How to get a free medical examination at a polyclinic at the place of residence or at the place of work or study? Clinical examination - what is included in the examination of adults and children, year of birth. Doctors and tests, how to get to the place of residence Where and when can I get a di

Purpose of dispensary: early detection of chronic infectious diseases, which are the main cause of disability and premature death of the population Russian Federation(hereinafter - chronic non-communicable diseases), which include:

    diseases of the circulatory system and, first of all, ischemic disease heart and cerebrovascular disease

    malignant neoplasms


    chronic lung diseases and others

These diseases are about 70% in the structure of the causes of all mortality in our country. In addition, clinical examination is aimed at identifying and correcting the main risk factors for the development of these diseases:

    Elevated blood pressure

    Elevated blood cholesterol

    Elevated blood glucose

    Tobacco smoking

    Harmful consumption of alcohol

    Irrational nutrition

    Low physical activity

    Overweight or obesity

    Consumption of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances without a doctor's prescription

An important feature of clinical examination is not only the early detection of chronic non-communicable diseases and risk factors for their development, but also brief preventive counseling for citizens with these risk factors, as well as for citizens with identified risk factors for developing chronic non-communicable diseases, individual in-depth preventive counseling or group preventive counseling (school of the patient) in the department (office) of medical prevention or health center.

Such active preventive interventions will quickly and significantly reduce the likelihood of each individual developing dangerous chronic non-communicable diseases, and in people already suffering from such diseases, significantly reduce the severity of treatment of the disease and the incidence of complications.

Where and when can I get a medical examination?

Citizens undergo medical examination in medical organization, in which they receive primary health care: in a polyclinic, in the center (department) of general medical practice (family medicine), in a medical outpatient clinic, in a medical unit.

Your local doctor (paramedic) or local nurse or an employee of the department (office) of prevention of a medical organization will tell you in detail where, when and how you can undergo a medical examination, agree with you on the approximate date and period of medical examination.

Most of the activities within the framework of the medical examination are carried out once every 3 years, after 40 years the medical examination is carried out annually.

How long does a medical examination take?

As a rule, two visits are required to pass the examination of the first stage of clinical examination (screening). The first visit takes approximately 3 to 6 hours, while the scope of the examination varies significantly depending on your age.

The second visit is carried out to the local doctor for the final examination and summarizing the medical examination. Usually the interval between visits is from 1 to 6 days and depends on the length of time required to obtain the results of the studies.

If, based on the results of the first stage of the medical examination, you need an additional examination, individual in-depth preventive counseling or group preventive counseling (patient school), the district doctor (therapist) informs you about this and sends you to the second stage of the medical examination, the duration of which depends on the amount of additional examination you need .

How to pass a dispensary?

List of examinations by medical specialists (medical assistant or midwife), examinations and other medical activities carried out within the framework of clinical examination depending on the age and gender of the citizen (volume of medical examination)

It is determined by the Procedure for conducting medical examinations for certain groups of the adult population, approved by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 124n dated March 13, 2019. It should be noted that when undergoing medical examinations, the year of birth of citizens is taken into account, and not the day and month!
For example: a citizen whose date of birth is 07/04/1989 applied to the clinic to undergo a medical examination. He can undergo a medical examination in the period from 01/01/2019 to 12/31/2019. This means that it is possible to undergo a medical examination at any convenient date according to the working hours of a medical organization throughout the calendar year, including until the moment when he reaches the age specified by order.

Clinical examination is a medical examination aimed at identifying chronic For example, cardiovascular, bronchopulmonary, oncological, diabetes mellitus.

"> non-communicable diseases, as well as the risk of their development.

Clinical examination includes an examination by specialist doctors and a number of tests and examinations. It is carried out at the place of your attachment. Employed citizens are issued a certificate of inspection on the same day. For the period of medical examination, employees have the right to be released from work for 1 working day 1 time in 3 years with the preservation of the workplace and average earnings. Medical examinations can also be taken in the evenings and on Saturdays.

Workers before retirement age(within 5 years before retirement age) and pensioners receiving an old-age or superannuation pension have the right to be released from work for 2 working days once a year while maintaining their place of work and average earnings. To do this, you need to coordinate with the management the days of medical examination and write an application for release from work.

You have the right to refuse to conduct medical examinations in general or from certain types of medical interventions included in the scope of medical examinations.

2. Who can get a free medical examination in Moscow?

In order to pass the screening, you must:

3. Suitable for age. Medical examination is carried out 1 time in 3 years, and you can pass it during the year when you are or will be: 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39 years old. If you are 40 years of age or older, you can have an annual medical examination.

Some Annual medical examinations are carried out by:

1. Disabled Great Patriotic War, invalids of military operations, participants of the Great Patriotic War who became disabled due to a general illness, labor injury or other reasons (except for persons whose disability was due to their illegal actions).

2. Persons awarded the badge "Resident besieged Leningrad»and those recognized as disabled due to a general illness, labor injury or other reasons (except for persons whose disability has occurred as a result of their unlawful actions).

3. Former juvenile prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos, other places of detention created by the Nazis and their allies during the Second World War, recognized as disabled due to a general illness, labor injury and other reasons (except for persons whose disability was due to their illegal actions).

4. Elderly Muscovites (upon reaching the age of 50 and before retirement age) have the right to count on free medical examination, in medical organizations where a program of free medical examination of such citizens is being implemented.

For these categories of citizens, medical examination is carried out in the amount provided for the nearest age category - except for studies that are contraindicated for annual conduct and if there are no corresponding symptoms and diseases for which they are necessary.

"> privileged categories of citizens undergo medical examination annually, regardless of age.

The volume and nature of a comprehensive examination depend on the sex and age of the person.

3. How will the dispensary take place?

Step 1. Fill out the required documents.

Contact the clinic at the place of attachment, where you will be asked to fill out the following documents:

  • informed voluntary consent to medical intervention;
  • a questionnaire (survey) to identify complaints specific to non-communicable diseases, personal history and living conditions (smoking, alcohol consumption, diet and physical activity, etc.), in people over 65 years of age - the risk of falls, depression, heart failure, etc. d.

Step 2 Prepare for examinations.

On the day scheduled for the examination, come to the clinic in the morning on an empty stomach, before doing physical activity, including morning exercises. if you If you are from 40 to 64 years old, the analysis must be taken once every two years, if you are from 65 to 75 years old - annually.

">40 years of age or more, you will need to pass a stool for occult blood, so check with the clinic in advance, If immunochemical, no dietary restrictions are required. If by other method - within 3 days before the examination, refuse foods high in iron (meat, apples, white beans), laxatives and enemas, iron preparations, aspirin and ascorbic acid. this analysis is done.

Step 3 Pass the first stage of medical examination.

A comprehensive examination can consist of two stages. During the first stage, you will receive an itinerary listing all the examinations that must be completed depending on gender and age.

Step 4 Come see a general practitioner.

The doctor will give explanations based on the results of the examinations, determine your health group, if there is a high risk of diseases or the diseases themselves - the group dispensary observation and hand over your health passport.

Step 5 Pass the second stage of medical examination.

If, after examinations, it turns out that you need additional examination, the general practitioner will refer you to the second, more in-depth, stage of medical examination.

Step 6 Consult your doctor.

After passing through all stages of examinations, you will have another consultation with a general practitioner who will give the necessary recommendations (for example, on quitting smoking, improving nutrition, increasing physical activity).

In the presence of diseases, the necessary treatment is prescribed, including specialized and high-tech medical care, as well as spa treatment.

If you smoke, are overweight, obese, or have other risk factors, you may be referred to a preventive care unit or office, or to help you manage your risk factors.

4. Which doctors do I need to see if I am between 18 and 39 years old?

The first stage of dispensary:

1. Preventive medical examination:

  • survey (questionnaire)
  • determination of the level of total cholesterol in the blood;
  • determination of the level of glucose in the blood;
  • determination of relative cardiovascular risk (for patients aged 18-39 years);
  • fluorography (1 time in 2 years);
  • reception (examination) based on the results of a preventive medical examination, including an examination to identify visual and other localizations of oncological diseases, including an examination skin, mucous lips and oral cavity, palpation thyroid gland, lymph nodes, a paramedic of a feldsher's health center or a feldsher-obstetric station, a general practitioner or a doctor for medical prevention of the department (office) of medical prevention or a health center.

2. Screening for early detection of cancer:

For women:

  • examination by a paramedic (midwife) (from 18 and older);
  • taking a smear from the cervix, cytological examination smear from the cervix 1 time in 3 years at the age of 18 to 64 years;

3. Brief preventive counseling;

The second stage of dispensary is carried out for the purpose of additional examination and clarification of the diagnosis of the disease (condition) if there are indications based on the results of the first stage and includes:

  • examination (consultation) by a neurologist;
  • spirometry;
  • for women over 18 years old: examination (consultation) by an obstetrician-gynecologist - if necessary;

5. Which doctors should I go to if I am 40 to 45 years old?

The first stage of dispensary:

  • measurement of height, body weight, waist circumference, determination of body mass index;
  • measurement of blood pressure;
  • determination of absolute cardiovascular risk (for patients from 40 to 64 years old);
  • electrocardiography at rest (performed at the first passage of a preventive medical examination, then at the age of 35 years and older 1 time per year);
  • for women over 40 - mammography;
  • for men aged 45 years: determination of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in the blood;
  • for patients aged 45 years of both sexes - esophagogastroduodenoscopy;
  • If you are between 40 and 64 years old, the analysis must be taken once every two years, if you are from 65 to 75 years old - annually. "> 40 years and older
  • measurement of intraocular pressure (performed during the first routine examination, then at the age of 40 years and older 1 time per year).
  • examination (consultation) by a surgeon or coloproctologist, including sigmoidoscopy (if necessary);
  • examination (consultation) by a surgeon or urologist (for men aged 45 years with an increase in the level of prostate-specific antigen in the blood of more than 1 gn/ml);
  • colonoscopy - in case of suspected oncological disease of the colon, as prescribed by a surgeon or coloproctologist;
  • esophagogastroduodenoscopy - with suspicion of malignant neoplasms of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum- as prescribed by the therapist;
  • lung radiography, CT scan lungs - with suspicion of malignant neoplasms of the lung- as prescribed by the therapist;
  • examination (consultation) by an ophthalmologist (for patients over 40 years of age with increased intraocular pressure);
  • individual in-depth preventive counseling or group preventive counseling (patient school).

6. Which doctors do I need to go to if I am 46 to 50 years old?

The first stage of dispensary:

  • measurement of height, body weight, waist circumference, determination of body mass index;
  • measurement of blood pressure;
  • conducting a general blood test (hemoglobin, leukocytes, ESR);
  • determination of the level of total cholesterol in the blood by the express method;
  • determination of the level of glucose in the blood on an empty stomach (it is allowed to use the express method);
  • determination of absolute cardiovascular risk;
  • individual preventive counseling - for patients with high relative and very high absolute cardiovascular risk, obesity, hypercholesterolemia with a total cholesterol level of 8 mmol / l or more and / or smoking more than 20 cigarettes per day;
  • fluorography of the lungs (not performed if in the previous calendar year, or in the year of the medical examination, fluorography, radiography (fluoroscopy) or computed tomography of organs was performed chest.);
  • electrocardiography at rest (performed once a year);
  • for women: examination by a midwife, including taking a smear from the cervix for a cytological examination;
  • for women - mammography;
  • for men aged 50 years: determination of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in the blood;
  • for patients of both sexes aged If you are between 40 and 64 years old, the analysis must be taken once every two years, if you are from 65 to 75 years old - annually. "> 40 years and older: examination of feces for occult blood;
  • measurement of intraocular pressure (performed once a year).

If you have had any of the tests listed or any of the tests listed in the last 12 months, your results may be included in your health check.

The second stage of medical examination (if necessary):

  • duplex scanning of brachycephalic arteries - for men over 45 years old, in the presence of risk factors for the development of chronic non-communicable diseases;
  • examination (consultation) by a surgeon or urologist (for men aged 50 years with an increase in the level of prostate-specific antigen in the blood of more than 1 gn/ml);
  • examination (consultation) by a surgeon or coloproctologist, including sigmoidoscopy (if necessary);
  • colonoscopy - in case of suspected oncological disease of the colon, as prescribed by a surgeon or coloproctologist;
  • spirometry - in case of suspicion of a chronic broncho-pulmonary disease according to the results of a questionnaire, smokers - in the direction of a therapist;
  • for women: examination (consultation) by an obstetrician-gynecologist - if necessary;
  • esophagogastroduodenoscopy - if malignant neoplasms of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum are suspected - as prescribed by the therapist;
  • x-ray of the lungs, computed tomography of the lungs - in case of suspected malignant neoplasms of the lung - as prescribed by the therapist;
  • individual in-depth preventive counseling or group preventive counseling (patient school).

7. Which doctors do I need to see if I am between 51 and 74 years old?

The first stage of dispensary:

  • measurement of height, body weight, waist circumference, determination of body mass index;
  • measurement of blood pressure;
  • conducting a general blood test (hemoglobin, leukocytes, ESR);
  • determination of the level of total cholesterol in the blood by the express method;
  • determination of the level of glucose in the blood on an empty stomach (it is allowed to use the express method);
  • determination of absolute cardiovascular risk (for patients under 64 years of age);
  • individual preventive counseling - for patients under 72 years of age with high relative and very high absolute cardiovascular risk, obesity, hypercholesterolemia with a total cholesterol level of 8 mmol / l or more and / or smokers more than 20 cigarettes per day;
  • fluorography of the lungs (not performed if fluorography, radiography (fluoroscopy) or computed tomography of the chest organs were performed in the previous calendar year, or in the year of the medical examination);
  • resting electrocardiography;
  • for patients of both sexes: a study of feces for occult blood (if you are from 40 to 64 years old, the analysis must be taken once every two years, if from 65 to 75 years old - annually);
  • for men: determination of the level of prostate-specific antigen in the blood (performed at the age of 55, 60 and 64 years);
  • for women under 64 years of age: examination by a midwife, including taking a smear from the cervix for a cytological examination;
  • for women: mammography (at the age of 40-75 years is carried out once every 2 years).

If you have had any of the tests listed or any of the tests listed in the last 12 months, your results may be included in your health check.

The second stage of medical examination (if necessary):

  • examination (consultation) by a neurologist - in case of suspicion of a previously transferred acute disorder cerebral circulation, depression in patients over 65 years of age, with impaired motor function, etc.;
  • duplex scanning of brachycephalic arteries - for men under 72 years old, for women 54-72 years old, in the presence of risk factors for the development of chronic non-communicable diseases;
  • examination (consultation) by a surgeon or urologist (for men aged 55, 60 and 64 years - with an increase in the level of prostate-specific antigen in the blood of more than 1 gn / ml);
  • examination (consultation) by a surgeon or coloproctologist, including sigmoidoscopy (if necessary);
  • colonoscopy - in case of suspected oncological disease of the colon, as prescribed by a surgeon or coloproctologist;
  • spirometry - in case of suspicion of a chronic broncho-pulmonary disease according to the results of a questionnaire, smokers - in the direction of a therapist;
  • for women under 75: examination (consultation) by an obstetrician-gynecologist - if necessary;
  • examination (consultation) by an ophthalmologist - for patients with increased intraocular pressure;
  • x-ray of the lungs, computed tomography of the lungs - in case of suspected malignant neoplasms of the lung - as prescribed by the therapist;
  • esophagogastroduodenoscopy - if malignant neoplasms of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum are suspected - as prescribed by the therapist;
  • examination (consultation) by an otorhinolaryngologist - for patients aged 65 years and older (if necessary);
  • individual in-depth preventive counseling or group preventive counseling (patient school).

8. What doctors should I see if I am 75 or older?

The first stage of dispensary:

  • measurement of height, body weight, waist circumference, determination of body mass index;
  • measurement of blood pressure;
  • conducting a general blood test (hemoglobin, leukocytes, ESR);
  • determination of the level of total cholesterol in the blood by the express method;
  • determination of the level of glucose in the blood on an empty stomach (it is allowed to use the express method);
  • fluorography of the lungs (not performed if fluorography, radiography (fluoroscopy) or computed tomography of the chest organs were performed in the previous calendar year, or in the year of the medical examination);
  • resting electrocardiography;
  • measurement of intraocular pressure (performed once a year);
  • for women aged 75 years: mammography;
  • for patients of both sexes aged 75 years: examination of feces for occult blood.

If you have had any of the tests listed or any of the tests listed in the last 12 months, your results may be included in your health check.

The second stage of medical examination (if necessary):

  • examination (consultation) by a neurologist - in case of suspicion of a previous acute cerebrovascular accident, depression in patients over 65 years of age, in case of motor function disorders, etc.
  • duplex scanning of brachycephalic arteries - for patients aged 75-90 years in the direction of a neurologist;
  • examination (consultation) by a surgeon or coloproctologist, including sigmoidoscopy (if necessary) - for patients under the age of 87;
  • spirometry - in case of suspicion of a chronic broncho-pulmonary disease according to the results of a questionnaire, smokers - in the direction of a therapist;
  • esophagogastroduodenoscopy - if malignant neoplasms of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum are suspected - as prescribed by the therapist;
  • x-ray of the lungs, computed tomography of the lungs - in case of suspected malignant neoplasms of the lung - as prescribed by the therapist;
  • examination (consultation) by an otorhinolaryngologist (if necessary);
  • examination (consultation) by an ophthalmologist - for patients with increased intraocular pressure, and for patients aged 75 years and older who have a decrease in visual acuity that is not amenable to spectacle correction, identified by the results of the survey;
  • individual in-depth preventive counseling or group preventive counseling (patient school).

9. My age is not on the list for medical examination. What test can I get?

If your age is not on the list for medical examination and you do not belong to preferential categories, you can still go to your clinic and undergo a preventive medical examination. It is also held for early detection diseases and risk factors for their development, but unlike clinical examination, it includes a smaller amount of examinations.

The advantage of a preventive medical examination is that it can be done at any age at the request of the patient. Medical examination is free of charge, annually. Preventive medical examination studies are included in the 1st stage of medical examination.

  • measurement of height, body weight, waist circumference, determination of body mass index;
  • measurement of blood pressure;
  • determination of the level of total cholesterol in the blood by the express method;
  • determination of the level of glucose in the blood by the express method;
  • determination of the relative cardiovascular risk in citizens aged 18 to 39;
  • determination of absolute cardiovascular risk in citizens aged 40 to 64;
  • fluorography of the lungs 1 time in 2 years;
  • electrocardiography at rest (performed at the first passage of a preventive medical examination, then at the age of 35 years and older 1 time per year);
  • measurement of intraocular pressure (performed during the first routine examination, then at the age of 40 years and older 1 time per year);
  • for women under the age of 39 - an examination by a paramedic (midwife) or an obstetrician-gynecologist.
  • Step 2 Find out the results. After the examination, you will have an appointment (examination) with a general practitioner, including Inspection of the skin, mucous membranes of the lips and oral cavity, palpation of the thyroid gland, lymph nodes.

    "> examination for the identification of possible oncological diseases, with the provision of recommendations.

    If you have signs or a high risk of disease, your GP will refer you for further testing.

    Medical examination is carried out free of charge under the CHI policy at the clinic at the place of residence (attachment) in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated December 03, 2012 No. 1006n “On approval of the procedure for conducting medical examinations for certain groups of the adult population”.

    The purpose of clinical examination is the early detection of chronic non-communicable diseases, which are the main cause of disability in the population and premature death.

    An important feature of clinical examination is the provision of citizens with risk factors - brief preventive counseling, and for persons with high and very high total cardiovascular risk - individual in-depth and group (patient's school) preventive counseling.

    Medical examination is subject to persons aged 18 years and older: working citizens, non-working, studying in educational organizations full-time.
    Citizen who has compulsory medical insurance policy(regardless of the region where this document is issued), can undergo medical examination once every three years in age periods(age (years): 21; 24; 27; 30; 33; 36; 39; 42; 45; 48; 51; 54; 57; 60; 63; 66; 69; 72; 75; 78; 81; 84; 87; 90; 93; 96; 99).
    In case in current year a citizen does not fall into the indicated age categories, then during the year he can pass for free preventive examination when applying to the clinic at the place of residence (attachment).

    Note: Preventive medical examination is carried out once every 2 years for the purpose of early detection of chronic non-communicable diseases and risk factors for their development.

    In the year of the medical examination, a preventive medical examination is not carried out. Regulated by the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated December 6, 2012 No. 1011n "On Approval of the Procedure for Conducting a Preventive Medical Examination").

    Each citizen going for a medical examination must have a passport and a compulsory medical insurance policy. Those who came for a medical examination do not stand in line, they do not need to receive a ticket.
    Medical examination is carried out with the consent of the citizen. You can refuse to undergo it in whole or in part, with the consent of the patient signs a voluntary informed consent.
    Responsible for the organization and conduct of medical examinations is the district physician - therapist.

    Clinical examination begins with a medical prevention room, where questionnaires, anthropometric studies, non-contact eye tonometry (measurement of intraocular pressure at the age of 39 years and older) are carried out. Then the person receives a route sheet, begins to undergo research: fluorography, electrocardiography, mammography, and so on.

    The main principle of the medical examination is its two-stage:

    1st stage clinical examination (screening) is based on identifying signs of chronic non-communicable diseases in citizens (diseases of the circulatory system, and primarily coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular diseases, malignant neoplasms, diabetes mellitus, chronic lung diseases, glaucoma), risk factors for their development, consumption of narcotic and psychotropic funds without a doctor's prescription.

    If you underwent medical examinations in the current or previous year, take the documents confirming this and show them to medical workers before starting the medical examination.
    The examination of the first stage of medical examination, as a rule, requires two visits. The first visit takes approximately 3 to 6 hours (the scope of the examination varies considerably depending on your age). The second visit is usually carried out after 1-6 days (depending on the length of time required to obtain the results of the research) to the local doctor for the final examination and summarizing the clinical examination.

    The first stage ends with the appointment of a general practitioner and a brief preventive consultation.

    If, according to the results of the first stage of medical examination, you have a suspicion of having a chronic noncommunicable disease or high and very high total cardiovascular risk, the local doctor informs you about this and sends you to the second stage of medical examination.

    2nd stage prophylactic medical examination consists in an additional examination and clarification of the diagnosis, in-depth preventive counseling and examination by specialists, conducting a number of instrumental and laboratory research methods according to the indications determined at the first stage.

    According to the results of the medical examination, all citizens are divided into three large groups: relatively healthy (I group of health status), people with a high and very high total risk of developing cardiovascular diseases(group II) and patients ( III group).
    Each citizen who has undergone a medical examination is issued a Health Passport, which contains the main conclusions (conclusions, recommendations) based on the results of the examination.
    Detailed information about the period, procedure and conditions for undergoing medical examinations and preventive examinations can be obtained at the clinic's registry, from the district doctor, at your insurance medical organization or by calling the TFOMS region's hotline.

    Control over the organization of medical examinations is carried out by the health management body, the Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and insurance medical organizations.

    Employers are obliged to provide conditions for employees to undergo medical examinations and medical examinations, as well as freely release employees for their passage (Article 24 of the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ "On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation").

    Regular medical examinations are necessary, regardless of how you feel. Even if a person considers himself healthy, during the medical examination, chronic non-communicable diseases are often found in him, the treatment of which is most effective at an early stage. Passing medical examination will allow you to reduce the likelihood of developing the most dangerous diseases, which are the main cause of disability and death, or identify them at an early stage of development, when treatment is most effective.

    The volume of clinical examination

    The specific list of examinations, studies and other medical measures carried out as part of the medical examination depends on the age and gender of the citizen.

    At the 1st stage of clinical examination (screening) held:

    1. Questioning - to determine the risk factors for the development of diseases;
    2. Anthropometry - measurement of height and weight;
    3. Measurement of blood pressure;
    4. Electrocardiography (for men from 36 years old, for women from 45 years old);
    5. Clinical Analysis blood, including expanded;
    6. General therapeutic biochemical blood test (in the amount of not less than the determination of the level of total protein, albumin, fibrinogen, creatinine, total bilirubin, aspartate aminotransaminase, alanine aminotransaminase, glucose, cholesterol, sodium, potassium) (for citizens aged 39 years and older;
    7. General analysis urine;
    8. Determination of the level of cholesterol and glucose (sugar) in the blood;
    9. Determination of the level of prostate-specific antigen in the blood (for men over the age of 50);
    10. For women, an examination in the examination room, including the collection of smears for cytology - early detection of cervical cancer;
    11. Mammography (for women aged 39 and older);
    12. Determination of the level of prostate-specific antigen in the blood (for men over the age of 50);
    13. Ultrasound examination of organs abdominal cavity(for citizens aged 39 and over);
    14. Fluorography of the lungs - detection of tuberculosis and other lung diseases;
    15. Examination of feces for occult blood - early diagnosis of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (for citizens 45 years and older);
    16. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (for citizens 39 years and older);
    17. Measurement of intraocular pressure - early detection of glaucoma (for citizens 39 years and older);
    18. Preventive appointment with a neurologist (for citizens aged 51 years and older);
    Based on the results of the first stage, the therapist determines the health group and decides whether a more detailed examination is necessary (referral to the 2nd stage of medical examination).

    At the 2nd stage,
    1. Duplex scanning of the brachycephalic arteries and consultation of a neurologist if the patient has a predisposition (risk factors) to the occurrence of a stroke (he has an increased arterial pressure high cholesterol, overweight). This study prescribed by a neurologist or therapist;
    2. Consultation of a neurologist - in case of indication or suspicion of a previous acute cerebrovascular accident;
    3. Consultation of a surgeon or urologist - for men over the age of 50 years with a first detected increase in the level of prostate-specific antigen in the blood and (or) identification of complaints based on the results of a questionnaire, indicating possible diseases prostate;
    4. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (FGS), if the patient complains of gastrointestinal disorders during the questionnaire, which the doctor assesses as a risk of oncological disease (especially if the parents had cancer cases) (over the age of 50 years);
    5. Consultation with a surgeon or coloproctologist who, if necessary, prescribes a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (for patients over 45 years old);
    6. Determination of the blood lipid spectrum (level of total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides) (for citizens with a detected increase in the level of total cholesterol in the blood)
    7. Consultation of an obstetrician-gynecologist (for women with identified pathological changes according to the results of a cytological examination of a smear from the cervix or mammography);
    8. Determination of the concentration of glycated hemoglobin in the blood or a glucose tolerance test (for citizens with a detected increase in blood glucose levels);
    9. Consultation of an ophthalmologist (for citizens aged 39 years and older with increased intraocular pressure);
    10. Reception of a general practitioner, including the determination of a health status group, a dispensary observation group, as well as the direction of citizens for individual in-depth preventive counseling, to receive specialized, including high-tech, medical care, sanatorium treatment.

    The results of examinations by doctors and studies conducted during the medical examination are entered in the route map or in medical card outpatient with the mark "Prophylactic examination".

    The organization of the medical examination, its procedure, advisory recommendations, including the diet, are indicated in methodological recommendations"Organization of medical examinations and preventive medical examinations of the adult population" (approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation on February 1, 2013 No. 14-1/10/2-568).

    Useful documents to download:

    Medical examination 2020

    In Russia, the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation came into force, according to which people over 40 years old will be able to undergo medical examination once a year,

    For residents of the country aged 18-39 years, the opportunity remains to be examined once every 3 years.

    For different ages, a number of oncoscreenings for the 7 most common locations of oncological diseases are additionally included.

    Thus, women aged 18 to 39 years old are examined once every 3 years to identify malignant neoplasms cervix, up to 75 years of age screening for the detection of malignant neoplasms of the mammary glands. Men aged 45, 50, 55, 60, and 64 years old can be screened for prostate cancer. Examination of the large intestine and rectum is carried out from 65 to 75 years of age annually, and from 40 to 64 years - once every 2 years.

    Clinical examination has become an annual for all those who 40

    To undergo a medical examination, the patient must contact the local doctor during the hours of his appointment, either in the medical prevention room N ° 226, or in the clinic registry.

    When and by whom are medical examinations and free medical examinations carried out from 2019?

    Previously, it was provided that a medical examination is carried out 1 time in 2 years, and medical examinations were held 1 time in 3 years. The set of analyzes and studies differed (in the year of medical examination - a larger volume).

    Important! According to order N ° 124n, a free preventive medical examination or medical examination of citizens of all ages is annual. Medical examination is carried out annually for citizens over 40 years old and once every 3 years for citizens aged 18 to 39 years.

    Citizens who turned 21, 24, 27. 30, 33.36 and 39 years old in 2020 undergo medical examination once every 3 years.

    According to this information, persons born in 1999, 1996, 1993, 1990, 1987, 1984, 1981 can carry out a free examination.

    Note!A citizen undergoes a preventive medical examination and medical examination in a medical organization in which he receives primary health care. This organization must be licensed to provide all types of medical services included in the medical examination.

    What does the free medical examination of the adult population in 2020 include?

    The medical examination program includes, first of all, all the studies and analyzes that are included in the annual medical examination.

    Preventive medical examination is carried out for early detection of conditions, diseases and risk factors for their development, non-medical use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, as well as in order to determine health groups and develop recommendations for patients and includes:

    1. Fluorography or radiography of the lungs (1 time in 2 years).
    2. Survey (up to 65 years old, 65 years and older).
    3. Calculation based on anthropometry body mass index (measurement of height, weight, waist circumference).
    4. Measurement of blood pressure.
    5. Blood test for total cholesterol.
    6. Blood test for glucose.
    7. Determination of cardiovascular risk (relative - from 18 to 39 years old inclusive, absolute - from 40 to 64 years old inclusive), risks of chronic diseases.
    8. Measurement of intraocular pressure (at the first medical examination, annually - from the age of 40).
    9. ECG (at the first medical examination, annually - from the age of 35).
    10. Examination by a paramedic (midwife) or obstetrician-gynecologist of women aged 18-39 years.

    Research at the first stage of medical examination of the adult population

    Clinical examination is a set of measures that includes a preventive medical examination and additional methods surveys conducted to assess the state of health (including the definition of a health group and a group for dispensary observation).

    In addition to the preventive medical examinations listed above, during the adult population medical examination, the following are carried out at the first stage:

    • complete blood count (hemoglobin, leukocytes, ESR) - from the age of 40;
    • examination by a paramedic (midwife) or obstetrician-gynecologist of women aged 40 years and older.
    • examination of feces for occult blood (from 40 to 64 years old inclusive - 1 time in 2 years, from 65 to 75 years old inclusive - annually);
    • esophagofibrogastroduodenoscopy - at the age of 45 years;
    • for women: a cytological examination of a smear from the cervix (from 18 to 64 years old inclusive - 1 time in 3 years),
    • mammography (from 40 to 75 years old inclusive - 1 time in 2 years);
    • for men: determination of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in the blood (at 45, 50, 55, 60, 64 years).
    • examination by a general practitioner based on the results of the first stage.

    Additional examination at the second stage of medical examination of adults

    At the second stage of the medical examination, the studies are carried out according to the results of the first stage of the medical examination as prescribed by the general practitioner. In this case, assigned:

    • consultations of specialists (neurologist, otorhinolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, surgeon or urologist, surgeon or proctologist, obstetrician-gynecologist, examination by a general practitioner based on the results of the second stage of clinical examination);
    • additional studies (radiography of the lungs or computed tomography of the lungs, colonoscopy, esophagofibrogastroduodenoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, spirometry, duplex scanning of the brachiocephalic arteries).

    Sko How long does it take to go through a medical examination?

    The examination of the first stage of medical examination usually requires two visits. The first visit takes approximately 1 to 2 hours (the scope of the examination varies considerably depending on your age). The second visit is usually carried out after 1-4 days (depending on the length of time required to obtain the results of the studies) to the local general practitioner, general practitioner, paramedic for the final examination and summarizing the clinical examination. If, based on the results of the first stage of medical examination, you are suspected of having a chronic non-communicable disease or a high and very high total cardiovascular risk, the district doctor informs you about this and sends you to the second stage of medical examination, the duration of which depends on the amount of additional examination you need.

    Note!At present, Art. 185.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes the allocation of paid days for medical examination for the working population: 1 day every 3 years - according to general rule, 2 days annually - for pre-pensioners and pensioners. However, the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation instructed to prepare changes: all working citizens over 40 years of age will be provided one day for screening every year.

    Every third Saturday of the month medical examination

    from 08:00 to 14:00


    To pass the medical examination, some preparation is required. This article gives instructions on what needs to be done and how to prepare for medical examination at the clinic of the Novoselovskaya RB, including stool and urine tests.


    To pass the first stage of medical examination, it is advisable to come to the clinic in the morning, on an empty stomach, before performing any physical activity, including morning physical exercises.

    Preparing for a urine test

    For urine collection, it is preferable to use commercially produced special containers (small containers) for bioassays, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, or a clean 200 ml glass jar.

    The analysis requires a morning portion of urine in a volume of 100-150 ml. Before collecting urine, be sure to make a thorough toilet of the genitals.

    For urine analysis, you need to collect an average portion of urine (start urinating, and then after 2-3 seconds substitute a container to collect the analysis).

    Given the fact that some products (beets, carrots) are able to stain urine, they should not be consumed within a day before the material is taken. Also, citizens who take diuretics should, if possible, stop taking them, since these drugs change the specific gravity, acidity and amount of urine excreted. A relative limitation is the menstrual period in women.

    It is desirable that the urine sample be submitted to the laboratory within 1.5 hours after collection. Transportation of urine should be carried out only at positive temperatures, otherwise the precipitated salts can be interpreted as a manifestation of renal pathology, or completely complicate the research process. In this case, the analysis will have to be repeated.

    On the container with urine, you must place a sticker with your last name and initials.

    Preparation for donating feces for research

    For collection of feces, it is preferable to use commercially produced special containers (small containers) for bioassays, which can be purchased at a pharmacy.

    Persons aged 45 years and older for the study of feces for occult blood, it is necessary to avoid false positive results for 3 days before medical examination, do not eat meat food, as well as other foods that contain a significant amount of iron (apples, green onions, sweet bell pepper, white beans, spinach), as well as vegetables containing many enzymes such as catalase and peroxidase (cucumbers, horseradish, cauliflower), exclude iron-containing medicines, including hematogen, stop taking ascorbic acid, acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (such as voltaren, diclofenac, etc.), stop using any laxatives and enemas.

    Avoid excessive sample liquefaction stool water from the toilet bowl. This may cause an incorrect result.

    On the container with feces, you must place a sticker with your last name and initials.

    Reminder to women before taking swabs

    Women need to remember that the collection of smears from the cervix is ​​not carried out during menstruation, when conducting one or another treatment for infectious diseases. inflammatory diseases pelvic organs, that in order to reduce the likelihood of obtaining false results of a smear analysis, it is necessary to exclude sexual contacts within 2 days before medical examination, to cancel any vaginal preparations, spermicides, tampons and douching.

    Memo to men before undergoing medical examination

    Men over the age of 50 need to remember that it is better to refrain from undergoing medical examination for 7-10 days after any impact on the prostate gland of a mechanical nature (rectal examination, prostate massage, enemas, riding a horse or bicycle, sexual intercourse, treatment with rectal suppositories etc.) since they can distort the result of a study of prostate-specific antigen in the blood (oncomarker of prostate cancer).

    Rules for preparing for the removal of an electrocardiogram
    1. ECG registration is carried out after 10 - 15 minutes of rest, before or 1.5 - 2 hours after eating.
    2. Nervous, physical overstrain, physiotherapy, smoking are not recommended.

    Rules for preparing for ultrasound (ultrasound examination) of the heart
    1. Special training is not required.
    2. Preliminary take an electrocardiogram,
    3. Know anthropometric data (height and weight).

    Rules for preparing for ultrasound of blood vessels upper limbs
    1. Not required.

    Rules for preparing for ultrasound of blood vessels lower extremities
    1. Take a hygienic shower before the examination.
    2. If there is a bandage on a large area of ​​the lower extremities, remove it and, if possible, hygienically treat the skin surface.
    3. Have 2 diapers (towels) with you

    Rules for preparing to define a function external respiration
    1. The study is carried out on an empty stomach, in the morning.
    2. Before the study, exclude the use of bronchodilators.
    3. Nervous, physical overstrain, physiotherapy, smoking are excluded.

    Rules for preparing for x-ray examinations (fluoroscopy of the chest organs, radiography)
    1. The study is carried out at any time of the day;
    2. Preparation for the study is not required;
    3. On the day of the study, physiotherapy cannot be performed;
    4. Come to the X-ray room at the appointed time with a referral;
    5. X-ray examinations requiring preliminary preparation are carried out in the morning.

    Rules for preparing for fluoroscopy of the stomach
    1. The study is performed on an empty stomach, before that you can not eat and drink for 8-10 hours;
    2. In the morning on the day of the study, it is forbidden to eat, drink, brush your teeth, smoke;
    3. Within 3 days before the procedure, products that cause flatulence (legumes, brown bread, fatty, fried, smoked foods, fruits, vegetables) should be excluded. Preference is given to low-fat boiled meat (chicken, beef), lean fish, white stale bread, cereals on the water, eggs;
    4. In case of constipation on the eve of the examination, make a cleansing enema.

    Rules for preparing for barium enema - x-ray examination large intestine
    1. 2-3 days before the study, it is forbidden to eat some cereals (barley, millet), greens and fresh vegetables (beets, carrots, cabbage, legumes), fruits (apricots, peaches, bananas, apples, oranges), dark flour bread . Meat broths should not be rich, and all dishes are recommended to be steamed or boiled. In the afternoon before the examination, lunch should be light, the night before a light dinner at 19 o'clock (oatmeal on the water).
    2. At 21 o'clock to carry out two cleansing enemas (1.5 - 2 liters of water) with an interval of 30 minutes.
    3. On the morning of the study at 7 o'clock, also carry out two cleansing enemas (1.5 - 2 liters of water) with an interval of 30 minutes, then a light breakfast (oatmeal in water).

    Rules for preparing for an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity
    1. For 1-2 days, exclude fresh fruits and vegetables, black bread, vegetable juices, legumes and dairy products, confectionery from the diet, as all of them can provoke bloating, which is undesirable for research;
    2. Refrain from drinking alcohol 5 days before the examination;
    3. With severe flatulence on the eve of the study, take "Espumizan" 2 tablets 3 times a day, on the day of the study 2 tablets on an empty stomach;
    4. Ultrasound examination is carried out on an empty stomach or 6 hours after the last meal;
    5. Do not drink liquid before the study;
    6. Before the study, do not smoke, do not brush your teeth, and exclude chewing gum.

    Rules for preparing for ultrasound of the kidneys

    1. If an examination is planned during the ultrasound and Bladder, then it should not be emptied before the procedure.

    Rules for preparing for ultrasound of the genitourinary system

    1. Exclude gas-producing foods (vegetables, fruits, dairy, yeast products, black bread, fruit juices); do not take oral laxatives.
      2. Give a cleansing enema the night before the pelvic exam.
      3. 1.5-2 hours before the examination, drink 0.5-1.5 liters of liquid (tea, water, juice, compote) - the amount of liquid depends on the age of the patient, do not urinate before the examination.

    Rules for preparing for ultrasound of the mammary glands

    1. The study is carried out on days 2-10 of the cycle (count from the first day of menstruation). In menopause, lactation and during pregnancy in any

    Rules for preparing for esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EFGDS, FGDS)
    1. Let's have dinner the day before (from 18:00-20:00), before going to bed you can drink water, take medications. On the day of the study, it is forbidden to eat any food or liquids (the study is carried out on an empty stomach), if possible, exclude smoking. The issue of taking medications on the day of the study, prescribed by other doctors, must be decided the day before with the doctor performing the endoscopy;
    2. In order to improve the quality of preparation for the study, it is recommended to take the drug "Espumizan" (1-2 dosing spoons) at least 30 minutes in advance;
    3. After EGDS, it is allowed to eat after 20-30 minutes.


    Mammography - special X-ray method studies of the mammary glands in women using a reduced dose of x-rays. The objectives of the study are early detection of breast tumors. Based on the American Cancer Society guidelines for screening cancer the first time a mammogram should be done in a woman over the age of 40, under the age of 49 should be performed every 1-2 years, and after 50 years - annually. Mammography helps to detect changes in the gland tissue that are difficult to determine during examination and palpation. It is also used to recognize inflammatory diseases in the mammary gland, before the appointment of preoperative radiation for breast cancer and to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment.

    How is research done?

    X-rays are taken in a specially equipped room using a mammography X-ray machine. Examination is best done on the 7-14th day menstrual cycle when the breast is less painful. For menopausal women, mammography is performed at any convenient time. During the examination, the woman is standing or sitting, the breast is placed between two plates. Pictures are taken with some compression of the mammary gland. This is done in order to reduce the radiation dose and obtain higher quality images. During the study, you may experience slight pain. Usually, two images of each gland are taken. In some cases, additional photographs are taken. Most often this is necessary if there is scarring on the breast from previous operations, and also when the doctor wants to evaluate some additional details of the structure of the gland. Informativity of the method and its limits. The method has proven itself for the early detection of breast cancer and is widely used to examine women. With the help of mammography, the diagnosis of breast cancer can be suspected in 85% of cases, but the most important thing is that in 45% the method detects signs of a tumor at the earliest stages, when neither the woman herself nor even the doctor notice anything suspicious during examination. At the same time, if the doctor detects any seals in the gland, and the mammography data are normal, a biopsy of the suspicious area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe gland should be done, because in 15% of mammography does not reveal signs of a tumor. Usually, after a mammogram is done, the images are reviewed by a doctor. If signs are detected that are suspicious of the development of a tumor, the woman is invited for an examination to a specialist who decides on further examination and necessary treatment. It is very important to compare images taken over a number of years. Biopsy, i.e. taking gland tissue for histological examination can be done under mammography guidance. The reliability of the method decreases with small breast sizes, there is no study in young women, as well as in the presence of an implant in the mammary gland after plastic surgery by its increase.

    Study preparation

    Special preparation for the study is not required. Before mammography, you should not use powders (talc) or deodorants, which can lead to difficulties or errors in diagnosis.

    Dangers and Complications

    As with any x-ray examination, mammography is extremely small, quite acceptable exposure to x-rays. The method does not give complications.

    Colonoscopy (FCS) is one of the most informative ways to examine the large intestine and distal part. small intestine. The key to a successful colonoscopy is a clean bowel. Feces and food debris impair visibility and make manipulation difficult. Improper preparation for this examination may lead to the impossibility of a full examination of the intestine and the need for a second examination after adequate preparation.

    For the successful implementation of this diagnostic procedure special preparation for FCS is required, providing for a complete bowel cleansing. Preparation for the planned procedure begins 3-5 days in advance.

    Before proceeding with the preparation for a colonoscopy, it is necessary to coordinate with the attending physician all the drugs taken. In some cases, the specialist can adjust the scheme of receptions medications with planned colonoscopy.

    Diet before colonoscopy

    A slag-free diet is a way of eating that allows you to remove all kinds of unwanted compounds from the body. In everyday life, it provides a kind of cleansing of the body and improves health. The non-slag diet for colonoscopy preparation differs from the standard version of this diet in that it is designed for a rather short period of time - only 3-5 days. This is a low-calorie diet, which provides for the complete exclusion of their nutrition three days before the colonoscopy of fatty fish and meat products, smoked products, legumes, fatty fermented milk products, cereals, grain products.

    Instead of fresh vegetable and fruit products, you should use decoctions of vegetables, drinks from fruits and berries. Drinks with gas, dyes and alcohol, seasonings with pepper and sauces should be removed from the diet. At the same time, it is important to completely exclude dinner, and in the afternoon only water, tea or sour-milk drinks are allowed.

    Menu for 3 days before the procedure

    To ensure that the intestines are well prepared for colonoscopy? you can use the following diet before colonoscopy for 3 days:

    • In 3 days: The use of vegetables, steamed and boiled. Breakfast in the form of porridge on the water. Lunch of lean meat and stewed vegetables, dinner of cottage cheese and kefir.
    • For 2 days: Crackers and tea for breakfast, a small piece of fish. For lunch - stewed vegetables, for dinner - low-fat kefir and steam omelet.
    • For 1 day: Boiled vegetables and green tea for breakfast, rice soup for lunch, then only green tea, broth and still water are allowed.

    Last meal before colonoscopy

    The day before the colonoscopy, clear broth, green tea and still water are allowed. In the case when the colonoscopy is scheduled before lunch, the consumption of a small amount of food is acceptable no later than 15:00, but if the examination is carried out after lunch, a small snack is acceptable until 17:00. Then only unsweetened tea and plain water are allowed.

    On the day of the colonoscopy, you can drink weak tea or water. If the colonoscopy is performed using intravenous anesthesia, then it should be carried out exclusively on an empty stomach.

    What you can eat before the procedure and what not

    Before the procedure, you can not eat solid food, but it is permissible to use only non-carbonated drinking water.

    For diabetes

    At diabetes a slag-free diet before a colonoscopy can present certain difficulties for the patient, so a diabetic should carefully discuss all the features of his diet with his doctor. Patients with diabetes regularly take insulin-containing and hypoglycemic drugs, which should be reported to the doctor conducting the colonoscopy in advance.

    Drug preparation

    Even the most thoughtful diet before the FCS does not allow you to achieve complete cleansing of the intestines from feces. Therefore, on the eve of the study, specialized preparations of a cleansing action are used.

    Please carefully read the instructions for the selected drug.

    Moviprep drug

    One of effective drugs to prepare for colonoscopy - Moviprep. For high-quality preparation, it is necessary to drink 4 packets of the drug dissolved in plain water (2 liters). Howeverthe amount of liquid drunk should be at least 3 liters: the drug is supplemented with plain water, weak tea, transparent non-carbonated soft drinks.

    Depending on how long a colonoscopy is scheduled, one of the drug regimens is used:

    • A two-stage scheme, if the procedure is carried out in the morning before 14.00.From 20.00 to 21.00 on the eve of the colonoscopy, you must take the first liter of the drug solution. On the day of colonoscopy in the morning from 6.00 to 7.00, take the second liter of the drug solution. If necessary, the time of taking the drug can be adjusted in compliance with the specified time intervals. After each liter of the drug taken, do not forget to drink 500 ml of the permitted liquid.
    • One-stage morning scheme if the procedure is carried out in the afternoon after 14:00.From 8 to 9 am, take the first liter of the drug solution. From 10 to 11 am, take the second liter of the drug solution. If necessary, the time of taking the drug can be adjusted in compliance with the specified time intervals. After each solution of the drug taken, he will not forget to drink 500 ml of the allowed liquid.

    Important: the drug should be stopped at least 3-4 hours before the start of the procedure. Take a solution of the drug in fractions of 250 ml every 15 minutes. Store the prepared solution in the refrigerator.


    Fortrans preparation for colonoscopy is often used. This drug is a water-soluble powder, which, when ingested, is not absorbed and excreted from the body. The drug is taken at home, before use it is dissolved in boiled water and the resulting solution is taken orally. Fortrans is taken on the eve of the examination, 2-3 hours after lunch. At the same time, every 15-20 minutes for 3-4 hours a person drinks a glass of a solution of this drug. In total, you need to drink 4 liters of a laxative solution (4 packets dissolve in 4 liters of water).

    Ineffective and outdated preparation methods


    Bowel cleansing with an enema has long been a common way to prepare a patient for a colonoscopy. However, the popularity of this method has been steadily declining in recent decades, and all more people prefer the medical method.

    According to clinical research, enema cleansing allows effective preparation for FCS only in 46% of cases. Also, preparing for a colonoscopy with an enema has a number of significant drawbacks:

    • cleansing only the colon, while a complete preparation requires a cleansing of the entire intestine
    • the method is more laborious, requires more time and assistance from outside
    • enema cleaning is quite uncomfortable and traumatic for the intestinal mucosa.


    To cleanse the intestines before colonoscopy, among other methods, rectal suppositories with laxatives that have a laxative effect can be used. As the main method of preparing candles are not used. The need to use candles additional funds should be discussed with the prescribing physician.

    Clinical examination is a mandatory periodic examination of human health, including examination, collection and study of tests, procedures to quickly identify dangerous diseases (the symptoms of which often do not appear in the early stages) and prevent their development.

    It includes the implementation of a system of generally accepted preventive and therapeutic actions carried out on the territory of the hospital, private clinic or otherwise medical institution. It is important to understand what it includes, what set of tests you need to undergo in order not to face serious problems of the body in the future, such as cancer, tuberculosis, heart disease.

    Medical examination of adults and children

    Clinical examination (what is included in it and how it is carried out - will be discussed later) is an organized medical activity, which is based on monitoring the patient's health, determining the presence of certain diseases and chronic adverse processes in the early stages of development, their study and elimination.

    If a disease is detected, the causes of the disease are eliminated, specialized health-improving, medical, sanitary-hygienic, and social measures aimed at curing are carried out.

    The essence of clinical examination is the passage of a routine examination to identify and prevent the development of diseases, as well as dangerous defects. development body systems. The goal is to minimize the possibility of developing dangerous diseases to the point where treatment becomes ineffective.

    The study is consistent with regulatory papers, regulated primarily in accordance with the decrees of the Ministry of Health. They determine the required volume of visits to the doctor and examinations in the hospital, the timing for passing all the necessary tests, the duration of the person's stay on the examination.

    There is a difference between adult and child medical examinations. Adults undergo the procedure as needed, once every three years. For babies and children, the situation is different.

    From birth to one year, the baby undergoes medical examination twice. It is carried out under the supervision of a local pediatrician. Children need to undergo medical examination once a year until they reach the age of five, carrying out planned preventive procedures.

    Types of dispensary examination

    Medical examination is planned and additional. Scheduled medical examinations are carried out for children and adults on time, and are repeated regularly. For children under one year - at least twice for the entire period, up to five years - every year.

    An adult undergoes a planned medical examination in accordance with the requirements established at the workplace or in the organization in which he works. When the results of the examination and analyzes reveal the presence of dangerous diseases that the patient was previously unknown about, it is necessary to undergo an additional medical examination.

    It is also needed by people who, during a routine examination, found deviations from the norm in the work of their organs, as this can provoke the sudden onset of new diseases. For example, the development of Graves' disease against the background of incorrect functioning of the thyroid gland.

    The dispensary examination includes the following categories:

    • Scheduled inspection healthy people conducted to provide information about the state of human health at the place of work and residence.
    • Mandatory medical examination of newborns and children under one year of age, as well as planned medical examination once a year for children under five years old.
    • For patients with chronic diseases.
    • Medical examination of people suffering from acute complications after the transferred therapeutic diseases.

    How the examination is carried out. Stages

    Clinical examination, what it includes, is a serious and complex process.

    They are divided into several stages:

    • The first stage is a general check and identification of diseases that are of non-infectious origin. These are malfunctions of cardio-vascular system, the presence of diabetes, glaucoma, malignant tumors. The period is an initial examination, interview, measurement of the biological parameters of the patient's body, determination of the level of good and bad cholesterol in the blood, a study for the presence advanced level glucose. It also includes determining whether the patient has used narcotic or psychotropic substances in the near future without prescription.
    • Clinical examination (what is included in it and what tests need to be passed - will be indicated below) takes into account the current clinical picture, and, based on this, the next stage is assigned. It's called a stage laboratory research. Here all the necessary tests are carried out to establish an accurate diagnosis, a health card is filled out. When diseases are detected, treatment, recovery of the patient, the adoption of preventive measures and the restoration of immunity follow.
    • If, after passing all the previous stages, any deviations from the normal state of health are detected, the patient should be assigned an additional stage of treatment. Here, consultations are held with specialists in narrow areas - those that are necessary for a particular patient. The patient may be offered to use the following services: consultation of gynecologists, venereologists, ophthalmologists, surgeons and neurologists, as well as additional research and analysis. All collected data must be recorded in the anamnesis and health card.

    Further, the attending physician will talk about all the subtleties and features of the examination and delivery of certain tests. To undergo a medical examination, children must be constantly supervised by a local pediatrician. Without his permission, employees of a medical institution do not have the right to take any action regarding a small patient.

    Which doctors are examined for adults and children

    For a complete study, you will need to spend at least a week visiting the hospital regularly.

    At the medical examination, adults undergo such doctors:

    1. Doctors on site.
    2. Obstetrician, venereologist or gynecologist.
    3. Urologist.
    4. Surgeon or traumatologist.
    5. Neurologist.
    6. Ophthalmologist.

    The list of medical professionals that a child will have to meet is slightly different from an adult.

    Children will visit such doctors:

    1. District doctor.
    2. Child psychologist.
    3. Traumatologist.
    4. Ophthalmologist.
    5. Dentist.

    What tests are taken during the medical examination

    Primary medical examination constitutes a set of studies physical condition health and laboratory tests. The patient's bypass list must include a complete list of necessary examinations which he needs to go through to determine the exact diagnosis. The list is developed individually, taking into account the age characteristics of a person and his medical history.

    Medical examination and what it includes has a number of standard studies that everyone needs to pass:

    In some cases, the question may arise, does a woman need another visit to the gynecologist if she has passed all the necessary tests earlier? Additional studies may be required only if complications are detected at the stage of scraping collection.

    How to prepare for the procedure

    The complex process of dispensary examination requires some preparation at home.

    There are general requirements that everyone needs to fulfill:

    • It is best to undergo a medical examination in the morning.
    • Prior to the start of the procedures, you should not eat breakfast or perform any physical exercise. Morning exercises are also better to exclude on this day. In the morning, both adults and children need to collect a portion of urine and feces for analysis. Their volume should be at least 10 ml and not more than 100 ml. The fence is made in specialized containers, which can be bought at the pharmacy. Before performing this procedure, it is not recommended to take diuretics, as this may affect the results of the study.
    • If the patient has recently undergone a medical examination, it is necessary to take all documents confirming this fact with you to the hospital.
    • To transfer the tests to a medical institution, it is imperative to stick tags with your last name on the jars.

    Medical examination should take into account age and gender aspects.

    There are features of what is included in it at the stage laboratory examination for women and men aged:

    • Women need to take into account the fact that the collection of tests and smears from the internal genital organs cannot be performed during the menstrual cycle. You should not go for procedures after the treatment of inflammatory infectious diseases of the genital organs. This is due to the presence in the blood and on the walls of the vagina of residues active drug which may affect the results of the study.
    • If a man over the age of 45 years has undergone mechanical treatment of the urinary tract and glands in the last 7 days, it is necessary to postpone the medical examination procedure for at least 3 days.

    How long does it take to complete an inspection

    To overcome the first step medical examination, a person needs 2 visits to the doctor. The initial examination and sampling takes on average up to 6 hours of free time. The volume of tests performed directly depends on the age of the patient. The older he is, the more tests you need to collect. The second visit must be made after 5 days.

    During this time, the results will come. The patient needs to visit the local doctor to obtain a conclusion, summarize the results of the dispensary examination and conduct a general examination.

    If tests show a high risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, diseases nervous system or the rapid development of non-infectious ailments and the exacerbation of chronic diseases, the district doctor is obliged to inform the patient about this.

    After that, an additional stage of medical examination is assigned, at which narrowly focused information on the disease is collected, treatment is prescribed, and the timing of treatment and preventive procedures is determined. This period can last from 2 weeks to 3 months.

    Years of birth of patients in 2018 and 2019

    Medical examination, according to the law, is a public process. Every person in the country must be notified that this year he needs to undergo a scheduled check-up with a doctor. It is also necessary to provide patients with a complete list of information about what a medical examination is and what it includes. However, this does not always happen.

    Obligatory for medical examination is the age, the number of which is divisible by three. In this case, the month of birth and day are not important. The minimum threshold for passing a routine inspection is 20 years, the maximum is not set.

    In 2018, free medical examination is provided to all citizens of the country who were born from 1919 to 1997 inclusive, in increments of 3 years. For 2019, the queue starts in 1927 and ends in 1998. The step is similar.

    Who can get a free medical examination

    Here is their list:

    1. People with disabilities, as well as participants in the Second World War.
    2. Widowers and widows of deceased invalids, or participants in the war, who did not marry after the death of their soulmate.
    3. People who survived the siege of Leningrad.
    4. Former prisoners of the ghetto, concentration camps, who were recognized as disabled after staying in these places and mutilating them there.

    If the privileged category of the patient corresponds to the above list, then he has the right to undergo an annual medical examination according to the established schedule of the hospital, starting from 9 a.m. and ending at 6 p.m. on working days of the medical institution to which he was assigned. In some hospitals, specialized hours are allocated for medical examinations.

    If these are not observed, specialized preventive buildings should be located on the territory of the medical institution, in which the patient has the right to receive a referral for a routine examination.

    What examinations can be done for free

    If the medical examination is planned, then all procedures and examinations carried out on the territory of the medical institution should be free. Hospital employees do not have the right to demand additional payment for services provided to the patient during the period of medical examination.

    When this condition is violated, a person has the right to contact the head of the clinic with the requirement to undergo an examination free of charge. If this does not help, you should contact the insurance agent listed in the patient's policy directly. In this case, the state insurance officer acts as a lawyer and defender of a person.

    Employer's obligations regarding employees' medical examinations

    The employer has a number of obligations to his subordinates, stipulated by Article 212 of the Code of the Russian Federation "On labor protection".

    This includes the following provisions:

    An order to temporarily remove an employee from his position due to the lack of confirmation of a dispensary medical examination is carried out according to sample number 420 of the region in which a particular enterprise is located.

    The suspension order includes items such as:

    1. Company name.
    2. Document's name.
    3. The serial number of the document and its agreement with the number of the article.
    4. The name of the city and area where the enterprise is located.
    5. The essence of the command.
    6. The position and surname of the person being removed from the place of work.
    7. The timing of the dismissal of an employee.
    8. Reason for removal;
    9. Conditions for returning to work.

    It is very important to take into account the fact that, according to Article 24 of the Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to provide his employees with all necessary conditions for the timely passage of a medical examination, and is also obliged to freely release its employees for medical examinations.

    If an employee receives a reprimand, he is forced to write a memorandum or explanatory note regarding his absence from the workplace on the day of the inspection, then he has the right to appeal to the legislative authorities with a complaint about the employer’s dishonest attitude to his duties.

    Medical examination is the first step on the way to a healthy human existence.

    Dispensary has a lot of advantages.

    It is important to understand that there are a huge number of diseases, early stages which do not manifest themselves in symptoms. Their timely diagnosis helps to quickly eliminate the disease without significant consequences for the human body.

    You need to remember how often you need to undergo a medical examination, what it includes, and how important it is in the modern world.

    Article formatting: Lozinsky Oleg

    Video about medical examination

    What is dispensary and why is it needed: