They go through a medical examination. Free medical examination: what it includes, who is supposed to and how to get through

Clinical examination is a periodic free medical examination aimed at preventing and identifying the most common diseases in the population. According to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, in Russia the main causes of high mortality are cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, bronchopulmonary pathologies and oncology.

On January 1, 2013, the law “On approval of the procedure for medical examination of certain groups of the adult population” came into force. The law defines the rules for passing medical examinations.

How often do you need to undergo a medical examination? Every person over the age of 21 can undergo a medical examination every three years at the clinic where he is served (at the place of residence, at the place of work or study). You must be attached to the selected clinic, have a valid compulsory medical insurance policy and a passport.

Categories of citizens

Children, veterans of the Second World War, the disabled, students and working citizens can undergo a medical examination annually. The last two categories can be examined in medical institutions at the place of work / study.

However, both a working and a non-working citizen has the right to undergo medical examination at his own request in a polyclinic at the place of residence / registration.

A working citizen has the right to take the required number of days off, and the employer does not have the right to refuse him. According to the law "On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in Russian Federation» the employer is obliged to provide the necessary conditions for employee visits medical institutions regardless of schedule or workload.

Where to begin

First you need to contact the reception of the clinic or make an appointment with your local therapist. If you are of the right age to undergo medical examination this year, then you will be prompted when and where to come at a certain time. Until the age of 39, the medical examination procedure is somewhat simplified if no pathology is detected. In general, the examination takes about 3-5 hours, you will have to come to the hospital a couple of times.

The screening takes place in 2 stages:

  1. Questioning, primary examination of the therapist, fluorography, delivery of basic tests.
  2. Identification of diseases and subsequent full examination.

In addition, each person has the right to a reduced preventive examination every 2 years.

If any disease or suspicion of it is detected, the patient undergoes a full medical examination and is sent for treatment.

During the medical examination, a person may refuse to undergo certain procedures and examinations, if this does not contradict Part 9 of Article 20 of the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation” dated November 21, 2011. But then the patient takes full responsibility.

Medical examination goals

During the medical examination, doctors identify the most common diseases in our country and predisposition to them. According to statistics, more than 75% of the population suffers from these diseases. Therefore, it is so important to diagnose the disease in time and prescribe prompt treatment or carry out appropriate prevention.

What diseases and pathological conditions amenable to early diagnosis?

  • Cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, stroke, ischemia, myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular diseases);
  • blood cholesterol level;
  • anemia;
  • malignant tumors;
  • diabetes;
  • gastritis, gastrointestinal ulcers;
  • bad habits (nicotine, alcohol, drugs);
  • hypodynamia (low physical activity);
  • overweight, obesity;
  • glaucoma;
  • pulmonary pathologies (tuberculosis, neoplasms).

What analyzes and studies does medical examination involve?

It all depends on age and general health. It may turn out that you are quite healthy man leading a healthy lifestyle. The therapist during the initial examination and questionnaire will evaluate your general state and either send him for further examination or let him go home.

In general, the medical examination includes the following tests and examinations:

  • Filling out a questionnaire (a survey aimed at identifying hereditary and acquired diseases).
  • Measurement of height, weight, calculation of body mass index.
  • Measurement blood pressure.
  • General or biochemical analysis blood (by direction).
  • General urine analysis.
  • Fecal occult blood test (for those over 45).
  • Electrocardiography.
  • Fluorography of the chest organs.
  • Examination by a paramedic and gynecologist, taking swabs (for women).
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs.
  • Analysis for the level of prostate-specific antigen - PSA (for men over 50 years old).
  • Measurement of intraocular pressure (for those over 39 years old).
  • Examination by a neurologist (for people over 50).
  • Inspection and consultation of the therapist, recommendations.

As usual everything goes

Below we will tell you how to undergo a medical examination at the clinic at the place of residence, how long it takes, how the procedures are carried out.

On the first day of your visit to the therapist, you are given a questionnaire with 45 questions. Try to answer them honestly, so you will help the doctor to make the right examination plan. Then the therapist conducts an initial examination, measures weight, height, pressure and issues a referral for fluorography and general analyzes blood and urine. If you have recently taken an X-ray of the lungs (permissible 1-2 times a year), then this item can be omitted.

As a rule, for those who undergo medical examinations, examinations and tests are organized without queues. Therefore, these procedures will not take much time. Women are examined by a gynecologist, men by a paramedic. Those who have completed these basic procedures can go home.

After a few days, the results of the tests are ready, you should visit the therapist again, who will make a conclusion and give recommendations regarding the prevention of diseases.

If suddenly there are any violations in the work of the organs, then additional examinations will be required. That's all. Now you can be sure of your health. Two or three days are worth our peace of mind, isn't it?

Preparation for testing

Of course, you need to prepare for analyzes and some examinations so as not to get wrong results. You can always ask your local therapist about the full rules of preparation. In general, the rules are:

  1. For urine and stool tests, you need to purchase special containers at the pharmacy and sign them.
  2. A blood test is taken on an empty stomach. On the day of the test, do not eat breakfast, do not exercise and do not be nervous.
  3. Do not eat beets, carrots, legumes at least a day before taking a urine test: these vegetables can give urine an unnatural color and increase protein.
  4. For urine analysis, the middle of the morning portion is collected after careful hygiene of the genital organs.
  5. During menstruation, you should not take a urine test and do not take smears.
  6. Before visiting the gynecologist and urologist, you should refrain from sexual activity for several days.
  7. Try to deliver the urine to the laboratory within 1.5 hours of collection. The urine container should be at room temperature. Make sure that cooling does not occur, this affects the appearance of sediment.
  8. Before taking a stool test, you should not eat apples for three days, Bell pepper, white beans, spinach, cucumbers, horseradish, cauliflower. These vegetables and fruits are high in iron, which can lead to wrong results research.
  9. If you are in current year have already taken any tests, then take the papers with you to show the doctor.

Don't skip your screening. A free medical examination will help identify diseases at an early stage of development or prevent their occurrence.

The All-Russian program of medical examination of the adult population was developed with the aim of systematic monitoring of the health status of citizens. Within the framework of the program, everyone has the right to undergo a free medical examination and receive recommendations from qualified specialists, as well as a conclusion on the presence of chronic diseases and the existing risks of developing pathologies. So, medical examination: what is included in the survey, who can get free consultations in 2017, what documents do you need to have with you and how long will the activities take?

What is population dispensary?

Clinical examination refers to medical measures that include consultation with a generalist doctor, a number of narrow specialists and conducting the necessary examinations. Systematic free medical examinations are based on Soviet traditions. The founder of modern medical examination can be considered the Minister of Health of the USSR Evgeny Ivanovich Chazov.

The program, developed by leading experts, takes into account the peak incidence of certain pathologies for different ages. In addition, the list of specialist consultations and medical examinations is determined individually. Not only the age and gender of the patient are taken into account, but also the results of the first stage of clinical examination: the presence of hereditary diseases, predisposition to certain pathologies, identified violations, and so on.

Systematic monitoring of the current state of health of the adult population makes it possible to identify many dangerous diseases at an early stage. infectious diseases and timely start appropriate treatment, identify risks and prevent the development of a number of pathologies. Based on the screening results, the patient is issued a medical certificate and assigned a health group.

Legislative basis for medical examinations

General medical examination (what it includes is indicated below) of the adult population in Russia began in 2013. As already mentioned, the event is a continuation of the Soviet health care tradition. In 2016, the medical examination became the final stage of the global program, which included medical examination of the entire population of the state.

To date, the procedure for a free examination is legally enshrined in the order on the medical examination of the adult population, which entered into force on April 1, 2015. According to this document every Russian citizen once every three years has the opportunity to undergo a set of medical examinations free of charge and to pass basic tests free of charge. This will allow citizens to have an idea about up to date the health of your own body.

The main goals of medical examination of the population

The main task of holding such an event as medical examination (what it includes - consultations, research, laboratory tests- confirms the goals), is a systematic monitoring of the health of citizens. Firstly, regular preventive examination makes it possible at an early stage to identify a number of chronic diseases of a non-infectious nature, which include:


    chronic pathologies of the respiratory system;

    oncological diseases;

    disorders of the cardiovascular system.

It is the above pathologies, according to statistics, that cause three-quarters of the deaths of the population of the Russian Federation.

Secondly, in the process of clinical examination, every citizen has the opportunity to receive free medical advice aimed at identifying and correcting (if possible) risk factors for the development of both these pathologies and other diseases. Causing factors typically include:

    smoking and drinking alcohol;

    malnutrition, consumption a large number fatty and fried foods;

    difficult working conditions, work in hazardous production;

    constant stress, frequent physical or emotional overwork;

    unfavorable sanitary conditions;

    hereditary predisposition to certain pathologies;

    overweight, sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise;

    high blood pressure, glucose or cholesterol levels.

    What is included in the medical examination of the adult population, which allows to identify risks? Doctor general practice conducts a conversation with the patient (collects anamnesis), evaluates the results of laboratory tests and takes into account the existing medical documentation. Based on the data obtained, it becomes possible to conduct preventive counseling, taking into account individual characteristics and current health status of the individual patient. Also, according to the results of the medical examination, a group is assigned and a health passport is issued.

    What are the health groups?

    If the question “What is included in the medical examination of the population?” becomes more or less clear, then not all potential patients could come across the concept of “health group”. In total, there are three health groups of the middle-aged and elderly population:

    The first group includes people who do not suffer from chronic diseases, who rarely experience colds and slight indisposition, who lead a healthy lifestyle. In such patients, insignificant deviations of blood pressure from the norm are acceptable.

    The second group includes people who have chronic diseases occurring without complications or with rare deterioration. Patients may have bad habits (other than drug addiction), eat irrationally from time to time, maintain a moderate level of physical activity. Most of the middle-aged and elderly population belongs to the second health group.

    The third group is patients whose health condition significantly impairs their quality of life. Such individuals may be partially or completely disabled, suffer from serious pathologies, or often experience exacerbations of chronic diseases.

For patients who belong to the second and third health groups, medical examination (what it includes) provides for the second stage. Additional studies are carried out in order to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

What years are included in the medical examination in 2017?

In 2017, citizens whose birth falls on: 1999, 1996, 1993, 1990, 1987, 1984, 1981, 1978, 1975, 1972, 1969, 1966, 1963, 1960, 1957, 1954, 194.51 1945, 1942, 1939, 1936, 1933, 1930, 1927, 1924, 1921 and 1918. Preventive examination of disabled people, participants of the Great Patriotic War, honorary home front workers and equivalent categories of persons is held annually.

Where can you get a medical examination?

To find out what is included in the medical examination program for a particular potential patient, you should contact the outpatient clinic at the place of residence or registration. If it is necessary to conduct additional research or obtain advice from narrow specialists, the general practitioner will send the citizen to the nearest institution where to obtain the necessary medical services can be free.

How long will the medical examination take?

Patients who belong to the first health group need to visit the therapist only twice with an interval of one to two weeks. For those who, based on the results of the first conversation with a general practitioner, will require additional studies or consultations, the duration of the medical examination is determined on an individual basis. It all depends on the volume of necessary examinations to confirm or refute the alleged diagnosis.

Many working people face the problem of lack of free time to visit doctors. But, according to current legislation, the employer is obliged to release the employee from the performance of official duties for medical examinations. Thus, all conditions have been created for an employed person to pass medical examination without hindrance.

What do you need to bring with you when visiting the clinic?

When contacting a polyclinic for medical examination, you must have a civil passport and a compulsory medical insurance policy with you.

Is medical examination free?

Clinical examination (what it includes, we found out) is absolutely free for people with certain years of birth. So, in 2017, employed and unemployed citizens, as well as full-time students with the years of birth listed above, can undergo a free medical examination. The rest of the citizens can also undergo a medical examination if they wish, but they will have to pay for medical services from their own pocket.

What are the stages of dispensary?

What is included in the adult medical examination? The medical examination is carried out in two stages. First, you need to visit a general practitioner who will conduct a survey and refer you for laboratory tests (this is the first stage), if necessary, the patient receives a referral for additional studies or to narrow specialists. Then, if actual health problems are detected, the patient is offered to undergo treatment.

What examinations are included in the medical examination?

Clinical examination involves visiting a number of specialists and conducting basic medical research. Which doctors are included in the medical examination? As part of the medical examination, it is proposed to visit:






    urologist (only for men);

    gynecologist and / or mammologist (only women pass).

The list of studies includes:

    laboratory blood and urine tests;



    analysis of feces for the presence hidden blood(patients over 39 years old);

    mammography (for women from 39 years old).

Results of the medical examination

Based on the results of the medical examination, a citizen receives a medical report (the so-called health passport), which indicates the patient's personal data, information about the current state of health, belonging to one of the groups and basic recommendations. If necessary, the patient is given additional treatment. During the medical examination, a citizen can ask a qualified specialist all the questions of interest regarding healthy lifestyle life and prevention of common diseases.

Since May 6, 2019, the rules for clinical examination have changed: it is carried out more often, and there are more examinations. This article is partially outdated. About how to check your health for free from 2019,

Since this year, the Ministry of Health has approved a new procedure for medical examination of the population. It was carried out before, but now something has changed: uninformative tests have been removed, the list and frequency of examinations have been adjusted, and new diagnostic methods have been added. But the main thing has not changed: it is still free, including consultations of doctors, tests and examinations.

The old dispensary order no longer works. Here are the conditions currently in place.

What is screening and why is it needed?

Ekaterina Miroshkina


Clinical examination is a preventive examination. You may not complain about anything and are not sick with anything, but you go to the doctor for prevention. They examine you, do tests, conduct examinations. As a result, it may turn out that you are healthy - and that's good.

But there may be some deviations that so far do not manifest themselves. For example, this happens with diabetes.

During the examination, these deviations will be detected, and it will be possible to correct the lifestyle or diet in time. Or start taking medication to prevent the development of the disease. If you go to the doctor when you can no longer endure, the treatment can take longer and be much more expensive.

In order to motivate people to undergo examinations and maintain their health, the state came up with a free medical examination. This helps to save not only your money, but also budget money: prevention is cheaper for the state than treatment. As long as you are healthy, you can work longer, pay more taxes, and take care of your family yourself.

How much does it cost

For people, all consultations, analyzes and examinations are free - at the expense of the state. As part of the medical examination, you can even undergo examinations that do not do without a doctor's appointment or complaints. And in a paid medical center, they cost a lot of money.

Who can get a free medical examination

Specifically, this order of the Ministry of Health applies to adults - those who are over 18 years old. For children, medical examinations are organized by kindergartens and schools.

All adults can be screened, whether they work or not. Provided that there is a policy.

A free medical examination is carried out every three years. But not when the person himself wants, but in the year when he turns 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60, 63, 66, 69, 72 , 75, 78, 81, 84, 87, 90, 93, 96, 99 years old. If you are as old as this list in 2018, you are in business. Even if the birthday is in six months, you can already undergo a medical examination now. That's how it works.

What examinations can be done for free

It depends on age and gender. A specific list is in Appendix No. 1 and paragraphs 13 and 14 of the order of the Ministry of Health. You can see what examinations will be done for you or your parents.

For example, fluorography is done for everyone at any age, and ECG for men only from the age of 36. Women will be able to get mammograms from the age of 39, and their intraocular pressure will be measured only from 60. The analysis for cholesterol and glucose will be done by everyone.

The dispensary consists of two stages. At the first stage, questionnaires, general examinations and examinations are carried out. The doctor will find out what risks a particular person has, taking into account his gender, weight, diet, lifestyle and heredity.

Based on the results of the survey and primary examinations, the doctor will determine the health group, risks and preliminary diagnoses. If necessary, additional consultations with specialized doctors and procedures will be scheduled at the second stage. Their list is also in the table.

How long will it take? Need to queue up?

The check-in may take less time than you think. But for one visit to the doctor, it will definitely not work to pass all the examinations.

The first visit may take 3-6 hours. This will include questionnaires, consultations and surveys of the first stage. They can be distributed over several visits, taking into account your wishes and the working hours of doctors.

The second stage takes up to 6 days. There are more doctors and examinations. But this does not mean that you need to go to the clinic for a week. Simply visits to doctors can appoint or nominate for different days.

An electronic record can be used for medical examination. On your first visit, you will be given referrals to doctors and examinations. If you sign up for a specific time, it will be easier.

It is best to start the medical examination in the morning and come immediately on an empty stomach and with tests, so as not to transfer the visit to the next day. If everything is in order with your health, the second stage may not be. And if you still need the second stage, then you didn’t come in vain.

I want to get screened. What should I do?

If you are scheduled for medical examination this year, call the clinic or go to its website. Usually the referral to the medical examination is given by the local doctor. Sign up with him online.

There is no specific order on how to get a referral in the law. Maybe in your clinic, for convenience, medical examinations are carried out on specific days. Or gives direction special doctor, which is busy only with this. Find out - it will take a couple of minutes, but clarity will appear.

Fill out the questionnaire in advance so as not to waste time with the doctor. Do not hide diagnoses and complaints, write as it is.

Prepare for your visit to the clinic. Pages 76-78 of the recommendations from the MOH have helpful information about the process and preparation.

It needs to be taken from work. Who will let me go?

You must be released. In health law

Is it really useful and makes sense?

This is definitely useful and makes sense for health and prevention. But you yourself calculate how much money you can save and whether it is more profitable for you to undergo the same examinations for a fee at a convenient time. Maybe you earn much more per day than the tests, examinations and consultations of all narrow specialists cost.

Even if you have no time or it is unprofitable to undergo medical examination, tell your loved ones about it. Suddenly, parents or grandmother do not even know about this possibility, and they have plenty of time.

Some examinations in paid medical centers, even in the regions, cost thousands of rubles. The state offers you to pass them for free. The budget allocates money for your health. And if you do not use them, they will still be spent somewhere. So decide.

Don't fall for the screening divorce scheme

There is such a scheme. You may be called from some clinic and invited to a free medical examination. They promise diagnostics on ultra-modern devices, consultations of doctors and tests. And all this is supposedly free, because you are supposed to have a medical examination.

This is a divorce - it has nothing to do with free medical examination from the state. The clinic will try to get money from you in any way, and even can hang a loan on you or sell bioadditives worth tens of thousands of rubles. You can't even prove anything in court.

They can really call you about a medical examination, but only from an insurance company or a clinic. And they will invite you not to some medical center, but to an ordinary state medical institution at the place of residence: with an appointment, coupons and queues.

We are used to the fact that the care of our own health is entirely in the hands of doctors. This is not quite the right approach. Everyone should take care of themselves, then life becomes longer, and a person begins to live fully!

And in order to determine the state of the body and whether our life needs to be adjusted, a person must regularly be examined by a certain direction of doctors, take tests and receive healthy advice from specialists. This is dispensary.

There are categories of workers for whom the passage of doctors is prescribed by service instructions. They work according to their departmental orders. Therefore, in our article we answer the most pressing questions today: medical examination in 2016, what years of birth fall into and what is included in it. Every year, a significant part of Russians gets the right to go through all necessary examinations. This year it can be done by everyone whose birth falls on 1995, 1992, 1989, 1986, 1984, 1980, 1977, 1974, 1971, 1968, 1965, 1962, 1959, 1956, 1953, 1950, 1947, 1944, 1941, 1938, 1935, 1932, 1929, 1925, 1923, 1923, 1923, 1923 1921, and 1917. But this does not mean that others cannot take care of their health. You just have to do it with payment for the services of doctors.

In 2016 (as in 2015), the examination of doctors takes place according to a specially approved program. Therefore, the program of medical examination of the population in 2016 is a set of measures, conditionally divided into two stages:

  • during the first stage, each specialist should undergo an appropriate examination, as well as a survey;
  • the need for the second stage may happen if at the previous stage sufficiently relevant health disorders were revealed, in this case the patient is invited to undergo a medical examination, that is, treatment in a dispensary.

This information, as well as the information below, answers the question of what a medical examination in a polyclinic is and how it goes. In order to get free examinations and tests, you need to check the indicated years of birth, and then contact the clinic serving your area of ​​​​residence, you are in it on a medical record.

The first stage begins with an examination, as a result of which individual data are entered into the patient's book (weight, height, working regime, lifestyle, chronic diseases, pressure level, information about bad habits including alcohol abuse).

The survey is carried out by age groups, for each of which appropriate tests are prescribed. So, patients of 21-36 years of age pass:

  • general analysis of blood, as well as urine (according to the main indicators);
  • blood test, which determines the level of cholesterol);
  • a blood test that determines the glucose indicator (required for early detection of diabetes mellitus);
  • fluorography;
  • women are given a referral to a gynecologist, who will assess the condition of the pelvic organs, and also examine the data of cytological tests.

Patients aged 39 years and older take:

  • blood (detailed analysis format);
  • urine (general analysis);
  • blood (for biochemistry);
  • feces (requires indicators for the presence of occult blood);
  • blood (presence of PSA antigen, in this case, prostatitis is diagnosed and early stage prostate cancer);
  • women are advised to undergo a pelvic examination by a gynecologist early detection cancer);
  • fluorography;

In addition, at this age, patients are consulted by a mammologist (with the passage of mammography), it is necessary to examine abdominal cavity, as well as visit an ophthalmologist, this specialist examines the fundus and determines eye pressure. Completes the list of appointments with a neurologist.

Who can count on free examinations in 2020

For those who are going to the clinic after January 1, you need to know: doctors and tests for medical examination of the population in 2020 year are formed on the basis of the requirements of the regulatory framework and will not change significantly. Next - the answer to the question, what years of birth fall into the medical examination in 2020. AT next year free of charge can be examined by doctors and tested can be those whose births occurred on 1921, 1924, 1927, 1930, 1933, 1936, 1939, 1942, 1945, 1948, 1951, 1954, 1957, 1960, 1963, 1966, 1969, 1972, 1975, 1978, 1981, 1984, 1987, 1990, 1993 and 1993 and 1993 and 1993 and 1993 and 1993 and 1993 and 1993 and 1993 1996 years.

If your year of birth does not match the years listed above, do not worry. After all, everyone has the right to free examinations and tests, and this can be done every three years. Answering the question about which doctors undergo medical examination, we list - these are:

  • urologist (men undergo it);
  • gynecologist (or mammologist, women go through it);
  • endocrinologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • dentist;
  • ophthalmologist (he is also an ophthalmologist);
  • therapist.

Legislative framework for free medical examinations

The current order of free medical examination fixed by law, it is effective from April 1, 2015. Its basis is the order on medical examination of the adult population. According to this document, starting from the age of 18, every Russian is recommended to go through all the doctors and pass all the tests once every three years in order to have an idea about the state of his own health. These Russians include:

  • full-time students;
  • employed Russians;
  • citizens who do not work.

This document is the official basis for everyone, this is the so-called order 36an on medical examination of the population. It is included in the list of regulations governing the basics of protecting the health of Russians.

Who will be eligible for free screenings in 2020?

The state is interested in the fact that the Russians were healthy. That is why there is a law on the free passage of doctors. By the way, it is not difficult to calculate which years of birth fall under medical examination in 2020. To do this, we take the corresponding numbers for 2020 and add one to each year of birth. That is, instead of 1996, it turns out 1997, instead of 1993 - 1994, and so on.

It is essential to answer the question, is it necessary to undergo medical examination, and how can one refuse it? According to the current regulatory framework, free examinations are voluntary. Everyone can use this right, and, on the advice of doctors, this should be done systematically. If you do not feel unwell, this is not a reason to think that you are completely healthy.

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Purpose of dispensary: early detection of chronic noncommunicable diseases, which are the main cause of disability and premature mortality of the population of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as chronic non-communicable diseases), which include:

These diseases are about 70% in the structure of the causes of all mortality in our country. In addition, clinical examination is aimed at identifying and correcting the main risk factors for the development of these diseases:

    Enhanced Level blood pressure

    Elevated blood cholesterol

    Elevated blood glucose

    Tobacco smoking

    Harmful consumption of alcohol

    Irrational nutrition

    Low physical activity

    Overweight or obesity

    Consumption of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances without a doctor's prescription

An important feature of clinical examination is not only the early detection of chronic non-communicable diseases and risk factors for their development, but also brief preventive counseling for citizens with these risk factors, as well as for citizens with identified risk factors for developing chronic non-communicable diseases, individual in-depth preventive counseling or group preventive counseling (school of the patient) in the department (office) of medical prevention or health center.

Such active preventive interventions will quickly and significantly reduce the likelihood of each individual developing dangerous chronic non-communicable diseases, and in people already suffering from such diseases, significantly reduce the severity of treatment of the disease and the incidence of complications.

Where and when can I get a medical examination?

Citizens undergo medical examination in medical organization where they receive primary health care: in a polyclinic, in the center (department) of general medical practice (family medicine), in a medical outpatient clinic, in a medical unit.

Your local doctor (paramedic) or local nurse or an employee of the department (office) of prevention of a medical organization will tell you in detail where, when and how you can undergo a medical examination, agree with you on the approximate date and period of medical examination.

Most of the activities within the framework of the medical examination are carried out once every 3 years, after 40 years the medical examination is carried out annually.

How long does a medical examination take?

As a rule, two visits are required to pass the examination of the first stage of clinical examination (screening). The first visit takes approximately 3 to 6 hours, while the scope of the examination varies significantly depending on your age.

The second visit is carried out to the local doctor for the final examination and summarizing the clinical examination. Usually the interval between visits is from 1 to 6 days and depends on the length of time required to obtain the results of the studies.

If, based on the results of the first stage of medical examination, you need an additional examination, individual in-depth preventive counseling or group preventive counseling (patient school), the district doctor (therapist) informs you about this and sends you to the second stage of the medical examination, the duration of which depends on the amount of additional examination you need .

How to pass a dispensary?

List of examinations by medical specialists (medical assistant or midwife), examinations and other medical activities carried out within the framework of clinical examination depending on the age and gender of the citizen (volume of medical examination)

It is determined by the Procedure for conducting medical examinations for certain groups of the adult population, approved by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 124n dated March 13, 2019. It should be noted that when undergoing medical examinations, the year of birth of citizens, and not the day and month, is taken into account!
For example: a citizen whose date of birth is 07/04/1989 applied to the clinic to undergo a medical examination. He can undergo a medical examination in the period from 01/01/2019 to 12/31/2019. This means that it is possible to undergo medical examination at any convenient date according to the working hours of the medical organization throughout the calendar year, including until the moment when he reaches the age specified by order.