Vaccination history. When did people first start getting vaccinated? Information about mandatory vaccinations

Two centuries ago, vaccination became a salvation for millions of people during a terrible smallpox epidemic. Daily Baby prepared material for you with interesting facts about the history of vaccinations.

The term vaccination - from the Latin Vacca - "cow" - was introduced at the end of the 19th century by Louis Pasteur, who paid due respect to his predecessor, the English doctor Edward Jenner. Dr. Jenner in 1796 for the first time carried out vaccination according to his method. It consisted in the fact that the biomaterials were taken not from a person who had "natural" smallpox, but from a milkmaid who contracted "cow" smallpox, which is not dangerous for humans. That is, non-hazardous could protect against more dangerous infection. Prior to the invention of this method, vaccination often ended in death.

Vaccination against smallpox, the epidemics of which sometimes took the lives of entire islands, was invented in ancient times. For example, in 1000 AD. references to variolation - the introduction of the contents of smallpox vesicles into a risk group - were in Ayurvedic texts in ancient India.

And in ancient China in this way they began to defend themselves in the 10th century. It is China that owns the primacy of the method when the dry scabs of smallpox sores were allowed to be inhaled by healthy people during an epidemic. This method was dangerous because when people took material from patients with smallpox, they did not know how the disease was going: in a mild or severe degree. In the second case, the vaccinated could die.

Dr. Jenner - the first smallpox vaccinator

Observing the health of milkmaids, Dr. Edward Jenner noticed that they did not get "natural" smallpox. And if they become infected, they are transferred in a mild form. The doctor carefully studied the method of vaccination, which at the beginning of the century was brought to England from Constantinople by the wife of the English ambassador, Mary Wortley Montagu. It was she who at the beginning of the 18th century vaccinated her children, and then forced herself, the King and Queen of England with their children to vaccinate.

And finally, in 1796, Dr. Edward Jenner instilled eight-year-old James Phipps. He rubbed into his scratch the contents of smallpox pustules that had appeared on the arm of Sarah Nelsis, a milkmaid. A year and a half later, the boy was vaccinated with real smallpox, but the patient did not get sick. The procedure was repeated twice and the result was always successful.

Not everyone accepted this method of dealing with epidemics. Especially against it was, as always, the clergy. But life circumstances made it increasingly necessary to use the method of Dr. Jenner: soldiers of the army and navy began to be vaccinated. In 1802, the British Parliament recognized the merits of the doctor and awarded him 10 thousand pounds, and five years later - another 20,000. His achievements were recognized throughout the world and Edward Jenner was admitted to honorary members of various scientific societies during his lifetime. And in the UK, the Royal Jenner Society and the Smallpox Vaccination Institute were organized. Jenner became its first and life leader.

Development in Russia

Vaccination also came to our country from England. Not the first, but the most eminent vaccinated were Empress Catherine the Great and her son Pavel. The vaccination was carried out by an English doctor who took the biomaterial from the boy Sasha Markov, who subsequently began to bear the double surname Markov-Ospenny. Half a century later, in 1801, with the light hand of Empress Maria Feodorovna, the surname Vaccinov appeared, which was given to the boy Anton Petrov, the first to be vaccinated in Russia according to the method of Dr. Jenner.

In general, the history of smallpox in our country can be studied by surnames. So, until the beginning of the 18th century, there were no written references to smallpox in our country, but the names of Ryabykh, Ryabtsev, Shchedrin (“pockmarked”) indicate that the disease existed, as elsewhere, from ancient times.

After Catherine II, vaccination became fashionable, thanks to the example of the august person. Even those who had already been ill and acquired immunity from this disease were vaccinated against smallpox. Since then, smallpox vaccination was carried out everywhere, but became mandatory only in 1919. It was then that the number of cases dropped from 186,000 to 25,000. And in 1958, at the World Health Assembly Soviet Union A program was proposed for the absolute elimination of smallpox in the world. As a result of this initiative, no cases of smallpox have been reported since 1977.

Louis Pasteur

A huge contribution to the invention of new vaccines and science was made by the French scientist Louis Pasteur, whose name gave the name to the method of disinfecting products - pasteurization. Louis Pasteur grew up in a tanner's family, studied well, had a talent for drawing, and if it were not for biology, we could have a great artist, and not a scientist, to whom we owe a cure for rabies and anthrax.

Painting by Albert Edelfelt "Louis Pasteur"

In 1881, he demonstrated to the public the effect of anthrax vaccination on sheep. He also developed a vaccine against rabies, but a case helped him to test it. On July 6, 1885, a boy was brought to him as a last hope. He was bitten by a rabid dog. 14 bites were found on the body of the child, he was doomed to die delirious from thirst, being paralyzed. But 60 hours after the bite, he was given the first shot for rabies. During the vaccination, the boy lived in the scientist's house, and on August 3, 1885, almost a month after the bite, he returned home as a healthy child - after 14 injections, he never got sick with rabies.

After this success, in 1886, the Pasteur station was opened in France, where they were vaccinated against cholera, anthrax and rabies. It is noteworthy that 17 years later, Joseph Meister, the first rescued boy, got a job here as a janitor. And in 1940 he committed suicide, refusing the demand of the Gestapo to open the tomb of Louis Pasteur.

Louis Pasteur also discovered a method of weakening bacteria to make vaccines, so we owe him not only vaccines against rabies and anthrax, but also future vaccines that may save us from deadly epidemics.

Other discoveries and facts

In 1882, Robert Koch isolated the bacterium that causes the development of tuberculosis, thanks to him the BCG vaccine appeared in the future.

In 1891, physician Emil von Behring saved a child's life by giving the world's first diphtheria vaccination.

In 1955, Jonas Salk's polio vaccine was found to be effective.

Infectious diseases have plagued humanity throughout its history. Carrying away a huge number of lives, they decided the fate of people and states. Spreading with great speed, they decided the outcome of battles and historical events. So, the first of the plagues described in the annals destroyed most of the population Ancient Greece and Rome. Smallpox, brought to America in 1521 on one of the Spanish ships, claimed the lives of more than 3.5 million Indians. As a result of the Spanish flu pandemic, more than 40 million people died in years, which is 5 times higher than the losses during the First World War.

Seeking protection from infectious diseases people have tried a lot - from spells and conspiracies to disinfectants and quarantine measures. However, it was only with the advent of vaccines that a new era of infection control began.

Even in ancient times, people noticed that a person who once had smallpox was not afraid of repeated contact with the disease. In the 11th century, Chinese physicians put smallpox scabs into their nostrils. At the beginning of the 18th century, protection against smallpox was carried out by rubbing liquid from skin vesicles. Among those who decided on this method of protection against smallpox were Catherine II and her son Paul, the French king Louis XV. In the 18th century, Edward Jenner was the first physician to vaccinate people with cowpox to protect them from the smallpox. In 1885, Louis Pasteur for the first time ever vaccinated a boy bitten by a rabid dog against rabies. Instead of inevitable death, this child survived.

In 1892, a cholera epidemic swept Russia and Europe. In Russia, 300 thousand people died from cholera in a year. The Russian physician, who worked at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, managed to produce a drug, the introduction of which reliably protected against the disease. Khavkin tested the vaccine on himself and on volunteers. During the mass vaccination, the incidence and mortality from cholera among the vaccinated decreased tenfold. also created a vaccine against the plague, which was successfully used during epidemics.

The vaccine against tuberculosis was created by French scientists in 1919. Mass vaccination of newborn children against tuberculosis was started in France only in 1924, and in the USSR such immunization was introduced only in 1925. Vaccination has significantly reduced the incidence of tuberculosis among children.

At the same time, a vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough was created at this time. In 1923, vaccination against diphtheria began, in 1926 against whooping cough, and in 1927 against tetanus.

The need to create protection against measles was due to the fact that this infection was one of the most common until the 60s of the last century. In the absence of measles vaccination, almost the entire child population under the age of 3 years was ill, more than 2.5 million of them died annually. Almost everyone has had measles during their lifetime. The first vaccine was created in the USA in 1963, it appeared in the Soviet Union in 1968. Since then, the incidence has decreased by two thousand times.

Today, more than 100 different vaccines are used in medical practice, protecting a person from more than forty infections. Vaccination, which saved humanity from epidemics of smallpox, plague, diphtheria, is today rightfully recognized as the most effective way fight infection. Mass immunization not only eliminated many dangerous epidemics, but also reduced mortality and disability of people. If you do not vaccinate, the infections will start again, and people will die from them. In the absence of vaccination against measles, diphtheria, tetanus, tuberculosis, poliomyelitis, out of 90 million children born annually, up to 5 million died from vaccine-regulated infections and the same number became disabled (that is, more than 10% of children). From neonatal tetanus, more than 1 million children died annually, and from whooping cough: 0.5-1 million children. Among children under the age of 5, up to 60 and 30 thousand children died annually from diphtheria and tuberculosis, respectively.

After the introduction of routine vaccination in a number of countries, there have been no cases of diphtheria for many years, poliomyelitis has been eradicated throughout the Western Hemisphere, in Europe, and the incidence of measles is sporadic.

Significantly: The epidemic of paralytic poliomyelitis in Chechnya began at the end of May 1995 and ended in November of that year. The normalization of the situation is associated with the mass use of the vaccine on the territory of the republic in 1995. The outbreak of poliomyelitis in Chechnya was preceded by a complete cessation of vaccination, which lasted 3 years. This indicates that the violation of routine immunization for several years leads to the development of epidemics.

In developing countries, where there are not enough funds for mass vaccination against tetanus infection, the mortality rate is very high. Every year, 128,000 children die of tetanus in the world before they reach the age of one year. It kills 30,000 mothers within a week of giving birth. Tetanus kills 95 out of 100 patients. In Russia, fortunately, such a problem does not exist, since children under the age of one and adults are required to be vaccinated.

Recently, there have been a lot of campaigns aimed at belittling the role of preventive vaccinations against infectious diseases. It is impossible not to note the negative role of the media in promoting the anti-vaccination program, as well as the participation in it of those who are often incompetent in this issue persons. By distorting the facts, the distributors of this propaganda suggest to the population that the harm from vaccinations many times exceeds their benefits. But reality proves otherwise.

Unfortunately, cases of parents refusing all vaccinations for their children began to appear. These parents do not understand the danger they expose their children, who are completely defenseless against infections. Good immunity, the vitamins used will not be able to help such children in a real meeting with the causative agent of a serious illness. In these situations, parents are fully responsible for the health and life of their child.

The statement that "there is no evidence that it was vaccines that helped humanity win the fight against some dangerous infectious diseases" is not true. Global studies in various countries of the world clearly confirm that the introduction of vaccination has led to a sharp reduction or complete elimination of many diseases.

Chief specialist - expert of the department

sanitary supervision and epidemiological safety

March 24, 1882, when Robert Koch announced that he had succeeded in isolating the bacterium that causes tuberculosis, the scientist achieved the greatest triumph of his life.

Why is it that the discovery of the causative agent of tuberculosis is called a scientific feat?

The fact is that the causative agents of tuberculosis disease are an extremely difficult object for research. In the first preparations for microscopy, made by Koch from the lung tissue of a young worker who died of transient consumption, not a single microbe could be found. Without losing hope, the scientist stained the preparations according to his own method and for the first time saw the elusive causative agent of tuberculosis under a microscope.

At the next stage, it was necessary to obtain the notorious microbacteria in pure culture. A few years ago, Koch found a way to cultivate microbes not only on experimental animals, but also in an artificial environment, for example, on a cut of boiled potatoes or in meat broth. He tried to cultivate tuberculosis bacteria in the same way, but they did not develop. However, when Koch injected the contents of the crushed nodule under the skin of the guinea pig, it died within a few weeks, and the scientist found a huge number of sticks in its organs. Koch came to the conclusion that tuberculosis bacteria can only develop in a living organism.

Wanting to create a nutrient medium similar to living tissues, Koch decided to use animal blood serum, which he managed to get at the slaughterhouse. And indeed, in this environment, the bacteria multiplied rapidly. With pure cultures of bacteria obtained in this way, Koch infected several hundred experimental animals. different types and all of them contracted tuberculosis. It was clear to the scientist that the causative agent of the disease had been found. At that time, the world was excited by Pasteur's method of preventing contagious diseases by inoculating weakened cultures of bacteria that cause this disease. Therefore, Koch believed that he would be able to save humanity from tuberculosis in the same way.

Robert Koch

He prepared a vaccine from weakened tuberculosis bacteria, but he failed to prevent the disease with this vaccine. This vaccine, called "tuberculin", is still used as an aid in the diagnosis of tuberculosis. In addition, Koch discovered the anthrax bacillus, vibrio cholerae. In 1905, for "research and discoveries concerning the treatment of tuberculosis," the scientist was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

“I undertook my research in the interests of the people. For this I have worked. I hope that my works will help doctors to conduct a systematic fight against this terrible scourge of mankind.

Robert Koch

December 26, 1891 Emil von Behring saved the life of a sick child by making him first vaccination against diphtheria.

Until the beginning of the 20th century, diphtheria claimed thousands of children's lives every year, and medicine was powerless to alleviate their suffering and save them from severe agony.

The German bacteriologist Friedrich Löffler in 1884 was able to discover the bacteria that causes diphtheria - the bacilli Corynebacterium diphtheriae. And Pasteur's student Pierre Emile Roux showed how diphtheria sticks work and proved that all the general phenomena of diphtheria - a decline in cardiac activity, paralysis and other deadly consequences - are not caused by the bacterium itself, but by the poisonous substance (toxin) produced by it, and that the substance is, introduced into the body, causes these phenomena in itself, in the complete absence of diphtheria microbes in the body.

But Ru did not know how to neutralize the poison and could not find a way to save sick children. In this he was helped by Koch's assistant Behring. In search of a remedy that would kill diphtheria bacteria, Bering vaccinated infected animals with various substances, but the animals died. Once he used iodine trichloride for vaccination. True, this time the guinea pigs became seriously ill, but not one of them died.

Encouraged by the first success, Bering, after waiting for the recovery of the experimental pigs, gave them a vaccine containing diphtheria toxin. The animals withstood the vaccination admirably, despite the fact that they received a huge dose of the toxin. Then the scientist found out that if the blood serum of those who had diphtheria and recovered guinea pigs administered to sick animals, they recover. This means that some kind of antitoxin appears in the blood of those who have been ill, which neutralizes the toxin of the diphtheria bacillus.

At the end of 1891, in a clinic for children's diseases in Berlin, overflowing with children dying of diphtheria, an antitoxin was vaccinated - and the child recovered. The effect of the experience was impressive, many children were saved, but still the success was only partial, and Behring's serum did not become a reliable remedy that saved all children. And then Bering was helped by his colleague and friend Paul Ehrlich, the future inventor of the “drug 606” (salvarsan) and the winner of syphilis. And then he managed to establish a large-scale production of serum, calculate the correct dosage of antitoxin and increase the effectiveness of the vaccine.

In 1894, the improved serum was successfully tested on 220 sick children. In 1901, Bering was awarded the first prize for saving children. Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine "for their work on serum therapy, principally for its use in the treatment of diphtheria, which has opened new avenues in medical science and placed in the hands of physicians a victorious weapon against disease and death."

Later, in 1913, Bering proposed the introduction of a mixture of toxin and antitoxin to develop active immunity in children. And this turned out to be the most effective means protection (passive immunity that occurs after the introduction of an antitoxin alone is short-lived). The prophylactic serum now used against diphtheria was discovered by Dr. Gaston Ramon, of the Pasteur Institute in Paris, many years after the discovery of Lefleur, Roux, and Behring.

At the end of the XIX century. German scientist Paul Ehrlich (1854-1915) laid the foundation for the doctrine of antibodies as factors of humoral immunity. The heated controversy and numerous studies undertaken after this discovery led to very fruitful results: it was found that immunity is determined by both cellular and humoral factors. Thus, the doctrine of immunity was created. P. Ehrlich in 1908 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology for the creation of the cellular theory of immunity, which he shared with Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov. .

1892 is considered the year of discovery new organisms - viruses.

For the first time, the existence of a virus (as a new type of pathogen) was proved by a Russian scientist Dmitry Iosifovich Ivanovsky. Dmitry Iosifovich discovered viruses as a result of studying diseases of tobacco plants.

Trying to find the causative agent of a dangerous disease - tobacco mosaic (manifested on many, especially greenhouse plants in the form of twisted, yellowing and falling leaves, in necrosis of fruits, growing lateral buds), Ivanovsky did research for several years in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden near Yalta and in the botanical laboratory AN.

Knowing from the works of the Dutch botanist A.D. Mayer that tobacco mosaic disease can be caused by transferring the juice of diseased plants to healthy ones, the scientist rubbed the leaves of diseased plants, filtered the juice through a linen filter and injected it into the veins of healthy tobacco leaves. As a rule, infected plants adopted the disease.

The botanist carefully studied diseased leaves under a microscope, but did not find any bacteria or any other microorganisms, which is not surprising, since viruses ranging in size from 20 to 300 nm (1 nm = 109 m) are two orders of magnitude smaller than bacteria, and they are in the optical microscope cannot be seen. Considering that bacteria are to blame for the infection, the botanist began to pass the juice through a special E. Chamberland porcelain filter, but, contrary to expectations, the infectious properties of the filtered juice were preserved, that is, the filter did not catch bacteria.

An attempt to grow the mosaic pathogen on ordinary nutrient media, as is done with the same bacteria, was unsuccessful. Having found crystalline inclusions (“I” crystals) in the cells of infected plants, the scientist came to the conclusion that the causative agent of mosaic disease is a solid infectious principle - either filtering bacteria unable to grow on artificial substrates, or unknown and invisible microorganisms that produce toxins.

Ivanovsky reported on his observations in 1892 at a meeting of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. Ivanovsky's research was picked up by scientists all over the world. Using the filtration method of a Russian scientist, the German doctors F. Lefler and P. Frosch in 1897 discovered the pathogen of foot and mouth disease in cattle. Then followed a boom in the discovery of viruses - yellow fever, plague, rabies, smallpox, polio, etc. In 1917, bacteriophages were discovered - viruses that destroy bacteria. Naturally, each discovery was not the task of "pure" science, it was immediately followed by the preparation of an antidote - vaccines, treatment and prevention of the disease.

1921 was marked by the invention of the live bacterial vaccine against tuberculosis (BCG).

Tuberculosis ceased to be considered a deadly disease when the microbiologist Albert Calmette and the veterinarian Camille Guerin developed the first human vaccine in France in 1908-1921, based on a strain of attenuated live bovine tuberculosis bacillus.

In 1908 they worked at the Pasteur Institute in Lille. Their activities covered the production of tubercle bacillus cultures and the study of various nutrient media. At the same time, scientists have found that on a nutrient medium based on glycerin, bile and potatoes, tubercle bacilli of the lowest virulence grow (from Latin virulentus - poisonous, the sum of the properties of a microbe that determines its pathogenic effect).

From that moment on, they changed the course of the study to see if it was possible to grow a weakened strain through repeated cultivation for the production of a vaccine. Research continued until 1919, when a vaccine with non-virulent (weakened) bacteria did not cause tuberculosis in experimental animals. In 1921, scientists created the BCG vaccine (BCG - Bacille bilie "Calmette-Gue" rin) for use in humans.

Public acceptance of the vaccine was difficult, in part because of the tragedies that occurred. In Lübeck, 240 newborns were vaccinated at 10 days of age. All of them fell ill with tuberculosis, 77 of them died. The investigation showed that the vaccine had been contaminated with a virulent (non-attenuated) strain that had been stored in the same incubator. The blame was placed on the director of the hospital, who was sentenced to 2 years in prison for negligence resulting in death.

Many countries that received the BCG strain from Calmette and Guerin (1924-1925) confirmed its effectiveness and soon switched to limited and then to mass vaccination against tuberculosis. The BCG strain was brought to the USSR by L.A. Tarasevich in 1925 and designated BCG-I.

The BCG vaccine has stood the test of time, its effectiveness has been tested and proven in practice. Today, the BCG vaccine is the main drug for the specific prevention of tuberculosis, recognized and used throughout the world. Attempts to prepare an anti-tuberculosis vaccine from other attenuated strains or individual fractions of microbial cells have not yet yielded significant practical results.

In 1923, the French immunologist G. Ramon received tetanus toxoid, which was used to prevent the disease. The scientific study of tetanus began in the second half of the 19th century. The causative agent of tetanus was discovered almost simultaneously Russian surgeon N. D. Monastyrsky(in 1883) and the German scientist A. Nikolayer (in 1884). A pure culture of the microorganism was isolated in 1887 by the Japanese microbiologist S. Kitazato, who in 1890 obtained tetanus toxin and (together with the German bacteriologist E. Behring) created antitetanus serum.

April 12, 1955 In the US, a large-scale study was successfully completed, confirming the effectiveness of the Jonas Salk vaccine - the first vaccine against polio. Salk began experimenting with a polio vaccine in 1947. A formalin-killed poliovirus vaccine has been tested by the American National Polio Foundation. For the first time, a vaccine created from formalin-killed polioviruses was tested in 1953-54. (then it was tested by volunteers), and since 1955 it has already been widely used.

The study involved about 1 million children aged 6-9 years, of which 440 thousand received the Salk vaccine. According to eyewitnesses, parents enthusiastically made donations to the study and willingly enrolled their children in the ranks of its participants. Now it is hard to imagine, but at that time polio was the most formidable childhood infection, and parents fearfully awaited the arrival of summer, when the seasonal peak of infection was recorded.

The results of the five-year, from 1956 to 1961, mass use of the vaccine exceeded all expectations: among children in age groups especially susceptible to infection, the incidence decreased by 96%.

In 1954, more than 38,000 cases of polio were reported in the United States, and after 10 years of the Salk vaccine, in 1965, the number of cases of polio in this country was only 61.

In 1991, the World Health Organization announced that polio had been eradicated in the Western Hemisphere. In Asia and Africa, thanks to mass vaccinations, the incidence has also dropped sharply. Salk's vaccine was later replaced by a more advanced one developed by Albert Sabin. However, this did not diminish the contribution of Jonas Salk to the fight against polio: he is still considered a pioneer in this area.

When Salk was asked who owned the patent for the remedy, he replied: “There is no patent. Could you patent the sun?"

According to modern estimates, the vaccine would have cost $7 billion if it had been patented at the time of release.

In 1981-82. the first vaccine against hepatitis B became available. Then China began using a vaccine prepared from blood plasma obtained from donors from among patients who had a long-term infection viral hepatitis Q. In the same year, it became available in the US. The peak of its use came in 1982-88. Vaccination was carried out as a course of three vaccinations with a time interval. In post-marketing surveillance after the introduction of such a vaccine, the occurrence of several cases of adverse diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system. In a study of people vaccinated with the vaccine, conducted after 15 years, the high immunogenicity of the vaccine prepared from blood plasma was confirmed.

Since 1987, the plasma vaccine has been replaced by the next generation of hepatitis B virus vaccine, which uses technology genetic modification of recombinant DNA in yeast cells. It is sometimes called a genetically engineered vaccine. The HBsAg synthesized in this way was isolated from degradable yeast cells. None of the cleaning methods allowed to get rid of traces of yeast proteins. New technology was highly productive, made it possible to reduce the cost of production and reduce the risk arising from the plasma vaccine.

In 1983 Harald zur Hausen he discovered papillomavirus DNA in a biopsy of cervical cancer, and this event can be considered the discovery of the oncogenic HPV-16 virus.

Back in 1976, a hypothesis was put forward about the relationship of human papillomaviruses (HPV) with cervical cancer. Some types of HPV are harmless, some cause warts on the skin, some affect the genitals (sexually transmitted). In the mid-seventies, Harald zur Hausen discovered that women with cervical cancer were invariably infected with HPV.

At that time, many experts believed that cervical cancer was caused by the herpes simplex virus, but zur Hausen found not herpes viruses, but papillomaviruses in cancer cells and suggested that the development of cancer occurs as a result of infection with the papillomavirus. Subsequently, he and his colleagues were able to confirm this hypothesis and establish that most cases of cervical cancer are caused by one of the two types of these viruses: HPV-16 and HPV-18. These types of virus are found in about 70% of cervical cancers. Cells infected with such viruses are quite likely to become cancerous sooner or later, and a malignant tumor develops from them.

Harald zur Hausen's research on HPV infection formed the basis for understanding the mechanisms of papillomavirus-induced carcinogenesis. Subsequently, vaccines have been developed that can prevent infection with the HPV-16 and HPV-18 viruses. This treatment reduces the volume surgical intervention and generally reduce the threat posed by cervical cancer.

In 2008 The Nobel Committee awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine to Harald zur Hausen for his discovery that papillomavirus can cause cervical cancer.

Chronicle of vaccination. Doc. film by Richard Saunders

Ask a question to a specialist

A question for vaccine experts

Questions and answers

Child 1 year 10 months. At 6 months I was vaccinated with Infanrix-Gex, two weeks ago I was vaccinated with measles-rubella-mumps. The child began to walk Kindergarten, now I found out that there are children in the group who some time ago received a live polio vaccine.

Does being with these children pose a risk to my child?

When and what kind of polio vaccine can we get now? I have a choice: put complex DPT Infanrix or only polio, can I get a polio vaccine two weeks after Priorix?

To protect against any form of polio, a child must have at least 3 vaccinations. When other children are vaccinated with live oral polio vaccine, unvaccinated or incompletely vaccinated children are dropped out of kindergarten for 60 days to prevent the development of vaccine-associated polio.

No, after 2 weeks you cannot start vaccinations, the interval between vaccinations is at least 1 month. You need to get at least 2 polio vaccinations before your child is protected from this infection. That is, if a child is vaccinated twice, then only 1 month after the last vaccination, sufficient immunity will be developed. It is better to be vaccinated 2 times with an interval of 1.5 months DTP + IPV (Pentaxim, InfanrixGexa), after 6-9 months revaccination is done. DTP + IPV / OPV (Pentaxim). You lost your hepatitis B vaccine, but if you get InfanrixGexa twice 1.5 months apart, you can get your third hepatitis B vaccine 6 months after the first. I recommend doing a full vaccination course, since the child attends a kindergarten (an organized team) and has practically no protection against dangerous and severe infections.

I have a question of a somewhat general nature, but I turn to you, since I have not yet been able to get a clear answer to it. Who, in your opinion, can benefit from a campaign to discredit vaccination, and especially for children? I'm not asking, of course, to name specific culprits, it's more interesting for me to understand which parties may be interested in this? Or is it a spontaneous process, akin to ignorance that does not need nourishment?

Doctors I know suggest that information stuffing about the dangers of vaccinations can (in theory) be ordered by drug manufacturers, since it is all the more profitable for a person to go to a pharmacy for a drug advertised on TV, and not get vaccinated by a doctor. But this would be true for a vaccine (for example) against influenza (there is enough advertising for anti-flu drugs on TV). But what about the BCG vaccine, the hepatitis vaccine? Such drugs are not advertised on TV. With the same logic, one could assume that the “interested party” is the manufacturers of vegetarian products and vitamins, which offer to stuff children with them almost from the first days of life, but this theory also seems to me controversial. And what do you think about this?

This is a question that, unfortunately, does not have an exact answer, one can only speculate. Understanding the motivation of people who oppose vaccination, a method that has proven its safety and effectiveness for the prevention of infectious and, today, some non-communicable diseases, is quite difficult.

There are societies, funds of "anti-vaxxers" that earn ratings on this, incl. using Internet technologies (for example, traffic, site views, forum posts), and possibly money. Perhaps this is lobbying of interests on the part of homeopaths, tk. Most homeopaths speak negatively about vaccination, recommending that the epidemiologically sound method - vaccination, be replaced with an unproven one - homeopathy.

My daughter is 13 and has not been sick chicken pox. We want to get vaccinated, are we doing the right thing?

Harit Susanna Mikhailovna answers

Yes, the older the child, the more likely, unfortunately, a severe course of chickenpox. And since this is a girl, you need to think about the fact that if you get chickenpox during pregnancy, this leads to severe fetal pathology.

Is it possible for an adult to be vaccinated against rotavirus if I get sick with it every year, there is no gallbladder, thank you!

Harit Susanna Mikhailovna answers

No, there is no point in vaccinating adults. Adults do not get very sick, and the purpose of the rotavirus vaccine is to prevent severe forms dehydration diseases in infants. Then, throughout life, diseases are still possible, but in mild form. It may be worth talking to a gastroenterologist about preventive measures, such as treatment with biologics.

We have a medical facility up to 3 years. Born premature, raised. ICP, VPK, KLA, dmzhp, dmpp. In the maternity hospital, they got hepatitis B and after BCG and mantoux at 1 year old and that's it. After all the terrible diseases we have seen, we are afraid to receive vaccinations. When we were about to get measles vaccinations at that moment so many children became disabled (there are children of distant relatives of age starting at the age of one and high school students). With our sores, can we be vaccinated? What tests to take before vaccination?

Answered by Polibin Roman Vladimirovich

For a child, especially in the presence of these conditions, it is not vaccinations that are dangerous, but infections. For vaccination, a doctor's examination is mandatory before vaccination, clinical analysis blood, if necessary general analysis urine and examination by a specialist doctor who has a child with existing diseases.

What does this vaccine do? How to solve the problem with tetanus infection.

Harit Susanna Mikhailovna answers

The tetanus vaccine protects against the development of the disease. Infection with tetanus occurs when spores of bacteria in soil-contaminated objects enter damaged tissues. It is impossible to exterminate tetanus bacillus spores, so the problem with the disease is solved by routine vaccination.

Please tell me how best and more reasonably to answer the opinion of a medical student and any health worker in general: "I do not get a flu shot, because it is not known what virus will be in this epidemic season, and the flu vaccine is being developed in the summer, when they still do not know the current strains of a future epidemic." In other words, what is the probability in % that the flu vaccine given in the fall will "override" the current strains of the virus in the upcoming epidemiological season in the winter, given that one or more new strains may appear. I would also be grateful if you drop links to the primary sources of such data so that my words are more convincing.

Answered by Polibin Roman Vladimirovich

The main arguments for the need to prevent influenza are data on the high contagiousness, severity, and variety of complications of this infection. Influenza is extremely not only for risk groups, but also for healthy people middle-aged. Such frequent complication how pneumonia proceeds with the development of RDS and mortality, reaching 40%. As a result of influenza, Goodpasture's syndrome, Guillain-Barré syndrome, rhabdomyolysis, Reye's syndrome, myositis, neurological complications etc. Moreover, there are no vaccinated people among the dead and people with severe complications!

Vaccination according to WHO is the most effective measure to prevent influenza. Almost all modern influenza vaccines contain three types of virus - H1N1, H3N2 and B. B last years Several quadrivalent vaccines have been registered abroad, and such a drug has been created in Russia. Varieties of the virus change every year. And there is a network of dedicated WHO National Influenza Centers that monitor circulating viruses, collect samples, perform virus isolation and antigenic characterization. Virus circulation information and newly isolated strains are sent to WHO Collaborating Centers and Essential Regulatory Laboratories for antigen and genetic analysis, which results in recommendations for the composition of a vaccine to prevent influenza in the southern and northern hemispheres. This is the Global Influenza Surveillance system. Thus, the composition of the vaccine for the coming season is not “guessed”, but is predicted on the basis of antigens already isolated when the virus began to circulate and the incidence in one of the parts of the world. The forecast is highly accurate. Errors are rare and are associated with the spread of a new type of virus from animals. The presence of protection against strains of influenza viruses that are not part of the vaccine is categorically not refuted. Thus, persons vaccinated with a seasonal vaccine in the epidemic season of 2009/2010. had a mild course of influenza caused by a pandemic strain not included in the vaccine and among the dead there were no people vaccinated against influenza.

Information about the Global Influenza Surveillance system can be found on the official website of the WHO or the website of the WHO European Region.

History of vaccination. Consequences of the formation specific immunity. Features of the vaccination technique

Vaccination is one of the greatest achievements of medicine. 100 years ago, millions of deaths around the world were due to measles, mumps or chickenpox.

Vaccinology is a young science, meanwhile, the vaccine is more than 200 years old.

How did vaccines come about?

The idea of ​​vaccination appeared in China in the ΙΙΙ century AD, when humanity was trying to escape from smallpox. Having been ill with an infectious disease, a person had the opportunity to prevent this disease in the future. Therefore, the method of inoculation was invented - transfer, or prophylactic infection with smallpox by transferring smallpox pus through an incision.

In Europe, this method appeared in the 15th century. In 1718, the wife of the ambassador of England, Mary Wortley Montagu, inoculated her children - her son and daughter. Everything went well. After that, Lady Montagu suggested that the Princess of Wales protect her children in the same way. The princess's husband, King George Ι, wanted to further verify the safety of this procedure, and conducted a test on six prisoners. The results were successful.

In 1720, the inoculation was temporarily stopped due to several deaths of the inoculated. After 20 years there is a revival of inoculation. The method was improved by the English inoculator Daniel Sutton.

At the end of the 1780s, a new round in the history of vaccination begins. The English pharmacist Edward Jenner claimed that milkmaids exposed to cowpox did not get smallpox. And in 1800, vaccinations from the liquid of cow's ulcers began to spread throughout the world. In 1806, Jenner secured funding for vaccination.

A great contribution to the development of vaccination was made by the French chemist Louis Pasteur, who was engaged in bacteriology. He offered new method to reduce infectious disease. This method paved the way for new vaccines. In 1885, Pasteur inoculated against rabies a boy named Josef Meister, who had been bitten by a rabid dog. The boy survived. This has become a new round of development of vaccination. The main merit of Pasteur is that he built the theory of infectious diseases. He defined the fight against the disease at the level of "aggressive microorganism - sick." Doctors could focus their efforts on fighting the microorganism.

In the 20th century, prominent scientists developed and successfully used vaccinations against poliomyelitis, hepatitis, diphtheria, measles, mumps, rubella, tuberculosis, and influenza.

Key dates in the history of vaccination:

  • 1769 - First immunization against smallpox, Dr. Jenner
  • 1885 - First immunization against rabies, Louis Pasteur
  • 1891 - First successful serotherapy for diphtheria, Emil von Behring
  • 1913 - First prophylactic diphtheria vaccine, Emil von Behring
  • 1921 - first vaccination against tuberculosis
  • 1936 - First tetanus vaccination
  • 1936 - First influenza vaccination
  • 1939 - First vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis
  • 1953 - First trial of a polio inactivated vaccine
  • 1956 - polio live vaccine (oral vaccination)
  • 1980 - WHO statement on the complete elimination of human smallpox
  • 1984 – First publicly available varicella vaccine
  • 1986 - First publicly available genetically engineered hepatitis B vaccine
  • 1987 - first Hib conjugate vaccine
  • 1992 - the first vaccine for the prevention of hepatitis A
  • 1994 - the first combined acellular pertussis vaccine for the prevention of whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus
  • 1996 - the first vaccine for the prevention of hepatitis A and B
  • 1998 - First combined acellular pertussis vaccine to prevent whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus and polio
  • 1999 - development of a new conjugate vaccine against meningococcal infection FROM
  • 2000 - First conjugate vaccine to prevent pneumonia

Immunity and vaccination

Immunity is the body's ability to protect itself from what is "foreign" to it. And "foreign" are various microorganisms, poisons, malignant cells that are formed in the body itself. The main task of the immune system is the ability to distinguish between foreign agents. They are very persistent or hidden. Immunity and vaccinations are able to resist them.

This happens through the cells of the body. Each cell has its own individual genetic information. This information is written in DNA. The body constantly analyzes this information: it matches - it means "its own", does not match - "alien". All "foreign" organisms are called antigens .

The immune system tries to neutralize antigens with the help of special cells - antibodies. This mechanism of the immune system is called specific immunity. Specific immunity is innate - at birth, the child receives a certain set of antibodies from the mother and acquired - the immune system produces antibodies in response to the penetration of antigens.

The formation of specific immunity and protection of the body against whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, poliomyelitis, tetanus, hemophilic infection is based on vaccination (vaccination). The main principle of vaccination is the introduction of a pathogen into the body. In response, the immune system produces antibodies. These antibodies further protect the body from infections against which the vaccination was carried out. Therefore, vaccination is an important and necessary measure to protect the child's body from serious illnesses.

Vaccinations are carried out at a certain time. The vaccination schedule takes into account the age of the child, the interval between vaccinations, and gives a list of contraindications. Each vaccine has its own scheme and route of administration.

The body reacts to vaccination in different ways.

In some cases, double vaccination is sufficient for the formation of long-term immunity (measles, rubella, mumps). In other cases, the vaccine is administered repeatedly. For example, vaccination against diphtheria is carried out three times with an interval of a month (3, 4, 5 months), and then 1.5 years, 6 and 18 years. Such a vaccination schedule is necessary in order to maintain required level antibodies.

Sequence of vaccination technique

Before vaccination, the doctor:

The nurse of the manipulation room during vaccination:

  1. Carefully records vaccination data on the immunization card and medical card patient: date, number, series of vaccine, manufacturer route of administration
  2. Re-checks doctor's prescriptions
  3. Carefully checks the expiration date of the drug, the labeling of the vaccine
  4. Washes hands thoroughly
  5. Gently draws the vaccine into the syringe
  6. Gently treats baby's skin
  7. Carefully administer the vaccine

4 ways to administer the vaccine

    Intramuscular injections

    Preferred places for intramuscular injection vaccines - the anterior-outer middle part of the thigh and the deltoid muscle of the arm.

    For children older than one year, if they have sufficient muscle mass, the deltoid muscle can be used to administer the vaccine

    Intradermal injections

    Usually intradermal injections are carried out in the outer surface of the shoulder. Due to the small amount of antigen used in IC vaccination, care must be taken not to administer the vaccine subcutaneously, as such administration may result in a weak immunological response.

    Subcutaneous administration

    Subcutaneous vaccines are administered in the thigh of newborns or in the deltoid region of older children and adults. In addition, the subscapular region is used.

    Oral administration of vaccines

    Babies sometimes cannot swallow oral medications (OPV). If the vaccine is spilled, spat out, or the child vomits soon after administration (after 5-10 minutes), then another dose of the vaccine should be given. If this dose is also not absorbed, then it should no longer be repeated, but the vaccination should be postponed to another time.

Today, mass vaccination is a factor in economic growth on a global scale. Vaccination programs around the world save 6 million lives every year - children's lives. 750 thousand children do not become disabled. Vaccination annually gives humanity 400 million extra years of life. And every 10 years of life saved provide 1% of economic growth. Vaccination is recognized as the most effective medical intervention ever invented by man. A comparable result was given only by the use of clean drinking water.


Achievement: Smallpox - First infectious disease completely destroyed by humanity.
  • When exactly this deadly disease began its march across the planet is not exactly known, but it is known that it swept through China in the 4th century, and in the middle of the 6th century it hit Korea. In 737, more than 30% of the population of Japan died of smallpox (mortality rate in densely populated areas reached 70%. In the 15th century, Europe was already a continuous smallpox hospital. In the XVII-XVIII centuries in Europe, an average of about 10 million people were ill with smallpox annually, of which about 1.5 million died. During major smallpox epidemics, the mortality rate reached 25-40%.
  • In 1796, the English physician E. Jenner decided on a revolutionary experiment for those times: on May 14, in the presence of doctors and the public, he removed smallpox from the hand of a young milkmaid who had contracted cowpox by accident, and inoculated it into an eight-year-old boy. Smallpox took hold, developed only in two grafted places and proceeded normally. Then, on July 1, Jenner inoculated the boy with natural human smallpox, which the one protected by the protective vaccine did not take. From this moment begins the history of vaccination, as well as the destruction of smallpox on the planet. Vaccination of cowpox began to be practiced in many countries, and the term "vaccine" was introduced by Louis Pasteur - from the Latin vacca, "cow".
  • Smallpox persisted for almost two hundred years after the invention of vaccination. In the 20th century, the virus claimed the lives of 300-500 million people. In the late 1960s, smallpox affected 10-15 million unvaccinated people. In 1958, Deputy Minister of Health of the USSR V. M. Zhdanov spoke at the XI session of the World Health Assembly with a program to eradicate smallpox throughout the world. . The speech was followed by a resolution adopted by the assembly that launched the smallpox campaign. In 1967, WHO decides to intensify the eradication of smallpox through mass vaccination of mankind. The last case of natural smallpox infection was described in Somalia in 1977. Officially, the eradication of smallpox on the planet was announced in 1980 at the WHO Assembly. Today, only two laboratories contain viruses: in Russia and the United States.


Achievement: A disease that was 100% fatal was defeated with a vaccine.
  • In 1885, Louis Pasteur developed a vaccine against rabies - a disease that in 100% of cases ended in the death of the patient and terrified people. It came to demonstrations under the windows of Pasteur's laboratory with a demand to stop experiments on the invention of the "antidote". Pasteur hesitated for a long time to try the vaccine on humans, but chance helped. On July 6, 1885, a 9-year-old boy was brought to his laboratory, who was so bitten that no one believed in recovery. Pasteur's method was the last hope for salvation. The boy fully recovered, which brought Pasteur a truly worldwide fame.
  • Today, the principle of vaccination against this disease is not very different from that which was used in the first vaccination experience. Immediate wound rinsing and immunization given within hours of contact with a suspected rabid animal may prevent rabies and death.
  • Every year, more than 15 million people worldwide receive post-exposure vaccination to prevent the development of rabies; this is estimated to prevent hundreds of thousands of deaths each year.


Achievement: WHO adopted a tuberculosis control program. Between 1990 and 2013, TB mortality decreased by 45%.
  • Robert Koch was able to isolate the bacterium that causes tuberculosis in 1882. But it was not until 1921, when a live bacterial vaccine (BCG) was developed at the Pasteur Institute, that tuberculosis ceased to be considered a deadly disease.
  • Today, the BCG vaccine is the main drug for the specific prevention of tuberculosis, recognized and used throughout the world. Attempts to prepare an anti-tuberculosis vaccine from other attenuated strains or individual fractions of microbial cells have not yet yielded significant practical results.
  • About 2 billion people, almost a third of the world's population, are infected with TB bacteria. The risk that infected people will develop TB during their lifetime is 10%. Vaccination against tuberculosis is an integral part of the calendars of many countries (mandatory in more than 60 countries of the world, and officially recommended in another 118).
  • Between 1990 and 2013, TB mortality decreased by 45%. An estimated 37 million lives were saved between 2000 and 2013 through TB ​​prevention and treatment.


Achievement: 99% of the way to eradicate polio worldwide.
  • There was a time when polio was feared throughout the world - as a disease that strikes suddenly and leads to lifelong paralysis, mainly among children.
  • On April 12, 1955, a large-scale study was successfully completed in the United States, confirming the effectiveness of the Jonas Salk vaccine, the first polio vaccine. The importance of this event cannot be overestimated. In 1954, more than 38,000 cases of polio were reported in the United States, and after 10 years of the Salk vaccine, in 1965, the number of cases of polio in the United States was only 61.
  • In 1988, governments created the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) to rid the world of the disease forever. In 1988, when the GPEI was created, the disease caused paralysis in more than 350,000 people every year. Since then, the number of polio cases has decreased by more than 99% (only 406 cases were reported in 2013). In fact, this is the largest peacetime mobilization in history.
  • There are currently two types of vaccines available to prevent polio - oral polio vaccine (OPV) and inactivated polio vaccine (IPV). Anyone can administer OPV or the oral vaccine, even volunteers.
  • Unlike most diseases, polio can be completely eradicated. There are three strains of wild poliovirus, none of which can survive for long periods of time outside the human body.
  • In 2015, only two countries in the world (Afghanistan and Pakistan) remain endemic for polio, while in 1988 the number of such countries exceeded 125. Currently, 80% of the world's population lives in regions certified polio-free.
  • In April 2016, another significant event in the life of mankind took place: the trivalent live polio vaccine (tOPV) was destroyed everywhere, as the wild type 2 polio virus ceased to exist on our planet. Bivalent (Sabin strains 1 and 3) OPV will continue to be used for the time being.
  • The world can be freed from the threat of polio if there is universal commitment to vaccination, from parents to government workers and from political leaders to the international community.


Achievement: as a result of the ongoing immunoprophylaxis, the incidence of diphtheria has sharply decreased; it has been eliminated in many countries.
  • Already in the first century AD, one can find a mention of diphtheria, then called "strangled loop" or "deadly ulcer of the pharynx." Until the beginning of the 20th century, diphtheria claimed thousands of children's lives every year, and medicine was powerless to alleviate their suffering and save them from severe agony. On December 26, 1891, Emil von Behring saved the life of a sick child by inoculating him for the first time against diphtheria. The success of the experiment was impressive, many children were saved, but still this victory was only partial, and Behring's serum did not become a reliable remedy that saved all children. And here Bering was helped by his colleague and friend Paul Ehrlich: he managed to establish a large-scale production of serum, calculate the correct dosages of antitoxin and increase the effectiveness of the vaccine. In 1894, the improved serum was successfully tested on 220 sick children. For saving children, Behring was awarded the first Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1901 “for his work on serum therapy, mainly for its use in the treatment of diphtheria, which opened new paths in medical science and gave doctors a victorious weapon against disease and of death".
  • The prophylactic serum now used against diphtheria was discovered by Dr. Gaston Ramon, an employee of the Pasteur Institute in Paris.
  • During the period 1980-2000. the total number of reported cases of diphtheria was reduced by more than 90%. Introduction in 1994 of mass immunization of the population of Russia against diphtheria with repeated revaccination of adults in 2003-2004. allowed to provide sufficient specific protection of the population from this infection. This led to a decrease in the incidence of diphtheria in Russia from 26.8 in 1994 to 0.01 per 100 thousand population in 2009-2011. The World Health Organization recommends vaccination for all countries of the world without exception.

human papillomavirus

Advances: Vaccines have been developed to prevent infection with the HPV-16 and HPV-18 oncogenic viruses that cause cervical cancer.
  • Back in 1976, a hypothesis was put forward about the relationship of human papillomaviruses (HPV) with cervical cancer. In the mid-seventies, the scientist Harald zur Hausen discovered that women with cervical cancer were invariably infected with HPV. At that time, many experts believed that cervical cancer was caused by the herpes simplex virus, but Harald zur Hausen found not herpes viruses, but papillomaviruses in cancer cells, and suggested that the development of cancer occurs as a result of infection with the papillomavirus. Subsequently, he and his colleagues were able to confirm this hypothesis and establish that most cases of cervical cancer are caused by one of the two types of these viruses: HPV-16 and HPV-18.
  • Harald zur Hausen's research on HPV infection formed the basis for understanding the mechanisms of papillomavirus-induced carcinogenesis. Subsequently, vaccines have been developed that can prevent infection with the HPV-16 and HPV-18 viruses. This treatment will reduce the amount of surgery and overall reduce the risk of cervical cancer.
  • After a full course of vaccination, protective antibodies are determined in more than 99% of those vaccinated. Modern mathematical models show that when girls 12-13 years old are covered with a full course of primary immunization (3 doses) with a vaccine against papillomavirus infection, it is possible to predict a decrease in the risk of developing cervical cancer by 63%, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia of the third severity (precancer) - by 51% , cytological disorders in age cohorts up to 30 years - by 27%.
  • By the end of 2013, the human papillomavirus vaccine had been introduced in 55 countries.


Achievements: A hepatitis B vaccine has been available since 1982. This vaccine is 95% effective in preventing infection and its chronic consequences and is the first vaccine against a major human cancer.
  • There are five hepatitis viruses, defined as types A, B, C, D, and E. Types B and C are of particular concern because most people infected with these viruses may not experience any symptoms at all. early stage disease and learn that they are infected only when the infection becomes chronic. Sometimes it can be several decades after infection. In addition, these two viruses are the main cause of cirrhosis and liver cancer, causing almost 80% of all liver cancer deaths.
  • The first hepatitis B vaccine became available in China. They began using a vaccine prepared from blood plasma obtained from donors from among patients who had a long-term hepatitis B virus infection. DNA in yeast cells. It is sometimes called a genetically engineered vaccine. Both types of vaccines are safe and highly effective.
  • More than 240 million people have chronic (long-term) liver infections. Approximately 780,000 people die each year from the acute or chronic effects of hepatitis B.
  • After a complete series of vaccinations in more than 95% of children infancy, children of other age groups and young people appear protective levels of antibodies. The protection lasts for at least 20 years, and possibly a lifetime.
  • In many countries, where typically 8% to 15% of children had chronic viral infection hepatitis B, vaccination contributed to a decrease in chronic infection among immunized children to less than 1%.

Hemophilus infection

Achievements: Haemophilus influenzae vaccination is carried out in 189 countries, significantly reducing the incidence of meningitis and bacteremia due to Haemophilus influenzae.
  • Haemophilus influenzae is still a serious threat to life and health, causing, according to experts, about 3 million cases of severe illness in the world and more than 350 thousand deaths per year. Nearly all of the victims are children under the age of five, with children between the ages of 4 and 18 months most vulnerable to infection.
  • By the end of 2013, the Hib vaccine had been introduced in 189 countries. Modern Hib vaccines are very effective. The incidence of all forms of infection in developed countries where routine immunization is carried out has decreased by 85-98%. There have been numerous trials of polysaccharide vaccines in Europe and North America. In particular, a clinical trial in the UK (1991-1993) showed an 87% reduction in the incidence of haemophilus influenzae meningitis. In the Netherlands, during a similar study, it was recorded complete absence cases of meningitis of hemophilic etiology within 2 years after the start of immunization.


Achievement: Between 2000 and 2013, measles vaccination resulted in a 75% reduction in global measles deaths.
  • Back in the middle of the 20th century, measles was considered an "obligatory" disease that every child should have. In the mid-1960s, an effective measles vaccine was finally invented in the former Soviet Union. At the same time, the American scientist John Enders made his discovery of the measles vaccine.
  • But before the widespread use of vaccines, measles continued to claim children's lives. In 1980, before widespread vaccination, there were an estimated 2.6 million deaths from measles.
  • Measles is one of the leading causes of death among children early age even though a safe vaccine is available. Between 2000 and 2013, measles vaccination resulted in a 75% reduction in global measles deaths.
  • In 2000-2013 measles vaccination has prevented an estimated 15.6 million deaths, making the measles vaccine one of the most significant public health achievements.
  • It is planned that in 2015 measles deaths will be reduced by 95% (20 times) compared to 2000, and by 2020 measles (as well as rubella) will be completely eliminated from at least five WHO regions.

pneumococcal infection

Achievements: mass vaccination reduces the incidence of pneumococcal meningitis and severe pneumonia in children by more than 80% and the incidence of all pneumonias and otitis media by more than a third.
  • Pneumococcus was identified quite a long time ago - in 1881. But vaccines began to be developed only in the second half of the 20th century. The difficulty in creating such vaccines was (and is) the huge number of types of pneumococcus.
  • Prior to widespread immunization with the 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, the mean annual incidence in children under 2 years of age was 44.4/100,000 in Europe and 167/100,000 in the United States.
  • According to the World Health Organization, the global use of vaccination against pneumococcal infection will prevent 5.4-7.7 million child deaths by 2030.

Whooping cough

Achievements: As a result of large-scale vaccination carried out in the 1950-1960s in industrialized countries, there was a sharp decrease in the incidence (more than 90%) and mortality from whooping cough.
  • Only in 1906, the scientists Jules Berdet and Octave Zhangu, who worked at the Pasteur Institute in Brussels, isolated the pertussis bacillus. But even after that, the doctors did not have more funds for the treatment of pertussis infection. They appeared only during the Second World War. The first pertussis vaccine appeared in the United States in 1941, and the first combined DTP vaccines were introduced into vaccination practice abroad in the late 1940s.
  • The greatest number of cases of whooping cough falls on the age of 1 to 5 years. The incidence of whooping cough in the past was almost universal and second only to measles. In 2008, about 82% of all infants in the world were vaccinated with three doses of pertussis vaccine. WHO estimates that in 2008, about 687,000 deaths were averted as a result of pertussis vaccination.
  • The main purpose of pertussis vaccination is to reduce the risk of severe infections in infants. A global priority is to reach 90% infant coverage with three doses of high-quality pertussis vaccine, especially where the disease poses a serious threat to the health of infants and young children.


Achievements: Thanks to large-scale rubella vaccination over the past decade, rubella and congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) have been virtually eliminated in many developed and some developing countries. There have been no endemic (naturally transmitted) cases of rubella infection in the WHO Region of the Americas since 2009.

  • The causative agent of rubella in 1961 was almost simultaneously isolated by several scientists: P. D. Parkman, T. X. Weller and F. A. Neva. But even earlier, in 1941, the Austrian researcher N. Gregg described various anomalies of the fetus (congenital rubella syndrome - CRS) in connection with its intrauterine infection with the rubella virus during the illness of a pregnant mother.
  • With the help of preventive vaccinations, it is possible to significantly reduce the incidence of fetal death in pregnant women and the risk of CRS, which causes congenital malformations.
  • In Russia, which started mass vaccination against rubella only in 2002-2003, great success has been achieved: in 2012, the incidence dropped to 0.67 per 100 thousand. 2012 was 90.7%), so that the conditions were created for the implementation of the rubella elimination program and the prevention of congenital rubella syndrome (CRS).

mumps (mumps)

Achievements: in countries where large-scale immunization against mumps is carried out, the incidence is significantly reduced.
  • The disease was described by Hippocrates, but only in 1934 was the viral nature of the pathogen proven. Until the 1960s, when vaccines became available, mumps was a widespread disease in all parts of the world. From 100 to 1000 people fell ill per 100 thousand people per year. Although the disease is mild, it can be dangerous with complications - meningitis, sensorineural deafness, orchitis (in boys), oophoritis (in girls).
  • By the end of 2013, the mumps vaccine had been introduced at the national level in 120 countries.
  • In 2006, Russia registered the most low rate incidence mumps for the entire history of observations - 1.64 per 100 thousand population. Compared with 1981, the incidence has decreased by 294 times. The incidence of mumps has been steadily decreasing over the past five years, which was a consequence of the high vaccination (and especially revaccination) coverage of children - from 72% in 1999 to 96.5% in 2006. At the end of 2013, the incidence rate in our country was 0.2 per 100,000 people.

Meningococcal infection

Achievements: vaccination can prevent the development of such a deadly dangerous disease like meningococcal meningitis.
  • The highest rates of the disease occur in the meningitis belt in sub-Saharan Africa, stretching from Senegal in the west to Ethiopia in the east.
  • Prior to 2010 and prior to mass vaccination campaigns, it was estimated that 80-85% of all cases in the meningitis belt were caused by group A meningococcus, with epidemics occurring every 7-14 years. Since then, the proportion of serogroup A has declined sharply.
  • In December 2010, a new group A meningococcal conjugate vaccine was introduced throughout Burkina Faso and parts of Mali and Niger, where a total of 20 million people aged 1-29 years were vaccinated. Subsequently, in 2011, these countries had the lowest ever number of confirmed cases of meningitis A during the epidemic season.
  • Vaccination is carried out once, the efficiency is about 90%, immunity is formed on average within 5 days and lasts 3-5 years.
  • In September 2015, a new quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine became available in Russia. This vaccine is currently approved for use in children from 9 one month old(twice), older than 2 years and adults (once). Immunity is maintained for 10 years.


Achievements: the use of influenza vaccination reduces the incidence rate by 1.4-1.7 times, helps to reduce the severity of the disease, prevents the development of severe complications and deaths.
  • Influenza means "to catch" in French. For the first time, an epidemic of a disease resembling influenza was described in 412 BC. Hippocrates. The first pandemic (global epidemic) of influenza, which claimed many human lives, was recorded in 1580. And since then, this disease continues to march across the planet. During the epidemic of the famous "Spanish Flu" in 1918, 20-40 million (or more) human lives were claimed.
  • For over 60 years, safe and effective vaccines against this disease have been available and used.
  • The composition of vaccines changes every year. This is done to provide maximum protection against the "wild" influenza virus.
  • Immunity after the introduction of the vaccine is formed after 14 days and persists throughout the season.


Achievement: By the end of 2013, maternal and neonatal tetanus vaccine had been introduced in 103 countries. An estimated 82% of newborns were protected by immunization
  • Mortality in tetanus is very high (higher only in rabies and in pneumonic plague). In regions where there are no preventive vaccinations and qualified medical care, mortality is about 80%. But this infection can be prevented by preventive vaccinations. In 1923, the French immunologist G. Ramon received tetanus toxoid, which was used to prevent the disease.
  • The introduction of tetanus vaccination in the United States in the 1940s caused a decrease in the overall incidence of the disease from 0.4 per 100,000 population in 1947 to 0.02 per 100,000 population in the late 1990s. In a double-blind, controlled study in rural Colombia, neonatal tetanus did not occur in newborns born to mothers who received two or three doses of the vaccine. While in the unvaccinated control group of newborns, the mortality rate was 78 deaths per 1000 live births.
  • The efficacy and efficacy of tetanus toxoids has been documented. In most clinical trials, efficacy ranged from 80% to 100%.
  • Today, maternal and neonatal tetanus remains a public health problem in 25 countries, predominantly in Africa and Asia, where vaccination coverage is low.


Achievements: There are two types of safe and effective oral cholera vaccines that have been successfully used in vulnerable populations living in high-risk areas.
  • In the 19th century, cholera spread from its original reservoir in the Ganges Delta in India to the rest of the world. Six consecutive pandemics have claimed the lives of millions of people on all continents.
  • This “disease of unwashed hands” terrified people for a long time and led to cholera riots, when patients burned hospitals, suspecting that doctors were “poisoning” them.
  • Today, cholera affects 3-5 million people each year and 100,000-120,000 deaths from the disease occur.
  • There are currently two types of safe and effective oral vaccines on the market that can prevent the spread of epidemics. Both types are whole cell killed vaccines, one of which contains a recombinant B subunit. Both vaccines provide sustained protection of over 50% for two years in endemic areas. Both types of vaccines have been pre-evaluated by WHO and licensed in more than 60 countries.