of chronic diseases.

    In order to make sure that the child is in a normal condition, the pediatrician must conduct a preliminary examination on the day of vaccination and refute the presence of acute diseases.

    Behavior after vaccination

    Many are interested in the question of what can and cannot be done after vaccination.

    It is also necessary to carefully monitor the baby's condition (irritability, drowsiness and lethargy) and regularly measure body temperature. When it rises to 38 degrees, remove clothes from the child and wipe the body with a damp cloth. In the event that the temperature does not drop, give the baby an antipyretic (for example, Nurofen).

    In the event that dangerous side effects(loss of consciousness, allergies, suffocation), you must immediately call an ambulance.