About the German New Medicine method. New German medicine R.G.Hamer Compass GNM - Ontogenetic system

Several respected people have already advised me to pay attention to the New German Medicine.
And when my doctor from the states also recommended finding an GPS specialist in Moscow, I could not help but delve into this topic.
I began to look for a specialist, I didn’t find it, but I’ve seen enough and read so much that I’ll soon become a specialist myself))

This thing just blew my mind!
It turns out that all diseases are not diseases at all, but ancient biological programs to protect our body. How!

If I understand everything correctly, then briefly it looks something like this - at the moment when we experience some kind of psychological shock, the brain issues a certain biological program designed to protect the body, for example, to strengthen any of its functions, and something in the body begins to thicken , thin out or otherwise change. We take these changes for a tumor or other pathology.
But in fact, at the moment when the psychological conflict is exhausted (everything is resolved, for example, or the psyche has managed to switch), the body, following the same biological program, independently returns everything to normal. That is, tumors are resorbed or encapsulated, thinned bones are strengthened, and so on. Self-healing occurs, which can be accompanied by pain, weakness and other painful conditions, so that a person does not rock the boat, but remains in complete peace and allows the body to recover without hindrance.
This is me very briefly and in very general terms.

Here I post two videos that will clarify the picture much better.
In the first video directly about GPS.
And I liked the second video because there is a look at GPS, as it were, from a different angle. Well, some questions that I personally had for GPS are clarified there.

I studied the GPS Scientific Map for my diseases - stomach cancer and peritoneal cancer.
Here's what I picked up from there:

Stomach cancer (except for minor curvature)

The conflict of not being able to digest a piece: “it sits in my stomach”; anger at family members, for example, often associated with inheritance or investment, when the individual cannot receive his share, i.e. cannot fully "digest" it; when an individual does not receive his due pension, he cannot win a lawsuit.

Biological sense:

Enlargement of secretory type cells: to increase the production of gastrointestinal
juice for better digestion of the piece

Compact secretory-type adenocarcinoma growing like a “cauliflower” or flat-growing resorptive-type adenocarcinoma (the so-called gastric wall thickening tumors).

Caseous necrotic decay of the tumor under the influence of acid-fast fungi or mycobacteria (TB). Tumor encapsulation is also possible (we have evidence that a person with such an encapsulated tumor can live without discomfort for up to 40 years).

peritoneal cancer,

We distinguish between the parietal peritoneum, which lines the abdominal cavity, and the visceral peritoneum, which covers individual organs. In addition, there are also organs of the retroperitoneal space, such as the kidneys and pancreas.

An attack on the abdomen, such as "you have liver disease" or "you have a bowel tumor." "You need an operation (opening the abdomen)." This causes a feeling of attack on the integrity of the abdominal cavity. The attack conflict can also be experienced in a figurative sense, for example, a harsh word or insult can be experienced as a stab in the stomach.


biological sense:
Thickening of the peritoneum to protect it from further attacks (stabbing), as well as psychic defense against the attack “You have cancer. You urgently need an operation."


Ascites: Mesothelioma disintegrates by tuberculous caseous necrosis (biological cure) or encapsulation (non-biological cure without TB) or both. The purpose of ascites is to prevent the intestines from sticking together and prevent intestinal obstruction(with ascites, the intestine "floats" in the liquid). Attention : Avoid puncture as much as possible!

In the "Syndrome" (parallel active conflict of flight or existence), ascites (peritoneal effusion) becomes even more acute. Therefore, it is important to resolve the refugee/existence conflict or the conflict of complete abandonment, as this reduces its severity,

at least half of the original size (transudative ascites see healing of osteolysis = leukemia, also "gout").

In short, in my case, the picture turns out like this ...

1. Cancer of the stomach.

"The conflict of not being able to digest a piece: “it sits in my stomach”; anger at family members, for example, often associated with inheritance or investment, when the individual cannot receive his share, i.e. cannot fully "digest" it; when an individual does not receive his due pension, he cannot win a lawsuit. "

It turns out that at some point in my life, or rather, somewhere a year before the diagnosis or the first symptoms (in my case, these are 2011-2012), I should have experienced some kind of shock related to finances, property, with some kind of injustice in these matters.

It was? Yes it was. Even twice.

Both cases involve deceit and loss large sums. And in one of them there is also a betrayal by a person whom I considered my friend and trusted her endlessly. It really was a huge shock for me then.
At the same time, her husband's business also suffered huge losses, and in general there was a complete collapse of finances, hopes, illusions ...

And here he is, in fact, mine stomach cancer.

From the moment when this psychological conflict of mine arose and until its resolution, when I calmed down and let go of the situation, a lot of time passed.
It turns out that all this time the body was building up tissues in the stomach - " Enlargement of secretory type cells: to increase production gastric juice for better digestion".

But, now the conflict is settled, I found the strength to study directing, I got distracted, things began to improve, the former interest in life began to wake up, and this is where the post-conflict phase should have come, where everything falls into place, tissues are restored and return to their original state.
But! Pain in the stomach (which, it turns out, should have accompanied the recovery period) prompted me to undergo a gastroscopy, where a tumor was found.

And off we go... chemistry, surgery, chemistry again...

So what happens - if I didn’t run to the doctors and didn’t cut it all out and poison it with chemistry, then in a completely natural way my tumor would have decayed under the influence of beneficial microorganisms, or at least encapsulated?

But there are a lot of such stories - "He was diagnosed with cancer, but he spat, ran to do his own thing, lived another twenty years, died of old age and an autopsy found an encapsulated tumor (or found nothing at the place where the tumor was"

2. Cancer of the peritoneum.
Psychological shock, Dirk Hammer Syndrome: "Abdominal attacks, such as "you have liver disease" or "you have a bowel tumor", "You need surgery (opening your abdomen)"

Naturally, when they find a tumor, the doctors tell me - "You need an operation (opening the abdomen)"
Not only talk, but also cut.

Do I need to explain to someone that this is still a shock for any person?

Here is a shock for you, as a result of which, according to GPS, I begin to develop peritoneal cancer(carcinomatosis).

What worries me now? And besides ascites, by and large, nothing!

Read more - it is important to resolve the refugee/existence conflict or the conflict of complete abandonment"
Refugee conflict... well, yes, I guess... I'm running, running from cancer, from a diagnosis.
It seems that I live a full life, but no. I still run...

And so, my task for today is to stop, stop running away, digest and spit it out.
Will be working!

All Health and Conflict-Free!

The German New Medicine (GNM) is based on medical discoveries made by Dr. med. Reik Gerd Hamer. In the early 1980s, Dr. Hamer discovered five biological laws explaining the causes, course of development, and the process of natural healing from diseases based on universal biological principles.
According to these biological laws, diseases are not, as previously believed, the result of dysfunctions or malignant processes in the body, but rather "Important Special Biological Programs of Nature" (SBP), created by her to provide assistance to the individual during the period of experiencing emotional and psychological distress.
All medical theories, official or "alternative", past or present, are based on the concept of disease as a "dysfunction" of the body. The discoveries of Dr. Hamer show that there is nothing “sick” in Nature, but everything is always filled with a deep biological meaning.
The five biological laws on which this truly "New Medicine" is built find a solid foundation in the natural sciences, and at the same time they are in perfect harmony with the spiritual laws. Through this truth Spaniards call HHM "La Medicina Sagrada" - Sacred Medicine.
A well-known German oncologist, Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, developed cancer in the late 1970s. The disease developed shortly after the death of his son. Thinking like a professional oncologist, Hamer came to the conclusion that there was a direct correlation between the stress of his son's death and the onset of the disease.
He later analyzed brain scan samples from his patients and compared them with the corresponding medico-psychological records.

To his surprise, he found a clear relationship between shock (stress), blackouts in various fields a brain damaged by a specific type of shock and the corresponding organ where cancer developed depending on the type of psychological trauma.

Shock or psychological trauma hits the human body quite instinctively, automatically triggering deep biological mechanisms, moreover, evolution specifically created these mechanisms to adapt to difficult circumstances.

For example, a woman's breasts immediately begin to malignize (produce malignant cells) when her baby is injured, increasing milk production to protect the baby.

In the case of refugees, due to fear and the risk of dehydration, cells begin to malignize Bladder.

Based on over 40,000 case histories over many years, he developed the theory that every disease is based on some type of injury.

SpoilerTarget">about the book

About the book" Scientific map of the German New Medicine "

In his book on German New Medicine, Reik Hamer reveals some of the ideal moments of illness and self-healing, revealing the PLACEBO process, and clearly calls them in their own cartographic scientific terms. This is a real ROADMAP OF PSYCHOSOMATICS! The first, but very powerful breakthrough in the concept of the nature and dynamics of diseases. The first, but convincing step of the new science, holistic science - integral.

Dr. Hamer discovered five biological laws that explain the causes, development and natural healing process of diseases (including cancer) based on universal biological principles. According to these biological laws, oncology is not, as previously believed, the result of dysfunctions or malignant processes in the body, but rather is an expedient biological program of nature, created by nature to provide assistance to the individual during the period of emotional and psychological distress (shock).

The correctness of this approach is confirmed by the latest research. Based on these methods, several hundred research centers and institutes have already been organized in the world today. The "German New Medicine" method has been tested in institutions such as Universities of Vienna (1986), Duessldorf (1992) and Trnava / Bratislava (1998), where very convincing and impressive results have been obtained and it has been proposed to take a fresh look at human diseases from the point of view view of the relationship between mind and body. Indeed, almost every physical illness has specific psychological causes.

The theory and practice of R. Hamer allows you to help a person turn from a victim into an active and victorious fighter for his health!

The book is intended for physicians, as well as inquisitive researchers and those who have encountered emotional and psychological situations in their lives, who seek to understand the causes of diseases that have arisen and overcome them with a holistic approach.

Tomorrow (5.05) I start the Biology course, a branch of GNM (German New Medicine-GNM) developed by Roberto Barnai into a scientific discipline recognized by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Biology is studied in medical universities, and at the moment more than 30,000 people have been trained.
After learning the Method of Healing by Gilbert Renaud's memory, we have been waiting for a long time for Roberto Barnai to come to Russia to continue his studies and deepen his knowledge in the German New Medicine.

Roberto Barnai developed methods of Dr. Hammer (GNM) and Gilbert Renaud (Ricole Healing), and also expanded the system of scientific knowledge of GNM with the analysis of brain tomography (CT), which allowed him to create an “Atlas of Organs” containing the exact relationship between changes in a specific area of ​​​​the brain ( brainstem, white matter, cerebellum, cerebral cortex), specifying the dependence in which hemisphere the change is located, with a specific dysfunction internal organs and disease. Based on the analysis of computed tomography, Roberto Barnai diagnoses the exact cause of the disease and indicates the method of healing based on the theory of New German Medicine. The latest scientific research in the field of GNM. Roberto Barnai discovered the dependence of human behavioral patterns on experienced psycho-emotional traumas

The life and work of Roberto Barnai in itself is worthy of attention and respect, both in scientific circles and among ordinary people. In 2004, Roberto Barnai, a young scientist, was diagnosed with severe colon cancer.
The person faced with such a problem did not become depressed, abandoned traditional medical treatments for cancer, such as chemotherapy and surgery.
and started looking for alternative and natural ways of healing. Miraculously, Dr. Hamer's book fell into his hands, after studying which Roberto realized that his illness was directly related to state of shock experienced by him a few years ago.
Using the technique of Dr. Hammer, Roberto was completely healed and his case was registered by official medicine. Under the impression that there is a system of knowledge that works like a Swiss watch, Roberto continued the scientific work of Dr. Hamer in Hungary, developed it into a scientific discipline called Biology, recognized by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, wrote a textbook. Biology began to be studied in medical universities, and at the moment more than 30,000 people have studied Biology.

Dr. Rijk Hamer: The Iron Law of Cancer! He cured 6000 patients at the last stage of cancer!

A well-known German oncologist, Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, developed cancer in the late 1970s. The disease developed shortly after the death of his son.

Thinking like a professional oncologist, Hamer came to the conclusion that there was a direct correlation between the stress of his son's death and the onset of the disease.

He later analyzed brain scan samples from his patients and compared them with the corresponding medico-psychological records. To his surprise, he found a clear connection between shock (stress), blackouts in various areas of the brain damaged by a specific type of shock and the corresponding organ where cancer developed, depending on the type of psychological trauma.

Shock or psychological trauma hits the human body quite instinctively, automatically activating deep biological mechanisms, moreover, evolution specifically created these mechanisms to adapt to difficult circumstances.

For example, the mammary glands of a woman immediately begin to malignize (produce malignant cells) when her baby is injured, increasing milk production in order to protect the baby. In the case of refugees, due to fear and the risk of dehydration, bladder cells begin to malignize.

Based on over 40,000 case histories over many years, he developed the theory that every disease is based on some type of injury.

Raik Hamer's views within the framework of a holistic worldview (philosophical and medical ideas that connect all phenomena in nature, including processes in the body, into a single whole) framed in a system of views called

From his own experience of his son's death and subsequent illness, and from the experience of others, Reik developed the concept of a syndrome, causing cancer. This is not even stress, but a severe mental trauma. In 15,000 case histories, he was able to document the relationship between this initial syndrome and the subsequent development of the disease.

He named it DIRK HAMER SYNDROME (DHS), after his son, Dirk, whose tragic death in 1978 caused his illness. The experience of thousands of stories helped Raik formulate the so-called Iron Law of Cancer, which, in his opinion, nothing can resist. Each cancer begins with DHS, which is expressed in an extremely brutal form of shock, the most dramatic and acute conflict that has ever happened to a person experienced by him alone.

What is significant is the type of conflict or mental trauma that is expressed at the moment of DHS in its characteristics, defined as follows

Hamer's focus is a specific area of ​​the brain that, under the influence of mental trauma, suffers from serious disorders and, as a result, induces the proliferation (multiplication) of carcinogenic cells in the organ associated with this part of the brain

Localization of cancer in a specific place. There is a direct connection between the evolution of conflict and the development of cancer in two ways: brain and organic.

The second and third conflict situations with DHS may be related to the first conflict. For example, a diagnosis of cancer can cause a sudden fear of death, which will be reflected in round spots in the lungs, or self-deprecation followed by cancer in the bones: according to Hamer's theory, these are not metastases, but new tumors caused by new locations of Hamer's focus, formed under the influence of new mental traumas. .

At the moment when the conflict is successfully resolved, there is a reversal of polarity and brain disorders, are corrected, forming a certain edematous area, while the anarchically proliferating cells, due to the incorrect coding of the brain computer, are no longer innervated by this erroneous coding, and tumor growth stops. The reverse process of reversal is accompanied by swelling in the area of ​​the tumor, ascites (accumulation of fluid), and pain.

In obedience to the rebuilt nerve signals, the body begins a long phase of restructuring with the formation of edematous areas in all problematic parts of the body, returning to normal sleep, appetite, although weakness and fatigue, typical of vagotonia (vegetative disorders) nervous system) may lead to misdiagnosis.

During recovery period may occur different kinds cerebral complications, depending on the duration of conflict resolution and the location of the Hamer focus. During the development of edema, alcohol, cortisone drugs, diuretics, and coffee should be completely abandoned. Anti-inflammatory drugs are used, sometimes ice is applied to the neck or forehead. During this period, fluid intake should be limited.

Until today, doctors have observed the unwritten law that the sick should not suffer. The pain symptom immediately preceding death, considered the worst and most terrible, in this healing process seems unbearable for four to six weeks, stopping spontaneously after 2-3 months. It is important to realize that the pain syndrome is purely individual for each patient, and if a person understands that this is an intermediate part of the disease, then one can refrain from taking medication, psychologically strengthening oneself in thoughts about the light at the end of the tunnel.

Hamer considers one of the most terrible principles in modern medicine in the treatment of oncological diseases. morphine use . Even with relatively early stages diseases and relatively minor pains, the use of a single dose of morphine, or similar drugs, can be fatal.

According to the New German Medicine, the body goes through several stages during illness.

After the initial initiation of DHS, a period of conflict-active phase of the disease (CA-Conflict Active phase) begins. This phase is associated with sleep disorders, appetite, various autonomic disorders leading to many diseases. The CA phase, due to the unresolved conflict, can last for years, eventually destroying the body in one way or another.

Hamer called the stage of conflict resolution CL (Conflict-destruction of the conflict). Here the CA phase ends and the recovery period begins. The phase starting from CL is a period of complete tissue repair of all organs.

Hamer called this phase PCL (Post Conflictolytic phase-post-conflict phase).

During this period, the body carefully gets rid of useless cancerous or necrotic cells as a result of peptic ulcer (Hamer's theory considers many diseases in addition to cancer in its plane).

This general cleansing is due to microbes. During the PCL period, microbes attack us, leading to infections, while actually acting symbiotically, freeing the body of unnecessary trash. What conventional medicine calls infectious diseases Hamer called "The Epileptic Crisis".

According to Hamer's theory, cleaning microbes cannot act in an organ that receives an incorrect encoding of brain signals, since stress does not allow them to enter the tissue.

Returning to the above, a single dose of morphine during the EC phase can be fatal, since, according to Hamer's theory, this dose changes the functioning of the brain, paralyzes the intestines and completely disrupts restorative functions inside the body. A person, plunging into a lethargic state, does not realize the lethality of the action of morphine just at the time when he was on the way to a cure. The pain of the second period is actually very a good sign recovery process, but modern medicine does not realize this.

It is likely that two-thirds of the cancers initiated by DHS were halted before they were suspected and diagnosed due to prior conflict resolution. The only danger in these cases may be misdiagnosis associated with the interpretation of encapsulated cancer. When diagnosed with DHS cancer, the trauma of panic can cause spots in the lungs. Thus, the patient who had a chance to avoid the disease is thrown back into the cycle of general therapy.

Acute leukemia is also the result of a DHS injury.

Computed tomography shows DHS brain injury as patches with concentric circles. Radiologists can misinterpret the results as brain metastases, which means, according to Hamer, that a huge number of people have undergone completely unnecessary operations with incorrect diagnoses of brain tumors.

Great importance for the conflict resolution process, Hamer attaches to physiotherapy. On the other hand, toxins and drugs act destructively, interfering with the resolution of the conflict.

The paradox of the "New German Medicine" lies in the acceptance of the fact that the mechanism of malignancy as a result of shock at a certain stage is even beneficial for the body, but radio and chemotherapy enhance this process, preventing the resolution of the conflict situation and the restoration of the body.

Using his technique, Dr. Hamer cured 6,000 out of 6,500 terminal cancer patients, not counting himself.

Prof. Dr. med. Rijk Hamer has worked for 15 years in conventional medicine, and he also devoted part of his time to the development of specialized medical instruments.

After the tragedy in 1978, when a mentally ill man shot dead his 19-year-old son Dirk, as a result of psychological trauma, Reik developed testicular cancer within a year. His wife later also developed cancer. Despite the colossal shock, he had the strength to start fighting his own disease and to start a critical review of all theories of the origin and development of cancer.

All the various disease factors, including environmental carcinogens, according to him, are not the cause of cancer, but only exacerbate it. All cancer treatment, including radio and chemotherapy, and many surgeries to remove tumors, according to his theory, are at the top of the list of causes that aggravate the development of cancer.

Reik's revolutionary theory was so hostile to the medical world that he was prosecuted.

On September 9, 2004, Raik Hamer was arrested in Spain and then extradited to France. The 70-year-old professor was sentenced to three years in prison. Formally, he was accused of running a private medical practice without a proper license, in addition, he was required to abandon the main provisions of German New Medicine (someone in history was already required to renounce scientific theories), accused of causing damage to the health and death of many people treated by his method.

Numerous protests followed, including by large medical institutions and organizations. The German New Medicine method has been tested in institutions such as the Universities of Vienna (1986), Duesseldorf (1992) and Trnava / Bratislava (1998), with very convincing and impressive results. In February 2006, under public pressure, Dr. Raik Hamer was released from prison.

Biology - direction in), developed by Roberto Barnai into a scientific discipline recognized by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Biology is studied in medical universities, and at the moment more than 30,000 people have been trained.

Roberto Barnai developed the techniques of Dr. Hammer (GNM) and, as well as expanded the system of scientific knowledge of GNM with the analysis of brain tomography (CT), which allowed him to create an "Atlas of Organs" containing the exact relationship between changes in a specific area of ​​​​the brain (brain stem , white matter, cerebellum, cerebral cortex), specifying the dependence in which hemisphere the change is located, with specific dysfunction of internal organs and disease. Based on the analysis of computed tomography, Roberto Barnai diagnoses the exact cause of the disease and indicates the method of healing based on the theory

In 1981, Dr. Hamer presented his discovery of the "Five Biological Laws of the New Medicine" at the University of Tübingen as a doctoral dissertation. Despite their legal obligations and court orders in 1986 and 1994, the university's medical faculty refused to evaluate Dr. Hamer's findings. Finally, on March 12, 2008, a judge from the administrative court of Sigmaringen, Germany, ruled that the University of Tübingen was no longer required to review Dr. Hamer's dissertation. This is unprecedented in the history of universities!
Dr. Hamer has made several attempts to open a clinic where patients can be treated according to GNM principles, but these attempts have been consistently thwarted by the authorities.
In 1985, Dr. Hamer was forced to close his oncology clinic in Katzenelbogen, Germany, as his new medicine was not officially recognized.
In 1986, a court sentenced Dr. Hamer to be banned from the practice of medicine on the grounds that he refused to retract his findings and, in accordance with the principles official medicine. Dr. Hamer lost his medical license, although his findings were never refuted. Without a medical license and without approval of his methods after completing his doctoral dissertation at the University of Tübingen, Dr. Hamer was neither allowed to practice medicine nor teach medical students and future doctors.
As a result of the ongoing concerted effort to suppress Dr. Hamer's medical discoveries, physicians, as well as the general population, have been prevented from benefiting from the knowledge of GNM, and – for more than 30 years – millions of patients have been denied treatment according to New German Medicine. , with its humane, non-invasive approach.

In January 2011, I “accidentally” got to the first seminar on oncopsychology held in Moscow, where a “new” system for understanding, diagnosing and treating oncological diseases by the German doctor R. Hamer was presented. "New" - because Dr. Hamer discovered this system back in the early 80s of the last century, and it has been known for more than 30 years, but it was by 2011 that it was more or less normally presented in our country.
Even at the time of this first workshop, there were practically no descriptions, documents translated into Russian. At the seminar there was a presentation and a book "The Scientific Map of the German New Medicine", which had not yet been translated into Russian. The translation of this book was done a year later, and now it is already available for purchase. Also already appearing in in electronic format translated articles that describe in more detail both the basic principles of GNM and specific diseases (only in GNM diseases, there are no "failures" in the body, all bodily manifestations are described as Special Biological Programs of Nature - SBS)
The German New Medicine is a kind of roadmap for the psychosomatic process of the appearance and cure of any disease, not only (even not so much) cancerous, but any other, from the common cold, dermatitis and allergies to migraine, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, etc.
On the Internet, you can freely find an article translated into Russian by a student of Dr. R. Hamer, a Canadian doctor K. Markolin - "The New German Medicine. Five Biological Laws" and several translated articles and interviews by R. Hamer himself. The bulk of materials on GNM have not yet been translated into Russian. In more than two and a half years that have passed since that first seminar, I have come close enough to this topic, I have begun to use this system more in my work, and more and more I want to share this information with others, not even so much with specialists and colleagues. how much with ordinary people, because even a general understanding of the principles of GNM can significantly (and sometimes completely) remove a person's fear of both cancer and oncology, and give a more complete understanding of almost any so-called "diseases".
In my journal, I will post translated materials from various foreign sites, forums dedicated to GNM and its practical application in our life. In this first post, I will post a translation of one of K. Marcolin's articles about GNM.

So-called "diseases".

New German Medicine (GNM) is based on the findings of physician Ryke Geerd Hamer, MD. Dr. Hamer received his MD in 1961 from the University of Tübingen, Germany. He specializes in internal medicine and practices at various university clinics in Germany. Dr. Hamer also shared his medical practice with his wife, Sigrid. Together they raised four children.
August 18, 1978, according to Dr. Hamer himself, was the darkest day of his life. That day, Dr. Hamer received the shocking news that his eldest son, Dirk, had been accidentally shot. Dirk died four months later in his father's arms.
Shortly after Dirk's death, Dr. Hamer was diagnosed with testicular cancer. Since he had never been seriously ill, he immediately suggested that the development of his cancer could be directly related to the tragic death of his son.
Dirk's death and his own experience with cancer set Dr. Hamer on an extraordinary scientific journey. While working as a therapist and head of a German cancer clinic, Dr. Hamer began to research the history of his patients and soon learned that, like him, they all suffered from unexpected emotional experiences before they developed one type of cancer or another. But he continued his research even further. Based on the fact that all bodily manifestations are controlled from the brain, he analyzed scans (CT images) of the brains of his patients and compared them with theirs. medical records. It was completely new approach. Until then, no research had explored the origin of disease in the brain, nor the role of the brain as an intermediary between our emotions and diseased body organ.
What Dr. Hamer discovered was amazing. He discovered that when we suffer unexpected emotional experiences, such as the unexpected departure of a loved one, the loss of a loved one, or a sudden outburst of anger, the brain triggers a biological emergency response program to the exact conflict shock the person is facing. He found that at the moment when a conflict occurs, impact on a certain part of the brain causes lesions that are visible on CT scans of the brain in the form of a sharply defined set of concentric rings. With the impact of shock, it is brought to the appropriate organ. If an organ reacts in conflict with the development of a tumor (cancer), heart disease, or tissue loss, as we see in osteoporosis or stomach ulcers, the exact type of emotional exhaustion is determined.
Let's take colon cancer as an example: Dr. Hamer defines the biological conflict with our gut as "the conflict of the indigestible morsel." Animals experience these conflicts in real terms when, for example, a piece of food gets stuck in the intestines. In response to this potentially life-threatening situation, intestinal cells immediately begin to multiply. The biological significance of increasing the number of intestinal cells is to produce more digestive juices so that a piece of food can be broken down and passed through. We humans have inherited this biological program to respond to such conflict. For us, an "indigestible piece" can mean resentment, a difficult divorce, a struggle for cash or property, or a court case that we cannot "digest". Dr. Hamer discovered that when we are faced with such a situation of "indigestible" conflict, the same process of cell proliferation (growth) is initiated, controlled from the part of the brain that controls our colon. As long as the person is lamenting the "indigestible issue," the cells multiply, forming what is called a "colon tumor." Conventional medicine interprets these extra cells as "cancerous". Based on thousands of case studies, Dr. Hamer shows that these extra cells (tumors) are what we might call "disposable cells" that are only useful for the time being. At the moment when the "indigestible piece" can already be digested, the extra cells are no longer needed and are destroyed with the help of special mycobacteria and excreted from the body.
Dr. Hamer also found that every "disease" goes through two stages. During the first, active phase of conflict, we feel mentally and emotionally aroused. Usually we are completely occupied with what happened, we have cold extremities, poor appetite, we suffer from sleep disorders, and we lose weight. If we have resolved the conflict, then we enter the healing phase, during which the psyche, brain and affected organ will go through a recovery phase. Since traditional medicine does not recognize the biphasic structure of every disease, many of the symptoms of this repair (recovery) phase, such as inflammation, fever, painful swelling, pus, discharge, blood in stool, urine or saliva (especially when a cancerous tumor breaks), or infections , which are labeled as diseases, although they are, in fact, manifestations natural process healing.
The therapeutic aspects of GNM are manifold. The first step is to determine whether the person is still in the active phase of the conflict or the conflict has already been resolved. If the person is still in the active phase, emphasis is placed on identifying the initial conflict, a conflict resolution strategy is developed, and the patient is prepared for subsequent manifestations of the painful symptoms of the recovery phase. During healing, it is important to support the patient psychologically and, if necessary, with medical care. But, first of all, it is important to understand the nature of the symptoms. Because understanding each symptom in its biological and biographical context allows us to free ourselves from the panic and fear that is often triggered by the onset of the disease.

Dr. Hamer's research radically violates the central doctrine of standard medicine, namely that diseases are the result of errors (failures) of the body. By providing clear scientific evidence that diseases such as cancer do not occur by accident, but only as a result of the body's survival programs successfully practiced over millions of years of evolution, Dr. Hamer breaks the doctrine traditional medicine(including the medical industry) at its core. With GNM, questions like "Why me?" or "Why cancer?" are no longer a secret. And, like other "medical heretics," Dr. Hamer is paying the price of breaking the old dogma.
In 1981, Dr. Hamer presented the results of his research at the Medical Faculty of the University of Tübingen as a postdoctoral thesis. But to this day, the university has refused to review Dr. Hamer's research, despite a legal obligation to do so. This is unprecedented in the history of universities. In addition, official medicine refuses to approve his discoveries, despite 28 checks and doctors and professorial associations.
Shortly after Dr. Hamer presented his dissertation, he received an ultimatum - either give up his discoveries or his contract at the university clinic would not be renewed. It was very difficult for him to understand why he was being expelled for presenting sound scientific conclusions. After his dismissal, he took up his private practice, where he continued his research. Several attempts to open private clinic failed due to a concerted effort against him and his cause.
In 1986, although scientific work has never been refuted, Dr. Hamer was stripped of his medical license on the grounds that he refused to conform to the principles of standard medicine. But he was determined to continue his work. By 1987, he was able to expand his discovery of virtually every disease known to medicine. In 1997, Dr. Hamer went into exile in Spain, where he continues his research. So far, he has been able to confirm his initial findings with over 40,000 case studies.
Dr. Hamer has been persecuted and persecuted for 20 years. The press and the medical establishment will stop at nothing to slander Dr. Hamer and his work. He is portrayed as a charlatan, himself a famous miracle healer, cult leader, or insane criminal who denies cancer patients traditional treatments (particularly chemotherapy). But it should be mentioned that unlike standard medicine, GNM has a documented success rate of 92%. Ironically, these statistics for Dr. Hamer's remarkable success were supplied by the authorities themselves. When Dr. Hamer was arrested in 1997 (for giving three people to a doctor without a medical license!), the police searched his patient files. Subsequently, one prosecutor was forced to admit, during the trial, that after five years, 6,000 out of 6,500 mostly terminal cancer patients were still alive. - From September 2004 to February 2006, Dr. Hamer was imprisoned in a French prison because people (whom he never met) were harmed through his GNM teachings or his publications.
While mainstream medicine officials refuse to acknowledge Dr. Hamer's results, we must take it upon ourselves to learn about this groundbreaking new medical paradigm.
© 2006 Caroline Markolin, Ph.D. www.learninggnm.com


Based on New German Medicine

and books by Burn Able "Emotional Causes of Disease"

Friends, an offer for those who are professionally engaged in psychotherapy in the aspect of "treatment"

"There is enough simplicity for every wise man". What does it mean - even cool authorities are mistaken.

Therefore I am with trying to get this from different sources. Special services also work :)


To this end, a few months ago, I organized the translation of the book Bjorn Able "Soul Causes of Disease". / //


P redeemed a good synthesis: //

  • Intelligible metaphysics
  • Serious knowledge of medicine
  • Tons of examples for every occasion

And I used it myself for a year good results

Extremes usually occur:the author is either a hardened materialist or a mind blowing metaphysician who can't tell a urine test from a blood test. There is a good balance here.

New German Medicine

Byrne works in a paradigm New German Medicine Dr. Dirk Hammer.

The one who found ways successfully treat cancer than ran across the road to the multi-million dollar business of official medicine. Why doesn't she love him...

It's mutual, by the way :)


Those who have been researching the topic of "healing" for a long time know about the revolutionary work of Dr. Hammer. If interested, you can read the introductory provisions for example.//

We are making some attempts to translate his works (and those of his followers) into Russian. Oleg Matveev even published a book a few years ago.

And I even had it ... Then I gave it to a doctor friend because of its complete uselessness for practical purposes.

Processor Workbook

This translation is processor workbook. I have been using Burn's book for about a year and find it very sensible.

Often, in cases where commonly used reference books and authors gave vague explanations, this one helped a lot.

The only downside is he German and all the time I had to ask a colleague for a transfer. In the end, with my enthusiastic students, I decided to make a translation "for myself."

What turned out to be difficult - several translation agencies did a frank get along. The reason is simple: translators do not catch key idea for no one has ever been tried. And the accuracy of meaning is the most important thing here!

Finally, I found an excellent translator and a brilliant processor in one person :) (I will omit the personalities at his request). The text became even more interesting because it appeared footnotes of the editorial board.

These invaluable footnotes offer an alternative perspective on the subject at hand. Unequivocal answers are only found in children's textbooks, but in living knowledge different schools and different approaches always argue.

And it is true. Thanks to this, you can get a deeper look at the problem.

// Sentence

So what's the offer? look book content and below (in the end there will be approx. 300 pages) and pieces of some chapters.

Think do you need it? Definitely, this book is for the deep, professional work with sick people.

You may well have enough of what is on the net on this topic.

I explain more:

I started this process together with my enthusiastic students. These people know me and betrayed me credit of trust.

You probably don't know me. Perhaps I should say that I was in the Master Group of Konstantin Dovlatov and the curator of ShK-1 :) You can read my story

But now that the translation process is really went and you can confidently present the results, I am ready to apply to everyone who wants.

-- So, the book will be translated by the end of the year (approximately)

-- Will be issued in three installments (so as not to torment you)

- Book in electronic format. Volume about 300 pages (we safely throw away the excess to make the work cheaper and leave what is needed for the processor to work)

Read - understand - decide!

All information for participation in the project at the end of the page


Metaphysical interpretation laboratory tests
Thyroid(T3, T4)
Blood (erythrocytes, leukocytes, hemoglobin, hematocrit, erythrocyte sedimentation, cholesterol)
Liver (Gamma-GT, GOT, GPT, AP, bilirubin)
Pancreas (sugar, amylase, lipase)
Kidneys (creatinine, urea, uric acid, protein, blood in urine)
Prostate (PSA)
Tumor marker (CEA, CA 19/9, AF)

Nervous system
Neuralgia trigeminal nerve
Paralysis facial nerve(paresis)
Inflammation of the brain

Inflammation of the eyelid, inflammation of the mucous membrane
Wen century
Inflammation, swelling of the tear duct
Inflammation of the excretory stream of the lacrimal gland
Inversion of the eyelid (entropion)
Eversion of the eyelid (ectropion)
Drooping eyelid (ptosis)
Eyelid tremor (tic)
teary eyes
Pupil constriction (miosis), night blindness
Pupil dilation (mydriasis), photosensitivity, day blindness (hemeralopia), ectopic pupil
Inflammation, swelling of the choroid of the eye. Inflammation, swelling of the iris
Corneal thinning, corneal inflammation, corneal clouding
Retinal detachment

Inflammation of the middle ear
Inflammation of the external ear canal
Inflammation of the cartilage of the auricle
Hearing disorders
Tumor auditory nerve

Anterior pituitary tumor
growth retardation

adrenal glands
Adrenal insufficiency
Hyperfunction of the adrenal glands
Tumor of the adrenal medulla

Thyroid and parathyroid glands
Thyroid enlargement, thyroid tumor
Hyperfunction of the thyroid gland
Inflammation of the thyroid gland
Tumor of the parathyroid gland

angina pectoris
coronary infarction
myocardial infarction
Inflammation of the heart muscle
Inflammation of the heart valve
constriction mitral valve, aortic valve stenosis
Heart disease, valvular insufficiency
Accumulation of exudate in the pericardial cavity
Heart failure

Hemorrhagic syndrome

Blood vessels
Blockage of blood vessels in the legs
Tumor vascular wall
Varicose veins
Trophic ulcers

lymphatic system
Crayfish lymph nodes
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
Stagnation of lymph in the legs, cellulite

Enlarged spleen, inflammation of the spleen
Abscess of the spleen, cyst of the spleen

Nose and paranasal sinuses
Runny nose, sinusitis
allergic rhinitis
Nasal polyps, suppuration paranasal sinuses nose
Bleeding from the nose
Loss of smell
Colds, SARS, influenza
Inflammation of the larynx, cancer of the larynx
Narrowing of the larynx

Lungs, bronchi, airways
Lung cancer, pneumonia
Pulmonary emphysema
Pulmonary sarcoidosis
Bronchial tumor
Inflammation respiratory tract, bronchiectasis
Bronchial asthma, spastic bronchitis
Whooping cough
cystic fibrosis
Pulmonary embolism
Silicosis, pneumoconiosis, lung asbestosis

Pleural cancer
Inflammation of the pleura, pleurisy

Lips, oral cavity, pharynx
lip cancer, oral cavity, sky or tongue
Scarlet fever
Herpes, cracks in the corners of the mouth
Paralysis of the tongue
Inflammation of the tonsils, cancer of the tonsils, polyps of the pharynx
Cancer of the palate
Inflammation of the pharynx
Salivary gland tumor, inflammation salivary glands
Cystic fibrosis of the salivary glands
salivary gland cyst
Parotitis (mumps)

Teeth and jaw
Superficial caries
deep caries
periodontal disease
Loss of teeth
Jaw cysts
Tumor of the jaw
Inflammation of the gums
gum hyperplasia
Grinding of teeth

Esophageal carcinoma
Inflammation of the esophagus

Gastritis, gastric ulcer, hyperacidity
Perforation of the stomach wall
Gastric cancer, gastric polyps, gastric mucosal hyperplasia
Heartburn, reflux
Gastric bleeding, stomach colic

Ulcer duodenum, duodenal cancer
Polyps of the duodenum

Small intestine
polyps, cancer small intestine
Inflammation of the small intestine
Intolerance to gluten, milk protein
Fungal infection of the intestine
Bacterial infections of the intestine
Viral infections intestines

Large intestine and appendix
Polyps, colon cancer
Bowel obstruction
chronic inflammation intestines
Spasm of the anal sphincter

Spasm of the diaphragm
diaphragmatic hernia

Peritoneum, umbilicus and greater omentum
Peritoneal cancer
Inguinal hernia
Accumulation of fluid in the abdomen
belly button cancer
Cancer of the greater omentum

Liver and bile
Liver cancer
Tuberculosis of the liver, liver abscess
Inflammation of the gallbladder, inflammation of the liver, acute or chronic hepatitis, cancer bile ducts
Newborn jaundice
Stones in gallbladder polyps of the gallbladder
Acute deficiency liver
liver cyst
Scarring of the liver (cirrhosis of the liver)

Type 1 or 2 diabetes, persistent high blood sugar
Severe spikes in blood sugar
Pancreas cancer
Chronic pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas)
Cancer of the excretory ducts of the pancreas
Acute pancreatitis

Kidneys and ureters
Tumor of the kidney, cyst of the kidney
Atherosclerosis of the renal artery
Edema in the body, uremia, swelling of the collection tube of the kidneys
Inflammation of the body of the kidney (glomerulonephritis), multiple cysts of the kidney
Inflammation of the renal pelvis (pyelonephritis), cancer of the renal pelvis
Stretching of the renal pelvis, hydronephrosis
shriveled kidney
Renal intoxication

Bladder and urethra
Bladder inflammation, bladder cancer
Bladder hyperesthesia
Urinary incontinence
Urinary retention

ovarian cyst, ovarian tumor
Female infertility, amenorrhea, irregular menstruation, decreased libido
climacteric syndrome
Ovarian teratoma, ovarian abscess, dermoid cyst

Fallopian tubes and uterus
Cancer of the lining of the uterus, thickening of the lining of the uterus (endometrial hyperplasia)
Inflammation of the fallopian tubes (salpingitis, adnexitis)
Abscess in the fallopian tubes and uterus
Ectopic pregnancy
Cervical cancer
Thickening of the mucous membrane of the cervix, condylomas of the cervix
Abundant menstruation(hypermenorrhea)
Pain during menstruation, premenstrual syndrome
Toxicosis of pregnancy
miscarriage, premature pregnancy

External female reproductive organs
Inflammation of the external genitalia, inflammation of the vagina, vaginal cancer, papillomas, condylomas
Soft chancre in women
Fungal infection of the outer labia
Fungal infection of the inner labia or vagina
Spasm of the vagina
Vaginal dryness
Genital discharge

Testicular tumor
Testicular hypofunction
Dropsy testis
Testicular teratoma

prostate hyperplasia, prostate cancer
Gonorrhea in men
Urinary retention

male penis
Genital herpes, inflammation foreskin, inflammation of the glans penis, warts
Soft chancre in men
Hard chancre (syphilis)
Seal inside the penis
Violation of potency, decreased sexual desire, male infertility
small penis

Women's breasts
Mammary cancer
Neoplasm in the breast (fibroadenoma, adenosis of the mammary gland)
Ductal breast cancer
Calcifications in the mammary gland
Inflammation of the mammary gland, inflammation of the nipples
melanoma of the breast
Changes in the shape of the breast

Skin, hair and nails
Rashes, neurodermatitis, eczema, skin redness, urticaria, lichen planus, pemphigus, erysipelas, lupus, squamous cell carcinoma, skin basalioma
Allergic contact eczema, sun allergy
Measles, rubella, chicken pox
Warts, spiny warts, papillomas
age warts
Lyme disease (borreliosis)
Pigmentation disorders (vitiligo)
Scarlet fever
Skin cancer (melanoma)
Inflammation of the sebaceous and sweat glands (acne)
Fungal diseases of the feet and nails
Purulent inflammation of the nail bed (panaritium)
Fungal diseases of the skin
Skin stretch marks
Keloid scars
Inflammation of the hair follicle (furuncle)
Dandruff, hair loss (alopecia), alopecia areata
gray hair

Bones and joints
Basic principles
Bone marrow necrosis, bone marrow fibrosis, myelofibrosis, osteosclerosis
Osteogenesis imperfecta (glass bones)
Inflammatory thickening and bone changes
Inflammation of the synovium (bursitis)
Inflammation of the bone marrow
bone marrow tumor
bone tumor
cartilage tumor
Bechterew's disease
bone fracture

Movement apparatus from head to toe
Pain in the back of the head and neck, cervicobrachial neuralgia (cervical syndrome), numbness of the hands
cervical prolapse intervertebral disc
Orbital tumor
Shoulder pain
Calcifications in shoulder joint
Tennis elbow, golfer's elbow
Arthrosis and polyarthritis of the joints of the fingers
Inflammation of the tendon sheath (tenosynovitis)
carpal tunnel syndrome
Dupuytren's contracture
Pain in the sternum and ribs
Pain in the thoracic spine
Pain in the lumbar spine and coccyx, lumbago, sciatica
Prolapse of the lumbar intervertebral disc
constriction spinal canal
Displacement of a vertebra (spondylolisthesis)
Pain in the pubic and pelvic bones
pelvic fracture
Pain in the ischium
Pain in femur
Arthrosis hip joint
Necrosis of the femoral head
Knee pain, inflammation knee joint(arthritis), bursitis of the knee joint
Knee: meniscus tear, cartilage injury, cruciate ligament injury
Inflammation of the ankle or joints of the toes
Achilles tendon inflammation
Heel spur
Valgus deformity first toe

Basic principles
muscle paralysis, multiple sclerosis, poliomyelitis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Muscle cramps
Spastic paralysis
restless leg syndrome
Muscle tension, myosclerosis, myogelosis
Muscle damage
Muscle dystrophy, muscle weakness

Mental disorders
Emotional burnout, antisocial behavior
suicidal tendencies
Pathologically hypertrophied sexual desire (nymphomania in women, satyriasis in men)
Pathological deceit (mythomania)
Claustrophobia, agoraphobia, enuresis
Paranoia, optical hallucinations
Excessive aggressiveness, fits of rage
Extreme timidity, fear of the future
obsessive actions
Sound hallucinations
Learning problems, senile dementia, Alzheimer's disease

Sample reading excerpts

Nervous system

Brain tumor

Brain tissues are 90% connective tissue and 10% nerve cells. According to classical medicine, a brain tumor is a "growth of tissue" in the brain.

However nerve cells after the birth of a person, they cannot divide. In the case of "brain tumors" it is always about the connective tissues of the brain that grow or change. Proliferating nerve cells are never found. Knowing this already somewhat reduces the drama of the diagnosis.

Conflict: Corresponds to the localization of the tumor.

Example: A 21-year-old left-handed patient was diagnosed with a brain tumor when she was examined in the hospital due to a brief loss of consciousness. The German New Medicine specialist found out that the so-called brain tumor is located in the region of the brain corresponding to the right ovary.

Thus it is a conflict of loss in the healing phase. This conflict occurred 6 years ago: the patient's beloved dog was run over by a car. The poor animal lay with a shattered head and whimpered. The patient, then 15 years old, was in shock (= loss conflict) and did not go to the vet for euthanasia. All these years, when she sees a dog, she thinks about her dog and that in the most difficult moment she left her in trouble.

Healing phase: Growth of brain tissue, edema. From the point of view of GNM, a brain tumor is not an independent disease, but indicates that SBP associated with another organ occurs in the area affected by the tumor.

Note: Brain tumors are increasingly being diagnosed as patients are more and more accurately "scanned". At the same time, “tumors” are found that would hardly create problems if they were not detected. And so, with a diagnosis of “brain tumor”, no more than 2% of patients survive, and many of them die from fear, chemotherapy and radiation.

SBP (special biological program) of the epidermis

Trigeminal neuralgia I

Conflict: The conflict of separation associated with the person.
A conflict involving loss of face or reputation.

Example: Real loss of contact (for example, after parting with a partner), the inability to touch this person.Someone is laughed at, not taken seriously, not noticed.

A 69-year-old patient is present at the death of his father. When the father takes his last breath, the patient closes his eyes (= separation conflict in relation to the father's face). After that, every time the father's death is spoken of, the patient develops trigeminal neuralgia.

Fabrics: skin (epidermis)

Active phase: numbness (decrease in sensation)

Biol. meaning: numbness and desensitization of the skin should help not to feel separated.

Note: the dominant hand (mother-child or partner) should be considered. In case of edema, eliminate the conflict of the fugitive.

SBP (special biological program) periosteum

Trigeminal neuralgia II

Conflict: Intense, cruel and very painfully perceived conflict of separation or loss of face, reputation.

Example: Someone was hit in the face or someone hit himself.
Someone has been exposed or compromised in front of other people.

A 48-year-old patient sits alone in her apartment on the eve of Easter about a year ago and feels very unhappy, as she recently broke up with her partner. This evening she feels terribly separated from everything - especially from her partner. She is desperate and feels alone and abandoned (= violent separation conflict). Since then, she has suffered from trigeminal pain, especially when under stress.

The daughter and husband of a 50-year-old patient (right-handed) are in connection with the profession in the light of public attention. Weekly reports about them appear in newspapers and on television. In connection with one unsuccessful project, a journalist of the most important newspaper suddenly publishes a very negative article (= loss of reputation). Since then (for 4 years) the patient has been suffering from severe left-sided pain in the trigeminal nerve of the upper jaw.

Fabrics: Periosteum

Active phase: Pain in the trigeminal nerve in the face and head. Painful place - cold. There are no redness or swelling. Accompanying symptom: cold feet. Increased pain during the day. Improvement occurs at night, painkillers practically do not help.

Biol. meaning: The cold and numbness (loss of sensation) helps not to feel the pain of parting or loss.


SBP of facial bone

Trigeminal neuralgia III

Conflict: A conflict of self-esteem, self-worth associated with a person, appearance or reputation.

Fabrics: facial bone

Active phase: Degradation of bone cells in the region of the three exits of the trigeminal nerve.

Healing phase: Restoration of the bone, narrowing of the exit holes due to edema, which causes pain, swelling, redness in the area of ​​the trigeminal nerve.

Note: The dominant hand and side (mother-child or partner) should be considered.

SBP (special biological program) muscle innervation


According to classical medicine, the causes of a stroke are either blockage of blood vessels (= ischemic infarction) or cerebral hemorrhage (intracerebral bleeding). The result is the destruction of nerve cells.

From the point of view of the German New Medicine, two types of stroke are considered. In both cases, the cause is a motor conflict.The first, rarer type is the so-called cold stroke = paralysis in the active phase of the conflict.The second, more frequent variety is the so-called hot stroke. It occurs in the healing phase.

cold stroke

Conflict ** : motor conflict. Fear of being chained. The conflict lies in the fact that a person cannot or does not want to move or he cannot move.

With damage to the muscles of the face: a person is considered a fool, mocked or fooled.

With damage to the muscles of the shoulders and back: the inability to dodge or evade someone / something.

Muscles-flexors of the legs and arms (adductors): the inability to hold, pull, hug someone or something.

Extensors of the legs and arms (abductors): the inability to eliminate someone or something, push away with hands / feet, or repel an attack.

Legs in general: no outlet. Inability to leave, run away or keep up with someone. Inability (fast enough) to run, climb, climb or descend, dance, jump, balance, etc.

Fabrics: striated musculature

Active phase of the conflict: Paralysis or often only "weakness" of the affected muscle group = cold stroke. In classical medicine, such paralysis is usually not called a stroke, but is referred to as SM (multiple sclerosis) or ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, also known as Charcot's disease).

Biol. meaning: Reflex to pretend to be dead. Many animals go into a state of freezing and drop dead when they are pursued and have no hope of escape (eg roe deer, mice, snakes). The pursuer then leaves the victim alone or does not see her at all. Many predatory animals, such as cats, are only interested in "moving objects". When the danger has passed, the attacked animal is paralyzed.

Healing phase: Restoration of innervation. The recovery of paralyzed areas is slow because the connections of the nerves in the brain (synapses) are disconnected due to the swelling that occurs during the healing process.

Note: Consideration should be given to the patient's left or right handedness and which side of the body was affected. Those muscle groups that were affected by the disease indicate the origins of the conflict. If, for example, the flexor muscles on the right side are affected by the disease, then for a right-handed patient, the essence of the conflict will be the inability to keep a partner (this can be anyone other than mother and children).

Other organs may also play a role in stroke: if the patient, for example, has a speech impediment, then there will also be a fear/shock or speechlessness conflict.

hot stroke

Same SBP as above

Examples: The dominant mother of the patient (right-handed) has been holding him with an iron fist since childhood. At the first opportunity, he leaves his parental home. He is the only child in the family and feels all his life responsible for his mother and guilt if he rarely comes to visit her. = Motor conflict, which consists in the impossibility of shaking off the mother. 2 years after the death of his mother, he has a stroke, after which he barely survived. = Healing motor conflict. The abductors of the left arm and leg (mother/baby side) are particularly affected.

A 45-year-old man has been very reluctant to work at the same enterprise for 20 years. = Motor conflict, consisting in the inability to leave the company and go the way you like. In the end, he nevertheless quits and decides to open a private practice (a dream of a lifetime). However, on the day he opens his practice, he suffers a stroke. = Healing motor conflict. Mainly the right side (partner's side) was affected

Healing phase. Hot hands and feet, appetite, possible fever, dizziness, headache are signs of vagotonia. Most common symptom- unilateral paralysis of the arm and leg.

** Note of the editorial board

The idea that the stroke itself is a phase of healing is most likely a fallacy when viewed from the point of view of modern processing.
Most likely, all with a stroke, there are two conflicts. In this case, the following relationship exists:

1. There is a motor conflict (impossibility to leave, run away, push away, etc., see above). A person can live in this conflict for years. At some point, this conflict becomes so unbearable that it causes a desire to eliminate it.

2. However, the elimination of a motor conflict can lead in a person's perception to the creation of a much stronger new conflict (secondary), for example, fear of dying, disgrace, losing face, etc. (However, it is most likely that this secondary conflict has existed for a long time)
Here it is necessary not only to clarify the essence of the motor conflict, but also to clarify and eliminate the fears associated with the secondary conflict.

An example from personal practice:

A man with alcohol addiction is dissatisfied with his relationship with a woman with whom he has been living together for many years - she limits and controls him. He decides to leave her for his own apartment. Before he can carry out his decision, he has an ischemic stroke. The man is right-handed, as a result of a stroke, the right half of the body (leg and arm) is affected, which indicates that the motor conflict is associated with a partner - in this case, with a life partner. The secondary conflict is survival: “if I leave, then I will completely get drunk and die alone.”



SBS of islet beta cells

Constantly elevated level blood sugar (type 1 or type 2 diabetes)
Insulin production in islet beta cells is constantly reduced, so blood sugar levels are elevated.

Conflict: Male resistance conflict, which consists of resistance to someone or something, or a fear-disgust conflict (depending on the dominant hand, hormone levels and previous conflicts).

Explanation: masculine reaction to trouble - defense, resistance and struggle. The male tries to resolve the conflict through the use of force. More energy expenditure means more sugar intake. In the event of a conflict, nature makes available more sugar by reducing the production of insulin. Islet beta cells are controlled by the right (male) half of the cerebral cortex. Men usually react with a conflict of resistance.

Examples: The person feels compelled to do something.
You have to do things that you don't want to (for example, go to Kindergarten or school).

Former Italian Prime Minister Bettino Craxi is accused at the end of his career of personal ties with the mafia and find evidence of this. He is under all kinds of attacks and has massive problems explaining the facts he has found. = Conflict of resistance, consisting in the inability to defend against accusations. When the pressure on him becomes too strong, he escapes to Tunisia, but even there he does not find peace, because he is constantly forced to make excuses in interviews. = Incessant active conflict: reduced insulin production > increased blood sugar = diabetes. In connection with the loss of his homeland, he also suffers from a refugee conflict. Massive edema paired with diabetes led to the death of a politician in 2000.

A young woman (left-handed), after breaking up with her life partner, is in conflict with him about alimony for two common children. She finds no other way to help herself and threatens her former partner to sue him. However, inwardly she resists settling this matter in such an ugly way. = Resistance conflict.

Fabrics: Islet beta cells - ectoderm

Active phase of the conflict: Limiting the function of insulin-producing islet beta cells > less insulin is produced > blood sugar levels rise (hyperglycemia)

Biol. meaning: Resistance means engaging the muscles. With the help of a high blood sugar level, the individual can better defend himself. > To do this, nature provides additional energy in the form of sugar.

Healing Phase I: Slow decrease in sugar levels.

Healing Phase II: In the second part of the healing phase, the opposite process can occur - hypoglycemia.

Bones and joints

The structure of the human body is formed by about 206 bones. The supporting part of the bone is the cortical plate, inside it is the bone marrow. Outside, the bone is covered with periosteum.

In addition to the ectodermal periosteum, all other structures of the motor apparatus - ligaments, tendons, muscles, intervertebral discs, menisci, mucous bags - consist of mesodermal tissue.

The motor apparatus is without a doubt the most "rewarding" part of the body when it comes to finding and eliminating conflicts. Even beginners can achieve great success here.

The priority content of the conflict is decrease in self-esteem, however, for each part of the motor apparatus there are certain nuances.

Belief in oneself is a supporting, structure-forming element for the soul. On the bodily level, this corresponds to the motor apparatus.

Strong conflicts of lowering self-esteem are manifested in the bones, the hardest fabric. Lighter conflicts of low self-esteem are reflected in softer tissues such as cartilage and ligaments. If the muscles and tendons are affected, then the conflict of lowering self-esteem concerns movement.

The motor apparatus is controlled by the white matter of the brain. This part of the brain has a spongy structure in which Hamer foci are not clearly visible. Dr. Hamer points out that self-esteem conflicts are an exception, in the sense that the cause of their occurrence is not necessarily a dramatic experience or shock.

Thus, special programs for reducing self-esteem begin with "non-dramatic", absent-minded, gnawing sensations, such as the belief that you are a bad partner or that you will not be able to last.

SBP of bones, cartilage, ligaments

Basic principles

Conflict: Self esteem conflict. The reasons for the conflict may vary depending on the localization (see below).

Active phase of the conflict: Resorption of bone tissue (osteolysis), joints and muscles. There is no pain, metabolism is reduced, perhaps a feeling of cold. Spontaneous bone fractures are rare, as the periosteum serves as a bond. Hematopoiesis in bone marrow limited > anemia.

Healing phase: increased metabolism = inflammation. Tissue repair with bacteria. Swelling, redness, pain (pain in the back of the head or sacrum, pain in the joints). Stretching of the periosteum = bone cancer, excessive hematopoiesis = blood cancer (leukemia). Worse at rest and at night, painkillers help.

Biological meaning of pain: immobilize the individual to facilitate recovery.

Biological meaning in general: strengthen bones, cartilage, ligaments or muscles. After the end of a special pedagogical program, the affected area becomes stronger than it was before (as after a bone fracture) and becomes more thickened.

Note: in joint or spinal pain, in most cases it is not known whether the special biological program refers to bones or other structures such as cartilage or ligaments, but this is only of academic importance, since pain means that the conflict has been resolved and the patient is in the healing phase.
An exception is the more rare "violent separation conflict" which concerns periosteal tenderness, with pain in the active phase of the conflict (see rheumatism).


Separate conflicts of lowering self-esteem //

Skull bones, cervical region spine, occiput:
Moral-intellectual conflict of lowering self-esteem. A person feels injustice, discord, lack of freedom, dishonesty, ingratitude, indecency, intolerance, feels stupid and unintelligent.

Eye socket:
Problems of self-esteem in relation to the eyes.

Upper and lower jaw:
Problems of self-esteem due to the inability to grasp something or a local conflict of lowering self-esteem in relation to the jaw, chin.

Conflict of lowering self-esteem, consisting in the fact that a person thinks that he is a bad mother / bad child(right-handed left shoulder) or that he is a bad partner (right-handed right shoulder).

Elbow: //
The conflict of lowering self-esteem, which consists in the inability to hug, hold, throw, push, hit. Elbow = knee equivalent > unsatisfied ambition conflict (e.g. tennis player, basketball player)

Hand and fingers:
The conflict of lack of dexterity / awkwardness. A person believes that he treated someone wrong, did something wrong, did a poor job with the participation of hands and fingers. (often in perfectionists). Or a local conflict of lowering self-esteem, due to the fact that after a broken arm it cannot be loaded.

Thoracic spine:
To be bent by life. To be humiliated or subordinate. The need to submit. Or a local conflict of lowering self-esteem associated with the fact that in the area chest something is wrong.

Sternum, ribs:
Local conflict of lowering self-esteem, associated, for example, with breast cancer.

Lumbar spine:
The central personality conflict is a decrease in self-esteem, for example, a person believes that he cannot withstand any more pressure. Or a local conflict of lowering self-esteem, for example, about the diagnosis of bowel cancer or hemorrhoids.

Coccyx, pubic bone, pelvic bones:
A local conflict of self-esteem loss, often associated with sexuality or potency.

The conflict of lowering self-esteem, which consists in the fact that a person does not own something or that a person cannot sit out (wait until something is done, ends).

Hip and femoral neck:
The conflict of lowering self-esteem associated with the fact that a person cannot bear something, cannot hold out. Or a local conflict related to the hips.

The conflict of lowering self-esteem associated with the lack of sportiness. The conflict of lack of recognition, unsatisfied ambition. Or a local conflict of lowering self-esteem associated with the inability / inability to run, jump, etc.

Ankle, foot, toes:
The conflict is connected with the fact that a person cannot tolerate someone, cannot endure some kind of situation. It may also be due to the fact that a person cannot run, balance, jump, kick, brake, etc.

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Thanks for reading!Good luck to all of us :)

Sergei Sayanov