Basic English words for tourists. English phrases for tourists

Going abroad nowadays is a usual thing for many families. Some people, however, stay unsatisfied with the time they have spent in a foreign country. What are the advantagesd and disadvantages of traveling abroad or is it worth staying at home?

One of the main advantages is the experience you get from being in a foreign country. While being abroad you have the opportunity to pracrise the language and socialize with citizens of the country you visit. This is especially beneficial if your occupation is connected with a foreign language.

Furthermore, you get aquainted with a new place and that makes you relax and forget about your routine life.

On the other hand, pretravelling process might be very depressing because of all the documents you should collect in order to enter the chosen country.

What is more, you can get into trouble if you are not aqcuainted with the laws of the country you want to visit. What you are used to doing at home is not always normal for foreigners. Or you can also stay unsatisfied if the country you have chosen does not fit your expectations.

To sum up, it seems that international tourism is a good way of having a rest, but do not be upset if there are some problems with getting a visa. However, it must be remembered that if you think positively your holidays are going to be terrific!


Traveling abroad these days is a common thing for many families. However, some people remain dissatisfied with their time in a foreign country. What are the pros and cons of traveling abroad and isn't it better to stay at home?

One of the main advantages is the experience you gain by spending time in another country. While you are abroad, you have the opportunity to practice the language and communicate with the citizens of the country you are visiting. This is especially beneficial if your work is related to a foreign language.

Moreover, you get to know a new place, it relaxes you and makes you forget about the routine of life.

On the other hand, the pre-trip process can be very overwhelming due to the many paperwork you have to collect in order to travel to your chosen country.

In addition, you can get into trouble if you are not familiar with the laws of the country you wish to visit. What you are used to at home is not always normal for residents of other countries. Or you may be dissatisfied if the country is not what you expected it to be.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that international tourism is a great way to relax, but do not be discouraged if there are problems with obtaining a visa. Despite this, you should remember that if you think positively, you will have a great vacation!

Nikiforova Maria

Twenty years ago not many people traveled overseas for their holidays. The majority of people stayed to have holidays in their country. Today the situation is different and the world seems much smaller.
It is possible to book a holiday to a seaside resort on the other side of the world. Staying at home, you can book it through the Internet or by phone. The plane takes you straight there and within some hours of leaving your country, you can be on a tropical beach, breathing a super clean air and swimming in crystal warm water of tropical sea.
We can travel by car, by train or plane, if we have got a long distance tour. Some young people prefer walking or hitch-hike travelling, when you travel, paying nearly nothing. You get new friends, lots of fun and have no idea where you will be tomorrow. It has great advantages for the tourists, who want to get the most out of exploring the world and give more back to the people and places visited. If you like mountains, you could climb any mountains around the globe and there is only one restriction. It is money. If you like traveling, you have got to have some money, because it is not a cheap hobby indeed. The economy of some countries is mainly based on the tourism industry. Modern tourism has become a highly developed industry, because any human being is curious and inquisitive, we like leisure, visit other places. That is why tourism prospers.
People travel from the very beginning of their civilization. Thousands years ago all people were nomads and collectors. They roamed all their lives looking for food and better life. This way human beings populated the whole planet Earth. So, traveling and visiting other places are the part of our consciousness. That is why tourism and travel are so popular.
Nowadays tourism has become a highly developed business. There are trains, cars and air jet liners, buses, ships that provide us with comfortable and secure travelling.
If we travel for pleasure, by all means one would like to enjoy picturesque places they are passing through, one would like seeing the places of interest, enjoying the sightseeing of the cities, towns and countries.
Nowadays people travel not only for pleasure but also on business. People have to go to other countries for taking part in different negotiations, for signing some very important documents, for participating in different exhibitions, in order to exhibit the goods of their own firm or company. Traveling on business helps people to get more information about achievements of other companies, which will help making own business more successful.
There are a lot of means of travelling: traveling by ship, by plane, by car, walking. It depends on a person to decide which means of traveling one would prefer.

Twenty years ago, not many people went on holiday abroad. Most of the people spent their holidays in their own country. Today the situation has changed and the world seems much smaller.
Today it became possible to reserve a place at a seaside resort on the other side of the world.
Without leaving your home, you can order tickets online or by phone. The plane will take you directly to where you want, and within a few hours after leaving your country, you can be on the tropical coast, enjoying the cleanest air, swimming in the crystal clear, warm water of the tropical sea.
We can travel by car, train or plane if we have a long journey ahead of us. Some young people choose to travel on foot or hitchhike, spending almost nothing on their journey. You meet new friends, have fun and have no idea where you will be tomorrow. This is the great advantage for tourists - those who want to get the most out of exploring the world, while not bothering the people around them too much. If you love mountains, you could climb any mountain around the globe. There is only one limitation. This is money. If you love to travel, you must have money because it is not really a cheap hobby.
Some countries rely on tourism for their economy. Modern tourism has become a highly developed industry because every person is curious, inquisitive and loves leisure, loves to visit other places. That is why tourism is booming.
People have been traveling since the beginning of their civilization. Thousands of years ago, all people were nomads and gatherers. All their lives they wandered in search of food and a better life. Thus, people populated the entire planet Earth. So traveling and visiting other places is part of our consciousness. That is why tourism and travel are so popular.
Nowadays, tourism has become a highly developed business. Trains, cars and jet liners, buses, ships provide us with a comfortable and safe journey.
If we travel for pleasure, everyone would like, by all means, to enjoy the picturesque places that he flies, would like to see interesting places, enjoy the sights of cities and countries.
Nowadays, people travel not only for pleasure, but also for business. People have to travel to other countries to participate in various negotiations, to sign some very important documents, to participate in various exhibitions, to show the products of their own firm or company. Business trips help people get more information about the achievements of other companies, which will help create a more successful business.
You can travel in different ways: by ship, plane, car, on foot. It all depends on the person and their preferences.

Not very high (or just very well forgotten), but a long-awaited trip abroad is already looming on the horizon? It's too late to run to the courses... Well, don't despair now! We have selected for you the basic phrases in English for travel.

So, hooray! The plane has landed, the adventure has begun! And they started with “Abra-Kadabra” at the airport… And not “Abra-Kadabra” at all, if you thoroughly study the basic phrases for communicating at the airport.

At the airport. In the airport

  • I booked my ticket on the Internet. - I booked a ticket online;
  • Do you have your booking reference? - Do you have your booking code?
  • Yes. Here's my booking reference. - Yes, here is my booking number;
  • Where are you flying? - Where are you flying to?
  • I'm flying to... - I'm flying to...;
  • Can I see your passport and ticket, please? - Your passport and ticket, please;
  • Did you pack your bags yourself? - Did you pack your things yourself?
  • Do you have a hand baggage?- Do you have any carry-on baggage?
  • Do I need to check this in or can I take it with me? - Do I have to hand it in or can I take it with me?
  • Can I have a window (aisle) seat, please? - Can I have a window (aisle) seat?
  • Where can I get a trolley? - Where can I get a cart?
  • What's the flight number? - What is the flight number?
  • Is it a direct flight? - Is that a direct flight?
  • What's the gate number? - What is the exit number?
  • Are you carrying any liquids? - Are you transporting any liquids?
  • Could you take off your shoes, please? - Could you take off your shoes?
  • Could you put….into the tray, please? - Put it on a tray, please;
  • The flight is delayed. - Flight delayed;
  • The flight is cancelled. - Flight cancelled;
  • Can I see your boarding card, please? - Please show your boarding pass.

On the plane. In airplane

  • Fasten your seatbelt and return your seat to the upright position, please. - Please fasten your seat belts and return the chair to its original position;
  • Please turn off you mobile phones and electronic devices. -Please turn off your Cell phones and electronic devices;
  • Could you put it into the overhead locker, please? -Could you put this in the overhead luggage compartment?

Signs/Plates at the airport

  • Departure- Departure
  • Arrivals- Arrival
  • Check-in- Registration
  • International flights- International flights
  • Domestic flights- Domestic flights
  • gate- Exit to the plane
  • Baggage claim- Baggage Claim
  • Passport control- Passport control
  • Customs- Customs

At the Hotel. Hotel

The airport, the plane - all this is behind, rest and check-in at the hotel are ahead. The phrases below will be needed when booking a room, and when registering, and for a stay. Comfortable stay and easy communication!

  • What kind of room would you like? - What kind of room would you like?
  • I'd like a single/double/twin/triple room/suite.- I would like a single room/double room with one large bed/double room with two beds/triple room with three beds/suite room;
  • How long are you going to stay? - How long are you going to stay here?
  • What's the price per night? - How much is the stay per night?
  • Is breakfast included? - Breakfast included?
  • I'd like a room with a shower/bath/sea view. - I would like a room with a shower/tub/sea view.
  • Is there a swimming pool/gym/sauna/restaurant/fridge/TV/air conditioning…?- Is there a swimming pool/gym/sauna/restaurant/fridge/TV/air conditioning…?
  • I lost my key - I lost my key
  • Where is the bar/laundry - Where is the bar here? Washing clothes?
  • Could you change the sheets, please? - Could you change the sheets?
  • Do you have an extra towel/blanket? - Do you have an extra towel/blanket?
  • What time do I need to check out? - What time should I check out?

English phrases in a restaurant

Arrived, settled, now it's time to relax! What vacation would be complete without a restaurant? And what restaurant abroad can do without English?

  • Do you have any free tables?- Do you have free tables?
  • Do you need smoking or non-smoking area? - Do you need a smoking or non-smoking room?
  • Can I have a menu, please? - Please bring the menu;
  • Are you ready to order? - You are ready to place an order?
  • I'd like…/Can I have…, please? - I would like…
  • Anything else? - Anything else?
  • Do you have any…? - You have…?
  • Could I have the bill, please? - The check, please.
  • Do you accept credit cards? - Do you accept payment by credit card.

shopping. Purchases

I have not been on a single trip that would have done without shopping .... and you?))

  • Do you have a size…? - Do you have a size...?
  • Can I try this on? - Can I try it on?
  • Where's the fitting room? - Where's the fitting room?
  • Do you have this in a smaller/larger size? - Do you have it in a size smaller/larger?
  • It doesn't fit. - Doesn't fit (according to size)
  • It suits you! - It suits you!
  • I'll take it. Where can I pay? - I will take it. Where to pay?
  • Are there any discounts? - Are there discounts here?

Asking for direction. How to ask for directions in English?

Walk so walk! Step to the right - step to the left - it's not interesting! You have to see everything! Lost? Well, not a problem at all!

  • Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to… - Sorry, can you tell me how to get through ...
  • Excuse me, do you know where (the nearest metro/bus/train station) is? - Excuse me, can you tell me where is the nearest metro/bus/train stop?
  • I'm looking for… this place/address - I am looking for this place/address.
  • Is it far? - It is far?
  • Go straight ahead - Go forward.
  • Turn right/left - Turn right/left.
  • cross the road - Cross the road.
  • Turn… at the traffic lights - Turn at the traffic lights.
  • It's opposite... - It's opposite...
  • It's next to… - It's next to…
  • You'll pass the movie theater on the left… - You will pass the cinema on the left…
  • Keep going this direction - Keep walking in this direction.

Federal Agency for Education

State educational institution of higher professional education

šKuzbass State Technical UniversityŸ


Kemerovo 2009

_________________________šSocio-culturalservice and tourism __________

specialties or areas of study

English: tourism and hotel service: tutorial[Electronic resource]: for the preparation of students in the specialty 100103 šSocial and cultural service and tourismŸ / IV Graborskaya. – Electron. Dan. - Kemerovo: KuzGTU, 2009. - 1 electron. opt. disk (CD-ROM) ; sound ; col. ; 12 cm. - System. requirements: Pentium IV ; RAM 8 MB; Windows 2003 (CD-ROM drive) ; mouse. - Zagl. from the screen.

The proposed textbook is intended for students studying in the specialty 100103 šSocio-cultural service and tourismŸ. The manual presents authentic material and texts, accompanied by exercises and role-playing games. The structure and content of this manual suggests a creative approach to learning and self-learning.

This manual is offered by the author for classroom and independent study of certain topics for students of the specialty "Translation and Translation Studies" in the discipline "Practical Course of the First Foreign Language" The compiler expresses the hope that after working with this manual, students

can speak freely and conduct a conversation in English within the framework of the proposed topics.

KuzGTUGraborskaya I.V., compilation, 2009

The manual is intended for students of the specialty šSocial and cultural service and tourismŸ. This manual is also offered by the author for classroom and independent study of certain topics for students of the specialty "Translation and Translation Studies" in the discipline "Practical Course of the First Foreign Language" The purpose of this manual is to develop various types of speech activity on the material of the colloquial topic šTourism Ÿ, taking into account the communicative orientation of training, which contributes to the activation of mental activity , development of initiative and creative independence of students.

The manual consists of 5 sections: travelling, tourist attractions and entertainment, sightseeing, ecotourism, at a hotel.

The material is presented in the form of texts, exercises and role-playing games. The material of the guidelines was tested in practical classes in groups of the Faculty of Humanitarian Education. The results showed that the topic is relevant and interesting for students.

The following literature was used in this manual:

1. Kenny, N. CAE Gold Plus Practice Tests with Key / N. Kenny, J. Newbrook. – Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, 2009.

2. French, Amanda Cae Testbuilder New edition / Amanda French. – Oxford: Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2009.

3. Newbrook, Jacky FCE Gold Plus Coursebook / Jacky Newbrook, Judith Wilson, Richard Acklam. – Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, 2008.

4. Boyd, Elaine Cae Gold Plus Exam Maximiser with key and audio CD / Elaine Boyd. – Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, 2008.

5. Vorobyeva, S. A. Business English for tourism / S. A. Vorobyova. - M. : šFilomatisŸ, 2007.


Topical vocabulary

journey, travel, travel

travel alone

travel light (with

small luggage)


5 holidays /

take a vacation (or: holidays)

business trip, business trip

8 trip round the country

country trip

journey, journey (overland)

swimming, sea travel;

flight, flight (by plane)

cruise, sea voyage

journey, trip, tour,

excursion, walk

travel abroad

trip accompanied by a guide

tour guide (with accompanying person)

13 package tour / holiday

package tour

(with simultaneous

travel, meals,

accommodation, excursion


14 sightseeing tour

excursion around the city

15 go sightseeing

see the sights

flight; flight

short trip

route, way, course, route, hike

route, path, itinerary,

intended route; travel

20 tailor-made itinerary

individual route

country walk, excursion,



exploration, exploration, travel

adventure, risky


26 experience the spirit of

experience the spirit of adventure

27 travel by coach / trains

travel by bus/train

(or: rail) /planes/

/ aircraft / forwarding

expedition vehicle / car /

by truck / by car / by

camel / rafts / on foot

camel / raft / on foot

touring car

trailer house

30 get off the beaten track

get off the knurled track (beaten



pay a visit, visit

stay, stop


34 stay overnight

stay overnight, spend the night


depart, depart

to leave (to leave Manchester for

Manchester for Liverpool


38 have recreation and

combine leisure with language

language activities


39 live with a host family

live with a family (by invitation)

40 family acting as

family that accepts

guardians for foreign

hosts foreign



direction, destination

43 far-distant lands

distant countries, lands

44 have beach holidays

spend a holiday by the sea

sand beach

45 jammed beaches

crowded beaches

resort (on medicinal waters)

48 reindeer safari

reindeer safari

49 sledging (sledding,


sleighing / sleigh ride

sled pulled by dogs


luge (toboggan)



scuba diving

(type of scuba)


unfold parachuting; jumping from

parachute (especially protracted)


water skiing

60 surfing (surf-riding,


hang gliding

63 skateboarding

skateboarding, land

snowboarding, snowboarding

slope on a snowboard, wide ski

balloon launch

kite launch


hang glider

69 parachute jumping


hiking trails

71 glacier trekking

glacier crossing

75 mount aineering


pony ride

(mountain climbing,

a ride on the bicycle

hiking, hiking

1. Translate the following sentences.

1. We visited lots of famous towns on our American trip last year.

2. Before the invention of the aero plane, the voyage from Britain to America could take weeks, even months sometimes.

3. Do you want to come for a run in my new car on Sunday?

4. The first thing I did when I got to London was to go on a sightseeing tour.

5. In my opinion, the best way to travel is by air.

6. Last summer I stayed in Brighton and one day our group went on a very interesting excursion to Blenheim Palace, the home of the late Winston Churchill.

7. My uncle is going on an expedition next year to try to discover the lost city of Atlantis.

8. The secret of our success is the train, which is so much more comfortable and less tiring than a motor coach for a long journey.

9. How long does the train journey from London to Edinburgh take?

10. Last year my mother went on a Mediterranean cruise and was seasick practically the whole time.

11. One of the main advantages of going on a package tour, apart from the price, is the fact that you don't have to spend weeks beforehand planning routes, finding hotels, buying air tickets, etc. It's all done for you.

12. This unique itinerary includes the best that both Australia and New Zealand can offer.

13. We went on a day "s outing to the zoo in Copenhagen and the whole family loved it.

14. Enjoy the guided tour of the city.

15. On arrival in Paris enjoy a fully guided panoramic tour of the city seeing Champs-Elysee, Arc deTriomphe, the Eiffel Tower and much more.

16. Leave Waterloo International with your guide aboard a brand new Supertrain for the three hour rail journey to Paris, passing en route through the 31 mile long Channel Tunnel.

17. Britainshrinkers became the first operator to offer fully escorted daytrips to Paris.

18. This small and beautiful medieval city is ideally suited to a one day visit.

19. Visit Scotland's capital, Edinburgh, in a day!

2. Translate the following phrases naming options for recreation activities.

to dream of traveling to exotic destinations worldwide;

To visit dozens of cities and countries and have action-packed holidays to see extraordinary lands, climates;

To travel by coach, trains, expedition vehicle, camel, rafts or on foot, to have world cruise sailing from and back to some part in your country;

To have beach holidays, though beaches are sometimes jammed and often polluted;

For persons with imagination, spirit of adventure, and love of life – tailor-made or small group itineraries with cultural and wildlife extensions, to experience adventure sports taking risks in a Safari by canoe, white-water rafting, glacier trekking on a high mountain ;

To have recreation and language learning activities – living with a host family, not just learning a language but experiencing a culture.

3. Find equivalents to the following.

Prefer exotic routes and outdoor activities; travel by bus; spend a vacation by the sea; crowded sea beaches; individual routes; spirit of adventure; additional routes with visits to cultural monuments and wildlife reserves; to risk; active types of recreation associated with risk; rafting; climbing the glacier; combine rest with language practice; visit at the invitation of the family (by exchange program for foreign students and schoolchildren); hitchhiking; hiking; diving; sailing.

4. Translate the texts.


The most significant economic change for many countries of the world has been the development of mass tourism since World War II. Tourism is a risky business: capital investment can be considerable, whereas the season in which to recoup expenditure may be short and can be disrupted by economic difficulties within a country and in neighboring countries or by cool; rainy weather in summer. Furthermore, there is fierce competition to attract tourists, not only among different countries but also among the resorts within each country.

Tourism is a growing industry and one of the largest sources of foreign exchange. Enormous sums of money are injected into the economies of some nations by winter and summer tourism. Employment opportunities in the service sector increase substantially. The tourist trade is one of the most important sources of employment and revenue and is served by numerous hotels and boardinghouses, youth hostels, restaurants, and retail businesses. Many cities are also important centers for international conferences and exhibitions.

The number of tourists increases steadily. In some countries, though, tourism has not been at the heart of their economies, so the lack of facilities make travel in them a rugged experience. However, it is becoming a part of governmental policies in those countries to include provisions for paved highways and hotel construction in each successful development plan. Thus, the tourism industry has been actively encouraged by the authorities. Luxury establishments are developed for wealthy foreigners. Many workers find employment in tourism, now continuous through all seasons in many countries, binding the cities" economies ever more firmly to tourism. Tourism supports the many small businesses that provide food, lodging, fuel, and other supplies and services.


There's no need to agonize over where and when to take break next year: there are month-by-month vacation charts suggesting holidays each month to suit all tastes, from beaches, skiing, family and under-25 getaways to cruises and weekend escapes.

Who believes in Santa? Fly across the Arctic Circle to Finnish Lapland to meet him and take a reindeer sleigh ride.

Get next to nature for a close-up view of geysers and glaciers. Reykjavik isn't cheap but it's clean - and the sights are stunning.

Tiptoe through the tulips on a Dutch bulb-fields tour. Take in Amsterdam's canals and the Hague's museums for more color and culture.

Join a coastal steamer to discover Norway's spectacular fjords and fishing villages.

Ski in the morning and go biking, hiking, rafting or play tennis or golf after lunch. A trip to Austria is offered for a week including breakfast, packed lunch and dinner with wine.

Celebrate the arrival of spring with a three-night gala weekend in Paris. A dinner and show at Lido or Moulin Rouge, plus a river cruise, will be provided.

Hail a passing gondola or hop on a water bus for a city tour with a difference. The canals and palaces of Venice give it a unique appeal.

Take a Turkish bath and tour the dazzling Topkapi palace, see Istanbul's exotic attractions, have cheap shopping and enjoy eating out at excellent restaurants.

Spend nights under the stars on a 14-day exploration of the deserts and mountains of Morocco.

Discover the temples, tranquility and superb sandy beaches of Bali, a desirable retreat for romantics, nature lovers and water-sports enthusiasts.

Everyone knows that when going on a trip abroad, it is advisable to learn or at least write down a few phrases in a foreign language that you may need in different situations abroad. It is quite difficult to learn phrases in different languages ​​every time before traveling, depending on the country where you are going. But as practice shows, if you learn the necessary phrases in English, then you will be understood in almost any country in the world. In any case, the staff of airports, hotels and most shops know English to some extent in order to understand you and help in difficult situations.

So, what phrases might you need while traveling? Let's make a short English phrasebook for tourists.

First, these are the most common phrases in everyday life, including greeting and farewell:



Good morning. (up to 12 days)

Good afternoon. (up to 5-6 days)

Good evening. (until 10-11 pm)

good morning. (until 12 p.m.)

good afternoon. (until 5-6 p.m.)

good evening. (until 10-11 p.m.)

How do you do

Hood "mo:nin

Hood "a:ftenun

Good" and: vnin

Hello, how are you?

Well thank you.


Everything is fine.

Hello, how are you?

I am very well, thank you.

He "low how and yu?

Ai em very well, senk yu.

Note that bad.

I have to go

Ay must be gowin

I have to go

My business card

My address

My number

my phone number

May ed "res

Mai fawn namba

Hope we see you again

I hope we meet again

Ai hope wee mit e "gene


Good night!

Good night!

Please (reply to thank you)

Yu a'welcome

I'm sorry (guilty)

Wear from it?

How much does it cost?

How much is that?

How to match from z?

I do not understand

I don't understand

Ai dont ande'stand

Repeat please

Ri "pi: t pli: s

You may need to call someone to ask a question:

You may be answered as follows:

Yes, what is it?

Yes, what is it?

Es, wat from it?

How can I help you?

What can I do for

Wat ken ah du fo yu?

Travel is not only new places and sights, but also new acquaintance. To do this, you will need the following phrases:

Every journey starts with station and airport. You need to buy a ticket, register for a flight (if you are traveling by plane), find out about the time and place of departure.

One return ticket for tomorrow, please.

One single and one return ticket for tomorrow, please

One single and one ri’tyo:n ticket fo tou’morou pli:z.

Where can I buy a ticket for a train (airplane, ship)

Where can I buy a ticket for the train (plane, ship)?

Wea ken ah bye e ‘ticket fo the train (plane, spike)

I would like a ticket to...

I "d like a ticket to the…

Eid like e ‘ticket to ze…

How to get on the platform?

How does one get to the platform?

How daz one get tu ze "platfom?

What are the flights to...?

What flights are there to …?

Wat flight and zea tu...?




Wear from ze

e "rivalz

di "pa: chas

When does registration start?

When does the check-in begin?

Wen daz ze check "in bi" gin?

What is the price…?

What is the price of…?

Wat from the price of ...?

Arriving in another country, when settling in hotel you will also need a few catchphrases.

I want to book a room

Room for one

Room for two

Not expensive

For a week

I want to order a room

Ai want tu" oh yes er room

Single room

Double room

Note x "pensive

Four a week

How much is the room?

How much is the room?

How much from the room?

I'll pay cash.

I will pay in cash.

Ai wheel pay in cash

Can I pay by card?

Can I pay by card?

Ken ai pay bai ka:d?

Wake me up at 8 o'clock please.

Wake me up at 8 o'clock, please.

Wake me up at et o clock, pli:z.

Book a taxi for 10 o'clock, please.

Order a taxi for 10 o'clock, please

"Oh yes e'taxi fo ten o slok, pli:z.

May I see the number please?

Can I see the room, please?

Ken icy the room, plz?

We are leaving. I'd like to pay, please.

We "re leaving. I" d like to pay, please.

Wia "li: vin. Eid like to pay, pli: z.

After checking into a hotel, travelers go explore the city and to visit sights. Phrasebook (Russian-English) for tourists will help you in an unfamiliar city.

Excuse me, could you help me please?

Excuse me, can you help me, please?

Ex "cues mi, ken yu help mi, pli: z?

What are the main attractions you advise us to see?

What main places of interest do you advise us to see?

Wat Main Places of Interest Do You Ed Weiss As Tu Si: ?

Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to

Metro stations

bus stop

Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the ...

Ex "kuz mi, ku yu tel mi high tu get tu ze

- metro station

bass stop

Which bus should I take?

What bus must I take?

Wat bass must-eye take?

Can you please tell me how to get to the hotel…?

Tell me, please, how can I get to the hotel ...?

Tel mi pli: z, hau ken ai get tu ze hou "tel ...?

My hotel
- tourist office

A tourist office

A chemist's shop

Aim "si: kin

May hou "tel

E tu'ristik' office

E ‘kemists shop

E syupa "ma: ket

How much does the ticket cost?

How much does the ticket cost?

How much daz ze "ticket cost?

Where can I buy a ticket to (to)


Where can I buy the ticket to

Uea ken ah bye ze ‘ticket tu

The Mu'ziam

Ze ex "keshn

The Palace

And of course, when traveling, you must visit cafe or restaurant to fully experience the spirit of another country, watch people, enjoy the atmosphere of an unfamiliar city, try the local cuisine.

Menu, please!

‘Menu, pli:z

I would like to order now.

I would like to order now.

Ay wood like tu "oh yes naw

I'll be ready to order in a few minutes.

I will be ready to order in a few minutes

Ai wil bi ‘ready tu "o: yes in e fyu ‘minets

What are your signature dishes?

What are your specialties?

Wat a yo' specialty?

Do you have any local dishes?

Do you have any local dishes?

Doo yu have any lokl ‘dishiz?

What are the ingredients for this dish?

What are the ingredients of this dish?

Wat f the in'gri: dients of sis dish?

What are the side dishes?

What are the side dishes?

Wat a zee side ‘dishiz?

Is it sharp?

From it's spicy?

When will it be ready?

When will it be ready?

Wen whil it bi "ready?

I'd like a set lunch.

I would like the set lunch.

Ai wood like the set lunch

I would like an invoice, please.

I'd like the check, please.

Eid like the check, plee:z

We are paying separately.

We are paying separately.

Wee a payin' separatli

Account me.

The check is on me.

Ze check out he mi.

Here we have given a far from complete list of useful phrases for tourists. For the convenience of travelers who do not know English at all, we have given the Russian transcription of the sentences. You can find more complete English with pronunciation on our website. All phrases of the phrasebook are voiced by a professional announcer. In addition, by completing the exercises that are given to the phrasebook, you can learn all the necessary words and remember the phrases that you will probably need on your trip.