English lesson on sportswear. Abstract in English on the topic "Clothes"

Shapoval Elena Alexandrovna, head of the circle "Planet of Wonders", MOU DO "Center for Children's and Youth Creativity", Rybnitsa.
This material will be useful for leaders of English circles, as well as teachers of English. This development is intended for children of preschool and primary school age. The material can be used in circle work on learning English, as well as in English lessons.

Synopsis of the game lesson pa English language"Clothes of Masha-Confused"

Purpose of the lesson: to improve the ability to apply the knowledge gained in previous classes.
Lesson objectives:
educational- generalize and consolidate students' knowledge of clothing items, colors, animals, family members, furniture, food, toys, learn to use familiar vocabulary in various grammatical structures;
Educational- develop the skills of monologue speech, visual and auditory memory, attention, imagination, expressiveness of speech, the ability to compare and find something superfluous;
Educational- to accustom children to order, to bring up accuracy, careful attitude to clothes, responsiveness, friendliness, desire to help.
Lesson type: consolidation and improvement of knowledge, skills and abilities.
Teaching methods: interactive, explanatory and illustrative, reproductive.
Training and metodology complex: didactic doll, toy wardrobe with clothes, doll house with furniture, toys (frog, fox, wolf, cat), box with colorful dresses, picture "Machine family".
Equipment: portable audio player, flash drive with the audio recording "Touch your head".

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment

1.1. Greetings
Teacher: Are you ready?
Students: Yes, we are!
Teacher: Good afternoon, children!
Students: Good afternoon, teacher!
Teacher: How are you?
Students: I`m fine (I`m happy, I`m sad, I`m great, I`m sick, I`m hungry…)
Teacher: Let`s begin our lesson.
1.2. Phonetic charging
Teacher: In order to English words turned out beautiful and correct, let's "train the tongues."
Practicing sounds [w], [v], [h], [t], [d], [r].
1.3. Speech charging
Teacher: How many children (boys/girls) are present today? Let's count!
(child counts children, then boys, girls).
Teacher: What is the weather like today? (What is the weather today?)
Students: The weather is fine/nasty. It is cold/warm. It is sunny/windy/
rainy/snowy. The sky is blue.
1.4. Presentation of the plan, objectives of the lesson
Teacher: Guys, the girl Masha called me yesterday: Masha-Confused. She was invited to a birthday party. She was very happy at first, but when she looked into her closet, her favorite outfit was not there. Masha was very upset that she had nothing to wear for her birthday. And she asked me for help. I said that without your help I can not do. Let's find Car's clothes, and when she comes to the end of the lesson, we will help her get ready for her birthday... And I called Masha's friends to help us: a frog, a cat, a fox and a wolf.

2. Main body

2.1. Repetition of lexical material. Rhyming "Closet"
Children call the frog, greet it, ask for help. The frog takes out the carcase, opens it, tells the rhyme to the children:
Take a look in the car closet:
There is a scarf on the shelf ... (children) a scarf.
Dozing nearby Gray cat,
Here is a coat hanging ... (children) a coat.
Who and what will understand here?
Skirt - (children) a skirt, shirt - (children) a shirt.

And on the shelves, "jump and jump",
Your sock jumps - (children) a sock.
Let the wind not rejoice:
There is a warm sweater here - (children) a sweater.
Full of Machines closet of things,
Does she really need everything?

2.2. Work on the use of the construction "I can see ...". The game
"What's extra?"

Teacher: As you can see, there are a lot of things in the car closet. To help her, we need to remove all unnecessary, leave only clothes. Tell us what you see in the closet, and the frog will put things in order.
Children find objects (clothing, toys, animals) in the closet, name them, leave only clothes in the closet, and remove unnecessary items.
Teacher: Dima, what can you see in the wardrobe?
Child: I can see a scarf (a car).
Teacher: Can you wear a scarf (a car)?
Child: Yes, I can! (No, I can't)…
Children thank the frog for help, say goodbye to her.
2.3. Repetition of colors. "Let's find Machine's dress"
Teacher: And now let's call the kitten. He probably also wants to help us find the Machine clothes.
Children: Cat, come here! (cat appears)
Teacher: Hello, cat! What do you have?
Cat: I have a box. (cat shows box)
Teacher: Dima, come here! Take a box. open it. What can you see?
Child: I can see a dress.
Teacher: What color is it?
Child: A dress is red….
Children take turns taking dresses out of the box, name the color.
Teacher: I wonder which of Mashino's dresses?
Cat: Masha wears a big blue dress. Can you see it?
Children find the right dress, put it in the closet. Then they thank the cat for the help, say goodbye to him.
2.4. Description of the picture «Car family»
Children call the fox, greet her, ask for help. The fox pulls out a drawing that shows the Machine family and the clothes they wear. Children must describe the clothes and guess whose they are.
Teacher: What is it?
Children: It is a hat.
Teacher: Is it big or little?
Children: It is big.
Teacher: Who wears a big hat?
Children: A father…
Children find the Machine's things, put them in the closet. Then they thank the fox for the help, say goodbye to her.
2.5. Fizminutka
Teacher: Are you tired? Let's have a rest!
A physical minute is held to the song "Touch your head".
2.6. Eye charger
The purpose of this exercise is to consolidate the lexical material on the topic “My Room”, as well as to help relax the eye muscles:
Look at the ceiling
look at the floor,
Look at the window
Look at the door.
close your eyes. Open your eyes (3 times).

2.7. Repetition of material on the topic "My room".
"Let's find clothes in the Machine Room"

Teacher: Now let's call the wolf. He is also friends with Masha and wants to help us find her clothes.
Children: Wolf, come here! (wolf appears)
Teacher: Hello wolf! Please help us! What do you have?
Wolf: I have a room. It's Masha's room.
Teacher: What can you see in the room?
Children: I can see a table. I can see a sofa…
In the room, the children find a small box containing Sock Machines. Children thank the wolf for his help, put their socks in the closet, say goodbye to him.
2.8. Consolidation of knowledge of clothing items. The game "What is missing,
what appeared?"

The children talk about what they see now in the Machine Cupboard. Then the teacher removes or adds one or two subjects to it. Children remember what was not in the closet or what appeared in it.
2.9. Generalization of knowledge, construction "Put on/off". "Introduction to

teacher: Listen! Someone`s knocking. Who is it?
Masha: Hello! My name is Masha. What is your name? (children's answers).
teacher: Masha, we've found your clothes. Now you can go to the birthday party!
Let's quickly dress Masha so that she won't be late for her birthday.
Dima, put a dress on….
Children dress the doll, Masha thanks and says goodbye to the children.

3. Final part. Summarizing.

teacher: Look how happy Masha is! You were able to help her!
Why do you think she's called the Rogue?
And what should be done so that things are not lost?
Can you name the items of clothing in English? (children's answers)
Well done! Clever you are!
The lesson is over. good bye!

"A Kaleidoscope of English Sounds"

English phonetics for beginners

Now the opinion is gaining more and more popularity that to engage in phonetics, to put the pronunciation of the studied foreign language is a waste of time, because, firstly, you still will not sound like a native speaker, and, secondly, this knowledge will never be useful to you anyway. And although I do not agree with this in principle, I did not enter into polemics and challenge the legitimacy of such statements. Instead, I sat down and wrote a course on "basic phonetic literacy."

This course is for those who have never studied English, but are going to do this on their own. I strongly recommend that you start the process of learning English with a phonetic mini-course - this will help you sound more correct and save you from many difficulties in the future. If you studied this language a long time ago - at school, at a university and completely forgot it, but set as your goal to revive knowledge, I dare to advise you to take this course ... without fanaticism - to quickly enter the language.

LESSON # I. English alphabet and sounds

There is an opinion that it is not necessary to learn the alphabet at all. Maybe this is true for some languages. But not for the English language, with its various rules of reading and numerous exceptions. It is the peculiarity of the English language, which consists in a significant discrepancy between the spelling and pronunciation of words, that makes it necessary to know the letters of the English alphabet.Why do you need to know the alphabet in practice? At least in order to be able to dictate your name or, as the English say, "Spell yourself" (Spell your name).

Trust in God but lock your car.

You can learn a language without filling your head with tables of tenses, the way the ancient Phoenician sailors taught it!

Organizational moment or "setting"

I start lessons in grades 2 - 6 with a greeting:


Good morning, Good morning, Good morning -to You - sounds

Good morning, Good morning we are glad to see You - added sound [w]


And I am glad to see you. How are you?


We are fine (good, OK), Thank you, and You? - added sound [T] ,


I "m very well (if only not in the way the students answered).


First, we stretch our Russian language:


teapot with cup,

cup with lid

pimp cap,

pimp with a hole.


She was at Frol's, she lied to Lavr Frola.
I'll go to the Lavra, to the Frol Lavra Navra.

2 1/2

Osip yells, Arkhip does not lag behind - who will out-scream whom.
Osip is hoarse, Arkhip is hoarse.


Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry.

Then we put on "mask of an English gentleman" and continue:

4. English Bee:

th-th-th-th-th- (voiced - [ D ]) hand,

depicting a bee is approaching

to the other hand with openpalm,

depicting an obstacle, hits

about an obstacleand falls down

with sound:

th-th-th-th-th-(voiced - [ T ] )

5 .

[T] how much [T] toit [T] tog [T] ena?


For this rhyme, it’s a good idea to prepare appropriate pictures or objects.

This is a bear, this is a hare
This is a dog and this is a frog.
This is a car, this is a star
This is a ball and this is a doll.

6 .

English dog [ r-r-r-r-r-r ]


P[r]og[r]ammist p[r]og[r]ammi[r]oval, p[r]og[r]ammi[r]oval,

yes p[r]igova[r]ivl: "So write[r]og[r]ammi[r]th, do not [r]asp[r]og[r]ammi[r]you,

do not [r]ep[r]og[r]ammy[r]youte"

8. Sounds: letter combinations ght, ight, that is, almost all sounds and "on the alveoli", nasal " n"and" interdental.

One, two, three, four, five,

Once I caught a fish alive

Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,

Then I let it go again.

Why did you let it go?

Because it bit my finger so.

Which finger did it bite?

The little finger on the right.

9. Sound [w]:

Why do you cry Willy?

Why do you cry?

Why Willy? Why Willy?

Why, Willy, why?

10. Sounds [s] and [interdental]

A skunk sat on a stump and thunk - a stamp stank!

But a stump thunk - a skunk stank.

11. Sounds [s] and

She sells sea shells at the sea shore.

The shells she sells are surely sea shells.

So if she sells shells on the seashor,

I "m sure she sells seashor shells.

12. Just a cool limerick

A fly and a flea

Flew into a flue

Said the fly to the flea

"What shall we do?"

"let us fly" said the flea. Said the fly "shall we flee"

So they flew through a flaw in the flue.

13. Another

My name is Yon Yonson

I work in Wisconsin

I work in a lumbermill there.

The people I meet when I walk down the street,

They say, "What's your name?"

And I say

"My name is Yon Yonson,

I work in Wisconsin

14. Interdental - deaf and voiced, days of the week

Monday for health

Tuesday for wealth

Wednesday the best day for all

Thursday for crosses

Friday for losses

Saturday not luck at all

15. Alveolar, "p, b, h, w"

This video is more for teachers.

See a pin and pick it up

All that day you will have luck

See a pin and let it lay

You'll have bad luck all that day

16. Fun

A bear and a bunny had plenty of money

Thay went to the store for carrots and honey.

When the bear and the bunny asked for "Carrots and honey!"

The man of the store cried: "Where is your money?".

How strange and how funny! They really had money!

And that "s how they bought their carrots and honey. 03/21/09

17. "B, t,"

Betty Botta bought some butter

But she said, the butter's bitter.

If I put it in my batter,

It will make my batter bitter.

But a bit of better butter

Will make my batter better.

So she bought a bit of butter

Better than her bitter butter.

English lesson in 3rd grade.

Topic: Clothing (generalizing lesson).

MAOU "Secondary School No. 7", Ulan - Ude

WMC: Vereshchagina I.N., Pritykina T.A. English: a textbook for grade III schools with in-depth study of English

Purpose: Development of skills and abilities of monologue and dialogic oral speech. Tasks:

1. Repeat and summarize the vocabulary on the topic "Clothes".

2. Improve the grammatical skills of using the verb with nouns and pronouns of the 3rd person singular in Present Simple.

4. Develop the ability to work in different modes, the skill of interpersonal communication.

5. Develop the ability to guess, to compare and compare speech units.

6. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards other people's opinions and interests.

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"English lesson. Theme: Clothes.»

Kastornova Elena Fedorovna

English lesson in 4th grade.

Theme: Clothes(summary lesson).

MAOU "Secondary School No. 7", Ulan - Ude

WMC: Vereshchagina I.N., Pritykina T.A. English: a textbook for grade III schools with in-depth study of English

Target: Development of skills and abilities of monologue and dialogic oral speech.

    Review and summarize the vocabulary on the topic "Clothes".

    Improve grammatical skills of using a verb with nouns and pronouns of the 3rd person singular in Present Simple.

    Develop the ability to work in different modes, the skill of interpersonal communication.

    Develop the ability to guess, to compare and compare speech units.

    Cultivate respect for other people's opinions and interests.

Planned results:

Regulatory UUD-

determine and formulate the purpose of the activity, draw up an action plan to solve the problem;

Carry out actions to implement the plan;

Correlate the result of their activities with the goal and evaluate it;

Cognitive UUD:

Extract information;

Navigate your system of knowledge;

Recognize the need for new knowledge;

Independently assume what information is needed to solve a substantive problem consisting of several steps;

Process and transform information from one form to another and choose the most convenient for yourself.

Communicative UUD:

Communicate your position to others, mastering the techniques of monologue and dialogic speech;

Understand other positions and views;

Negotiate with people, coordinating their interests with them, in order to do something together.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.
Good morning kids! Sit down, please. It's time to start our lesson.

2. speechwarm-up.

Answer my questions:

    What season is it now?

    What month is it now?

    What day is it now?

    What date is it now?

    Is it cold or warm today?

It's winter
It's January
It's Thursday

It is the 22 of
The weather is very cold today

– Listen to the poem and say what is the poem about?

People wear clothes in the bodies
They wear clothes every day.

And want their clothes

To be comfortable, beautiful and not grey.

3. Announcement of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

– The topic of our lesson is "Clothes". We are going to review the words and grammar of this topic.

4. Phoneticcharger.

– Listen and repeat.

[ ʃ ]

[ u:]

r ai coat

tr ai ners

5. Vocabulary activation.
We should talk about clothes more (slide 5) . Let's play the game "Rhymes". I pronounce a word and you should say the word, means “clothes”.
Children are invited to make a rhyme to the spoken word:

better - sweater

bird-shirt, T-shirt, skirt




boat-coat, rain coat



candles - sandals



weeklies - sneakers

well done. But do you know the meaning of these words? Let's play the computer game “Words and pictures” (slide 6). Look at this game. When you see a word you should click on the picture. And now go to the computers and start.

Summing up the game.Self-esteem.

6. Dialog

To put on this or that clothes, you first need to buy it. Now we are going to the store.

We work in pairs. You have 2 minutes to practice the dialogue.


7. listening.

Let's go on. You know that people from different countries wear fashionable clothes. Meet Linda. She's from England. She wants to tell us what clothes she likes to wear (clayd 35).

Hello! I'm Linda. I am from England. I like to wear fashionable clothes.
When I visit birthday parties I often wear (jeans, a T-shirt and warm boots; a beautiful pink dress and nice shoes).
I enjoy going for sports so I usually put (a light skirt, a blouse and shoes; my yellow track suit and modern sneakers) on.
But most of all I like to go to school. When I go there I always wear my uniform. It's (a shirt, trousers and a hat; a white blouse, a blue skirt and a jacket). My uniform is very comfortable and nice.

Peer review on the board.

The following is a discussion of the story. You need to tell what Linda wears in given situations. In addition, those who are confident in the correctness of their answer are invited to turn over the hint sheets.
Now say what Linda wears and puts on in different situations (clayd 37

8 . Workincouples.
And what about you? Exchange your opinions. Use this information (slide 38) and work in pairs. Try to remember your classmate's answers.
Children work in pairs, sharing information about the clothes they wear for sports, birthday parties, and school.
Let's talk about your classmates. Say what he or she wears in different situations (slide 39).

Using frontal work, I ask several students about what they have learned about their partner. Warehouse support is offered.


7. Work in groups .

1. He like black boots.

2. Max have got a new trainer.

3. The boys wear jeans.

4. The shoes are nice.

5. She has got a nice blouse.

Evaluation of work in a group.

7 . Protectionprojects


I believe that schools should have formal attire: both boys and girls should wear school uniform. It seems to me that boys will suit clothes consisting of trousers and a jacket in dark blue and a white shirt. Dark shoes can be worn as shoes.

And girls will look very attractive in blue skirts and vests. Light-colored blouses, for example, pale blue and white, will suit this suit. I think this suit is the most suitable for school.

When you look good and like not only yourself, but also others, then your mood improves and you study better.


I think that there should be formal clothes at school: both boys and girls should wear the school uniform. It seems to me the boys should wear the dark-blue trousers, a jacket and a white shirt. They should wear dark shoes.

And girls will look very attractive in blue skirts and waistcoats. The light blouses are very beautiful, especially blue and white tones.. I think that this suit is the most suitable for school.

When you look well and other people like you, you study better.


Do you like to have fun? How often do you go to parties? What do you wear while doing this?

I believe that the best party wear is the one that makes you feel most comfortable. You will look great if you choose your outfit carefully and have confidence in yourself.


Do you like to have fun? And how often do you take part in the parties? And what do you put on?

I think that the best party clothes are the clothes which make you feel well.

You will look perfectly if you pick up your best dress or suit.


Today, many people in the world are paying more and more attention to their physical health and appearance.

Quite a few importance is also given to sportswear, which is an integral part of sports activities. People put on tracksuits and sneakers, t-shirts and shorts.

I believe that sportswear, whatever it is, should be bright and beautiful and suitable for a particular sport. A person should be comfortable and cozy in it.


Today many people in the world pay more attention to the physical health and good appearance. So many people are interested in a lot of sports.

Sportswear is important in a sports training. People wear training suits and trainers, T-shirts and shorts.

I think that sportswear should be bright, beautiful and suitable for different kinds of sports. The person should be comfortable and cozy in it.

    Summing up results . Homework .
    You have done a lot today. Your answers were up to the mark (grading). At home you should make another project. You should choose the title and draw clothes for girls and boys.
    For homework children are invited to choose a theme for their project and draw clothes for it.

Evaluation paper

English lesson

Name of student _______________

The date _________________________

Theme of the lesson "Clothes"

Evaluation criteria

Evaluation of group work

I know the words on the topic "Clothes"

I learned the dialogue and was able to tell it

I listened to the story and was able to complete the assignments to the text

I can ask my classmates questions and tell them what clothes they wear for holidays, sports and school

I, working in a group, was able to correct grammatical errors in all sentences

I think that the topic "Clothes" I know for evaluation


Today in class

it was interesting………………………………………………………………………..

it was difficult……………………………………………………………………………

I realized that…………………………………………………………………………….

Now I can………………………………………………………………………..…

I felt that……………………………………………………………………….

I managed ………………………………………………………………….…

surprised me……………………………………………………………………………

I wanted …………………………………………………………………………

Class: 3

The lesson was developed on the basis of I.N. Vereshchagina, T.A. Pritykina for grade 3 schools with in-depth study of the English language.

Lesson type- combined.

Lesson Objectives:

  • educational goals - the implementation of the moral education of students, the formation of skills and abilities of intellectual work; education of a culture of thinking, communication, behavior, training in the ability to use different sources of information;
  • educational goals - teach children to tell who is wearing what; conduct a dialogue “In a clothing store”; write a short retelling of the text;
  • development goals - development of the intellectual, emotional and motivational spheres of the personality of students; expanding the horizons of students.

Lesson objectives:

  • consolidation of the studied vocabulary on the topic “Clothes”;
  • acquaintance with new vocabulary on the topic “Clothes”;
  • training in the use of new vocabulary;
  • repetition of vocabulary on the topic “Colors”;
  • practicing the use of verbs in Present Progressive;
  • development of dialogical speech;
  • development of reading skills.

During the classes

1. Introduction

T: Hello, boys and girls! I'm glad to meet you! How are you today?

PP: We are fine. thank you. And how are you?

3. The main part.

T: Well done! Let "s remember the names of clothes and we will learn new words.

(Excerpts from the video tutorial are shown on the screen

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j62HR5lNpzw 0.40-1.54 and 4.50-6.28. Children watch the video and repeat the words and phrases after the speaker.)

T: Good work, kids! Now describe your pictures, please.

Children take out pre-prepared drawings and tell who is wearing what. The last video frame remains on the screen as a sample for the statement.

P1: He is wearing a blue shirt and black trousers.

P2: She is wearing a yellow dress and green shoes.

T: Well done! Now let's play a game. You will go to the shop to buy the clothes you need.

(We distribute cards for dialogues. See Appendix 2 Children act out dialogues based on the previously learned package 8 of article 58, replacing the names of clothes, color and size in accordance with the card received.)

P1: Hello! I'd like a pair of jeans, please.

P2: What color would you like?

P2: And what size do you want?

P1: Thirty-two. Can I try them on?

T: You are very good pupils! Let's have action time.

(Children follow the charge commands only when they hear the word PLEASE.)

T: You've done exercises very well. And your dialogues were very good. Now let's think what things we can buy in shops except clothes.

PP: food, games, computers...

T: You are right. Open your book, please, p.61 ex.7. You will read the text “A Good Idea” but first look at the pictures and try to guess that it is the text about.

P1: This story is about a cat.

P2: This tale is about mice.

P3: The cat likes to watch TV.

P4: The mice like to eat.

T: Very good. Please, read the text and we will see if your predictions are right.

(Children read the text.)

T: Please answer my questions. Who lived in the house?

P1: A big cat and mice lived in the house.

T: What was the cat's name?

P2: The cat's name was Tom.

T: Where did Tom live?

P3: He lived in the kitchen.

T: Where did mice live?

P4: They lived under the kitchen.

T: Could the mice eat in the kitchen?

P5: No, they couldn't.

P6: Because Tom was in the kitchen.

T: What did Tom like to do?

P7: He liked to watch TV.

T: What did the mice do to eat in the kitchen?

P8: The mice bought a TV set for Tom.

P9: Now Tom watches TV every evening.

P10: And the mice can eat in the kitchen.

T: Very good. Now let's find 6 or 7 sentences to give the main idea of ​​the tale.

(We find and underline sentences in the text that express the main idea of ​​the tale.)

4. Final part.

T: Your home task is to learn the new words and to retell this tale.

very good. You've done all the tasks very well. You are good pupils. You can read in English, you can understand English, you can speak English. You were very active. You get excellent and good marks. Thank you for your work. Goodbye!