Cardiospasm causes. The main methods of treatment of cardiospasm of the esophagus

30.04.2016 00:21

The moon in the horoscope of a man is the image of a wife and mother. With what woman will he feel as comfortable as possible, without feeling irritation from everyday trifles and everyday life? To answer this question, pay attention to the sign of the Zodiac in which the Moon is located in the male horoscope.

In a woman's horoscope, the Moon is a reflection of what kind of wife and mother she will be. Having studied the position of the Moon in a woman's horoscope, you can understand what to expect from her in everyday life, when you wake up in the same bed, when you have one bathroom for two, when in the evening after a working day you want to relax and unwind.

Lun incompatibility - a sentence?

Of course, Lun's incompatibility is not a sentence to categorically refuse a wedding. This is an indicator that your needs and ideas about comfort may be different. But that's what we and "human beings" are reasonable for, so as not to run away from problems, but to solve them with the help of means acceptable to both partners. You can always solve everything peacefully, and socks scattered around the house, or unwillingness to go to the gym in the evening, is not a reason to leave.

The position of the Moon in the horoscope will help to understand the needs of another person, what he wants to get in order for his life to be calm, comfortable and cozy. It is important to feel “at home”, at ease. And it is in your power to create this calm world for another, of course, if this does not contradict your ideas about the limit of what is acceptable.

Moon in Aries

Such a man will be interested in an emotional and impulsive woman. Independent, independent, she does not like to "pull the cat by the tail", she decides everything quickly and immediately. He manifests any desires violently and passionately, and always knows exactly what he wants. And she wants a lot and immediately. Such a woman thinks more about meeting her needs. And she may well do it herself, without the help of a man. Active and active, easily excitable and intolerant of calf tenderness and crying. She will raise her children in a Spartan spirit: “No tears! All around - march!

Moon in Taurus

This is an earthly, cozy and practical woman. She is the very embodiment of femininity. Charming, sweet, sensual & erotic. She can be an agreeable wife and a good housewife. She certainly needs to feel constant closeness with a man, to know that he is near, to feel his emotional support. She needs a permanent and stable relationship to be surrounded by comfort and sweet trinkets. Any change in relationship for such a woman can be a real disaster when the world is completely slipping away from under her feet. Sometimes she can be heavy on her feet, stubborn and too faithful to her habits, which she will never want to change. But he will create comfort in the house and surround his beloved with affection and fidelity, and will also be able to save a fortune. Children will be treated with infinite patience and love.

Moon in Gemini

This man will like a smart, inquisitive, young (in age or spirit) woman. Easy to communicate, she does not really like to think about the causes of her problems. But he loves to discuss other people's problems, and will gladly begin to solve them. She loves flirting, communication and fun, a great inventor. Can be very skeptical of the opinions of others - she knows everything much better. Her inquisitive mind is interested in everything in the world. She knows what, where, when and with whom it happens. Very often doubts everything, her feelings are fickle, and she can control her emotions very well. A little cold and few people really let very close. Raising children is easy and fun. He solves family problems wisely, with maximum benefit for his children and for himself, his beloved.

Moon in Cancer

Romantic, gentle, affectionate, dreamy and sensitive woman. Infinitely loving and trusting in everything such a partner who provides her with protection and peace from the outside world. Very attached to the object of her love, and hard to endure parting. She is optimistic, but also very sensitive, and is capable of experiencing constant mood swings. Capriciousness is also not alien to this woman. She can sometimes behave like an eternal child. She needs a warm and cozy nest where she can hide from the realities of the rough world.

This woman is an ideal mother: loving, caring, adoring her children. However, it is very difficult for her to let the growing children go away from herself, and she painfully endures parting with them.

Moon in Leo

Such a man will like a female Queen, proud, demanding, passionate. She is looking for vivid impressions and exciting experiences. She creates around herself an atmosphere full of life and optimism. Surrounding from such a woman is warm and joyful. She loves to be pampered. She is very jealous and proud. It is very important for her to be the center of attention, and beware if you forget about it! Then the house will turn into a theater stage for tragicomedy and drama. She is very proud of her children and brings them up with praise and approval.

Moon in Virgo

This man will look for a serious, reliable and accurate wife. Such a woman loves order in everything. She is smart and hardworking, an excellent needlewoman and craftswoman. Often she is too serious, strict and even unkind beech. But he knows how to do everything "five" and always manages to do everything. This woman loves everything to be under her control and everything is always subordinate to the routine. All things are simply obliged to lie in their places, she does not tolerate chaos. He likes to criticize, and often suppresses his emotions, not showing them to anyone, even to himself. She is so diligent in all matters that she looks like a bee, and she forgets that sometimes you need to relax. A very patient and sensible mother.

Moon in Libra

Such a man will strive to create a family with a charming, friendly and tactful woman. However, despite this, she is defenseless and vulnerable. This woman easily converges with people, can be the soul of the company, but she tries not to allow too close relations with anyone. Flirting and coquetry are her element. For her, the main thing is love, attention, goodwill, and the possibility of a constant change of impressions. She becomes sad and depressed if the relationship turns into a routine, and there is no place for flirting and easy intrigue. Emotionally unstable, and can often rush from side to side in search of a compromise in any business. Encourages creativity in children. The main thing for her is harmony and peace in the family.

Moon in Scorpio

This man will look for a bright and passionate seductress. A strong and beautiful woman who knows how to manage and manipulate others. She is attracted to all mysteries and mysticism, as well as sex, various taboos and everything unknown.

She knows how to charm, so much so that they remain with her forever - not in body, but in soul. Very jealous, great owner. It can be very vindictive and vindictive, in communication it sometimes becomes caustic and poisonous. A man must be ready for complete dedication in life with such a woman - he must belong to her completely, without a trace, along with his thoughts and feelings. Often there may be bouts of depression and bad mood.

She strives to keep everything and everyone under her control, in the web of her power. He feels a very strong connection with children, and wants to know everything about his children. Most of all, she wants her children to depend entirely on her. All the contradictions encourage her to forget about indulgence and pity.

Moon in Sagittarius

A cheerful, impulsive, cheerful optimist will attract the attention of such a man. She is easily carried away by new ideas, open to everything new. Has a sense of heightened justice. He has a very high opinion of himself, does not tolerate criticism in his address for any reason. He likes to recognize only his own opinions and views. He is fond of lofty ideas, philosophy, religion, loves to travel. Optimist and enthusiast. She idealizes and deifies her partner and child, attributing to them the best features. She does not let herself or her children lose heart, trying to be an ideal wife and mother.

Moon in Capricorn

This man is attracted to a reserved and serious woman, perhaps older than himself. In such a woman, emotions and joy are issued strictly “according to the recipe” - dosed and moderate. Inside herself, she is very closed, even in relation to her loved ones. Do not expect spontaneous expressions of emotions from her. But she is very reliable, serious and hardworking. It is easy for her to provide peace and security to loved ones. In everything he prefers clarity and simplicity, trying in every possible way to avoid emotions. She may not trust anyone, so she does not show her deepest feelings. Takes responsibility for everything. She does not really like to play with her children, but she provides the child with stability and peace. She is very practical and prudent, a real support for her child.

Moon in Aquarius

A freedom-loving, witty and original woman could keep company with such a man. Above all, she values ​​her independence. Externally creates an image of self-sufficiency. Likes large open spaces. Emotionally, she can be cold and unapproachable. Routine and dull life are not for her, because she is a big lover of experiments and everything new, she talks about high matters. Lively, original and changeable temperament. She needs constant communication and impressions, but at the same time she is not emotionally connected with anyone. Dislikes the same place of residence. Everywhere and in everything goes its own way. Children can be treated as adults from birth, discussing their adult problems with them. Raises children in the spirit of independence and freedom.

Moon in Pisces

This man will be attracted to a woman who understands everything and feels everything. This is a sensitive, impressionable, unlike the others, "magical" woman, a woman "not of this world." She sees and subtly feels people. She is ready to merge into one whole with her partner, to surrender to him without a trace, she can easily take on the role of a victim and a martyr. She has a very high degree of empathy and self-sacrifice. She knows how to forgive easily. Well developed intuition and a very violent fantasy. She can easily succumb to all sorts of temptations, especially when they match her fantasies and dreams. It is difficult for her to be independent, and therefore she definitely needs to belong to a partner, to be one with him. She can be visited by mood swings, depression, disorder and whims. It is easier for her to hide in some mink and indulge in fantasies there than to solve problems. She feels her child very subtly, is tolerant of all children's antics, withstanding any suffering. She and her child are one.

* When considering the Moon in a horoscope, it is also important to determine in which house the Moon is located, as well as aspects from the night star to other planets. For example, the Moon in Pisces with a tense aspect to Saturn can reduce the degree of empathy and tolerance for loved ones. A Moon in Capricorn with a tense aspect to Neptune can give the character more sacrifice and a tendency to be in the clouds.

The Moon in the sign of Pisces feels comfortable, because the water element is ideal for her. Mystery, mystery, rich inner life, emotionality and high receptivity are all signs of the water moon. Of course, sometimes an excess of water gives a hypertrophied manifestation of many of these qualities, and the Moon in Pisces can show great sensitivity, vulnerability and changeability of character.

general characteristics

Lunar Pisces are very dreamy, charming and spiritually rich. They do not have a bright and strong character, are inconspicuous in the crowd and do not strive at all costs to take a place under the sun. Such people understand that true treasures are hidden in the depths of the human soul, and therefore do not take part in open struggle and clashes. People with the Moon in Pisces do not like rigid norms and strict rules and eventually move to a more comfortable place for them if they meet with perseverance and coercion from others.

The owners of the Moon in Pisces find an outlet for themselves in creative activity. For them, the main thing is to give free rein to their dreams, fantasies and rich imagination, and then the world will appreciate and admire their magical creations.

The qualities of lunar Pisces include the following:

  • High sensitivity, receptivity and inner experiences;
  • kindness, care, compassion,
  • Strongly developed intuition, gift of foresight, prophetic dreams;
  • Ability to listen and empathize;
  • The desire to take care of the suffering, to sacrifice for the benefit of people;
  • Sentimentality, tearfulness, a tendency to romantic moods;
  • Love for comfort and coziness;
  • The desire to escape from harsh reality into your inner world, a tendency to self-deception and illusions;
  • Self-indulgence, tendency to go with the flow;
  • Musicality, good imagination, creative personality;
  • Love for travel and distant countries.

A collision with the rough realities of life, a feeling of compulsion when you need to fit into the hierarchy, within the framework of work regimes and schedules - all this negatively affects the well-being of the dreamy Moon in Pisces.

It must be said that the water element has a healing effect on a person with such a Moon. In order to get rid of stressful conditions, it is useful to go on a long journey, relax on the sea or near any body of water.

Moon in Pisces man

If in the male horoscope the Moon is in the sign of Pisces, then such a person in the formation of relations with the opposite sex may be hindered by indecision, fears and illusions.

However, if such a man one day meets a beautiful stranger with a kind, merciful and loving heart, then he will find happiness in his personal life once and for all.

Moon in Pisces Woman

The Moon in Pisces is a very good star combination for a woman. She will gladly fulfill the duties of a wife and mother, because caring, humility, diligence and the ability to keep family values ​​\u200b\u200bare her most important qualities.
Such a woman will find happiness and satisfaction working in the field of pedagogy, psychology and health care. She feels good when she has someone to take care of, nurses children with pleasure, does charity work, helps people cope with various problems.

Sometimes lunar Pisces are very self-absorbed and not in the mood for communication. How to find an approach to the lunar Pisces? First, they need to be given the opportunity for some time to be alone and come to terms with themselves. In addition, a person with the Moon in Pisces can be immensely happy if they talk heart to heart with him, discover secrets, keep company on a fishing trip or accompany him on a pleasant journey.

The Moon in Pisces is an indicator of the unusual fate of a person. This is largely due to the oddities of his nature. These are people who are able to be sincere and simple-hearted at the same time and to weave intrigues. Deep in their souls, they combine almost old man's wisdom and childish naivety. But their soul is pure and vulnerable. Very often they are timid and shy.

This position of the Moon always gives a person a high emotionality and impressionability. But the manifestation of these qualities can be different. Moon Pisces in the negative is primarily a tendency to drunkenness. Against this background, an irresistible craving for lies develops, even when there is no need for it. A person is subject to mood swings, other people's influence, careless, fickle, touchy, weak-willed. He very quickly loses vitality, feels like a loser, has extremely low self-esteem. Excessively fond of the opposite sex, as a result, even more wasting himself. Often he is used and betrayed, and he himself is even more disappointed in life and in people.

Lunar Pisces in the positive is a completely different picture. Such a person has a rare charm, is very attractive to other people, sympathetic, with a wonderful character, shows touching concern for loved ones, good psychologist. He never imposes his help, does not stick with advice. Loyal to his friends. He is hospitable and therefore friendly companies often stay in his house. He is calm and taciturn, but by no means a cracker, he has a subtle sense of humor. Can be heavy on the rise and even lazy.

Lunar Pisces are excellent dreamers, they make great dreamers, so they can become outstanding philosophers, writers, directors, musicians, artists, inventors. They never dream “just like that”, for the sake of the process itself: they always extract some valuable idea from it, they are able to find a rational grain in the most transcendental fantasies. Lunar Pisces love art, especially music. They value nature, drawing new strength from it.

In a romantic relationship, this is a very convenient partner. He is accommodating, constant, his feelings are deep and serious. He loves to spend time with his family, in a home where he feels safe. Needs a solid material base for family life. Unlike many other lunar signs, they cannot stand the seething of passions. It is important for him to live a quiet life. He is not against friendly parties, but he cannot stand the psychological stress, which he tries to avoid by all means.

Therefore, life hand in hand with such a person will not be full of conflicts and showdowns. If he did not scold another for a mistake, this does not mean that he did not notice this mistake. It's just that Pisces moons don't see conflict as a way to solve a problem. These are very good partners for people with an ardent character: next to the moon Pisces, it is simply impossible to constantly be “on edge”, these people have such a calming energy. In everyday life, they value comfort, it is important for them how the house looks, how comfortable it is; they love high quality things - this applies to food, clothing, household appliances, and household items. Don't save on yourself.

With all their calmness, lunar Pisces is not at all conservative. They enjoy using the latest technical and fashionable novelties, love to travel. Very sympathetic to change. The main thing is that these changes are easily and pleasantly tolerated (travel, buying new furniture), and not injure the soul (divorce, job change). They are attracted by everything inexplicable, mysterious and mysterious. This is not surprising, because they are not only great dreamers, but also representatives of the most intuitive lunar sign. Their dreams are a storehouse of information about the future.

Lunar Pisces never rush off the bat and are not prone to rash acts. If something does not work out for them the second time, they do not repeat the attempt immediately, but prepare mentally for it for a very long time; in addition, as a result of failure, they develop powerful complexes, they feel disappointed, hopeless in this area (going to college, marriage, promotion).

Therefore, it usually takes them long time. They are discouraged by hostility and misunderstanding - circumstances in which they get lost and give up. Therefore, for all their sociability, they do not like to speak publicly in front of an unfamiliar audience. They are more suitable for a calm, measured work.

Lunar Pisces are people with the finest mental organization. Their main emotional problem, due to which the quality of life can significantly deteriorate, is increased anxiety, indecision, compliance, softness, self-doubt and self-doubt.

Moon Pisces Man

The horoscope claims that most often these men can be seen near those who are less fortunate than them, as they seek to do good to the unfortunate. But the flip side of the medal of such sensitivity and nobility is their excessive idealism, romanticism and dreaminess. If the lunar Pisces have the opportunity to access their lunar intuition, then let them use it to the maximum, since finely tuned sensations will help them stand on the ground as firmly as possible. Pisces, as such, have a very high empathy, and these men on an intuitive level waste more mental strength than they should.

This means that for such people it is very important to be able to build protection between themselves and others, so as not to feel absolute devastation at some point. The planet Moon in Pisces in a man gives him great inner sensitivity, which is an undoubted blessing. However, it needs to be properly managed. Simply put, you should not react with a particularly sensitive attitude to everything that comes to hand. The horoscope says that when a person has the planet Moon in Pisces, he should listen to his intuition as carefully as possible, and not dismiss every fleeting impulse. Meditative practices for immersion in the world of the inner "I" will be very useful, because in this way the inner voice of the Moon will be heard much better. True, you should not think that Pisces should not “emerge” from the mystical otherworldly atmosphere. Those connections with the outside world that they establish from birth and throughout their lives are their necessity, they simply cannot survive without this.

Lunar Pisces Woman

In general, to be clear: the horoscope states that women with lunar Pisces must learn to maintain a balance between self-giving and deepening in themselves. This is especially important for those "exemplars" who sometimes show an enviable ability to escape into their own fantasy world. There they move away from real life, hover in the clouds for hours on end, go into themselves so deeply that they inevitably begin to multiply the problems of the material plane. The moon gives Pisces great impressionability, and women who were born under this combination of signs should be aware that their psyche absorbs other people's moods like a sponge.

They perceive any other people's problems and troubles, anxieties and worries as their own. All this is absorbed into their unfortunate head, even against their own will, to the detriment of health. Astrology says that Pisces that swim in different directions are illusions that Neptune inspires. And they turn out to be just as deceptive as the elements of the sea, they easily knock a person down, take him away. In the life of lunar Pisces, there are often cases when, with the help of instincts and powerful intuition, they get out of extremely difficult situations and help other people. But what should definitely be remembered here is the need to constantly maintain contact with one's own higher "I", listen to its instructions, and then the rational and emotional principles of a person will converge at one point of balance.

It is clear that most often such a balance may be required in the love sphere, that is, where a woman is absolutely convinced that she has met her ideal other half. There is hardly an astrologer who will attribute the impulsiveness of Aries to the lunar Pisces, but they still tend, like the solar Pisces, to look at reality through rose-colored glasses. They are beautiful in soul and see in their chosen one only unprecedented virtues. And in this case, the lunar Pisces should be the most honest with themselves, and show maximum trust in their intuition and inner adviser so that romantic dreams do not drown out the quiet intuitive voice.

During the period when the Moon is in Pisces for men, magic seems to reign in the air. People become romantics, receptive to everything that happens.

The moon influences the character of a person. If at the time of birth the moon was in the sign of fish, then the person will have a difficult character. However, the representative of this sign will have a rich inner world have a variety of interests.

It must be remembered that the moon can be black or white. If the moon appears in black form, then the person will be compassionate, able to provide assistance at any moment. Those born in this period are most often attracted to religious sects. Such people are preachers, you can inspire them with anything. Often pay attention to the signs of fate and intuition. The white moon, on the contrary, is able to make a person closed, his aspirations will not be connected with helping his neighbor, he prefers to exist in his own world.

The moon in fish in a man: a characteristic

Men born at the time of the location of the moon in Pisces are inclined to impressionability, resentment. They cannot control their emotions and are often dependent on alcohol.

However, representatives of this sign are able to help people make decisions at a crucial moment. To succeed in life, such men need to constantly improve and not stand still. Only clearly defined goals can manage them.

A man with the moon in Pisces has a calm character, goodwill, often makes concessions. He is afraid to defend his opinion and hurt a loved one with an unkind word.

Representatives of this sign depend on the mood. A person can flare up from any little thing and also quickly calm down. Thanks to their rich imagination, men with the moon in Pisces often choose a creative profession.

If you look at these representatives outwardly, you can notice phlegm, dreaminess. However, this is connected, not with lethargy and indifference, but with a compassionate attitude towards everything that happens. Such men empathize with other people, try to help.

The moon in Pisces has a peculiar influence on the fate of a man. Often they have psychic abilities or an unusual gift. They believe in something incredible, they try to achieve the impossible.

The education of moon fish must be approached thoroughly. If the child is not developed correctly, such traits as passivity, indecision, laziness, inconstancy of friendships and love relationships may arise in the character.

Often these representatives have financial problems. The fear of losing a large amount of money, or the constant search for work lead a person to bewilderment.

The moon gives a man restraint. However, this does not prevent him from hesitating when choosing his path and making decisions in difficult situations.

Such men can become excellent fathers. They will treat their children with special awe and responsiveness. Teach them new things, give them a good education.

Often men with the moon in Pisces devote themselves to creativity. They love music, feel it with every cell of the body. They think that music is the only way they can convey their feelings. In addition, they are attracted by poetry, travel. They visit many countries with pleasure, get acquainted with their history.

In love, representatives of this sign are romantics, sometimes even men confuse falling in love with a person with a good attitude towards themselves. For this reason, there are often failures on the love front.

The opinion of these representatives is influenced by the people around them. You can easily impose your opinion on them, even if it contradicts your own. Men can cry, they are distracted and sentimental. They can grieve over every little thing.

In real life, a lot of things scare them, they are real romantics who, thanks to their sensuality and naivety, see the light only in a positive way. Therefore, men with a fish in the moon are often a victim of self-deception and are lost in illusions. This person is very calm, gentle, friendly. Treat all people with a positive attitude.

Such a man must be protected, taken care of. He can get upset in any situation. Therefore, he should have a tender woman with him who can wrap him with love and care. A man prefers home comfort, comfort. For all living things, he feels tremulous love, wants to help everyone.

The moon in fish makes a romantic nature out of a man. He is ready to confess his love, sing serenades, be a little obsessive. Such men are the most faithful in relationships, they need care and guardianship. They are interested in soft women who will surrender to love completely.

The moon in fish in a man: compatibility

In order for the relationship to be strong, happy, it is necessary to correctly approach the choice of a partner. Astrologers will help you make a choice, they develop information that will help you check the compatibility of partners.

Pisces and Aries. The compatibility of these signs is very weak. Pisces expects more from their partner, unfortunately, this often remains a wish. It is recommended to refrain from this union, it will not bring happiness.

Pisces and Taurus. Such an alliance can be very strong, warm and tender relationships are possible. The compatibility of these signs is good, the pair can turn out to be strong.

Pisces and Gemini. Gemini is very attracted to Pisces. They can fall in love with them without memory. However, the twins are very active and dynamic natures, they can quickly get bored with the monotony of fish.

Pisces and Cancer. Excellent compatibility. Close souls who are able to become two halves.

Fish and Lion. Leo will be flattered that the partner is subordinate to him, giving confidence in his irresistibility. However, the fish in such an alliance will lose its individuality, it will be in the background. The union can turn out to be successful if both partners agree to such conditions.

Pisces and Virgo. The compatibility of these signs is doubtful. They do not fit together, can even cause irritation.

Fish and Libra. Romantic relationships can flare up between these signs, which will lead to creating a new family. This union can be successful, compatibility is good.

Pisces and Scorpio. The union of these zodiac signs will not last long. Due to the fact that the scorpion is a very active nature and breaks the hearts of other people. Fish may be one of them, and will suffer greatly from this.

Pisces and Sagittarius. This couple can only be good friends, but not partners. Sagittarius is not ready to give the fish tenderness, romance. Representatives of the fish will miss these emotions.

Pisces and Capricorn. These signs are incompatible with each other. Pisces will require more emotionality and tenderness from a partner. Capricorns, in response, will not be able to justify hopes, the union is a failure.

Pisces and Aquarius. Excellent compatibility, which can affect the creation of a happy family. Pisces have sensuality, Aquarius rationalism. The marriage will be strong and long lasting.

Fish and Fish. It will not work to create a strong family with this sign. However, the same cannot be said for romantic relationships. Walks under the moon, adventures, pleasant pastimes will be present in their lives.

Pavel Globa: characteristics

Pavel Globa shared his information about the character of a man who was born during the period of the moon in Pisces. The astrologer considers this to be the best position of the moon. It forms an amazing character in a person. A person is very receptive to the secret, the unknown, he has a rich inner world.

In addition, a man with a fish in the moon has a good sense of rhythm. Musical abilities can be manifested, this is a good student in all areas. At the same time, information is absorbed perfectly, and not superficially.

Men born in this period choose a profession in the medical field or extrasensory perception. They are able to work with hypnosis.

However, among the men of this sign there are alcoholics, drug addicts, fanatics. It is due to the fact that the representatives of the sign experience fanaticism towards various ideals, live with illusions and ideas. They are very suggestible, you can impose your opinion on them. In addition, men are very sentimental.

A man born under this sign is ready to sacrifice himself in order to save another person. Other signs treat it differently.

If you look at the life of this representative in terms of medical indicators, then Pavel Globa highlights the possibility of infection infectious diseases. Men with the moon in Pisces are forbidden to drink alcohol, it can cause kidney disease. It is also possible the manifestation of allergic reactions.

During operations, possible side effects that will show up later in life. The legs of this representative are sensitive, they should be treated with care.

Many people turn to astrologers for help. They hope that experts will help you find happiness in life, suggest the best solution to problems. In addition, with the help of astrologers, you can find your soul mate to create a happy family. If you pay attention to the compatibility of the signs of the zodiac, then the marriage will be successful and long lasting.

Regardless of gender, people with the moon in the sign of Pisces have developed intuition from birth, but if it is not developed, then it remains superficial. But this rarely happens, as a rule, these people voluntarily seek to know everything at a deep level, they see more than others and notice what is often hidden from the eyes of ordinary people. Often this position of the Moon speaks of the talent of a physician and a medium, they are susceptible to hypnosis, so you need to be careful. However, with a negative development, such a Moon gives a tendency to drug addiction and alcoholism, which are very difficult to cure, due to the abode of Neptune.

Moon in Pisces man

Not the best, since such persons will be far from accepted. Such standing gives a lot of sentimentality, increased resentment even for a minor reason. But it is under such a lunar sign that real romantics are born. A huge minus is a strong addiction to alcohol and even drugs, so it is better to completely eradicate everything connected with this from your life. Such men intuitively understand women and know the answer to tormenting others. the mighty of the world It's all about what women want.

These are very family men who will create a pleasant cozy atmosphere in the house and will take care of the children even better than the mother. Aggressiveness is alien to them, they are more often malleable and do not know how to defend their point of view and opinion. Men with the Moon in Pisces tend to withdraw into themselves and it is almost impossible to get them out of this state. They are dreamy and can soar in the clouds for a long time, compassionate and merciful, they are often said to be "he wouldn't hurt a fly."

Such men can gossip, start weaving intrigues behind someone else's back. It is worth recognizing such negative traits as snitching, cheating and leading an immoral lifestyle. If you constantly work on yourself, then this may not manifest itself, but you need to be very careful and learn to control yourself. Such men are often indecisive, lazy and suffer from attacks of apathy, it is common for them to find fault with any trifles and be too trusting, inconsistent in regard to friendships and love relationships.

But at the same time, they are restrained, compassionate and very kind. They make wonderful fathers who will never leave their children to the mercy of fate. Those around him treat him favorably. He will never allow anyone to suffer, even if for the first time in his life he sees this suffering. They need to learn how to manage their feelings and emotions so that others cannot manipulate it for their own good.

Moon in Pisces Woman

Moon Pisces are especially sensitive and tender, they are very creative people who often suffer from excessive indecision. However, in astrology, this position of the moon is considered good. These women are very responsive and always ready to help. The environment pays her the same coin, so it's hard to imagine that someday she will be left without support. The Moon in Pisces is very restrained and selfless, she likes to learn everything new, often among the talents there is a penchant for musical art. It is not easy for such women to have troubles in life, since it is very problematic for her to make a fateful decision, she will hesitate for a long time and suffer from this. Therefore, such ladies need a strong support at hand, which will take over the solution of all the problems that arise.

The Moon in Pisces is trusting, which is why it often becomes a victim of scammers, especially in terms of finances. In the life of such a woman, in general, many strange things happen that are difficult to explain in simple terms. If in appearance she seems strong and self-sufficient, then one should not forget that internally she is very sensitive and vulnerable. It is very, very easy to pity her, just to gain confidence and even easier to deceive. For the sake of helping others, she can do things that will harm herself. With age, such a woman becomes wiser, gains experience and tries with all her might to hide her hypersensitivity.

Getting into a new environment, the Moon in Pisces becomes modest and even shy, which is why others get the impression of her as a slave, but this is not always the right opinion. These girls are compliant by nature, it is easier for them to adjust to the opinions of others than to express and even more so defend their opinion. If a conflict situation is brewing, she will simply step aside or take a position of neutrality. She tends to worry and worry a lot even about the most trifling things, which does not affect her health in the best way. A woman with the Moon in the sign of Pisces can be compared to a very delicate and fragile flower, which must be handled very carefully, but it is precisely with their qualities that they attract the opposite like a magnet.