Who should be screened. How to pass medical examination easily and with pleasure

We tell you what kind of examination it is, why it is needed and how to pass it.

- For several years now I have been hearing about medical examinations in the clinic, but I still can’t get through it - I just don’t have time for it. And just now I'm wondering what it's all about. Aren't regular trips to the doctor enough? And how do you get tested?

Clinical examination is a free examination that has been carried out in Russia since 2013 by order of the Ministry of Health. Its purpose is the early detection noncommunicable diseases and risk factors for their occurrence and development.

According to the Ministry of Health of the Kirov Region, in 2017, 200,485 people underwent medical examinations in our region. At the same time, 39 thousand cases were detected for the first time. chronic diseases, including diseases of the circulatory system, oncological, bronchopulmonary diseases and diabetes.

Medical examination is carried out from the age of 21 for all groups of the population once every three years, and it does not matter at all whether you work or not, or study full-time.

In 2018, those who were born in 1997, 1994, 1991, 1988, 1985, 1982, 1979, 1976, 1973, 1970, 1967, 1964, 1961, 1958, 1955, 1952, 1949, 1943, 1946, 1946 , 1937, 1934, 1931, 1928, 1925, 1922, 1919.

The survey takes place in two stages. First you need to go through an initial examination and questionnaire in the medical prevention room at the clinic to which you are attached. Then you will be sent for diagnostic tests - their number depends on your age: the older you are, the more detailed your health will be studied. This can be a blood test, ultrasound, fluorography, and any other studies that the doctor deems necessary to prescribe you.

After passing all the studies, you need to come to an appointment with your local therapist, who will conduct a final examination, summarize the medical examination and give recommendations based on the results of your examination.

If, following the results of the first stage of the medical examination, you are found to have a chronic disease or a high risk cardiovascular diseases, then the doctor will direct you to the second stage. It includes additional examinations and consultations of narrow specialists.

In addition, since 2018, mammography examinations for women from 39 to 51 years old with a frequency of once every two years. So, this year, women born in 1968, 1966, 1962, 1960, 1956, 1954, 1950, 1948, as well as those who have not passed this examination in the previous 12 months, can undergo mammography.

It was also decided to frequent study to detect rectal cancer (fecal analysis for occult blood). According to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the risk of this disease increases with age, so every two years, patients will be examined starting from 49 years old. In 2018, those who were born in 1969, 1965, 1963, 1959, 1957, 1953, 1951, 1947, 1945 and who have not passed this examination in the previous 12 months can undergo such a survey.

Meanwhile, some types of research in the Ministry of Health considered unnecessary. So, for example, an ECG, which is performed to determine the risk of heart and vascular diseases, was previously mandatory from the age of 21. Now it will be held for men from 35 and women from 45. But at the same time, if you have individual indications, the doctor will prescribe an additional study.

If you want to undergo a medical examination, you need to contact your polyclinic at the place of residence (registration office or medical prevention office). There they will explain to you where and how you can be examined and, if necessary, agree on the date of the medical examination. Please note that in order to undergo a medical examination, you need to come to the clinic in the morning and on an empty stomach. You need to have a medical policy and a passport with you. And if for Last year If you have undergone any examinations, then take their results with you - this can be taken into account when passing the examination.

If your year of birth does not fall under the medical examination, but you still want to be examined, then you can undergo a preventive medical examination. This examination is also free of charge and is aimed at identifying chronic non-communicable pathologies. It is held every two years from the age of 18.

In addition, if you want to be tested for a medical condition (for example, if you have a family history of chronic diseases or simply think you are at risk), you can ask your doctor for a referral for additional tests.

As for the time required to undergo a medical examination, it all depends, firstly, on the number of studies assigned to you, secondly, on the number of patients who wish to undergo a medical examination on the same day as you, and secondly, on clinic schedules. So, in some medical institutions, a special day is allocated for medical examination (for example, Saturday), and here everything will depend on how many people come to be examined with you. By the way, the project of "thrifty" polyclinics, which is currently being implemented in the region, is aimed, among other things, at reducing the time for medical examinations. As planned by the Ministry of Health of Russia, the acceleration should occur due to the separation of the flow of patients and healthy patients and optimization of logistics within medical institutions. So, ideally, the patient should visit all the doctors and go through all the examinations as part of the medical examination in three days and 56 minutes. Now it takes 40 days and 140 minutes.

Briefly about the main:

1. Clinical examination is carried out every three years starting from the age of 21.

2. At the first stage, you will need to undergo an initial examination and questionnaire and receive referrals for additional examinations. Moreover, the number of examinations depends on your age: the older you are, the more there will be.

3. The results of the clinical examination will be summed up by your local therapist and, if necessary, sent to the second stage of the examination.

4. Since 2018, mammography is provided for women from 39 to 51 years old, as well as tests for the detection of rectal cancer for people over 49 years old.

5. To undergo medical examination, you need to contact the clinic at the place of residence.

6. If you do not fall under the medical examination by the year of birth, you can undergo a preventive medical examination free of charge.

If you have questions that you can't find an answer to, let us know and we'll try to answer them.

Muscovites responsibly approached medical examination - today in its capital. Half of that number learned unexpected news about their health and have already begun to solve the problems discovered. For those who have not yet thought about medical examination, the site reminds why this needs to be corrected as soon as possible and how.

1 | Who can get screened?

Every adult Muscovite who is attached to a polyclinic and has a compulsory medical insurance policy can undergo all key examinations and receive consultations from the right doctors.

You can get your first health check at age 21—or the year you turn 21—and every three years thereafter. For example, if you are turning 40 or older this year, you will have to wait two years - you missed the opportunity to get a medical examination last year.

For those who missed the desired year and do not want to wait, there is preventive examination.

This is almost the same as a medical examination, but it is carried out according to an abbreviated program - only the most necessary are checked.

As well as during the medical examination, if medical indications are identified, the patient will be given a referral for additional examinations and consultations. You can get such an examination by contacting your therapist.

2 | How much will it cost?

Not at all! Every Russian has the right to a free medical examination.

3 | Probably, only general tests will be taken and the pressure will be measured?

Not at all. All analyzes and standard examinations are carried out at the first stage - screening. At the second stage, each patient has his own program. Depending on the identified health problems or the presence of risk factors, for example, vascular scanning, esophagogastroduodenoscopy, colonoscopy, ophthalmological examinations can be performed.

4 | And if I do not want to undergo some examinations, will they force me?

Nobody will force you. According to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation on the medical examination of the adult population, which entered into force on January 1, 2013, the patient has the right to refuse certain examinations. For example, if he underwent fluorography or MRI during the year, he is exempted from these examinations as part of a medical examination - they should not be carried out too often.

Or if you have absolutely no complaints about the gastrointestinal tract and the same desire to swallow a device for gastroscopy, no one will forcibly look into your stomach.

5 | How long is it?

No, fast. No one will put you in the hospital for this. You will have to come to your district clinic several times - to take tests, undergo special examinations, for example, ultrasound, MRI, and talk with doctors. Each visit can take two to three hours, but overall you won't lose much time.

6 | Where to sign up?

at the clinic to which you are assigned. Go straight to your therapist and say the cherished word - and then everything will be explained to you.

Clinical examination is a periodic free medical examination aimed at preventing and identifying the most common diseases in the population. According to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, in Russia the main causes of high mortality are cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, bronchopulmonary pathologies and oncology.

On January 1, 2013, the law “On approval of the procedure for medical examination of certain groups of the adult population” came into force. The law defines the rules for passing medical examinations.

How often do you need to undergo a medical examination? Every person over the age of 21 can undergo a medical examination every three years at the clinic where he is served (at the place of residence, at the place of work or study). You must be attached to the selected clinic, have a valid MHI policy and a passport.

Categories of citizens

Children, veterans of the Second World War, the disabled, students and working citizens can undergo a medical examination annually. The last two categories can be examined in medical institutions at the place of work / study.

However, both a working and a non-working citizen has the right to undergo medical examination at his own request in a polyclinic at the place of residence / registration.

A working citizen has the right to take the required number of days off, and the employer does not have the right to refuse him. According to the law "On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in Russian Federation» the employer is obliged to provide the necessary conditions for employee visits medical institutions regardless of schedule or workload.

Where to begin

First you need to contact the reception of the clinic or make an appointment with your local therapist. If you are of the right age to undergo medical examination this year, then you will be prompted when and where to come at a certain time. Until the age of 39, the medical examination procedure is somewhat simplified if no pathology is detected. In general, the examination takes about 3-5 hours, you will have to come to the hospital a couple of times.

The screening takes place in 2 stages:

  1. Questioning, primary examination of the therapist, fluorography, delivery of basic tests.
  2. Identification of diseases and subsequent full examination.

In addition, each person has the right to a reduced preventive examination every 2 years.

If any disease or suspicion of it is detected, the patient undergoes a full medical examination and is sent for treatment.

During the medical examination, a person may refuse to undergo certain procedures and examinations, if this does not contradict Part 9 of Article 20 of the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation” dated November 21, 2011. But then the patient takes full responsibility.

Medical examination goals

During the medical examination, doctors identify the most common diseases in our country and predisposition to them. According to statistics, more than 75% of the population suffers from these diseases. Therefore, it is so important to diagnose the disease in time and prescribe prompt treatment or carry out appropriate prevention.

What diseases and pathological conditions are amenable to early diagnosis?

  • Cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, stroke, ischemia, myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular diseases);
  • blood cholesterol level;
  • anemia;
  • malignant tumors;
  • diabetes;
  • gastritis, gastrointestinal ulcers;
  • bad habits (nicotine, alcohol, drugs);
  • hypodynamia (low physical activity);
  • overweight, obesity;
  • glaucoma;
  • pulmonary pathologies (tuberculosis, neoplasms).

What analyzes and studies does medical examination involve?

It all depends on age and general health. It may turn out that you are a completely healthy person leading a healthy lifestyle. The therapist during the initial examination and questionnaire will evaluate your general state and either send him for further examination or let him go home.

In general, the medical examination includes the following tests and examinations:

  • Filling out a questionnaire (a survey aimed at identifying hereditary and acquired diseases).
  • Measurement of height, weight, calculation of body mass index.
  • Measurement of blood pressure.
  • General or biochemical analysis blood (by direction).
  • General urine analysis.
  • Fecal occult blood test (for those over 45).
  • Electrocardiography.
  • Fluorography of the chest organs.
  • Examination by a paramedic and gynecologist, taking swabs (for women).
  • Ultrasound of organs abdominal cavity.
  • Analysis for the level of prostate-specific antigen - PSA (for men over 50 years old).
  • Measurement of intraocular pressure (for those over 39 years old).
  • Examination by a neurologist (for people over 50).
  • Inspection and consultation of the therapist, recommendations.

As usual everything goes

Below we will tell you how to undergo a medical examination at the clinic at the place of residence, how long it takes, how the procedures are carried out.

On the first day of your visit to the therapist, you are given a questionnaire with 45 questions. Try to answer them honestly, so you will help the doctor to make the right examination plan. Then the therapist conducts an initial examination, measures weight, height, pressure and issues a referral for fluorography and general blood and urine tests. If you have recently taken an X-ray of the lungs (permissible 1-2 times a year), then this item can be omitted.

As a rule, for those who undergo medical examinations, examinations and tests are organized without queues. Therefore, these procedures will not take much time. Women are examined by a gynecologist, men by a paramedic. Those who have completed these basic procedures can go home.

After a few days, the results of the tests are ready, you should visit the therapist again, who will make a conclusion and give recommendations regarding the prevention of diseases.

If suddenly there are any violations in the work of the organs, then additional examinations will be required. That's all. Now you can be sure of your health. Two or three days are worth our peace of mind, isn't it?

Preparation for testing

Of course, you need to prepare for analyzes and some examinations so as not to get wrong results. You can always ask your local therapist about the full rules of preparation. In general, the rules are:

  1. For urine and stool tests, you need to purchase special containers at the pharmacy and sign them.
  2. A blood test is taken on an empty stomach. On the day of the test, do not eat breakfast, do not exercise and do not be nervous.
  3. Do not eat beets, carrots, legumes at least a day before taking a urine test: these vegetables can give urine an unnatural color and increase protein.
  4. For urine analysis, the middle of the morning portion is collected after careful hygiene of the genital organs.
  5. During menstruation, you should not take a urine test and do not take smears.
  6. Before visiting the gynecologist and urologist, you should refrain from sexual activity for several days.
  7. Try to deliver the urine to the laboratory within 1.5 hours of collection. The urine container should be at room temperature. Make sure that cooling does not occur, this affects the appearance of sediment.
  8. Before taking a stool test, you should not eat apples for three days, Bell pepper, white beans, spinach, cucumbers, horseradish, cauliflower. These vegetables and fruits contain a large number of iron, which can lead to wrong results research.
  9. If you are in current year have already taken any tests, then take the papers with you to show the doctor.

Don't skip your screening. A free medical examination will help identify diseases at an early stage of development or prevent their occurrence.

It can only be done at a certain age.

Is it possible to be saved from diseases and prevent premature death? This question is being asked today not only by ordinary citizens, but also by specialists. It's about dispensary. “Now it is not annual, not universal and not mandatory. Adults will voluntarily undergo it once every three years, - said at one of the press conferences Sergey BOYTSOV, director of the State Research Center for Preventive Medicine, chief freelance specialist of the Ministry of Health of Russia in preventive medicine, MD. “But so far we only say the word “prevention”, but in reality we are only engaged in diagnosis and treatment.”

Clinical examination in a new way should radically change the relationship: the doctor - the patient and the patient - their own health. After all, preventive examinations of doctors will no longer be annual, universal and mandatory. Every adult has the right to voluntarily undergo examinations once every three years. “It remains annual and universal only for children and adolescents. The goals are the same - to identify diseases on early stages or risk factors that are major causes of death and disability. Important Features modern clinical examination - counseling on risk factors, as well as docking with dispensary observation of those patients who have identified diseases or risk factors.

Another innovation: prevention and follow-up care should take at least 30-40% of the working time of the local therapist.

So, officially: who has the right to undergo a (free) clinical examination?

The points:

All citizens of Russia can undergo medical examination once every three years and at a certain age. Those who turned 21, 24, 27, etc. in 2013 up to 99 years - throughout this year. Accordingly, those who reach these ages in 2014 - during the entire next year;

For war invalids and some other categories of citizens, medical examination is carried out annually;

If you want to undergo a medical examination, contact the registry of your clinic, they must explain everything to you;

In accordance with labor legislation, the employer is obliged to release the employee who wants to undergo a medical examination and count this day as a working day for him;

All analyzes and admission of narrow specialists are free;

Private clinics can also take part in medical examinations.

What examinations (free of charge) can be done?


Therapist's appointment; a survey (questionnaire) to identify risk factors for chronic diseases: do you smoke, drink alcohol, how physically active are you, how do you eat, etc.;

Measurement of pressure, height, body weight;

Express methods for determining cholesterol, blood sugar (after 36 years, every 6 years);

Pass general analysis blood (after 36 years every 6 years);

Pass a general urine test;

Make a fluorography of the lungs.


Get a midwife exam, including a swab cytological examination(risk of cervical cancer).


From 36 years old: do an EKG.

From 39 years old: measure intraocular pressure (risk of glaucoma);

Pass a detailed blood test;

Make a biochemical blood test (hepatitis, pancreatitis, diabetes, etc.);

Make an ultrasound of the abdominal organs (tumors, cysts, stones, gastritis);

Get a mammogram (women, risk of breast cancer).

From 45 years old: examination of feces for occult blood (risk of colon cancer);

ECG (for women).

From 51: preventive appointment with a neurologist;

Determination of the level of prostate-specific antigen in the blood ( men, risk of prostate cancer).

It was decided to focus on four groups of diseases that cause 75% of the deaths of Russians, primarily of working age, explains Sergey Boytsov. - These are cardiovascular and chronic bronchopulmonary pathologies, diabetes mellitus, oncology. And this is the difference between the current medical examination and the previous ones, because before a person simply went through all the specialists in a row - an otolaryngologist, an ophthalmologist, a neurologist, etc., and, of course, a considerable number of diseases were found in him. Decrease in mortality is the main result that we expect from clinical examination.

And Sergey Anatolyevich's concern is understandable: in Russia, more than 23% of the deaths of the adult population are from cardiovascular diseases. The problem of non-communicable diseases is acquiring a global character. Therefore, it is very important to identify people at risk who are at risk of dying from these diseases. Preventive medical examinations of Russians will be most welcome. Moreover, medical examination is prescribed in the program of state guarantees for free medical care.

But it is extremely important that the Russians themselves be imbued with the idea - to detect diseases as early as possible and prevent their fatal consequences. Fortunately, the ice has broken in this regard, as shown by the medical examination in 2013. And in Russia, there are more people who are not indifferent to their health than nihilists.

Periodically taking tests and undergoing a minimum of research is the normal behavior of a person who cares about his health. Therefore, recently the concept of prophylactic medical examination has returned to Russia - a system of measures aimed at protecting the health of the population, preventing new cases of diseases, reducing the incidence of complications, mortality and improving the quality of life.

Is it necessary to undergo a medical examination? Screening is carried out indefinitely in all cities of the country with the voluntary consent of a citizen. This is not an obligation, but a right that every citizen of the Russian Federation can use. Is it necessary to undergo a medical examination or is it a waste of time?

What is dispensary

Since 2013, within the framework of the Health project, medical examination of citizens has been introduced in Russia. This is a complex of studies and analyzes that allows you to assess the state of human health and identify various diseases in the early stages. Medical examination is different from the usual visit to the therapist. Traditionally, citizens turn to doctors with specific complaints, and this is a preventive medical examination.

Is it necessary to undergo a medical examination? Citizens are not required to be screened. This is a right, not a duty. Clinical examination (like any other medical intervention) is carried out exclusively with the voluntary and informed consent of the patient. A person has the right to refuse certain procedures or examinations at will, and all doctor's appointments are advisory in nature.

Established early detection of various diseases and pathological conditions, which are the cause of disability and premature death of the population of the Russian Federation, as well as risk factors that include high blood pressure, high blood glucose, alcohol consumption, smoking, lack of activity, overweight or obesity, malnutrition.

Why do you need dispensary

Many countries of the world are developing special programs for a comprehensive examination of the health status of citizens. In Russia, clinical examination is carried out for various groups of the population in order to early detection diseases and the main risk factors for their development. In the long run, this will improve the health of the nation and reduce mortality from serious illnesses. For each individual patient, a preventive examination is a chance to detect dangerous deviations in the early stages while they are still responding well to treatment.

Is it necessary to undergo a medical examination at work? Screening is the right of every citizen of the Russian Federation. There are no sanctions at the legislative level for not passing a medical examination, but it is better to do it for your own good. From the first medical examination, patients had different reviews. Someone says that this is “for show”, while others are grateful that they managed to discover hidden health problems and start treatment on time. Today, after all, even oncology, detected in the early stages, is successfully treated.

Is it necessary to undergo a medical examination?

In 2013, almost all children and more than 87 million adults underwent medical examinations. Many did it "because they have to." So they said at work, in the district clinic, in an educational institution. Is it obligatory to undergo a medical examination in a polyclinic? No one can make a man pass medical examinations. Medical examination of the population is carried out exclusively voluntarily and by informed consent. There are no penalties or fines for not passing a medical examination for Russians, except for the most important thing - the possible failure to detect a dangerous pathology at an early stage, while the treatment is still effective enough. It is possible not to undergo medical examination, but is it worth it?

Who can be screened

To date, screening is carried out among citizens of the Russian Federation. Free medical examination available to every citizen insured in the compulsory medical system. insurance (CHI). This applies to all analyzes diagnostic examinations and consultations of narrow specialists. Doctors recommend undergoing a preventive medical examination every three years, starting at the age of twenty-one. That is, this year, every person whose age is divided by three (21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, and so on) can undergo a medical examination. It is recommended to undergo the procedure until the age of 90. For certain categories of the population, an annual medical examination is recommended. These individuals have a higher need for regular follow-up than the rest of the population.

Clinical examination of children: terms and specialists

Is it necessary for a child to undergo medical examination? This is a planned event, which involves a comprehensive examination of the child's health, it is desirable to carry out annually. Parents have the right to refuse a physical examination or certain procedures, but you should not do this. The basic recommendations of the Ministry of Health concern only the minimum, but for children it is better to form a medical examination program on their own (of course, based on the recommendations of a pediatrician).

The first examination is carried out already in one month. It is necessary to undergo an ultrasound, pass tests, visit an ophthalmologist, an orthopedist and a neurologist. A less extensive program expects the child and parents at three months. The next medical examination is 6 months. Babies are tested by an ENT specialist, a cardiologist, a pediatrician, a neuropathologist, an ophthalmologist. After a year, consultations with a dentist, endocrinologist and surgeon are needed.

Before entering the kindergarten and school, it is additionally recommended to visit a psychologist and a speech therapist, an orthodontist and an immunologist. At 9-12 years old, an in-depth medical examination is needed. In addition to the specialists listed above, you need to make an appointment with a gastroenterologist, dermatologist and urologist. From one to two years, medical examination of children is recommended once a quarter, from two to three - once every 6 months, then at three years, five-six, six-seven, eight, ten, eleven-twelve, fourteen-fifteen, fifteen-sixteen and at seventeen.

Where to go for medical examination

Screening is carried out in the clinic at the place of attachment. You can undergo a medical examination at the Health Center, the family medicine department, the medical unit, and so on. It is important that an employee who decides to undergo a medical examination can easily take time off from work (this is provided for by law). Is it obligatory to undergo a medical examination in a polyclinic? You can contact private medical Center, however, all tests and examinations in this case will be paid.

Is it obligatory to undergo medical examination at the place of registration? Yes, but for this you need to attach to any convenient clinic. It is written on the CHI policy that it is valid throughout the Russian Federation, so they cannot refuse to accept the patient. You can attach yourself not at the place of registration, but at the place of residence through an application addressed to the head physician. They have no right to refuse. But you will need to detach yourself from the clinic at the place of registration.

What is included in the dispensary

The first stage of medical examination can be completed without an appointment in the medical prevention room. The doctor will tell you about the screening procedure depending on the age and gender of the patient, and will also offer to sign an informed consent. The first stage is carried out in order to identify chronic diseases, risk factors and determine indications for additional examinations to clarify the diagnosis in the future.

The clinical examination on the first day includes a survey and questioning of the patient, measuring height and weight, waist, calculating BMI, measuring blood pressure. Express methods will allow you to determine the level of cholesterol and glucose in the blood, but may offer to undergo a routine analysis. By the way, during medical examinations, tests are taken without a queue, so you won’t have to wait long. At the first stage, they also do FLG of the lungs, an ECG (for men from thirty-six years old and women from forty-five years old), measurement of intraocular pressure (from 60 years old), an analysis of feces for occult blood (it is recommended to take it once every two years from 49 to 73 years).

After receiving the test results, the therapist will conduct an examination (reception), including determining the diagnosis, health group and the need for further dispensary observation. A short counseling session on prevention is also provided. The patient will receive recommendations on physical activity, healthy eating, determination of medical indications for examinations as part of the second stage of clinical examination.

In addition, women need to undergo an examination by a gynecologist and take a smear from the cervix (from 30 to 60 years old), do a mammogram (from 39 years old). Men are recommended to study the level of PSA in the blood from forty-five years to fifty-one years. According to the results of the tests, in addition or by age, the patient will be sent to the second stage of medical examination. Studies are carried out to clarify the diagnosis.

The second stage of dispensary

At the second stage, spirometry, examination by a neurologist, duplex scanning of the arteries (for women from fifty-four years old, for men from forty-five years old), colonoscopy (if oncology is suspected), examination by a surgeon or coloproctologist, ophthalmologist (from 60 years old), otorhinolaryngologist ( from the age of 75), a urologist (for men over forty-five years old with an elevated PSA level). Based on the results of the second stage of medical examination, a therapist is consulted to clarify the diagnosis and determine the group for follow-up. From the age of 72, according to indications, or from the age of 75, additional preventive counseling is also carried out for everyone.

How long will the examinations take

The first stage of clinical examination in Moscow polyclinics can be completed in an average of 90 minutes. For the entire screening, you will only have to come to the hospital a few times to take tests and undergo special examinations, as well as talk with doctors. Each visit may take two to three hours, but in general the patient will not lose much time.

If you do not pass the medical examination on time

Is it necessary to undergo a medical examination? What happens if you don't show up for an inspection? There will be absolutely no sanctions for this. So is it necessary to undergo medical examination by year? No need to wait three years to get a health check. Scheduled examinations can be passed within preventive examination annually at health centers. If necessary, the patient will be referred to a polyclinic for additional examinations or recommendations from specialists.

What happens after dispensary

Based on the results of the screening, the therapist will determine the patient's health group. Practically healthy people those with risk factors belong to the first group. Citizens are advised on disease prevention and healthy lifestyle life. The second group is people who have a high or very high risk of developing dangerous diseases. The doctor will give recommendations to reduce the risk, may refer to the "School of the patient". Patients with the third group of health are shown by narrow specialists.

Do you have a dispensary? It is desirable for those who care about their health. A physical examination allows you to identify cancer in the early stages, problems with the heart and blood vessels, and serious risk factors. Doctors agree that medical examination is important and should not be abandoned. So is it necessary to undergo a medical examination? This is the right of every citizen, which is definitely worth using.