Tuberculosis or oncology. tuberculosis and cancer

The tincture improves the resistance of lung cells and other organs to tuberculosis infection, blocks the formation of new lesions. Wax moth enzymes destroy Koch's wand, accelerate the healing of caverns and dissolve foci;

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How is tuberculosis different from lung cancer?

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Spirulina helps to increase hemoglobin in the blood, rejuvenates the skin (masks), removes wrinkles, reduces the risk of postoperative complications, breaks down adipose tissue (eliminates cellulite) and antiviral agent.

Iceland moss - effective against tuberculosis, lung disease, cough, whooping cough, bronchitis, emphysema, tonsillitis; gastrointestinal diseases and duodenum, diarrhea, constipation, colitis, dysbacteriosis, gastritis, inflammation of the gums.

Propolis against such dangerous pathogens as mycobacterium tuberculosis, herpes, influenza, hepatitis viruses, fungi of the genus Candida. It has a powerful antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal effect.

used for respiratory diseases: tuberculosis, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, bronchial asthma; In treatment coronary disease, myocardial infarction, myocarditis, cardiomyopathy, hypertension

Beaver stream from a fisherman - the extract is effective against tuberculosis, lung disease, cough, whooping cough, bronchitis, emphysema, tonsillitis; diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and duodenum, diarrhea, constipation, colitis, dysbacteriosis, gastritis, inflammation of the gums.

  • - Obstructive pulmonary disease ranks 4th in terms of mortality among the population of our country. Tuberculosis and sarcoidosis are no less terrible. All three diseases have a different nature. But some symptoms may be the same. ...
  • - Very often tuberculosis, pneumonia and bronchitis have the same symptoms. The correct diagnosis is based on the anamnesis, clinical picture, laboratory and radiological studies. There are a number of...
  • - Tuberculosis is a contagious disease, but even close contact may not always lead to the development of an active process. Many patients do not shed bacteria in environment and pose no danger to humans. But if u...
  • - Tuberculosis is a dangerous disease that quickly makes itself felt. Patients begin to suffer from an obsessive cough, they experience night sweats and increased body temperature. Many note weakness and loss of strength ...
  • - Tuberculosis is a dangerous disease. In most cases, it is transmitted by airborne droplets. Therefore, all people who have been in contact with the patient must undergo a mandatory examination. Many patients think that...
  • - Calcifications in the lungs are usually regarded as residual changes, which were formed as a result of the transferred inflammatory process. In adults, they can form after pneumonia or tuberculosis, on ...
  • - In many countries of the post-Soviet space there is an acute problem of tuberculosis. Places of deprivation of liberty deserve special attention. And if earlier the treatment of this disease was well established, then at the time of "ceasing ...
  • - For a long period of time, tuberculosis was considered a social disease and its occurrence was directly associated with the living conditions of the population. But today he has gone beyond this definition, and strikes people without ...
  • - Painful sensations of the suture after lung surgery: normal or complication? Surgical treatment of tuberculosis remains a necessary and common method of treating the disease. According to the statistics of the operation...
  • - Many people who suffer from tuberculosis face the need for surgery. The operation is carried out under general anesthesia and as a result, patients develop a severe cough. The reason for this is...
  • - Causes of fever after lung surgery. After surgery, many patients experience an elevated body temperature. This is very common and often resolves on its own. But would...
  • Tuberculosis is a serious, dangerous disease. And everyone knows about it. However, speaking of tuberculosis, most people, for some reason, significantly narrow this concept to one of its forms - pulmonary tuberculosis. But infected...
  • - Since 2009, in Russia, along with the standard procedure - the formulation of the Mantoux reaction, other, more modern, methods for determining tuberculosis have been used. One of them is Diaskintest, created at the Russian Research Institute of Moscow ...
  • - Surgery for tuberculosis is indicated in case of failure of chemotherapy, the presence of irreversible morphological changes or complications of the disease that threaten the patient's life. The most common 2 types of operations ...
  • - The effectiveness of fish oil as an adjuvant in the treatment of tuberculosis has been known for a long time. This fact, which mankind has learned from scientific article journal "Academic Journal", ...
  • - Treatment of tuberculosis requires the use of antibiotics over a long period of time. In most cases, such therapy leads to a violation of internal metabolism, against which vitamin deficiency occurs ...
  • - We all have heard about tuberculosis of closed and open forms, as a dangerous infectious disease, often frightening with its "contagious" manifestations. But not everyone knows that tuberculosis is a disease that can be acquired...
  • - Tuberculoma, it is also a caseoma of the lungs, is a peculiar form of tuberculosis, which is an encapsulated formation of amorphous caseosis, more often round in shape, exceeding 1 cm in diameter. This formation is more...
  • - When a person is diagnosed with infiltrative tuberculosis in the decay phase, what does “in the decay phase” mean? is the first question he thinks about. It is not difficult to answer it, but for this you need to understand that in general ...
  • - Tuberculoma is a clinical form of tuberculosis, very similar to a tumor on x-rays. Tuberculoma of the upper lobe of the left lung In the hospital...
  • - Tuberculosis dispensary is not only a place where people with tuberculosis "live". Here, most of all those who came for various certificates for medical examinations or employment. All the rest are patients who have something ...
  • - The primary task of any preventive treatment and disinfection of a room with tuberculosis is to protect others from possible infection which is to prevent the spread of the pathogen ...
  • - Each anti-tuberculosis drug has its own group, or rather the series to which it belongs. In total, it is customary to distinguish two such rows: the main or first and second, which is also a reserve row of anti-tuberculosis drugs. ...
  • - In order to clarify any of the issues related to infiltrative tuberculosis, the first step is to understand what it is. So, infiltrative tuberculosis, in simple terms, is a stage of progress ...
  • - Doctors distinguish acute disseminated tuberculosis in the form of a separate clinical disease called miliary tuberculosis. This infection spreads with the blood stream, and in the course of movement of small vessels, ...
  • - Everyone knows that the outcome of tuberculosis treatment is always predetermined by a correct and prompt diagnosis: the earlier this was done, the greater the patient's chances of recovery. At the same time, the diagnosis of tuberculosis itself is ...
  • - Tuberculosis is perhaps the most dangerous and complex disease transmitted by airborne droplets. It is dangerous not only directly for the patient himself, but also for all the people around him, especially those close to him, since in ...
  • - The appointment of any surgical intervention, especially when it comes to vital organs, in most cases causes a large number of questions, worries and fears in the patient. One of them: how dangerous...
  • - More recently, the diagnosis of "liver cancer" sounded like a sentence for patients, because treatment meant only pain relief, but not getting rid of a terrible disease. Today the situation has changed, albeit drastically ...
  • - Disseminated tuberculosis is a clinical form of tuberculosis that combines all the specific processes-consequences of the spread of the pathogen, usually lymphogenous, bronchogenic (this variant ...
  • - One of the most common forms of extrapulmonary tuberculosis is tuberculosis of the lymph nodes. It can proceed as an independent disease, and maybe as a concomitant (pulmonary tuberculosis). The most frequently encountered...
  • - For each patient, the most terrible appointment of a doctor is an operation. Those who are about to undergo surgery on vital organs, such as the heart and lungs, are especially worried. To shorten...
  • - Tuberculosis is a dangerous disease, the outcome of treatment of which is directly proportional to the neglect of the problem and the timeliness of treatment. Therefore, the correct and complete diagnosis of tuberculosis is the key to success in the fight against insidious...
  • - Due to the considerable risk of not defeating the disease, and also simply with a huge number side effects in various drugs and methods of combating tuberculosis in traditional medicine, people increasingly began to turn to knowledge ...
  • - As soon as spring comes, the bear begins to engage in sabotage in summer cottages. In order to understand how to deal with such a pest, you need to understand the habits and characteristics of the life of these insects. If you notice...
  • - At one of the conferences where lung cancer was discussed, the chief physician of the Saratov Regional Oncological Dispensary No. 1 - Vladimir Semenchenya spoke about the relationship between health and addiction to smoking. Everyone knows smokers...
  • - Many are tormented by the question: how much is the analysis for tuberculosis done? Almost all signs of tuberculosis are nonspecific, that is, they can manifest themselves in other diseases. If the doctor has even the slightest p...
  • - Of course, lung cancer and tuberculosis are two completely different ailments: the first is an oncological disease (malignant tumor) that is not contagious, the second, on the contrary, is contagious, and quite easily...
  • - Medicine today is developing quite quickly, but as for the treatment of lung cancer, there are still three ways: chemotherapy, surgery, radiation therapy. Moreover, the listed methods are cured ...
  • - Tuberculosis appeared many centuries ago. It is known that it is a dangerous and very intractable disease. It can flow in the most various forms, as well as carry a variety of consequences. And despite the fact that...
  • - Tuberculosis mainly affects the lungs and bronchi, as well as the human genitourinary system. In the osteoarticular form of tuberculosis, the spine and pelvic bones are most often affected. Based on these features, there are two...
  • - The presence of fluid in the lungs is most often an indirect sign of heart problems, but it also often accompanies diseases that affect the lungs directly. In the latter case, the lung present in the alveoli ...
  • - Yes. There are sanatoriums for tuberculosis patients. Treatment in them is considered to be quite effective, provided that the course of treatment in them will be calculated for several months. You can get a ticket to a sanatorium of this type ...
  • - The opinion that pregnancy after tuberculosis is impossible is deeply erroneous. Those who have been ill and cured of tuberculosis can have children without any risk to the health of the future mother and child. G...
  • - First of all, tuberculosis patients should not violate the prescription of doctors for taking medicines daily routine, nutrition and personal hygiene. The latter is especially important, since the carrier of the infection can ...
  • - First of all, do not panic! Detection of antibodies to tuberculosis in the blood, is used as one of the means complex diagnostics, for the purpose of early detection of tuberculosis infection. Usually the source...
  • - Many parents, especially those who personally or through their relatives/relatives, have already encountered this insidious disease, are concerned about the question: how does pulmonary tuberculosis manifest itself in children, because to identify the problem at an early stage, ...
  • - Many lovers of the Russian bath, when diagnosing in themselves or their relatives, friends, relatives the presence of Koch's sticks in the body, ask themselves: is it possible to bathe with tuberculosis. And they don't do it in vain. After all, despite...
  • - Mantoux is done to detect the presence of tuberculosis infection in the child's body, for this the child is injected with tuberculin. The reaction to the Mantoux test, the so-called reaction of the body to the introduction of tuberculin, will show whether there is an infection ...
  • - Even the slightest suspicion of tuberculosis should be the reason for an immediate visit to a doctor, only the latter has the right to prescribe tests to patients that help identify the presence (or absence) of tuberculosis ...
  • - Absolutely everyone tries to take care of their health and the health of their loved ones. Therefore, it is so important to know all the nuances that relate to a particular disease. For example, do all of us know how tuberculosis is transmitted ...
  • - Diagnosis of tuberculosis, which is carried out in a timely manner, is the most important factor in the treatment of the patient, and therefore - saving his life. Making the correct diagnosis is not an easy task, because tuba ...
  • - It has long been known that tuberculosis is a very serious disease, which today, alas, is being infected more and more often. more people. Tuberculosis can manifest itself in different forms and accompanied by a variety of symptoms ...
  • - Tuberculosis intoxication is one of the primary signs of the development of the disease in the human body. Most often, it manifests itself as weakness, a general deterioration in well-being, sleep disturbance, and increased nervousness. ...
  • - Tuberculous pleurisy is an acute, chronic or progressive inflammation of the membrane that lines the chest cavity from the inside and covers the lungs, and is called the pleura. The most common pleurisy can be observed ...
  • - I would like to start the answer to this question with a joke that says - if a Korean is sitting in the sled, then the dog team runs twice as fast. It is known that Koreans actively consume dog meat. However, for Europeans, he considers ...
  • - Tuberculosis is one of the most dangerous infectious diseases, which for a long period of time was considered incurable. To date, the introduction of mandatory vaccination and the availability of a number of highly effective pro...
  • - In each country, at the legislative level, legal relations between the state and citizens who are sick with contagious forms of tuberculosis and deliberately evade treatment are regulated. All adopted legislative acts...
  • - Tuberculosis exists as long as a person lives, even our ancestors suffered from this disease. And today this disease does not lose its positions. Tuberculosis is not in vain called a social disease, because the distributor ...
  • - Answering the question: “Is it possible to smoke with tuberculosis?”, It is worth noting right away that smoking is harmful even to an absolutely healthy person, not to mention people suffering from serious illnesses. Especially since smoking is...
  • - It is known that tuberculosis is quite serious illness, which is difficult to treat, especially with advanced forms. Therefore, when the first signs of the disease are detected, you should consult a doctor. Which, btw...
  • - Weight loss is a particular symptom of various diseases, including various clinical forms tuberculosis. There are several reasons for weight loss in tuberculosis, the main of which are: insufficient ...
  • - The working capacity of a tuberculosis patient is determined by a special medical-consulting commission of an anti-tuberculosis institution, which includes three phthisiatricians. This commission determines whether...
  • - It should be noted right away that it is necessary to treat tuberculosis at home only under the supervision of a doctor, since the causative agent of the disease has a high resistance to many pharmaceuticals and the course of treatment takes d...
  • - Bathing is an excellent hygienic and hardening agent, and they can be used with therapeutic purpose in combination with solar-air baths. However, with active pulmonary tuberculosis, they are strictly prohibited. In s...
  • - The question of the benefits or harms of tanning has not yet been fully studied and no serious research has been conducted on this topic. However, practitioners believe that the misconception about the dangers of ultraviolet comes from issued ...
  • - A patient with tuberculosis needs dietary nutrition, which should provide the body's need for vitamins and minerals. The patient's daily diet should contain foods such as fish fat, fresh...
  • - The elevated temperature of the human body is a protective mechanism that destroys harmful bacteria, viruses and their toxins. At elevated temperature the body actively produces antibodies and protective cells. Chrome...
  • - It is possible to distinguish tuberculosis from pneumonia by a number of signs. So, pneumonia is characterized by an acute onset with a sharp increase in temperature, accompanied by a sharp chill, shortness of breath, headaches, aching joints and pain.
  • - Stimulation immune system of a person with tuberculosis should be carried out using a set of measures. First of all, this is the daily routine and nutrition. The patient should spend a lot of time in the fresh air, and ...
  • - As you know, tuberculosis is accompanied by a decrease in appetite. Therefore, a patient with tuberculosis begins to lose weight. In addition, all the forces of the body are focused on the fight against the causative agent of the disease, which requires the correct...
  • - One of characteristic features manifestation of pulmonary tuberculosis in humans is cough. As a rule, at the initial stage of the disease, it is quite intense and dry, that is, without discharge. With the development in the human body ...
  • - The main danger of tuberculosis is that it can disguise itself well as other diseases. For example, flu or inflammation of the upper respiratory tract may be accompanied by cough and fever. At the same time o...
  • - In the vast majority of cases, at the initial stage of tuberculosis, such a symptom as an increase in body temperature may be absent, as well as its other characteristic manifestations - malaise, feeling of weakness, impaired ...
  • - The duration of tuberculosis treatment with chemotherapy depends on several factors, the main of which is the degree of neglect of a dangerous disease. Accordingly, the more severe the form of tuberculosis, the ...
  • - All people who live an active life, when they are diagnosed with tuberculosis, are very interested in one question: is it possible to play sports with tuberculosis? Fortunately, doctors do not just allow patients to exercise ...
  • - Tuberculosis is a terrible, insidious disease, it does not spare anyone: neither children nor the elderly. A person may be sick with tuberculosis, but at the same time he may not even realize that he is sick, because tuberculosis can leak ...
  • No one can guarantee that no one will ever get sick with anything. Diseases overtake us where we did not expect them at all. Of course, we, as modern and sane people, are doing everything to...
  • - It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question, since everything depends on the degree of neglect of the disease and the immunity of the human body. Today, the world has accumulated a lot of experience in the fight against tuberculosis, using...
  • - Detect tuberculosis by blood test? Of course, the answer is unequivocal - no, because it is impossible to make a "diagnosis of tuberculosis" on the basis of such an analysis alone. But on the other hand, it is quite possible to judge the presence of inflammatory processes in the org...
  • - The positive or negative answer to the question whether it is possible to breastfeed with tuberculosis is determined by the form this disease(open or closed), as well as the treatments you use. Ta...
  • - It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of how long tuberculosis is treated. After all, not only is there a different degree (severity) of this disease, it can also affect different organs (systems) of the body. O...
  • - To date, pulmonary tuberculosis is one of the three most difficult diseases to treat, along with AIDS and cancer. It is caused by a virus discovered by Robert Koch in 1882, from that moment, by the way, he bears the name of his father.
  • - Currently, unfortunately, there is a terrifying trend of increasing the number of cases of tuberculosis. And in some areas, for example, in the Kemerovo region, the growth of the disease is so great that a little more ...

Tuberculosis of the lungs and - these are the 2 most life-threatening pathologies of the respiratory system. Despite the fact that the development of diseases contribute different reasons, they have some similarities. It is not surprising that people who are far from medicine often confuse tuberculosis and lung cancer, which is considered wrong. These diseases must be able to distinguish from each other in the early stages, when the patient has every chance of recovery. That is why, despite the similarity of symptoms, completely different schemes are used in the treatment of these pathologies.

What is the difference between tuberculosis and cancer

These diseases have completely different causes and mechanisms of development.. Malignant tumors develop when the structure of cells changes due to genetic mutations. Cancer is not contagious and cannot be passed from a sick person to a healthy person. Tuberculosis is caused by pathogenic microorganisms and is a highly contagious infection.

With a detailed study of these pathologies, you can find out that they have different pathogenesis. Difficulties in diagnosis may arise due to the similarity clinical pictures, however, some distinguishing features can be found here. Why is it so important to distinguish one disease from another at an early stage.

Treatment of these pathologies is carried out in different ways, early initiation of therapy gives the patient a chance of survival. In the treatment of tuberculosis, drugs are used to destroy the causative agent of the infection. Surgical methods are used extremely rarely. For lung cancer, surgery is considered the most effective way treatment. Chemotherapy helps to reduce the rate of division of malignant cells, it is considered an additional method of treatment.

Most experts believe that tuberculosis is capable of causing malignant degeneration of cells. Lung cancer can develop even years after treatment is completed. For a long time, people believed that in the presence of tuberculosis, malignant neoplasms could not develop, but the latest research has shown that lung cancer often occurs against the background of infectious diseases. Structural changes in bronchial and lung tissues contribute to the appearance of atypical cells.

In people who have had tuberculosis, tumors are found 10 times more often than in people who have never had them.

The risk of developing cancer increases as the body ages. So in people over 45 years of age, lung cancer on the background of tuberculosis occurs 7 times more often than in young people.. Tumors can develop in any part of the lungs. Cancer that develops against the background of tuberculosis proceeds in 3 stages:

  • asymptomatic phase;
  • period of onset of severe symptoms;
  • the appearance of metastases.

Clinical pictures of diseases have much in common, which makes diagnosis difficult. An accurate diagnosis based on the symptoms present in patients is almost impossible to make. In both tuberculosis and cancer, the following symptoms are observed:

  • respiratory failure;
  • hemoptysis;
  • painful cough;
  • weight loss;
  • secretion of a large amount of sputum.

Both diseases lead to a decrease in immunity and deterioration general condition organism. The following factors contribute to the development of the pathological process in both cases:

  • smoking;
  • infectious diseases of the respiratory system;
  • living in regions with unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • work in hazardous conditions.

Careful analysis and tuberculosis reveals several differences. So, with oncopathology, chronic fatigue, apathy, a slight increase in temperature, and general weakness are observed. Cough in the early stages of the disease is short-lived. At stages 3-4, it becomes chronic, characterized by the appearance of prolonged attacks. Hemoptysis and severe pain behind the sternum appear only at stage 3 cancer. The pain syndrome cannot be eliminated with standard painkillers.

As the malignant tumor grows, swelling of the face and neck, signs of acute heart failure, cyanosis of the mucous membranes and skin appear.

With pulmonary tuberculosis, the following clinical picture is observed:

  1. Increased fatigue is combined with increased sweating.
  2. Subfebrile temperature is kept constant.
  3. Are increasing The lymph nodes and anemia develops.
  4. A strong cough with a large amount of sputum appears in the early stages of the disease. It is accompanied by a chronic runny nose.
  5. Hemoptysis appears as the pathology develops.
  6. Pain is localized in the lung area.

Differential diagnosis is carried out using laboratory tests - cytological analysis of the affected lung tissues and lymph nodes. With lung cancer, the number of lymphocytes and leukocytes in the blood increases. At tuberculosis the expressed lymphocytosis is observed. The development of malignant tumors leads to a decrease in the level of albumin and an increase in the content of globulins. With infectious lesions of the lungs, the protein composition of the blood remains unchanged.

Main diagnostic method is the introduction of tuberculin under the skin. In patients with tuberculosis, the amount of albumin decreases, and the level of globulin compounds increases. In cancer, after the introduction of tuberculin, the test results do not change.

Tuberculosis and lung cancer are completely different pathologies, which in some cases can be combined with each other. How is treatment carried out in such cases and how pathologies develop.

Treatment of lung cancer, frolicking on the background of tuberculosis

Pulmonary tuberculosis is treated with standard chemotherapy drugs, selected depending on the form of pathology. A malignant tumor contributes to the activation of pathogenic microorganisms. In the presence of post-tuberculous changes in the lung tissues, tuberculostatic agents are used. Preparing the patient for surgical intervention consists of radiation and chemotherapy.

During the operation, it is removed as malignant tumor and foci of tuberculosis.

When examining patients at risk, it is mandatory to use x-ray methods, for example, fluorography. It is necessary to visit a doctor even in the absence of symptoms of the disease. The constant supervision of a phthisiatrician is indicated for people who have chronic respiratory diseases, work in dangerous conditions, have had tuberculosis and live in disadvantaged conditions.

Perelman M. I., Koryakin V. A.

The development of cancer in the affected pulmonary tuberculosis creates significant diagnostic difficulties, significantly changes the method of examination and treatment of the patient.

The frequency of lung cancer in patients with respiratory tuberculosis is 4-7 times higher than in the rest of the population of the corresponding age groups.

According to autopsies, in lung cancer, residual post-tuberculous changes in the lungs and intrathoracic lymph nodes are detected much more often than in those who died from other diseases. Along with this, data are provided that indicate the absence of an increase in the simultaneous damage to the lungs by tuberculosis and cancer.

Pathogenesis and pathological anatomy . The pathogenesis of the relationship between tuberculosis and cancer is largely unclear. Most patients first develop tuberculosis, later lung cancer joins it.

Cancer develops more often in forms of tuberculosis with predominantly fibrotic changes or in the presence of cured tuberculosis.

Most cases of cancer that developed from the scar are detected after the cure of tuberculosis in the presence of post-tuberculosis changes.

The occurrence of cancer is explained by the metaplasia of the epithelium of the bronchial mucosa observed in chronic tuberculous inflammation, which contributes to the penetration of exogenous carcinogens. It is believed, however, that the increase in the number of tumor processes in tuberculosis is associated with an increase in the number of elderly and senile patients with tuberculosis.

With a combination of tuberculosis and cancer, focal, fibrous-cavernous and cirrhotic tuberculosis predominates, accompanied by connective tissue thickening of the parenchyma and bronchi.

Cancer is often localized in the zone of tuberculous changes - in the same lobe, but much less often - in the same segment. In this case, the same segments are affected as in uncomplicated tuberculosis, that is, I, II and VI. The tumor usually grows in the zone of cicatricial changes; it can also be found in the wall of the cavity.

Symptoms. When cancer occurs in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, the condition is aggravated, weakness, shortness of breath, weight loss increase, cancer symptoms such as persistent cough, hemoptysis, persistent chest pain appear, and body temperature may rise.

A particularly serious condition occurs in patients with endobronchial tumor growth complicated by atelectasis.

The appearance of a cancerous tumor is usually not accompanied by an exacerbation of tuberculosis, therefore, during a physical examination of the lungs, no additional pathological changes are observed.

Moreover, if intensive anti-tuberculosis chemotherapy is carried out, with the growth of the tumor, regression of tuberculous changes in the lungs is possible.

Diagnostics. X-ray examination is one of the main methods for detecting cancer. Central cancer is found in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, usually in the stage of metastases to regional lymph nodes and bronchial obstruction.

The appearance of a single focus in the area of ​​dense foci or fibrosis indicates the possible development of lung cancer. Tumors do not contain dense calcified inclusions; therefore, multidisciplinary X-ray and tomographic studies are needed to obtain more objective data on the structure of the pathological formation.

However, it is impossible to exclude the presence of old calcified foci in the tumor - traces of previously transferred tuberculosis. The expansion of the shadow of the root of the lung in an adult patient with tuberculosis also indicates the onset of cancer.

Cancer patients are less sensitive to tuberculin and tuberculin tests often become negative when lung cancer occurs in patients with tuberculosis.

Bronchoscopy is the most informative method for diagnosing central cancer. In the bronchus, a tumor narrowing or closing its lumen can be detected.

Bronchoscopy (with biopsy) is a mandatory component of the bronchological examination of patients with tuberculosis and lung tumor, it allows in most cases to clarify the diagnosis and determine the form of cancer.

The detection of MBT in sputum is natural for tuberculosis in the decay phase. A single detection of mycobacteria in the absence of exacerbation of tuberculous foci is possible with a decaying cancerous tumor, if it has arisen in the area of ​​old tuberculous foci. Repeated sputum examinations are necessary to detect tumor cells.

With the development of a tumor in a patient with tuberculosis, the ESR rises sharply, lymphopenia increases, and hypochromic anemia appears.

The evaluation of the results of anti-tuberculosis chemotherapy acquires diagnostic significance. If tuberculosis is not accompanied by an exacerbation or undergoes involution, and changes, presumably of a tumor nature, increase, one should think about joining cancer to tuberculosis.

As a diagnostic and at the same time treatment method use diagnostic thoracotomy with removal of the affected lung.

Treatment. Active pulmonary tuberculosis, when combined with a cancerous tumor, is treated with anti-tuberculosis drugs, taking into account the form and phase of the tuberculosis process.

Lung cancer, weakening the body, can cause reactivation of tuberculosis. Therefore, cancer patients with residual post-tuberculosis changes are prescribed anti-tuberculosis drugs for prophylactic purposes.

Chemoprophylaxis of tuberculosis is especially indicated for patients during the period of their preparation for surgery for cancer and in postoperative period, as well as in the treatment of cytostatic agents and irradiation.

Surgical intervention should be combined, that is, with the simultaneous removal of the cancer node and tuberculous changes in the lungs.

An early diagnosis helps increase the chances of adequate treatment and a favorable outcome. However, in medical practice, not all diseases can be accurately diagnosed in the early stages. It is not always possible to find out the difference between lung cancer and tuberculosis only based on the patient's complaints. Although these diseases have a different etiology (paths of occurrence), at the same time they have very similar symptoms. This sometimes makes it difficult to make a correct diagnosis. Therefore, it is important to know their features and what is the difference in the picture between these ailments.

The respiratory function is the main, vital for a person. Due to the structure of the lung tissue, the diseases that occur in it proceed quickly and in the first stages have almost no pronounced symptoms. This is especially true for tuberculosis and lung cancer.

Such diseases are dangerous because without timely prescribed adequate treatment they very quickly turn into severe form, leading to death. The main difficulty faced by doctors is the correct diagnosis, especially at an early stage of the disease.

Distinctive feature tuberculosis and oncological diseases - the ability to affect any organ or organ system. But only with pulmonary localization, these diseases are characterized by irreversible changes in tissues and an unfavorable prognosis with late diagnosis.

As a rule, the first visible symptoms these diseases are as follows:
  • appeared shortness of breath;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • dry infrequent cough;
  • pain in the chest area;
  • constant weakness even after rest.

With the relative similarity of some symptoms, the causes, course and treatment of these diseases are completely different.

Briefly characterizing this disease, we can describe it as a tumor that arises from the epithelium of the mucous membrane or the walls of the bronchi, as well as from the epithelium of the alveoli.

The main factors that contribute to the development of oncology (carcinoma) of the lungs include:

  • exposure to carcinogens;
  • exposure to ionizing radiation;
  • some viruses.

In addition, the development of the disease is preceded by harmful conditions at work or changes in the tissues of the bronchi after past illnesses, including the consequences of pulmonary tuberculosis.

As a result of practical research, a direct relationship has been established between the incidence of lung cancer and addiction to smoking. Moreover, men who smoke suffer from this disease much more often than women.

Unfortunately, pulmonary oncology does not have pronounced specific symptoms that would indicate an early stage and onset of the disease. As the disease progresses, its manifestations become more vivid and varied.

However, the combination of the following symptoms may be the reason for enhanced diagnosis:
  1. Cough. As the disease develops, its character changes depending on the degree of the disease and the stage of damage to the bronchial tissue. At first, the cough may be mild, then it turns into a painful dry cough, which is subsequently joined by sputum mixed with pus or blood.
  2. General weakness. This feeling persists for a long time and does not go away after rest.
  3. Pain in the chest. They have different manifestations and degrees of intensity.
  4. Dyspnea. Often associated with structural changes in the respiratory system.

Pulmonary form The disease is dangerous because it has a rapid course and early metastasis.

This disease belongs to the group of infectious diseases. It develops as a result of infection of the body with Koch's sticks (Mycobacterium tuberculosis). Because of this, tuberculous tubercles (foci of specific inflammation) appear in the affected lung tissues. Depending on the form and degree of the disease, pulmonary tuberculosis can occur both in a latent form and in an open one, with the formation of foci of decay in the lungs and the release of mycobacteria.

Since this disease is very specific, which is due to the body's response to the introduction of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, it is customary to distinguish between:
  • primary tuberculosis;
  • secondary tuberculosis.

Primary tuberculosis most often occurs in children and adolescents, it is extremely rare in older people. With sufficient resistance of the body, this disease passes without severe symptoms. Changes in tissues affected by a small number of Koch sticks gradually scar or resolve. However, the activator long time stays in them.

The pulmonary form of tuberculosis is characterized by the appearance of the following symptoms:

As the disease progresses, the pathogen can spread through lymphatic system to other tissues and organs.

Secondary tuberculosis occurs against the background of residual effects after primary infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Often takes place in chronic form with bright specific symptoms: cough, pulmonary hemorrhage, pain in the chest and behind the sternum, pronounced symptoms of intoxication.

Identification of the disease: emphasis on differential diagnosis

In order for the prescribed treatment to be as effective as possible, it is important to correctly diagnose. Since tuberculosis and lung cancers have similar symptoms in the early stages, close attention should be paid to a thorough diagnosis.

As a rule, it includes:
  1. General analysis blood.
  2. X-ray examination and computed tomography (analysis of the obtained photos and images).
  3. Sputum examinations (for microbiology in tuberculosis and cytology in oncology).
  4. Bronchoscopy (with tissue biopsy).
  5. Additional blood tests (ELISA for tuberculosis and tumor markers for oncology).

Such a differentiated approach will help to more accurately establish the diagnosis. In addition, ongoing examinations will determine the exact location of the lung tissue lesion and the nature of changes in the blood count, which is different for the two diseases.

Special attention are given to X-ray diagnostics, which is a mandatory and indicative procedure for these diseases. Since tuberculosis and lung cancer have a somewhat similar pattern in the picture, how to distinguish them and make a correct diagnosis is largely determined by the competence and experience of the diagnostician.

As a rule, in the picture:
  • at central cancer there are expansions of the lung root, a blackout area with fuzzy contours in the root area;
  • with peripheral cancer - the shadow is heterogeneous with uneven contours, often having a connection with the root of the lung in the form of a "path";
  • with tuberculosis, enlarged lymph nodes are observed in the root of the lung;
  • in primary tuberculosis, the same type of symmetrically located foci of an irregularly rounded or oblong shape are observed, mainly in the upper outer sections;
  • in complicated forms of tuberculosis, large foci (tuberculomas and cavities) are visible irregular shape with clear edges, cavities with irregular outlines, stratifications.

However, in order to rule out misdiagnosis, one often resorts to additional methods diagnostics. So, bronchoscopy with a biopsy will help to identify the nature of the change in the tissues of the bronchi, and computer diagnostics will clarify the location of the neoplasm in the lung.

So, having studied the main features of lung cancer and tuberculosis, we can identify several reasons why the diseases differ from each other:

  1. Nature and mechanism of occurrence. Tuberculosis is infection, which is transmitted by airborne droplets, primary infection occurs most often in childhood and adolescence, less often in adulthood. Lung cancer occurs as a result of pathological changes and uncontrolled cell division, mainly occurs in the adult and elderly population.
  2. The course of the disease. With tuberculosis, it is customary to distinguish between primary and secondary forms, and after the primary infection, a rather long time passes, and as a result of good immunity, the disease can stop and not go into a complicated form. Lung cancer develops rapidly, causing irreversible changes and destruction in the lung.
  3. Forecast and consequences. With a timely diagnosis and adequate treatment prescribed, patients with pulmonary tuberculosis have a higher life expectancy than cancer patients.

Treatment of tuberculosis is long-term and is mainly aimed at the destruction of the pathogen (mycobacteria) through the use of chemotherapy drugs. In oncology with lung damage, surgical treatment (removal of part or the whole lung) followed by chemotherapy and treatment of associated symptoms.

To summarize, we note that tuberculosis and lung cancer are equally serious diseases. It can be difficult to notice them at the initial stage due to the lack of obvious symptoms. Therefore, the main emphasis should be placed on a comprehensive examination in order to exclude or confirm the diagnosis. Both diseases can also affect others. internal organs: in tuberculosis, the pathogen spreads through the lymphatic system, and in cancer, other organs are affected by metastases. Can tuberculosis turn into cancer? Probably not. However, against the background of tuberculosis, lung cancer can develop, with complicated forms and lack of proper treatment. To prevent these dangerous diseases the population, starting from adolescence, shows an annual X-ray examination. A radiologist or phthisiatrician, evaluating the image, can notice changes in the lungs in time and take the necessary measures.


It can be difficult to make a clear diagnosis even for an experienced specialist. To clarify it resort to additional diagnostics. and cancer has similar symptoms. To identify a particular pathology, you will have to go through a series of instrumental and laboratory studies, the results of which will show a complete picture of what is happening. What is the difference between the two diseases?

The two diseases under consideration have both a number of similarities and differences. Initially, it makes sense to talk separately about these two pathologies.

What is tuberculosis?

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease in which changes appear in the lungs. Causes pathology wand Koch. You can get infected by airborne droplets (if the patient speaks, sneezes or coughs).

After the mycobacterium has entered the human body and it will take a long time for symptoms to appear. It could be three months or even a year. At first, the disease is confused with acute respiratory disease.

When hit with a stick for incubation period the immune system is fighting. If it is strong, the bacteria will die, and there will be no pathology. Otherwise, the inflammatory process will begin.

During all this time, a person does not spread the infection, even a tuberculin test can be negative, which makes it difficult to diagnose the disease in a timely manner.

What is cancer?

If we talk about cancer, then we mean formations that are malignant in nature. They can appear not only on the lungs, but also on the bronchi. The division of cancer cells occurs rapidly, as a result of which the tumor grows rapidly.

If you do not start treatment, then the cancer will spread to the entire body, hook on other organs and systems. This can happen in one of three ways:

  • hematogenous (with blood flow);
  • lymphogenous (through the lymphatic vessels);
  • implantation (serous membranes take part).

Subsequently, metastases occur. It should also be said that there are three periods of cancer:

  1. Biological.
  2. Preclinical.
  3. Clinical.

If we talk about the location of the tumor, then it can be central, peripheral and atypical.

Differences and similarities

Sometimes the symptoms are very similar. These include:

  • shortness of breath (and in that and in that case there is a lesion of the organ that is responsible for breathing);
  • weight loss, decreased appetite and bouts of nausea;
  • the appearance of a cough (it is not treatable, it is present constantly or periodically);
  • hemoptysis (due to damage to the blood vessels in the lung);
  • increased fatigue and apathy;
  • soreness in the chest area;
  • increased ESR;
  • the leukocyte formula shifts to the left;
  • anemia
  • a certain similarity on the x-ray.

The factors that cause these two pathologies can also be called common.

  1. Reduced immunity.
  2. Harmful profession.
  3. Polluted ecology.
  4. Tobacco abuse, many years of experience.
  5. The presence of chronic lung diseases.

If a person has the above symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo a complete examination.


How is tuberculosis different from lung cancer? We will consider the distinctive features in the form of a table.

Tuberculosis Crayfish
Infectious disease. Malignant neoplasm.
Contagious (transmitted through the air). It is not contagious (if it was not formed against the background of tuberculosis).
There is excessive sweating (very noticeable at night). There is no active sweating.
An elevated temperature is present all the time. The temperature fluctuates, can rise or fall.
There is an increase in lymph nodes. Lymph nodes are not enlarged.
There are no heart problems. There are heart problems.
When coughing, sputum is separated. Mucus is not excreted.
There are no edema. There is swelling in the face and neck.
The patient will be able to live with high-quality treatment up to 60 years. Life expectancy is no more than 8-10 years with adequate treatment.
When infected, there may be no complications. After the onset of the tumor, there are irreversible consequences that will constantly depress the organ.

difference in analysis

If speak about laboratory research, then there are some distinctive features of these two diseases.

Tuberculosis or lung cancer in a person may show test results. With tuberculosis, lymphocytes are increased, with cancer - leukocytes. Protein composition blood changes with the introduction of tuberculin. With tuberculosis and cancer, there is less albumin, and more globulins. With the first pathology, the reaction is positive, with the second, it is negative.

Difference in X-ray

If we consider the lungs on an x-ray, then it is important to have work experience and professionalism, otherwise you may not be able to distinguish the pathology.

With a malignant neoplasm, the shadows are more intense, and the outlines are not so clear. The contour is wavy, with a homogeneous structure.

With tuberculoma, there is no progression in neighboring lobes. There is a restriction to the pleura. During cancer, metastases are given to the root of the organ. If they are multiple, then the diagnosis is easier to establish, since this is not the case with tuberculosis.

In more detail, then:

  • if the tumor is central, there is a shaded area, the contours near the root are not clear;
  • peripheral cancer is distinguished by its heterogeneous uneven contours; connections can be traced near the root;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis increases the lymphatic basal nodes of the organ;
  • if tuberculosis is primary - there are similar symmetrical foci, their shape is elongated or rounded, most of them are in the upper section;
  • a complicated form of tuberculosis is visible in the picture as large shadings (this indicates the presence of caverns and tuberculomas), they have clear edges, there is no definite form, they are layered one on one.

How to distinguish tuberculosis from cancer if the picture is inaccurate. In this case, the patient is referred to computed tomography. With help this method studies can see all the foci and metastases (if any). If there are suspicious shadows in the picture, then a bronchoscopy is additionally done. In the future, the taken biomaterial is examined for the presence of Koch's sticks in it. At the same time, they are checked for cytology.

Can tuberculosis turn into cancer?

If a person has TB throughout their lives and lives to old age, they are often diagnosed with cancer. This suggests that tuberculosis is able to turn into oncology.

In a patient who has been ill with tuberculosis for a long time, a shadow may appear on the picture that was not there before. It has a rounded shape, it can occupy a segment or a share. An open form of tuberculosis is often combined with oncology.

To accurately diagnose the pathology, you need to undergo a complete examination.

It should be noted that cancer occurs with fibrotic changes, as well as in people who have previously cured tuberculosis. This is the so-called post-tuberculous change, when a tumor forms at the site of the scar.

The place of localization of the tumor is the same lobe where there is a tuberculous focus. The same segments are affected. With the development malignant neoplasm the condition worsens, weakness and shortness of breath increase. A person loses weight even more, a strong debilitating cough appears, blood spitting, chest pains become permanent. To detect cancer, it is enough just to take an x-ray. Usually, if tuberculosis and lung cancer are interrelated, then tuberculin tests are negative. To clarify the diagnosis and determine the form of cancer, bronchological studies are done. Bronchoscopy reveals all pathological changes in the organ. Sputum is actively examined.


Only a qualified specialist can distinguish tuberculosis from lung cancer. It is important to diagnose the pathology at an early stage. The two diseases have both similarities and differences. Tuberculosis patients often develop cancer. In this case, a sharp deterioration in well-being is noticeable. It is important to detect complications early. It is worth noting that the addition of cancer significantly shortens the life of the patient. More people suffer old age who had previously had tuberculosis.