Formation of cohesion in the working group. A cohesive team: when is it good and when is it bad? N. Samoukina Team cohesion is a necessary condition for successful team work

Team work has many benefits. The main ones are the diversity of knowledge, ideas and tools that team members have, as well as the camaraderie between them. The most common feature of high-performing teams is cohesiveness, which is a measure of the attractiveness of the group to its members (as well as the reluctance to leave it). Thus, in more cohesive teams, their members will be more accommodating and effective in achieving the goals they have set for themselves. The lack of cohesion in the working atmosphere of the team will undoubtedly affect its productivity due to unnecessary stress and tension between employees. Thus, cohesiveness in the workplace can ultimately lead to increased company success.

Team development takes time and often follows a set of milestones, from being a group of strangers to forming a cohesive team with common goals. According to researcher Bruce Tuckman, both in group dynamics and in the four stages of team development that he popularized (formation, collision, normalization, execution), leaders must keep team members motivated in order to successfully overcome the challenges posed by the collision and normalization stages (Figure one).

Figure 1: Stages of team development

Stage formation represents the beginning of everything, it can be said that this is the honeymoon period; high expectations rely on all team members. Relationships develop, the goal is clear, and the ground rules are established. Stage clashes arises as soon as team members begin to fight for positions, make mistakes due to confusion, argue about leadership, strategy and goals. At this time, team leadership becomes essential. The leader must excel in keeping the team motivated, solving all problems and clarifying the goals and objectives.

Once the collision phase has been overcome, the team is ready to establish open communications, firm positions and norms - this is the phase normalization. Trust is finally acquired, and "when the level of trust is high, then the connections are simple, instant and effective." This is the first step towards solidarity. Once cohesion is achieved, teams will move from normalization to implementation and subsequently to highly efficient task completion.

What is cohesion?

Cohesion is the extent to which team members stick together and remain united in pursuit of a common goal. A team is said to be in a state of unity when its members have connections that unite them with other members of the team as a whole.

The members of a highly cohesive team focus on the process rather than the individual; they respect everyone in the team, assuming good motives; and they are fully committed to the decisions and strategy of the team, creating accountability within it. Morale is also stronger in a cohesive team due to strong ties among its members, friendly team environment, dedication and personal contribution of a team member to the decision-making process. Successful business strategies are usually carried out by effective teams with a high level of team cohesion. Highly cohesive teams are more committed to goals and activities, happy when the team is doing well, and feeling part of something meaningful, which also increases self-esteem, which in turn improves performance (Figure 2).

Figure 2. From cohesion to productivity

Key Elements for Achieving Team Cohesion

High-performing teams are the key to a company's success. Whether the challenge is to create an innovative product or service, or design a new process or system, more hope is placed on the team than on individuals than ever before. The ideal team combines individual talents and skills into a super-efficient whole, with capabilities that surpass those of even the most talented members.

High-functioning teams are not the result of random events. They achieve higher levels of participation and collaboration because their members trust each other, identify with the team, and are confident in their own strength and effectiveness. Such teams have a high level of team emotional intelligence (EI).

Figure 3: A look at emotional intelligence

In general, emotional intelligence is defined as an all-encompassing awareness and understanding of emotions (Figure 3). It is applied in decision-making, regulation and self-management, which is a very important aspect of teamwork. Research has shown that emotional intelligence has a positive impact on teamwork through greater team cohesion.

The formation of the emotional intelligence of the team requires the development of the emotional competence of the entire group as a whole. High EI teams have established norms that aim to build trust, group identification, and performance. As a result, their members collaborate more closely with each other and join forces more creatively to advance the work of the team.

Research by organizational behavior experts Vanessa Drusketh and Steven Wolf suggests the following three methods for shaping your team's EI:

1. Take time for team members to evaluate each other's skills.

Interpersonal empathy has great importance for trust. Interpersonal empathy builds trust among team members; once team trust is achieved, individual trust follows. The team must be aware of the skills and personality of each team member. People working in teams where they got to know each other better were more efficient and got more work done. When team members know the people they work with well, they gain a different level of trust in each other. Trust contributes to the growth of motivation, and motivation to the growth of commitment, if these indicators exist in the team, then you have achieved cohesion, which, in turn, increases efficiency.

Team building is a great way to practice building emotional intelligence. For example, when a team is formed within a company, team building activities should be organized, even after hours and outside the workplace, so that team members get to know each other better and show empathy. Scheduling meetings outside of work places builds camaraderie. Team building also reinforces commitment to the organization, as the team feels that the company cares about the success of the team as a whole. Games are one way to engage team members and learn about each other's skills on a more personal level.

2. Raise and manage emotional issues that may help or hinder the team's progress.

It is very important to establish a convenient, team-approved way to express the inevitable anger, tension, and frustration that comes with teamwork and redirect that energy in the right direction. Both humor and playfulness can be a useful tool in resolving conflicts and relieving tension and stress.

Here are some examples of well-known companies.

  • At IDEO, an innovative consulting company, team members threw stuffed animals at the walls of a room when things got heated. In addition to improving mood, these actions served as a reminder that the group had established norms for expressing difficult emotions, thus making them feel less dangerous to the individuals and the group as a whole.
  • Xerox took a different approach, with team members writing down their claims and cutting them to $1 to $100 bill sizes depending on how serious they thought the problem was and throwing it into the "opportunity" jar.

3. Celebrate success.

Building the team's emotional intelligence also requires expressing positive emotions such as gratitude and admiration when expectations are exceeded. Recognition of individual and team achievement not only reinforces the individuality of the team, but also shows its effectiveness and collective commitment to excellence.

Team dinners after the successful completion of a project are an example of a typical celebration. The entire team goes to a restaurant to celebrate their success and hard work. Another example is a team achievement commendation in a monthly newsletter from the CEO, so the whole company is aware of what has been achieved.

Other Factors Affecting Team Effectiveness

While cohesion is an important and determinant factor in team effectiveness, cohesion alone will not guarantee success without organizational commitment. Team members may feel cohesive with their teammates but be completely separated from organizational values ​​and vice versa.

High-performing teams must have a team spirit and perception of organizational support, but team spirit must be stronger than the perception of organizational support. Team spirit can be defined as "the extent to which employees feel the team values ​​their contributions and cares about their well-being". The perception of organizational support is defined as "the extent to which employees feel the organization values ​​their contributions and cares about their well-being".

In addition to cohesion, there are a number of other factors that are important in developing a team to do its job, as shown below and in Figure 4:

  1. A clear set of tasks that are clearly identified by management
  2. Metrics that allow team members to evaluate their performance and the relationship between team performance and key business indicators
  3. Continuous learning
  4. The right to make decisions is important to achieve business goals
  5. Evaluating and rewarding the team, not just individual incentives
  6. An open culture with easy access to relevant information and top management when needed.

Figure 4: Factors influencing team development

Final word

Teams drive the success of an organization, although creation and leadership high performing teams is one of the most difficult tasks facing any leader in the current competitive environment. Cohesion is a key factor in the functioning of effective, high-performing teams. Emotional intelligence also plays an important role in building such teams, with emotional intelligence promoting cohesion. Emotion management is how you build a team. This is an opportunity to inspire team members. Leaders must understand how team cohesion works and how unity energizes the team. Leaders must inspire team members by strengthening a sense of belonging, empathy and mutual respect, as well as giving people choice and power over what they can do. Once that feeling of support, that foundation, is created, the result is boundless creativity.

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    Each leader seeks to rally the team in order to maximize the level of comfort of employees and their desire to move together towards the goal. There are many tools used to build relationships between employees.

    You will learn:

    • What are the benefits of a cohesive team
    • How to build a cohesive team
    • How the New Year can help unite the team
    • What problems can arise in creating a cohesive team

    What are the benefits of a cohesive team?

    1) A team-team is an analogue of such concepts as strength, unity and reliability of personal interactions and relationships between employees. Team cohesion is a necessary factor for the productive and directed work of the company. A group, selected from strangers, must spend N-th amount of time to unite and aim at solving the tasks assigned to it. As a rule, only a well-functioning and loyal team can successfully overcome crisis periods during its formation and advancement, which is their cardinal inconsistency with a group where members are hastily found people.

    2) Only a close-knit team has the ability to overcome the crises that await its members on the path of their formation without loss, which cannot be said about a group of people incompatible with each other. The concept of compatibility is a real opportunity to overcome difficulties, and the solution of the problems facing them in fact means that all team members are integrated in the very best value this word.

    3) If the company has a friendly team, then staff turnover almost zero or none at all. Employees do not run away from work after the end of the working day, do not try to sit each other down, do not have the habit of gossiping about their colleagues.

    4) Working in such a team, it is immediately clear that everyone is ready to help a colleague, to talk about their ideas and developments that can be applied in common work. Employees do not have negative emotions when thinking about work, they are less tired and more stress resistant. and it is they who are ready to ultimately increase the profits of the company.

    Team building that will unite the team

    How to think over the scenario for the perfect team building, learn from the article of the electronic magazine "Commercial Director".

    Characteristics of a cohesive team

    1. Awareness is one of the important concepts of a person's conscious behavior. The level of awareness of people affects the performance of the entire team as a whole. The timely process of informing, sent to all addressees and reached everyone, gives a person a sense of belonging to the life of the team and its goals. Thanks to this, there are no inactive and indifferent employees in the team.

    Openness and interest in the economic interests of almost all team members encourage employees to jointly participate in the management activities of the team. It is unlikely that even the most experienced top manager will be able to rely on the support of the team if he does not use or minimally uses the available information channels, both oral and printed, in his work.

    2. Discipline - the accepted order of behavior of people, which meets the moral norms and rules established in the company, which allows you to adjust the processes of behavioral mood in the team. A disciplined person in a team is an incentive social development and responsibility for work. High awareness and understanding of the importance of one's place in the team contributes to the conscientious performance of functional duties.

    Compliance with discipline is the implementation by people of established norms and rules of behavior. The level of personal relationships between the management and each member of the team directly proportionally affects the quality performance of job duties and social functions.

    Methods of maintaining order and discipline can be very different from each other. Types of social discipline can be such concepts as morality, customs and traditions.

    3. Activity is an increased activity performed by a person not so much because of the obligation to fulfill his official duty, but because of the possibility of free self-expression. Thus, the activity of the individual is the need for work and knowledge of the world around.

    A person always has a desire for realization and a fuller expression of his inner essence which leads to his most complete and integral development as a person. The level of manifestation of activity and initiative of a person is more influenced by the situation when he is alone or in contact with colleagues. Naturally, the feelings and moral component of a person in society are much different from his behavioral mood in a state of loneliness.

    4. Organization programs accurate and competent definition and distribution of the rights and obligations of employees. It can be traced in the response of the members of the team to changes in the environment, to the renewal of internal and external awareness. The attitude of the staff to the labor process and discipline depends on the correct organization of labor.

    It is easier for a top manager to work in a highly organized team. To create such a company requires great efforts and the highest professionalism. The organization is influenced by such reasons as the role of the individual in the team, discipline and other important factors. But even an ideally formed team during its existence experiences ups and downs due to the distribution of responsibilities of its employees as subjects of labor communication and knowledge.

    To strengthen personal ties in the team, take into account the interests of employees, using economic and social levers of influence.

    5. Cohesion is an action that unites all employees in their common work and gives integrity, which proves the attraction of the team to each other and to the team. This is undoubtedly a qualitative indicator of any labor collective.

    When is it necessary to form a cohesive team?

    1) At the stage of active development. In the case of an increase in the number of employees in a short time, the “oldies” sometimes develop rather difficult relationships with newcomers. To unite both groups, one must start with leaders, both recognized and unrecognized. Team building will serve to rapprochement and friendly relations.

    2) During stagnation or downturn in business. This period is characterized by the fact that employees, having doubts about the future of the company, begin to work not shaky, not roll, without showing initiative, they begin to look for a new job, and then go into free swimming. At this time, the main task of the manager is to raise the working mood of the staff so that they can realize that improving the situation is in their hands.

    3) When there is a conflict between the departments of the company such activities will help to resolve the problems that have arisen. So, in one company sales fell sharply. The head of the company organized a team building, which contributed to the breakthrough. This event was held after the January holidays, after which the employees went to work rested and ready to move mountains.

    What factors influence team building?

    1) Common interests, hobbies, views, ethical and material values ​​and orientation of group members;

    2) Age composition of groups;

    3) Feeling of psychological security and goodwill;

    4) Active and saturated joint labor unity aimed at solving common problems;

    5) The attractiveness of the leader as a reference model that performs the functions to the maximum;

    6) Qualified work of the leader;

    7) Presence of a competing group;

    8) The presence in the group of a person who is sharply different from other members and who opposes the group.

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    Ways to rally the team

    1. Corporate events. They are used as an effective mechanism designed to rally the team or divide it. Non-originality of the script, the same type of corporate parties - will not lead to anything good, as employees treat these events as artificial. During the performance, they are in tension and cannot feel at ease. The person understands that this is a continuation of the work process. After going to work, people feel awkward and anxious that someone behaved inappropriately, someone went too far with alcohol.

    A full-fledged holiday is obtained when the entire scenario is thought up and implemented by the team members. Colleagues learn new information about themselves and others, everyone is positive from the very beginning. This approach saves the company's money, as holding corporate events by specialized organizations is very expensive.

    In order for the event to turn out to be rich and original, you need to conduct an anonymous survey to find out how employees want to see the corporate party. To do this, make a questionnaire. After processing the completed questionnaires, you will understand what the employees want, and an initiative group will be determined that can be involved in organizing the event.

    2. Team-building sports training. Team building will help team members create loyal relationships and motivate them to unite the team and organize the team. Incorrectly organized team building can lead to unforeseen consequences - the disunity of employees, the loss of authoritarianism on the part of the leader, the dismissal of staff. Therefore, you should take the choice of a coach very seriously and take into account the physical form of the participants. There was such a case, a female leader broke her arm during a team building and then thought for a long time whether this was done intentionally or not.

    When active young people work in the company, and the physical form of the leader leaves much to be desired, then team building is hardly justified. This can belittle the boss's authoritarianism. If the general director's sports training is much higher than that of the employees, there is no need to force everyone to take an active part in the event.

    For example, in one company, the head, a sports man aged 36, was passionate about skydiving, so he arranged an extreme team building for top managers, who were mostly representatives of the weaker sex over 40 years old. Naturally, no one was forced to jump, but they hinted that the one who did not jump was not our man. Many had to jump, but not all. Extreme is better to compete with those who love such a holiday.

    3. Team building activities. These include conducting training sessions that will rally the already working staff. They will help to adapt new employees to achieve positive results:

    - Find a common language. There is a known case when a company conducted a training session 6 times and each time for a new department. The company's management set the task so that the staff could speak the same language. This could be achieved by training with one trainer. As a result, colleagues began to use a single terminology. As a rule, this training is most useful for employees with different levels of education.

    - Get newbies up to speed. A new employee, within a few hours or days, gets to know colleagues, delves into the work and ceases to be a stranger. During this time, the team can draw up a portrait of a person and move on to active form cooperation. In a normal environment, a beginner can take several months to adapt.

    - Earn credibility. In the financial division of one company, the backbone of employees were people with an age bar above the average. A new leader was appointed to the position of financial director, and a young woman, too. How employees reacted is quite predictable - disrespectful attitude, disobedience, sabotage.

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    The CFO made an unusual proposal - she announced her intention to hold free seminars in English and financial analysis. It is clear that at the first lesson there was no queue of those who wanted to, but there were also those who became interested and came to the conclusion that the classes were worthwhile, and even free. He told his colleagues, and the employees reached out. As a result, she has achieved authority and respect from colleagues.

    – Development of new documents. During the training, you can work together to develop, for example, a corporate set of rules for the company, in which all acquisitions and developments of the company are fixed. If such a document is provided by a higher organization, then it will not work. Another thing is when the employees themselves become the creators, and the document is honed in the process of open discussion.

    How to rally truants and drinkers

    Aigul Gomoyunova, CEO, Penopol Group, Moscow

    The main part of our company is the employees of the warehouse (loaders) and the sales department. Therefore, we had a constant turnover of staff. The staff of loaders was constantly updated, because they drank and skipped work. In just a year, the sales staff left in full force. It seemed impossible to find out the reason for the constant turnover, because at that time I paid too little attention to the issues of retaining employees. I was at a loss, what is the reason: our wages are quite high.

    Hundreds of methods were used to change the situation: fines, bonuses, promotions - nothing worked. Used during the year various methods, but there was no result.

    Remembering my past experience as a business coach, I thought about conducting trainings on team building, inviting the whole team to it: after all, each employee must understand that the final result depends on his contribution, regardless of what he does. The loaders expressed a strong reaction to the proposal, they were pleased that someone was interested in their opinion and listened to it. Today they are already interested in the schedule of trainings. The office staff was also very accommodating and understanding.

    The first training was devoted to clarifying problems with interaction. We held a game on the theme of a shipwreck, in which all those present took part. Everyone tried to prove their point of view; loaders. The problem was obvious: the whole team was divided into groups, and each considered itself the main one. The goal became clear to me - team building.

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    The climax of the trainings was our biggest event, when we rented a cottage and left for four days in nature. The program of the picnic included barbecue, paintball and training. Participants split into two teams, each including colleagues from all departments. Before starting, I asked the departments to make a list of what they needed to buy for work.

    The accounting staff needed some kind of program, the movers needed an electric car and a microwave oven, etc. The winning team could choose only one item. Before the start of the competition, everyone argued and argued that the most important thing was the one that they ordered. And when the game started, and the first winning team chose the very first item, the situation changed dramatically, each department refused its prize, everyone chose a microwave for movers, realizing that it was more important to them. And so it was repeated at each stage of the competition - everyone completely forgot about their interests and decided its value for the company, and not for themselves personally.

    Today I am satisfied with the result:

    - permanent employees work at the warehouse site, loaders take an active part in the work of the company.

    - in the office for 2 years, only two employees quit, one of them for a good reason.

    The effect of the trainings did not appear immediately, but the first results became visible after 2 trainings.

    How to rally the team with the help of a New Year's corporate party

    Nadezhda Finochkina, Director of the company "Formula of Successful Selection", Moscow

    One day, a client approached us with a request to help increase the level of interaction between employees. It was not customary in the team to communicate with each other and attend corporate gatherings. Such relationships within the company were reflected in productivity.

    We made a carefully thought-out and original surprise for the employees of the client's company. We conducted a mini-interview with the staff separately in advance to find out personal preferences and facts from his biography, what he devotes his free time to. We collected 25 questionnaires and, using the information provided by the staff, prepared a questionnaire for the quiz. On the announced day, the whole team of 35 people was invited, as the New Year holidays were approaching.

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    According to the rules of the quiz, it was necessary to listen to an interesting description of the hobbies of the characteristics of any employee and determine who exactly they were talking about. This story was accompanied by a display of his childhood photos. The duration of the corporate holiday took about 6 hours in total, including the solemn part, a quiz with photos and a buffet table.

    After the corporate party, colleagues got to know each other again. Such an unusual and informative experience helped the team to unite and even gave birth to friendly relations between departments. In just one evening, people learned more about each other than in the previous ten years of work.

    The original idea of ​​team building for 300 rubles

    Eduard Kolotukhin, CEO,, Yekaterinburg

    Our company is not engaged in sales, but in the emotional involvement of customers. True, this approach works if team members are endowed with emotional intelligence, the ability to celebrate and emotionally greet the best sides of colleagues at work. One idea that helps develop empathy in a team is cards with the word “CLASS!”.

    The essence of the idea. To convince employees to notice the good deeds of their colleagues and thank them, we did not use the usual means of suggestion such as “encourage the best qualities of colleagues”, instead we used a simple technique: we allowed employees to pay each other a small encouragement every month. Today, any member of the company can personally present 300 rubles once a month to someone who, in his opinion, has earned them. All employees on the first day of each are given a personalized card "CLASS!". During the whole month, he can give this card to a colleague whose activity delighted him or helped him. On the last day of the month they are counted, we celebrate the leader of the month in the corporate media and on the company's website.

    Here are examples of cases that, in our opinion, are worthy of encouragement and monetary incentives. One replaced a colleague who is on vacation or sick. Another went to the post office on business and bought a few stamps to send the company's mail, although he was not asked to do so. You can always do a good deed! But if a person is sure that there were no deserving ones for the award last month, then he can not indicate anyone and not give his card to anyone. Then the next month starts from scratch.

    Result. The relationship between the two internal divisions is slowly building up. By the way, this pleased me the most. The staff is gradually getting involved in the game, learning to note the signs of attention and care of their colleagues, because sometimes it is difficult to come up and say: “Thank you!”, And with name cards it is easy and simple. In addition, we noticed the emotional leaders of the company.

    Factors that reduce team cohesion

    Factor 1. The presence of small subgroups in the group, which leads to "small-town" behavior and thinking. The larger the group, the greater the likelihood of subgroups appearing. Limit the number of team members to 5-7, sometimes up to 20 people. As a rule, friendship or acquaintance between individual members before the formation of the group leads to the separation of these people from the team, which can lead to the alienation of such a couple or small group from the whole team. This problem can be present when combining old and new team members, which clients usually want to resolve.

    Factor 2. Incompetent leadership of the leader leads to conflict situations and even the elimination of the team. So, if the leader is engaged in building intrigues, bringing closer or removing elected members, empowering and encouraging, relying on personal preferences, and not on the knowledge, competence and existing merits of the team, then such a group eventually ceases to be a team.

    Factor 3. Lack of a common goal and joint focus. For example, asking a group of students: “Does our group count as a team?” - participants say: "No, we are all good people, but we have no future." When people do not have a future, it is created by a leader who lowers the target from above. When this goal is realized and accepted by each member of the group, then the group becomes a team. If the leader does not give such a task, then everyone carries out their plans and sets personal goals.

    Information about the author and company

    Aigul Gomoyunova, General Director of Penopol Group of Companies, Moscow. "Penopol". Field of activity: production and wholesale of building and finishing materials; logistics services; The holding of trainings.

    Nadezhda Finochkina, director of the company "Formula of Successful Selection", Moscow. LLC "Formula of Successful Selection". Field of activity: recruitment. Number of staff: 5. Closed vacancies per month: 7–12.

    Eduard Kolotukhin, CEO of, Yekaterinburg. GC "Stayer" ( Field of activity: production and sale sportswear, as well as equipment; sale of sports equipment. Number of employees: 25. Annual turnover: 50 million rubles. (in 2014).

    There should be some strong quote from Frank Underwood about a strong team, but damn it, I didn't find anything. So let's move on from grandiloquent demagoguery to practice.

    So, for any great accomplishment, you need a good team. In addition, the team must be united, bound by one chain and connected by one goal. The galley, on which the rowers row at random, will not sail far, rather, you will go with your ambitions to that nightmarish fish from the Soviet trash cartoon in which the mermaid with the fish head sang: "Stay, boy, with us, be our king." But normal dudes don't want to be the kings of some sort of bottom, so they grab a sword from its sheath, jump on a shield and call on their army to rally. How to invite? Now we'll find out.

    This text is dedicated not only to novice businessmen, but also to all those who dream of gathering a strong team around themselves. And it doesn't matter what you have: a rock band with a garage and big ambitions, an amateur football team, a KVN team. The methods are the same everywhere.

    The staff of the enterprise is like a football team: the guys should play as a single team, and not as a bunch of bright personalities.
    – Lee Iacocca –

    Our people

    If you want to form a team, then be very careful in the selection of new people. They should not just be professionals, but also think the same way as you. Only their people understand everything perfectly, and this greatly saves time. You don't have to spend time getting acquainted, integrating and mastering. The habit will pass much faster. Let you take a worse drummer, but he will understand you and move in the same direction with you. And technology is a commodity.

    If your team, like a football team, consists of players from different clubs, then a split is inevitable. When everyone is molded from the same test, then the risk of repeating the fate of the Beatles and disintegrating comes down to 13.9%. Calculated scientifically by Vikentiy Zhabot, Associate Professor of the Department of Meaningless Calculations.

    And perhaps main reason why you need to look for your own people, is that they will give you valuable advice. Knowing the goal, knowing perfectly well what you are focusing on, they will be able to give competent advice. Otherwise, it turns into a big top, just like an old librarian will tell you how to work in C ++.

    However, remember that one should avoid unanimity. No, there is no need to argue, everyone should be covered by a single goal, but they should have their own solutions to the problem that they can offer.

    Real Goals

    If to the question: “What are the goals, boss?”, You will say: “Well, so that there is a lot of money, there, wealth, so that we are known. Well, something like that, ”then our advice to you is to stop with your projects right now. You see, the team will be able to rally, only knowing the goal. And this goal should be formulated accurately, elegantly and accessible, so that no one has any questions. Otherwise, different members of your team will have a different vision of the situation, and everyone will begin to achieve “wealth and fame” in their own way, most often contrary to the common work.

    And most importantly, the goals must be real: not castles in the air called "Bright Future", but step by step, overcoming one peak after another. Perhaps, in the distant land of marvelous elves, there are creatures that will lead the team to success in a single week, but, alas, in this world this is possible only after many years of joint work.
    And most importantly, always adjust the team to specific situations.


    Of course, in a real team, many work not only for a kind word, a magnificent corporate party, an idea, for each other, for their leader. The team is well aware that if the result is interesting from a non-material point of view, its achievement is an unconditional victory for the entire team and any of its members. Moreover, each participant is clearly aware of his role in achieving this victory. But nevertheless, you need to live to glorious times, and people need money at the moment. And if their aspirations are encouraged with a specie, a kind word, or some other bonus, then there is an incentive to work. A kind word is also pleasant for a dog, and the attention of a leader is pleasant for people of all ages. But the main thing is to do it in a timely manner, otherwise doubts will creep in. Remember, success is shared, but praise must be expressed personally.

    Keep everyone

    The Chilean socialists sang: "El pueblo unido jamás será vencido", or in our opinion: "As long as we are united, we are invincible." And then the terrible begins: the team and the company get tired of each other and strive to leave, undermining the monolith of a well-coordinated team. It's even worse when they go to competitors. It is silly to consider cases with leaving for a promotion, for the sake of this a person tried in many ways.

    Why do people leave? There are many reasons, it all depends on what you are doing. Some because of the money: they have gained experience, now you can go to a richer office. Some simply get tired and do not see the point of further coexistence, they want to change the surroundings. Normal crisis. This is where the most difficult thing is: you have to convince the employee that better times are ahead, that he really is an incredibly valuable crew member. And that soon, when you reach your goal, all the hardships will be compensated. Be diplomatic and attentive to "brothers in arms". But know the measure, just a little - they will sit on the neck.

    Team culture

    In the business sphere, it is also called “corporate”, but we are talking not only about business. And this is very important, because, despite the goals and common interests, people are different. They come from different families, different educational institutions, and they have different views on life. And sometimes the very moment comes when you get together, and the thought begins to ripen in their heads: “How to quickly get out of the circle of these idiots.”

    But you should be united by something other than a banal goal and direct work. In sports, the team is united by colors and fans, in political parties, by ideology. What will unite you? This you must decide for yourself. But the very fact of having a team that has a legend and at least some communication among themselves attracts more than a simple office. You don't have to be Pink Floyd, who didn't even say hello to each other during rehearsals in their later years. Where there is a team culture, there is a guarantee that you will not fall apart to hell in the next 2 months and will work for the common good in the sweat of your brow until the last death peep.

    Personal contribution

    This advice is more suitable for those who have rallied a team in the financial field. If you have a group or circle of young poets, then you need a different approach, more traditional, based on equality.

    And in business and other places in which you play the role of a pronounced leader, avoid familiarity, gentleness and other tenderness, establish relationships through results. People who achieve the desired results have good relationships with other people. In their work they are focused on a common cause and fulfill their obligations to the whole team. Kindness and tenderness without results has no meaning, this is hypocrisy and dependency.

    Look at yourself

    Be an example for your team. You made this porridge, you, in which case, you will disentangle it. You must be an example for your employees, a clear, workaholic example, the embodiment of responsibility, ideology and ability to work. Create, suffer, live at a frantic pace!

    And yet, do you know why the apostles were so successful in sowing Christianity in Europe? Because they knew the strengths and weaknesses of their associates well and therefore could correctly distribute their responsibilities. Also those psychologists. You should also take note of this long-forgotten art.

    From this article you will learn:

    • What are the conditions for the formation of a cohesive team
    • What are the criteria for a cohesive team?
    • What activities and games bring the team together

    Any leader cares about the microclimate in his organization. No one needs squabbles and strife that interfere with the effective operation of the company. Team cohesion is very important for both management and each employee. Agree, it’s nice to come to work and see smiling faces, solve all current issues in the team constructively and calmly, and in case of a difficult situation, know that you will not be drowned, but will lend a helping hand. A successful leader must have an idea of ​​how to unite a team, how to bring different people together, what methods of bringing people together into a team are generally accepted, because very often it is joint cohesive work that leads the company to success. Read about all this in our article!

    When you need to create a cohesive team

    1. In the absence of the necessary and truthful information, there is always someone who comes up with the missing one himself, winds up the entire team, filling it with rumors and gossip. Such a situation is typical for organizations where corruption reigns, abuse of power, non-transparency of the remuneration system, accrual of bonus payments, etc. An expert method that optimizes personnel policy can help achieve the goal of rallying the team in such a situation. The method, designed to rally the organization's team, is based on systematic monitoring with the involvement of HR professionals.
    2. Discord in the team is most often caused by the actual lack of control. Illiterate leadership management makes it possible to lack a clear distribution of roles and responsibilities, discipline, order and mutual respect. There is no way to bring people together. In such an environment, the unspoken rules and code of conduct in society are easily forgotten. Mini-groups appear with their informal leaders who manipulate people and conflict with each other. The purpose of such behavior is by no means aimed at increasing the efficiency of labor and the success of the enterprise. They only satisfy their own ambitions. All this leads first to the split of the team, then to the disintegration and, ultimately, to the complete division of the team.
    3. Illiterate team management gives rise to internal competition and dissatisfaction with each other. So it is also impossible to rally the team. A successful team leader must understand that competition is favorable only for the development of market relations, but not for relations between people working in the same team. It won't help bring the team together. Working on the principle of "carrot and stick", when the best get bonuses, ranks, bonus rewards, etc., and others get comments and fines, the team loses elementary trust in each other, mutual assistance, receiving in return hypocrisy, fakery, obvious "setups" and covert sabotage. Many members of the team are forced in these conditions to forget about the principles, if only to get an unsurpassed result, better than their colleagues. Teams with such internal relationships have long forgotten about the team spirit. The joint solution of complex issues in a constructive way in such a situation is almost impossible.
    4. In the absence of existing strategies aimed at the formation and development of an internal corporate culture, improving the microclimate in the group, uniting people with a single goal that is significant for each and everyone together.

    Conditions for the formation of a cohesive team

    Consider the basic conditions and criteria for the formation of a cohesive team. The team will become cohesive if:

    • the interests, views, values ​​and worldview of a larger number of team members coincide;
    • The team is of the same age group. It is difficult to combine fifty and seventeen-year-old members of the team into one group, it is possible only on mutual respect;
    • goodwill, acceptance of the opinion of another, general psychological safety should dominate in the team;
    • the whole team must conduct an active, emotionally rich joint activity aimed at obtaining a result that is significant for everyone;
    • the head of the team or its leader represents the behavior model of the most effective employee and colleague;
    • a successful leader is able to take special actions or activities to strengthen team cohesion;
    • there is another group of people or a collective that can be considered as rivals;
    • there is a person in the team who opposes himself to the team and is significantly different from the main number of its members.
    1. Purposefulness. The purposefulness of the team is called the desire for a common goal. unites group interest in the content of the goal put forward by this group, dictates collective social attitudes, beliefs, ideals. The degree of purposefulness can be determined by the following indicators:
      • the level of interest of group members in joint activities, in improving the microclimate of the team, mutual understanding between people, focusing on failure of positions in common activities and relationships;
      • relationship between these parameters;
      • correspondence of the goals of the individual and the team, their complementarity, inconsistency, similarity and difference.
    2. Motivation. This criterion determines the level of activity, interest and effective attitude (striving) to the common activities of all members of the team. applies to her. The activity and interest of each member of the group in the overall result, involvement in its achievement, the efforts made, the degree of satisfaction from participating in a common cause are indicators that determine motivation. .
    3. integrity or the commonality of a team is the unity of its members. Interconnection and interdependence between the members of the group determine the degree of their cohesion, compatibility, contingency, etc. It is possible to determine the degree of integrity of a particular team by analyzing the relationship between joint achievements and the total number of work performed, understanding which type of work dominates - joint or individual. This helps bring the team together.
    4. Structured determined by a clear and strict order of interaction. It regulates the functions, tasks, rights, duties and responsibilities among the members of the group. Thanks to this, the team is able, if necessary, to quickly divide into groups and subgroups, depending on the tasks to be solved and the goals set. Structuring is determined by the prevailing methods of redistribution of duties, through complementarity, safety net, duplication. Another important criterion is the method of distribution of responsibility - concentration, division, diffusion. Business relationships are also important. This helps bring the team together.
    5. Consistency team members determines their harmonious interaction, due to the presence of a common goal. Consistency in varying degrees can manifest itself at any stage of joint work. The degree of agreement or disagreement is determined by the dominance of methods for eliminating contradictions and dissociating factors, the level of conflict between team members and typical behavior in conflict resolution. Coordination of actions helps to rally the team.
    6. organization characteristic of groups that are distinguished by orderliness, composure, subordination to the established order that regulates joint activities, the ability to strictly follow a pre-established plan (plannedness), manageability, including diligence and self-organization. Performance should be understood as the ability, frequency and style of performing external control actions. The self-organization of the team directly depends on the degree of its participation in its work and is characterized by the number of participants involved in management; the number of management actions carried out; leadership potential; the way the members of the group participate in management, etc. Organization helps to rally the team.
    7. Efficiency characterizes the degree of cohesion of the group in achieving a high result and the intended goal. This is an integral characteristic of the productivity, performance and efficiency of team work. Performance indicators require specifying the features of the group's work. High performance helps to unite the team.

    How is the formation of a cohesive team

    Building a cohesive team is a long process. Experts have identified a step-by-step methodology that includes five mandatory stages that should not be skipped or changed in their sequence. A successful manager must understand the importance of each of them, know that only the strict fulfillment of the requirements will help to unite the team at work.

    Relationships begin with lapping. This is typical for any team, especially for newcomers who come to an already formed group. During this period, they pay special attention to each other, reveal the essence, demonstrating the strengths and weaknesses of their character, leadership abilities, conflict behavior, etc. The most important aspect of this period is General characteristics selected contingent. The work of a professional psychologist, aimed at the formation of interpersonal relationships, taking into account all their features, helps to minimize the problems of the next stages. This helps bring the team together.
    Next comes " conflict» stage. It should be understood that the occurrence of any conflicts is normal for any team. The ability to resist them and successfully resolve such situations is the key to creating a strong and cohesive team. At this stage, the formation of small subgroups and the selection of outsiders is acceptable. There may also be misunderstandings on the part of management and subordinates. Often, the conflict stage ends with some dismissals - on the personal initiative of the employee or at the direction of management.
    The third stage experimental". The settlement and resolution of all significant internal conflicts leads to the inevitable growth of the potential of each employee and the entire group as a whole. This applies to both the personal plan and the work plan. This period is characterized by an uneven distribution of efforts, minor failures in work, however, in the end, the enterprise achieves greater results than at the initial stages. All this helps to unite the team.
    creative stage comes after the successful completion of the first three. Leaders stand out and form around themselves a team of people who share their positions and opinions. At the first stages, employees could make a mistake in choosing a leader, but by this stage everything is clear to everyone, people know each other enough, and all assessments have already been made.
    Mature team- the result of the fifth stage, the final one. The debates and disagreements that arise at this stage, which have formed especially often with the arrival of a new employee, are resolved extremely quickly and calmly, only positively affecting the work of the entire team. This is considered the highest aerobatics of rallying people, and every leader who wants to be successful should strive for this.

    How to rally a team

    • Start a tradition it helps bring the team together

    Think about it, it’s not in vain that kids watch their favorite cartoons several times. Psychologists say that they are pleased and attracted by the fact that the plot is known in advance. The child is comfortable knowing what is going to happen and nothing is uncertain or unexpected. Adult employees who daily solve some issues, invent and learn something, also dream of peace and comfort. Then the work goes better. There is nothing easier to solve this issue than the establishment of traditions. For example, you can start every morning with music or go to the pool with the whole team every Wednesday, communicate in English every Friday, celebrate holidays, birthdays together, attend various quests. All this unites people, makes them closer to each other, reveals their potential and is also a team building.

    • Get together it helps bring the team together

    Try to bring all team members together. It doesn't matter how often it happens: once a month, week or day. It's important that this happens. Discuss achievements, successful results, share ideas, thoughts and doubts. People in the team must understand that their work is important, their opinion is heard. It is necessary to know the essence of the work of each member of the team, emphasize the importance of his participation in a common cause, share problems and find solutions together. It is not necessary to detail your work too much, you can simply point out problem areas, perhaps someone can easily help in these matters. This maximizes team performance, makes people united.

    • Corporate media helps bring the team together

    Organizing the release of a corporate newspaper or magazine is the best opportunity to report the latest news to employees, make suggestions, celebrate achievements, including individual ones, and congratulate them on holidays and anniversaries. Holding an open day will serve to establish relationships between agencies and departments. In order to rally employees, you can initiate monthly events when each department in turn presents the importance of their work in a creative format.

    • Corporate rest helps bring the team together

    Collective trips and joint vacations help to establish contact between employees. This increases the efficiency of each employee and the enterprise as a whole, because:

    • a change of scenery defuses any complications that have arisen in the team, helps to see each other in a different light and in different conditions;
    • non-standard situations help to look at employees in a completely different way;
    • relaxed atmosphere reveals the unexpected potential of each employee. People get to know each other better, discover common interests, learn new things about each other.

    In order to rally the team, use such a type of corporate holiday as tourism: ordinary, adventure or even story. Any of the options is attractive and special, but all form a team spirit, unite people into one group with common interests and mutual respect. Thanks to a corporate holiday, all members of the team get to know each other again in a relaxed atmosphere, enjoy relaxing from routine work, absorb positive emotions, which is extremely useful for preventing burnout of emotions and reducing efficiency. That guarantees a cohesive work of the team.

    • Gamify it helps bring the team together.

    One of the most significant trends of recent years is the use of principles and technologies specific to computer games to increase the involvement of consumers and users in any process. And this method works great for keeping people in the workflow. Make completing tasks, solving problems, or achieving milestones the goal or stages of the game - and here, the whole office is enthusiastically playing a quest called "Work". The system of rewards, badges, titles and skill levels turns any process into fun and, using a competitive spirit, drags gamers into its abyss headlong. According to analysts' forecasts, by 2017 about half of all companies will use gamification technologies in corporate governance, so do not delay the study and implementation of this method, otherwise you risk ending up in the sad and backward half of the global business community.

    What activities bring the team together?

    Holding collective events brings the employees together very much - joint celebration of holidays, participation in games and quests, psychological or game trainings that encourage people to actively interact with each other, moving towards a common goal. All these activities are united by the term "team building" - team building, methods that help to connect different people into one strong team. This helps bring the team together.

    • extreme team building helping to bring people together

    The basis of extreme team building is the collective practice of extreme sports, involving some risky situations and a surge of adrenaline.

    1. Adventure racing

    This is the most popular type of team building training, similar to adventure and extreme racing. The task of such an interesting team race is to overcome a certain distance with a variety of tasks and find checkpoints. Each team goes through several stages, each team has a minimum of 5, a maximum of 12 people. In an exciting way, employees from point to point go the distance, showing knowledge, ingenuity, the ability to act together and plan these actions. This is great for bringing the team together.

    1. Orientation as a way to bring a group of people together

    Orienteering is a great sport. The team must find the required number of control points on the ground. A compass and a map with marked destinations are provided to help. Such trim building is able to reveal the leadership qualities of employees, the ability to help each other, the degree of conflict of a person and the level of his communication skills. One of the modern types of orienteering is jeep orienteering. The basic principles are the same as for a regular sport, only orienteering takes place in jeeps and in a deserted area. Drive and a sense of extreme helps to unite the team.

    1. Drop by helicopter fun way to bring a group of people together

    Such a quest requires quite serious expenses for renting a helicopter, however, large companies conduct it for their top managers. The main meaning of such an adventure is to develop the ability of the staff to make quick decisions, focused on the most effective obtaining of the desired result, the ability to unite the team. It helps bring the team together. The essence of the quest is that several people are thrown by helicopter into a completely new area for them and left there. Their task is to get out on their own.

    1. Rafting as a way to bring a group of people together

    What can definitely bring people together in one team is the conquest of the water element. Several employees are invited to raft down the river. This type of trimbuilding is not very popular in Russia and is rarely used in practice as an independent vacation. Such activities are extremely common in places where bamboo grows. It is not difficult for a large stable firm to organize a tourist trip to places where the local population would help the team build their own raft and go on a trip on it. Joint extraction of food, water, protection of the raft, overcoming obstacles can unite all participants.

    • intellectual team building, helping to bring people together

    This technology can be presented in the form of quests, ethnic games, photo hunting, role-playing events, etc. The main thing is that there is an opportunity to show ingenuity and mental work. Such team building perfectly reveals the potential of the employee, all his talents and helps to rally people into a team.

    1. Quest in the city / Orientation in the city. This is the most popular quest in the opinion of modern marketers. He has a bright future in terms of demand. The organization of a certain competition, puzzles, rich internal communication of the group, the manifestation of all creative potentials.
    2. Photonavigation/Photohunting. A great opportunity to show intelligence, change the environment and relax. Landmarks in this quest are photographs and images of noteworthy places in the city. Necessary with the help of gadgets, including the Internet and mobile phone to be in the right place at the right time.
    3. Made by hand. A great idea for the manifestation of creative thinking and creativity by employees. It is necessary to invite the team members, especially those who work in offices and receive everything ready-made, to create something with their own hands. Such technology relieves tension and fatigue, switching people to something new, requiring a completely different approach and actions.
    4. Architecture and painting. It is interesting to everyone and always. A joint visit by the whole team of an exhibition or a temple turns into an educational vacation, helps to get to know colleagues from a different side and unite employees. Interesting conversations, discussions on topics not related to work are possible, which also positively affects the emotional state of the team. You can add participation in various master classes to the program, for example, during the restoration of a temple or work.
    5. Ancient Russian crafts. Antiquity always attracts people with its development history, the development of crafts is especially interesting. Chasing, forging, wood carving, embroidery, mead making, etc. You can choose for every taste a common activity for the team, unobtrusively learn a new skill for almost everyone, identify talents and plunge into the past century for some time. Shared passions and common interests help bring the team together.
    6. The last Hero. Thanks to the creation of extreme situations provided for by this type of team building, all the negative aspects of the team members, the degree of conflict of each of them, the tendency to create or destroy are easily identified.
    • creative team building, helping to bring people together

    Unlike extreme team building, creative team building more subtly helps to rally the team, effectively solving most of the collective tasks and issues. Creative team building is able to increase the level of trust in the team, build communications, distribute roles, strengthen emotional cohesion, and determine the common goal. In Russia, this is still a rather unfamiliar technology, but its prospects are undeniable.

    1. Theatrical. Try to attract a professional director to stage a play chosen jointly, in which all the roles are occupied by the staff of the team. An exciting activity for all participants and spectators is able to colossally unite people with a common goal and interest, and make interaction with each other habitual.
    2. Musical. Create your musical group. It may simply be an ensemble consisting of musically gifted employees who own instruments and have vocal abilities. Or a brass band performing works, where the solo parts of each member are combined into the most beautiful collective works. The most popular in Russia are folklore ensembles, groups of musicians playing African musical instruments, and jazz groups. A common interest will help bring people together.
    3. dance teambuildings cheer up, improve the emotional component of the microclimate of the team, making it more united. Dance all together, go ice skating together in winter, participate in various competitions, and the team will become united, people will be closer to each other, the attitude towards their work and the company will improve.
    4. Historical team building. When composing an event for your team, add historical notes to its plot. It can be any plot or an interesting historical fact. You can try to hold, for example, knightly battles, Pioneer Day or a Viking campaign. Create a great opportunity to rally the team with the brightest new emotions and unexpected experiences.
    5. Military. Now many are fond of paintball. A kind of game "Zarnitsa", with a military atmosphere, artifacts, abandoned training grounds. A common goal, collective planning of actions make this team game the best way rally people.
    6. Literary team building. Arrange themed literary readings. They don't have to be long. You can read interesting articles to each other for five to ten minutes every morning. You can compete departments for the best article of the week. All this unites, distracts, provides an opportunity to relax for a while and helps to unite employees with a common hobby.
    7. Movie team building. Create your movie. It can be timed to coincide with any date, anniversary or professional holiday. Each employee of the team will contribute, play their role, and joint viewing will improve the mood and help unite the team even more.
    8. Culinary team building. Arrange a joint dinner after a culinary duel. You can make teams from departments or separate groups. Let people surprise everyone with their culinary talents. Collective cooking and eating dishes incredibly brings people together. A change of scenery and activities helps to relieve fatigue, get positive emotions and unite people into a team.

    20 games that will help unite the team

    1. office drawing help bring the team together

    Joint drawing is an exciting activity for those who can draw and for amateurs. The collective release of the information and entertainment stand will perfectly unite people, cheer them up and help unite the team. You just need to stock up on whatman paper, paints, brushes, pencils, felt-tip pens and markers and give an opportunity for creativity.

    As an option, you can offer employees to divide into teams and create a reproduction of a famous painting, each making their own contribution. It is quite possible that later this masterpiece will become an excellent office decoration, reminding of teamwork and emotional upsurge during it.

    1. "Rock" help bring the team together

    This is a team game. You will need a bench on which all team members line up, tightly clinging to each other. All are calculated by serial numbers. Moving chairs or going to the floor is prohibited by the rules of the game. You need to swap all the participants, moving around the chairs and holding on to your team. In case of a fall, the game starts again. Talking is also prohibited by the rules of the game, only the coordinator - the leader speaks. The spirit of competition helps to bring people together in a team.

    1. "House-tree-dog" help bring the team together

    This is a test of teamwork. It can be held as a competition at a corporate party. You will need whatman paper, a brush and a felt-tip pen. Employees are divided into pairs and blindfolded draw a house, a tree and a dog, using one tool for two. Talking is prohibited by the rules of the game. Collaboration helps bring people together.

    1. "Headball" help bring the team together

    This is a sports test that tests the ability to work in pairs. Takes place in the gym or outdoors. Each pair needs to lie on their stomachs opposite each other, put the ball between their heads and try to stand up without dropping the ball, holding it with their heads. Pair participation in the competition helps to rally people into a team.

    1. Game "Numbers and Letters" help bring the team together

    A team game, the meaning of which is to build groups of people holding hands in various letters or numbers. This quest helps to rally people into a team, teaches them to make joint decisions, listening to the opinions of other team members.

    1. "Knot" help bring the team together

    Another team game built on the task of tying a knot using one common rope. Throwing hands is prohibited by the rules of the game, you can move them along the rope. As a variation of the game - untying a knot by another team or untying a knot offered by the leader. Solving puzzles together helps bring a group of people together into one team.

    1. Game "Shapes with corners" help bring the team together

    All participants of the training stand in a circle and hold hands. The task is to close your eyes and build any geometric figure as a team, first in the form of a triangle, then a square, a star, a hexagon, and so on with a large number of sides. Talking to each other is prohibited by the rules of the game. This is a test of leadership qualities in employees, because after a small hitch, it is usually the leaders who begin to build the right figure, pulling the rest of the team members along with them. Quest develops the ability to act in a team, helps to rally people.

    1. Photo marathon help bring the team together

    A great group activity is a photo marathon. The bottom line is that the teams receive a list of things or places, photos with which should be obtained in the end. The team should have about five people, one of which is a photographer. Try to pick up a variety of items - small and large, standard and non-standard. It can be a sign of an institution, a cafe, a company, a telephone booth, a pole - everything that fantasy is capable of. All items must be placed in one photo as much as possible. For example, in one photo there is an entrance to the main office of the company, a huge ball, a popsicle and a globe. These tasks will help unite the team, make them decide together how and what to place, cheer up and remain a pleasant memory. The victory will go to the team that places and photographs all the items from the list in the minimum number of shots.

    1. "Joystick" help bring the team together

    An interesting team game in the form of a competition. The team stands around the table, on which lies a small prize. All participants in a circle take each other by the thumb, which is the joystick. Everyone's eyes are closed, except for the last one in the chain. He transmits through a chain of people the direction to the first, controlling the movement of his hands. The goal is a prize lying on the table, which the first participant must touch with his finger with his eyes closed. To avoid cheating while everyone's eyes are closed, it is better to invite an independent judge. The action of each member in the common interest helps to unite the team.

    1. "Animal Family" help bring the team together

    You need to prepare for this venture in advance and make cards on which to write family members of various animals. For example, panda grandfather, panda grandmother, panda mother, panda father, panda son, panda daughter, etc. The family can be absolutely anything. How more people busy in the game - the better. There will be many different families, which is much more interesting. The cards are distributed to the participants, they look at them. The host starts the game, and each of the participants is looking for his family, imitating the sounds of these animals. When the whole family is assembled, they sit on one chair from the oldest to the youngest (from grandfather to grandmother, father, mother, son, daughter). The victory goes to the correctly seated family of animals.

    1. Game "Write the beast" help bring the team together

    All members of the team write the name of the animal on a piece of paper, when everyone has it written, they read out their notes in turn. Further, once again, everyone writes without discussing anything with each other. The goal of the game is to write the same animal to everyone. Such trainings reveal the oppositional opinion, the leader and the outsiders.

    1. Treasure hunt game help bring the team together

    One of the most expensive and lengthy quests to prepare. You can use the ready-made quest and visit the quest room. Choose a suitable theme for everyone and feel like children who went on an adventure in search of treasure, or Sherlock Holmes with assistants, being in his room. There are a lot of options here. But you can also come up with a quest on your own. This will help bring the team together. Hide the task on the territory of the city. Make clues from thematic puzzles or places directly related to the company where this team works. And prepare a prize for which teams of 4-5 people will hunt. The joint search for solutions to achieve goals tremendously helps to unite the team.

    1. Game "Count to..." help bring the team together

    All participants call any serial number according to the number of participants or more. Each number is named by only one member of the team. A preliminary agreement is prohibited by the rules of the quest. The game starts over when someone re-voices the number, or there is a pause. Each player must name a number at least once. Taking care of each other helps bring people together.

    1. "Transformation of the Cobra" help bring the team together

    A very interesting and rather difficult quest aimed at strengthening the trust and cohesion of the team. The team can be from 10-15 people. Quest time - no more than half an hour. Carrying out requires space, so take care of freeing up space in advance by pushing the furniture aside.
    This entertaining action is based on an old Brazilian legend about the silver cobra, a terrible weapon for the enemy. In fact, the silver cobra is a people in which individually each person is weak and powerless, but united all together, they represent such strength that they cannot be broken. The legend is very similar to the Russian fairy tale about a broom, when the father gave his sons a rod, and they immediately broke them, but then combined the rods into a broom, and it was no longer possible to break it. But back to the game. The team team becomes in a circle, putting their hands on the shoulders of the previous participant. This figure is the Silver Cobra. Closing their eyes, each participant touches the back of the person in front and remembers it by sensations. Without opening their eyes, everyone disperses around the room and walks for a minute. At the same time, according to the rules of the game, the hands should be at chest level so as not to collide. On a signal to build, also with closed eyes, the team creates the initial circle. You should not limit the quest in time to allow the team to relax, change the situation, enjoy the game. The quest trains memory, the ability to get out of a difficult situation, to act together. All this helps to rally the team into a single team.
    Building in a circle can be replaced by any figure or stand in a row.

    1. "Synchronized Action" help bring the team together

    The essence of the training is the simultaneous performance of any actions, without agreeing, for example, to raise or lower your hands, take a pen, sit on a chair, etc. The main thing is to be together and synchronously. It helps a lot to bring people together.

    1. Game "Fingers" help bring the team together

    At the same time, team members show any number of fingers on their hands. The goal is to throw the same amount for the whole team. This quest helps to unite the team, teaches you to think, taking into account the opinions of other team members.

    1. "Spark" help bring the team together

    All participants sit in a circle. You need to clap your hands as quickly as possible.

    1. "Indicator" help bring the team together

    The host invites the team to repeat one of four types of movements after him - raise his hands, sit down, disperse to the sides and converge in a circle. Then show without voice, then without gestures, then without facial expressions and gaze. Watching the team, leaders, subordinates and neutrally minded employees are clearly distinguished. The analysis of all actions will help to unite the team even more.

    1. "Octopussy" help bring the team together

    Cut the long rope into pieces and tie it to the ring in which the tennis ball is embedded. It is necessary to move the ring and not drop the ball. Alternatively, you can use a balloon instead of a ball.

    1. "Fixation" help bring the team together

    The team is placed in a circle. Each participant must silently, without naming anyone, choose his pair from colleagues standing in a circle and, on command, take exactly 15 steps towards this person, then depict any figure, fixing it in a pair with this colleague. Such trainings highlight leaders and help unite the team.

    5 unusual ways to shake up and rally the team

    A dark room help bring the team together
    "Dialogues in the Dark". This is the name of the project written by the German researcher A. Heinecke in 1995, dedicated to various trainings for company managers held in absolute darkness for several hours. Only to discuss the results turn on the light. This type of team building is carried out for teams in which from two to a hundred people. The whole team is blindly divided into teams, determines the size of the room, finds chairs, looks for other items, etc. These activities help to rally the team, identify the leader and his opposition.
    Winemaking help bring the team together
    It is better to introduce people from different companies who have joint work ahead in an informal setting, when colleagues are relaxed and do not think about business. The training "Winemaking" will help to make this acquaintance interesting, informative and useful. Many owners of small vineyards rent them out on short-term lease to various companies. The lesson is held for several hours, during which colleagues manage to crush the grapes, offer their name, learn the characteristics of each variety and how to make wine. A few months later, the owners ship the collectively prepared wine to the office. The goal of the training was achieved - everyone met in a pleasant atmosphere, worked together - an excellent result in a barrel, now it will be easy for them to work in a new project with a supply of positive emotions. Shared activities help bring people together.
    The zombie apocalypse help bring the team together
    “Zombies don't discriminate against you based on race or gender. They just eat you if you don't know how to work in a team” - this is the motto of the training “Humans vs. Zombies" - the most popular in the corporate culture of US enterprises. These are role-playing trainings for which professional actors are hired to portray zombies, and employees play the role of survivors of a disaster trying to get out of a building and come to the rescue of the world. A sort of mixture of carnival and paintball. Such games are also popular on military bases in the United States, as they emphasize the qualities of a leader in a person, help to rally a team, forming the habit of obeying and following commands unquestioningly.
    steam room help bring the team together
    In Japan, it has recently become extremely popular to spend time together in the bathhouse of the head and subordinates. Of course, employees are of the same sex. This is the most trendy team building of recent years. Being in the warm, relaxing environment of a hot spring, colleagues can have a casual conversation in completely different topics, find common interests, trust your problems and find solutions. The immersion in the hot spring takes place after taking a shower and washing your hair along with all colleagues. Such a joint pastime helps to rally people with a common interest.
    Self check help bring the team together