What is good about calling. The meaning of the word "calling" By calling

A vocation is a beloved and socially valued work in which a person is a professional. A vocation is what a person is called to. This is an inclination and inner attraction to some business or profession, justified by the presence of the necessary abilities for the business.

Work and vocation

If you have few resources, you will only have work. The right to a vocation must be earned. It's not for everyone, it's expensive.

What you need to have or be able to find a calling

  • Well-developed universal skills: the basis for professionalism - goal-setting, planning, maintaining vigor and high energy, a positive worldview, easy learning, etc.
  • Cheerful, lively and collected body.

If a person is lethargic, his eyes are sleepy, dead, his gestures are lowered, then any vocation is closed to him for the time being. Such a body blocks any calling. The vocation is the soul, but if a person has the wrong body, the soul will be blocked by the body.

  • Rich desires: I want a lot!

A lively and vigorous person has energetic, developed desires. He wants a lot, he has something to wake up for every day, and he does not just work out what others expect from him, he does what he wants. He wants. He dares to want. How much, how much do you want?

  • The ability and habit to bring one's abilities to the level of "Excellent", to the level of mastery.

Appeal: “I don’t know what business I should do in life. I’m not drawn to anything ... ”- quite typical. Over time, I discovered a surprising pattern: as a rule, people who can do little well do this.

  • Caring, focusing on people - this is a calling that many people need, in which there is meaning. When your calling is dear to you, you do something not only because it is personally interesting to you, but you care about what people need.

When Sherlock Holmes plays his favorite violin, he is doing his favorite thing. But while he plays only for himself, this is his hobby, but not his vocation.

Vocation Pedagogy

In children (including adult children), the vocation must be developed from the side of “I want!”. To make sure that a vitally promising business is your (or a loved one's) vocation, you should take care of the following points:

  1. Easy start (see Positive Self-Motivation)
  2. Having life prospects
  3. Authoritative reviews of authoritative people
  4. Anchoring. See "There is such a profession - to defend the homeland!" To form interest in the search for a vocation, the words of an authoritative senior comrade end with a view of the Sublime Mountains against the background of Sublime Music) - anchoring is arranged by touching the hand (pay attention!), Sublime pictures and sublime music. The mechanism is similar to the operation of the Keys of Happiness
  5. Lack of good alternative choices. If everything turns out easily for you, different authoritative people speak authoritatively about your different hobbies, and sublime pictures are shown about everything - the person’s consciousness is confused, the choice becomes difficult. If there is only one choice, it becomes obvious.
  • Adult and caring people need to talk about the Meaning, about the need for people to do this, and he will take care of his own Want. It is enough for such a person to explain in words or let him find for himself such a form of his business that will be most useful and significant for people. Businessman - build a business on the principle of cooperation, make sure that the field of your influence is wide. Designer - make a company that will work efficiently, give jobs to many people. Manager - build a team in which people like to work, educate employees nearby so that they learn to be leaders. Mom - raise high-quality, responsive children who will do a lot. And so on.
  • If a person wants a lot, but knows little, in order to find a calling for him, you first need to teach him. To begin with, the first thing that such people need to be taught is to learn. Easy learning is also a skill. Settle for new things, try new things, turn on your head, think, set goals, achieve goals, plan time and life, and so on. When these skills are developed, you can launch “I want!” and seek a calling.

An adult, accomplished person knows and believes that there are many beautiful and necessary things in the world that he can do with pleasure and with meaning, especially if he becomes a master in them. The one who knows how to enjoy life and knows how to love (do you know how?), does not sink to melancholy. He learns cheerfully, gets acquainted with life and his own characteristics (talents) with interest, works hard and with pleasure, setting more and more significant and more difficult goals. Become big man, work creatively - and you will never be bored in life. Yes?

Dictionary of Efremova


  1. cf.
    1. Inclination, inner attraction to smth. case, some professions (if you have the necessary abilities for that).
    2. Role, task, purpose.
    3. obsolete The process of action by value. verb: summon (1a1).

Ozhegov's dictionary


1. Propensity for one or another business, profession. P. to science. Doctor by vocation.

2. Life's work, purpose. Raising children was her calling.

Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language (Alabugina)


I, cf.

1. special inclination, ability to case.

* Call to painting. *

2. book. That which makes up the meaning of the existence of someone, something; purpose.

* calling of man - serve the people. *

Dictionary Ushakov


vocation, vocations, cf. (books.).

1. only units Action on ch.- , call, invitation ( obsolete torzh.). Come to a friendly calling, come, O young traveler.

2. An inclination, an inner attraction to some business, some profession (if you possess or are convinced that you have the necessary abilities for that). Feel the vocation for science. A call to music. Follow your calling. Artist by vocation.

| Role, task, purpose. "You have nobly understood the vocation of an actress." Nekrasov. “Oh, who will now remind a man of his high calling?” Nekrasov. The historical vocation of the proletariat is to build a socialist society.

Westminster Dictionary of Theological Terms



♦ (ENG vocation)

(lat.- call; from vocare - to call)

Divine call to people to become Christians. In a narrower sense, the view that God calls people to perform certain professional duties or to follow a lifestyle as a path of Christian service and piety. Most often, this term is associated with initiation into a spiritual order. In this case, many factors interact, and the meaning of the vocation manifests itself in many ways. No calling is considered more important than others.



♦ (ENG call (calling)

(Greek kaleô - to call lat. vocatio - vocation)

calls of God to salvation or to a certain type of service, suggesting God's chosenness. God called to Moses (Ex. 3:4) and to prophets(Jer. 1:5). Jesus called apostles(Matt. 4:21; Rom. 1:1) and others (Matt. 9:13; 22:14).

Bible: Topical Dictionary


, urge

The Lord calls us to Himself

BUT. The main meanings of "call (call)"

call to a meeting:

Gen 3:9; Acts 4:18

pray to the Lord:

Gen 4:26; Rom 10:13

put into service:

Ex 3:4,5; Mark 1:19,20

B. The call to become children of God

1. What is its essence

call to heaven:

Php 3:14; Heb 3:1


related to our election:

Rom 8:30; 2 Thess 2:13,14

many are called, but few are chosen:

2. What should we do


Luke 5:32; Acts 2:38,39; Acts 17:30

call on the name of the Lord:

Acts 9:21; Rom 10:12

confirm the calling of God with your lives:

3. What are its implications for us

justified and glorified:

We have fellowship with Jesus:

Let's enter the Kingdom of God:

1 Thessalonians 2:12; 2 Pet 1:9,10

let's enter into the light of God:

Let's enter into the glory of Christ:

We have Christian hope:

we get an inheritance:

It usually goes something like this - "it's like I live in the wrong time", "I was born/destined for something more", "I have a destiny, but I don't know how to realize it", "I want to understand why I was born/born", "I want to know my mission", "I don't know who I should go to work", "I don't like what I do, and there is a feeling that I need to do something else, but I don't know what", "Am I doing", "I don't understand why I live" and others.

The question of one's own realization, the manifestation of one's talents and abilities, the application of one's strength and energy in the right direction, the question of rejection of one's work, one's business, the question of the manifestation in life of an occupation that would be very important for the Soul. And in this regard, people often rush into searches, "search" for themselves, want to find "that" sphere, "that" activity, perhaps without attaching importance to what already exists. Many people want to find the "work of life", something that captivates and occupies all thoughts.

So how do you know the purpose and calling? In order to understand what we are talking about in general, I will dwell on the concepts themselves, what is vocation and what is purpose. It is worth distinguishing between these concepts. First you need to answer these questions for yourself. What purpose For you? And what is for you vocation? How do you understand this for yourself? What does this mean for you? This will help you understand what exactly you need to understand now, to find out about yourself.

It is also important to ask yourself a couple of simple questions - why do you need to know your purpose / calling? And what will change in your life after you find out? What do you think your life will be like after this? Perhaps the request will be reformulated in another and will sound differently, Already more specific.

Let me return to the concepts themselves - in Reincarnation these concepts are defined as follows - there are the purpose of the soul and eat man's vocation. After adding two words, the definition becomes clearer.

The Soul has a purpose, what is assigned to it, certain tasks that it needs to fulfill. purpose- this is a kind of global goal, the task is to do something, like "bring light", "give love." And maybe not global, everything is individual. Purpose is the purpose of the Soul.

It happens that the Soul often realizes its destiny in the space between lives, where there is a strict hierarchy and each Soul has its own occupation — specialization. And the Soul can carry this activity with it into incarnation and engage in something similar in the physical world.

calling of man- this is what the Soul will use to realize its destiny, what the Soul is called to this world for. With the help of what activity, what occupation will it fulfill its purpose. As a rule, this is what a person likes to do, what a person likes to do in life. The search for one's vocation, "one's" occupation is like the call of the Soul to fulfill one's destiny. If the Soul follows its calling, then it will fulfill its destiny.

Memories of your addictions in children's games will help you understand what kind of calling you may have. From the games of the child, you can notice a lot of what he likes, what he liked to play - build everyone, manage, or teach everyone, or heal, or play mother-daughters, or something else. If you remember what you were fond of as a child, what gave you pleasure, you can already understand a lot.

I see how people who know who they are and what they have, what talents, abilities, what they like in life, and do just that - I see how happy they are, and how they burn with their activities, I see how easier live with this knowledge. How great it is to know who you are in this world, and not just to know, but to put it into practice - to have a “dream job”, to understand the nature of your Soul, then life is easier and happier, and desires and dreams come true easier, and money for the right always appears!

When you find out the purpose of your Soul and your calling in this life, household chores, the need to go to the store, buy food and cook are unlikely to disappear, interaction with other people will not disappear, electricity bills and utility bills will not disappear, and garbage is still needed. will take out. But! It will become much easier, you will understand what to do and how to live, what you need and do not need, in which direction to move and how to get what you need.

There will be an opportunity to stand on own way! And on its way, there is a fair wind and fewer holes. Some of the questions may disappear altogether, perhaps the circle of contacts will change or you will have to change your job, field of activity, and, possibly, your place of residence. Taking action in the right direction path will be drawn under your feet, literally opening up under the feet of the walker.

You will gain a connection with your Soul, begin to listen to your desires, and life will become different, it will develop differently. Will come across necessary people, the necessary events happen, convenient cases turn up. Life always favors those who go their own way. Such marchers are important to the world, he will give them everything! But even those who are going need to give themselves to the world and what they know how to do, what they are capable of and what they were born for.

Why else do you need to know your purpose and calling:

  • To find and feel "their place" in life,
  • to enjoy your occupation, activity, joy from life,
  • if we talk about the Soul, then in order to fulfill the tasks for this incarnation and allow your Soul to develop, evolve.

Reading time: 3 min

The vocation of a person and his life mission are inseparable categories and represent a combination of those life meanings and value orientations that determine all human activity. It is customary to associate a vocation with work, and indeed this category reflects activity, but does not imply a rigid binding to the work area, rather, it is about realizing one's activity in a way that brings a sense of fulfillment and personal involvement in the life system.

The choice of a profession by vocation is considered the most favorable, since it will meet the realization of the inherent internal needs of the individual, her unique abilities to transform the world for the better. In a situation where life circumstances or rash actions do not allow to be realized in the most relevant direction, a person can find time for his vocation in his free time, being carried away by something.

If abilities and education help determine what a person can do, then vocation always reflects that side of being that a person cannot help fulfilling. Going against inner impulses, a person may eventually lose his uniqueness, inspiration and motivation. The lack of understanding of the internal benefit of the case leads to a deep existential crisis, which is why the problem of finding one's true destiny is so urgent.

What it is

Vocation is a rather vague category, and attempts to simplify it come down to choosing a professional path. Such a strategy can lead to complete disorientation, because the restructuring of society and the high speed of technological development creates new relevant specialties and forever sends those that existed before into history. The pursuit of such relevance and compliance with trends can deprive a person of his inner calling. For example, drawing on canvas is increasingly being replaced by computer graphics, and hand-made footwear is being replaced by factories, not to mention the specialization of the agricultural industry. And then people whose vocation is in mixing paint ingredients, leather dressing or gardening can abandon their unique talents or choose to realize it, moving to a unique production or leaving the vocation as a hobby.

It is possible to check whether a person is engaged in his vocation or simply in an activity that succeeds him successfully by several important criteria.

If the work performed brings spiritual satisfaction, a sense of self-fulfillment so much that the process becomes the main thing, and not profit, while the surrounding society benefits from what a person does or produces, then this is a calling.

Another point is the scale, reaching dimensions that exceed in their semantic richness, duration and importance a person's life in its everyday understanding. This is an ideology that remains alive even after the creator himself disappears or the inner understanding of a person that he can sacrifice some aspects of his life for the sake of realizing his own idea that benefits others.

From a deep point of view, calling is also a great responsibility, and not just a gift of abilities. A person will feel a constant spiritual lack and torment when he fails to fulfill the tasks of his vocation, if this continues. long time, then all the talents and abilities laid down for this will atrophy. This is how life motivation disappears, a feeling of not living one's own life appears, and the search and return to the starting point becomes difficult.

Naturally, vocation is not a static category, and it changes along with personality changes, however, there is never a cardinal change, only adjustments are possible associated with a change in the situation, needs, and an increase in the level of proficiency in the skills necessary for its implementation.

For those who are globally absorbed in their hobby, it can represent the main existential category, and a person literally begins to go out and "die before our eyes", in the absence of this activity. Others easily endure the lack of realization of their intended path, having many other areas of activity, hobbies and a low degree of motivation as supports.

How to define your calling

It is important for a person to determine his vocation, but sometimes this turns out to be a difficult task. The reason for this may be the lack of contact with one's experiences, internal mental and emotional processes, and as a result, the inability to hear one's abilities, understand meanings and aspirations. Personal immaturity also makes it difficult to understand one's vocation, since it implies a high level of responsibility for the choice made, first of all to oneself, as well as to the whole society.

The infantilism of many people leaves them at a teenage level of development, where it is impossible to make decisions on their own, and vocation always requires full direct participation.

The diligent and artificial search for a vocation usually does not end in success precisely because a person directs the bulk of his energy to various methods and study, instead of immersing himself in what he can do for hours and what he believes in. Naturally, only doing what you like cannot advance you to understanding your business, you may need creative actions, innovations, a combination of several approaches. This is especially true for those whose vocation has no analogues in the world or is rather uncommon.

To facilitate the search process, it is important to have a high level general training in all industries. It is hard to understand that you are called to make discoveries in the field of molecular biology if you do not know that such a thing exists.

Accordingly, the greater the arsenal a person owns, the greater his chances of finding exactly his own. The development of skills must also be regulated in those areas where there is the greatest interest to develop as much as possible - it is precisely beyond the knowledge of everything that has already been done in this area that personal discoveries and an individual path begin.

In order to go such a distance, motivation is important, and not external factors but by inner desires, because calling always comes from the heart and one's own realization.

A person with many desires is always more motivated than one who is limited to standard social needs. If you want more than your current level gives, then the subconscious mind automatically begins to look for ways to realize and achieve, this is how the process of creativity takes place, new ideas are born, and the inherent potential is revealed.

Dreams and plans also help to develop desires, without criticism of consciousness and logical stops about the impossibility of doing this. Take time every day to imagine what you want, dream about your new life, the reality that surrounds you, the social structure and other worlds. If fantasies become more detailed, the level of desire will be higher, and only then logic and creativity will be connected, helping to realize everything invented.

Analysis of the desired response to their activities is a standard motivation for choosing a main direction. But in order to find a calling, it is also important to understand what you can and want to give to others. The emphasis is better on what you want to give, because you can give your time and want to give paintings or you can give money and want to give security. Only if the process of bestowal is as pleasant for a person as creation, then he will be in his place.


To distinguish vocation from many other concepts, examples help well. So a vocation can find its realization in a hobby or relationship, but one thing remains common - it is always an active position of a person.

Thus, a vocation cannot be a factor that is outside the zone of influence and competence of a person. For example, parenting can be a calling, but children cannot. The difference is that throughout life and in many situations a person can be engaged in education, but it is impossible to put all the meaning into specific children - they are not an activity, they develop at their own pace, they may no longer need education, and so on.

Painting can be a vocation, but not a painting - it is a finite thing that has its end point of creation. From these examples, it is clear that the possibility of realizing a calling must remain with a person throughout his life, and physical factors and the will of other people are only temporary variables.

Objectively, there is no division of vocations by gender or age. Theses in many sources say that a woman's vocation is in motherhood, practice shows that fathers sometimes more successfully fulfill a similar role.

Travel is attributed to the younger generation and even stimulated to do so until a mature age has come, but those who have a vocation to travel continue to fulfill it and go further.

Surrounding this concept with a halo of high, inaccessible and something creative makes people forget about many possibilities. Shoemakers, who benefit many specific people with their practical help, may well realize their vocation. A crisis manager is not only a monetary profession, but also a moral attitude and a person's ability to resolve difficult problems. Not everyone is able to show the patience of priests or volunteers in rescue missions, but they can sculpt clay figures that delight children or invent new medicines.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"