Complex diagnostics of the organism in the hospital. Complete medical examination


Good health does not always mean that a person is completely healthy. Preventive examinations help in advance to identify diseases that lead to disability or death. The treatment will be as effective as possible, since the process is always easier to stop before it goes too far. Not everyone can afford to pay for specialist consultations, but you can use the State Medical Examination Program.

Is it possible to get a medical examination for free

Preventive medical examinations free of charge Russian Federation introduced since 2013. According to the results of the examination, the doctors determined that most of the visitors to the medical centers did not know about their diseases. To take advantage of the opportunity to check the state of health, you need to know the rules by which the population is served.

State Medical Examination Program

The order of the Ministry of Health "On the approval of medical examinations" indicates which categories of the adult population have the right to be regularly examined free of charge. The state program is designed to identify groups of diseases that account for up to ¾ of all deaths in the Russian Federation. More often, cardiovascular, pulmonary, oncological diseases and diabetes mellitus lead to death.

According to the order of the Ministry of Health, medical examination of the population is carried out throughout the territory of the Russian Federation. For adults over the age of 21, a free examination is possible once every three years. There is an abbreviated inspection program, you can use this service once every two years. For certain categories of the population, medical examinations are carried out more often - annually.

Medical examination 2018

People who can complete medical examination free of charge according to federal program must have been born between 1928 and 1997. At the same time, the age of a person who can undergo medical examination in a polyclinic is strictly regulated. If the inspection time is missed, you should wait for the next date, on which the examination of people of a particular age is scheduled.

What years of birth fall under the medical examination in 2018

Since not all citizens of the Russian Federation will be able to undergo a free medical examination in 2018, it is worth finding out which years of birth are included in the current list. People born in 1928, 1931, 1934 and so on until 1997 can count on a free medical examination. It does not matter the social status of the patient - employee, student, housewife.

What is included in the survey

The patient examination program is prepared individually - age, presence of chronic diseases and gender. Each visitor receives a “route sheet”, which indicates the plan for visiting specialists. The stages of screening are as follows:

  • Therapist. The specialist conducts primary screening - interviews the patient, measures height, weight, arterial pressure. The therapist performs a number of rapid tests for the presence of cholesterol and blood sugar free of charge. Next, the doctor gives a direction for general and biochemical analyzes blood, general analysis urine.
  • Since 2018, a new examination has been introduced - a blood test for HIV infection.
  • The women go to the gynecologist. The examination includes a cancer test - the doctor takes a smear from the cervix for cytology to look for cancer on early stage.
  • Men go to the urologist. The doctor will detect prostatitis, prostate cancer and other diseases of this type.
  • All age groups receive a referral for electrocardiography, fluorographic scanning of organs chest for early detection heart disease and broncho-pulmonary diseases. Based on the results of the research, the patient is referred for a consultation with a cardiologist, pulmonologist.
  • Appointed eye test, consultation of an endocrinologist, dentist.

People who are 39 years old at the time of medical examination are assigned additional studies. Their list also depends on gender:

  • ultrasound abdominal cavity and small pelvis is carried out every 6 years.
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands for women is planned every three years up to the age of 50, then a year later.
  • Diagnosis of glaucoma is carried out - measurement of eye pressure.
  • From the age of 45, the risk of developing colon cancer increases, so a fecal occult blood test is performed.
  • From the age of 51, the patient is sent for examination to a neurologist, and men donate blood to detect an antigen indicating prostate cancer.

The goal of the program is to identify signs of chronic noncommunicable diseases to diagnose the development of oncology. Based on the results of the first stage of the examination, the therapist gives a referral for tests or consultations of narrow specialists. A patient's medical passport is created, in which all information about the state of his health is entered. After all consultations and analyzes, the therapist assigns one of the three health groups to the ward, on the basis of which procedures, exercise therapy or treatment are prescribed.

Where to go

Institutions where you can undergo a complete examination of the body are strictly regulated. You should contact the clinic to which the patient is assigned, according to his place of registration. You can get information about who is the local therapist and the time of the doctor's appointment at the reception. In addition, information about the rules of medical examination is placed on information stands in the clinic.

How to pass

To get a free whole body examination, you should start with a visit to the district therapist. The doctor prepares a route map and informs where and when you can take tests and get advice from narrow specialists. All examinations are carried out in working time therefore, employed citizens should contact the management of their enterprise (place of work) in order to get a day off or a day off while visiting the clinic. According to the Labor Code, this day should be counted as a working day.

Is it possible to get medical examination in another city?

Full examination organism in a state clinic is carried out only if the patient is attached to it. In order to undergo a medical examination in another medical institution (in your own or another city), you must fill out the “application for attachment” form and submit documents to the registry along with your passport and medical policy. After the administration prepares the necessary documentation for the patient, you can undergo a medical examination at a new address.

Clinical examination of children

There is a procedure for medical examination for minors, approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. These are the three categories of medical examination:

  • Prophylactic. This is a comprehensive examination of children 1, 3, 7, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17 years old. The examination includes consultations of a pediatrician, ophthalmologist, ENT specialist, endocrinologist, surgeon, orthopedist, dentist, neurologist. Blood tests (general and biochemistry), urine tests, fecal analysis for worm eggs, coprogram are performed, scrapings are taken for enterobiasis. Sometimes the pediatrician prescribes additional examinations.
  • Preliminary. This examination is carried out before the child enters the institution - Kindergarten, school, college, university.
  • Periodic. Examinations are carried out annually and are organized in kindergartens and schools. For each age, the scope of research is different.

All types of examinations are carried out in the children's polyclinic, but sometimes specialists come to the school and conduct a physical examination on the spot. Before the medical examination, the parents of the child must sign the consent form. If it is decided to refuse to examine the child, the medical institution must be notified about this. Children over the age of 15 can personally consent to a medical examination by filling out a form.

Medical examination of pensioners

The program of medical examination of the population does not contain a separate article regulating the examination of pensioners. This category can pass free medical examination in the outpatient clinic on a general basis. Selected groups of citizens who can pass medical checkup annually regardless of age:

  • disabled participants in hostilities, WWII;
  • veterans of the Second World War who received a disability due to military operations, a general illness or injury;
  • people who were prisoners of concentration camps during World War II.

Many put off going to the doctor until something really hurts. Even if you feel well and do not have obvious symptoms, this does not mean that nothing threatens your body. Timely diagnosis avoids costly treatment, and early diagnosis helps to quickly and effectively prevent Negative consequences and speed up the healing process.

Also, until the last pull visit to a specialist? Learn everything about the complete diagnosis of the human body in this article, and maybe you will change your attitude to your health!

What is a comprehensive examination of the body and to whom it is indicated

At every stage of his life, a person must know what is happening with his " inner world”, and which potentially dangerous diseases can overtake him. To do this, you should undergo a complete diagnosis of the body, which includes various methods: Ultrasound, ECG, blood test, urine test and others. Ultrasound is the most important diagnostic method that allows you to obtain information about the state and size of various organs and systems, to identify malignant and benign formations.

Instrumental studies and various analyzes help to detect diseases at the initial stage, which do not give themselves away. It depends on how timely a person turns to complex diagnostics depends on the success of the treatment!

People who are predisposed to oncology and hereditary diseases just need to monitor their health and undergo a complete examination of the body at least once a year. But visiting a doctor, of course, should be not only for patients who are at risk, but also for outwardly healthy people.

Here are some statistics. The most common disease, breast cancer, today affects more than 50 thousand women. And every year this figure grows by 2-4%. Experts strongly recommend that young girls and women undergo an examination by a gynecologist and mammologist every six months.

As for the representatives of the stronger sex, every seventh man over 50 hears a terrible diagnosis - prostate cancer. In the early stages of development, the disease is quite treatable, so all that is needed is to regularly visit a urologist, undergo a complete physical examination and take tests.

Why do you need a check?

Check-up is a complete medical examination in an express format. In a short time, the patient receives the necessary information about the state of health, as well as recommendations for treatment or prevention.

A complete examination of the body in an express format should be carried out by healthy men and women from 25 to 30 years old every 2-3 years. And after 50 years, do an annual medical examination, which is considered a more protracted procedure.

People over 30 with an indeterminate state of health also need a check-up. They seem to have no pain and everything is fine, but there is no 100% confirmation of this. After all malnutrition, sleep disturbances, lack of physical activity, sedentary work, stress and nervous tension one way or another will affect the general well-being. This can result in headaches, malaise, chronic fatigue, digestive problems and other symptoms. A complete examination of the body will identify the exact cause of the disease and prevent the development of a serious illness.

What is included in a full body examination?

The list of analyses, consultations and studies depends on gender and age characteristics. The general standard program is aimed at diagnosing diseases of the cardiovascular and endocrine, digestive and respiratory, as well as genitourinary systems. With the help of a comprehensive program, it is possible to identify hidden sexually transmitted infections, assess the state of metabolism, detect inflammatory processes and put forward assumptions about oncological pathologies.

An example of a typical checkup for women aged 30-40 includes the following diagnostic methods:

  • Primary and re-appointment of the therapist
  • Consultation of narrow specialists (gynecologist, gastroenterologist, mammologist, neurologist, etc.)
  • ultrasound thyroid gland, small pelvis and abdominal cavity, mammary glands and urinary system
  • Echocardiography and ECG
  • Gastroscopy and spirometry
  • Chest x-ray
  • Complete blood count, biochemical and blood for thyroid hormones
  • Analysis for oncogenic strains
  • Identification of STIs (sexually transmitted infections)
  • Smear microscopy and cytological examination

After passing the examination, all the results fall into the hands of the therapist. The doctor, based on the data obtained, gives his opinion and recommendations on nutrition, lifestyle, prevention of diseases to which there is a predisposition. If any pathology was discovered during the diagnosis, the therapist writes out a referral for a more detailed examination to specialized specialists.

Where to get a comprehensive examination of the body and how much it costs

To be able to carry out a complete examination of the body, it is necessary to have a staff of qualified specialists and a modern diagnostic department. Therefore, such a procedure can be found in large medical centers that provide general services. There are also clinical diagnostic laboratories that specialize in the complete diagnosis of the human body.

The price varies depending on the nature and number of diagnostic measures. A basic check for women from 30 and above costs 25-30 thousand rubles, for men it costs 2-3 thousand rubles. cheaper.

With age, especially after 50 years, the risk of diseases increases, which means that a wider diagnosis is required. Prices for such programs can reach 50-60 thousand rubles.

Examinations of individual organs and systems are cheaper. Thus, a small specialized package for women, aimed at detecting diseases of the sexual and endocrine systems can be purchased for 7-9 thousand rubles.

Secure your bright future today!

The mass medical examination of people in Russia this year showed that the vast majority of Russians had no idea about their ailments before undergoing a full medical examination. Therefore, it is extremely important to undergo a medical examination in order to detect diseases at an early stage in order to quickly and effectively treat them.

Where to undergo a medical examination in Moscow and the Moscow region?

You can undergo a medical examination in Moscow and the Moscow region both in private and in public medical institution. In the capital today there are about 50 state polyclinics, as well as more than two hundred private clinics. And this means that the patient can undergo a free medical examination in public institution, and paid in private medical center.

Our directory provides a complete list of all medical facilities where you can undergo a complete medical examination. We have made sure that the search for information is convenient, accessible and fast.

A complete medical examination is X-ray, ultrasound, thermography, functional and laboratory tests. What is required for a medical examination? To do this, you need a medical policy and SNILS. You can get a referral for a medical examination at the reception, from a local doctor or paramedic in a polyclinic.

Addresses and phone numbers of clinics in Moscow and the Moscow region where you can undergo a medical examination

Practice has shown that a complete diagnosis takes from 5 to 7 hours, which allows you to quickly get a complete picture of the state of the body, diagnose diseases and identify their source in the presence of the latter.

Health and time are one of the main factors influencing our lives. In the outpatient department of the Road clinical hospital them. K. A. Semashko, you can take care of your health with minimal time.

They say that the medical examination of railway workers is carried out on the same level with astronauts, because the lives of hundreds and thousands of people depend on the health of the driver. Specially high demands have always been made on the qualifications of doctors serving railway workers.

December 14 marks the 82nd anniversary of the opening of the Road Clinical Hospital. N. A. Semashko. During this time we have earned a reputation as reliable professionals. Having modern equipment is good. But it is even more important that the institution has qualified and experienced specialists who can correctly “read” the information received and make a diagnosis. Otherwise, you will only get a picture; which will help little - in treatment.

All doctors working in the polyclinic reconfirm their qualifications every five years and undergo certification. Today, our clinic provides a full range of medical services required for the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. In our polyclinic, doctors work in two shifts, so the patient can get a consultation almost at any time necessary specialist. All physicians providing paid services, have the highest category.

In our polyclinic, you can also get medical books, driver's certificates, certificates for carrying weapons. We quickly and efficiently carry out a medical examination of persons entering the workforce. At a very high level, we have a commission for people working in hazardous industries. Moreover, our prices are among the lowest in Moscow.

Three months ago, a clinical diagnostic center with a day hospital was opened on the basis of the polyclinic. His postcard allowed us to expand the range of services and provide additional opportunities for our patients. Now they have the opportunity to undergo a complete examination of the body in one day, including the delivery of the necessary laboratory tests and hardware diagnostics. For some examinations to the patient; required to go through a series of procedures. The presence of a day hospital allows you to make them qualitatively under the supervision of a doctor. Here, patients are given the opportunity to medical procedures. For example, there is no longer a need for intravenous drip medicines at home.

What services does the Clinical Diagnostic Center offer?

Doctors of all specialties work for us: endocrinologist, surgeon, therapist, urologist, allergist-immunologist, rheumatologist, dermato-venereologist, hematologist, gynecologist, ophthalmologist, gastroenterologist, chiropractor, plastic surgeon…

The Center has state-of-the-art equipment that allows diagnosing diseases at an early stage. These services include, in particular, CT scan, ECG Holter monitoring, ultrasound diagnostics, X-ray diagnostics, videoscopic research methods, PCR diagnostics. We are pleased to offer our clients modern and traditional methods of treatment, diagnosis, care and individual approach. We combine professionalism with responsiveness and care, and high quality with affordable prices.

  • Medical examination "Oncological male"
  • Medical examination on the Truskrin device
  • Medical examination "We want a child"
  • Medical examination "Diagnosis of Diabetes"
  • Medical examination "Diagnosis of male infertility"
  • Medical examination "Prevention of cervical cancer"
  • Medical examination "Head without problems"
  • Medical examination "Hospital complex"
  • Diagnostic panel analyzes
  • Endoscopic examination - gastroscopy in Stupino
  • Medical examination: undergo a complete examination

    How long ago did you have a medical examination? In pursuit of a career, the creation of a prosperous family, we forget about the most important thing - all our efforts will be in vain if there is no health. The Ministry of Health of Russia recommends a complete examination for the presence or absence of any diseases for each person from one to several times a year. To undergo a complete examination of the body in a city clinic often requires a lot of time - from a month to six months. The Moskovia Examination Clinic cares about your health. We have created all the conditions for you to undergo a medical examination of all important body systems quickly and efficiently. Pay attention to yourself, and we will check your health! The unique medical examination programs developed in our medical center will help you to be healthy and undergo a complete examination in the shortest possible time - from one to three days!

    A medical examination at the Moskovia examination clinic allows you to undergo a complete examination of the body with high quality and without spending a lot of time on it. Thanks to a medical examination in our examination clinic, you will be able to undergo consultations and examinations of all specialist doctors, take tests and smears for various diseases, do ultrasound, ECG and other instrumental studies. Based on the results of the medical examination, specialist doctors will analyze in detail the risk factors for certain diseases, tell you which of your body systems is malfunctioning and needs treatment, and if there are identified diseases, they will give recommendations on treatment. A medical examination at an examination clinic in the south-east of Moscow or at an examination clinic in Stupino will help you cure existing diseases in time, as well as prevent their occurrence already at the very initial stage, when there is no pain yet and the existing disease does not bother you. You can undergo a complete examination and, if necessary, treat your body quickly, affordably and efficiently at the examination clinic in Moscow near the Tekstilshchiki metro station (Kuzminki, Volzhskaya) or the Moscow region in the city of Stupino.

    The program of a complete medical examination at the examination clinic in SEAD not far from the Tekstilshchiki metro station (Kuzminki, Volzhskaya, Volgogradsky Prospekt, Ryazansky Prospekt, Maryino, Vykhino), as well as at the examination clinic in Stupino (Kashira, Voskresensk) is designed specifically for busy people who want to take care of their health, but lack free time for this. We offer you a unique routing system that will allow you to undergo a complete medical examination of all the necessary specialist doctors, laboratory and instrumental diagnostics in one or two or three days. It is possible to undergo a complete examination of the body in an affordable, high-quality manner and without spending a lot of time on it at the Moskovia examination clinic! We conduct medical examinations only by the most experienced, highly qualified doctors with extensive experience and exclusively on the latest and most modern equipment, which will allow you to obtain accurate and reliable data about your health.

    Examination Clinic: What Medical Examination Programs Are There?

    Especially for your convenience, specialists of the examination clinic have developed several ready-made programs that differ in the number and specifics of tests, examinations by doctors of different specialties, as well as instrumental diagnostics:

    • "Minimal risk" (basic examination characterizing the state of important body systems: respiratory, endocrine, genitourinary, digestive, reproductive cardiovascular);
    • "Absolute Optimum" (Extended examination of the body, characterizing the state of all body systems: cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, endocrine, genitourinary, reproductive, musculoskeletal, nervous, immune);
    • "Premium control" (The most complete examination, which allows you to characterize the state of absolutely all body systems: digestive, endocrine, respiratory, urinary, cardiovascular, reproductive, musculoskeletal, nervous, immune, as well as assess risk factors for certain diseases already at the earliest stage of the disease.This program also allows you to fully assess the metabolism, and also gives the most complete picture of the analyzes and instrumental studies);
    • "Heart and blood vessels" (Examination that allows you to undergo a complete diagnosis of cardio-vascular system);
    • Erectile dysfunction is one of the most common sexual dysfunctions in men.
    • "Oncological male" (Medical examination aimed at identifying a tendency to oncological diseases);
    • “We want a child” (Medical examination, which allows to reveal hidden health problems of a couple before a woman becomes pregnant);
    • "Diagnosis of Diabetes" (Medical examination for the presence or absence of diabetes as well as its prevention).
    • Breast examination and identification of the risk of hereditary breast cancer
    • Endoscopic examination - gastroscopy No pain, no fear, fast! In Muscovy in the city of Stupino, you can undergo an endoscopic examination - gastroscopy.

    Pass a complete examination in the Moskovia examination clinic guarantees you complete safety from the appearance of any risk factors for any disease. After a medical examination, preventive measures will be taken so that the disease does not appear. Correct and timely diagnosis allows for the most effective treatment. That is why, if your health is dear to you, it is recommended to conduct a medical examination at least once a year. Pass a medical examination today in our medical clinic! The examination will extend your life by fifteen, and possibly twenty years!

    Pass a complete examination at the Moskovia examination clinic

    Passing a complete examination at the Moskovia examination clinic will allow you to:

    • using modern methods put the correct diagnosis
      and accurate diagnosis
    • learn about the risks of the onset of the disease even before the first symptoms,
      when there is no pain and nothing bothers;
    • according to the results of the analyzes and instrumental
      research our experienced highly qualified doctors
      tell you about the most effective methods treatment of identified
      diseases, as well as methods of prevention